#edit: it is now illegal to say mean things on this post
hyena-frog · 2 years
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girlbeyondthegrave · 12 days
I Watched Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a Third Time: More Things I Noticed
Here’s my previous list for those that haven’t read it. Enjoy!
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A lot of people on this post I made thought that the dog in the MacArthur Park sequence was Taco from the Ghosthouse segment where Beetlejuice appears in the audience. I am sad to report this is not the case. Taco is a chihuahua, and the dog that appears is more of a terrier. However, some people on Reddit wonder if the dog is the one that ran out in front of the Maitlands’ car and killed them. I haven’t rewatched the first movie yet to check.
When Beetlejuice stitches Lydia’s mouth shut, she’s more exasperated than afraid. She literally tries to yell, “COME ON!”
Beetlejuice looks so offended on Lydia’s behalf when Rory calls her codependent. Like, “Is he serious right now? Get him, babe!”
Beetlejuice appearing before Delia can finish summoning him furthers the eavesdropping theory I made in my earlier post, and if we go off that theory, we can explain by Beetlejuice wasn’t that bothered by being summoned away at the wedding. He’s overheard Lydia’s desire to take her relationships slow and her reluctance to marriage. (Which is most definitely because of him and the fact that the last living person she loved tragically died—even if their relationship was over before that point.)
In the film, Beetlejuice is the ONLY person that agrees to help Delia find Charles, which we see her do at the end of the movie. This means that Beetlejuice kept his word and helped Delia, and he didn’t keep her away from Charles after the wedding fell through.
“MacArthur Park” plays when the studio intros roll, during the wedding sequence, and the end credits—three times when we have three different iterations of Beetlejuice and Lydia’s dynamic, fun fact. This is meant to be their song, and although the song is about a doomed relationship, this part sticks out to me: “After all the loves of my life / You’ll still be the one.” It doesn’t matter if Beetlejuice gets the timing right. It doesn’t matter if Lydia marries him. He considers her “the one.” He’s always going to wait for her, as conveyed by “Right Here Waiting.”
Astrid opens pages about violation 699 and summoning sandworms via trapdoors. I understand that was meant to “foreshadow” later events and explain why she knew how to do those things, but the terms for 699 are barely on-screen, so it’s hard to catch the part where it lays out how bringing Lydia illegally into the afterlife makes her contract null and void.
When Delores appears at the church, there’s a huge gust of wind, and the Handbook moves, but NOTHING ELSE MOVES with that precision until Delores moves Lydia away from the altar. This is kind of a stretch, but I personally think it’s possible that Beetlejuice saw Delores, and he purposefully sent the book in Astrid’s direction. If we go off my eavesdropping theory, he clearly knows Astrid is a smart girl. Plus, he stopped her from getting to the book earlier, so he knows it’s a threat.
When Beetlejuice has a dramatic entrance or exit, it’s very intentional. He does a whole dramatic couple’s therapy bit for Lydia and Rory. He does the earthquake through the model with a slow rise from the smoke. But we’ve also seen him appear in straightforward ways, too, like how he appears randomly to spook Delia. Beetlejuice controls his entrances and exits, and so his dramatic exit at the end is intentional. He allows Lydia to send him away. He makes a big show of it. Lydia has been manipulated by Rory for years. He’s tried to control her and stifle her. When Beetlejuice lets Lydia send him away and makes a big show of it, he’s demonstrating the amount of control he’s giving to Lydia. He goes because SHE wants him to, not because he can’t stop her from saying his name.
(Editing to say that this post confirms the dog is Tim’s dog.)
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wrightfamily · 1 year
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more here. happy april 19th
[ID: A screenshots of various discord messages, texts, and tumblr posts edited with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney sprites over them.
image 1: Trucy Wright: *sending a meme featuring a picture of a young woman dramatically dying in the rain while another person holds her. the text says "she overdose on yaoi cocaine"*. Ema Skye: can i make a joke about your absent father (note: she is referring to Zak Gramarye). Trucy: yea
image 2: Apollo Justice, disgruntled: Just saw an adult man growl at a qr code on the wall (A translucent Phoenix Wright glares behind him, indicating it was him.) 
image 3: Drew Misham (called "Dad" in this screenshot): Have you ever thought of creating Nightcore anime images? For example: (the rest of the message cuts off here)
image 4: Trucy Wright: *grinning with her hands behind her back* Guess what?? We have a rabbits nest in our backyard. Apollo Justice: *looking at a sheet of paper* ok. Trucy: *angry with her hands behind her back* Does nothing matter to you?
image 5: Magnifi Gramarye: As chair of the wizard- [PARRIES A SPELL] As chair of the wizard counc- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council, I- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council I think staffs should be illegal during these meetings. Valant Gramarye: oh i thought this was the staff meeting.
image 6: Trucy Wright (with Phoenix Wright laughing behind her): I used to love ancient pottery until my stepdad bought me my first hammer. Now i smash that shit on sight.
image 7: Ema Skye: Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005. Wocky Kitaki: io che nonostante sia atea dica “grazie agli dei” e simili perché si io non credo in niente ma miliardi di persone hanno religioni e dei differenti ed io non voglio far sentire escluso nessuno . Ema: im frankly lucky the above reblog is about how theyre an atheist because there is nothing more terrifying than saying something slightly blasphemous and seeing a paragraph of italian in your replies.
image 8: Disbarred Phoenix Wright: no context november. figure it out. Apollo Justice: *thinking* what is this in reference to. Phoenix: figure it out.
image 9: Ema Skye smiles and says "your boyfriend fits in a test tube. im putting him over the bunsen burner". Klavier and Apollo have distressed expressions behind her.
image 10: Phoenix Wright, looking off into the distance: were you the one that said 5 year olds should get jaw reshaping surgery. Kristoph Gavin, angry: what i never said that. (Kristoph smiles) i said they should get an eyebrow lift.
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mixiury · 10 months
Always remembering you - Genshin x GN reader
Characters: Wanderer, Itto, Kaveh, Neuvillette
Summary: You have to leave for a long period of time. What do they do after it? (Basically them missing you)
A/N: I am alive!! Sorry for not posting in a while. Honestly I haven't been very motivated to write but I randomly got this idea so I hope yall like it! (I edited some parts and typos I noticed so hopefully now it is better :)
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Wanderer has no need for things as transitory and insignificant as the attention of others— specially if it comes from an human being— so what makes you believe that you would be an exception?
It's been decades since he last sought companionship after all. The only reason why he asked you to accompany him is to complete the tasks Nahida assigned him. It is just easier for you to do all the hard work instead of him. Don't try to read between the lines.
Yes. Of course it was necessary to stop in the middle of Sumeru's forest to contemplate the surroundings for the past hour. It is part of his job to ensure that there are no potential dangers near the city.
Actually, the fact that the path you were taking was blocked by a tree that mysteriously collapsed in front of you due to a strong blown of wind has nothing to do with him. Why would you think he did that in the first place? You're imagining things.
The only reason he's holding your hand right now is so you don't get lost or delay him by this absurdly long new path he's chosen. Yes, it's clearly the only option you two have, so don't complain and keep walking.
But if you need a moment to rest he won't refuse. And if at any point you decide to lean your head on his shoulder, he won't push you away either. Just don't get used to this, he only allows it because he knows how fragile human bodies are and he prefers to avoid Nahida's scolding for leaving you in the middle of nowhere.
