#edh humor
btravager · 8 months
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I came back to Tumblr and immediately deleted almost all of my old posts lmao. But here's a funny custom mtg card.
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10ouncesofmothball · 11 months
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The best mistake I've seen in a long time. I love it.
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jones-friend · 6 months
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After moving my board game collection its finally sank in that I need to be more selective with my adds and begin to purge games I don’t return to. It’ll be a work in progress.
In the meantime, I played three new games that are delightful adds to the collection!
Monolyth is a simple 2-4 player game where we each use 3D pieces to build our Monolyth, a big ol cube. Take pieces from the board, prediction values, complete layers, and try to assemble the main structure first.
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What’s had me charmed about Monolyth is its simplicity in game design that forces risk and choices. Your base for the monolyth has colored sides matching the colors of the pieces. You want these colors on these borders, as when you take prediction tiles (the 9 on the lower right) you want to accurately meet or exceed that number. But making a row of 4 squares across that border takes one square away from either side.
At the same time as you manage colors you’re building in the shape of the randomly chosen structure card. Being first nets more points. Same for layers. Being first nets more points.
Its more a race to do things first. A planning and efficiency race. The structure card is what keeps the game fresh, all in all brilliantly designed little game of little plastic pieces. Monolyth does a lot with a little and I like it a good deal.
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Evolution is a game designed by scientists and a magic the gathering player. In it players play adaptations to their species to better get food (victory points). Meanwhile carnivorous species seek to overcome these adaptations with adaptations of their own.
This is such a tightly designed game, I absolutely loved it. It has the dynamic feel of a game of edh where players win and lose at different spots as they make their animals. There’s mechanical politics like how carnivores need to be larger than the species they hunt BUT the body size of the species dictates how much meat is gathered. So my tank of an herbivore was an early game powerhouse that became an endgame buffet.
Evolution has the most interesting card play I’ve seen in a long while with mechanics that back it up with something more substantial. Its relatively simple once you get ahold of the rules and its very effective, this was an excellent find.
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Camel Up is an extremely silly camel racing game where you could score +10 points or -2 points and that all depends on if the last place camel decides to move or not.
In Camel Up players bet on legs of a camel race and the overall winner loser. The trick is the earlier you lock in your bets the more points you get. What really makes Camel Up pop is its rules system. The game is chaotic but there’s a logic you can plan around. Camels can’t move on their own twice in the same leg, only 5/6 dice get rolled, and most importantly camels stack and can carry each other across the track.
Camel Up is genuine gold as a fun party betting game. We were cackling with each leg and it genuinely put us in fun positions to bet around. High recommendations for Camel Up, this game has an incredible sense of humor.
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 months
E gjuajtën edhe në Kosovë/ Bebe Rexha i drejtohet sigurimit: Lëre lëre, është vetëm një bluzë
Në festivalin e madh “Sunny Hill” që u mbajt në Prishtinë, këngëtarja shqiptare me famë ndërkombëtare, Bebe Rexha, përjetoi një incident të pazakontë që tërhoqi vëmendjen e publikut dhe mediave. Gjatë performancës së saj, një fans e gjuajti me një bluzë në skenë, një situatë që ajo e menaxhoi me elegancë dhe humor. Bebe Rexha, e cila ka pasur disa eksperienca të këqija ndër vite ku fansat e…
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shqiperialive · 2 years
Luizi merr në krah Kiarën dhe luajnë bashkë me njëri-tjetrin
Ndryshe nga çdo ditë tjetër, e sotmja ishte ndryshe për Kiarën dhe Luizin. Pasi Luizi i dhuroi një puthje në faqë asaj, në kohën kur po flinte, Kiara u zgjua me ‘humor’. Ajo dhe Luizi e nisën ditën me lojra të shumta, duke vrapuar në shtëpi. Madje Luizi e mori në krah Kiarën dhe më pas e shtriu në dhomën e gjumit. Batutat mes tyre ishin të shumta, ndërsa edhe afrimiteti ishte më i madh, pasi kjo…
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bizarre-trader · 4 years
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island-delver-go · 5 years
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When you play against Thalia, Guardian of Thraben decks
(Image source)
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mr-lightning-rod · 5 years
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btravager · 7 months
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People seemed to like the last one, so here's a bunch of teferis
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johngalt · 5 years
MTG players, if you could live on one of the planes of the Magic multiverse, which would you choose?
As for me...Compleat me, daddy Yawgmoth
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jones-friend · 6 years
I’m so excited to try out new Lavinia in EDH-
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-so I’m the only one playing the game
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xhemilbeharaj · 8 months
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mtg-realm · 7 years
Commander Problems
Magic: the Gathering - Commander Problems
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pierexia · 3 years
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Time for a small break from our 8-bit pizza journey for some actual #proxies. Please enjoy these cat and dog tokens, designed for m’good buddy @bde_workshop #mtg #edh #cedh #elderdragonhighlander #rinandseri #tokens #tcg #nerdcraft #frands #colorful #shiny #humorous #alter #mtgdaily #mtgaddicts #mtgcards #mtgcommunity #mtgcommander https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIJYJnntd9/?igshid=1wwjk7z1ceztd
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m4n71c0r3 · 7 years
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I’ve been dying for Commander 2017 spoilers and was wondering if anyone had done this for the partner commanders last year so I went ahead and did it anyways.
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shqiperialive · 2 years
Rivalitet mes tre motrave Pojani? Ja si përgjigjet Megi
Rivalitet mes tre motrave Pojani? Ja si përgjigjet Megi
Megi Pojani është ndër vajzat më të pëlqyera dhe më të komentuara me rrjetet sociale. Por, moderatorja nuk ka zgjedhur të dalë e vetme në rrjetet sociale. Shpesh, Megin e shohim krah motrave të saj, Inës dhe Marselës, në postimet plot humor dhe aventurë. Tashmë, edhe Ina e Marsela kanë audiencën e tyre, por a ka rivalitet mes motrave Pojani? “Mbase duket e komplikuar, por për ne është shumë e…
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