#edit 11/14: cleaning up and revising
lovenpeace-pkmn · 1 year
Hello, Rotomblr. We are sisters living in Driftveil City. Informally, our job is cleaning up Team Plasma's messes and caring for several Pokémon.
I am Concordia (she/her). I work as a reference librarian, and type in black. I don't battle, but my registered Pokémon are Ginger the Growlithe♀ and Merriam and Webster the Unown.
I'm Anthea. I am aroace and use whatever pronouns you use. I professionally train audino for Pokémon Center work, and type in pink text. My battling team are Clover the Beedrill♂, Sunny the Cottonee♀, Hestia the Larvesta♀, and Dawn the Genesect.
We are also collectively responsible for Cartwright the Porygon♀ and Campfire Smoke the Zorua♂.
Others we frequently speak of include our brother N, Connie's daughter Tropius (@/wingsofachampion), and our housemate Rood and his Pokémon (Snuffles the Swoobat, Lulu the Herdier, and Cinnamon the Fidough).
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//(full ref)
-this blog will occasionally involve themes of past child abuse and cults, due to the whole "raised by Ghetsis" thing. will be using the tags "cult tw" and "abuse mention tw"/"child abuse tw" for posts regarding these topics and "plasma talk" as a catchall tag for anything about team plasma that doesn't fit neatly into the above tags; please lmk if i need to tag anything in addition to that. -Magic anons: OFF | Pelipper Mail and Mystery Gift: ON | Musharna Mail: OFF | IC anon hate: tentatively on but send me a DM or ooc ask first to check in (doesn't have to be anything fancy, i just want a little advance warning so i'm not blindsided by it) -mod info+other rules below cut
mod info
name is Oncilla, she/he/it. adult. likes/follows from @oncillaphoenix.
I am afflicted with the Curse (long covid) and have chronic brain fog and fatigue because of it. I may be slow to respond to things due to this.
if you're wondering what timezone i operate based on, me too. my circadian rhythm is a demented carousel and the state i live in is disarray
@tranquill-feathers is an in-universe sideblog to this blog.
follow my hub blog @oncillamoltres for behind-the-scenes rambling and a list of my other pkmn irl blogs.
rp info:
Games-based timeline, assuming the events of Pokémon Black took place in 2010
Generally ranges from low stakes through drama stakes (as described here). I may get involved with high-stakes events at my own discretion/if our characters have an established relationship, but my characters will definitely not be in the thick of the action because I don't have the energy to keep up with that, and i reserve the right to bow out at any time if I get overwhelmed.
will engage with: sapient pokemon, including legendaries and mythicals; fallers; doubles and alternate versions of associated characters (the multiverse is very much a thing here); crossover blogs (but keep in mind that i probably won't know your source material at all ^-^'); pretty much if you're not listed below you're good to interact (although i reserve the right to add things to the list)
will not engage with: anything involving glitches, meta horror, or strong fourth wall breaks; blogs that feature pokemon consumption as a major focus; events or posts featuring character death (especially of a violent nature) or extensive pokemon harm (may interact a little bit at my own discretion but don't count on it. canon character death or deaths in backstories are fine as long as they're not in too much detail); anything involving cannibalism
please no nsfw asks! mildly suggestive jokes are ok but keep it PG-13.
offscreen/in-person RP (where the characters are interacting face-to-face instead of replying to each other's comments) takes a lot out of me energy-wise. because of this, i won't be accepting any of this kind of RP starter unless a) our characters have interacted before, and b) we've discussed it out of character first.
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Death Comes to Good and Bad
1 All this I have kept in my heart and all this I examined: The just, the wise, and their deeds are in the hand of God. Love from hatred mortals cannot tell; both are before them. 2 Everything is the same for everybody: the same lot for the just and the wicked, for the good, for the clean and the unclean, for the one who offers sacrifice and the one who does not. As it is for the good, so it is for the sinner; as it is for the one who takes an oath, so it is for the one who fears an oath. 3 Among all the things that are done under the sun, this is the worst, that there is one lot for all. Hence the hearts of human beings are filled with evil, and madness is in their hearts during life; and afterward—to the dead!
4 For whoever is chosen among all the living has hope: “A live dog is better off than a dead lion.” 5 For the living know that they are to die, but the dead no longer know anything. There is no further recompense for them, because all memory of them is lost. 6 For them, love and hatred and rivalry have long since perished. Never again will they have part in anything that is done under the sun.
7 Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works. 8 At all times let your garments be white, and spare not the perfume for your head. 9 Enjoy life with the wife you love, all the days of the vain life granted you under the sun. This is your lot in life, for the toil of your labors under the sun. 10 Anything you can turn your hand to, do with what power you have; for there will be no work, no planning, no knowledge, no wisdom in Sheol where you are going.
The Time of Misfortune Is Not Known.
11 Again I saw under the sun that the race is not won by the swift, nor the battle by the valiant, nor a livelihood by the wise, nor riches by the shrewd, nor favor by the experts; for a time of misfortune comes to all alike. 12 Human beings no more know their own time than fish taken in the fatal net or birds trapped in the snare; like these, mortals are caught when an evil time suddenly falls upon them.
The Uncertain Future and the Sages.
13 On the other hand I saw this wise deed under the sun, which I thought magnificent. 14 Against a small city with few inhabitants advanced a mighty king, who surrounded it and threw up great siegeworks about it. 15 But in the city lived a man who, though poor, was wise, and he delivered it through his wisdom. Yet no one remembered this poor man. 16 Though I had said, “Wisdom is better than force,” yet the wisdom of the poor man is despised and his words go unheeded.
17 The quiet words of the wise are better heeded    than the shout of a ruler of fools. 18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war,    but one bungler destroys much good. — Ecclesiastes 9 | New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cross References: Genesis 40:23; Numbers 6:20; Deuteronomy 8:17-18; Deuteronomy 20:20; Deuteronomy 33:3; Joshua 7:1; 1 Samuel 6:9; 2 Samuel 20:22; 2 Kings 21:2; Job 9:22; Job 12:10; Job 14:21; Job 21:26; Psalm 88:12; Proverbs 5:18; Proverbs 7:23; Proverbs 8:14; Proverbs 21:22; Ecclesiastes 1:17; Ecclesiastes 2:10; Ecclesiastes 2:14; Ecclesiastes 2:24; Ecclesiastes 3:22; Ecclesiastes 6:12; Ecclesiastes 7:5; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Ecclesiastes 7:19; Ecclesiastes 10:12; Luke 7:46; Luke 19:43; Luke 21:34-35; Romans 12:11; Colossians 3:23; Revelation 3:4
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greenstudies · 4 years
Day in my life
Gap year edition
Before I tell you what I’ve been up to yesterday, I’ll ramble for a bit. Even though I wasn’t planning to travel during my gap year, I certainly wasn’t planning to stay at home all the time. Nobody did... But I’m still trying to do my best. I’m getting ready for my admission exams and I have my part time job. This day was a little different than others because there was a whole lot more cleaning and I had less work that other days. Enjoy!:
7:30-8:20 wake up, bathroom, making breakfast and family time
8:20-9:00 breakfast +chinchilla playtime and podcasts
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9:10-10:10 read (currently reading Call of the Wild)
10:20-11:00 work out
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11:20-11:30 shower
11:30-12:00 help with lunch preparation
12:00-12:10 meditate
12:10-12:30 declutter room
12:30-13:30 lunch +digital computer
13:30-14:00 break spent by playing online games
14:00-15:00 tutor english
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15:15-16:30 online biology session with a friend
16:50-17:50 revise biology
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17:50-19:40 plan english lessons for the next week +dinner
20:00-22:30 watch a movie +journal
22:30-23:00 bedtime
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I hope your days are happy and calm!
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sanakoreanlangblr · 4 years
2021 Goals
Heyy! I’ve decided to put my goals for this year here, hoping that that might motivate me further, and maybe motivate someone else as well. Good luck everyone! And please take extra care of yourselves and your health, mental or otherwise! Everything else can wait.
This year has been difficult for all of us. As for me, even now, the upcoming semester is a big question mark. Currently I’m studying in France, and this semester I was supposed to go on an exchange to Taiwan buuuut that’s not happening anymore, as it has been cancelled. So per my school’s requirements I need to find an internship in the place of expatriation, which is a pain now. And that basically just means I have no idea where I’m going to be in the coming year or what I’m gonna be doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry, needed to complain for a bit, as I am going absolutely insane with the stress…
Anywayyyy, I still hope I will be able to uphold most of these goals, wherever I will end up. I tried to not make them overly big, so that I won’t get burned out too fast. But I have a whole year for those, some of these have dates for which I could expect to finish but I will not keep to them very strictly. Whatever happens, happens :))
Also, sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language!
Korean (A2 -> B1)
1. Do 100 lessons of grammar from the HowToStudyKorean website.
I’ve started a few grammar books but in the end decided to settle on this website as I like its explanations best, and it provides the most example sentences when introducing each point. A nice touch is also the fact that it includes a list of a number of new words before each chapter, which gives me some new vocabulary to learn :)
So far I’ve divided the grammar points introduced in lessons into „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and turns out I have:
66 „to learn”
35 „to revise”
32 „already know”
So if I did 3 points a week, I should be done around August.
2. Read 2 little stories per week from “Easy Korean Reading for Beginners”.
There is 30 stories in the first one (I already did 5), so I should be done by the middle of April.
3. Do one chapter per week from “My first hanja guide”.
I just got this book for Christmas and haven’t had the time to fully go through it so we will see how it goes.
4. Do Anki at least three times a week.
Every day would be preferable but I know that would last like a week at most.
5. Have iTalki lesson at least once a week.
That one is not a problem as I have been doing one or two per week for the last year, but I would just like to keep it up.
6. Try writing at least twice a month, and at least 2 pages.
Yeahhh that one is a bit of a bother, as writing still takes me a long time so we will leave it a twice a month and see how it goes.
7. Watch one youtube video per week on Korean grammar or vocabulary.
Generally I would say my goal is to use Korean more, as I know quite a lot but when I’m speaking I tend to go towards the easier words and grammar, which is why I am thinking that writing more could help me. And also I really want to focus on learning vocabulary as that’s always been a pain for me, I’m more of a grammar lover :))
French (A2 -> hoping for upper B1/ beginning of B2)
1. Finish the intermediate grammar book. I’m currently doing „Grammaire Progressive du Français” Intermediate edition, for A2/B1.
The problem is that my grammar knowledge of french is a mess , so going through this book is a bit of an annoyance, as most chapters I technically know but each time I find some nuance I wasn’t aware of... therefore I need to go through it, even the chapters I would have assumed I know :|
So I divided the chapters the same way I did Korean, into „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and I ended up with:
14 „to learn”
34 „to revise”
4 „already know”
So technically if I did 2 points a week, I should be done in June.
2. Read the two french books I got for Christmas (“Les aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles” and “Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours”).
3. Read at least two of the Harry Potter books in French.
I have started the first one this week, and I can tell it’s gonna be a very very slow process. It’s the first book I’m reading in french so it’s a bit difficult and frustrating but hopefully it’ll get better as I go along.
4. Watch at least 4 french movies, with french subtitles.
5. Learn a french song.
6. Read one story per week from „French Stories for Beginners”.
These are quite easy, but they are a nice practice for switching to books later on.
I don’t know if I’m gonna keep this one in, depends on how much my reading of actual books will progress.
7. Get to point 5 on the Duolingo tree.
I use Duolingo mostly as a revision tool, so I’m not really going to focus on it much, but still want to keep it up.
8. Watch one YouTube video per week (on any topic).
9. Listen to two podcasts per month.
10. At least one iTalki lesson per week.
11. Do Anki at least 3 times a week.
I really need to listen to french more, as I’m good at reading and I usually understand that pretty well, and I’m not the worst as speaking, but I am absolutely terrible at listening :| So that’s a priority.
Chinese (tbh I don’t know...end of HSK1/Beginning of HSK2 -> let’s say the goal is HSK3 for this year)
1. Finish the book „Integrated Chinese”
I’m having a tough time to pick a book from which to learn but I guess for now I’ll continue with that one.
Again, I divided the points in the book to „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and ended up with:
47 „to learn”
11 „to revise”
15 „already know”
So doing 2 a week I should be done in July.
2. Learn 15 characters a day
I am way behind on learning characters.. I remember the words well but I didn’t put enough time to learn the characters at the start and now that’s gonna be a bit annoying to catch up on :|
3. Finish the drama „Go Ahead”.
4. Watch 3 Chinese movies, with both English and Chinese subtitles.
5. Have one Italki lesson per week.
6. Learn a children song in Chinese
7. Watch one youtube video per week on grammar.
8. Do Anki twice a week.
Generally focus more on characters. My speaking isn’t terrible (well besides the tones), but I need to work on the grammar a bit more as I seem to mess up the structures quite frequently. I need to put more work outside of my lessons. Since I found out I’m actually not going to Taiwan this semester my motivation has fallen a bit, but on the other hand I now have more time to prepare for fall, at which point I will hopefully be able to go!
Read 20 books.
I have always loved reading but in the past two years the amount of books I’ve read has gone down, which upsets me a bit…  On the other hand the amount of fanfiction I’ve read is tremendous, so there’s that. However I would like to make more effort to read this year, especially since I’ve accumulated a huge pile of books over those few years.
2. Workout regularly.
Right now I’m at home, so that should be easy to do. I don’t really know what’s gonna happen this semester, so we’ll see what I’m going to do about that later.