And if you still have doubts, that's right, the fact that all these things happen after not being able to talk to you all week is totally a coincidence.
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Itto, on the other hand, doesn't seem to know the word discretion.
What do you mean you have another important commission to do? But didn't you just finished one yesterday? How about you join him in a beetle tournament instead? Or maybe you can spend time with the gang? Come on, he knows you can't refuse this unique opportunity!
Hmm? That you always spend time with them..? But this time is different! This time they will do something so different and so incredible that you just can't loose! Trust him. Arataki Itto always keep his word!
And it is just that it seems like the entire universe is sending you signals to spend time with him. From Itto posters that mysteriously appear on paper airplanes to his name in the alphabet soup you eat.
But if all that is not enough to convince you that it is the destiny the one putting you together, somehow you both end up meeting multiple times a day. No matter where you look, he will be there.
Do you have to collect different flowers from Inazuma for your commission? It turns out that floristry is one of his hidden talents! Do you have to give them to someone? How curious! He was just talking to that same person! Are you saying he is brothering them? Of course not! He would never do that... On purpose.
There's no point in questioning him, somehow he always has an excuse- (although it doesn't mean they make sense). It's only until you look up at the sky and see fireworks with Itto's face, his signature, and the words "I miss you" that he finally tells you the truth behind all the coincidences that has happened during the day.
However, the moment does not last long, because shortly afterwards different guards come running to capture Itto for alleged harassment and "illegal use" of fireworks without authorization. Complete defamation if you ask him.
At the end, you and Kuki have to visit him in jail and take care of all the paperwork for the damage him and the gang caused. But hey, at least that means his plan worked?
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Kaveh directly doesn't seems able to function properly.
Don't get him wrong, he knows better than anyone how hard it must be for you to be so busy. After all, he has found himself in the same situation as you multiple times in the past.
It's just that he had never noticed the influence you have on his life until that moment, where instead of having breakfast together at the same place as always he finds himself eating preheated noodles from the microwave.
For the first time in a long time he's having trouble concentrating on his work, unable to finish the commission he's been putting off for the last week— not so surprisingly— the same amount of time since you traveled to Fontaine.
Because every time he looks at the paper on the desk he can't stop his hand from drawing sketches of you, his mind clouded with questions about your safety and how you are doing.
Kaveh doesn't really know how to control that feeling so he does the only thing he knows in situations like this; Overwork himself. Going from basically doing nothing all week to creating almost a month's worth of work in a few days.
Of course, it doesn't take much for his friends to notice, trying to reason with him more than once. However, if there is something to recognize from Kaveh it is his stubbornness, reassuring them that everything is completely under control.
It's only until he ends up falling asleep during a conversation with Tighnari that he decides to take action into his own hands, sending you a letter telling you about the situation because your boyfriend can barely stay awake during the day and has been living of coffee.
And despite his reproaches towards Tighnari, he can't help but feel glad the moment you return to Sumeru a few days earlier than anticipated, updating you on every little detail that happened while you were gone and sleeping for almost a full day no long after. He may thank Tighnari later.
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Unlike the others, Neuvillette feels totally fine after you left.
Of course he notice your absence and perhaps your name has appeared in his mind more than three times in the day but that's all. There is no need to worry about it, Take all the time you need.
He continues with his routine as always. He is also a very busy person so he doesn't think a lot of it. He's just walking around in the same place where you met because he's taking a short break. Nothing more than that.
In fact, you might even be able to see him ordering at the same coffee shop where you had your first date, sitting at the same table he sat at back then. But that isn't related to this situation, so please continue what you are doing.
But if you notice how Fontaine has fallen into heavy rain this last month, he will just reassure you that it's completely normal. Probably is just the weather that hasn't been stable lately. Nothing to worry about. Everything is under control as it always has been.
Yet, even if he manages to fool himself, all the melusines notice the way his gaze wanders from the documents on his desk to the empty seat next to him. His eyes shining every moment he hears the door of his office open just to met with the disappointment in them when he realizes it's not you on the other side.
Because despite his attempts to distract himself, it's simply impossible when every place he goes has some memory of you. He knows you won't be away for long so why does he feel like something is missing when you're not around?
Melusines try to talk with him, even requesting help to Furina, but it doesn't seems to be an end of the countless rains that has been occurring since you left.
He will just continue denying his feelings over and over, completely oblivious of them and the attempts of others to cheer him up.
It's hard for Neuvillette to understand the reason for his the emptiness he feels, but when he sees you once again he can't help but notice the great sense of relief that comes with you, immediately asking you how you are doing and making sure you feel welcome.
Maybe with the pass of the time he will be able to come in terms with his feelings but for now all he wants to do is to spend more time with you.
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the-catboy-minyan · 7 months
why so many people don't recognize that their antizionism is antisemitic, in my opinion:
(disclaimer: this is not an educational post, it will not have sources for claims, and is not meant to be read as the objective truth. it is solely my observation and opinions. civil debate and criticism is encouraged in both the notes and reblogs, I will do my best to answer those and correct my post if necessary. edits will be highlighted in pink, if this is a reblog, press the original post to see the most updated version. English is not my first Language, I might have used the wrong words for some terms.)
The Meaning Of Zionism:
this section is meant to highlight the difference between
firstly, they falsely believe the term Zionism means supporting genocide or Netanyahu's government, when most Jews don't use the term Zionism that way. Zionism has many different meanings and subgroups, as Jews love to argue (/j but Judaism encourages debate and personal interpretation), but all meanings are built on the original idea of "Jewish self determination in their indigenous land/creating and maintaining a Jewish country somewhere in the world" (yes, technically believing giving Israelis land somewhere else to be Israel is a form of Zionism, I've seen that take). the methods for creating and maintaining the lands differ, so is the belief of what land should be considered Israel, but all forms of Zionism rely on that core belief. while Zionists may support those things, that is not an integral part for Zionism, and many Zionists oppose those ideas and condemn them.
in addition, they falsely believe Zionism is in favor of illegal occupation and apartheid, which only specific subgroups of Zionists (extremely right-wing Zionists) are in favor of. Zionism is, again, mostly about an end goal (establishing and maintaining a Jewish state (which currently means in Eretz Israel)), and people will have different opinions on how to achieve it, including extremist and racist opinions. all movements have people who hold extremist beliefs, and are usually condemned by other members of their movement, Zionism is no exception.
they don't see Zionism as Jewish. I mean, there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jews in the world! of course it's not Jewish! lets ignore the fact the movement started by a Jewish man, was widely popular in Jewish communities and is what led to the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state.
now, let's for a moment ignore the misinterpretation of the term and assume that by saying Zionists, they refer only to people who support Netanyahu, illegal occupation in places like the west bank, war crimes committed by the IDF, etc. regardless of the Zionist's religion/ethnicity/race. (keep in mind that while that's their assumed intentions, their antizionism will still ultimately include self-identified Jewish Zionists who are strongly against these things)
Antizionist Activism and Beliefs:
have you heard accusations of antisemitism and the response "I'm not antisemitic, just antizionist"? this section will highlight the reasons why many antizionist actions or claims are seen as antisemitic by many Jews.
