#education deaf children
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cripplecharacters · 8 months ago
Write more Deaf characters!
[Large Text: Write more Deaf characters!]
When answering questions about deaf and hard of hearing characters, I have noticed they are overwhelmingly about:
A character who is deaf in one ear or hard of hearing because of an accident
A character who was born deaf and knows sign language, but seems to have 0 connection to the broader Deaf community
This is not the experience of most d/Deaf people! So, here's your primer to Deaf community and culture, and writing a Deaf character, because they are sorely underrepresented.
(Disclaimer: this post was written using viewpoints I, a singular Deaf person in the United States, have encountered. I tried to make this as general as possible to encompass many Deaf views, but it is possible that I have misconstrued something. Do not take this guide as the be-all and end-all of your knowledge on Deaf culture. Keep reading and researching the Deaf community, and explore viewpoints from many different Deaf people of all backgrounds.)
Why do you write Deaf with capital D?
[Large Text: Why do you write Deaf with capital D?]
The term "deaf" with the lowercase d means not being able to hear. The term "Deaf" with an uppercase D refers to the cultural identity formed by deaf people. This identity is difficult to explain but it includes knowing sign language and engaging with other Deaf people.
There are varying opinions within the Deaf community on who is allowed to call themselves culturally Deaf. Some Deaf believe that only those who were born into the Deaf community (whose family is Deaf, who attended a Deaf school, and/or who have sign language as a first language) are allowed to consider themselves culturally Deaf. On the 'flip' side, some Deaf believe that anyone with hearing loss can claim the label. And of course, you can find someone Deaf with any opinion in between.
This is all intracommunity nuance. If your character is born deaf and learns sign language at a young age or as a first language, they are likely culturally Deaf.
Sign Language Use
[Large Text: Sign Language Use]
Sign languages are the language of Deaf communities. (Note that there are many sign languages in different regions, and they are not related in the same way spoken languages are!)
Most sign languages did not originate alongside spoken language, either, so they usually have different grammar than the spoken language in a region. This means that someone whose first language is sign may have difficulty learning even the written version of the spoken language due to the different grammar and translation. For native signers, the spoken language of their area is their second language.
Sign languages are fully developed languages, with grammar and structure. Sign language is not "less" than spoken language, and encouraging sign language does not discourage speech. (Even if it did, that's not a bad thing! Sign languages are still a valid and rich communication form!) Sign languages have slang and expressions/idioms too.
Sign languages typically have a "manual alphabet" otherwise known as "fingerspelling". This is a way to represent words that don't have a sign. Fluent signers very rarely fingerspell; normally fingerspelling is for proper nouns which don't have a name sign.
Name signs are the last big point I want to cover about sign language. A name sign is a way to refer to someone so you don't have to spell their name every time. It's usually related to someone's attributes, like dimples or a specific way of moving. Sign names can only be given by Deaf people who are fluent in sign language.
Deaf Education
[Large Text: Deaf Education]
For a long time, deaf people were considered unable to learn, just because they couldn't hear. And since 1880, for about 100 years and even still today, the prevailing tradition in deaf education was/is oralism--a teaching method based on speech that rejects sign language.
Historically speaking, if deaf children were to receive an education, they would be sent to a Deaf residential school. These still exist, although there are also many Deaf schools that are typical day schools, just for d/Deaf/hoh students.
Deaf children may also attend "mainstream" schools; they might have sign language interpreters and other accessibility accommodations, or they may be forced to rely on lipreading and context, or placed in special education where their needs often still are not met.
Oralism still has lasting effects today. Deaf people have received, and still do receive, worse education than hearing people.
One common problem is language deprivation. Many deaf children grow up without access to sign language. About 90% of deaf people are born to hearing parents; even if hearing parents do send their deaf kids to a Deaf school, they may not learn sign language themselves, so the child must rely on what they can gather of spoken language at home. Sign language is even discouraged by some audiologists and speech professionals, because it "might interfere with speech". But by depriving deaf children of sign language, more often than not, they are being deprived of all language.
People who are born deaf do not learn spoken language naturally, even when provided with aids like hearing aids and cochlear implants. Many deaf kids who learn speech learn it through extensive speech therapy, and often have a "deaf accent" from copying mouth shapes but not being able to hear or process what sounds they are making, which may also include having an atypically pitched voice (e.g., very high-pitched). Lip-reading is inaccurate and the best lip-readers can only follow about 30% of a conversation, and that's by intently watching with no breaks.
It is possible to learn a language at any age. But it is easiest to pick up a new language when one is young. Children who do not learn a first language by around age 5--the age at which they would start school--have more difficulty learning any language, and may have frequent outbursts or trouble expressing emotions as a result of communication difficulties.
Another problem, especially within the Deaf community, is literacy. Spoken languages are often unrelated to the signed language of the same region. Learning to read and write, as a Deaf child, is like learning a whole new separate language, with different grammar and structure than their native language. This is why captions are not a perfect accessibility tool--it is, for many Deaf people, being offered an alternative in their second language, if they have learned to read and write at all.
Deaf Culture Norms
[Large Text: Deaf Culture Norms]
To hearing people, Deaf conversation can seem very blunt and to the point. This isn't to say Deaf people are inexpressive--quite the opposite: sign languages often use facial expressions as part of the grammar, and there is a lot of expression that can be incorporated into a sign--but there isn't a lot of "talking around" things. You can see part of this culture in name signs, which are usually based off a trait of the person. It's not offensive--it's just how they're recognized!
Another conception is of Deaf people being over expressive, but again, that is just part of sign language grammar. Face and body movements take the place of tone of voice, as well as other grammatical clarifications.
Deaf people talk a lot! It's very hard to end a conversation, because there will always be something else to say or a new person to meet. Hugging and other physical touch are really common greetings.
Tapping people on the shoulder to get their attention is fine. Other ways include flicking the lights or rattling a surface (for vibrations). Eye contact while signing is also important to make known that you are listening. Groups of Deaf people will sit in a circle so everyone can see everyone else. It's rude to talk in a Deaf space. If you are lost in the conversation, you'd ask if you can write or type instead.
Deaf Space also refers to design concepts that are more accessible to deaf people. This includes good lighting, minimal signing-height visual obstacles (e.g., low waist-height shelves), visual indicators instead of bells, open spaces so people can sit in a circle to talk, and automatic doors and wide hallways/passages so it is easier to continue a conversation while walking.
It's also very rude to comment on a Deaf person's voice. Do not mention you're surprised they can speak. Do not call their accent "cute" or "weird" or anything like that. Do not ask them to speak. Do not say their voice sounds really good ("for a deaf person") or that you wouldn't be able to tell they are deaf.
Deaf Views on Deafness
[Large Text: Deaf Views on Deafness]
The Deaf community is incredibly proud of their Deafness. You'll often hear the phrases "hearing loss = deaf gain" or "failing a hearing test" as "passing the deaf test". Continuing the Deaf community and culture is highly valued, and learning sign language is encouraged for everyone.
Many people in the Deaf community dislike cochlear implants as their success is incredibly variable and they require invasive surgery and therapies from a young age. Another big argument against CI is that they are often presented as the only or the first option to hearing parents, who misunderstand CI as a "cure" and then do not give their child access to sign language.
Deaf people also reject any sort of cure for deafness, especially genetic therapies. Many Deaf people do not think of their Deafness as a disability.
(Deaf people will often point out the advantages of Deaf culture and sign language, such as being able to talk over long distances, through windows, and even underwater.)
Most hard of hearing and some deaf people have hearing aids, although it is really an individual choice whether or not to wear them. Many d/Deaf/hoh people are overwhelmed and startled very easily by noise (since they're not used to that much auditory input) and get tinnitus from auditory overstimulation. They may also struggle with auditory processing--locating sounds, interpreting sounds, recognizing and interpreting speech, and other issues.
The Deaf community doesn't have any general complaints about hearing aids, just many prefer not to wear them. Do know that they are an imperfect aid; they just amplify sound, which doesn't improve processing or understanding, and it doesn't make people hearing. Not everyone even benefits from hearing aids--their specific hearing levels may make hearing aids a bad choice of aid.
A big point you'll hear in Deaf spaces is Deaf Can (and Deaf Power). Hearing people have historically treated deafness as a sign of incapability, but Deaf people can do everything hearing people can--except hear.
Myth Busting
[Large Text: Myth Busting]
Myth #1: All Deaf people are completely deaf. This is very far from the truth! Most deaf people have some degree of residual hearing, although this may require very loud sounds and/or at very specific pitches. Plus, there are many culturally Deaf people who are not deaf/hoh at all--CODAs, hearing children born to Deaf parents, are part of the Deaf community.
Myth #2: (Non-speaking) Deaf people do not make noise. Also very far from the truth! First off, Deaf people laugh. Many Deaf people also vocalize without knowing or intending, especially when excited. We can get very loud!
Myth #3: (Speaking) Deaf people talk loudly. While this can be true, often d/Deaf people talk more quietly than expected. This is because with severe to profound levels of deafness, no speaking volume is really going to be audible, so they will often rely on feeling vibrations in their throat to know if they're making noise. Vibrations are detectable at lower volumes than hearing people like to listen to.
Myth #4: Deaf people can't drive. I actually have no idea where this one came from but it's false. Deaf people can absolutely drive, and tend to have a lower rate of accidents and violations than hearing drivers. There is a common trend of treating d/Deaf people like they can't do things unrelated to hearing, but deafness on its own only affects hearing.
Deaf Struggles in the Hearing World
[Large Text: Deaf Struggles in the Hearing World]
A huge problem is just basic accessibility. Many places do not have captions or visual indicators, or rely on hearing (like drive-throughs). Movie open caption screenings are often at awkward times, and caption glasses are hard to find or access and awkward to wear.
Deaf people are also at increased risk of police violence. Police often treat signing as aggression, rather than attempts to communicate. When they yell, talk quickly, or shine a flashlight in Deaf people's faces, it's even harder to understand what is going on. Deaf people are also not often provided with a qualified interpreter and may not understand what is going on or why they were arrested.
Deaf people, specifically those who are mainly kept in the hearing world, have higher rates of drug use and addiction.
