#edited cuz i realized i forgot a line...... oof
son1c · 11 months
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a zombie afraid of flowers? it's more likely than you think!
@sonic-oc-showdown propaganda for my oc, fibula!!! <3
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7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
15. What is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of? 
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet? 
36. What fanfic of yours has the symbolism you’re proudest of? 
39. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Fanfic Writer Asks
7) In terms of headcanons (which I wouldn’t say I make often) I think I’m most proud of how I unabashedly use magic in a lot of my stories. Elsa’s magic, Troll magic, Other-magic - if I think something is neat then I kind of just roll with it!
Elsa’s ice magic, in canon has a LOT of uses, but I like pushing the boundaries. Ice-GPS? Check. Icepack for that burn? Check (though who hasn’t xD). Troll magic used for time travel? Check. Troll magic used for Dream-traversal?? Check. Physical embodiment of a strong emotion via magic? Check. Physical, evil appearance of an emotion incarnate via ice magic and troll magic and the POWER OF LOVE? Where’s my BINGO sheet? Cuz check that too.
15) OOF wow, that’s a hard one. I hate to say it but it MIGHT be one that’s not published and is currently sitting on my GDrive >_>;; I’m really proud of my Frozen!StarWars crossover
But of the ones that are published? Either A Banisher’s Dilemma or Great Knight Annatorias, The Abysswalker. I got to be super nerdy and meta on the second one^^
16) I avoid writing smut, I’ve never really been game for it. I’m always amazed that other people can write it, but I never really want to. I also tend to avoid angst, especially if it’s for no other reason than JUST angst. It has it’s place, but I don’t like using it just to get a reaction. (Some of you are already pointing fingers at Spirit - I know I KNOW xD It was a one off, I swear!)
17) I immediately gravitate towards anything SOFT. I love slice of life, I love characters bonding with each other, I love when they have CONVERSATIONS, especially about hard things that they can work through together! I also love “Firsts’”! First meeting, first hug, first confession, first kiss, first hand-hold, first date, first anniversary, etc etc. I love confessions and conversations. On the flip side I really love established relationships? Whatever they are: familial, friends, romantic or marital. There’s something really nice about a a pair or a group already being together. I have no idea where that all fits under your standard trope lists, but those are mine!
20) I absolutely scream if anyone ever quotes my stuff back to me saying stuff like “I really liked this line/paragraph/part because...” and then says why. I lose my mind. I also love when people say “This made me feel X” because I’m just ever so curious about how writing affects people!
Edit bc I forgot: I’ve had one (1) person make me fan art once as “feedback” for a story and I was on cloud 9 for like, shit, a month?? I still think about that person. I legit hope they are living their best life.
21) I wouldn’t say I “always” wanted to write this since I’m WAY too impatient to wait on ideas most of the time BUT I have had this au sitting in my WIPs folder for nearly 6 YEARS and it’s about how the King and Queen of Arendelle are secretly part of a vampire hunting guild. They kill a vampire that snuck into the castle one night but not before it infects their daughter and heir to the throne, Elsa (who’s like, 6 or 8). Even though they’re oathbound to kill vampires, they can’t kill their daughter. The castle is closed similar to post-Accident Frozen 1.
Jumping to modern times, Anna is a history student exploring the mountains of Norway with her classmate, Hans, and a guide, Kristoff, and they are heading for the ruins of Arendelle castle for a research project. Rumors say that despite wars, invasions, thrill seekers, and treasure hunters, a lot of people that go into that foggy area of the fjord waters and forest end up lost and never found. The few that make it out tell tales of strange chills and the feeling of eyes at their backs. Locals know that the headstones of the last living Royals (who died at sea) are still tended to, though no one knows by whom. Anna gets separated from the group and encounters a sleeping Elsa in the castle before sundown. Afraid for the stranger’s safety (it’s winter, it’s cold, and it’s going to be night soon), Anna attempts to wake Elsa, to no avail. Realizing she’s sort of stuck herself, Anna builds a fire and awaits morning (and her own rescue), unknowing that in the last rays of sunlight her “companion” is about to wake. For the worse.
Unrelated to fanfic, I HAVE always wanted to write a story about a girl named Rain (as such for her birth during a terrible storm) that misfortune is heaped upon by the bucketful, so much so that everyone believes she’s cursed, except for her tutor. I want her name have a double meaning that she both slumps and shines under, since rain may bring destruction, but also growth and healing.
36) A Banisher’s Dilemma, hands down. I did SO MUCH RESEARCH for that fic AND I was in a Bible New Testament class at the same time, so I just SHOVED a whole bunch of Christian history, themes, imagery, and references in there. It’s not the only symbolism however, as I mixed plenty of other global and cultural references in there as well. Hard not to, since Anna is literally jet-setting to a new location nearly every chapter.
39) Surprising maybe no one: light humor! My writing is often funny, mostly because I like to make myself laugh :D If I’m not having fun, than what’s the point!? Most often it’s shown off in my one shots or short fiction, but even re-reading some of my longer chapter fics still has me laughing at the same jokes I wrote many years ago.
If not humor than portraying strong emotions. I’ve received too many (generous and loving <3) comments about how pinpoint accurate or visceral my portrayal of joy or sorrow, grief or fear, or love and happiness are to deny it. And that’s much less of a boast and more a humble acknowledgement of people who have written very thoughtful responses to my work, and it would be irresponsible to imply that their words over the years were false in any way.
Thanks for the ask! These are a lot of really good questions!
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oh-goldeneyes · 6 years
CNCO comforting their s/o after fans are harsh on them
Requested? Yes! By @prettyboypimentel
(I thought this was a great idea btw)
Warning: none ?
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- probably started happening recently
- like a week or two now
- you don't really pay attention to them tbh
- you knew this was going to happen when you agreed to go out with Chris
- so you were fine with it
- -until Chris said something reallyyy dumb
- you'd be on the couch together watch a movie one night
- when the girl on the screen is seen cheating on her husband with another guy
- Chris kinda laughs and goes " damn she should stay with that one he's WAAY hotter just saying"
- you got reminded of all the messages saying Chris was probably cheating on you with someone else since he was a bit of a mujeriego
- you got really quite all of a sudden
- Chris looked over at you like "Estás bien, bebé?"
- you just smiled before rushing upstairs to your shared room saying you weren't feeling good
- you could hear his footsteps behind you so you quickly rushed into the bathroom
- he started calling out for you from the other side but all you could focus on was your phone which was now full of those messages
- Chris was knocking softly on the door begging for you to talk to him
- I can practically hear his heart shattering when you walk out with red eyes and a tear stained face
- "ay bebé, please tell me what's wrong it kills me to see you like this"
- he says pulling you into his lap and sitting on the bed
- when you do tell him what's wrong... his face is so full of emotions
- he looks angry, confused , sad , disappointed
- he lifts you head up with his finger and smiles softly
- " you want to know why I stopped being like that? Going after any girl who showed any interest in me and then doing it all over the next time we go out? Carajo Y/N it's because I met you. And - and I realized I didnt want any other girl, I wanted you. No amount of hate comments or edited pictures are EVER going to change that, bebé"
- and now you're both crying
- I dont think he'd go off on a rant on social media but you can expect a picture of both of you on his Instagram later with the caption:
- " oh yeah you're stuck with me for a looong time count on that "
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- Oh, homeboy notices
- you two would be on your way home from a date when you’re phone vibrates
- He sees your face go from giggly to sad REAL quick
- You close your phone and keep joking around with him hoping he didn’t notice
- Once you guys are at a red light he says he forgot to tell Chris or Joel something and if he can borrow your phone since his is in the back seat for some reason
- you let him and he goes straight to Twitter
- 4 words my friends
- IS
- Clouded a bit by his anger he asks you about it immedieatly
- like “??? WTF is this???”
- oH SHIt
- trying to convince him it’s nothing and he should just drop it
- yeah, you just fueled the fire
- “drop it? DROP IT?! How can I drop this Y/N they’re literally calling you a slut how AM I GOING TO DROP THIS!”
- You two ended up in a heated argument on your way back home
- Once back at the house you don’t feel like fighting anymore
- “RICHARD there are SO MANY fans who actually like me ok? They’re just - just not as noticeable when 3/4 of them are saying the opposite..”
- He feels like a dick
- He should’ve talked about it with you not attack you on it
- Apologizes before bringing you into is arms letting you shed as many tears as you needed into his chest
- When you’ve both calmed down, you actually talk about it
- Probably heads to Twitter and says something along the lines of 
- �� The worst feeling in the world? Having the people who support you hurt the love of your life”
- when you wake up the next day the amount of compliments you got over shadowed the mean ones by a long shot
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- I feel like you 2 would be the couple who tells each other everything you know?
- so when they started bothering you he’d know
- THAT IS... until they started getting worse
- you didn’t tell him about it after a while so he thought it was getting better or no longer happening
- poor sweet clueless bb
- every night when you felt Zabdiel holding you closer you’d think back to all those tweets saying shit like
- “Wow can’t believe I’m saying this but can we get Gwen back?sjsks”
- he’d start to worry he did something wrong when he feels you getting distant
- so one day ya’ll are binge wathcing the Harry Potter movies and half-way through the goblet of fire you’re phone vibrates
- you were in the kitchen so he decided to look at it
- “probably her mom again”
- SURPRISE it’s not your mom
- Get’s teary eyed just seeing what his fans think of you
- we know Zabdi is one sentimental boi
- you come back with more popcorn and find him looking sadly at your phone and you freak
- grabbing out of his hands and quickly trying to delete the messages even though it’s too late
- the damage is done : he’s seen them
- You have your back to him and hear him getting up off the couch 
- at this point you’re both holding back tears cuz neither of you want to talk about it
- You both stand there in complete silence for a few minutes until you feel him tugging you into his chest
- and every ounce of strength you’ve had over the past few days trying to keep it together breaks right then and there
- You’re knees feel week and you’re both slowly sliding to the ground crying into each other
- You feel him turning you around and putting your foreheads together 
- “ay... ay mi amor. Why didn’t you tell me? You tell me every thing... why- why not this?”
- So you tell him everything you’ve been feeling for the past week and his heart breaks a little every time your voice would crack 
- You both fall asleep on the couch holding each other tight while the beginning of the order of the Phoenix played in the background
- He doesn’t go to social media for this, he just focuses on seeing you smile for the next few days and he makes you promise to tell you every thing and he’ll do the same 
- guys I’m crying why do I do this to myself
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- Buckle up
- he knows when his baby isn’t feeling well
- prides himself on it haha 
- like you don’t have the time to tell him you’re sick and he’s already serving you chicken noodle soup
- so when you don’t finish vine references with him on time he like ???
- Doesn’t know how to ask you what’s wrong
- does he ease into the question or just go straight forward with it??
- he decides to finally ask you when he sees you distracted for the sixth time that day
- tbh you don’t know how to tell him either
- how do you tell your boyfriend you don’t think you deserve to be with him because you aren’t talented enough or EXTREMELY hot or funny or anything
- how do you tell him the people who support him the most got those ideas in your head...
- So you lie and tell him some shitty other story
- “uM... I saw a duck ....in the park...the other day that kind of looked like.... Richard??”
- Yeah, not buying it
- So he starts to insist on what’s wrong and GOD he is not making this easy on you
- after like 9 minutes of him asking what’s wrong and asking you if you don’t trust him anymore you just start shedding tears
- he’s too sweet you really don’t deserve him
- he goes into panic mode
- “shit I made her cry oh- no shit shitshit asshole - fuck”
- You tell him it’s not him that’s making you sad (he said that out loud dummy)
- you take a deep breath and let everything you`re feeling out
- Joel gets emotional because he used to feel those things about himself too
- Hugs you so tight, as if if he let go the world around him would crush you
- Carries you to your shared bed and wraps you into a burrito using the blankets
- Holds you in his arms again and spends the whole night telling you all of the reasons why he loves you
- Once you’re asleep this bb DIVES to Twitter
- to everyone’s surprise not to rant or fight with the CNCOwners 
- he posts a video of he filmed of you balancing a chopstick on your nose and failing many times while he’s laughing hard on the other side of the camera
- the caption?
- “ I’m gonna marry you one day, I swear”
- (I’m melting guys)
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- The minute you guys announced you were together the fans went crazy
- most of them really happy for you two they saw how happy you made Erick and loved you instantly
- ... the other half.... not so nice
- by that I mean hitting you straight in the insecurities... and HARD
- “ oof chubby much?” “seriously he could have anyone and he goes for THAT?” “awn she really thought she looked cute in this picture HAHA”
- yeah...
- so everyday whenever Erick told you a joke (cuz he loves seeing his baby smile) he noticed you’re smile wasn’t the same
- no matter how good you were at faking them, your eyes held so much sadness it made him sad
- so he tried to cheer you up by coming home early one day 
- oh boy
- he’s outside the door leading to your shared bedroom when he hears a sob from the other side
- he rushes in and sees your phone buzzing next to you
- and there you are your knees hugging your chest and you head down
- you look up and see him standing there
- *sniffling* “Erick? Que haces I thought you were getting here late-”
- he’s holding you in his arms 
- letting you cry into his shoulder as he peeks over to see your phone
- his heart breaks into a million pieces
- he’s holding the love of his life (he’s sure of it guys) , his world in his arms and the reason you’ve been upset all this time is because of his fans
- he doesn’t understand 
- how can someone not love you? 
- The way your nose crinkles when you smile, or your singing voice that sounds like angels to him no matter what you say, or even the corny jokes you two share all the time... your eyes that hold all the stars in the sky to Erick
- he doesn’t understand one bit
- he finds himself also crying into your neck
- You tried to explain yourself but he shushes you telling you it’s ok, he’s there and he’s not leaving
- and that he loves you 
- so so much
- *actually crying while writing this*
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Mar 12 Dancitron Movie Night - Aliens
After having received threats of visits from his loyal cockroach subjects, Soundwave searched every arriving visitor for hiding roach hordes. Prowl (who honestly handled all this very well) asked Soundwave why he doesn’t just tell the cockroaches that consider him king that he doesn’t want them crawling inside his body. He didn’t really have a good answer.
Other than that, Prowl basically spent the whole movie hiding Tarantulas in his lap and trying to puzzle out how much of the movie is Soundwave’s kink.
Also, he’s now officially reduced his tolerance quota for morons in the stream.
