#ehh dont remember more
gassydumbjocks · 3 months
Do it like a Macho
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Joel finished putting on his favorite shirt to go out, and checked his chat again, he could hardly believe that he had agreed to go out with that guy his best friend had told him about, he had broken up with his ex months ago, and didn't seem to feel ready to take on another relationship, but, well, a date was better than staying depressed on his couch all afternoon eating junk food watching rom-coms.
He finished by adding his perfume, checking himself once again in the mirror, and sighing "Please dont be a jerk this time" he wished for his next date, when the bell ring got him out of trance.
He ran when he heard the doorbell, and to his great surprise, a tall boy, with a some-what tanned skin, clearly showing latino roots, beefy complexion, large muscles, showed out of his door. There was only one detail, the hunk boy was shirtless, only wearing some gym shorts, and if that wasnt enough, a slight stench was present almost immediately, making obvious it came from the big jock, Joel wrinkled his nose a little trying to be discreet.
"Ehh.. Hello, can I help you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, the jock frowned. "Are you Joel?" He limited himself to ask.
"Yes, uh, are you the boy with whom I had a dat..." his words were interrupted as the animal of a man simply proceed and grabbed him by his head, within a second, he had his head to remain below in one of his armpits, receiving directly that aroma he lingered before, making him cough on the manly scent.
"Shut up! Faggot!" Saul said with an expression of disgust, without any effort he grabbed Joel's shirt collar while he tried to gasp for some air "I don't go to dates with sissys like you! I only hang out with my bros" he told him furiously. "This should put some hair on that chest of yours" Not having time to react quickly, the stinky hunk let out a deep, nasty burp right in his face.
"Now lets start... Real men don't cook, that's for the ladies" the jock said as he blew the remains of his burp towards the poor, scrawny nerd.
As Joel forcibly inhaled Saul's putrid smoke, his brain began to be penetrated by the stench, new memories being created that would replace everything that made Joel him, memories of his mother teaching him how to cook and take care of himself, became in memories of his mother cooking for him, his father and brothers.
"Ugh, God... That's disgusting" Joel swallowed the burp while trying not to vomit while gagging.
"Come on man, you have to get out the machismo inside you... Real men don't clean, we are made to be crude, and ought to be grotty" Saul raised a leg and squinted an eye, before grunting.
After letting out a loud fart that rumbled through his shorts, with a quick maneuver Saul brought Joel closer to his butt, being greeted by the toxic smell emanating from it, Joel swore it would be enough to knock out an elephant, coughing violently.
Again, his mind felt blurred, his thoughts changing with more memories again, since he was a child, the nerdy boy had always been a clean freak, tidying his room and cooperating with his sisters to clean the whole house. now, for some reason he could only remember him and his brothers watching soccer games in their undies, dirty plates of food filling the kitchen sink, dirty clothes scattered throughout the all the house, the toilet bowl up and dirty.
"What's going on?" Joel said, now more dizzy and confused than ever, his nausea preventing him from reasoning clearly and making a superhuman effort not to smell that foul bomb.
"You're becoming a man, that's happening, you better brace your pathetic self, this is a damn combo" Saul warned, then his stomach growled fiercely, while a smirk appeared in his mouth.
"NO!" Joel pleaded, but it was too late, as his please were overshadowed by Saul bending down to be at his height, only to blurt out in his face "MAAAAN UUUUUUUPPP-UUURRRRRRP!!!!" He belched his words out, while forcing the weak gay boy to sniff the nauseating blast.
By that point Joel had already fallen to the ground, crying and suffocating, pleading that this was some kind of nightmare, Saul rolled his eyes and growled "What a fuckin baby, it's just a little man gas, what are you?! Uh? You're a guy, you should be proud... Real men always let the gas rip" he said. , before bending over again, putting his big ass in those smelly shorts scented with all those gases dangerously close to his face, to let one last fart finish his job, poor Joel just having a final view of the ass getting closer "NOOOOOO!!..."
"And he is right..." was the first thought that Joel had after the abrupt attack in that gas chamber "Men always let it rip... A Man loves to let it rip, its just a dude thing we have to assert our dominance" was what came out then of his lips, before Saul heard and turned to see him, and a huge smile of satisfaction formed on his face.
"Fuck yeah man, nothing like dropping a fat one with your bros for a good laugh, right? We guys should always think farts are funny, they're manly" he remarked.
And as if it was a cue, a growl in Joel's stomach began to growl and make him uncomfortable, he simply patted himself and raised his leg.
"ahh, that felt good" he sighed and letted a dumb chuckle "i have to quit that chipotle next time" he said with a grin, and Saul hit his shoulder playfully.
"haha that's nothing bro, the burping contest we had on our boys' night was brutal, man, you can even belch out the alphabet like a maestro, eh? Show off those roars" Saul added with a huge smile.
"AHHH.. BEHHH... CEEHH.. DEEEHHH" His mind was blank now, a simple order like that was enough to control him and make the burps start to come out of him, even when he didn't feel the need to burp, he just wanted to show off with his bro... It is what real men do.
"That felt good" He said, with a stupid grin forming in his lips too.
"As it should be! You gotta take pride in your machismo, huh? Machote" He said before slapping hiss ass, causing a small but putrid fart to come out of his now plump ass, making both of them laugh. "damn yeah, bro, its fuckin great to be a man" Joel said and Saul nodded proudly.
With that putrid gas, Joel sealed his new persona, letting his old gay and scrawny being fly away in the form of that smelly fart, to become a dumber, grosser, sexist, loud, and obnoxious version of him, a real man, and a real macho.
Seconds later he got a text from his best friend, or his best bro, and read it "Broo, hurry up and bring your fuckin ass here, we gotta have a boys night and watch the game, bring the beer, haven't Saul picked you up yet?"
He smirked and responded "On our way brodah, don't nuke your room too soon, I want to breath some fresh air for the match" He joked and chuckled dumbly, as he squinted one eye and simply lifted his leg to rip a fat deep one before going out his place, fist bumping with Saul.
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kurishiri · 1 month
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Ring and Nica bond level story summaries (up to level 4)
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ these are crude story summaries that are meant to give you an idea of what’s happening in the story. it’s not a pretty translation 😅 i don’t have darius here because i haven’t raised his bond level yet, but i may post about his bond stories later unless someone else posts translations? but if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but please don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
nica 🍒
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bond level 3: “eating a meal together”
nika is like “relax a little more and lets enjoy dinner. todays a social gathering for vogel”
then hes like “did yk robin? they say you can tell someones char from the way they eat. if they eat quickly, theyre hasty and dont like losing. and the opposite means theyre more laid back. ..well, which do you think i am?”