Hearing people also treat Deaf people as incapable or lesser. Gallaudet University had only hearing presidents until 1988 after the Deaf President Now protests; then-chair of the board at GU said in a statement that received heavy backlash from the students, "deaf people cannot function in the hearing world".
When writing your Deaf character:
[Large Text: When writing your Deaf Character:]
Were they born to hearing parents or to Deaf parents? (90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents.) Is anyone else in the family d/Deaf?
At what age was their deafness noticed? (It can be at birth, or it can take several years, even for children born deaf.) Is their hearing loss progressive? Is their hearing loss significantly different in each ear?
Were they eligible for cochlear implants? Did they get CI? Did they get hearing aids? (Consider cost as a factor: CI requires the surgery as well as intensive speech therapy; hearing aids are also expensive and can need replacement and refitting.) How well do the aids work for them? Do they have them in one or both ears?
What advice did their family receive from audiologists and speech therapists about sign language and communication, and did their family listen? Did they learn sign language? At what age? Did their parents and family learn sign language? Are they language-deprived? Did they go through speech therapy? What is their speech like? Do they like using their voice?
Did or do they attend Deaf school? Is it residential or day school? If it's residential, did they understand what was happening when they were dropped off? Does the school use sign language or rely on oralism? (Consider time period; most schools now use sign language, but from 1880-about 1980 the predominant method was oralism.)
If they don't attend a Deaf school, what accommodations are they receiving in mainstream setting? Are they in special education? Are they in a Deaf program at a mainstream school? Do they have an interpreter? How much do they understand what is going on in class?
How involved are they in Deaf community and culture? Are their friends and family involved and supportive of the Deaf community? Do they treat deafness like something to cure? Do their friends and family frequently ignore or "forget" that they are deaf?
In general, consider their scenario, what ableism they've faced, and what their Deaf identity is.
Happy writing, and please continue to send in your questions!
Mod Rock
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welcometoqueer · 3 months ago
Some U.S. election news updates (as of afternoon November 7, 2024):
Many states, including major battleground ones, have started recounting votes on their own despite there still being no national call for a recount. Some of these states recounting or considering recounting as of November 7, 2024 include: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona (considering), and Texas (considering).
Most news outlets have been covering state laws regarding recounts and what a recount could mean. Notably, right-wing sources like Fox News have not mentioned the possibility of a recount or the high demand for one (hmmm).
In cities such as Chicago and Philadelphia, people took to the streets in a peaceful protest to demand a recount (wait, you can protest peacefully?? without starting an insurrection?? Crazy).
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More information alleging Trump cheating has come forward, although many people are expressing their frustrations over there being little to no coverage of election interference by the mainstream media. Additionally, many Democratic voters are vowing to boycott news sources such as CNN and MSNBC due to their apparent tone-deaf and lackluster response to the allegations.
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On Twitter, hashtags such as “Do Not Concede Kamala,” “Recount 2024,” “He/Trump Cheated,” and “Rigged” continue to trend nationally since election night.
Also in the Twitter hellscape, Elon Musk has been removing posts with resources, posts alleging Trump cheated, and posts with information on how to check your ballot and demand a recount. This is awfully suspicious and concerning behavior from someone who has also been accused of bribing voters, which is a federal crime.
Many people are also sharing their grief over the extreme likelihood of programs and services such as Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, the Department of Education, and others being diminished or fully gutted as many Republican lawmakers and Trump have promised to do. Already today (Nov. 7), House Republicans have proposed a bill that would reduce social security payments for U.S.Americans who receive disability benefits or a pension.
There are also concerns over imposed tariffs, the United States losing its NATO membership, and the potential dissolving of the United Nations.
Many MAGA Trump supporters have started to be more emboldened, not just in the Twitter space. Multiple parents have come forward to share that young boys at their children’s schools have also begun repeating the “your body, my choice” mantra, leaving other kids in distress.
Speaking of distress, nationwide, queer and trans people have been largely absent from work and school. Since election night, LGBTQ+ and other helplines have had long waits due to such high demand.
TW: suicide mention, skip the next paragraph
There’s been over 2000+ suicides of just LGBTQ+ individuals since election night and the numbers keep increasing drastically.
End TW
Politically, sitting President Joe Biden addressed the nation today to discuss a “peaceful transfer of power.” He addressed people questioning Donald Trump’s win and the election system saying: “It is honest, it is fair, and it is transparent, and it can be trusted, win or lose."
Needless to say, no one was pleased by his response and are still demanding an investigation or recount.
Other political figures such as Bernie Sanders and the Obamas’ released their own statements regarding the election.
The Obamas’ had a very professional yet disappointed statement.
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Bernie Sanders however, took a different approach, sharing the mass sentiment among democratic voters and criticizing the Democratic Party based on their response to the situation. “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.”
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Multiple videos and images with election news and updates.
The first video, posted to Twitter, is of an Anti-Trump protest in Chicago.
These should be peacefully taking place all over the country. This is what democracy is about, not storming Capitol buildings. Right MAGA? pic.twitter.com/lgzsP41Lze — Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) November 7, 2024.
The video shows people in the streets of Chicago and in front of Trump tower peacefully protesting in demand for a recount and investigation.
Protesters chants include:
“Donald Trump, you will see!”
“Racist, sexist, anti-gay! Donald Trump, go away!”
and “You’re not welcome in this town! Donald Trump, you fascist clown!”
The second video was also posted to Twitter by CALL TO ACTIVISM (@CalltoActivism) on November 6, 2024. It’s a video from MSNBC reporting on the strange behavior of Trump leading up to the election where he repeatedly said he didn't need votes. These statements seem to imply that regardless of how people voted, he expected to gain power.
The next image is of the official statement regarding the election results by Barack and Michelle Obama.
The statement reads:
“Over the last few weeks and through Election Day, millions of Americans cast their votes - not just for president, but for leaders at every level. Now the results are in, and we want to congratulate President Trump and Senator Vance on their victory. This is obviously not the outcome we had hoped for, given our profound disagreements with the Republican ticket on a whole host of issues. But living in a democracy is about recognizing that our point of view won't always win out, and being willing to accept the peaceful transfer of power. Michelle and I could not be prouder of Vice President Harris and Governor Walz - two extraordinary public servants who ran a remarkable campaign. And we will always be grateful to the staff and volunteers who poured their heart and soul into electing public servants they truly believed in. As I said on the campaign trail, America has been through a lot over the last few years - from a historic pandemic and price hikes resulting from the pandemic, to rapid change and the feeling a lot of folks have that, no matter how hard they work, treading water is the best they can do. Those conditions have created headwinds for democratic incumbents around the world, and last night showed that America is not immune. The good news is that these problems are solvable - but only if we listen to each other, and only if we abide by the core constitutional principles and democratic norms that made this country great. In a country as big and diverse as ours, we won't always see eye-to-eye on everything. But progress requires us to extend good faith and grace - even to people with whom we deeply disagree. That's how we've come this far, and it's how we'll keep building a country that is more fair and more just, more equal and more free.”
The last two images are Bernie Sanders’ statement on the election results, criticizing the response of the Democratic Party.
Sanders’ statement reads:
NEWS: Sanders Statement on the Results of the 2024 Presidential Election November 6, 2024 BURLINGTON, Vt. - Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement in response to the outcome of the 2024 presidential election:
“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them. First, it was the white working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they're right. Today, while the very rich are doing phenomenally well, 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and we have more income and wealth inequality than ever before. Unbelievably, real, inflation-accounted-for weekly wages for the average American worker are actually lower now than they were 50 years ago. Today, despite an explosion in technology and worker productivity, many young people will have a worse standard of living than their parents. And many of them worry that Artificial Intelligence and robotics will make a bad situation even worse. Today, despite spending far more per capita than other countries, we remain the only wealthy nation not to guarantee health care to all as a human right and we pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. We, alone among major countries, cannot even guarantee paid family and medical leave. Today, despite strong opposition from a majority of Americans, we continue to spend billions funding the extremist Netanyahu government's all out war against the Palestinian people which has led to the horrific humanitarian disaster of mass malnutrition and the starvation of thousands of children. Will the big money interests and well-paid consultants who control the Democratic Party learn any real lessons from this disastrous campaign? Will they understand the pain and political alienation that tens of millions of Americans are experiencing? Do they have any ideas as to how we can take on the increasingly powerful Oligarchy which has so much economic and political power? Probably not. In the coming weeks and months those of us concerned about grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious political discussions. Stay tuned.”
/end ID]
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educatedsimps · 8 months ago
— "ctrl+C, ctrl+V" sakusa kiyoomi
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sakusa kiyoomi x f!reader
a/n: saw a fanart of chibi sakusa and this came to mind so i just had to write this out to get it out of my head 🫠 sorry if my writing's not perfect i wrote this in like an hour HAHAHDHDJSJSHD
cw: FLUFF, parenting au, atsumu being annoying
wc: 586
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Kiyoomi had always expressed how much he wanted your kids to have your features - from your hair, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, he wanted them to inherit everything about you. He essentially wanted his kids to be mini clones of you, the person he loved and admired the most in the world.
However, when your first child was born, it was pretty clear that she'd take after her father. Immediately, you noticed birth marks at almost the exact same spot as her father, and as she grew older, her hair started to curl at the ends just like her father's. Unsurprisingly, they had similar personalities too. She was probably the most educated six year old when it came to personal and public hygiene.
And when Reina's little brother was born, you swore they could be twins. That is, if you ignored the eight year age gap between them. Akimitsu, like his sister, took after Kiyoomi. He had the same dark curly hair and sharp eyes as his father, but one difference between him and his sister was that he had a much more outgoing personality. Even at six months old, he was already smiling, laughing, pointing and waving at everyone he passes by.
Today was no different. Strapped to his father's chest, Akimitsu was excitedly pointing towards his older sister practising volleyball in front of him and babbling incoherently. Next to him, the one and only Miya Atsumu was seated on the bench watching his twin boys practice their volleyball skills with Reina. You watched as your husband fished out a pack of tissues and wiped away the drool on his baby's chin.
