genshinatemybrain · 1 year
calling it now, furina is the hydro eidolen of the previous or current hydro archon
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hesina · 2 years
Everytime I hear the canon pronounciation of stormlight characters I get 100 phsycic demage like
Renawren?. Dalenar?. Eidolen??? (Non)Shallan(t)??????
Ok I'm an audiobook fiend so I'm not at all phased by the pronounciation but also in defense of jasnah, in the international phonetic alphabet "j" just straight up sounds like that
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antialibi · 6 years
❝ The ability to remain sober and gracious is, indeed, a mild form of insanity. ❞
“ WELL - PRACTICED INSANITY,   ”          she amended.     a glass of amber whiskey titled to - and - fro in her hand,   held delicately as though the slightest   disturbance   might cause the heavy crystal to fall   through   her fingertips;     glass would shatter and scatter on the marble floors.     and not one of these folks would flinch.     graceful and gracious,   that was the   falsities   that these people lived and breathed.
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charlotte gripped the foot of her glass and spun the liquor rapidly,   the whiskey rising and falling just before it cleared the glass’ lip.       “   it’s fucking   sinister  ,   is what it is.     smiles and handshakes.     peace offerings and compliments.   ”        she stood away from the banister she’d been leaning on and began to walk away.     charlotte tossed the whiskey into the soil of a nearby house plant.       “   whenever they smile,   it makes me feel like they know something i don’t.    like they’ve already   won the game   before it’s even started.    it’s fucking ugly.    no one plays for the sake of playing anymore,   ”       she snarled out of the side of her mouth.     she looked over her shoulder at nox,   observing them the way one observes a painted portrait in a gallery ;     she saw lines and angles,   shadows   and colours,   power and understanding.       “   c’mon,   put on your phoniest smile.    we’ve got people to flatter.   ”              /              @eidolened​ .
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brutlista · 6 years
❛ drinkin’ fightin’, swearin’. i can’t even afford to fix the damn air-conditionin’. ❜
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“     𝐈𝐓'𝐒 —     "     the dead cold of winter , but he doesn’t find it impertinent to point that out necessarily .    “     —     i mean . i could look at it . i’m pretty handy . or is this a , uh . metaphor , or ...    “ 
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sanctificetur · 2 years
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Nickname: Cass, Ian.
Age: thirty.
Gender: Male, with feminist connotations.
Cass is the cousin to Eponine. 
Wolf fledgling called Nymeria. REF: Toy 🐺. Human : Melissa Benoist. Bio tba.
“He meandered through the exquisite and silent gardens, where moths were fluttering around the shining lamp flowers, as upon inspection the night before, there was no lock on his window — as when Cass thought it was locked — as he could not open it — needing it to breathe the cool air so he could sleep. But yet with a fallen tree trunk. Sneaking out and rappelling down wisteria vines wouldn’t be difficult at all, he thinks. he taps into the tree trunk with a spiel and drinks sap from tree, which tastes like the juice from green apples when he bites his mouth into it -- eidolen of the dancing eyes. The juice and white sticky filling from dumplings (check the yum cha menu) is like a new balm for healing, as he proposed this to the nurses at the warzone site.”
“he uses his metal aligned hands to climb up trees, figuring out how to make the metal slide outwards -- without pricking himself to bleed too badly -- to get a better grip on the grooves of the trees, as blood still drips down. This is why people call the woods haunted to this day. a fairytale pop-up book that keeps adding/re-arranging in the middle : Outlander : why the woods cry blood -- a folk tale series.”
“when everyone is fighting wars, i’m going to be saving it, when the world is so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn’t seem so bad to put a little of it back together.”
“if you try to be a bridge laid between them, they’ll tear you in half”
“ Quotes in Ch 8: wow tamlin is very mean like that person in addie la rue. He is a faerie hunter?? Faustian devil. Re: that song about the hunter by uh seaside window ; he has been confused of is he hunter or prey? And when is a monster a monster? When you love it. “
Isabella & Cassian/Eponine + parents. | ties into starkmatriarch tag. need to cast Iz and parents who are thenardiers.
