#ee..i wanted to draw a drawing of me in a better place. and then i made myself sad x_x and then i made myself happy again
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kil9 · 4 months ago
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salt marsh
[marsfish catch fish]
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beefscrap · 2 months ago
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i had to draw Insight
why is he so eyebrows /pos
[ reposting the desclaimer a second time below the cut. Again, for better reach. Anyone read if u can! ]
He really does have a HUGE ass head. THE THREE TEARDROPS ARE SOOO COOL seeing different variations of nightwing power symbols is so fun for me and IM GETTING ONE FOR INSIGHT!! EE. I love how bat he looks too. Bat headcanons for Nightwings is another one I love. His sclera being black is such a cool detail. AND HAIR I bet he would swoop it to the side over an eye and dramatically flip it in his teen years. What a cool style to see him in TYSM!!!
Okay I gotta start with a disclaimer and hope it reaches anyone who makes fan art: I’m really sorry but I can’t write those big paragraphs anymore :[. Coming from a huge place of privilege that I get to have as many beautiful drawings as I do. I could not be more grateful and I’ve always tried to show that through my writing. But guys it can be TIRING to have to write so much every time- at least for me. I’m still gonna write but it’ll probably be noticeably shorter. I want to make this disclaimer so no one thinks I dislike their art, or anything. These beautiful fanarts have been sitting in my inbox forever and I need to respond!!!!
[ copy pasted again. Last time I’m doing this! ]
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bright-tatters · 3 months ago
Tatters #12
“My lady? It’s about the police situation.”
Catalina Reinaldo didn’t stir from her hot, bubble-mounded bath. Her dark, lacquered toes showed at the far end. The chilled gold leaf she used across her face once a week soothed her. “Is this urgent?” she said mildly.
The messenger, a slender and very pretty young man, was wringing his hands. “We haven’t spread the report, but the musician met with Fortune. For over two hours.”
“Mm, really? Good. I love it when our traitors are clearly labeled.”
“We’ve suspended him without pay.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, we can’t use a piece that’s been taken out of play. Restore him at once.”
“Oh. Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, then. In between rendezvous, has ‘Fortune’ proceeded with the re-signing of the Ward?”
“Signage all up and down the main roads have been replaced with ‘Tatters,’ if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Travail Ward.” She momentarily forgot to relax. “Not ‘Tatters’ and not ‘Trash’ and not whatever idiot political statement they intend to make this week. What will it take for them to acknowledge that this city named them and this city possesses them? We are all Travail. Only, cleaner.” She cut a manicured hand across the highest tower of bubbles. “I’ve discussed it with my sister, we’ll have to make another sweep. Not until after Ministers’ Day, I want the natives to be hung over when we send our work details in.” She batted her eyelashes, more out of habit than anything. “Are you afraid of one man flying a traitor banner half a mile high? So afraid that you come running to me? If he gains ‘Fortune’’s ear, we get a better lead than we’ve had since I was too young to know any better.” Oh, alas, Arwena hadn’t worked out. Arwena’s twin Daveth had done no better. They’d survived, which put them ahead of the less skilled plants ‘Fortune’ identified. “I will not permit anything to stand in that relationship’s way, is that clear.”
“Crystal, ma’am.”
“Open your collar a bit. Really, much better.”
If that Piper fellow—everyone from Travail liked to have a dramatic nickname—if Piper really cared about Travail Ward, then Catalina had limitless influence over his behavior. Threaten to ruin a few criminal families’ days and he would trip over himself to set it right, even if that meant taking commands he didn’t enjoy.
The messenger hadn’t moved. “Speaking of, ma’am, there’s one more thing.”
“Is this annoying, too?”
The messenger pulled out a palm-sized disc on a white chain. The disc itself was made of layers of clear crystal, with complicated mechanisms turning and twisting. Catalina succeeded in not jumping out of the tub.
“The team found this in the observatory. I opted not to let the police hang onto it.”
“Well done, very well done.” She knew she was salivating. “Here, place it on the stand. Do you know what that is?”
“Is there more than one Crystal Watch?”
“That’s a subject for debate. It’s certainly the only one in Photia. Thank you. I’ll see you rewarded well for this.” And she would have to make it good. The Crystal Watch might be poison to own, drawing more trouble than admiration and drawing a hell of a lot of admiration…yes, it might be dangerous to own, but the man deserved recompense for his self-control in bringing to her.
The Crystal Watch, here. ‘Fortune’ must be seething. Its theft from a private collection four or more years ago had been the pinnacle of his criminal influence. Brilliant. Now he was dropping it during an illicit rendezvous. Where would that lead?
“Ma’am.” The messenger bowed, clearly ready to go.
“My-ma’am?” His eyes were wide and a little puppyish, his skin fair and sporting a fine layer of blonde beard. “I couldn’t—”
“Catalina if we are to continue conversing. You can pronounce it, yes? No problem with ‘ee’s?”
“No, my—Catalina.”
“Very good,” she purred, tracing the edge of her queenly mask. She would have to get his name later, she hated to show ignorance in front of a new acquisition. “Enjoy a kiwi fruit on your way out, they’re just ripe and I can’t eat them all.” The Reinaldos were second only to the King in Photia and she took measures to make sure they were observed as such; she made investments to get the little fruits from the far side of the planet to her table. She would cut one and smell it from time to time. It was as good as eating.
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icarusthelunarguard · 2 years ago
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
This week we’re drawing inspiration from @jokingluna on Tumblr. Because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that Bad Jokes are always in season.
How does one know when a minotaur is about to charge? Because it will send you an invoice first. This week try not to use your credit card. You’re just wearing out the mag-stripe. Unless you have one of those new-fangled NFC ones.
More financial humour for you. Why was the mullet audited? Because it did not declare its business up front. This week pay for a proper haircut - some places still offer “Mullet Correction” cuts for $15.
We realize you’re having a hard time seeing how these jokes work, so this illuminating one’s for you. What happens to bad rainbows? They get sent to prism. This week stop groaning; you could have asked for something nicer but you didn’t bother. So you got what you paid for.
Cancer Moon-Child 
Do you know how many birds it takes to change a lightbulb? Tucan do it. This week buy some spare light bulbs and rechargeable flashlights. With storm season coming up you might need them.
Why do you make sheep anxious at night? First off, NO, that’s not why! It’s because they know how much you’re always counting on them. This week try to be a little more self reliant… Or just stop drinking coffee an hour before bed. 
When you were born the doctor said that you might grow between five and six feet. Look at you now - such a disappointment. You’ve still only got two. This week we’re going to up our standards while hoping you’ll up yours too.
Do you know… The Muffin Man? Do you know what he sleeps under at night? A cookie sheet. This week buy some frozen cookie dough and try not to eat it raw for a change. Unless you’re adding it to ice cream!
Do you remember the original Ghostbusters movie? The team had their first capture in the Sedgewick Hotel. Would that make Slimer an Inn-Spector? This week don’t be a Peck…. No, there’s no “-er” at the end of “Peck” in this case.
Did you know that a collection of beehives is called an Apiary? Do you know what you call a beehive without any bees? An “EE-hive”. This week find your crystalized honey container and float it in some hot water to reconstitute it. 
What medicine is best if you have an allergy to snakes? Anti-hissss-tamines. This week stock up on them since pollen season is just around the corner. 
Speaking of which: Hey Aquarius? When’s the best time to use a trampoline? Spring Time. This week make sure yours is in full working order and not going to split the first time you bounce on the canvas.
For the last joke, we have one submitted by Maude Pie!
I once took my sister, Limestone, to my joke-telling club. As soon as we sat down at a table somepony stood up and loudly said, “Number Twenty-Seven!” Everypony laughed. Somepony else stood up and called out, “Number One-Forty-Five!” We all laughed again. Limestone was confused and asked what was happening. I explained that we’d all heard so many jokes before that we just keep a list of them and say the number to save time. Limestone looked at the collection on our table, picked a joke, stood up and called, “Number Seventy-Eight!” The room went silent and looked at her as she sat down. She asked me why nopony laughed. I had to explain, “The joke is a classic, but you need to work on your delivery.”
This week, stop ordering from online retailers and deliver your own groceries yourself.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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charlie-fabray · 5 months ago
"Maybe you and I should check out one of those fancy grocery stores and see if we can find some of those." he wondered if Kyle would want to go the nursery with him or if that would be boring. Though the boy had made it quite clear that he wouldn't find any parts of him boring. no sense testing that theory though.
"I suppose so. My brother taught me by example to stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves. I'm not as good at it as he is, but I like to think I can make him proud sometimes." He tipped his head to the side and grinned, reaching out to gently tap Kyle on the tip of his adorable nose. "Pretty much all of the parts sweetheart. Mostly your honesty and good heart. The world has plenty of jaded, grouchy people. You make me smile and I'm sure many others too. So don't change that okay?" He gave him a mock stern look. Of course how could he keep a stern face at that declaration. "More than pizza? That is a lot." He hugged him for a moment enjoying the simple closeness without any expectation other than just this.
"Sure, but if I get tipsy you have to promise to behave like a proper gentleman," he said with a playful wink. He listened to Kyle explain what he enjoyed about bondage as he sipped his wine appreciatively. He'd heard people talk about it that way before though usually from the tie-ee perspective not the tie-er side of things. It was interesting. He did some strange head shake/nod thing to indicate his ambivalence. "I like it just fine, I suppose, but it more that I enjoy whatever give my partner pleasure. If they like to tie me up than I want to be tied up. If they want to blindfold me, I want to be blindfolded. If they want to cut, I want to be cut. I only have a couple of hard limits. They've gotten in the way a few times, but I'd rather keep the limits for the time being than risk a sub drop or something."
Charlie laughed out loud. "I have indeed. A lot. More than my fair share if I'm being honest. I'm not sure I'm a terrific model for you about this topic." He sobered and leaned forward drawing his knees up to his chest. "Listen. There is no wrong or right or anything in between when it comes to this. I lost my virginity way too young and I wasn't in a good place when I did it and kind of wish I'd waited for that reason, but even so I don't regret it. On the other hand I didn't top anyone until just a couple of years ago. I waited and I don't regret that either. It's all just a journey, you know." He was, if he was actually being honest, glad that Kyle wanted to make his first time be with someone he cared about. Getting fucked in the back of a pick up truck with too little lube and too much enthusiasm was fine and good for him, but his friend deserved much, much better. He let a small smile curve his lips. He didn't know if Kyle knew how much his expressions broadcast his thoughts. There was obviously someone. Charlie tried to think about anyone he'd seen his friend with. "You seem to be getting pretty close to Miss Jade," he hinted in a conspiratorial voice. "Is there something going on there?"
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“I do now!” Kyle grinned, letting out a chuckle to match Charlie’s. Shaking his head, he looked shocked. “But I’ve seen it! And other fruit that’s a combination of two. Like the plumquat, and the pineberry (pineapple and strawberry). They are real!” He was certain of this, even if it had been years ago when he heard of these fruits. It’s not that he’d never seen one in real life, but he remembered hearing about them through a credible source. “Oh, so you were standing up for someone. That’s nice! I think putting yourself out of your comfort zone for other people feels easier… or less scary.” He wasn’t sure if he was making sense. “Though I can’t imagine speaking up to a professor!” Especially one that was clearly a bully. “Which… part… exactly?” Kyle asked, slightly confused about what he had said to garner the other’s compliment. But nonetheless, he smiled and nodded. “I appreciate you guys more than pizza.” Which was a lot. As he was pulled in, Kyle moved his arms around Charlie’s body, hugging the other man for a moment.
“If I don’t like it, will you drink it for me?” It was something he and his brothers used to do. Share unfinished or unwanted food, drinks, etc. Crossing his legs on the chair, Kyle continued bringing nachos to his mouth. “I really like the different ways of doing it. Like you can use cuffs, or rope, or tape, or silk ties, and they all look and feel different. And then you can tie someone up in so many different ways!” He had yet to actually do it, but maybe soon. “So, you’re into, like, light bondage?”
As Kyle listened to Charlie, he started to wonder if he should wait and not rush it, either. He just got in these moods where he was tired of waiting. Currently, he was in a ‘I wanna lose it before my 19th birthday’ mood. “I don’t know… I feel like you would know more than me… cos you’ve actually done it.” He took a sip of the wine, cold and dry. “Why do you wish you hadn’t rushed it?” He paused for a moment. “I think… I just want to do it with someone that I have feelings for.” Influenced by his movies, Kyle didn’t want to just fuck. “I don’t need to be in love with them, or anything. I just want to know I had feelings for that person and they had feelings for me.”  He shrugged. “I don’t think so.” His crush on Jade was no secret, but he didn’t feel like they were there. He could hope, but that's all at this point. He took a bigger sip of the wine. It wasn’t something he would get for himself, but he didn’t hate it.
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intrulogical · 3 years ago
no but i'm still hung up on logan and remus' exchange in wtit.
because firstly, it's implied that remus is mad at logan sabotaging his plan. specifically, he's mad because remus feels like logan was merely trying to brush remus's contributions off.
[Remus]: You're going to pretend that I don't exist, so I'll pretend you don't exist.
secondly, it showcases that logan admits to thomas' negligence.
