#edward bloodgood
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missstaypuft · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Female Character Additional Tags: Feeding, Hand Feeding, Comfort, Weight Gain, male feedee, female feeder, A change in dynamics, The feedee feeding the feeder, Feedism, Regency Series: Part 1 of CheriePuft Universe Summary:
"Let me feed you, Angel."
"Oh... Edward, I-I don't think..."
Looking deeply into her eyes, Edward could see the worry and the hesitation. In an effort to calm her, his hand cupped her face, holding it as he smiled encouragingly.
"Trust me. It’ll be ok."
A duke builds a new kind of trust with his duchess.
Introducing my dear Edward and @sweetheart-cherie ‘s gorgeous Angelia, here’s one of many ficlets about these two! <3
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strangestcase · 2 years ago
i do like G3 Clawdeen as her own character since she's so different from G1 Clawdeen but let's be fair half her personality and her entire struggle is lifted from Jackson so uh
here's my pitch: Jackson as the protagonist of G3
so! The Monstering but for Jackson
-moves from town to town a lot with his scientist mom, who is strangely quiet about Jackson's father.
-Jackson is interested in monsters and science fiction, and earnestly wishes he wasn't human since he's constantly bullied for being "different" (read: autistic) and wants nothing to do with kids his age.
-receives a mysterious box as a birthday present and there are a few small bottles of glowing green liquid inside. he thinks they're some sort of novelty item and stuffs a couple in his pocket.
-as he walks around the forest hoping to come accross a cryptid or something, a voice in his head tells him to follow a crooked path and he ends up at Monster High, where he meets Frankie, Deuce, Draculaura, and a more G1-accurate version of G3 Clawdeen.
-when the gang is trying to find out if he is a monster and just didn't know, Jackson notes that every now and then he hears what he calls a "voice" in his head, telling him to break the rules or do whatever he wants, and that it has gotten him in trouble before.
-eventually the youkai attacks the school and during the fight, Jackson hears the voice again, telling him to get "dangerous". Jackson fidgets with the glowing bottle still in his pocket, looks at it for a short while -Frankie comments it looks "sciencey" and somehow familiar-, and he feels compelled to drink it. so he does.
-cue sparkly Hyde transformation.
-Holt is VERY MUCH overwhelmed by, you know, suddenly existing as something more than a part of Jackson's psyche, and he doesn't know where he is or what is going on, but he vaguely remembers some bits of Jackson's monster research and realizes the "bear" attacking the school is a youkai, cue silly youkai weakness defeat.
-Bloodgood's jaw DROPS (not literally) when she sees the transformation and takes Holt aside. after a quick genetics test, she tells him the news: he's the son of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, who was unjustly reviled by the monster world for being both a monster and a human- and mysteriously disappeared when Jackson was still a child.
-Frankie btw is STOKED because their scientist brain knows who Jekyll and Hyde are and starts infodumping about what the whole thing is to Holt, who is very confused. They tell him to drink the potion again, and Jackson receives the rest of the explanation.
-Jackson is... well, he is excited about being a monster, but he's bummed out that his memories of being Holt are kind of scrambled and vice versa. He also notes it felt weird as if his whole mind had been turned inside out, like underwear. Frankie thinks that's cool. Clawdeen just goes "eeewwww...". I feel you, Clawdeen.
-Toralei is PISSED because while she kind of sees Jackson as The One Good Human (he was nice to her) she looks at Holt and can only see Edward Hyde- the dreaded traitor to monster kind, the half human freak.
-as a bit of a final addendum i think that since G3 Clawdeen's necklace allows her to take on a human form at will like her mom could, this hypothetical G3 Jackson would eventually lose control of his transformations and Frankie would go, oh yeah lol Dr. Jekyll went through that yes.
-and instead of pulling Clawd out of a portal and the thing with Howleen, there would be a plot of Heath suspecting he might be related to Jackson. and there would be a later plot twist about Jackson's human mom being half fire elemental herself! as for the portal thing i guess they would pull out something else? maybe Robecca since she also is looking for her father?
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dearestcorrespondence · 2 years ago
John Church Hamilton to Martin Van Buren, New York, [December 21, 1826]
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Dear Sir.
The enclosed copy was prepared some time since but at the moment I intended transmitting it my eldest child fell extremely sick which engrossed all my thoughts and rendered me a delinquent in the execution of my promise.
I saw Edwards some days since. He promised not to exert any influence against you but he is a bird of night and cannot bear the lustre of another reputation. I also called upon Noah He gives me to believe he meditates no mischief towards you on the contrary assured me if there were a serious opposition to you the Clintonians would support you. He says Tillotson told him there would be no opposing candidate, that Porter was their only man & he could not be carried. Noah further says that Dewitt now contents himself with looking to the V. Presidency under Jackson. He is evidently the mere tool of the Party & possesses more influence with Dewitt from recent circumstances than at first would be inferred. I have seen such of the members as I could influence & have interested Bailey & Bloodgood to see others. The result is entire confidence that 9 will vote right in Caucus & the whole in the House. Wer Might it not under certain circumstances be important that the Senate & assy should vote as distinct bodies?
