#eevee police
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shyblacksheep · 5 months ago
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This is my sister’s Trainer OC, Kimi Rowan. She’s from Sandgem Town (Sinnoh) and meets Alistair in his hometown, Ecruteak City (Johto), while she was visiting a cousin from there. Alistair, of course, shows interest in her shiny Litleo and that’s how they get talking. x’D
[ X ] 🍁/ [ X ] ✨
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demonic0angel · 4 days ago
DPxDC Pokémon Teams (click for clarity)
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I looked at the poll, and while most people wanted spoilers, a lot of people also wanted only a little spoilers, so instead of the original 8 I was going to reveal, I revealed 4 Pokémon teams :D this will be the team’s final evolved forms, not the form they’re introduced in btw (Example: Chansey eventually evolves into a Blissey but in a future installment)
I also have a challenge for you guys! You’re not required to participate, but those who do can get a drawing from me of their fav Pokémon and DP/DC character (I will make it DPxDC if it’s only a DC character, but y’know.)
So the challenge is to answer 3 questions correctly. You can find the form to answer the questions here. Hints are in the cut below in this post :3 Have fun and good luck!
I got way too excited and just drew everything with my fingers…. The pain…. Especially bc I got my pen back today…
+ Danny’s team consists of (Hisuian) Zorua, Dartrix, Gengar, and Froslass. Zorua and Gengar were caught by himself, while Dartrix was given to him as a Rowlet by a friend and Froslass was given to him by Frostbite :3
+ Jazz’s team consists of Sylveon, Blissey, and Aegislash. She got an Eevee from the Pokémon center as a starter and harassed the people there until they gave her an egg too. It opened into a Happiny, which she then evolved herself. She also caught a Honedge herself and it later evolved twice. The Marshadow occasionally follows her, but is never officially caught by her (and never will, prob. It's a reference to Shadow that I will explain later). She technically only has 3 Pokémon.
+ Dani's team consists of Mimikyu, Arcanine, and Gyarados. She found each of them while homeless and traveling. Mimikyu and Magikarp were picked up by her bc she pitied them, while Arcanine came as is, since it was a failed police dog and then abandoned. Magikarp eventually evolved.
+ Jason's team consists of Absol, Ceruledge, Volcarona, Drakloak (and a Dreepy), and Annihilape. All Pokémon but Absol were found during his training at the League of Assassins, or afterwards when he came to Gotham. Absol is the only Pokémon he has left from his childhood.
+ Danny's team was basically left unchanged for a while lmaooo. The only thing I did was add Rowlet, which is a reference to Spooky the owl.
+ Jazz is the same, I only added Honedge after a little more planning. At first, she was also supposed to have a Steelix (which would make her Pokémon team have 4) but I disliked how it looked in the drawing and it lowkey didn’t fit the vibes. In the end, I changed my mind again after using a choice picking wheel 💀 Honedge stayed due to storyline reasons.
+ Dani's did not change at all XD I was very satisfied with my choices for her.
+ Jason's team changed a LOT. Some stayed the entire time (like Ceruledge and Absol), but others were switched around a lot. At some point, he even had a Goodra, but I changed my mind several times. I've mentioned this before, but the DC teams were the hardest for me to make. The DP teams were relatively easy in comparison.
+ Danny's team is all ghost Pokémon, or will become ghost Pokémon. The reason why I chose Gengar and not any other Pokémon is bc Gengar is the first and only ghost Pokémon to be introduced in Gen I. The other three are there for thematic and story based reasons.
+ Jazz's team was originally all normal types until Sylveon evolved and she got a Honedge. She's weirdly and somewhat unintentionally powerful when you compare her to everyone else bc of the amount of dark and dragon type Pokémon I gave everyone. (Pseudo-legendaries, I both love you and curse you!) I do love how cutesy her team is. It's fun when you realize that she's also pretty well-balanced (that's on purpose :))
+ Dani's team was chosen solely on vibes and storylines. Also, I love the idea of a small girl having a cute Pokémon, a cool Pokémon, and a fucking behemoth of a sea serpent as a Pokémon.
+ The DC teams are all chosen with a specific pattern and as such, Jason's team reflects that. I switched it up several times but I'm satisfied now. I think the combination of both powerful but also thematically suitable Pokémon is really nice. He's got a pseudo-legendary and a semi-pseudo-legendary and I enjoy how his team is made of fire, ghost, and dark types. Quite spooky.
+ I want to write about Jason and Absol sooooo bad, but I'm trying my best to go in order slowly and work with what I got until I get bored again.
+ The Pokémon listed in each box are ordered from most used/seen to least used/let out of their Pokeball. Example: Jason lets Absol out or uses him the most, but Annihilape is usually kept inside of his Pokeball.