[Logan]: […] but perhaps you could also see the merit in what I'm trying to do. Trust me, what I'm implementing is and has been necessary for a long time, and it's not every day that Thomas... is interested in carrying out this sort of thing.
and then there's the whole dubious—
[Logan]: Stop… IGNORING ME!
[Remus]: Hoo-ee, Logan. Now you're speaking my language. But who do you really want to scream that at?
the “speaking my language” part could have two meanings, especially since the second half of remus' statement includes him responding more towards the meaning behind logan's statement rather than the eyes.
of course, we gotta dissect the more obvious aspect of remus being enticed by logan's anger. i fully believe the only reason he felt intrigued was because logan is exhibiting behaviors similar to the dark sides. now let me explain— i've spoken this in other metas, but i interpret the “dark sides” to embody facets of thomas that he tends to repress/ignore, while the “light sides” are obviously the opposite. this is why the dark sides develop more malicious-seeming traits. it kind of reminds me of how our body likes to draw attention to a certain problem within the body by making different parts of the body ache. in the context of the dark sides, they look scary and mischievous (even if they aren't bad people) so that thomas can pay attention to them. do you ever think, if janus didn't shapeshift or argue against patton, or if remus didn't attack roman, how else would thomas have listened to them, especially considering that thomas thinks lowly of their functions?
in a way, remus was excited because he sees those malicious-seeming behaviors emerge from logan. logan, if ignored enough, could resort to grander ways of gaining thomas' attention, even if it is hurtful. being nice didn't work on logan's behalf, so of course, he would have to rely on something else. in that sense, he is becoming similar to my definition of a dark side— i wouldn't be surprised if he and janus switch places because janus is gaining more recognition.
the second meaning i can derive from remus' statement is that there's something quite intriguing about how remus can immediately recognize when a side is being dismissed and ignored by thomas. he was able to recognize logan's frustrations immediately, faster than any other side could. i'm not gonna jump the gun and immediately say that he's logan's prince charming because he's not, but rather, the way remus understands logan completely kind of speaks volumes with his own experience with thomas. think about it— the constantly dismissed recognize those who are dealing with the same treatment. even remus himself was mad at logan earlier for sabotaging his plan to get thomas' attention.
but where does that take these two? well, in a way, this information is leverage against logan. not in a sense that remus would blackmail him, but in a way that remus is the only one with the confidence and perceptiveness to dig into logan's vulnerability. there are pros and cons when it comes to this. obviously, the pro is that pushing logan to his limits may allow him to actually express his emotions for once, but the con is, we don't know to what extent. will remus just allow logan to feel, or will he allow logan to completely overwhelm himself with anger, slowly bringing him into the dark side?
if you want proper visualization of this, i would compare their possible future dynamic with jasper and steven from steven universe future wherein steven asks jasper to train him. while steven became better at combat, overwhelmed with power, he accidentally severely hurts jasper. while jasper admires steven's newfound power, steven becomes absolutely terrified of himself, his mental state deteriorating more as the episodes pass.
does this make remus bad? not necessarily— it's just what he's used to. more than anything, no side is a bad or good person. the point of sanders sides is to BREAK black and white thinking when it comes to human complexity and morality. the two resorting to the worst possible strategy just shows how people can do the worst of things when they have nothing that works, even if it hurts others and/or themselves.
but anyway, i hope sanders sides pursues with this kind of combative, catty relationship between remus and logan. in a way where they constantly argue and battle for thomas' attention that they gradually begin enabling each other to use the worst and most harmful strategies to get thomas to notice them. for logan's arc, it can serve as a good exploration of what logan can be when he's at his limit. if logic is absolutely tossed away, of COURSE he'd be a ball of anger. for remus, i want them to explore how he became that way, going into detail about nature vs nurture.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 years ago
raven-san, can we please have a wedding crashing where jade needs to marry this girl from another crime family to consolidate power and become the next head of the leech mob :)) but floyd's like I'M BORED and annoyed that his brother's being snatched up by a random chick, so he asks basketball bros, and azul, to help save jade?
This one is super long, so I added some extra sections and placed the rest of the wedding crashing below the cut!
***Spoilers for Jamil and Floyd’s Unique Magic!!***
"I object to this wedding...!"
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Pre-Wedding Jitters
A call comes for the twins in the dead of night, without warning. It’s their parents with exciting news: they’re naming Jade as the next Don Leech. The catch? The Leech mob’s in the middle of a merger with the Worm mob, and he’ll have to marry Don Worm’s daughter to secure the deal.
Jade, ever the dutiful son, is honored by his future title and calmly agrees to the arrangement. On the other hand, Floyd’s annoyed by the idea, and can’t keep quiet about his irritation. He calls out to his twin in the darkness.
“... Ne, Jade.”
“Ee, Floyd?”
“Are you really okay with going through with this? You’re just gonna do what they said? Even though you don’t know the Worms at all? Even if you’ve never met that girl before?”
“It is a request coming directly from father and mother. How could I refuse them? And, furthermore... If I do not undertake this task, then it would fall to you, the next choice to inherit the title of Don Leech. I cannot allow that to come to pass--fufu. You do so enjoy your freedom, yes?”
“... Jade, you’re so dumb sometimes. What’ll happen to your freedom, then? Will you get so busy with being the big boss and being married... that you won’t have time to play anymore?”
“... Perhaps. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
That thought doesn’t sit well with Floyd--not at all.
“I trust that you will make your own fun of the situation,” Jade reassures him. “You always do.”
As the weeks pass, Floyd sees less and less of Jade around, since he has to prepare for the wedding. Jade reassures him that he’s doing just fine, but Floyd can see right through his lies. He can tell that Jade’s more frazzled than usual--there’s a lingering to his words, and a longing in his eyes, savoring every last bit of autonomy he has before his fate is forever sealed.
Floyd hates it. He hates being lied to by his own brother, and he hates feeling powerless to stop the wedding. Floyd’s so angry that he develops this murderous aura in the weeks leading up to the wedding, which makes everyone around him shy away.
One day, he gets sick of being in the water--it’s a reminder of the wedding to come--so Floyd plays basketball on land to vent. He ends up chomping down so hard that he deflates a ball, then dunks another basketball so hard, he breaks the net.
He sprawls out on the ground and angrily shouts at the sky. His basketball bonks him on the head... and that’s when an idea hits him: maybe he can’t stop the wedding alone, but no one said he couldn’t phone some friends.
Assembling the Dream Team
Floyd first dials up Azul, who agrees to help after some whining and signing a contract agreeing to pay Azul handsomely for his services (... although truthfully, the octopus does want to help Jade, but doesn't immediately agree to do it because of his pride as a businessman).
Floyd also calls his old basketball buddies for help! Jamil and Ace are much more adamant than Azul, but Floyd strongarms them into pitching in. ("Umihebi-kun, Kani-chan, if you don't help me rescue Jade, I'll get suuuper mad, you know? I don't think you'll like me when I get mad. Moray eels are strong hunters, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me to track you guys down and give you a good squeeze~" "OKAY, OKAY, WE'LL DO IT!!")
Together, the four boys meet up to scheme of a way to disrupt the wedding without jeopardizing the Leech mob's future. Floyd actively leads the discussion, allowing his hidden genius to come to the surface.
Ace doesn’t contribute much to the strategy (laid out by Azul), but he does keep the spirit up with some jokes. Meanwhile, Jamil provides snacks for them when they work late into the night (though he keeps passing semi-glares to Azul whenever the octopus compliments him or tries to be friendly).
In preparation for the crashing, Azul brews some potions to give Jamil and Ace so they can take on temporary merforms. After all, the wedding will be underwater, in the Coral Sea, and they’ll need tail fins.
The date of destiny draws ever closer... and Floyd's never been so excited to cause chaos in his whole life.
The Crashing - Team Azul & Jamil
They split into two pairs on the day of the wedding—Azul and Jamil, and Floyd and Ace. Floyd uses his position as the future son-in-law to Don Worm to arrange a meeting between himself and the don... except Azul and Jamil will show up instead.
Don Worm shows up to the meeting in his finest clothes (which is very little, given that he’s a merman), sounding a bit annoyed the sudden summoning. “Make this quick, I’ve got to go see my baby girl’s big day... Wait. You fellas aren’t the F. Leech boy.”
“No, we aren’t, sir. We are his representatives... Proxies, if you will,” Azul insists, giving his warmest and most welcoming smile. He uses a tentacle to tug on Jamil’s tail, forcing him to smile too. “You see, there is an important business matter we needed to discuss with you on behalf of Floyd.”
“Hoh? And what would that be?”
“I believe my business associate would be better off explaining the matter than myself.” Azul gestures to Jamil, who has his head down.
“Oi, what’s with you? Don’t you know who I am, boy? It’s rude to not look your elders in the eye when they are speaking to you!! Show me the respect I deserve, from one professional to another!!”
“My apologies, sir.” Jamil looks up, locking eyes with the mob boss. “... Is this better?”
“Yes, that’s...”
“Snake Whisper.”
Don Worm suddenly goes glassy-eyed and slack-jawed. Azul claps at the sight, showering his partner with compliments. “As expected of the talented Jamil-san! Even one look from you can bring a mafia lord to his downfall. Truly, your Unique Magic is most impressive!”
“Save your flattery for later.”
Azul’s lips curl into a smirk as he whips out a golden contract from his briefcase and offers it to the don. “Now then, if you wouldn’t mind, sir... sign on the dotted line.”
The Crashing - Team Floyd & Ace
Ace and Floyd rush to the wedding venue, their tails cutting through the water like knives as they swim at a breakneck pace. Ace can barely keep up with Floyd, who surges far ahead.
“H-Hey, should we really be barging in like this?! Don’t mob families have weapons and other dangerous stuff? Is there a backdoor we can take instead? Hello?! Floyd-senpai, are you listening to me?!” (He isn’t.)
The open, underwater comes into view, and Floyd barrels in without any hesitation, tearing right through some decorations and knocking over the wedding cake with his tail. A loud CRASH! echoes through the waters, drawing eyes to him.
Jade stares at his brother from the altar—wide eyed, but a mirthful smile on his lips. Floyd waves to him, and then to his mom and dad in the crowd of guests. “Hiii, Jade! I’m here to pick you up now.”
The Worm girl starts sobbing, wailing something about how her special day’s been ruined, and where is her papa to put an end to this? At her signal, security guards, and some of the rougher looking guests—Worm family associates—lunge at Floyd, claws and teeth out. A few of them have produced wands, and what seem to be guns—loaded with harpoons.
“Bind the Heart!” Objects and stray magic go flying in all directions, hitting both people and wedding decorations. Cloth tears, columns crumble—but it’s one man against many, and he can only bind so many hearts before the blot starts to stack.
Ace makes it just in time, sending their foes and their weapons hurtling through the water with a blast of wind. “This is why I said to be careful, dammit! Your Unique Magic’s such a crapshoot—don’t just use it whenever, or you’ll be sushi!!!”
“Ahahahah! Kani-chan’s being all heroic today! That’s so cute. Don’t worry, I can play my part, too...!!”
Using his tail, Floyd hooks around a drifting merman and chucks him straight into another. They collide with a CRACK!—but Floyd barely registers it. He’s already bolting off, grabbing heads and smashing them together, slicing through others like a knife through butter.
There’s a crazed, frenzied look to him, gleeful laughter cutting through the waters and mixing with the Worm bride’s screeching. I forgot how scary Floyd-senpai can be, Ace realizes. (Jade and Floyd’s parents are cheering for him from their seats.)
Jade looks quite proud of his brother, even laughing along to the brutal slaughterfest. His bride stares at him incredulously. “Stop that brute! He’s ruining MY special day!!”
“No,” Jade replies calmly. “I don’t think I will. This is far too amusing to let it end so soon.”
She lets out a frustrated scream and launches herself at her groom, hands going for his throat. The Worm girl is slammed back with a strong hit to her gut, courtesy of Jade’s tail.
She flies back, slamming into a column—and feels a tail wrapping around her and squeezing tight. Constricting her to the point where it was difficult to breathe. A livid mermaid glares down at her, teeth bared in a snarl.
“No one lays a hand on my children,” Mama Leech declares. “No one.”
From the corner of her eye, the Worm girl can see that Jade has cast off his bow tie and flitted over to Floyd, embracing happily in a battlefield adorned with red ribbons trailing through the water. Her vision is abruptly blocked off by a broad-shouldered merman wearing a grimace.
“Now then, what shall we do with this one?” Papa Leech wonders aloud—though from his tone of voice, he has nothing good in store.
The Aftermath
“You’re all fish bait when daddy hears about this...!” the Worm girl warns, her words raspy. “Th-The merger won’t go through...! There’ll be war between the Leeches and the Worms...!”
A loud throat clearing comes from behind. “Fortunately, that won’t be happening.”
Azul and Jamil make their appearance, the octopus merman smugly showcasing a contract. “Ashengrotto—Azul Ashengrotto, legal and business extraordinaire at your service, Don Leech and Lady Leech.”
Papa Leech grunts. “What’s that you’ve got there?”
“This?” Azul’s smirk widens. “Why, it’s a prenuptial stating that, in the case that an act of violence is enacted by the bride toward the groom, the marriage is considered null and void... and the bride’s family assets are to be claimed by the groom. Signed by Don Worm himself.”
