#either she's checking if she has chances with Mina
bluevelvetea · 4 months
Would you consider drawing some of the Kn8 women with too little screentime (...Nakanoshima maybe?)
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women my beloved
references here
Only managed some flat color sketches time wise but I hope you enjoy!
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kpopluvrsblog · 1 year
Say it again
pairing: idol!gunwook x idol!fem!Reader
genre: Angst + fluff, kinda suggestive at the end oops
a/n: BASED OFF OF MY DREAM. I have no idea who it was about but gunwook is cute so
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“Everyone, we’re here!” Your manager shouts from the front of the bus, startling you awake. You look out the window to see the retreat you were staying at for the next 3 weeks. The house was modern styled with gigantic glass windows and acres of space surrounding.
You happily exit the bus with your members to meet the boys you would be collaborating with. It was none other than Zerobaseone. Making eye contact you all greet one another before smiling at gunwook. You guy’s were not official yet, but both of your groups knew of the chemistry between you two.
“hey y/n” gunwook smirks towards you before walking up next to you and rubbing your back. “gunwook” you teasingly respond back, a light blush coating your cheeks.
“Okay now that we’re all here you guys are allowed to check out the place! You have the rest of tonight free and recording starts tomorrow morning.” Your manager shouted once more before turning away to do his own thing.
“hey wookie! Wanna come check it out with me?!” Your member mina said as she made her way over to you two, reaching out to grab his arm and drag him away. It all happened so fast that you didn’t have time to react... but why the fuck was he willingly going with her??
You stand in place with your eyebrows furrowed, still confused about what just happened. “what the fuck was that? Does she know about you guys?!” You hear gyuvin say behind you, making his way to your side to lead you inside of the house.
“I dont know but apparently he doesn’t either” you respond dryly, watching them walk through the front door together.
“How do you feel about her whispering into his ear like that y/n…” gyuvin continued before getting smacked upside the head by hanbin.
“Not funny vin.” He said coldly now walking beside you guys.
You feel your heart start to clench at the thought. What the fuck is going on?
As you enter the door you hear mina’s annoying voice once more, ” this should be our room wook!”
As soon as you heard that you grabbed him by the arm, leading him back to the entrance.
“Hello? Why the fuck aren’t you saying anything to her?? Are you really going to sleep with her?” You say angrily with tears starting to line up against your waterline.
“What no!! baby I didn’t know what to do! she never gave me a chance to talk!” He sputtered out, scared of what this could lead to.
“SO? You could’ve pulled away gunwook! stop making excuses when you know she has a thing for you. And dont call me baby, we clearly aren’t a thing.” You respond, pulling yourself away from him and locking yourself in the room beside you before he could get a chance to retaliate.
You hear commotion outside of the bedroom as you hear hanbin dragging gunwook away and scolding him, along with the rest of your members yelling at mina for how she was acting. Throwing yourself on the bed, you finally let the tears fall. Feelings of betrayal and hate flowing through. How could he do this to you? Were all the late night talks and meaningful actions a joke?
You dont know how much time has passed before you hear a knock at your door. You didn’t even eat because you didn’t want to face anyone at the moment.
“y/n darling.” You hear hanbin softly say from the other side of the door. “Please let me in.”
Your lip quivers slightly at the caring tone before you pick yourself up and unlock the door for him. He barges through and immediately bear hugs you. “I’m so sorry” he starts.
“Gunwook knows he messed up y/n, He’s doing terrible right now and has been crying for the last few hours. He wont stop. He knows he hurt you but was scared at the situation and didn’t know if he should push her away or if he’d come off as mean.” He lets out with a sigh and tears brimming his eyes at how hurt you both were.
“binnie I dont know… It just hurt so much to see. I know we aren’t official or anything but I thought I meant more to him than that.” You respond, now letting yourself cry in his arms.
“you need to talk to him. This needs to get solved immediately. I know now might not be the time but mina is gone… something about some online scandals so the manager took her away, kinda funny” He says while you lightly smack him on the back, taking in all of the information.
“I’m getting him.” Hanbin quickly says and runs away before you can tell him no. Bringing back a devastated looking gunwook in less than 30 seconds.
He pushed gunwook into your room and shut the door quick. Just seeing gunwook in front of you causes the tears to rapidly fall again.
He gasps and quickly makes his way to grab you, holding your head to his chest. “y/n baby. I’m so sorry. I told myself I would protect you and here I am hurting you. Please I love you so much I can’t lose you now.” He hiccups, tears flowing down his cheeks.
Your face beats red at the sudden confession. “you…love me?” Is all you can get out from the shock.
“Oh. I didn’t mean to tell you like this im sorry I-“
You cut off his rambling by pressing a short kiss to his cheek. “Gunwook I believe you, I wont be able to forget about this but i’ll try my best. “ Rubbing the leftover tears away from your face. He stares down at you mouth agape before smiling and picking you up to place you on the bed. He lays you down on your back and holds himself above you on his forearms.
“I love you” Gunwook repeated looking into your eyes this time. “so fucking much that it scares me” He finished, eyes darting to look at your swollen plump lips.
You lean up a tiny bit to reach his lips and leave a lingering kiss before you both break out into smiles. He leans down to catch your lips, now moving them slowly against each other, tongue poking through your lips and leaving you breathless. You reach your hands to tangle in his hair as he grabs at your waist and thighs, wrapping them around him.
“I love you baby” you say between kisses making him smile against your lips.
“Say it again” gunwook says cheekily, lifting himself up to stare down at you.
“I said I love you gunwook” You roll your eyes as he flops down next to you and pulls your leg atop of him to cuddle to sleep, arms protectively wrapped around your back and thigh.
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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Okay, listen, I don’t need annnyone telling me how half baked an idea this is but it’s living rent fucking free in my head right now so I’m throwing it in a post (as opposed to in @twisteddaydreams1135 DMs like I have been).
A/B/O stuff. Alpha Kiri and Beta Reader. I write Beta’s a little differently so if you end up not liking it, it is what it is.
No real warnings here. It’s a lot of fluff and comfort honestly.
A Drabble that ended up being about 2K words… my bad.
No editing or proofing. Again, my bad.
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Alpha Pro Hero Red Riot who co-owns and agency with Dynamight. Red Riot who’s in his 30s and not married or even mated. He works himself into the dirt because it keeps his mind occupied. Handles everyone’s paperwork. Picks up all the extra shifts at the office. His friends and coworkers can’t remember the last time he took a vacation, if ever!
But, Kirishima never complains. His pack his happy and he claims that makes him happy. But, the pack is getting worried. The dark circles under his once bright eyes never seem to go away. He only redyes his hair when Bakugou reminds him. He’s barely around for pack dinners and if he is home when they’re happening he usually just takes a plate with thanks and what he thinks is a genuine smile and goes to his apartment. He was still a phenomenal leader. So caring with that big heart of his. In fact, it seemed Kirishima cared about everyone around him far more than he ever cared for himself.
So, the pack came up with a plan, you.
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You were new to the city, looking for work with your resume being passed around and Mina got her hands on it. A Personal Assistant could be exactly what big guy needed.
She brought your resume to Bakugou who agreed you seemed like a good fit with strong references and skills to match. And, you were a Beta. There’d be no chance your scent would bother Kirishima and both Mina and Bakugou agreed that was a good thing.
So, you started an hour before he did on a sunny Monday morning. In a small office right next to Red Riots. He came in with his protein drink and did a double take. They hired someone new? Since when? Last he checked him and Bakugou approved all hires together.
“Who the heck is she, do we even have room in the budget for a new hire?” He asked his friend after closing his office door.
“Made room in the budget for her. Her name is Y/N and she’s your new personal assistant.”
He made room because everyone took a small pay cut. Which they all agreed was worth it if it gets Kirishima to take a break and fucking relax for once.
“I don’t need a personal assistant. No one else has one!”
“Because everyone else can manage their time just fuckin’ fine. You can’t. You haven’t for almost a damn decade now. Not since—”
“Don’t.” Kirishima rumbled. “I know what you’re gonna say and just don’t. I’ll try and work with her but I make no promises.”
Bakugou knew that was the best outcome he could ask for right now so he didn’t fight him on it. Just nodded as Kirishima left his office and watched as he walked into yours.
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Your new boss was nice. He lived up to everything you heard about him aside from a few things:
Kirishima wasn’t a fan of interviews. He would do them but he always looked incredibly worn down when he returned from one.
Kirishima had to be reminded to dye that red mane of his. You scheduled time for that.
And perhaps the biggest thing you learned about the man;
Kirishima HATED down time. You scheduled breaks in his day per his friends requests and either he flat out ignored them or he was in your office bothering you the entire time. Even on his days off he found reasons to be in the office. His newest was bringing you lunch.
You didn’t mind these little visits. In fact, you kinda liked the big guy showing up in your door way. He was a change of pace from some of the other Alpha’s you’ve worked with. And, not that you’d ever admit to crushing on your boss to anyone else, you could at least admit to yourself that you liked having him around.
Still, you had to remind him that this was his day off and he shouldn’t be at work.
“I’ll take a break when you take a break. After all, you are my personal assistant. If you’re working, I should be too.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works, Red.”
He shrugs those wide shoulders. “It is if I say it is.”
You just rolled your eyes at him and reminded him again that there’s still things you need to work on when he’s out of office. Just like how you keep working when he goes on patrol. But, he waved his hand and changed the subject as usual.
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Despite feeling like he definitely didn’t need someone managing his schedule, Kirishima actually really liked having you around.
You were easy to talk to, you didn’t seem to judge him, and he knew you were doing what you could to keep his best interests in mind even if he wasn’t.
He wouldn’t dare admit it out loud or to anyone but he knew deep down he had a hint of a crush on you. It started when he watched you storm up to Denki and push a paper against his chest. “Kirishima is not handling your strawberry milk requests anymore, I’ve told you this. If you want special snacks so much, put the order in yourself.”
He knew his friend only did it to get a rise out of you. And it worked every time. It was cute to see the way you cared about him even if it was just from a professional stand point.
When he had free time in the weeks that followed he found himself fond of hanging around you. You were a Beta but whatever perfume you had on was pleasant and he could feel the worries he carried around with him for years ebb away when you were near.
That’s why even on his days off he sought you out.
He’d sit at the little table in your office and you asked him about his interest and found some common ground between the both of you. Things to talk about and fill the quiet time. It wasn’t in the job description but he was thankful for it nonetheless.
After reminding him yet again he wasn’t supposed to be in the office on his days off you asked him wouldn’t he rather be doing something different instead? Something more fun?
“The things I enjoyed doing aren’t really fun alone. I go for my runs and workouts and that’s about it.”
“You have plenty of friends, Red! And you’re still one of the most eligible Pro Hero bachelors, I get like 10 emails a day asking if you would agree to a date with people if you’re looking for something more romantic. You don’t have to be alone!”
“My friends have families that they spend time with on their days off, just as they should. They don’t need to go spending time with me. And I’m not looking for romantic right now.” or possibly ever again, he thought.
“Alright, so, what are you gonna do on your next day off?”
“Probably this!” He grinned all proud of himself.
But you had a grin of your own. “Might be a little difficult since I listened to what you said: how I should take time off when you do.”
“Oh…” Even though he tried he couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice. “That’s good though! You should take more time off.”
“Yeah…” You pushed some food around your plate for a moment and then he heard a little sigh before you spoke. “On my days off I like going to this little book shop I found.” You described the area and he knew exactly where it was. “It’s got a little café inside. I’ll probably go around 11 and be there for a few hours, if you wanted to meet me.”
He hadn’t agreed to plans so quickly in he could remember how long!
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On his day off Kirishima was up bright and early, went for a run, came back and showered, changed into jeans and a nicer shirt.
“Where the hell are you goin’?” Bakugou asked, just as stunned to see the man looking so chipper and up and moving on his day off rather than secluding himself in his room.
“I’ve got plans! See ya later!” He called and headed to the bookstore without realizing he had two nosy friends following him. One blonde. And the other pink.
They watched him from across the street and saw him walk up to you with a grin like they hadn’t seen on his face in so very long and they knew hiring you was the best decision they could’ve made.
The two went home, not wanting to interrupt the plans, and left you two to the outing.
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Kirishima stood beside you in line while you two talked about the different options the cafe had. You told him what items where your favorite and what you thought he might like.
It was while you waited off to the side for your number to be called that he said something that caught you off guard. “The perfume you wear, it’s nice.”
While the compliment was appreciated and made your cheeks a little warmer you looked up at him confused. “Thanks but I don’t wear perfume.”
Now he looked confused. “But, I smell it all the time. Have for weeks now.” Your eyes went wide as he tried his best to describe it. It wasn’t your shampoo or body wash, not even the lotion you wear from time to time.
You knew Alpha’s had good noses but you weren’t expecting this. “Kirishima, that’s not something I wear. That’s my scent.”
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For the ask game: An AU where Yoarashi still went to U.A.
Good for him! unfortunately for you, i'm going to use this as an excuse to connect it to another au.
1- Yoarashi placed first in the recommendation and got into 1A, which is a good thing for them as he helps blow away enemies at USJ. He makes particularly good friendships with Mina, Hagakure and Kirishima, and gets along well with Uraraka, Izuku and most others in the classroom. Not so much with Iida, who he thinks needs desperately to relax, or Bakugo, who he compares to Endeavor (derogatory). Bakugo thinks he's calling him 'second rate' and doesnt like him either. This frustrates both of them when they figure out how to aid each other's combats at USJ instead of hindering.
2- He does manage to accidentally boost several of his classmate's confidences by just talking them up without realizing- generous with complements that Izuku usually then backs up with further ideas for training. Momo does much better at the SF as a result of this. (note: a downside is he's less good about figuring out how to play up teamwork and group strategy.)
3- After the SF, Endurance sends him an offer- she can tell he's got power in spades, great offence and maneuverability, but not at the same time, and his defense is nearly not existent. She's got good experience working with exactly that. Inasa does get good offers- one from Hawks too, but... well Tokoyami is going there, and he kinda wants to see. He doesn't like Endeavor, but thats no reason to write off Endurance. It turns out to be a good choice, because he gets a mentor who likes working with kids, even if she rarely has the chance to, and is more than apologetic enough for her father's sake. Inasa tells her not to worry about it, there's none of that coldness in her eyes, just her ice. Though, he does wish she weren't as sad.
4- Endeavor is also not thrilled his daughter is wasting time teaching for a week instead of helping track Stain, but he also knows she'd rather be hunting down Touya so its not like its a surprise either. What is a surprise is when Hosu is under attack and he gets a call from her telling him that UA students are in peril nearby and he NEEDS to get over to an alley off Echo Street RIGHT NOW, nomu attack be damned.
5- Then Inasa gets to try to see how far he can fly himself and a passenger, though not fast enough to get to Hosu before most of the action is over, at least Endurance can help put out fires while he checks on his classmates and figures out how their class always gets pulled into trouble. This is also where Inasa picks up on Izuku and Iida being very mad at each other, and a week earlier he would have just picked Izuku's side and been happier to have his friend around more but instead hes like "you're gonna be miserable until you make a full decision about it, i'll support you until then and after, but you and iida got to talk it out." they get from talking it out with uh more bruises than before but nothing to worry about the doctors, and iida being less likely to run off and try murder
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willowser · 2 years
Ooooh nerd!bkg is definitely gonna get jealous af after that fight, seeing you walking around w some other guy 🤣💆🏽‍♀️
see, i think the thing with nerd bakugou is that he's such a smarty-pants know-it-all, right ? so just like his canon counterpart — who is also such a nerd btw !! — he's so arrogant about it ?? bc he's been top of his class, valedictorian, smartest guy in the room for such a long time, and he really does have an ego about always knowing what to do, always having a plan, always figuring shit out !! so i really think he leaves the encounter in the library like whatever, i can totally fix this. all he's gotta do is talk to you, explain his side of things and then everything will be fine.
except he's also such a loser about his feelings !!!! and he has a hard time admitting, out loud to you, that he doesnt understand what's going on between you two simply bc you are so out of his league. how does he tell you hey i didn't think you really liked me because you could do way better, easily ??? he's a fool !!! an absolute goof !! and this man actually starts off his apology with, "you don't know what you're talking about, and this is why you shouldn't be talking to mina about this shit, because she doesn't know, either."
and the whole thing throws him off, so he's back to the library (N E R D !!!!) trying to come up with a new way to get you to finally hear him out, and he's really supposed to be studying for an exam but — every time someone comes up to the second floor, he's cranking his head around trying to see if it's you, by chance.
it never is, because you don't study at the library. only studied there because of him. instead you go to some cafe on the other side of campus that he has no reason to find himself at — bakugou doesn't even like coffee — but he's just checking. to see if, maybe, perhaps, he might run into you there. and he does.
and you're with goddamn todoroki.
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gentleman-aster · 3 months
I made the dracula characters in tomodachi life
Dracula and renfield's Miis are girls because I want to be able to ship them with guys (I was gonna make renfield a boy Mii to see if he can date dracula but dracula started dating my Mii already)
It took me a while to put johanthan and mina together cause even if they were really good friends, all the love stuff they talked to me about was other people T-T. Johnathan told me he liked dracula and I told him it wouldn't work. Mina asked me if quincey likes him i told her no.
Meanwhile, Lucy and Arthur became best friends before either of then got to meet quincey and jack.
An hour later I open the game and there's 3 hearts on the apartments: jonathan, lucy, and arthur. First I check lucy cause i was afraid she might like johanthan and I wanted to avoid it. That's exactly what happened. Then jonathan told me he liked lucy AND mina, I told him to go for mina and they're dating now!!
Arthur like lucy and i told him to go for it do now they're dating. Now that Lucy's best friend slot is free I hope she becomes besties with mina, they both get along very well.
But it's a shame that I now have no chances for a triple confesion scene with lucy. On the other hand, there ARE 3 single boys and one single girl Mii on the island now so if that scene takes place it will be with those characters. It would be JAck, Quinceyand.... van HElsing, proposing to RENFIELD. That would be so funny I hope he chooses van helsing and become gilfs in love.
Also as of now renfield has no friends yet except me :(
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[OC Profile] Cordelia Lillian Offdensen
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Because I am now contractually obligated to infodump about her now. Some parts might have been influenced by other fan fics ,but I either have permission and/or at least gave them enough of my own twist that I'm copying other people's homework too much Spoiler warning for all of Metalolcaypse so far (this is all pre-movie so if my predictions are wrong, oh well). Also content warnings for: pregnancy-related death, child neglect, sexual harassment, alcoholism, and parental death, as well as bits of canon typical dark humor.
Born May 13th, 1945
Died October 3rd, 1993 (...probably, I'll explain in a bit)
Voice Claim: Rachel Bloom/Laraine Newman (if we have to follow the pattern of the other Dethklok moms)
Face Claim: This lady from Writersklok
Personality: A well-intended and kind, but very troubled woman that has trouble being taken seriously despite being rather intelligent and ambitious leading her to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking and casual sex.
Character Inspirations: Cutie Cutie Cupcake (BoJack Horseman), Meredith Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy), Paula Small (Home Movies), Paula Proctor (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion), Annie Hughes (The Iron Giant), Peggy Olson (Mad Men), Halley (The Florida Project), Mina Harker (Bram Stroker's Dracula)
Music Tastes: The Amazelingtons, Blue Oyster Cult, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Electric Light Orchestra, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Elton John, Nina Simone, Fleetwood Mac
Bonus playlist
She was Salacia’s consort in a past life, unfortunately, she was slain in a siege alongside their unborn child. He tried to resurrect her using a certain kind of purple magic...it did not end well. Cordelia would sometimes have past life nightmares about this with zero context as to what was happening.
She and Salacia met by chance in 1965, back then being a mere law school student; while Salacia was happy to see his beloved wife again...this time he had more ulterior motives convinced that it was part of the Prophecy (if still having to create the Sal persona for obvious reasons). Which he was right, but for the wrong reasons since Charles was an accidental pregnancy so she had to drop out of school and the two had to elope. Her parents were pissed of course and they did not see Cordelia or Charles until he abandoned the family some five or six years later.