+ The Misdreavus pin that Jazz, Danny, and Dani all share is a logo for them being part of Team Phantom lmao. Misdreavus is the first fully ghost Pokémon to be introduced, hence why I chose it :3
+ Honedge was added to Jazz’s team to replace the usage of Marshadow (I planned her team for a while but never got to changing it until this year tbh), as well as to make up for weaknesses. What’s interesting about her team is that she counteracts a lot of her family’s and friends’ Pokémon teams due to her being a mix of fairy, normal, and ghost types with a bit of dark.
+ When I first discovered Marshadow, I was jumping for joy bc I was hoping to find a Pokémon that could replicate Shadow, an OC that I created to be Jazz's friend and helper. Marshadow was literally perfect for this! Associated with shadows, cute, and most importantly, able to copy others! But then my entire world came crashing down when I found out it was a Mythical Pokémon (which is accurate tbh but.... ☹️) I lowkey dislike it when characters are OP without explanations and I LOVE Jazz, which is why I glaze her so much, but a Mythical Pokémon would've just pissed me off bc no one else has one. So that's why it's there, but I don't consider it an official part of her team. It will help her on the occasion tho!
+ Within these teams, only 4 Pokémon will be evolving within the story: Rowlet -> Dartrix, Chansey -> Blissey, Honedge -> Doublade -> Aegislash, and Magikarp -> Gyarados. Jason's team came as is.
+ If you've seen how I color the characters a lot, you may be wondering why both Dani and Danny are blue instead of the usual green. That's bc I was imagining that when they went ghost, the blue would switch to green and black to white and vice versa. So in reality, the colors are actually the “opposite”.
+ You might not know this, but Dani is the only one with a water type Pokémon on her team in the DP world and it's freaking hilarious when you realize that almost everyone else is weak to fire in varying degrees. Cue shenanigans as everyone in the DP world chases her down for her Magikarp.
+ These Pokémon teams are still subject to a bit of change. As long as I don’t write it down in an AO3 fic, it’s free real estate for me to continue editing 💀
Hint for the questions! 1) It’s a single digit number, so less than 10, 2) It’s a specific girl group of 4-5 members, but very unconventional. Another hint bc it’s a little difficult, think of video games combined with music. 3) Look at Danny’s pants, specifically the shape lmaooo. Another hint, they performed at a very big event recently…. >:)
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kazuko-stuff · 2 months ago
Love and Deepspace Pokémon Headcanons
Love and Deepspace men if they were in the Pokémon world. There would be spoilers within the headcanon, so proceed with caution. This is my first work in Love and Deepspace, so I hope you enjoyed it.
Would be a fairy type trainer
would have Pokémon that levels up with high friendship
starts with a Ralts as his starter
Would lived at the Kalos Region
top agent for the international police and is still your partner despite him being your senior
Had done some work at PokeStudios at Unova at some point
as the prince of philos, he has interact with the legendary Pokémon of Philos at one point
As Lumiere, he and his Gardevior fight against villainous organizations
Obviously an Ice type specialist
had also volunteered to help Pokémon center to help the injured Pokémon
started with an eevee that evolved into a glaceon
helped you out doing your starter days as the friend
Likely be in the Sinnoh region in the city but still goes to the snowy landscape to visit Dr. Noah
Helps out children who begun their Pokémon journey as a professor and the one who gives them their starter pokemon and pokedexes
Since Dr. Noah was the professor in his youth, he studied under him during his medical studies as well as other phenomenon
At his visits and research at the snowy areas, he uncovered a secret related to a legendary Pokémon
Has a team of Water type Pokémon as well as fire type Pokémon
they are often roaming around his place
started with fish type Pokémon such as a magikarp, Goldeen, feebas and Luvdisc because he can interact with fish Pokémon
Likely lived at Alola Region to feel the ocean’s presence
Despises cat Pokémon with passion
as a lemurian, he knows the legendary Pokémon of Lumeria and had interact with them as his role as the Sea God
he does artwork with his Pokémon and often is one of his muses
still makes connections with high society in order to gain info to use against them and as well to protect the legendary Pokémon of Lumeria
Majority of his Pokémon as dragon and dark type
Mephisto would start as a rookidee in Sylus’s starter days
Wild Pokémon within the danger area takes a liking for him
Willing to help you out take out the severe villainous organizations despite Oynchinus’ reputation
At his place he has an umberon and a Salamance
Has a lot of Pokémon treasures ( related to mythical and legendary Pokémon) at his place
has a lot of places in different regions but his main would be the Galar Region due to business but still deals with the criminal underworld in other regions
in his long life, he has met legendary and mythical Pokémon but had given his respect to them by preventing others from exploiting them for power
Majority of his Pokémon as physic types
Started his starter days with you as the friendly rival
Like Zayne, he had an eevee he befriended when found injured that later evolved into Espeon
Would likely either be a gym leader or even promoted to become a elite 4 member
Secretly part of an influential villain organization
As a high ranking admin, he also uses electric Pokémon such as Porygon-Z and Metagross
He still help out kids who are starting their Pokémon journeys
He would likely be at Unova region since that is his main base is located
At one point he encountered legendary Pokémon during his missions. He also met Mewtwo at one point.
