#egg carton of slugs
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molasses-house · 2 years ago
Cigarettes and Cereal Milk
I was 12 when I started working at the Jersey Shore grocery & deli.  It was old school with no air conditioning, some pinball machines and Ms. Pacman with only a counter and stools that would be filled in the morning with old men.  They’d sit reading Racing Form and the Bergen Record - slugging down their coffees, smoking their cigars or cigarettes and eating the State Delicacy of Pork Roll, Egg and Cheese on a hard roll.
Ran by a fiery Italian couple from Brooklyn (or the Bronx?) and partially by their two adult children, I was initially hired to work Saturdays and Sundays to stock and stuff the then-thick Sunday newspapers with inserts: comic pages, circulars, auto, arts and classified sections that made the weekly paper as big as a Bible or the yellow pages phone book.
For me, summer and a job at the deli was jubilant.  It was freedom.  I’d leave for our 1950′s era seaside bungalow with my family the day school ended and hardly go back “north” (about an hour and change away from our home in North Brunswick) the whole summer.  Like clockwork, every Saturday afternoon I would race down our lane of bungalows across Central Avenue to get to work and do the same at the crack of dawn on Sunday mornings.  
Along with my newspaper responsibilities, I had the pleasure of refilling the coolers with cans of Coke, Tab and Dr. Pepper.  I’d wipe down the pinball machines, replenish the Milky Ways, Gobstoppers and Fun Dip.  I even got to venture behind the counter to restock the cigarette display cases.  
Everybody smoked cigarettes or so it seems.  It was the late 80’s and although the Surgeon Generals Warnings were in full effect – nobody seemed to give a shit.  Cigarettes at the deli cost $1.50 a pack.  I remember when a new tax was introduced that pushed them close to $2 and it was like someone canceled Christmas.  Angry brows and hard scoffs abounded.
In those days – cigarette packaging and marketing was an art form.  A literal science! The shiny, little packs of smokes were like works of art.  
Shiny, snazzy and colorful rows of greens, beiges, reds, blues, pinks, gold, silver, and bronze with dramatic names that sounded like television soap operas or westerns or legal dramas:
Bel Air
Benson & Hedges
Lucky Strikes
Virgina Slims
True Blue
Marlboro (duh)
I was enamored.  Ripping open the fresh cartons of vibrant sophistication and stacking them neatly in rows – it was like a tobacco Tetris.  Seemingly, everyone smoked.  The surfers, the lifeguards, the boomers, the Greatest Generation, the beach badge checkers, the cops, and the kids that also worked at the store…all puffers.  My father was also a smoker.  A secret smoker.  The worst kept secret ever.  Despite a massive heart attack that required open heart surgery at the age of 37…he couldn’t shake it.  He’d have to slip away to go tend to “yardwork” and come back smelling like an ashtray and the family (me, my brother, sister and mother) would pretend to not notice the waft of smokey perfume that he’d come back into the house with…for decades!
I don’t remember when I picked up the habit definitively but it was between middle school (8th grade) and high school (9th grade).  Eerily, I mimicked the actions of my dad.  Stashing packs of cigarettes deep within drawers or in my little lockbox adorned with childish stickers.  I’d keep handy a bottle of cologne (probably Drakkar Noir or some ilk of it’s day) and whisk outside the minute the parents left the house and crouch down outside against the side of the house near the BBQ grill to fume a Marlboro.  
I was in my early teens but looked like a contradiction…tall, superskinny and blonde but self-consciously young for my age.  How did I purchase these vile decks of cancer sticks?  It was shamefully easy.  In those days, there was no legal age to buy them.  During the off-season and away from the seaside store, I could hop on my bike and ride to any number of convenience stores in the area of my “northern” home.  For $2 (and change as the prices rose higher), I could satisfy my physical and mental cravings usually without a hitch.  
If the purveyor did have some tinge of guilt serving cigarettes to a pubescent-ish Ricky Schroeder lookalike…I had a cover story in my back pocket:  
“My grandmother (or aunt or step-sister) hurt her legs and can’t get around real well, kind sir” was a standard lie.  If I was really organized, I’d have a friend waiting by their landline telephone to pretend to be said relative and say to the clerk, “She said you can call her.”  99.9% of the time that worked like a charm and only once did a phone call actually get made and “Kim” – an older girl by a couple of years magically performed the part of the ailing kin.
Freshman year of high school, I took the bus – having not yet made friends with anyone with a drivers license.  The bus would pick me up on the back street parallel to mine.  I’d wake up (usually with a teenage attitude fueled by nicotine withdrawal) and eat some breakfast before the bus.  In order NOT to miss my ride, I had the timing down like a Swiss watch maker.
Breakfast consisted of a Benadryl (allergies), a cup of coffee (light and sweet – and yes the Stankovits kids were all early coffee drinkers…) and usually some cereal.  We weren’t allowed real sugary cereals so we had to “settle” for Rick Krispies, Chex or Raisin Bran and the occasional Cap’N’Crunch.  Depending on the sugar content, I’d pour the milk over the cereal and dollop a spoonful of sugar in the bowl.  After the crackles of crispy rice or soggy lumps of bran were consumed, there was the sweet reward of the leftover cereal milk.  It was like breakfast’s dessert.  
I’d slurp that down and head out the door, towards the end of our dead-end street where there was and still is a section of woods where I could cut through to the next street where the bus would pick me up.
Lighting up, I would get my fix and mentally prepare for the day ahead standing in the woods next to the wooden fence that captured the backyard of the last house on our block.  It was meditative.  Who the hell knows what I was thinking about…”Algebra quiz!  Fall Dance!  Fuck, am I queer?  I can’t wait to drive and get the hell out of here?!”  
The bus would come and I’d hop on with a waft of smokey aroma and cheap cologne enshrining me like Pig Pen from Peanuts.  Usually, a pack would last a week or more.  I’d check my pack to see how many cigarettes I had left before I had to begin another hunt…hiding away my Marlboros in my duffle bag (those were in style...) until the last school bell rang…ready to repeat another day.  Inhale, exhale.  Inhale, exhale.
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robertleechestateagents · 1 year ago
Growing Green by Holly Short
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Growing Green is a more gentle, wise and holistic approach to gardening; ensuring our gardens fit into our natural eco system and play a beneficial role. In a nutshell this means using organic, natural and sustainable solutions, encouraging wildlife and reducing our carbon footprint. Here are the main things to consider:
There is no need to use chemicals in your garden. Nature gifts us everything we need. Read on to find out more about practical ways to use organic, natural solutions.
Use sustainable sources. One of the biggest issues in the gardening world is the use of peat in compost. Peatlands support an array of rare and unusual plants, insects and birds. They also store 25% of the global soil carbon and when peat is removed or dries, carbon is released. Gardening peat free helps minimises our impact on climate change and protects peatland biodiversity. Legislation is going through to ban the use of peat in compost but whilst that is happening you can vote with your wallet and buy peat free compost. Why not install a water butt? Your plants will prefer rainwater and saving water is always a good thing. Recycle and reuse – plant in yoghurt pots, take away cartons – think how you can repurpose items for your garden.
Encourage wildlife in your garden. Plant flowers that will provide bees and butterflies with food in the form of pollen. You can start as early as February with Hyacinths and Crocus. Have a read of our article – Bee Friendly. Bug hotels encourage insects and a pond can create a whole new eco system in your garden – including frogs – who eat slugs. Support the birds with food and nesting boxes, they will also eat garden pests. There are so many things you can do to encourage wildlife in your garden – I will write an article about it soon – in the meantime Ecosia it for more information (https://www.ecosia.org), Ecosia plant trees with their profits.
Consider your carbon footprint. This can be as simple as growing food in your garden – plant to plate versus plant to plane to distribution centre to supermarket is a no brainer. Coir based compost is better than peat based, coir plant pots are better than plastic – but coir is a coconut byproduct. We don’t grow coconuts in the UK – so they have to be flown in – so whilst you’ve ticked the sustainable and non-plastic box – your carbon footprint is blown.
Growing green takes a little effort but harnessing the forces of nature to protect the environment and produce stunning plants is incredibly satisfying and becomes a habit.Once you’ve started you will never consider a chemical, non-sustainable option.All it takes is a little effort and thought.
How do you apply it in practice?
Let’s start at the basics – the soil. Good soil is key to growing wonderful plants. Sometimes they may need extra help, in the form of feeding, fertilising, particularly when fruiting and flowering. There are lots of chemical solutions on the market.They work, in the short term, but they do absolutely nothing to sustain the beings in the soil that naturally fertilise it and can cause damage to natural, beneficial microbial organisms.
Start a compost heap.Don’t throw your garden and kitchen waste (avoid citrus & meat) away.Chuck it on your compost heap.This will create wonderful compost that you can use on your garden to fertilise the soil.Compost bins will speed up the process – many councils encourage this form of recycling and offer discounts on compost bins. You could build one or just have a heap in a hidden spot of the garden. If you don’t have the space for a compost heap and have to buy it, make sure it’s peat free.
Create liquid fertiliser. There are many ways to this and it will really make a difference to your plants. We have seen tremendous results this year using Comfrey and Nettle tea. Here are some easy ideas:
Wait until the water from cooking your veggies, eggs or pasta has cooled and pour it over your plants; full of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus – your plants will love it.
Collect nettlesand create nettle tea. It is said that you can grab a nettle in a certain way without being stung.We have tried this, with painful results, and most certainly say wear long gloves.Young nettles are best.
There are other forms of “tea” you can make – compost, Borage, Comfrey – have a scoot round the internet to discover the wonderful natural fertilising teas you can make. This is a fabulous article to read written by Matt Peskett, on his Grow Like Grandad page. Have a look at his page, there are lots of wonderful articles. Matt lives just down the road in Dorking.
So now we have naturally created the best environment for our plants, onto address the big caterpillar in the room. There is an army of creatures, natural beings, patrolling our gardens that are quite capable of undoing our hard work.Naughty nibblers that create holes in our leaves, decimate our seedlings and overwhelm our plants.Those beautiful white butterflies that flit around your flowers will lay eggs that turn into hungry, leaf munching caterpillars; slugs will leave a slime of destruction behind them and aphids will sneakily invade the underside of your leaves, slowly eating and taking over your plant.
Whilst it’s hard, as of course these creatures turn into the enemy in our heads, we must remember that they are all part of our eco system and serve a purpose in nature and our gardens.A bottle of chemical insect repellent/destroyer will solve your problem – but what problems does it create for nature?Slugs that have gobbled up chemical pellets will poison birds and hedgehogs that eat them, the chemicals can leach into your veggies – it’s just not good for your garden or our environment.So what can you do?
Trust nature. Nature has its own answer to ensure that plants survive. One minute you will be watching your plants being munched by a set of insects then the next minute nature will send in a new insect that will eat the first set! For example, Hoverfly and Ladybird larvae for example will eat aphids. Sometimes it’s hard to watch your plants dissolve before your eyes so there are some other solutions you can use.