3. Eat better.
Meaning: cut down on sugar, eat more veggies and fruit.
4. Get a bit closer to my ideal weight
I’m not necessarily focusing on that this year as the previous one has been hell and really managed to deteriorate my mental health back to high school levels... but still hopefully working out a bit and eating less sugar, more veggies, I will be able to lose a tiny bit of weight. But overall I just want to focus on being a bit healthier.
5. Clean out my wardrobe
Sorry that’s a silly one but I’ve been getting to it for half a year now and I’m just too lazy to do that... maybe once I put it here I will have some motivation
6. Take care of my face and hair
So my sensitive skin hates wearing masks and needs extra care these days I need to really focus on it and baby it, to not go back to the awful red mess it was two months ago
As for my hair, I have kind of 3a curls which I haven’t been taking care of properly and plus I damaged them with hair dye (still I refuse to give up ginger hair, I blame Merida). So now during lockdown and quarantine season I finally had some time to read up on hair care of curls, and honestly after a month I can already see the difference, and well I hope for the best :)))
7. Get a tattoo
It’s something I’ve always put off since I either didn’t have the money or time. And now again both are problematic, so I will wait for the decision until I know what my school semester is going to be like. Maybe this time I will find a good moment! (Although honestly saving up for travelling after all this is over is also a great idea :))) )
8. Don’t go to sleep at 5
Yeah so during lockdown and because of online classes my sleeping schedule got so messed up I don’t even know what to do about it anymore. And while my goal isn’t to switch it to 10 pm, cutting it to 2 am at max would be nice
9. Watch 25 movies
10. Sell/donate the things that I don’t need
I’ve accumulated a huge pile of books, movies, CDs, Xbox games, art products - that I need to get rid of - and I’ve been saying that for like three years now, about the same pile of things. I will try to do that one this year!
I hope everyone’s 2021 will be a ton better than 2020! Keep fighting!
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autumnslance · 4 years
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Dreams of Home - Lyn’s FFXIVWrite 2020 Masterpost
Also found on Ao3 as “Dreams of Home”, with some editing/revision done after Challenge completion. The Free Day posts are in other Ao3 threads; for the Extra Credit days this year I finished a couple WIPs too long on the backburner. These FFXIV Write posts are also of course on my Pillowfort, LynMars79.
Previous FFXIV Write Collections can be found in "Dreams of Light" (2018) and "Dreams of Shadows" (2019). 2017's responses are on Tumblr, though some choice responses have moved to various other threads on Ao3. I seem to write more each year, and Home's word count exceeds Shadows' even without the Extra Credits.
Stats: Word Counts are based on the original postings to Tumblr/Pillowfort. 26,250 words without the extra credits. 35,497 words with the extra credits. Shortest: #12 Tooth and Nail (361) Longest: #21 Foibles (2,412) “When Everything Changes” and “Sandstorm” are longer, but I’d been drafting them up for awhile.
It’s hard to pick favorites this year; I like how most of these turned out, and I have time and space in the Ao3 thread to alter them as needed.
Prompts and Responses on Tumblr:
1. Crux - Gaius trying not to be bothered. Sorrow of Werlyt spoilers. 2. Sway - Thancred & Aeryn watching dancing. Early ARR, pre-relationship. 3. Muster - Thancred & Aeryn the morning of Ala Mhigo’s liberation. 4. Clinch - Aeryn only learns to fish after battling Hades. Post ShB 5.0. 5. Matter of Fact - Iyna & C’oretta discuss changes to a Scion post ShB 5.3. 6. When Everything Changes - 1st Free Day, Zaine & Aeryn backstory. 7. Nonagenarian - Master Matoya, Y’mhitra, & Thancred’s post 5.3 look. 8. Clamor - Thancred & Aeryn, post-Praetorium celebrations, pre-relationship. 9. Lush - Dark Autumn takes Aeryn home for a rest in late Stormblood. 10. Avail - Thancred versus C’oretta being C’oretta. Post ShB 5.3. 11. Ultracrepidarian - Dark & Arenvald investigate a rumored Titan-slayer. 12. Tooth and Nail - Zaine as the Seventh Umbral Calamity unfolds. 13. Sandstorm - 2nd Free Day, Thancred & Aeryn pre-Ifrit, pre-relationship. 14. Part - Thancred, Minfilia, Ryne, and separations. Up thru ShB 5.3. 15. Ache - Aeryn regrets a reckless emotional act with Haurchefant. Early HW. 16. Lucubration - Thancred, Yda, & Lyse, Sharlayan school days. Pre-canon. 17. Fade - In a distant future, Ciuna remembers the Warriors of Darkness. 18. Panglossian - Two ancients in an alternate future. 19. Where the Heart is - The Scions’ hearts are scattered across two worlds. 20. The Parley - 3rd Free Day. Aeryn speaks with Varis. StB 4.5. 21. Foibles - Thancred helps clean Aeryn’s pack before she leaves for Doma. 22. Argy-Bargy - Literature is serious business. Thancred & Aeryn, ShB. 23. Shuffle - Aeryn, Dark, and C’oretta teach Iyna to play Triple Triad. 24. Beam - Aeryn has an evening conversation with Carvallain on the Misery. 25. Wish - A night of reading and cuddles for Thancred & Aeryn. ShB 5.3. 26. When Pigs Fly - Felina decides to not miss an opportunity with Urianger. 27. Realizations - 4th Free Day. Thancred & Y’shtola talk. StB 4.0. 28. Irenic - Ysayle and Estinien co-existing at Moghome. Mid-HW 3.0. 29. Paternal - X’rhun discovers a past truth Alberic wants to keep hidden. 30. Splinter - Azem returns home to see what, if anything, can be salvaged.
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The Gift of Beta Readers
The Gift of Alpha Readers
If you wish to become a patron of Writing in the Tiny House podcast, please visit www.patreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse today!
The following is a transcript of this episode. For the complete transcript, please visit the show’s website.
[00:00:00] So you did it guys. You have written the next best thing and you are so eager to get this out into the world that you have revised it, you have combed through it, and you have all of these things ready, but nobody has read it yet. So what do you do next? Well, let's find out today on Writing and the Tiny House.
[00:00:26] Hello. Hello. Hello. And welcome back to the show. Welcome to Writing in the Tiny House. I am your host Devin Davis, and I am the guy in the tiny house who is here to show you, you busy adults working a nine to five like me, that it is completely possible for you to write that work of fiction that you have always wanted to do.
[00:01:06] And you should. I just recorded 20 minutes of audio and didn't actually record any of it. So we're starting over and it's fine. Because now I get to say the things that I didn't save very well the first time, and it's okay to start over. We're still learning some of this new recording equipment and that's okay too.
[00:01:26] But many of you know, because I announced in last week's episode that I have been working on some smaller things as a way to get my writing more available, to get my writing into the hands of people who are eager to read it and to do it faster than I could do if I were to just write a book just because the time to produce a book is much longer and there are a million different ways to share your writing with other people.
[00:01:57] So I have been working on some smaller things and I am working on them in conjunction with Krissy Barton from Little Syllables Editing. She is going to be the editor on call or whatever, the editor in this whole project of writing a collection of short stories or novelettes. And so with this, I am writing these smaller works, and I'm going to be releasing them on a schedule, provided all of this works out okay. Right now we are on track with this first thing. And so I expect everything to be okay. And I think that this is something that we can reproduce right now. All of this is tentative stuff though. Like this is not gospel truth yet, but in doing these shorter things, I still need to go through the different steps of writing and revising and cleaning up these smaller works of fiction as I would have to do with a book.
[00:03:07] But because the thing is shorter, all of those steps don't take as long to do, which is kind of cool. It's fun to blaze through some of these different steps a little faster, and to get that progress done faster, to arrive there more quickly. And with this, I also hope to have myself on a regular releasing schedule, which means that there is kind of a stopwatch going for each of these projects.
[00:03:35] And for this first one, I am hoping more than anything. And I am taking a leap announcing this on the podcast that this will be ready for sale by the end of October. I'm going to post it on amazon.com and it will be available to purchase there. It'll be affordable. Don't worry about that. But I wanted so badly to share my writing and I think that I'm going to do it.
[00:04:00] So what I'm doing is this collection of short stories ties into the larger books that I am also in the middle of that I have set aside for the moment. So the world that all those things take place in these smaller short stories will tie into that same world. And this collection is called Tales from Vlaydor, and this is Installment One, which is entitled Brigitte.
[00:04:29] And so, yeah, so we did it. We've written a manuscript. We've gotten, you know, a few revisions under our belts, but if you are like me, perhaps you don't outline things very well. I surely don't, I don't like to outline. I like to write and then make huge revisions to what I've written because I don't like to outline, but for this first installment, I did not get any feedback to begin with on the story itself. I wanted to sit down, I wanted to write the story, revise a couple of things just because I wanted to present it in a good way to a small group of people. So I sat down. I wrote the thing. I revised it a couple times. I sent it through Pro Writing Aid, which by the way, Pro Writing Aid is amazing.
[00:05:19] Especially if you are using Scrivener as your word processor, because it integrates into Scrivener. It was the easiest thing to do. I recommend sending anything you are working on through Pro Writing aid before you let anybody read it, just because the edits were easy to do. And because Pro Writing Aid made it easier to read.
[00:05:42] Everybody seemed to have a better time. Pro Writing Aid does not replace a professional editor, but it is a very good tool to use along the way. So I wrote the thing, I sent it through Pro Writing Aid, and then I gathered in a way, a group of people that I would want to get feedback on this first draft, I guess we can call it a first draft. On this first revision, I guess.
[00:06:09] And this is what we do, this is how we approach this. So I needed to get feedback because first of all, I needed to know if this was a story that anybody wanted to read. I wanted to know also if this was a story that people would be willing to buy, and I needed to know if after reading this, they would be interested in reading more.
[00:06:35] And if the results were such that, no, this story idea is not a good idea. You need to switch to something else. I didn't want to spend so much time and energy on something that nobody would want. And so I would sooner scrap the whole idea and start a fresh with a new story idea rather than try to simply make something work.
[00:07:04] And so, because I'm writing to market because I want this to be sold. And so I want there to be a certain audience appeal. I wanted to make sure that I was on track and on base with the very foundation of this story. So that's what I did first. And I recommend you doing the same thing with your shorter works of fiction also, or with your novels.
[00:07:29] So here's the deal. I'm sure that you have heard the term beta readers a million different times if you are engaged in the writer, community. Beta readers are basically the people who are doing product testing for your book. They get your book and you need to know that the book is working for them as books need to work for readers. Does it keep their attention? Is it easy to read? Is it entertaining? Can they keep track of characters? Can they keep track of places? Do they have a good experience? Are they surprised during the surprising parts? Are they scared during the scary parts, all those things.
[00:08:10] That is what beta reading is for, but there's a big step before that. Some people call it alpha readers. Some people call it, I don't know other stuff, but. I had this concept and I needed to make sure that the concept was okay. So I selected a few of my close friends and another person that I'll get into in order to share ideas.
[00:08:36] So I wrote this novelette called Brigitte. It is about 9,000 words long, and I included just some questions at the end as a prompt, as a way to help people give feedback. And I recommend that you do the same. In a novel I recommend actually that you include things like that in sections of the book, rather than just a big, long list at the end of the book, just as a way to get the gears moving so that people can be inspired or understand how to give feedback, just because, especially in this most recent round of feedback, I have found that so many people read just to be entertained and they don't read critically. And that is fine. And so the little bit of help for that is really good for them. And it's good. It's good to hear all sorts of feedback. I've also found that for many people. So with this story, the vast majority of the feedback was positive.
[00:09:45] People liked the story. It was pretty middle of the road, which is okay. But people liked the story. They thought that it was easy to read. It was easy to get to the end. They weren't confused by people or names or places. And so I took that as a good affirmation or confirmation that I was on the right track with this, and I should move forward.
[00:10:14] And that is great. With many of the people though, the feedback was simply, Hey, this is great. I like it. I would want to read more of things like this. And that feedback is valuable for a specific reason. If that is all they're saying, this is great. I want to read more. While that feedback is not going to help you iron out the kinks and dings and dents in your manuscript. And it's not necessarily going to help you with your craft. It can show you that producing work like this. There are people who want to support your craft. And that is very valuable. So even though the tools aren't there, even though the feedback isn't there to help you get better as a writer, it is really cool to know that people are there to support you as a writer.
[00:11:12] And like I said, that is valuable too. However, with a lot of people, they responded to the questions. And I liked that and I took notes and I paid attention. With those questions though, I found that with many of them, I didn't require seven people to answer each of those questions just because the same answers for many of those questions ended up showing up like seven different times.
[00:11:41] That's okay. We live and we learn. However, there were a couple peers a couple people that read it, took notes, re-read it. And then had a really long conversation with me about how it went about, what was working and what wasn't working. And I'll come back to that in just a second, just because people who are willing to put that type of attention and energy into my work, those are people that I hold near and dear. I mean, everybody who is supporting my work is held near and dear, but those are the people that I will go to with the first ideas, with the baby ideas that I need to grow from, the really underdeveloped things that need to grow that are still vulnerable and still scary and still underdeveloped. And working together we're able to come up with some cooler things for the next revision of this story. 
[00:12:47] With this, and I recommend this thing until the day I die. It is important to send your work, especially if you are writing to market, it is important to send your work to someone you don't know, or to many people that you don't know.
