Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Lauren Reyher Hendersonville, NC harassed stepmother #greedy #aggressi...
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Abusers and Tax Fraudsters
Byron Dobbs is a total fraudster, who also commits tax fraud, and Tina Kendall Dobbs is his nasty wife. Both Byron and Tina Dobbs do some seriously shady things with tax fraud.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister and when she was a child (and Byron Dobbs was a teenager), he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Byron Dobbs knew about the molestation but stayed friends with his child molester buddy for over 15 years that people know of — maybe longer.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are both so frugal and tight, they wouldn’t help anyone in need — especially family. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs cannot be bothered to there for anyone else, unless they can exploit the person or situation.
Some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs was during Byron’s father’s final illness, while he was in hospital. After Byron Dobbs’ father had been in intensive care for a very short time, the family had a meeting. Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into another family’s situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements (regarding Byron’s own father — her father-in-law), such as, “what if he lives?!! What will happen to the estate funds if he lives and goes into senior care — will the funds be drained?!”…Tina Kendall Dobbs’ comments were cold, egregiously inappropriate and unwelcome (to put it mildly).
I cannot imagine being so greedy that all basic human decency and respect for someone else’s father is disregarded so callously.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self-serving individual who couldn’t even be bothered to handle her glee, after her father-law finally passed away. Tina Kendall Dobbs did not even try to hide it and expressed happiness that her father-in-law did not make it out of the hospital (so more money could be taken through inheritance). Tina Kendall Dobbs expressed this in front of other family members who found her behavior extremely disgusting. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs not only are tax fraudsters themselves but attempted to trick others into being a part of their tax fraud tax scheme, such as on Byron Dobbs’ father’s estate. Other family members disagreed with and refused signing off on Byron Dobbs’ tax fraud schemes. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud with a man at church, who they were milking for free advice in between church services, named David Stoker (who is a known incompetent fraud, in Woodstock, GA).
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life where you would wish to not only hurt your family, but also be so twisted and self-serving to actually take pleasure in hurting others. There really are no words for these phony ‘christian’ types, like Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs (except despicable).
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Abusers and Tax Fraudsters
Byron Dobbs is a total fraudster, who also commits tax fraud, and Tina Kendall Dobbs is his nasty wife. Both Byron and Tina Dobbs do some seriously shady things with tax fraud.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister and when she was a child (and Byron Dobbs was a teenager), he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Byron Dobbs knew about the molestation but stayed friends with his child molester buddy for over 15 years that people know of — maybe longer.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are both so frugal and tight, they wouldn’t help anyone in need — especially family. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs cannot be bothered to there for anyone else, unless they can exploit the person or situation.
Some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs was during Byron’s father’s final illness, while he was in hospital. After Byron Dobbs’ father had been in intensive care for a very short time, the family had a meeting. Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into another family’s situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements (regarding Byron’s own father — her father-in-law), such as, “what if he lives?!! What will happen to the estate funds if he lives and goes into senior care — will the funds be drained?!”…Tina Kendall Dobbs’ comments were cold, egregiously inappropriate and unwelcome (to put it mildly).
I cannot imagine being so greedy that all basic human decency and respect for someone else’s father is disregarded so callously.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self-serving individual who couldn’t even be bothered to handle her glee, after her father-law finally passed away. Tina Kendall Dobbs did not even try to hide it and expressed happiness that her father-in-law did not make it out of the hospital (so more money could be taken through inheritance). Tina Kendall Dobbs expressed this in front of other family members who found her behavior extremely disgusting. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs not only are tax fraudsters themselves but attempted to trick others into being a part of their tax fraud tax scheme, such as on Byron Dobbs’ father’s estate. Other family members disagreed with and refused signing off on Byron Dobbs’ tax fraud schemes. Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud with a man at church, who they were milking for free advice in between church services, named David Stoker (who is a known incompetent fraud, in Woodstock, GA).
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life where you would wish to not only hurt your family, but also be so twisted and self-serving to actually take pleasure in hurting others. There really are no words for these phony ‘christian’ types, like Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs (except despicable).
#Abusers#child abuse#betrayed#family abuse#family betrayal#canton#greedy bastards#irs#irs audit#losers
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Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs of Canton, Georgia
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

#tax cheats#suckers and losers#family betrayal#irs#irs audit#mean spirited#greedy bastards#child abuse#natural born losers#betrayed#losers#family abuse#canton#georgia#woodstockGeorgia#abusers#Shilohhillsbaptistchurch
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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Thank you @byrondobbsandtinakendalldobbs and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

#10 reblogs#tumblr milestone#thank you#abusers#irs audit#losers#canton#child abuse#family abuse#betrayed#family betrayal#greedy bastards#irs
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Thank you @byrondobbsandtinakendalldobbs and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Thank you @byrondobbsandtinakendalldobbs and everyone who got me to 5 reblogs!
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