Sansa infernal devices verse.
Infernal devices mangas.
Violet Evergarden.
A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
Les Miserables manga.
Detroit Evolution film.
Billy Russo, Punisher.
Educating Rita essay.
Hunger Games | Prim
THREAD. modern history.
 Cass likes eating light caramel Tim-Tams with steamed cloud rice.
goes to Parramatta phoenix with Eponine and parents when not busy. likes eating the seasonal ‘middle child’ dumpling with transparent stickiness -- gibbous moon lemon pink meat.
Cass sings this to Eponine, as a serenaded apology for his absence. 
Eponine (Ayami Nakajo) suffered love or hate with her parents -- he doesn’t know how deep the pain is. Maybe reference relation with Iz and our parents here. uh example? dad hitting eponine’s porcelain doll; doll must have name because they’re a person too : doll name is Ceridwen because Eponine is friends with Ceri in real life. (REF: that blonde BJD doll -- separate aesthetic ; cassian ic. ) functions: REF - blender documentation. doll then seeks revenge on dad. just eponine talking about it and trying to explain to iz and iz thought it was terrible. another thing would be iz trying to be the faraway bridge of healing between us & parents but hard because communication confusion ; the quote, that deathless quote. and then iz forgot about it.
He has been scared of becoming someone like billy russo, entirely, like with his dry bleeding skinned hands from strenuous soldier training at the battle of waterloo (pg. 180 les miserables manga : marius mention thenardiers.) he has perhaps also being called in to help in actual battles, as a young recruit. 
he had to have part of his hand aligned with metal fillings. like i had light transparent holes on the tooths near my removed wisdom teeth & they said to use dental floss so hole doesn’t get bigger : overall toothbrush/paste clean & floss of mouth. the metal aligns with pattern of his palm lines, of above and below -- light transparency glinting in surface -- for cleaning between braces or bridges. so the way he has to take care of it, so it doesn’t get infected would be to use floss of either string or an interdental brush covered with toothpaste because he doesn’t know where the dentist got the special floss paste aligned string from. he wears strawberry lip balm, as he likes the taste, but also to moisture his dry lips. and thety said&& worries from his plethora of which skin cream will be good for my skin — that if the issue is not solved — he would need to have his hand of reddening deformity creeping up to his arm amputated — to have a metal hand like violet evergarden — supported by Eponine saying — “omg, Cass your hands/arms!” — i think maybe just partially metal to be more realistically fiction suspension of disbelief/belief (sp?)
 that remind me, I need to start putting Sorbelene, white cream to soothe the tortured flesh on my hands during the day more regularly. And not stay too long in the hot water steam / shower in general and uses timer but it’s still hard to find time limit bc Mum/Eponine say you spend too long in shower still (fiction edit para later).
 He is a soldier to some cause (RE: Purple Hearts soldier) so he cannot always hang out with thenardiers relatives. and the contrasts of before and after. He is quiet brave, in the usual meanderings of life, not when he thinks he’s under constant threat of war (RE: Wilfred Owen’s poems and others). 
And is incorporating his usual quiet wallflower to calmly include others in his circle like in that bee picture. can i climb trees? no, i am not spider monkey. 
And he is curious to know what the rune engravings are, as he was probably taught witches were bad. a black cloth (a pattern with a bee on it), the rune white and black stone bags, a light pink casting bowl, brown book with purple flowers/green stems, star symbol in circle -- spooky thread ic stuff. Cass vibes with this arrangement somehow for some reason, and wears the nirvana shirt. He has slender fingers of pianist, with black painted long nails, his ‘claws,’ yet a lightly applied shine of deep pink (the same colour as this profile decoration).