[00:13:02] When you are ready for that, you will know. I sent this first revision. I will likely try to find another person that I don't know to read this after this next round of revisions, but here's the reason why. The feedback that a stranger gives you is really hard to take, but it is super honest and it's usually really direct and it's really easy to understand, and that matters my friends.
[00:13:30] These people are not preserving a friendship. And so there is no holding back when it comes to what isn't working, what is confusing, what seems silly, but seems banale or stupid. I mean, what other words did this nice person include? But the points that this person brought to my attention were good points. It was clear that I had not conveyed so much of this story clearly.
[00:14:01] And like I said, because we weren't already friends, there was no reason to pretend like we were friends and try to sugarcoat anything. Most of the stuff that this person told me was really good and really valuable feedback. And so what I was able to do is take the key points from her feed back and talk about them with these other friends who were interested in helping me develop the story.
[00:14:29] So they didn't have to worry about stepping on eggshells. They didn't have to worry about offending. I got to say, oh, this other lady said this and this and this. And they're like, oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. And then we were able to discuss together ways to make it better. So with these conversations, some people tend to kind of freak out about it because they don't know how to have a critique conversation. So with these conversations, it is you and somebody else. And maybe a third person who are trying to improve a specific work. They're trying to make things better. If you or someone is coming to the table just in the attitude of saying this sucks. You need to leave it alone. You need to throw it away.
[00:15:16] Then you're not going to have this conversation with that person, but everybody has the common goal and the common understanding that this work is not finished and we are joining forces to make it better. The way that this conversation unfolds is much of the time the person will have notes. The person will have some ideas, but they don't really know how to get started about it just because Cohesion and hoping that everything links together and thoughts and different things like that.
[00:15:50] But this conversation is not going to be a dissertation. This conversation is not going to be like baring of souls. This conversation is largely brainstorming, which means a lot of the ideas and a lot of the topics don't have to mesh in the most beautiful way throughout the conversation. It's okay to jump from topic to topic.
[00:16:15] It's okay to say, oh, are we done with this? Because on the next page, this completely different problem is there. Let's talk about that now. And through those, I had two friends who were very interested in helping me improve this work of fiction. And that is exactly how the conversation went. They put aside an hour, we had a phone call and we talked about all the things that didn't work.
[00:16:42] And we talked about the things that this stranger critique partner brought to my attention, and we were able to iron out things and bring up some different ideas and some different approaches that I should try to incorporate into the next revision of this work. And that happened to me twice and it was beautiful and I felt enriched at the end and they were excited that they were included with this.
[00:17:11] And it was a really good thing. So I guess the takeaway here is when you are searching for feedback, it is important to help by supplying a list of questions. If it's a person who's already experienced with giving feedback, they likely won't pay much attention to those questions, but a lot of people don't read fiction critically.
[00:17:35] And so they they may need a little help with that. And that's great. Also, if you find those friends who are so engaged and so interested in helping you develop your craft, make sure to keep them near and dear. Take care of those friends. And lastly, If you have the people who say this is good, I want to read more, and then don't say much more than that. That means that you're on the right track and that what you have written is good. And while it may not improve your craft, it shows that there are people in the world who want to support your craft. So that's the quick take home for today. 
[00:18:24] Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to this episode. If you wish to become a patron of this writing in the tiny house podcast, go topatreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse. And I will have links to that in the show notes of this episode. Go ahead and follow me on Instagram. My handle is @authordevindavis and on Twitter my handle is@authordevind. And have fun writing. We will see you next time guys. Bye.
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Reworking the plot & getting my hands dirty.
Writing journey #2.
Sat 06/03/2021 - Word Count: 28,150 19.38 So, a month ago, today, actually, I started writing a book. For context, I've sorted out scenes and planned my plot; I'm now simultaneously writing my first draft and outlining scenes in more detail - I'm just into act two of my draft and just into act three of the outline.
I included today in my first writing post, which you can find here, but, while outlining, I realised something that will result in a major plot change (even though I probably should wait until revisions, it sorts out the climax I'm currently incredibly vague on, and will help me actually be able to complete the draft), and felt it was time to start a different post, because the other one was long, and already had its own focus.
Previously, I've been setting mildly insane word count goals, and even though I'm sticking to vague targets, I'm going to drop that, because I need to do a major plot change, and that'll mean the word count isn't going up that much for a while.
So, I have my first and second acts good, but while outlining act three, I've realised the event at the start of act three would work better as a climax than the vague battle idea I have. It just seems more original, more effective, but it means I need to shift events around and re-figure the first block of act three. I'll begin tonight, but it's already 8pm, so I'll probably do most of it tomorrow.
Sun 07/03/2021 - Word Count: 28,365 08.24 I'm reworking act three, and I think I may just drop drafting for the moment and focus on incorporating the edits I have in mind, then start drafting over. I know all the advice says not to go back and edit, but this is a big change I can't wait to do, so it seems opportune to just make the others, too.
08.31 I've now finished reworking act three, and I'm much more satisfied with it than I was before. I do now need to go through the scenes again, however.
13.57 Still re-scening. This is frustrating, but I've decided when I'm back to drafting, I'm going to drop my daily minimum to just 500 words - even though I'll make very little progress at that pace, it's more realistic considering I'm about to be plunged back into the world of homework and commuting, and it's something I'll always be able to meet to help me keep in the habit of daily writing. Word count isn't applicable when I'm doing re-scening like today, though.
Something else I've noticed, when I'm writing literally anything, I'm just scribing the words I'm literally hearing in my head, which is a little bit of a problem because where I wrote 'meet' just now, I meant 'meet' but heard 'eat' in my head and wrote 'eat'.
17.07 I feel like I'm finally making some progress - I've been writing on-and-off all day. My word count has actually decreased a couple hundred words since yesterday, but Scrivener is convinced I've written 42,000 words today, which I obviously haven't. I've typed a lot of words, but not that many, not all of which added to that since deleting words takes words off that number. It thinks I've written so many, however, because I duplicated my act one folder twice (then deleted it, obviously, because I don't need three copies of the same act) but Scrivener doesn't take off the words when you delete the file, only when you literally hit backspace.
17.50 Sorting out my climax, I'm realising how bad it was before. Which I guess is good, because it shows internal criticism and growth...? Or something...?
21.04 I've totally planned out the majority of act three, but I haven't finished it because where I'm up to ends with my characters essentially making a game plan, and since I'm not yet sure what that game plan is, I can't outline the bit where they carry out the plan, but I'll do that later. I've incorporated some of the edits I wanted to make, though I've left a couple out because they're less drastic and I'm not sure whether or not to include them, so I'm going to sort that either during or after my first draft.
Since I've made quite a few changes that will affect the parts I've already drafted, I'm going to start my draft over, and reset my word count, but I'll do that tomorrow. For now, Scrivener thinks I've written 42,385 words today, which I absolutely have not, and my word count is currently 28,365, but I'm going to remove every outline and drafted piece I've done so I can start from zero for what I'm going to call draft #1.4, because I already wrote a version of about 40% of it.
God, my word count has gone back to 0 of my minimum 50,000. That hurts. It really hurts. My actual goal is more 70-90K, but 50K is my minimum, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Anyway, goodnight, and good luck me.
Mon 08/03/2021 - Word Count: 820 So, I wrote 820 words before school, then got home, attempted to do some homework and lost all motivation and will to do... anything. Which means I'm very glad I did over my 500 words this morning.
Tue 09/03/2021 - Word Count: 1,367 15.07 I called this a #1.4 draft, but it's more like a #1.3. Anyway, writing is so much less stressful when I'm working from something I've already written - with the first section, so far, at least, I'm basically just editing the writing itself rather than the events because I'm pretty happy, at least at the moment, with my first couple chapters. Very little thinking required.
Also, it's been over 30 hours since I've written because I did my writing before school yesterday, but haven't written yet today because I've got so much work to get done for school. It feels like it's been forever.
16.17 I've finished rewriting chapter one, and still have a lot of fuel in my tank (that's a hideous metaphor) but I think I'm going to cut off today at 547 words, just because I have quite a lot on my plate this week, and I'd like to invest some time in actually reading the book I started eight days ago, and am only 200 pages of the way through.
Wed 10/03/2021 - Word Count: 2,082 I could write significantly more than 500 words most days, but it really is easier to set a minimum that doesn't feel like a strain, so that's what I'm sticking with for now.
Thu 11/03/2021 - Word Count: 2,801
Fri 12/03/2021 - Word Count: 3,405
Sat 13/03/2021 - Word Count: 32,211 07.40 I've just had nothing extra to say the last couple days, which is ironic considering how much I wrote each day of the last post, which went up yesterday! Anyway, it's finally Saturday, and even though I have exactly zero motivation to do anything this morning, I've been awake for two hours already (I recently discovered I like mornings??) and I think it's time to get going. Still sticking to my 500 word minimum, but since it's Saturday, I'm going to invest most of the day in writing, so I should surpass that.
08.20 I don't think I've mentioned yet that I dubbed this WIP Bay Tree in this post. Sorry if I have, but I skimmed this post and can't find it. So, this is about to get messy. I'm basically just cleaning up my prose, but there's so little point doing that when I'm not certain each scene will stay. There's no point editing a chapter unless I know it's sticking around.
So we're reverting, and this is about to get messy. I didn't quite finish my initial draft of chapter seven, because I wasn't sure how exactly the event at the end of it would happen, but I think I'm just going to delve into it. I'm going to add everything, including outlines, back to my word count, finish writing chapter seven, then pick up where I left off in chapter nine. Okay. That's why my word count is jumping around.
And, just like that, I've gone from 4,074 to 28,864. Well, 500 words accomplished. Surpassed, in fact, by just 24,290.
I'm going to aim to just hit 30K by the end of this weekend. I can easily do 1,136 words in two days.
As I've mentioned before, I haven't outlined all the way to the end and through the climax--I have a fairly clear idea of how I want it to do go down, but I'm not sure what I want the characters' plan to actually be, so I currently have 21 chapters, but I'm projecting 23-26, which, at about 3,000 words each, is pretty damn good, especially when it'll just get longer as I redraft (she says optimistically).
Already feeling more motivated now my word count's higher.
09.54 Oh! Also, I logged onto Tumblr today to find someone reblogged my last writing post with a really positive, encouraging comment. It's nice to think I'm bringing someone else a little joy with this.
11.13 And we hit 30K! I'm not quite done for the day, but I do need to go pack. Also, I've been operating under the impression the minimum word count for a novel is 50K, but it's actually 40K, which, though I'm only about 40% of the way to my projected total word count, I'm officially 75% of the way to being able to say I've written a novel.
I'm so glad I've gotten as far as I have, and I just hope I can keep myself going to the end.
12.27 This post is going to look really strange to read - if you're only looking at the word counts, it looks like I've written nearly 27K words today. That makes sense.
Oh, and I finished chapter seven. Like an hour ago.
13.52 At this point, I have literally no idea what continuity things I've already established, so I'm just going by a let-my-future-self-suffer philosophy.
14.36 That's chapter nine done. That leaves chapters 10 to nobody-knows. I'm going to stop writing now, but I wrote nearly 4,000 words today (plus recounting about 20K) so I don't exactly think this cut-off will be detrimental.
Sun 14/03/2021 - Word Count: 35,548 07.58 I’ve written over a thousand words already, and it isn’t even 8am yet. Being a morning person is genuinely the best thing ever as an introvert--I’m asleep when people want to socialise, and awake when no-one else is. That makes me sound like a hermit. I love it anyway, and feel like I’m stacking up for a good writing day. 35K is probably a little overambitious, but what’s life without aspiration?
09.04 As I’m going, I’m realising my plot is actually coherent, and being surprised that I can actually make a story without plot holes (as of yet.)
09.21 And that makes the first eleven chapters drafted! 
...And, Houston, we have a problem. Dammit. Eleven chapters, and I haven’t established one of the most important world-building points. Which is especially irritating because it needs to be established by chapter twelve. Unless I can establish it at the start of chapter twelve? We’ll go with that, so I don’t have to go back, then I’ll sort it out in edits or draft two or something.
I’ve just started writing chapter twelve, but I think, having written 2,600 words today already, I need a break. I have less than 500 words until I hit 35K, but I’m going to leave it for now, and come back this evening. I should be able to hit 40K this week.
18.19 And that makes 35K. Chapter twelve is only two scenes, and I’ve written one, but having written 3,000 words so far today, I’m going to leave it until tomorrow.
Mon 15/03/2021 - Word Count: 36,337 17.19 So there’s a crucial plot point just after my midpoint, and I’m not completely sure what to do. I mean, I know what I’m doing--I just wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted it to go, but now I know. The issue is other stuff needs to be pre-established, and I’ve worked out where it needs to go, but I don’t know whether or not I want to go back and write those bits now, or just make note of it and add it in draft two.
I think I’m just going to make note, plough ahead, and deal with it in draft two. I’m trying to figure out exactly how I’m going to operate after this draft: things generally say put it down for a few weeks, come back for edits, then go into your next draft, but I feel like I’m already going to have so many edits gathered by the time I reach the end of this draft, I should just go back into it, but time will probably be beneficial. Not that it actually matters now. I’m only just halfway through an under-draft (by that I mean it’s going to get a lot longer). I’m going to add new scenes in my next draft and generally fiddle with plot aspects, but as quite a linear writer, I think I’m more naturally inclined to just incorporate aspects in a draft rather than as edits. I’m not sure. Does that even make any sense? 
Depending on when I finish this draft, I think I’ll plan to pick it back up May 1st, and just see how I’m feeling. But, again, this all depends on when I finish the draft, and how I’m feeling when that time comes.