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third-arch · 1 year ago
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My Corazon HC’s!! pt. 2❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
These HC's are a month old LOL
Corazon is a Children’s book author! He’d join the Marines still, but he’s very good at art. One of his best sellers would be a story inspired by Law about accepting himself and loving himself and others.
He forbade Law to watch PewDiePie when he was growing up because he swore too much.
His favorite Pokémon are Chandelure, Eevee and Lapras. Idk why but I could see him just liking the more cute and chill Pokémon. Law also really likes these Pokémon bc of Corazon.
To Corazon, Kanna reminds him of Buneary.
I don't see Corazon dating anyone. He seems like someone who has a very secure attachment style in general.
I like to imagine that in another life, he'd be a really good royal guard or police officer. He would take his job very seriously and would be well loved and respected by the community for his sense of justice and caring nature.
I like to imagine that if he survived, that he and Law ran their own little coffee/flower shop. People would ask him "Is that your son?"
He'd probably be very touched to hear it, too.
He LOVES Boyce Avenue's cover of "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. He really likes Boyce Avenue, I think.
He did not take Law to the Eras Tour, but he bought him tickets (Law didn't know this).
Corazon always tells Law "I love you" before he hangs up the phone. Law doesn't say it back, but might mumble it back on occasion.
His current favorite song is "Loverboy" by A Wall!!
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haveyouusedthispokemon · 2 months ago
On Pokémon Sleep, I play in French with the rule that I give them a nickname based on their nature, then the Pokémon's name. So my recently caught Floragato (Matourgeon in French) is docile (docile), his name is Docigeon. I also have a Fuecoco (Chochodile) who's quirky (bizarre), he's named Bizodile. And a quirky Quaxly (Coiffeton) named Bizeton.
I also have a bold (assuré) Eevee (Evoli), I called him Assuroli (which makes it a pun: "is great in bed"). I also have a sassy (malpoli) Metapod (Chrysacier), she's called Malpolicier (pun: "impolite-police officer"). I also ran into a mild (doux) Jigglypuff (Rondoudou)... yes, he's named Doudoudou. Now I wish I could find a Pawmi (Pohm) with the nature careful (prudent) so I can name them "Prudohm" (industrial tribunal).
There’s so many good puns here!!! Doudoudou did make me snort
Très bons noms! I hope you find a prudent Pohm!
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scruffyssketchbook · 5 months ago
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Ask, and ye shall receive!
Ok, so, Polar Opposites went through a LOT of changes character-wise. Specifically Blizz, because when I wrote him originally, he was the cause of Daisy's depression, he had turned her down VERY rudely, causing Daisy to become VERY insecure about herself (to the point that it was concerning,) it was so awful and made me hate PO! Blizz. So Blizz and Daisy have the most changes to their character.
Also, the "Night" version of Dawn (I forgot what I called her) no longer exists, but has been replaced. Dawn's backstory is also quite different.
Ahem! Now, characters:
Vay: He's very friendly (moreso than his canon counterpart,) and he's a very good cop! He's good at catching criminals! However, he's barely literate (he's basically on a third-grade literacy level,) and he's probably the worst speller around. Because of this, when going through paperwork or reports, he has Split (his deputy) help him. He's also gotten an entire Box police team with him! Despite some of his flaws (barely literate/poor spelling/handwriting,) many of the Icedrop Eevees look up to him as their leader! Vay gets along well with Eve/Evelyn/Lynn and (for the most part) Blizz. Vay also has a crush on Daisy, they hang out a lot! Vay's a little shy about his relationship with Daisy though, haha. (Daisy also helps Vay improve with reading/writing/spelling, she cares about him and wants to help him! She loves him, too. =3)
Blizz: He's pretty smart, but unfortunately, this gives him an ego the size of a Wailord. He has an "everyone else is stupid" mentality and thinks he knows everything (sure, he's smart. But he's not the smartest in the Box, that title goes to Dawn.) Daisy used to like him, but his "I know everything" mentality got on her nerves, so they butt heads from time to time. Blizz isn't very popular with the others, either (Eve and Blizz squabble a lot,) the only person that likes being around Blizz is Dusk, who thinks Blizz is a genius. Some of the others have tried to give Blizz a fair chance, though (Vay and Bolt.)