"im in the middle of watching": nikas like "oh is that so? then feel free to look on more. ah, i can keep my clothes on, right?"
"ur a superficial person": nikas like "yep, i get told that a lot. i happen to reaaally like women - including you, ofc?"
"u dont enjoy ur life that much": nikas like "......hmm? so ur the type to like guys who r pitiful and unhappy?"
nikas like when we finish eating lets tell each other our answers then.
"come to my room, robin. we can get to know each other more there.."
bond level 4: skills
nika is like "sorry to keep you waiting robin. oh? why do you look so surprised? ahh did you think a fox (harrison) was coming or smth"
"the card that got sent to u, that was written by me. thats right, its forged handwriting"
"its one of my skills. did you enjoy it, robin?"
"absolutely not": nikas like "and as ive been sayinggg, hearing u say that is like the highest praise to me"
"bye (im leaving)": nikas like ehh ur going back already? even tho this part is known for not having many carriages around.
glare at him silently: nika is like oh, i like that frustrated look on ur face. im into that (<- this sentence is prolly not completely accurate)
then he’s all like "aww, you’re so mean. dont u think im here just bc i miss u (w/o an ulterior motive) 🥺"
"pfft, hahaha! u get touched so easily like that.. ahh ur such a strange one 😆"
"lets go, robin, and take me around london. lets see.. a place where theres a lot of girls would be great :]"
ring 💍
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bond level 3: “eating a meal together”
ring is eating and finishes his portion quickly.
kate offers her portion: ring is like "noo you should eat ur portion"
when kate says there r seconds: ring is like "omg ur a genius :D"
"i'll give u my portion": ring is like "eh- ah. is.. it really ok? ..thank u then. i'll eat it all (i.e. with care)"
and then he says he didnt intend to get close to kate bc shes a fairytale keeper and hes part of vogel, but kate had been so kind to him so he became kinda like confused xD
bond level 4: skills
ring is naming flowers. and kate apparently caught him in 4k so he is all flustered like "omg.. dont tell me u.. saw all of that?"
"i didnt see anything": ring is like but theres a grin on ur face.. ur kind of bad at lying.
"..im sorry": ring is like "when you apologize so sincerely like that, i feel bad for being surprised.."
"well, i wonder abt that?": ring is like "d-dont grin like that >,> you have a teasing side to u too, huh.."
but anw he says that "yes i do like flowers :> when im free i try to remember the names of flowers and their meanings"
"why..? well that's.. to make frie- i mean, its nothing."
he asks kate to forget what she saw here and then is like "bye ttyl"
when hes like some distance away from her he whispers to himself that he shouldnt get close to the fairytale keeper.
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coveredinredpaint · 2 months
Hi! I hope it's okay that I'm sending you an ask.
I was looking at some of your posts about diy clothing and things like that, and I've been really into diy/alt clothing for a while, and I've been wanting to maybe make my own, but I don't know where to start.
I want to start small since I'm actually terrible at art (every time I try to learn how to sew, it just ends in me giving up in frustration, for example).
Do you have any advice you could give me?
hey anon!
asks are always welcome, i love answering asks so dont hestitate to reach out. sorry for the wait on this, ive been busy.
i made a post about this months back but cant find it atm so ill just make one again.
if sewing, as you say, is difficult for you, id advise starting with something that doesnt require sewing to train yourself in crafting.
an easy one is for example making armwarmers from old socks by cutting them off above the heel, and using the top part (that goes on your ankles and legs). cut a slit in that on the side for your thumb, and youre done. you can bleach nice patterns or anything on them. which will also teach you how to work with bleach.
some other things you can make/do without sewing are: chokers and cuffs from old belts, bottlecap buttons (i have made a tutorial on those, ill put the link in the comments), fishnet/see-through top from old thights, painting/bleaching clothes, making jewellry from safety pins, chains from soda tabs, and a lot more.
in the long run learning how to sew really is a good and useful skill, and i advise investing time in learning it. it allows you to make way more clothes and accessoires, and also helps when you need to fix up old clothes.
remember it takes time to learn these skills! ive been crafting constantly for about three years to get to the level i am at rn. and i still have a lot to learn too. dont be harsh on yourself when your projects dont turn out how you wanted/expected them to. thats all part of the learning process. look at where you can improve and try different techniques to see what works for you.
also! you are not terrible at art. the "aesthetic-ization" of diy and art as a whole is really bad imo cause a lot of people feel pressured that their diys need to look perfectly aesthetic or else they cant wear/make them. and thats not what diy is about! make whatever you want, and if someone tells you its ugly or not good enough they should get a hobby.
ehh i think thats it for now? let me know if you got any more questions. (again ill drop a link to the bottlecap tutorial in the comments)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
I have so many ideas but none of them can be put into words, all I can do is just wheeze as they come along🤣
Also remember how wordy and flowery Teyvat speech/dialogue is? ADD THAT TO THE FACT THAT TEYVAT HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE---
Reader can understand the basic speech which is why they are so blunt (I love this idea so much 🤣) and can piece together an idea what the person is talking about.
*insert random person talking about a commission with a long ass backstory*
Traveller & Co.: *understands completely and making plans to retrieve said commission*
C!Reader: (They said they had a cart.... a bunch of hilichurls appeared... dancing?.... they want us to dance fight the hilichurls???? Dance off???)
Actual story->The person's cart got ambushed by a group of hilichurls and taunted them by dancing around it.
....... it doesnt always translate well
Also imagine Reader heaeing random names and overthinks it as a word instead of a name.
Example: Pantalone means pants in Philippine English (sorry not sorry Pantalone)
Tsaritsa??? Oh do they speak russian there??? - reader
Capitano -> captain in some countries
(I once mistake Sandrone as Sandalone and I just went "... ehh??? Standalone? Sandalone as in Sand Alone???? Sandal (Flip flops)????