Even though Salacia can technically be in two places at once it's pretty taxing (as well as worries that his other self was starting to develop a personality and will of his own) and eventually just to started to realize the more practical problems of his facade such as...oh yeah and his presence having bits of the plague that cause sickness if not death in some people to the point where people assumed for years that Charles was chronically ill. He might've been an asshole for abandoning them, but financially supported them in secret and had them under surveillance by marking them as "people of interest". Although even if he didn't have high hope for him, he had quite a few other children on standby.
Mysterious checks from the government she didn't question aside it was a bit difficult being a single mother in the 1970s albeit was able to get work as a paralegal at the slightly dubious Ensiferum & Associates. So because of this, she was pretty much what you think of when "Gen X mom" comes to mind, with Charles being very much a latchkey kid who more or less raised himself at points. Not for lack of trying since she was capable of being a very loving mother, but was severely overworked and self-medicated with alcohol to cope with the stress of working as an unmarried woman during Mad Men times and general untreated mental health issues. In fact, it was to the point where Charles feeling the need to take care of other people's needs above his own partially explains why he's slightly messed up as an adult. And yet she's among one of the more competent employees at the firm when sober (gee why does that sound familiar?).
Was generally supportive of Charles's goals, but was terrified of him abandoning her much like his father so she definitely didn't take Charles heading off to boarding school well (although she at least had the decency to not say it out loud) and was enough of a mess to require intervention so she at least mellowed out in her final years before peacefully passing in 1993, her lifespan cut tragically short due to a combination of the Salacia plague still affecting her body years later and alcohol abuse.
...which is the version I usually go with in my fics, but personally, I think it's funnier and opens more story potential if she survives to the series' present day, but is just locked out of the loop of the whole "son being the manager of the world's largest band/economic force and later a cult leader" thing. Like I'd probably figured she get along with most of the Dethklok moms (except for maybe Molly but even then because the latter is a massive hypocrite), and Dethklok for themselves for that matter, especially Toki, which Charles would be a bit conflicted about the latter even if she is trying to make up for her previous faults as a mother. I guess for now it's sort of diverging paths, but at least until the movie comes out "dead mom" is the main timeline for my fics.
Overall Charles has a...complicated view of his mother, on one hand, her neglectful parenting did cause a fair amount of emotional scarring that hasn't healed even decades later and severely affected his interpersonal relationships even as an adult, but on the other hand, was at least aware of her struggles with the benefit of hindsight and wouldn't be half the man he was today without her influence.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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I feel kinda bad after shitting on Mina as being "Worse SS Kris," so let's try something a little different.  Mina, how do you do against Gauntlet?
General Overview To the surprise of no one, pretty well.  Defensive supports generally do really well for themselves when it comes to Gauntlet, and Mina is no exception.  She's incredibly hard to take down, boosting team defenses makes her allies quite sturdy, and the Buddy move as a sudden block against the threat of AoE Sure Crit is really nice.  And of course, having Flabbergast means she's a partial check to Uxie, who is a problem. Having the ability to cap special attack on turn 2, as well as supplying Team Sharp Entry, is also very nice.
That said, Mina does have drawbacks.  The biggest one being gauge.  She has Whimsical Acceleration, and you're gonna want that and Fairy Kingdom to sustain good gauge control in absence of someone buffing speed.  Sometimes even with those tools it's not quite enough to sustain.  Her constant need for sync is also a major problem, as it prohibits a lot of other sync nukers from doing their jobs.  Low DPS units just do not synergize well with Mina.  And of course, all special offense combined with "cannot set Rain more than twice" creates a lot of issues for Mina.  Like. I am not looking forward to Moltres.
Vs. Tapu Bulu Okay so maybe I overshot this one early on.  Initially I just wanted Blue, then realized I couldn't think of anyone else to bring.  This probably could've been a duo clear, nothing was stopping me but my own dislike of that.  So I brought Lodge Marnie, who helped clear faster, and added accuracy drops to the evasion play.  This was, again, perhaps a bit much.
Vs. Tornadus So I toned it down.  Persian debuffs attack to prevent Tornadus' Bar 2 AoE spam from being a problem.  Surge inflicts paralysis, and can take sync some of the time.  I mentioned Mina tends to hog it, but this is only true as far as needing her Buddy move open.  Most of the time, you want it used later on, to block a typical Bar 3 AoE Sure Crit, but beyond that, you can do whatever you want with sync so long as you're not in danger there.
Vs. Terrakion Giovanni is one of those sync pairs where Mina isn't, like, specifically built for him, but her tools optimize him well.  I opted for a Terrakion clear, initially thinking of having Janine debuff offenses for them so we didn't have to worry about field effects, before remembering that Mina is a field effect generator.  Whoops.  But hey, Giovanni gets to finish a fight with like full HP!  That's something!
Vs. Cobalion Okay I hate this one.  Eevee Lucas was chosen because I wanted to do the whole Poison/Burn interplay thing, but it didn't shake out that way, because it turns out Flannery can't take out a full HP bar in one sync.  Or even half of one.  Not that Lucas could either, but he came closer and had better follow-up DPS under Sun.  So I guess he gets the win.  Also Mina is Poison-weak, and Cobalion uses Poison Jab a lot.  This is another instance of "Really want the Zone up" because of Whimsical Immunity.  Without it, you're staring down a 30% chance to eat Poison.
Vs. Azelf Lusamine is pretty well-equipped to handle Azelf, and I admit to liking this a bit more than I should.  The real hiccup is that Lusamine doesn't buff physical attack, so the second half of HP bars is a little slow.  Parasect was here for matching theme skills, and for Screech to help solve the physical damage problem.  It went okay.  Mostly it's the bulk Mina provides that's surprising.  Ending on full HP was not something I expected.
Vs. Uxie Shauntal can cap her own crit rate, and Mina has Flabbergast, which means all you need is anything else with status and you're in business.  Shauntal has fantastic DPS for this fight.  The warning I will give, however, is that Mina's Flabbergast is random.  This means you can't count on it when you need it, and also that you can't attack and count on it not happening early when you need it not to.  Built-in Flabbergast across all attacks is like the bane of my existence when it comes to Uxie.  Sidney taught me the hard way that this is not conducive to checking its gimmicks.
Vs. Latios Look guys!  Lorelei and Pryce are good now!  Haha...haaaaah, no, not really.  I wanted to give this an attempt, to see if maybe they had good DPS synergy.  And they kinda do.  Lorelei's freeze chance isn't bad, and Pryce does get 160% bonus move damage when a foe is frozen.  Unfortunately...well, you know all the issues.  Ghetsis is a better freeze bot than Lorelei, freeze is too short lived for Pryce to really make much of it, they're both slow as hell being supported by a slow pair so gauges are a nightmare.  The whole thing is a disaster.
Vs. Latias And speaking of disasters!  I opted for Valerie as the damage dealer here, and made the absolutely moronic move to see if they could handle it with just the attack debuffing to stop Sure Crit Earthquake from  causing problems.  The good news: they can.  The bad news: this is incredibly slow, incredibly dangerous, and incredibly stupid.  None of this was a good idea, or particularly worth it.  Especially since you need to pop the Buddy move before Sure Crit Earthquake anyway, to offset the accuracy debuff.  It's just not a good time.
Vs. Regirock "Crystal."  Look, I'm having fun.  Iris is actually pretty self-sufficient as a buff bot.  Not fantastic, but good enough.  Lisia is the solution really.  Defog wipes Crit Shield, and her flinch rate on Twister is good enough when backed by a defensive wall like Mina.  That said, this process is wildly slow.  As anyone who know the Regirock fight can tell you, you really want everyone with consistent crit, or damage just doesn't start scaling fast enough.  Gauge is also, as usual, an issue, although the ability to use Whimsical Acceleration and always take Mina's sync is a slight blessing.
Vs. Entei Barry's another partner that really likes Mina's set, given that he buffs exactly 0 points of special attack.  He's also like...the only one who doesn't love SS Kris, since his DPS is poor, and he wants to spam trainer move for the boosted speed that Kris can't reliably provide without Team Swift Reaction 4.  Mina offers immediate fire-power...at the cost of sustained Rain.  It's not so bad.  I opted to bring Seaking for flinch, because a lower flinch rate is sufficient.
Vs. Moltres Anyone else tired of this thing?  So, I want to preface this by saying that, by numbers, this looks super clean.  It wasn't.  Lodge Steven just went off with Staggering 2 on grid.  Please note, Lodge Steven is not a great partner for Mina.  He can be a decent option, but he can't cap crit. You can take Sharp Entry for +2, or Follow-Through for sync, but you definitely lose out on SEUN.  What was supposed to happen was deleting the second HP bar, but Barry got really bad rolls for his speed debuffing, didn't cap speed, and had a lot less power behind his sync nuke, so he couldn't do it.  Thankfully, Steven flinched to prevent recovery, and we managed to clear.  Then we could do second round of rain, and set up Steven's sync, which missed crit and ran the risk of losing if Barry hadn't taken care of it.  It wasn't really a clean fight, but it was a successful one.
Vs. Cresselia Whimsical Immunity is a pretty nice response to Cresselia's status, and Karen is one of those Dire Hit+ holders that really enjoys Mina's presence.  The one and only issue was gauges.  Which I feel like happens for Karen a lot despite being pretty fast.  I dunno.  Maybe it's just the Icy Winds.  The point is, Karen dominates this fight pretty well, but the first phase needs to be cautiously approached so you can block Thunder Wave while still doing like any damage.  Karen's sync needs to happen twice, and Mina's should happen before those two, to ensure Fairy Zone against Thunder Wave.  Two syncs from an EX Karen definitely clears phase 1.  After that, the main thing is that Karen should DPS bar 2, allowing Mina to set Fairy Zone on sync.  Obviously this only works with 3/5 Mina, but it's a workable solution.
Final Thoughts Mina is good for Gauntlet.  I am not particularly surprised by this, but with the Tapu Wars of everyone wondering which one is best (it's Acerola), and the subsequent determination that Mina is worse SS Kris for Rain and not particularly great for Fairy Zone, it's important to remind myself that she does, in fact, have merit.
I want to say Mina took a bit more technical skill to operate, but that isn't entirely true.  A lot of this was pretty straight-forward.  Mina's strengths are capping special attack and offering tremendous defensive utility. Her weaknesses are being pretty poorly aligned to her archetypes, slow as dirt with little recourse, and surprisingly has trouble with repeated heavy-hitting single-target attacks. Yeah. That one surprised me a bit.
Cobalion was the roughest because of super-effective attacks, but it really emphasizes Mina's weaknesses broadly. Namely, that reliance on taking sync to keep Fairy Zone active for her beneficial effects. Moreover, even with boosted defenses, hard enough hits start to beat her down, and Mina only has Draining Kiss with Gradual Healing as a solution. Sure, you have your Buddy move, but that's basically a one-time use Mini Potion, maybe with Master Healer. This isn't groundbreaking. The Damage Guard for the team is, and it's only groundbreaking because it's letting her allies survive. Mina herself gets one free negation, then it's back to taking damage. Functionally, it's Endurance. It's one extra hit you can take yourself, before you drop. With no other healing potential, it's a mild problem.
Mild. You can tell from HP values, this doesn't really inhibit Mina's ability to tank. The only other fight that came close was Latias, and that's because I was playing like a lunatic. But I also want to note that, with every fight, there's offense debuffing or flinch keeping damage off her. So I do wonder how well she'd do without that, but also I'm not up for finding out right now. The point is, repeated heavy hits will annihilate her.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 23 - Surrender [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 4400
Summary: Secrets can’t stay hidden forever.
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The possibility of you sitting with a killer who had sworn to destroy you was scary for sure, but thinking that the said killer could be much closer to you than you had thought was enough to make your blood freeze in your veins.
It was as if you were going through the same thing that had happened with your dad ages ago, but with a small difference;
Your dad had never tried to hurt you, but this time the killer was coming after you.
Spencer stood beside you as you exhaled the smoke of your cigarette into the air, your hands still shaky but you forced yourself to focus on the police and the FBI escorting people out of the building while he kept his gaze on you.
“You might be wrong though?” you managed to ask, looking up at him, “Right? Maybe it’s not—maybe it’s not someone as close to me?”
Spencer heaved a sigh, “We need more evidence, but you need to keep that in mind that it is possible. I mean— it makes more sense than it being just a stranger, don’t you agree?”
“I don’t agree that I’ve had the misfortune to be close with two serial killers throughout my life, no,” you murmured through frozen lips, “Maybe it’s me. Maybe I was doomed to survive one serial killer to be killed by another.”
“I will never let that happen.”
You took another drag of your cigarette, “I have a feeling the killer might end up not asking for your permission, professor,” you stated and turned your head when you heard the sound of heels coming closer. Mina ran a hand over her face, clearing her throat.
“I sent Kenz away from here,” Mina said and it didn’t escape your notice how she was deliberately avoiding giving any details, just in case. “We’ll regroup at mom’s place, you, me and mom.”
“Just us?”
Mina clicked her tongue, “All things considered,” she murmured, “So I’m not going to beat around the bush; we both agree that it’s not Kenzie right?”
You nodded, “Clearly,” you said and pulled your brows together, “Wait, we’re sure it’s not Kenzie but we still suspect each other?”
“I don’t know, do we?” Mina asked back and you shifted your weight, looking down at the cigarette in your hand.
“Mina, I don’t—”
“Listen, it’s not the place for this conversation,” she interrupted you, “Mom’s place, half an hour.”
“That might not be the best idea,” Spencer said, looking between you two and Mina scoffed.
“It’s not our first rodeo with a serial killer among us, Dr. Reid,” she said, “I already gave a list of my alibis to your colleagues, so did my mother. There’s nothing to keep us here.” She nodded at you, “Don’t be late, we have a lot to talk about.”
With that, she walked away from you two and grabbed her keys from the valet while you stubbed your cigarette.
“So did you check everyone’s alibis?”
“Yeah, at least the people close to you,” Spencer said, “They all look solid.”
You raised your brows, “But?”
Spencer clenched his jaw, “I need to go over all the files, all the recordings with your father—”
“I don’t think it’s my father who’s behind this. Not this time, and not at the cabin. He wouldn’t dare.”
He frowned, “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Well think about what happened the last time I-“ you snapped your fingers, “Right. You weren’t there.”
“What happened? Luke just said you walked away because your father got on your nerve.”
“That’s one way to put it,” you muttered and motioned at the valet to give him your ticket so that he could bring your car, “Listen, I gotta go. Mom is probably at home and Mina is going there and I can’t….I need to talk to them.”
“It might be dangerous.”
“Spencer, it’s my family we’re talking about,” you insisted, “I can’t— if I start suspecting them too, I have nothing left to hold on to.”
He opened his mouth to disagree but you saw Luke coming closer to both of you.
“Hey, Rossi says we need to get back to the office. Emily and Tara are already there,” he told Spencer and turned to you, “We need to stop meeting like this, trust fund baby.”
“Dude, you guys are the ones who show up and scream murder everywhere I go.”
Luke chuckled, holding up his hands and mocking surrender while valet pulled over in front of you.
“Here you go ma’am.”
“Thank you,” you offered him a small smile before you looked up at Spencer. “I’ll see you later I guess.”
“Call me when you get there, we’re also sending a car to your mother’s place and your place just to be sure.”
You nodded, heaving a sigh and Spencer squeezed your arm as if to assure you before pressing a kiss on top of your head.
“Be careful.”
“Hey I was trained by a serial killer, how many people can say that?” you tried to joke as you walked to your car, “I’ll be fine.”
You got into your car and valet closed it, then you started the car and drove off.
The living room was completely silent in your mother’s house. In fact, the whole house was silent, the only noise was the constant ticking of the huge clock on the wall while all three of you sat still, waiting for someone else to talk. Your mother drummed her fingernails on the table, something she would reprimand you for doing if it were another time, Mina bit inside her cheek, her gaze fixed on the wall and you downed the whiskey in your glass, then filled it again.
“Okay,” Mina said and sat up straighter and looked between you, “I just want to say, if it was someone in this room this whole time, we can- I can fix this.”
“Jesus Christ, Mina!”
“You can’t possibly suspect-“
“We’ll say it was dad’s influence, we’ll call it trauma after-“
“Do you hear what you’re saying?”
“I’m just saying, if it is one of us, it’s dad’s fault.”
“It’s not one of us!” you insisted but then you turned your head when you heard the doorbell ring. The sound of heels came closer and Mina threw her head back as soon as Kenzie walked inside.
“Kenz, I told you to-“
“Yeah, spare me the bullshit, I came as soon as I made sure Lily was alright and safe,” she waved a hand in the air and you closed your eyes for a moment.
“Kenzie, you really shouldn’t be here.”
“Why? So that all of you can dramatically blame each other? I know how you guys get, there’s not an ounce of logic between the three of you.”
Your mom heaved a sigh and got the whiskey bottle from you, “What did Spencer say again?”
“That it was possible it was someone at our table. It’d make more sense than it being a stranger.”
“So either one of us, or Lincoln, or Nolan.”
Your mom gasped, “Nolan had nothing to do with that!”
“Just saying, it wouldn’t be the first time some man you loved didn’t turn out to be the man he pretends to be-“
“Mina, low blow,” you cleared your throat and your mother narrowed her eyes.
“I know it’s not him.”
“Then it has to be Lincoln.”
You let out a small laugh, “Dude, don’t you remember what he was like when we were children? He cried when he saw me scrape my knees and his mom had to take him away.”
“People change.”
“I’m pretty sure I’d know if one of my best friends were a serial killer, Mina.”
“He came late to the auction.”
“So did all of you!” you insisted, “You don’t see me blaming you- by that logic where were you?”
“Are you kidding me? My meeting took longer than I expected, go check my security camera footage. Where were you?”
“I was literally talking to Spencer while it was happening!”
“Are you two seriously blaming each other?” Kenzie gawked at you and Mina shrugged her shoulders before turning to your mother.
“How about you mom?”
“What is this, an Agatha Christie novel?” your mother asked, exasperated, “Ask the driver, it took us more than an hour to get there because of the accident.”
“It could be anyone in that auction hall, yes, including someone in this room but they checked our alibis. Spencer said it was a possibility, not that it was certain,” you managed to say, “They still need more evidence and I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to start blaming the only people in my life that I actually trust.”
A silence fell upon you and Kenzie sat down beside you, then filled herself a drink as well.
“The moment we start blaming each other, we’re lost,” she said, looking Mina in the eye, “Your dad almost tore this family apart once, don’t let this copycat do the same. It’s not one of us and you know it.”
“No one is blaming you Kenz,” you rasped out and Mina ran a hand over her face.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, “Jesus, I’m— it’s just that… It fucks with my head.”
“You get used to it,” you sipped your drink and turned to your mother, “For what it’s worth, I really don’t think it’s Nolan either. I mean what are the chances of getting married to a serial killer twi—“ you stopped talking as soon as Kenzie kicked you under the table and Mina gasped, shooting you a look as you covered your mouth. Your mother stared at you, her jaw dropping and you cleared your throat, trying your hardest to come up with something.
“I mean—“ you stammered, “I’m drunk and I just saw Spencer being all hot and whispering in my ear after there was a murder so my feelings are all over the place, I don’t know what I—“
“Now that she fucked up first, I can say it.” Mina said, “Nolan will ask you to marry him.”
“I was un-fucking it!” You hissed and Mina scoffed.
“You haven’t un-fucked a thing in your goddamn life.”
“I can’t believe this is how I’m finding out about this,” your mother breathed out, still staring at you two and you let out a whine, burying your face into your hands.
“I’m sorry!” your voice came out muffled and Kenzie let out a giggle, patting your arm as you raised your head again, “I- well- my dad was a serial killer!”
“What is that, your out of jail card?” Mina asked, “The same guy was also my dad but you don’t see me giving out secrets and spoiling surprises.”
“When did he say that to you?” Your mother asked, sitting up straight, “Y/N, you’re telling me everything right now!”
“I saw my ex looking hot tonight and someone got murdered while I was flirting with him, I’m allowed to mess up once or twice!”
“That’s a strange way of describing your whole life.”