Eve/Evelyn/Lynn: Eve is about 13 in this AU. Unlike her canon counterpart, Eve is actually pretty independent. The other younger Icedrop kits see her as a leader of sorts. While "Evelyn" is her full first name, only Blizz has ever really referred to her as such, which she hates because she finds it embarrassing. Eve often plays a game with the other kits, or Oliver, pretending to be secret agents, so Eve as an entire "Agent Lynn" persona. She has tried to help Vay catch criminals as "Agent Lynn," but hasn't been very successful. She has an admiration for Dusk (not a crush, though.)
Dawn: She's the smartest out of everyone in the Box, but feels that being the smartest is boring. So she often hangs out with Vay, Daisy, Dusk, or Eve. She has the feeling that there's someone missing, but doesn't really seem bothered. However, she knows Dusk had lost his memories and wishes he had them back. She used to wish that she had lost her memories so Dusk wouldn't have lost them, but she's moved past it and is willing to try to make new memories with Dusk.
Dusk (huge spoilers!): Dusk lost his memories when he was nearly ERASED PERMANENTLY from the Box. He has no recollection of the incident, and had no memory of who he was or who his friends were. Thankfully, everyone else helped Dusk remember who they were, and while they helped Dusk remember a little bit about who he was, there was one memory of Dusk's that simply vanished, as if it never happened. Only one person is aware of that memory. Dusk can also "see" someone, taking on the form of a monochromatic Sylveon with a scarf and broken glasses, but everyone else (except for one person,) thinks he's just Dusk's "imaginary friend."
Daisy: She likes to hang out with Vay! She has a crush on him, though she knows he's shy about it. She's very kind and pretty calm, though Blizz gets on her nerves. In fact, she doesn't like Blizz very much, mainly cause of his "I know everything" attitude, and also because he rudely turned her down when she admitted she liked him. Daisy feels she was better off without Blizz, and hangs out with Vay instead. She doesn't think Blizz is a good influence on Dusk.
Bolt: He's very confident in himself, and likes to pass that confidence on to others! He's very kind and uplifting! He has a crush on Dawn, but he's a little shy about it (Dawn likes him, too. =3) He feels bad that Flame always seems so quiet and distant, though.
(Sorry, no Polar Opposites Scull. I keep forgetting that Scull exists. XP)
Flame: Ever since the "incident" that Dusk was involved in, he's felt that someone is missing. He knows there was someone, a Sylveon, but he doesn't remember. However, he managed to get a strand of fur. He's tried to bring this Sylveon back through cloning, but failed. Many, many times. It even resulted in Flame accidentally cloning himself. Flame is the only one that takes Dusk's "imaginary friend" seriously. He's afraid of loud noises, and the dark.
Solar: Flame's clone created from the strand of Sylveon fur and was accidentally made with Flame's DNA as well. He usually stays in Flame's room with Flame himself, though he does occasionally walk around the Box. Due to being a clone of Flame, he can be easily mistaken for him. The only real difference between the two is that Solar has pink eyes (he also has a purple tongue, for some reason.)
M???/S???: [ERROR: Information not found]
Oliver: Eve's "bodyguard" that Bllizz hired. Eve doesn't really need a bodyguard and can handle herself on her own, but she decided to be friends with Oliver anyways! Oliver is about 2 years older than Eve. He often plays Eve's secret agent game with her, with an "Agent Ollie" persona. Oliver doesn't like being confrontational and can get nervous easily. He has a bit of a crush on Dawn, but part of him knows it wouldn't work out (mainly cause he knows Dawn likes someone else, though, not because of their ages. Dawn's about a year or two older than Oliver, so I don't think it would be that much of a problem if they had gotten together.)
Very interesting.
Honestly all of the characters do sound pretty opposite, except Daisy honestly. Since Flame cloned himself, does that mean in this AU, Flame is smart as well? Cause how can he clone himself otherwise? Are Dawn and Blizz smarter than him?
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thecatnamedorangeblossom · 3 months ago
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So, third installment of my trainer cards! This is different because I didn't style Oracle as a gym leader. Instead Barbara is just a typical trainer, other than her role as her who primarily works behind the scenes. (Yes, I'm ignoring the fact they made her Batgirl again.) Alakazam assists Barbara with her Oracle network and is also just a companion and they enjoy chatting. Arcanine and Machamp are probably older than her and belonged to her father and were his police pokemon. They're now her guards and adore their baby girl. Straptor and Venomoth I think she caught as a kid and raised. Eevee is her newest pokemon, a welcome to the family gift from Bruce since she and Dick are pretty serious and she's a bat regardless.
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crystal-moon-101 · 8 months ago
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It's probably no surprise that I have more next gens beyond what I have already shown, so here I present the main cast of another next gen series I have cooking up in the background. Pokemon! Now, like most things I watch, a lot of this is influenced by a rewrite I have of the series in the background, so there are things that may not make sense to most, lol. Things like mixing the pokemon game characters into the anime series, and stuff like making Giovanni both Silver and Ash's father, not because I believe it to be real, but because I like the drama. But I hope you enjoy the main cast!