Oh wait its Sandrone" ".... as in Sand and Drone??--)
-Vine Boom
Gif is me writing u anything ever:
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Man theyre written language looks so scary to learn, kinda like when I looked into trying to learn Mandarin/Japanese (and even Korean), the letters r just inherently so different i was so intimidated
And u dont even read it like left -> right like English
Omg i tried to reply to a arabic comment on my art post once, and i felt so acommplished when i finally was able to type "اشكرك (thanks)" but like, i had to put it on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TEXT BOX, LIKE ALIGN IT TO THE RIGHT INSTEAD OF HOW U KNOW ENGLISH IS INHERENTLY ALIGNED LEFT, IT WAS SO TRIPPY-
Going thru genshin life only understanding minimal words of anything anyone says is honestly how i feel like ive been playing Genshin LMAO
Those analysis videos/lore are saving a bitch's life out here
That would literally be you in genshin tho, like i could easily see it being like, back to back misunderstandings 😭😭
Like u think u got it right (Oh so his name is Rex Lapis, wait what? Morax? Ok his name is Morax...?? What??? Zhongli??? WHO IS THIS MAN-)
JFC first they gotta have a whole different language (like u saw in game)
No... just, no.
U quickly decide u like what little bits of language u could pick up so far, which just results in,
U guessed it, simple speech and short fragmented sentences (or broken Teyvatian)
U cant even bring urself to care when u give half the characters a heart attack and send the rest into laughing fits
No fucks given, they wanna make this extra hard on u by being wordy on top of a new language,
Yeah u dont care what comes out of ur mouth anymore
Also, since everybody is raised in Teyvat very few ppl dont know the language, which once again brings us back to ancient/older deities/creatures who have a more simplistic version/outdated version of modern language
Omg getting stuff mistranslated bc u cant understand it all/only keywords sounds like hell but also rlly funny
Traveler/Paimon: "Alright, yes, all is well. We will accept this comission, and depart soon."
You: "...they want us to?? Dance fight?? Hilichurls...???"
Traveler just stares at u half in pity, half trying to hide their amused smile, Paimon is giggling
The commissioner is shook bc a supposed ancient creature?? Just accepted?? Their simple commission?? And u think they want u to dance battle???
Signora: "You shall rue the day you crossed the Fatui mortals!"
You: "Lady we don't care, just fight us."
(Signora just means 'Lady')
Signora: *offended gasp*
Traveler/Paimon trying to stifle laughter
Raiden Shogun jaw dropped a little
Pantalone: "What a pleasure to finally meet you traveler, and thine wonderful companions!" *little bastard smile*
You: "And it was awful to meet you, Pants."
Oh its so funny, everytime you talk about Childe you always phrase it like he's an actual child bc u thought everyone was just calling him a little kid for some reason (u dont know how Teyvat ages work, he could be for all you know!)
Not very long, but Vine Boom anon your brain >>>>
Ur ideas r so on point, i love them sm
That makes perfect sense why u could be talking blunt too, like an in world explanation really
For you, all the desserts🥰 🤲🍪🍨🍰🍮🧋🍦🍡
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duchesskatriel · 5 months
I came up with this AU a couple of months ago, and since a moot encouraged me to share with the class I might as well (plus I also wanna draw this AU lol)
I'll call this au Be Born as a placeholder rn lol
SO this au starts right after HMS managed to find a way to end the loop, and they harmonise permanently. Whole basically gains the courage to confess to his crush (still don't have a name for her) and she also confesses her mutual feelings, Blah Blah Blah, they date, yada yada yada, they get married and have a pair of twins.
I also have to say that Whole, whom I will call CJ from this point forward (Does NOT mean Chonny Jash, its a diff name, same acronym) is aware and remembers HMS quite a bit. Most of his memories/knowledge of them has faded since the harmonising was over 6 years ago, but he still remembers a few key details like their roles, some of their names and a blurry image of what they look like.
Soo like the VERY FUNCTIONAL human being CJ is, decides to name his twin sons after two of the voices in his head. Wow, clap for the man everyone whoooo-. The names he uses are Artemis and Apollo. A year later, they have another child whom he names, say it with me! ATLAS WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED AHH. Atlas was born on the same day as Artemis and Apollo so you'd argue their triplets lol.
And this is where I ruin the au🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
OK SO during the time the twins still weren't born, Heart began to wonder what it must be like to live life as your own person, to have a childhood, go school- etc etc (HMS split up into existence when CJ was 18 not too long before he dropped out of college) he starts rambling to Mind and Soul about this, Mind tries to shrug it off as a plain "What if" sanario or daydream but also ends up thinking the same.
This is also fueled by the fact that they spent majority of their existence fighting each other never living an even remotely normal day in their life.
Soul wants both of them to be happy, plus he also starts to get infected with this desire and curiosity. SO he somehow finds out he can cut off a prong of the trident and make it a dagger which he can link Heart or Mind to making them particularly function as a soul.
Soul also wants to be with his halves so he asks for Heart's blindfold and Mind's crown to create a puppet that can serve thr roles of all three of them. Which he names Harmonia (AYO OMORIHMS AU FORSHADOWING?!?!?!)
Harmonia is basically a perfect copy of CJ lol. Soul leaves Harmonia alone to look after CJ with his trident(now pretty much a spear) a crown of a ruler who has stepped down from his throne and a blindfold used to protect its previous wearer from the blinding lights of the Sun.
You can kinda just ignore that part if you want (still on the fence with it but I'll most likely go with it) cus it doesn't really effect the story if you were to erase it. All that happens mostly is Deju Vu
I don't really need to explain which HMS is which kid hah.
I'm now gonna explain the three kids.
First is Artemis, who is TECHNICALLY the older twin (he came out first). Artemis is based on the right brain being not only the emotional side but also the creative and artistic side. So yes... he is an artist. Quite extroverted, still likes his peace and quiet, yeahhhh
Second is Apollo, the "younger" twin (funny because he's the tallest out of the three). Ehh, you know the drill, straight A's student... hot nerd even (JOKE. DONT KILL ME. NO. NUH UH. I WAS JOKING EH) the classic "grades over mental health because" guy. Monotone and deep voice but is surprisingly approachable (unless he put you on his "No likey" list based on first impressions lol).
Last but not least, Atlas, the poor younger sibling who keeps getting caught in the crossfire between his two older siblings. He's more on the athletic side, being hockey team (suggested by randa). The most energetic of the three, as a kid, he often asked his brothers to play with him, which is why the trio grew up to be really close.
Uhhhh some trivia/fun facts to maybe explain their characters a bit more:
• Apollo and Artemis "fight" from time to time but its mostly "YOU FATASS, YOU ATE ALL MY KITKATS" then dramatic pause then "Dad made waffles."