"Dude, what's up with your sets today? Even Reina can't spike your shit sets and she's a better spiker than me!" Ryūjin exclaimed, pointing accusingly at his brother.
"Shut yer trap, Ryū! Yer just jealous 'cause my sets are still better than yours!" Ryōta retorted. Turning to his friend, he apologised, "Sorry, Reina, I'll work on my sets."
Reina scrunched her face in slight annoyance but acknowledged her friend.
"Y'know, Omi-kun, yer daughter somehow looks even more like you when she does that," Atsumu chortled.
Confused, Kiyoomi looked up at the blonde setter. "Does what?"
"THAT!" Atsumu screeched, pointing at Kiyoomi's face, which was, of course, scrunched up like his daughter's. Kiyoomi hurriedly covered his son's ears at the sheer volume of Atsumu's outburst.
"Will ya keep it down? My kid's gonna go deaf at this rate," Kiyoomi huffed, glaring at Atsumu. The latter sheepishly apologised.
"But for real though, your kids are basically your clones," Atsumu continued, "Guess ya don't have to worry about 'em not bein' yours, right?"
That earned him a hard slap on the back of his head by both you and Kiyoomi.
"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Atsumu cried, rubbing the back of his head to relieve the pain.
"Excuse me, sir, what are you insinuating?" You spouted, glaring at him. For all the years you had known him — since high school, to be exact —Atsumu had never failed to come up with the most insensitive lines.
"I'm just sayin'! It's cute that yer kids look so much like you!" Atsumu sulked.
"No shit they're mine, baka," Kiyoomi grumbled, the annoyed scrunch once again making an appearance on his face.
Hearing a fit of giggles, you all turned to Akimitsu who was pointing at Atsumu with a gummy smile on his face.
The six month old happily clapped and cheered as Atsumu was left dumbfounded.
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a/n: sakusa’s children would 100% inherit his curly hair YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE like it’s literally so cute. they’d have the same scrunched face when they’re annoyed AND IT'S FREAKING ADORABLE anyway i titled this one ctrl C ctrl V for obvious reasons HAHA
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year ago
King&Prince 7
When Eddie returned to the castle, it was in the form of a raven. He perched himself on the outside of Steve's window. The prince was deep asleep and of course, looked completely harmless. Eddie knew not to be fooled by that though. Dustin looked downright cherubic when he slept but could still be an absolute menace. This was a prince, meaning he'd been taught in the ways of strategizing your next move and making every moment count.
It was very likely that he was just regaining energy for an escape attempt later on. Nancy's worries didn't fall on deaf ears. At the time, the reason Eddie didn't put a constant eye on him was because Dustin seemed attached to him already. Now that he was out of the cell, Dustin would probably seek him out at all hours. Which meant the prince wouldn't be able to get far before the young boy mentioned to someone that he couldn't find him.
He was dangerous. Eddie had to remind himself of that even as the prince was surrounded by softness and his face was smoothed of all tension.
The next morning, Steve was awakened by someone banging on the door. "Up and at 'em! Time for work!", Robin shouted through the door.
Steve got up, almost reaching for the doors of the wardrobe before remembering there wouldn't be anything there for him. All he had were the clothes on his back. Even the ones he'd come in with, dirty and wrecked, had been taken. Probably tossed, useless as they were.
He took a quick look at himself in the bathroom mirror. It wasn't too bad. His hair was lacking in its usual style, falling over his forehead, and there was still a bit of darkness under his eyes, but at least he didn't have that layer of filth anymore.
Steve let out a sigh when Robin pounded on the door again. He understood people's problem with him, that didn't mean he liked it.
"What, no breakfast?", Steve asked when she all but dragged him down the hall. They passed a few people who had sneers and glares to spare. At least back home people knew how to hide their disdain for him.
She put him to work in the music room again, arranging chairs with a prepared diagram. He heard someone call her name and she was out of the room, leaving him by himself. Steve wondered if they were just underestimating him or if they were that confident in their security. Steve continued to work for a few minutes before deciding to try and venture outside.
The moment he stuck a foot out the door though, a gaggle of kids were out in the hallway, waiting for him.
"See! I told you!", Dustin exclaimed.
Mike's jaw was on the floor. "They've got you doing chores?!"
"That's gotta be all he's good for", a red-headed girl he didn't recognize said.
The rest of them included Will, Lucas, and another girl he'd never seen before and they started arguing among themselves about Steve and his uses right there.
"Hey, hey!" Steve clapped his hands. "Has no one ever taught you brats any manners?"
"Do you really think so little of us?", Dustin asked.
"Forget it. I've got work to do." Anything to not be surrounded by a random group of children. But just as Steve went in to finish putting up the chairs and arranging the instruments, he was followed right away by the kids, discussing very loudly what was to become of this whole music lesson thing.
"What gives Eddie the right to tell us what to learn?", Lucas asked.
"He's literally in charge of everything else", the red haired girl, Max, said.
"And you guys had no complaints about him making sure you get educated in other things", Mike said.
"Because every young child should have a healthy dose of math, science and the arts", Dustin said.
"Guess what music counts as", Will grinned.
There was that Eddie guy again. Apparently in charge of what these kids learned. Maybe he was some sort of headmaster? Or some kind of higher up here. But Steve had never heard a title attached to their name. Not a lord, or duke, or even a mr. So just who was he to these kids. Steve's interest was almost piqued to ask but he had other things to worry about. Like filling his stomach.
His stomach growling was somehow heard over the cacophony of voices and it was heard by El. Steve had only known her for about fifteen minutes and yet she unnerved him. She laughed and smiled like any child and yet there was something lurking underneath the surface with her.
"He's hungry", she commented.
"Time for lunch then", Dustin decided.
Steve was somehow corralled by them all and he found himself taken to the castle kitchens. He was taken aback by the sights and smells. It was just like the kitchen back home, when he used to sneak down as a kid. The only difference was that instead of a numerous staff, there were much fewer people.
That and some of the pots were stirring themselves. Steve went up to one in awe.
"Cooking magic", Will explained.
"Sit down, children", a voice said from deeper into the kitchen and Steve was pulled to a small table in the corner with chairs for all of them. The moment they did, a tray of warm bread floated to land in the middle and bowls of soup came flying towards them, landing without spilling a drop.
"Thanks mom!", Dustin called out.
Steve's mouth watered. He'd been eating scraps for days and none of it had been warm. He took his first bite and nearly cried. It was so good. some of the best he'd ever had. The kids were still talking, but Steve hardly paid whatever topic they were discussing any mind. He was too focused on the food. That and the fact that they didn't seem at all bothered by him.
The king's minions had attacked him and thrown him into a dungeon without any thought. The king himself hadn't shown his face until he was sure that Steve had no value as a bargaining chip. That Robin woman saw him as a pack mule and used him as such. The few adults in the kitchen would openly glare at him and Steve wondered if he should worry about poison in his food.
But Dustin and his friends...it was like they didn't care.
Robin appeared just as they finished eating to drag Steve to the library and have him move books around. Steve thought that at least he'd be free of the kids, but of course they weren't too far behind. The idea of library manners were lost to them as well, as they kept their normal volume around what must be thousands of books.
The next couple of days went very much the same, Steve being led around by Robin to reorganize the library. Sometimes it was blessedly quiet, the rest of the time, Dustin was there, asking questions about him or his kingdom which usually prompted some kind of argument amongst his friends.
Somehow, despite himself, Steve started to like them. They even got a laugh out of him once or twice. Dustin was bright, if a bit self righteous. Max was always instigating and it was clear she had fun doing it. Will had a sweet face but wasn't afraid to speak his mind. From what he gathered, they all lived here in the castle, and some of their parents were in the staff.
It was such a routine, that Steve was confused when Robin didn't come to get him one morning. He thought he should wait, but when it got close to noon, well he had to leave in search of food. He was still barefoot, but thankfully that wasn't much of a problem. What was a problem was how he was turned around and didn't know where he was going.
He heard some voices from around the corner and thought of asking for directions before remembering his place. If anyone other than the kids saw him walking around unescorted, they'd probably think he was up to something. Steve ran in the opposite direction, avoiding places he heard people talking and ended up in what looked like a sparring arena. The roof opened up to let the sun in and there was a wall of weapons. The area for sparring itself was a simple arena in the dirt and there was Lucas in the middle of it, struggling to lift a sword that was about as tall as he was.
"Uh, I can explain", Lucas said.
"No need", Steve said, mostly because he didn't want to have to explain what he was doing. "You're obviously in the middle of training." He looked to how big the sword was and how there was no teacher in sight. "A little advice, choose a weapon you can pick up."
Lucas frowned. "Why don't you show me, since you're so badass? Dustin told me you know all these techniques but so far I've just seen you carry stuff."
Steve raised a brow as he walked over and took the sword from Lucas. "Carrying stuffy counts as heavy lifting." He took a step away to get a safe distance and swung the sword with ease. "For now, you might be better with that", he used the sword to point to a rapier on the wall.
"That twig?"
"Think it's too much for you to handle?"
Lucas snorted and took it off the wall. He swung it around, not too confident in it. "Looks like it'll break if I went up against that", he gestured to the broadsword Steve had.
"It's not meant to go head to head like that", Steve said, sure that Lucas was imagining his sword slicing down right on top of Lucas' blade. "Real sword fighting is about using your skill to create an opening to land the right blow."
"Isn't most fighting like that?"
"Just shut up and show me your stance."
Nancy was running through her to do list in her head. Spring would be coming soon and while the human inhabitants would be celebrating and holding festivals, the demo-creature population would be preparing for hibernation and there were things that needed to be arranged.
Her thoughts were interrupted by sounds coming from the sparring room. Neither she nor Jeff and called upon anyone but the room could be used by anyone trying to brush up their skills. Curious as to who was putting in extra work, she was surprised to see Lucas clashing swords with the prince. She didn't see anything else but red. She didn't see the smile on Lucas' face or how slowly Steve seemed to move.
She pulled out a dagger first, throwing it right in front of the prince's nose to get him to back off before unsheathing her own sword and getting between him and Lucas.
"Whoa! That was too close! You could've hurt him!", Steve said.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", Nancy shouted back.