One of Prowl’s alternates showed up at the stream; he’s disappointed he didn’t get a chance to talk to her. Perhaps next time.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm *Ravage is standing at the door to Dancitron, ready to sniff everyone as they come through. If you have a single roach in you, prepare to be thrown out.*
*In the meantime, Soundwave is parked on his usual couch, quickly polishing off the last of his own snacks before anyone arrives. Don't worry; he'll be done in time. You won't get a chance to see his face.* Specs 7:57 pm *the only way roaches could be in the dragon is if she ate them, which she's happy to do. meanwhile, the cart is back, piled high with heartfelt but not particularly effective attempts at energon cookies and mercury cakes shaped like musical instruments. she tried, really!* Hello, Ravage! Sludge 7:58 pm *Sludge prooooobably does not contain cockroaches. but if he does, uh, good luck kicking him out?* Swoop 7:59 pm *slides to a stop and scampers to the door still in ptero-mode* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm ((one sec we got a technical problem to work out)) Sludge 7:59 pm *then again, he's not so big compared to some of the rest here. still bigger than Ravage, though.* Swoop 7:59 pm ((np the dinos can dino in the mean time)) VProwl 7:59 pm *Skips straight past the sniff-test so thoroughly he didn't even notice it was there. The benefits of an avatar.* Swoop 8:00 pm *skitters between Sludge's legs, cackling all the while* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *Ravage sniffs the dragon from head to tail, all of the cart, and ... steals one of the instrument cakes before his Boss can lay silent claim to them.* =You may pass, eh?= Sludge 8:00 pm 😧 *and thud* Swoop 8:00 pm *VICTORY SHRIEKS and jumps on Sludge* Sludge 8:01 pm *Sludge's legs do not GO far enough apart to be skittered through. sorry about the shaking..... Cybertron?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm =You. Large one. Come here.= Sludge 8:01 pm Ummmm.... Specs 8:01 pm Appreciated. *Ravage can have as many treats as he wants, for being a Good Ravage. she'll take care of putting the rest away.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Soundwave startles at Prowl and gets up to scold him for not going through the door to be sniffed before remembering that Prowl is an avatar. This is awkward. He'll just... slowly sit back down. And ping hello.* Swoop 8:01 pm *throws himself over Sludge's shoulders like the wiggliest shawl* Sludge 8:02 pm You Swoop heavy. Swoop 8:02 pm nuh UH Sludge 8:02 pm *it fine tho it fine he's gettin up he can handle* VProwl 8:03 pm *pings back* ... You don't need to stand on my account, you know. *he's very ???* Sludge 8:03 pm *just give him about 18 seconds to get his giant ass feet back under him* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Ravage growls. They're holding up the door. He heads toward Sludge and snaps.* =BE QUIET AND STAND STILL.= Sludge 8:04 pm Umm.... Swoop 8:04 pm *kicks his little birdy feet in the air* Sludge 8:04 pm *was he.... being loud? he didn't even notice* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm [[...He knows. He was going to scan you for - never mind. He forgot you were an avatar.]]
*He's gonna just try to get Swoop and Sludge sniffed together at the same time. It'll be easier than trying to wrangle the pterodactyl separately, anyway.* Swoop 8:05 pm Sludge at a MOVIE! Dinobot movie time! Sludge 8:06 pm Uhhh... it Dinobot movie? Swoop 8:06 pm DUNNO But now there LOT OF DINOBOTS aaaaaaaaaat movie : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm =Hm. You two smell... disgusting. But no bugs. Inside.= Sludge 8:06 pm *counts* *one...... two............. yes, okay, that is a lot.* *clomps in* Tarantulas 8:07 pm *small spider is coming through the door... by way of the ceiling. sorry ravage, he's skipping the line* Swoop 8:07 pm *has no idea what this bug business is about but he has a TOL perch so he's happy* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((is the sound being laggy for anyone else? it was being fine when i tested it earlier 😐 )) VProwl 8:08 pm ((working fine here)) Bull 8:08 pm *Instead of Magnum Ace asking for permission in, it was Bull Armor today* Swoop 8:08 pm ((not terribly)) Specs 8:08 pm ((it seems to be working for me)) VProwl 8:08 pm *Well. Prowl can guess what they're watching tonight.* Bull 8:08 pm ((No problems here)) Swoop 8:09 pm *pat pat pat pats at Sludge with his wings* Look! It, uh, RIPLEY movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *There's a bridge, but it'll be outside the door. Bull gets sniffed with everyone else. Twice. He's from Earth.*
*Tarantulas will get a light scolding as soon as he's not tiny.* Sludge 8:10 pm Ummmmkay. Like him believe or not? Specs 8:10 pm *it's probably a good thing that the dragon is just finishing up putting her treats in the designated area- if that minispide is tiny enough to eat, he'd be getting more of the predator routine than she'd feel okay about upon realizing it was him.* Bull 8:10 pm *Bull headed through, tired from a long day* Tarantulas 8:10 pm *eat the spide and get blasted from the inside* Rinky 8:10 pm -Bull may want to turn around- Specs 8:10 pm *she's only about the size of a fox, he's PROBABLY safe. probably.* Sludge 8:10 pm *Swoop's perch is going to go stand by the back wall* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *Not until Bull got sniffed he didn't. Ravage will cuff him back into his place in line with a paw.* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *he's about a foot wide. ambitious prey* Rinky 8:11 pm -Because this one followed after him, and just...froze at the sight of the crowd- Sludge 8:11 pm *it's an okay wall. not orange or rocky.* VProwl 8:11 pm *... wouldn't be surprised if this is ALL they're watching tonight. xenomorph music videos.* Bull 8:11 pm *Bull didn't notice he had been followed until he was already through* Rinky?! *oh scrap* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((ten minute warning y'all)) Specs 8:11 pm *she's just draconic enough to try, but fortunately, preoccupied enough to not notice. the spide is safe.* Tarantulas 8:12 pm (( omg how did i not think that alien mmds would be a thing ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((and this one's just because MMDs are my sense of humor)) Rinky 8:12 pm Bull...what's going on? Specs 8:12 pm ((jasgdajsda)) Sludge 8:13 pm [[ where's drift when pyramidhead is dancing ]] Rinky 8:13 pm -referring to the line and those in it- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm *SNIFF. SNIFF. SNIFF.*
*Bull and Rinky smell badly of Earth, but not of roaches. Ravage lets them pass.* Rinky 8:14 pm -Don't mind him, he's stuck close to Bull now- VProwl 8:14 pm ((if drift was here he'd totally immediately decide to learn the dance.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *Soundwave looks out through the doors to see who else is coming and - ah, scrap. She really meant that.*
@P: [[...You'll have a good night tonight. He might not. Sadly.]] Rinky 8:14 pm ((Ace isn't here, things went pear-shaped in his timeline ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm @Tarantulas: [[You bypassed the roach test.]] Prowl 8:14 pm *is it fashionably late if you waited until the last minute to ask if you could go?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm ((edited. idk why i thought i saw ace's name)) Bull 8:15 pm *Oh Magnum was gonna kill him later* Uh... Its, complicated. I'll explain after we get inside. *It was always safer once they could get on a table* Tarantulas 8:15 pm @SW: ::Roach test? Do explain.:: Rinky 8:15 pm ((cuz I play Ace too? Maybe? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm @T: [[...No. Go see Ravage.]] Bull 8:15 pm ((Only cause Bull knows Magnum is gonna kill him later for Rinky following him XD)) Specs 8:16 pm *the dragon loafs comfortably on a couch and nods at Other Prowl- then she does a double take, looking at Soundwave's Prowl and back to Other Prowl. it's hard to differentiate when you are small and fuzzy.* Rinky 8:16 pm B-but...safer? This doesn't look safer! -gestures to the larger mechs- VProwl 8:16 pm @Soundwave «No? Even with xenomorphs?» Prowl 8:16 pm *either way, she's here and she'll opt for an empty seat near the door* Rinky 8:17 pm ((enter button you pos Bull 8:17 pm They make sure to watch their steps; still better to get up. *He lead Rinky up one of the tables* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Ravage cuffs Prowl just as hard as Bull. Harder maybe. He doesn't like her. Obvious reasons.* =BACK IN LINE.= *Bob is... a bug, himself. Ravage isn't sure how to classify that. He doesn't look roach-shaped, though, so since he's clean internally, he's free to come in.* Rinky 8:18 pm Where are we? Do Owner and Coach know? They're already worried with what happened last week, this can't be good Prowl 8:18 pm *didn't even realize the feline was there, but that's a good reminder* Fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Soundwave looks at Prowl and just. Curls a feeler over in his alternate's direction. That should explain it.* Swoop 8:19 pm *pat pat pat pat pat pat pat at Sludge* VProwl 8:19 pm *looks over.* @S «... Aha. Too much of a good thing?» Swoop 8:19 pm Us go treats with BOB ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm @P: [[You could say that.]] Bob 8:19 pm *waves at Swoop* *Waves at the brother of Swoop* Swoop 8:19 pm *waves at Bob* ((are bob's wings still out? XD)) Bob 8:20 pm ((Yep)) Sludge 8:20 pm *gentle shove at too much patting. gentle-ish.* Swoop 8:20 pm ((adorable)) Bob 8:20 pm ((Never figured out how to put them back)) Swoop 8:20 pm *OOF and now he's on the floor* *but laughing all the way* Bull 8:20 pm *Immediately Bull Armor shhed Rinky.* No, they do not know and we don't tell them. It gets complicated. *He sighed before explaining* Magnum accidentally found this place and I ended up following one time. Sludge 8:20 pm *and Sludge's shoulders are freeeeeee* Bob 8:20 pm *Lopes over to Dino's* *Get's a terrible idea* Tarantulas 8:21 pm *descends on thread onto verdigrisprowl's shoulder - he's heavy enough to feel but only by a small amount* Swoop 8:21 pm *lets himself go all the way down so he can transform and handspring back up* Sludge 8:21 pm *not like he ever needs to worry about being top heavy but. BUT. Swoop heavy.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Ravage makes a big show of sneering and making the No Banana Cat faces at Prowl while he sniffs at her. He even goes so far as to affect a sneeze. But he can't decline when he knows she isn't contaminated.*
=Bah. In.= Bull 8:21 pm Basically all the mechs around; or pretty much all *he wasn't sure about everyone* are sentient mechs from other worlds. Swoop 8:21 pm *SLUDGE U TAKE THAT BACK SWOOP IS A FEATHER LIGHT ATHLETE* Sludge 8:21 pm *HEAVY* Rinky 8:21 pm -deathly silence from him- But why not? Shouldn't they know? And... Bob 8:21 pm *Bob concurs. Best projectile* Sludge 8:21 pm *FAT BIRD* Swoop 8:21 pm *how dare* Rinky 8:22 pm And you're joking. You have to be. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm ((we'll start in just a sec i ran out of music and forgot to grab snacks for my pills, gimme like 3 min)) Specs 8:22 pm *the dragon cranes her neck to peer at Bob* You look different. New molt? VProwl 8:22 pm *oh. hello there. tilts helm toward Tarantulas in greeting.* Bob 8:22 pm WHAT IS A MOLT Swoop 8:22 pm Bob Bob Bob! You show Sludge WINGS! Sludge 8:22 pm *what if Sludge climbed up on YOUR shoulders how would you like that, huh* Bull 8:22 pm They have enough problems as it is. How would explaining this place help them? *sighs* And no... it's not a joke. Bob 8:22 pm *Turns in place* Swoop 8:22 pm *he wouldn't like it, he wouldn't like anything, he would be dead* Sludge 8:22 pm *he won't because he cannot climb. BUT WHAT IF HE DID.* Bob 8:22 pm *Smacks Swoop with wings by accident* Swoop 8:22 pm >.O Bob 8:22 pm I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO UNDO THEM Swoop 8:22 pm *giggles* VProwl 8:23 pm @T «... If you're looking for somewhere to perch, my legs are more stable than my shoulder.» Swoop 8:23 pm No no! Don't UNDO wings! Wings are THE BEST!!!!!! Prowl 8:23 pm *it's a good thing she can't see the expression and the sneeze is dismissed as dust she may have missed, so she just nods and finally does take that seat, this is still better than trying to visit Maccadam's. Somehow* Sludge 8:23 pm Uhhh.. me Sludge think them pretty. Bob 8:23 pm BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM WORK =< Swoop 8:24 pm pretty AWESOME Rinky 8:24 pm -wild gestures to the large mechs around them- Bull Armor! This is insane! Bob 8:24 pm THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THE SWOOPING FRIEND'S WINGS AND THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THE JET FRIENDS' WINGS AND THEY DO NOT DO ANY OF THE THINGS. EXCEPT FOR KNOCKING OVER ALL OF THE THINGS Swoop 8:24 pm You BOB not look like Swoop or Aerialbots or Skyfire or anyone else SO them Bob wings : > Specs 8:24 pm A molt is when you shed your carapace, and get more carapace. *the dragon ducks her head in embarrassment* I guess you don't do that. Sludge 8:24 pm You Bob not Dinobot. *so why would he have wings like Swoop, obviously.* Bob 8:24 pm I YAWNED Specs 8:24 pm ((I am sorry for slowness a GOBLIN PRINCESS wants to send you messages)) Bob 8:24 pm AND THEN WINGS Tarantulas 8:25 pm @T: ::You'd be surprised how good a grip these tarsi have.::
*being smaller means no one notices him, cough cough* Rinky 8:25 pm What if we get stuck here? Or injured? What do we tell them then? Swoop 8:25 pm *mock yawns and flares his wings out to demonstrate Bob's story* Bob 8:25 pm BUT THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME WHAT A MOLT IS. THIS IS A NEW THING LEARNED Specs 8:25 pm That's... Fascinating. *the dragon looks unnerved by the idea of suddenly spouting wings, though* You're very welcome, Bob. Bob 8:25 pm YES *Bob is still very unnerved by it to be fair* Swoop 8:25 pm *pats the nearest wing* Sludge 8:25 pm Me Sludge not gonna yawn nothing. Bob 8:26 pm *Full body wiggles away from the touch* Sludge 8:26 pm *does not want wings to pop out from yawning* Bob 8:26 pm *Still so weird* Swoop 8:26 pm You Sludge need BIGGEST WINGS IN THE WOOOOOOOOOOORLD to pick up all you SLUDGE keheheheheheh VProwl 8:26 pm *... okay. no lap spider. sigh.* @T «I believe you.» Swoop 8:26 pm :V Bull 8:26 pm *Bull gently but firmly pulls Rinky's arms down* Rinky I need you to calm down; we can get back. This is a place to relax and watch movies. After the movies Magnum and I have always returned. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm ((OKAY sorry for the delay let's do this)) Swoop 8:26 pm *is so very VERY tempted to grab at Bob's wings now* Bob 8:27 pm *Oblivious* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Swoop. You. Before we start: Have you decided not to punch anyone, start fights, kick, slap, burn, or otherwise be terrible to other guests?]] Sludge 8:27 pm Me Sludge just need Skyfire wings. Swoop 8:27 pm *but the tiniest baby voice inside him holds him back because he has SHRIEKED at other (dino) people for being too rough on his wings* *the BABIEST of moral dilemmas* Bull 8:27 pm ((running to get some sweet revenge; need it after the day)) Bob 8:28 pm I HAVE BROUGHT THE BAND AIDS JUST IN CASE Swoop 8:28 pm You Bob show Sunstreaker wings? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm ((WARNINGS: Flashing lights and unfortunately I do not remember when, blood and violence and death, threats of physical punishment for kids, couple incidents of racist or sexist comments, language.)) Bob 8:28 pm THE CARETAKER SAW THEM Swoop 8:28 pm You show Ratchet wings? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[SWOOP.]] Bob 8:28 pm YES Swoop 8:28 pm HI It me Swoop Bob 8:28 pm HE'S SWOOP Swoop 8:28 pm Yah ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[Once more - before we start: Have you decided not to punch anyone, start fights, kick, slap, burn, or otherwise be terrible to other guests?]] Bull 8:28 pm ((ok back)) Swoop 8:28 pm Nahhhh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Then goodnight.]]