No Zionists Allowed: as in, excluding zionists from public, private, and online spaces. this tactic is used today to exclude many groups deemed problematic, "no [queer]phobes allowed", "no racists allowed", "no men misogynists allowed", etc. which is why on the surface, it doesn't seem antisemitic. yet this exclusion tactic is derivative from historical exclusion of ethnic groups, groups that were seen as evil/violent/sinners/subhuman were ostracised from society and denied access to public/private spaces. signs like "no blacks allowed", "no gays allowed", and, of course, "gentiles only".
Zionists Are Nazis: comparing any "evil" group to Nazis is common, they're so overly exposed to ww2 stories, especially ones that paint Nazi germany as pure evil cartoon villains, that they have no idea what the term Nazi actually means anymore. Nazism is based on race theory and antisemitism, it's the creator of the term antisemitism to make it sound more scientific instead of discriminatory, in Mein Kamph, Hitler wrote that almost every "issue" in the world is the fault of Jews. comparing the extremely antisemitic, supremacist, racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. ideology of Nazism to a Jewish movement for self determination is in fact antisemitic. (it is also wrong to throw the term Nazi around for any reason, but especially for a Jewish movement)
Zionists Control The Media/Government/etc: the belief that there's a secret organisation controlling the media is an old conspiracy theory, which comes from the genuine fear of your government feeding the people propaganda to sway their opinion in favor of the government to let it do what it wants. it's is good to believe the media is biased, as it's written by humans who are inherently biased, but to outright claim the entirety of media is untrustworthy when it's not hailed from a dictatorship is a harmful belief. this is what antivaxxers believed during the pandemic, what conspiracy theorists believed for centuries, and believe it or not, it's at least partially derived from the antisemitic belief of Jews controlling the banks and conspiracies like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Rid The World Of Zionists: again, there are many other activist groups that believe their enemy should be eradicated, that if they believe in or have done xyz, they deserve their rights to be taken away from them and to die. this is dehumanization, and an oppression tactic. the moment you say "this type of person doesn't deserve rights because they're evil", the moment people are gonna start getting falsely accused of falling into that type with the purpose of silencing them or getting their rights revoked. + the before point of political exclusion being derivative of ethnic/religious/racial exclusion. we've seen many people getting accused of being secretly Zionists for even mentioning the hostages.
Zionists Want Genocide/Are Bloodthirsty (a reminder that this is under the assumption that Zionists blindly support the current Israeli government and the IDF's war crimes): this is both straight up a variation of blood libel, and extremely hypocritical.
blood libel started as the antisemitic accusations that Jews kidnapped Christian children on Passover to creat Matzot, while no one beliefs are that extreme anymore, the underlying belief that Jews are violent and enjoy murder still exists, and was shifted to be about Israelis. the "it was self defense!" accusation that claims Israelis are just itching for their enemies to strike first to get the opportunity to respond violently and use self defense as an excuse, for example.
hypocritical as in, this goes hand in hand with the belief that Zionists should be killed. "Zionists support genocide so they should all die a violent and gruesome death" is a take I've seen MULTIPLE TIMES - and being said completely seriously, not in the comedic tumblr way of "my blorbo is cringe? wrong, killing you with hammers :3" - and is extra hypocritical when they very strongly oppose the idea of "Hamas are terrorists who committed atrocities therefore they should all die" (and ftr I don't claim they should support that).
there are people who believe that violence is necessary for an end goal, extreme violence even. that doesn't make them bloodthirsty or violent people, it makes them radicalized. there are some Zionists who believe the only way to maintain safety in Israel is to not only eradicate Hamas, but to eradicate Gaza, as they believe that all the people of Gaza are brainwashed to be violently against Israel and pro martyrdom (as in suicide attacks), and thus a threat to Israel's safety. there are some antizionists who believe the only way to free Palestine and bring safety to Gaza is to eradicate Zionists, as they believe that all Zionists are brainwashed to hate Palestinians and to be pro illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing, and are thus a threat to Palestine and their human rights. both of these beliefs are radical and false.
Zionist Blocklists: this is mostly an online problem, but Zionists have been doxxed IRL (and I don't mean individuals, massive lists of hundreds of alleged Zionists) for the same reasons those blocklists exists. people are gathering usernames of "Zionists" online to "warn other users" from interacting with them, with the disclaimer of "I'm not telling you to harass them, don't interact, just block". not only does it encourage to never hear the opposing side, thus pushing you further into an echo chamber of only voices that agree with you and never actually learning from the source what are the opinions you oppose, it ultimately creates a neat little list of people to harass because of the before mentioned dehumanizing belief that evil people deserve violence against them. suddenly sending death threats is easier than ever, and it's justified since these are allegedly evil people. you're not encouraged to double check if these people are actually Zionists, there's no explanation as to why they're on the list, you just have to trust the op.
Boycotting Zionist Companies: The Idea of boycotting companies or other organisations that support unethical causes is also, again, not new. People boycott companies that donated to anti-lgbtq organisations or that relied on slavery for their product creation. and yet the companies who are being boycotted are
Israeli companies, which are not necessarily supporting the Israeli government, it would be like boycotting every Chinese company because of the Uyghur genocide.
companies which helped Israel in some way, like McDonald's, which donated meals to Israeli soldiers during the start of the war (this is again a reminder that the majority of McDonald's income is real estate). there are arguments to be made to justify these type of boycotts, as they're similar to other justifications for different causes, yet unless these companies have directly funded the IDF's weaponry, the arguments for boycotting is flimsy at best.
companies which mentioned the hostages, like Paramount, which ran an Israeli ad for the release of the hostages. mentioning the hostages is not the same as condoning war crimes, it's recognizing there are innocent Israelis wrapped up in this conflict, just as supporting a free Palestine is not the same as supporting Hamas.
organisations that allowed Israel to participate, like Eurovision. there's just no reason to disallow a country to participate in a songs competition due to being in a war.
events that happen "while Israel is bombing Gaza". American events like the Oscars that happen on a set date and have nothing to do with Israel have no reason to be boycotted just for happening on the same day a war is happening.
Starbucks. why is Starbucks being boycotted? it had done nothing in support of Israel, literally fucking none, it's being boycotted for supporting Palestine wrong, once, on October. it doesn't operate in Israel, it never said anything publicly in support of Israel, there's literally 0 reason to boycott it????????????
anyways. while there are different reasons and justifications for every company or event, there's this silly little thing that happened in Nazi Germany that was boycotting Jewish business, in response to the "anti-nazi boycott". the Jewish boycotts were unsuccessful on paper, but ingrained the Nazi idea of Jews being inferior.
The Harm It Does For The Jewish Community:
The Overlap: the majority of Jews are Zionists, not in the sense of supporting genocide, but in the Jewish meaning(s) of believing a Jewish state should exist or is in some way beneficial for Jewish safety. by excluding and silencing Zionists, the antizionist crowd are excluding and silencing the majority of jewish people. a Jewish person who wants to integrate back into their circles has to refute their Zionism in fear of being seen as a genocide supporter, a Jewish person who refuses to hide their beliefs will be labeled evil and be ostracized. actual right-wing zionists would stay away from these spaces anyways for being leftist/centrist spaces, thus the exclusion is effective only on leftist Jews who dare believe Israel should exist.
