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This is Rio. She’s a little monster (sometimes) but I just love working with this #TyrannasaurusRex. I’ve used her jealousy of another #parrot I love against her, and now we are best buddies forever. ❤️ #blueandgoldmacaw #macaw #macawsofinstagram #parrot #parrotsofinstagram #educationanimal #programanimal #zoo #zookeeper #zoolife #zoolifestyle #conservation #conservationeducation (at Queens Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B378smhJQ8J/?igshid=1ob2qiq8jdoca
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New podcast episode available! My favorite kind of animal trainers are those who break the rules!! What I mean by that is that they are the ones who question everything in the name of doing it better. That is why this episode is entitled “Progressive Bird Training.” My special guest Hillary Hankey is one of those trainers who spends every day analyzing, studying and practicing the art and science of animal training with a diverse collection of birds in Southern California. And her results have demonstrated that indeed we can always improve. She describes the spectacular immersive free flight experience guests, students, clients and interns can have when they visit her facility. We discuss practices that can improve the welfare of birds trained for educational presentations, as well as enhance the guest experience. This means diving into how we create motivation, collection planning, the types of behaviors we train and altering guest’s expectations. We also discuss the current trend of free flying companion parrots and some of the things pet owners need to take into consideration. Visit the episode webpage to see video clips and learn more about her online education program the Avian Behavior Lab and future on site workshops. Link in bio to listen @barbara_heidenreich or Listen here https://animaltrainingfundamentals.com/podcasts/hillary-hankey-progressive-bird-training/ and at your favorite podcast outlets #animaltrainingpodcast #birdtraining #freeflight #raptortraining #parrottraining #hillaryhankey #barbaraheidenreich #animaltrainingfundamentals #zooanimaltraining #birdshows #companionparrottraining #animalambassadors #educationanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XwDoaF8gUXdBeom93bnFC3EcErxSs3-sWS9Q0/?igshid=1gwfedx4zoyrm
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How could you not love that face!!! Uhh I've missed her so much!!! #marmy#educationanimal#sogladtobehome#lookatthatface#yellowbelliedmarmot!! (at Zoo Idaho)
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oh. So proud of my boi. Ruben is my pet boa constrictor. I've raised him to be an educational animal. That means I've socialized him in a way to deal with anyone. Scared people, small people, loud people, a lot of people, no people, other animals, loud environments, etc. He's taught so many people that snakes don't have to be so scary! He's so SWEET. When we lived in Los Angele, some how, we got in to the club circuit. I tell ya, it's wild to be a fly on the wall in the green rooms, vip sections, and back stage areas with a 5.5/6ft reptile. But I'd go to my 8-6 day job designing fashion labels, then come home and get ready to hit the clubs till 4am with local celebs and musicians. Brooke Candy was our girl. She always invited us out, always treated Ruben well, and her entourage always did the same. She always worried about his needs before going on stage with him or at times with out him. #queen. This was the first photo of them ever taken. Since this we've worked with her multiple other times, and now Ruben books a couple gigs a year and affords his own rats haha. He earns his keep! We also always do volunteer educational events too. Being new to Chicago we're still navigating that, but we'll def be at Reptile Fest next year. Ya never know where you're passions will get you. :)⠀ @brookecandy 📸@nikkolamere #westhollywood #snakes #losangeles #gieorgios #snakesofinstagram #reptile #education #conservation #educationanimal #brookecandy #hobby #herpetology #club #clublife #pet #petselfie #selfie #art #artist #hair #makeup #tattoo #model #tattoomodel #female #pussymaketherules #fagmob #queer #fashion http://bit.ly/2V6WObq
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Today’s Topic: Exploring Educational Experiences that Feature Trained Animals - The changing role of trained animals as ambassadors The types of educational experiences that features trained animals over the years have evolved dramatically. The types of behaviors featured have changed, the way trainers and guests interact with animals have changed, and the species involved in programs has changed. The types of information and way messaging is delivered have progressed as well. Today’s livestream will explore this growth and development. We will look at where we came from and where programs are heading. What changes have you experienced? What do you see as beneficial for both animal ambassadors and effective for raising awareness about desired messaging? There is a lot to discuss on this topic! Join me live most every Monday at 11:00 AM Central time for another YOU be the Behavior Consultant. These are interactive events and super fun I might add 😉 with video clips! Everything is now happening in YouTube at this link https://www.youtube.com/BarbaraHeidenreich/ link also in bio @barbara_heidenreich The replay will continue to be posted in the Facebook group Animal Training Fundamentals with Barbara Heidenreich https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimalTrainingFundamentals/ Come and get your professional development on! #livestream #animaltraining #barbaraheidenreich #zooanimaltraining #exoticanimaltraining #zookeeper #animalambassadors #educationanimals #animalpresentations #keepertalks #animalshows #educationalprogramming #edutainment #animalprogramming #animaloutreach #vipexperienceswithanimals #animalintepretation #conservationeducation #wildlifeeducation https://www.instagram.com/p/CZHeL1Vri1J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Today’s topic: Animal Ambassadors. Get behavior ideas, inspiration and also help in identifying boundaries in your decision-making process. I have dug deep in my files for some very interesting videos to get you really thinking about your values. Don’t expect your typical animal ambassador videos today. I want to challenge you to think about why you make the decisions you do when it comes to animal ambassadors. I suspect this one will be very interactive today. See you there! Join me live Monday at 11:00 AM Central time for another YOU be the Behavior Consultant. These are interactive events and super fun I might add 😉 with video clips! Everything happens in the Facebook group Animal Training Fundamentals with Barbara Heidenreich link in bio @barbara_heidenreich and here https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimalTrainingFundamentals/ Come and get your professional development on! #livestream #animaltraining #behaviorproblem #barbaraheidenreich #behaviorconsultant #zooanimaltraining #exoticanimaltraining #zookeeper #professionaldevelopment #tigertraining #aardvarktraining #hornbilltraining #orangutantraining #birdtraining #animalambassadors #educationanimals #birdtraining #conservationeducation https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEC_AAldaR/?igshid=ks3z7iedfo63
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Tech test yesterday with @sharon.raptortrainer Sharon Clay for our live training demo with rescued native North American wildlife at @turtlebay_redding Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding, CA. Can I just say there were so many animals and trained behaviors to choose from the more difficult task was narrowing it down! The team has some of the most innovative training with animal ambassadors you will ever see. They will be sharing their training on Sunday Oct 25th. Register for the Global Online Animal Training Summit at www,ATFGOATS.com. Training demos are a feature of the live event only. #foxtraining #virginiaopossumtraining #northamericanwildlifetraining #animalambassadors #wildlifeeducation #educationanimals #globalonlineanimaltrainingsummit #animaltrainingconference #animaltrainingsummit #animaltraining #zooanimaltraining https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVAU5in6cG/?igshid=hjgx1o9wwo6w
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Ooooh, I am so excited for Monday’s livestream! I am posting it now! I have picked a topic I anticipate will generate a lot of discussion. We will be talking about your experiences training Imprinted vs Socialized vs Parent Raised animals. I have tons of video examples to illustrate the pros and cons of various situations. Join me live Monday at 11:00 AM Central time for another YOU be the Behavior Consultant. These are interactive events and super fun I might add 😉 with video clips! Everything happens in the Facebook group Animal Training Fundamentals with Barbara Heidenreich. Link in bio @barbara_heidenreich and here https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimalTrainingFundamentals/ Come and get your professional development on! #livestream #animaltraining #behaviorproblem #barbaraheidenreich #behaviorconsultant #zooanimaltraining #exoticanimaltraining #zookeeper #professionaldevelopment #imprintedanimals #humanimprint #socializedanimals #humansocializedanimals #parentrearedanimals #sensitiveperiodsofdevelopment #animalambassadors #raptortraining #educationanimals #owltraining https://www.instagram.com/p/CEiAtU1lNwC/?igshid=14gil718b4vj8
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It’s National Zookeeper Week! One of my first zoo jobs was working with animals in education programs. My job was to do daily cleaning and feeding. And my favorite part.... training! They needed to be comfortable with handling, transport and groups of people. Pictured here are Hoppy the ferret, a chinchilla and a tiger salamander. We also had a California ground squirrel that would climb up onto your shoulder and promptly pee. Opossums, chickens, tarantulas, walking sticks, hedgehogs, snakes, tortoises, skinks, iguanas and an Amazon parrot named Liberty rounded out the collection. As they say if I knew then what I know now.... oh the things I would have done! I imagine so many more behaviors I would have trained as we had many great candidates. In my consulting work today, we get super creative with animal ambassador training ideas. Education departments have really developed over the years. Many have incredible collections of trained animal ambassadors with highly skilled and educated team members on board. The curriculum is engaging and also meets specific requirements and standards for learning. It’s a good time to be a keeper for the education department. # nationalzookeeperweek #nzkw #nzkw2020 # #imakeeper #educationanimals #ambassadoranimals #tigersalamander #chinchilla #ferret https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8s7Wjlcnk/?igshid=l217irbyf1e9