“Wh-What?! Impossible!! How did you get daddy to sign such a stupid deal?!”
“Oh,” Jamil says nonchalantly, “we have our ways.”
“So... Uh, Jade-senpai’s still gonna be the next Don Leech?! And he’s gonna be in charge of an even bigger and richer family... How is that any better than the situation before?! You’re just giving him more resources for committing crimes!”
At that moment, two hands come down on Ace’s shoulders, causing him to freeze up.
“Kani-chaaaaan! Everyone!! Thanks so much for your help~”
“Yes, you have my sincerest thanks, Ace-san, Jamil-san... Azul.”
“It is my pleasure to assist such VIP clients. Ah, but there remains the matter of my promised payment—” (Jamil and Ace internally groan at Azul’s words.)
“Payment?” Don Leech scoffs. “After the ballsy operation you boys pulled off today... I’m more inclined to give you job offers instead of a one time sum. How do you lads feel about being hired as the Leech family’s personal lawyer, interrogator, and... well, whatever the heart one is good at.”
“My, my! Such a generous and lucrative offer—“
“There is no way I’m accepting that, especially if that means working with Azul.”
“Oi, I’ll have you know I’m good at lots of stuff!! I’m the one that saved Floyd’s tail fins, is no one gonna acknowledge that?!”
“You did amazing, sweetie!!” Mama Leech chirps—her tail grip tightening until the Worm girl passes out. Ace leaps back in fright. “As a reward, why don’t you let me give you a hug?”
“Ahahahah! Everyone’s getting along so well, Jade. Isn’t this fun? You wouldn’t be able to enjoy this if you had gone to get hitched.”
“Fufufu. You are correct, Floyd. How sad it would have been if I were to miss out on touching moments such as this. From the bottom of my heart... I thank you for thinking of me, and for rushing to my aid. I could not have asked for a better brother.”
... What Floyd doesn’t know is that this was all according to keikaku Jade’s own machinations. He would never take the order to marry lying down—but he couldn’t outright defy it without immediate consequences, either.
Thank the Great Seven Jade has reliable puppets friends to help him out of a pinch. I’ll be certain to put the additional funds we have gained to good use... Perhaps to start a little mushroom farm.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
Fearfull Proposal
Summary: henry plans a romantic proposal... and instead of coming clean about your secret fear of heights and ruining his romantic plan, you put on a brave face... well until your nearing the top of the london eye.
Warnings: fear, fluff, swearing, typos.
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You quivered as you rose higher and higher over londons skyline.
Fuck why? Why the fuck had you got in this dangling glass death trap. A faulty few bolts and you'd be plummeting into the fucking thames!
Henry was standing by the window looking out at the glittering lights in awe.
You were standing with your back turned to the houses of Parliament hands clutching the rail eitherside of you knuckles white. Knees knocking.
God this was the stupidest thing you'd ever fucking done! And it was your own fault.
"Babe, look! God big ben looks soo small never been on this at night"
You hummed nodding but continued looking to the floor.
Henry paused when you didnt correct him with the whole 'big ben is the bell' you usually countered
He turned looking back to you and his stomach dropped.
"Babe? Whoa are you okay there love?" He asked frowning as he saw your eyes clenched shut almost as if you were in pain.
You were trembling and pale to the point he fearded youd pass out.
"Here come sit down and relax, i packed some snacks-" he said placing the specially packed bag of snacks and screw top mini wine bottles.
"No! No I'm fine... I will just stay here... By the saftey bar" you said giggling nervously sparing him a glance and patting the metal you were holding onto for dear life..
Henry faltered and really took in your apperance unsure what to do. It wasn't like he could get you off, you had to ride the ride.
"Babe? Are you scared of heights?"
"Nooo dont be sillyeee- OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!" you began laughing him off then screamed as the ride stopped.
Instantly you ducked crouching whilst wrapping your arms around the silver bar shouting bloody murder.
It didn't help you were bathed in purple light so couldn't see shit.
Henry got up and rushed to you standing over you arms rounding you holding you securly.
"No, no its fine love... shh its fine baby, they said it could stop to let people on poppet remember?" He said quickly rubbing your sides as you cowered trying to fend off the temptation to look at the thames below.
"Y-yeah fuck hen- im sorry i just..." you mewled turning towards him tucking your head to his chest.
"Scared of heights huh? Why didnt you tell me?" He sighed pressing kisses to your head as you whimpered adn the ride began moving once again.
"Because you went to all this trouble, you planned this surprise and i didnt want to ruin it, you were soo excited" you sniffled blinking at him.
"Hey shh you silly girl, you should have told me. You wouldnt have ruined anything you silly sausage" he cooed winding himself around you tighter.
He was actually annoyed at himself, how the fuck had he not known his girlfriend of a year and a half was scared of heights?
He'd suspected a fear of heights when you both went on holiday for your birthday, but youd managed to convince him it was a fear of flying and planes... not heights.
And come to think of it you didnt even like the glass lifts in shopping centers, you ran to the corner and held on eyes locked onto the doors the entire time.
So this was the worst surprize he could of planned for tonight. Things weren't going to plan. Fuck.
"Babe im sorry" he apologised feeling like an asshole.
"No no dont be, this was extremly sweet bear" you said quickly not wantin to make him feel bad fpr your own short commings.
"Theres noting sweet about terrifying you"
"Do... do you want to sit down? Ill hold you the entire time" he offered peaking to the central bench where both your bags sat.
"I.. yes okay i think sitting will be better" you said then yipped as he prompty scooped you up and placed you in his lap securly.
"Im so sorry love, I just wanted to make this special and romantic" he muttered holding you as close as he could letting you know that you were safe and sound.
"It is! It is love really im just a baby" you said quickly grasping his face pulling him closer before peppering his face with kisses.
"Your not a babe we all have our fears" he said quietly pressing his forehead to yours.
"You dont" you sighed closing your eyes trying to ignore the snails pace of the pod that still rose over london.
You could barely feel it, but your fear amplified it.
"Oh but i do~" he replied peering at you, as yur eyes fluttered open.
"Like what?" The questionnescaped before you could think.
"No" he said eyes now becoming worried, anxiety clouding them.
"Yes, at the moment thats my biggest fear" he said releasing a shakey breath as you frowned at him not following but didnt dwell as your ees darted to the side seeing the houses
"You see, i was trying to be all romantic and wait untill we got tp the top, but i think you'll be too terrified"
"Henry?" You said leaning back unsure about the serious tone he seemed to take.
"I brought us here, to the spot we met two years ago today..." he said drawing deeper breaths as the reality of what was about to happen hit him.
"Was it really?" You asked surprized he'd remember something like that. Anniversary? Definitely. But the day you first met? And asked for a selfie with a series of embarrassing squeaks? No you didnt think he'd remember.
"Yep. I remember doing a promo and shoot on this thing, then got off and was sat next to you in wagamama"
"And i squeaked for a selfie" you groaned with a small giggle.
"Im glad you did, i scanned instagram for days after- scouring my hashtag trying to find you... i kicked myself for not getting your number~"
"I still cant belive you did that... but im gld you did henry"
"Who'd have thought the nervous little thing trying not to even breath in my direction would be my girlfriend six months down the line"
"Or that we'd last this long?" You quipped at him trying to reme,ber to breath.
"And.. hopefully a lifetime? Despite me dragging you intoyour actual living nightmare- which i promise to never do again! Not even lifts"
You scowled and tilted your head to him not sure if you heard him correctly.
Untill he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket.
"Henry?! What? You cant be serious?"
"Oh but i am love, as much as i want to do this right and drop to one knee i doubt you'll thank me for releasing you?"
"Dont you dare let me go!"
"I think you'll find im trying to do the opposite~" he chuckled opening the box revealing the simple elegant ring three tiny diamonds.
"Im trying to marry you..."
You gasped eyes glazing over as you locked on to the dainty ring pinched between his fingers.
"I love you y/n, and i want to know if you'd become my wife and share your life with me. Will you marry me?"
"Oh god yes of course its a yes henry i love you bear!" You cried throwing your arms around him making him grunt and quickly clench his fist arohnd the ring before he dropped it.
He groaned into you rocking from side to side littering your head with kisses before peeling you away to sit the ring on your finger.
You looked at the glittering stones on your finger weeping. You may have been cursing yourself for getting into this godforsaken glass bauble in the sky.
But now you were he happiest woman alive.
"I love you bear"
"I love you too"
"Would you like some wine? I brough the little cute bottles you like" he offered nodding to the bag of snacks.
"Err lets not push it hun" you whined not sure wine at this altitude was a good idea.
You kept glancing at him still sniffing and giggleing unable to look from your ring for long.
"Gotcha, no wine"
"You look surprized i said yes?"you quipped needing to talk and take your mind off the fact your at the tippity top.
"I made you face one of your nightmares i thought you'd slap me silly when i ask" he scoffed pressing a kiss to your cheek unable to stop.
"Never love... but please never ever get on this thing again okay?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes at him pleading.
"I swear. Never again, but seeing as this is our one and only ride we should take a few selfies? Mark the occasion?" He said standing letting your feet hit the floor but never once did he let go.
"Absolutly, gotta show off my new fiancé" you hummed rising to share another kiss with him not really paying attention to the height you'd now reached, you had more important things to think about. Like sharing the rest of your life with this glorious man.
"My thoughts exactly" he grinned pulling out his phone aiming it at the two of you, makeing sure to have the hand that rested on his chest donning his ring in shot.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years ago
Not a Baby: Nat and Chris (And Ronnie)
CW: The first part is pure fluff with a couple underage drinking references/jokes. Second part references the events of Chris getting appendicitis (One, Two, Three, Four) and takes place while he is healing from surgery. Includes surgery references, whumpee rejecting medication, medical trauma references
Sometimes, you just want bittersweet fluff lined with angst.
“You gotta help me out,” Tristan sings along with the radio as they wait at a red light, Ronnie furtively checking her phone. “It’s all a blur last ni-eee-eye-ee-ight…”
One message from Paul, just now out of bed after a longer-than-usual workday had fully wiped him out, thanking her for leaving some food in the fridge. She smiles, faintly, at the sight of the little heart emojis he leaves after every single text. 
He’s not much for showing emotion in his face, not like Tristan wears his own feelings on his sleeve, but he knows how to make sure Ronnie feels loved. He always has.
The light turns green, and she taps on the gas, then lets her foot slowly press down. Next to her, Tristan dances in his seat, totally unselfconscious, rocking back and forth. 
“We need a taxi, ‘cause you’re hungover and I’m broke…”
Ronnie starts laughing, one hand over her mouth, the other still on the wheel.
He blinks, turning to look at her. They just clipped his hair short last week, getting him ready for the next competition coming up. She never expected to be a Gymnastics Mom, not once, but here she is, chaperoning her teenage son to the gym on a Saturday afternoon, where he more or less lives these days. “What?”
“I just. It’s something else to listen to your teenage son sing about being hungover, Tris. That’s all. You’re way too young for this song. And probably just for Katy Perry in general, not that anyone should listen to-”
“Mom.” Tristan rolls his eyes, leaning over and pointedly turning the volume up on the radio. “I like Katy Perry. And I, I, I know what hungover is. I’m not, not, not, not-... not-not four years old. I’m fifteen.”
“Fair enough, but I don’t think my fifteen-year-old should know about being hungover, either.” She takes a turn, the radio cheerfully blaring that’s what you get for waking up in Vegas and she wonders why she keeps letting Tris pick the radio station, exactly, when they could be listening to some perfectly fine soft rock right about now. “What do you get up to at Aki’s, huh? Maybe I need to speak to Aimi. Ask if you’re having wild parties as soon as I leave.”
“Oh my god, Mom.” Tristan turns bright red, and she tries not to enjoy how much he’s his father’s son - always but especially when he blushes, the red seeming to make the scattering of pale freckles stand out even more, not less, when he does. “You are, are not going to-... we don’t drink, Mom. We just, just watch shows and… hang out.”
“I know, baby,” Ronnie says, laughter still edging her voice. “I’m teasing you, that’s all.”
He glares out the windshield where he sits next to her, running his fingers up and down the smooth seatbelt, along its edge. Back and forth, enjoying the mix of silk and rough in the texture, she thinks. 
“I’m not a, a, a, a baby,” He mumbles, all teenage resentment and irritation. 
“Oh, honey. That’s the downside of having parents,” Ronnie says, gentling her voice down to affection, taking another turn. She can see the gym now, down at the end of the street. Aimi will probably already be here with Aki, she figures, and maybe they can make a coffee run while the boys practice. “It doesn’t matter how old you get. You could be fifty and I could be sixty-seven and I’d still see you wrapped in that hospital blanket looking up at me with big eyes. Even when we’re both old, you’ll still be my baby.”
He rolls his eyes again, but this time she catches the hint of a smile he’s trying to hide pulling at one side of his mouth. Tristan leans forward and switches the radio station over to Ronnie’s favorite, then falls back into his seat, focusing on the seatbelt again.
Sometimes, like his father, he doesn’t know how to say he loves her, but he always knows how to show it.
Two and a half years later
Nat came down for a glass of water, only to find Chris wide awake on the couch at 3 am, top teeth biting down so hard on his bottom lip she was afraid he’d draw blood, making his slow, careful, shuffling way towards the stairs.