Slugs – garden Velociraptors with on average 27,000 teeth!Their Achilles heel is that they hate onions and garlic.In my garden I have a whole area dedicated to Alliums (from the onion & garlic family).Unlike the rest of my garden – I never spy a slug in there.So one solution is to dot Alliums or other onion/garlic related plants around your garden.Another is to make a simple garlic wash.Start applying this from February – straight into the soil. The slugs start laying their eggs from mid February. According to Newcastle University studies, the garlic wash will destroy the eggs.
Blitz 1 bulb of garlic, boil in 1 pint of water for 3-4 minutes, strain & make back up to 1 pint.When you’re ready to use, dilute 2 tablespoons to 5 litres of water & sprinkle on leaves (or soil from mid February).Repeat every 2 weeks or after it rains.You can freeze the original mix or just leave in your fridge – it doesn’t matter if you wouldn’t eat it – it will still put the slugs off.It’s not fool proof but it really helps.
You can also put a rough mulch, egg shells or grit around your plants to put slugs off – they understandably hate a rough surface. Copper tape around pots is also said to work.
Companion plantingis a wonderful and pretty way to stop insects attacking your beloved plants.You can use them in different ways.Some plants emit a scent that will disguise your master plant and some plants even “sacrifice” themselves for your master plant.Companion planting can also be used for fertilising their nearby friends – look for nitrogen releasing plants such as Beans and Lupins.Books have been written about companion planting and it is really worth researching these, here are two of my favourites.
Marigolds– these colourful and easy to grow plants secrete a substance that keeps harmful nematodes like eel worms away.They also release a fungus that magically exchanges nutrients with their host plants for their mutual health and growth.Their scent deters lots of naughty nibblers such as white fly, tomato moth and cabbage white butterflies whilst at the same time attracting insects such as hoverflies whose larvae eat aphids.You can even make, you guessed it, Marigold tea to spray onto your plants!Plant them by potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, aubergines, peppers and chillies.
Nasturtiums – these pretty, edible, easy to grow plants attract aphids which will attack them ahead of any other plants.Butterflies will lay eggs under their leaves that the caterpillars will feed on.Plant them by tomatoes, cabbages, cucumbers, squashes and fruit trees.
Spray Away.First try just spraying away with water. You can get rid of a lot of aphids with a squirt of water and the ladybirds, spiders and other garden cleaners will come in and do the rest of the work for you. If you do get a really bad insect invasion problem, we would recommend using a Neem oil spray, 1tsp Neem oil to 1ltr water.This will repel insects but does also kill the ones on your plant – up to you.It will not harm any creatures that then eat the insects. We try to use it as a repellent together with companion planting but will use it to kill insects if they are destroying one of our precious plants.It’s a personal decision.Neem oil is also great at getting rid of fungus, mildew and rust spots. If you haven’t got Neem oil to hand, just mix 1tsp of your (eco-friendly) washing up liquid with a litre of water and spray away.
Cats.Not an insect but we get a lot of questions about cats, we do not need or want to explain why these can be a pest.Avoid Nepeta – Cat Mint if cats are a problem – they love it.Mulching your beds with pine cones can also deter them.
These are just a few ways of how you can Grow Green. Take your growing to the next level with a longer term, more organic, natural and sustainable approach – become a positive part of the ecosystem and make it a lifetime habit.
If you. have any questions or suggestions – let us know email grow@growsmiles.co.uk
Harness the power of nature to Grow Green!
Holly Short from Grow Smiles
Content source: https://www.robertleech.com/growing-green-by-holly-short/
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betty-bossi · 1 year ago
my toothbrush is pink my body is chrome silver hair in the skies red eyes scrutinizing our minds how much can the egg take before crack! it breaks down into its carton home a slug spotted near the sink (flushed down in a jiffy) slimy egg, slimy slug spaghetti dreams, please take me back
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peargreen-jellybean · 3 years ago
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haven’t posted any kind of art here in awhile, but of course when i do, its something obscure and without context. enjoy!
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moonfox281 · 4 years ago
Ok but when Dick found out that Jeff and Trevor are alone and have no one je basically adopted them, made them dinner, told them to go to sleep, listened to their problems, comforted them (with a slight cuddles shhh) when needed and most importantly - there was someone that truly cared about them
Writer note: Moonie got very sick and wrote this in a hospital, so when I was typing out with only one eye open, I missread the prompt and it turned quite different. Sorrrryyy....
Dick grimaced when watching Jefferson munch on his half-eaten sandwich. They were on watch duty, Dick’s night ended early so he decided to come over and help the boys an eye. Half the night through and Jeff pulled out a thin foil package under his kevlar and started chunking on that saucy thing.
“Is that your dinner?”
Jeff turned to look at him, nodded, squinted his eyes and went back to his sandwich.
“If you know him like I do, that’s not even worth an entree.” Commented Hank as he poured out hot coffee from a thermal bottle and handed it to Dick. “But we’re on duty, what can we do, right?”
“You boys all eat like this?”
“Pretty much.”
“What about off duty days?”
“I don’t know, I can cook. Heck Blue, I work at your favorite coffee spot. But this guy though, I guess he just sleeps. God knows he can burn the house down if you give him a frying pan.” He pointed at Jeff and laughed out loud. Joke aside, Dick really believed him. He had seen it with his own eyes how Jeff held a kitchen knife like he was about to stab someone when Dick asked him to help with the onions.
“But how does keep his 6 packs with eating like that?”
“Ooh, you’ve seen his packs? Nice huh!”
And that was how the very next day, right before Jeff was about to take John to school, Dick ran to the doorway thrusting a cotton wrapped box to him.
“It’s your lunch.”
“My what?”
“Your lunch. Here.” Considering the dumbfounded look Jeff was wearing, Dick found no delicate way to explain it but opening up the box out to show him. “It’s a lunch box. You seem like a strong eater, so I put quite a lot in.”
“There’re fried chickens in there.”
“Oh, that’s right. It’s sweet garlic sauce, John really likes it. There're also green beans and carrots.”
“What are these yellowy things?”
“Egg rolls.”
“Egg what?”
“Egg rolls. They have corn and cheese inside.”
And then there was silence. Just silence, for roughly 5 or 6 minutes, probably longer because they only snapped out of it by the sound of John jamming Jeff’s Jeep down the street for the wait. 
“Blue… I don’t know...” Jeff, the 6 feet something brick of scars and muscles, was shuttering through words and words holding out the little lunch box in his hands like carrying an egg carton.
“It’s okay, just take it.” Dick smiled, ruffled his head (oops, bad habit). “Just don’t eat junks down the streets, I’ll cook for you. I need my soldiers to be topnotch, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” He looked like he was about to cry.
So, that was how things started. From that day went on, there was a story about the head of Red Hood gang’s task forces going to work every day with a little lunch container wrapped in wrap cloth. The menu was extravagantly diverse, from sea food like lemon baked codfish, tempura squish, and teriyaki salmon, to little treats like fried cutlets, homemade chicken nuggets, spicy dumplings and Vietnamese spring rolls. There seemed to even be an aesthetic balance in nutrient settlement, carbs, protein, and greens all in one box, not to mention the delicate arrangement. In short, it was Chrismast every lunchtime, watching Jefferson opening his lunchbox. 
Of course, the secrets lasted for a week, top, and soon everybody found out it was the gang’s dearest Blue that had been playing Jefferson’s fairy godmother this whole time.
Shocker, everybody seemed to have lost their ability to crack an egg since then. 
“I got shot last night, oh...it’s my dominant arm too, now I can’t even turn my stove on.”
“My power was cut at midnight, now all my food is ruined. I don’t know what to eat in a week!”
“I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been living on canned foods and frozen meals for months, if only someone would cook a proper meal for me one day...”
Did Dick figure it out right away? Heck, he didn’t even need a detective license to see right through them, but he tolerated it anyway. 
The thing was, the task force consisted around 12 members, and Trevor too (this man didn’t even have to word it, he just stared at Jefferson’s lunch box with those dreamy looking eyes) and Dick, unfortunately, only had two arms. He couldn’t feet 13 chunkers at a time. So he made a schedule and cooked for two persons at a time, and moved on to the new ones the next day. It kept everyone happy, and kept Dick busy. Since marrying Jason, he had lots of time, lots of it.
Of course, words came around, and one day when Dick was doing meal prep, Jason came from behind hugging, slugging down his shoulder, half mumbling down his hair, half sniffing his nape like a dog.
“Why is it that everybody seems to have your lunchbox and I don’t?”
“Is that so?” Dick half-ass asked back. He was busy writing things down and Jason’s clinging arms around his waist, plus the dead weight on his back were all in the way. “Don’t you regularly eat out with clients and business partners? Like today, what did you have?”
“Hmm, how lavish.”
“But I want your lunch box!”
“You’re saying you want brown rice and chicken lollipops over wagyu beef and scallops?”
“If we’re talking about your homemade chicken lollipops and brown rice, yes sir.”
“Don’t you have an image to keep? What would they say if you went to work in suit and kevlar and a bow tie wrapped lunchbox?”
“And what would they say if everyone else is getting a dip in your cooking while the husband himself doesn’t get a taste?”
Okay, point taken. Sensing a loss in this conversation, Dick pecked Jason’s forehead to win back the playing field. 
“You know what Tobu said? You remember Tobu right?”
“Yes, I remember him.” It was harder to forget that man, to be honest. “Don’t tell me you talked to him about this.” Dick was an idiot, when Jason said he had teppanyaki for lunch, he should have realized it was with Tobu.
“We talk occasionally. He said a homemade bento box tells more about affection than any given word. So pleeease...” followed up with some questionable muffled sounds.
Needless to say, Dick was very much annoyed.
So, short story, that was how Dick found himself standing in front of hundreds of wooden lunch box designs the next day, trying to figure out which type suited his protein chunker the most. 
“Are you getting one as a gift?” The shop helper asked.
“I’m getting one for my husband.”
And she made a series of questionable high pitch squeals. 
Needless to say, Dick was very much tired. 
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hoffyshomesteading · 4 years ago
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10 Useful Ways to Utilize Your Leftover Egg Shells
1. Feed for your Chickens 
It may seem strange at first to feed your chickens crushed egg shells; however, the shells are full of calcium. This is a natural and inexpensive way to provide calcium supplement to your birds, which they need in order to lay healthy eggs. Be sure to crush up your shells into bite-sized pieces, mix with their regular feed, as you do not want to encourage your hens to peak at their own laid eggs.
2. Food for You 
Yes, its true!  Just like your chickens, you can consume egg shells as well. Create a fine powder by baking and grinding the shells. Now you can mix the fine powder into any beverage, give it a little stir, and boom you now have a great calcium supplement for yourself. If you do not want to drink it, why not put the powder into your bone broth, you'll never know it was there.
3. Plant Feed 
As most of us know, crushed egg shells are an excellent source of calcium for our gardens too.  Plants like tomatoes will benefit greatly from the extra boost. Crush the shells and scatter around plants that may be lacking from calcium deficiencies.
4. Compost 
Speaking of gardens, egg shells are a fabulous composting agent. They will break down, helping to create an excellent soil for your gardens.
