#ehehehe thank you for this prompt B)
flufffilleddonut · 4 months
Heavenly Encouragement
Summary - Charlie, Vaggie and Emily are touring around Heaven. Charlie feels dejected, comparing the happy demeanors of the winners to the negative attitudes of her sinners. Emily, however, carries out her duty to spread joy throughout the realm.
Word Count - 970
Charlie and Vaggie were in Heaven, on a tour of the realm provided by Emily, the seraphim. Charlie’s eyes were full of wonder as she took in the surroundings, while Vaggie wished that she could be anywhere else. 
As the three made their way around, Charlie couldn’t help but notice a recurring theme amongst the winners who inhabited the realm. They all looked happy.
Charlie felt a pang of sadness. She had always wanted to see a place where everyone was joyful and content, but she wished that she could make her people feel the same way. What if her plan for redemption didn’t work? They would be stuck in a realm full of violence and despair, awaiting the day they meet their second, and final demise at the end of an angelic spear.
Charlie stopped in her tracks. Vaggie and Emily noticed and followed suit.
“Charlie? Is everything okay?” Vaggie questioned, sensing that something was up with her girlfriend.
Charlie didn’t respond, instead turning to Emily, who watched her with concern.
“How is it that everyone is so happy here? I get that it’s Heaven and all, but don’t people ever have bad days?” Charlie paused, looking down at the ground. “Aren’t there ever people who refuse to give love and trust a chance, despite your best efforts? Or, do all of those people end up in Hell, and I’m just fighting a losing battle?”
Vaggie wanted to comfort Charlie, to tell her what it’s really like to live in Heaven, but she knew that she couldn’t. Emily, feeling for Charlie’s situation, approached the demon and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Well, it isn’t always easy to keep everyone happy. Especially when you're feeling down yourself.” Emily started, giving Charlie a soft smile. “But what’s important is that you try your hardest. Everyone is different, and wants different things. You just have to remember that you should value your own emotions equally to the emotions of others. Otherwise, you won’t be able to help anyone.”
Charlie looked up at the angel, returning her smile.
“Thanks, Emily. You must be very good at your job.”
Emily giggled in response. Removing her hand from Charlie’s shoulder, her eyes gained a mischievous glint.
“You know, I do have one trick that I use when a soul is feeling particularly down.”
Charlie’s smile faded.
“What’s that?” She questioned.
Emily shot her hands down to Charlie’s stomach, where she began rapidly skittering her fingers against the surface.
“Tickles!” Emily exclaimed, beaming.
Charlie burst out laughing. Curling in on herself, she grabbed onto Emily’s arms.
“Tck-a tck-a tck! Tck-a tck-a tck! Is this a bad spot, or are you really just this ticklish?” Emily teased, curious about the demon’s endearing reactions.
“BOHOHOTH! EHEHEHE!” Charlie laughed out honestly, prompting Emily to giggle alongside her.
There might as well have been two holes burning in the back of Emily’s head, as Vaggie was staring intensely at the seraphim, daggers in her eyes. First the hand-holding and now this? Vaggie was seething with rage at how Emily was getting up close and personal with her partner.
Vaggie’s thoughts were cut short as she snapped back to reality, hearing someone call out her name.
“VahAHAggie! HehEHElp! AhAHaha!”
Emily was now gently holding Charlie’s wrists in one hand, scratching at her navel with the other.
“This is one of my favourite tickle spots! It’s so cute!” Emily said brightly.
Oh no she doesn’t, Vaggie thought to herself.
Approaching Emily from behind, Vaggie reached up and wrapped her arms securely around the angel’s waist, lifting her into the air and away from Charlie. Vaggie then dug her thumbs into the seraphim’s hips, vibrating them roughly.
Emily shrieked, the sound dissolving into bubbly, uncontrollable laughter.
“NAHAHAHA! OHOHOH MYHYHY!” She squirmed around, grasping Vaggie’s wrists.
“Can’t take what you dish out, can you?” Vaggie grinned, continuing her attack.
Charlie steadied her footing, regaining her breath. 
“Vahaggie, don’t be too rohough.” She cautioned, smiling.
“You got it, babe.” With a smirk, Vaggie moved her hands to Emily’s wings, where she began lightly tracing the surface with her nails.
“AhaHA! NohOho! Nohohot thehERE! Tohoo tihiHIcky!” Emily pleaded, gently kicking her legs and beginning to flap her wings.
“Come on. If it was that bad, you’d be putting up more of a fight. Even Charlie hides the fact that she enjoys it better than you.”
“Vaggie!” Charlie shouted out, flushing. Vaggie chuckled.
Deciding that it was her girlfriend’s turn to be on the receiving end, Charlie snuck up behind Vaggie and slipped her hands under her arms, wiggling her fingers into the hollows.
Vaggie yelped and let go of Emily, bringing her arms down against her sides to protect herself.
“Chahaharlie! Thihis ihihis behetrahahayal!” Vaggie laughed as Charlie continued her attack.
Catching her breath and finding her balance, Emily watched the couple’s affectionate antics.
“Come on, Vaggie, show me that smile~” Charlie cooed, moving her hands down to claw at Vaggie’s ribs.
Charlie continued for a few more moments, before bringing her hands to a stop. Vaggie, slightly dazed, took the time to catch her breath.
“Are we ready to continue?” Emily asked, the three girls feeling both drained and refreshed from their playful fight.
“Yes!” Charlie chimed.
“Sure.” Vaggie said flatly.