*And into a bridge you'll go.* Swoop 8:29 pm :V Bob 8:29 pm !!!! Sludge 8:29 pm Him Swoop do those always. Swoop 8:29 pm *is gone* Prowl 8:29 pm @Soundwave: What movie is this? *she's accesses a database of audio descriptions* Specs 8:29 pm *begone, Swoop* Bob 8:29 pm D= ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm @SC-Prowl: [[Aliens.]] Rinky 8:29 pm ((hoi ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Ravage will just walk up to Tarantulas and smell him there, since he never went to the door.* Bob 8:29 pm *Gonna hunker down by Sludge then* Prowl 8:30 pm *she pings a thank you and downloads the appropriate file* Sludge 8:30 pm 😄 Rinky 8:30 pm -is making a valiant attempt at calming down- Sludge 8:30 pm [[ rabbit wtf u doin i specifically wanted a c : smiley ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm [[...Bull Armor and friend, you may not enjoy this one. He apologizes. You may both use the screen upstairs to watch something else if it disturbs you. Remember not to attempt entering the other rooms.]] Rinky 8:31 pm Okay...okay.... Wait. What? Who? Bull 8:31 pm Thanks Soundwave *Though he really didn't need Rinky hearing that ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm ((DISREGARD THE NAME USE i'm tired and half-functioning)) Tarantulas 8:31 pm *is sniffed, was hoping to avoid being sniffed by just ignoring soundwave* Swoop 8:32 pm ((god this movie is awesome)) Rinky 8:32 pm Who was that? Sludge 8:32 pm *points at screen* It sparkle. Bull 8:32 pm That was Soundwave; he runs this place. *atleast from what he understood* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Ravage prods the spider gently with a clawtip before deciding that's just. Spider smell. He can stay.* VProwl 8:32 pm *stiffens, raising a hand to half shield Tarantulas.* Excuse me? Specs 8:32 pm *the dragon looks over to see what Ravage is doing. suddenly, she is statue-still, save for the thumping of the barest tip of her tail. she sees a spide.* Tarantulas 8:32 pm *almost prods ravage back but decides better of it* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm [[A threat was called in. Ravage is checking everyone.]] Prowl 8:33 pm What kind of threat? Sludge 8:33 pm [[ shit is that guy freehanding those hela straight lines ]] VProwl 8:33 pm ... Ah. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm [[An infestation of vermin.]] Rinky 8:33 pm -sort of shakes Bull- What was that? I don't have my comms on VProwl 8:33 pm *as long as Ravage isn't trying to eat Tarantulas or something.* Prowl 8:33 pm Vermin? Tarantulas 8:33 pm *it's not ravage we have to worry about, prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm *And get all that hair stuck in his throat? Ugh.* Bull 8:34 pm He, umm, doesn't speak through comms but directly *he taps his helm as if to convey what he meant* Specs 8:34 pm *she is small, but she is deadly. the bane of arthropods.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[Vermin. Disgusting, infestation-loving, rapidly-breeding plagues upon existence.]] VProwl 8:34 pm What kind of vermin? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[You may know them as cockroaches.]] Rinky 8:34 pm -That's NOT helping!- Tarantulas 8:34 pm *tarantulas is currently a foot wide. can u eat a 12in spider, specs* Rinky 8:34 pm -shakes him a bit more- Prowl 8:34 pm What is a cockroach? Bob 8:35 pm IT IS A BUG FOUND ON THE EARTH HOME VProwl 8:35 pm *Prowl has a very vague conception of cockroaches. What he does know is "???????? Insects."* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[A nigh-unkillable Earth insect that enjoys taking up residence in electronic items and secreting vile substances capable of corroding and destroying them. As well as doing other... organic things, in them.]] Swoop 8:35 pm ((oh shit this is not a bob approved movie, is it? XD)) VProwl 8:35 pm *he immediately concludes that Soundwave is talking about some sort of Insecticon swarm and tenses.* What kind of threat? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((it absolutely is not)) Specs 8:35 pm *if she's careful about it, and if the spider wasn't made of metal. her usual modus operandi for the large ones is pulling the legs off, and then cracking the carapce open.* Bob 8:35 pm ((Not even a little)) Swoop 8:36 pm ((someone warn Sunstreaker that Bob has discovered xenomorphs XD)) Bull 8:36 pm *so much for a relaxing night* Rinky, shaking me is not gotta help anything. Prowl 8:36 pm Would anything from Earth really be able to survive here? Even... cockroaches? Bob 8:36 pm THE COCKROACH BUGGIES ARE VERY SMALL Tarantulas 8:36 pm @P: ::They're not a threat, they're simply a pest.:: Bob 8:36 pm THE CARLY FRIEND DOES NOT LIKE THEM VProwl 8:36 pm @T «He said he received a threat of vermin.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[They have been introduced here and survived the visit before. It was horrible.]] Tarantulas 8:37 pm @P: ::He's exaggerating, though I'm not quite sure why.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm [[And your Carly friend is quite wise.]] Swoop 8:37 pm ((this is a bug hunt, man)) Bob 8:37 pm SHE DOES NOT LOOK WELL THE CARLY FRIEND IS VERY SMART. SHE WENT TO MIT VProwl 8:37 pm @T «How do you know? Were you listening in on whatever transmissions he received?» Rinky 8:37 pm -soft whine- I don't...!!!! Swoop 8:37 pm ((bob needs an appointed hand holder XD)) Bob 8:37 pm !!! *Slowly scooching closer to Sludge* Bull 8:38 pm *Thankfully Bull is too dealing with Rinky to notice what was on the screen* Sludge 8:38 pm Uhh. Tarantulas 8:38 pm @P: ::No, all I know is that cockroaches are completely harmless to mechanical life.:: Rinky 8:38 pm -trying to keep panic at being in a strange place down- VProwl 8:38 pm @T «That doesn't mean nobody threatened him with them. A threat to fill your home with harmless pests is still a threat.» Specs 8:39 pm *thump. thump. thump.* VProwl 8:39 pm @S «Who made the threat?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm [[They can also cause dangerous overheating if they clog vents. Which was the threat. He was told over 38,000 would be put in his vents.]] @P: [[...That is irrelevant.]] *Because he's not about to tell Prowl it was the roaches themselves.* Bull 8:39 pm Magnum and I have always come back. It's safe here. *much safer than other places Silver Castle had been* Prowl 8:39 pm If you receive further threats, you can call for assistance, you know. VProwl 8:40 pm @S «That's not irrelevant in the slightest! Your life was threatened.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm [[You just want an excuse to explore his building.]] @P: [[You would not believe him if he told you.]] Prowl 8:40 pm Hardly. Rinky 8:40 pm -He's never been to those other places- VProwl 8:40 pm @S «... Do you really think that low of me?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm @P: [[No. He thinks the truth sounds that impossible to mechs who haven't seen what he's seen.]] Rinky 8:42 pm -just tightens his grip on Bull's arms- VProwl 8:42 pm @S «Impossible to someone who saw what I saw two weeks ago?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm @P: [[You - haven't blocked that out?]] Smokescreen 8:43 pm Whoa Primus how much did I miss ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm [[And you send Mirage here all the time. You'll forgive him if he doesn't trust your word.]] Tarantulas 8:43 pm *tarantulas HEARS that tail thumping. there's no denying that's the sound of an eager predator. didn't the dragon say she ate insects and - did she say spiders? damnit* VProwl 8:43 pm @S «What do you mean, blocked that— Do I seem like the kind of mech who blocks things out?» Prowl 8:43 pm Not very much, Smokescreen. Smokescreen 8:43 pm wait what Sludge 8:43 pm Them got firepower. 😄 Specs 8:43 pm *the dragon is the puffiest dragon. her eyes are dilated to hell. but she's Very Restrained about not jumping on Prowl and attacking* VProwl 8:44 pm @S «I want to know who threatened my amica.» Specs 8:44 pm *...this may not last* Rinky 8:44 pm -and now something clicks- Smokescreen 8:44 pm ... You're a Prowl, right? Rinky 8:44 pm Bull... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Ravage has nothing to do now that he's sniffed everyo-- damn. Smokescreen. He'll -definitely- sniff that one. It'd be like them to use him as a vessel.*
*...No, clear. Good. He'll go curl up by the dragon now. Predator pile.* Bull 8:44 pm Yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Not touching, of course, because aloof. But near.* Rinky 8:44 pm You and Magnum come to these every Monday night? Sludge 8:44 pm *he's not catching much from all this but he DID hear state of the art firepower* Smokescreen 8:44 pm .... /Hey what? He's opening his mouth, trying to sniff Ravage!/ Prowl 8:44 pm I am no longer Mirage's superior. If he's still here, it's his choice. Bull 8:45 pm Almost, missed a few recently. But we have been, Smokescreen 8:45 pm KITTY ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm @P: [[..............The roaches.]] Rinky 8:45 pm .....is this why you two are always so tired Tuesday mornings? VProwl 8:45 pm @S «Yes. The person who sent the threat about the roaches.» Prowl 8:45 pm *not that it stops Mirage from telling her anything but she's not telling Soundwave that* Bob 8:45 pm SHE IS HAVING THE NIGHTMARES ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[Arrest him, then. He's a trespasser. Maybe then he'll go to you when he needs assistance.]] Prowl 8:45 pm And yes, I am a Prowl. Bull 8:46 pm Sometimes. *Bull did admit. Some movie nights were more tiring than others. Depending on what happened* Tarantulas 8:46 pm *tarantulas rapidly crawls down off prowl's shoulder and into his lap, sizing up along the way. like hell is he getting eaten by an acquaintance and having to rip them from the inside out, he's done that already and as fun as it is, it definitely is a no-no* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm @P: [[No. You misunderstand. It was the roaches themselves. He - Primus. It is a long story.]] Smokescreen 8:46 pm /Smokescreen's looking around to see if he can see Tarantulas- he's been worried about him, and wants to make sure he's okay today!/ Prowl 8:47 pm *Prowl looks visibly conflicted about the idea of arresting Mirage* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm @T: (txt): Tarantulas: well? Specs 8:47 pm *that neatly and efficiently solves the problem of the dragon- even if she does nearly jump out of her skin. and promptly look EXTREMELY ABASHED. you can't see her, her tail is over her eyes.* VProwl 8:47 pm *Oh! He got his lap spider after all. He immediately wraps both hands around Tarantulas.* Rinky 8:47 pm .... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Soundwave's going to enjoy every moment of that visible conflict.* Tarantulas 8:48 pm *there. good. protected. he'll remain lap-spide as long as permitted* Smokescreen 8:48 pm /... He's not looking at Prowl long enough to notice Tarantulas there/ Hey Sounds, have you seen Messy recently? I've been a little worried about him. VProwl 8:48 pm *As if Prowl's letting him go. After the week they had?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[He doesn't know any Messy.]] Rinky 8:48 pm ....so I'm not going to be telling Owner or Coach about this, am I? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm ((VASQUEEEEEZ)) Tarantulas 8:49 pm (( *SWEATS* Smokescreen 8:49 pm You know. Tarantulas? Bull 8:49 pm It's not recommended; can you imagine how they would react. Specs 8:49 pm ((vasquez is beautiful and I'm going to melt)) Bull 8:49 pm *Or how Magnum was gonna react knowing Rinky now knew about this place* VProwl 8:50 pm *No, his fingers are getting as deep into Tarantulas's fuzz as they can. It's proportionally shorter when Tarantulas is smaller. And denser. And finer. An entirely new texture. Amazing.* Rinky 8:50 pm But.... I don't... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm ((ugh i forgot this whole conversation, i woulda warned)) Smokescreen 8:50 pm .... OH I remember doing that kinda thing before Bob 8:51 pm !!! THAT WAS STRESSFUL Rinky 8:51 pm -he's not good at keeping secrets- Smokescreen 8:51 pm But Sounds- have you heard from Tarantulas at all? I'm kinda worried about him, he was really- anyway, have you heard anything? God or bad? good ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[You could ask him yourself.]] Smokescreen 8:52 pm But he's not here. Bull 8:52 pm Just, please, don't say anything to anyone else. Only me and Magnum know of this place. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[So comm him.]] Rinky 8:52 pm ...are you seriously asking me to keep a secret from Silkie? VProwl 8:53 pm *Tarantulas is getting a hell of a massage.* Bull 8:53 pm *The last thing he needed with Top Joy finding out* Smokescreen 8:53 pm ... I figured if he wasn't here, he wanted to be left alone. Tarantulas 8:53 pm *GOOD. best massage* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *Is vaguely relieved Prowl hasn't questioned him beyond the long story comment. And not surprised that his own Prowl hasn't made up her mind about Mirage. Will mostly focus on the film.* VProwl 8:53 pm ((oh right i forgot to continue that conversation)) Prowl 8:53 pm ((lol ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm ((HECK)) VProwl 8:54 pm ((THAT WASN'T ON PURPOSE)) Bull 8:54 pm *Oh Silkie... he really didn't want him knowing* Yes... I know that's hard but Magnum doesn't want anyone else to know either. Bob 8:54 pm ((pfft)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Such an efficient organic. <3 The tiniest, softest, near inaudible puff of a sigh.* Rinky 8:55 pm /How!?/ Rinky 8:55 pm -hope Bulls still has hold of his arms, or there would be more wild flailing- VProwl 8:56 pm @S «... The roaches themselves threatened you.» Smokescreen 8:56 pm /In any case, he's gonna sit next to the Prowl that looks like he's from his kind of universe!/ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Damn.*
@P: [[He did tell you it was almost impossible to believe.]] VProwl 8:57 pm @S «......... I wasn't aware any beings on Earth were capable of intelligent thought and speech besides humans and penguins.» Bull 8:57 pm Everyone else is busy, worried about Jurota and that mess. No one is gonna be asking about where we went and if they do I'll answer. Prowl 8:57 pm *nods to the new addition to her otherwise empty table* Rinky 8:59 pm Well, yeah, that mess...is a bit distracting, but you know Silkie has a long memory, and he's not gonna let it drop, and I'm terrible at lying ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *And peng--? He's not going to ask. He'll ask that later.*
@P: [[He does not know what humans consider them to be, but he can understand them. A curse from some time ago, not so different from the - from the eldritch fruit. He was temporarily made their... er. Royalty.]] *Slight armor clamp.* [[And given the ability to understand them. They haven't forgotten.]]