Well he typically plays piano — yet frisbee playing is less restrictive : as it allows him to have more freedom. yet! frisbee playing is like a bee flying into his face : good or bad? uh has the bee ever stung him? well, a wasp has stung me many times before but when i was unaware. yet! there was one time i tried to wave the wasp away and i felt it sting me. yet he is training to shield and return the frisbee throw. oh wait! i think that was actually a mosquito same thing. oh also when a bee is near, do not make too sudden movements, because it could perceive you as a threat and sting. like bee near me during outside wedding for isabella and tamlin at that ranch place/ and me scared but tried not to move -- act natural as nature. 
 He has maybe metal bee earrings like in aesthetic linked tag. jem wanting to consume yin fen to keep him as burning bright as star. ++ the educating Rita essay about her thinking she bipolar. 
he relates to the song, monsoon tokio hotel, like when he hurried outside in the hailstorm trudging through the muddy grass, to hastily rescue clothes from clothesline, slinging clothes over his shoulder, including Eponine’s clothes, some random clothes fall to ground, as he tries to tears them all off the line onto his shoulders all at once, and they go muddy -- she annoyed at how drenched/wrinkled clothes became as she feels like they resemble rags, so together in the dilapidated walls of their house, they iron the clothes, and get a clothes basket with more depth. This hurry demeanour ties into his phantom automated stance of previous life of soldier training.
VISUALISER. cassian ic. Hueningkai. Basic gif-site maker for specific YouTube clip scenes. the art of the girl in the woods with blood running down/blindfolded.
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scumbagmordremoth · 6 years
Len's recovery is far to slow for your taste. You spend hours in the infirmary in silence because you think, perhaps, if you're just there it will help. Still, at some point you need to go out and do something for yourself. You visit the Order. Zephel is perplexing person and like Len he is troubled. You've spent long hours with him lately, learning about who he is and how he sees the world.
Unlike Len he responds to your kindness with gratitude and friendship. He confides in you. He helps you. You have never had a friendship like this before. It is different than your admiration for Cerulean and Kealryn. It is different than your camaraderie with Aibreen, or your respect for Aoifwynn. This feeling is new and you aren't sure what to do with it but it's certainly exciting too.
His feelings about the Nightmare Court could help you ease Len's pain as well.
After joining the Order you began to take regular pilgrimages between Divinity's Reach and the Grove. Sometimes Len comes with you after her recovery but often, Len comes and goes as she pleases. She meets Eidolen who shares your worry about her behavior.
Len was always quiet and shy. Now she's gone beyond simple shyness into paranoia, beyond quiet to reclusive. Eidolen told you she'd come out of her shell in time. It's hard to watch knowing you can do nothing while every part of you strains to take her pain away. Sometimes when you look at her you can remember how things used to be. That night when Len left the Grove the world became so much more complex and difficult to understand. Part of you relishes in the challenges, part of you yearns for a return to simplicity.
You can feel Len pulling away still and you know she sneaks away to flirt with the idea of vengeance. Eidolen proposes the idea of the two of you moving in with him. Perhaps between the two of you, you can chase this ill-advised penchant for vigilantism out of her. It takes a bit of coaxing, but there is nothing you would not do for her. Even if it means being under Eidolen's strict eye whenever you weren't out with the Order.
You have met so many people in your short life. Not all of them were kind but so many of them had the same message. The world is dangerous, go back to the safety of the Grove. The world is cruel, you are not yet ready for it.
Zephel holds out his hand and tells you that the world is dangerous so let me show you. A gift so dear that years later, after everything is said and done, you will find yourself grateful for it.
You take it without hesitation and make the leap of faith.
She kisses you on the lips but it doesn't feel as special as you thought it would. The Dream told you of so many manifestations and expressions of love you had built up expectations. When Aoife, though beautiful and bright, pressed her lips to yours you felt no spark. You only smile with slight bemusement as she kisses another and another. Somehow you already feel as though you have left your sapling naivety behind. You cannot relate to these brand new sprouts any longer. She is so excited by the prospect of something new.
You can only think sheepishly of Len and Zephel.