• Apollo's favourite book is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.
• Artemis is the shortest of the three and gets flamed by Apollo about it
• CJ doesn't have a favourite child
• Apollo is the one that sits on the front passenger seat of the car, and will die fighting for it.
• Apollo is a cat person while Artemis is a dog person.
• Sexualities
Apollo: Bi
Artemis: Gay
Atlas: AroAce
• Ages:
Apollo and Artemis: 16
Atlas: 15
• Aollo's fashion taste is dark academia
• Atlas and Apollo did karate for 8 years
• Despite this, Artemis poses the most threat to the average bypasser
• CJ's wife works abroad on a cruise. She only sees her family atleast once a year
• Atlas used to have a childhood dog named....wait for it..... DARREL
• Atlas has more then one occasion, forced Apollo to dance Rasputin on just dance.
•Apollo's sleep schedule is so bad he's immune system is absolute trash
• Artemis once forgot to lock his room during a family gathering and came back to one of his younger cousins scribbling on one of his paintings.
• Artemis dislikes the idea of having kids for that reason
• Artemis was struggling on a question so hard his tutor had to ask Apollo for help because neither could they figure it out.
Yeah that's all for now, CYA
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my opinion on whether these characters bathe
Adela: she'd have good hygiene. minimum of once a day. for some reason i feel really, really confident on this. adela's just someone who seems clean
Adriana:stinky. wouldnt shower
Aiden:i wrote alex's first, and i think since the european part doesn't apply then i'm going with the second one and saying he probably showers before going out minimum
Alex:could go any way. you can argue "european from a cold country = not as much showering, more skewed to just wearing deodorant or perfume" or "theres no way a secret agent can afford to be stimky" and i would agree with both those options equally
Arda:the aspect of being depressed and a workaholic that nobody likes remembering is that you're not gonna be showering regularly. im sorry
Aya:normal amount of baths. whatever that is
Barbara:she's stinky. you can't convince me otherwise on this. she's stinky. it's not like she NEVER SHOWERS but i'd bet she's like "ehh once or twice a week is plenty"
Bernice:you look me in the proverbial eye and tell me he showers.
Bianca:i actually think she showers. why am i shocked at this. i think she showers though. the sort to say that if you don't shower before going to bed you feel worse. don't know if i'd go far enough to say twice a day though
Camilo:every time he goes out, minimum. he wouldn't be attractive if he stunk and i bet you could argue the strange self confidence stretches to. uh
Cathy:canonically showers a fucking lot
Celine:does not strike me as somebody who showers often. i think her ass can go a week without showering and not even think about it
Chiara: i think her self loathing has to stretch into baths. she probably showers at least sort of rarely, and when she does it's in the dark. she keeps her head down when she's brushing her teeth to not see herself in the mirror
Chloe:the ones i keep putting off because i'm not sure are the ones that probably default to "whatever the normal amount is". chloe showers whatever the normal amount is
Daniel:you know, i've heard secondhand so much advice on how to manage washing your hair. and you'd THINK this would help. it doesn't. because half the advice is "wash every day", the other half is "don't wash that often", and the one thing both of those agree on is "don't use scalding hot water, but don't use cold water either, both aren't a good idea, do warm water". the vibe i get is that he still showers semi often though
Echion:14 in 1 shampoo that smells like motor oil, like magnus
Elena:i think she'd only shower and not ever want a bathtub bath. because of trauma. idk i happened to be writing a bit in the fanfic that included her backstory and i actually sort of appreciate her after that. but what matters is that i think she showers twice a day
Eleven:she HAS to be the sort to shower twice a day. source:she's rich and for some reason that makes me really not buy that she'd bathe less. like. if you aren't bathing every day you're either depressed or poor and minding the water bill. she is neither
Eva:whatever the normal amount is also. i got nothing
Emma:i get the feeling, from the fact that she's a street magician, that she sometimes ends up having to not bathe every day and compensate in other ways. but also im pulling this out of my ass
Felix:i am so unbearably certain he doesn't shower ever day for some reason. i think every other day. i don't think he's at JP levels
Fiora:showers every day. i can't imagine otherwise
Hart:i am so sorry about this opinion for some reason but i can't imagine her showering more than every other day for some reason
Hyejin:showers every day, probably uses a nice flowery soap
Hyunwoo:showers every other day, probably
Isol:i think if we extend the way he feels about school he'd probably be like "i wish i could shower every day". since i dont think his circumstances would let him be very clean
Jackie:stinky. sorry
Jan:can we live in a universe where jan does bathe often. i don't want to imagine what it's like to live in the one where he doesnt. but also i just KNOW he smells so strongly of axe body spray. he needed that campaign going "only spray for as long as you say 'axe'!" but then he started saying AAAAAXE
Jenny:i feel like she showers twice a day. and id extend that she likes bubble baths but doesnt have a bathtub. and that her shampoo and conditioner are those ones that are really cheap and smell a bit "off" but in a particular way. cant figure out how to explain it
Johann:i think every day. before he goes to bed specifically. seems like a night bather
JP:canon stinky
Laura:rule of thumb:if a character is supposed to be attractive and doesn't have any good plot explanation otherwise, they shower at least once a day/before going out
Lenox:i think she doesnt shower that often but i dont like my conclusions on this :(
Leon:twice a day. i once found this soap that smelled like strawberry bubblegum and i think hed love that shit but then cover it up with man's deodorant
Li Dailin:i dont think she cares enough to shower. like. maybe she'd have trouble with getting herself to do it and kick herself over it since she's often like that. she has a slight undercurrent of self pity. but what that would mean is she's stinky
Luke: twice a day bare minimum. maybe more
Magnus:definitely showers shittily and uses one of those 14 in one shampoo for men that looks like motor oil
Mai:she so needs to have a bubble bath at least once every few days or she gets miffed. but in general i think twice a day
Nadine:you look me in the eye and tell me she showers
Nathapon: the logistics of him showering sound difficult and he seems like someone who lives life in a "bare minimum required to function well" way (like, someone that sleeps 8 hours entirely because he'll be tired otherwise. someone who puts veg in their plate so he doesn't die of scurvy but doesn't care either way aside from that) so he'd shower when he's getting sweaty but not make a habit of it
Nicky:im so sorry but she has the vibe of someone who doesn't shower as frequently as she should and is ashamed of it to me. maybe it's because depression adhd uncleanliness recognizes other uncleanlinesses. words that definitely dont exist. but sorry. i dont think im wrong though
Rio:now. as someone who's also really autistic. i struggle with keeping routines straight, but i also need them. and one thing that works well for me is basically what i call if-else chains but in my mind. like. before i go to bed, i always brush my teeth. once i got used to it i always did it, never forget it. what i'm saying is that she was taught as a kid to shower every day before bed or after waking up or whatever and now she can't break it
Rosalio:you look me in the eye and tell me he showers often. i KNOW he puts on deodorant after he sweats to cover it up but then he just smells pungently bad
Rozzi:i think she'd shower once a day after getting home or before going to bed. she isnt in a situation as precarious as isol as far as we know so i'm not accounting for it
Shoichi:i know his ass showers every day and wears loud men's perfume. this bitch definitely mastered the placement of the spritzes but acts like he doesnt put effort into it
Silvia:you look me in the eye and tell me this woman showers.
