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How did we get here...
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haha still ship em
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Happy Valentines Day Ya'll!!!
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So I died... BUT I LIVED.
Nice to see the fandom still chuggin along strong. (//-w-/// ) Sorry I just straight up vanished for some of ya'll, just having it rough here with school, job and mooney. Hope ya'll are doing great!
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Skateboard NiGHTS; Rebel on the streets
got really hyped up to draw after the new Cyberfunk Bomb Rush trailer
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Happy new year to you! =)
Happy New Year to you as well! (ÒvÓ)
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Ik I've said it before, but I love the eay you draw Jackle and Owl..
I hope you're doing well! Exams and all that, mental health.
AH GEE THAnKS so much!!!
Im doing very well over the break and managed to pass exams yet another year! (-w-)
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Oops. 👀 Pretty Bird
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You mentioned Owl having his own thoughts on Jackle. Can you maybe elaborate? =3
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Owl tolerates him.
The poor old-timer is scared to death by Jackle. The Carpet Gremlin would probably hide in his closet and pull off dangerous stunts around him for a couple laughs. Owl enjoys any company though, especially when being all alone at the Dream Gate. And there are times Jackle could make decent...acquaintance.
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Just because others may have a worse time than you doesn´t mean you wouldn´t have a bad time. Please take care of yourself!
Thanks! ( ;0;)
It really does mean a lot that y’all care. I’m gonna continue doing my best to care for myself some more…not counting sleeping. See you in the sleepless void!
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so .... technically if I understand pieces and bits from here and there. Jackle loves both Reala and Selph romantically and also suffers from empty mantle (empty nest) syndrome on this account's AU. (or it's just a buch of stuff not connected to one another but still well done)
Yeah pretty much :> Jackle is a crazy depressed lonesome carpet with an empty mantle syndrome who love Reala and Selph romantically.
Before NiGHTS and Reala existed, Jackle and Selph were in a romantic relationship. Jackle absolutely adored his precious little dearie and would go through great lengths to protect him. Selph was head over heels for his gentle lover and treasured their affections for each other more than anything.
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Then Selph just disappeared one day, and Jackle remained alone for years…memories of Selph faded over the years, but the unrequited love for him painfully stayed.
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Queue NiD, NiGHTS and Reala were created. Jackle took it upon himself to take care of them, even if they didn’t need it. He’s been lonesome for years, and they filled his life with pure joy. Jackle deeply missed doing this after NiGHTS rebelled…and sort of destroyed Nightmare.
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Jackle and Reala are in a “secret” romantic relationship after the events of NiD. Jackle is very forward with his feelings for Reala and doesn’t hesitate to be himself around him. He makes sure never to make ReeRee uncomfortable. Reala is not used to affection (“tsundere who doesn’t deserve love”) but does have feelings for Jackle.
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Of course, Selph is back now... ( ̄◇ ̄;)
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Then there’s NiGHTS! Hi NiGHTS!
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Hey how's life? Haven't seen you post lately
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How do I keep it brief…this may come off as vent ish.
My old job of three months had me as one of its only employees (half trained) work religiously night shifts and my boss was on vacation the entire time. I never really got anything from commissions cus of the lack of off days to advertise. I was almost swindled for a large sum of money I definitely don’t have for who knows where. We have a new pet and my guardian is treating it like the only child they ever birthed leaving us to feel like strangers doing their chores. I made some major adjustments to my life to aid my changing mental health. It’s okay though. People go through worse…not very brief but a lot happened.
Now I’m back in school. With a good job. I have a good opportunity getting some internships with artists around here. I’m feeling happier.
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Ok Um what’s Jackles relationship with owl like (not a ship ) are they friends or do they just have tea with each other once or twice a week ?
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I think Jackle would throw himself into Owl’s life whenever, whether they meet every day or every month for tea. Owl is his friend.
Owl has his own thoughts on Carpet Boi.
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May I use your Jackle fanart for my rp blog? I promise to give credit of your work.
Oh my gosh ya go for it. But yes credit would be much loved thank you.
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or else it’s gonna be a Night Over.
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Ah I’m glad to hear you got though finals!!!!!! I hope you’re doing well! Just wanted to say I’m still so happy there’s another JxR artist on here that’s so talented and radical. AND the JxS!!! It’s so fantastic. Seeing your art, especially your Nights art, inspires me a whole lot :)
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Bchcdhxhx just thank you and bless ya you strong soul
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Hey, how did you do on finals?
I have no clue. They won’t show grades.<(;0; <)
...but I know I passed. ( ; ∀ ; )
So that calls for a Jackle.
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I’m doing finals... ,:D
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I’ll be back
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