“Shut up Mina or I swear—“
“He asked for my blessing and I said yes,” you murmured, “So did Mina and Kenzie. But I think we all threatened him first, right?”
“Nope, you’re the creepy one in this group.”
“Yeah I think it was just you.”
“Fine! Okay, I threatened him first,” you admitted as your mother stared at you, “In my defense, I was also pretty drunk back then because of my break up with the love of my life, in case anyone at this table forgot—“
“I wish. Maybe I could try to forget it if you stopped talking about it for five fucking minutes though.”
“And my serial killer father—“
“Having daddy issues isn’t an excuse to be a snitch, bitch.”
“Mina, stop insulting your sister for a moment,” your mother told her and turned to you, “What did he tell you?”
“That he has been in love with you for… I don’t know, centuries because he’s like a five hundred years old vampire.”
“He feeds on money though, not blood.” Mina pointed out, “I actually can see him as an evil lord somewhere, now that you mentioned.”
“Getting information from this family is a nightmare,” your mother heaved a sigh, “And?”
“And nothing. Make sure to get your nails done when he takes you on a dinner now that we all gave him our blessing but I’m so not planning your wedding, my client list is full.”
“Nobody buys that excuse Y/N,” Kenzie reminded helpfully and your mother shook her head.
“Oh but I can’t possibly—“ she heaved a sigh, “I can’t marry him yet.”
Instantly, all three of you turned to him with the same surprised expression on your faces.
“…Were you gonna hit it and quit it mom?”
Your mother pinched the bridge of her nose “Mina, what is wrong with you tonight?”
“I have no idea. Is this what being traumatized is?”
“Yeah welcome to the club, I’ve been here for a while,” you waved your hands in the air, “Mom, I thought you loved Nolan. Don’t you?”
“No, I’m completely in love with him!” your mother said quickly, “He’s the best man I’ve ever known or been with.”
“Meh, let’s not pretend the bar is—“ Mina started but stopped talking when Kenzie elbowed her, “Sorry. I’m just going to keep drinking over here to keep my mouth busy.”
“Sweetie, I can’t get married when…” your mother gestured at you, “When you haven’t found a partner yet!”
You made a face, “Why did we teleport into Jane Austen times all of a sudden?”
“No, you know what people would say.”
“Since when does that stop you?” you asked her, “Come on, who the fuck cares what anyone thinks? They can all go to hell.”
“Y/N, I appreciate the thought but-“
“Mom,” you said, “I might just end up alone, okay? You can’t spend the rest of your life waiting for me to get married or find a partner or something just because of some stupid unwritten rule. Fuck those people, let them talk.”
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to have an actual wedding either.”
“Who’s coming up with these rules?” Mina exclaimed, “Mom, do whatever you want. This family threw appropriate out of the window long ago.”
Kenzie nodded fervently, “People will always find something to criticize, you can’t let that get to you. If you love him, go for it.”
“But wait for him to propose first, I have a feeling it’ll be the biggest ring I’ve ever seen,” you clinked your glass with hers and wiggled your brows, “Can I please be the one to tell dad though? I want to record the look of devastation on his face. I’ll make it my wallpaper.”
The next day, you tried your hardest to focus on work. Even if Spencer’s words kept echoing in your ears, you couldn’t help but think that he had to be wrong.
Maybe he was. Maybe it was someone else in the hall, other than your family or Nolan or Lincoln. It was impossible for you to suspect anyone in your family, and Nolan and Lincoln had had more than enough time to be alone with you and hurt you, but neither of them had given you any sign of being dangerous.
Besides, you were sure that after spending so much time with your father, you’d be able to tell if it was someone around you.
Or at least you hoped so.
You took a sip of your rosé and bit inside your cheek, staring at your dinner table in the middle of the living room which now looked like something pulled out of a horror movie. You heaved a sigh, holding your hand over the various types of knives, the memory flashing in your head.
“Alright Petal,” your father tugged you by the hand so that you could get closer to the coffee table full of knives, “Let’s see if you studied like I told you, hm?”
“I have!” you gave him a bright smile before you bit at the stick candy and he raised his brows.
“Honey, don’t bite at candy, you’ll ruin your teeth.”
“No I won’t,” you said stubbornly, still holding the candy tight, “I’ll brush my teeth afterwards.”
He heaved a sigh and grabbed a blade off the table, then held it up.
“What is this?”
“A trench knife,” you said, looking at the handle that looked more like brass knuckles your father had shown you before, “You can hold it over your fingers so it’s better for…for…”
“Close combat.”
You nodded, still chewing on the candy and your father put it back, then showed you another.
“Push dagger!”
“How do we use push dagger?”
“When you hold it in your palm, the blade is between your fingers.”
“So that…?”
“So that the prey can’t see it until it’s too late.”
He nodded, “You really did pay attention, Petal,” he commented and you giggled, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet and turned the candy in your mouth as he held up another blade.
“Butterfly knife!” you said and motioned at him, “I want that one.”
“Because it’s called a butterfly?”
“Daddy I love butterflies!”
He smiled, then grabbed another from the table, “Do you know what it is?”
“Another butterfly knife?”
“No honey, this is called a trainer, see?” he showed you, “I want you to practice with this first. It has no knife, so you won’t be cutting yourself until I say you can switch to an actual one.”
You clicked your tongue, twirling the butterfly knife between your fingers, the motion almost automatic. You had become so good at it when you were a child that you didn’t even need to think about how to flip the knife after all these years, your hands already remembered it.
“Trench knife, push dagger,” you counted slowly as the thunder lit up the dark sky outside, “Good for close combat, good for stealth….Stiletto, good for deeper wounds. Bowie is good for—“ you were cut off when you heard someone banging their fist on the door. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster and you flipped the butterfly knife in your hand, approaching the door but as soon as you looked through the peephole, your stomach made a happy flip.
“Spencer?” you muttered and opened the door, “What’re you—”
“Are you insane?” he cut you off, glaring daggers at you and you pulled your brows together.
“Huh?” you asked as he walked past you into the apartment and you closed the door before following him. He ran a hand through his curls, clearly the rain outside had made his hair even messier and he turned around to say something, but then got distracted.
“Why are you holding a butterfly knife?” he asked and you flipped it again before throwing it on the table and he frowned at the sight on the table.
“What the hell is this?”
“Uh, butterfly knife, trench knife,” you pointed with your finger as you counted them, “That’s a stiletto knife, that’s a switch blade, right next to it is a push dagger and the one over there is called—“
“I know what they are, why am I looking at them?”
You arched a brow, “Take a guess.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“What?” you let out a bitter laugh, “I’m done taking it lying down, okay? Last night was the last straw, if that copycat wants to come after me, I say let them. The man who they’re looking up to was the same man who trained me for my whole childhood, I like these odds.”
“Yeah?” he scoffed, his eyes narrowed in anger, “Is that why you threatened one of the most dangerous serial killers of our time?”
You tilted your head, “My father?”
He threw his hands in the air, frustration getting the best of him,
“Yes, your father!”
“So you basically ran all the way here to yell at me because I threatened my father?” you asked as you walked past him, then grabbed your wine glass and leaned back to the table, “Don’t worry professor, it’s a family thing. We’re impulsive. He’ll be fine, unfortunately.”
He ran a hand over his face, “What were you thinking?”
“To be honest with you, I kind of wasn’t thinking,” you pointed out before you took a sip of your wine, “How is he these days, by the way?”
“I’m glad you find this entertaining,” he said through his teeth, “Because I can assure you, this is not funny.”
“Oh come on, it’s a little funny.”
He took a deep breath as if he was trying to control himself, “You think threatening a serial killer with murder is funny?”
“I mean have you seen the look on his face? I don’t know if the video got that but—“
“Why did you break up with me?”
Well, Spencer had a way of taking you by surprise, that was for sure. You lowered the glass and blinked a couple of times, trying to pull yourself together.
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me. Why did you break up with me if you were going to threaten a damn serial killer because he implied he might come after me?”
“I hope you know that normal exes don’t have these kind of conversations,” you tried to joke but he only raised his brows.
“Spencer,” you heaved a sigh “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think I do,” he said, his voice almost too low, “You just don’t want me to know what I’m talking about.”
“Listen, I know how it might look like but I can assure you I’d do it for any—“
“Garcia was with me while I was watching those tapes.”
Your eyes snapped up to his as your breath got caught in your throat. You swallowed thickly, painfully aware of how he was probably seeing all your tells but even that thought didn’t stop you from drumming your fingernails on the fragile glass you were holding, pursing your lips for a moment before you cleared your throat.
“What—um—what did she say?”
“You mean before or after she said you broke up with me to protect me even if I’m an FBI agent already working on this case?”
God damn it Garcia.
The thunder boomed outside again and you frantically tried to find the right words, but it felt impossible to do so. He took a step closer to you while you stared at him, completely frozen and you closed your eyes for a moment.
“Spencer…” you muttered as you opened your eyes again, “Whatever training they gave you, trust me, they didn’t train you for my father.”
“Is that why you said all that stuff back then?” he asked slowly, “When we broke up?”
“It doesn’t matter—“
“Yes it does.”
A sad smile pulled at your lips as you put your wine glass down, and shrugged your shoulders.
“I thought—um, I thought it I hurt you that badly, you’d never want to see me again,” you admitted, “So if you were away from me, you’d be safe. Away from my father, away from the copycat, away from all of this. Working on this case is not the same as being caught in this fucked up web, you know that.”
“You didn’t think you should’ve at least asked my opinion on this?”
“You would’ve said no.”
“Of course I would’ve said no!”
“Exactly!” you threw up your hands, “You might not care about your survival in this situation, but I do, okay? I love you too much to let you get hurt because of me—” as soon as your brain acknowledged what had just slipped from your lips, you stopped talking, your breathing getting faster while panic seemed to flood your system. He stared at you, a soft light appearing in his eyes and you shook your head at yourself.
“Fucking great,” you muttered, “Yeah, um you— I’m— it doesn’t matter. Do whatever you want to do with that information.”
You took a step to walk past him but he had already grabbed your arm and pulled you back. Before you could even ask him what he was doing, his lips found yours, letting that warmth shoot through your stomach into your whole system. The feeling was so sudden but so mind numbing that you thought Spencer was right before, this was definitely like a drug, an addiction. His fingers caressed over your neck while your body pressed against his like some sort of a magnet and a soft whine escaped from you as he pulled back slightly.
“Don’t run away,” he whispered against your lips “Not this time.”
You felt the tears rushing to your eyes. “Spencer-“
“I love you.”
“You shouldn’t,” you murmured before he stole another kiss from you.
“I love you,” he repeated, his hazel eyes locked in yours, “And I’m done pretending like I don’t.”
It was a bad idea. You knew it was a bad idea, you knew it would put him in danger, but none of that seemed to matter to you after hearing that he loved you. For some reason, you were convinced that you two would find a way, that everything would be alright as long as you loved each other, naïve as it was.
The happiness burst through you, wrapping you in a soft and warm haze as you reached back with one hand to sweep everything off the table, sending all the knives to the floor with a loud noise before you jumped to sit on the table. A small chuckle left his lips when you tugged at his jacket and he tilted his head.
“What, you don’t have a bed?” he taunted you and you grinned.
“The bed can wait,” you murmured as he dragged his fingertips up your bare legs to pull you closer to him, drawing a giggle from your lips before he kissed you again.
Chapter 24
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Imagine Bakugou x stoner!reader
So... maybe I got carried away, and maybe this turned into more of just you and the bakusquad being besties, but I literally love this concept and will 100% be writing more.
Warning(s): obvious mentions of drug use, and some language. All characters are 18+.
So, let’s say, just for the hell of it, that this is a quirkless!college!au 
just imagine...
- you befriend Sero and Denki first, meeting them in a class, and they love you right off the bat
- you’re personality just meshes so well with theirs, you become bffs almost instantly
- the three of you raise hell in that class, I’m convinced, like RIP to whoever sits near you goofs
- you slowly start to hang out outside of class. maybe it starts as a study sesh, but let’s be honest here. the three of you can’t focus to save your life, and eventually Sero asks if you guys wanna smoke
- and, to their complete surprise, you outsmoke them (Denki later bows down to you, literally, and proposes to you with a ring pop. he’s such a dork I love him)
- this becomes a weekly thing, as it should, and the three of you are practically attached at the hip
- your favorite part of hanging with them is, of course, all their crazy stories about their friends
- so of course they want to introduce you to the bakusquad, and you are just as eager to meet the rest of the group, if not a little nervous
- Denki and Sero assure you they’ll love you (”c’mon, you’re just like us, they’ll adore you!!!”) and they take you out to lunch with Mina and Kirishima
- now, if you thought you, Denki, and Sero was a chaotic trio, just wait until you add Mina to the equation
- Kirishima lives for the chaos and thinks you’re adorable, but the guy has his hands full keeping the four of you out of trouble, that’s for sure
- (when Bakugou’s not around, Kirishima is in charge of the braincell, I don’t make the rules)
- Mina immediately kidnaps you for a girls night, and is ecstatic about having a girl to hang out with her and the boys 
- (SIDE NOTE, Mina introduces you to Jirou, and the three of you are THE baddest bitches around, thank you. the three of you definitely have girl nights and either kick the boys out, or force them to join, face masks and all)
- anyway, you finally get the opportunity to meet Bakugou
- and, as always, he’s in a sour mood. but! you don’t let his grumpiness upset you, in fact, you take it in stride and throw his attitude right back at him
- you aren’t mean, and you certainly aren’t going out of your way to bug him, but if Bakugou makes a snide comment? you better believe you’re throwing one right back at him
- and at first, Bakugou is annoyed, and thinks you’re mocking him. like, who do you think you are? 
- but the more he gets to know you, he realizes that you’re way too sweet to be that mean. you fit right in with the idiots he’s friends with.
- and, to be honest, it drives him nuts. because he likes you. he likes you, and he likes when you snap back at him, and he likes watching you goof off and laugh with his friends
- in true Bakugou fashion, though, you’re convinced he hates you. it’s just the icing on top of the cake when one night you notice that every time you’re there, and Sero lights up, Bakugou disappears 
- when you finally tell Mina this, she laughs. actually laughs! and you’re just like ....what?
- turns out, Bakugou hardly ever smokes with them, and he’s just like that. 
“Trust me, babe,” Mina tells you, “It’s not you. Bakugou just doesn’t know how to relax, he’s got a terrible case of trust issues and a bad attitude to top it off. But he likes you, trust me! He’ll come around.”
- you weren’t so sure about that, but you take her word for it. 
- and then, one night it’s just you, Denki, Mina, and Bakugou, and he stays!
“Someone with a brain has to make sure you idiots don’t do something stupid.” He says, when you ask.
- that night ends up being one of the funniest nights of your life. the three of you are high as a kite, and everything is funny. seriously, you can’t stop laughing!
- then, you find out Bakugou’s birthday is on 4/20, and you have never been so excited in your life (so you say). it’s the funniest, most ironic thing to you
- you go up to Bakugou, grabbing both his arms by the biceps, and are going on and on about it, bouncing on the balls of your feet and giggling, and Bakugou just listens to you talk and he blushes 
- you’re adorable, and he can’t lie to himself anymore, he likes you. he really likes you. and this realization really freaks him out (he calls Kirishima later that night absolutely freaking out, and he has to totally calm him down. Kiri ships it)
- over the next month or two, he tries his best to not give himself away, but it’s so hard. 
- he starts sticking around when everyone smokes together, and sitting next to you during movie nights (because you always fall asleep, and theres a good 80% chance you end up leaning on his shoulder), and he offers to help when you complain about a class you’re struggling with
- and it all comes to a head one night when he gets jealous. 
- he was definitely reading too much into things, but he swears you’re acting clingy with Sero, leaning on his shoulder, and grabbing his arm when you laugh, and playing with his hair. he definitely has himself convinced Sero is making a move on you, and he’s pissed.
- at some point during the hangout, he gets up and storms out of the room, and no one really notices but you and Kiri. after a minute or two you’re curiosity gets the best of you, so you go after him
- he’s in the kitchen, glaring at this plant Denki and Sero have (that is totally, 100% dying, and probably can’t be saved) and he’s pouting
“I don’t think staring at it is gonna bring it back to life.” You say, and he just looks at you weird and asks what you want
- you say you’re just checking on him, and he asks why you care. and you’re just like dude ??? i care about you? hello? we’re friends ??
- and Bakugou, being himself, snaps at you and makes some kind of rude comment
- so you snap back, offended because you’d just wanted to check on him
- and halfway through you telling him what a jerk he is, he kisses you
- he kisses you like his life depends on it, because he’s still pissed off about Sero and, come on, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t do anything halfway
- and maybe the two of you make out in the kitchen for way longer than you want to admit
- and maybe you laugh and call him an idiot when he tells you he was jealous of Sero
- and maybe Denki catches the two of you, and screams like a little girl on christmas morning
- cue protective Denki and Sero telling Bakugou he better not EVER hurt you... and then crying happy tears a minute later because you’re so cute together
- after that, Bakugou is literally never seen without you by his side. he walks you to class, cooks you dinner at least once a week, helps you study and takes you out every time you ace a test. this man knows your coffee order, and has your schedule memorized, it’s impressive 
- god forbid he see’s you eating junk food
- listen, he knows how Denki and Sero eat when they get the munchies, okay, and that is absolutely not allowed. this man is such a simp behind closed doors, he will literally make you homemade snacks for when you go smoke with the guys. 
- he’s not the greatest with words, okay, but he loves you and he shows it through small things like that. he’s always pushing you to do your best, and bragging about you, and doing little things to remind you how much he cares
- he’s also a little over protective, but he means well, and cmon it’s kinda cute when he get’s jealous, sometimes
- but overall you guys are just the cutest couple. like the bakusquad is absolutely obsessed. (you make Bakugou soft, but don’t tell him they said that)
- and sure you fight over little things every once in a while, but you learn how to handle Bakugou’s attitude quick, and it never lasts too long. 
- if you do have a big fight, you take a step back and let each other cool down, and then you make Bakugou talk it out. he hates it at first, because sharing his feelings is so not something he wants to do, but it does help and he knows it.
- if, on the rare occasion, the two of you have a bad fight you can’t resolve on your own, therapist Kiri is there to save the day
- now, let’s get down to the whole reason i made this au in the first place
- the first time the two of you celebrate his birthday after getting together, he makes it clear that the day of he just wants to spend it with you
- so the weekend closest to his bday, the whole squad goes out and celebrates, but when it comes to his actual bday? Bakugou has a surprise for YOU
- you show up to his apartment, not really knowing what to expect, and this man pulls out a pan of brownies
- yeah, those brownies
- turns out, he and Sero used to sell them in high school
“What? Sero already sold, and I can cook, so we just... did it. It was good money.”
“How could you keep this from me?! Have I told you recently that I adore you?”
He just laughs, “You’re such a dork.”
- so you have the PLEASURE of getting high with Bakugou for the first time
- and let me just tell you, you’re in for a treat
- Bakugou. is. so. clingy. as soon as it hits, you know, because he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap
- he’s speaking so softly?? and he’s just relaxed, and content with holding you and talking about anything and everything, just cuddling with music in the background
- high! makeout sessions! with Bakugou! that’s it, that’s literally it. he is INSATIABLE 
- the man just wants to kiss you, for hours, okay? give him what he wants!!
- he used to get super paranoid, that’s why he doesn’t smoke much, but with you he’s calm and comfortable, and not anxious
- it becomes tradition to make brownies on both of your birthdays, and you look forward to it all year
- and every once in a while, Bakugou will smoke with the squad, and they quickly learn that he can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s high. they tease him relentlessly, and Sero and Denki definitely have asked him (aka whined to him) to stop hogging all your attention
- also, he definitely lights the bowl for you, because he is a gentlemen
- shotgun kisses. yup. that’s all I have to say.
before I get carried away again, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I literally can’t get enough of this au I’m in love with it!! I’ll be writing more of this au soon, hopefully, and my requests are open!! 
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writteninkat · 3 years
soap | bakugou x reader
You change your body wash to the same one Bakugou uses and the fact that you smell like him has your boyfriend feeling all hot and bothered.