Sissela:imagining how she'd feel about hygiene makes me very sad. i get the feeling she'd hate showering
Sua:see laura's rule of thumb. none of her skins aren't babygirlified. she by nature can't smell bad. but i think she'd like that one perfume that smells like a new book
Tia:so here's the thing. it is very hard to not get your hands dirty while painting. and i myself end up being way more messy than the normal person because i Don't Care. and that makes me think she showers before going to bed because she has to make sure none of the paint is on her skin
William:he showers before going out. strikes me as the sort to sleep wearing his outside clothes
Xiukai:now. i do think he'd have good cleanliness in the kitchen. but that does not equal taking regular baths. but also he doesn't seem like he'd be UNCLEAN. so my gut feeling is baths every other day? baths every day in hot weather?
Yuki:he strikes me as someone who has a need to smell good and look good. like, two baths a day, shampoo and conditioner that smell a specific way, skin moisturizer afterwards. not in a vain way like camilo, but because he has this thing with looking perfect. which does mean. wearing charcoal masks with the girlies i just got that image and i love it
Zahir:canonically well-groomed. probably does bathe at least a good twice a day
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as-i-watch · 1 year
Episode 2 veredict:
2/5 Straw Hats 👒👒
Dont fucking come at me hear me out
[and Buggy is 5/5 btw]
The good:
No seriously he ate up the whole episode
I really like the bond Nami and Luffy share and their interactions seem so them but also new and fresh
The whole circus tent aesthetic going on, like full blown out circus
The effects on Buggy's power, really effective and looked amazing
Again the attention to detail in the costumes of Buggy crew form the og material
Oh and Nami's outfit with a more funtional skort (skirt/short)
The fucking Sea King!!! Looked amazing loved that
Ehh the not so good:
It was an exposition episode, the whole Buggy and the map thing felt like a filler
They forgot to add the silly. Remember Zoro dragging Luffy's caged ass around?? That was hilarious
Speaking of Zoro, him and Luffy hacent really been shown bonding on screen?? And this ep there was a part that Zoro said that he belived in Luffy now and i was like since when? You just met???
I might be wrong but its becoming clear that this Luffy is more soft? Idk if thats the word. And its not a bad thing, but this Luffy is kind for the sake of kindness when manga/anime Luffy i kind bc it the right thing, he is almost stuborn and selfish in that notion. Opla Luffy its like a simpler vertion of kind. (Iñaki you are doing amazing sweety this is not about the acting)
They just erased the town? Sure they people were prisioners in Buggy's show but a lot of pre timeskip was centered around the oppresion of common folk, be it by pirates like Buggy and Arlong or by the Marines like Morgan. Again, like in ep 1 they just left that out and its a shame imo, tho i get it, run time and that but still, a shame
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leo-illustrations · 29 days
(I'm writing this in your personal blog since this is kinda personal. Feel free to reblog it on your other acc if you want to, ofc. You don't even have to answer this if you dont want to. Also writing this late at night for you so that when you wake up, you'll wake up to something nice! ♡♡♡)
☆You are honestly one of the best people I've "met" (since we only talk on your posts) on the internet, I love looking at your accounts and your work. You are so talented, I love what you're doing to CS, I love how you're re-writing it. Your art is amazing, detailed, it literally looks like its always been like that, it's hard to put it into words.
☆I don't know if i can't find any, or you haven't, I currently don't know what/how you're writing, but I know, it's going to be amazing, if it's as amazing as your drawings, (it is 100%) as you've said yourself "I'm cooking" we believe you.
☆Also, I'm not trying to bring your pressure up, we/I don't want you to overwork yourself, since doing something like this at your age is amazing, especially solo.
☆I also really care about you, so please do take care of yourself, eat something as your body needs the energy, do drink some water as its getting warmer in the world, do rest, with sleep and/or taking a break, if it help do cry if you need to, as bottling it up helps 0%, (i know, since i still do it) the bottle either way will open.
☆Take care
☆Have a great morning, day, evening, night, for when you decide to read this
☆So again, we love you, if you ever feel like no one likes you remember the CS Fandom does. And at least one person does.
-If you want to, guess ♡♡♡
Okay, jokes aside, i genuinely needed to hear this today.
lately i've been neglecting my needs and i've been more prone to bed rotting. having you say this to me gives me something to keep going. that there's atleast someone that believes in me (especially with my current situation being me struggling around people who don't)
this was such a heart warming message to wake up to at 3pm (i was supposed to go out somewhere at 9 but ehh i've been that low lately) and even amidst this harsh environment i'm in, i can get up for the people that believe in me.
Thank you. really.
- Leon obviously <3
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
a lot of depression questions propose there was a time in your life when you Didnt Feel Like This and that time for me was so long ago that it's difficult to answer questions like "do you no longer get satisfaction out of things that used to bring you joy"
its like... buddy how do i... i mean... no? but, yes? but no. but only because the satisfaction level has been pretty low since basically as far as i can remember. like i have a sneaking suspicion that other people are having more fun but i can't prove it fasjdifmsga. like i do this shit i like cuz if i didn't I'd die but sometimes it's like. ehh.
and then theres questions like "I feel like i have nothing to look forward to" and its like ok so my life is better and i dont think the future is... THAT bleak? but at the same time i feel like i'd rather not keep going anyway. like if i had the choice to just stop then like. well. its tempting!
and there's never been anything concrete for me to look forward to so like. im tryna balance the question they're asking with what i think they're TRYING to ask.
and a lot of the time the questions really depend cuz it's not like a consistent thing it's like. sometimes i go weeks without feeling this specific thing but it always comes back so i don't feel confident answering NO i DONT feel that way cuz it could be right around the corner.
i've sometimes joked that it's like i have seasonal depression but for every season with light breaks every few weeks. idk. im just rambling
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not-souleaterpost · 6 months
opinion on gopher
Well no shade at any Gopher fans but not really positive so dont read further if you dont wanna be sad😂
To me Gopher kind of is one of the reasons for my controverial oppinion of the anime being better than the manga:
The most simple and least pretentious way of describing my thoughts and reasons is - I find him unfunny and obnoxious, while also feeling that he is a pointless charachter with wasted potential at the same time.