5. Laundry Whites 
Most of us struggle with keeping our white clothing looking, well, white! You will want to use a Muslin Cheese Cloth bag; insert several egg shells, with a couple of sliced lemons.  This will not replace bleach but you will definitely notice a difference with your whites. For those of us who do not like to use chemicals, this is a fabulous natural way to help brighten and freshen things up.
6. Pest Control
Have you noticed your gardens are under attack by certain pests like slugs? Sprinkle crushed eggshells around plants that you notice this problem with, as soft-shelled insects do not like to crawl over sharp items. Who would have thought?
7. Healthy Helpers
We have already determined that eggshells are a great nutrient supplement. So how about mixing eggshells with Apple Cider Vinegar (another amazing product that we will discuss later), to create a soothing agent for skin irritations or muscle pain. When you get a cut, place the membrane side down of the eggshell directly onto the laceration, this will help promote healing. Or completely dissolve some eggshells in the vinegar and use that mixture to rub on your aches and pains.
8. Cleaning Power
Place eggshells in a pot with warm water and soap. When the eggshells breakdown it will become abrasive and you can use that solution to clean your pots and pans. You can also use this agent to clean vases, coffee makers and even hummingbird feeders that build up residue.
9. Knife Sharpener
Freeze your eggshells so they are completely rock hard frozen. Now you can slide your knife across the shell to sharpen the edge. *Please be very careful while doing this.
10. Indoor Starters 
No new to buy those plastic planting trays to start your garden indoors anymore. Place your upside down eggshells back into the egg cartons, pour your compost soil into the shells and plant away.  Create a herb garden for indoors or use for your outdoor starter seedlings.  When it comes time to transplant your plants, literally pickup the entire shell and insert it into the garden.  An extra compost boost for your plants immediately.
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mamascauldron · 5 years ago
Mama's Book: Eggshell Powder
Hi all!  I am currently kicking up my practice again now that the baby is a little more independent and I have time...she also likes to watch me in the kitchen, which is super cute and very convenient.  Part of my new efforts includes planning and researching for my Book of Wisdom (final name still pending), which I hope to make as a reference book and work of art.  If my little one gets into witchcraft and/or Paganism, I would love to hand it down to her and start a family line.  Her choice, of course!
One of the simple ‘recipes’ or ‘ingredients’, however you look at it, is eggshell powder.  I’ll go over its origins, how to make it safely, its uses in magic, and its other uses.  At the end, I’ll also mention how I personally use this in my practice!
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Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash
🗺 History & Origin 🗺
In terms of non-magical uses, my guess is that eggshells and eggshell powder have been used in gardening and medicine for as long as people have had eggs.  There is no clear origin that I’ve discovered for these uses.
In terms of magical use, Cascarilla Powder originated in West African practices.  Its origins are well-summarized below:
...the people of this region brought to the New World the concept of sacred white earth they called efun. ...Cut off from their ancestral lands, they sought an alternative that could achieve the same effects. This came in the form of an herbal powder called cascarilla. The finely ground outer bark of this large, tropical shrub was already known among the Caribbean natives for its medicinal properties ... In fact, the word cascarilla refers to any kind of outer skin or husk. ... Santeria practitioners transitioned from using this herbal powder to using crushed egg shells...
You can find this already made in those little white ketchup cups for relatively cheap, but I prefer to make my own over time anyway.  I also personally don’t call what I make cascarilla powder, as I am not connected to or practicing Hoodoo, Voodoo, or Santeria.
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🍳 How to Safely Make your Eggshell Powder 🍳
Make or bake something (yum!!!)
Wash the insides and outside of the eggs, removing the membrane
Store in the fridge if you still have more to collect before you process it (lessens the growth of yuck like salmonella) 
Place washed, de-membraned eggs on a cookie sheet to bake at 150f for 10 minutes (I did 170f, my oven doesn’t go so low in this place)
Let cool
Use a mortar & pestle or food processor/coffee grinder to grind the eggs
Store in a jar (food-grade if you intend to use it as a supplement or medicine: see below)
What I love is that many households already use eggs a lot, and this is something I can truly make.  For me, this fits perfectly into my goals regarding herbalism and my magical practice.
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🕯 Magical Uses 🕯
The powder typically serves two main purposes:
Acting as a barrier, usually between the spiritual and physical realms.
Expulsion of negative energy.
Here are some specific ideas:
Press the powder into chalk and use it to draw circles, sigils, et cetera.
Add the powder to a ritual bath to be rid of negative energy.
Add it to a house cleaner, most efficient is a floor cleaner, to keep negativity and spirits away.
Dust your windowsills and doorways to create a barrier.
Put the powder in other spell-related things like soaps, incense, or candles.
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🌿 Non-Magical Uses 🌿
Some of these can, of course, be made magical...but that isn’t how most people do these, which is why they’re included here.
Food supplement: the powder can be added to foods for anyone in need of increased calcium, instead of buying expensive supplements already. (Please talk to a doctor before doing anything like this; this is not medical advice).  I personally recommend the coffee grinder/food processor preparation for a finer powder.
Gardening: nutrients for the soil (put some in the holes before planting, and then around the plants every couple of weeks).  Broken shells can also deter common garden pests like snails and slugs since they dislike the texture.  
Also, eggshells are a great seed starter: rinse empty eggs (try to keep at least half of the shell as a little pot), poke a small hole in the bottom to drain, fill with soil, plant a couple of seeds, and store the starters in the empty carton until they’re ready for their home.  You can plant the entire thing, shell and all!
Cleaning: eggshells are abrasive but soft (being calcium) so you can mix the powder into cleaning agents for your floors...or even your skin! Make sure the powder is an appropriate grit for the use.
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🌱 My Use 🌱
Green and garden witchcraft are my favorites . I also incorporate kitchen and cottage witchcraft. For all of them, I want to grow some of my own herbs and, if possible, veggies.
This spring, I'll be using the seed starter idea as well as sprinkling the shells onto the soil to try and grow plants such as basil, rosemary, bay, and mint. I'll plant the seeds in the starters during the next new moon.
I can see the possibilities of incorporating lunar cycles with banishing and the powder, too.
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Do you use it? If so, how?
Thanks for reading!
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gveret-fic · 7 years ago
Kara and Lena have a hard time making breakfast prompt, but really it’s so broad go ahead and do whatever!!!
Lena is a fairly decent cook. Her repertoire isn’t extensive and herpatience is limited, and she certainly doesn’t have a little notebook filledwith a grandparent’s timeless recipes or anything of the sort, but she can whipup a casserole or stew or fancy salad without issue. Certainly, a simplebreakfast is no trouble. Neither is breakfast for two. Not even if one of thetwo is a superpowered alien advertised to be ‘fueled by the sun’ when in all actuality she is fueled by goodold calories just like anyone else.
Lena can even—she knows this from experience!—prepare an ediblebreakfast for one-and-a-Kryptonian with said Kryptonian actively trying tohelp. It’s trickier, no doubt, but Lena rather enjoys a challenge.
Preparing an acceptable breakfast for two while wrangling a Kryptonianwho is also simultaneously alien-stoned and experiencing a post-fightalien-adrenaline crash, however—that might be just beyond Lena’s capabilities.
“Kara, please, I need to use at least one of my hands,sweetheart,” Lena fairly begs as she attempts to crack an egg into the panwith both elbows pinned firmly to her sides.
Kara loosens her unyielding grip around Lena’s whole torso, graciouslysliding her hands beneath Lena’s armpits instead, and promptly returns to herattempt to mold every inch of her body to Lena’s back. She plops her face ontoLena’s shoulder for good measure, fluffy wind-tossed hair spilling over, herentire weight now draped over Lena like her very own superhero girlfriend cape.
Arms finally free, Lena quickly dumps a carton’s worth of eggs, twelvetomatoes, four peppers and a head of garlic into the frying pan all at once,just in case her fortune will turn. Patting around the countertop, shetragically discovers she hadn’t thought to grab a wooden spoon. She eyes thecutlery drawer. That’s four whole steps away.
Lena takes a deep breath, squares her shoulders, and prepares to lug oneadult Kryptonian around her damn kitchen.
“Why are you so heavy?”
“’M made of love,” Kara mumbles.
“Well, I know that much.” Lena shambles over to the fridge;she’s panting by the time she reaches it. “Could you carry at least someof your own love, maybe?”
“No! I give it all to you.”
Lena cradles her spoon and a pack of veggie sausage to her chest and leansKara back against the fridge to catch her breath. She stares longingly at thestovetop, a whole world away.
Her cardiovascular endurance could really use some work.
Kara takes the opportunity to hook one foot around Lena’s shin and slideher hand to Lena’s opposite hip, burrowing her thumb underneath Lena’s tank topto stroke half circles across her skin.
Lena pushes back against her harder. “What the hell did they shootyou with? Spoiled housecat gun? Affectionate octopus ray?”
Kara takes in a long and noisy sniff of Lena’s neck. “I forgot whatyou smelled like.”
“No, you haven’t. You spent the night before yesterday here and yousniffed me then, too.”
“How could I forget someth’ so nice,” Kara slurs mournfully.She slumps even more heavily in her remorse.
Lena groans. “Hold this, at least.” She shoves the sausagepack into Kara’s hand and grips the counter’s edge, using it to drag her way acrossthe kitchen. “This reminds me of that rowing machine,” she wheezes.“Thanks for the workout, darling.”
“I’d do anything for you,” Kara murmurs against Lena’s pulsepoint.
The eggs are nearly done by the time they make it to the stove. Lena hasthe sausages sizzling and bread toasting and is fully immersed in a fantasywherein she’s finally done with this ordeal and Kara is sober and veryimpressed with her newly developed muscles when her butt starts playing Inthe Navy.
“Kara, can you get my phone out of my back pocket? It’s yoursister’s ringtone.”
Kara reluctantly unglues herself from Lena’s ass, making a pitiful noiseand slotting her leg between Lena’s thighs as compensation. As soon as she’sfished out the phone, she’s back to sticking to Lena like a warm and loveableslug.
“Is she with you?” Alex says the moment Lena accepts the call.
“Hi, Alex. Yes, she flew over here a little after dawn. Said shewas hungry.”
“Do you have eyes on her right now?”
Lena glances sideways at Kara. She’s busy rubbing her face along thecollar of Lena’s tank top. “I do.”
“How does she seem? Is she acting strangely? Spiteful or distant?”
Kara grips her gently by the waist and kisses the bump of her vertebra,then bursts out laughing.
“No,” says Lena.
Alex lets out a breath. “Okay. Keep her close if you can?”
“I’ll do my best,” Lena says, straining to guide Kara awayfrom the ticklish spot on her nape.
“We still aren’t sure what the full effects of that vapor might be.We know she’s not emitting radiation and she doesn’t seem to pose a danger toothers, but I want you to be careful, Lena.”
“Mm hm.”
The smell of burning rubber starts emanating from the stove. Lena triesto take a step and trips over Kara’s foot. She yelps, but the impact nevercomes.
“Oh, so now you can suddenly support your own weight,” Lenagrumbles, eyeing the floor half a foot beneath their feet.
“Lena,” Kara says very seriously, “I will always protectyou.”
“What’s happened? Are you hurt? Is Kara exhibiting heightenedaggression?” Alex sounds ready to strap into her kryptonite gear and fly ahelicopter over.