As the three continued their tour around Heaven, they each thought about what they had taken away from their shared interaction. Emily was happy to have two new people to show around her realm and play with, Vaggie had gained a new tactic to use when Emily got too touchy with her partner, and Charlie had an idea for a new bonding exercise at the hotel. In the end, the girls all felt closer to one another, with their day having been brightened, even if just a little.
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freeuselandonorris · 10 months
eheheh okay SO. the kinkmeme planning was the first time i started thinking about free use lando, a concept i have become so thoroughly attached to that it is now my blog name.
per the prompt, i was originally playing with the concept of something more mean-spirited — maybe an intro to the grid back when he joined or something, although i never felt entirely comfortable with that concept for various reasons, not least the inherent dubcon/noncon implied in hazing.
after rotating the free use concept in my brain a little more, though, i decided that a) i wanted it to be something lando was not only on board with, but had in fact instigated or at least requested and b) i wanted oscar involved.
now, this is where it starts crossing over into the dumbification/bimbofication prompt, but i’ve had separate asks about that so i’ll save that side of it.
essentially, my plan is that lando has a free use fantasy, and oscar handles logistics and is present as a sort of caretaker figure. there’s some sort of lovely soiree going on in the other rooms (i think jenson would host this, for reasons) with lots of drivers there, and then in a back room, lando is leashed to a bed and there’s a table at the side with lube, poppers, condoms what-have-you. and at any point during the evening, the other drivers are free to come and go as they please (pun not intended).
that’s it. that’s the plot. lando gets thoroughly used until he is unable to form sentences. oscar watches the entire thing and cares for him and loves it. DELICIOUS.
i haven’t started writing it yet because i think it’ll have to be pretty long and i want a lot of the build-up and planning, not just the fucking, so i need to get some of my other WIPs out of the way first. but it is my absolute favourite headcanon and i will be writing it at some point and it will be utterly vile.
thanks, anon!! 🫶
WIP title game (within a game)
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draconica · 4 years
for the prompts 14 if you want to ofc
14. Morning sex
Ofc I want to write Nellis morning sex are you kidding B)
As Nick's mind crept out from a deep sleep, the first thing he noted was how uncomfortable the light was against his eyelids and rolled away from it. He'd forgotten to close the blinds again, for God's sake, and the gambler gave a low grumble at being disturbed. Shifting in the sheets, his hand eventually located the warm body next to him which brought an immediate smile to his usually grumpy face.
Ellis was also asleep, laying on his back with his head turned towards Nick slightly, a hand resting on his chest. He'd kicked the blanket off of one of his feet while sleeping; at least this time he hadn't stolen the comforter from his partner, like usual. The older man found himself watching the mechanic peacefully, for a good few minutes at least while his thoughts wandered, before the young man in question gave a small moaning yawn, curling in the bed in a stretch, and then his eyes opened. Nick grinned.
“Morning, sweetheart.” His hand reached up to run a gentle finger down the side of El's face.
“Mornin',” Ellis replied and sagged back into the mattress, unbelievably relaxed. “What time is it?”
Nick offered a shrug. “Dunno,” he smiled. “But I don't think we have to get up right away.”
“Well, wouldn't mind gettin' some breakfast before we go visit Ro' and Francis,” Ellis tried to argue but found himself getting enamoured by that damn smile, those gorgeous eyes, and shifted closer for morning kisses. Nick always said he wasn't a big cuddler, but that statement always betrayed him once they were in bed.
The hustler gave a hum and pretended to consider it. “I'm hungry, too,” he agreed and wrapped an arm around his lover's waist. “Just not for food.”
That brought a laugh from Ellis, deep and low. “Damn, Nick. Ain't never met anyone who stomps for sex as much as you.” Ellis's arms came up around his neck anyway, pulling them closer together. “Reck'n I'm still purdy lubed up from last night.”
Nick purred and shifted his hips forward until he could rub his morning wood (which had hardened even more since Ellis had provided him with that image) up against his lover's hip. At the same time, he granted Ellis a loving kiss and shifted his weight on top of him.
The mechanic instantly spread his thighs to accommodate Nick's weight, shivering into the kiss  when the movement allowed their erections to meet and grind in the middle. Instinctively, he reached down and took them both in his hands.
Nick broke the kiss and gazed down at him, a predatory look in his eyes, and Ellis was already mentally drafting the apology message he will have to send to Rochelle later to say that they would be running a little late. Nick's hips shifted forward then let out a low moan of his own, and Ellis was right back in the present.
As Nick reached down to spread Ellis's thighs and push them upwards, the covers fell from Nick's back as the younger's legs were now hooked around his waist. Ellis bit his lip in anticipation and braced his hands to his lover's shoulders, because he knew what was coming. He only felt a few tentative prods to his rear before he was being penetrated by Nick's length.
The still-sleepy Ellis gave another sigh, one that hitched slightly when Nick slipped in with little effort. The gambling man was watching his face carefully, smiling at him with a grin that grew larger the deeper he went. Once he was at the hilt, Nick let out a held breath and reached up to take Ellis's hands in his own. Then, he pressed them into the pillow above the mechanic's head and leant in for a kiss, soft and sweet. “You know how much I love you?”
Ellis smiled widely, entwining Nick's fingers with his own and squeezing. “I have n'idea,” he murmured against his lips. “But how's about ya show me how much?”
Nick thought that was a great idea, and Ellis didn't have a lot of those often. So he moved his head beside his lover's, taking a little bite at his neck while he was there, and began to thrust his hips at a leisurely pace. Ellis always accommodated him so perfectly but it never failed to make his head spin – it always just felt so damn good.