I wish this election over that your attention might not be diverted from National topics am extremely gratified to find you have thought it expedient to discuss the question of Int Imp’ts which I have no doubt will add another column to your fame & I wish in reference to the future you could gratify the Mercantile interest in this W India Question.
I will write you the letter tomorrow & state my notions as to the extent to which the paper should be made public meanwhile I beg you will receive my acknowledgements for the Package of Documents & trust you will believe me
Most truly & with
great Respect
Yrs. &c. &c.
John C Hamilton
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morning-might-arrive · 4 years ago
Here’s the continuation of my last post. Thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged! This is becoming a lot longer than I thought, so there will be another part soon. Feedback is appreciated!
A series of misunderstandings involving a limousine and Spectra’s blog lead Jackson to the realization that he has way more friends than he thought.
Jackson sighed as he silenced his blaring alarm clock. 7:00 am. As he walked to the bathroom to get ready, he was suddenly struck by a memory.
“It’s nothing personal, normie. You just look like such a freak.” Manny told him as he shoved him off of the lunch table. Jackson looked towards the other mansters, but they said nothing. So they all agreed. Even Clawd. 
He cringed. He’d had to eat lunch in a bathroom stall that day. He looked at his reflection, desperately wishing he could change it. He sighed and got dressed. He had to leave early since he now had no car and his parents weren't home. He plugged his headphones into his phone. Holt had gotten them into this situation, only fitting that he deal with it.
Holt Hyde cursed under his breath as he walked to school. Although the weather was warming, mornings in March were still frigid. He sighed in relief as he approached Monster High.
“Heya there, sweetpea,” Operetta drawled in greeting as Holt waltzed through the front doors of the school. 
“What’s good, Oppy?” Holt responded, his usual loud and energetic self even at the early hour.
“Just peachy keen like always, hun. Say, you seen the Ghostly Gossip lately?” She asked.
“Nah, we usually stay away from that garbage ever since that story about us and Frankie. Humiliated the poor ghoul and almost tanked our relationship. It really ain’t cool what they're doin’.” He replied nonchalantly. 
“Oh. Okay. Well sugar, you know you can tell me anythang you wanna, right?” She continued.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks Oppy.” That was kinda weird for the rough and tumble ghoul to say, but honestly Holt was just glad their botched attempt at dating didn’t mess up their friendship. Oppy was a cool ghoul. 
“What’s the word, cool cats?” Came a new voice.
Johnny spirit sauntered casually down the main corridor of Monster High, and students jumped out of his way as if he had the plague. He put his arm around Operetta’s shoulder. “Hey, babe.”
Holt snorted. “I’ll never get why everyone lets you float around like you own the place.”
Johnny shrugged. “Guess they don’t have a choice. Besides, I never see you doing anything about it,” he replied with a bit of challenge in his tone. Holt rolled his eyes.
“You know you don’t scare us, Spirit. Anyway, it seems like Oppy’s got you on a leash without our help.”
Johnny bristled at that “Y’know Hyde, I’m gettin’ real sick of-”
“Why don’t we scamper on down to the catacombs and finish that new song we been workin on, sugarpie?” Operetta cut in. She really didn’t want to deal with a fistfight this early.
The couple walked away and Holt made toward the auditorium. He found the symphony on stage setting up and dashed up to join them, plugging his guitar into its amp. Jennifire was nearby greasing the corks on her clarinet. He huffed and sat down next to her.
“Another run in with the phantom pianist?” She asked, not even looking up.
“That guy is such a jerk!”
She chuckled and shook her head. “You boys are so easily provoked; I may never understand it. My brothers were just the same. He has done not to insight your anger.”
Holt really hated to admit it, but she was right. Johnny really didn't scare Holt, and he knew a little better than to try that tough guy act on Jackson. Plus, it was kinda funny seeing guys like Heath and Manny faint when he walked past them.
“Your emotions run like wildfire, I am very impressed you came to terms so easily with your end.” She continued.
Wait. What. “My what now?”
“Of course, it must be so hard for you to talk about. I am sorry.” A tear fell from her eye and promptly turned to smoke upon hitting her face.
“Jen, are you okay?” Holt asked, facing her.
She smiled. “Yes, I will be okay. So kind of you to think of me.”
“Okay, Okay, enough chit chat. Places people!” The director yelled as he approached the stage. Well. That was weird. Holt took his place in the stool beside the amp and looked up as the director began counting them off.