“No, no, no aggression,” Lena hurries to clarify. “Heightenedclinginess, definitely. You can put us down now,” she tells Kara.
Kara helpfully obliges, but then Lena remembers the burning sausages.“Actually, fly me over to the stove, thank you, so thoughtful.” Shepats Kara’s hip.
Alex makes an impatient noise on the phone. “Put me onspeaker,” she commands. “Kara, how are you feeling?”
“Sleepy,” Kara replies. “Really comfortbable. I loveyou,” she says to Lena.
“I love you too,” Alex and Lena say in unison.
“I love you too,” Kara repeats.
Lena snorts and plates their food. She slides all of the burnt sausages ontoKara’s plate, hoping that in her current state she might not notice.
“I love food,” Kara croons. “I love food and I love you. Ilove… fyood.”
“I don’t know about this,” Alex says uncertainly. “Maybewe should get her to the DEO. At the very least she could use a sunbath.”
“Alex, you’re being so stupid right now,” Kara says emphatically.“So stupid.”
“I think I can solve this,” Lena says. She turns her head tolook at Kara, and Kara promptly kisses her cheek. Lena bites down on a grin. “Howdo you feel about eating breakfast and then taking a nap out on my convenientlyeast-facing porch?”
Kara giggles, kisses Lena’s cheek again, nods, and keeps kissing.
“That’s a yes from Kara. Alex?”
Alex sighs. “That’s fine.”
“Great. I’ll just grab some sunscreen. Kara?”
Kara snickers. “It’s funny cuz you’re so ill-equipped to live on yourown planet,” she explains.
“She’s so articulate when she’s making fun of you,” Alexpoints out.
“I’m always artictulate,” Kara says. “I’m areporter.”
“You spelled ‘atrocious’ wrong two weeks ago, and you weren’t evenhigh.”
Lena ignores their commentary. She has an entire apartment to trudgeacross, an intoxicated Kryptonian to feed, and some damn sunscreen to put on.
Somehow, she ends up spending the rest of her Saturday morning wedged snuglyunderneath an exuberantly snoring Kara out in the gentle autumn sunlight.
She still ends up ever so slightly sunburned.
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agritecture · 7 years ago
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8 Sustainable Steps To The Ultimate Urban Garden
Don’t let the city life fool you: growing a garden can happen anywhere, anytime. You don’t need to be in a giant field or a big backyard. As a matter of fact, a patio or balcony is the perfect place to set up shop; you just need a few things to get started and the right state of mind.  
No space is too small, because even a windowsill – indoors or out – will allow you easy access to watch your efforts (literally) blossom into something special. And that’s a powerful thing: to see that nurturing and attention can turn into something healthy, affordable and delicious.
Whether your green thumb is highly refined or you’re a gardening rookie, we’ve got you covered with some tips that aren’t only foolproof, but are good for the earth, your mind, your body and your soul too!
1. Start with Your Space
In most cities, gardening space is limited, so you'll need to get creative. Your patio or balcony, for example, probably has a bare wall on either side. Consider setting up a sturdy shelf that is meant for the outdoors.  
If your balcony or patio space is big enough, you could fit in two or three of these vertical gardens. Even better - they’re naturally rot resistant and insect-resistant because they’re made of Western Red Cedar. Pesticides will have no place on your porch or patio with this planter!
If you have a bit of yard space, square off a section with this 4x8 foot frame. Just like the vertical shelf, the Western Red Cedar makes it rot and insect resistant, and it is grown with sustainable forestry practices under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program.
2. Deliberate Your Dirt
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As nice as it would be to simply dig a hole and plant until your heart’s content, the fact is that plants need the RIGHT kind of soil for optimum growth potential. You could always get your soil PH tested to see if it will support your ambitions. This will let you know if your soil has too much or too little minerals present.  
However, most people – especially for small spaces – opt to simply purchase a good quality soil to avoid any mishaps. Organic, pesticide-free soils are your best bet with top reviews coming in for the brand’s Roots Organics, Fox Farm, and Unco Industries.
3. Consider Composting
If there were ever a way to give right back to the earth that takes care of you, this is it. A compost pile does not have to be a designated dumping ground 20 yards from your home. You can compost in the comfort of your own home, on your porch or in your backyard – and earthworms will do all the "dirty work" for you.  
The benefits of composting include:
Less Waste – What you would otherwise throw away and send to a landfill will now go to a new, beneficial cause: your garden!
Better Soil – The nutrients from your compost will enrich the soil with valuable nutrients that will help your produce growth. Compost also helps to retain your soil’s moisture levels.
Natural Fertilizer – Because of its natural components, compost won't' release toxic chemicals into your soil.
It’s free – Composting doesn’t cost you a thing. The only change is your routine of tossing from the trash to your compost bin.
What are the easiest items for the city dweller to compost? You can start with the basics like fruits, vegetables, eggshells, tea bags, coffee grounds, coffee filters, and nutshells. But if you’re feeling more adventurous, the Environmental Protection Agency has an expanded list of items that may surprise you. (Hint: dog hair, anyone?)
4. Pair Your Produce with Your Region
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Depending on where you live, you’ll have more luck with some fruits and veggies than others. Find out what grows best in your region – and when the best time is to start planting.
For example, you may want to plant your tomatoes in early spring in one part of the country, but in other parts it may be best to get seedlings in the ground in June.  
Don’t find out the hard way… If you live in the US, this guide is a great place to get started.
5. Repurpose and Reuse
Garden stores sell everything you need, but there's a good chance you have some things on hand right now to get started. If you plan to grow your garden from seeds, all you need is some seeds, dirt, a little water, and containers. Use cardboard egg cartons to get your sprouts started and they'll be easily transferable to a larger pot as they get bigger.
There is no need to go out and buy expensive pots and planters for your urban garden. Take a stroll through a thrift market to find some great terracotta or ceramic planters. This classic look is timeless and will give your garden a great all-natural feel. Plus, you’ll save a ton reusing what someone no longer needs.
6. Save on Your Water Supply
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You’ve surely seen a neighbor pull out the hose and crank out the water to nourish their garden. If only they knew: the installation of a simple rain barrel kit would make such a difference on that water bill. After the initial cost, you’ll be watering your garden for free!  
If a rain barrel isn’t an option, look into greywater re-use. It requires a little more manual effort but is an excellent way to maintain your garden and conserve water simultaneously.
7. Keep the Critters at Bay – With Care
You may not even know that slugs and snails exist in your urban area, but one way to find out is to plant a garden. As sweet and harmless as they may seem, they will wreak havoc on your garden – and your efforts – if you don’t take precautions.
The most popular suggestion is to place a copper strip either just above or just below the soil line. It acts as a deterrent to slugs and snails because it sends an electrical energy that they avoid. If this isn’t an option, look into the other humane ways to keep slugs away from your garden.
8. Ask and Ye Shall Receive
And last, but certainly not least, remember: you don’t have to go on this gardening adventure alone. If there’s something you’re not sure about or something you simply don’t know, ask! Go to your local gardening center or get on the internet. You can always find answers to your gardening questions, even in the hustle and bustle of your city life.
About the author - Mark is a marketing specialist at Tree Barber and is on a mission to spread his love for nature. When he's not thinking of new market campaigns, he loves to watch (and sometimes even play) baseball and take walks with his two dogs, Fred and Wilma.
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antihumanism · 3 years ago
there’s a guy at King Soopers who, so, every once in a while I think, whatever, I’ll spend a couple dollars on eggs, it is participating in animal agriculture and all the incest and deformity and inbreeding and other existential horrors that animal agriculture inherently involves, but what is one more black mark on my soul, but then I look at the eggs and the guy has been there, this guy, I’ve never seen them so maybe it is a girl, but this guy, they’re always in the eggs at King Soopers before I get there and they’ve been up in those eggs like Alex Jones dropping onto Outback Steakhouse’s last Signature Bloomin’ Onion, going ham like Rocky but they’re going ham on eggs instead of beef, and all the eggs are just busted and broken, like every carton I open half the eggs are busted, this guy goes to fucking town on the eggs, just pummels them into submission, yolks splattered across the inside of the cartons, shells cracked, streaky snot lines albumen all over the place and I don’t know what this guy’s training for but they’re gonna win it because they always beat me like they beat those yolks and I realize that eggs just ain’t worth it, like I don’t need that, I don’t need that at all, so, my dude, my friend, whoever you are and whatever you’re doing and whyever you’re doing it, don’t stop boxing those baby-makers, keep raining hell on those huevos, and whether you’re dropping into a squat before you start letting off the shots or swinging low just keep slugging it out
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livingcorner · 4 years ago
How to grow potatoes
From earthy new potatoes and bite-sized salad varieties, to floury bakers and roasters, the humble potato remains the nation’s favourite vegetable. If you’re a potato aficionado, there’s a huge number of exciting potato varieties you can grow that you’ll never see in the shops. You don’t even need a garden to grow them – many grow very happily in large bags or pots on a balcony or patio.
There are three main types of potato to grow, named according to when you plant and harvest them.
You're reading: How to grow potatoes
First early or ‘new’ potatoes are the earliest to crop, in June and July. They don’t store for long so are best eaten fresh.
Second earlies (also called ‘new’ potatoes) take a few more weeks to mature and are harvested in July and August. These also don’t store for long, so are best eaten fresh. Salad potatoes have a firm, waxy texture and many have an intense, nutty flavour. They are usually first earlies or second earlies.
Maincrop potatoes take the longest to mature and are harvested from August to October. They are suitable for baking , roasting and mashing, and can be stored for a few months.
How to grow potatoes at home
Potatoes are easy to grow – one seed potato will produce many potatoes to harvest. Prepare the soil by digging and removing weeds, and then dig straight trenches 12cm deep and 60cm apart. In spring, plant seed potatoes 30cm apart and cover them with soil to fill the trench. When the shoots reach 20cm tall, use a rake, hoe or spade to mound soil up around the bases of the shoots, covering the stems half way. This is called earthing up. You can also grow first early and second early potatoes in a large bag on a patio or balcony, covering them with compost as they grow.
More expert advice on growing potatoes:
Potato types explained
Grow great jacket potatoes
10 best salad potatoes to grow
Maincrop potatoes to grow
How to grow potatoes in a bag
Growing potatoes: jump links
Planting potatoes
Caring for potatoes
Growing potatoes: problem-solving
Harvesting potatoes
Eating and storing potatoes
Where to buy potatoes
Potato varieties to grow
Planting out seed potatoes
How to grow potatoes – chitting seed potatoes
Grow your own potatoes from ‘seed potatoes’, which are small potato tubers rather than actual seeds. You can buy seed potatoes from late winter. Don’t be tempted to grow potatoes from old potatoes from the veg rack, as they won’t produce reliable crops.
Before planting, you need to ‘chit’ your potatoes. This involves letting the potatoes grow shoots, which will give you a bigger potato crop. Place seed potatoes in trays or egg cartons with the end that has the most eyes uppermost. Stand in a cool, light spot until 1-2cm long shoots have formed. This could take up to six weeks.