Ellis seemed to agree as he tilted his head towards Nick and began to moan into his ear over and over, his warm breath ghosting the sensitive skin there and making the gambler tremble. The noises Ellis made during sex was just another stoke to the flame, something else that Nick could not get enough of.
Once the pace had increased, Ellis released one of his hands from Nick's grasp and sifted it through Nick's hair, gripping there lightly and keeping Nick close. Meanwhile his legs continued to clamp down on the older man's body to encourage each thrust, silently asking for more.
Now that one hand was free, Nick moved it between them and found Ellis's cock nestled between their bodies to add to his stimulation. The touches caused Ellis to gasp and moan his lover's name as Nick concentrated on leaving a brand new hickey on his neck for his lover to show off. He knew for sure Francis would tease him about it, not that he cared right now.
“Nick!” Ellis suddenly gasped, the hand in Nick's hair clenching which made the gambler moan. He knew Ellis was getting closer already, which didn't surprise him, and grinned like a wolf as he anchored his knees to the bed and thrust as hard as he could. Nick couldn't help his own moans joining in the chorus as Ellis responded by clenching around him, creating a perfectly tight friction that made him weak.
“C'mon, baby,” Nick husked into Ellis's ear as he heard those moans escalate into cries of pleasure. The sound of Ellis losing all control alone made Nick's dick twitch as he pounded away.
It all ended with Ellis giving one last gasp, breath catching at the apex as he tried to silence his orgasm. Ultimately he failed and groaned in pure pleasure as he let loose a stream between them, painting Nick's hand in the process. The Southerner followed it up with little moaning sighs of “Nick, Nick, Nick...”
It was only shortly after that the gambler himself could come, too. He mumbled a swear and panted against the now-wet skin of Ellis's neck and the younger man rocked him through it. There was just something about sex with Ellis that always made Nick think he could come for hours, but eventually he found himself spent and collapsed in a heap with his boyfriend, panting like he'd just run from zombies in the apocalypse.
When he found the strength to open his eyes once more, Ellis was looking back at him with a half-lidded gaze and a dreamy smile on his face. “God damn.”
Nick lifted his brow. “That good, huh?”
“Hell yeah, for someone who just woke up,” Ellis commented, reaching up and brushing a few stray hairs back from his lover's temple. “You ready to get some real breakfast now?*
“In a bit.” Nick pulled Ellis closer and rubbed his cheek against those soft curls. “Cuddles first.”
Ellis didn't protest as he looped his arms around Nick's middle and burrowed against his hairy chest. “I ain't tellin' Rochelle why we're late, though.”
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wickednerdery · 3 years
Can you write a drabble with TVA Loki X reader. Prompt 214) Hickey. Them getting teased by Mobius 🖤
This is...really cute, ehehehe!!
((Loki Spoilers...Maybe??))
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You and Loki fuss with clothing, hair, trying to gather yourselves as Hunter B-15 and Mobius call for you both.
"How do I look?" Loki stands before you, utterly composed with twinkle in his eye.
"Fine. Me?"
"Yeah. Good." Not that he's really looking, your chest heaving in attempts to catch breath like it is.
"There you are..." B-15's eyes narrow, wary. She doesn't trust you, doesn't trust him more, and the scene suggests more than she wants to imagine. "Time to go."
Mobius looks between you, smile coming slow. "Wow."
Loki feigns offense. "What?"
"No, nothing." Mobius chuckles. "I’m sure we’ll catch the vampire vacuum cleaner who did that to you in no time.”
“Excuse me?” This time you’re the indignant one.
“Just a tip for the future...” Mobius grazes his own neck. “That’s what turning up collars is for.” 
Your eyes widen, then narrow, as you pull your jacket’s collar up and around you. You weren’t ashamed, just didn’t like being called out. Loki chuckles, even in the face your glare.
Mobius grins, turns towards the time gate. “Don’t know what you’re laughing at, Loki, you’ve got two of ‘em.”
This time you laugh.
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((Honestly, hardest part of this is figuring out what Mobius would say to tease them, lol!! This was a really cute prompt though and fun to write. Thanks for the prompt, Anon, and hope everyone out there enjoys the resulting drabble!!))
Those who might care/Asked to always be tagged: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @lost-in-labradorite-halls @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream
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turtlee-rockin · 3 years
weee hiii i saw requests were open and i just wanna say I LOVE YOUR WRITINGGG and i was hoping maybe you could do a lumity fic with lee amity? maybe luz could notice amity had a crappy day at school and invites her over to the owl house to spend some time together reading good witch azura and decides to cheer her up with some tickles! <3
A/N: HOORAY my first ask!! Tysm to @twordyfluffytrash for sending this prompt in, I had a great time writing it.
Prompts are still open!
The Shades of Amity Blight (Lumity)
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Ship: Lumity (lee Amity, ler Luz)
Words: 1100
Summary: see above!
Today was not Amity Blight’s day.
She was late to school because of Ed and Em, spilled food on herself during lunch, and to top it all off, she tripped over her own feet in the middle of the hallway, spilling her books everywhere.
In fact, the only positive thing that came about all day was Luz.
Luz, who had given her the notes she missed during their first class.
Luz, who came running with napkins clenched in her hand.
Luz, who didn’t hesitate to drop to her knees and offer a kind smile when others simply stepped over them.
And Luz, who had caught Amity by the arm after school.
“Hey Amity! Wanna come over and read some Azura? Eda is taking King out shopping after she brings us back, so the house’ll be empty. Except for Hooty, of course. I guess you’re never really alone when your house is alive.”
Amity’s heart leapt at the invitation. Usually after a day like this she couldn’t wait to get home, but spending time with Luz and their favorite book series sounded like exactly what she needed.
