#edric storm
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knightofthenewrepublic · 6 months ago
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huntingthenarrative · 1 month ago
WIP Update on my extended Team Dragonstone piece!
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Patches and Axel still need some shading (I was lazy okay) but I am impatient so have this.
I added Selyse, her uncle, Devan Seaworth, Shireen, Edric Storm and Patchface :)
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befooremoonrisee · 9 months ago
your mother is a florent and suddenly you're the sweetest lamb to slaughter by a king
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imjustapoorwayfaringgeek · 2 years ago
jett black hair, deep blue eyes, that square jaw... you must be one of Robert's
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justanotherbuggysimp · 8 months ago
First off please excuse my bad English, I'm still learning.
I have a (probably dumb) question: if you marry a bastard in the ASOIAF universe, do you take their last name as a rule or does it go by case by case basis for whatever reason? I'm newer to the fandom so I don't know. Can anyone help let me know? 🤗
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goodqueenaly · 5 months ago
If Robert had perhaps lived for a few more years, what sort of marital prospects might Edric Storm expect as the king's acknowledged natural son? Obviously he is a bastard, but I imagine some may have been eager to take advantage of his proximity to Renly or the King: How well could he reasonably wed?
I think a few things have to be kept in mind.
Number one, I doubt how much interest Robert would have had in young Edric's marriage. Unlike, say, Aegon IV, who I think was very willing to arrange his son Daemon's marriage to promote Daemon as a would-be King of the Stepstones, Robert seems to have had little input (by his own choice) on the upkeep or future of his only acknowledged bastard son. As Stannis noted, while Robert "played the fond father on his visits to Storm's End" the many gifts ostensibly given by father to son were the choice of Varys rather than Robert, who "would laugh and ask Varys what he'd sent this year". If Robert had been forced to recognize Edric, since his mother was a noblewoman, that recognition may have been all Robert personally really felt he needed to do for Edric (at least, that he could not delegate to someone else). The only marriage Robert was looking to arrange, so far as we can see, was that of the boy he believed to be his elder legitimate son - and speaking of that …
Number two, Edric's closeness to Robert and Renly, as a nobly blooded royal son, would potentially have been severely compromised by the latter's plans. Because Renly absolutely knew about the incest, he, Renly, was actively trying to arrange for Robert's remarriage to Margaery Tyrell (and, of course, the removal of Cersei and her children). With Robert presumably poised in such a scheme to father unquestionably legitimate children with Margaery, Edric’s dynastic value as an undeniable, blue-blooded son of the king would have all but evaporated. Neither Robert nor Renly would have needed, nor indeed necessarily wanted, to cultivate the courtly standing of the king’s bastard son, especially with a high-ranking marriage, especially with the historical memory of the Blackfyre pretenders. If Renly might have found young Edric, with his obviously Baratheon features, useful as a potential pawn in his scheme to reveal Cersei’s infidelity, the Florent-blooded bastard would likely have had no place, including as a potential marriage pawn, in a Tyrell-Baratheon court thereafter.
Number three, IOTL Cersei was not shy about eliminating or trying to eliminate Robert’s bastards where she could. Eager to conceive children outside of her marriage, and thereby deny Robert children, as vengeance against the husband she had been forced to marry, and well aware that any children born to Robert by another mother would have the Baratheon look her own children very clearly did not, Cersei did not hesitate to have Robert’s Casterly Rock twins and baby Barra murdered, and attempted to do the same with Gendry (not to mention the threats she made about Mya Stone). In turn, I doubt that Cersei would simply have sat by and allowed Edric to grow and marry, especially to some high-ranking dynastic partner, without some attempt to interfere and prevent the continuation of Robert’s line.
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barelyanartblog · 11 months ago
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Shireen, Edric and Devan give Ser Davos tips on how he can improve his reading
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thetorturedlover · 9 days ago
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Edric Strom
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allybeardsleycamoshirt · 2 months ago
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they look like brothers so. gendry waters and edric storm. to me
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fromstormsend · 2 months ago
Gendry was the one who made Arya to reveal her noble identity and i think Arya will be the one who is going to say him that he is Robert's bastard. Because through the books she thinks Gendry has his secret which probably even he doesn't know. I started to believe some theories that Arya will meet with Edric Storm and his face will remind her Gendry. Then she will learn about Edric's identity and she bring the pieces together and find why Cersei wanted Gendry. She already knew her father and Jon Arryn met with him and asked him about his mother. And all this time we met people who know Baratheons very well but none of them find a chance to say Gendry his true identity. That's because it's going to be ARYA!