You have been teaching Zephel a little about animal husbandry in the weeks since you joined the Order of Ventari. You are far from the most accomplished ranger but when he rescues an injured bird in the Shiverpeaks you are the first one he shows and comes to for advice. It thrills you in a way you aren't sure how to define. It makes you feel special. He wanted to share this with you.
You teach him how to splint the wing and to be careful with the bird's delicate bones. He names it Snow. Not very original but who are you to judge? After all your own name means "white" too. In later weeks you'll help him feed and care for the bird. He confides in you his hopes and worries and fears. He gives you advice on how Len must be feeling, after all he would understand her point of view much better than you. He lets himself be vulnerable here with you and Snow, telling you about his hidden sorrows and pains.
Zephel projects such a hardened exterior but that is not truly him. You can see it in how gentle he is with Snow. You can see it in the tenderness of the smile he gives you that makes your heart beat faster in your chest. You can see it in the way he singled you out when you were new and promised to show you the world. When he held his hand out to you at the edge of that waterfall in Lion's Arch and asked you to trust him. There is so much kindness in this man waiting to find and outlet and you want to be there when it does.
You teach him to heal that bird because perhaps in the course of mending others he will learn to treat that pain in his own heart.
You watch you when you think she doesn't notice. You can see the scars of what happened to her in every changed mannerism, every word caught on the tip of her tongue, every social gathering she shrinks back from and hides. You could never tell her how much it aches, that would be too selfish and you haven't learned how to be selfish yet. Sometimes you can coax her back into the crowd of people but others you find yourself leaving the gathering instead. You've left things you wanted to see for her but missing an interesting new experience is better than leaving Len alone. You left her alone far too much already. That is how you got to this point.
All you can do is be there. Just make sure she knows that she can always depend on you.
You love her so much so you let her win all the arguments she starts. If lashing out at something will help her heal then you are more than ready to be the target of her misplaced anger. You don't know how to make it better but you know, you can feel, she is so confused. There is so much pain. Every harsh word is returned with a little bit of kindness, sincere and from the heart. You are dependable. She needn't ever fear you.
Later you'll spend hours, days and weeks trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
It's already gone wrong, you're just digging in deeper.
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melodicwitchlight · 2 years
your presence ; lost on you ; brings light.
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anne comes up behind him, during his phantom aching -- tired from his battle last night -- 
he flinches a little at the sudden movement -- yet not as shaking, trembling barked anger -- challenging all who contrived to rip him apart -- as once upon a time. and turns corner of his ice blue eyes to see the acquainted presence he met at dance of the far isles ; a girl of magical presence. an ENEMY, he thought of past soldier ghosting thought...
had found kindness with the night before ; in the night we met -- of falling in love with the night of nineteen sixty four.
his tiredness enacting him to funnel backwards into dark reminiscence. and not knowing if he should speak to her in this moment ; give her his undivided attention ; he found that difficult still despite the miracle out of nowhere of last night -- a miracle is not an one-off thing in life. rather conflicted at his epiphany.
was anne one he could truly trust, or perhaps she could be like ... eidolen of the dancing eyes? there was more to anne .. far more to her than beauty. like eidolen had been... 
but yet! was that a good or bad thing for him?
searching, searching for salvation ; where am i? he wonders, eyes lowering in rare instance of vulnerability ; yet eyes turning away from anne.
soldier or stormhunter?
he hears her say, ‘desires make one lose their mind.’ 
he recalls commander jael giving castle and keeps to the dominion, to ensure their loyalty. another memory briefly flits in his mind ; of bloodshed of kill or defence. his fear -- especially during his more heightened war with himself -- an seraph or chimaera ....
‘you are not alone, malachi. i am with you as well, dearest.’
he hears her say,
and his trailed off thought picks up .. 