-Rachel Ketchum- The 13-year-old daughter of Ash and Serena. Rachel is a very sweet, kind and soft spoken girl, who sadly was born with many health complications. She gets easily sick, deals with nasty asthma, and overall has a weak body. It's not as bad as it once was when she was a baby, but she still has to deal with a lot of problems. But this has made her a very sympathetic person at heart, especially towards pokemon, having her father's natural love and appreciation for them.
Her starter pokemon was an Eevee gifted to her by uncle Gary on her 8th birthday party, much to Ash's dismay. Unlike her trainer, Eevee is bold, out there and always ready for a fight, being highly protective of Rachel. Eventually she evolves to become a Vaporeon, wanting to use her water powers in both combat, and to help Rachel when she can.
Rachel also has a younger brother called Percy, who is a little rascal, but adores his big sister. He may or may not have cried when she finally went on her first pokemon journey, leaving home to go to the region of Horae.
-Theo Oak- The 13-year-old son of Gary and Misty. Theo is a charming young boy who has a very buddy buddy relationship with people, and very expressive in himself. As a kid he was rather danger prone due to seeking out adventure everywhere, but has thankfully mellowed out a lot, even if he still enjoys the extreme side of life. With his father's side having a lot of pokemon knowledge, and mother's side of loving water pokemon, Theo is packed with information about water types, and shares Misty's love of them.
His starter pokemon was an Pichu gifted to him by uncle Ash, as revenge for Gary giving Rachel Eevee. As a Pichu, she had been so full of energy she was bouncing off the walls, but as she evolves into Pikachu and eventually Alolan Raichu, she calms down quite a bit and becomes more of a fun motherly pokemon, always eager to put an smile on people's faces. Having fun with her trainer at any chance they get.
-Sterling Kris- The 15-year-old son of Lyra and Silver. Sterling is the most mature out of the gang, and is very hard to phase, often calm and collected, which helps when dealing with a group like this. He mostly came on the pokemon journey to keep his cousin Rachel safe, but still enjoys what the trip offers him. He also has an odd quirk in that all his pokemon are female, and seems to have an easy time bonding with pokemon that are girls. People theories that he just has a pleasant aura around him that makes him feel safe for them.
His starter was a Togepi, having raised her from an egg that his father found during a police raid on illegal pokemon poaching. No matter how much she grows, even once she becomes a Togekiss, she is a diva of a pokemon, wanting to look her best and has a habit of taking anything that interests her, especially shiny things. But she is a sweet lady, often cuddly in nature and adores Sterling, being the vocal one for the both of them.
-Zee Gropius- The 14-year-old daughter of N and Hilda. Zee is kind spirit, having her father's ability to talk to pokemon, and is an outdoor girl at heart. Though she is a little ditzy and naive, having been a last minute addition to this traveling group of friends when N and Hilda feared she wouldn't do well alone. She has a lot of love to give, always wanting to make friends with people and pokemon, and always takes in everything around her.
Her starter was a Deino she found when he was just a baby, having lost his mother in the middle of the night, Zee hearing him cry in fear. Despite the reputation of this pokemon and it's evolutions, Deino is a chonky lovable big baby that always wants treats and snuggles. Even as he gets bigger and becomes a Hydreigon. Zee is his family, and he will never see it any other way.
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the-softest-love-is-ours · 1 year ago
F/O Headcanons: Pokemon Universe Edition!
(More will be added with time)
(Also, many of these are inspired from headcanons I’ve previously read, so you may recognize them. Unfortunately, most of these have been in my phone for a long time so I don’t remember some of the original sources; if you do though, please message me so I can give proper credits)
Aromatisse tend to make potpurri nests
Nessa and Raihan are cousins.
Leon does not know how to break open a safe or pick locks… Hop knows how to do both. In fact Hop has numerous skills that are also a little shady.
It’s hard keeping a Riolu at their beginning stage because they are very loving, loyal and friendly pokemon. Don’t give your kid a Riolu because you will be taking care of a Lucario.
Phantump can possess all kinds of tree stumps (fruit trees, redwoods, birch trees, etc.). This gives them some natural variation in appearance.
Kirlia will often "intern" under Gallade and Gardevoir in order to enhance their psychic abilities. Which one a Kirlia trains under is thought to influence its evolution if male.
Magikarp are popular among breeders because they have a good amount of variation and produce lots of eggs. You can get Magikarp/Gyarados in various colors and patterns because of this. This is also true among Rattata, but they’re less popular due to people considering them weak and boring.