“I would love to.”
Amity smiled, but Luz noticed that her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
At the Owl House, the two sat huddled on the couch. Luz held the book for both of them to see, and Amity rested her head on Luz’s shoulder.
They read in comfortable silence for a while, but the human could tell that her friend was tense. She began to brainstorm ways to cheer her up.
“Hey Amity, can I read this next chapter out loud? I want to practice my voices.”
“Huh? Oh, sure, go ahead.” Not one to question Luz’s actions, Amity complied.
For the next couple of pages, Luz put on what can only be described as a performance. She created different voices for each of the characters, and tried to make them especially goofy.
However, when she didn’t get more than a small chuckle from Amity, Luz frowned.
Time for plan B.
“And so, the good witch Azura was forced to face her most dastardly opponent yet… theeeee” -Luz stretched out the syllable- “TICKLE MONSTER!!”
Amity sat up and looked at Luz. “Luz, that’s not what the book sa-“
She was cut off mid sentence by Luz tackling her onto her back.
As she settled on Amity’s thighs, Luz spoke. “Now Miss Amity, I couldn’t help but notice that you are in dire need of some cheering up.”
Amity’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink at the realization of Luz’s intentions.
Stage 1: blushing
“Luz it’s r-really okay, you don’t have to do anything! I’m fine! See?” Amity stretched her face out into an exaggerated smile as she babbled, possibly to hide the real one creeping its way onto her lips.
“I don’t believe you~” came the singsong response. With that, Luz shot her hands down, making the witch beneath her shriek, and started squeezing her sides.
“NOhohohooo!! Luhuhuz!” Amity grabbed Luz’s wrists, tugging at them, but she was weakened by the nonstop tickling. Her heels dug into the soft couch, not providing her much traction. She was effectively trapped.
“Ah, there’s that smile! I missed it, you know.” At Luz’s words, Amity felt her face heating up even more and let go of Luz’s wrists to cover it.
“Oh no, ‘Mity, don’t hide it from me now!” Luz momentarily stopped her tickling to pull Amity’s hands down from her face, which was now an entirely different color than when she had covered it.
Stage 2: rosy
Luz held Amity’s hands out and away from her face for a few seconds, before letting go and quickly darting her own hands underneath Amity’s outstretched arms.
They didn’t stay outstretched for long. Amity slammed them down, hugging herself. Her head was thrown back, eyes tightly shut with laughter.
“GEHEHT OUTTA THEHEHERE!” She all but screamed.
Luz laughed alongside her at the reaction she gave.
“I’m trying!” Luz said playfully, wiggling her fingers harder. “You’re trapping my fingers!”
Amity thrashed and kicked, all to no avail. After a minute or two, she was out of breath.
Luz smirked and removed her hands, deciding to give Amity a breather. From the looks of it, she was in need of one.
“Thahahat was sohoho meahehean,” Amity said, panting and giggling even though Luz was no longer tickling her.
“Maybe, but you know you love me~” Luz teased.
“Yeah, right,” Amity scoffed. It seemed that she had regained some of her sass.
Unfortunately, Luz was still sitting on top of her, and still looking for any reason to make her laugh more.
The brunette gasped in mock offense. “How dare you? You shall pay for your snark!”
“Wait! Luz, don’t! I’m sorehehe!” Luz was now lightly scribbling all over Amity’s neck and pointed ears.
Her ears.
Unfortunately, her ears were one of Amity’s worst spots, and Luz knew this all too well.
Speaking of ears, hers were now a bright red as well as her face.
Stage 3: scarlet
Instead of the heavy belly laughter she had been emitting earlier, squeaky, high pitched giggles now left Amity’s mouth.
“Ehehehe! Luhuhuz!”
“I- wahahaha!”
“What was that?”
“I’m gohohoing to wihihipe thahat smirk off ohof your fahahace!”
Luz raised her eyebrows. How Amity could be so feisty while giggling her head off, she would never understand.
What she did know was that Amity’s remark couldn’t go unpunished.
“Alright, that’s it!” Luz bent down, took a deep breath, and blew an enormous raspberry on Amity’s neck right beneath her ear.
At this, Amity’s laughter fell silent. She flailed so hard that Luz fell off of her sideways.
However, on her journey to the floor, she grabbed one of Amity’s arms and dragged her down with her.
Both girls landed and rolled, laughing all the while. They ended up lying on their sides facing each other, and it was a while before they stopped giggling.
“You know…” Luz’s dreaded smirk was back again.
“What now?”
“You never told me to stop.”
Stage 4: tomato
“Yes I- you know what- shut up!”
Poor Amity couldn’t even get a sentence out.
Luz giggled. “Are you at least feeling better?”
In all the goofiness, Amity had forgotten about her not-so-good day.
“Yeah, I am. Thank you, Luz.”
Later on, Eda and King came home to the sight of the pair asleep on the floor with content expressions on their faces.
Eda just sighed with a smile and gently placed a blanket over them.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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13. “I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
88. “I know they’re just stuffed animals but doesn’t it feel weird? its like they’re watching us.”
notes; some 34+35 if u kno what i’m sayin, dirty talk, mentions of exhibitionism, a little cum eating, and a small visit from dom!jihoon at the end there!!, :O a new prompt we’ve not yet seen!! ALSO A LITTLE BELATED BIRTHDAY DRABBLE FOR ONE OF MY BESTEST BOIZ!!!💝💕💘💞💖💓💗 I would’ve posted on his actual bday but a girlie was BUSY🥰 but anyway, kinda inspired from his bday vlive when his phone kept vibrating on the table heh... ehehehe... that vlive gave me a lot of ideas and I've stored them in my brain for later 😗💕 Anyway, thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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Jihoon wakes up from your nap session first; groggy eyes trying to blink away the sleep.
