#edmundo pevensie
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zwilho · 2 months ago
um tempo atrás li uma fanfic cadmund (edmundo/caspian) muito boa. gostei tanto, aliás, que decidi traduzir umas semanas atrás! publiquei recentemente no abençoado Ao3 e no Wattpad, mas não sei pegar o link do wattpad.
sim eu usei uma imagem de IA pra capa, me perdoem.
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lokotrona11 · 2 months ago
Lover of your enemy
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Pairing : Edmund Pevensie x Reader
summary : You go out with Edmund secretly from your father. (And both lose their virginity)
Word count : 800
gender: Obscene, love.
AN : Nothing.
The gif is not mine!
You're in your room, in the Telmarine castle, waiting for him.
You hear something fall near your window and you quickly get up. "Edmund?"
You walk carefully to your window with a porcelain figurine in your hands, ready to defend yourself.
"It's me." You hear Edmund's voice, as you watch them walk through your window into your room.
You let out a breath in relief, your body relaxing at the sight of him.
“You scared me.” You walk to your bed again, knowing he’s following you.
“I’m sorry,” you hear him say.
“But I really wanted to see you.”
You and Edmund were in a secret relationship for a very short time, as you were publicly rivals.
"If my father saw you he would kill you" They both know it's true, but the righteous king doesn't care at all.
"I don't care what your father could do to me. I'm not afraid," he says, approaching you, letting his hands fall to your waist.
Lately you hated being Miraz's daughter, and you still didn't understand who was right in this war, your father or your cousin? Still you didn't want to think about it, you preferred to waste time with the cutest enemy of all.
You take Edmund's face in your hands and kiss him, you feel him surprised but he quickly presses his body, taking hold of your hips.
You moan at the pressure, and walk away without breaking the kiss.
The kiss ends and you fall onto the mattress
"It's my first time" Edmund's body rises, floating above you.
"Mine too." He kisses your lips.
"Are you sure you want to?"
"Yes, I want it to be with you."
Their foreheads came together, breathing the same air.
"Even if I'm your enemy?"
You denied "You're not my enemy, you're my lover"
He kisses you, enjoying your lips.
"I want my first time to be with you too."
"Edmund... They can hear us," you say in a small whisper.
"I don't care." He grabs your face and kisses your lips hard.
You decide to give in as you feel his hands now on your dress, unbuttoning it.
You help him and take off your dress, leaving you only in your panties.
Your hands run to his pants and you unbutton his pants, letting him finish taking them off.
Edmund reaches down to your panties. “Can I?”
You feel your heart beating uncontrollably. “Yes, just be gentle.”
“I will be.”Ed's cold hands brush against your skin, grabbing the elastic of your underwear, you moan as you feel your panties slide down your ankles.
"Are you okay?" He asks and you nod.Edmund drops your panties to the floor and his face is level with your pussy.
His hands travel until they intertwine with yours and without giving you time he licks your folds.
You moan at the feel of his tongue and clench your hands.
"Edmund.."He pulls his head out from between your legs.
"Am I doing this wrong?"You shake your head quickly.
“No, go on.”
Edmund laughs and resumes his work.He’s soft and uncertain, licking carefully and slowly.
Your legs shake as his tongue touches your clit and you cry out as you come.
Your breathing is labored. "How was it?"
"Good, very good," you say slowly.
Edmund moves up to kiss your lips, you follow the kiss, trying to bring your body closer to his.
You open your legs, giving Edmund a place between your legs.
"Edmund, I want to do it."
"Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to.."
"I want to." You kiss him and move your hands down to touch his member, playing with him, hearing the king's little moans.
You insert his member into you, both of you moaning in unison.
Your eyebrows knit together, feeling pain. “Does it hurt a lot?”
Your lover asks as he kisses your bare shoulder, not moving.
“A little.” You moan, squeezing his hands.
You caress Edmund's hand as he lowers his kisses to your neck.
"Move," you ask.
Edmund moves his hips delicately, and continues to take your hands but now raises them to the side of your head. His movement is gentle and steady, his moans soft.
“Faster” you sigh, letting go of his hands and your hands traveling to his chest.
You change the pace to a faster one, dizzy from the sensation, so warm and tight, it feels like heaven.
"Ed.. Edmund, I'm cumming" you scream.
His hips slam into your body faster, “Me too”
Your body spasms as you orgasm, moaning.
"I'm cumming," you hear Edmund say, and you wrap your legs around his waist, feeling his cum inside you.
Edmund falls on top of you, agitated.
"Are you okay, my love?" You ask, caressing his back.
"Very good," you hear softly.
Your hands scratch his back and before long you hear him snoring softly, then you let yourself fall asleep, knowing that tomorrow morning he will have to escape through the window, as always.
Not knowing that your lover was actually a spy, who had fallen in love with you when his mission is to make you fall in love and get information from you, but you will find out about that another day.
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highmidvoiddemon · 1 month ago
Name Battle: Ed
Who is the Superior Ed? If all the fictional Ed's are thrown together, for will win? Who will be chose to represent the Eds?
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prplocks · 7 months ago
Poderia fazer locks do Edmundo Pevensie com seu PSD antigo? Se não for incômodo?
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no-wings-no-angel · 6 months ago
eu amo adaptações arbitrárias de nomes na ficção. Tipo, Peter e Wendy são mantidos, mas John e Micahel não, absolutamente não, tire esses britânicos daqui, são João e Miguel agora.
Eu particularmente gosto dos irmãos Pevensie, Pedro, Susana, Edmundo e Lúcia.