Warnings: 18+
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.2k words
Author's note: first post here lol I have a bunch of ideas and I can't just sit still and not post them >_< enjoy !!!
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You and the girls of A1 were all forced to move to the common room for a few minutes. The sprinklers in your guys' part of the dorms had a malfunction and maintenance had to go to each room and fix every sprinkler.
"You guys wanna eat a snack while you wait?" Sato asks, pulling out a cake from the oven. The girls' mouths began to water as a sweet aroma wafted in the air.
"Where's Y/N?" Bakugou enters the room with his same old scowl, his hands inside his pockets as he marched over to the common area where al lthe girls are.
He scans the room but the corners of his lips only tug down deeper when he doesn't see you. He huffs, turning to sit at the counter with Kirishima and Sero instead.
"She took a shower after the sprinkler broke since she says she was busy studying that she forgot to wash up," Mina explains, "she'll be out in a bit."
True to Mina's words, you finally enter the room and join in on the girls. Kirishima lightly taps a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, motioning his head to silently say 'your girlfriend's here'.
The blond's vermilion eyes scan the room, brightening when he finally sees you amongst the girls. You looked beautiful, as always. Tonight you looked fresh. You were smiling and chatting with the girls and as much as Bakugou didn't want to interrupt your fun time, he just had to hold you. He didn't get the chance to, given that today was a very busy day for the class.
"Oi, Y/N." Bakugou calls over, unintentionally making a few other heads turn to look at him with the same questioning look you have. The blond tilts his head towards a secluded area and you get the message immediately, excusing yourself from the girls.
Once in private, you don't even get the chance to speak as Bakugou pulls you into his arms, breathing in your scent. "You smell nice." He mutters, his voice muffled as he presses his lips between your shoulder and neck.
You chuckle, "I bought the body wash you use. I realized I really like the smell of it when I showered in your room the other day." Bakugou's body freezes, "So I just had to run to the store a while ago and buy myself a bottle."
"You could have just asked me for one, dumbass. I have a shit ton in my room." You chuckle again, pulling him closer for a hug. You breathe in his scent, pouting that the smell on his body is greater compared to yours. Is it because he's been using this body wash for a long time?
"Hey, dumbass." Bakugou calls out, his arms around you becoming tighter.
"Yes, love?"
"What you're wearing right now."
You look down at your clothes- pink silk pajama sets, The upper is the usual button up with a small pocket on the upper right with black accents. The pants are plain with black stripes at the end.
"I bought it last week, remember when I came back with a few bags? Mom gave me extra allowance after I told her I needed more PJ's. Why? You like it?" You ask, tilting your head to the side to get a better look at your boyfriend's face.
"It has..." his hand slowly runs down from the small of your back, to your bum, cupping both cheeks with his big hands. He pulls your body closer to him, your hips hitting his. "...very thin fabric, doesn't it, love?"
Your heart drops to your stomach at the feeling of something hard poking in between your legs. Bakugou pulls his face away from your neck, showing you just how red it was.
"Our classmates are a wall away." You whisper, moving your head from side to side to check on whether your classmates came to check on your guys or not.
"Yeah? Well I'm a hair's width away from losing my cool. You caused this, you take care of it." He pushes all the blame to you and you can actually notice how hard he's currently panting.
You let out a sigh, slowly trailing your hand down from his chest, to his stomach and finally, on the bulge of his sweatpants. Bakugou lets out sharp and shaky breaths, pressing his forehead on your shoulder as you continue to fondle his hardened member.
You smirk at your affect on the boy. He's usually so strong and brave and he just loves to put up a front, but whenever you're alone with him, everything he shows his classmates just comes crashing down and he turns into this clueless boy who doesn't know how to act properly.
"Bakugou." You whisper seductively in his ear, nibbling on it as you push your hand inside his pants. The grip he has on either side of your hips tighten, his hips rocking forward, as if begging for more of your touch.
"Shit, Y/N-"
"Shhh, we wouldn't want to get caught now, do we?" You tease him quietly, softly running your nimble fingers up and down his length. "But, ngghh-"
You press your thumb on the head of his cock, his teeth sinking softly onto your shoulder. You can feel the wetness of his precum smear all over the head of his cock.
"I said quiet." You whisper, flipping the two of you around. Now his back's on the wall as you push him against it, quickly getting on your knees.
You push the hem of his shirt up, pressing it on his lips. The look on his face- blush spread across, teary eyes and scrunched eyebrows. It has your own core dripping wet.
"Q-quickly." He whines, making you chuckle. Who knew the great Bakugou Katsuki would be begging?
You take the head of his cock in between your lips, giving it a soft kiss as you look up at him. Slowly, you begin to take half and as much of his member inside your mouth. Such a desperate baby, such a big cock.
You place your hand on his hip while the other plays with his balls, fondling them softly as to create a stimulation. Bakugou's hands busy themselves by pushing his fingers through your hair, tugging on it making you moan. The vibration caused by your voice causing Bakugou's eyes to roll back.
You bob your head several times, each time you notice how your boyfriend's hips start to buckle and shake. "Ngghh- Y/N- c-cumming.." Bakugou stutters out, bitting hard on the hem of his shirt.
You pull him out, popping the end as if it were a lollipop. You run a hand down his sculpted abs, gaining his attention. His dick is pressed beside your face as you look at him with lust-filled eyes, "cum for me, love."
That pushes Bakugou over the edge, making you chuckle. You watch him with a smirk as he shoots out hot white ropes of cum onto your hair and face and you didn't even have to do anything.
"Love," you fake a pout, "I had just finished showering."
Bakugou pulls out his phone from his pocket, smirking as he open the camera app. He takes a picture of you and how dirty you look right now, on your knees, cumm all over your face and hair while you wear a sheer silk pajama set that shows off a good outline of your hardened nipples.
Once he has enough pictures for himself, he pockets his phone back and pulls you up to your feet. "Then why don't you shower in my room. After all, you like the scent of my soap so much, don't you?"
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Along for the Ride PT 1
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: A drunken mistake had you marking the little Plus One box to your snobby cousin's wedding. Kirishima told you not to worry, if you couldn't find a date, he'd go with you. When the wedding gets moved up, there's absolutely no time to find a date and you're now about to be traveling to America with Kirishima on a private jet no less, dreading having him meet your rude and impossibly arrogant family.
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort.
Warnings: Kinda smutty for a minute. Minors DNI. Drunken Sex. TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues
A/N: This story has been rolling around in my head for a while now. I might rewrite this and repost. Or I might just post the whole thing soon. I dunno yet. It does get smuttier.
Word Count: 4,974
"What's up with Y/N?"
Eijiro stepped out of the locker room with a towel slung over his shoulder and made his way into the kitchenette where Mina was chugging a bottle of water before getting back to her patrol. His eyes were trained on their mutual friend out on the patio, pacing.
You had your phone pressed to your ear, the high neck of your hero costume unzipped to your collarbone and he noticed your gloves discarded on a chair.
"No clue." Mina shrugged. "She got back from patrol and she noticed a bunch of missed calls from her mom. She's been out there, flailing on the phone for the last fifteen minutes now."
The three of you had met in your second year at UA when you transferred into their class and were quickly accepted by their little squad of friends. You were a bit quiet at first but quickly found comfort in the group. Eijiro had grown especially close to you when you both interned with Fat Gum.
Late nights traveling on the train back to school, a few close calls while helping patrol, and days spent playing cards while you both healed up in the hospital left plenty of time for Eijiro to get to know you better than most. It was how he knew you had a pretty bad relationship with your family, why you hated returning home for the holidays almost as much as you hated any and all forms of tomatoes.
He considered going out there just to see if there was anything he could do but before he had the chance, you were sliding the glass door open. "Oh, good, you're back." He offered you a bottle of water for your throat that he assumed was sore after that argument. "I- um- can I borrow you for a second? Alone?"
Mina snorted a laugh. "If you guys wanna bang it out on the counter you can just say so. I gotta go to work anyways."
Eijiro threw the towel at her as she left the room leaving you two alone. "What's goin' on?"
You hoisted yourself up on the countertop while he leaned against the fridge. "You remember my cousin's wedding that's happening this winter?"
He nodded. He vividly remembered the both of you getting waste a few weeks ago when you were filling out the RSVP and accidentally marking 'plus one'. Then you ran around trying to find White Out but he'd told you if you didn't find a date or have a significant other by the time of the wedding, he'd just go with you.
You argued that your family was bat shit crazy, had more money than they could spend in their lifetime and because of that, they were among some of the rudest people you knew, and you didn't want Eijiro or anyone else around that.
The thing was, Eijiro already knew that and was still okay with going. He came from money too. A lot of it. His family was just more welcoming than yours, the wealth never really going to their heads. But, he reminded you that he'd ran into enough people like those in your family that he knew how to handle them. You finally agreed to let him accompany you, leaving the plus one box checked but the name line blank.
"Well, my cousin just found out that surprise, she's pregnant! And, obviously, she can't have a wedding while seven months along so they've decided to move the wedding up to this weekend."
He nearly choked on his own spit. "This weekend? As in four days from now?"
"Yup! Saturday at 4 in the evening. Oh! No one's supposed to know she's pregnant either. So, I'm just supposed to compliment her on how flattering her dress looks, how thin she is," Your hands strangled the water bottle between them, "And I have to find something flattering to my figure because my mother has seen me in my hero outfit and she's so glad I wear a mask because if anyone knew her daughter ran around looking like I do, well, it'd ruin her!"
You massaged your temples circling back to the actual point, "Anyways, I just wanted to bitch for a sec and let you know you're off the hook since four days is just a little short notice and I told her my plus one wouldn't be able to get the time off that fast."
He pushed off the fridge. "Well, wait, hang on! I'm not letting you go in alone to deal with them! Hell no! You need backup!" You looked almost taken aback by his abruptness, "Yeah. I can work this out. Is the wedding at the same place it was supposed to be or has it moved?"
"No, it's still that fancy lodge in California. I was planning on leaving Friday morning and then coming back either Sunday night or Monday morning since my mother insists I go to their brunch the following day. But, Eijiro, I already have this weekend off..."
"Denki owes me a favor or twelve. He's supposed to be off this weekend too, I'll just see if he can cover me."
"And if he can't?"
"Then..." He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, "Y/N, am I feeling warm to you? I think I might be starting a fever!"
You folded your arms, shaking your head, "Thought you said lying isn't manly."
"Technically, correct. But, what would be real unmanly is for me to let you deal with your family's bullshit all alone." You watched him closely, "To be honest, I'm sure we could just explain you had a family thing come up and asked me to come along for moral support. I don't really think anyone would think twice about it. Hell, you took a few days off to console me when my turtle died suddenly!"
"Eiji, you refused to eat."
"And you brought me my favorite dumplings! Same thing!"
You might have shaken your head at him but your arms opened wide. The telltale sign you wanted affection. He walked forward, consuming you in a tight hug. Your arms latched around his neck, face buried in the hollow of his throat. "You're the best."
"I just do what I can."
You should have canceled. Instead of Eijiro faking sick to get out of work, you should have faked it with your mother so you didn't have to go in the first place. You crumpled to the floor of your bedroom in pure frustration amidst the twenty or so outfits and dozen pairs of shoes you'd thrown out of your closet trying to find something that your mother would deem appropriate.
It wasn't your fault you had a fuller figure. You worked out, ate right, not to mention your job kept you very active, and yet your, hips, ass, and breasts were by no means subtle.
Your mother had also insisted on the dress being floor-length and modern, "Do try not wearing all black. It's a wedding, not a funeral. And, get your hair looking natural, please." And, just like that, 70% of your wardrobe was out the window!
"It's open!" You called from the floor when the doorbell rang.
"You really should lock this." Mina tutted, walking through the door with a bag full of takeout.
"I do. At night."
"Honey, it's 9 PM."
"Night like bedtime."
Mina just rolled her eyes and walked into your tiny kitchen. "I see the dress hunt is going well."
"I actually figured it out!" You got off the floor, careful not to step on a heel as you made your way to the pink haired woman, "I'm just gonna go in my birthday suit. I figured, my mother made my body technically therefore she can't disapprove of it. Because, you know, she's never done anything wrong in her life!"
Your best friend snorted out a laugh and passed you the take-out container stuffed full of stir fry. "you're a wonderful person, you know that?" You loved the fact Mina didn't even have to ask what you wanted.
"If you'd just move closer to work then you could pick it up yourself and I wouldn't have to bring it to you."
"Too expensive." You declared after a mouthful. "You pay almost twice as much as I do per month and I just don't see the point. I have damn near the same amount of space you do for half the cost!"
You adored your small one-bedroom apartment. It was perfect. Right above a bakery that you visited each morning after your run and a little balcony that provided you with the most stunning view of the sunset.
"You and Kiri, I swear." Mina just shook her head and curled up with her food on the loveseat. "I thought he'd end up with the biggest house out of us all the moment we started making that real Pro money. You've seen his parent's house. It's massive! You could get lost in that place!"
Eijiro's place was barely bigger than your own. He lived in the same condo he had since you'd graduated UA, claiming it was perfect for him in each and every way. But, you knew that he donated a sizable amount of his paycheck every month to charities, the same as you. With savings to spare, neither of you saw the point in hoarding it and therefore the small condo was all he could afford with what he actually kept.
"Just don't understand how a guy that big can live in such a tiny little space. At least with you, it's you know, physically feasible."
Eijiro's bedroom was barely large enough to fit the king-sized bed the man needed to sleep comfortably and even then, his feet were dangerously close to dangling off the bed. And, as if the man's ears were burning, your cell phone went off under a pile of discarded shoes.
Shark-E: Figured out your dress situation? If not, I'm just gonna pack like ten different ties and hope for the best.
You: Yeah! I totally did! I'm just gonna wear this birthday suit I got and call it a night.
You chuckled at your own joke all over again. Watching the grey ellipses appear and then vanish, appear and vanish again. After a third time, you took pity on the man.
You: Joking, Ei. I still don't have it figured out but Mina's over so, hopefully, she can help.
Shark-E: Gonna give me a damn heart attack! Seriously, I wouldn't put it past you just to see the look on your mom's face. Tell Mina hi and good luck to you. I vote the dress from the Hero Gala two years ago.
You: Hi from Mina. Can't. Too much boobs.
Shark-E: You take that back right now! There is NEVER such a thing as too much boobs!
You chuckled to yourself, putting your phone down, and then finished off the last of your delicious dinner, thinking about the dress Eijiro mentioned.
You wondered if maybe there was a way you could make the thing work but it was so very low cut. So much tape had been used to make sure no slips happened but damn was it worth it! The beaded bodice with the sparkling long sleeves, gods, how you loved that dress.
"I'm inclined to agree with our shark boy. You're busty, who gives a damn. You looked hot as hell in that dress."
"My mother, that's who. As much as I'd like to not give a flying fuck what she thinks, for some dumb reason, I do. On top of her telling me that the amount of cleavage I would show would be vastly inappropriate for a wedding, she'd also say the way it hugs my hips makes them look too fat."
Mina rolled her eyes. "She's such a piece of work." Pushing herself up, she held her arms out to you, wiggling little pink fingers for you to take. "Come on then. Let's get you sorted."
"What about that one you wore to the charity art thingy with Kyoka last winter? The one with the silver top."
"Silver is too close to white." You called out from within your closet.
"What! Not true!"
"You know that. I know that. Every person with two brain cells knows that, which is why most of my family does not know that."
"Fine..." She whined and started sifting through the opposite end of your closet. "Oh, what about this?" Mina waved about the blue and green plaid skirt that made up your uniform from your middle school days when you lived in America. "Please try this on. I'm begging!"
You were pretty sure it wouldn't even go over your thighs anymore.
"It's got a better chance of fitting you!"
Mina threw it at you anyway. Slipping off the sweats you wore, somehow, someway, you were able to tug it on AND get it zipped, barely. It no longer covered your ass but you still enjoyed the way it swished around when you wiggled your hips.
"You could be fulfilling so many people's fantasies right now." Mina mused.
You pulled the skirt off and sweats back on, throwing the former back at her. "Yeah, you can take it and go fulfill Hanta's fantasies if you like. Not like I've got anyone to impress." You pulled down a dress you bought on sale a year ago but Mina was quick to dismiss it.
Too puffy, she said and then held up one that was from Momo. "I needed to get it shortened and I don't have time for that now."
"Wait..." She hummed and dropped the Momo dress. "I know what it should be!"
Mina hurried through the closet, grumbling about not finding it. "Just tell me which dress and I can tell you where it's at."
"It's that one you got for grad night and then you got sick and couldn't go!"
"Mina, Mina I can't wear that! That's actual vintage, not like, made-to-look-vintage!"
"But it's so elegant and has that off-the-shoulder sleeve thing. The wedding is at a damn sky lodge! It'll look so pretty in the snow! Ah! Found it!"
She yanked up the long, elegant gown from the garment bag you'd never removed it from. There wasn't a single wrinkle in the burgundy fabric. It looked just as beautiful as the day you found it in that second-hand store, on a mannequin with gaudy stage jewels that you just had to buy so the look was complete.
You ran the back of your hand over the velvety fabric, soft to the touch. "It'll be too tight now. If I was the same size I was at graduation-"
"Bullshit!" Mina cut you off with a dismissive hand, "You've got hips now. We aren't 18 anymore! It's not like it's some clubbing dress. And I bet no one would say a damn thing about your figure if they knew how easily you could crush them with those thighs!"
A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. Without quirks, you gave every single one of your classmates a run for their money in hand to hand. Most were fairly easy to beat. You could usually take down Eijiro in about five or six minutes and Katsuki in half the time. Funny enough, it was Ochaco that gave you the hardest time.
"I'll consider it. But help me find something else just in case."
It was another two hours before you finally agreed on an a-line, empire waist green and gold number that had been the bridesmaid's dresses for Tetsutetsu's wedding. Mina thought they were a crime the first time they had to wear them, she had no idea what you were thinking.
That's why the moment you were preoccupied with trying to find yet another dress for the Sunday brunch, Mina pulled out her phone.
You: DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow Y/N to wear the green dress. She's bringing two because she can't decide. Red is the winner!
Jaws: Aw, come on. If she likes it, let her wear whatever she's comfortable in. She'll be under enough stress already.
You: Kirishima, it's the dress from Tetsu's wedding. The one that looks sparkly baby food.
It took him a second to respond.
Jaws: Alright. Understood. I thought you guys looked good but damn, she hated that dress.
You: We all did.
Mina looked at the message chain again and couldn't help but asked, "Are we just gonna ignore the fact that you and Eiji are flying all the way to America, last minute, to attend a wedding together, even though you're not together?"
"We've flown to the states before."
"For work!" She sat up eagerly. "This is different, Y/N! This is a date and not just a, like, casual date but a wedding date!"
You poked your head out of the closet. "No, it isn't. This is a friend helping another friend who stupidly mismarked an RSVP." You corrected very plainly but Mina wasn't one to give up so easily.
She whined, dragging out your name, "You guys have been doing this thing for ages. Why do you have to be so stubborn about it all!"
"What's that supposed to mean!"
Mina started ticking off points on her fingers. "He was the first person you opened up to at UA. You saved his life when he was busy saving Katsuki's life second year. You spent all that time interning together, became sidekicks together. Went to America together for three whole months, ALONE, and you honestly expect me to think there's nothing between the two of you!"
The truth of it all was simple really; 17 year old you had a massive crush on Eijiro Kirishima. He was sweet, always listening to you, providing comfort when you needed it, and always encouraging you to push your limits. He was bright and honest, a little slow in the head from time to time but that made him all the more endearing.
He was also head over heels in love with Katsuki Bakugo.
It was why you never made a move. Never spoke a word of the feelings you harbored. You didn't dare to cross that line with him because you couldn't ever hold a candle to the explosive man.
In the three years Eijiro and Katsuki spent together, your brain finally started registering Eijiro as just a friend, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. You thought your heart had followed suit but it was becoming more and more apparent that wasn't the case. Because the night he showed up at your door, tears in his ruby eyes, every lock you put on your heart broke open.