[[They've found him and woken him up at night. They've brought him GIFTS, Prowl. A lava lamp, once.]] VProwl 9:01 pm @S «... They regard you as royalty? As /royalty/? They bring you /gifts/?» Bull 9:01 pm Hopefully he'll wait until Magnum's back... he's better at keeping things a secret than I am. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm @P: [[Do you want the footage? He can give it to you. He'll hand it to you right now.]] VProwl 9:02 pm @S «Later.» *right now there's a movie on.* «If they consider you royalty, why are they threatening to kill you?» Smokescreen 9:02 pm Hey- I don't think I've seen your face around here before, Prowl. What's your universe like? Am I there? What kinda stuff do you do? You want a snack? VProwl 9:02 pm *he keeps hearing Smokescreen say his name and he Hates it. His alternate has his sympathy/pity.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm @P: [[They want to nest in him. He doesn't - he doesn't know if they understand what that will do. Maybe they do. Earth insects are odd.]] Rinky 9:02 pm Hopefully...I really don't want to try lying to his face... Specs 9:03 pm *there are dragon-made snacks. they're very good. everyone should try some.* Bob 9:03 pm *perks* VProwl 9:03 pm @S «... Well you're their royalty, why don't you tell them nesting in you would be fatal and you won't allow it?» Specs 9:03 pm *or, they're her usual quality. your mileage may vary- she bakes to Soundwave and Crew's tastes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @P: [[Because then it would give them an idea if they want to depose him?]] *...He resists the urge to facepalm. He can't believe he said that.* Smokescreen 9:03 pm /He WAS thinking of asking boxier Prowl about Tarantulas- but he thought it'd be a bad idea and didn't want to make things more complicated!/ VProwl 9:04 pm @S «Then why don't you just tell them you'd hate it and you would rather they nest elsewhere?» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm *.......................................*
@P: [[..................Because he hadn't thought of it.]] VProwl 9:05 pm @S «... Well. There you go.» Bull 9:05 pm Yeah. I don't blame you on that. Specs 9:05 pm ((honestly, god bless Prowl and Soundwave's entire relationship and also selves. you two are gr8)) Prowl 9:05 pm *the corners of her mouth tighten* I am from this universe. Your alternate does exist here. I am the police commissioner for New Praxus. *she doesn't trust any food from anyone in this building* No. VProwl 9:05 pm ((aw thanks ;v;)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm (("I'm dating a spider and a member of roach royalty. ... Yeah, okay.")) VProwl 9:06 pm *hold up. HOLD UP. prowl has just realized he can lace his fingers between Tarantulas's legs and it's like holding hands with him. he's gonna try it. carefully. his legs are probably very delicate at this size.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Soundwave will try telling the roaches that AFTER the movie. They're into The Best Part now.* Smokescreen 9:07 pm Oh? Wait, from this one? Like, with Sounds over there? Cool! I was in this universe for a little while- it's not too bad. I'm from a similar universe, but we don't have a New Praxus yet- I'll probably have to talk to the bot that's in charge about that soon. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *He slowly loosens up again and leans forward, lacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them.* Smokescreen 9:07 pm And fair enough! More for me. /Stuffing his face!/ Rinky 9:07 pm ...I'm just surprised he hasn't gone after you two yet. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Oh, don't be paranoid. He serves hundreds of mechs every weekend and nearly a dozen every Monday and none of them have died from consuming fuel here.]] Bull 9:08 pm I think he tried to get Magnum but you know how he is. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[A few have perished from natural causes elsewhere, or the wars they're still in, or on one occasion, wandering into the canyon when he told them it was metallipede season, but none of those things are his fault.]] Rinky 9:09 pm Slippery as an eel when he wants to be? Bull 9:09 pm Heh, that's a good way to put it. Specs 9:09 pm *the dragon looks at Other Prowl, clearly (in dragon body language) hurt and offended* I wouldn't poison anything I gave to friends. That would be- that would be unthinkable. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Acid for blood. <3 Which reminds him of what Prowl said, about his acid defense systems and whatnot. What a good amica. <3 * Tarantulas 9:10 pm *legs n fingers are laced!!! at first tarantulas freaks out a little and tries to wiggle free since he's being immobilized, but he settles down soon enough. it's basically handholding rite* Rinky 9:10 pm That explains why Silky was so frustrated that day. VProwl 9:12 pm *if he tries to wiggle free, Prowl will let him go; but if he calms down before Prowl can separate them, Prowl's staying.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm [[They captured so many. Not bad, for colonists.]] Specs 9:13 pm And here we have a testament to bad ideas. *snarky dragon commentary is subdued- she's still SERIOUSLY hurt by Other Prowl's comment* Prowl 9:13 pm Praxus was only chosen for development because we already had a community there. Smokescreen 9:13 pm ... Hey, also, Sounds. Since I didn't get the chance to say this in-person, sorry for thinking you were the one that fragged with my helm last week. You're pretty good for a not-friend. SOUNDWAVE HAS FALLEN I ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm [[You're forgiven. And... thank you.]] Smokescreen 9:14 pm Fair enough! I guess I haven't checked if Praxus has a community here at all- with everything else happening, I haven't had the chance to. Prowl 9:15 pm I am not worried about dying from consuming anything here. I'm worried about being served the same thing you gave to Elita. VProwl 9:15 pm *his thumbs are still free. ... rubs his thumbs on tarantula's back.* Smokescreen 9:15 pm .... Wait, to Elita? Tarantulas 9:15 pm *clicks and churrs* Specs 9:15 pm *pfff. human deserved that. has teeth, will bite* VProwl 9:15 pm *oh! does it more.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[A Gaugebuster? And have you invent a reason to arrest him?]] [[You can stick to the regular fuel like everyone else.]] Prowl 9:17 pm *scowls* I don't need to invent reasons. Rinky 9:17 pm ...... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm *That poor youngling.*
[[Ravage has found a few living in the Underworld like this one has done. They do not all find their way out of the Well so easily.]] Smokescreen 9:17 pm ... Wait what did Sounds do this time ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[He hasn't done ANYTHING.]] Prowl 9:17 pm Nothing. *yet* Rinky 9:17 pm ...um...Bull? Smokescreen 9:17 pm Oh... Dang, I was hoping for a story Bull 9:17 pm yeah? Specs 9:18 pm *the docents usually find it easier to manage children with snacks and music* VProwl 9:18 pm *no change on the outside. but on the inside, his hackles are slowly rising.* Smokescreen 9:18 pm You know- one time, he shocked me to recharge so much, my optics fragged up. Rinky 9:18 pm I think we missed most of the movie? VProwl 9:18 pm *threaten HIS amica why don't you.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[You asked him to do it. Don't invent troubles for him.]] Bull 9:19 pm At least a good bit; but we can see how the rest goes. Prowl 9:19 pm ... Tarantulas 9:19 pm *tarantulas is still making happy spide noises. just pay attention to that, vprowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Has been listing to Bull and the other one for a while now; decides to pipe up at them.*
[[He can provide you both a summary if you require one.]] Smokescreen 9:19 pm I asked you to do it again last night, but you already went to recharge. VProwl 9:19 pm *he'll try. he keeps petting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[Then why are you presenting the matter like a complaint?]] Rinky 9:20 pm -nearly jumps out of his plating at that- Smokescreen 9:20 pm ... I was looking for some reason you might be in trouble? That's the only thing off the top of my head though Bull 9:20 pm Easy Rinky; that's just Soundwave again. Rinky 9:20 pm ....I don't know how you're used to that... Prowl 9:21 pm If you consented to it, there's nothing criminal about it. Bull 9:21 pm You get use to it, eventually. Tarantulas 9:21 pm *dissection!!! yaaay* Bob 9:21 pm *Dissection, noooooo* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Ha. For once, his own Prowl is on his side. It's. It's a weird feeling.* *He's not sure he likes it.* Specs 9:21 pm *the horrible paradox between "delicious bug" and "made of acid"* Bob 9:21 pm *Bob has been hunkered down, staring wide opticed at the screen this entire time* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *...He's going to lean on the one he's dating to get rid of the feeling. And also because Soundwave likes him.* Smokescreen 9:21 pm Yeah! I figured! Still. What IS he in trouble for? Too noisy? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm ((i saw that lmao)) Specs 9:21 pm ((prowl?)) Bob 9:21 pm ((I'm tired and wires crossed XD)) Smokescreen 9:22 pm ... Is terrorizing a bot with feelers a crime? VProwl 9:22 pm *slightly leans back.* Prowl 9:22 pm Are you trying to get him arrested? Smokescreen 9:22 pm No? Just curious! Rinky 9:23 pm -skeptical look at Bull- Says you ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Where's Swoop when you need him to punch someone?* Specs 9:23 pm It's rude to be bigoted, but I've never really heard of it being called criminal. *she'll fight Other Prowl for you, Soundwave* Bob 9:23 pm *GOOD QUESTION* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave sits up and looks at the dragon.* [[Excuse you. Did you just insult him?]] Prowl 9:23 pm If you'd like a copy of the city's laws, I'm happy to forward them to you. Smokescreen 9:24 pm You know? Sure! Might be good for reference for what we've got for my Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[Those laws do not apply to this part of Cybertron and you know it. You have no jurisdiction here and you never have.]] *That was why he built out here in the first place.* Specs 9:24 pm *the dragon blinks, confused* No? It's rude to be terrorizing people for having feelers. Why would that be an insult? ((OH SHIT. MISREAD.)) Smokescreen 9:24 pm I don't actually know what laws are in place by Megatron anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((keep it, this is a funnier misunderstanding)) Prowl 9:24 pm *ping ping Smokescreen, hope you enjoy reading because Prowl helped write them* Specs 9:24 pm ((whoops. keeping that, yeah. it's hilarious.)) Smokescreen 9:25 pm /Oh Primus that's a lot/ VProwl 9:25 pm ((i read it as terrorizing a bot-with-feelers)) ((not using feelers to terrorize a bot)) Specs 9:25 pm ((yeah, prowl gets it)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Soundwave settles back into his intrigued watch of the movie, satisfied.* [[He sees. Carry on, dragon. Extra cushion next week.]] VProwl 9:25 pm ((it took me til now to realize that was what it was supposed to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm =Pulses.= *Ravage snort laughs.* Specs 9:25 pm *the dragon perks up, heart attack averted* O-oh! Thank you, Soundwave. *chirps happily. the happiest dragon is she* Smokescreen 9:26 pm But yeah- seriously, Sounds. For all your lying and slag, you're actually a pretty good not-friend, and I was gonna ask if you could help me with something for my Cybertron, but I know Megs would probably shoot down the idea. Prowl 9:26 pm And yes, I'm aware that Dancitron is not in my jurisdiction and New Praxus laws do not apply. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *...Curious perk.* [[What is it?]] Smokescreen 9:27 pm I mean- it's not worth getting you more curious. Like I said- Megs would probably HATE everything about the idea if it got too far. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[That's why he's interested.]] Smokescreen 9:28 pm ... I'll ping you. But. Hypothetically, if you wanted to help search these coordinates for different relics- you know. That kinda thing. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[...Hypothetically, excellent. But he'll wait for that ping.]] Rinky 9:28 pm -curious stare at the screen-....ew Smokescreen 9:28 pm @Soundwave: ::Allspark.:: Prowl 9:28 pm *wait wait, she turns her helm in Smokescreen's direction* Megatron? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *And there's his biolights pulsing once. That is some major approval.* Bull 9:29 pm *Bull has an idea what type of movie this is and braces for a jumpy lavender* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm @Smokescreen: [[You have his interest. Send him more details later.]] Smokescreen 9:29 pm ... Yeah. I know it sounds weird, Prowl. He took over my Cybertron and stuff. I'm making the best of it? And I can't like... Overthrow him on my own, so I'm sticking close to make sure he doesn't ruin everything. Rinky 9:29 pm -good thing, Rinky is up in Bull's personal space now- Bob 9:29 pm !!!!!!!!!! *hunkering down* *flattest bug* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *...They pulse again. Nobody mind that, please.* Bob 9:30 pm *Becoming one with the floor* Specs 9:30 pm *and her tail's over her eyes. jump scares do not sit well with this dragon* Rinky 9:30 pm -nopenopenopenope- Smokescreen 9:30 pm @Soundwave: ::Awesome! But I'm really not sure if it'd pull through. I mean, Megatron would probably fight you before he'd let you help. But I think you'd be a great help for something like this.:: Bull 9:30 pm *thankfully Rinky his keeping him from jumping* VProwl 9:30 pm *minds it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Damn it.* VProwl 9:30 pm ((did the sound just go really quiet?)) Bob 9:30 pm *Distreeeeessed* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm ((... it did. hold on)) VProwl 9:31 pm ((the sound effects are suddenly louder than the dialogue)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm ((i hate to pause but one sec)) ((fuck. right at a tense point. lemme try to fix this)) Rinky 9:32 pm -hope Bull doesn't mind him clinging to him- Specs 9:32 pm ((yeah, it did for me too)) Prowl 9:33 pm Megatron took over--then Optimus was killed in your universe as well. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((gdit. i'm sorry ya'll gimme a minute)) Smokescreen 9:34 pm Yeah... We had Cybertron for a while, but then Megatron somehow came back to life and offlined him. I was in Sound's universe for a while, but- but I don't want his mistakes to cost me my home, you know? VProwl 9:34 pm *unlaces fingers and settles hands lightly on top of Tarantulas* @T «Would it be inconvenient for you to, roughly, triple your current size?» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm [["His mistakes"?]] Smokescreen 9:35 pm Megatron's. Prowl 9:36 pm What happened to the rest of the Autobots besides you? Smokescreen 9:36 pm You know. Offlining Optimus- and I didn't want him to throw dark energon into the allspark again or anything. Tarantulas 9:36 pm *peers up at prowl with a few optics* @P: ::Nnnnno? It might reveal my presence, but if it's what you'd like - ?:: Prowl 9:36 pm *shudders at the thought* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((FRICK.)) Smokescreen 9:37 pm ... I'm not really sure. Some of them stayed here, I think, like Arcee? I know a few of them are still on Earth in my universe, though. Like the different Rescue Bots? I don't know what to tell them, though- they're happy now, and I don't want to take that away from them. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((i hate this but i'm going to have to ask everyone to leave and come back in five minutes so i can refresh the whole damn room)) Specs 9:37 pm ((understood <3 )) Prowl 9:37 pm ((np Rinky 9:37 pm ((kaaaay Bull 9:37 pm ((ok Smokescreen 9:37 pm ((Got it! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((prowl mun can you grab the log real quick)) VProwl 9:37 pm ((i'm gonna stick til last so i can grab the log once everyone's gone, then i'll go)) Prowl 9:38 pm ((I'll copy Smokescreen's last reply so I can reply when we come back ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm ((yo wily can you pull off for a couple minutes so i can refresh)) ((eh just grab the log now i have to redo it))
ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm ((i'm gonna reblog the thing to let people know it should be fine to come back)) Specs 9:46 pm ((kay)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm ((i don't have skype/discord open rn so if y'all know who all was here on there give 'em a holler too)) Smokescreen 9:49 pm ((asdvbnm i was just abouot to send to tara on discord and then ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((we're missing bob aaaaand i think sludge? is mun still awake?)) VProwl 9:50 pm @T «... Do you want to stay hidden?» *just gonna. subtly. cover tarantulas with his hands and forearms and slllide him closer to his abdomen. his boob will shield you.* «Who are you hiding from?» ((sludgemun went to bed)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm ((k lemme try to get bob back in)) ((and i think that'll be everyone)) Tarantulas 9:52 pm (( i'm alive!!! just. managing the new Council of Prowl-Admirers Prowl 9:52 pm ((shoot, my copy didn't work, what did Smokescreen say before we all left? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm ((i'll wait two more minutes and then start)) Prowl 9:52 pm ((omg how many more Prowl admirers are there? Tarantulas 9:53 pm (( we're six total atm VProwl 9:53 pm ((smokescreen: "... I'm not really sure. Some of them stayed here, I think, like Arcee? I know a few of them are still on Earth in my universe, though. Like the different Rescue Bots? I don't know what to tell them, though- they're happy now, and I don't want to take that away from them.")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm ((okay they need to sleep so we're gonna get going)) Rinky 9:53 pm ....... Smokescreen 9:53 pm .......... Prowl 9:54 pm ((ty Puff ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm ((can i get a repeat on smokescreen's last one to soundwave?)) Smokescreen 9:54 pm ((asdvbnmvcx i completely forgot the stuff i wrote Tarantulas 9:54 pm @P: ::Everyone and no one in particular. I'm - exhausted, socially speaking.:: *cuddles in close, sizes up a bit to please prowl* VProwl 9:55 pm ((smokescreen: @Soundwave: ::Awesome! But I'm really not sure if it'd pull through. I mean, Megatron would probably fight you before he'd let you help. But I think you'd be a great help for something like this.::)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm ((thank you)) @Smokescreen: [[He will fight Megatron if that is what it takes.]] *So stealthy. Masters of their hive environment.* Rinky 9:55 pm -Don't mind Rinky, Bull. He's clinging now- Smokescreen 9:56 pm @Soundwave: ::I mean, I'd pay to see that, but- you really want to help that much?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm @Smokescreen: [[It is the Allspark. It must be returned to Cybertron if the planet is to flourish - and not be corrupted on the way.]] VProwl 9:56 pm *... slowly leans forward, with his arms crossed and propped on his knees, as though fascinated by the movie.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[And this is why one does not put a rookie in charge of such a dangerous mission.]] Windchill 9:56 pm *Windchill wanders in late, for secret reasons.* VProwl 9:57 pm *actually shielding tarantulas better.* Bull 9:57 pm *Bull is also clinging to Rinky; not liking the monsters on screen* Smokescreen 9:57 pm @Soundwave: ::True! I didn't think you cared about my Cybertron that much. Thank you, Sounds- have you already found your allspark?:: Hey! Sounds, come on. Some rookies pull through. Prowl 9:57 pm At least they're alive, though I don't understand why none of them have tried to do anything. *she couldn't imagine the Autobots just letting Megatron take over* Tarantulas 9:57 pm *wiggles a little. spide is happ* Windchill 9:58 pm *There's more than one Prowl. His plating feels gross already.* Smokescreen 9:58 pm Megatron offlined Optimus in front of us, and we all went into hiding, or- the multiverse was there. We didn't have to stay. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm [[Rarely.]]
@Smokescreen: [[What you don't know about the things he cares about could fill the Iacon Hall of Records. And we restored ours years ago. That is why we have newbuilds.]] Windchill 9:58 pm *Still, that's not enough to deter him from sitting down, as he is stubborn.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Ravage grumpily uncurls from his spot by the dragon and goes over to sniff Windchill for roaches.* Windchill 9:58 pm *Raises a brow.* Rinky 9:58 pm Idon'tlikethismoviemuch Windchill 9:58 pm *He might smell kind of like roaches.* *For secret reasons.* Specs 9:58 pm *the dragon will peek out from under her tail to ensure that no one steals Ravage's spot while he's busy* Windchill 9:59 pm Am I smelly? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Ravage growls and bristles a little.*
=You. You harbor roaches?= Windchill 9:59 pm ...Roaches? Bull 9:59 pm I hate the scary ones... Smokescreen 9:59 pm @Soundwave: ::... The Hall of Records, huh? Well, what else do you care about that I ought to know? And that's good! I wasn't sure- but I'm glad to hear that. Have you seen those documentaries where Unicron kinda comes back while they're getting the allspark? You think we'll be okay if that happens, right?:: Windchill 9:59 pm *He's never even seen a roach in person.* Prowl 10:00 pm So many of them just left the universe entirely? Smokescreen 10:00 pm ... you know, those xenomorphs are kinda ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm =Small Earth pest. Infestation threat.= Rinky 10:00 pm -small whine- I'm going to have nightmares Windchill 10:00 pm I know what a roach is. I don't know why that's even a question. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm =You smell of them.= Smokescreen 10:01 pm I think- I think a bunch of them. Most of them. Ratchet might be on Earth? Same for Bee and Bulk, but everyone else? We pretty much ran as soon as we could to hide- since that's basically what happened last time. VProwl 10:01 pm *okay, there's a whining Earthling.* @S «Can you do something for the Earthlings? The new one sounds distressed. I'd go but I'm hiding Tarantulas.» Bull 10:01 pm Your not the only one *bull is noping* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *Soundwave pings Bull a reminder of the offer to go upstairs.* Windchill 10:01 pm Do I? *he crooks a talon to tap his chin.* Specs 10:01 pm Smokescreen. If you finish that sentence about the xenomorphs in the way I am afraid you are going to, I will find a way to bite you and make it hurt. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((mun is eating to take pills and will be slow)) Windchill 10:01 pm Is it just my feet or all of me? VProwl 10:01 pm ((o7)) Smokescreen 10:02 pm I'm not finishing that sentence! Trust me. I don't need to be judged any more than I already am Bull 10:02 pm Soundwave just pinged me that we can go upstairs if you want. No scary movie up there Rinky 10:02 pm That...sounds like a better idea Can we go now? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm @Smokescreen: [[He's seen them. If it happens... we will just have to deal with it and try our best.]]
=What do you think.= Windchill 10:03 pm I don't know, I'm not interested in smelling my own feet to find out. Smokescreen 10:04 pm @Soundwave: ::But- that's not a guarantee! You know. Megatron'll be there. Are you sure you'd be able to hold him off if Unicron controlled him? What do you think would be the best thing to do if that happened?:: Prowl 10:04 pm Then it's good at least one Autobot remains on your planet. Windchill 10:04 pm Regardless, there's one of...twoooo explanations. Either I stepped on some roaches or it's a beetle smell. Take your pick. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm =...Beetle smell?= Smokescreen 10:05 pm ... One good Autobot? Bull 10:05 pm Yeah *Bull leads Rinky to the 'safer' room* Windchill 10:05 pm Beetle smell...for secret reasons. Smokescreen 10:05 pm There's a bot that came more recently- she almost assassinated Megatron, but we're friends! Specs 10:05 pm *looks over at Windchill* The worm's relatives? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Soundwave will seal the door behind them to everyone else; they will have no trouble leaving it themselves.* Windchill 10:06 pm *Sighs.* Rinky 10:06 pm -much better, they got out of this movie before this went down- Windchill 10:06 pm Her carrier. Specs 10:07 pm *she recalled Windchill saying the worm was an insecticon, so this does not surprise her* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @Smokey: [[He isn't sure. In his own world, he was only the second best gladiator in the Pits. Megatron was the first. But Megatron is weaker now, and - and he has contingency plans. Unpleasant ones. But plans. He cannot share them with you at this time.]] Windchill 10:08 pm That's as much as you lot need or want to know. Prowl 10:08 pm Then I suppose that makes two. Good luck to you both. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm =Ah.= *Ravage nods. He'll go back to the dragon then. A single roach comes out of Windchill and he's going into a sun, though.* Windchill 10:08 pm *At least warn him first, murdering someone over a roach seems a bit excessive.* Specs 10:09 pm *the dragon would have put her tail back over her eyes, but there's more talking than intestines on screen, so she'll rest her chin on her tail instead* Smokescreen 10:10 pm @Soundwave: ::Wait, you can't share? Soundwave- if you share them, I can make sure we can prepare for them, just in case. I don't want you to have to risk your life for my universe if there's another way.:: ... You really think I'm a good Autobot? Thank you, Prowl. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm @Smokescreen: [[...He can't share.]] *It's not something he wants anyone else to know.* [[But if you want to prepare, yourself... know where all the other relics are, and how to quickly get hold of them. Especially the Matrix.]] Windchill 10:12 pm *Wrinkles his entire face like a wet paper bag at what's either a lab or a medical bay, maybe both.* *He does that every time he watches this movie.* Windchill 10:13 pm I hope to die. Prowl 10:13 pm You could have left your Cybertron permanently and you didn't. Smokescreen 10:14 pm @Soundwave: ::... If you say so. Wait, does this plan involve the matrix somehow? You aren't thinking about taking it or anything, right? Megatron has it right now, but- but I'm kinda reluctant to touch it, myself.:: Specs 10:14 pm *aw, docent-charge bonding. so cute.* Smokescreen 10:14 pm I mean, that's normal, right? You wouldn't leave yours, even if the worst happened, right? Tarantulas 10:14 pm *egg* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm @Smokey: [[He cannot take it himself. But if you have to touch it and transport it, you will. And you will not argue about it. We will not have time for that.]] *Pulse.* Windchill 10:15 pm *Snorts* VProwl 10:15 pm *that was definitely an egg pulse.* Tarantulas 10:15 pm *pings sw, clearly amused* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *...Wellllllll...* @T: (txt): Silence, blackmailer. Prowl 10:16 pm I've fought for Cybertron my entire life. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm [[She's such a delightful human.]] VProwl 10:17 pm She should wait to threaten him until they're AWAY from the place where people can easily and quickly die and it can be blamed on aliens. Tarantulas 10:17 pm @SW: ::It's not blackmail if it's never used against you, don't you think?:: Specs 10:17 pm ((I have an exam tomorrow, so I've gotta pass out. thanks for everything!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm ((awwwwww)) Tarantulas 10:17 pm (( alas ;A; night! Specs 10:17 pm ((you guys are the best. <3 )) Prowl 10:17 pm ((sleep well, specs Smokescreen 10:18 pm @Soundwave: ::But if I touch it- Sounds. I don't need it to start glowing and stuff again. ... If we have to, I will do whatever I have to. But I hope it doesn't happen. I hpe everything will be okay. Do you think there's any way to make sure Megatron gets rid of the dark energon before we go? Or to just... Lock him somewhere that Unicron wouldn't be able to escape?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[That is true. Still. Her anger is well-targeted.]]
@T: (txt): Technicality.