She’d managed to convince him to go back to the couch, or really more or less command him, but the trade-off was promising she’d stay downstairs with him for a while.
Now, instead of water she has a mug of hot tea steaming gently on the side table, instead of her warm bed she has Chris’s head resting on a pillow in her lap while she runs fingers slowly through his hair - dark red in the night, lit with a hint of silver by the reflected light coming off the television - and instead of dreams, she has reruns of Frasier.
“You palmed your pain medication earlier, didn’t you?” She asks the question as gently as she can, without judgement.
He doesn’t answer, green eyes locked on the television, where the main character’s younger brother is preparing for a date and managing to set an ironing board on fire in the process. It’s probably one of the best scenes in television history, but Nat can’t even begin to pay attention to it. Worry has her all twisted up, heart beating a little too fast, as she picks up her mug and takes a sip, honey and lemon and yes, a little bit of whiskey in her tea all settling over her tongue. 
“Chris,” She says, softly. “I asked you a question.”
“Mmmhmm,” is all he says, and he doesn’t move. His head is a soft weight against her leg, and his hair runs like silk through her fingers. He’s pale not just from the darkness and the late-night TV, but from the pain he must be in, must be holding back.
Of course, there’s no one who has come through her house who hasn’t been pretty good at hiding pain, after a while. Once you’re drowned in it, once it’s your everyday truth, you learn not so much to actually hide it as simply to go on living with it. 
No one Chris’s age should already be so good at this.
“You have to take those, or you’re going to hurt like this all the time for a while,” Nat says, trying to keep from lecturing him. His freckles stand out more, lit by the cool blue-tinged light of TV. She watches him smile, just a little, at the slapstick comedy going on. “It’ll take longer for your incision to heal if you-”
“Don’t, don’t like pills,” Chris whispers, and she watches one of his hands, palm flat, running up and down the heavy weighted blanket she’s laid over him. It’s soft as rabbit fur, and he starts to hum, nearly a whisper, as he touches it. “Jake’s gone. Out. Didn’t… didn’t want them.”
Nat takes a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly. “Chris, you can’t only take pills when Jake is here to give them to you. He can’t always be here, he has things he does outside of this house-”
“I know. But… I didn’t want them. I, I, I don’t mind hurting a little.”
The funny thing is, it’s not bluster. He really doesn’t. Chris would really rather lay here, awake in the middle of the night, in terrible pain than simply put two pills into his mouth and wash them down with water. There’s been too much done to him with drugs, and he’s not the only one she��s had to help recover the idea of medicine as something other than torture.
He’ll get there.
She hopes.
“Okay, well… where did you put them?”
There’s silence, again, but this time he shifts a little, a flash of his hurt and discomfort across his expression. “In, in the couch cushions.”
“Do you have any of your other doses in there?”
“... mmhmm.”
“Chris…” She sighs, putting her hand up to her forehead, rubbing her fingers just above the bridge of her nose as the tension starts to build behind her eyes. Oh, her head’s going to hurt soon. She can’t just be up at night like she used to without paying for it the next day. “How many have you skipped? Huh?”
“... four.”
“Four. Four times-... okay.” She exhales, slowly - he’s tense under her hand, now, and she can feel the worry in him. Knows he’s trying to figure out if he’ll be in trouble, get punished. Disciplined for the ways he’s learned to live with what happened to him.
A different kind of test than what he’s tried on Jake, but it’s still a test.
“Chris. I can’t tell you how much I don’t want to have to sit here and watch you and see you swallow them. I know that it’s hard for you, I do, and I’m so sorry that we have to do this, but I have to take care of you. I want to take care of you. And part of that is making sure you know how to care for yourself. When you’re recovering from serious surgery-”
“The, the, the, the cut’s not even that big,” He mutters, a hint of irritation. 
Nat feels a surge of affection for him that, if she were standing, would nearly knock her off her feet. Chris interrupting her, Chris being pouty and sulky and every inch a seventeen-year-old boy, is a new thing. She doesn’t take it for granted.
It’s just… a little inconvenient right now.
“It doesn’t matter how big it is. It went all the way inside your stomach, and it was a pretty serious surgery. You need these pills or you are going to hurt like hell for so much longer than if you take them and get better. You got it?”
He sighs, but relaxes against her again, and she starts running fingers through his hair again, simple and maternal. “Yeah. I, I do.”
“Okay. Let’s watch the show and see if maybe you’re up for taking your dose and heading back to sleep in a bit, huh?”
“Will you, you, you stay? Even if I-... even if I do, and fall asleep?” He twists a little to look up her and winces as it pulls the still-tender muscles in his abdomen. “Will you stay?”
Nat thinks about how badly her back’s going to hurt in the morning. The headache already trying to sneak its way in around the edges. How she’s going to end up napping half the day away and not getting a damn thing done she had planned.
Then she just smiles down at him, at his wide green eyes in his narrow face and the heavy blanket hiding every other inch of him in softness and warmth. “Yeah, okay. I’ll stay right here with you, ‘til Ant’s up in the morning. How’s that sound?”
“Good. See if you can get comfortable for a bit.”
The two of them fall back into an easy silence, broken only by the low-volume of the TV show, and get through two more episodes of Frasier before Nat’s tea is gone and she and Chris are both half-asleep on the couch, her hand simply resting on his hair, now, light but ever-present. 
Eyes closed, the television’s cool blue still dancing against the inside of her eyelids, she hears Chris mumble, “Night, Nat,” in a sleep-slurred voice. It’s got to be four in the morning, there’s not much night left.
“Night, baby,” Nat murmurs.
“Not a, a baby, Mom,” Chris whispers, but both of them are too close to sleep to notice.
Tagging: @burtlederp , @finder-of-rings , @endless-whump , @whumpfigure , @astrobly @newandfiguringitout , @doveotions , @pretty-face-breaker , @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump  , @oops-its-whump  @cubeswhump ,  @whump-tr0pes  @downriver914 @vickytokio @whumpiary @orchidscript @moose-teeth @nonsensical-whump @outofangband
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south-park-meta · 3 years ago
Bunny w/ Mamihlapinatapei if you like that, otherwise Style?
I don't like Bunny tbh but it's fine, there aren't many pairings I hate too much to try writing! (I included Style too though because I'm a simple person).
Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.
"I know now that you won't remember, the next time you see it. I just need you to believe me, before we...start anything."
"I believe you," Butters says immediately. He considers, then says, "Y'know, I think we all die a little. It's the comin' back that matters."
Kenny's always been good at reading people. Stan's good at it, too. It's one of the defense mechanisms that they've picked up together but separately. Kenny learned it as part of conflict resolution; it's important to read the mood at home, to decide if he and his siblings should leave the room or if it'd be better to just flick on the TV. If he had to guess, he'd say that Stan got good at reading people at home, too. Neither Stan nor Shelly have ever been hit by their parents-- Kenny doesn't think they were spanked as kids, never mind gotten in a fist fight the way Kevin did sometimes with his dad. But violence isn't the only thing that does it. Stan knows if someone's safe to drive with or if they're going to weave between lanes. He knows the exact way to play babysitter to draw someone back from a nutty scheme. He knows how to mold himself to seem like less trouble to make things easier, when it matters.
Their experiences are different but the same, when it comes to picking up those little hints of a person. The cues that most people don't have reason to learn.
Kenny notices the shift, when Stan and Kyle fall in love with each other. He's always figured they'd end up together, once they figured their own shit out. Over junior year the way they look at each other changes-- not overnight, but not slowly, either, like it's shifting with the seasons. He actually thinks they're together when Stan starts talking about prom.
Except then Stan asks if he wants to skip it to play video games.
Kenny furrows his brows. "Is this a 'Poor Kenny' thing?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," Kenny says. Then he stops for a moment to consider which way to take it. His guess is that Stan's feeling sorry for him, because prom's kind of expensive if you do it right. Even doing it a little wrong is more expensive than what Kenny has. It's a hard thing to traverse, though, because if he's honest he likes it when his friends recognize the difference in what they all have to spend. The pop he's drinking is one Stan bought him. But there's a difference in wanting to tag along to McDonald's and maybe, every now and then, letting his friends order a happy meal for him, and wanting his friends to skip out on milestone moments just to play video games. "How come you and Kyle aren't going together?"
"We could," Stan agrees, holding his bottle of Fanta by the neck and spinning it in a lazy circle. Kenny knows he gets the glass ones instead of plastic because it makes him think of beer bottles. It's hard to tell if that scratches an itch or tickles at it. "But we'd just be hanging around, anyway. Same shit, different place."
"Or you could, you know, dance?"
Stan stops spinning his bottle. "With Kyle?" he asks.
He sounds so baffled that Kenny's actually almost surprised they don't need an extra step of 'With who?'
Which makes Kenny baffled, too. "Why not with Kyle?"
"Because we're not dating?"
"Is that a question?" Kenny asks. And before Stan can answer he says, "I thought you were. Finally." It seems like something they'd forget to tell him just because they've been half-dating for so long.He still can't stop himself from making snide comments when they box him out now and again, but when it comes to this--he hadn't even been offended, thinking they'd forgotten.
"Well. We're not."
"So ask him."
"Why would I do that?"
"Why the fuck wouldn't you do that?" Kenny demands. "I love you, Stan, but you're really stupid sometimes."
"Hey," Stan says, but he doesn't sound very offended.
"I know you love him."
"Okay," Stan says, "I love him."
Kenny waits a beat, but Stan doesn't keep going, which is a little maddening. "And he loves you."
"Not like that."
"Yes like that."
Kenny can tell he's not telling Stan anything he doesn't already know, the way he frowns and looks away.
"Why don't you ask Butters, then?" Stan snaps, peevish, looking at his feet. "If you're so smart. He'd go with you."
"Because," Kenny says.
Stan huffs through his nose and opens his eyes a little wider in a way that says, See? And man, maybe Kenny's a hypocrite, but Stan is a smug hypocrite, which is definitely more annoying.
"Fuck you," Kenny says.
"Fuck you, too," Stan says. They sit in silence for a moment and Stan takes another drink of Fanta. Another moment of silence and he says, "You should ask him, though, for real."
Maybe Kenny should, for real. Stan still doesn't like Butters much after all these years--Butters doesn't like Stan much, either-- so Kenny knows it's nothing Stan would suggest if he didn't think it was something that would make Kenny happier. "If I do, you have to talk to Kyle."
"Sure thing, Ken," Stan says. He's still got smug in his tone, like he's agreeing because he knows this is a bet he won't lose.
And it's still kind of annoying, mostly for the 'Ken' that Stan rarely uses except to be condescending, but only for about half a second. Stan can get up his own ass sometimes around Kenny for the same reason Kenny knows he can be petty, bitchy, around Stan. Kenny knows he can't claim a spot at the Super Best Friends table, but they've been regular best friends since they were three. They know each other's entire humanities, even the ugly bits. It's good sometimes, to have a place for the ugly.
They shoot the shit a while longer and then part ways. Stan takes both their empty bottles to recycle them.
Kenny goes over to Butters' house afterwards. He tells himself it's for Stan and Kyle's sake, or at least to force Stan to admit he doesn't have the guts, but he knows well enough he's using them as an excuse. He knocks on the door and waits.
"Kenny!" Butters greets him, bright-eyed. It's really hard to take someone looking at him like that. Like he's the only good thing in all of South Park.
"Hi," Kenny says. "Can I come in?"
"I'll come out," Butters says. "Your shoes are kinda muddy. Y'know my parents would throw a fit."
Kenny doesn't look down at his shoes. It's true, and he doesn't really mind Butters saying so. Even if he does think he could wipe his shoes clean enough.
They take a walk down to Stark's pond. Butters takes his hand halfway there. Kenny slows his pace to make sure it lasts a little longer just in case Butters wants to skip rocks. He doesn't let go, though, once they get there. They sit there holding hands and looking at the water.
"I need to tell you something. Then I need to ask you something," Kenny tells the water.
"Mm, all right," Butters says. His tone stays pitched up, chipper, but Kenny can hear the anxiety stretched underneath, like a safety net waiting to catch someone's fall. "Shoot."
"Well," Kenny says, deciding to back track a bit, because he doesn't like that anxiety. There are too many kids in South Park that have it sitting dormant under their voices, and he likes it least of all on Butters. "I want to ask you to prom. But I need to tell you something first."
The tension slides out at that and Butters smiles wide. "You're doing it all backwards, then, ain't'cha?"
"I do a lot of things backwards," Kenny says, "But you'll go with me? If I ask."
"Sure, I will!"
That doesn't surprise him, for the same reason he knows Stan won't be surprised if he asks Kyle-- or Kyle, if he asks Stan. "I need to tell you," Kenny starts again, "That I die a lot."
Butters tips his head. He looks at Kenny, eyes asking him to continue.
"I know it sounds crazy," Kenny says, "But you've seen me die. You've all seen me die. I used to die every day. And then I came back, and you'd all forget." He pauses as he stares at the lake. There are concessions he's learned he has to make, since the frustrated years of his childhood spent killing himself over and over again, intentionally and not. "I know now that you won't remember, the next time you see it. I just need you to believe me, before we...start anything."