"Zionism Isn't Judaism": is a claim many antizionists make, yet time and time again we see synagogues, Jewish schools, and Jewish neighborhood get targeted by antizionist protests. Jewish spaces are being attacked, even if you claim it is by a minority, these are still actions that are largely ignored by the antizionist crowd and aren't being condemned. you know, by the people who believe that silence is violence?
Can't Have A Single Positive Opinion About Israel: you have an Israeli relative that enlisted to the IDF? they should have refused servitude and gone to jail, you're a genocide supporter. You've done a birthright trip and it was nice? ew, everyone knows every inch of Israel is full of illegal settlements and apartheid, genocide supporter. you talked about the hostages? propaganda, genocide supporter. Israel passed a pro lgbtq law? pinkwashing propaganda, genocide supporter. you don't think Israel is an occupying terrorist force that oppresses their own citizens and deserves to be burned to the ground? genocide supporter, from the river to the sea!!!
Eretz Israel (not the State of Israel) is an integral part of Judaism. most of our holidays are about Israel in some way, some our traditions require Israel as a place, we bury our dead with soil from Israel, we vow to never forget Jerusalem during our weddings, we celebrate our agriculture and our miracles which happened there, our ancient holy cites are there, so are our ancestors (for ethnic Jews). many Jews are going to have at least a single positive or even a neutral opinion about Israel, and see it as a Jewish land.
The Israeli Identity: since people see Israel as an illegal settlement, apartheid, genocidal, terrorist state, etc, they also see Israelis as complicit in those crimes. every Israeli they meet is going to immediately be a criminal, Israelis are not a "real Jews" (that makes half the Jewish population fake), in the case Israel is dismantled and Israelis are forced to "go back to where they came from", will those countries accept them with open arms? or will the boycotts continue? what about Mizrahi Jews which hailed from the Arab world? do you think they'll even be allowed to live after their country's crimes against Palestine? will the Houtis let them when their flag has "death to Israel" on it (most Mizrahis are Yemeni)? if citizens are the same as their government, would that mean every Russian immigrant is an evil spy who wants to murder Ukrainians? just some questions to think about.
in conclusion: I'm tired. I've been writing for 3 hours. bye.
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voxlvr420 · 1 year
why do people think pavitr is 13????? (a bit of a rant including other things)
that man has a girlfriend (canonically) which means he's old enough to date, has defined muscles, a deep voice, goes to highschool, etc
what i mean by "old enough to date" is like... come one. when you're 13, relationships don't last forever. 15-18 is your prime.
i really don't get how people see him as 13-14. my man is NOT a middle schooler bffr 💀 his voice would be SO MUCH HIGHER if he was 13
"but the artbook said-" that was a CONCEPT. A CONCEPT. SOMETHING THAT DIDN'T MAKE IT PAST BRAINSTORMING. he is 100% 15-16, and i will die on that hill
same goes for hobie. y'all, would you be so kind to explain how a 19-20 year old would be friends with a bunch of highschoolers? it makes no sense when the three others are 15-16 and suddenly hobie is 19?? wouldnt he be too old for the other arachkids or something...
sure, his age range says "16-19" but that doesn't immediately mean that he's 19 now, guys. its an age range for a reason.
about him saying he goes to the pub: hey guys guess what? underage drinking if he can fool you he can fool other people. also... he's literally spider-punk. you expect SPIDER-PUNK to abide by the legal drinking age 💀
im gonna guess he has that boat illegally aswell. now, some people have also made really good posts on this too, so if you want to check those out, im pretty sure searching up "hobie's age" will give you some good ones.
edit: one more point to make here. some black people in the ATSV community are actually pretty upset and offended at people adultifying hobie, same goes for making pavitr 13. just overall, don't believe these things and use common sense please.
tldr; im pissed off at people saying pav is 13 and hobie is 19-20 when they arent imo
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churipu · 10 months
rules !
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I.) basic dni criteria , do not go into my ask to excessively hate on me or my writings ★ my blog is a sfw blog, so please refrain from requesting anything related to nsfw or 18+ topics.
II.) (feel free to block me and do not interact with me if you support isr@el) // you like reading and writing shit like incest, stepcest, p links post (especially with minor characters) — in other words, i'm telling you to go seek help. ty.
[ ✓ ] i write my requests based on who requested first, so if yours is taking long, just know that i'm not ignoring nor deleting your request (sometimes i accidentally put your requests on the queue list — and i don't know how to edit it, so your request will still be posted in the form of a screenshot! sorry) -> update: i finally know how :D !
[ ✓ ] if your request hasn't been posted for a long time, I apologize but it probably means that i'm not going to write it. but for specific reasons, either i didn't know the prompt you're referring to or i just didn't know how to write the prompt. i'm sorry :(
III.) my works are completely sfw, suggestive at most. they are appropriate for people 16+.
I.) i absolutely hate blocking people, but i'm setting boundaries to my blog and i as a person, so please respect that.
blocked ! i will not hesitate to block the accounts who are as the following criteria:
[ ✓ ] if you make and post porn links, HARD BLOCK. idk why they're even a thing, no offense lol. i don't mind if you write / reblog nsfw works (as long as they don't contain illegal things) bcs that's up to you really, but porn links are different and they're a big ick.
[ ✓ ] blank blogs. blank blogs. blank blogs. at least put your age, please. convince me that you are not a bot.
[ ✓ ] if you're here to hate on my writing — especially when you decide to hide behind the anon feature to do so. i mean, if you have anything to say to me, the least you could do is to have the balls to say it directly to me without hiding behind the anon feature, thankies <33
[ ✓ ] incest/step-cest, that shit is weird as hell. don't even try lol, i'm not even asking anymore atp, i'm implying for you to go get help if you write + read those.
[ ✓ ] i hope you know the difference between constructive criticism and straight on hating. i appreciate constructive criticism of my writing and how i can grow my blog — but i do wish you won't straight up blow hate on me and hide behind "constructive criticism", because honestly, that's just embarrassing :(
[ ✓ ] plagiarism. plagiarism. plagiarism. pretty self-explanatory. just no.
I.) my first language is not english, i apologize for any grammar mistakes or typos! do tell me if you see any mistakes so i can immediately correct it, thank you.
II.) my blog and i am pro palestine. i reblog support to palestine a lot, block me immediately if you support isr@el in any kind of form and way ! thank you very much.
III.) i do not want to write smut for this blog, so please do not send in requests that contain smut for any characters in any kind of way. i'm honestly fine with a little suggestiveness, but full on smut is just a big no to me as of now (bcs i can't write them lmao), sorry :((
IV.) i try to keep the reader in my fics gender neutral, but if they're not, the gender of the reader will be said at the top.
V.) i don't have an updating schedule, i try to update at least once after a day. i'm currently in my fourth semester of uni, and things are currently a little hectic — but i'm trying to fit in updating daily into my schedule, so please refrain from rushing me to update. thank you!
VI.) DO NOT spam like please. tumblr will probably think that my account is a bot and possibly put me in the shadow realm :/ likes + reblogs are very appreciated, thank you :(
VII.) hate anons / cowards who hide behind the anon feature will be deleted (or posted) none in between lmao
VIII.) mutuals that want to cut contact with me -> keep in mind to HARD BLOCK my account, don't soft block me or unfollow me and just leave it at that. HARD BLOCK ME.