The same way you couldn't hold a candle to Katsuki, Eijiro couldn't hold one to Izuku. You knew exactly what he was feeling even if you never intended to tell him. Too overcome with fear. If Katsuki came back... that'd be it. Eijiro would go back and you wouldn't even blame him!
Still, the redhead consumed a decent chunk of your heart though, you couldn't deny that after the three months you spent together in America, gathering intel on a smuggling ring, living in the same apartment. The groggy, 'good mornings' when his voice was still scratchy with sleep, hair falling in his eyes. The late nights bandaging wounds and killing cheap bottles of wine while watching terrible American reality shows.
It was those bottles of wine that did you in on your second to last night in America. Supplying you with courage and draining your sense of reason, allowing you to crawl onto his lap, into his arms. You could still remember the pressure of his lips on yours, those sharp teeth gently dragging along your lower lip.
Scared hands tracing the curve of your ass before taking handfuls to squeeze. The laugh that came from you was unlike anything you heard before, something so genuine that you couldn't reproduce.
How it felt when he lifted you up and took you to his bed, laying you down taking his time removing your clothes, and watching with awe as you pulled away his own. The way he looked over top of you, his hair a curtain of red around you just before you closed your eyes, gasping while he filled you.
You also remembered the guilt that crept into your head during the wee hours of the morning, the doubt that was louder than the snores coming from behind you.
It made you slip from under his massive arm, gather up your clothes from his floor, you tucked the blanket around him, and pressed a kiss to his temple before padding out of the room.
You told yourself you'd talk to him about it if he brought it up, but he never did. Not the next morning, or night, not on the plane ride back home, nor anytime since. It was a memory you'd hold close to your heart, one you wouldn't let slip away or share.
"There's nothing there, Mina. We're just good friends is all." You lied with a smile on your face, something that had become surprisingly easy to do.
If only you knew that Mina saw right through it. That Mina already knew the truth of it all.
It was nearly one in the morning when your phone rang. The goofy picture of Eijiro with face half painted at a festival a few years back never failed to make you grin.
"It's a little late." You answered by way of greeting.
"Don't pretend like you were anywhere close to sleeping, you little night owl."
Chuckling at the nickname that had followed you since high school, "What's up, Eiji?"
"I was going over flights. You said in the office that you wanted to leave on Friday?"
"Yeah. I have patrol tomorrow and I didn't find any flights after 6 PM so, Friday is the earliest."
He was quiet on the other line for a moment. "Yeah, you don't have patrol tomorrow, or work at all for that matter."
You sat up a bit straighter in bed. "Um, yes I do."
"No, you don't. I called Mina, asked her if you'd mind taking that shift for you and, since she knows what's happening, she agreed the extra day for travel would do you some good. So, she's covering you tomorrow then you're off work until next Wednesday. As for me, thanks to all that overtime I put in when Denki, Kyoka, and Hitoshi got married, the three of them are splitting up my days so I have until Wednesday too."
Eijiro sounded impossibly proud on the other line, you could almost see the smirk on his face. "You've got this all planned out, don't you?"
"And a bag nearly packed. Just need you to tell me what ties to bring."
"Gold, burgundy, and black."
"Thought your mom said no black for you?"
"She said no black for the wedding. She said nothing about black at the brunch!"
You couldn't wait to put on the tea-length dress that had been a favorite for years. Satin with a lacy top and, best of all, pockets.
He let out a rumbling laugh that fell off into comfortable silence as you laid back in your bed, lights still on, the room still a mess. You tapped the speaker icon and laid the phone on the pillow right beside your head, listing to the various sounds of Eijiro moving around.
A door creaking open, a hanger clattering against another, and a zipper. "And just like that, I'm all set."
"Don't forget your passport or hero license."
"I have one in my wallet and the other in my backpack."
You swiped up on your iPad, off Netflix, and going to google, lazily searching through flights. "So, did you find any good flights since you've clearly been looking?"
Another chuckle, "Eijiro, why are you laughing?" More stifled giggles had you sitting up in bed again. "Just tell me a site you were on. They're just flights, what's so funny?"
"There isn't a site."
"You said you were checking flights."
"And I was... on my family's jet."
"Eiji! No! No, no, no! That is supposed to be for their business or hero things! My stupid cousin's wedding is neither of those things!"
"Relax, Y/N. My family has multiple and they don't have any business trips planned right now anyways. I already cleared it with my mom. Seriously, I just mention your name and she's likely to let me have it for a whole year at least. Plus Todoroki's is back up in working order so the agency is covered too."
Damn, why'd he have to be so good at planning from time to time! You'd completely forgotten about the second jet his family had. Always opting for the larger one since the few missions they needed it for required them to bring fifty or so heroes along.
"Besides, if we fly private, we can land at an airstrip closer to the venue and won't need to drive four hours on top of a ten-hour flight."
"Alright, okay, thank you but, let me take care of the rental car, please. It's the least you can let me do."
"Deal. I just have one more question for ya."
"What's that?"
"Wanna leave tonight?"
You nearly dropped your damn iPad in shock. "Eijiro! What the fuck has gotten into you! It's the middle of the night!"
"I'm excited!" He boomed, "I haven't had a vacation in months!"
"I hate to break this to you, buddy, but this isn't going to be a vacation. You really shouldn't get your hopes up. This isn't going to be a good time with laughs and fun memories... my family, they just, they aren't those kinds of people."
"But we are." He stated matter-of-factly. "If they want to have sticks up their asses then let them! We'll have a good time on our own, laugh and make fun memories! So, what do you say, Y/N? I can be at your place in fifteen. I just gotta put shoes on and grab my keys..."
"Wait, hang on. Are you forgetting that we need someone to, oh, I dunno, FLY THE PLANE! Actually, we need two someone's, can't forget about a co-pilot!"
He hummed happily and you rubbed your temples. "You, you have a pilot and a co, don't you, Eiji?"
"Mhm! There is a company we use. Two can be at the hanger in an hour and every hour after that. I just have to make the call and get the flight plan approved which will be done before I even get to your house."
There was literally no reason to say no. You had mostly everything packed, nothing you needed to get from the store, all you had to do was put on pants and pack up your hygiene bag and you were ready too. Maybe getting there quicker and getting the whole thing over with would be better than staying home dwelling on everything.
"Better put your shoes on."
The glee in his voice, that was enough to make this whole thing worth it, "I'll see you soon."
Eijiro reached into the backseat and plopped a bag down on your lap the very moment you were buckled in. "Had to make a pit stop." He explained.
"It's after two in the morning, where'd you have to..."
"Just open the bag and don't complain."
You found it filled to the brim with all your favorite snacks.
"I'm sure the plane will have a bunch of snacks we can raid but I know for a fact they don't have these." He held up a pack of cookies and creme flavored pocky that had been his favorite for as long as you'd known him, quickly followed by your favorite flavor too. You also found a massive bag of gummy worms and jolly ranchers.
"So, what you're telling me is our teeth are going to rot by the time we land? Not that I'm complaining."
You ripped open the bag of ranchers knowing that was what he'd go for first and sure enough his hand dove inside just as he pulled away from the curb. You could hear his dangerously sharp teeth biting through the rock candy like it was nothing while you still rolled one around your mouth.
Eijiro asked you about the resort you'd be going to, wondering if you'd been there before or what other stuff you guys could do when you weren't dealing with your family. "I figured we could fly back Monday night or Tuesday morning, you know, just play it by ear in case there was anything else we wanted to do."
More than anything, you wished you could just leech a little bit of that excitement from him. The glimpses of his smile you caught as you drove under the street lights made your heart ache.
"What?" He asked with that wide smile of his. You'd been caught staring, red-handed.
"I, uh, I just don't know what to tell you."
You could see the subtle change of his grin, watch as it softened and his hand came to rest on your thigh. "Hey, it's gonna be fine! And if we run into them while out doing stuff, you can just avoid them or hide behind me!" At least hiding behind Eijiro is an easy thing to do, damn mountain of a man.
His thumb slowly brushed back and forth. "'S gonna be okay. I'll beat 'em up if they're assholes!"
You snickered at his Katsuki impression and let the drone of the radio fill the air around you both. Enjoying the silence the rest of the way to the hanger with Eijiro's hand atop your leg.
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floverful · 3 years
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、→﹐synopsis - the winter season has always brought you joy. ice skating with your friends has always been your favorite part. but one day on your weekly visit, an unfamiliar face showed up. omg love at first sight !!!!! this was someone you definitely wanted to get to know. the more you saw him, the more your feelings for him grew. but those feelings shatter when one day you see him dragging a girl along the ice with a smile on his face. →﹐pairing - park sunghoon x fem!reader →﹐genre - smau, high school au, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers →﹐warnings - none ! →﹐taglist - @abdiitcryy @softforqiankun @ncityy04 @tomorrowbymoa-together @babygay-stay @nycol-ie @enhacolor ﹒﹒ send an ask to be put in the taglist !
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yoon, yeji, yuna, and mina walked through the doors of the restaurant you all agreed to meet at before going to the rink. you wanted to be together from the beginning, so you wouldn't have to wait for people to come. they looked around, spotting you, nayeon, and chaeyoung sitting at a table with 4 open seats and walked over. they gave their greetings and sat down. "soo..." mina began, a menacing smile on her face. this got you worried. you knew she was going to mention the boy, and ask what you were going to say to him. they were all going to ask a million questions, and if you were being honest you didn't know the answer to any of them. you didn't know when you would approach him, or where for that matter. you DEFINITELY weren't going to try to talk to him in front of his friends. if you did, so many things could go wrong. you could either be completely embarrassed, or the opposite. but, you really weren't ready to take the chance. as for what you would say to him, you really didn't know. anything you could possibly say would still make the whole situation awkward, and to make things worse, you had no idea what his personality is like. you don't even know his name, how would you have a conversation with him without knowing anything about him? "if the boy is at the rink, would you talk to him?" mina finished. of course she brought him up. you knew it was going to pop up sometime. would you talk to him? you weren't sure. but, it's better to do it now rather than never. "yes" you answered. "what would i say though" you said, dropping your face into your hands. "i've been thinking about it and i still don't know." "you don't need a script yn, just play along with it i promise it'll be better that way" nayeon sympathized. "ok.." you said, unsure of what's going to happen. you all got up to leave after eating and paying. when you walked out the door, your stomach churned. you were nervous. and you weren't even sure if he was going to be there. there's a chance you would be nervous for no reason. the whole car ride there you were silent. thinking about every possibility to come. if this all goes well, you could end up being friends with him or more. but if it all goes wrong, you would be embarrassed, and live in regret. you knew you were overthinking, but you couldn't stop yourself. you couldn't find a place in the girl's conversation - to be honest, you didn't really want to. chaeyoung pulled up into the lot, mina following after. once you all got out of the cars, you made your way to the entrance. your arms were hooked with yuna and mina. they were both excited and it was obvious by how they shook you and squealed as soon as you walked in. "are you ready yn?" yeji asked you, while everyone else was watching, waiting for an answer. "yes i guess" you responded. you all proceeded walking to the front desk to check out skates. you see soobin standing with his back towards you finding the right size skates for the woman and her child standing next to your group. you recall last weeks event and groan, but what's the point in being embarrassed forever. you greet him with a smile and move on. while you're all sitting on the bench tying your skates, you hear nayeon gasp. she starts aggressively shaking your shoulder, repeating your name over and over again. "yn look ! on the rink !" she whisper shouts, catching the other girl's attention. you all look to where she was pointing, only to be met with the sight of the same group of boys from last time. your eyes scouted each of their faces, searching for a particular face. and as if on cue, there it is. there he stands, laughing at his friends who were seeming to struggle, holding their arms for support so they wouldn't fall. he really was ethereal. you've only seen him once and he's got you feeling this way. he could be a complete asshole for all you know, but you were willing to take that chance. seeing his face made you sure of it. you were going to talk to him, and you were going to do it today. you hurried your friends onto the ice and started skating, trying
to act chill. in reality, you wanted to look pretty to him. you wanted him to look at you how you looked at him the first time you saw him. you weren't very focused on your friends - more focused on finding an opening to talk to him. you grew nervous the longer he stayed with his friends. you needed to talk to him today. but you needed to talk to him alone. almost as if he had read your mind, he skated towards the exit and walked off. you looked to your friends and nodded, going after him. you stepped onto the rubber-like floor and looked around, searching for any sign that would lead you to where he went. you remembered what yuna once told you : "when in doubt look for a route. route starts with the letter r. what else starts with the letter r? right. therefore, always go right." it was stupid and you knew it - but you really had no other options. you went to the right and walked slowly down the hallway just incase he walked out of some sort of door. your heart sank when you got to the end of the hallway without seeing any sort of sign that his presence is around you. maybe i went the wrong way. what if i missed my only chance to get him alone? i guess it's for the best, i didn't know what to say to him anyways.. you thought. you walked back in the direction you came from looking at your feet. you didnt notice someone open a door in front of you due to your head overflowing with thoughts and doubts. it really wasnt that big of a deal, you would probably see him another time. but you had to admit you were kind of excited to finally talk to him. your trail of thoughts were interrupted when you bumped into something in front of you. you whipped your head up, confused - surprisingly to meet eyes with exactly who you wanted to meet eyes with. there he stood. right in front of you. you must’ve looked at each other in silence for too long, because he cleared his throat and looked away. “sorry” you mumbled, looking down again. you were freaking out to say the least. you couldn’t look up, but you didn’t want him to leave. “it’s ok” he responded, turning back around to continue on his way back to the rink. “wait” you said, a slight hint of desperation in your tone. he turned back around with a puzzled look on his face. “yeah?” “i saw the way you were skating over there, i thought you did really good.” you said with a smile. you felt weird. what if he thought you were weird? “oh yeah? thanks!” he replied, awkwardly scratching his neck. “are you good at skating?” he questioned, stepping closer, getting rid of the awkward distance between you two. “i like to say i am..” you laughed. “i’m definitely better than my friends.” you added. “yeah same” he laughed along. you both walked back to your friends together laughing about who knows what. “oh what’s your name by the way?” you asked him, as you were both about the go back to your friends. “park sunghoon, what about you?” he responded. “oh i’m yn” you answered. you really couldn’t believe this was happening right now. all of that time spent overthinking and worrying was for nothing. and he wasn’t an asshole, he really was the perfect guy. “well, we should get back to our friends now” he said waving, about to leave again. “wait can i have your number if that’s ok?” you asked. he stopped and turned around to look at you again. “yeah sure, type in your number” he said pulling out his phone and handing it to you. you filled out the information and gave it back, smiling wide. “i’ll text you later yn!” he said, finally skating back to his friends. you follow his actions and skate back to your friends, who were standing there with their jaws dropped. “no way.” mina said, obviously shocked. “YES WAY.” you squealed.
✿﹒previous﹒#﹒next﹒✦﹒masterlist authors note : FINALLY WE'RE BACK ON TRACK. expect kinda slow updates this week i start school today. maybe like every 1-3 days. also that isnt an actual yuna quote sadly i made that up on the spot
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Adorable - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing, slice of life, Bakugou kinda ooc but still lovable
Summary: Honestly it’s just some scenarios of Bakugou and Y/N being an adorable couple. It’s also just some moments in their lives as a couple
“Annnddd....done!” You squealed as you got your setup ready. You were currently setting up a cupcake tower on a table after you spent days baking. UA needed some funds so they set up a little event to raise money. Students could either participate in raising money or giving money and Y/N chose to do a little cupcake sale to help out. What a sweetheart.
“It looks amazing Y/N,” Mina said as she tried to grab a cupcake. You smacked her hand away before she snatched one. “Ow!”
“Those aren’t free Mina, they’re important too.” You explained as you picked up a stack of flyers to pass out.
“I know they’re important! They’re gonna save my life! I didn’t get to eat breakfast and I’m starvingggg.” You laughed at your best friend before you took a few steps away from your table to pass out the papers.
“Well unless you pay for it, you can’t have it. Besides, I put a lot of work into them. I spent a week in the kitchen and I just spent 4 hours setting up the table. Cant let them go to waste and just give ‘em for free.” you said as you gave away the flyers.
What you didn’t realize was that behind you at your table, Bakugou and Kirishima had stumbled upon your cupcake table and silently went in to grab one. Unfortunately, they weren’t the most graceful and tipped over your entire setup. They looked at each other in shock and quickly scrambled to fix their mistake as you were distracted. The boys picked up the table and quickly went to gather the cakes.
“I put a lot of time into them. There’s sugar free, dairy free-“
“Do you have any that are just free free? I’m really hungry.” Mina whined and you gave in.
“Fine, I’ll let you have a cupcake if you help me with the sale. You can make sure the table stays neat and tidy!” you bargained to which Mina agreed. However, as you said that, Bakugou had tipped the table again after he bumped into it while picking up cupcakes and Kirishima gave him a look that screamed ‘duuudeee seriously?!’ As he was on his knees picking up the sweets.
“Hey, maybe we can get Bakugou and Kirishima to help us too!” Mina offered.
“Ehh, I don’t know. They’d probably just want to eat everything,” you warned as you hung up one flyer.
“I doubt they’d put food in their mouths if it meant helping the school.” She tried to defend them but behind your backs, the boys panicked when they didn’t know what to do and just stuffed the cakes in their mouths. They left evidence all over their hands and face.
“Well, let’s get this bake sale started!” You said and when you both turned around to face your table, you saw it on the ground along with a few cupcakes. The rest of them were in the hands and mouths of Kirishima and Bakugou as you both watched them continue to chow down on the desserts. Once they noticed you guys staring they froze, dropped the cupcakes, pointed towards each other, and spoke with full mouths at the same time.
“.....he did it.” They both said with frosting and cake all in their hands, mouths, and faces.
Here’s the situation. Y/N has been directed to keep a low profile due to her being targeted by a few villains. She wasn’t down for that especially since her and Bakugou were a duo. She knew Bakugou could handle himself but it made her feel better knowing they were both looking out for each other on the field. And so, to keep fighting by his side, she went under an Alias hero name, Blaze, and gave herself a new look for the time being. She wore a very subtle and natural wig, different makeup, and wore a bandana mask that covered half her face.
Bakugou of course knew who she was, along with the rest of the former students in 1-A, but they went along with it so that Y/N can continue to fight. Unfortunately, “Blaze,” grew popular as people began to notice Bakugou’s “new” hero partner and eventually, the duo got an interview that wanted an inside scoop on all things Blaze. So here we are at that interview.
“You know Dynamight, I think I like this new partner better than H/N,” the interviewer said. Bakugou and the rest of 1-A grew a shocked and fearful look on their faces once those words left the poor man’s mouth.
“Excuse me?” Y/N aka Blaze said.
“Well, Blaze, I think you just have this special something that H/N never had. And, I think you’re more talented than her.” Ironic since the man is speaking to the same girl just with a different name. Once he said that though, the former students all grew shocked faces that were the embodiment of “😧😯” as they awaited for Y/N’s reply.
“Heh...what?” Y/N laughed trying to play it off and not be detected, “H/N is brilliant. You have no idea what you are talking about,” Y/N said with a slight smile but 100% attitude. Bakugou looked at his girlfriend with hesistant eyes as he was worried she would kill the man.
“I think I do,” the man started, “see, you just bring this fresh new look for Dynamight that H/N never brought.”
Bakugou was pissed this man was talking about his Y/N like that but he was in the eye of the public and had to keep a cool cover and so he quickly jumped to try and save this interviewer from Y/N’s wrath.
“H/N was also fresh! Heh..some might even say that H/N and Blaze have the same amount of ..fre-freshness.” Bakugou tried to counter but the man kept going.
“Well in my opinion, Y/N L/N wasnt an impactful or important part of your success at all. She was overrated.” And Bakugou’s face grew worried and shocked as his head snapped towards Y/N to gaze her reaction.
“Huh! What do you know?! You don’t fight villains or save lives!” Y/N aka Blaze said as she stood from her seat and walked towards the man. “You just sit there with your over-gelled, swoopy hair as you read and ask stupid questions off of stupid cards!” She said and took the cards out of his hands and threw them at the man.
Bakugou was quick to stand and try to take the attention away from the scene. “Hey uh..my-my team will be coming out with new Dynamight merch so stay tuned for that!..heh...”