"I believe you," Butters says immediately. He considers, then says, "Y'know, I think we all die a little. It's the comin' back that matters."
"Yeah?" Kenny knows Butters doesn't mean the physical, the way he does, but he also knows that Butters knows he does mean the physical.
"Yeah. I feel it, when part of me dies. Why, there's been times-- there's been times I figure enough of it's gone and died, that I ought to just end it all!" He's not just talking about Reality, and Kenny knows that, too. He's talking about the bits and pieces that have been killed by his parents, by the other students, by South Park as a whole. "But you come back to life. And if you work real hard at it, you come back stronger than before. It gets better...You said it doesn't happen every day anymore, didn't'cha?"
Kenny nods his head. He's a little surprised, that Butters had caught that with his saying it 'used to' be every day.
"Well, maybe someday it won't be happening at all, anymore. Maybe you're coming back stronger and stronger and it won't keep getting you. Not until it's supposed to."
"I'd like that," Kenny says, smiling.
"I'd like to go to prom with you," Butters says.
Kenny nods very fast. He wants, at that moment, more than just prom. He wants every life and every death with Butters. He wants them to go, hand-in-hand the way they are now, and face as many deaths and revivals as they have left in them, together.
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voidboyyy · 3 years ago
Updates (Part 2.5)
Hey all!
(i should really name my followers, huh. give me some ideas!) (if you feel so inclined to)
Just wanted to give a little update.
Oh, fuck it. I'm giving a whole new intro.
Hey there, dear follower! I'm Ghost, a content creator stuck in the inky void between the stars, posting on the endless dunes of the internet.
You might've known me as a couple different names before. When I first joined the internet, I was called Achilles. Then, I was called Cryptid, and after that, Eros. Even after that, people called me Icarus.
And then I changed.
A couple things blew up. I'm still not really sure what happened, or if I'll get better. Hopefully they will. I'm going to try and figure myself out.
In fact, that's why I'm not online right now. I'm trying to take care of myself as my whole world suddenly changes and I adjust to new places, and I'll be back when things start settling down again. I'll bring you stories of my travels when I return, and might even pop out of nowhere from time to time to give little updates. I might get covered up in the dunes, and you might not be able to hear my little talks, but that's okay.
You might hear me call out to you by name from time to time. You can ignore these whispers in the wind, but maybe, just maybe, you'll follow those whispers, and find me. I'll be waiting for you.
Wishing you all the best,
- ghost 💜
if you'd like to be removed from the tag list, please DM me and let me know @deathoferotica @illicittete @akebabologus @likepiecesintoplace13 @dauntlesstribute @living-history-lesson @fierre-goes-to-post-limit-jail @idiibi @chaoticarbitergladiator @castiel-kline-winchester-novak @distractinatingsinceforever @wtchbitch @v1ll4g3-1d10t @sophiliated @shippingdissapointment @pixilotol @seele-means-soul @76historylover @poeticstudent @iseulsoda @jammy-draws-stuff @justanotherfanartist @sillyfreakpeanutdreamer @elysian-fairy @letterstomylouvre @saturns-lover @semidiozz @hypnoplaidgooppickle @narrative-gnome @feigning-folklore @coopers-in-spain-without-the-a @mushroom-puffer @beigebrownn @89lily @glittercrashhh @stories-in-verse @dont-cry-thats-my-job @shadowydreamlandlady @dusk-ee @acheronaz @deadphoenyxrising @plasticinthedirt @rivermetimberss @ad15124 @winnethepoohwithb00bz @randomlyblue @hella-badid @wereallcurioushere12 @softsunnyskies @fadingwolffarmnerd @supernaturallysteampunktrombone @waldorf–blair @bisexual-horror-story @snarkfinnsoup @yayoo23836 @ace-of-sqates @besottedlyyours @dazedhazel @phoenix-z-fluid
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gremlin-gr4pes · 4 years ago
Analogical request- Logan lives on the other side of the country from Virgil, and Virgil has been struggling so Logan sends a “you can do this” card and a teddy bear with a tie on it to help Virgil get through what he’s going through. 💜💜💜
Analogical request by @hedgiehoggles
Before we start. Let's clarify. This is an Analogical one shot that has been requested with a prompt ask. I do not own these characters and I may draw some artwork to go with it if I ever get the inspiration.
(PS. This will take place in 3rd person)
Word count: 7, 835 (woah 0-0)
Tw: Anxiety attack, crying, hurt-comfort, fluff. Please tell me if I've missed anything.
Au: Human
It had been rough. This whole week, A bombardment of assignments. Deadlines that he just could not meet. Not to mention he didn't understand what the current question he was stuck on. The words didn't make sense to him, not to mention the whole subject confused him. English. Well not the subject excactly, it was their current topic that confused him the most. Most of the text was in Latin and poor Virgil had his download of the translation crash and delete. Which stressed him out even more. He needed that translation if he didn't want to fail this course.
He had been trying to save that download for over an hour now and he just couldn't. He couldn't take it anymore.
A wet substance fell onto his keyboard alerting Virgil that he was now crying. Which in return made him realise how stressed this entire ordeal had made him as he now noticed his hands trembling over the keys of his laptop. The hitched sound as he inhaled and exhaled in short shakey breaths. His thoughts spiraling as the dreaded feeling began to settle in.
Virgil moved his laptop away as he shut the damned thing, it was unbearable to look at anymore. Bringing his knees to his chest, the teen buried his head inside as he hugged them tightly. His breathing quick and sharp. He knew what his boyfriend would say. What he would do.
Logan loved Virgil and Virgil loved Logan. The only thing in the way was the long distance between their states. Logan lived in Ohio as Virgil lived in Florida. It was an unbearable fact that they had to deal with. Hopefully college would be better.
Though, even the thoughts of his loved one surrounded him, it didn't cease his crying, nor his trembling. Virgil raised his head, reaching for his phone, decorated with a plain black case with a bunch of band stickers stuck on.
With blurred vision he tried his best to get onto the chat with Logan.
Hello, Darling. Is something the matter?
Virgil let out a small laugh. He always knew if something was wrong.
can ee call??
Immediately the phone lit up, asking to accept or decline. Virgil didn't even care if Logan chose a voice call or video call, he immediately answered and was met with Logan settling his phone down on his desk. A concerned look loomed over his usual stoic face.
"Virgil? Darling, what's the matter?" was what the latter heard immediately. Sending a wave of hot tears down his face just by the sound of his voice.
"I.. I-" Virgil's voice hitched and stuttered as he tried to answer the question.
"okay, I understand. I'm here, just listen to me, okay?" Logan said over the phone. His voice laced with concern for his boyfriend. "You don't need to tell me what happened until you're ready. Whatever it is I love you, and I always will. Don't ever forget that, now.. Please follow my lead" Logan added, Virgil nodded when needed.
"deep breath in 1, 2, 3 and 4" Virgil did excactly that as Logan firmly counted to a pace he could handle. "now hold.. 1, 2, 3, 4" virgil held his breath, a hand over his mouth to help the process "6, 7.. Virgil, exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4.." Virgil's breath was a struggle to control but he managed.
The pair continued the breathing exercise until Virgil's breath had regulated. The trembling was long gone and the thoughts had faded, tears were now a dry trail of salt down his face. "Lo... Thank you" his voice was weak and tired after the anxiety attack but endearing at the same time.
"Virgil, don't worry about it. I'd be there in a heartbeat if it weren't for the hellish journey to Florida" the pair laughed gently, though the statement was all but false. The journey would be a long one and by the time Logan got to his house it would be the end of the day.. Or the next day.
The couple talked and laughed all through the night before they decided it be best to go to sleep. That night, Virgil felt much better than what that evening had brought him prior to that phone call.
•----Timeskip because I said so----•
Virgil was sat in the living room. A rare sight but his parents were out shopping at that very and was told to stay downstairs as the washing was currently on. He was minding his business, the TV set on YouTube with music blaring at a level that drowned out his neighbors clatter and their children's screaming. Whilst he, himself, was scrolling through tumblr, his safe haven.
That was until he heard a knock on the door. Virgil looked out of the window due to curiosity, keeping the curtains moderately closed as he took a peek to see who it was.... A mailman?
Confused, Virgil stood from his perched spot and headed to the front door, undoing the hatch and opening the door. "Package for uhm-" the mailman checked the name "-Virgil Storm?"
"oh.. Uhm.. Yeah, that's me.." he stammered, more confused on why he had a package.
"okay, here" the mailman handed him the box and started walking away. Perplexed, Virgil stood there for a moment before shutting the door once more and setting down on the couch once more.
Virgil stared at the box in his perched seat, wondering what on earth could be inside. Carefully he rattled the box, it was pretty light and whatever was making the quiet thud inside wasn't that bit either. Maybe packing peanuts were silencing it?
He let out a huff before finally ripping the tape off (with his teeth, naturally. What else is he gonna do? Get a box cutter? No). Once the tape was off he opened the box. Instantly met with the eyes of a medium sized brown bear and a blue stripy tie. Virgil's eyes lit up by the sight as he went to grab it, he was greeted with the overly soft sensation of fur.
Bringing the bear close to his chest he peered into the package once more, finding a card letter. He picked it up. The card was a lilac and with a slight sent of peppermint. That's when he remembered what Logan had told him one day. That he had hand lotion that was peppermint scented, what he had said 'one of my favourite fragrances'. A simple little memory that brought a smile to his face as he realised who had sent this sudden gift his way.
Virgil turned to card and began to read what was written upon the card.
"You can do this..
No matter what the world may bring. Believe in me. Know that I will always be there for you. I may live far but I assure you, I will answer your calls within a heartbeat. (And if not, you may scold me.)
If you may ever require a reminder, please refer to the sophisticated bear.
He will comfort you when I cannot.
- Logan ❤"
Virgil stared down at the card, a smile plastered upon his face. He looked up, glances around before spitting his phone, instantly picking it up and going to the chat that belonged to solely him and his boyfriend.
Hey Lo!
Lo, heyhey!
You online?
Can I scold you?
Scold me?
Yeah,, you are the one that sent this bear.. Right?
Yes, of course. I merely forgot I added that.
But, please don't my messages a slightly delayed.
Well, I believe you contacted me regarding the gift I sent your way.
Do you like it?
Of course I do,, it's perfect
Thank you,,
I'm glad you like it. I meant every word.
Even the scolding part.
Srsly? XD
Welp, I'll be abusing that factor.
Don't leave me alone too long XD
Of course.
Wanna call?
Logan smiled on his side before pressing the video call button. The call immediately being accepted on the other side. The couple talked for as long as they could until Virgil's parents came home. The break between that call and the next wasn't long as Virgil wasn't needed for that long.
It's safe to say, Virgil loves the bear. Ensuring it's always in the bed when he sleeps. In his arms when he starts to panic or simply when he's thinking of the one he loves.
Tag list:
@fire-and-ash67 @im-actually-ok @wintersandsunshine @bee-mouth-owam
Ask to be added or taken off, please.
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ssson-of-sparda · 4 years ago
Summary: Vergil arrives in Fortuna and crosses path with a rebellious lady dressed in red. But even if he doesn't want pay attention, Fortuna seemed determined to intertwine their lives.
Tags: Romance / Angst / Fluff / Explicit Sexual Content / Explicit Language / Canon-Typical Violence / Blood and Gore / Religion / The Order of The Sword / Civil War / Rebellion / Demons / Action and Adventure / Sparda’s past
Author’s note: So, let me introduce you to Elissa aka Nero's mother. I've decided to make her rebellious and quite feisty to mirror Nero's impetuosity. After all, that kid had to take after someone, right? So why not mummy dearest? I know the story might seem slow to start but I need to set up the scenery for the events to come. Hope you like it anyway.