Lucas put a hand to her shoulder from behind. "Calm down, he was just-"
"Stay behind me. I knew something like this would happen." She advanced, raising her sword against Steve.
He was surprised at her ferocity when she was so small. That was when he remembered. "You were part of the ambush!"
"I should have killed you then", Nancy declared while actively trying to kill him. "Eddie was wrong, you're-"
Steve cried out when he tripped on a stray rock, cutting his foot in the process. It caused him to fall forward, which Nancy wasn't prepared for. A rush of black smoke was their saving grace, pushing Steve away and cushioning Nancy before turning into a man that held her close. Not just any man, of course. The king.
And just like most of the court, all he had for Steve was a hardened glower. Lucas had been stupefied into silence but spoke up when he saw the blood.
"Listen, it's not what it looks like! Steve was helping me train."
"And why would he do that?", Nancy demanded to know as she righted herself. "You know we're not taking on anyone new until training officially starts. You shouldn't even be in here."
"Yeah, well he was", Steve said, ignoring the pain in his foot for now as he sat up. "And he needed some pointers."
The king's eyes narrowed. "So you took it upon yourself to train him?" Then he looked to Lucas. "And that's the story you're going with?"
"It's not a story, it's the truth. We were just practicing", Lucas said.
The king stared down at the prince, thoughts running through his head. He approached and Steve held up his sword. His foot might be hurt, but he could still fight if this beast wanted a challenge. To his surprise though, the king paused, and held his hands up like he was trying to show he meant no harm.
He glanced down at Steve's foot. "Let's take care of that first. Everything else can wait."
"I don't need your help", Steve said, rising to his feet. He took a step and while he held back a hiss, he was able to move just fine. He knew he was dripping blood but his pride kept him from looking down. He let the sword drop to the floor. He'd find his way back to his room and tear a bandage from his sheet or something.
He let out a yelp when suddenly he was lifted up into the king's arms and when he blinked their faces were just a breath apart.
"I can appreciate being too proud to accept help, but I won't have you trailing blood around the castle."
Steve had no choice but to cling to him. Walking or being carried, his blood would still drain from his foot, so he could see how it mattered. The king carried him anyway sat Steve on his bed where a bandage cloth was already waiting, as well as a basin of water. He was set down on the bed and Steve expected to be left alone to dress the wound but the king surprised him yet again by kneeling and starting to wash his foot.
"You're...You're the king, aren't you?", Steve asked.
"That I am."
Steve didn't think he needed to elaborate. Kings didn't kneel. For anyone. And they especially didn't help enemy royalty with cuts and bruises. They didn't carry them to their rooms. It made no sense at all for King Edward to treat him like this, especially after what he had to endure in his cell.
"Why were you helping Lucas?", he asked.
Steve shrugged. "Kid needed help. He was trying to lift a sword as big as he was."
"Hmm. Well, considering the current state of affairs, it's been irresponsible of me to leave you unattended for so long. So you'll be getting a new guard detail, starting tomorrow."
That sounded more sensical than anything else that had happened so far, so Steve didn't even question it. Someone came by to drop of dinner, but besides that, Steve didn't see anyone until the next day when the king himself appeared at his door with a pair of well worn boots.
"Of course. You're my guard."
"No one better", the king grinned.
Part 9
Tag Team
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toothlespoggers · 3 months ago
I got silly and infodumped again…
The fact that crystalised despite being the worst ninjago season by far- showed that for a long time now, possibly since season 11 has had his emotions turned off. Is crazy to me. Because I know Cole had a pretty okay moment with Zane about it and he ended up turning it back on in the same season or maybe even same episode I can’t fully recall. But I don’t know how mentally fucked these characters are or what- but I feel like no one stopped to think about that for enough time. Like Cole, he’s a very caring, affectionate, empathetic guy. Yet even he didn’t really seem to register the implications this had for Zane’s mental health. Zane is filled with so much emotional turmoil that he physically couldn’t bear to feel anymore. And this group of traumatised young adults were like- “oh haha Zane, that’s so quirky, that’s so silly of you, haha relatable anyway-“ Like duuuude I don’t know if this is the writers wanting to avoid actually discussing mental health in a “children’s” show or if these characters have had such little emotional awareness and support through their lives, almost dying everyday since they were teenagers that they are so desensitised to the horrors tm that they literally cannot tell when someone is basically holding a sign over their head saying “I NEED SERIOUS HELP.”
That kinda says a lot about Sensei wu, doesn’t it? I mean he’s great we Stan- but he did kinda adopt a bunch of struggling teenagers and burden them with saving the world and then allowed them to put themselves in harms way for years, without ever sitting them down and asking them if they were okay, emotionally? Like I don’t know if this happened and I didn’t see it or if it was implied to happen off screen but I really doubt wu was any sort of a support system for these guys that treated him like a father figure.  
Maybe it’s because this cycle of pain goes back to wu as well, because he’s not the most stable person in the world either, but idk it feels crazy to me that these people that were basically family. Just- never checked in on eachothers well being or looked out for each others mental issues.
I mean they never really got a break and when they did- hell the only reason season 11 happened was because wu, so obsessed with the ninja being in tip top condition urged them to do something, which led these idiots to unleashing Aspheera and then ended up with probably the worst fate you could wish upon a Lego, for Zane. Seriously the fact they turned the ice emperor thing into a joke is so tone deaf to me like if this happened to your friend. In real life, (just suspend disbelief for a second) you would be absolutely GUTTED. You’d probably feel SO BAD. And that person? Probably can’t function like a normal individual anymore. Probably needs serious therapy.  Not a joke.
I don’t hate wu, I never did. But I just think he’s been very irresponsible with the way he’s handled his students and while he’s wise in some aspects 70% of problems in the show could’ve been avoided if this old man valued communication.
And if this isn’t based on the characters flaws. And it’s Lego refusing to discuss mental illness and mental health. COME ON LEGO IT WOULD EDUCATE YOUR YOUNG AUDIENCE ON PTSD, ANXIETY AND HOW TO HEALTHILY DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS. Because right now, if you wanna deal with issues the ninja way, YOU BURY THEM AND TAKE THEM TO THE GRAVE AND YOU NEVER COMPLAIN OR REST.
All I want is at least one episode where it’s not all about the current bad guy or plot and it’s just about the ninja actually confiding in one another and trying to help their friends out. Maybe Zane or Lloyd finally snap and have a full mental breakdown and the only way to deal with it is for them to actually talk about it and work it out. I’m sure you can make a compelling episode with that in mind. They’ve tried to address mental health in the show with Lloyds anxiety arc thing in DR they need to do better.
We need a scene in DR where Zane and Frohicky are at the monastery while the other ninja are doing stuff, (maybe I’ll work out the details more and write something on this) and something happens where all the pain and trauma and just, awfulness just builds up in Zane’s mind and he just. Has a moment where he cracks. And he stops working on whatever he’s working on. And Frohicky notices the shift in the air and suddenly his entire demeanour changes and he comes over concerned and Zane is standing there or kneeling and Frohicky puts his hand on his shoulder and asks. “Are you okay?” And Zane just doesn’t know how to respond. He tries to shake everything off but he can’t, he’s never been asked that before. And Frohicky starts babbling on trying to help him and offers to get him set up so he can rest, and Zane doesn’t have the strength to object or the will to say anything and he’s just like.
“I.. don’t know.” In a final response to the previous question. 
And it’s just a scene where Zane accepts Frohickys gesture of kindness. And while not everything is fixed obviously. You can slowly see the tension leaving him.
Because it matters if someone asks you if you’re okay. It reaches into the darkest place and offers a hand saying “I’ll listen.” And that could genuinely change someone’s life.
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edienotsedgwick · 6 months ago
!!! Palestinians in my asks who need d0nati0ns !!!
Hello everyone I have gotten a lot of asks from Palestinians and at this point there are so many to answer individually I thought it would be better to make a proper post for all of them at once. I encourage all of you to pick at least one campaign, donate and reblog this post. Even if it’s five dollars these people have said a little goes a long way. Most of these people are verified, but the ones who are not I trust.
@mohammednasers-blog is only 17 and still a high school student. Him and his family have been displaced four times. He is currently running his own campaign, not only to help his family evacuate from Gaza but also to complete his education.
@mohiy-gaza is currently looking to evacuate Gaza with his chronically ill mother. He is 23 and has just finished University.
@ehabayyad23 - Ehab has a family of 20 members who are all looking to evacuate
@fatma93-gaza - Fatma is a mother of five children from northern gaza. Oldest is 12. Has been displaced 17 times. Youngest girl has been weaned off milk early because there is an unavailability of milk.
@naseranam225 - Israa is a new mother whose youngest child Enaam was born less than two months ago and is evacuating in order for the children to grow up in a safe environment.
@noorabd1992 - Nour is a new father who’s wife gave birth to his second son only four months ago. Family has been displaced seven times.
@free-gaza2 - Doaa used to work in Palestinian hand embroidery. Her workshop in gaza was destroyed. She is in Egypt now but currently wants donations for a new workshop to build her livelihood in embroidery again.
@safaa18mero - safaa was a student before the genocide, and she recently gave birth to a child in the middle of it.
@doaaomar1234 - Doaa is a mother with an autistic child who she is in Egypt with. She is currently still trying to evacuate the rest of her family and get treatment to help her child have a good quality of life.
@fedao - Fidaa is in a family of five who are looking to evacuate after more than 282 days of displacement
@salahaldinahhorsblog - Salahhaldin is a father with three daughters. He has obtained a masters degree in finance and was aiming to advance his career before the genocide. He lived in Belgium for six months before returning to gaza to make sure his daughters weren’t alone.
@bilalassadabedrou - Bilal is a student and a software developer. He plans to evacuate to Egypt and then search for another country to continue his studies
@Hins76178 Hani’s child Razan has gone deaf due to the sounds of explosions and missiles and needs a cochlear implant. She aims to evacuate in order to seek that treatment.
@kefahfamily - Kifah has lost her husband, a nurse who was martyred early on and it has deeply affected her and her children.
@alaak2025 - Alaa is an engineer with two children, she has evacuated with them but is now looking for donations to rebuild her life from scratch.