But to get more into detail...
When did he get introduced (if I remember correctly?): During that whole mini-arc about Maka wanting "to be an angel".
I have many problems with that part of the story, especially with how it turns Maka into some generic "tsundre kawaii girl who not so secretly likes the guy who she is bitchy too"
But I wont get too much into that, just the fact that I get the point - Gopher gets introduced as foil to her in that arc, to kinda give her a reality check of how unlikeable and childish she is acting.
But the point is, that even with the most charitable interpretation of the arc, Gopher IS just by his nature a charachter tailor-made (literally) to be obnoxious and annoying.
And unlike Excalibur, I find the way in which he is just groan-worthy and not charming and soothing (Yeah Excalibur is great, shout out to the OG)
But ok, maybe thats just bad impresions, does he improve later? Not really cause his whole gag stays this kinda creepy quasi incestious obssesion with Noah and idk, dont even wanna write about that part too much lol
But even if one just looks at it as a charachter trait with possible development, it leads nowhere, Gopher being static besides his final gag (which I admit is funny but also a bit ehh with the whole implication of what hes gonna do with 7 naked unconcious bodies...)
Still, one could say why am I'm expecting something out of a gag charachter? Just dont overthink it - maybe I wouldnt if Ohkubo didnt kinda setup a situation where it seemed there could be more to him, only to be just wasted panel time in the end:
What I mean is, the whole setup of him torturing and integoriating Kid - which seemed to be a perfect opportunity for charachter development for both of them - because they actually have some simmilarities:
Both are "created" and "reverant" to their Father-figure, both have unhealthy obssessions and both start throwing childish tantrums when things dont go their way. (also surface details like both seemingly being anime pretty boys appeiling to a specific demographic, with the dark hair and proper dress-code etc)
Yet all that didnt lead to anything - neither Gopher realised that his "master" is horrible compared to the other side, nor did it make Kid reflect about his own obssessions and how obnoxious and ridicolous he must look to others.
Neither was there anything about being sorta non human, "created" not born - but thats excusable cause that was revealed after the fact in Kids case.
Hell, still there could be even some strengthening of both sides negative traits, the tragedy of communication being impossible, but all lead just to an ok gag of Kids face being made unsymmetrical.
But also on a tangent, the whole "black wings" thing also just seems to be derivative - especially when the much stronger parallel of "angel vs demon" with black and white wings was between Maka and Crona, so yeah I think the whole obnoxious Maka and Gopher thing kinda deluded that meaning, but thats more of a pet peeve.
Still, to leave of not with just bitching, but an interesting thought, or atleast kinda funny in a stupid way (enough that I will prolly use it as filler in my iceberg videos):
So Gopher is a creation of Noah. But Noah is just one of seven other creations. Who are made by the Index, which is just a manifestation of a part of the Book of Eibon, which was written by the Wizard of the same name.
How many layers of being a tool is that?😂
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oogaboogaspookyman · 4 months
lambitchqueen: hey dude! just wanted to check on u!!
sunshinecat: Hey Laura! I'm okay, albeit a little bored, i don't do well on the weekends 😅
lambitchqueen: that job at the dumb theme park kept u busy huh? man thats kinda shit tbh idk why you even wanted to work there
sunshinecat: I actually quit!
lambitchqueen: deadass?? when???
sunshinecat: You remember that time i was talking to Leshy on break, in the break room, and Narinder decided to make a scene? I quit that time, i didn't wanna work in a place like that
lambitchqueen: damn good for u i hated that place anyway
sunshinecat: Yeahh... Speaking of which, have you heard it shut down? Like years ago?
lambitchqueen: it WHAT
sunshinecat: It shut down! Bankruptcy but knowing you and the things, i bet murder was another reason
lambitchqueen: THEY FUCKING WHAT
sunshinecat: Was that not part of your plan?? It drove the company to shut down the theme park and it's been abandoned ever since
lambitchqueen: i missed out on SO MUCH WHAT THE HELL..... no it wasn't part of my plan to get people killed i just hoped they would get caught and revealed to be spooky shits but KILL??? when did they kill???
sunshinecat: I didn't say they killed, more like i bet they did...
lambitchqueen: oh........ oh okay thank fuck i never meant for THAT to happen jesus fuck
sunshinecat: Sorry! I shouldn't have said that i'm very sorry 😔
lambitchqueen: its cool dw. that being said i do wanna see the place now that its abandoned n all cause like. my curiosity be high now lol
sunshinecat: Are you sure about this??? Those things could still be there y'know???
lambitchqueen: ehh ill be fineee dw bout me im a strong independent woman! i dont need no man u know me
sunshinecat: Yeah i know you 😏
sunshinecat: But seriously can i at least come with you? I don't wanna leave you alone in a place like that, you're my best friend y'know??
lambitchqueen: teehee alr you can come with me romeo but just know were gonna have fun then if you come along
sunshinecat: Bitch don't call me Romeo ewww!!
lambitchqueen: lmaooooo
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im-a-moldy-bread · 2 years
♡ angst ♡ not proof read ♡ slight gore for sensitive readers ( like a grain of sand ) ♡ not really accurate to lore ♡ ooc
Artist on twitter: Elico79068549
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"Scara, today is my birthday!"
"Ah you mean that day where humans celebrate their first day of worthless and mundane existence despite their creation being of no effort of their own?"
"Yes, but it's also to celebrate the fact that you're able to live to this age happy and healthy, for the people around you to be joyful about your presence in their life!"
"How utterly useless, as all humans traditions"
"Eh I guess I should just jump off a cliff right now then since you clearly aren't happy with my existence"
His eyes shot up, he didn't expect you to take it that badly. Panic start running in his veins.