It all started on a Holy Thursday, on the first day of a most-welcomed vigorous spring that tinted the cityscape of the Castle Town of Fortuna in luminous shades of gold and blue. The cobbled streets were empty, the shops and cafes all closed, for all the inhabitants were gathered inside the Cathedral whose majestic dome overlooked the nearby Renaissance-style buildings, a sacred beacon calling the devotees to pray. But the religious establishment was nothing in comparison to the partially-veiled giant-like idol standing tall and massive within the ramparts of the city, a figure made of stone and marble with the face of Vergil’s father. It didn’t look very resembling to him. Sparda never had such delicate features, not in his son’s memories at least. But it did not matter. The young man wasn’t here to judge some clearly distasteful architecture. He was here for the answers and the promises of power that island kept in between its walls.             “The Order of the Sword, huh? They worship a demon as a god?” This reality sounded foolish, incomprehensible even. His father was no god. He knew that better than anyone. But what was religion if not idealisation, divinisation of a flawed man? Humans …
“Elissa!” A fearful whisper pronounced the girl’s name but it would take more than a whisper for her to stop her mischief. “Elissa! Come dddd-down!” The girl named Elissa smiled, enjoying the risk she was definitely taking. Degrading the Savior? Not her first time. But she had never climbed that high before. “What if sss-omeone sees you … sss-ees us?” She rolled her green eyes, weary of the perpetual anxiety shaking the already very trembling voice of her friend. “Agnus! Stop being such a pussy!” She shouted-murmured, not really knowing why she was murmuring at all. “Everyone’s at church!” Agnus fidgeted even more as he saw the young woman taking her time spraying blue paint on the statue, the tip of her rosy tongue out, an adorable display of her concentration and perfectionism. “Does it look like the Guard’s symbol to you?” She demanded, observing her rebellious art from all possible angles.     Agnus sighed and looked up, regretting to have left his lab for this childish yet dangerous adventure. He wasn’t a teenager anymore. He even had a woman and a baby daughter waiting for him at home. So why wasting time playing vandals with Elissa? He knew why. “You’re not looking under my skirt, are you?”          The man blushed, terribly uncomfortable. “What? Of cccc-ourse not!” But he was a scientist and scientists were curious beings. That’s what he was telling himself each time he was thinking about what was hidden underneath Elissa’s crimson clothes.The Cathedral bells rang loud, signalling the end of today’s mass. Soon, the people of Fortuna would invade the streets again to come back to their boring daily occupations. “We’re definitely gonna get ccc-caught.” Agnus told himself. “What am I gonna tell Marcus?” A suspect noise stopped Agnus in his alarming thoughts. It was coming from a few streets away. Squeals and growls of fury and pain. Demons? “Ddd-did you hear that?” Elissa listened carefully and recognized the screams. She had heard similar ones in Mitis Forest recently. She had shut a lot of them up too. They were demons alright but not the worst kind. “Just a few …scarecrows.” She tried to reassure Agnus but realised he was already gone. “Such a pussy.” She shook her head, slightly exasperated but not surprised. Agnus was not famous for his bravery, quite the opposite. He was a coward but Elissa was okay with it. After all, he had been providing the Guardians with very useful information concerning demons for a few years now, all that thanks to his natural talents as an alchemist. The girl jumped off the statue and, in order to remove the beige dust from the fabric, shook her old red dress typical of Fortuna fashion, one of the few clothes she had kept from her past life in the Order and that she now used to blend in among the Fortunans each time she would venture in town. She then cautiously pulled up her skirt to reveal a thigh belt hidden under the white petticoat and strapped the spray can, right next to a sharp curved dagger she kept in a thin leather sheath just in case.        “Hey! You!” Did we say cautiously? “Shit!” Time to run.
Yamato shone in the sun, casting a shadow on Vergil’s young face that even this small fight hadn’t manage to fluster, and once again the blade made one with the saya with a perfect clink that echoed like a lethal musical note in the demon-cleared street. “Just what are your true intentions?” He wondered out loud as he wrapped his blue frame under a linen cloak that looked foreign to anyone who would take a look.Elissa took a look, green eyes staring with curiosity from under her white hood she had carelessly thrown above her head in precipitation to cover her soft locks of fiery ginger when she had left the place of her previous mischief as fast as she could, successfully escaping the angry guards shouting at her.           She took a look, knowing exactly what this stranger had just done as she watched him crossing the crowd with purpose, alone, going up the street towards the Cathedral while everyone was walking down, their minds still lost in religious psalms.             She stopped in her track for a second to admire him, wondering who he was and where he came from. She imagined a distant city at first, somewhere far away from here, crowded with people who hadn’t been indoctrinated by the Order’s promises. But then, as she noticed his bearing, so stately and yet so lonely, she thought he wasn’t from a particular place but from many places. A wanderer, traveling the world, someone who held knowledge, who had seen what was beyond the horizon of Fortuna.            He probably noticed her stare as he concealed his face even more under his hood and slightly hunched his shoulders. So, out of respect and despite her devouring curiosity, Elissa walked away, certain that if Sparda wanted her to meet this mysterious strange again, then their paths would cross one more time.Vergil quietly made his way in the main avenue where the marble giant was standing and slowed down when he noticed a small crowd gathered by the statue’s feet. Everyone was gasping in shock, hands over mouths as if they were the witnesses of the worst sacrilege, the most terrible infamy.       Wondering what the fuss was all about, the Son of Sparda peered over everyone’s shoulders from a distance but close enough to spot a graffiti plastered on the leg of the thing the Fortunans seemed to call The Savior. It was a symbol of some sort, a pair of winged arms with sharp claws protecting Sparda’s horned head. It had been drawn with turquoise paint that was still running down the immaculate white stone and that was leaving a heavy odour of solvents in the ambient air, identical to the one Vergil had smelt when that girl who had stared at him with insistence had walked past him, an odour indicating Vergil when the degradation had been made and who had done it.He scoffed briefly, amused by the political provocation and the over-dramatic reaction of the bigoted crowd, and after glancing one last time at the spray-painted symbol, resumed his exploration of the city.       “Looks like appearances can be deceiving in this city after all.” Vergil said as he thought about the rebellious girl in saint clothes who didn’t seem to be new in the graffiti drawing business according to the devotees’ wrath. “Those rebels again! Soiling the image of Sparda with their belligerent propaganda. Hope the Order will find them soon.” They agreed with each other with angry nods. “They are worse than demons! They probably hide in shadows like the rats they are.”     Had Vergil just stepped in the middle of a civil war?
When her holy hood fell back on her shoulders, Elissa sighed in relief, glad to finally feel her soft ginger hair finally liberated from that awful religious cage of white cotton she couldn’t stand wearing anymore. Few more minutes and she would also get rid of that ridiculous dress that constricted her like a straitjacket. But right now, she had a meeting to attend.      Summoned by her leader, probably to claim responsibility for her new roguishness that had caused such a big turmoil in the city this morning, she pushed the door of Guardian Marcus’s office without an ounce of fear or apprehension. She knew full well she would not be reprimanded. She never was.  “Elissa! My child, come.” The white-haired old man welcomed her with wide opened arms and showed her a seat before him where she sat in silence and waited for him to say what he had to say.At first, he just stared at her, without a word but with half a smile and a look of amusement he couldn’t keep to himself. And finally he spoke with a cheerful tone. “You should have painted it red.” His loud laugh echoed in the room and he took a huge sip of the red wine waiting to be drunk in a fancy chalice next to his velvet armchair.            Elissa had a timid respectful smile; unable to act casual with this man who, even though was distant family, had been leading the cause she was fighting for for so many years, since even before she was born. “How did you find out?”           “Agnus told me.” He admitted and gauged the girl’s reaction who seemed more disappointed in herself than surprised. “Should have thought so.”    “Be careful who you surround yourself with, Elissa. Offering someone your trust can be as dangerous as any blade. Believe me, I know.” He traced the large scar along his wrinkled face, a reminder of an old betrayal that had made him lose, in addition to his left eye, a man he used to call brother and who was now leading Fortuna thanks to his lies and his dark secrets. Sanctus. “I shall remember your advice, sir.” “But you know what surprises me the most? It’s that Adel didn’t try to talk you out of this. After all, he follows you like a shadow … an enamoured shadow even.” Marcus smiled, trying to build complicity with this young lady, the granddaughter of the brother he had lost long ago, a child he loved like his own. Elissa smiled in return and shook her head, having trouble to believe she was having this conversation with her leader. “And yet you seemed keen on refusing his advances. May I know why?”        “I didn’t know this was a matchmaking appointment.” Elissa humoured, definitely amused by the situation. “I’m old and I’ve been at war for most of my life. So let’s say, the frivolity of youth and the burgeoning loves are like peaceful songs to my heart.”        Elissa sighed and her heart, in spite of this new attempt at making it yield to a man she didn’t love, once again refused to see Adel as nothing else than a friend. “I’m just not interested. Enamoured shadows are not my type.”         “ And what, pray tell, is your type?”
Vergil had visited many places in his short lifetime. Perpetually on the move – he refused to say ‘on the run anymore’ for running was for the weak – he had seen so many cities, so many different landscapes, some in shades of blue, some in shades of green and other in shades of gold, so many colours most men would have forgotten but that he had somehow always cared to remember. But there was something about Fortuna that made her unique, different from all the things he had had the chance to see.         Perhaps was it the anachronistic almost medieval atmosphere that had shaped the city architecture and the inhabitants’ lifestyle or perhaps was it because every edifice seemed to hold secret knowledge about his family.  Whatever it was, Vergil was sure of one thing; what made Fortuna special were clearly not the city’s filthy underground bars from Port Caerula, well hidden under the docks, away from prying eyes that would be easily outraged by the debauchery they held between their walls. That kind of place he was familiar with, despite his revulsion for them and the people frequenting them.           “Hello, sugar. You’re a new face.” An eccentric woman declared as she tried to take a peek under Vergil’s cowl, her voluptuous body leant against the bar. “And a handsome one. I would lower my price for a face like yours.” The young man glanced at the woman, shortly but long enough to see how she looked, the embodiment of repulsive tragedy that once looked beautiful.             Her makeup was smeared and barely hiding the bruises and the cuts on her young face and she was wearing a church outfit ripped at the thighs and purposely unbuttoned to reveal her generous cleavage. And in her velvet purse, she kept a wig made of dry artificial ginger hair some despicable men had certainly asked her to wear more than once.       “Not interested. Now leave.” Vergil’s tone was curt and cold but she insisted anyway.        “You’re sure? I make the best blowjobs in all Fortuna. Isn’t that right, Captain?” She nodded towards a young charismatic brown-skinned man carrying a crossbow on his back and drinking sitting the stool right next to Vergil. When he heard his name, he spared a glare at the prostitute and at the Son of Sparda as well for no particular reason but because he hated his occasional obscene deviations to be exposed. “He just looooves some naughty church girls. Do you like them too?” Vergil ignored her and focused again on his drink, lying untouched on the bar. He didn’t like drinking. “Or do you prefer them innocent and prudish? I can be either.”  “Quit with your lies and just leave, Pomona².” The dark-haired man ordered with a strong voice that made her smile.       “ Ha! Looks like I finally have my name back. See you around, sugar… Adel.” She winked and left to sell her body to someone else that would accept it in exchange of a bit of money.“You should not visit that sort of bar if women like Pomona bother you, stranger.” The so-called Adel warned before drinking from his tankard. He, just like everybody else here, could tell Vergil was not from around. All they had to do was looking at him. After all, everyone knew everyone else in a small reclusive island like Fortuna. “It’s sometimes the loudest, worst people that give all the information a man looks for.”     “So you’re looking for information then. About what?” Vergil was a curious man but he despised curiosity in other people, especially when he was the subject of their curiosity.            “Nothing a man like you knows about.”        The answer surprised the Moor who hadn’t expected such arrogance coming from a stranger. “Well, piece of advice. If you want information in Fortuna, there are two ways to get them. Either you don’t behave like an arrogant asshole or you pay for them.”     Vergil smirked slightly under his hood as he already knew how to react to such pathetic insult. Adel was not a difficult man to read. “Just like when you want a woman’s love, am I right?”             The provocation burnt and stang like the most vicious hot poker piercing through
Adel’s dignity and ego. It pushed him to stand up and grab his crossbow in retaliation.         But his weapon, as precise and strong as it was, was useless in close combat and it instantly met the sharp blade of a magnificent katana that would make any swordsman worth the name grow pale. And with a dexterous swift move, the crossbow flew across the room as if it was a paper plane.But the clients in the bar didn’t gasp at the legendary Yamato. They gasped at the silvery-white hair adorning Vergil’s head that had been revealed when he inadvertently had lost his hood in this express fight. “It’s the hair of Sparda.” People whispered, amazed.     With an expert graceful move, Yamato found his saya again and Vergil walked through the crowd, high-handed and resolved to escape this place and all those bothering eyes he felt upon him.But as he pushed the door of the establishment, he came face to face with the feminine figure he had noticed in the streets this morning. It stopped him in his track and for the first time in his lifetime, but certainly not the last, he looked into her deep green eyes.  They reminded him of an old poem he loved greatly, one he had read so many times and would never grow tired of, about a dark forest and a tyger burning bright³. And as he gazed in that girl’s look and witnessed that emerald wood, wild and dense, trying to conceal in vain the fiery fur of a predator, Vergil knew he would never read that poem the same way or imagine Blake’s colours in the shades he would normally imagine them.               And so he stared, longer than he wanted, almost the same way she gazed at the pale blue topazes and at the god-like silver hair crowning his head. But while fire is wild, the ice is timid. And thus, admiration only shows through the eyes of the red lady.    And when she finally opened her mouth to speak her mind, Vergil escaped into the night leaving lost shadows behind him. But that was fine. Shadows were not the lady’s type after all.It all started on a Holy Thursday, on the first day of a most-welcomed vigorous spring that tinted the cityscape of the Castle Town of Fortuna in luminous shades of gold and blue.      But among them there was this vibrant red and two sparkling amber-tinted emeralds reflecting brighter than anything else in a pair of icy eyes, a mirror who strangely wouldn’t mind seeing that reflection again.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: ¹ Marcus: derived from the name of the Roman god of war, Mars to highlight Marcus' status and personality. ² Pomona: From Latin pomus "fruit tree". The word "Pomme" is also the French for "apple", the fruit of temptation. Pomona will come back in other chapters. ³ a tyger burning bright : From William Blake's poem The Tyger
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michiieewrites · 5 years ago
Shigaraki - Love You For Everything I Hate You For (fic)
A/N: Well damn… Crusty man gave me some feels these days, so have this smut-filled fic, ya filthy animals!