@malakabed - Malak is a medical student who has been displaced more than 20 times seeking safety. His brother was martyred while trying to fetch water for him and his family. He wants to evacuate with the rest of his family and continue his medical studies.
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spicedwatermel0n · 3 months ago
Teen designs references "update", just making the standstills nicer and improving on some stuff
Tumblr media
Nigel: very quiet, but will talk occasionally. He has a reputation in the school as the honor role kid, and is loved among the teachers. However, he despises most of them in return. Despite his ability to pull straight As and never get in trouble, he only does it because he's supposed to be undercover. There's a few teachers he likes, and they're the ones who've openly defended innocent kids or expressed disgust towards bad treatment of children. Otherwise, he hates each and every one of them. Many rumors surround him and who he is. Some suspect he's partially deaf in his missing ear (the one on the same side as the missing eye), as he often fails to respond to people. This is completely false. He does this because he doesn't want to speak to anyone. He does, however, have severe vision problems. In his only eye, he suffers from glaucoma-like vision loss. This makes him prone to bumping into objects/people, but everyone does their best to respect him and let it go because of his muscular build.
Kuki: a social butterfly, as she was as a child. She never grew out of acting youthful. Similarly to Nigel, she really doesn't like the people around her. She tries to fit in for her own safety, as she's currently flying under the radar as a cishet girl and anything getting out could be dangerous for her + cause her to be dead named forcefully. She fits in well with the popular girls, and it gives her an excuse to dress up nicely and use make-up. Her classes are pretty average. She's not the greatest, but she isn't close to failing. She is hardly noticed by the teachers.
Abby: a geek. She doesn't hang out around anyone besides Nigel. She's often bullied for various reasons, but the number one reason is her being too complex to fit in with any one particular group or cliche. She's complex in a way that people find odd, which leads to her getting bullied. She's quiet, but simply because she doesn't feel the need to say anything unless she's spoken to first. Nigel's presence tends to keep people from bullying her, since everyone is terrified of Nigel. She'll try to find him whenever she can so she can avoid harassment and have some company. She's in a lot of clubs and does great work for the school as a part of a KND supported program meant to make education easier, run by some teachers who happen to be apart of the AND in secret. The teachers have no problems with Abby, since she's clearly intelligent and has no problem learning, and she tends to give them space when they aren't teaching her as to respect them.
Hoagie: a hardcore drug addict, and a well known dealer. He drowns out his sorrows with stolen alcoholic beverages, and cuts for his own self deprecating pleasure. He tends to go into a state of perpetual agony when intoxicated, but thankfully doesn't experience any violent emotions. He lacks consideration for anyone who may see him in this state, and will become intoxicated in front of those who care for him enough times to be a problem. Aside from experiencing abuse at home, he is also beaten up frequently at school. His impressive height doesn't intimidate the people who corner him into empty rooms and beat him enough for him to be marked absent from his next class. These beatings are usually motivated by homophobia, as his identity as gay was spread all across the school in his early years. He has horrible grades in his classes, and his teachers despise him. This is further solidified by his engagement in delinquency, such as vandalizing rooms in the school, busting objects, and getting into verbal fights with staff. Despite seeming like he enjoys his lifestyle of illegal substances and actions on the outside, he is well aware of his own decline and has attempted numerous times. He feels like he can do nothing but watch as he turns into the exact opposite of the person he wanted to be growing up. Additional note: he has a beaten pickup truck that he drives frequently, especially with being the only one to own his own vehicle. It was gifted to him by his mother, who had been paying for the old pickup (once owned by Gilligan Sr) just long enough to lend it over to Hoagie.
Wally: also a hardcore drug addict, but not a dealer himself. He frequents delinquency acts more than Hoagie does, and finds amusement in going out at dusk to steal, destroy property, and spray paint on the property of consumer locations. He's more into the drugs than the alcohol, which he gets at a discounted price from Hoagie. He tends to follow shortly behind Hoagie, no matter where he goes. His identity as transgender is forced to be disrespected by the staff, and he is not allowed to wear anything gender affirming. He often attempts to get into physical fights with staff for misgendering him on bad days. He's rarely in class, and when he is, he's clearly too high to be in attendance. Along with Hoagie, he is often assaulted by other students for homophobic/transphobic reasons. He is targeted more than Hoagie is due to his size, and that Wally has simply given up with fighting back. Despite immense strength, Wally is so weak from his habits that he couldn't do much of what he normally could, even if he wanted to. His open ideations and desires for death are what makes him want to stand there and take it, rather than defend himself. Wally is known for lashing out at people, and sometimes hurting himself in front of others if he gets angry enough. He will bite into his own arm and tear the flesh off, albeit not much, due to his weakness from drug addiction. This is extremely problematic for the others and they try their best to keep away from Wally when he's not doing well, for his own safety, and for their sanity. He has needed multiple stitches after self harming himself due to him getting overwhelmed with emotions and carving himself like a piece of paper. The only thing keeping him from constantly idealizing is Hoagie's company. If anything is proof that they can recover from this horrible state and prevent themselves from turning into something that'll devastate society, it's the small flame that burns for each other's quiet embrace. On the calmer days, they'll cuddle each other underneath of "their tree" for hours, never speaking a word.
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melinoegoddessofghosts · 1 year ago
Guys, the Delaware ACLU is trying to push oralism-first in Deaf education. PLEASE sign this petition to stop that. The U.S. has a bad history with oralism based in eugenics beliefs and attempted cultural genocide. Please help preserve access to American Sign Language for Deaf students in Delaware.
Here's where you can sign the petition.
UPDATE: The Delaware ACLU is reviewing their claim. Their new petition claims that they don't support any form of education that limits access to American Sign Language. They reference the backlash from the Deaf community and the influx of complaints they've received in part of their decision to review the lawsuit. Thanks so much to everyone who signed!
FURTHER UPDATE: The Delaware ACLU has amended their complaint. They now want broader Deaf education for students who can't get to the Delaware School for the Deaf. They also apologize for saying that oral education was the "gold standard". The new complaint argues that ASL is incredibly important for Deaf students, as well. They amended the complaint to say that Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children in Delaware should have more options when it comes to education.
Community action works! Signing petitions works!
(Video in American Sign Language with English subtitles)
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saintsenara · 8 months ago
For sure and fair play, HP was a long project! But yeah, JKR fiercely defending her inconsistencies almost forces us to fiercely point them. Out of spite. I do get that many issues were out of Harry’s radar and understanding, but JKR trying to convince the audience through interviews that the wizarding world doesn’t have the same prejudices as the muggle world just makes me conclude that she must be herself incredibly unaware of the privileges herself and people in her circle possess. Plus the whole HIV parallel that just sounds so misguided and sours the text to me. Yet here I am! Love your blog xx
the lycanthropy-as-aids metaphor is extraordinary in how tone-deaf it is and it pisses me off...
especially because it doesn't make sense at any point in the story. the complete transformation of how house elves think of their enslavement between chamber of secrets [in which dobby mentions whisper-networks of politically-engaged elves decrying their treatment at the hands of wizards] and goblet of fire is really fucking irritating, but it has some slight defence in the narrative shift that the series undergoes after prisoner of azkaban from children's boarding-school literature to something approaching folkloric epic.
[that is, chamber of secrets needs to wrap up with dobby being freed, the malfoys getting their - comparatively benign - comeuppance, and everything being well, because children's stories always end with that everything back to normal vibe, and so the fact that harry has just learned that the wizarding world has institutionalised chattel slavery and been remarkably unbothered by that fact can be shelved by the genre conventions. after prisoner of azkaban, the books end more ambiguously and are more interlinked, as they start moving towards their big conclusion in deathly hallows, and are also darker in tone. and yet she decided to use this shift in tone... to make elves love being enslaved...]
which is to say, perhaps the lycanthropy-as-aids metaphor could be justified as a standalone plot device within prisoner of azkaban - since the reader does hear lupin explain not only the shame and stigma wizarding society's poor understanding of his condition causes, but also how the state's callous discrimination against werewolves impacts his ability to access healthcare, education, and employment - which then doesn't work after the series' narrative shift, when jkr wanted to introduce characters like fenrir greyback...
except it doesn't work even then! because at the end of prisoner of azkaban lupin turns into a rampaging monster who has a desperate, primal urge to eat children - and reveals his condition to be legitimately dangerous to an extent which entirely justifies why parents would feel uneasy about him being employed in a school.
[and - especially - being employed without dumbledore appearing to put any safeguards in place to keep both lupin and his students safe.]
one part of the tragedy of the aids crisis is baseless social stigma at an individual level, absolutely, and lupin - who is a nice [ish] man who doesn't meet the stereotypes wizards appear to have of untransformed werewolves - suffers from this.
but another is the way this stigma drove a state-sanctioned looking-the-other-way and refusing to act while the bodies piled up - something there is no parallel for in the series' worldbuilding around werewolves, not least because it tends to have a positive view of states and their institutions [state corruption is always located in individuals - fudge, umbridge - rather than in the structures which enable them, which are seen as fundamentally sound, for example] which i would imagine most people who know even a cursory amount about the official response to the aids crisis are unlikely to share...
and another is that - since hiv has a very, very long asymptomatic period - it was spreading without anyone knowing it existed for years, if not decades, before it burst into the public consciousness with death on wholesale scale. and then it continued to spread in terror and confusion - for years, you couldn't know if you had it until you started getting sick, and then, when you could access tests [if you could access tests], you were told it was a death sentence, and you would be unable to pinpoint when and by whom you'd been infected, and you would be unable to know how many people you might have infected in turn.
nothing about the series' presentation of lycanthropy corresponds to this.
but, with this said, i think there are two parallels between the conditions which could be interesting in the hands of someone who approached them with care.
the first is to see lupin's role as the series' one "good werewolf" as a mirror to the fact that public opinion became considerably more sympathetic to those living with and dying of hiv/aids when it began to emerge that people [white! "respectable"! heterosexual!] had been infected via blood transfusions and treatments for haemophilia. queer men and intravenous drug users could be dismissed as having brought their infections upon themselves... but not someone [white! "respectable"! heterosexual!] who went into hospital for a routine operation and came out slowly dying.