“And another thing,” Y/N said as her intense stare never left the interviewer’s. “H/N has worked too hard to be treated with such disrespect! Am I right everyone?!” She asked the crowd in the audience as they all cheered in agreement.
“See this is what I’m talking about!” The man said as he stood up with you and Katsuki. “This is that exact fire that Y/N lacks!”
“Oh I’ll show you fire!” You said as you went to jump the man but before you got a chance Bakugou was quick to grab you and throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He turned to the man and apologized and created a casual conversation as you hung from his shoulders, fist-pumping with the crowd as they cheered on your alias name.
“Goodnight everyone!” Bakugou screamed as he ran off with you and out of the building. He took you home and you both had to take a breather from the insane night.
“Baby?” Bakugou screamed into your dorm room as he couldn’t find you. He just got back from a training session in the forest with Aizawa and had been looking for you all day. He just wants to see his teddy bear.
“Baby?” Checked the common rooms..nothing.
“Babyyy?” Checked the kitchens...nope.
“Y/N?” Checked the school..not here either.
“Teddy Bear?” Checked the gym..you already know. Bakugou got tired and went to the rooftop.
“TEDDY BEAARRRRRRRR!!!!” He screamed to the world. He still got nothing but then he heard feet running up the stairs and the door bust open. He turned in hopes of it being his loving girlfriend but instead he saw his 4 friends.
“BAKUGOU! SHUT UP!” They all screamed at him.
“Oh shut up idiots! I’m trying to find my girlfriend here!” Bakugou said and as he was getting ready to yell again, the Bakusquad shut him up and dragged him to his dorm room.
“Did you check there?!” Mina asked and she and the rest of the squad walked away. Bakugou walked in and saw you peacefully sleeping in his bed and out of nowhere his annoyed thoughts all left him as he smiled at your slumbering state. He took off his bags and shoes as he jumped into bed with you and smothered your face in quick kisses.
You finally woke up to the ticklish feeling of your loving boyfriend and giggled as he assaulted you with his love. “Hey baby, what’s up?”
“I’ve been looking for you Princess,” Bakugou said as his lips were on your cheek. His face was smooshed into yours as he inhaled your sweet scent. He loved it here.
“You need something, love?” You asked as you turned to face him. You watched as Bakugou just nodded his head and poked his lips out. Yes. Bakugou Katsuki did all that searching and yelling for a single peck on the lips from you. It was all he craved for and he was gonna get it. You smiled as you rolled your eyes and gave in. The sweet peck was enough to make Bakugou combust as he sighed in satisfaction and flopped onto his bed, bringing you down with you him.
“Thank you!” He said with shut eyes and a contempt smile.
“Sure babe, anytime,” you said as you cuddled into him and drifted back off to sleep. Katsuki following you, dreaming about giving you even more kisses.
Y/N had been meditating. Due to her quirk, it was good that she’d get some R&R during these peaceful and quiet states. Until her boyfriend walked in. Bakugou Katsuki, who is very much the opposite of peaceful and quiet.
“Baby?” He asked. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He said with a pretty chirpy attitude and a small smile.
“Go away,” you smiled sweetly at him for a second before turning back around.
A/N: idk I thought this was cute :/
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starryhyuck · 4 years
monetary value. (m) | richkid!mark
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pairing: richkid!mark x richkid!reader
words: 8k+
summary: falling in love with mark lee is not as easy as it seems. especially when you’re both engaged to other people.
genre: angst, fluff, smut
warnings: dom!mark, sub!reader, creampie, kind of infidelity, little exhibitionism, office sex, riding, unprotected sex, overstimulation
thank you for 1400 followers!!
you fall in love with mark lee in the summer of 2018.
it’s short but blissful — filled with longing gazes, soft whispers and the crisp trepidation that it would all be taken away from you someday.
and it was. you watch as mark loops his arm around mina’s waist, smiling for the cameras as the flashes drown their figures. you throw back your glass of champagne and you feel someone grasp your arm.
your brother, jaehyun, is giving you a warning look. “don’t cause a scene,” he hisses down at you. you roll your eyes at him.
it wasn’t your choice to separate and it wasn’t mark’s either. you two had obligations that you needed to return to — mark’s being mina and yours being yukhei. you’ve both been engaged for several years in order to bring your respective companies success, and falling in love with someone else was never in the cards for you.
yukhei was a lovely, gentle soul, but he wasn’t what you wanted. you wanted it to be that summer all the time. you wanted to feel mark’s hand grip yours at the local cafe. you wanted him to greedily kiss you on the sand while the waves crash against the shore. you wanted his fingers to brush away strands of your hair while he gently makes love to you underneath the moonlight.
you and mark ended things once summer was over. you both knew you couldn’t carry on with what you were doing after being betrothed to other people. you returned to yukhei with a heavy heart, and your fiancé remained oblivious, simply overjoyed to have you back home with him.
jaehyun is the one of the only people who knows of the affair. you tell your brother everything as you know you can trust him wholeheartedly. he also keeps you firm and grounded, reminding you of your place in this socialite world.
“i’m not causing a scene,” you reply to your brother. he gives you a hasty look.
you spot yukhei walking over and jaehyun disappears, leaving you with your fiancé. yukhei has his signature smile painted on his lips, coming to your side and offering you another glass of champagne.
“this place is nice, isn’t it? i was surprised at first when chenle decided to buy it, but now i can see why,” he murmurs to you.
your eyes roam around the expansive building, topped with a golden chandelier and dozens of socialites roaming about, sipping champagne and speaking frivolously to one another. zhong chenle, a close friend of yukhei, bought the building a couple of years ago and today was the grand opening of the new remodel. yukhei was more than excited this morning to attend, having been stuck at his father’s office for the past month working on the merger with your family.
“it’s very pretty,” you remark, your eyes once again finding mark’s figure. he speaks to na jaemin with a wide smile, his arm still snug around mina’s waist.
yukhei hums next to you. “chenle wanted to have dinner with us tomorrow night. i think jisung might tag along too. what do you think?”
you offer your best smile to him. “sounds great, yukhei.”
he beams back at you. you wish you could love yukhei as much as he clearly loves you. but no, your heart still lays with the man across the room.
“i’m going to go to the restroom,” you announce, handing him your champagne glass. he nods and after you step away, you hear kunhang approach him and ask him about how things are going at the company.
you need to breathe. you’re not trying to cause a scene of any kind like jaehyun thinks you are, but you need to be more loving and faithful to yukhei so that everyone is convinced by this sham of a marriage. mark plays his part well, and you need to do the same.
you’re staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror when mina walks in, pausing at the sight of you. you know that mina knows what happened between you and mark that summer, considering mark couldn’t keep a secret to save his life.
she doesn’t say a word when she stands next to you, fixing her hair in the mirror. your fingers grip the sink as the silence passes, tension filling the air.
“i’m sorry.”
you refuse to look at her as she makes her apology.
“you have nothing to apologize for,” you mutter back to her. she shakes her head.
“i do. i wish things were different, i really do.”
you can hear the sympathy in her voice, but you don’t want any part of it. you’re grateful that mina understands in some way instead of revealing your secrets to yukhei, but the emotion is overpowered by the feeling of jealousy that mina gets to be the one to go home with mark at the end of the day.
you exit the bathroom with a heavy heart, trying to find yukhei in the midst of the crowd. you’re stopped by naeun, who smiles gently at you and pulls you to the side.
“are you alright?”
naeun has been engaged to your brother since she was seven, but the only difference between their relationship and yours was that naeun and jaehyun actually loved each other. naeun acted as a sibling to you, and you didn’t mind jaehyun telling her your secrets from time to time because she was so understanding. she was constantly checking up on you to make sure you and yukhei were doing alright. most of the time, yukhei was but you were not.
“i’m doing fine, naeun.”
she frowns at your lie. her eyes flit over to where mark is standing, mina rejoining his side.
“he doesn’t love her.”
you shake your head. “it doesn’t matter.”
you find yukhei next to xiaojun and give him a soft kiss on the cheek, causing his whole face to light up at your affection.
this is where you belong. you simply can’t afford to think otherwise.
“i was thinking we could go to paris for your birthday. i know a few friends who live there.”
you smile at yukhei, who is eagerly leaning across the kitchen counter to speak to you. he looks like a kid on christmas day as he talks about your birthday plans.
you honestly didn’t want to do anything lavish this year. usually, your parents pay for some expensive trip as compensation for not giving a fuck about you. since you’re living on your own with yukhei now, they don’t really feel guilty anymore when they forget about you.
you’ve liked your past birthdays, most of them being spent in spain or italy. your favorite birthday was in athens, where jaehyun had first introduced you to mark.
you shake the thought out of your head to respond to yukhei.
“xuxi, i don’t really want to go anywhere this year. staying at home would be nice.”
he frowns. “that’s not fun! come on, this is the perfect time to take a vacation. we can go anywhere you’d like.”
you finish up the remains of your lunch and put the dishes in the sink. yukhei is adamant on following you out of the kitchen and into the living room. you lean down to pick up your laptop sitting on the couch but he stops you.
he has a serious gaze planted on his face and he sighs.
“i know you don’t really want to be married to me,” he whispers.
you avoid his stare. “what are you talking about?”
“i can see right through you, y/n. i’ve known you long enough.” he pauses, his fingers running over your hand gently. you still refuse to look at him, knowing you’ll only see the desperation in his eyes. “just give me a chance? i don’t want you to be stuck with me if you’re going to be unhappy.”
“i’m not unhappy, xuxi.”
“you are. i know you are.”
you exhale and he takes a step back from you so you can breathe.
“just let me throw you this party, okay? i promise it’ll be fun.”
and you feel bad. you feel awful because yukhei’s known this whole time that you’ve never loved him.
two weeks later, you find yourself in the heart of paris. yukhei made all of the arrangements fairly quickly, the both of you rooming in an apartment next to his friends, ten and yangyang. you know absolutely nothing about your party, and yukhei intends on keeping it that way.
he’s been doting on you since the plane landed in france, taking you to all of these art galleries and finding multiple bakeries to soothe your sweet tooth. you can tell yukhei is trying his hardest to change your mind, but everywhere you go, you see mark.
you see him as lovers pass by you, holding hands and smiling at one another affectionately. you see him as you gaze up at the eiffel tower, the lights shining down on your figure. you even see him when you look at yukhei, wishing mark was beside you instead.
you think back to that summer in greece when you first fell in love with him.
“you’re a little clumsy for a billionaire’s son, aren’t you?”
mark rolls his eyes at your teasing and you giggle. his cheeks redden as the both of you lean down to wipe up the coffee mark spilled all over the floor.
mark left the balcony door open so the breeze could flow inside but when a gust of wind throttled him, he spilled his morning coffee everywhere. he was such a klutz, yet you could never stay mad at him for long.
“the wind is really strong today, okay?”
you laugh again, throwing the soggy paper towels in the trash. you stand up and kiss him gently.
“you’re so silly.”
he grins, wrapping his arms around your waist. “but you love me anyway.”
you chuckle. “i guess i do.”
“so what do you think?”
you’re taken out of your daydream by the sound of yukhei’s voice. the both of you are sitting outside of a cafe, enjoying the gentle breeze of paris.
“sorry, what did you say?”
yukhei laughs softly at you. “about dropping by ten’s art gallery tonight? he’s been working really hard on his latest collection.”
“oh,” you murmur, breaking off a piece of the croissant yukhei bought you. “yeah, that sounds nice.”
he nods at your answer and takes a sip of his cappuccino. the two of you eat and drink in silence and although you find it comforting, you can tell his mind is swirling. he’s clearly troubled by your indifference to him. you’ve tried to make it better over the past few days, holding his hand and giving him kisses on the cheek here and there. he knows, however, that you don’t really mean it.
later that night, you slip on your favorite red dress from versace and pair it with some black louboutins. yukhei waits for you by the door, beaming when you approach him.
“you look beautiful,” he comments, sliding your jacket over your shoulders.
“thanks, xuxi.”
the car ride to the gallery is spent in silence, and you realize most of your interactions with yukhei consist of this now. you hate it because you and yukhei used to talk so freely, but you can tell he considers this trip to be a turning point in your relationship.
when you arrive at the venue, yukhei quickly jogs over to open your door for you, and you smile as you take his hand and step out of the car. you thank the driver and loop your arm through yukhei’s, walking slowly up the steps to the gallery.
“have fun tonight,” he murmurs to you. you furrow your eyebrows at his odd statement, but it all comes clear to you once yukhei swings open the door.
you’re drowned in a chorus of surprise! and you’re in shock by the sight before you. all of the people who run within your circle are gathered in this small art gallery, huddled together as streamers fall down from the ceiling.
naeun and jaehyun approach you first, both of them offering a hug.
“happy birthday!”
even though your birthday wasn’t for another two days, you figure this was part of the illusion of yukhei’s surprise.
“how did you guys get here?” you ask, still a little frazzled by everyone’s appearance. 
naeun giggles at you. “xuxi arranged everything!”
“yeah, isn’t that nice of him?” jaehyun questions. you know what he’s implying, but you ignore it.
more of your friends envelop you into their arms, giving you happy birthday greetings or complimenting your appearance. you smile at all of them, accepting their kind words as you try to get through everybody. you feel a little overwhelmed by the attention but you do your best to thank everyone for coming.
it probably wasn’t a hassle for most of them to fly to paris on such short notice, given most of your friends like taking spontaneous trips anyway. you’re pretty sure yuta was just in new york yesterday with sicheng.
you lose yukhei again in the crowd, rina pulling you aside and asking how your romantic getaway with yukhei has been. all of your friends seem to buy into your blossoming relationship, and they have no reason not to.
“everything’s going great, rina,” you smile tightly.
she grins and clutches your arm. “it’s so sweet how he did all of this for you! i would die if i was in your place.”
you nod and laugh, ignoring the guilt pooling in your stomach. you know that no matter how nice yukhei treats you and how hard he tries to be the man you want, you can never love him the way he wants to be loved. you can never have what your brother and naeun have.
rina leaves you to get a glass of champagne and that’s when you hear him.
“happy birthday.”
your back stiffens. you can identify that voice anywhere. it’s the same voice that used to sing you to bed, strumming his guitar gently as his gentle hums lull you to slumber. it’s the same voice that asked you if you would wait for him when the seasons changed. it’s the same voice who whispered sweet nothings to you during those late nights when it was only you and him.
you turn around to look at him. mina’s right by his side, looking a little uncomfortable by the interaction.
he looks as handsome as ever — wearing a suit from armani’s latest collection. your eyes focus on the cufflinks he’s wearing, the same pair you bought him for his birthday two years ago.
his gaze is heavy and you feel trapped underneath it. was it possible for him to be your biggest daydream and your greatest nightmare all at once?
“thank you,” you clear your throat. “i’m glad you both could make it.”
you fail to decipher the look in his eyes. you feel as if time has stopped, and there’s no one else in the room except you and him. mina averts her gaze, feeling as if this is too intimate for her to see.
mark whispers delicately to you, but you swear that he’s screaming.
“we wouldn’t miss it.”
it’s two hours later when you feel completely exhausted, walking outside to catch some fresh air. you’ve talked to yukhei only once since the party’s started. he’s been distracted by ten and yangyang, all three of them laughing and catching up with one another. you have no problems with this considering it’s the happiest you’ve seen yukhei in weeks.
you settle down on the outdoor steps, sighing softly and gazing at the night sky.
you hear the door open but you figure it’s just doyoung leaving early. he usually has morning meetings but he always makes sure to attend these gatherings for his friends.
you’re surprised when you catch mark in the corner of your eye, taking a seat beside you. you freeze, not really sure exactly what he’s doing.
“we could’ve made it work.”
you pause for a few seconds before responding.
“no, we couldn’t have.”
he chuckles and shakes his head, staring down at the concrete steps. you bring your knees up to your chest and rest your chin on top of them.
to have mark this close to you after so long — it felt both terrifying and freeing at the same time.
“we should’ve left,” he whispers. you hear the crack in his voice and you shut your eyes. “that night in plaka. we should’ve run away. you’re not supposed to be with him and i’m not supposed to be with her.”
“you’re wrong,” you murmur, feeling choked up already. “we were always meant to be with them. xuxi would’ve searched for me if i had left-“
“bullshit,” mark hisses, turning to face you now. you keep your eyes closed but you can feel his stare burning through the side of your head. “look at what yukhei’s done just to make you happy. you honestly think he wouldn’t let you go if he knew it’s what you wanted?”
you can feel a tear slip out and you sniffle, wiping it away frantically with the back of your hand. mark’s heart breaks at the sight of you crying.
“i don’t want to argue with you,” you whisper breathily. “what’s done is done. you get married to mina and i get married to yukhei. that’s how it was always supposed to go.”
you think mark will leave then, but he stays by your side, eyes staring up at the moon. you can hear the tremble in his voice the next time he speaks.
“i fucking miss you. i miss you so fucking much, you don’t even understand,” he says, hands balling up into fists. “i wish we could go back. remember that night we met in athens? you looked straight out of heaven, i swear. i knew i wanted you then. just like how i want you now.”
“stop,” you mutter. “stop saying those things.”
“why? it’s the truth,” he scoffs.
you feel a burst of anger flare in your chest. your eyes flutter open and you glare at him.
“you think i don’t miss you either? you think that that summer meant nothing to me? fuck, mark, i think about you all the goddamn time. i think about you when i’m supposed to be thinking about yukhei. when i’m supposed to be marrying him, not you.”
the door swings open again and you both turn to see who it is. yukhei walks out, his face confused by the sight of your teary eyes. he rushes over, leaning down and checking on you.
“hey, you okay? what happened?”
“nothing,” you smile at him, giggling a little to reassure him. “i just drank too much champagne. mark was out here comforting me.”
mark looks frustrated by your words, and he’s clearly not liking the fact that yukhei’s trying to take care of you. his hands are still balled into fists as he stands up. he puts on his best grin for yukhei to see.
“just wanted to make sure the birthday girl has a good time,” he assures. you watch as he walks back into the building, his figure disappearing into the sea of bodies.
“you sure you’re okay?” yukhei murmurs, checking you over again. he’s never really seen you cry and he’s honestly panicking a little on the inside.
you put on your best smile once again.
“i’m fine.”
“mark, this is my sister, y/n. y/n, this is mark.”
you smile at the man jaehyun has presented before you. you’re a little tipsy and you quickly adjust the birthday girl tiara that’s threatening to fall off your head. jaehyun laughs at your ridiculousness.
“nice to meet you, mark lee. my brother talks so fondly of his soulmate.”
mark chuckles out of embarrassment, the tips of his ears growing red. “ah, jaehyun just jokes about that.”
jaehyun rolls his eyes. “don’t act like we weren’t meant to be, mark.”
mark’s cheeks grow redder if it was even humanly possible. you giggle at his cute nature. jaehyun is soon whisked away by johnny, who is asking your brother to play beer pong with him. you snicker at their antics.
you’re left alone with mark, and to be perfectly honest, he’s a little awkward. a little too awkward to be a big shot ceo.
“aren’t you supposed to be the heir of lee enterprises?” you shout over the blaring music. it’s only fitting that jaehyun chose a raging club in athens as the venue for your party this year. you were genuinely having a good time, especially because you didn’t have to worry about pretending to be in love with yukhei — he couldn’t join the trip since he needed to step up to his duties at the company.
mark laughs at your question. “that’s my brother, taeyong! i’m just the stand-in second child.”
you smile at his joke. “same here! i’m the disappointment, jaehyun’s the looker!”
you both chuckle and you take a step forward, ignoring the way mark’s breath gets caught in his throat at your action. you lean up to whisper in his ear.
“wanna get out of here?”
you toss and turn in bed, struggling to fall asleep. yukhei grumbles next to you, having fallen asleep over a hour ago. you sigh and get up as quietly as possible, trying your best not to wake your fiancé. you succeed as yukhei doesn’t move an inch, still as a rock while he dozes on.
you move to the balcony connected to your bedroom, shutting the door quietly and taking a seat on one of the lounge chairs. it’s a little cold and you wrap your blanket tighter around yourself.
the party ended without a hitch tonight, most of your friends still laughing and drinking together when you and yukhei left. he was worried about you after he caught you outside with mark, but after repeatedly reassuring him that you were okay, he let it go.
you didn’t see mark after your conversation, and you assume he left quickly with mina to avoid doing something he would regret. you think about his words as you stare down at the small streets of paris. you can still hear people chattering even though it’s already 4am, most of them drunk and stumbling on their way back home.
your mind travels to the last night you spent with mark during that summer. he was begging you to leave with him, practically on his knees to try and convince you.