The rain came down pouring like a waterfall. Heavy and accompanied by the loud thunder. Rain soaking through ones clothes, only to grip them tightly with their ghostly cold fingers. The smell of the earth and sea overpowering mingled scents of animals and humankind alike.
But the outside world could not reach you, no. Where the birds outside were clinging together in their small nests, you were engulfed by the warmth of your lover’s long limbs. Trapping you closely in his lap. Your legs wrapped around his torso, your hands bound together behind your back, your face buried in his neck. Warmth spread through your body as a result of your actions. The need to comply to his demands bigger than the need to beg for your own selfish wishes.
Tomura’s fingers speeding across the buttons on his controller. Concentration in his eyes and victory on his mind. He would stop at nothing to defeat this final boss. He had spent hours upon hours, trying to collect and level up all his rare armor items. Just so he could end this boss.
“Remember what I told you, you needy bitch,” he spoke directly in your ear, “you have to make me hard as fucking steel before I finish this guy off or else you won’t get anything stuffed inside that greedy cunt of yours.”
A pitiful whine left you. The sound reverberating against the damaged skin of his neck. Grinding your crotch deeper against him, hoping to create any type of friction for the two of you. For him, to get stimulated; for you, to find some sort of release. Both are easier said than done. ‘Cause when Tomura games, he barely acknowledges anything or anyone else. Meaning that getting him to fuck you was a near impossible task. His mind completely elsewhere.
The task he gave you nearly an hour and half ago was to get him stiff as a rod before his finishes his final battle. If you did, you would be rewarded by getting ravished beyond this world. If you failed, you would have to sit on this couch for the rest of the evening with a vibrator attached to your clit. Only problem was you are not allowed to cum. If you did cum, Father would get a new job besides shielding Tomura’s face.
“Come on, I thought you were desperate for my cock. I’m almost done with them. I know you can do better, my little whore.” His words somewhat degrading you, only fueled your resolve to complete your task.
Your hips rolling against the outline of his tip. Still only half hard, but with his size he already looked like he could split you in half. Whenever he would use your mouth, he always made sure to have you gagging and nearly choking you to death. And you loved every second of it.
The peaks of your naked nipples rub deliciously against his shirt. Your teeth seek out his earlobe, tugging hard at them while you let out a long moan. You had to step up your game as you were quickly running out of time. Digging your heels against his back you pulled him closer. With a little ‘pop’ you let go of his lobe.
“I am, I’m only hungry for your fat cock,” you groaned out.
Delirious need now runs through your veins as you think of the feeling of having him inside you. You have done worse, more humiliating things before just get him in bed. You didn’t mind, though. You know what he felt deep inside. Even if you were on your knees, sore from rubbing against the carpet, tears streaming your face, throat hoarse from screaming and gagging, and chest and face covered in cum. You were the only one worthy enough to blow his load on.
Stretching you arms a bit, your fingertips search. Slowly tracing the area beneath you. A hitch of breath from the player in front of you telling you they had found their target. Finger tips grazing the underside of his balls. Gently fondling them. A hardness forming against your thigh. And that’s when you strike.
Thumb and pointer finger pinching on his ball sack and give it a quick tug. The sound of the controller dropped behind you. A low groan coming from his lips. See, you weren’t the only one in this relationship who enjoyed a little well-intentioned pain.
Your vision changes in a flash. You eyes now directed at the ceiling above you. Thrown on the bed, the only view Tomura now had of you was a panting and bound mess. Hair spread around you, cheeks flushed, legs open wide.
“Look at you,” he says breathlessly, “haven’t even touched you and you’re already soaking the fucking bed. Thought you could probably get away with pinching my balls like that, huh?”
Leaving one pinky up, his hand comes down to smack the inside of your thigh. First the left one, then the right one.
“Although you did get what you wanted.”
You dare to sneak a little peak at him. The onslaught on your thighs continue. Tomura slightly hunched over to get a good look at your pussy. The tent in his boxers telling you he’s enjoying this as much as you are. His hand coming closer to your heat, still slapping your skin a delicious cherry pink. Spots of blue slowly forming, only making you even wetter.
“Can’t even let me play my game without wanting me to fuck you, pathetic slut.”
The smacking and his words bring tears to your eyes. And he was right. The poor man can’t even play a nice afternoon of Diablo III without you trying to suck him off. Your desire for him just to heavy to bear. The only remedy was getting your brains get fucked out of you.
“Answer me, slut!”
“Yes, yes, you’re right. I’m a pathetic slut! Please, I need it, Tomura, I need- Ah ah aaahaa!”
Your breath hitches in your throat. His hand finally came down where you needed it. The walls of your pussy squeezing around nothing. Lungs sucking back oxygen, but only momentarily. A hand wrapping around your throat, preventing your body from getting the air it needs. Mouth falling open, you can only give in to the feeling of pleasure you’re about to experience.
A little further down the bed you can hear Tomura shuffle around, probably taking off his boxers. When his face comes into your view, you can already feel the heaviness of his cock resting atop your stomach. His balls rub against your clit and you try to chase the movement. But that only earns you a long pinch on your nipple with his free hand. Your eyes focus back on his face and see a devious grin.
“If you wanna act like a cum hungry bitch, then fine. I’ll fucking breed you and I won’t stop ‘til I say we’re done,” He spat out.
Hoarse and whimpering, you strain your voice: “Yesyesyesyes, please Tomu, ye-e-ee-es.”
He aligns himself at your entrance while coating his dick with your overflowing juices. From all he’s done to you before, the moment he slips in there isn’t any resistance. Walls greedily suck him closer and closer, until he bottoms out. One hand still on your throat, the other pushing back your legs into a mating press, he takes a moment to collect himself. His fingers slightly ease up on your airway before pressing down again. Sure, he loves choke play, but he has no interest in fucking you when you’re unconscious.
“Greedy, greedy little cunt I’ve found myself in,” he pants out.
Drawing back slowly, only to slam back in hard. Setting up a brutal pace, not caring about slowing down any time soon. He leans his weight onto you, his hot breath fanning across your drooling face. Small little whimpers are drowned out by the sound of his hips slamming into yours. His eyes never leave your face, wanting to see every tiny detail as he takes total control over your body. How you tongue lulls to the side of your mouth, your drool smeared across your cheek, your eyelashes fluttering as your eyes roll back.
He loves it. He revels in the feeling of having you beneath him at his complete mercy. Seeing sides of you no one else ever sees. And they won’t. He’ll make sure of that. Only he is allowed to see your pretty face twisted in the throws of pleasure. Only he can touch you like that. Him and him alone.
Feeling your walls contracting, trapping him like a vice. He can feel the head of his cock slam up against the spongy part that leaves you speechless every single time. He swears he’s in heaven. Fucking the love of his life, his perfect little cum whore, within an inch of her life. The feeling of dominance it gives him is addicting. Your body is addicting. You are addicting. And he’ll be damned if he ever has to part from you.
“Think you’ve earned it to be filled with my seed,” he barely manages to get out.
You don’t respond. You can’t. All you can do is try to do is follow his cock as he uses you like cocksleeve. Wrapped around him forever.
“Fucking right, you’ve earned it. My good girl, spread open just for me… Take it, take what I allow you to have.”
The words of small praise and demand send you over the ledge. Falling in a white, blinding bliss of euphoria as his hand releases your throat. Your lungs filling with air as you’re cumming on Tomura’s cock. Your cunt sucking him deeper and deeper ‘til he can’t move anymore. He ruts against your soaking wet hole to chase his own release.
His hands grip the back of your knees. Leaving bruises in their place as he fills you up with his seed, all the way to the brim before it spills back out of you. Chants of your name spill out his mouth like it’s the only thing he can remember.
Slowing down and regaining his breath, he pulls out of you. Strings of mixed juices still connecting you two. As he lays down, he rolls you on your side to unbind your wrists. Throwing away the panties he used to tie you with, he pulls you against him.
With sleep at the forefront of your mind, you hug him lazily. The beating of Tomura’s heart slowing down aswell, as sleep tries to overtake him. With a fond smile on his smile and you in his arms, he allows himself to drift off.
Two bodies, joined together as they lay with the sound of the ending rain.
Tagged: @reinawritesbnha @thots4daze @aizawascumslut @hipster-merchant-of-death
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one-boring-person · 4 years ago
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@jawline-of-steel I hope, as my new best friend (hehe), that you like this!😁💛💛👍 (I also hope that it's the right context and that😅💛)
You've Got The Wrong Girl.
David (The Lost Boys) x reader
Warnings: bad language, implied sexual themes, very vague mentions of death and blood (but only if you look closely)
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Somehow, David manages to exhale his next breath of smoke in an aggressive manner as he leans back against his motorcyle, muscles tense and stance almost uncomfortable, drawing the other's attention to him instantly.
"Where's (Y/n)?" Is Paul's first question, the tall blonde moving forwards slightly, craning his head around to look for his leader's significant other.
"I don't care." He huffs angrily, lips closing around the butt of his cigarette once more, blue eyes iced over.
"Ooh, what happened? Did she shove a pole up your arse?" Marko quips, smirking to Paul suggestively, only to yelp when David's hand snaps round to clip him round the ear, the platinum blonde's venomous scowl fixed on him briefly.
"You'd better keep your mouth shut, or I'll take great pleasure in doing it for you." He snarls at him, voice deceivingly quiet and threatening.
None of them speak for a few minutes, David's anger almost rippling off of him in static waves, keeping the air around them charged and tense, the four of them eyeing the area around them as a way to ignore this. Eventually, Marko and Paul wander off, bored as hell and feeling incredibly awkward, not quite noticing their leader's dirty look as they walk away, leaving Dwayne and David behind to brood in silence. Once again, neither of them say anything, until the dark haired vampire finally has enough of the tension, standing from his motorcycle and going to stand before David with a curious look on his face.
"What happened between you and (Y/n)?" He questions, blunt and to the point as always.
"What do you mean?" David's voice is monotone, blue eyes boring into Dwayne's pointedly.
"Don't pull that bullshit with me, you've been acting cold since you got here. The only time you ever get this annoyed is when (Y/n)'s said or done something you don't agree with." The tanned vampire points out, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a frown.
"I don't have to tell you anything." His leader responds, ees narrowing as he throws his cigarette butt to the floor, where he uses his foot to crush out the embers.
"No, but then at least act better towards the rest of us. You're not being fair on us." Dwayne snaps in reply, before he turns and walks off in a different direction, ignoring David as he let's out a low growl.
Sulking, David kicks at the tyre of his motorcycle, scowling at a surfer as they pass by, only to sigh in frustration and go looking for the object of his frustration: (Y/n), the girl who he somehow cares for, yet has the capacity to royally piss him off at any given time. It was, ironically, what drew him to her in the first place, her ability to completely go against what he asks without thinking twice about it, finding her personality a near perfect match to his. It's this thought that prompts him to go looking for her now.
He looks high and low, not entirely sure where she'd go without the boys, only to have an epiphany when he steps into the part that is lined with food stalls, figuring out exactly where she is in seconds. His icy eyes immediately find the back of her head amongst the sea of others, his legs instinctively taking him over to her, a habit he'll probably never kick, even in his long years of living. As he reaches her, David takes a hold of her wrist and goes to pull her into the nearest alley with the intention of talking to her, only to feel a little surprised when she digs her heels into the floor and stops still, her eyes meeting his challengingly.
"I'm busy at the moment, David. Would you mind coming back later?" She inquires with a false smile, pulling her arm from his grip.
"I would not. Come with me." He responds, drily, glaring at her as she cocks her head and looks at him.
"I'm busy, David. I'd rather stay here." She presses, shrugging as she goes to walk away, only to squeak suddenly when the vampire grabs her around the waist and carries her over his shoulder into the alley, ignoring the looks people are giving him as she hits him on the back, demanding that he let her go. Once out of sight, he puts her down, standing uncomfortably close to her to make his point, body outsizing her's with ease, though she doesn't back down, even as he places one hand on the wall behind her to stop her from trying to get away again.
"Well now that you've manhandled me in here, what do you want?" She sighs out, exasperated at the vampire's tactics, her eyes remaining fixed on his in defiance.
"I want you to stop behaving like a brat all the time, (Y/n). You've been testing my patience for weeks now, and I've had enough of it. Stop it before I make you." He threatens her, flashing his eyes slightly to make his point more obvious.
"Hold on, you want me to stop being who I am? And what in the hell are you going to do to enforce that, David? You know you don't scare me, even if you are a murderous person. You've got the wrong girl to be ordering around like that, something which you signed up for the moment you asked me out." She informs him, stepping forwards slightly, poking his chest to enunciate her words properly, unaffected by his tough guy act.
"I am well aware that you aren't a pushover, (Y/n). All I'm asking is that you don't put up such a fight all the time. Your sarcasm I can live with, because you put up with mine, but your attitude at times is something that has to stop. And as for what I'll do to you, you know full well what I mean." David growls quietly to her, leaning in close towards her neck, where he snaps his teeth, his canines pushing out long enough to lightly graze over her skin, images of him tearing into my skin flashing into her head, put there by the platinum blonde backing her into the wall.