[ ✓ ] keep in mind that if i hard block any of you to cut the mutual line, do not try to reach me out from another account because you'll be blocked in that account as well.
[ ✓ ] i don't block people without a reason — if i block you, there must have been a reason to WHY i did that. that's your part to find out why though, because i don't want anything else to do with you.
[ ✓ ] please do not associate me with people i used to follow / supported before or were mutuals before, i associate with people i follow NOW. thank you :)
[ ✓ ] if you think i've blocked you but you don't post any contents included in my blocklist or you don't fit in those criteria, please try to reach out through another account and i will apologize sincerely for my mistake + unblock your other account.
( 𝐃𝐌𝐬 )
I.) if you have a problem with me, i appreciate if you reach out to me through my dms :)
II.) i am open to talk about anything as long as you're respectful, but please don't interact with me if you are under the age of 16.
I.) i hope you enjoy my writings, do tell me and educate me nicely if i do anything wrong! thank you.
[ ✓ ] i do appreciate it if you tell me about problematic blogs whose works i have reblogged or am currently associated with too, i don't really keep up with a lot of things and tend to follow up really late and i would usually find out WHEN things appear in my dashboard. if my ask box is closed, please reach out to me through my dms ! thanks !
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© CHURIPU 2024 . hope you follow my rules before interacting !
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finished reading? you can now proceed to my masterlist !
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otrtbs · 4 months
this is going to sound so strange, so I apologize, I promise I'm normal I just have a really good memory. But I randomly noticed that the word count for Art Heist, Baby! has gone up a few hundred words, & I was wondering if you're adding to it? I remember a little while ago you posted on here about wanting to secretly add scenes to fuck with evil tiktokers who were illegally binding your book (a noble pursuit) but I would love to read the extra scenes! Even if it means rereading the whole thing, I am honestly always looking for an excuse. So yeah, I was just wondering. Thanks! <3
SCREAM!! hello!!! no not strange don’t worry you’re so good!!!
i am currently in the process of trying to edit it (<- says girl who is moving veryyyyy slowly through it. like im on chapter 4)
it’s mainly to clean it up and make it readable to other people outside of me! so not a *whole* lot is being added to it aside from, like, commas n stuff. i am desperately trying to keep the integrity of ahb! as originally written (<- says girl who constantly twitches her eye and wants to scrap chapters as i read through it, but i breathe through it)
i mean, there will be a few sentence changes and variations but hopefully nothing too noticeable and nothing like added scenes (i’m pretty sure. as of right now. the plan is NOT. to do that. for real.)
so i hope this clears things up a little!! <33
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girl-named-matty · 11 months
Solomon post no.2
Time for Round Two! 
I asked all of you about a week back after posting my original Solomon post what I should do next and @sallowgauntsupremacy requested that I do the imperio scene. Because this scene is tricky, I did take my time with it but I’m ready now! 
So, to start this off–setting scene: MC and Sebastian are walking back from the Feldcroft Catacomb. Ominis is still down there (as far as I know) after MC has either cast Imperio on him to get by him or they have talked something out and he allowed them to leave. Now, on the way to Feldcroft, MC and Sebastian spot smoke coming from the Hamlet and rush to help. Like anyone would do, Sebastian and MC help defend Feldcroft from the goblins.
Now let’s get started. Who are our defenders? Anne, Solomon, Sebastian, and MC. All of them are pretty capable, right? Well yeah! But the thing is, during the entire fight, Solomon is shouting at Sebastian and MC to get out of the way, and to leave. Anne says “There’s nowhere to go”, because there obviously isn’t. But Solomon having Anne, who is very ill, fighting while telling the two perfectly healthy teens (Sebastian and MC) to get away kinda implies that Solomon is completely okay with having his ill niece fight goblins who want to kill her. 
We all know that then, Sebastian uses the Imperius curse on a goblin so that the goblin will take its own life over killing Anne. Now this action in itself is always tricky because on one hand, I can understand why he did it. As someone who has a sister that I would do anything for, I understand where he’s coming from. But from a moral perspective, what he did was drastic and is morally wrong. 
But how does Solomon see it? That Sebastian is somehow the worst thing that’s ever happened to him and Anne. I also want to point out the fact that Feldcroft was literally on fire in some places so Sebastian was just trying to save his home, his sister, and quite literally anything else that he has that he still loves.
When Solomon confronts Sebastian, it’s immediately hostile, like any other time Solomon confronts anyone. It’s like he still has it in his head that he’s an Auror and has an excuse to talk that way to children or even just anyone else in general.
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Now, we all know that Solomon is infamous for calling Sebastian “Boy” instead of his name, which I mean doesn’t really matter but in this scene, he’s shouting at Sebastian.
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Sebastian says he was saving his sister (which he did save her) and then Solomon brings up that it’s from an Unforgivable curse, also something that is true. But here’s when things start getting interesting and really frustrating.
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Solomon goes on to completely ban Sebastian from Feldcroft and from seeing Anne entirely. In my opinion, this is a direct act of disowning Sebastian. He wants nothing to do with his nephew. But my question is why, WHY disown him over this? Now a lot of people would look at it as “Well Sebastian did something illegal, so that’s why”. If Solomon actually cared about Sebastian doing illegal things, he would’ve thrown him in Azkaban by now. But Solomon doesn’t because he’d probably be a hypocrite because of it.
Now it’s never been confirmed but there are some heavy implications from Sebastian that Solomon used an Unforgivable against an enemy in his time as an Auror. This has never been directly confirmed but there’s enough evidence that Solomon used an Unforgivable or at least did something very bad/close to illegal, if not illegal thing because he left the Ministry right before they kicked him out. (EDIT for this part: Because I don’t want to re-write this part and I still do have some good points. For confirmation about a few things, read this post.) 
Also, Sebastian using an unforgivable on a goblin may not be considered illegal in the wizarding world. Yes it is morally wrong but using unforgivables on creatures such as goblins hasn’t been confirmed to be illegal. 
Another reason why I don’t like Solomon for disowning Sebastian is that means that he now has nothing. He has no home to go to and by Solomon’s terms, no family. Sebastian is Fifteen, at the very most barely Sixteen by this point. He is NOT an adult, he isn’t even allowed to Magic outside of the School grounds! Which means if he were to ever leave where he’s grown up during this time, he’s completely defenseless. 
As a guardian, you are supposed to raise the children you’ve been given with care. Solomon never did–or at least he had a funny way of showing it. Sebastian acts the way he does because during the most crucial years of his life, he didn’t have a good male figure in his life. He acts rashly because he’s rebelling like any other teenaged boy would do. Now am I justifying Sebastian using an unforgivable to make a goblin end its own life? No. I’m not particularly fond of what he did. But I am saying I can understand why. 
And yes I understand as the twins' guardian (or at least, Anne’s guardian at this point), Solomon gets to call the shots but saying Sebastian is never allowed around Anne again is cruel. Anne is the only real family Sebastian has left and Solomon, in my opinion, was wrong and out of line for that. 
Now at this point in time, MC goes to speak with Solomon. When MC walks up to him (yes, Solomon is outside instead of helping Anne inside) and says “Pardon me, Mr. Sallow.” and you can probably guess what’s gonna happen next… 
YEP! More shouting!