((sleep well specs!)) @Smokey: [[We could terminate him.]] Windchill 10:18 pm That man says man almost as much as I do, man. VProwl 10:18 pm Well-targeted but badly-timed. The fact that it's justified doesn't mean it's smart. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *Huffs at Windchill.* [[No, of course not.]] Windchill 10:19 pm You're just jealous, man. Smokescreen 10:19 pm @Soundwave: ::I'm not offlining Megatron. We JUST got peace- doing that could cause so many other problems.:: Windchill 10:19 pm I hate this part, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm @Smokey: [[Then for now, attempt to convince him to seek to be cleared of his corruption, and if need be... peace or not, a threat like the one from the other timelines cannot be allowed to exist.]] [[What's wrong with this part?]] Windchill 10:21 pm Crawling through a tunnel like that, that's what. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[Claustrophobic, are we?]] Windchill 10:22 pm I've only said that I was more times than I can count. *Which isn't saying much, shhh.* My spark would forcibly leave my frame if that were me. I'd be so dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Well. We know how to stop you if you're ever tainted with dark energon, then.]] Windchill 10:23 pm You don't even know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[We'll simply bury you alive in a box.]] Smokescreen 10:23 pm @Soundwave: ::I'll keep trying. Trust me. I've been trying. But- maybe it'll be different? After all, it's not like Unicron revived him, like he did with the other Megatrons. His hold will probably be weaker, right? ... And do you remember that party you had a long time ago, where Unicron came and gave me dark energon? Megatron was able to beat Unicron's orders then.:: Windchill 10:23 pm I've never been stopped before. Please be gentle, it's my first time. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Ugh.]] Windchill 10:23 pm That's what you get. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @Smokey: [[Megatron's physical resistance is still lessened. He does not know what difference that will make, if any. And that was long ago. Megatron has been under its continued influence since then. He may no longer be able to resist.]] Windchill 10:24 pm *He's glad he already knows how this goes, else he'd have up and left already.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm *Nods to Prowl. You were right.* *He already knew that, of course, but it never hurts to acknowledge a smart comment.* VProwl 10:25 pm *small nod back.* Prowl 10:26 pm ((shockwave toy! VProwl 10:27 pm ... Clever. Smokescreen 10:27 pm @Soundwave: ::That's true. I hope nothing comes from it- that he'll be able to manage it, but if there's really nothing he can do- that we can do- we can definitely offline him. But I really hope it doesn't come to that:: Windchill 10:27 pm Nice. Man. VProwl 10:28 pm @T «... For the record, I don't consider that to be an appropriate seduction move.» *just in case he gets any ideas from looking at a spidery-looking thing jumping at someone's mouth.* Tarantulas 10:29 pm *freezes* @P: ::Wh-which? The face attack?:: VProwl 10:29 pm @T «The face attack.» *... belated humor ping?* Tarantulas 10:30 pm *is still a bit tense in general since events, don't mind him* Windchill 10:30 pm Gotta watch for those embryos, man. VProwl 10:30 pm *he can feel tarantulas tensing up under him. sorry. shifts one hand around to pet tarantulas?* Tarantulas 10:31 pm @P: ::I wouldn't use it as a starting move, no.:: *the humor's back now* VProwl 10:31 pm *... to anyone else it probably looks like prowl's hunched over to shield the fact that he's patting vaguely in the area of his own groin. he's ~blissfully unaware.~* @T «Oh, I see. So after you've warmed me up a bit.» Prowl 10:32 pm *it's probably good Prowl can't see the other Prowl* Smokescreen 10:32 pm ... /He does take a glance in Soundwave's direction while they're having their conversation, and thus in Prowl's direction as well. Is Prowl- he couldn't be doing that to THIS movie, right?/ Windchill 10:32 pm Why would you stick your head up there, man. VProwl 10:33 pm *on the other hand he's got an Absolutely Perfect Poker Face on, so* Windchill 10:33 pm Asshole. Man. Smokescreen 10:33 pm /He just assumes that's how Prowl is, even if he were doing such activities. He feels like he's learned more than he ever wanted to about the bot./ Windchill 10:33 pm *Almost forgot that time.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave has been so focused on his perfect organic murder machines that he has had NO idea what's been going on around him, implication wise.* ((aka mun was afk)) Tarantulas 10:34 pm *just snickering across the comms@prowl. he's pretty intent on watching the movie* Windchill 10:34 pm He's a goner, man. VProwl 10:34 pm *all right, tarantulas is probably sufficiently soothed. he re-shields him.* Prowl 10:34 pm *satisfied there won't be more questions from Smokescreen, Prowl puts her full attention on the movie* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *Looks away during the welding in time to miss all of it.* VProwl 10:35 pm *~still blissfully unaware~* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[Ah, comeuppance.]] Windchill 10:35 pm Another tunnel, man. I hate it. *Makes some gross regurgitation sounds for effect.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[NOT ON HIS FLOOR.]] Rinky 10:36 pm ((all over the floor Windchill 10:36 pm What about your ceiling, man? *Gags violently.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[Nowhere in this building!]]
*WIndchill's about to find himself bridged just outside.* Windchill 10:37 pm If you say so, man. *Is suddenly and miraculously recovered from his vomiting fit. How mysterious.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm *Good.* Smokescreen 10:38 pm ... By the way, Sounds. If something WERE to happen to my Cybertron and it really did get destroyed or anything- would I be welcome to stay in your universe again? I mean, hopefully it won't come to that, but still. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[...If it came to that.]] [[He would prefer to hope it doesn't.]] Windchill 10:38 pm Useless children are my favourite, man. Smokescreen 10:39 pm ... Thanks, Sounds. But- but I'm sure everything'll be fine! I still have like, a million things I want to help make on our Cybertron again. We don't even have bath houses. Windchill 10:39 pm Ew, underground and underwater. *sticks out his tongue.* *points* Fingers. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[Congratulations. You have a grasp on basic anatomy.]] *Scoot. Scoot scoot.* Windchill 10:40 pm I know where all of the fun parts are. VProwl 10:40 pm *... Well, Prowl knows something interesting is about to show up. His shoulder rest just moved.* Smokescreen 10:40 pm OH NO /He's clinging to Prowl, even if he's seen this before./ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm *He really must make sure he can withstand being underwater for some time when he gets remodeled.* *Not to kidnap human spawn; he has no interest in that. Just for the element of surprise, when he needs it.* Prowl 10:41 pm Didn't one of them kill the pilot earlier? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[Not the android pilot. The human one.]] Windchill 10:42 pm *If anyone plans on kidnapping human spawn he will personally fight them just FYI.* Prowl 10:42 pm *shoves Smokescreen away as politely as she can* Please don't touch me. Smokescreen 10:42 pm Sorry- didn't mean to grab you like that. VProwl 10:42 pm ... Nice to finally see a mech in one of these films that /isn't/ portrayed as a treacherous backstabber. Smokescreen 10:43 pm /He's looking around for a pillow or something to grab onto- this is more intense a movie than he remembered!/ Prowl 10:43 pm Apology accepted. Windchill 10:43 pm *Wiggles excitedly in his seat as it gets closer and closer to the good parts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm [[Bishop is a good mech. He would be honored to greet them.]] Windchill 10:43 pm That's a lot of lightning, man. Prowl 10:43 pm *moves a little bit further away just in case he forgets again* Smokescreen 10:43 pm To be fair, it's an organic human that is the backstabbing jerk. Bishop Bishop's great. /... Is Bishop who Prowl was doing that *thing* over? ... Smokescreen's judging him a little./ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[Bishop is. Ash and David, less so.]] Prowl 10:44 pm Then Ripley's belief the Xenomorphs won't have killed Newt is false. Though there's enough of a chance I don't fault her for going after her. Omicron 10:45 pm *big Predacon comes in, in beast mode, with two little chirpers on her back* Windchill 10:45 pm She's gotta get dressed for battle, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm *David is a scientific genius the likes of which Soundwave admires, but he knows the general population's feelings about people like that.* VProwl 10:45 pm She's improperly armored for a gunfight showdown with creatures that spew acid when shot. Windchill 10:45 pm Nobody said she had to dress well. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[That is why she is using flames instead.]] Omicron 10:46 pm *looks around finding a place to lay down, blinks at two prowls?* Smokescreen 10:46 pm Wouldn't armor make her overheat with the flames? Humans overheat pretty easily. Prowl 10:46 pm How is she dressed? VProwl 10:46 pm She also brought grenades and bullets, but if her primary weapon is going to be the flamethrower, good. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm * Ravage stretches, pads over to Ice Queen, and begins sniffing her for roaches. He really doubts he'll find any at this point, but one must be sure.* Windchill 10:47 pm More likely she'd end up coated in acid that she couldn't remove in time anyway, just like the other guy. Makes no difference what level of armour you're wearing if the acid goes through everything. Agooddistraction 10:47 pm Who's beepin Smokescreen 10:47 pm !!!!! WHEEWHEE ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm *Scoot. Scoot scoot scoot SCOOT. He is balanced on the very edge of his couch on the very edge of his aft. Only his elbows and feet are keeping him positioned where he is, honestly.* Agooddistraction 10:47 pm Hey Smokescreen 10:47 pm Wheewleeehe Windchill 10:47 pm Look at all of that goop, man. VProwl 10:47 pm *okay, something VERY exciting is about to happen.* Tarantulas 10:47 pm @SW: ::She's near, isn't she?:: Smokescreen 10:47 pm It's been way too long are you okay Windchill 10:47 pm *He knows a thing or several about goop.* VProwl 10:47 pm *... suddenly remembers the comment earlier about SOMETHING having laid all those eggs.* *has a theory.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Tarantulas just receives a clip of a cat purring.* Smokescreen 10:48 pm oh no oh no oh no Windchill 10:48 pm *Taps his talons together, eagerly.* Agooddistraction 10:48 pm I'm fraggin great Smokescreen 10:48 pm RIPLEY Agooddistraction 10:48 pm You? Prowl 10:48 pm *gets an idea of how Ripley may or may not be dressed by the conversation* Smokescreen 10:48 pm I've been better, but- I'm still here! Do you have silver again by any chance Newt......... Agooddistraction 10:48 pm You know it Windchill 10:48 pm That's a lot of spit, man. Omicron 10:48 pm *Ice Queen sniffs back at ravage, lets them inspect her, though two hatcklings squeak and chirp at ravage* Windchill 10:48 pm And I've seen some spit in my time. Agooddistraction 10:48 pm What the frag are we watchihng? Windchill 10:48 pm Man. Tarantulas 10:48 pm *internal snickering for eons @sw* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *When she and her hatchlings don't seem to smell of them, Ravage will move on to Wheeljack. Who probably smells of roaches, but not the right kind.* VProwl 10:49 pm *... was expecting to hear someone else answer his alternate by now, but since he didn't—* Her current level of dress is very low for what humans consider "armored." Prowl 10:49 pm Thank you. Agooddistraction 10:49 pm Rude Omicron 10:49 pm ?? VProwl 10:49 pm Typically, their armor is several layers of armor, plastic, or related material. A single thin layer of... I think that's plant matter? Probably plant matter—is much thinner than their usual combat attire. Windchill 10:49 pm *Answered the question by saying it didn't matter, so far as he's concerned. Oh well.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *As such, Ravage will sit down and watch the best section of this entire movie without budging. A good hunt, you know.* Smokescreen 10:50 pm egg Agooddistraction 10:50 pm Smokey Tarantulas 10:50 pm *alright, that internal snickering is now internal screaming* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm *Manages to smother every reaction except the plates of his backpack rippling. Only two mechs can see it anyway, though.* Agooddistraction 10:50 pm Whoa Omicron 10:50 pm That is a strange factory mode... Smokescreen 10:50 pm ... That reminds me, I gotta ping this one bot again- they're pretty eggcellent VProwl 10:50 pm *thinks his alternate is asking for context on what human armor is usually like, rather than on what, specifically, this one is wearing; but he manages to give a decent answer anyway.* Windchill 10:51 pm There she is. VProwl 10:51 pm *... pings soundwave. no content. just ping.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm [[The most intelligent of her hive. And telepathic. A marvel.]] Prowl 10:51 pm *distracted by the audio description of the Queen to reply immediately to her alternate* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm *Guilty but extremely brief glance at Prowl.* VProwl 10:52 pm Telepathic. Hm. *pokerfacing so hard.* Omicron 10:52 pm *crosses forelegs, watching as hatchlings hop down, but stay close with all the mecha* Windchill 10:52 pm *She reminds him of his queen, but smaller and toothier.* Agooddistraction 10:53 pm Soundwave that's you ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm *Dies internally a lot.* Windchill 10:53 pm That's gotta hurt, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm [[Don't be ridiculous.]] Omicron 10:53 pm *winces, and makes a face, baring fangs at screen off in her spot* Windchill 10:53 pm Right in the ovipositor, man. Smokescreen 10:53 pm what a waste of ovipositor Agooddistraction 10:53 pm Eew Tarantulas 10:54 pm *is SO GLAD he's only there in spider mode tonight and no one really knows he's there* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Ravage's tail lashes. The hunt begins.* Windchill 10:54 pm *Points* Explosions. Man. Prowl 10:54 pm Impressive she was able to leave it behind without overly damaging herself. VProwl 10:54 pm *SPEAKING OF WHICH. pings Tarantulas, too.* *because eggs.* Omicron 10:54 pm *quiet hissings, mostly on principle of a nest being destroyed* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[She can eventually grow another.]] [[The safety of her hive is more important.]] Agooddistraction 10:55 pm You can grow another Windchill 10:55 pm *She even sounds eerily like his boyfriend, on some days.* Prowl 10:55 pm Fascinating. Tarantulas 10:55 pm @P: ::What?:: *pretending he doesn't know exactly what* Windchill 10:55 pm Some of us don't need to grow another. Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[You are as high as the Manganese Mountains, mech. You cannot grow what you do not have.]] Agooddistraction 10:56 pm You're right about that Smokescreen 10:56 pm ... Wheelie, what kinda stuff are you on and can I have some please VProwl 10:56 pm @T «Forgive me for briefly sounding like one of your more obnoxious comm calls.» Omicron 10:56 pm she's like the big insecticon queens back home...just...smaller and meaner VProwl 10:56 pm @T «But: eggs?» *is this it, tara. is this the thing that you are interested in.