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[Image ID: An alternate Neut(gender) flag created by Gent of Gender-Jargon. The flag consist of six, horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are burgundy, desaturated magenta, light lavendar, tan, desaturated green and dark green. ./. End ID]
Neut: a gender identity related to one's usage of It/Its/Itself pronouns to communicate a sense of self that is disconnected from humanity, "other" and/or neuter, but not genderless.
Also called Neutgender.
[PT: Neut: a gender identity related to one's usage of It/Its/Itself pronouns to communicate a sense of self that is disconnected from humanity, "other" and/or neuter, but not genderless. Also called Neutgender.]
[PT: Etymology]
The etymology of this term is unknown. Neut(gender) was coined by tumblr user Wingsdownmyspine in March 2020. The Neutgender pride flag and an expanded definition were reposted to Beyond-Mogai-Pride-Flags by Mod Fy two days later.
"Neut" is likely an abbreviation of "Neuter" or "Neutral", but this has not been confirmed by the original coiner of the term.
[PT: Flag]
The original flag was created by the coiner at the same time as the term. This flag consists of four horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, they are black, grey, white and red. The meaning of the original flag is unknown.
Due to being almost completely identical to the Asocial flag designed two years prior to Neutgender, I took it upon myself to make an alternate flag, which is the main purpose of this post.
This alternate flag consists of six, horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are burgundy, desaturated magenta, light lavender, tan, desaturated green and dark green. Each stripe has the following meanings:
The burgundy stripe represents being Neut.
The magenta stripe represents disconnection from humanity.
The light lavender represents a present sense of gender.
The tan stripe represents the usage of It/Its pronouns (as opposed to They/Them).
The light green stripe represents otherness.
The dark green stripe represents neuterness/neutrality.
The burgundy stripe is a homage to the original flag that used red alongside a monochrome color palette.
Alternate flag by Gent of Gender-Jargon, April 2024.
#Neut#Neutgender#disconnected#gender disconnect#disingender#DISIN#Allogender#AAGIN#Aagingender#Other#Eligender#Eingender#EIN#Neuingender#NEUIN#Ningender#NIN#It/Its#Pronouns#Othergender#Neuter#Neutral#Neutrine#Flag redesign#term#gender#pride flag#mogai#mogai community#mogai safe
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Moze Pride Flag
Moze (a neolingual noun parallel with moza and mozo): a monolexical neolabel parallel with man and woman; the epicene/gender neutral of boy and girl; an abinary genderedness apart from male and female.
Cognate of moce/moçe (deriving moça/moço) and mozze (from mozzo/mozza). Mocidade (mozidad/mozity, mozeness/moceness) means youth. Since cedilla (ç) is often translated as zed/zee (z), as in Moçambique/Mozambique, because of its Visigothic origin (ꝣ).
In West Iberian the suffixes -o/-a do binarized gender inflection, so any other vowel/letter makes a neutralized declension. Just as in Latinx/Latine.
Alternate words: mozx, moz@, mozu, mozy, mozie, mozone, mozãe, mozane, mozæ/mozae, mozœ/mozoe, moz(s), muchache, muchachx.
Note this isn't the same as enby, as enby is an abbreviation of nonbinary. Mozes could refer to generic people, such as in pals, however just as in folx, folks might use moze to be a specific non-binary identity. This identity is asynchronously and conceptually epin/nin/oin/abin/uin.
See also: menine, garote/gurie, xicx/xique (chique/chicx), niñx/niñe, biche/bixe/beche. - Ap
#moze#genders#spanish#pride flag#mogai#meninhice#nonbinary#moce#gender#genderqueer#gender neutral#epicene#neolanguage#algbtqi#lgbtia#generic#pal#enby#folx#flag#pride flags#latinx#latine#imoga#eingender#oingender#epingender
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Epinverique Flag
Epinverique (epin maverique): a multi-gender identity that consists of two or more parts (depending on the person), epingender/epiagender and maverique. Alt. words: epiaverique, epeverique, einverique, eiaverique.
There’s no specific epia/epin(gender) flag, except the general epicene ones, I based on the demiepicene flag, that chose these middle colors. Epe/eia/ein (eingender/eiagender/epegender) prefixes based on ne/fe/me and nia/fia/mia.
The description derives minverique/finverique definitions, however personally I see this can be a gendervast too, or simply for use by epicene-aligned maveriques, maverique-aligned epicenes, maveriquine epiceniques, etc.
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Gender vacillation/vacillancy
A gender experience in which male and female are applicable and used to allude your gender, however your gender isn't defined or specified; externally alluding any gender or extrapersonally alternating various genders but not essentially varying genders on the inside/intrapersonally.
Things that this isn't necessarily about: multigender (polygender, gender-fluidity), apagender (gender indifference), lingender, lia-spec (liagender), agingender (glingender, glegender, genderlessness, agender, nuingender, nuiagender, nullgender), flingender (flidgender, fliagender, fliaspec, uxingenderz uxiaspec, uxegender, flegender, idingender, idiagender, idgender, idiaspec, idegender).
This basically doesn't say nothing about gender identity, it's more like the ability of referring/referencing to yourself as genders that you may be or may be not.