"Controlling much, huh? Don't you realise that you can't make my decisions for me and control how I'm supposed to act? You shouldn't be asking me to adjust my entire personality to suit yours, David. If we're not getting along, we both need to change something. I'm happy to tone it down a bit, but only if you stop being so damn dominant all the time. I get that you're into that and all, but it doesn't always make for an easy relationship, so that's something you need to think through before coming here with your high-and-mighty orders for me." She explains to him, standing up straight as he leans over her, his eyes blazing with frustration.
For a minute, he says nothing, regarding her with an expression half-caught in anger, half in contemplation, a look of realisation seeming to creep into the hard lines of his handsome features, eyes softening slightly.
"Fine, I'm sorry that I'm controlling all the time, and I'm willing to stop being like that so much with you, but only if you do the same. We just keep clashing, and it isn't going to end well. I want to make this work, so I'll change for you if you change for me." He finally says, not quite backing up yet, clearly waiting for her to say something, too.
"Good. I'm glad we were able to work this out. I'll be less of a "brat" as you put it, but if I hear you trying to control the way I act again, I'll go right back to being the little bitch you know and hate." She promises him, smirking at her expression as his eyes darken.
Pressing himself against her, David grins to himself as he regards her face, enjoying the sensation of her body underneath his, even if it is obscured by the layers of clothing between them. Leaning in close, he uses his hands to pin her's to the wall behind them, their faces a centimetre or so apart, breath mingling, lips grazing one another as he speaks again.
"You'll still be my little bitch though, kitten. I'm not gonna let you go that easily. I'll change for you outside the sheets, but under them, well then you belong to me."
It's all she has in her to respond with a smile and a nod, going to reply before being cut off by his hungry lips on her's, his tongue easily slipping into her mouth as she gasps in surprise, a battle of tongues starting instantly. Her hands try to pry themselves from his vice-like grip, only to find themselves taken in one of his and held easily above her head, his other hand slipping down their bodies until he reaches the hem of her shirt, pushing underneath and onto her skin, caressing it smoothly as he swallows her moans and sighs. Grinding his hips into her's, he moves his lips from here and trails kisses down her neck and jaw, leaving purple marks in his wake, the wet track of his lips chilling in the cool air around them, but she only groans in response, wishing she could wrap her arms around him, though a small part of her is enjoying being restricted. Pulling away, he moves back up to her ear, where he breathes over it hotly before speaking again, voice husky and at a lower tone than usual.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n), I can be less dominant, if that's what you want." He purrs, sounding genuine as his darkened eyes bore into her's.
"It is, but I can be less rebellious, too. If that's what you want." She chuckles, breath hitching slightly from the arousal.
"We'll see." He says ominously, before his lips have collided with mine again.
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midnightmagicx · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday @pon-ee​ ! I know we’re giving you your gift a whole day early but... LOL shenenagians. Here’s to another year of discord friendship. @soraofskye and I collaborated to put this together- I’m sure you can figure out who did what... and if you can’t, then it’s a mystery.
In celebration of your birthday and the birth of Ume, please enjoy the drawing and story of Siren Ume and Sea Monster Levi. ------
“I told you not to touch Ruri-Chan!” Leviathan exclaimed, his anger clearly showing as his second brother’s hand ran across his display of figurines. “Don’t touch anything on the shelf! I don’t want your filthy hands on it.”
Mammon rolled his eyes, “It’s just a toy, Levi. You can get another one.”
Leviathan stamped his foot in frustration. These normies just did not understand, “This is a limited edition figurine that I waited 5 hours in line for. DO. NOT. TOUCH.” 
Of course, Mammon, The Avatar of Greed did not want to listen. No one tells THE Mammon what he can or cannot do. Grabbing the figurine off of the shelf, Mammon dangled it in front of Leviathan’s face, “Whoops, my hand slipped.”
And that was all that it took for a fight to break out. In a quick flash, the other brothers were in Leviathan’s room, holding Mammon and Leviathan apart from each other. Lucifer sighed and shook his head, “One day of peace… that’s all I ask.” Then he looked up at the both of them, “Both of you, OUT. Until you’ve cooled yourselves down, do not come back.”
Now Leviathan found himself walking towards the outskirts of Devildom without a destination in sight. The quiet night did nothing to calm the anger that was buzzing through his mind. Leviathan sighed and shoved his hands into his pocket. Stupid Mammon. It was all his fault, why was Leviathan blamed in this? If Mammon had only listened, he would’ve still been at home playing his newest game.
Walking around aimlessly, Leviathan found himself staring into the depths of the ocean when the cold water hit his feet, shaking him out of his thoughts. “Maybe a swim will help me calm down,” Leviathan murmured, mostly to himself. He closed his eyes and summoned his demon self, a sense of relief flooded through him as he felt his horns and tail emerge. 
Leviathan sunk into the cold water, stretching himself out, allowing the water to flow seamlessly along his scales on his body. Yes, this was what he needed. Diving deeper, Leviathan allowed his eyes to adjust to the dark waters. In his true form his amber eyes seemed to glow along with the purple scales on his tail. The other fish in the sea started swimming in the opposite direction, as if they sensed a stronger presence around them. That didn’t bother Leviathan. He usually enjoyed swimming alone; it allowed him to clear his mind. 
Diving deeper into the ocean, Leviathan started swimming towards the forest to his favorite spot. It was a secluded spot a few miles away from the shore. Not many demons knew about that area. Leviathan swam slow, humming his favorite song while gliding through the ocean. A few moments later, Leviathan emerged to the surface, moving towards the rocks on the shallow end of the shore that started to come into focus. The lower half of his body rested in the water, as he propped himself up against the rocks. Leaning back and looking up at the night sky, Leviathan was already in a much better mood.
Leviathan sighed. Eventually he was going to have to go back home. It was still so unfair. He groaned, sinking his face back into the water in frustration. Leviathan pouted underwater. He folded his arms across his chest and took a deep breath and began counting. 1… 2… 3… 4…
His meditation was cut off when he heard a soft voice in the distance. Opening his eyes curiously, Leviathan’s head turned the direction of the sound that was coming from deep within the forest. Who was out there? No one knew about this place but him. 
The words he heard sounded foreign. Gliding closer to the sound, he focused on the lyrics on the words.
Follow the siren’s song To face this empty cycle Searching the darkest nights Searching the silence
Leviathan’s eyes widened as he slid behind the tree trunk. Sitting on a rock ahead was a siren. The moonlight shining down on her body. Beautiful green eyes staring up at the moon, with pink hair flowing down to her waist. Her tail was a magnificent dark blue, with long fins, that swayed under the waters. As she continued singing, Leviathan found himself entranced with her voice. Unable to look away, he stayed; mesmerized by her beauty and drawn in by her voice. No wonder why they say sirens are dangerous creatures. 
Leviathan shifted himself, causing the water to ripple through. Noticing the movement the singing stopped. The siren glanced over at Leviathan’s direction, “W-Who’s there?” She asked hesitantly, slowly moving her body back into the waters.
“Sorry,” Leviathan grumbled, turning a slight red from being caught, “I didn’t know someone else was here. I just heard you singing.” He moved from his hiding spot and swam out where the siren would be able to see him. 
The siren blushed, “Well, this is embarrassing,” she let out what sounded like a frustrated laugh. “My name is Ume.” She offered, looking at Leviathan. 
“Leviathan, but you can call me Levi.”
Ume gave a small smile, “So… do you come here often?”
Unable to look away from Ume, Leviathan shrugged, “Sometimes, when I need to get away from my brothers. They can be annoying.” 
Ume chuckled, but it sounded bitter, “I know what that’s like.” She sighed, “I needed to get away from my sisters,” she confessed, “And when I stumbled upon this place I thought it would be perfect.”
Leviathan nodded, unsure of what to say next. An awkward silence filled the air between them. Think of something to say! Leviathan cursed silently at himself.
“I’m supposed to be working right now,” Ume spoke again after the moment of silence, “But… I’m nervous and I ended up coming here instead.” Her voice trailed away with a twinge of regret. 
Curiously, Leviathan looked at her, completely mesmerized by the beautiful green eyes that looked back at him, “What’s your job supposed to be?”
Ume giggled, she found him endearing. A little awkward, but very endearing. “I’m a siren,” she said thoughtfully, “So I should be in the human realm with my sisters right now, seducing men and dragging them into the depths of the ocean.”
“Somehow you don’t sound excited to do that,” Leviathan countered, noticing the sadness on her face.
Ume sighed, “I’ve never done it before,” she said quietly. “What if my voice isn’t good enough to draw in attention? What if I let the person get away?” She blinked quickly, almost as if she was forcing her tears back. “My sisters… They’re all good at being sirens. They’re seductive, enchanting… and they get the job done. What if I... can’t?” 
“You managed to seduce a sea monster and you’re doubting that you could seduce a human?” Leviathan muttered under his breath. His face turned a bright red when he realized he spoke loudly enough for her to hear. 
Ume blushed, holding her hands up to cover the small smile on her face, “... D-Do you really mean that?”
Leviathan nodded, his eyes gazing around at anything but her. Ume smiled, her gaze at Leviathan softened, “Maybe… You can come and help me practice.” She said quietly.
“Help?” Leviathan asked quizzically. “How would I help you?”
“I wouldn’t mind having more practice singing… and maybe we could role play what could possibly happen if I went out to the human realm.” Ume suggested, “Maybe that would help me out.”
Did he just manage to score a date with a siren? Leviathan nodded, not trusting his words. Ume smiled brightly at him, “Great! I’ll see you back here tomorrow, same time! Thanks Levi!”
Waving at him, Ume dipped down below the waters and began swimming the other way. Leviathan watched her leave, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. 
And this was how Leviathan found himself anxiously waiting for the days to end so he could leave the house at the same time every night, swimming over to the secluded forest where he would find Ume.
Every night she would be there, greeting him with the biggest smile on her face, “Hi Levi!” And he would listen to her singing. She never failed to capture his attention, her voice, her smile, her movements underwater… Leviathan found himself looking forward to these meetings every night. 
“Levi, if you were a human… would you come during my song?” Ume asked one night. She was laying down on the rock, playing with some seaweed that was tangled up on her tail.
Leviathan nodded, “Absolutely.” He swam around, folding his hands and resting his chin on the space next to her. He gazed up at her, a soft smile playing on his lips, “It would be like one of the anime’s that I have watched… a human hears a siren sing and he just can’t help but go towards her. And when the siren pulls him down the ocean with her, he leaves with no regrets.”
Ume beamed, reaching over to tuck a strand of his hair away from his eyes, “Thanks Levi. Practicing with you makes me feel like I could actually do this.”
Leviathan blushed, “Want to practice again?” He quickly asked, wanting to avoid the embarrassing feelings that were threatening to spill from his heart.
Ume nodded enthusiastically. Leviathan swam over to the other side of the lake. Aside from listening to her sing, they practiced every night. They would role play a scenario where Leviathan would pretend he was a human taking a swim in the ocean and would eventually be secluded by the siren he came across.
Ume began to sing, her voice steadily filling in the quiet night. It’s strange, Leviathan thought to himself. No matter how many times he heard her song, it always felt like the first time. He was mesmerized, enchanted, addicted to her voice. Maybe even addicted to her; her voice was like a drug that kept drawing him in. He felt his body flow naturally, swimming over towards her gently. It took no effort at all. It seemed as if her voice called for him and his body had no choice but to respond.
As Leviathan approached Ume, she leaned over to him, reaching a hand up to caress his face. His heart thumped wildly as his head leaned into her touch. Leviathan allowed her siren spell to take over him. Gazing into her green eyes he felt like he was in a trance. One that he never wanted to leave. Maybe this was why the victims of sirens left with no regrets. The feeling was euphoric; Ume could sing to him everyday and he would never tire of it.
Ume caressed his face, noticing how soft he felt against her hands. Her eyes interlocked with his amber ones as she noticed a passion burning in them. Ume felt her cheeks grow hot, but continued her song. She leaned in closer, drawing his face closer to hers. Their foreheads touched, and without breaking eye contact, Ume continued to venture, pulling him closer and closer. Both of them moved in so slowly, Ume gasped, realizing how close their lips were before pulling away. She blushed, unable to look at Leviathan who was conveniently looking the other way.
“T-That was good,” Leviathan broke the silence. “Y-You’d definitely be able to seduce a human.” 
“Thanks,” Ume murmured back quietly. She snuck a glance at him, heart beating quickly at the sight of his flushed face and the sincerity she felt from him. “Do you think… you could come with me to the human realm tomorrow?” She mumbled..
Leviathan finally looked up at her, “What do you mean?”
Ume took a deep breath, “I think… I’m ready to give it a try…” Then she turned and looked at him, “But I was hoping you could be there with me. After practicing with you… It’s made me more comfortable. I was hoping that you could kinda be there as… support?”
Leviathan nodded. Of course he would be there for her.
“You are the best,” Ume gushed with relief lacing her voice. “I’ll see you back here tomorrow and we can swim over together.” Gathering up the courage, Ume swam over and gave Leviathan a soft kiss on his cheek, “Thank you,” she murmured, before diving down and swimming away.
Instinctively, Leviathan reached up and touched the cheek she had kissed. A little dazed by what just happened, Leviathan stayed in place, watching her swim away. A wide smile began to form on his face as the heat began to spread. 
He couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come. 
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