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alaynasansa · 8 months ago
plotwist no one saw coming : Edric Storm returns and claims his inheritance as Robert I Baratheon's son and Aegon V Targaryen's great-great-grandson
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laurellerual · 1 year ago
seen some of your stuff on imaginary westeros and i love i gotta question tho what are your thoughts on edric storm? i always sorta of seen him as king that could of been all robert had to do was a lil aegon the 4th and legitmise edric and maya and stannis would of cracked his teeth and declared for him and renly could of just shunted margery onto him.
Thanks for the compliment anon!
Unfortunately I don't share your enthusiasm about Edric. Like he seems like a good boy I guess, but I don't think the books give us enough information about his character to be able to draw conclusions about what he would be like as king. He is only mentioned a handful of times and for most of these scenes he isn't even present.
I also don't see a scenario where Robert decides to make one of his bastards heir… like he's not that old, he can remarry and have other kids. It seems much more likely to me that, if he had found out about the twincest, he would have simply chosen to marry Margery himself.
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Realistically an AU where Ned and Cat live, a marriage between little Robert and Arya would make sense. But you're talking about the fanarts of a Gendrya shipper so…
My two star-crossed lovers had an elopement, they got married in secret under a heart tree, they consummated the wedding. Because it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Eddard isn't really the type to kill his daughter's love, especially considering that this was almost certainly her plan. And considering he is Robert's son. Lord Stark can't do anything but accept it, He's just happy that his daughter came home alive because he was already starting to have ptsd flashbacks of the Rebellion. The End.
As for your request, I'll put it aside for when I have more time!
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wpmorse · 2 years ago
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He found the maester seated at his long wooden table covered with books and scrolls, across from the three children. Princess Shireen sat between the two boys. Davos - pg 732
Davos walks into Pylos's chamber where he is still giving the Shireen, Edric, and Davos's son Devan, their lessons. Not counting one character study, I believe this is the first time I've drawn Pylos in this series.
He's one of the few characters the narrative doesn't imply anything bad about, and It's always nice to draw the relatively happy moments in this cruel book. For some reason, this scene always reminds me of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Thief in Time, where the headmistress enters Susan's classroom having heard something strange going on only to see the children sitting around Susan like "supplicants around some sort of altar of knowledge "politely waiting for her to go away.
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goodqueenaly · 1 year ago
Love your tumblr! One question: do you think that stannis would really have burned edric storm if Davos hadn't smuggled him to lys?
Unfortunately, yes. Stannis makes this very clear, along with his reasoning for doing so, to Davos in "Davos V" ASOS (emphasis added):
“Edric—” he started. “—is one boy! He may be the best boy who ever drew breath and it would not matter. My duty is to the realm.” His hand swept across the Painted Table. “How many boys dwell in Westeros? How many girls? How many men, how many women? The darkness will devour them all, she says. The night that never ends. She talks of prophecies … [sic] a hero reborn in the sea, living dragons hatched from dead stone … [sic] she speaks of signs and swears they point to me. I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her?” He ground his teeth. “We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must …[sic] we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty. Melisandre swears that she has seen me in her flames, facing the dark with Lightbringer raised on high. Lightbringer!” Stannis gave a derisive snort. “It glimmers prettily, I’ll grant you, but on the Blackwater this magic sword served me no better than any common steel. A dragon would have turned that battle. Aegon once stood here as I do, looking down on this table. Do you think we would name him Aegon the Conqueror today if he had not had dragons?” “Your Grace,” said Davos, “the cost … [sic]” “I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning … [sic] burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?” The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King’s Landing. “If Joffrey should die … [sic] what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?”
This is the terrible tragedy of Stannis, or maybe the tragic terror - not simply that he was willing to burn his nephew, his ward, his only daughter's playmate and friend alive, but that he did so without a drop of sadistic pleasure or Snidely Whiplash-style villainy, because he genuinely believed that this was what he needed to do to save the world. Stannis knew, or believed he knew, that in being acclaimed as Azor Ahai Reborn he was being doomed to his own level of sacrifice; as he wryly noted to Davos, the burning crown was hardly a Delphic vision in its advertisement of his, Stannis', future destruction. Yet as Stannis also told Davos, he would not shirk away from what he believed to be his duty, temporal or apocalyptic. If "[t]he night that never ends" was (and is) threatening all of his people, then, so Stannis argued, he had to do what would save the greatest number of those people; he could not, by this logic, prioritize the life of one boy over the lives of so many boys and girls whose own lives were imminently threatened by a humanity-level crisis.
Further, Stannis demonstrated his commitment to this course of action by attempting to wring more guarantees from Melisandre immediately before Davos' surprise reveal:
Melisandre moved closer. “Save them, sire. Let me wake the stone dragons. Three is three. Give me the boy.” “Edric Storm,” Davos said. Stannis rounded on him in a cold fury. “I know his name. Spare me your reproaches. I like this no more than you do, but my duty is to the realm. My duty … [sic]” He turned back to Melisandre. “You swear there is no other way? Swear it on your life, for I promise, you shall die by inches if you lie.”