Tue 16/03/2021 - Word Count: 37,025 I bought my Scrivener license today! Yay!
Wed 17/03/2021 - Word Count: 38,408 08.04 This is mostly irrelevant to my project, but I just wanted to mention the odd fact that I’m definitely a plotter when it comes to longer pieces, but when I do shorter pieces, creative or essays, for school, I hate planning, and just start immediately, then go back and edit. Huh.
Thu 18/03/2021 - Word Count: 38,950 I’m going to edit this, but writing the date just now I noticed I’ve put 2019 for the last three days. It’s absolutely not, and I know why I did that, but still.
14.31 Also, Oxford commas? Found out what they were. Granted, that was actually a few days ago.
Fri 19/03/2021 - Word Count: 40,139 06.55 Even though I wrote 500 words yesterday, I didn’t quite reach my goal of 39K, just because I had to stop writing 50 words off, and by the time I had the opportunity to go back, I just wanted to go to bed. So, today, my goal is to hit 40K words, and officially be able to say I’ve hit the minimum word count for a novel.
Honestly, I’m starting to lose my love for this project. I’m still enjoying working on it, don’t get me wrong, but I’m anticipating finishing it because I know exactly what I want to write next. I feel like I’m mostly still working on it as a lesson, and I know it’s not what I ultimately want to write--mostly because it’s not super high-concept, and high-concept stuff is what I want to be writing. I am still enjoying working on it, I’m just not sure I’ll get to the ‘final line-edits’ stage. But who knows?
10.19 And that marks 40K. We’re in novel terriority, people. And, yes, I could correct that spelling, but I’d like to draw attention to how bad I am at spelling when typing. I’m excellent at spelling in writing, and wrong spellings bother me, but when I’m typing, my fingers are just trying to keep up with my mind, which means I try to type a letter and the one after it at the same time, and often end up with letters in the wrong order and punctuation in the wrong place. Or I just hit halfway between two keys instead of the key I’m going for, and type a wrong letter. Anyway, that was meant to say territory. See? I can spel..
Or I just double the punctuation instead of the last letter.
So I’m definitely not meeting my old goal of 80K words or a finished draft by the end of the month--that’d be another 40K words in just 12 days--but I’m definitely on track to finish by the end of April.
Sat 20/03/2021 - Word Count: 40,692 15.30 God, second acts are hard. I hate being in the middle. At the start, you have novelty, and at the end (not that I would know from experience) you have the knowledge you’re near the end, that you’ve already written most of it.
I’m currently operating the reminder, ‘You’ve written an act before, why not again?’, in hopes that’ll eventually extend to, ‘You’ve finished a draft before, why not again?’ and ‘You’ve written an entire book before, why not again?’
I’ve literally written 243 words so far today, and I just don’t want to. Normally, I sit down, I slog through the first hundred or so words, then pick up momentum. Maybe it’s just because chapter 13 is a boring part to write. Ha. 13. Just my luck.
I’m being nice to myself because a lot has happened in my life over the last few days, but I still want to write a minimum of 500 words, even though most Saturdays I can write more like 3,000.
21.41 I’d like to be asleep. That sounds like fun. Today slipped through my grasp, and I haven’t even written 300 words, but I am going to try to at least hit 500. And then maybe write thousands and thousands tomorrow, but I’m also going to bake a cake, and I’m notorious for being able to make cooking and baking take at least three times as long as is necessary.
21.57 So I got just past 500. Relatively speaking, that’s not that impressive for me, but it’s more words than most people in the world added to their manuscripts today, so I have to give myself some credit. (I’m working on crediting myself for productivity rather than degrading myself for not being productive--I could go on for hours about how much it pisses me off that capitalism teaches us productivity=worth in everything, not just business, but I’m going off on a tangent.)
Sun 21/03/2021 - Word Count: 41,466 08.08 Cakes baked! And I’ve come to a conclusion about how irritating I am to myself--I didn’t fully outline the latter half of act two (by which I mean I have each scene and a purpose of each scene, but virtually no detail) which I can absolutely cope with, but it does slow me down. Anyway, I’m waiting for my cakes to cool, then I can ice them.
14.28 I wanted to write up to 42K this weekend, which I don’t think is going to happen. I’ve written 774 words, so passed my 500-word minimum, but haven’t yet reached 42K, and don’t think I’m going to this weekend. I just don’t have much motivation, which may just be because of the part I’m on, but I’d rather work through this part really slowly then pick up the pace when I get to the part I want to be writing, than force myself to write this section quickly and poorly, then not want to continue into act three. So, sticking to 500 words a day; I may do more later, but I’m leaving it for now.
Mon 22/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,006 17.56 God, I don’t want to write today. I’m going to anyway, because I haven’t yet failed 500 words. They can be a shitty 500 words, but they have to be 500 words. Also, the scene I wrote yesterday? Absolutely getting deleted. But I’m leaving it for now because I refuse to lose those 800 words.
I really enjoy putting edits at the bottom of scenes in brackets and making them unnecessarily wordy so Scrivener thinks I’ve written significantly more words than I actually have.
18.31 Yay, did it. I’m really hoping I can just work through this low spot and don’t have to take a break. I’m on the penultimate chapter of act two, and the first few chapters of act three are really exciting, so I’ll know if I need to take a break based on whether I get motivated when I get to that part.
Tue 23/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,124 16.37 GOD, I need a break. I don’t have motivation, even for 500 words. You know what? I’m just going to make a note of the scene idea I had earlier, and I’m going to take a week’s break. Unless I get antsy, in which case I may end it earlier, but, I’m not going to write again until Tuesday the 30th. Unless I get antsy. FUCK.
I’m just reminding myself breaks are good and important, but I still hate that I’m taking one without finishing my first draft. Tue 30/03/2021, I will be back! Though my word count may increase between now and then as I note down any ideas I have, which I will update with. Okay. Just leave it.
Sun 28/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,150 10.47 Since Tuesday, I’ve made some notes on my phone of little things I want to change, but haven’t added them to my project file, so the word count hasn’t gone up.
Last night, I was just thinking about how badly I wanted to get back to this project, but this morning, I just... don’t. I’ve been thinking it through, and I’m not ready to drop this project yet, but I’m just not happy with what I have at the moment. So, I’m going to add my notes to the file, and then leave it for a few weeks, so I can return with edits in mind, apply them, and then start what I guess will be like a 1.7 draft, because I didn’t finish this draft.
In the meantime, however, I do want to keep writing, so I’m going to start another project in the meantime, which I can work on a lot in the next few weeks because, in a few days, I get a couple weeks off, which won’t be completely free of work, but will give me a lot more time to dedicate to this.
I think I’m going to say I’ll return to Bay Tree (or at least review, if, say, I just want to dedicate a little more time to whatever phase of the new project before I move on) on May 10th, because that’s basically when I get to relax after my exams finish.
So I’ll add the notes I have so far, keep making notes on my phone, and return on May 10th.
Which wraps up this writing update--a new one will come with my new project!
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40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers
Don’t you sometimes see those ask games and wish you could just fkg do them all? On this sunny Saturday, we make our dreams reality lolol
1.  Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Short fic, I usually get a small scene I want written so I write around it, plus I love short stories with interesting punchline.
2.  Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Probably, I don’t know them all ^^’
3.  Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Writing about stuff that disgust me I guess.
4.  How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Like 5-6? I want to write about a restaurant but set in a world where people have powers I think the combo could be very funny. The main character has the power of insight, the plonge is a giant pool where you swim around cleaning. Backstories of characters with shitty and amazing powers and how they ended up here. Rival to lover character that has the power to see into the future.
5. Share one of your strengths.
Dialogues, subversion, and humor; classmates often said I have a touch to spin a sad story into something positive/happier.
6.  Share one of your weaknesses?
I get tired when I describe something for longer than 4 sentences.
7.  Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“In what kind of trouble have we walked right into?”, I ask my companions as they’re idly fixing their attire. Together, we’ve face many perils and this mission ranks among one of the most dangerous. Yet, the others had been…how should I say it…professional! Rescuing kidnapped princesses, vanquishing terrifying monsters, quests to restore mythical artifacts, save nations from insidious plots. Oddly enough, “Does this dress make me look fat?”, is not the answer I’m looking for.
Ribbon in my hair is the first time I wrote about my knights, I first dreamt about them when I as 18, my boyfriend at the time called my idea stupid and my world building pointless so I only started writing about them when I was 21. Now I write about them a little bit every year :)
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Do you really want your last words to be complaints?”
“I die as I lived.”
“Will we become a fruit tree?”
“I don’t think so, it’s never been the case for my ancestors.”
“I’d love it if we could turn into a banana tree.”
“I’m not from the southern regions, plus I like apples more.”
“Just imagine, our fruits could have been banana flambée”
This death scene was a big finale to a story I wrote for a class in Uni, a story of war between clan of forest and volcano people, of the supposedly brutal death of a Goddess, of a mysterious apple tree whose fruit give vision of the past. I should revisit it.
9.  Which fic as been the hardest to write?
My analysis on D’Artagnan and the figure of the hero. Granted it’s an essay for school but I deeply loved it. I was too afraid to write or ask for help from the professor in charge of me (which made our relationship tense ^^’) but when I did, it was beautiful and I was very proud got 89% :D
10.  Which fic has been the easiest to write?
A play called Adelaide where an old couple reads their old fairytale book about a Prince on a quest to save a Princess. They bicker about the other misreading the story but we finally get to the part where the Prince tosses the princess apart to get a better view of the dragon of which he falls instantly in love. The book is actually their wedding album.
11.  Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s one of my passions, but it’s not something I think I could live on so I delegated it to my hobby.
12.  Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
The wedding scene in Shrek 2, my mind was blown when I saw it in theaters and when I need inspiration to write, I rewatch it.
13.  What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Presentation is important. If trying to read you gives people headaches, they’ll stop. Choose a nice big font, space with paragraphs, be mindful of your spelling and missing words. Read out loud because some things written are bad said.
14.  What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
I must’ve been lucky in this regard, I don’t think I’ve ever received advice that made me go NO, but I did have to listen/read stuff that made me gag.
15.  If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
I would love to the Adelaide acted out, some adjustments would be required because I’m no expert in play writing but I think I’d be great.
16.  If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Luyenor’a and Taram, names are placeholders as of now but they’re two of my knight, being the “only pairing I’m allow to write about forever” means I’d get more knight shenanigans done.
17.  Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I’m doing bullets point of what I want to happen and write stuff without much order. Some days I have no inspirations for what goes in the beginning but have loads for a later point. I surf the wave when it presents itself.
18.  Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Word on my computer, a notebook in my bag, the note app in my phone.
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
I have little trinkets all around my computer to invite inspiration.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Freshly woken up, having eaten, drinking something sugary and sometimes apple cider because the alcohol help lower my inhibition.
21.  How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I read out loud at least once the whole thing, helps with missing words but dude I reread my stuff on ao3 and always find mistakes still ^^’
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
I’m not going to put here because it’s in French and I don’t want to translate now but I wrote Vision of a world, mine when I was 16 and damn was I already depressed then?
23.  If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
The Princess and the Soldier, some gay fairytale I think my first one, I’m sure I can do better bow
I also have one about a janitor and it’s a murder mystery I could redo
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Once by accident, I was so angry I never rewrote it.
25.  What do you look for in a beta?
I don’t really use beta (beta reader right?) but I guess I’ve had like 3-4 when I was in Uni and had to read people’s wip and they read mine. They’d talk about what they liked, links they noticed, things that seemed weak or to change
26.  Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I usually just point out the stuff I like
27.  How do you feel about collaborations?
For a class in college, we had to act out a play we wrote collectively. Ten sketches written in pairs/alone. I made sure I was alone so I wouldn’t be saddled with someone else to write my sketch
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
I don’t follow fic writers; I just am in a mood for a ship and read what’s available. I do like my friend @alumort ‘s fics tho ^^
29.  If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
There was a Phineas and Ferb fic focused on Perry I really loved. Their world building was something I’d never seen and they abandoned the story, so I did fanfic of a fic. Never dared to post it anywhere I mean it was their world to begin with.
30.  Do you accept prompts?
Of course, when inspiration is given I accept
31.  Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I don’t care about canon but I do love using it when there are little trivia to enrich the character.
32.  How do you feel about smut?
Love to read it sometimes, would love to write it. Some I’m like………….youveneverhadsexhaveyou…………………
33.  How do you feel about crack?
Love it!!!!!!!! I’m too self-conscious to write it tho. Oh maybe that could be a never before written trope I could try?
34.  What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Rape I can’t, dub-con where underlying requited feelings exist but anxiety™ don’t let the characters express them but they’re drunk so it surfaces is okay
35.  Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Hell yeah! I do when/if the death makes sense (I am still pissed at Kishi for Neji)
36.  Which is your favorite site to post fic?
Ao3 is where I post,I used devianart when I had one
37.  Talk about your current wips.
Marry Me for the Love of Cake: God I’m so sorry to the few people who followed it, I said I’d pick it up before the end of 2019 and well……I have the ending in bullet points
Yours, with Love: I hope I’ll finish it…I have most of the ending in bullet points
I guess I’m into rom com at the moment lolol
38.  Talk about a review that made your day.
I made my best friend read All this for a Roll Cake, and she laughed so much at my work, I took a picture I look at from time to time to remain humble.
39.  Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Thankfully I’ve never received a rude review. My professor once told me it seemed kinda unnatural how unlucky my protagonist was vs. how lucky his love interest was (All this for a Roll Cake) but that was the whole point of the story so I just ignored her.