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Immediately MC is hit with “whAT sEbStiAn dID wAS iNeXcUsAbLE” Like YES, WE KNOW. But what ever happened to civil conversation? What ever happened to discussing things like normal people? This man is an ex-Auror, trained for discipline, yet he can’t stop running his trap every five seconds. I’m starting to believe that the Ministry almost fired him for how much yapping he was doing over him actually doing something bad. 
Now MC can answer with either “Sebastian saved his sister” which leads you to defying Solomon or you can choose the one that says “Sebastian went too far.” For the sake of this, let’s choose “Sebastian went too far” which would be the option where you agree more with Solomon. If you choose that option, MC will say “Sebastian acted rashly, but he acted out of instinct to save Anne.” 
I love how MC mentions that it's an instinct for Sebastian to protect Anne. Because it’s true! I have several siblings and younger family members, whenever they are in the slightest bit of danger, I react quickly! It is an instinct to protect the ones you love and sometimes it makes you act rashly! 
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Solomon then says this. And then this:
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Now this is the one line that could possibly disprove the fact that Solomon may have used an Unforgivable in the Ministry but this could also be him saying that he doesn’t condone it because he knows the repercussions or him just being straight up with it. Either way, he is correct. What Sebastian did cannot be undone but mercy can still be given. Especially because, as I said earlier, this could be considered completely legal. (that doesn’t make it right, but my point still stands. And yet again see this post because I also didn't want to have to re-write it)
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He then says MC is just as guilty as Sebastian because MC is “defending his actions” which makes no sense because MC wasn’t the one who cast the Unforgivable?
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Then Solomon repeats his line about how Sebastian is banned from Feldcroft and has been disowned. Then he says “Unforgivable Curses are so named for a reason” Which like–bro, didn’t you use one?
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Then he threatens to tell the Headmaster if either Sebastian or MC “continues down this path”. But like, bro why don’t you notify your neighbors that you left the Ministry because you did something illegal? (Unforgivable or not)
So, what’s the conclusion of all of this? 
Solomon was in the wrong for what he did to Sebastian by disowning him and banning him from his home. Sebastian still has the right to see Anne (because Anne never agreed to banning Sebastian and goes to see him later) and Sebastian is still legally a child. If he had waited till Sebastian was eighteen and was legally an adult (and in the wizarding world, seventeen is also considered the age of an adult) and then disowned him, that would be reasonable because Sebastian can take care of himself now. Now yes, I know for the sake of the game that’s inconvenient but Solomon’s presence is also very inconvenient to just about anyone else in the game, so. 
I don’t condone Sebastian using an unforgivable on the goblin–I don’t. It was morally a very bad thing to do but I can understand why he did it. Now, I will never understand anything Solomon does because he’s wrong 99% of the time and is just not a good person. 
And there was my many cents on this quest. (also sorry that this was a bit of a rant lol) Taglist: @endeavour12345 @dat-silvers-girl @kukukha-sanctuary @boomingsmile @prissaoe @sunnyrealist @sebsslave @sallowgauntsupremacy
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hectorthedoggo · 4 months
i made a little oneshot with fugue es and enyu interacting. it's goofy and unedited but i don't wanna to edit it now so i'll just post it here :D
The warden woke up in an unfamiliar environment: the woods.
They shot up, whipping their head around. Where’s Milgram? Where-
They were met with the curious gaze of… themself? Who is imitating me?
Their outfit was different, though; it was a vest, and the cape had little pinpricks of stars. “Who are you?”
They flinched back at their confrontation, voice weak. “Ah! Uhm… my name is Es?”
Ah, that name suits them a lot better than me. “I am the warden of Milgram.”
“Milgram?” The kid who owned their former name brightened, tilting their head. “Like the psychological experiment? Y’know, that wasn’t illegal. Do you think it should have been? Wait, do you deal with things like law?”
The warden narrowed their eyes. This one’s a yapper.
However, as they analyzed the kid, their expression melted off. “Sorry, I talk too much.” Wait, is this kid supposed to be like us? I don’t appreciate it.
They stared further at Es. “Where are you from?” Wait, how are we going to interact with this person? They’re not a prisoner. What are we supposed to do?
I guess respect would be a good idea. But, what would normal be?
I have no idea. I’ll just try my best. Maybe I’ll try to act like I did in the first trial.
They smiled, nervously. “Ah, I usually live with my guardian. I got lost, though. I got moved by Kotoko, and couldn’t find my way back.”
“Wait, you know Kotoko?” Is there an overlap here? I don’t think this pathetic kid could be a good stand-in for us, though. Why aren’t they a warden?
Is there no Milgram here? Shoot, we don’t belong here. I’ll just act normal, but we’ll get home soon. I just have to not worry. We’ll be alright.
The possibility was scary, and scarily true. This Es doesn’t know Milgram… How do they live? Wait, they do look a little lost. 
“Yeah, she’s… persistent.”
This made the warden laugh a little. “No, she’s annoyingly persistent, isn’t she?” Like that time.
Es’ eyes lit up. “Yes! You get it! I told her: ‘get out of my house’, and she said: ‘no you’re abused’ or some stuff like that, and literally kidnapped me.”
“And you let that happen? Wait, is there no protective barrier?”
The warden shook their head, in disapproval. “You know, as warden, we can have a protective barrier, against prisoners like her. We aren’t pushed around by the prisoners.”
Es looked intrigued.
“Being a warden? I mean, if Jackalope told me to be a warden, I would. Otherwise, he would say something like, ‘it’s too dangerous, you shouldn’t be doing something like that.’ I mean, he’s just worried about me.”
Their excitement fizzled out, and then they shook their head. “Wait, are you technically me? Cause, I mean, Jackalope said I shouldn’t interact with humans without permission, but he said that I was the exception for humans. So…”
The warden was more interested in the other part of their sentence. “Jackalope? I mean, I guess we could be considered the same person, but you have Jackalope, too?”
Es nodded, doing some 4d chess with multi-dimensional time travel to justify talking to them. “Yeah! Isn’t he such a good guardian?”
“I mean, for me, he usually disappears for a week or more, no notice. It’s annoying.” Especially when the other me has doubts or something. I bet they would still be into Milgram if he affirmed their loyalty.
I think he’s annoying, but he’s part of Milgram, so my loyalty must be to him.
“Well, mine’s better, worry not! He’s only gone for a day, at most. When he comes back, he’s apologetic, and he’s usually nicer to me after it.”
Wait, was that why Kotoko got them out? That’s a lame reason. I guess she’s just been dramatic.
I mean, we also don’t have anyone to take care of us, so I guess that behavior is justified, because Milgram leaves me alone too. 
Well, that’s because we have a responsibility to uphold, and Milgram thinks we’re responsible enough.
I’m assuming we’re the same age, so we’re both pretty self-sufficient. I think. Alright, so Jackalope seems like he’s a lot better in this place.
Es’ hands moved to warm up their arms, a comforting motion all too familiar to the warden. Wait, so should I be allowed to get attached to them?
I mean, it won’t be a long-term amount of time, so I guess they wouldn’t be a distraction…
They both had an idea of what was up with the other, of their unaddressed problems and delusions.
The warden got up, and abruptly gave Es a hug. Neither of them were sure why. They flinched momentarily, then awkwardly tried to hug back.
Both of them didn’t know how to hug. In any way. But, they both tried.