... after the darkness of night -- in the morning light after, he had studied his worn chapped light pink hands, to ensure there was no true blood smeared or dripping on there -- 
so hard to forget it in the morning
similarly brought to life like his crow ragnar : dreamt accidentally to life. 
it was a vicious crow ; black and white ... 
one day, i’ll be good
‘do... you really love me, anne?’
he thinks. or does he say it?
yet beautiful.
and colours change in unison with black and white in ...
save myself
she blows out the candle burning in its holder ; indicating him to come to bed...
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russellmoreton · 2 years
MAKING : Spatial Agency/ Mutual Knowledge/ Discursive Consciousness. Social apparatuses and agents that explore the possibilities of space. Russell Moreton
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thewickedfaerie · 7 years
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Eidolen by SheridansArt
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muenli · 7 years
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FFXIV Scholar Eidolene in Maplestory style!
I haven’t posted or drawn any personal Art in a while. Playing too many video games and work. Time to change that. Hopefully many more to come soon!
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pastcloudfromffvii · 7 years
🌚 cor and gentiana?
cor; oh my god he was... so cool... he was so cool!!!! every time i got to interact with him i was so??? i may have had a slight crush on him maybe but you didn’t hear that from me ;; i like him, i dont remember much of him from the game bc i paid like no Active Attention to the game last time we played but like.... he seems nice. i remember more about him from episode gladio than the base game and i like their interactions
gentiana; I LOVE HER....... but also i just have a really soft spot for that particular ff summon/eidolen/aeon/etc. i love her... i love seeing her in the camera roll??? ever time she comes up im like !!!!!!!!! SECRET. same with carbie. i like her. 
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scumbagmordremoth · 6 years
Back in the Grove you attend a gathering of Sylvari in the Starbower Nursery.
Eidolen is there. Perhaps now he finally understands your urgency. Perhaps he simply wants to show you how much you've yet to learn but life is calling you to action a bit earlier than most. Whatever the reason, Eidolen finally agrees to go search for Len.
For the most part you follow him while he instructs you on what he is doing and how to stay concealed and out of sight in the jungle. The trail leads from a hollow in the Rowanwoods, but it's so old and so wet that it's hard to follow. In bits and pieces, from old tracks or scent and witness account you can trace Lens journey from the Rowanwoods south. The dogs continue south, passed Mabon, The Weeping Aisle, Birgid's Overlook and further south still.
You have avoided Wychmire but when you find yourself at Morgan's Spiral your heart begins to fill with dread. Each step closer to Briarthorn sinks down into your stomach but the dogs don't stop. Through all this water means it must be fresh.
Eidolen sets a hand on your shoulder and calls the dogs back, “The trail is old…Perhaps she’s back in the Grove.”
He doesn't sound convinced. You are unconvinced.
The leader of the Order is a beautiful, lavender scented flower named Kealryn. You don't speak to her much, but you are enamored.
You never learn the name of her second in command. He is only The Cerulean Knight. You call him Ceru. He is a discerning man. A man of honor! He does not give praise easily so like Eidolen you are all the more determined to prove yourself worthy of his respect. You know not how old he is, but if you could be just a fraction as poised and kind you could consider your life a grand success.
You never get to know Ephrys well but the final officer...
Oh, sweet, darling Zephel will help you form the very core of who you will become one day. Struggling, shy Zephel asks you, a several week old sapling, for help. He feels you have something inside of you that he does not and he thinks that something was worthy of taking on himself. Zephel is the first person who validates you. He is the first person who believes in you.
There is plenty of work to do for the Order. There are excursions, lessons, Fleshies to teach. You want to throw yourself into the distraction. You want to immerse yourself in all of these new positive connections you're making and all these beautiful new things the members of the Orders want to show you. You try your best to stay in the present but you cannot stop yourself. You have to check the infirmary. Perhaps the Wardens have brought her in.
It takes three days.
This is the first time you've seen Len in almost a season and you are glued to the doorway, unsure of what to do. She was mutilated. Her chest, arms and legs are covered in cuts and bruises. The evident carnage, however, is not what steals your ability to move. Her face. It is so devoid of life. Your bright, beautiful sapling was harmed beyond her flesh. You are not old enough to fully comprehend how but this much you understand. You were born for her and look at what you've let happen to her.