* Windchill 10:57 pm A lot smaller. Agooddistraction 10:57 pm Is it weird that Megatron was really into collecting eggs Smokescreen 10:57 pm ... Are insecticon queens really like that? I always thought that was just the really specific stories ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[HIGHLY intelligent.]] Prowl 10:57 pm And organic, yes? Smokescreen 10:57 pm YES Megatron's megaweird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[And organic, yes.]] Agooddistraction 10:58 pm I think some of my clones did that Tarantulas 10:58 pm @P: ::Snrk. Of a sort.:: *he doesn't have any like this, no* Omicron 10:58 pm Depends on the world *looks at smokescreen* my native one their....big, bigger then any predacon. but, mostly pretty calm and friendly Smokescreen 10:58 pm .... I mean. The stories I read were uh. Very, um. About what bots who became queens did. Windchill 10:59 pm Maybe we don't want to hear about it, man. Agooddistraction 10:59 pm ?? VProwl 10:59 pm @T «Does this fall under the umbrella of things you find appealing.» Agooddistraction 10:59 pm I think he was tryin to make Ratchet his queen Prowl 10:59 pm The Insecticons here breed via a form of cloning. Omicron 10:59 pm Racer: *under snack table again* Windchill 10:59 pm *He's married to an insecticon queen you shut your mouth.* Agooddistraction 10:59 pm You breed like that Windchill 11:00 pm I relate to Bishop there. Omicron 11:00 pm I breed alike, but not exactly XD Windchill 11:00 pm Man. Tarantulas 11:00 pm @P: ::What, the movie in general? Let's just say it's moderately racy.:: Windchill 11:00 pm Maybe not that part. VProwl 11:00 pm Really? Finally a good one and they mutilate him? Is he— Can he survive that? I'm not familiar enough with this model. Smokescreen 11:00 pm wait Ratchet his what Windchill 11:01 pm She's got some real spindly legs, man. VProwl 11:01 pm @T «Noted.» Agooddistraction 11:01 pm His queen you know Windchill 11:01 pm I like 'em chunky, man. Agooddistraction 11:01 pm Oh frag what happened to that one ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[He is not dead yet.]] Prowl 11:01 pm Good. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *Spawn for spawn.* Agooddistraction 11:01 pm Did he drink a lotta milk?I know milk makes humans sick sometims VProwl 11:01 pm No, he's not. Good. Windchill 11:02 pm He drank a lot of cum. Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Oh Prowl 11:02 pm ((yesssss Smokescreen 11:02 pm ..... Windchill 11:02 pm Hence my earlier comment, duh. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm ((YES)) Omicron 11:02 pm pfffffffffftt Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Insecitcons tried to knifedick me ohhhhh Smokescreen 11:02 pm a lot of what Windchill 11:02 pm Shut up, Wheeljack. VProwl 11:02 pm ... NOW she's properly armored. Agooddistraction 11:02 pm bitch! Smokescreen 11:02 pm they WHAT Agooddistraction 11:02 pm You shut up Windchill 11:02 pm No, man. You're not the boss of me, man. *That's it that's his reasoning.* Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Hey, come to my fight club We'll settle this there Windchill 11:03 pm Where's your fight club, man. Agooddistraction 11:03 pm Secret place Windchill 11:03 pm For secret reasons, man. Okay man. Omicron 11:03 pm *keeping an optic on her hatchlings just in case something happens here...* Windchill 11:03 pm But only if we fight, man. Agooddistraction 11:03 pm Soundwave still hasn't come to root for me Windchill 11:03 pm You have to let me win or else I'll cry, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm [[He has no interest in watching bloodsport. He lived it.]] Agooddistraction 11:03 pm No way But you get to watch me get beat up Isn't that your favorite thing? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm [[He has plenty of memories.]] Smokescreen 11:04 pm wait wheels you have a fight club Agooddistraction 11:04 pm Oh boo hiss Smokescreen 11:04 pm can I join I wanna fight Windchill 11:04 pm Fine, I'll just win anyway, man. Agooddistraction 11:04 pm Yeah but don't go around telling bots VProwl 11:04 pm ((finally, some proper lighting)) Smokescreen 11:04 pm HEY EVERYONE Wheels has a fight club Agooddistraction 11:04 pm SMOKES shH Smokescreen 11:04 pm SORRY Agooddistraction 11:04 pm I'll let them know I invited you but shh Omicron 11:04 pm fiiight ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm ((they had all kinds of lines and control rods to hide heh)) Smokescreen 11:05 pm ... I'll keep quiet if you uhhhh ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Alas. The poor queen.* VProwl 11:05 pm .... Her elbow's broken. Smokescreen 11:05 pm share whatever you're on? Sure. Omicron 11:05 pm the human made drone is still alive O_o Agooddistraction 11:05 pm Yeah sure VProwl 11:05 pm He's not a drone, he's clearly sentient. Smokescreen 11:05 pm Wait, really? Agooddistraction 11:05 pm You're a drone Windchill 11:06 pm Sapient. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm [[Silence, Wheeljack.]] Smokescreen 11:06 pm Wheeljack. No Agooddistraction 11:06 pm No ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm [[He will not allow insults to drones on the premises.]] Omicron 11:06 pm my mistake *inclines head to prowl* Agooddistraction 11:06 pm okay fine you're a yap Omicron 11:06 pm *eyes wheeljack* Agooddistraction 11:06 pm YAP YAP VProwl 11:06 pm *usually, he ignores wheeljack. right now, he is VERY STRONGLY, VERY POINTEDLY ignoring wheeljack.* Windchill 11:06 pm *Trying to keep his mouth shut.* *That milky mess gets him every time.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm *Is quietly hoping Chimera isn't monitoring the feeds right now. Sometimes they check in early when Zori gets tired...* Agooddistraction 11:07 pm I don't remember how I got here ?? Smokescreen 11:07 pm ... Wheeljack. Can you give me whatever you have right now Windchill 11:07 pm Maybe that's your sign, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm [[On a foreboding breeze.]] Smokescreen 11:08 pm /He's a bit worried!/ Agooddistraction 11:08 pm Can you handle it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Soundwave stretches at last and pushes himself all the way back to the back of the couch before leaning against Prowl's shoulder again.* Smokescreen 11:08 pm Of cuorse I can! I'm really tough! Hit me with all of it! Agooddistraction 11:08 pm I don't want you to get knocked up or anything weird Smokescreen 11:08 pm I'll never get knocked up, I promise. Agooddistraction 11:09 pm Wtf Soundwave how would a breeze carry me Omicron 11:09 pm *glances over at Soundwave, knows racer will try to scoot to him to show off. If it isn't alright right now she'll call him back* VProwl 11:09 pm ... For reference, among mechanical species, "drone" is used to refer to machinery that may or may not be designed to look like a person, but has no intelligence of its own. Windchill 11:09 pm You were carried in by your own petard. Sucking, man. Smokescreen 11:09 pm from sucking the earth Agooddistraction 11:09 pm what Windchill 11:10 pm We Decepticons are...really good at sucking, man. Agooddistraction 11:10 pm I'm good at sucking too Smokescreen 11:10 pm Really? Can I see? Windchill 11:10 pm Not as good as I am, man. Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Kid VProwl 11:10 pm Calling an intelligent, feeling mech a "drone" is equivalent to calling an intelligent, feeling organic a... hm. What's lower than "animal"? Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Okay, let's have a suck off Smokescreen 11:10 pm ... That came out weird wait what Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Prowl don't take it so hard, it's not a spike Windchill 11:10 pm I'll suck off your whole head, man. Agooddistraction 11:11 pm Whoa whoa Windchill 11:11 pm I mean it. Man. Smokescreen 11:11 pm .... why would why would they make Optimus do this please come on this isn't optimus prime this is...... pooptimus prick Tarantulas 11:11 pm *is sizing down and hiding better under prowl's bumper, he's not keen on what's going on right now* VProwl 11:12 pm *tightens embrace.* Omicron 11:12 pm *looks over at Prowl,* If my words offended I apologize Prowl. Drone is a blanket term where I'm from, its rarely used as an insult. Bull 11:12 pm *Bull pinged Soundwave that he was gonna head out with Rinki* Windchill 11:13 pm I've decided... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Soundwave opened a bridge for them upstairs and returned the majority of his attention to the conversation around him.* VProwl 11:13 pm Yes, I suspected as much. I'm not criticizing, just— educating. Agooddistraction 11:13 pm I sucked claws before I didn't really wanna Smokescreen 11:13 pm .................... but why did you suck them ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm [[He'd really rather not hear your exploits.]] Bull 11:13 pm ((night everyone)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm [[There is something of a serious subject at hand.]] Windchill 11:14 pm I did and I liked it. Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm ((goodnight)) Smokescreen 11:14 pm wheels can I sit on you Agooddistraction 11:14 pm Okay okay Windchill 11:14 pm Sorry your life sucks, man. Omicron 11:14 pm ((rest well)) Agooddistraction 11:14 pm I'll spare you Rinky 11:14 pm ((and I'm out too, g'night! Agooddistraction 11:14 pm Yeah sure sit on me Smokescreen 11:14 pm /He's going over to sit on Wheeljack! Hey, this way, he won't get into more trouble, right? He feels like he owes Soundwave. Also Wheeljack looks comfy/ Agooddistraction 11:14 pm *patpat* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((night!)) Agooddistraction 11:15 pm Sorry I pissed off your boyfriend, mom Smokescreen 11:15 pm /Doorwings wiggle! And he's patting Wheeljack back/ Smokescreen 11:15 pm ... Wait boyfriend? Omicron 11:15 pm Racer: *might be inching his way over to soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *Not going to acknowledge this 'mom' comm-- damn it, Wheeljack. You couldn't have let Smokescreen be oblivious?*
*Soundwave reaches down and holds a hand out for Racer. Go on and climb up his arm if you like; it's a steady ramp.* Prowl 11:16 pm *ah good she's alone at the table* Windchill 11:16 pm I'm hungry. *Raises a hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[Yes?]] Windchill 11:16 pm How many people would complain if I ate Wheeljack's head? Put it in simple terms so that I can understand. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm [[Both officers, he expects. And Ravage. He doubts you'd share.]] VProwl 11:17 pm *doesn't care. wheeljack has as much empirical evidence that prowl is soundwave's boyfriend as he has empirical evidence that soundwave is wheeljack's mom. the fact that he's right by accident doesn't mean he isn't simply being idiotic.* Windchill 11:17 pm Man. Omicron 11:17 pm Racer: =D! *scrables up and plops into a lap, he's much better at climbing now, and heaver, Icy watching from her spot* Smokescreen 11:17 pm Don't eat him! Windchill 11:17 pm So, just Smokescreen. VProwl 11:17 pm @S «One and a half officers.» Smokescreen 11:17 pm I'll eat you up if you eat him. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *Faint tremble.* Windchill 11:17 pm I'm too big for you, man. Smokescreen 11:17 pm You wanna bet? Agooddistraction 11:18 pm Don't eat anyone@ Windchill 11:18 pm You can't handle this, man. I'm too powerful. Man. Smokescreen 11:18 pm I don't know, I've heard I've got a pretty big mouth! Windchill 11:18 pm Mine is bigger, man. Omicron 11:18 pm If its really bad, I can lay on him and keep him from mecha? Smokescreen 11:18 pm How much do you bet? Windchill 11:18 pm I'm broke, man. You'd lose anyway, man. Smokescreen 11:19 pm Well- I bet half a shanix my mouth's way bigger! Windchill 11:19 pm I'm bigger and I have...experience. Smokescreen 11:19 pm ... Wait, what kind of experience? Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Soundwave Windchill 11:19 pm All of it. I have all of the experience. Smokescreen 11:19 pm 'Cause I've got my fair share of experience, too. Windchill 11:19 pm I've got a monopoly, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[What, Wheeljack.]] Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Thanks Smokescreen 11:19 pm I doubt it! Come over and prove it! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[....Why.]] Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Just thanks Windchill 11:19 pm Okay, but we have to go outside. Man. Smokescreen 11:20 pm Fine, fine. Maybe after I'm ready to leave? I'm pretty comfy right now. Windchill 11:20 pm I doubt Soundwave would appreciate the evidence of my eating you on his floor. Tarantulas 11:20 pm @P: ::Things are a bit - hectic. I may take my leave shortly.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[Don't get too comfortable. He's closing the room to the public in roughly ten minutes.]] VProwl 11:20 pm @T «Please don't, the collective IQ in the room will plummet into the negatives.» Windchill 11:20 pm *Will take that as a victory.* Omicron 11:20 pm RAcer: *making himself at home in soundwave's lap* pffb? *at prowl* Prowl 11:20 pm *Prowl is going to leave since the film is over and she has no intention of overstaying what little welcome she has here* Smokescreen 11:20 pm Oh yeah, I bet he won't. We can take it outside. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Offers a hand to Racer to sniff. Would he like scritches?* Windchill 11:21 pm Too late, you missed your chance, man. Smokescreen 11:21 pm What? come on! You just scared to lose, man? Meet me outside if you're not a coward. Agooddistraction 11:21 pm *optics are barely online* Windchill 11:21 pm I'm going home. You're gonna die, kid. Smokescreen 11:21 pm I've survived worse. Omicron 11:21 pm Racer: *sniff! he'd love scrithces yesss* Windchill 11:21 pm And I have absolutely no qualms about it. VProwl 11:22 pm *Unfortunate. Prowl had been hoping to speak with his alternate. But he was pinned down by a spider and she was accosted by a pestilence.* Windchill 11:22 pm I mean. Smokescreen 11:22 pm /He's getting up, and is going outside!/ I'm sturdier than I look, you know. Windchill 11:22 pm So impressive, much wow. Tarantulas 11:22 pm @P: ::You're not required to remain here, you know.:: Windchill 11:22 pm Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *Soundwave vents an itty bitty sigh of relief when his own Prowl leaves and slumps ever so slightly.* Windchill 11:23 pm I was joking but I can eat you if that's what's going to make you happy, man. VProwl 11:23 pm @T «I set aside this evening every week to spend with Soundwave and I don't want to be run off by blathering morons.» Smokescreen 11:23 pm I just wanna see you try. Windchill 11:23 pm No, you don't. Man. Agooddistraction 11:23 pm Just go eat each other outside ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Thin fingertips ever so gently scratch the plates beneath Racer's jaw. He's been told that growing newbuilds in other timelines tend to itch where they have trouble rubbing the expanding metal plates.* Smokescreen 11:23 pm ... Wait, we're talking about the same eating, right? You gonna swallow me up? VProwl 11:24 pm *he's adjusted his posture to curl his fingers in Tarantulas's fuzz again. The fuzzybutt is keeping him sane now. It's a valuable, if draining, duty.* Omicron 11:24 pm *hums along with the music from her spot* Windchill 11:24 pm Not whole, sorry. I'm not that big. Man. Smokescreen 11:24 pm Aww man. What a disappointment. Windchill 11:24 pm I know. But vore isn't actually my thing. So. Smokescreen 11:25 pm ... I'm gonna head off and check on Tarantulas. He hasn't been feeling too well- and I wanna make sure he's eating and everything. Tarantulas 11:25 pm *just ask tara to move, he'll probably do it now. maybe. after he unfreezes. he doesn't even know what he should be paying attention to right now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm *Not knowing how flexible Racer is or isn't, he assumes a spot he at least can't bite at is a good bet.