Es lightly latched onto them like a tick, and the warden lightly held them back. Hey, but this is nice. I can indulge myself once in a while.
They couldn’t see Es’ face.
Eventually, the warden detached Es from them. “Alright, Es. Do you think you could help me go back to Milgram?”
Es shrugged, like they didn’t just have a moment. “Honestly, all I want to do is get back to my tower. I really would want to help you, but I don’t know my way around the woods. I’d get lost.”
The warden nodded. “Alright. I guess we could wait for help.”
As if cued by the word ‘help’, the tent that the warden didn’t register earlier popped open, Shidou Kirisaki popping his head out. “Es, do you…” 
He trailed off when he saw the warden.
What? He’s here? “I can’t escape you, can’t I, you murderer.”
Shidou blinked, completely confused. “Uh… Es? Uhm, why is there another you here? I’m not mad, don’t worry, but did you tell them I was a murderer.”
Is he disregarding my presence?
Es shook their head. “No, they’re from another place or something. I mean, they have another Kotoko there, so I’m assuming there’s another Shidou there. And they’re not me, they’re the warden.”
The warden’s respect for this kid increased. They haven’t even seen us in action, but they respect our place as warden!
Shidou’s eyebags somehow got more pronounced. “Alright, so there’s two of you now…”
The warden wasn’t letting him off the hook easily. “So, judging by your reaction, you are a murderer. Why aren’t you in prison?”
“I- long story, but be assured, I won’t kill you. Uh, do you mind if I look at your hand?” He reached out to them. I’m not worried about that- wait, there’s no protection.
The warden defensively moved it to their chest. “I do mind. Get away from me, prisoner.”
However, the title didn’t hold any meaning here. He wasn’t a prisoner, and they weren’t considered a warden. 
I’m sure it’s alright. We’ll be fine, we just need to get back to Milgram, I’m sure we’ll be fine after that.
He moved towards them. “That looks really bad, though, so we should really get that cleaned out.”
The warden moved their hand to slap him, then remembered he technically wasn’t a prisoner. He, or maybe the others, could retaliate. I’m not sure if this man is still a pacifist here. 
“Fuck.” They swore. He can’t-
The warden realized that they might have to become a prisoner pretty soon due to his audacity.
Es watched this drama go down, not sure which side to take. They decided to try to stop it. “Okay… uh, warden, assault is illegal.”
Wait, they’re right. Fuck.
The warden turned to Es. “Is there anywhere we could go to get away from this man?”
Es grinned, and Shidou turned to them. “Woah, woah, Es, let’s not climb, do you remember what happened last time?”
It was too late. Es guided the warden over towards a tree, and said, “Follow me!”
Wait, I thought they said they didn’t know their way around the woods, so…
They took off their cape, and clambered up the tree. What in Milgram. “Up here, friend!” Up there? I’d have to take off my cape, and I don’t know how to climb.
They shook their head. “I can’t go up there. I can’t climb.”
“Es… oh my god.” Shidou looked exasperated, but sighed. “If it brings you joy. But, make sure to come to me for healing if you fall. Other Es, are you sure I can’t look at your hand? I can take away the pain.”
“Fuck off.”
This man wasn’t going to live to see the light of day tomorrow.
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majaloveschris · 10 months
What makes me laugh about the TikTok DM situation is how do people know that this wasn’t Josh hitting this girl up? He’s liked stuff before and left comments while he was running the account, who’s to say he’s not hitting women up on there? Heck, or an intern as far as that goes. When several people run an account you can’t say for sure who it is this girl talked to. (If you believe it, which I don’t.)
I mean, I doubt Josh would send out messages to random girls from Chris's account, as if he were Chris. That would be a really asshole move and a catfish situation. And I doubt any intern has access to his IG account. I can imagine Josh having one, but a random person? No way! Posting a few things is not that big of a deal that he needs multiple people to do that for him. I think before he deactivated, mostly he was the one sharing those posts and stories; now it's probably Josh, but I can still imagine him handling it, just being more professional about it.
Those messages look legit. I've expressed my concerns with WhatsApp and the "he messages me 6 months later too" parts since we have no evidence of those things, and just because she probably was telling the truth about the messages doesn't mean those things also happened. I saw this whole thing unfolding in real time, and to me, those messages looked legit. She didn't even share a picture but a video, and I don't know how she could've made an edited video like that.
Either way, even if it was Chris, even if it was true, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like he did something illegal. He messaged a grown woman, and he didn't say anything bad, disrespectful, or disgusting. Obviously, we didn't see the whole conversation, but she hasn't said a single bad thing about him.To me, it's so weird to see that people make such a big deal out of this whole thing. He just messaged someone. He wasn't in a relationship, and she wasn't underage at the time. Those messages don't even prove anything. We all knew he wasn't a saint, but trying to hook up, get together, or whatever with someone isn't from the devil. We all knew he had one-night stands, and we all knew he probably messaged girls. This doesn't make any story real, this doesn't prove any "side" being right, and this doesn't prove he is a fuckboy. He messaged a woman. That's it. That's the story.
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haku-s0ultrain · 2 months
hello!! i've been a lurker on tumblr for years now and i kinda wanna start writing.
my only problem is that i cant seem to find a topic or even a person to write about
i'm a naturally indecisive person, so i'm hoping y'all can help me out a little okay basically what i'm trying to say is i need people to send me requests
please 🙏 i'll write for pretty much any fandom, as long as i know about it or can learn about it easily but for now i think i'll stick to these kpop groups: stray kids ateez p1h
send me some requests! i'm probably not gonna write smut for the time being, just so i can get my bearings on writing in the first place, but i'd love to hear any ideas!
DISCLAIMER: I will NOT under any circumstances write any romantic or sexual things for any minors, I will not age up fictional characters either, and I will not write non-con and stuff like that. I wish these things could go without saying but there are some weirdos out there. If you do request something outta pocket I will not hesitate to block you. (by this i mean like borderline illegal shit, y'all can be a little freaky, i wont judge)
if this post does gain some attention i will do a proper introduction post, but all you need to know for right now is that i am 18 and my pronouns are she/her.
i'm looking forward to what you guys want me to write about :))
also, not all of my posts will have this many tags, I just want to get this one out to as many people as possible. :)
edit: i will also write for hawks (MHA). i simp for that man so hard its actually embarrassing. i'm gonna hold off on writing for any other characters from that anime for the time being, i want to find my rhythm first.
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eccentric-nucleus · 7 months
so i signed up for that 404 media mailing list b/c i mean, why not. so now i am also getting emails from them and so far it has not been too annoying. several articles about various food delivery aggregators using bizarre ai-generated food photography, that kind of thing.
the thing i got today was about people on etsy making bespoke hardcover editions of fanfiction (not their own, just whatever fanfic is popular) and selling them. apparently a lot of draco/hermione fanfiction.
from the article:
“due to the seemingly unstoppable monetization of fandom and the sheer volume of illegal fan bindings being sold, I will be pulling all my works within the next few days,” they wrote on Tumblr. “thank you to those of you who worked so hard trying to keep fandom free and to all of you who supported my writing. it was fun while it lasted”
“I hate these shitty vultures who are destroying fandom spaces to make money before moving onto the next grift once we are burned to the ground,” a Redditor wrote in a thread about the announcement. “Vultures is exactly what they fucking are,” someone else replied.
it has been super weird to see fandom becoming more and more monetizable. i remember when even the suggestion that somebody might be exchanging money for product would get people kicked off fanfic sites. even running charity drives for fan in exchange for charity receipts was considered risky and dangerous! and now there's a bunch of people like "ugh ao3 is so annoying; why don't they let me post links to my commission form on my fics". money slowly and insidiously making its way into the fandom entity.