Absol are known for being paranoid. They are extremely protective of their trainers and will try to prevent any negative thing from happening to them, even if that thing is "leaf blows into their face" or something equally mundane.
Sylveon and Umbreon get along surprisingly well because they're both stealth hunters.
One popular textile company uses a stylized Leavanny for their logo.
Modern Pokeballs create simulations for the Pokemon inside that make them feel like they're in a large environment. In addition to making the Pokeball feel extra comfortable, they also help keep the Pokemon enriched.
Eevee and their evolutions arguably have the cutest courtship rituals on the planet. They start off by showing interest with short yips and sniffing, studying each other. After that, play-fighting ensues. When that's done, the pair share tiny kisses on the cheek.
Umbreon can spray poison from their rings. They can poison themselves if they breathe it in accidentally due to not being poison-types, but the toxins are pretty mild.
Leavanny can fly, but only for very short distances and not very far off the ground.
A popular rumor states that the more powerful the Lucario the more black they have on their bodies, but there's nothing scientific to back up this claim.
There are some that believe that Fidough evolve faster when around fire-type Pokemon. This claim has yet to be scientifically backed, however.
Young Vulpix will actively try to get their trainers to "hold their paw for reassurance.
The Leavanny line becomes incredibly agitated if they don't have any materials to "sew" with, so make sure they have access to plenty of greenery.
Absol live in isolation out in the wild, only coming together to breed and take care of their pups.
Jolteon oddly prefer sparkling water. Many theorize that the breed generally prefer foods that cause ‘tingly’ sensations as it’s similar to the hum of electricity.
Legendary and guardian pokemon in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos are so rarely seen they are thought of as myths. Meanwhile the Tapu guardians in Alola have shown up in people's backyards to mess around with their sprinklers and lawn ornaments.
Luxray are used as police or medical Pokemon in Sinnoh due to their ability to see through objects and strong stature. They are good at finding and retrieving victims and people who need assistance. Along with that they can be trained to listen for heartbeats and give electricity in a way similar to an AED.
There is a superstition in Johto that if an Eevee jumps into a child's crib, the child is blessed. Often times for baby showers, the mother is gifted an Eevee egg for this very reason. When the kit hatches, it is left in the room with the baby. If the Eevee stays by the child's side, but outside the crib, the child is destined to be average and live a normal life. However, if the Eevee jumps inside the crib and sleeps next to the child, the child will be blessed with fortune, prosperity, and joy.
It's thought that having someone with a positive aura take care of Riolu eggs helps them to hatch faster.
Eevees tend to mimic the personality and habits of their trainers. If their trainer tends to be energetic, the Eevees will get a share of that energy too. If, on the other hand, the trainer tends to be more on the relaxed and a bit lazy side the Eevees will behave like that too.
Popplio are frequently used for public performances and other forms of entertainment. It works out nicely, as it serves as excellent enrichment for them
Swablu's soft, cotton-y down is a favorite filler for pillows, especially because they shed it often. Nowadays it's more common to find synthetic substitutes.
Eevee’s love to be groomed and accessorized, especially on their tail. They don't like baths though but they groom themselves well.
Hisuian Growlithe/Arcanine are still found in some volcanic regions, but they are incredibly rare and protected under law.
A group of Chingling/Chimecho are known as a gong.
While Vulpix and Ninetales have incredible fur, harming one is considered bad luck and, in some areas, sacrilegious.
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pokemonranch · 1 year ago
how would you care for a type: null? i came across an injured one the other day, it's currently in the pokecenter being treated while police try to find the owner, but i'm not sure the local shelter can care for it due to just how large it is compared to the regular first-form pokemon they're used to.
There isn't really much information 'bout Type:Null in general, mostly due to them being artificial and only "officially" made and used by Aether members; so they keep information about 'em as secret as possible.
Despite their looks, they've shown to be extremely loyal and bond deeply with trainers who treat them well (And, if you ask me, that's probably related to their creation process, but I have no proof of 'that), so it's theorized they may grow in power via their bond with a trainer, like an Eevee evolving into a Sylveon! And talking 'bout evolution, they are very good in battle, though most of 'em are not comfortable getting into battle unless it's their last option.