lupin - the son of a prominent civil servant [with all the class status that entails], bitten as a child through no fault of his own, hogwarts educated, connected to establishment figures like dumbledore - makes a great poster child for a milquetoast "werewolves aren't all bad" campaign which manages not to offend the state's sensibilities by asking it to stop demonising pretty much every other werewolf in history...
the second is to think about the generational divide.
in countries where access to appropriate medication is widespread [and that there are many countries where this isn't the case shouldn't be forgotten], hiv is easily treatable, easily manageable, easily rendered untransmissable, and easily preventable. the quality of life - and the life expectancy - of hiv positive people is now broadly equal to that of their hiv negative peers. the number of aids-related deaths worldwide annually has more than halved since 2010 and, in 2024, it is possible to say that virtually nobody who is newly diagnosed with hiv will go on to develop aids.
this is - sincerely - one of the single greatest achievements in the history of medicine. and it's completely changed how we think and talk about hiv, what it means to be diagnosed with it, what it means to live with it, and what it means to know [and to love, and to fuck] someone who has it.
if we imagine that there are similar advances in the treatment of lycanthropy - with the wolfsbane potion, which seems pretty bare-bones, replaced with something which made the impact of the werewolf's transformation even less severe [or which prevented it altogether] - then being a werewolf in the 2020s would mean something very different than it did in the 1980s.
and if - say - lupin is right, and teddy inherits his condition, thinking about how enormously different his experience being a werewolf might be from his father's [even at a very basic level - not having to turn down invitations based on the moon cycle, for example], and how he would come to understand himself and understand lupin through this different experience, would be a genuinely fascinating premise for a fic.
but not if jkr was writing it.
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Jan 7, 2025
It’s very easy to judge the past, particularly when you’re on the ‘right side of history’. What supreme confidence it must take to assume that all previous generations had got it so wrong, and that humanity was simply waiting for you to turn up and set them straight.
And yet isn’t it curious that so many who like to judge the values and behaviour of people in the past are also rarely willing to turn that critical eye on other cultures that exist today? According to the principle of cultural relativism, all societies and ways of life are equal. So we must not assert that we are morally better to a culture that permits the genital mutilation of children or that denies women an education, but we may assume that we are highly superior to the Ancient Greeks.
This debate has become particularly relevant with the recent explosion of interest in the rape gangs scandal. A report by Professor Alexis Jay in 2022 determined that more than 1,400 young girls were raped and abused in the period between 1997 and 2013 by what became known as the ‘grooming gangs’, so called because of the manipulative tactics that were employed to gain the victims’ trust. These groups comprised mostly of men of Pakistani heritage, which led many authorities to overlook the severity of the crimes.
Consider this example from a speech delivered by Andrew Norfolk, reporter for the Times. When police discovered a 13-year-old girl, drunk and mostly naked in the company of seven Pakistani men, they arrested her and failed to question any of the adults.
Police have admitted that such failures to investigate were largely down to a desire to avoid allegations of racism. The Jay report noted that several members of local council staff ‘described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so’. Politicians and media commentators were more concerned with maintaining the fantasy that multiculturalism has been a success, rather than taking seriously their obligation to safeguard children. When Julie Bindel - the first journalist to investigate the grooming gangs - tried to publish her findings, she faced resistance ‘because some editors feared an accusation of racism’.
The Labour government has shown itself incapable of making amends. Jess Phillips has rejected a request for a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham. And Keir Starmer has stated that anyone interested in a full-scale inquiry into these failings is jumping ‘on a bandwagon of the far right’.
This acute form of tone-deafness would, in any sound political climate, be cause for immediate resignation. While it is true that racists will be quick to weaponise the criminal behaviour of a minority, there is nothing remotely ‘far right’ in taking an interest in the wellbeing of children and wishing to see those who abuse them held to account. But Starmer is a banshee of a prime minister; he makes a terrible noise but is completely lacking in substance.
Something may change with the release this week of crime league tables according to nationality. Up until now, there has been tremendous political resistance to releasing such statistics, with police in many European countries not recording such details at all in order to preserve the daydream of multiculturalism. And yet those that do keep such records have revealed a clear trend. Data from the Danish government, for instance, has shown that although non-Western immigrants constitute only 9% of the population, they account for 25% of convictions for violent crime. According to the Telegraph, in Sweden immigrants are ‘three times more likely to be registered as a suspect for assault than the native population – which grows to four times for robbery, and five times for rape’.
And now, in the UK, data from the police forces, the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics has been analysed by the Centre for Migration Control. The results are startling. We now know that foreign nationals are three times more likely to be arrested for sexual offences, and twice as likely for all other crimes. This table from the Home Office shows the top rates of arrests according to nationality (per one thousand of the population).
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This presents a challenge to those of us who believe in liberal values. We might factor in relative poverty as contributing to the rates, but this in itself cannot possibly account for the wild disproportionality. Our history of supporting those fleeing from war or oppression is something we should cherish, but at the same time citizenship should be contingent on successful integration. This isn’t to say that immigrants ought to dispense with their own beliefs or practices, but it does mean that they must adapt to the rule of law of the host nation.
We all know that multiculturalism has failed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said as much back in 2010, before she embarked upon a disastrous policy of unchecked immigration. Too often ‘multiculturalism’ is mistaken for ‘multiethnicity’, when they could not be more different. A multi-ethnic society is one in which people of all races are able to coexist together in peace and cooperation as equal citizens under the law. A multi-cultural society is one in which people are encouraged to ghettoise themselves according to national or cultural identity.
This has been a catastrophe not only for social cohesion but also for individual agency. In 2016, when prime minister David Cameron announced a £20 million fund for English lessons for the 22% of Muslim women in the UK who could not speak the language, he was accused of ‘stigmatising’ a marginalised group. In truth, he was doing the opposite. Women in Islamic communities are disproportionately impacted by the failed multicultural system, because encouraging parallel societies only benefits the most powerful within them. Sharia courts in the UK, for instance, have always favoured men over women, and yet they are allowed to continue.
Cultural relativism has never been defensible. We are right to condemn slavery wherever and whenever it has existed, and we should have the confidence to do so. Likewise, we should be assertive in our view that a culture that treats women and gay people as subhuman is not morally equivalent to one that does not. This is not about asserting ‘supremacy’ of either a racial or religious kind, it’s about treating all human beings in the same way, irrespective of their place of origin or immutable characteristics.
Some cultural values are superior to others, and it should not be controversial to say so. True inclusivity and equality means holding everyone to the same standards. This realisation has come too late to save the victims of the rape gangs scandal, but at least the illusion of multiculturalism as a societal good has finally been dispelled.
You don't get to lecture people about "the true facts" when you refuse all calls for a complete inquiry into the scandal, and brand anyone who wants one "far right."
Fuck, you can't even claim to know "the true facts" without an full inquiry.
Starmer has done exactly what created this problem in the first place: brand anyone concerned about the problem as a racist or a bigot, while doing nothing about it.
He'll be out before the end of the month. People will not tolerate this level of gaslighting.
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cepetriwrites · 4 months ago
Alicent Reverses the Hourglass Chapter 43 Meme
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Its the way Maester Prall surprised her with a book but made sure to not mess with her piles of papers. I want Alicent to have a gaggle of children so he can live out his nanny dreams. Everyone else in this story can die agonizing deaths but not Prall.
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Like… wow… while he’s staying in her house too
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It’s the way Rhaenyra’s life is shaping out to parallel Alicent first life…. The poison drips through….
Also studies show that deaf-blind people are exposed to language suited to their needs (ie tactile signing) they’re able to achieve educational milestones like their non deaf-blind peers (surprise surprise). However I doubts that someone is going to sit down and create language for Baelon to communicate.
*When Valery shows up, starts flirting with the king, and boldly asks Otto her odds of being a mistress*
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& Otto did not immediately drag her by hair and throw out that ticking time bomb out of Kings Landing
Daemon appartently…
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“Ugh! Why does Alicent fluctuate between being affectionate and emotionally distant and insist on keeping secrets.”
Says the man who literally rejected his wife’s attempts to take care of him when he’s sick and insisted on going on a hike up a volcano in the most mysterious dismissive manner while sick… and it’s because he’s planning ANOTHER wedding.
Masterpost of Memes
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 years ago
Happy Disability Pride month and a big ol fuck you to Alexander Graham Bell.
Who despite having a deaf mother who he communicated with via tapping certain things to.
And thus having an understanding that she needed something other than verbal communication to understand things.
.... Saw deaf people as "a defective race".
He wanted deaf people eradicated and at his school for the deaf, he banned the use of sign language.
Yeah he saw sign language as a foreign language.
And as he was also a racist and very against immigration, he went all "we're in America and in America we speak English and only English."
So glad thats not a thing anymore...
His answer to this was that deaf people should be unable to marry other deaf people.
Lest they produce more deaf children a which he saw as a "great calamity that could ruin humanity."
Well jokes on him because 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents.
And if you think he kept those opinions to himself... Nope.
Encouraged by him, in 1880, the Second International Congress on the Education of the Deaf was held.
164 delagates were in attendence, only one of which was deaf.
And they voted to banned sign language in schools.
As an "effort to encourage spoken language skills, and thus restore the Deaf-mute to society."
... By actively taking away what for many was the only way they could communicate in society.
People who had their own community that he wanted destroyed.
But the deaf community is still thriving.
Decades of campaigning resulted in British Sign Language bring recognised by the UK Parliament and passing the BSL Act.
... In 2022.
Yes it was technically recognised in 2003, and was legally recognised in 2015 in Scotland.
But not over all of the UK and did not have the same protections and recognition as it does now.
As of the passing of that bill, there were around 90,000 deaf people in the UK that have BSL as their first or preferred language.
Which I'm sure Alexander Graham Bell was rolling in his grave at hearing.
Also, he is credited as the inventor of the telephone but he may not actually have invented it.
So yeah Happy Disability Pride month and maybe learn some sign language.
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lurkinglilyrice · 3 months ago
I saw this review about Dark Rise on commonsensemedia (a parental site to review media for children/teens: the site does seem biased towards being more morally conservative so that explains a lot of the views) and I wanted to rant cause this was just so atrocious.