“just come with me. we can start a different life. we don’t have any ties to hold us down! jaehyun and taeyong will both take over our companies, they don’t need us to be there!”
you shake your head at his ludicrous idea. “are you insane? did you forget about mina? about yukhei? they’re both waiting for us to come home, mark.”
“i am home,” he says strictly, walking over to you and gently stroking your cheek. “i’m right here with you, and that’s the only place i need to be. we don’t need to do this to ourselves, baby. we don’t need to separate. let’s get on the next flight to wherever and start a new life.”
you push him away and sigh. “we can’t. i can’t do that to him.”
“do you love him?”
you narrow your eyes. “no, and you know very well that i never have. i’m just not going to be some asshole who leaves her fiancé and her family with no explanation whatsoever. we both knew this wasn’t forever, mark.”
he tugs at his hair, clearly frustrated with your stubborn nature.
“so you’re telling me that you’re going to go home and act like everything’s fine? you’re going to walk down the aisle and get married to yukhei and not think of me?”
you turn away from him, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill. realization is hitting you like a truck — this would have to be it. you can’t see mark again. everything that’s happened since the beginning of summer is coming to an end.
“yes, that’s exactly what i’m going to do. i recommend you do the same.”
mark watches your back tremble as you refuse to face him. he exhales, running his hands down his face exasperatedly. minutes pass in complete silence, the only sound being heard are your small sniffles and mark’s occasional sigh.
“i love you,” he whispers. “i love you, and that’s not going to stop. i don’t care if i have to tell yukhei myself, but i’m going to make you realize it.”
the weight of mark’s words still linger in your mind. you ponder over the consequences if you do decide to leave yukhei. honestly, you didn’t want to break his heart. he’s always been so kind to you and understanding, despite your indifference towards him. he’s treated you that way since you two were younger. the only flaw about yukhei is that he loves you.
you wish you had one of those romance stories where you grew up with yukhei and fell in love with him when you both became adults. it would make everything so much easier if that were the case.
on the other hand, you couldn’t embarrass your family. your parents have worked so hard just to build the family business from the ground up. jaehyun’s been trained to step in as ceo since the day he was born, and the merger with naeun and yukhei’s family would bring your company’s profits through the roof. you couldn’t afford to lose yukhei and potentially damage the future of jung corporation.
you can’t decipher if you’re using these reasons as excuses. you’ve always been scared to go against your parents’s wishes. you were so young when they told you that you would be married to yukhei, and you’ve been raised to believe that everything they’re doing for you is for your own good.
maybe you really were a coward. you’re just afraid to fully take the leap with mark — to leave everything behind and be known as a disgrace to the rest of your family. mark was ready to sacrifice everything to be with you, but your cowardice prevented you from doing the same.
the door to the balcony opens and yukhei peers out, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“what are you doing out here?”
“couldn’t sleep.”
he joins you on the balcony, gently shutting the door behind him. he settles on the chair next to you. you both bask in the silence for a while before yukhei speaks up.
“have you been in love with mark for a long time?”
your head darts up, eyes widening at his question. you stare at yukhei but he doesn’t look at you, continuing to peer over the balcony.
“w-what- how did you-“
“you never cry,” he replies. “you only cry when you’re overwhelmed or seriously hurt. i’ve seen you drink at least seven glasses of champagne without ever tearing up. it also wasn’t hard to tell that mark wanted to murder me as soon as i came over to you.”
“yukhei,” you whisper. “i-“
“i know. you don’t need to be sorry. i should’ve known — you were always so dismissive and standoffish whenever we were at a party with the lee’s. you also weren’t the same when you returned from greece.”
you try to digest the fact that not only did yukhei know about you and mark, but he also knew you so well that he could tell something was off about you.
he takes a brief pause before asking his next question. “did you think i would be mad? that i wouldn’t let you be happy?”
you shake your head. “i just- i couldn’t disappoint everybody-“
he throws his head back and releases a throaty laugh.
“y/n, who gives a fuck about what anyone thinks? i’ve watched you be miserable over the past two years because you’re torturing yourself with this idea that you need to please everyone.” he turns to you and takes your hands in his. “i really do love you. more than i’ve ever loved anyone else. so that’s why i’m telling you that you need to find mark and be with him before it’s too late.”
“xuxi, it’s not that easy-“
“but it is!” he exclaims, trying to get you to see the bigger picture. “don’t you understand how easy it is? listen, the merger with your family is already ninety-five percent complete. there’s no way in hell my father is going to back out of this, especially after our stocks rose by a considerable amount last month. we don’t need to be married. our relationship was just the first step for both of our companies.”
your bottom lip trembles while you register all of the information he’s throwing your way. yukhei is telling you that you can be with mark now, you have nothing holding you back. everything would be perfect if you just weren’t so-
“scared,” you mumble. “i’m so scared, xuxi.”
“i know, i know you are,” he says, eyes staring at you in worry. “just talk to him. if he loves you, he’ll listen.”
when you come back home, you’re a little out of touch with reality. the first thing yukhei wants you to do is call mark but since you’re still trying to register everything, he lets you be.
he takes the guest room while you try to sort out whatever the fuck is going on in your head. you call naeun in the midst of your imminent breakdown, and she answers immediately.
“why can’t me and yukhei be like you and jaehyun?”
she’s a little startled by your question but she replies anyway.
“because you don’t love yukhei. you love mark.”
and it sounds so idiotic because you already knew this, but hearing someone else say it makes all the lightbulbs click.
“thanks, naeun.”
the first person you want to talk to is mina. you really don’t know mina well, the both of you simply acknowledging each other at parties. her brother, seungyoon, was the head of kang corporation and working on the merger with taeyong.
you’re in your head as you drive over to the kang household, fingers gripping the steering wheel while you try to think of what to say.
mina is surprised when she opens up the door to see your figure behind it. you both awkwardly stare at one another before you clear your throat.
“can we talk?”
she nods, stepping back to let you in. you two rest comfortably on the kang’s living room couch while one of the maids serves some tea for the both of you to drink. mina avoids your gaze but you can tell she is curious about why you’ve decided to visit.
“um,” you start off, trying to find the words to say. “i came over because i wanted to talk to you about mark.”
“oh. well, mark isn’t here,” she replies. “he hasn’t lived with me since he came back from greece.”
“oh,” you murmur, feeling embarrassed. you’re sure that mark’s living situation changed because of you. “i didn’t know that.”
she sighs. “y/n, i wasn’t lying that night when i told you i wished things were different. i don’t love mark and i know for sure he doesn’t love me. you’re all he can think about since that summer, and we only put on a good show for the cameras.”
you exhale. “i’m sorry. we shouldn’t have been so reckless, especially knowing you and yukhei were waiting-“
you’re surprised when mina throws her head back and laughs.
“i don’t care about that.” she comes over and sits next to you, looking into your eyes. “i actually love someone else just as mark loves you. i loathe this marriage as much as you do.”
you widen your eyes. “wait, what? who?”
mina blushes then, averting her gaze from you. she clears her throat.
“do you know the hwang family?”
you choke. “hwang hyunjin?”
her cheeks grow redder as she nods. she stares down at her feet while she speaks to you. “that’s not the point. i’m just saying that if you want to go to mark, by all means, i’m not stopping you. it would make him less grumpy.”
you laugh, feeling as if a big weight has been taken off your shoulders.
“thank you, mina.”
you head to lee enterprises on a mission, wearing mark’s favorite floral dress and the cartier necklace he bought you. you know he’s bound to be in the office right now, especially since taeyong is away in japan for business affairs.
you’re nervous as you can feel the stares of the company workers on you when you walk through the glass doors. you keep your head low and sigh when you get to the elevator, pressing the highest floor before anyone can get in with you.
you go over and over in your head what you plan to say to mark but you know you’re going to forget everything anyways the moment you see him. when the elevator doors open, you scan the area and try to identify where mark’s office is before anyone sees you.
you’re caught when jungwoo lays his eyes on you as he walks by.
you laugh awkwardly. “uh, hey, jungwoo. do you happen to know where mark’s office is?”
he blinks twice, clearly surprised by your presence.
“yeah, um, his office is in the back. next to taeyong’s.”
“thanks,” you mutter, glancing at him one more time before scurrying away. you’re fully embarrassed now but you can’t afford to go back, not when you’ve made it this far.
you awkwardly enter the waiting room of mark’s office and his secretary, renjun, is shocked to see you.
“oh, hi y/n. did you have an appointment with mark?”
“not really,” you reply. “is he with someone right now?”
“well, no, but-“
“okay, great!” you beam at him, and renjun stutters when you knock on the door to mark’s office.
when you hear him call come in, you take a deep breath before opening the door.
mark is working diligently at his desk, head down as he shuffles through papers. you close the door so that renjun doesn’t hear anything. mark’s yet to look up at you, focused on the task at hand.
“what is it, renjun?”
“i’m a coward, and i’m sorry.”
mark’s head darts up at the sound of your voice, and he swears he’s dreaming.
there’s absolutely no way you’re standing in front of him right now. he stands up, pinching his leg to make sure he’s actually awake. you walk closer to him, trying to gather all of the courage you can muster.
“we should’ve run away together.”
he comes over to you, stumbling a little and almost tripping on one of the chairs, causing you to giggle. he stands in front of you but he’s lost on if he’s allowed to touch you. you smile and decide for him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him gently.
mark digs his fingers into your hips and pulls you closer. the kiss quickly turns into something else as mark is greedily trying to get you as close to him as possible.
you pull away, slightly breathless. “don’t you want to know why i’m here?”
“i haven’t had you like this in two years, baby. i don’t really give a fuck about anything else right now.”
you end up pinned underneath him as he lays your body across his desk, desperate to get a feel of you. he stumbles as he quickly tries to find the phone and you watch him click a few buttons before renjun’s voice comes over the speaker.
“cancel everything today. you can go home early, renjun.”
“mark, you have that meeting with-“
he hangs up the phone, returning to pressing kisses against your collarbone. his fingers work on pushing up your dress so he can fully see the lacy underwear you’re wearing.
“mark,” you hiss, trying to get him to slow down so you can actually have a conversation with him. he’s rabid at this point, pulling down the top of your dress and attaching his lips to your mound. “mark, i wanted to let you know that i finally realized how stupid i was during that summer.”
he hums around your breast, flicking his tongue over your nipple. you moan and tug at his hair.
“mark, yukhei made me realize something.”
“please don’t talk about yukhei right now,” he murmurs, moving his attention to your other breast. “you’re so pretty, baby. did you wear this dress just for me? you know how much i like it. gives me easy access. remember when i fucked you in that alleyway in plaka?”
and you do remember. you were high on adrenaline that day and mark was absolutely mesmerized by the way your dress would bounce whenever you took a step. he was practically dying to get a taste of you and so you let him pound you ruthlessly in an empty alleyway. it didn’t end there either — he also fingered you in a cafe bathroom and let you ride his cock on the balcony of your shared apartment in athens.
let’s just say mark really liked this dress and you two were also very sexually active that summer.
“missed you, baby,” he murmurs. “haven’t fucked anyone else in two years.”
your eyes widen. “you haven’t fucked anyone in two years?”
he shakes his head. “can’t. only think of you.”
he moves up so that he’s face to face with you again. you rub your thumb over his cheek.
“i’m sorry. i love you. i wish i wasn’t so stupid.”
he laughs. “you’re not stupid. a little out of your mind, maybe.”
you whine when mark plays with the waistband of your underwear.
“aren’t we going a little too fast?”
he chuckles. “this is coming from the girl who rented a whole movie theater just so we could fuck in there all day.”
you narrow your eyes. “touché.”
soon enough, mark’s got your dress and underwear on the floor, his tongue lapping at your folds. you cry out, tugging fistfuls of his hair while he devours your pussy.
mark’s clearly clouded by lust and the office is filled with sounds of him slurping your juices. you try to give mark a warning that your orgasm is approaching fast, but he’s lost in his own world, eyes closed as he eats you out. you soar into your first orgasm and sob, bucking your hips up into mark’s mouth.
he groans when you cum, not stopping his relentless assault on your pussy. you whine from the overstimulation and try to push him away, but mark is persistent, using his hands to pin your thighs down to the table.
you forgot how much mark likes to see you cum. you remember being completely drained that summer in greece after mark pounded into you every night, desperate to see you fall apart over and over again.
you throw your head back when another climax builds just as quickly as the first. he pulls away from you and pushes a finger inside your weeping hole, curling it upwards.
“missed this pussy, baby,” he murmurs. “forgot how wet and tight you are. gonna take my cock later like a good girl?”
“yes, yes,” you chant, moaning when mark adds another finger.
“come on, baby. come on,” he whispers, picking up his pace and inserting a third finger. to throw you over the edge, he attaches his lips to your clit and sucks hard.
you thrash underneath his hold as your orgasm sweeps over your body, heightening your senses and throwing you deep into pleasure. you ride out your high on his fingers and when you whine again from the oversensitivity, mark stands up and unbuckles his belt.
you gasp when he lifts you off from the desk and drags you over to the large, glass windows that cover half of his office. you whimper when he presses you up against the glass.
you’re high enough to where the people walking on the sidewalk can’t see you unless they really looked, but the thrill still pulsates through your veins. you can’t even imagine what you look like — your breasts exposed and your dress bunched up at your waist.
mark’s grunting behind you, slacks around his ankles as he fists at his cock. you whine and arch your back, desperate to feel him fully.
“want me, baby?” he whispers in your ear. you shudder. “tell me how much you missed me.”
“m-missed you s-so much,” you blubber, pressing your hands up against the window. “fuck me mark, please.”
he slowly pushes into you and you cry at the stretch, feeling the burn in your throat. he soothes you through it, rubbing his thumb over your hip when he bottoms out. he gives you time to get adjusted, pressing small kisses against the curve of your spine.
“feel so good, baby. wet and snug around me, you fit like a fucking glove. did yukhei ever fill you this well?”
“i-i never f-fucked yukhei,” you reply.
the answer pleases him and he takes an experimental thrust into you. when you moan at the pleasure, mark turns into someone else.
you try your best to balance yourself on the glass while mark relentlessly pummels into you, pushing you further and further up the window. his hands move to cup your breasts and he licks at your neck, wanting to touch you everywhere.
“a-angel,” he hisses in your ear, the sound of his balls slapping against your clit filling the air. “my perfect little angel. little cock whore, aren’t you?”
you barely register his words and mark growls when he doesn’t receive an answer. his fingers grip your face and he brings you against his chest. you sob when the angle has him hitting you deeper.
“don’t wanna answer? been fucked too dumb to reply, baby? missed my cock, didn’t you?” you quickly nod at his questions, eyes rolling back as he constantly hits your sweet spot. “thought about you all the time. jacked off every single night to the thought of having you like this again. missed you so much.”
“m-missed you too, mark,” you mumble back to him.
his other hand moves down to stimulate your clit and you grip his wrist, your body going into overdrive. you convulse around his cock and you spasm around him, crying and whining while mark holds you firmly.
he moves the two of you so that he’s sitting in his office chair with you on top of him. you wail when he slaps your ass.
“ride me.”
despite your shaky legs, you follow his orders and build a steady pace on top of him. he watches as you swivel your hips and groans at how good you feel around him. you pick up your pace when the pleasure builds up in your tummy again. mark’s fingers dig into your hips as he tries to guide you up and down his cock. you grab his shoulders and move faster, bouncing on top of him.
you practically see white when you cream mark’s cock for the fourth time, wrapping your arms around him when your body goes limp. he gives you a few seconds to recover before thrusting into you.
you whine. “mark, i can’t.”
“don’t lie to me, baby.”
and you remember that mark’s seen you come at least seven times in one night, so he knows no feat is impossible.
he lazily fucks you to another orgasm and you let him use your body until he shoots ribbons of his cum deep inside you, groaning loudly as he empties out. he doesn’t stop until almost a minute later, giving you everything he has.
you can already feel some of his cum start to spill out but you and mark don’t care as you kiss each other gently. mark holds you close, not wanting to part from you any longer.
“what are we gonna do?” you ask him quietly.
“about what?”
you roll your eyes. “about our engagements! and the company’s merger too.”
“i’m sure mina would be more than happy to be engaged to hyunjin, and i can talk about the merger with taeyong. i’ll make it work, baby, don’t worry. how about yukhei?”
“he’s the one who told me to come to you.”
“huh,” mark hums. “maybe he isn’t that bad.”
“he isn’t! you’re just jealous,” you murmur.
“can’t help it. i love the prettiest girl alive.”
“you’re spending too much time with johnny.”
he smiles and kisses you.
“we’re going to be together, baby. i’ll make sure of it.”
“merci, bonne journée à toi aussi!”
the young man at the bakery smiles and waves at you as you exit. you carefully place the cake you ordered in the back of your car, making sure it’s safely tucked away before driving off.
you hum lowly to the sound of the music vibrating through the speakers. it isn’t long before you reach your apartment, quickly parking and unloading everything inside.
you get to setting the cake up immediately, lighting the candles and clearing the kitchen counter. you jump a little when you hear the familiar click of the front door.
“in here!” you call, quickly holding the cake up in your hands as mark walks into the room. “happy birthday!”
he grins at you, laughing as he walks over. you sing a horrible rendition of the birthday song to him but mark loves it anyways, giving you a kiss on the lips before blowing out his candles. you cheer for him and smile, placing the cake safely back down on the counter.
“thank you, baby,” he hums, kissing your temple. “i love it.”
you and mark moved to paris shortly after reuniting. as soon as taeyong returned from his business trip, mark worked day and night to try and get the merger with mina’s family to go through. mina’s father was at first appalled by mark’s decision to leave his daughter but once he learned of mina’s own relationship with hyunjin, he agreed to keeping the merger. knowing the company was in safe hands with taeyong, mark had no qualms about leaving.
yukhei was able to successfully merge his and your family’s company without letting anyone know of your relationship problems. your last conversation with him still leaves your mind dizzy, but you’re grateful to him for everything he’s done for you.
“you don’t deserve this, xuxi. i’m sorry for not being who you wanted me to be.”
yukhei shakes his head, leaning back in the dining room chair. he knows you leave for paris tomorrow to start your new life with mark, and he doesn’t want you to feel guilty about anything.
“you have nothing to be sorry about. i’m just glad you’re finally happy. i’ve never seen you like this before.”
you smile shyly. “yeah, i guess i’m acting a little different now. i hope you could visit us in paris someday.”
he smiles. “count me in. don’t forget to add the wedding invitation.”
jaehyun was a little more reluctant on letting his baby sister run off with one of his friends to a different county. naeun was able to soothe most of his worries and your departure was one of the first times you’ve seen jaehyun cry.
it was also the first time you’ve seen him threaten mark.
now, you and mark live a peaceful life in france. given most of your inheritance was cut in half due to your strike of ‘rebellion against the family,’ mark found a small job producing music at a local recording studio and you took to practicing what little business knowledge you acquired from your parents by investing in some new homes around paris.
you were living the life you always wanted with mark, and you couldn’t be happier.
you’re interrupted from your thoughts by the feeling of mark sliding his hands up your shirt.
“i think i know what i want for my birthday present.”
you laugh and kiss him, letting the birthday boy take you the way he wants.
taglist: @suhweo​, @bubudays​, @ncteaxhoe​, @floweringtheflowers​, @keemburley​, @en-see-tee​, @nctandmatteblackaremyaethstetic​, @oreo-cheesycake​
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bukojuiice · 4 years
i like you a latte. ➸ coffee shop au headcanons
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ೃ pairings: (izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, and shoto todoroki x reader)
ೃ  tags: headcanons, coffee shop au!