40.  Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
Writing this I realised I lost my final version of All this for a Roll Cake T^T so I guess I’d rewrite the ending I have of the before the last version I still have.
Well this was fun ^^ got to revisit my works and remember many beloved pieces of fiction I wrote, I look forward to my next projects
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monolid-monologues · 4 years
Time, are you on my side or nah?
Take your time
for quality decisions, quality process, quality relationships.
Taking my time has been good to my book, to the anna jack tess process, to the people i talk to-- and i want to say Yes, It’s been good to Myself, too, but after taking my time on all those things..er....i actually feel like i have no time left.
* * *
I used to hate waiting for anything.
Call the mistakes “grunge”, and call it a day.
The cost of Now was so high and i would pay it a million times over. Sacrifice quality. Sacrifice forethought or foresight. Who needs longevity??? We prefer Instantlyyy. Priorities = Faster. Sooner. ASAP. NOW.
Because you hate waiting??????? That’s it???? WOW!
Now all I do is give myself enough time.
Now, the problem is,  i’m giving myself a lot of things that i’d like to give a lot of time and AS i make sure all those things get enough time...
Huh. Ha. The sum is still Not Enough Time..................
* * *
Don’t ask me how I did it
but Sunday night i worked on the last stretch of my book, the last edits, from 5pm (after rehearsal 11-3pm) all the way up til 7am the next morning. I took a personal day from work that Monday. 
12am, 1am, 2am, 3am..  Time keeps ripping by.
No drugs, not even an extra cup of coffee.... i just worked on this shit for 14-hours straight. i shit you not. barring meal breaks and bathroom breaks, i was sitting at the computer making this book better, and better.
contacts shriveling on my eyeballs
the Monday work day getting closer and closer.
I’m delirious, I know I’m not finished, it’s bright as fuck outside and I can’t control any longer the fact that i’m about to pass out--
I send the revised draft to Myah and fell asleep late into the afternoon.
When I wake up to her notes and my own re-read, there are indeed more edits to be made.
After rehearsal, i work on it again.
This time, i stop myself at 4am.
i get 3-hours of sleep and go to my day job.
Again, after rehearsal (after my day job), i’m making more edits.
I was supposed to submit all the files by Sunday night.
Instead it’s my “last” day for three days.
But there were all these little things that.....could’ve made the book better. So I did. I worked more. Spent more time. I made the book better.
* * *
i’m nearly a husk lol
i’ve worked myself intensely these past few months
i’m looking forward to taking it easy come June
except, will i be?
there’s another passion project yonder.
And this one hits my heart just as deeply, but way differently.
I don’t know what i’ma do.
I guess i’ll just keep taking my time.
I’m just afraid of spending it all.  
I miss my friends
I miss having a clean room
I miss working out
I miss my solo rehearsal sessions on the weekends
i miss making more patreon content
i miss longer baths
I don’t know what i’ma do about it
but i get it. it’s the start.
it’s the start of something new.
all my work in the last couple months is reaching an apex
and we are gaining speed and distance on a new sharp turn
and it’s also okay to give myself time to “know what to do about it”
cus at least i can see the turn from here
let me start pressing the breaks now
cautiously, with enough time,
let’s turn.
let’s see how this turns.
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echonidae · 5 years
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edit nov. 23rd: alrighty, break is over !! the seven main slots are back c: for now commissions will be done in a slower pace while i sort out schoolwork (but i only have classes for two more weeks !!) so there's that c: ,,,,i ended up not having much time to revise the whole commission page ;o; but i'll also eventually make a separated page for the older completed slots, just so the page doesn't get progressively longer asdfghjfghj
——— COMMISSION STATUS - OPEN please read all the info + rules carefully before requesting a commission!! by placing an order, you're agreeing to all the rules!!
4000x4000px .png images (icons are 800x800px !) at 600-700ppi by default, digital medium only; one file watermarked for reposting purposes, another with a tiny signature off to the side; payment is done half upfront, half right before i send you the finished drawing (two invoices) after i accept your order, you must pay the first half in 72h to occupy a slot or your request will be considered null and void! waiting period for the finished drawing is 1 to 3 weeks (due to classes — i tend to work fast tho) — i'll keep you updated!
7 slots per batch — icons have dedicated slots!! once i get this batch done, i'll open more slots  —  for icons, i'll create a new batch and reopen slots as they get done instead :)   max of 2 slots per person (icons don't count for Main slots so if you want two commissions + up to two icons, that's fine !!) , only one character per slot.
more info under the cut!! please read all the info + rules carefully before requesting a commission!! by placing an order, you're agreeing to all the rules!!
this price sheet is on dA too, in case the readmore link can’t be opened on mobile!
- first batch slot 1 - completed !!  slot 2 - completed !! slot 3 - completed !! slot 4 - completed !! slot 5 - completed !! slot 6 - completed !! slot 7 - completed !!
- second batch slot 1 -  completed !! slot 2 -  completed !! slot 3 -  completed !! slot 4 -  completed !! slot 5 -  completed !! slot 6 -  completed !! slot 7 -  completed !! -------------------- icon slot 1 - completed !! icon slot 2 - completed !! icon slot 3 - completed !! icon slot 4 - completed !! icon slot 5 - completed !! icon slot 6 - completed !!
- third batch // opened on nov. 23rd slot 1 -  OPEN slot 2 -  OPEN slot 3 -  OPEN slot 4 -  OPEN slot 5 -  OPEN slot 6 -  OPEN slot 7 -  OPEN -------------------- icon slot 7 - OPEN icon slot 8 - OPEN icon slot 9 - OPEN icon slot 10 - OPEN icon slot 11 - OPEN
— USD (paypal invoice) only
> ICONS  - 800x800px - digital painting style - full color + shading/lighting - colored lineart - optional white outline, chromatic aberration, etc. - simple backgrounds (mandalas, patterns, geometric, texture, transparent, etc.) — ICONS:        $ 11 USD
> SHADED LINEART - cellshading in 1 to 2 colors - clean lineart in 1 to 2 colors - solid color bakcground with/without texture - chromatic aberration in the lineart is optional — BUST:          $ 12 USD — KNEE-UP:    $ 14 USD
> OVERLAYED GRAYSCALE (as in, the drawing is done in grayscale and then i overlay a ton of diffrent colors on top of it) - cellshaded - clean lineart - minimal lighting - simple background with/without texture or simple shapes - chromatic aberration in the lineart is optional — BUST:          $ 15 USD — KNEE-UP:    $ 18 USD
> BASE COLORS - cellshaded + lighting and lighting effects - base colors - clean, colored lineart - chromatic aberration in the lineart is optional - simple background with/without texture or simple shapes — BUST:          $ 22 USD — KNEE-UP:    $ 26 USD
> FULL COLOR - full color digital painting - full shading/lighting - colored lineart - simple background — BUST:          $ 38 USD — KNEE-UP:    $ 55 USD
—  each major change (as in: something significantly big and/or detailed, or a portion that is more than 45% of the piece, must be redone partially or completely) to the order after the lineart is done increases the price by $2 to $5 USD!
- will draw furries/anthro animals plants humanoids monsters humans body horror some gore your ocs - will not draw fanart (sorry!) nsfw/fetish/sexualized nudity hyper realistic gore mecha/vehicles/intricate armor (this sort of armor is fine! in doubt, feel free to ask!) text-only references (please send images instead!) someone else's oc (unless you have written permission!) hate speech/racism/lgbtphobia character sheets custom oc design custom clothing design (please send references!!) drawn backgrounds (as in, actual full scenes — abstract or simple shapes like mandalas or the ones in the previous commissions are fine)
feel free to ask if you're not sure whether your order would be ok or not !!
here are the full example images: - icons 1 // icons 2 - shaded lineart - overlayed grayscale (a more colorful one in this style would be [this] one!!) - base colors - full color (this was an ab extra for an auction so i can only link the preview, sorry!! most of my art is in this fullcolor style tho so here are some substitutes [1] [2] [3] [4]) feel free to check out previous commissions here!!
-  i reserve the right to refuse a commission request without needing to provide a reason — please don't take it personally!! -  once i've accepted your order, i'll send you an invoice asking for the first half of the payment, which you must pay in 72h. after i receive that, you’ll occupy a slot and i’ll start working on your piece! -  i'll send you some rough colored sketches for you to choose which one you like better; please make sure to think carefully and say if you'd like to change something before greenlighting one of the sketches! we can stay at this stage for as long as it is needed, no rush c: but please keep in mind that once you greenlight it, i'm not going to start over! -  i'll update you again once the lineart is done (wip screenshot including the previously agreed color scheme, if applicable) — at this point, only color palette and minor changes to the lineart (small changes in the expression, moving a hand a bit to the side, more or less texture detail on faces and hair, etc.) are allowed free of charge —   each major change after the lineart is done will increase the price by $2 to 5$ USD!   - * i'll send another update right before finishing the piece so as to work out last minute details and small changes. * once your commission is done, i'll send a second invoice asking for the rest of the payment — after i receive that, i'll send you the full-res images! i'll also post the commissioned drawing here, on tumblr and on ig — if you don't want to be linked to the drawing once it's posted, please do say so ahead of time! -  i won't accept private commissions (as in, the drawing isn't posted anywhere).  i also will not do any edits after the commission is done (as in, after the second invoice has been sent) — again please make sure to voice your thoughts in the sketch phase!   -  please understand that, although i'll follow references as closely as i can * (and you can feel free to tell me if i missed a detail any time) * , i'll make stylistic choices due to my artstyle and i will not try to replicate someone else's style. -  i keep all the copyrights to use, post and showcase the commissioned drawing in any and all websites, portfolios, announcements, etc. i won't sell or make prints/etc. of the drawing, and i'll make sure to add info on who the commission was for. -   the commissioned drawing is for personal and non-commercial use only; you may not claim my art as your own nor profit in any way from the drawing. the resolution should be good for printing and you may do so for personal use but please don't sell prints of the drawing. * the commissioned drawing is a digital file, and i won't send any physical items to you. *  -   you keep all the rights to your own ocs, designs, concepts, and stories. -   do not trace, copy, or edit the drawing in any way. and please do not erase my signature in the unwatermarked image, it won't be obstructing anything. -   i'll send you a watermarked and an unwatermarked version of the drawing — only the watermarked version may be reposted (with credit) to prevent misuse/theft! the icon's file i'll send you does not have a watermark — still, credit is appreciated! i'll post icons together in a single post, and those do have watermarks for the same reason as mentioned previously ;v; -   please don't commission me with a deadline in mind — your piece may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to finish, though i'm aiming for the former. i'm currently in classes right now and they, of course, have a greater priority over commissions — if something comes up that results in a significant delay on your piece, i'll notify you of it! -    i'll refund your payment if i wasn't able to finish or start your order. if you must cancel your order for any reason, please contact me asap so we can discuss it! if you give up on the commission mid-way or after it is done, i will not refund you and won't take commissions from/sell adopts to you in the future. -     that being said, please do not commission me if you're unsure you can pay or unsure you actually want it!
by placing an order, you are agreeing to the terms and i assume you have read all the info i've written down! i'm not going to negotiate the terms! feel free to ask any questions!!!
send me a note/PM with the following information:
subject: commission request paypal email: (so i can send you an invoice) type of commission: (icon, lineart, grayscale, base colors or full color?) type of composition: (knee-up or bust?) description/ideas: (please write a detailed description of what you want from this piece! what sort of mood/expression/pose/color palette/etc. do you have in mind? do send any ideas for composition and other elements even if they feel vague, we will work together on shaping your order c:) reference image links: (other than character sheets, these can be palettes, pictures of outfits, pose references,  etc.! please keep in mind i won't do text-only descriptions/references, nor will i design characters/clothing/etc.!! also please make sure that the character sheet is colored or send a specific palette! if you have a quick sketch or doodle of what you have in mind [even if it's just stick figures!], it would be greatly appreciated if you linked it too!!!)
anyway yeah thank you for reading this far!! i realize this is very very long, still haven’t quite set up a dedicated page for commission info orz if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send a note, i'll get back to you asap!! c: ♥
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clevercatchphrase · 5 years
Just some numbers and figures~
So! I finished my fan fiction, You Monster, this week, and it took me exactly 3 and a half years to write/edit/publish. This post at the time of writing, however, is being written a few days before the final chapter goes up, just examining  some numbers and trends around the wordcount and posting rate of my fan fic, because i’m obsessed with numbers and such, and i’m just trying to chew up time and keep myself occupied before the last chapter goes public. There’s literally no point to this post other than to marvel at how long this story is and how long it took me to get it out there, and reflect on what happened to me in The Real World during that time. Care to join me?
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In Microsoft Word, this entire story is 609 pages and 209,235 words. The word count is slightly higher on AO3 (which I consider the definitive draft), partly because AO3 counts formatting tags as words for some reason, and because if I make little adjustments to the story, I’ll do it on AO3, but not on the original word file (or corresponding tumblr post for that matter) because I can’t be bothered to. 
According to AO3, I started this fic on January 3rd, 2016, smack dab in the middle of my winter break in my last year of college. I probably started writing it a few days before, maybe in december. I’m not really sure, but I’m kinda surprised I started it so early in the year, especially since I was writing by the seat of my pants for the first 14 chapters or so.