(i've actually had multiple people tell me they've gotten commissions inspired by my fics, or ask me if i take take money for writing further chapters of w/e fic, and it's always such a weird thing. that used to be such an out-there stance to take and now there are plenty of people that... i mean, i've just been posting about scribblehub. a large part of that site is absolutely hosting porn fanfic with patreon links attached. now it's a Market.)
i do feel like just saying that economic interests inevitably hollow out all hobbyist communities and turn them into empty enclosures filled with advertising is a little doomerist of me, but oof it's hard to see the increasing monetization of these spaces as anything other than another threat to any real community
there's this old saying about the difference between an author and an agent is that an author genuinely wants people to read their work. part of the value of getting published is so people see something you cared about making, not just the money. the agent is there to be a dispassionate advocate so that they can actually make money off of their work, b/c the author is kind of biased there. everybody having to be their own agent just kinda sucks for a lot of reasons
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ghostofdiamonds · 4 months
txt makes music that gay people (using as an umbrella term) (myself included) love, so I'm gonna list all the times I can remember their music and music videos being queer-coded off the top of my head.
disclaimer: this is not me assuming anyone's sexualities!! when discussing music videos and using member names, I am referring to the characters they play in the video and not the members themselves.
the 0x1=lovesong music video. holy shit. show this to a queer closeted teenager and they will go absolutely feral. I saw a twitter thread once (when Twitter wasn't locked to people without accounts) about all the queer-coding and it made me lose my mind. I don't have access to Twitter anymore, but from what I can remember, there were a lot of references to Leslie Cheung films. The one example I can remember is the scene for the bridge where Yeonjun dances in front of the other members. also the lyrics??? "I'm not going to get into heaven" oh my god. also again with the bridge, literally everything about the pair dance (and then saying 'girl' as if that would somehow make it seem less gay lmao).
2. the loser = lover mv. Literally everything about Beomgyu's storyline. Gender non-conforming teenager and the only member without a (moa self-insert) girlfriend (but with daddy issues lmao). Also "with you even a fall is beautiful" what if I Cried.
3. poppin star. granted, this is more of a meme than anything else, but if you've ever seen the "txt songs gay as hell so they've got to add a little gendered term to spice things up, because why are the lyrics like "we must keep this a secret our love is illegal in 56 countries- GIRL" tweet, this song is what the tweet was referencing. literally one of the lyrics is "isn't this perhaps something that the country has allowed/something that we have hidden/alright, it's something that's not allowed for just anyone/try popping a whole mouthful" like WHAT? I still have no idea what that means.
4. devil by the window. uhhhhh they're getting tempted by a devil with male pronouns. really the whole temptation album is kind of gay if you look at it through this lens.
5. sugar rush ride. I don't even have any specific examples tbh. everything about the lyrics.
6. crown. a song about feeling like a monster, but meeting someone who's the same as you and learning to accept yourself. shout out to the lyrics "would there be forgiveness?/even for the devils?" and "nobody can understand/but it's you/your life changed my world like magic"
this is all I remember for now, but I'll edit this post or make a new post if I remember more. feel free to add your own in the replies or reblogs!
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Chapter four was SO GOOD????? Uhg cyno!! That poor pathetic boy is STRUGGLING and it’s just 😭😭😭 you weren’t kidding when you said he’d be going through it! And to think there’s still *more*. He’s so squishy here tho I love how desperate he is for nari (the clinging to his shirt and his little ‘don’t leave’ PLEASE) the fact that he somehow isn’t even that nauseous yet is crazy to me like man it just keeps getting worse for him (I love it)
also nari, he needs all the awards. Like seriously this is stressful!! But he’s just taking it in stride the best he can. I hope they get a vacation re do after this cuz man’s earned it!! I seriously cannot get over him just *holding* Cyno at the end. Cuddle that baby he needs it and also like Maybe some cough syrup idk 😭😭
but srsly as if it even needs saying you’re so damn good at this it’s kinda illegal. I will miss the hell out of this fic (tho I am a re reader) and I can’t wait to draw stuff from this one. 10/10
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭 THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AHH! Seriously, I'm so happy that you're enjoying the fic as much! 😭
Cyno really is miserable right now, he just wants all the comfort and affection- all his walls are completely down, and I love writing this vulnerable side of him, even if it breaks my heart a little to put him through this. But Nari is the absolute best caretaker and you're right, he deserves all the awards!!
Ahh now I cannot wait to wrap up and post chapter 5! Things get really bad before they start getting better- but chapter 5 is going to be on the longer side, so it'll probably take me a bit to finish and edit it!
Thank you so so much again, this ask made my entire day 😭
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squishiifishrose · 1 year
The EARNT IT Act did not earn my support.
It, essentially, is made to restrict Section 230, a law saying that companies aren't liable for any kind of social media posts, unless they are illegal to be sharing in the first place (So this act is not only bad at the thing it will be used for, it's also utterly useless, since CSAM is already illegal on a federal level).
It takes away encryption tools through threats of liability (so everyone is susceptible to being spied on by corporations and the government if the bill passes), and it may make companies less likely to actually do anything about CSAM, since admitting to having such content, or not having the right restrictions, could lead to massive liability for companies. Or it could lead to mass censorship of anything related to sex (Even if it is law-abiding), due to a company fearing such liability if they aren't (and likely won't be) aware of any users sharing CSAM through their social platforms.
On the topic of law enforcement: Because information is being collected by coercion from the state, it could lead to these companies becoming influenced in finding and reporting actual CSAM, meaning that it would then become state action, making it inadmissible to use in court, meaning that the predator could post as much CSAM as they want on an influenced platform, keep all other public records clean as whistle, and get away with it because of the identification of it being CSAM is decided as state action due to it's influence from government actors, and therefore argued to be inadmissible for court use.
Plus: This will all be led by a commission that is unelected, and the bill has been condemned by both LGBTQ+ and Human Rights organizations.
I have linked a petition that aims to stop this bill. I'm not sure if I would be taken seriously by my representative and senators, because I would be a stuttering wreck on the phone with them, or actively sound like a telemarketer from me reading a call script (I also don't know how a letter from me to any senators would be treated if it reached their desk). If there is any other way I can help fight the bill, please tell me.
Edit: I just emailed one of my senators. Oh yeah and grammar.
Edit 2: Both Senators are emailed and I'm pretty sure all grammar is correct now. But I did not copy my messages down, so I can't email them every day. But good news: The bill is in a committee now, and there's pretty much only a 25% chance that this will go to the senate (woo! Yay!) But keep on contacting your senators and reps, we don't want them to think that we support this bill when we actually don't.
I'm very late to this (but there is still time to fight the bill), but since I am someone who uses the internet constantly, I would be heavily affected by this bill, and much of my personal information (including information about my debit account) could be leaked if someone were to figure out how to get into a backdoor made for law enforcement.
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