“Mmh… Ji...hoon...”
You whimper his name, clearly still fast asleep as you clutch the soft cat plushie in your arms. Jihoon gives it a second before he wraps his arms around you tighter, nuzzling into your neck as you sigh softly.
It was his birthday and the two of you had spent the day quietly; watching a few movies at the dorm before the two of you slinked off to his bedroom to take a nap, leaving the other members in the living room. He would have to get back to his studio later on in the day so he had specifically cleared some time to spend with you before he had to go.
“Ji… Ah… m-more…”
Jihoon’s eyebrow quirks as he hears you whimpering and mumbling in your sleep, curiosity on his features when you start to squirm against his body.
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You wake up with a sharp gasp, fingers clutching the stuffed animal tight as you feel Jihoon shift behind you.
“Must’ve had a good dream, huh?”
There’s a teasing lilt to his voice that has your body burning up and you ever so sneakily try to rub your thighs together; biting your lip when you realize you’re already wet. “I, um… uh, did---did I say something w-weird in my sleep…?”
Jihoon chuckles from behind as he already works to sneak a hand underneath your shirt. “What exactly were you dreaming about, baby? What ‘more’ did you want from dream me?”
Goosebumps rise on your skin as his nimble fingers barely ghost across your torso and you let out a mewl in return as you let go of the stuffed animal to give Jihoon more access. “W-wait, I’m still--I look all gross and sleepy from our nap and---”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now. Especially after you were so cutely dreaming of me fucking you anyway.” He pauses, smirking at the way you only lean into his touch more. “What was dream me doing to you that made you cum, hmm?”
You bite your lip when you feel Jihoon’s half-hard cock already throbbing against your lower back; he was clearly as affected as you were. “Um… J-just… You---we--”
“We what, baby?”
“I--you--you were fingering me and e-eating me out while I sucked you o-off… ‘n then you fucked me…”
Jihoon’s body goes rigid behind you, fingertips stopping their teasing as he slides his hand from underneath your shirt.
“It’s still my birthday, y’know… How about a little more fun before I need to leave for the studio?”
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You can hardly focus; you had to admit.
The two of you had never tried this position before but you were finding it hard to focus on sucking his cock when he already had three of his pretty fingers inside your pussy with his tongue teasingly lapping at your clit.
You let out a choked sob, hand wrapped tight around his cock as you try to put in the equal effort that Jihoon was putting in. He lets out a chuckle, thrusting his fingers in knuckle-deep as you tighten your grip on his cock.
“Is it my birthday or yours, baby? You’re drooling all over my cock but you’re getting so distracted~” He teases.
“Ah, ‘m s-sorry it’s just---your fingers feel, mmh, so--so good!” In return, he curls them just right until they tap your g-spot and your entire body trembles above Jihoon at the feeling.
“C’mon, baby, I wanna feel that cute mouth of yours on my cock.”
You nod shakily as you lick your lips and try to focus once more.
Wrapping your lips around the tip of his cock, you tease him back as he moans against your clit and before you lose focus again, you sink your mouth further down to his shaft; hollowing out your cheeks around him as the two of you fall into a rhythm.
You use your hand on the rest of his cock that doesn’t fit in your mouth, moaning around him when he uses his free hand to tug your lower half closer down to his face. “Fuck, baby, your mouth feels so good around me.” Groaning, Jihoon finds himself losing his own focus, fingers slowing their thrusts almost to a halt as he lets himself get lost in the pleasure.
“I don’t wanna cum down your throat though. I wanna cum in this cute ‘lil pussy. After all, that’s what you dreamt of, right?” You clench around his fingers and whine around his cock and Jihoon won’t deny the shiver that rolls down his spine.
There’s a growl on his lips before he’s spreading his fingers inside of you to stretch you out even more and just as quickly, he’s pulling his fingers from inside of you; bringing his soaked digits to his lips and cleaning them of your wetness.
“Okay, that’s it, I need to fuck you.”
You slowly pull off of his cock; a thread of spit connecting your lips to the head. “O-okay…”
Easing off of him, you roll onto your back as Jihoon pries your legs apart and situates himself between them. There’s a prolonged pause and you notice his eyes elsewhere; following his trail of vision until it lands on the row of your stuffed animals that lined the shelf above his headboard.
“I know they’re just stuffed animals but doesn’t it feel weird? It’s like they’re watching us.”
Your body burns hot at the thought of being watched and Jihoon is quick to take notice as he chuckles under his breath. He wraps a hand around his cock, guiding himself until he’s positioned his cock at your entrance.
The two of you share a moan when he slowly starts to sink his cock into you and you’re quick to bite down on your bottom lip to hold in your noises.
“What’s the matter? Just a second ago I saw that look in your eye when I mentioned being watched. Why so quiet all of a sudden, hmm? You seem to take a liking to the idea.”
You shake your head in response, avoiding his piercing stare and knowing smirk. He starts a moderate pace from the get-go; cock curving into your g-spot perfectly as you clench around him.
The others could’ve easily still been in the living room and you knew for a fact that any of them could easily walk by and hear what was going on in Jihoon’s bedroom.
Not to mention, neither of you had bothered to lock the door either.
“Don’t you want them to hear your pretty little cries when you’re begging me to let you cum?” He alternates between thrusting into you and grinding against you and you quickly find yourself quickly on the edge of an orgasm after he’d already fingered you.