The following pictures highlight what days/months chapters were posted, according to AO3 (I personally think there might be a discrepancy or two due to timezones)
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Chapter-wise, the first third of this story (Chapters 1 through 12) was written and posted in 2 months, and TWO THIRDS of the entire story (Chapters 1 through 25 (rounding up)) were written in the first YEAR.
Wordcount-wise, HALF the story (roughly 100k words) was written in one year.
There was a dramatic drop in productivity at the middle/end of 2016 due to Real World Stress, mostly me graduating & getting a job, the presidential elections, and learning a family member was starting to have kidney failure.
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God, 2017 was a bad year for me, productivity-wise. In early June I lost said family member due to their kidney failure, and was completely unmotivated to work on You Monster for the rest of the year. I remember forcing myself to write for NaNoWriMo that year, and it helped snap me out of my funk, but I didn’t like how the writing came out and kept pushing off revising and editing the drafts for several weeks. I also remember getting really sick on christmas eve/day with a terrible flu, which made me unable to post the next chapter until January.
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I actually felt a lot better mentally and emotionally in 2018. I WOULD have written more in early 2018, but that was also when the Hiveswap Comic Contest started, and lasted for 3 straight months with me doing nothing more than drawing comics for 12 consecutive weeks. Then, after that was over, I started thinking/planning more seriously about writing ANOTHER story, which later became Ghost Switch, and I offically started that halfway through 2018. I originally thought about making Ghost Switch a written work, but it was basically going to be another re-telling of Undertale, which was what I was doing with You Monster anyway, and I didn’t want to write all of that out again, so I decided to make it a comic instead. It was a great decision for me art-wise, because now I’m improving my art skills through weekly comic pages, but it was also a terrible decision art-wise because now I GOTTA KEEP DRAWING POSES AND BACKGROUNDS AND DRAWING PEOPLE IS HARD. 
Back to the point- I forced myself to write this fic again for NaNoWriMo that year, and was terribly upset that I still didn’t finish. But this time, I forced myself to revise and edit my writing until it became something I could tolerate, and posted the next chapter in January (again, but this time because my writing needed far more revisions than last year’s nano draft) 
Getting back into revising and editing DID seriously help me get back in the groove of Wanting To Write, but it was a little trickier now that I was also drawing a comic, and it was hard to manage my time between the two, because when I write, I do it for great stretches at a time. I mean, like, 4 or 5 hours straight of writing. Same goes for comic making, too. sketching the pages can take me two hours, and cleaning/inking/coloring them can take me anywhere from 4 to 6 hours.
Hm. If I included the other fics I wrote during this time, I get the feeling these calendars would look a lot more active and colorful. Maybe i’ll do that for myself later, so I can see how much I posted in 3 years.
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This year, I was absolutely determined to finish this story, even if it killed me. I was still struggling to manage my time between writing and art, mostly dedicating a few weeks to make a buffer of comic pages so I could have a couple of weeks dedicated to writing. It was time consuming, and I felt bad when I worked on one but not the other, but I finally got my breakthrough in May, when I had to take multiple trips to an automotive shop for several different car repairs. Instead of just leaving my car there and going home, I brought my writing spirals with me and just wrote and wrote and didn’t stop writing while I waited in their loby. I finally finished the rough drafts of my story after being stuck for 4 hours in a Pepboys, and spent two more full days typing it out. Then, I rested for a week, and spent 3 more revising and editing the remaining bits. I was hoping to get the whole thing done and posted before July ended, but that did not end up being the case. For me, when we finally get to August, we have entered “the end of the year”. Ah, well. Even though I didn’t get the story completely posted before August, I can still take pride in knowing I finished it before the year was half way over~!
I personally divide this story into 5 arcs, Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotland, and New Home And Beyond (Which is basically anything that can happen after you unlock the true lab in-game)
The Ruins arc I consider everything in chapters 1 thorugh 12. It is simultainiously the longest arc (chapter-wise, with 12 chapters which as mentioned earlier, is 1/3rd of the story) and also the shortest arc, only taking up 24k words (Which is an 8th of the entire story, or roughly 12.5%).It was also the quickest writen arc, as it was primarily prologue/first act material. Pretty much all of it was written in that first January. It’s 80 pages long, or 13% of all pages
The snowdin arc (chapters 13 to 22) is just under 25% of the entire story, coming in at 49 thousand words (on the nose!) It is the second longest arc in both word count and in number of Chapters (10, to be exact~) It took me roughly 4.5 months to write this arc. We also spend the most physical in-story time in Snowdin. Almost 3 full days, which is half of the story’s timeline (not counting the 7-8 years in the Ruins. That was all set-up) It’s 172 pages long, or 28% of all pages.
The Waterfall arc (Chapters 23 to 28) is the longest arc wordcount-wise, making up another 25% of the story, coming in at 53.6 thousand words, and dead center when it comes to the number of chapters it makes up (which is 6). Looking at this now, litterally half this story takes place in Snowdin and Waterfall. Roughly one full day is spent in waterfall, from noon of the first day, to roughly late morning of the second. This arc took me 11 months to write/post, and if you read the notes for these corrisponding chapters, you can tell I was not having a good time during it. It’s 178 pages long, or 29% of all pages.
The Hotland arc, (chapters 29 to 32) Is the shortest arc chapter-wise, with only 4 (10% of all chapters), and second shortest arc wordcount-wise, coming in at 36 thousand words, or about 18% of the story. It’s also the shortest in-story arc time-wise, seeing as you only spend about half a day here. I did not like writing the hotland arc! Mostly in part because Hotland is my least favorite region in the game. Chapter 32 is probably my least favorite out of all of what I’ve written. It was difficult figuring out what to do with Alphys and Mettaton, seeing as their interactions with you in game heavily focus on you and your human-ness. I am quite glad that each chapter was pretty neatly divided by in-game floors. It was a good way to know where a chapter could end and when I could give the characters some breathing room. It took me over a year to complete the Hotland arc, and most of that time was because I didn’t want to revise and edit what I wrote. It’s 123 pages long, or 20% of all pages.
New Home and Beyond
I don’t consider the True Lab part of Hotland because of in-game story reasons. You can’t access it until you’ve gone to New Home at least once, and once you enter it, you cant leave until you finish it, which, again, takes you to new home. Honestly, once you get to the true lab, you’ve won the game. There is no way to ruin your pacifist playthrough once you get to the lab, and while the amalgamates may kill you, you can’t “lose” once you get this far. That’s why I consider Chapter 33 the start of the New Home arc even though in my story we haven’t seen new home yet (mostly because there are no saves or resets in this story, so we kinda couldn’t have gone there first).
The New Home arc is the second shortest chapter-wise, making up the last 5 chapters (13% of all of them), and is dead-center when it comes to word count, finishing with 46.5 thousand words, or roughly the last 25%. I was actually really excited to write everything from chapter 34 to 36 after having been fantisizing about it in my head for the last two years. I gotta be honest, the end of chapter 37 gave me some trouble. I was still making edits up to a few days before it went public, but I think I got the feelings I wanted across~ It’s 161 pages long, or 26% of all pages.
I started keeping a word file for bits of dialogue and scenes that I originally wrote in my spiral, but ultimately cut for one reason or another. Mostly these are just sentences and snippets that sounded redundant, ooc, or were just an alternate dialouge I decided not to use. I didn’t start doing this until chapter 28, according to my files, but according to the masterfile, there were 6.4 thousand words I ended up not using. 
There are, in fact, several bullet points I had originally planned and ended up not using, such as Sans ASKING Undyne to keep an eye on the kid while they were in waterfall, which sounded hypocritical after I wrote him coming to peace with them, as well as having Asgore tuoring the Underground that week, and thus Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys having to hide Frisk from him once they become friends. (the painkillers Alphys also gave frisk were actually supposed to induce drowsiness in Frisk, making them fall asleep so Alphys could keep them from going to New Home, but this was a point I dropped at the absolute last minute, and you can tell if you re-read chapter 29, because it’s hinted at, but the painkillers are never mentioned again. I figured that plot point was a little too dark for Alphys’ character)
Fun Fact: the zalgo text in Chapter 27 DOES actually have dialouge in it, if you know what to look for. Only one person has asked about it, but no one has yet to decifer it.
Hotland (4 Chapters)
New Home and Beyond (5 Chapters)
Waterfall (6 Chapters)
Snowdin (10 Chapters)
Ruins (12 Chapters)
Ruins (24k)
Hotland (36k)
New Home and Beyond (46.5k)
Snowdin (48k)
Waterfall (53.6k)
(Same order as above)
Ruins (1 month)
Snowdin (4.5 months)
New Home and Beyond (~6 months)
Waterfall (11 months)
Hotland (>1 Year)
Other Numbers For Some Reason
Chapters 1 through 19 make up the 1st 50k words (this when Frisk falls into the underground, up to Sans attacking them in the kitchen) 19 chapters
Chapters 20 through 26 make up the 2nd 50k words (when Frisk decides to seek asgore’s help, to when Undyne cuts the bridge) 7 chapters
Chapters 27 through 31 make up the 3rd 50k words (when Frisk dislocates their shoulder to Flowey killing the messenger spider) 5 chapters
Chapters 32 through 37 make up the 4th 50k words (When Mettaton decides to change the programming, to Frisk’s final choice) 6 chapters
Only 5 chapters exceed 10k words, they are chapters 22, 27, 28, 33 and 36
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Here’s a visual representation of all the chapters and their word counts in relation to one another. I was so startled by the spikes of chapter 22 and 28 that I had to go back and skim the chapters to remind myself what went down in them and why they were so long. Chapter 22 is papyrus trying to keep the human in snowdin while sans runs some errands, and then the human discovering the skelebro’s deceit. Chapter 28 is the human realizing Undyne tried to murder them, and then escaping from waterfall. I distinctly remembering saying I could have split chapter 28, but I was so tired of writing waterfall that I refused to do so because I just wanted it to end already.
I find it absolutely hilarious how consistant my word count was until chapter 20 (chapter 15 is an outliar), and then everything went off the rails.
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Here’s a graph of the total word count, shown to you NaNoWriMo style~ (I spent way too long in excel making both of these charts, please validate me) 
The climb definitely looks a lot less drastic here, as it is always building on itself, but if you look closely, you can see one or two inflection points, roughly around chapter 20 and 28.
I’m so glad to finally be done with this story. It’s certainly deviated from what I originally planned, but I think all the changes are for the better. Now I can think about writing other things, like the PTA!AU shorts I’ve been meaning to do. It was fun and it was challenging, and this is literally the longest thing I’ve ever written in my life. Will I ever make a story this long again? Maybe?? If I ever encounter another game with as much character and worldbuilding as Undertale that also just hits me in the feels the same way, I might, but for now I’m going to focus on other projects (most of them still undertale related, but shut up)
Got any questions, comments, concerns for my fic? I’m so glad it’s done, now, and I’d be happy to talk about my thoughts behind it~
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thrandilf · 5 years
Clocks Tick, but Lives Flow
Snow flurries whirled under the gaslit street lamps of London, golden light illuminating the remnants of a heavy blizzard that was finally winding down. Carriages were long retired from the iced over cobbled streets. The only sounds approaching the hushed city were the distant shouts of children delighting in the snow and the crunch of fresh powder and ice under the boots of passersby.
Saint Germain always knew what time it was even without a watch. 8:07 pm he counted, Christmas Eve. Over the centuries, he’d thought of himself as a mere observer of humankind, mortality and life forfeited for immortality and a death he had only recently woken up from. To stroll in the snow as nothing more than a man with spare time on his hands among everyone else was a rare treat. He supposed that his companion felt similarly.
“Be careful not to slip, Miss Cardia.”
“I am!” Cardia gave him a carefree smile, letting the tread of her her boots slide under her feet and propel her a couple extra inches every step. For someone who’d witnessed so many horrors in her short lifetime, Cardia was as kind and caring as ever. Saint Germain watched her with a satisfied smile, habitually counting the minutes they’d had together. After thousands of years, he’d been on a date for twenty six minutes.
Snowflakes stuck to her hair and she laughed as a gust blew into her face, closing her eyes. It only took a second for her step to falter. “WOAH!”
She flailed her arms and Saint Germain caught her gloved hand, bracing himself and catching her with his unbroken gentlemanly composure- or so he thought. “Miss Cardia-!” His own boots hit slick ice where constant traffic had eroded the snow and he shrieked. They both lurched forward and hit the ground with a rough impact, spilling out into the street over the curb.
Ah, 8:09 pm, and he was harshly reminded of his own mortality. Saint Germain took a moment to groan as he rubbed his bruised hip, grimacing.
He scrambled to get up and help Cardia, and in his hurry slipped again and met Cardia’s eyes as she watched him flounder.
“Sorry- hahaha!” Cardia took a slower approach, getting on her knees and using a lamppost to stand up with. Her white winter coat and hat disguised her fall well- while Saint Germain was obviously covered with ice. She held her hand out and he pouted. “Well? I got you!”
“It’s supposed to be the other way around.” Saint Germain let Cardia pull him up, immediately trying to brush off his dark green coat with his free hand. “But I do thank you, Miss Cardia.” He brought her gloves hand to his lips and gave it a chaste kiss, eyes watching her face.
The tiniest things were so new to both of them. As he thought, Cardia’s already snow kissed face seemed to turn rosier. Cardia averted her eyes shyly but smiled at the snow. “May I ask you a question, Saint Germain?”
“Of course.” He held her hand as they walked, convinced that he could break her fall more efficiently next time.