Read more: How to Create a Fairy Garden: Your Step-by-Step Guide | Install-It-Direct
Home-grown potatoes do well in all types of soil, but the richer the better, so dig in plenty of well-rotted organic matter, such as garden compost. An open, sunny site is best.
While maincrop potatoes grow well in the ground, early or salad potatoes will also do well in large pots and bags. Polypropylene potato growing bags are designed especially for this purpose and are handy if you’re short of space. However, you can also plant potatoes in an old compost bag, with similar results.
Here, Monty explains how to grow potatoes in a bag:
When growing potatoes in the ground, plant earlies and salad types in March, 12cm deep and 30cm apart, with 60cm between rows. Plant maincrop potatoes later, in April. These need to stay in the ground longer and require more space to produce a decent crop. Plant them 12cm deep and 38cm apart, with 75cm between rows. Plant potatoes with the shoots (or ‘eyes’) facing upwards.
Watch our No Fuss video guide to planting potatoes, with Alan Titchmarsh:
Growing potatoes in a raised bed? Monty shows you how:
Growing potatoes: caring for your crop
How to grow potatoes – earthing up potatoes
Water potatoes regularly, especially during warm, dry spells, and keep the soil weed free. As the potato plants grow, use a spade or hoe to cover the shoots with soil to stop the developing tubers becoming green and inedible. This is called ‘earthing up’. Leave the top few centimetres poking out the top. As plants continue to grow you will need to earth them up again.
Watch Monty explain how to earth up potatoes growing in a bag:
Growing potatoes: problem solving
How to grow potatoes – potato blight
Slugs can be a problem, especially if growing potatoes under black plastic.
Potato blight is a fungal disease, which turns foliage yellow with dark patches and causes the tubers to rot. Grow a blight-resistant potato variety to avoid the problem. You can also cut the potato plants down at the first sign of infection, as the fungus will not have reached the tubers by that stage. Then harvest the tubers as soon as you can.
Never grow potatoes in the same soil year after year as this could lead to a build up of pests and diseases. These include potato eelworm, which causes stunted growth and poor cropping.
When to harvest potatoes
How to grow potatoes – harvesting potatoes
First early potatoes are harvested in June and July, when the plants are still flowering and the potatoes are about the size of a large hen’s egg (gently rummage around in the soil to check). Cut the potato plants (also known as haulms) to the ground, then gently prise the plants out of the ground with a fork. These potatoes don’t store well, so dig up the potatoes as and when you want to eat them.
Second earlies are harvested in July and August, again when the plants are still flowering. Harvest in the same way as first earlies. Again, these potatoes don’t store well, so dig up them as and when you want to eat them.
Maincrop potatoes are harvested from August to October, when the leaves on the plants have turned yellow and died down. Choose a dry day to dig up your crop so that they store better. Cut the plants to the ground and dig up your potatoes, discarding any that are bruised or have been attacked by pests.
Read more: How to Plant Marigolds in Vegetable Gardens
Watch Monty Don’s video guide to harvesting new potatoes:
To harvest potatoes grown in pots, simply tip out the contents and enjoy the rich – and easy – pickings.
Here Monty explains how to harvest potatoes grown in a bag:
Preparing and cooking potatoes
How to grow potatoes – baked potato
Wash and scrub potatoes before frying, boiling, baking, mashing, roasting or sautéeing – this has to be the most versatile vegetable!
Health note: never eat potatoes raw. Green potatoes contain a chemical called solanine, which they develop when exposed to light. It can cause severe stomach upsets.
Storing potatoes
How to grow potatoes – how to store potatoes
Home-grown potatoes, particularly maincrop potatoes, will store well for many months in a cool but frost-free place. Only store perfect tubers, removing any showing signs of damage, and don’t wash them before storage. All light must be excluded to avoid potatoes turning green and poisonous. Hessian or thick brown-paper sacks are available for the job. Check crops in store regularly, removing any rotten ones.
Watch Kevin Smith explain how to prevent stored potatoes from rotting, in our Quick Tips video:
Advice for buying potatoes
Potatoes are available from a range of garden centres and nurseries, with many offering online sales. If you’re a member of an allotment association, you may be able to buy potatoes direct from the ‘allotment shop’ at a reduced price
Choose between first earlies, second earlies and maincrop potatoes, depending on when you want to to eat your potatoes and if you have a problem with blight (first and second earlies are usually harvested before blight hits)
Check the seed potatoes thoroughly when they arrive/before you buy. Make sure they’re firm and avoid any with very long roots or any with signs of mould
Where to buy potatoes online
Thompson & Morgan
Van Meuwen
You Garden
Garden Express
Growing potatoes: potato varieties to grow
How to grow potatoes – potato varieties to try
Early potatoes:
‘Annabelle’ – compact, small tubers with white skins and golden flesh. Disease resistant
Salad potatoes:
‘Charlotte’ – yellow skin and flesh, with a lovely flavour. Remains firm when cooked
‘Cherie’ – delicious red-skinned salad variety with waxy flesh
‘Milva’ – yellow flesh, perfect for boiling. Good yields
‘Pink Fir Apple’ – an odd shape, but good flavour
Maincrop potatoes:
‘Blue Danube’ – with purple skin and white flesh, this new variety if resistant to blight
‘Cara’ – round, waxy and drought resistant, it bakes well
‘Isle of Jura’ – an excellent all-rounder, with large crops from late summer. Disease resistant
‘Nicola’ – yellow skin and flesh, small, oval tubers, sweet flavour
‘Setanta’ – drought tolerant and great for roasting and baking
For more help, check out our picks of some of the best tools for potatoes.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-grow-potatoes/
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ecofriendlyproducts90 · 5 years ago
Growing Basil: A Full Guide For Indoor & Outdoor Gardeners
Basil is every gardener’s most loyal floral friend.
If you are embracing the natural lifestyle, then growing herbs is one of the simplest ways to begin nurturing your own food from home. No need to pop down to the local grocery store for those culinary herbs, when they are ready and waiting to be tasted, just a few steps away!
Basil is a must for all gardeners. Popular in Italian and Asian cuisine, it also makes a beautiful, aromatic ornamental in your garden. I can share by experience that Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow.  Whether you are an experienced gardener keen to learn more or just getting started, this guide will take you step by step through everything you need to know about growing this stunning herb. Knowing how to grow Basil is just a few simple steps away, so keep reading!
Basil Benefits & Uses
The name Basil is derived from the Greek word Ozo, meaning ‘to smell’. Quite apt for such a pungent herb, which smells similar to aniseed or cloves. Originating from southern Asia and islands along the southern pacific, most Basil plants arise from the common Sweet Basil (Ocimum Basilicum). For hundreds of years, the leaves, flowers and seeds of the plant have been used in traditional medicines to treat a wide range of human ailments.
Basil essential oil has become a popular natural means to improve our overall health and well being. Basil ointments are used to improve the luster of skin and hair, and to treat various skin problems such as acne, blackheads and scarring. In our frantically busy and often stressful lifestyles, Basil oil can serve to alleviate symptoms such as mental fatigue, tension, depression and muscle pain.
Image by growing_basil_ua from IG
And so, we appreciate Basil because of the following amazing properties:
High in vitamins & minerals
High in antioxidants to combat diseases
Antifungal & insect repellent
Decreases stress and fatigue
Alleviates colds, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis and sinus issues
Improves blood circulation
Eye care- alleviating bloodshot eyes
Eases itching- snake & insect bites.
Now for the fun part- selecting your Basil plant.
Image by marinka_boo from Freepik
At present there are more than 50 Basil species or cultivars out there, so plenty to choose from!
Here are some attractive Basil plants to try:
Sweet Basil 0.98 to 4.9 ft: annual, the most widely available; leaves are large, rich green and oval-shaped; with white flowers; carries a minty or aniseed aroma; grows bushy and upright.
Holly Basil 12”—24”: perennial, indigenous to India, with dark, purple foliage and flowers; clove-like aroma; hairy stems; known for its ornamental appeal.
Lemon Basil 12”-18”: lemon-scented with white flowers; leaves are similar to Sweet Basil but are narrower and serrated; used in Thai cuisine.
Aristotle Basil 8″-10″: short, compact plant, perfect for growing in pots indoors; lovely in salads.
Red Rumin Basil 2.3 ft: deep purple foliage with pink flowers; beautiful ornamental, known for its pungent aroma; used in salad dressings and garnishes.
Other hybrids include: Cinnamon Basil, Camphor Basil, African Blue Basil, Licorise etc.
how to grow Basil from seed
Basil is easy to grow from seed and is often the cheapest method. It does not do well in very cold or humid conditions. Follow these growing guidelines before getting started:
For hot climates: sow Basil just before summer begins and then again near the end of the summer season.
For cooler climates: sow Basil in spring and then right through into summer.
Determine your local frost dates early on. Only plant once the threat of frost is well out of the way, and the days are warmer. To be better prepared, keep a note in your diary each year, regarding when and how long frost occurs each year.
How long does it take to grow basil from seed?
Basil seeds take 7 to 10 days to germinate and then between 50 to 75 days before it is ready to harvest. It is easy to grow indoors and outdoors and flourishes with 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight. I recommend first planting the seeds indoors and then transplanting outdoors.
our 7 step basil growing guide:
Now, let’s get those GARDENING gloves dirty…
Make sure you have the following:
Basil seeds
Compost/ potting soil
Seed tray/ container
Large rectangular tray
Lid- preferably transparent and perforated
Gardening gloves
Watering apparatus- spray bottle
Starter pots/ containers (3 to 4 inches)
Still finding ways to reduce, reuse and recycle? Here are some creative container ideas:
Try reusing or up-cycling things around the house. Keep aside any shallow containers from your grocery store, and use these as seed containers. Even better if they come with a lid as it creates an ideal ‘greenhouse’ for germinating seeds indoors. Other reusable items include: ice-cream containers, egg trays and milk cartons. If you enjoy up-cycling things, then try using tins or jars as seed containers. Remove the labeling, tie around a colourful ribbon or fabric, and Voilà, you have a uniquely designed starter pot.
Video via Nadine from the Royal Botanical Gardens
Basil Seeds Are Small & Tricky To Handle- Here’s A Quick DIY Tip On How To File Your Seeds
STEP 1: Get your seed tray/ container ready
Select your container. Insert small holes at the bottom of your container to encourage soil drainage.
Fill your container with compost until ¾ full.
Place the large rectangular tray underneath the seed container.
Moisten the soil with water.
STEP 2: Plant your Basil seeds
Place a few pinches of seeds into the palm of your hand.
Sprinkle seeds across the soil.
Don’t be shy with your amount of seeds- it is perfectly fine if they overlap.
STEP 3: cover seeds with compost
Approximately ¼ of inch deep.
Press compost down firmly.
Water with a spray bottle, ensuring the soil is moist all the way through.
Place lid or covering over the tray and position on a sunny windowsill.
STEP 4: Keep the seeds warm, well-watered and covered
Seeds should germinate in 7 to 10 days.
Keep watering every day until the plants germinate. Once germinated, remove the covering and keep in a sunny position.