The first description is uingender (undifferentiated, unspecified, unspecific, undefined, uiagender, uegender, uiaspec), it can previously express a ningender (niagender, niaspec), epingender (eingender, epegender, epiagender, epiaspec, eiagender, eiaspec) or a mingender (miagender) with a fingender (fiagender) version/extension, basing on a grammatical term called nouns of vacillant gender (vacillating; wavering; irresolute; oscillating; swaying).
#undifferentiation#undiffering#undifferentiated#vacilo#gender#género#gener#gendre#vacilante#vacillant#grammatical#gramatical#uncountable#experience#epicene#gender neutral#neutrois#gender neutrality#epitrois
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swedish forenames + the entry on "flying dutchman" from wikipedia in english, german, and spanish.
Abrie Adien Adoom Adorte Adria Agarra Agneant Agust Albisagens Aleod Alextelina Alfra Alileo Alingri Alisa Alter Altora Altuna Altung Alvicia Alvinde Ameliothar Amilders Amith Amung Anoah Anten Aritil Arlarid Aufel Aufen Aufentam Aufge Augustra Augustro Autch Autchrtend Auton Bekan Bekandely Bekann Bekanter Beliege Belivilder Benda Binda Bisto Carasmuy Casmajke Casmue Ceant Ceany Cella Cende Cenjale Cente Ceániegria Chara Clank Compa Corde Crejammy Damels Dammt Daver Delia Deminer Denden Denta Derra Dessalin Dinor Dortonado Drent Dreta Durcolva Dutcher Dutchmaja Dutchrid Dutcht Dutoff Easma Easmio Ebarid Ebbely Edorew Edvight Eicoliche Eincie Eindés Eingendely Einna Einnatil Einntord Elich Elicia Eliem Eliessa Elinen Elinla Elist Elivid Elivinded Elledwas Ellegespla Ellia Elline Ellykker Elmentenst Eltedwas Elturado Emelle Emilgo Emilheo Emilie Emmeliammt Erlante Erschen Ersie Essag Estamin Estly Estriff Exanden Exantaga Extalvira Exted Extedda Extedvich Exteo Exter Fanntuvara Fanter Felillies Felivan Feltun Filgo Filiemes Filmanna Finla Fliemmed Fliemmy Fluchich Fludvighos Forder Franstalre Freddiegen Freinciand Frend Frona Frührid Früngegún Frünglorif Früngs Gesde Gestel Gholviande Gollanna Golly Hailie Hamuy Handazu Hantea Heode Heoden Heodente Hestin Hicia Hición Hiftlician Hjasmaten Holicella Holición Holie Holla Hollis Holly Hosch Hoschen Hosta Hosten Hugustam Hugustor Idaten Idazum Iffen Imoharon Imolis Inded Inden Indrian Ingen Ingstro Isagegen Isailliand Istea Istliel Ivind Jacolline Jacord Jahlre Johnent Josent Josta Jostagen Joste Julie Julik Julin Julinland Junie Jüngst Jüngstamue Kapit Könna Könnado Könnendia Könnenstin Lancea Lande Lanturcheo Larie Leado Legegún Legen Legún Leina Leinen Lersch Lexte Lexten Leyen Lianstanda Liantort Lichiff Lielines Lielländés Lincen Linna Lisef Livira Loken Lokevelly Lonevelien Lordecie Lorespla Loscham Lostav Lovagableo Lovagar Lovage Lover Loversch Lovight Lovinde Lower Lucarda Lucastelma Ludoom Ludvia Majkelly Majkeverry Malrew Maltendia Maludo Mannte Mantury Marco Maridany Mariftly Maxellanna Maximer Medda Meerd Melin Melinerras Melioten Melixte Mersira Milda Milova Mineer Miria Mirid Mitändo Moahlren Moahlrever Molia Mundrida Märtagegún Märte Märtes Neandra Nelist Nelivid Nende Nespla Nichrhunge Nicia Nición Nicob Noter Ocent Oceste Oceánicto Oceánis Océand Offen Ofilder Ofina Oldandecie Oleiammt Oliem Ollad Ollisabe Opende Opendis Operida Orten Otaguastom Othersira Otriand Otteo Phaid Poreja Porespen Portan Powedwas Rancielvia Repore Report Retanna Richalie Rición Sabriame Sagen Sagnes Salil Samester Sampue Scasterl Scham Schannten Sebbeerted Segrespeod Selikto Senry Sentanna Shiff Shilgotto Siggen Siggendis Sighos Sightine Signeada Signeli Singlés Sinnturid Sionda Siotteo Siranta Sixte Sixted Steanto Stelver Stiltoff Sverra Tagottor Tagus Tandicto Tasmuy Thailon Thaimina Thande Thank Thann Thates Thaverit Theadord Thedda Theliegen Thenath Thendés Thenry Thersch Therá Thilia Thilip Timed Timon Tinevert Tingstor Tinlant Tinnt Tradisabe Turado Umhel Umheo Under Urandende Urscas Ursch Urspen Vandés Vecen Veción Velva Verome Verscas Vertaguste Vigne Vigres Vigri Viktonja Viling Vilmaliva Vilova Vindés Vings Vingstil Virie Vliege Volda Volly Vomed Vonen Vonglés Wages Wagnem Warder Whilleo Whisa Wilden Wilder Wilgo Wilhe Wilivilmen Wilmed Witilted Witända Woriktom Wurcor Zahlretam
#name stash#444names#444 names#dnd names#character names#random character names#markov namegen#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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