They were getting to the still active districts of the main city. Brightly lit bustling shops were closing within the hour but still had lavish decorations in the storefronts. Cardia gazed at them all with delight, eyes tracing glittering ornaments, gourmet chocolates, perfectly tied ribbons, and wreaths of evergreen and pine branches. Cardia squeezed his hand with excitement. “Saint Germain, why do you still call me ‘Miss Cardia’?”
“Huh.” Old habits die hard. “I suppose it feels right, even if we’re on more familiar terms... Cardia.” He tried addressing her without an honorific and it left an odd taste in his mouth.
Cardia giggled. “It’s alright, um, Germain?”
Saint Germain raised his eyebrows with a soft chuckle. “Feels wrong, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose so.” Cardia stopped in front of another gift shop, this one full of porcelain dolls in delicate dresses. For a moment, her reflection in the window blended in too well with them, face blank until she smiled again. “I remember feeling like I wasn’t a person. You do too, I guess. You always addressed me as Miss, always were so polite and gentle with your words. I know it sounds like you were distant, but it felt like I was enough of a person for you to want to always respect like that. It’s cute.”
“Oh? Then I should keep doing it.”
Cardia nudged Saint Germain as they walked again, occasionally weaving through other groups of people. “I don’t think anyone could stop you when you want something- Sainty-G.”
“Miss Cardia, please.” Saint Germain couldn’t stop himself from smirking. “You tease too much, I can’t help how impulsive I can be. Oh, perfect!” He caught sight of a bouquet of mistletoe under a doorway and quickly spun Cardia around to settle in under it. “It’s tradition to kiss under these.”
Cardia looked up at the sprigs of mistletoe bound with a bright bow above them. “I think you’re making that up.”
“I assure you, it’s tradition.”
Cardia rolled her eyes and their lips met at 8:27 pm, chaste and gentle. She pulled back first and Saint Germain immediately followed for one more kiss, both giggling and giddy at the soft warmth they shared for a few moments.
The trek back from their little escape was pleasant. Their breath fogged in the moonlight a they meandered through snowy meadow and forest to the mansion. From a distance the mansion finally felt like home to Saint Germain, complete with the shattered window from the Ornithopter crash in the dining room. “Our circle of friends is quite peculiar.”
“I think they’re perfect.”
“Oh I agree- real estate damage and all, warm imperfection is greater than any lifeless mechanical perfection.”
Cardia kept close to Saint Germain, arms linked as they hiked the last part of their walk through mostly undisturbed snow. Silence between them was comfortable, companionable. While Saint Germain was still getting used to letting his composure and guard down, the process was pleasant. Cardia really was too good and patient for him.
Saint Germain rummaged around his inner pockets as they approached the door but it swung open before they’d set foot on the last stair step. Lupin narrowed his eyes playfully, dramatically silhouetted in the doorway. “Guilty!”
“Yes, yes, as charged.” Saint Germain let Cardia run inside ahead of him, shedding her boots and coat and scooping Sisi into her arms. “It’s only 9:14- I didn’t keep her out too long.”
Lupin opened his mouth and Finis appeared behind him to talk to Cardia. “HEY! Make cocoa with us! I can barely tolerate these people without your presence!”
Saint Germain and Cardia exchanged a glance, both stifling laughter as Finis huffed and tried to convincingly storm off towards the kitchen. Guinevere and Omnibus were watching Impey and Victor with amusement in the parlor as they dramatically retold their own separate adventures. Van Helsing and Delacroix had their own corner, still half on business as they mulled over paperwork and politics but still spared fond glances at the rest of the party. Hansel seemed content to steadily munch through a platter of sugar cookies, but Saint Germain suspected he might migrate towards the kitchen at some point.
He watched his bizarre inner circle interact and be merry all night, still observing but for once feeling like both a host and member of their lives. He waited for the party to simmer down until the activity in the mansion was lulled by 11:04. Impey (as an apology for crashing into the house) helped clean cocoa cups and dishes alongside Saint Germain, humming in the kitchen. “Hey, Sainty-G?”
“Yes? Your nickname for me has started to spread, by the way.”
“Ha, I bet Cardia says it, huh?” Impey winked but then became serious, frowning as he wiped down a counter. “Listen, you’ll treat her like a princess, right?”
“Of course.”
“And you’ll make her happy?” Impey sighed and let his shoulders sag. “I’m happy for you two- I just need to know for sure that she’s loved and cherished.”
Saint Germain nodded. “Yes. I’ll adore her and protect her for the rest of my life.” Impey didn’t seem quite convinced. “Lupin almost strangled me when I didn’t do right by her- I’m very aware that you’ll all keep me accountable.”
“Good. I mean- not good, that’s not very nice- but I’m glad that you know we’re there for her too.” Impey flashed Saint Germain a fanged smile. “You need a best man for the wedding?”
“Hush! Say that any louder and Finis will kick us both in the shins.”
Saint Germain silently made his way up to Cardia’s room, smiling when he noticed a band of light under the door. She seemed to have insomnia as much as he did. He gently tapped the door with his knuckles. “Miss Cardia?”
The door swung open and Cardia beckoned him in. “Hi- coming to say goodnight?” There was a cozy light on her bedside table and one of Saint Germain’s alchemy books open on her bedspread. The sight of it warmed his chest.
“Ah, I wrote that almost two hundred years ago. The syntax is a little dry by now- but I shouldn’t get carried away, I actually wanted to show you something.”
“Alright.” Cardia dimmed the light and followed him. “If you wanted to write a revised edition, I could probably help. We have time.”
Yes, they did have time.
Saint Germain led her to his personal library and study. He ignored the main part of the room but headed for a far corner by a window, ushering her to a cushioned window seat. “Isn’t the garden beautiful?”
The windowpane was cold to the touch as Cardia and Saint Germain peered outside together. Inside was warm, while outside the moon was still high above thinning white clouds. Snow and ice clung to the graceful outlines of the shrubs, flower beds, and the vines around the courtyard. The greenhouse in the distance protected its inhabitants but icicles lined the roof and sides. It was perfectly serene, as though the entire world was asleep.
“It is beautiful.” Cardia turned to Saint Germain, their faces intimately close. “Why don’t we go out in it?”
“Oh? But we’ve warmed up.” He wasn’t opposed to it, but knew Cardia must be tired.
“Let’s go and feel it. Just for a few minutes. The cold, the night, the stars. We’ve both spent too much time just observing, haven’t we?”
“Miss Cardia, you’re absolutely right.”
They quietly went outside, finding a secluded bench with a view of the winding paths and frozen gardens. Even with coats it was chilly. Saint Germain put his arm around Cardia and she laid against his shoulder, their breaths the only movement against the dark starry sky. There was magic between Yuletide and the last leftover days of the year, as things were reborn and their corner of the world made life and celebration out of the dead of winter.
Saint Germain closed his eyes and only felt Cardia beside him, head on hers as they silently existed together. He had no idea what time it was, and didn’t care to.
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 of the writers ask thingy, tell me everything :D
1 : What age-group do you write?adult! ive always written characters my age or a few years older
2 : What genre do you write?sff, mostly fantasy
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?hmmm, i guess small details? when i get an idea, i get an idea for single scenes or pieces of dialogue or a certain character, so i piece together an outline from that. but i have trouble with a overarching plot lol
4 : Which do you prefer–line-editing or plot-revisions?line-editing, i love editing. revisions suck bc it takes me 10,000 yrs to come up with an idea and now i have to replace it with another??? blasphemous
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?ive written my whole life without deadlines except for when i tried nano last year and failed. so without i guess, but then i dont have anything to convince me to write more lmao
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?idk probably that its someones favourite book, or to see fanart *.*
7 : How long is your current WIP?26,305 words, its a rewrite heh
8 : What author would you be most excited to be compared to?hummmmmm,,,idk when people call new fantasy books “the next game of thrones” it sounds so fake lol but idk who my favourite author is...
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?writing
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?mostly alone but YOU, ASH, help sometimes. its good to get an objective ear
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?nah lol, im not good at characters
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?clean
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?plot-driven. my writing is extremely fast paced, and i dont tend to like reading character-driven works
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?ive answered this in previous ask. the 'drunk on writing’ one by ray bradbury
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?everyone else’s worlds are so harsh lol maybe id put them in atla so they can fuck around w bending
16 : Would your story work better as a movie or tv show? Why?miniseries ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。 but it would lend itself to a movie yeah
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?nah, lazy ass
18 : If you could assign your story one song, what would it be?unbecoming by starset
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?honestly? i wanna escape capitalism and wield a sword
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?zero world by jason m hough!!!! its a pretty big book i think a movie duology or a tv show would work!
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?no
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?no lol 
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?anxious cz im bad
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?i meannnnnnnn do i even now thoooooo
25 : What books are must-reads in your genre?sff is so broad, read whatever tf u want
26 : What would you like to see more of in your genre?diversity, not just in race gender sexuality but in fucking plots like damn give me something w a twist
27 : Where do you get inspiration from?real life, books, movies
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?about a 2, i just search on a generator until i find one i like im not a stickler for names nd i dont usually have placeholder names or anything
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?chronic underwriter hence the only 20k words
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?calm me down, i have no control over my own life so its good to have complete control over my oc’s lives. i dont tend to have the ‘characters run away from me’ thing, but probably bc i dont see it like that lol
31 : What trope do you actually like?ride-or-die, charas who are knowledgeable and badass from the beginning, i hate following the character learning to do something lmao im impatient
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?depends on the side character, every character is fleshed out to an extent but i dont do a massive family tree or anything
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?i tend to create characters before plot so i would say i know them pretty well before starting but i do let them develop naturally within the story without forcing them into any box
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.tryhard
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes?mmm both have their merits, i went through a phase where i loved villains but a warped heroes journey or a morally grey/anti-hero can be super good too
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?nah, murky
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?try anything. anything it doesnt matter if ur nervous or you ‘dont write in that genre’ or you dont even like that genre. its good to train yourself and go out of your comfort zone, makes u a better writer imo. also dont read this and think ‘im not writing an entire historical romance novel bc i hate it’ i mean just one shots. a paragraph or two. try out writing prompts, it really flexes ur skillsalso dont feel like everything u have to write will be published, thats what i mean by try out little paragraphs or prompts. let go of this idea that any of this work will see the light of day [unless u rly want it to] and just have fun, go wild, go crazy, go stupid
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try–but fail–to follow?its mostly those ones that help u have cleaner, more beautiful writing. i write really beige-like and its hard to be poetic or flowery
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?probably super important
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?when ur next book out
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?nah
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?ive never really had many, so i would say discourage bc i dont have a thick skin with my writing
43 : Do you tend to write protagonists like yourself or unlike yourself?unlike myself, i like to write bold, confident characters and im not that lol escapism much
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?whichever interests me the most at the moment, i can jump between projects easily so i dont have a problem 
45 : Do you find it harder or easier to write when you’re stressed out?harder, i cant look at my writing if im stressed else ill absolutely hate it and might do something drastic like delete it all lol
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?ary is slytherincyri is ravenclawash is gryffindorcaena is slytherin [i dont know how to spell the house names]
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?still writing id hope
48 : Would you ever co-write?nah
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?i used to be fast and rushed bc i was so impatient i just wanted to see the end product but i realised that i really love being in the world of my wips as long as possible so i draw it out and really mull everything over
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?both lol? i do love worldbuilding but i think characters make a greater impact
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shark-myths · 6 years
Writing Reflection: 2018
I was tagged by @horsegirlharry, who i will smooch in person in ONE WEEK! 
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 15. I'm trying not to feel critical about my output this year: I was distracted by ~boy problems and emotional turmoil for a lot of 2018, so I absolutely slayed some journals but neglected my fic. but I also tackled some difficult projects, some of which I'm really proud of, and translated a lot of those big emotions back into writing, so there's a lot to give myself credit for.
2. Word count posted for the year: 224,001
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting)
Roman Candle Hearts
I'm A Wing, I'm A Prayer
The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique
your hips, your lips, are mine
in space, no one can hear you misgender me
Girl Firsts
halfway to your heart (starting from your knees)
Boys Next Door/Assholes
Vices & Vices
Early Morning Company
Jaws of Death
Baby You're A Haunted House
The Fixed Stars of Heaven
Sell Out Girl
Think of All The Fellas I Haven't Kissed
4. Fandoms I wrote for: Fall Out Boy, Battlestar Galactica, Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance
5. Pairings: Pete/Patrick, Starbuck/Apollo, Pete/Brendon, Brendon/Ryan, Patrick/Michael Day, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Joe/Andy
6. Story with the most:
Boys Next Door/Assholes, aka the peterick SUMMER BOYFRIENDS au, aka the fic I wrote about falling in love with my ex that captures the sweetness and suffering of new summer love in a very specific and tactile way. It has the most hits, kudos, and comments of anything I wrote in 2018. I'm so glad you guys loved it so much!
9. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Sell Out Girl, the sequel to girl out boy, is incredibly important to me and I'm so fucking proud of how it turned out. emotionally, i am prouder of the girl out boy stories  than anything else i've ever done. girlfic is how I am cleaning my wounds and healing my heart, and it is an honor to be doing that with you walking alongside me, and being touched and changed too. this fic was incredibly emotionally demanding but also, on a technical level, easy: there was lots of rambly internal monologues and angst, glitter-sharp language and poetical pain, which is my comfort zone as a writer for sure.
on a technical and writerly level, the one I'm most proud of is Baby You're A Haunted House, because i wrote it *fast*, in a fandom I'm not comfortable or familiar in, in a style I don't usually use, and to achieve a very specific artistic effect with the unreliable narrator and shifting sands of reality, while heartbroken. so I'm pleased as fuck with how it came out. it's one of my favorite things I've written in the past several years, and the perfect kind of challenge for me.
10. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
ugh, The Fixed Stars of Heaven . I usually love everything I write, but my experience of writing this fic was terrible. I was never inspired (except when researching the ISS and zero-g botany!) and the epistolary format meant I didn’t know how to develop the kind of tension I *live* for. the whole time I was writing, I didn’t go back and reread (a typical part of my process for matching tone) because I loathed it so much! I kept saying “well, something has to be my worst story” about it... and I still feel that way.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
It's impossible to choose--I like my writing a lot, that's why I write the way i do. all of Baby You're A Haunted House and I'm A Wing, I'm A Prayer are beautiful to me; the love letter Pete writes in Boys Next Door/Assholes; and the whole bathtub scene from chapter 5 of Sell Out Girl, of which this is the very best part:
“Pete is safe and warm and submerged, an egg in a mermaid’s purse, waiting to swim out as a shark whenever she’s ready. She holds her breath and feels her baby beat within her. She looks up at Pat and fears nothing, nothing but love.”
12. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
every review I get makes impact on my heart. I take screenshots and save my favorites; you guys bolster me and keep me going. The best and most important reactions are the ones I get on Girl Out Boy stuff, and the outpouring of fanworks and support means the world to me. especially the way you guys showed up for and stood with me during my difficult breakup this year—wow. I love you so much.
my favorite reviews I’ve gotten this year have been a few different people who told me I was skilled at capturing the feeling of falling in love. as a feelings-and-process oriented romance writer, that means the world to me! I never know what plots my stories are going to have (my characters always surprise me), but I always know how I want a fic to feel. I’m never more honored than when you feel it too.
13. A time when writing was really, really hard:
during the slow-motion process of one of my romantic relationships coming apart in September and October! I was so anxious and keyed up and self-obsessed and miserable during that time, I literally couldn’t bear to write, and when I tried I just kept wrecking the Girl Out Boys’ lives. you guys carried me through.
14. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
I don’t want to spoil Sell Out Girl, but a ship I don’t typically ship popped up and I went with it, and I was exactly as surprised as everyone reading that it happened and that it felt so right and good!
15. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i tried new types of projects, like the fucking epistolary scifi fic, a flash fiction exercise, the unreliable narrator trope, and sequels. i wrote in a couple fandoms I'm less comfortable in, fairly often off of other people's prompts. I am trying to hone a cleaner writing style: I spend so much time lost and rambly in describing how characters feel, my stories lose a lot of chances for action and motion. i like my writing best when it is spare and vivid, able to actually evoke emotions rather than just tell you what they feel like. i think some of my fic this year really showcases that (like Vices & Vices ). i still grow so much as a writer, and learn so much about the craft, with each work.
i used an editing and revision process for Fixed Stars of Heaven, thanks to my dear friend JM, that i don't usually subject my work to. i also wrote through a project i was not enjoying, rather than dropping it as soon as my interest waned. my discipline as a wild, reckless writer is, slowly but surely, improving.
i wrote through my own shitty emotionally abusive relationship with a parent through the character of Andy in sell out girl, and got better at naming trauma and abuse and setting my own boundaries as a result of that.
i started reading (and a little bit writing) poetry again.
16. How do you hope to grow next year:
oh, i can't see that road! i hope i grow in ways i never expected cuz i'm faced with challenges in my work i could never have anticipated. generically, i hope i keep tightening my style and improving my discipline, and getting better at defending regular writing time.
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
- i read only works by women for the entire year of 2018, and the nourishing impact of that on my entire inner life cannot be overstated. i didn't even read a comic book or a work book if it was written by a man. i kept myself entirely pure of the labor of perspective-taking for men, or subjecting myself to men's conception of anybody else's experiential reality.
- @leyley09 my official Fic Enabler, who is SINGULARLY AND SOLEY to blame for at least two fics this year, and has encouraged my very worst ideas about a hundred more
- my unofficial cheerleading squad family on tumblr, who lifted me up and made sure i was healthy, supported, and well through my whole shitty relationship ending debacle. @glitterandrocketfuel, @secretstudentdragonblog, @allkindsofplatinumandpercocet, and @laudanumcafe -- not to mention every other beauty who commented on my sad-ass selfies or my fic. thank you, my loves.
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
most notable and egregious examples:
- the letter pete writes for patrick in boys next door/assholes is a real love letter i gave someone
- the fight brendon and ryan have in vices & vices is a real fight i had with a partner
- the climactic kiss on the streets of new york at the end of sell out girl is my real first kiss with my new boo
the worst thing is that i don't generally farm my *past* life for my fic--everything that shows up is really recent and fresh, because i'm most interested in writing things i'm currently dealing with and experiencing. and yes, i especially steal the sex scenes.
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
be curious about yourself and your characters. if you've never written / published in a serial format, where you're only writing a week or so ahead of posting, you must try it at least once! listen to what your readers are noticing about your themes and characters! i learn so much about my the emotional resonance and direction of my stories from the people who read them and comment. my writing is so much stronger as a result of writing the majority of my work this way, and i have much more fun with it than when i write a long piece in an echo chamber with no input from you guys!
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
- i'm working on a Rent-A-Family trope + law firm AU + kidfic thing i started messing with last year
- Pete Wentz's Bisexual Realizations, a fic dreamed up and playlist-empowered by @nikadd
- a Venom AU for my beloved @immoral-crow
- Girl Out Boy hiatus fic
- and a MANIA anniversary surprise <3
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
all of my Peterick creator pals! @leyley09 @shatteredmirrors-and-lace23 @allkindsofplatinumandpercocet @laudanumcafe @glitterandrocketfuel and everyone/anyone else!
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theodorethelinguist · 3 years
Reading TPO 002
Question 11-21          Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut andengraving are two prime examples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or othermaterial) against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied. When the paperis removed, the image adheres to it, but in reverse.Line(5)               The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A.D. for applying patterns totextiles. The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first fortextile decoration and then for printing on paper. Woodcuts are created by a relief process;first, the artist takes a block of wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers itwith a white ground, and then draws the image in ink. The background is carved away,(10)   leaving the design area slightly raised. The woodblock is inked, and the ink adheres to theraised image. It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.          Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmith's art, originated in Germany and northern Italyin the middle of the fifteenth century. It is an intaglio process (from Italian intagliare, "tocarve"). The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a(15)   cutting instrument, or burin. The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some inkremains in the incised grooves. An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press,with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.          Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics. Engraving lends itself tosubtle modeling and shading through the use of fine lines. Hatching and cross-hatching(20)   determine the degree of light and shade in a print. Woodcuts tend to be more linear, withsharper contrasts between light and dark. Printmaking is well suited to the production ofmultiple images. A set of multiples is called an edition. Both methods can yield severalhundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear.Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost,(25)   to a much broader public than before. 11. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The origins of textile decoration                            
(B) The characteristics of good-quality prints
(C) Two types of printmaking                                       
(D) Types of paper used in printmaking
12. The word "prime" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) principal                        (B) complex                       
(C) general                         (D) recent
13. The author's purposes in paragraph 2 is to describe
(A) the woodcuts found in China in the fifth century
(B) the use of woodcuts in the textile industry
(C) the process involved in creating a woodcut
(D) the introduction of woodcuts to Europe
14. The word "incised" in line 14 is closest in meaning to
(A) burned                 ��        (B) cut                                 
(C) framed                         (D) baked
15. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage/
(A) "patterns" (line 5)                                                     (B) "grain" (line 8)
(C) "burin" (line 15)                                                       (D) "grooves" (line 16)
16. The word "distinctive" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
(A) unique                          (B) accurate                       
(C) irregular                       (D) similar
17. According to the passage, all of the following are true about engraving EXCEPT that it
(A) developed from the art of the goldsmiths
(B) requires that the paper be cut with a burin
(C) originated in the fifteenth century
(D) involves carving into a metal plate
18. The word "yield" in line 22 is closest in meaning to
(A) imitate                           (B) produce                        
(C) revise                           (D) contrast
19. According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?
(A) Their designs are slightly raised.
(B) They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.
(C) They were first used in Europe.
(D) They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.
20. According to the author, what made it possible for members of the general public to own prints in the sixteenth century?
(A) Prints could be made at low cost.
(B) The quality of paper and ink had improved.
(C) Many people became involved in the printmaking industry.
(D) Decreased demand for prints kept prices affordable.
21. According to the passage, all of the following are true about prints EXCEPT that they
(A) can be reproduced on materials other than paper
(B) are created from a reversed image
(C) show variations between light and dark shades
(D) require a printing press Answer Online
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im putting you up to what you posted and I'm asking you to answer all of the writing questions. also the url change had me confused for half a second but im in love
This is why I’m my own worst enemy
2. Favorite part of writing.
Creating a whole world, a whole other life, that people can someday enjoy and find comfort in when they’re feeling down
3. Least favorite part of writing.
Writing, like the fact that your ideas and storyline isn’t instantly onto the paper is insane
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
I mean I probably do but I can’t remember
6. Favorite character you ever created.
A teenage greek goddess I pulled out of my ass named Arendellia, she was a badass who died and I really just liked what I wrote involving her
9. Least favorite trope to write.
the opposites attract, in my opinion it’s cliche and unrealistic, I prefer the characters have similar interests but different approaches to things if that makes sense?
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Natasha Preston, and we’d wrote the sequel to The Cabin cause it’s been a year and I’m still not over the ending, I need a sequel
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
first I get a new notebook, I need a clean space for my ideas, then I wrote down a prologue or a description, it allows for my brain to fully process where I want the story to go, then I write until I hit a male characters name, cause I hate coming up with male names, if I have one picked out I’ll see if the image in my brain matches the name, if I can’t find a name that fits the project is discarded, if I find one that fits I write until I don’t know where to take the story next then I continue to formulate my ideas into actual scenes until I reach the end, then I close it up in a box never to be touched again until I accidentally find it while cleaning one day
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
I either won’t show anyone or will preface saying “it’s not edited yet” or “I know it’s garbage lol”
13. How do you deal with writers block?
I listen to music, and write stories based off of the song titles, like I always try to write a chapter and if after a chapter I don’t think I have a story I move on, sometimes I’ll get a completely new idea but it really helps to get ideas flowing
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
I’m currently waiting to write a book until I have all of the details, it revolves around Greek mythology but I want to be so accurate, not white wash, or erase the different sexualities of the Gods and I want to be accurate to the myths (a bit) but so far that’s the one
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
My brain telling me that it’ll leave me if I don’t get the ideas out of my head
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I learned in 7th grade that I need to do a complete rewrite which sometimes I do, other times I’m being nostalgic and read an old story then realize I’m an idiot so I edit it lol
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.
‘"Coffee looks absolutely lovely on you, madam," I glare at Cody while attempting to pat myself dry.’ From that Dying in LA story I talked about earlier
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
’"I told the director to go suck a dick. It was the worse thing imaginable,” I groan into my hands.’ Same story, and it’s only the second chapter but yeah
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
Bold of you to assume I actually finish my writings
23. Single or multi POV, and why?
As big of a fan that I am of different perspectives, I prefer single POV, I feel as though the character is more personal. Rarely do I do multi
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
Prose, my poetry is rather depressing and I just can’t
25. Linear or non-linear, and why?
Linear, otherwise in my opinion it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense
27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
yes and no (I’ll explain in next answer)
28. And who do you share them with?
the unpolished, I share on Wattpad because it’s easier to detach myself if they don’t like it, but I wait until polished for people I actually know
29. Who do you write for?
Myself, it’s a way for me to cope with life, and writing and rewriting an event that has happened to me helps me move on from the situation
31. Hardest character to write.
32. Easiest character to write.
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
the main character in “Dying in LA” had a rough childhood (shut up at the cliche) and used acting to escape, she moves to LA when she’s 19 having fail after fail at auditions, she’s about to give up when she gets her big break. (Sorry I’m terrible at back stories)
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Oof I want to spoil DILA (Dying in LA) but I won’t, um, I started this story about this girl who gets kidnapped and um I’m kinda planning on killing her so there’s that.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
Bold of you to assume I’m not just BSing my way through my story
39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
Yes. Um, I’m gonna tell you about the real person cause I based so many characters off of this person. Oof okay, it was any ex. For years he was in EVERYTHING I wrote, the story usually focused on the what if’s or the repercussions of our relationship and the fall out of it. We just complemented each other so well the thought of writing something to try and capture our time together comforted me so much. I still get flashbacks of our time together and sometimes his personality shows up in my writing but it just goes to show how the people in your life stay with you.
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
Both? I think there’s upsides and down sides to both but both are so amazing and are fun to explore
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
Be confident in your writing and it will show, don’t be afraid to take risks
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
“Great job! Keep up the good work!” Um???? what good work???? be specific please!
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
DILA would hopefully be done in a CW style where like it’s light hearted but a real plot and seriousness lies beneath? I actually don’t know?
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
Plot, my guy
48. Favorite genre to write in.
Realistic Fiction
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
the middle, most likely I already have the end and beginning planned
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
Dying in LA: fame, used, lost, forgotten, greed
52. How did writing change you?
It gave me a place to express myself and cope with life and the struggles I’ve been through
53. What does writing mean to you?
Everything, it gives me a voice when I feel like I don’t have one
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Keep writing, practice really does make perfect
Also the url is the best (any numbers missing means I already answered them, check under #asks )
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