After an awkward hour of rehearsal, they were dismissed to second period. Holt emerged out into the crowd of students in the hall. Jennifire was nowhere to be found, so he made his way toward the art room. His Spotify playlist suddenly changed to a song by Pierce the Veil. He pulled out his phone to skip it and saw he had a message from Jackson. He scoffed. If D-low had told him what was wrong, would he be asking? JJ could be so oblivious. Maybe it was just a normie thing. 
He took his usual seat in front of his canvas and continued his painting for this week. 
“Psst, Holt.” he heard a whisper. He turned and met the shiny magenta eyes of retired popstar Catty Noir. “We’re turning up at Cleo’s place on Saturday, you in?”
“Yeah totally- oh, nevermind. We can’t make it, we kinda got a...thing that day.”
“Oh,” she said, looking kind of taken aback. “It’s that soon?” 
“What was that?”
“ I said I’ll see you soon!” she hastily corrected herself as she got up and turned in her painting, promptly leaving the art room. Man, everyone's acting off today. He touched up his work and quickly followed suit.
He basically had the rest of the period to himself, so he decided to riff on his guitar for a little bit. He couldn’t do it in the building anymore ever since that one time Headmistress Bloodgood caught him, so he moved to the front steps and set his bag beside him.
“Hey Holt!”
Holt turned towards the front of the school. “Frankie Fine-Stein! Where have you been hiding?” Her skin glowed a light mint green and her eyes sparked in the sun. Just as bootiful as ever. She sat on the step beside him.
“I was actually just in the library. I found this book about the original Jekyll and Hyde. It was way harsh; It said that Edward Hyde trampled a child in the streets of London, is that true?”
“Nuh-uh! Those stuffy normie’s didn’t like that grandpa’s were different so they dragged their reputation through the dirt!” Holt declared passionately. “Some of the people they charged him with killing didn’t even exist in the first place! Then they made Dr. Jekyll out to be a complete basket case and threw them both in jail! That is until they got bailed out by our great-great-grandma, Lucy.”
“Oh, man. I didn’t know any of that!” Frankie replied. She actually knew all about it, she had heard the exact same thing from Jackson before. They were both incredibly salty about the smear campaign launched against their great-great-grandparents that made their family flee to America in the first place, and you could hardly bring it up around them without a passionate rant. Frankie felt a little bad about bringing up something she knew was a sore subjet for them, but she had to make sure Spectra and the other ghouls didn’t get caught. It was for their own good, right?
Her phone buzzed in her lap and she glanced down. “Spectra got something, meet us back in the library.” Clawdeen. Frankie jumped up. “Sorry, Holt, I really gotta go.”
Holt watched her go in curiosity. He checked the time and quickly jumped up himself and dashed back inside the building. The only way to not be late now was to go through Section C, the so-called “vampires only” hallway. It really irked them when other monster’s used it, but he didn’t really care when it was either that or detention. As he made his way through he felt someone glaring at him, and met eyes with a large group of the former prep-school vampires. He braced himself, but instead of giving him grief like they usually did, they just let him pass. They were acting weird, but so was everyone else. Oh well, he didn’t really have time to think about it now.
Holt’s third period was Chemistry 2 with Mr. Hack. No thanks. Science was never his strong suit. Plus, there was seriously something off about this particular teacher. He just took a little too much pleasure in the cutting open of living things for Holt’s liking. He pulled out his phone.
“Keep an eye out. Today’s been weird, Bro.” He typed the message out and then disconnected his phone from his headphones. The world went dark.
Jackson blinked a few times. What was that ringing sound? “Oh, shOOT!” He bolted through the closest door- which just happened to be the right one- and took his seat as the bell finished ringing.
Mr. Hack passed out a hefty amount of worksheets to the class. “Okay class: no whispering, no talking, no looking around, no coughing or sneezing, no you can’t use the bathroom, and if I catch you on your cell phone the whole class gets detention. You have until the end of the class to complete the worksheets or it's a 0 for today.”
Everyone groaned. Good old Mr. Hack. Charming and likeable. Jackson tried to ignore the stares and whispers in his direction as he did his work. He knows he’s different, don’t they ever get tired of reminding him? Were they all paying more attention to him than usual, or was it just his imagination? He blazed through his work in about 20 minutes, it was just some simple thermodynamics equations. He looked up and noticed that Mr. Hack was asleep. Typical. Half the class were on their phones and the other half were talking amongst themselves. He pulled his phone out and saw Holt’s message.
Huh. Maybe it wasn’t just his imagination then, everyone was acting a little odd. Granted, every day at Monster High was pretty weird. Last week they had lost their school crest in a rollerblading contest and the school nearly toppled over, so maybe he could just ignore whatever this was.
The bell finally rang for lunch. He set his work on Mr. Hack’s desk as he jolted awake and practically ran from the room. He shot Clair a text
“Okay, transportation is set and decorations bought. Am I forgetting anything?”