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New podcast episode available! My favorite kind of animal trainers are those who break the rules!! What I mean by that is that they are the ones who question everything in the name of doing it better. That is why this episode is entitled “Progressive Bird Training.” My special guest Hillary Hankey @avianbehavior is one of those trainers who spends every day analyzing, studying and practicing the art and science of animal training with a diverse collection of birds in Southern California. And her results have demonstrated that indeed we can always improve. She describes the spectacular immersive free flight experience guests, students, clients and interns can have when they visit her facility. We discuss practices that can improve the welfare of birds trained for educational presentations, as well as enhance the guest experience. This means diving into how we create motivation, collection planning, the types of behaviors we train and altering guest’s expectations. We also discuss the current trend of free flying companion parrots and some of the things pet owners need to take into consideration. Visit the episode webpage to see video clips and learn more about her online education program the Avian Behavior Lab and future on site workshops. Link in bio to listen @barbara_heidenreich or Listen here https://animaltrainingfundamentals.com/podcasts/hillary-hankey-progressive-bird-training/ and at your favorite podcast outlets #animaltrainingpodcast #birdtraining #freeflight #raptortraining #parrottraining #hillaryhankey #barbaraheidenreich #animaltrainingfundamentals #zooanimaltraining #birdshows #companionparrottraining #animalambassadors #educationanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/B-X78fdF2qf/?igshid=1toercpuvkegb
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New podcast episode available! Education animals, animal ambassadors, domestic animals and lab animals are often the ones who get the short end of the stick so to speak, meaning traditionally, participation was often up to the handler and not the animal. Progressive training flips the script. Animals have the choice to participate and when they do, desired consequences happen. As expected, the results are amazing behaviors. However, we are making other discoveries as well. We are seeing the impact it can have on our messaging, on research data, and most importantly on animal welfare. You will get a lot out this podcast that covers a wide variety of species from guinea pigs, rabbits, llamas, snakes, tortoises, chickens, horses, cows, pigs and more. Special guest Annette Pedersen, animal training coordinator from the Copenhagen Zoo shares some great examples and resources you don’t want to miss. I also answer your questions about intermediate and terminal bridges. Link to listen in bio @barbara_heidenreich and out on your favorite podcast outlets. #animaltraining #animaltrainingpodcast #educationanimals #ambassadoranimals #childrenszoo #farmanimaltraining #domesticanimaltraining #ambassadoranimaltraining #animalwelfare #labanimaltraining #barbaraheidenreich #copenhagenzoo https://www.instagram.com/p/B7v2I7LlP45/?igshid=15p6zwjirl319
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Do you work with ambassador parrots? Great success in just one session! Soooo many details facilitate a nice step up. Let’s talk about a few of them. Many of you already know about a technique I have refined over the years of teaching many parrot training workshops of making your tightly closed fist an extension of the perch so that there is an opportunity to reinforce smaller approximations. You will also notice we talk about the instability of the perch being a factor in making things a bit more challenging in this example. More goodies are offered when the bird is on the hand than for when the bird gets on the perch. Repetition is important to help the bird understand what action earns desired consequences. And you will notice we are not too worried about letting the bird see the food at this stage of the process. If you look closely you will also see those sunflower seeds are broken into tiny pieces. This is important too. This helps keep the bird grazing in the right position, rather than grabbing and going. Step up is a complex behavior and carefully executing many details to your shaping plan can help increase success. All my parrot training resources (including the webinar recording Train Your Parrot to Step Up) are included in my online education program. Link in bio @barbara_heidenreich #stepup #parrotstepup #parrotbiting #parrotproblem #amazonparrot #parrottraining #animalambassador #educationanimal #yellownapedamazonparrot #yellownapedamazon (at Frank Buck Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PSr74lh97/?igshid=1mzc5yz4o0tq1
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Whooo says raptors only train for food? Here’s another gem from the “expand your list of reinforcers vault.” Oculus the spectacled owl is a fan of tactile. This means it can be delivered contingently for cooperation in activities such as stepping up and allowing jesses to be applied for participation in educational programming. Nice work from the team at @thesantaanazoo We then went on to train a new behavior I am presenting on at an upcoming conference. #owltraining #owlstepup #nonfoodreinforcers #spectacledowl #ambassadoranimaltraining #educationalanimaltraining #educationanimal #ambassadoranimal (at Santa Ana Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wM4WQHms6/?igshid=1tyic00ug1m3a
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You may think….aaaaaw cute coati getting scratches. Oh, but it is so much more than that. This guy came to the zoo with an unknown history and had displayed a few undesired behaviors that no one wanted to see escalate. This meant the team wanted to add more structure to interactions. He liked scratches but didn’t really know how to request them politely. We very intentionally started with protected contact to introduce our back-scratching tool. The tool added distance and it turned out gave a more satisfying scratch than fingernails or other tools. We also wanted to teach scratches are delivered contingently. In other words, you can earn them for doing behaviors like targeting. You can see this boy is catching on and well on his way to learning stationing on his stump and targeting leads to a very lovely scratch. #ambassadoranimals #coatitraining #coatimunditraining #coati #coatimundi #educationanimals #educationanimal (at Santa Barbara Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B66BIX3ldia/?igshid=6j81ph1a1p7o
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