"AHAHAHAHA I'm joking of course. Here, I saved a piece of the birthday cake for you! You're okay with vanilla flavour, right?"
"It doesn't matter to me what flavour it is."
Despite his hesitancy, he took the cake from your hand.
"It taste..decent enough."
"I know you would like it! Enjoy the cake! I'm going to go ham on the booze, cya!"
the door shut on your departure
" *sigh * I will take care of her later"
Scaramouche returned to his paperwork as the next day arrives. That was how you spend your first birthday with him.
You guys were taking a stroll down the street. Well, it's more like you pushed him out the office to accompany you to your whimps.
"Indeed, and one of them is seeing the streets with me. Hurry now, we're going to miss the fireworks!"
"What reasoning is that? Wha-"
You hold his hand and ran before letting him finishing his sentence (most likely another insult). Scaramouche give up on resisting. He doesn't know what get you so excited, but he is used to falling for your sudden nature by now. He stared at your back, at your hair that bounce up and down as you ran, at your jumpy happiness that he wants to keep all to himself, at you, all of you.
Suddenly you stopped in yout tracks.
"Scara look!!!!" You points upwards.
Fireworks of different colour set ablaze high up in the nightsky. Like a thousands different kind of fiery flowers.
The moonlight shine delicately on your face, as the reds, the blues, the greens pop up and went out.
He wanted to burn this sight into his memories, into his eternity.
You look back at him.
"Sorry, I wanted to spend my birthday with you this year but I could only force you out of your office. Otherwise you won't come at all!"
You pout, holding scaramouche hands more tightly than ever.
Maybe you're just as afraid of losing him as he is of you.
"Happy existence day, y/n."
He let out without a thought. His voice was soft. And you knew it was for your ears only.
"Its happy birthday stupid."
He deadpanned.
"Fine, I take it back."
"HEY NO BACKSIES! Plus I would pay you one million to say it again!"
"Then... I shall say it to you next year too."
"Ehh i cant wait that long! Ahh dear Barbatos please let time past faster."
"Pfttt impatient as always hahaha."
"I can't help it. NEXT YEAR, COME SOONER!!"
You shouted.
Your smile is brighter than the moon, he thought. Its funny how you get so excited about the simplest of things, he thought. I wish you stayed that way forever, he thought.
Scaramouche just return from his expedition.
He's holding a letter you wrote just yesterday, filled with honey laced words , bunch of I miss you, I love you and lastly a "I wanted to see you again ░▒▓██▓▒░". And at the end of the letter, your signature and the date.
Ah it's that day again. Perhaps that why you both were longing for each other so much eventhough you guys had only been three days apart.
He remembered humans have tradition of giving gifts on birthdays. He himself have readied your gift a few weeks ago. A of custom made pendant, made by the most renowned blacksmiths in teyvat, reminiscent of the fireworks and fake stars you both seen together last year.
He spare no time and hurried to your residence. With no second waste, he arrived at your door. He took a deep breath, mustered up every bit of emotion in his body and knock before opening the door.
However, his short lived excitement was responded with silence. Knowing y/n, they most likely is celebrating in their room with their friends. He didn't like the idea of not being the first to wish them on this special day, but he miss them too much to care. He expected your loud voice filled with joy, but as always, you surpass his expectations. Your corpse lay limp as you hang from the ceiling, skin white as the snezhnaya snow,
Scaramouche stood still, he froze in place as his eyes examine and take in every part of your corpse. Then, he hug you, hug you so tightly blood started oozing out of your cutted wounds and one might think your bone shattered.
He wanted to hold your hand one last time, but it was clenching something you refused to let go even after you died. A sticky note, messily written.
"I wanted to see you again before I go. Wish me happy birthday will ya?"
He hooked the pendant to your flesh.
"Happy existence day, y/n. May it corrodes with you."
He didn't cry. He didn't laugh. He was emotionless. This void appeared in his hollow husk once again.
Once more, I've been tainted by worldly filth
My 4th betrayal was a heart, a lover.
Surrounded by sorrow and grief, they seek to run away from the prison of their mind, robbing my torso central cog and leaving me behind to rot.
A fic to myself 30102022
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
You are not part of me but you make me whole
Chapter 2
If a stranger asks, he don't know
If his parents asks, he don't remember
If he ask himself, its blurry
He always said that he don't care about it, that he's happy with what he have and don't need more.
But.. sometimes he see somethings
Yells and screams.
Rage and sadness.
Blood and toxic green
But over everything, there was just only one thing that seemed to always catch him. Two green eyes, filled with love and trust, so similar to his yet so different. They are as green as the forest and as cold as his ice but in all his dreams (memories?) when they look at him are full of love.
They are conforting in a way that only jazz had been able to make him fell.
He never told anyone about it. No his parents, no Sam, no tucker, not even Jazz. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, its just that always when there is a moment, an instance, when he feel ready to talk and he just... can't. It feels.. wrong, is like there were someone he knows that will always there for him and he were betraying them..., so he shut up.
He just wish that someday he will be able to meet the owner of those eyes.
Tucker always knows that there out are things he will never understand.
Like Mr. Lancer tests
Or Sam tastes
Or how Danny still thinks that he'll be able to survive with just coffee.
"Dude, you look awfull" he says as see his bestfriend collapse in the seat, "how much did you sleep this week?"
"Mmm... dunno, 2 hours?"
"Today, right?" There was no answer "right?!" Danny stare at him and then look away
"Man!, you cant keep doing that!"
"Doing what?" Another voice said, both turn back to see Sam looking at both with a raise eyebrow, interrogative.
"Well.. heh heh.. I" danny begin, cold sweat running down his forehead and his eyes were anywhere but Sam.
"Danny didn't sleep for a week" He said "Again"
Sam turn her eyes to danny with a murder look "YOU DID WHAT AGAIN!!!!!!!" She yelled before start lecturing Danny
"—and you cant keep doing this!!"
"I'm sorry..." Danny said as he looked down
"We dont want you to be sorry, we want you to take care of yourself" sam said she sighed, looking concerned and frustrated
"You know she is right dude, take care of yourself, even as a halfa you still need to get some sleep dude"
"Ahh.. I'm sorry for worried you guys, but I'll be fine. I have my coffee, appart, its almost six, I'll recharge in any moment" danny said
"That's not how it wor—!" he cut Sam " what do you mean with recharge?"