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Image by indiarain_designs from IG
STEP 5: transplanting
Once the seedlings have 3 sets of leaves they are ready for transplanting.
Transplant carefully into starter pots or containers. For indoor gardening, transplant into a bigger container.
Image by Chris Lambton from Fiskars
STEP 6: hardening-off
If you are planting your Basil outside, then it is essential to acclimatize your precious seedlings for living in outdoors conditions.
Place seedlings outside on warm days for a few hours a day, then keep indoors overnight. Once your days start reaching 70 °F, place them outside in a sheltered position for a week.
STEP 7: Planting outdoors
Select a position that receives full morning sun. If you experience very hot midday’s, then rather plant where it will receive shade during the hotter periods of the day.
Some thoughts: Basil and tomatoes make great ‘gardening buddies.’ Basil is also a natural insect repellent, deterring the harmful insects and attracting the good insects such as bees, making it a beneficial herb to scatter throughout your garden.
The garden bed or outdoor container must be at least 8 inches deep.
If assembling Basil side by side, plant them 5-7 inches apart.
Soil must be rich in organic material and have good water drainage. If needed, mix compost into your soil.
Place an inch of mulch around the base of your plant. This can be a mixture of leaves, bark and grass clippings.
Water well.
Image by garden_nursery from IG
How to grow Basil from plant
Basil plants do not require a great deal of maintenance, however they will flourish under regular pruning and harvesting (see method below). To ensure a healthy plant, make sure your Basil is kept moist and in a sunny position.
When you notice the plant requiring more room for its roots, then relocate to a larger pot or garden bed. Basil is known for re-shooting itself, so keep a close eye around the base of the plant and carefully remove and replant each of the new shoots.
how much water does basil need?
Basil is not a ‘greedy-water-guzzler’, however it doesn’t like to be forgotten when it comes to watering! Certain types, such as the Sweet Basil varieties can be drought-tolerant, but thrive better and produce more leaves when watered regularly.
It is important not to overwater your plant, therefore aim to keep the soil damp- giving your Basil a deep watering at least once a week. It is also ideal to water in the mornings.
If living in warmer climates, ensure that you water twice or three times a week. Keep in mind that Basil plants in containers will dry out quicker, so water these more regularly.
Common pests and diseases & how to manage them
Basil can be susceptible to some pests and diseases particularly in areas with a high humidity.
Here is a list of the most common diseases:
Fusarium wilt
Characteristics: leaves wilting and turning yellow; brown marks on the stems; leaf drop and severely twisted stems.
Cause: fungus carried in the soil or seeds.
Cure/ prevention: no cure; immediately remove the plant and do not grow in that section for 2 – 3 years.
Bacterial leaf spot/ Basil shoot blight
Characteristics: brown or black spots on the leaves and streaks on the stem.
Cause: bacteria Pseudomonas cichorii, spread by water and infected soil splashing onto leaves.
Cure/ prevention: difficult to cure but can be managed by providing adequate air circulation around the plant and watering carefully at the base.
Downy mildew
Characteristics: leaves turn yellow, with a fuzzy grey growth on the underside.
Cause: due to very wet conditions.
Cure/ prevention: decrease overhead watering and ensure adequate air movement.
Common pests include:
Slugs and
some eco-friendly alternatives for Deterring pests:
The most ideal way is to use nature itself! You can do this by attracting insect predators such as ladybugs and lacewings, which can kill common pests like aphids and thrips for you.
Mint, fennel, dill, yarrow or dandelions will attract these beneficial predators straight to your garden. You can also limit ant populations in your garden, as ants are naturally sworn to protect aphids. To do this remove the bottom leaves from your Basil bush, and apply a sticky substance to the lower section of your plant.
Ants and aphids don’t like Chrysanthemums, lavender and petunias. There are also many homemade pest sprays and natural preventative methods to try, which will help keep those tiny unwanted critters away. I recommend staying away from using liquid soap sprays in your garden, as this can be harmful to the garden.
How to harvest and prune Basil
Pruning and harvesting can be done simultaneously and should be done regularly to encourage leaf production. You can begin harvesting leaves when there are at least 6 pairs of leaves on your plant.
Pruning Basil should be done in the morning while the leaves are the most aromatic, and at least once a week to prevent your plant from going into bloom. When you see an emerging flower, simply pinch it off as you pass by.
To prune your Basil, snip stems off with scissors about ½ an inch above a node, above 2 or 3 sets of leaves, then keep the leaves aside for cooking .
If you wish to preserve your Basil leaves, then store them in beeswax wrap– a wonderful, eco-friendly, food wrap alternative to cling wrap or tin foil, that actually keeps them fresher for longer.
So here’s how the pruning is done-
Video via Jag Singh
How to grow Basil from cuttings
You can nurture many more basil plants if you so desire… 🙂
Video via Jag Singh
So, are you ready to grow Basil now?
Absolutely! Growing herbs can be one of the most rewarding activities for those taking the steps to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, so I encourage you to give it a try.
The most important thing is to enjoy the gardening journey. Once you start harvesting those stunning Basil leaves, making your own pesto and adding fresh Basil leaves to your salads, you won’t ever want to say goodbye to your trusty Basil bush. Gardening also requires patience, so keep sowing seeds and keep nurturing those seedlings each year, until you achieve your desired results.
Happy gardening! 🙂
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Image by growing_basil_ua from IG
Growing Basil: https://southwestgardener.com/growing-Basil/
Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Anthelmintic Activities of Ocimum Basilicum (Sweet Basil) Fruits: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jchem/2020/2153534/
Biological and Pharmacological Properties of the Sweet Basil (Ocimum Basilicum): British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 7(5): 330-339, 2015, Article no. BJPR. 2015. 115
Basil fact sheet: https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/CropFactSheets/Basil.html
MIGardener blog- container gardening on a budget: https://migardener.com/container-gardening-on-a-budget-migardener-blog/
Grow to Eat. The Gardener Magazine. Autumn / Winter 2019 Edition. Page 66. www.thegardener.co.za
Diseases and problems with growing Basil: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/Basil/what-are-varieties-of-Basil.htm
Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Basil Diseases:  http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/factsheets/Basildiseases.pdf
The post Growing Basil: A Full Guide For Indoor & Outdoor Gardeners appeared first on MindsetEco.
from MindsetEco https://ift.tt/3g4ZZpZ via IFTTT
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peargreen-jellybean · 3 years ago
i forgot about it! and was lazy! but!! i finished it, enjoy!
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Rudely in place of the eggs, the slugs decided to take a comfy nap in the carton and disrupt a certain mole’s breakfast
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creativitytoexplore · 5 years ago
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Sturgis Spins a Good One Kathryn B. Lord https://ift.tt/2yrvmL7 Everett and Perle stop for a beer with clammer Sturgis, and hear a tall tale about their friend Mervyn; by Kathryn B. Lord.
Most weekdays around four, if the weather was decent, Everett and Perle pulled their trucks into Sturgis's driveway. Though the air was a bit nippy for early fall, the men, swaddled in worn flannel and greasy insulated vests, took positions around Sturgis's pickup bed. They leaned in on the sides, arms crossed over the top edge. Except for the truck's wheels, they could have been around the bar in a tavern. "Crissakes, Sturgis, get to the point. The wife's making meat loaf. I got to get home for dinner." Everett lobbed his empty beer can into the truck bed. "What the hell happened to Mervyn?" "Steady now, Everett," said Perle. "He'll get to it, he always does." "Thank you, Perle." Sturgis made a slight bow. Wouldn't hurt Everett's waistline to be a bit late. "Much obliged." "Take your time, Sturge," Perle said. "No other place I got to be. Wouldn't want to ruin a good yarn." Everett rubbed the back of his bald head, shoved his stained baseball cap forward. His pants sagged close to the danger point below his bulging belly. "I'm hungry, goddamnit. Just this once, can you not draw the story out till a week from next Sunday? Just cause you're a college man's no excuse for being long-winded." Years ago, Sturgis had almost completed his first semester at the University of Maine at Machias when he'd come home so's his mother could do his laundry. He never went back. "Too far inland," he'd said. The back of Sturgis's truck was crammed with coils of raggedy pot warp, a length of oily chain, a crusty clam rake, thigh-high rubber boots, a jumble of five-gallon buckets, and a heap of clam rollers. All any man needed to make a living on a Maine island. In the corner was a battered cooler nestled among empty beer cans. The dooryard looked about the same as the truck bed: rope, buoys, battered lobster traps, a dilapidated four-wheeler, two corroded tractor mowers. Chickens pecked in the dirt between the piles of junk. "I seen the ambulance yesterday," said Everett. "That it?" "Nope. Something else." Sturgis stood back, patted his pockets. Perle and Everett watched while Sturgis searched. Finally, Perle reached into his jacket. "Here you go," he said, tugging out a crumpled pack of Marlboros. "Put it on my tab." Sturgis pulled a cigarette out and stuck it between his lips. "You owe me a pack, if not a whole carton." Perle crammed what was left back in his shirt pocket. "I'll trade you some eggs." Sturgis started another round of pocket patting. "Got a light?" Everett groaned and passed Sturgis a little box of wooden matches. "Well, I tell you, it was most interesting," said Sturgis, striking one. "The ambulance?" asked Everett. "No, that was for old Miz Curtis, down the road. Mervyn didn't need no bone buggy." Sturgis drew a long puff and blew smoke out the side of his mouth. He scratched under his left arm through a hole in his red plaid shirt, the cigarette dangling, then turned and pointed to where a chicken waddled out of a patch of bedraggled ferns next to the trailer's front door. "Did you check that out?" Perle ambled over. He didn't see anything but the ratty ferns and the occasional gone-to-seed dandelion. "Go closer, Numb Nuts. To your right." Sturgis tapped ash off the cigarette. "Well, I'll be darned. Look at them eggs." Perle counted. "Eight. Going to make a soufflé?" "They's too old. Old Bess has gone broody, and those'll be chicks, I expect," said Sturgis. "Did you see her bald patches from where she's pulled out feathers? She looks a bit like Mervyn, if'n you squint." "Was he here or off-island?" asked Everett. "Neither here nor there, I'd say," said Sturgis. Perle pawed in the cooler, pulled out a beer, and popped it open. Everett watched, then reached into the cooler, too. "Sturgis. How could Mervyn be neither here nor there?" asked Everett. "Seems those are the only two possibilities." "T'ain't easy. Not everyone can do it," said Sturgis. He wondered how long he could drag the story out. It was starting to get dark. "Was he on a boat?" said Everett. "Sort of. But not really." "Was he in the air?" asked Everett. "Maybe." Sturgis flicked the cigarette butt over his shoulder. "Yes and no." "Sturgis, where the hell was Mervyn? Only thing left is six feet under. Godfrey mighty." Everett slammed his beer down on the edge of the truck bed. A foamy geyser spurted out the top. They all watched the beer splash to the ground. "Now, there's a pitiful waste," said Perle. Everett threw the can at Perle who ducked as it whizzed by his head. "You know there was a big blow yesterday?" asked Sturgis. "Mervyn had got hisself hired to bring half a house down from the mainland on his flat bed." "I wouldn't want to be moving anything in that godforsaken wind," said Everett. "How'd you move half a house?" Sturgis took a long slug of beer, smacked his lips. "I wondered that myself. You know those houses they build in factories? That kind." "Pieces of shit, in my opinion," said Perle. "How'd he do?" "Wicked good until he got to the causeway. He was 'bout halfway across when he could tell the wind was tugging. Tie-downs popping, one after another. The frigging house was rising right off the flat bed. Windward side was wide open. House caught a gust, like it was a sail." "Jeezum." Perle bent over and looked under the truck. "Now where'd Old Bess get off to?" Sturgis cast a gaze around the yard. Plenty of chickens, but no Bess. He blew his nose onto the ground, holding one nostril and then then other, wiped his nose on his sleeve, took a swig off his beer and cleared his throat. "So Merv, he jammed on the brakes, run back and jumped inside, tried to catch a rope. Whole damned house rose right up." He stepped back from the truck, stuck his arms out wide and turned, then jumped and yelled, "KaBAM!" "I wasn't there, mind you, but seems it went up over the rocks and landed plumb on the clam flats. Right side up, all in one piece, not even a broke window. First fella come by found Mervyn inside, sitting at the kitchen table. He'd done the dishes and made hisself a cup of coffee." Sturgis straightened, gave himself a bit of a shake, then folded his arms back over the side of the truck bed. Perle sipped at his beer. Sturgis took a fresh one out of the cooler. The chickens scratched around their feet, searching for slugs and beetles. Old Bess pulled at Everett's shoelace. "Well, I hope the missus ain't burned the meat loaf," said Everett and hitched up his pants. He tossed his empty into the truck bed. Sturgis waved and Perle nodded as Everett climbed into his truck and started the engine. Perle took another swallow from his can, then followed it up with an extended belch. "Pardon me, Sturgis." He patted his stomach, then walked over to the clutch of Old Bess's eggs, counted them again on his fingers. Perle turned to leave, then detoured back to Sturgis. "Come to think of it, wasn't Mervyn some lucky it weren't high tide?" He chucked Sturgis on the elbow, winked, then sauntered towards his truck.