* Windchill 11:25 pm *Stretches.* Smokescreen 11:25 pm Thank you for the movie, Sounds. Windchill 11:25 pm I'm going home for real. Smokescreen 11:25 pm And for everything else. See ya. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[You're welcome. Next week we return to the subject of Spock.]] Windchill 11:25 pm You people are waaaay too clever for me. VProwl 11:25 pm *wouldn't do that, he knows Tarantulas is hiding. Prowl is asking a lot of him just by asking him to stay.* Smokescreen 11:25 pm Oh! With the Alpha Trion sounding human, right? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[Goodnight to you too, Windchill.]] *Nods. With him.* Windchill 11:26 pm Yeah, you say it, but you don't really mean it. *Doesn't seem to care about that.* Smokescreen 11:26 pm /Now he's starting to ping Messy- first to see if he's up to talk at all!/ Omicron 11:26 pm Racer: *sighs and leans into the scriches, radiating happy-bliss, though tilts head to get the scritches on the side of his neck* Windchill 11:27 pm *Makes it to his feet with minimal grunting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Obliges without a fuss. It's not unlike when Ravage feels like some quiet grooming attention.* Windchill 11:27 pm *Yes, he has noticed that he acts 100% worse when he doesn't bring his spawn along to keep him responsible.* *He's devolving.* Agooddistraction 11:28 pm Smokescreen, take the rest of this cyg. Try it out when you're somewhere else though ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *Or is it a case of temporary evolution when she's there? A Cybertronian digimon.* Smokescreen 11:28 pm !! Really, Wheels? Thank you! Tarantulas 11:28 pm *the tiniest spider sigh. he pings smokey back* Agooddistraction 11:28 pm Yep Night fraggers Smokescreen 11:28 pm /He's holding onto it/ What is it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm [[Goodnight.]] Smokescreen 11:28 pm !! /Pingping/ Agooddistraction 11:29 pm Love you, Mommy ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[OUT.]] Windchill 11:29 pm *Or maybe he likes being a crass asshole and acting dumb, because it's fun.* Smokescreen 11:29 pm @Tarantulas: ::How are you feeling tonight? Missed seeing you at the movie- probably good you weren't there, though. You would've hated it.:: Agooddistraction 11:29 pm 😎 Windchill 11:29 pm *But he can't get away with starting fights with her around and is forced...to behave....tragic.* It's okay, Wheeljack. I'll be your mommy. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm [[That's it. Out. Everyone. Go.]] Windchill 11:30 pm *Shuffles sideways like a crab to escape before he's made to commit.* Smokescreen 11:30 pm .... But Sounds! /Fine. He's heading out, and taking the chance to try that cyg./ Tarantulas 11:30 pm @Smokey: ::I'll trust your opinion, then. I'm feeling... better.:: Windchill 11:30 pm *Shuffles faster.* Omicron 11:30 pm Racer: *tiny happy sound that might be a purr later on in life, wants alll the scritches, he's starting to grow again and there's some faintly viable marks as evidance* O_o; alright...? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm @P: [[Perhaps a pbbt for the young one?]] Smokescreen 11:31 pm @Tarantulas: ::Really? That's good! Have you been recharging and drinking? Can I visit you? Have you been bathing?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm *Don't ask how he managed to think the pbbt noise.* Tarantulas 11:31 pm @Smokey: ::No visiting at the moment - soon, maybe. I'll contact you.:: Windchill 11:32 pm *Now he shuffles in sloooow motion just to see if he's gonna get yelled at for blocking the exit with his giant ass.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *No. But Ravage will make a small charge across the room and tackle him out of it.* Smokescreen 11:32 pm @Tarantulas: ::Oh. Okay- I get that. I know I can be just. Too much. I'll get to see you soon, right?:: VProwl 11:33 pm @S «... Does "everyone" include Tarantulas and/or me?» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm @P: [[Does it ever?]] Windchill 11:33 pm *Doesn't seem to notice this.* VProwl 11:33 pm @S «Well. I wasn't sure about Tarantulas.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Ravage is tempted to bite the mech, but there's still an officer present. He'll just leap off again and swat at Windchill's ankles.* Omicron 11:33 pm *confused predacon, starting to get up and shake, was hoping to stay a bit, but she'll gather up her two hatchlings* Smokescreen 11:34 pm /Smokescreen's mostly out of the room- but he's got one audial phased in just to listen to the music./ Windchill 11:34 pm *Gasps. He's being swatted. To DEATH.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm ((there would've been more time tonight but the big interference in the middle of the night kinda ate up time)) Windchill 11:34 pm *It's a very sensual gasp.* VProwl 11:34 pm @S «... You do have a space bridge.» Windchill 11:34 pm Watch out, bucko. I can't tell if you're messing with me or trying to chase me out. Tarantulas 11:35 pm @Smokey: ::Hush, it's not you, it's me. I'm working, dear. But yes - soon.:: Windchill 11:35 pm You could just ask nicely if it's the latter. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm @P: [[He wanted to avoid using it.]]
=Go or claws. Please.= Windchill 11:35 pm Okay, since you asked nicely. Smokescreen 11:36 pm @Tarantulas: ::It's okay if you think I'm annoying or a nuisance or anything- I've heard it- I mean. I'll see you later, then? Keep taking care of yourself. I've got something for you when you're ready!:: Windchill 11:36 pm *It's like a torture session of old to get common decency out of anyone, sigh!* I'm going now. *Moves marginally faster.* *His butt has cleared the door.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *Grumble grumble stalk pace growl snap growl grumble stalk flop loaf.* Windchill 11:37 pm *You are all free.* VProwl 11:37 pm @S «You also wanted all the visitors to be gone by now.» Tarantulas 11:37 pm @Smokey: ::Hyeh, very well. I'm looking forward to it, then.:: Omicron 11:38 pm *head under a table to get the other hatchling she had brought, is getting them* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm *Racer gets offered an itty-bitty treat sized for someone as tiny as Zori fished out of Soundwave's subspace. He's not going to put Racer on the ground while big feet are moving.* Windchill 11:40 pm *Sticks his head back in. You thought your suffering was over? THINK AGAIN.* Omicron 11:40 pm Racer: n.n .........! *forepaws grabs at hand and pulls to start chewing on the treat, is very good with being hand fed now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *OPENS A DAMN BRIDGE IN FRONT OF WINDCHILL'S FACE.* Windchill 11:40 pm GOOD NIGHT, FUCKOS! *Backs up and tears off out of there.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Closes it.* Windchill 11:40 pm *You can't catch him today, he already knows that trick.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *It was a warning.* Tarantulas 11:41 pm *tarantulas was literally about to come climbing out from under prowl's bumper but no* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Smokescreen's going to be next if he doesn't book it.* Smokescreen 11:41 pm /He's mostly out! He just has one audial poking out because phase shifter./ Windchill 11:41 pm *Might wait outside to jump anyone unfortunate enough to come out in traditional fashion.* *Nah.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Stretches a feeler out and tries to PINCH the audial.* VProwl 11:42 pm ... For future reference, I'm going to start going straight upstairs as soon as the movies are over. Upstairs or home. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm [[That may be a good idea.]] Omicron 11:42 pm Racer: pbbt? VProwl 11:42 pm As m— pbbbt. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm [[...Preferably not home. Unless you need to. He does not wish to keep you from work or other tasks that do require your attention.]] Smokescreen 11:42 pm /LOUD BEEPING as the feeler pinches- and he's starting to pull away, possibly pulling the feeler through if Soundwave keeps holding on/ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *No, he won't hold on. But please, Smokescreen, go.* ((like seriously i don't wanna be in here past midnight y'all)) VProwl 11:43 pm As much as I'd like to stand strong with you in solidarity against the idiots, I— *what the HELL is going on over there.* Windchill 11:43 pm *PHEW! Now that all of that bad behaviour is out of his system, he's gone.* Smokescreen 11:43 pm /He's finally leaving!/ VProwl 11:43 pm ... *for the third time.* As much as I'd like to stand in solidarity with you, I can't tolerate it anymore. Omicron 11:43 pm *walks over quietly-ish, and slowly to Soundwave and Prowl with the second hatchling in her mouth. waiting for them to finish talking, still looking rather confused* VProwl 11:44 pm ... And there's no reason you should have to tolerate it, either. In your own home, at private screenings. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm *Soundwave carefully hands Racer back to Ice Queen with a nod.* Tarantulas 11:45 pm *alright, coast's clear, time to come out* VProwl 11:45 pm *there's wiggling behind his shield. Sits up and loosens his arms.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm [[You realize it isn't often he's accused of being too forgiving a mech.]]
[[But he knows what you mean.]] Omicron 11:45 pm *Icy extends her head and neck over, letting Racer climb up onto her, and walk down to her back. The little kitten predacon blinks at the two* Tarantulas 11:45 pm *he's not going to hide the whole conversation under prowl's bumper, it's getting awkward. wiggling out, he goes* VProwl 11:46 pm Thanks for staying. *he needed the support.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[There you are. Have a good night, if you are leaving.]] *He has no idea if that's what the spide is doing, but Tarantulas is moving after a whole movie night spent wrapped up, so it's a guess.* Omicron 11:46 pm *sets the hatchling down so she can talk better* you said everyone to leave? *hesitates* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm [[Unfortunately, yes. His time is very limited. It is nothing you have done.]] Omicron 11:47 pm If I have done anything to offend, I am sorry ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm [[You are one of the least offensive guests. That does not, sadly, change his availability.]] VProwl 11:48 pm ... I hope you... didn't interpret my, er—attempt to elucidate, as a scolding. It wasn't. I just—thought you should know. Tarantulas 11:48 pm *pings his 'welcome' to prowl, grooms himself briefly before stretching his legs* VProwl 11:48 pm Since you're—er—not around Cybertronian-Cybertronians much. Omicron 11:51 pm scolding? maybe. It took me off guard. But as I said it's always been a general trerm. a rank for some higher insecticons. I can see how in some worlds it could come across as bad. *keeps the other hatchling close, ducking to pick it up and put on her back* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm @Prowl: [[...You do ask much of him. To have you upstairs alone with his private console and personal supply shelves, for however long he chooses to be down here.]]
[[He wonders if that isn't meant to encourage him to follow you up quickly.]] VProwl 11:52 pm I'm unfamiliar with Insecticon ranks and terminology. Among the mecha species I know, it's a lower rank, not higher. @S «I'm not flirting, I'm fed up. If you don't want me alone upstairs, then I'll go home and wait for you to comm.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm @P: [[He didn't say it was flirting.]]
*He thought it was a choice. Stay and tolerate idiocy as he's been doing, or make sure his paranoia doesn't run off with his head.*
[[He will consider ending the nights sooner.]] *Soundwave stands and begins moving furniture. Time for all good bots to move on for the night.* VProwl 11:54 pm @S «Honestly, sometimes the only reason I don't leave mid-movie on nights like this one is because I know that if they notice it, they'll conclude they can make me go away by being sufficiently annoying and get worse on purpose.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm @P: [[Then you know why he's often been forced to tolerate it himself. Seeing as he's no longer allowed to discourage them the ways he once would have.]] Tarantulas 11:56 pm *is silently pattering his way out, then, so long as the others are occupied* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Pings Tarantulas goodnight.* VProwl 11:56 pm @S «You have a bridge. You have the ability to ban visitors and block comms. This is your home. You don't have to let people in you don't want to.» Evening, Tarantulas. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *And: (txt): Soundwave pleased Tarantulas' fears: not true.* Tarantulas 11:57 pm *freezes* ...I rather thought you mightn't notice me leaving. Ah well. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm [[This is HIS home. Of course he would.]] Tarantulas 11:57 pm *a recognition ping to sw - they'll talk later* VProwl 11:57 pm You were sitting on my lap. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm @P: [[He knows. Primus damn him for a fool, he knows. He will figure out what to do before next week. For now, he wants - something. Unless you would prefer to spend time with Tarantulas.]] *He knows what happened all week.* Tarantulas 11:59 pm Hff. Nevermind that. You seemed occupied. Yesterday Tarantulas 11:59 pm *not upset, ftr* VProwl 12:00 am @S «... Tarantulas is—stressed. If I offered company, I think he'd take it as a demand and try to accommodate me, no matter if he wants to or not. I don't want to make the first move.» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am *In that case:*
@Tarantulas: (txt): Tarantulas's preference tonight: Prowl company, quiet time alone? VProwl 12:00 am *but now THINKS Tarantulas is upset, because he's complained about him being occupied with Soundwave while in Tarantulas's presence before, and What Is Tone How Do I Read It. wilts slightly.* ... I always remembered you were there. Tarantulas 12:01 am *don't put him on the spot, he's awful at these sorts of decisions* *that line, though, prowl. now he feels bad* Tarantulas 12:05 am ...I'll - I did say I ought to take my leave a while back. I think the time is overdue, hyeh. *too much going on, just going to retreat for the evening* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am *Nods then.* VProwl 12:06 am ... Evening. *already said that. feels like he should say something else. doesn't know what.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am @P: [[Perhaps tell him you look forward to next time?]] Tarantulas 12:07 am There aren't any days or nights in the Noisemaze, you know. *small laugh, and he's on his way* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am *Ah, too late.* VProwl 12:08 am ... N— I'll see you next time. *HE FUCKED UP. HE FUCKED UP.* VProwl 12:10 am *he meant to say something nice......* Tarantulas 12:11 am *ping, he understands. but yes, he's gone now* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am *Turns to Prowl.*
[[...Come. The night has been stressful, and for you, the rest of this last week as well.]]
*Spreads his arms a bit. Please, do join him upstairs. He's of a mind to be protective and soothing and helpful, in whatever form Prowl requires.* VProwl 12:14 am *a nod, and he stands. he doesn't feel like being carried tonight.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am *In that case, one arm will drop to his side while the other stays stuck out in an offer to be linked.* *However Prowl takes it, or doesn't, up they'll go.* VProwl 12:17 am *... he'll take it. and up they go.*
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