"You know, around this time I'm always dead tired but then something just lift my spirits" Danny answers easily
"Its no time for pun—" "what do you mean? You never told us anything like that" Sam looked like she's gonna kill him before capt the idea
"I did not? I swear that- I mean, when- ehh.... fuck, I totally forgot" yep, that's Danny
"Theeen" he said, indicating to continue
"Well, always, at six, yes its always at that time, I get energy. Like someone just give a super instantly rest in a second, soooo with that, and my coffee I just get enough to work" explained
"We will continue our conversation about the coffew later" sam declare with a glare" but now, didn't you care about HOW?!"
"mmm..." danny looked away" you know what they said 'if is not a problem dont fix it' "
"The same as always master Damian?"
"Yes, thank you Penyworth"
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helianss · 5 months
Hello I'm here to ask questions and bother you.
So about atla au (i think I'm getting brain worms about this), is Kaboodle gonna be back at some point in the story? Are all airbenders dead in your au too and who is avatar if there is?
Also saw the minutech art and tags, since he's an earthbender can't he just be blind? Or is it too similar to atla?
Hihi :3 Yes Kab DOES come back i dont have like the story/timeline like fully written out but she wants to face clown and take revenge on him for their tribe, for what he did to her. Kab and Clown did trained and learned everything together but she finds clown practicing/learning bloodbending; a forbidden form of waterbending without her. Clown was breaking the rules and his sister's heart and trust and she wants to get back at him for that.
(i explain it in a less lore-y storytelling way below :3c)
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And on where she kinda appears again: Kab has somewhat mastered waterbending lives in republic city with maddy(millkberry), someone she met in republic city and is now really close friends with! The taking revenge on Clown is distant thing to her. She just wants to live normally in the city making friends and not worrying about her crazy bloodbending brother. Until one day shes out late at night and spots some fighting going on in an alleyway, more importantly, someone getting bloodbent by none other than the infamous ClownPierce.
(Ive actually been thinking of giving clown a normal name in this au instead of just like CLOWN LMAO i dont remember if i mentioned this anywhere i think i did??)
For the airbenders thing they aren't dead infact ive been thinking of making parrot one (IM SO ORIGINAL I KNOW WHO THOUGHT THE BIRD GUY WOULD BE AN AIRBENDER /S)
For who the avatar is? i dont really know/I havent really decided cause the au is set in the more modern-ish tlok era. It has crossed my mind to make spoke the avatar just for funsies but likee idk,,,
Also it did cross my mind to make minute blind but its like ehh?? i dont really want to and yeah its a bit too similar to toph
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i remember seeing an ask that said if sc will be translated to other languages, i could be wrong, but knowing kc this could happen
and i think
thats...not that easy. some characters use neopronouns, and neos just exists in english. also, a lot of languages dont have neutral pronouns
you cannot translate "fen went to fens room to sleep" or "leaf feels bad, because of stemself" to spanish, as an example. i am studing spanish rn, and as far i know you will only get some kind of nickname, instead of a pronoun
ah anon im not too sure what you are attempting to get at as if kc wants to does so i think squeak can manage for a couple reasons off the top of my head a pronoun is just a word used to substitute a noun so yes neopronouns would be similar to nicknames in style also to point out that in spanish there is current movements towards more gender inclusivity (like using e as a gender neutral suffix as it is something already within the language for example 'inteligente' not being masculine or feminine) however if kc does translate through whatever means bun could just make some shit up again i dont see your point other than you coming to say 'ehh i dunno could be hard' but this really has no sustenance and doesnt state a point or argument unless this is an expression of concern but as of now with the translation not anywhere near out we will have to wait and see what happens or how kc tries to tackle it or who knows maybe she will avoid translating to those languages one last thing to note is it really comes down to how the story frames the use of gender neutral pronouns i think with some terms becoming more gender neutral despite the suffix such as latino having moved more towards the entire grouping over the singular plus you could say in english how they them is plural and gender neutral while in spanish when referencing multiples youd say 'nosotros' or 'ninos' (of course theres the rules about it having to be plural with one masculine in the group but still) you could bend the rules and reuse these concepts to portray an androgynous or nonbinary person -uni
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mono--chromatik · 8 months
The being simped after shit is genuinely uncomfortable. People push limits with that shit and it gets weird and intrusive reaaally fast. I hope you don't have to deal with that BS on top of how I've seen other people treat them already, I'm also glad you've been on a break from youtube, don't do shit that stresses you out unnecessarily. Also i suppose it's on topic but I hope people have stopped being a bit weirdly violent towards saturate, I don't really remember if that was something that ever discomforted you but I guess it got pushed really far a lot. I hope that people have like either leaned back on doing that or well. Stopped. It's weird to do that to someones. Like 12? Year old character. (I genuinely cannot remember. Damn it and my jokes.) -🧨🎖
I wish I could say I don't have to deal with that sort of thing, I really do. But for some reason videos seem to be the medium where people suddenly find it acceptable to treat people like content machines, or their creations like the next hit media all the kids are getting into.
Suppose that former bit is a side-effect of the animation meme community churning out flashy slop for every breakcore song n' conditioning kids to think they're owed it just.. *because*. But that latter part goes deeper in personal experience. Crazy to think some people think its normal to go to some total rando who they know but the rando Doesn't Know Them to tell me they think one of the characters I project issues onto is "kinda....... 😍😳."
Generally I'm really put off by romance for a variety of reasons so it's kind of like getting spat in my face. I'd prefer to let the people get distracted by the next "suggestive" ""16+"" animation meme than to entertain a crowd of people who can't listen to save their lives. Maybe i'll make something really boring for good measure.
As for the violence jokes about Saturate (13)? I'm pretty *shaky hand* ehh on it but I think the less I know the person making them the worse it is. I admittedly used to be similar when I was a young teen when I was in a community with next to no good adult guidance in it so I never really grasped the severity of that sort of thing at the time (or realized that ocs tend to be an outlet or projection of sorts! I realized that a little later).
People I know used to do it, but as we matured we kinda realized it was a bit shit. And having realized it I'm more prone to giving the stink eye to people who make child abuse jokes about her (especially when Greyscale is involved. crazy the balls some people have to be like that to total strangers).
Hooo long post. uhhh tl;dr:
making videos makes you eligible for audience demands,
i dont like simping cuz its gone further than just ocs in my experience,
people acting like this made me not wanna make animations,
saturate child abuse jokes still happen but a lot less. im much less tolerant of it from strangers
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