She finally sees you and you watch as recognition turns into regret on her face. She tries to smile. It looks wrong.
“Caoilhain...You were right." Despite her every effort not to, you watch Len's eyes begin to well, "I'm sorry."
There is only one thing you can do. You close the distance and wrap your arms around her. Even as you whisper reassurances in her ear you have never been less sure that anything would be okay.
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scumbagmordremoth · 6 years
There are Elder sylvari in the city as well and they are always telling you to go back to the Grove. Many of them offer to take you. They are concerned for a sprout your age being out and about. They offer to look for Len for you but they do not understand that you are out here because you need to be. You do not yet have the tools to communicate this so you merely decline the offer and go on to ask the next person.
Eidolen gives you a compromise. He will help you search for Len if you will come to Kessex Hills and study under his protection. He is a fellow Marksman and another houndkeeper. It is hardly the worst offer you've been given. Perhaps with his help you can finally brave the dangers of Wychmire.
Eidolen is an exacting mentor, but you think that perhaps that will make finally gaining his approval all the more worthwhile. He believes you are silly, reckless and foolish. You do not question his assessment because he is older and should, after all, know better than you. At first he refuses to look for Len. He spends this time, instead, teaching you basic skills like trapping and tracking. Some of this is a rehash of what the Dream taught you but the practical experience is a far cry from the intangible experience you had before birth. While this experience enthralls you and the set of clearly defined objectives appeals to your people pleasing nature you become discouraged relatively quickly.
He doesn't understand that time is running out.
Len needs you.
You convince Eidolen to let you roam Kessex during the day and go back to Divinity's Reach each afternoon to see if you can't recruit someone else to help you.
Whilst traveling the Reach one day you come upon a group of Sylvari holding a lecture on the tablet in Melandru's Garden. As you sit and listen that strange lonely feeling you felt in the Durmand library grips your heart and you recognize it for what it is: Homesickness. They call themselves the Order of Ventari and they treat you with such kindness, never once condescending to you about your age. They wish only to teach, only to reach out. This is the kind of organization you can get behind. Sitting in this garden full of your kind talking about the Dream and the Tablet makes you feel at home for the first time since you left the Grove. Yet, it's not the same. Len isn't here.
At the end of the lecture they announce that they'll be taking a pilgrimage to the Grove.
Following is not the first impulsive decision you've ever made and it's far from the last as well.
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muenli · 6 years
Maplestory 2 art of my character: Eidolene
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scumbagmordremoth · 7 years
U- Unbelievable- one thing that they experienced that they still have a hard time believing was real
Skoryy’s kindness has always soothed Caoilhain’s battered soul in a way she very much needed but at the same time…Skoryy would mince words and say kind things even if they were not strictly true. It’s not that she distrusted Skoryy’s faith in her. It’s just that, especially when it came to her, she knew he’d lean towards a positive spin on even the most negative things.
Or maybe she just did find his praise suspect.
It wasn’t just him, of course.  Any person who felt any measure of personal affection for her was liable to tell sweet sounding lies. Any nice person would try not to say things that hurt.
But Elidryn wasn’t a “nice” person. He also wasn’t just a lover. He was her boss. It was actively against his interests to lie to her. Elidryn had the “no bullshit” kind of attitude and competence to go with it that had made Caoilhain try so desperately to gain the approval of Eidolen, the Cerulean Knight and Oaken. When Cerulean told her she was a light in darkness she had wanted so very much to live up to those words and failed completely. She wanted to believe that she was a good person but she knew that she was not. No matter how hard she might try to be good and kind it was never quite good enough to satisfy her.
Any one of them would have told her to improve when she called herself stupid so she would not be stupid anymore. Elidryn did not.
He said she what she did wasn’t stupid, it was brave. He told her she was selfless.
In the moment she could almost believe it.
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