“Or when I’m fucking you hard and fast and the bed creaks and slams against the wall. Don’t you want them to know I’m fucking you good? Imagine their faces when they see the way your pretty eyes tell me everything I need to know.” He smirks down at you, “Much like how I know you need to cum, huh, baby?”
“O-oh, god, Jihoon! Fuck, please!” You harshly whisper.
You wrap your legs around his waist, heels digging into the small of his back trying to get him to fuck you even deeper.
“Mmm… no. You’re gonna be patient and cum with me. If you cum before then, I’ll leave you in my bed with a vibrator between your legs and your arms tied to the bedframe while I go do my birthday vlive.” His eyes twinkle with playfulness, challenging you to defy him if you dared. “And we both know I can be on that for as loooong as I want when it’s my birthday.”
A choked sob floats past your lips but you nod and place your hands on his forearms as he starts to increase his pace ever so slightly. “God, please, your c-cock feels, ah, so fuckin’ good, Jihoon~ Please, f-fuck me ha--harder!”
He grins; noting the way you seem to stop caring about being heard by the others. “That’s right. Talk to me, baby. Let me hear what you want.”
“Ngh, I--I want you to fuh--fuck me when you get b-back from your studio…” You whine, “Ah, god, I--I just want your c-cock inside of m-me all the fuckin’ time, I--ah---!”
Jihoon feels the way your walls tighten around his cock and he, too, feels himself close to the edge of an orgasm when he sees you move your hands from his forearms to your own chest as you tease and play with yourself.
“Mmh, I’m g-gonna wait for you, ah, in y-your bed for you to get back and--and fuck, I’m gonna t-touch myself ‘cause I’m so t-turned on tonight…” You pause, licking your lips just as you pinch your nipples. “Maybe I’ll send you p-pictures of myself during your, hah, vlive so you have to c-come home sooner…”
Jihoon laughs under his breath, shaking his head slightly as he starts to double his pace. “Send me pictures and find out what happens, baby. I dare you.”
You grin up at him; your own eyes glimmering with playfulness. “Bet~”
He reaches a hand down, pretty fingertips on your clit to tease you. “For now, I want you to cum with me. Let me feel how tight ‘n wet you get for me.”
“Fuck, you don’t, ah, have to tell me twice…” Mewling, your back arches off of the bed with all the sensations flooding your system and it only takes a few more thrusts from Jihoon before you’re cumming; his name rolling off of your tongue in loud cries that you’re sure the others can hear.
His hips lose their rhythm as he follows suit; soft groans falling from his lips as your walls flutter around his cock. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect for me, baby...”
Whimpering, you start to come down from your high quicker than Jihoon who keeps his fingers on your clit as he continues to slowly thrust into you; fucking his cum deeper into you. You can still feel his cock throbbing inside of your cunt, licking your lips at the thought of him fucking you again later too.
He pulls you out of your thoughts when he starts to pull his cock out of you and you’re about to sit up when he immediately brings a hand down again, except this time he quickly pumps two fingers into your pussy; collecting the cum on his fingertips.
You watch with your lips parted as he then slides the wet digits from inside of you; bringing them towards your lips as you moan and wrap your lips around his fingers.
The two of you maintain eye contact the entire time you use your tongue to clean off the salty substance off of his fingers and Jihoon smirks at you once he pulls his cleaned fingers from between your lips.
“There’s still so much of my cum in your pretty ‘lil pussy.” Pausing, he leans down until his lips ghost across your own and for a second, you think he’s going to kiss you. But instead, he leans further until his lips ghost across the shell of your ear and your body immediately reacts by shivering at the way his demeanor changes.
“And I know you’re gonna finger yourself while I’m gone. Fuck my cum deeper into your hot ‘lil cunt and maybe even use my pillows to get yourself off ‘n get them soaked.”
Jihoon kisses your ear after his gentle yet filthy whispers before pulling away and straightening out over you once again. He notices the way your blown out pupils stare back at him and he knows he’s right in his assumptions.
“But, you’ll be good and make sure to not bother me in the middle of work, right?”
You nod, gulping slightly at the way his eyes only seem to smolder back at you.
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Jihoon is only 30 minutes into his birthday vlive; tiny smiles on his face when his phone vibrates on the table in front of where he sits.
“Hold on, you guys…” He mutters to the camera, leaning over to check the notifications only to find a handful of messages from you.
He opens the messages; pictures of your fingers inside of your pussy covered in his cum flooding the screen immediately as he scrolls through all the attached files before he reaches the small ‘happy birthday jihoon :)’ message at the bottom.
Jihoon locks his screen before he gets even more distracted; already plotting how to take care of you once he got back to the dorm.
He places his phone back onto the table before smiling at the camera as if nothing happened.
“Ah, sorry, anyway, what was I saying?”
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magioftheseas · 6 years
Day 5 - World Destroyer
Written for @the-hinata-project
Prompt: World Destroyer aka Alter Ego (Kamu?)
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood and murder.
Notes: I’m...not gonna lie. This is the one I definitely wanted to write the most. I fucking adore the OVA, World Destroyer in particular. His presence and the way he interacts with Komaeda and Komaeda’s dream world are just captivating and I’m really into psychological deep dives like hell to the fuck yeah. Unfortunately barely anyone explores that route if they pay World Destroying Alter Ego-kun any mind at all and that’s just a shame because the possibilities are endless. Soooo yeah. This is heavy on the KomaHina.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
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It was to be New Year’s soon in this world. Such was the case for reality, as well, although his master is hardly feeling festive for the occasion.
“Status report on Komaeda Nagito,” was the clipped order.