“Measurements, goofy.” She responded almost instantly.
“Oh, right. I can get a tape measure from the woodshop teacher and get them during lunch.”
“Have you told the other monsters about Saturday?”
“No. I just don’t know how they’ll react, y’know?”
“Aren’t they always telling you about how you don’t belong? So why would they care?”
“Yeah you’re probably right. It’s just a difficult situation.”
“Yeah, I hear you. Let me know how it goes.”
Looking down at his phone, he didn’t notice Draculara until he bumped her as he passed.
“So sorry!” He exclaimed. 
“It’s alright.” She reassured him as she walked away. She made her way to the library where her friends were already gathered around in a circle. Spectra floated in the center.
“What’s this all about?” Draculara asked.
“While Frankie had Holt distracted, Spectra looked in his locker.”
“Well what did she find?” Cleo demanded.
“Just this. It appears to be a receipt for some kind of car rental.”
Clawd glanced at his phone. “Heath says Jackson is in the boys locker room right now taking measurements of himself and writing them down.” He told the group.
“Then what Spectra said is true.” Fraknie finally admitted. The room fell into extended silence.
“Well we can at least show Jackson he means something to us.” Draculara spoke up.
“Yeah,” Frankie agreed, “we can do something nice for him and Holt.”
“What are we going to do? Hijack the gym and throw a huge party during lunch?” Cleo asked sardonically.
“You’re on a roll Cleo! It’ll be closed tomorrow, but we can do it Friday!” Clawdeen agreed.
Cleo smiled. Very well then. Friday would be a day for the monster history books.
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Imagine if there was a riverdale style reboot of monster high that was literally so terrible it even put riverdale to shame
It takes place in the small town of Salem where Frankie Stein as a cruel expirement by a doctor whos a complete and total psychopath (oh you bet your ass the only characters who don’t have “cute” mental illnesses are villains).
She is sent to monster high and meets her new friends Clawdeen (who is white washed because this reboot sucks) and the rest of the ghoul squad and then she meets the sweetest guy in school, Jackson Jekyll (played by Noah centineo).
They form a relationship but drama starts to unfold when Jackson is elusive and hints that he has a dark side who’s into weird torture stuff called holt Hyde (holt in this basically acts like Edward from twilight but sadistic).
Then headmistress bloodgood halfway through the season gets arrested for tax evasion and is replaced with some racist douche bag principle and the students all have like a riot in the school hallways and beat the shit out of him.
Meanwhile the now hot mr. Rotter has become Lagoonas new teacher crush and she goes all creepy stalker (but what will happen when her beloved boyfriend Gil finds out?!).
Draculaura starts out as all bubbly and pink but then Clawd cheats on her with Toralei and she goes full angry emo and becomes gay for a hot second because shows like this looooove queer baiting.
Ghoulia is just a conventionally hot girl but with glasses on and she’s not mute or anything she basically has nothing in common with ghoulia other than being smart.
Cleo and deuce are having a teen pregnancy sub plot this whole time and they turned deuce into just the biggest asshole ever.
Also they turned neighthan into a stereotypical gay back ground character.
Honestly id probably watch this just to see how terrible it would get and how much more they could bastardize my childhood.
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geminiblackout · 3 years ago
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Got my first assignment for hisstory, a scareitage project about our ancestors. I swear I talked to Bloodgood about keeping me out of these academic classes, but I guess one slipped through. I was supposed to be handling the extra-scareiculars while Jackson takes on the actual stuff, but somehow he ended up in a class with the school hottie and I’m here. Dude, don’t get me wrong- I don’t totally hate this shit. It’s pretty cool learning about what monsters used to live like and the music of the time. You’d catch me undead with a violin- but that used to be the rockin’ music of old times. No, the issue is now I gotta write about my grandpa and present it in front of the whole class. I can’t fucking stand that dude. A few months, or however long ago, Jackson stuck his fingers into finding out who Dr. Jekyll was, he couldn’t stand not knowing “what kind of monster” he was. Of course he ended up as the normie monster. But seeing that Mom gave Jackson all the information she had left about Dr. Jekyll, she had to give me the information too to play it fair. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t want it. I don’t give a shit about “what kind of monster” I am. I’m just me. She handed me police reports, sketches, and journal pages written all over with threats in red ink. I should have ripped that shit to pieces right there- Edward Hyde, some asshole who everyone expects me to be. Jackson got some mad scientist who couldn’t handle his own creation and I got the murderous creation he couldn’t handle. Fuck that, and fuck Edward. I’m not writing shit about this. I’m not writing about Dr. Jekyll instead either. Neither of them are me, I don’t give a shit about my scareitage- and some asshole forcing me to write a report on it isn’t going to change that.
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