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Will’s only one “solidly decent act” is not putting the collar on James, is this reviewer actually kidding me? Saving Violet, defending the hall, trying to save Katherine and Elizabeth, etc etc all mean nothing apparently. How does this person read this and only come out with “Violet is the only good person in this story.” This is the absolute worst take I’ve ever seen. They even acknowledged he did good things when he was “the hero” and that’s all erased cause of who he was in the past? They should have just wrote “I have no media literacy”
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Um….yes and? Okay but in all seriousness once again this reviewer didn’t understand the point of the story…it’s quite clear that Will isn’t evil….THATS HIS ENTIRE CONFLICT.
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You know what has very little educational value, this review actually. This is making me lose so much braincells god.
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IM GOING TO ACTUALLY LOSE IT. Apparently, according to this person, representation means nothing if the queer characters are portrayed as villains.It’s. Almost. As. If. That. Was. The. Entire. Point. Of. The. Book. It’s almost as if it’s trying to embrace the queer villain trope. But what do I know? Apparently we only need palatable and perfect queer characters, apparently that’s what is “true representation” And once again this reviewer only complements Violet (I love Violet so much, but she’s not the only character with good representation how in the world does someone even think that).
And don’t even get me started on the last part. They need to get their moral purity standards out of this. Even if this site reviews things for children and teens, that is no reason for them to place their own moral standards on it. Yes it is for teens, yes it is YA, but that doesn’t change the fact that this person thinks it’s okay to criticize how the teens in the story express their sexuality. Cause god forbid a story be kink positive with two consenting queer characters. I never saw any books like this when I was a teen, and I really wish I did because it would have made me feel a lot better.
In trying to be palatable and “speak for” queer people by saying it’s “bad representation”, this manages to be the most homophobic and tone-deaf review I’ve ever seen.
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Conclusion: I’m rooting for Will and James and for the third book to make this reviewer faint by being 10x more evil 😈 . Sincerely, people need to actually do their research before they write something. Reviews like this are so detrimental, especially for teens whose parents who might read this stupid review. And I hate this website for promoting this atrocious take (that somehow manages to miss the entire point of the book).
Anyways, this is super long cause this made me livid. Here’s the link to the review if anyone wants to torture themselves and see the full review.
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fangirlmeena · 1 year ago
I haven't seen a child OC for this au yet but I really wanna see how the toys would interact with the children... And how their interaction would thicken the plot... So I made PENNY!
Au belong to: @realizinau
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Penny, 8 years old
Condition: Vitiligo + Deaf
Status: Alife + not on the list
Description: had been at the playcare for 5 months - was a pleasant to have due to her love for Craftycorn before joining. Said "I never learned hand words before, but Crafty reached me to speak through art!" Hence the obsession. Been given proper equipment and class. Can't wait to see fruther development.
- HUUGE Craftycorn fan! As it is through Craftycorn Penny learns to express herself through art! (Before the ability of sign)
- Craftycorn also teach her to love her vitiligo markings, as there is beauty in all things; so it's an understatement saying how impactful her influence have on Penny
- Though I haven't planned how she got into the playcare I head canon that the orphanage she originally was in can't afford to keep anymore orphans, so they moved the least likely adopted child there; higher exposure to possible parents and greater education
- I also head canon Penny discovered the smiling critter through an episode where the Crafty got jinxed to can't speak, so she uses art to communicate and for the first time: Penny was able to understand a cartoon.
- PS: Penny had rewatched that episode at least 200 times--
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ranticore · 11 months ago
Chapter 2 - To Be Human
for tdov i'll post my most trans coded character, more trans than any of the others tbh. obviously it's ishmael
Forward by the author | Chapter 1
In a bright white room with a single large round window, a young Ishmael sits on a bed. The edge of a rock ridge curves across the view beyond the window. Ishmael looks out through the window at the sheer sides, one hand pressed to the glass so that the light diffuses red through his skin. He is twelve years old and wears a shapeless blue and green garment that does not fit him, pinching tight around his neck but loose across his shoulders. A sipho nymph flies past the window and he turns to follow it.
Voice of Maris: What was that? Did you see it?
Ishmael: Not really. Too fast.
Maris: That was one of those – what are the zoologists calling them again? It’s a different name every time I hear it.
Ishmael: Exosiphonid.
Maris: I think they’re scary. Like giant dragonflies.
Ishmael: Did Surwan see it?
Maris: Who’s Surwan?
Ishmael: This girl in the biology class. She wanted to see an exosiphonid.
Maris: I didn’t know you were in the biology class. Was it good?
Throughout the video, Ishmael does not make eye contact with Maris or the recording device. He appears to hide behind a curtain of hair and hunch in on himself while he is not looking out through the window.
Ishmael: Dan said I could join next semester. I was waiting outside.
Maris: And eavesdropping?
Maris: I think it’s admirable to want to learn. What do you want to learn about? Is there anything that interests you? I’m no biologist, really.
Ishmael: Surwan likes the flying ones, like siphos. Callum wants to learn about leviathans.
Maris: That sounds exciting. Would you like to learn about leviathans too?
Ishmael: Lee doesn’t think they’re real. He said the betas wouldn’t get made if there were monsters in the water.
Maris: I don’t think Lee is a trustworthy source on that, if you want my opinion. Would you like to find out the truth? Imagine if you were the first to see a leviathan, they might name it after you.
The video transcribed above is a very typical example of Maris’s early sessions with Ishmael. He appears to resist all of her attempts to get him to submit an original thought, and repeatedly refers to the Human children instead, those who are undergoing a structured education about the zoology of Siren.
Maris’s notes echo my own understanding – that Ishmael struggled to articulate anything beyond a constant wish to be included with the other children, to the point of eavesdropping on classes he was not allowed to attend.
His passing curiosity about the wildlife around the settlement served only as a means to connect with the other children. And he was repeatedly shunned for these attempts, as Callum’s diary later noted. Those children whose likes and ambitions he carefully memorised did not think of him the way he thought of them. In fact, as far as I can tell, they did not think of him at all, because he was not a peer in any real sense.
This video also acknowledges the existence of the beta generation of Sirenians, who largely resembled modern phocids, though smaller and with shorter tails. It is important to state that although modern phocids descend from this beta generation, they do not descend from Ishmael. In fact, nobody descends from Ishmael, despite legends and myths to the contrary. This was stated explicitly several times by both Ishmael as an adult and Dan Loris, but made clear to Ishmael by Maris during these sessions.
“The other children are learning about how to make babies,” Ishmael announced at a session one day. “Dan wouldn’t let me stay. He never lets me stay.”
“You don’t need to know any of that,” Maris said. “You’re different to the other kids, remember? You don’t have a body that makes babies. Honestly, that’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Can we swap?”
Her attempts at reassuring him seemed to fall on deaf ears, because reminders of his differences were often poorly received by Ishmael, or ignored. He paused to think about what she said, wondering how she could envy him when all he wanted in the world was to be like her.
“How do I get one?” he asked.
“A baby?”
“A body that makes them. I asked Dan and he said the betas can do it.”
“Well, yes,” Maris said, now wondering exactly how much it was appropriate to delve into he topic. “You don’t want to be like a beta, though, do you?”
Ishmael visibly shuddered. “No! But I want to be like Callum, can Dan do that? I’m getting better at being upright, so maybe if I practice more I can change.”
Thwarting Ishmael’s one desire was the absolute fact that his genetics were set in stone, and he could not be retroactively made fully Human. These sessions reveal a seam of anxiety, too, over the beta generation. At the time there were twenty of them, living in a separate location where they had access to a test pool.
Repeatedly, during the sessions with Maris, Ishmael brings them up as a potential bad ending for him, the inverse of his great desire to become like the other Humans. Those beta phocids were less Humanoid than Ishmael himself was. He believed that by mimicking the Human children he could become more similar to them, but the opposite could also be true, and the wrong actions might cause him to degenerate into a beta phocid.
Unfortunately for him, his efforts at being ‘upright’ did not result in any permanent bipedalism. When he was fourteen, his unpredictable growth had shifted his proportions away from the more Humanlike ratio he’d been born with. He was finding it more difficult to stand up straight, instead adopting a hunched and arched posture which still left him standing taller than the children of his age whose attention he coveted. The onset of puberty and these shifts in his body were tortuous, and it was a time that lasted until his mid-thirties when he finally reached his adult size and proportions.
But there was an improvement noted by both Dan Loris and Maris – despite repeatedly displaying signs of distress and depression in his sessions with her, he was no longer wordlessly violent, and did not give himself to his rages anymore.
Maris had provided him with the one thing he needed at the time – a safe person to talk to, someone who asked him how he was feeling without taking it as some scientific data point. She reported it all to Dan Loris, of course, but did not tell Ishmael that. He believed that she was his only safe harbour in the entire world.
Maris, in her own notes, says pretty much the same. And she was fond of him, too, revealing a genuine affection towards him alongside a deep abiding worry that she was not doing enough to ease his distress, and that she could have done more. She admits that she was not a trained psychologist, just someone in the settlement who had spare time and some textbooks. Her actual job was as a water quality specialist and she was acutely conscious that she had not the qualifications nor educational background necessary to help Ishmael properly. The settlement had a number of psychologists but they were not associated with the lab and did not volunteer their time.
To pre-empt the same problems with tantrums arising in the beta phocids, Maris was also supposed to spend some time with them, too. But she discovered that, with the exception of one, they were actually rather well-adjusted compared to Ishmael, likely as a result of their group all living together and being able to form a small close-knit community. Ishmael was deprived of this.
And, most importantly, the beta phocids could see themselves reflected in their community and use their bonds as a lens to make sense of themselves. Ishmael lacked this factor, and had no reflections or counterparts that he could use to understand himself. He was isolated by being unique, and by his inability to see the phocids as anything other than strange creatures he was embarrassed to somewhat resemble.
But it’s also patently clear that Maris, and Dan Loris and the other Precursors Ishmael was in contact with didn’t do much to raise Ishmael’s opinion of the beta phocids, as evidenced by the transcript above. Perhaps if they’d thought to assuage his fears by treating the beta phocids as people worthy of dignity and understanding, he might not have feared becoming like them.