“Stable but still unreachable. Shall I perform another deep dive? How should I proceed?”
“Urgh...” His master rubs his mismatched eyes with his palms, shoulders hunching. He is not programmed to equip with this, so he merely stays silent as his master sighs. “I...don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on in there, after all.”
“Master, if you wish to know...”
“Don’t,” his master snarls. “Actually tell me. That’s not something I need to know. Only...convey necessary information, Alter Ego.”
“Very well,” he replies.
“Proceed to the Deep Dive. For now, make observations.”
“Very well.”
With that, he slipped away.
He shifts through the world with ease, weaving between the seams in a way that goes unnoticed by the denizens, by the subconscious that is Komaeda Nagito’s mental barriers.
“So are we getting together for the festival at the shrine?” The representation of Souda Kazuichi asks. “The others are gonna be there. Even Miss Sonia...! H-How do you think she’ll look in her kimono?”
“She’ll just be in a kimono.” The representation of Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko retorts with an irritated face. “It’s hardly a big deal.”
“H-Hardly...?! This kind of thing only happens once a year!”
“You already know what she looks like in a yukata.”
“Yes and she looked like an absolute angel!”
Komaeda Nagito laughs at that.
“It’s going to be a lot of fun,” he says. “Being with everyone when the New Year starts, I mean. That’s what I’m looking forward to.”
“That’s what matters,” Kuzuryuu says, shooting Souda a sharp look, to which he flinches.
“I-I know that...!”
“Then aaaaact like it!”
Komaeda Nagito’s smile warms and widens as the two bickers.
“Being with everyone...really will be so nice...”
“But will it really be everyone?” he asks him, murmuring to his ear and earning Komaeda Nagito to freeze up and shiver.
“O-Oi, Komaeda, what’s wrong?!”
“I... Um...” Komaeda is looking around helplessly, blushing as he covers his ear. “Sorry, I...must have imagined it.”
“Jeez, don’t scare us like that, man!” Souda complained. “The way you jumped actually freaked me out a little!”
“Don’t be such a wimp,” Kuzuryuu gripes before turning a gently concerned stare towards Komaeda. “If something’s rubbing ya the wrong way, just stick close, alright?”
“I... Okay, Kuzuryuu-kun...” Komaeda’s hand drops as he nods. “Thank you... Sorry for the trouble. It really is nothing. Nothing at all.”
Alter Ego observes, eyes cold.
“Nothing of note,” he informs his master. “Time and events continue to play out within the simulated realm even as his physical form remains in stasis. It is...”
“Boring,” his master finishes tiredly. “It’s so...boring.”
His master sighs, rubbing at his nape and then stretches out, joints popping from disuse. He leans back, staring blearily at the ceiling.
“For my next deep dive, I can once again attempt to pull him out. If that fails, I can delve even further, into the innermost layer.”
“But that increases the risk of mentally breaking him, right,” His master murmurs before shaking his head. “Everyone else is already awake. And they are recovering at a steady rate. We can afford to be careful with Komaeda.”
“If that is how it shall be,” he replies. “So, then...what do you expect me to do?”
His master hesitates.
“...continue monitoring him. And... See if there is a way to sway him towards us. That will be all for now, Alter Ego.”
“Very well, master.”
“Oi, Komaeda, you’re late! Well, thank fucking god you’re still in one piece!”
“Sorry, sorry! I actually did hurt my leg though, haha...”
“Shit, that explains the limping. Tsumiki will be here in a bit and she always carries first aid with her, so just rely on us for now, alright?”
“T-Thank you... Yes, of course, ehe...”
He watches coldly as Komaeda clings to their arms, allowing them to awkwardly steady him as he is lead to the bench to sit down. He’s hobbling, so their arms are wrapped around his back to keep him from toppling over. The two falsehoods are careful with him, with lowering him down, and stand closer than necessary as if meaning to protect him should anything unknown approaches.
It is boring. So boring.
“Please don’t feel the need to wait around with me,” Komaeda says, laughing weakly and quietly, waving his hand. “I’ll be fine on my own, ehe.”
“Are ya sure?” Kuzuryuu asks warily. “Even if nothing happens, you get lonely.”
“I’m not a child, Kuzuryuu-kun.” Komaeda’s eyes are bright, smile serene. “You don’t need to worry about it.”
Kuzuryuu scowls, rubbing at his nape and hesitating. Souda elbows him.
“It’s no big deal,” he says. “We can go get him some snacks or something.”
“...fine.” A sigh before Kuzuryuu waves his finger. “Stay here. Don’t go wandering off.”
“Of course not,” Komaeda chirps cheerily. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Satisfied by that, Kuzuryuu allows himself to be dragged off, even if he still fusses about it. Watching his two ‘friends’ leave with a look of undeniable fondness, Komaeda was rubbing idly at his injured ankle, shifting uncomfortably in his kimono, tugging at the robe in places.
Komaeda sighs, wincing a little now that he’s out of sight.
“Even here, you internalize things.”
Komaeda snaps up, eyes growing large as he perks up. He stands before him and this time, Komaeda seems confused by his appearance. It is likely shifting, almost imperceptible.
“Um...” Komaeda give a puzzled smile. “Who...are you, exactly?”
“What is your wish?”
“E... Excuse me?” That smile of his strains.
“Your wish,” he repeats, lowly and coldly. “What is the wish you plan to make for the New Year? What is it that you hope will happen?”
“I... Um... I’m not sure why you’re asking me that, but... I don’t...really have a wish, except for more happiness, for others.” Komaeda shuffles, deeply unsettled. “It’s the same one I made for Tanabata... But really, I’m just expecting the same fortune as always... It’s never terribly good, but, that’s a good thing. The unluckier I am, the luckier everyone else is. Isn’t that such a wonderful thing?”