ೃ warnings:  none
ೃ word count 4572 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​ @sparkykatsuki​ @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy
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- Katsuki Bakugo
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-        Being a barista or just someone who works in a coffee shop in general, leads to a lot of unexpected things.
-        You meet and interact with a lot of busy people every single day. They come and they go.
-        Anything could absolutely happen.
-        But did it ever cross your mind that amongst all these busy people who flock in and out of the café, that you’d fall in love with one of them? Nope.
-        That was until a particularly handsome spiky-haired blonde came crashing into the door with his chaotic friends at his tail, pushing him to confess his feelings to you.
-        How did this come to be? Why you of all people?
-        Bakugo and his squad frequently visit a café that you work in as a barista.
-        You were one to take note of every regular customer you see.
-        You do it for fun most of the time and it’s nice to observe people, especially at a very social job such as this.
-        Katsuki and his friends were a bit loud and stood out in particular. They were good-intentioned people and they looked like they were very fun to be with.
-        They immediately piqued your interest as soon as you saw them line up at the counter, chattering away, their personalities clashing with each other with the way they talked, yet they looked like they were all still the best of friends.
-        Kaminari noticing how cute and pretty you are, and decided to hit on you. Pulling a very lame romantic coffee pun that you’ve heard time and time again.
-        His red-headed friend who was a few places away from him, bonked him in the head for being a weirdo again.
-        You brush him off jokingly, ignoring his pleas and side remarks until he finally tells you his order and apologizes. (Not only for embarrassing himself, but also to you for having to put up with a lame joke.)
-        When it was time for the blonde to order, you notice his expression soften and his voice go low. and as oblivious as you were, you just took it as a casual customer who was just being courteous and respectful to baristas like you.
-        But, you were very very wrong. There was meaning in it all along.
-        “One Pumpkin Spice Latte please.” He announces his order, looking away from you, whilst you can hear his friends snickering behind you as if they were teasing him about something.
-        “Will that be all?” You smile, calculating his order onto the cash register.
-        “Yes.” He nods solemnly, then hands his payment to you.
-        “Name please?”
-        “Katsuki.”
-        Ever since that warm spring day in March, the blonde would visit almost every day.
-        Sometimes with or without his friends, sometimes just dropping by to get his usual drink or staying until closing hours, sometimes ordering his usual Pumpkin Spice Latter or some other drink that surprises you, and sometimes with a book on his hand or typing away on his laptop.
-        And- you never got tired of seeing him.
-        For all the people who come in and out of this establishment, he was special.
-        He became someone whom you couldn’t get out of your head, someone who you were excited to see after a tiring day, and he became a sort of reminder to you as to why you came to love this job in the first place.
-        In fact, you’ve grown to like him by just merely observing him.
-        Sure, there were times when you’d go up to his table and interact with him. Engaging in small talk, albeit sometimes he didn’t seem interested, but you knew he was listening.
-        You wanted to interact with him more than just idle chit chat. More than just asking if he enjoyed his drink or if he need an extra fork or straw. You wanted it to be more than just that.
-        Katsuki feels the same too, but with how unfriendly and aggressive he may look sometimes, he has no idea how to interact with you either. Maybe, he might hurt your feelings or maybe you might misinterpret something he says, prompting you to not approach him anymore.
-        Maybe for the first time in his life, he needed to appreciate and be contented with the little things. No matter how insignificant or trifling they may be, he had to be content with what he has with you right now.
-        That was until today.
-        You take a tray from the counter, and place Katsuki’s drink on it. You walk slowly to his table, showing him your usual smile, sliding his drink off your tray and putting it down on his table. “Enjoy your drink Katsuki-san!” Next, you place tissues and his usual order of honey-glazed donut (in contrast to his every day order of pumpkin spice latte)
-        When… your hand brushed with his.
-        You hear yourself squeal in place, slowly taking back your hand and apologizing. “Ah, I’m s-sorry! Anywho, enjoy your drink!”
-        “Wait.” He grabs your wrist. His touch, soft and gentle, giving you a very different feeling that you would usually feel from a guy like him. “Can I ask for your name?”
-        “Oh. It’s (Y/N)! It’s nice to meet you Katsuki-san! Bye!” You cover your face, running back to the counter to attend to another customer’s order, leaving his table before he was even able to say another word.
-        It was a week before he came back to the coffee shop after that day.
-        You counted the days when he didn’t visit, and because of that, you were in a rather damp and sad mood ever since. Maybe he wanted to tell you something? Maybe he was about to tell you he was never going back to the coffee shop again? Maybe he took the gesture of you running away from him as a sign that you weren’t interested in talking to him that’s why he didn’t bother coming back?
-        It was a regular Tuesday. Taco Tuesday actually. You decided to stop counting the days that Katsuki didn’t visit, maybe he really was gone now.
-        Your eyes lit up at the sight of Katsuki entering the café with his friends. A pink-haired girl, obviously points at you, nudging her blonde friend in the arm. “Go for it! What’s stopping you from talking to her!?”
-        You pay them no mind and divert your attention back to the customer in front of you. Although you were waiting for them to get in line and attend to them.
-        You hear their voices from the back of the line growing louder and louder as they got closer to the counter. You couldn’t help but shake your head and chuckle at the sight of seeing them.
-        “Hi (Y/N=chan)!” Mina beams. Kirishima and Kaminari had their arm around Bakugo’s shoulder at both sides whilst Sero was behind Bakugo making sure he had no chance of escape. “My friend, Bakubro, here wanted to ask you something!”
-        “Sure.” You give them your signature smile. “Is there something up?”
-        “Ooooh! He wants to ask you if-“
-        “Could you guys shut up for a second!?” He turns to his friends, shooting all of them a glare, and you swear you could see him pop a vein on his head. His friends simmer down and hand you a note with all of their orders instead, as they retreat to a table within earshot of the two of you. They flash Katsuki a thumbs up before trying their best to not eavesdrop.
-        He collects himself first, taking a deep breath before finally speaking again.
-        “I was wondering… if you’re free sometime?” He scratches the back of his neck, looking away from you as to not show the cute and dorky blush present on his face. “If you’re not interested though then-“
-        You giggle, reaching for the cup of his pumpkin spice latte and writing something down on it. You put down the orders of his friends on a tray then hand it over to him. “Let’s talk about it later… If that’s okay with you?”
-        He nods, a puzzled look on his face, as he gets out of the line.
-        You notice his friends were about to jump for joy as soon as their explosive blonde friend approach their table, Kirishima grabs Katsuki’s pumpkin spice latte before he takes a sip, then notices what you had written on there. “OH MY GOD!?”
-        “WAIT!? WHAT!?” He reaches for his drink, stealing it from his red-headed friend, reading the contents of the cup.
-        You notice him blushing as his friends burst into a fit of laughter. “SMOOTH MOOVES, KATSUKI! YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! YOU WERE THAT OBIVIOUUS!” they continue to tease him as he registers your number into his cellphone.
-        “yeah~ yeah~ yeah~”
-        You giggle at the sight of them relentlessly teasing him still.
-        At the end of your shift, you finally check your phone to be greeted to a text by Katsuki.
-        “Hey (Y/N). Is Friday good with you? I noticed that you don’t work at the café during Fridays, and I wanted to confirm if that’s one of your free days?”
“Of course! And, yes, it is! Can’t wait to see you for the first time out of the café by then!  (´。• ω •。`)”
-        “Yeah… see you.”
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 - Shoto Todoroki
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-        Why is the owner of the coffee shop near your university have to be this hot?
-        The girls around campus call him the Coffee Prince for a reason.
-        Who gave him the right? Who gave him the right to arrive at the very café he owns in a dashing black coat that he matched with a black (sometimes grey) turtleneck, his defined and toned muscles clearly perking from underneath, an expensive watch in his wrist, and some doc. Martens boots to complete the look.
-        Who gave him the right to be this handsome?
-        Did I mention that he’s also a student at the same university you go to?
-        Did I also mention that he sometimes manages the cash register? And how everyone and their mothers flock to the café as soon as they see him at the counter?
-        Shoto Todoroki.
-        That was his name.
-        The youngest son of the Todoroki family who owns pretty much about every corporate building and company in the city.
-        Yet, here he was, managing his little own café. Clearly not interested in the business world that his entire family had built.
-        It was large yet quaint coffee shop, not only were the drinks crafted with love and care along with the snacks and food you can order, but it was also the wonderful smell of scented pinecones wafting around the café. It was heaven. (Just like all coffee shops are, but this one in particular has a special place in your heart, and it’s not JUST because of the handsome man that owns this café.)
-        Shoto was different and a very hands-on kind of guy. If he wasn’t managing the counter, he would be making drinks, messing around in the kitchen, and bringing out yummy cookies and other amazingly baked goods (that he made) as the dish and the dessert of the day.
-        He was very kind to his staff. Making sure the energy was always light and happy. Joking around with them, helping them out, and with the occasional outbursts that customers have, he quickly handles the situation with ease.
-        He was perfect in more ways than one. And with that, he was very much out of your league.
-        Although your friends would encourage you, it wasn’t enough for you to push through with it and talk to him.
-        Besides, it’s not like he has time to talk with customers on a daily basis right? He was a busy man and a college student just like you.
-        You were just like everyone else. Helplessly in love with a guy like him. The rich and handsome young man who looked like he came straight out of a romantic comedy.
-        There is a 0.0001% chance he would even notice you. Why bother trying to compete when there’s so much competition? You weren’t main character material at all. Why would he notice you then?
-        In some days, when busines is slow and the café is quiet, you see him working at the farthest table in the corner, near the charging station. He had a stern and serious face, very much focused on his laptop, typing away, while sipping on a cup of coffee from time to time.
-        Although this happened very rarely since the café was usually packed 24/7.
-        But, when days were extremely slow, these were the perfect times to just admire him from afar.
-        His handsome features, half-and-half colored hair, and his beautiful heterochromatic eyes…
-        Sometimes, he would run his fingers through his hair, and you feel your heart stop every time he does it, that you can’t even focus on the project you were doing.
-        Unbeknownst to you, he too would sneak glances at you from time to time.
-        Maybe, Shoto Todoroki wasn’t the type of guy who would fall in love with the main heroine.
-        Maybe, he wasn’t that kind of person after all this time of thinking that he is.
-        As books and clichés go, maybe you just had to read in between the lines.
-        To notice that he too was in love with you all this time.
-        “Earth to (y/n)?” Ochaco waves a hand in front of you. No answer. The girl huffs and starts to pack up her things. But, before she leaves, at a last attempt to wake you up from your trip to space, she whispers loud enough for you to hear.
-        “Is that Mr. Shoto Todoroki I see shirtless in the corner!?”
-        “You won’t be able to trick me with that Ochaco-chan.” You snap back into reality, shaking your head at your best friend’s failed attempt at trying to get your attention.
-        She winks and grins at you in disbelief. “Still gotcha there love. I’m about to head off to my next lecture, will you be staying here?”
-        “Yup. It’s not too crowded today anyway, and I also need to catch up on my lessons.”
-        “Mkay! I’ll tell Tsuyu and the others to head here after class! See you!” Your brown-haired friend waves goodbye, a ringing bell at the door signaling that she left the premises.
-        You watch Ochaco’s walking figure as she leaves. But, once you turn to sneak a glance at Shoto, you catch his gaze.
-        Oh. my. God.
-        He was looking at you too.
-        You grin sheepishly, waving gingerly at him. “H-hi Todoroki-san…”
-        He returns the greeting by nodding at you, as he gets back to doing his work. (trying to keep his cool as you obviously caught him staring back at you.)
-        You frown as soon as he averts his gaze. Much like him, you go back to focus on the pile of learning materials you had to go through.
-        Someone suddenly enters the store, disrupting you from your studies yet again with how loud they shut the door behind them. Shoto was also annoyed and alerted by this, keeping an eye on the sleazy guy who had just entered his precious establishment.
-        The guy approaches you, shooting you a glare. “This is my seat. Get out.”
-        “Excuse me? I was here first. I don’t see your name anywhere you a-“
-        “What did you say!?” The sleazebag attempts to grab you by the wrist forcefully, trying to drag you out of the table by first. But, before he could, you notice someone grab his arm first, pushing him away from you.
-        “Who the hell are you!?”
-        You look up to see Shoto shielding you, his hand gripping onto the guy’s wrist. You feel your heart beat rapidly at the sight of his tall and well-built figure standing in front of you.
-        “The owner of this café. There are a lot of unoccupied seats in the area that you can sit in, as you can see. Unless you’re blind that is.”
-        “Excuse me!? What kind of asshole are you!? Ain’t the customer always right!? I’m never going back to this shitty establishment!” He flips Shoto off before storming out of the store.
-        Shoto sighs and then turns to you. “Are you okay?” His hand tries to reach out for you, but he hesitates, and stops before you notice him doing so. “Did he hurt you anywhere?”
-        “Ah no. Not really. Don’t worry.” You wave your hands in assurance, a faint blush appearing on your cheeks. “Thank you, Todoroki-san. You didn’t have to do that.”
-        “I had to. You’re an…“ He pauses for a second, as if trying to collect his words and trying his best to not slip up in front of you. “Important customer. I couldn’t stand to see anybody be hurt like that.”
-        “Important customer?” You look at him in disbelief. You turn away from him, trying to process what he had just said. “I’m just another regular old customer who frequents your café. How can I be of importance when nothing stands out about me?”
-        Shoto raises his finger, telling you to wait a moment, and then leaves your table. He collects his things from the place he usually sits at and heads over to sit on the chair opposite of yours. Sitting down on the seat, he brings out his laptop and places his coffee mug on the table.
-        You blink and tilt your head. But on the inside, you wanted to yeet yourself into space because here he was, the guy you’ve been crushing on for almost a year, face to face, your face meters away from his, and the two of you trying to study in peace like some lovey dovey university couple.
-        The two of you continue to make idle chit-chat while working on your respective tasks. You told him your name and in turn, he told you to stop being so formal with him, saying that you calling him Shoto was fine.  He was fun to be with despite the fact that the two of you were quiet throughout the entire time.
-        Time does fly when you’re with your crush, that you didn’t notice it was time for your next lecture. You were about to stand up from your seat when Shoto suddenly speaks.
 -        “(Y/N).” He says sternly. You look up from your computer, continuing to fold it and stuff it in your bag. “Yes?” You reply.
 -        “I was wondering if you wanted to be study buddies? I notice you studying alone most of the time whenever the café isn’t busy, and I think it would be less lonely if we shared a table. Only if you want to though…” He says ever so casually, as if nothing fazes him. Even though on the inside, he was about to die of embarrassment thinking about what would happen if you said no.
 -        “Of course! I’d love to!” You reply coolly, trying to not act like you were about to explode of happiness on the spot. “See you tomorrow, then?” You stand up from your seat, slinging your backpack on your shoulders.
 -        “Yup. See you.” He waves goodbye, watching you leave his café. As soon as you were out of earshot, he breathes a sigh of relief, mouthing a joyful “yes!” as he goes back to what he was doing, and he’ll be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
 -        You did the same too. As soon as Shoto wasn’t within reach, you smile widely, squealing, and clutching your journal to your chest. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe that actually happened.”
 -        This was it. The start of something new.
 -        Your love story with the Coffee Prince was about to begin.
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 - Izuku Midoriya
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-        Izuku Midoriya is the cute and hardworking barista who works at your favorite café that you and your friends visit every day.
-        Aoyama and Ochaco call him the “matcha haired cutie” for some reason, even though the color of his hair?? is far?? from the color?? of actual matcha??  
-        Even from afar, he just looks like the most precious cinnamon roll ever?? And your heart just can’t stop fluttering at the thought of seeing him every time you drop by to get a cup of coffee.
-        Pls why must this boy be so cute? his floofy dark green-hair do be making all the ladies swoon
-        The coffee shop is flooded with customers every time it’s his shift. Most of them are regulars who find him really sweet + adorable and they spend way too much time at the counter trying to make idle chat with “izuku” (as seen on his name tag) and it’s really annoying.
-        Some bold and confident regulars attempt to ask for his number, but izuku politely refuses.
-        Which means more chances of winning for you (even though you’re in the same level of interaction with izuku as all these other people)
-        When you come up to the counter however, his smile feels different. He shows you a smile that feels so warm and comforting. A smile that reminds you of home. a smile that makes you forget the stress put upon you by college just for a little while.
-        You notice that he adds extra whipped cream and some chocolate sprinkles to your frappe from time to time and you have no idea if this is intentional or if he just does it by accident.
-        Either way, your friends are convinced that it is intentional and it’s some sort of love language/special treatment that baristas have for customers they have a soft spot for.
-        You always greet him warmly. “good morning izuku-kun! How are you today?”
-        He immediately beams at you. “Good morning! It’s been a great day so far! may I take your order?” You then proceed to recite your usual drink.
-        It’s the littlest things and the smallest gestures that matter after all.
-        Sometimes you would space out whilst at the register, not knowing you were next in line (most of the time it’s because you’re trying to think of something witty to say to him)
-        He smiles at the sight of seeing you, “hi! will it be the usual?”
-        “a-ah yes. I’m sorry for spacing out there.”
-        “it’s alright! I feel you! it happens to me all the time too actually!”
-        His smile. His cute little freckles, his friendly aura, and just his entire presence in general. There’s just something about him that draws you in.
-        He reminds you of a little daisy amongst a field of different flowers. pure, bright and very pleasant. Just swaying with the wind and perfectly content with life.
-       If he arrives early from uni, you see him chilling at the mini library of the café and is usually seen engrossed in a classical novel (you’ve noticed he’s been reading a lot of jane austen, franz kafka, f. scott fitzgerald and arthur conan doyle novels recently!)
-        For some reason, when he’s out of his whole barista uniform, no one seems to notice him. It’s like he fades into the background.
-        He’s able to enjoy the peace and solace that loneliness brings, with a frappe or an expresso usually at the table next to him along with a pile of other books.
-        At the insistence of your friends, you decide to approach him and have small talk.
-        That was enough to make you happy even just for a moment.
-        “hi there izu-kun! It’s nice to see you out of your popular barista persona for the day.”
-        “oh? hi (y/n)!”
-        “wait… you know my name?” you immediately feel a faint tint of pink appear on your cheeks, trying your best to hide it from him by covering your mouth until it fades.
-        “of course! i asked one of your friends who regularly visit the shop. Your blonde friend? The one that has these sparkles around him that follow him everywhere?”
-        “aoyama…” you grit your teeth, muttering under your breath.
-        “anyway, would you like to have a seat? It’d be nice to have some company.” he pats the cushion next to him, scooting over to the other side of the sofa.
-        You slowly sit down, feeling yourself shaking a little bit because you had absolutely no idea he even ACTUALLY knew your name and what you had originally wished for, which was just a normal interaction with him, would ESCALATE to this.
-        “What are you reading?” you turn to him, trying to take a peek.
-        “Pride and Prejudice!” he grins, scratching his head sheepishly. “I know it’s not the typical book that you’d expect someone like me to read out in public like this, but mr darcy and elizabeth’s romance throughout the book makes me feel giddy. They’re such a good couple and they’re written so well!”
-        “they are! The dumb English lit major in me wrote a 40-page doc just talking about their love and other classical couples seen in novels! There’s just something about them that makes the book worth reading time and time again!”
-        “Y-yeah…”
-        You notice him grow flustered and nervous all of a sudden and you can’t help but shoot him a puzzled look. “is something wrong Izu-kun?”
-        “I-I actually want to recommend this to you!” He hands you a small and slightly worn book with no cover or title in it. He then takes a look at his watch, his eyes growing wide. “A-ah! It’s time for my shift!” He stands up from the couch, but before he properly leaves, he turns to you and smiles his precious smile again. “see you later (y/n)!” he waves then quickly takes a beeline to the back of the café.
-        You wave back. watching his figure growing smaller and smaller until his disappears when he enters the backdoor.
-        You sigh and start to skim thru the pages of the book, when you notice a yellow sticky note inside.
-        “Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me. Would you like to go out sometime?”
-        And you swear, at that moment, you feel your heart about to combust from happiness. Squealing internally, you hide your flustered expression by digging your face inside the book, not to be seen by anyone else.
-        You were going to savor this moment.
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