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betty-bossi · 1 year ago
little slimy balls stuffing my cheekss anxious squirrel and I swallow them so they dissolve and I forget
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betty-bossi · 1 year ago
Leicht gerötet und mit glänzender Stirn sehen sie viel netter aus
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betty-bossi · 1 year ago
our bodies are not made to keep things take a piss remembering is already part of the fantasy they transform them into waste
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betty-bossi · 1 year ago
my toothbrush is pink my body is chrome silver hair in the skies red eyes scrutinizing our minds how much can the egg take before crack! it breaks down into its carton home a slug spotted near the sink (flushed down in a jiffy) slimy egg, slimy slug spaghetti dreams, please take me back
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
how to get nowhere drawing circles on your satin landscape (let them do their thing in the mirror they are alright) drifting back towards the crack in the coarse soil the fringe around us rising its milky transparency waving a very different kind of satin yours so dense it reminds me of the ground that is what once more we will become
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
Die Eieruhr betickt das Einlaufen des Poolwassers. Zwei Gorillas klopfen sich auf ihre Brustkörbe – oder sie kneifen sich gegenseitig in die Nippel.  Sie ist abgelaufen. Der Hahn wird zugedreht. Hingesetzt wird sich nie. Um Rat fragen ist gut, aber nur solange man selbst noch auf die Fresse fliegen kann, sagt Oma. Der abgerissene graue Fellschwanz liegt noch immer auf dem trockenen Rasen. Der Pool ist voll und noch klarer als gestern. Der Ventilator sei durchgebrannt. Auseinandergenommen und vorzufinden verkokelte Stellen im Gehäuse. Was es denn wohl eigentlich zum Abendessen gebe? Es ist ja schon kurz vor vier. 
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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I told you about this racing game where you would scream as loud as you could. and you would run as long as you hear yourself scream. voices finally cracking in a canon of rasping sounds and heavy last steps. you looked at me smiling and started counting. one, two, three
your breath ran out before mine did. I could have run further but decided to let my shout turn into laughter. yelling at those clean streets of our hometown, a brief easement in our messy ecstasy.
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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We met at the butchery. he taught me to be free
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
kurzer, heftiger Regen- schauer GUSS einerlei; gleichartig EGAL Fremdwort- teil: fern TELE
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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The coffee machine makes this very loud noise when it switches off and every time it functions as some kind of alarm clock for someone to turn it on again, craving another espresso We spend half of the day making a mess (Does anyone need something from Lidl?) and the other half cleaning it up I started hiding my work in the calmer corridors of the building
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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a distant trace of gestures come mi lasciava le strisce sulla pelle gli graffi più profondi ad ogni giro passo il ricordo. mi confondo in tutto e tu mi confondi, mi spogli tutto quasi fermo solo il corpo che vibra ancora in silenzio
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
a sudden badminton disruption – and I then heard someone say the word shuttlecock
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betty-bossi · 2 years ago
I remembered a doctor’s office I went to twice. The first time, they prescribed antibiotics without even checking my blood.
In the waiting room, a shelf full of golden cats waved at me and bubbles in glass columns were disturbing colorful fish made out of plastic. No chairs, but seats from an outdated airplane. They smelled old and my posture felt a bit too upright. The walls were fully covered in small disco ball mirrors. I used to fancy those back then — because their reflection danced with the lights they met.
Dr. Loser welcomed me with a frozen face of no age framed by a peroxide blonde down. I liked his glasses – tinted in a gradient from blue to transparent. He was a beauty doctor too. I remember looking through some before-and-after catalogues where patients would show their new shiny foreheads and bloated lips covered in tiny red dots.
My tonsils were swollen to the size of walnuts.
The second time they took some of my blood. Again I left with a prescription for antibiotics and blacked out in the elevator on my way down. The cabin too was covered with small disco ball mirrors.
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