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uniquepeanutdreamer1 · 2 years ago
Rei Peter Pevensie.
Peter,  O Grande Rei de Nárnia recebendo o título de O Magnífico. Foi general do exército narniano, imperador das Ilhas Solitárias, e nomeado por Aslam como "Terror dos lobos". Dentre os irmãos é oque mais atende a função de ser líder, altamente protetor e estar sempre á frente com seu exercito.
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Peter venceu batalhas e guerras, pode ser um pouco ganancioso e exibicionista por querer mostrar suas conquistas, apesar de estar sempre fora em suas funções por estar presente em expedições ou em batalhas, sempre demonstrou ser um rei que atende seu povo, mostrando a realidade sem querer afetar o medo ou a preocupação de seu povo.
Além de suas qualidades, Peter é rancoroso, carrega com ele uma das piores traições de Nárnia, quando confiou em um soldado a função de proteger as fadas D'Lenux, as responsáveis de trazer a magia dos 4 elementos de nárnia, seu soldado o traiu, entregou a localização delas para o Rei de Telmar, fazendo-o captura-las, Nárnia esta sem suas protetoras, as principais fontes de energia vital do País, Peter se culpa pelo massacre e extinção das fadas, e busca por vingança.
Rainha Susan Pevensie
 Foi coroada como a "rainha Susan, A Gentil". De longe é a figura mais bela e elegante de Nárnia, disputada por príncipes e reis para ter sua benção em matrimonio. Susan tem a função de cuidar da politica do reino, é a mais sábia, sabe dialogar e conversar, por estar sempre em reuniões politicas, ganhou a fama de ser a rainha mais bela e esperta, além de ser atribuições que a própria rainha não se interessa muito. Nomeado por seus súditos como " Diamante de Nárnia"
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Susan ao crescer foi o centro das atenções dos reis e príncipes, causando ciúmes em seus irmãos que por muito tempo prologaram a busca para casamento. Alias era a irmã mais velha e deveria se casar mas os Pevensie não eram reis comuns, mas Susan acabou se apaixonado, por um jovem príncipe recém coroado Rei, um amor juvenil, mas que por interesse políticos acabou chegando ao fim, a jovem diamante Nárnia acabou descobrindo que seu amante não era tão bom quanto achava e se afastou.
Mas seu amante não aceitou seu termino muito bem, oque ocasionou uma fixação pela Rainha, que não foi bem vista pelos irmãos que proibiram a visita do Rei e tornou seu reino um dos maiores inimigos de Nárnia, Telmar.
Rei Edmund Pevensie
Na coroação, ele recebeu o título de Rei Edmundo, o Justo.
" Defensor das causas perdidas" era como costumavam chama-lo, é um rei que acredita em segundas chances ate porque ele teve uma.  Durante seu reinado, ele se esforçou para trazer justiça e paz ao Reino de Nárnia. Para isso, ele estabelece um Conselho que preside para tomar as decisões acertadas. Ele está, entretanto, sujeito às diretrizes de seu irmão mais velho, Pedro, Grande Rei de Nárnia. Este último recompensa o trabalho de seu irmão mais novo, tornando-o um “cavaleiro da Ordem da Mesa”.
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Sendo o cavaleiro mais fiel de Nárnia, gosta de sua fama, mas não deixa o velho Edmund de lado, é muito brincalhão e as vezes infantil quando se trata de argumentar com seus irmãos mais velhos. Junto de Peter busca justiça pela traição do soldado á Nárnia, e passa grande parte de seu dia em patrulhas pelas floresta em busca do traidor mas sem sucesso.
Rainha Lucy Pevensie
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hgstuff · 3 years ago
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edmund pevensie icons
like or reblog if u save and pls don't repost without credits ✨
requested by @dzckling
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filmesbrazil · 3 years ago
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daraschuyler · 4 years ago
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Nárnia headers
Like or reblog if you use/save
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clareou-o-dia · 4 years ago
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lokotrona11 · 3 months ago
head cannons Edmund Pevensie⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Pairing : Edmundo Pevensie x Reader
The gif is not mine!
• It is a reality that he is insecure (childhood traumas), so don't try to make him jealous unnecessarily (he might even end the relationship because of it).
•He loves intensely but does not know how to show it for fear of doing it wrong, which is why he does not choose public displays.
•He talks too much and too fast, so don't tell him to shut up and don't ignore him.
• He is very good at any activity that requires diplomacy and strategy but not so much at crafts (he is also good at running)
• Before he met you, he admitted that he was very far from love, he wasn't interested and if he was asked he wouldn't fall in love. (But you came into his life and he's actually grateful for that today)
I think he likes redheads and brunettes (but if you are blonde or another color he will not deprive himself of your love just because of that)
He's not too good with moral support, as it makes him uncomfortable (I think he has social anxiety) but with time and for you he'll change that, and he'll be a great support to you.
I'm back! I haven't written for a while, but I hope to upload things more regularly. Thanks for the support!
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helloicons · 4 years ago
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just like please
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cherilynedits · 5 years ago
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pevensie lockscreens | the chronicles of narnia
fav/reblog/credits on twitter (bio)
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nightingaledits · 4 years ago
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edmund pevensie icons
• like/reblog if use or credits on twitter @beatlesirius
• don’t repost.
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creepersicons · 5 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Narnia - like if you save pls
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silenaabeckendorf · 5 years ago
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The Chronicles of Narnia Headers
⛅. fav or reblog if you save!
fan art and pictures by robin print.
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