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regenachtig · 7 years ago
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multi uses of pellet stove
Since you probably know, timber pellets flip into sawdust when water can be employed, because they absorb dampness instantly and return into the first nation of fresh timber fiber. Can you have any packing damage which let in some snow or rain -- and now you have leftover sawdust? Tend not to throw out it, because you're able to place it to good use! Below are a few of the manners wood pellets could come in handy -- apart out of heating. Organic Mulch and Garden Additive
The left image indicates a hydrangea bush planted with compost produced from water damaged wood pellets, then again 9 months later.
Many experienced farmers assert that using a sawdust mulch around the bottom of crops helps them thrive. That is especially valid for blueberry plants because they grow best within an acidic soil having lots of humidity -- which is just what the sawdust delivers.
Unfortunately, clean sawdust was harder to find for small outfits along with DIYers. This is where softwood pellets are involved!
In the photos below (by the folks at Demers nursery) you will see just how to use timber pellets as organic mulch. Each blueberry plant is carefully surrounded with the contents of a standard 40lb bag of Cleanfire Pacific softwood pellets, then sprinkled with water. Because wooden pellets are made of tightly-compacted, kiln-dried timber fiber -- they immediately soak up the water and expand to fluffy, moisture-retaining sawdust mulch.
Save your self the burnt wood pellet ash throughout the heating time to sprinkle around your crops. It will work like a barrier against slugs and snails attempting for to them. Soon after a heavy rain, but the barrier needs to be reapplied. Stay on the safe side once using ashes while in the backyard, by employing protective gloves, eyewear, and mask. Fire Starters
You simply require a few ideas and a little time for you to reverse off the natural fibers which make up timber pellets to fire-starters. (maybe not for usage in a pellet stove!) Gather together softwood pellets, an empty paper egg carton, scissors and wax candles or scents.
First, spread your sawdust out on the paper towel to let them dry out completely. While that's happening, put up a dual boiler program to melt your flaked wax, or to get the leftover wax sprayed out of old candles. Be sure to simply take care!
Spread your dehydrated wood fiber equally in every cup in an empty paper egg carton, nearly all the way to the top.
Wait a couple of moments for the wax to cool a bit, then work with a spoon into squish the mixtures down. Once that's completely chilled, cut on each egg cup to produce individual fire-starters!
Animal Bedding
All you'll need to get ready timber pellet animal bedding is that a bucket of water, a set of ribbons, along with softwood pellets. To start, lay the bags spaced-out to the ground where you want the bedding.
Use scissors to carefully cut on a cross shape in the plastic, then reevaluate the flaps inside the tote.
Put a bucket of water into the opening. Hot water can speed up the process a tad, however cool water will work just also. Hot water normally requires about 20 minutes to fully change the pellets into bedding, also chilly water will take around 60 minutes.
Wait for the water to fully absorb into your pellets. You'll find them expand to about 4 times the original dimensions! After the pellets have completed the absorption -- just flip the tote, dump out the fluffy sawdust, and put it into even bedding.
A typical forty pound bag of softwood pellets can cover a place about 5.5 feet by 5.5 feet, with a depth of about 1.5 in.. Use yet many bags that you want to pay for your area, and to reach the depth you desire. Oil Cleanup
The super absorbency of timber pellets is also used to aid safely wash up gas, oil, solvent clogs and sludge on both large business and smaller residential scales.
Absorbency of all Wooden Bricks
Wooden bricks are much like timber pellets with regard to their 100% natural cosmetics and absorbency capability. Since you can observe at the photo, a Woodpellets.com team member utilized them to soak up a petroleum tank overflow in his basement!
Depending upon the material that needs to be cleaned up, the wood pellets may in a few situations absorb, biodegrade and repel clogs, and also be abandoned as is. In different cases, the pellets will absorb the drip and creep into clumps that are easy to take out and transport off from the website responsibly.
One notable case of large-scale timber pellet cleanup is that a previous General Motors mill in northern NewYork has polluted sludge that needs to be removed just before it can be secure to offer.
The pellets have been attracted from the truckload to aid combat the sludge, making for straightforward transport off-site. Anne E. Kelly, Project Manager for the Environmental Defense Agency clarifies, "There is no odor or something. I can not imagine it really is merely wood. It starts out as soupy, nasty sludge. Over the span of days, it binds up." Kitty Litter
Yes, you may utilize wood pellets as a natural kitty litter! Not merely can it be expensive than traditional kitty litter, but it has zero bile allergens, harmful toxins, also much less mess/dust. All you need to get started would be a clean cat box, baking soda, as well as a tote of a hundred % softwood timber pellets.
Ahead of time, then drizzle a few handfuls of wood pellets with water until they develop into sawdust. The movie below demonstrates a time lapse of wood pellets absorbing water to create horse bedding that is fluffy. You may essentially be doing exactly the same task, however also on a smaller scale.
Disseminate the sawdust at a location set aside to let it dry prior utilize.
Meanwhile, sprinkle the bottom of the litter box using baking soda. Put in wood pellets to fully cover the base of the package, and adequate extra on top to allow for practically any digging/moving close to.
After your pellet sawdust is dried out, mix that with all the typical pellets in the box. Even the sawdust element isn't completely necessary -- it simply creates a fluffier material that may be much more comfortable to your furry friend.
Your pellet kitty litter will absorb some moisture fast and will develop into clumped jointly sawdust. This is easily sifted away from the remaining pellet mixture, which conserves the nonetheless usable tender pellet litter.
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saywhatjessie · 8 years ago
‘Cause Baby I’m a Slytherin and Boy you are a Gryffindor
I'm trying to write something else but have no motivation so I decided to write this as a warm up and it got way longer than expected go fuckin' figure. (Ao3) 2.8k
Adam made sure not to let Ronan catch him smiling as he made his way into the kitchen. He couldn’t let Ronan see him looking as Ronan’s face went a little pink in the cheeks, his eyes tightening and his lip pulled between his teeth.
“Morning.” He bent to kiss Ronan behind the ear, allowing himself a tiny grin as he noted the angry blush on Ronan’s neck. “Has Opal eaten?”
Ronan cleared his throat, avoiding Adam’s eyes. “Yeah, little shit is already outside, terrorizing the chickens.” His spoon clanged loudly on the side of his bowl in a way that was more to make noise than actually scoop cereal from milk to mouth. “You want eggs or something?”
“No, I’ll just have some orange juice.”
Ronan rolled his eyes, providing a break from his previous silent annoyance now to be vocally annoyed at Adam’s eating habits. “You need actual food, Parrish.”
Adam rolled his eyes back, letting himself smirk for real. “I will get food later, Lynch. It’s too early to put anything else in my stomach, so soon after waking up.”
Ronan snorted. “Well maybe if you didn’t sleep in to fuck all hours.”
Adam just shook his head. He’d asked Ronan for days after he’d started staying at the Barns to wake him up when Ronan got up. Ronan never did it. He wanted to let Adam sleep whenever he could.
“Jackass.” He said fondly. Ronan winked and took a bite of his cereal.
Adam smiled and poured himself a glass of orange juice, wiping the condensation from the carton on the red and gold fabric of his pajama pant legs. Ronan chewed on his lip again, averting his eyes. Adam grinned for real.
 Ronan really really liked to see Adam in his clothes. Part of it was possessiveness and part of it was being the one to keep Adam warm (neither of which he’d ever admit to) but mostly, Adam knew, it was the concession.
Adam did not like to be taken care of. He did not like wearing or using or having something that wasn’t his – that he hadn’t bought or earned. By Adam wearing Ronan’s clothes, he was letting a little of that go. Something Ronan loved to see.
So Ronan loved when Adam wore his things. Except if those things were Gryffindor themed.
Adam hadn’t really grown up with Harry Potter the same way Ronan had – he couldn’t afford to buy the books as soon as they came out, he never saw the movies in theaters. His father wouldn’t even let him watch cable so he never caught a Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family. He was aware of it in the same way most people were aware of Harry Potter because it was the most popular book series on earth but he’d never given it much thought growing up. Didn’t have the time.
Ronan, on the other hand, names a literal cow after Harry Potter. So he was a fan.
Ronan introducing Adam to Harry Potter was endearing for several reasons. One, Ronan tried not to express too much enthusiasm. It was obvious to Adam how much Ronan cared about Harry Potter because of everything he’d ever learned about Ronan, but Ronan still tried desperately to keep cool and not get too excited when talking about it. The multiple times he’d woken up from dreaming holding a golden snitch or chocolate frog that actually hopped gave him away a bit.
Secondly, Opal, who had no hang-ups about looking too enthusiastic, loved Harry Potter. She must have known everything already, being an extension of Ronan, but she let Ronan teach her about everything as if it were the first time she were hearing it. And she was very excited about it.
Opal insisted they all get officially sorted on Pottermore.com. She and Ronan were in the same house which didn’t surprise Adam at all. Ronan had gone through his life proclaiming himself a Gryffindor and Pottermore agreed. Adam pretended to be surprised by this.
“Brave? Noble? Chivalrous? I thought you didn’t lie Lynch.”
Adam was Slytherin, which he quite liked the sound of.