Here, Stannis clearly indicated to Davos that he had neither the time nor the patience for another philosophical debate on the morality of burning Edric Storm. Instead, Stannis repeated his brief, blunt thesis - "My duty is to the realm" - before allowing a moment of final conscience-clearing courtesy of Melisandre. Once again, Stannis shows that he was driven not by cruelty or hatred toward Edric the boy - indeed, not by any personal emotions at all - but a genuine belief that this, and nothing else, could save his realm from total destruction. His willingness to confirm with Melisandre that "there [was] no other way" illustrates how close Stannis came to the brink, already attempting to validate the conclusion even before the deed was done.
Of course, Stannis did not burn Edric, thanks to Davos' intervention. Yet his attempt, and more specifically his mindset for that attempt, hint at another, and likely more successful (in only the sense of being completed), sacrificial move. When the peril of the Others and the danger of another Long Night are at hand, I think Stannis will finally cross that line, burning not his nephew but his own daughter, believing, though I think completely wrongly, that only this sacrifice can save the world.
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asoiaf-fancasts · 1 year ago
Edric Storm - Fancasts
Age: 12 - 13
Appearance: He has a strong and solid build. He’s an attractive youth with deep blue eyes and jet-black hair. He takes after his father with his previously mentioned eye and hair colour but also in his cheekbones and square jaw. He gets his big ears from his mother.
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Character: Mordred [Younger]
Actor: Asa Butterfield
Show: Merlin BBC [2008] [Season 1 and 2]
[He’s 11 during this show so the right age for him in book one even though he doesn’t appear in story beyond a brief mention . He’s unfortunately skinny and small so he doesn’t have his build.He doesn’t have jet-black hair but he does have dark brown hair. He has greyish blue eyes instead of deep blue. He does have a square jaw. His ears are also a bit big and stick out slightly. He wears medieval ish clothes.]
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Character: Uthred of Bebbanburg
Actor: Tom Taylor
Show: The Last Kingdom [2015] [Season 1, Episode 1]
[He was 13 during this episode so better suited for him in Essos age wise although the scenes make more sense for him at Storm’s End and Dragonstone. He has a slightly stronger and more solid build than the pervious cast. He has a square jaw but his red ish brown hair and his eyes are only a blue ish green. His ears aren’t big but do stick out slightly. He wears Saxon clothes pre-capture which is when he has the most useful scenes for Edric.]
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Character: Oswald
Actor: N/A
Show: The Last Kingdom [2015] [Season 3]
[Unkown Age, looks to be between 13 - 15 years old so around the right age for Edric in future books. He is handsome with a square jaw and relatively big ears that stick out. He unfortunately only has dark brown hair and not black. I’m unsure of his eye colour. He wears Norse/Saxon ish clothing.]
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year ago
do u think house baratheon is gonna go extinct?
i actually think robert did one good thing for house baratheon and that was having so many bastards that his house will be probably be fine lmaooooo
i think edric storm is being set up to take over house baratheon. there’s a few kind of pointed examples of bastards inheriting when there’s no one else left - lord hornwood’s bastard and bran explicitly thinking of jon, robb putting jon into the northern line of succession, alyn and addam of hull being legitimized and addam’s grave saying “loyal”, i think even the waters twins starting their own house considering how long that’s been in the canon is relevant here - and when all four of the kinda “main” houses (lannister, stark, targaryen, baratheon) have this issue of “there’s no one left to inherit but illegitimate sons, daughters, and disabled people” it seems to me that the author is Saying Something about the ableist, classist, and misogynistic ways that inheritance often works.
for the baratheons in particular, i think their story ending where the bastard who was considered a huge sleight just for existing (never mind that it was ROBERT who did the disrespecting and not edric), is almost human sacrificed on a pyre to serve another baratheon and is only saved due to the morality of a low born man and a distant relative (the castellan who literally dies trying to protect edric. and davos), it makes narrative sense that edric would then go on to inherit the stormlord’s seat.
i also think there might have been a dropped story here wrt edric being a leader of sorts that got axed by the discarded time jump - something about the bastard baratheon son AND the young lord of starfall both being named edric, and both having something to do narratively with the ongoing theme of bastards (people compare davos’ “everything” to ned protecting jon A LOT and with good reason! it’s similar moral reasoning that a child should not pay a blood price for merely existing), it all is just very interesting to me and i THINK there would have been something a lil deeper there when edric storm got older. but that’s just speculation on my part - even if the davos bit was all we’d get from edric before it’s revealed he’s inheriting storm’s end, i would call that narratively satisfying.
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