I'd recommend, if you were to take care of it, to try to give it some space to recover and lots of care, and probably try to get 'em some Persian toys to see if they'd be interested! But if you take it in, make sure you can take care of it long-term, friendship 'mons have an especially hard time getting used to new people after bonding with a trainer.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 1 year ago
If you could live in any video game, which one would it be and why?
pokemon. no competition whatsoever, just pokemon.
there are no drawbacks to living there. you get to have pokemon (!), it's similar to our world so you won't miss technology, healthcare is apparently free, the police are apparently there to do actual good, wars are long gone, there's, for the most part, global peace, they seem to have no crisis of anything (food, housing, economy, poverty), it's a HUGE world and we, as players, know most if not all of it (so we won't be out of our depth if you like, say, try to get out of the continent in botw or smth), just-
like yeah maybe i won't get any powers for myself, but i get to have a golett? an eevee? i get to travel around without worries for money at like age 11? the chance of anyone on the streed doing me any actual harm is .00001%? all you gotta worry about is the occasional team of weirdos trying to end the world (which is still, like, nobody targetting you in specific), but like-
look at our own world rn and tell me that's not like baby's first bully. plus, after the one or two events every region gets of some idiot trying to summon their local leviathans, they... no longer have any issues? like if i isekai'd into the world of pokemon right now, would all the plots have already taken place? if so, literally what could go wrong with going to live in, like, hoenn. team rocket doesn't even operate there afaik. and even IF you were to get isekai'd to before all the plot happens, that's still like- that's still getting solved anyway. and since money seems to be a non-issue, you could just peace out and then return to your preferred region.
so yeah,,
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deepestuniversallove · 1 year ago
Hey I literally logged in just to give you support. Don't listen to these idiots telling you that you're gross for loving Mewtwo.
Because if loving Mewtwo is gross then the entire monster-fucking community should also be shamed but they aren't hmmmmmm I wonder why.
The degenerates in this fandom are perfectly fine with Ash fucking Latias, and men fucking Gardevoir, Vaporeon, or whatever slutty monster girl bitch of the week, but nooo you self shipping with Mewtwo is apparently cONcERnING or whatever.
(I love how no one calls the Hatsune Miku guy names lol, do I smell double standards? )
But this doesn't surprise me because the Pokemon community is full of hypocrites and these are the same no - life losers who shit their pants because Ash isn't in the anime anymore, their parents truly failed in raising them.
Lord knows I faced enough trouble for loving Steven and that too, from an Eevee fucker.
Monika, sweetie you are doing nothing wrong, your love for Mewtwo is so innocent, sweet and pure. I think it's beautiful how helped you with depression and escape your narcissistic mother.
People on this site love to preach mental health support but the very minute you do something different yet harmless suddenly it's
Keep on giving them rectal bleeding and draw more of you and Mewtwo ;) I love to see it.
AHH thank you so much for this message!! 🥹 That is so sweet of you!
Yeah, I dunno why it has always been like this. Even 10 or even 20 years ago, I often got messages chastising me for selfshipping with Mewtwo, calling it "nasty" and "degenerate", when really, i am not doing it to specifically be a degenerate, but because I honestly love Mewtwo. In his story, he too had to fight against a narcissistic "parent" (Giovanni), just like I had to against my own. How can it be seen as a crime to want to believe? Or has it been wrong to say "Mewtwo, please teach me to be brave like you" in my mind during the hard times, especially back when I was a lonely child?
Haha, I doubt anyone could ever shame the monster fucker community out of what they are doing. Or the furry community for that matter. 🤣
There always seems to be some sort of underlying misogyny happening. Women are expected to get an IRL husband/boyfriend to serve as soon as possible, so seeing a woman openly rather selfship with a fictional character is threatening to them, because how dare a woman not be in the kitchen and make sandwiches for a man? How dare a woman prefer to be single when there is a "male crisis of loneliness" happening?
Then again, I don't think I owe society anything. Where was society when I was abused? Where was the help or the community when I needed them most? I was left to my own devices. When a fictional character like Mewtwo brings someone like me more hope than any IRL human, that's how I know we failed as a society. Even sicker is that other more destructive forms of coping mechanisms are more encouraged. Somehow selfshipping is seen as more evil by the "moral police" than dying from a drug overdose on the streets or having alcoholism.
Anyone who ever complains to me about "ruining Mewtwo" or whatever - no, you aren't "concerned", you are just using that word to camouflage that what you really want is control over me and what I put out there. And i can tell you it is futile. I haven't survived so far just for some snotty brats to tell me what i can or cannot do in MY online space. Don't like what I post? Tough titties, use the block button. No one is forcing you to look at my "cringe". My cringy stuff brings me joy and makes me happy, and I feel I deserve some happiness in this shitty world of ours. You do too, so just..go and have some fun yourself. Don't waste your only life on policing others.
So yeah, you are right, dagdasgoddess. I will keep giving people "rectal bleeding". 🤣 No one can stop me from loving Mewtwo, my guardian angel that even visits me in my dreams at night, and loves me even when I absolutely despise myself. He will always be a bastion of love for me, a symbol that life is worth living regardless of hardships.