The beta phocids, for their part, were born in a similar manner to Ishmael – the same deep dream, the same delayed birth, though their bodies were ten years old by the time they emerged from their dream and took their first breaths. Ishmael had been subject to numerous digestive trials measuring the suitability of his body for life on Siren. It was found that he was somewhat lacking in the production of a digestive chemical called an enzyme which would have allowed him to better deal with the high concentrations of silica present in Siren organisms.
He could eat and digest local plants and animals, but sometimes showed signs of digestive upset. Taking this information, Dan Loris was able to tweak his beta phocids before they were born, cloning and increasing the number of cells in their bodies which could produce the appropriate enzyme. He also took samples of Ishmael’s gut microbiome, which had taken years to properly develop, and implanted those samples within the digestive tracts of the beta phocids.
They were born as a group, though not all at once, allowing for correct monitoring of the newborns during the most tenuous periods. One suffered from the most common cause of death due to delayed birth; they simply never woke up, having rejected the dream at some point over the past several years. They were removed from the amniotic chamber where they passed on, a ten year stillbirth. We might remember the legacy of ‘Ishmael’, our Ishmael who was first born on Siren, but I feel it is only right to remember ‘Charity’, the first Sirenian to die here. They were given then to the assistants of Dan Loris who performed a post mortem examination.
The others suffered no more from the effects of delayed birth than Ishmael himself did. Although their bodies were more divergent from Precursor Humans than Ishmael’s was, at the time of his birth, and the discrepancies between their dream selves and their true selves must have been more jarring, this was offset somewhat by the communal nature of their upbringing. As soon as one was deemed fully awake, aware, and of sufficient health, they were placed in the boarding chamber with the other phocids and an assigned nursery worker. The birthing process took the better part of a year, so that the last born of the delayed-birth phocids was one year ‘younger’ than the rest, despite all technically being the same age.
Cherta, who gave their name to the wandering moon, was the fifth born beta phocid. There is very little to distinguish Cherta from the rest of the group, at this early stage, but I have on file their original description - “‘Cherta’, named for a sponsor of the project who donated three million nua*. Unisex ‘phocid’ of the Beta generation. Born age 10 years and 5 months, in [Year 3]. Melanistic colouring was chosen as protection against solar radiation, but it is expressed in heterogenous patches with a strong dorsal stripe. Length 5’1 nose to tailtip at time of birth and weight 54kg. Unusually violent birth, needed sedation.” In fact, Cherta assaulted Dan Loris’s assistants as they were born, reacting to the event as though it were an invasion of the bedroom of their dream. It was by all accounts an auspicious start compared to the others, and perhaps an indication that Cherta’s experience with the deep dream was not standard.
Cherta had fallen victim to another rare phenomenon of the incubator, referred to by Dan Loris as ‘dream rot’. This occurrence is a result of differences in the receiving brain, rather than the dream machine itself. The brain begins to understand, in some form, that what it is witnessing is not reality, and the structure of the dream begins to unravel.
At the time of Cherta’s delayed birth, the dream had been in the early stages of this process. If allowed to continue for too long, permanent damage to the psyche’s ability to judge reality is the result. Cherta would be haunted by this for the remainder of their life, but it was not severe enough to significantly alter their treatment compared to the other beta phocids.
The violence of their birth began to circulate in anecdotal form, eventually reaching the ears of Ishmael. He was curious – in fact, it was the first time he showed open curiosity about anything other than the opinion of a Human child. He asked Maris if she was going to speak to Cherta too, and she told him that she had spoken to all of the beta phocids, and had given Cherta in particular some extra guidance.
He did not take it well. The realisation that Maris’s time was not solely devoted to his needs was a source of distress, and likely another painful forced grouping with the phocids he feared. He would not participate in Maris’s sessions as he had before, and appeared afterwards to despise Cherta in a way that seemed quite targeted and personal.
Maris was forced to lie – she told Ishmael that she also spoke to the Human children, thus drawing him back under the umbrella of Humankind. In the following sessions, Ishmael revealed that he had greater knowledge of the beta phocids—and Cherta in particular—than anyone had previously guessed.
“Why do they look like that?” Ishmael asked. “They don’t stand up. They’re like animals.”
“They’re adapted to move in the water, like you,” Maris said. Her voice sounded nervous. “This means they had to have short arms and long, streamlined bodies. Like an otter. They’re very graceful in the water.” She had begun to introduce a less dismissive attitude towards the phocids, even praising them at times. Ishmael would tense every time she did.
“I don’t swim,” Ishmael said.
“Well, you’re not here to swim,” Maris said. “You have other things to teach us, so Dan didn’t wanna risk you in the pool.”
Ishmael was quiet for a long time. He rarely changed his facial expression, to the point that Maris often noted that she wondered if he heard her at all, or if his facial muscles had not developed properly.
“I saw Cherta playing with the floating ball at the bottom of the pool. In the water.” Ishmael sounded somewhat disdainful. “Like a child.”
“You’re all the same age,” Maris reminded him. “And I think you’re a child too. What’s wrong with having fun in the pool? Are you jealous?” She was fascinated by Ishmael’s sudden willingness to offer his opinion, particularly as discussion of the Human children never provoked this in him.
But Ishmael didn’t answer that one. At that point, he did not want to admit to any jealousy, and likely did not consciously recognise the feeling as such. Instead, he felt annoyance - he had to spend time in the lab doing work with Dan Loris, providing test feedback, having his organs scanned, letting himself be pawed all over by technicians who did not particularly care for him, only for what data he could provide. He did not endear himself to them, his quiet and obtuse personality proving difficult to grow fond of. But he still knew that it was work, he was producing data, and the phocids were just playing around in a pool all day, as far as he could tell. He was filled with righteous indignation at their laziness, at how easy their lives were, and wished that they knew what it was like to be him, so that they might stop looking so happy any time he peered in through the test pool windows.
I have recovered video footage of this behaviour, too. At odd hours of the day, with no real schedule, Ishmael would approach those windows. They were set in the side of the corridor outside the lab, affording an underwater view to onlookers. Access to the aboveground phocid enclosure was limited, so Ishmael only had the windows. He would walk there—painstakingly upright, though often with a hand on the wall to help support what was increasingly a difficult posture—and then sit on his tail and watch. The beta phocids spent most of their time in the water, as one might imagine. Ishmael would later learn that their lives were not as blissfully relaxing as he first thought, but it is true that they spent a lot of time playing in the pool, as teenagers will do. And he would watch them, until he heard an approaching Human, and quickly retreat.
The windows did not allow the phocids to look out. Cherta was unaware that they were the target of Ishmael’s most intense scrutiny. Despite a somewhat disturbing, moth-eaten childhood dream, Cherta was, on the surface, as lively as the rest of the phocids. They weren’t exactly easygoing, though, preferring to impress upon the others the importance of following rules, and of doing things the right way.
What Ishmael did not realise was that the phocids, as they swam together, built jigsaws and played card games underwater, were providing data too. They showed Dan Loris how their body plan could deal with the aquatic environment as easily as a Human could walk around on land. And so, when Ishmael and the phocids were fifteen, Dan Loris began to build his gamma generation of genetically engineered Humans, those who would be born on Siren without the use of a deep dream, and who could be introduced to the world outside.
Long days and nights spent in the lab occupied almost all of Dan Loris’s time, and his child Callum had nowhere to go after his classes but the lab itself. And with Ishmael and Callum once again forced into close proximity to one another, Ishmael would soon learn one of the most valuable lessons of his childhood.
*’nua’ is a form of currency
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judeliynn · 28 days ago
I hate it here.
Political Rant
i fucking hate it here. i hate america, i hate the president, i hate the senators and the court. i hate those that represent a country of repressed souls. why are the loudest voices the ones so disconnected from the people? their megaphones are pitched and tuned to certain ears and simply deafening the rest of us. suffocating, even. there is no land of the free, america is the land of the white cis man. every year that trump sits and rots in the white house only enforces that. the few rights women, women of color, trans women, trans men, men of color, children, immigrants and queer people are given are slowly being peeled back by self absorbed bigots.
my skin itches. it burns, it’s uncomfortable. the air feels thicker everyday i hear more about what’s becoming of the states. we’re not united, no, america has never been a united nation. they hid the defiant and loud, rowdy and tired americans under tarps that are now being torn. fire cant be fought with fire but id rather let it all burn than try and fix it. the harsh reality is no matter how much dogs bark they’ll always be forced back into a muzzle. silence is only as loud as the roar of inequality that falls onto deaf ears. it’s not wrong if they target the right groups. the ones that they don’t understand, ones that don’t fit their molds of this country.
my english teacher voted for harris, and, you know what she said? that woman wouldn’t be able to finish the 4 years, they’d kill her. no one really wanted to kill trump, if they wanted him dead he’d be dead. i wanted to argue, but, the majority of the states are as bigoted as trump himself. some want to flee, to give up and cry because they’ve lost. you can’t loose a rigged game, the winners are determined before the whistles blown. so, fuck the game. fuck them. i’m seventeen, practically, and i’ve already had enough of people telling me who i am and what im not, how i can live and who i can fuck.
i hate the american dollar, i hate currency, how it rots the mind of the rich and beats at the poor. i hate how instead of helping those in need, even acknowledging that there are people who need help, it’s “trans people that are a threat, they make people uncomfortable. they’re brainwashing the children”. .
how do you brainwash a child without a brain? project 2025 is basically wiping important parts history out of schools and will cause a massive devastation in public education. they’re blinding the youth and ridding them of the right to know where they came from and what happened in the past. they’re pulling queer informative books off the shelves in schools because they want it to repeat. they want it back, the separation and fear of being different, the fear of being queer, the separation of people of color.
i will live, and i will thrive. and everyone reading this that could be at risk, you will thrive, and you will live. and you will be okay. even if it’s out of spite you will be okay. even if you have to force yourself you will be here, four years will come and go. i refuse to be silenced after screaming to be heard. people hear me, people see me,
and i refuse to go back into the dark.
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