“Cunning? Ambitious? Sounds about right.”
“Except I’m the snake, remember?”
Adam cuffed Ronan on the head. “Hush now, lion cub, the grown-up is talking.”
Blue and Gansey loved this. On their travels, they went out of their way to send back presents that related to Ronan and Adam’s Hogwarts houses. Ronan and Opal received hats and sweaters of crimson and gold with lions on them. Adam amassed a collection of smaller green and silver snake-adorned things like tie-pins and cufflinks.
Ronan obviously had more merchandise, having been collecting it for years, but Adam’s modest pile of Slytherin things was not to be ignored.
But ignore it he did.
Because wearing Ronan’s Gryffindor things when Adam was not a Gryffindor?
Made Ronan furious.
 The five of them were at Nino’s over fall break of Adam’s freshman year at Princeton. Blue and Gansey had needed to be back in Virginia to be with their families for Thanksgiving so they’d all taken the opportunity to catch up. Henry’s family, being Korean and also Canadian, didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so he would be staying with Blue at Fox Way with the psychics.
“Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t think the witches would be into eating a slaughtered animal to commemorate the genocide of an entire people.” Ronan noted, casually.
Blue narrowed her eyes at him, throwing a balled up straw wrapper at his head. “We’re not. A couple of my half-aunts are Powhatan and they like to take the day and make it about actual sharing of cultures by making us a feast of their people.”
Gansey grinned. “Oh, Jane, that sounds fascinating! I wish I could come.”
“But you’ll be too busy celebrating your ancestors coming in to rape and pillage the Powhatan people with your own family, won’t you Dick?” Ronan asked, mouth like a pit viper.
Gansey looked crestfallen and Blue threw something else at Ronan and Adam squeezed Ronan’s hand in warning. Ronan shrugged apologetically. “I’m just saying.”
“I’ll have robobee email you a play-by-play, princelet.” Henry said, patting Gansey’s hand jovially. “I feel I will be too overwhelmed at the time to take notes myself. So many ladies a Cheng has never dealt with at a time.”
“Oh man, the psychics are gonna eat you alive.” Ronan was back to grinning. “I wish I could see that.”
Adam rolled his eyes and unzipped his hoodie, now too warm in the restaurant after the chill from outside.
“What the fuck, Parrish?”
Adam blinked, thrown off by the familiar words coming from Blue and not Ronan. “What?”
She gestured to his torso. “You told us you were a Slytherin.”
Adam looked down, having forgotten when he unzipped his hoodie what shirt he had put on that morning. A red and gold lion stared up at him.
“Oh, yeah, I am.”
Henry’s grin was feral. “So that would make that Ronan’s shirt.”
Adam’s grin matched Henry’s as his eyes slid over to see Ronan’s face painted red.
Blue cackled. “Oh my God, look at that blush. He’s all hot and bothered seeing his boyfriend wearing his clothes.”
“Jane.” Gansey scolded, he too going pink, but a smile flirting with the edge of his mouth.
Adam bit his lip, refusing to laugh. Ronan was bothered alright, just not in the way Blue meant.
Adam knew this. But he still batted his eyes at Ronan, reaching over to put a hand on his chest. “Did I get you all revved up, baby?”
Henry and Blue broke into fresh peals of laughter as Ronan tore his way out of the booth. “Fuck off, Parrish.”
Adam laughed, watching Ronan slump his way out of Nino’s. He’d come back when he was done being embarrassed.
When Adam turned back, Gansey was eyeing him reproachfully. “That wasn’t kind, Adam.”
Adam just shrugged. Gansey didn’t need to Ronan was blushing because was annoyed, not aroused. Gansey didn’t need to know Adam was wearing Ronan’s Gryffindor clothes on purpose. Gansey didn’t need to know any of their business.
“Don’t worry about it Gansey. I’ve got it under control.”
Gansey still looked reproachful and Blue Heny made whipping sounds and Blue waggled her eyebrows but by the time Ronan came back inside, the subject had passed, Adam’s hoodie was zipped back up, and everything was back to normal.
 It would never make sense to Adam how Ronan could hate his phone so much but have no problem using his laptop for skype.
“I’m not expected to carry this fuckin thing around with me all day.” Ronan had tried to explain, once. “Nobody expects me to answer anything on this right away. I can take time away from this and no one gets pissed about it. But if Declan calls me on this fucker,” he held up his much abused phone as evidence. “and I don’t answer, suddenly I’m the asshole.”
“Well, not suddenly.” Adam smirked. Ronan flipped him off.
Adam had taken advantage of this weird loophole in Ronan’s aversion to technology by skyping him at least four times a week while off at school. His scholarship had included a student laptop which had webcam and skype capabilities so Adam could contact Ronan whenever he wanted and not rely on anyone to do it. It was the best case scenario as far as he was concerned.
He had called Ronan on Skype one evening, mostly because he missed him, but also to keep the nerves at bay about the oncoming networking dinner he had been invited to attend.
It was just a thing for Freshman: a way for Engineering companies to look at the best and brightest new students and try and start laying groundwork early in hopes that they’d come work for their firm after graduating. Not every incoming freshman was invited to the fancy dinner but Adam was. A revelation that made Adam panic and Ronan say “Duh.”
Ronan was being a great distraction at present, regaling Adam with a swear-filled tale of triumph involving Opal and a bucket of slugs.
“So this fucking snot has two hands in this bucket and I just scrubbed the goat shit off the goddamn walls from her last fuckery, but she’s already dripping pond scum onto my shitting carpet and– what the fuck are you wearing?”
Adam looked over, hands still on his tie, to see Ronan paused, his face screwed up and red. His hands are still raised mid-gesture from his story. “What?”
Ronan’s face flushed redder, giving him big pixelized splotches on his forehead on Adam’s laptop screen. “Your tie.”
Adam looked down. The ted was red and gold striped. He suppressed a smirk.
“Blue picked this outfit out for me.”
Ronan snorted. “You let Sargeant make fashion decisions for your big fancy dinner party?”
Adam shrugged, frowning at the knot of his tie. “I facetimed Gansey to ask him if my outfit looked okay, because google wouldn’t give me any helpful information about how to pair ties and suits and I’ve never had this many options before. Blue was there so she helped.”
“Why couldn’t you ask me?”
Adam shot him an exasperated look. “Every time I ask you if I look okay you either say ‘No outfit will ever fix your ugly mug, Parrish’ or ‘Fuck anyone who wouldn’t like your face no matter what you’re wearing, Parrish’.”
Ronan shrugged, unrepentant. “But why that tie?”
Adam brushed at his sleeved in the way he saw men do in high-end tailors. “It matches the suit.”
“And a Slyth– a green tie wouldn’t match?”
Adam bit back another smile. It’s true, a green – that is to say Slytherin –  tie would go fine with his outfit. It was a navy blue wool suit jacket with a subtle plaid pattern and a light blue shirt. The green would have worked, all of the cool colors making him look dapper and sophisticated. But Blue suggested the red and gold tie and a yellow pocket square for interesting color contrast. To make him memorable.
And yes, Adam may have nudged her toward the red and gold tie, but Ronan didn’t need to know that.
“I like this tie.”
Ronan pouted, grumbling.
Adam smiled. “Are you going to finish your story about Opal and the slugs? I should probably get out of here in about fifteen minutes.”
Ronan swore but continued with his story, the climax of which included a slingshot, rubber gloves, and dream food-dye that changed color when sang to.
Before Adam hung up, Ronan stopped him with a “People will think you’re a Gryffindor, you know.”
Adam looked at him. This was the closest Ronan had come to acknowledging it. Acknowledging that Adam wearing Gryffindor things bothered him. “I don’t think anyone at this dinner is going to see my tie and think of Harry Potter, Ronan.”
Ronan grunted. “And if they do?”
Adam shrugged, grinning. “There’s a worse place for a Slytherin to be. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” He winked. “They’ll never see me coming.”
 It all came to a head over Christmas break.
Adam almost snorted to himself as he thought that sentence. ‘Came to a head.’ How wonderful that phrasing was in the context of what he and Ronan were doing.
Ronan was mouthing along Adam’s collarbone, making his way slowly and agonizingly down Adam’s torso. Adam was ignoring him, or trying to, as he rid himself of every item of clothing between his body and Ronan’s. Which was to say all of them.
Ronan had been no help in this venture, too busy with Adam’s lips or hands or elbows. Ronan seemed keen on erasing every bad memory of a bruise Adam might have had with good memories of love and other kinds of bruises. Seeing as Adam had never catalogued everywhere he’d been bruised, Ronan took that to mean he had to worship anywhere.
Adam was very keen on letting him but that would be much easier if they were naked already.
Ronan basically was, only left in his boxer briefs, not being very clothed to begin with. Adam had had to start with his jacket and shoes and was still making his way to the full monty. And Ronan, his mouth biting into Adam’s neck, was not helping.
“Fuck, Ro.” Adam gasped through gritted teeth. Ronan chuckled, the air from his mouth cool against the damp spot he’d left on Adam’s throat.
As far as percentages went, Adam was doing well in clothing removal. He’d removed his jacket, shirt, belt, shoes, and pants. He really only had his boxers and socks to go. That was, like 90% if you went by square inch of fabric. 93% if you went by weight.
Good enough Adam thought, grabbing Ronan to spin him and throw him on the bed.
Ronan’s face was lit up and happy in a way it almost never was. It lacked the usual edge of malice or arrogance or scorn. This was Ronan untethered, unmasked. This was Ronan who was super happy his boyfriend was bossy in bed.
Adam’s grin was lethal as he stepped onto the bed, ready to hold Ronan down with his whole body when–
“Adam, what the fuck?”
Adam stopped, half-straddling Ronan. “What?”
Ronan lunged forward, grabbing at Adam’s calf. “Where did you even get these?”
Adam looked dumbly at his red and gold covered feet. He remembered putting them on, remembering thinking how funny it would be when Ronan noticed.
He was astonishingly finding it less funny than he was expecting to.
“They’re yours, obviously. I stole them when I stole the tie.”
Ronan looked exasperated at Adam, still clutching his calf. “Why?!”
“Because it’s funny, obviously.”
Ronan looked betrayed.
Adam laughed. “You get so mad! Just because I’m not a Gryffindor! But you refuse to admit you’re annoyed because that would make you a giant geek! Which you are!”
Ronan pouted, releasing Adam’s leg and crossing his arms. “You’re not fucking me while wearing those.”
Adam scrambled to take them off. “Fine, whatever. I was only doing it to see how long it would take you to mention it. This seems like as good a stopping point as any.”
Ronan rolled his eyes as Adam balled the Gryffindor socks up and threw them at Ronan’s face. “There. Your precious house pride is intact. Now then,” He crawled up the bed, bracketing Ronan’s still grumpy face with his hands. “Since you’re already here in this wonderful bed,” he leaned down to kiss Ronan, encouraging him to stop pouting and loosen up, “and you’ve already invited me to fuck you,” he continued, leaning down for a longer kiss. “Do you mind if I slither in?”
Ronan’s groan and Adam’s laughter help them up from having sex for another twenty minutes and it was still totally worth it.
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