“You really are...so self-sacrificing.” Komaeda blinks at him. “Selfless...but also selfish.”
“Do I know you...?”
“No,” he replies. “You do not, even if you may know this appearance. It is his, correct? Even though he has no place in your world—you want to see him more than anyone else.”
“Listen,” Komaeda cuts in, voice shaking a little now. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Really? Is that really true?”
Before Komaeda can answer, someone calls out.
“Oiiii, Komaeda, I just wanted to ask if...” The false Souda Kazuichi skids to a stop, expression morphing into unease and suspicion. “Oi, is this guy giving you trouble?”
“You summoned a barrier,” he observes, unimpressed. “How boring. It looks like words alone really will not do a thing.”
“Look, man,” Souda growls. “I-I don’t know who the hell you are, but you really should leave Komaeda the hell alone.”
“Komaeda Nagito.” Komaeda perks up, shivering a little. “There is much in the way. This is pointless. Boring.”
“I shall take my leave. Forget all about this. It should not be difficult.”
Before Komaeda can respond, he has already disappeared.
“In order to reach Komaeda Nagito, more drastic measures will have to be taken, master.”
His master had his face buried in his arms.
“...how drastic are we talking, Alter Ego?”
“The simulated world is acting as one big barrier,” he says. “To get to Komaeda Nagito, it must be stripped away. Piece by piece if necessary.”
“I see...” His fingers dig in deep. “Komaeda really can’t help but make matters unnecessarily difficult, huh.”
“I will do whatever it takes to retrieve him, master.”
“Then...” A deep breath. “Do whatever it takes, Alter Ego.”
“Very well, master.”
The bell is being rung. Komaeda has received his fortune, foretelling a great disaster. He laughs as Souda whoops over his much more favorable fortune. The bell is being rung.
“Are you sure your foot is feeling better?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!”
“If it’s not, I’m sure someone can just carry him, haha.”
“I-It’s really fine!”
“Ohhh man, look at that! The line for candy-making stand has finally cleared up! Let’s hurry!”
“What are you, a kid?!”
Komaeda Nagito really does look happy.
“...how boring.”
As if sensing the atmosphere, heads begin to turn in his general direction. More and more of the crowd begins to regard him with suspicion. And then, with disdain.
They are beginning to close in on him as Komaeda continues chatting amicably with his ‘friends’.
There is but a small window of opportunity were his hand forms the shape of a gun, and he takes aim.
“Supposedly this candy-making thing is like, craaaazy popular with the girls,” Souda is saying. “Do you think Miss Sonia would like one?”
“She might’ve already gotten one,” Kuzuryuu is replying. “I think Peko—yama saw her in line earlier.”
“Would Pekoyama like one?”
“W-What the hell are you asking me that for...?”
“They’re really popular with Mioda-san,” Komaeda is musing. “It’s hard to not see why. With the glassy colors and various shapes... They really are quite beautiful, don’t you think? Almost too pretty to eat.”
“Just have Koizumi take a picture, then.”
“It won’t quite be the same thing, Souda-kun.”
Souda snorts, “I mean if you just want to keep it, I guess there’s nothing wrong with—”
Blood splatters onto Komaeda’s face and kimono. Someone screams as Souda crumbles.
Chaos follows.
How boring.
But what was not boring was—
“What are you doing?”
Komaeda takes a shaky step forward, stepping around one of the various corpses, shivering and holding himself tightly, digging fingers bleeding wrinkles into his kimono.
“Why are you doing this?”
“You did not run,” he observes, and steps forward, reaching for him. “Did you remember...?”
Komaeda smacks his hand away.
“...who are you?”
Komaeda meets his cold stare with a colder glare.
“You aren’t supposed to be here. Y-You...destroyed everything...”
Destroyed, huh?
“This world is one that needs to be destroyed,” he says. “And I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my mission.”
Komaeda laughs softly, brokenly.
“This world...? Your mission? What are you even saying?” He’s trembling. “What you’re doing is...so, so cruel...”
He steps forward again, reaching out. This time, Komaeda does nothing as his cheek is touched, as the blood splattered is smeared by a thumb stroking over the delicate curve.
“...I will have to go deeper after all,” he murmurs. “Right now, you are still too shielded.”
Komaeda blankly meets his gaze.
“But you are close,” he goes on. “You are much closer than before. I wonder if this will give my master hope, then. I am closer to fulfilling his wishes. I wonder if that will give him hope.”
“Well...” Komaeda speaks slowly, voice low with only the slightest hint of a quiver. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. What good can come from this? You do realize, right, that my talent takes away everything? Talent really is such a wretched thing.”
Komaeda presses into his touch, sighing.
“But... If anyone could at least do something... It would be that person, right?”
He is quiet. A trembling smile pulls across Komaeda’s lips.
“...keep going, then.”
“I will,” he says quietly and grips Komaeda’s throat.
“One more deep dive. It will just take one.”
“One more,” his master echoes. “Whatever it takes. Destroy everything if you have to. Piece by piece, until nothing else remains. Just... Bring him back, Alter Ego.”
“Yes, master.”
“Is there something else you would like to say?”
“The form you take...when you enter that world...” His master bites the inside of his cheek, no doubt picking at it with his teeth. “What... No.” He shakes his head. “No, it doesn’t matter.”
He does not answer.
“Alter Ego,” his master says, voice and expression hardening. “Proceed to deep dive.”
“Yes, master. Komaeda Nagito will be returned to you very soon.”
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