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Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs are Despicable
Thank you for taking the time to read about Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs. Dont let their average housewife and senior citizen facade mislead you.
Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs is where I share with you what kind of people Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs truly are.
I will go back many years, in order to give context.
Byron Dobbs has a younger sister by 10 years and when she was a young child, and Byron Dobbs was a teenager, he had a friend over who sexually molested his sister. Now, Byron Dobbs did not know right away because his sister felt great confusion and shame, however, about a year later Byron Dobbs did find out what happened to his sister. And, what did Byron do? No, he did not protect or advocate for his sisterwhat he did was stay friends with his POS friend who molested his sister for many MANY years.
Yep pretty disgusting. This was only the beginning of what type of brother and relative Byron Dobbs was and is. Once, Byron Dobbs threw his sister across the kitchen into a solid wood piece of furniture causing a head injury. Byron Dobbs was never reprimanded or punished for this, which might explain why he feels he can mistreat and abuse certain people in life with impunity.
Fast forward to years later, after Byron Dobbs married Tina Kendall Dobbs.
They say like attracts like, and feel this is a very true assessment, in this case. They both are so frugal and tight, they wouldnt help anyone in need especially family.Whenever there were emergencies, in the family, Byron Dobbs sister would assist, like when their other sister, who needed help with her grandchildren. Instead of being appreciated, for basically putting her life on hold to help take care of her sisters grandchildren, Byron Dobbs sister was treated like it was expected of her, with no help from her siblings.
Other random examples Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs never really were there for Byrons sister. For example, Byrons sister would take time off from her day to pick Tina Kendall Dobbs, from the airport, yet when she needed a ride one time, Tina Kendall Dobbs told her figure it out for herselfTina Kendall Dobbs was/ is an extremely self centered individual.
After Byron Dobbs and his two sisters father got very ill, no one really assisted.
The youngest sister was again, basically left alone to care give for her father. And, even though she didnt mind, she had already sacrificed several years for her sisters two young grandchildren. Byrons sister had started a serious relationship with a man she eventually would marry, and could not fully move in with because Byron Dobbs might stop by once every six months to see his own father.the sad thing about this was after his sister and Byron Dobbs father passed away, Byron Dobbs suddenly said it was no problem at all to stop by every single day to pick up the mail.sad, as why couldnt Byron Dobbs actually take time, even one or twice a month, in order to assist in his fathers care, instead of leaving everything to his sister.
However, some of the most egregious behavior exhibited by Byron Dobbs and Tina Dobbs came during their fathers, Mr. Dobbs final illness, in the hospital.
There was a time, after Byron and Tara Dobbss father had been on life support that the siblings had a meeting. Instead of talking about how to make James Dobbs (their father who always taken excellent care of his kids) a more comfortable and advocate for his care, Tina Kendall Dobbs inserted herself into the familys situation, which was none of her business. Tina Kendall Dobbs made gross statements(addressing Byrons own father), such as what if he lives??? What will happen to the estate funds if he loves and goes into senior care??!I cannot imagine being so greedy, that all basic human decency and respect for someones father is disregarded.
Tina Kendall Dobbs is not a kind or caring person. She is a greedy self serving individual who couldnt handle her glee, after our father finally passed away.
You would think all this would be enough but there is moreByron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs attempted tax fraud on Byron Dobbs fathers estate. When his younger sister refused to be complicit to tax fraud, this enraged Byron Dobbs. As an aside, he also had the audacity to try and claim his younger sisters son on the estate tax return.
Hes really beyond pathetic he literally doesnt care about his sister at all, which whatever, but what makes it worse is he consistently has looked for opportunities to exploit his own sister for personal gain.
Due to all the resentment, anger and envy Byron Dobbs had for his younger sister, over the years, he went further into trying to exact revenge against his own family. Byron Dobbs did not care that his younger sister was married to a verbally, emotionally, financially (and sometimes) physically abusive husbandNope, all Byron Dobbs cared about was trying to hurt his sister in whatever way he could. When his sisters former in laws (who condoned her husbands abuse) contacted Byron Dobbs and Tina Kendall Dobbs, instead of trying to help his sister, he sought vengeance and tried to assist the abusive husbands relatives, in trying to render her homeless.
I cannot even fathom being that miserable in your own life, where you would wish to not only hurt your sister but try to assist her in being homeless. There really are no words (except despicable).

#losers#suckers and losers#tax cheats#child abuse#family betrayal#irs audit#irs#greedy bastards#natural born losers#betrayed#mean spirited#abusers#georgia#family abuse#canton#woodstockGeorgia#Shilohhillsbaptistchurch
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