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tea-for-you · 1 year ago
Adrien Agreste cannot run like Cat Noir. Still, it is thanks to Cat Noir’s countless treks across every rooftop of the central arrondissements that he finds his way home now. Hawkmoth and Mayura have left the Paris a war zone, its citizens either hiding or sleeping. The streets are empty but for one single, stupid teenage boy making his way in the opposite direction of where the battle ended. Adrien Agreste does not have Cat Noir’s stamina and he hasn’t slept at all tonight, but needs must. There is so very much wrong and so very little he can do to fix any of it, but there is one thing that only Adrien Agreste can do. So he runs himself winded and aching in the streets still eerily quiet in the early, early morning, praying with every heave of air that the police will at least leave Hawkmoth’s identity unnamed until there is an official charge brought against him, will at least have the discretion of not showing up at his door before that. And in this, if nothing else, the goddess of luck smiles upon him. The iron gates of the mansion are still closed, and he needs to do little more than round the corner to the old servant’s entrance and raise his phone with the chip. The silence of the house is familiar, but today, Adrien knows that it is because it is truly empty. There’s no Nathalie to burst through the doors, no father skulking around his office, and the staff wouldn’t come in before six thirty. Adrien doesn’t need to mind to keep his steps soft, doesn’t need to knock the door to beg for his father’s attention. It’s natural for a boy to open the doors to his father’s study, isn’t it? So Adrien does, but he picks up a sample of Italian silk on his way towards the looming Klimt pastiche of his mother. She’s probably in the mansion, somewhere, she’s got to be. But Adrien isn’t supposed to know that, and Adrien is too much of a coward to go looking for his mother’s undead and unburied corpse. What Adrien can do is the thing that he does know and that Cat Noir doesn’t – namely that his dad hides stuff behind the portrait.
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
Finally got around to seeing Detective Pikachu and now, in the middle of another movie (The Island of Cats), I kinda want to see Desmond in Ryme City. He has a bar and, eventually, a partner pokemon (plus more that he swears aren't his but since he saved one of their flock/pack, he is now One of Them) but he still thinks it's some Isu definitely went a little more mad than usual for evolution to end up with super-powered, sapient/sentient animals wandering around instead of the ones that he's used to.
It’s probably my love for Eevee but I like the idea of Desmond’s first pokemon to be Eevee. His Eevee won’t evolve, just a plain normal Eevee as if to symbolize Desmond’s own potential to be so many things.
(And, let’s be honest, if his Eevee was going to evolve, it would evolve to a Sylveon just because Desmond would definitely love his Eevee no matter what).
Also, his bar would be more of a chill relaxing bar (with the sign “No Jigglepuff Singing” right next to the piano although he has a Jigglypuff of his own whose singing he uses to deescalate ‘things’).
Detective Yoshida (and Harry) are regulars because Desmond gets all the good juicy rumors (thanks to his honed senses and his own brand of clientele).
And his employees are all the Pokemon he ‘adopted’ over the time he’s been in Ryme City. Some he helped out and followed him home. Others he ‘took’ from less… savory places.
He tries not to get in the middle of weird shit (he already has his fill share, thanks) but whenever he sees or hears something, he gives the tip to Detective Yoshida (if he believes the police could help) or to Harry if it’s a bit too… delicate.
Ngl, I kinda wanna give him a Cosmog that will later evolve to Solgaleo just so he could have a sun-themed Pokemon… you know… since he died because of the sun? XD
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incoherent-screaming-100 · 7 months ago
Leafeon: Look at the buns on that guy! Vaporeon: lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns Jolteon: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny! Leafeon: I'm not going back to jail!
Umbreon: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Glaceon: Fucking Eevee and Sylveon were trying to invoke one of the minor legendaries again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting. Umbreon: Dang, that sucks. By the way, I’ve figured out how to deter Leafeon from… doing Leafeon things. Espeon: How? Umbreon: Simple. Umbreon: We commit crimes against food. If you look to the left, you’ll see example A.
Leafeon: You disgust me. Flareon: eating a kitkat sideways I realize this and don’t care. Sylveon: Why are you two arguing about this? It’s just a kitkit. Leafeon: I don’t know how you have your foot in your mouth, your head up your ass, and your nose in my business. But here we are, you fucking wizard.
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into-the-timeloop-i-went · 21 days ago
Help, I think I'm stuck in a timeloop
...again, loop 41
Loop 33: Forgot to turn on asks
Loop 33: Got the time loop police called on me for the first time
Loop 34: Discovered time loop does not affect blog
Loop 34: PFP does not stay the same between loops
Loop 34: I am capable of responding to the ask system
Loop 35: I am incapable of editing previous loop posts
Loop 35: I seem unable to use the queue
Loop 36: This entire website seems unaffected by the time loop expect for parts that would bring stuff outside of the time loop
Loop 37: I have acquired an eevee
Loop 37: I have acquired a randomized Pokémon materialisation gun
Loop 37: Figured I should keep track of loop days
Loop 38: I have noticed regardless of when I post something it ends up being posted around 6pm
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