#edge of everglades
jthurlow · 1 year
Learning the Beauty of the Pre-Drainage Lands - St Lucie Canal
-Florida’s Everglades Drainage District  survey for St Lucie Canal, 1915. Chief Engineer, F.C. Elliott. The St Lucie Canal was built  from Lake Okeechobee to the St Lucie River from 1916-1924. Trees and water bodies to be cut through are written at the top of the two page survey and are a rare record of pre-drainage lands. Click on images to enlarge. Page 1, EDD 1915 St Lucie Canal Survey Lake…
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batboyblog · 2 months
Senate Elections 2024!
At the Start of the year I made a post about the US Senate elections this year. However a lot has changed since then (not just that) So I thought I'd make a new version.
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How successful a President Kamala Harris is able to be will come down to who controls congress. A Republican House or Senate could frustrate many of the important agenda items Harris wants to get done. Also the Senate is key to appointing Judges, right now many America's rights are being decided in the courts where Trump and Republican appointed Judges are consistently ruling against trans rights, voting rights, abortion rights etc. Any hope of a smooth pipe line of Harris judges depends on the Senate. Senate Control hangs by a knife's edge, there are 6 soft blue seats we have to hold onto, two swing seats Dems are defending, and two soft red seats we can pick up, you can make all the difference!
If you don't live in one of the states below but want to help, you can Donate to the DSCC or sign up to phone bank with the Democrats
Ruben Gallego (Hold)
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Winning Arizona will be key to the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election. Congressman Ruben Gallego was a leader in the effort to replace Democrat turned Independent Senator Sinema with a real Democrat. Gallego was raised by a single mother, went to Harvard, and is a Marine combat vet. First elected to the Arizona State House in 2010 he advocated for immigrant rights. He was elected to Congress in 2014. Since coming to Congress Gallego has been a progressive voice, gaining attention for blunt attacks on the Trump administration. Republicans nominated around former TV host and conspiracy theorist Kari Lake. Lake rose to become a Republican star by supporting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and Covid. Lake ran for Arizona Governor in 2022 and after losing to Democrat Katie Hobbs she refused to concede and still maintains she won and is the rightful Governor of Arizona. Lake has called Democrats "Demonic", totally opposes abortion in all cases, and is the self proclaimed "Trump candidate". If Gallego is elected not only will he be a reliable Democratic vote and Progressive vote in the Senate, he'd be the first Hispanic to represent Arizona in the Senate, ever. If you live in Arizona please make sure you vote, but more if you have any time between now and November, volunteer to help Gallego! and if you don't live there you can still give.
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (Flip)
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Florida's current Republican senator, Rick Scott, has spent his first term in Congress being one of the most extreme Republicans. Scott has pushed to defund education, roll back Social Security and Medicare, attacked trans rights, and wants to ban Abortion in all cases. Rick Scott is the wealthiest member of Congress and also was in involved in the largest case of Medicare fraud in US history. Scott challenged Mitch McConnell for the leadership of the Senate GOP getting support from extremists like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and JD Vance, and now is running to replace McConnell. Scott won in 2018 with less than 10,000 votes. The Democrat is former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. When she was elected to Congress in 2018 she became the first South American born immigrant and first person of Ecuadorian heritage to be elected to Congress. In Congress Mucarsel-Powell was a member of the Progressive caucus, she fought to expand medicare, and secured $200 million for Everglades restoration. After a narrow defeat in 2020 Mucarsel-Powell joined the gun control advocacy group Giffords to fight for gun control a personal issue for her. If you're in Florida please make sure you vote, and volunteer to help remove one of the most extreme Senators. Everyone else give what you can.
Angela Alsobrooks (Hold)
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Maryland is normally an easy Democratic win but two-term Republican former Governor Larry Hogan announced he was running, turning what should be an easy race for Democrats into a real fight. Hogan is trying to sell himself as a Trump septic moderate, but he's endorsed by Trump, JD Vance, and Mitch McConnell. Hogan spent his final year as Governor frustrating Democratic efforts to protect abortion, legalize marijuana, and take serious action on climate change. In the Senate he'll be a vote in the pocket of Republican leadership. The Democrat is Angela Alsobrooks, the executive of Prince George's County. As County Executive Alsobrooks got high marks for her response to Covid. She's worked to expand pre-K to all students in the county, as well expanding health care access including mental health access. As a candidate for Senate Alsobrooks has been a strong supporter of Abortion rights, pushing for more action on gun violence, and has been a strong supporter of LGBT rights her whole political life. After Vice-President Harris left the Senate there were no black women represented in the upper house. Together with Delaware's Lisa Blunt Rochester Alsobrooks could make history, if both are elected this year it'll be the first time ever that two black women have served at the same time in the US Senate. If you're in Maryland make sure to get out to vote, to volunteer as much as you're able, and everyone give whatever you can to protect abortion rights and support progressive black women!
Elissa Slotkin (Hold)
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Michigan is a critical 2024 swing state. Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin is running to replace retiring Senator Debbie Stabenow. Slotkin worked for the CIA, the State Department, and the Department of Defense rising to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Obama. She is fluent in Arabic and Swahili. First elected to Congress in 2018 Slotkin won and has been re-elected repeatedly to represent a swing district, becoming the first Democrat elected there since 1998. In Congress Slotkin has supported gun control, and ending money in politics. Her national security experience made her an important voice pushing for the first impeachment of Trump in 2019. She gained national attention for holding open town halls on her choice to vote to impeach Trump facing down Republican protesters. In her run for Senate Slotkin has continued to stress her support for gun legislation, ending money in politics and stresses protecting the right to choose. Republicans have consolidated around former Congressman Mike Rogers. Rogers retired to Florida after his time in the House only moving back last year to run for Senate. During his time in Congress Rogers tried twice to ban the abortion pill mifepristone. Rogers is endorsed by Trump and controversial former Detroit Police Chief James Craig. If you're in Michigan vote to protect the right to choose and stop a Trump Republican, and make sure to volunteer as much as you can, and every give what you can to help win this key swing state.
Jon Tester (Re-elect)
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Normally deep red Montana represents one of the hardest Senate seats for Democrats to hang onto. Jon Tester is the only Democrat to hold statewide office or represent Montana in Congress. Elected narrowly in 2006 Tester has beaten the odds time and time again and is trying again. In his time in the Senate Tester has been a consistent voice for small farmers and local businesses against big corporations and mega companies. Tester has fought against corruption and for openness, and is one of the most effective members of Congress consistently having the most bills past into law of any member of Congress. Republicans have embraced an ultra wealthy former CEO, Tim Sheehy as their nominee to unseat Tester. Sheehy was caught lying about being shot in Afghanistan as a Navy SEAL, when he in fact accidentally shot himself at Glacier National Park in Montana. Past his embarrassing war wound story, Sheehy is an ultra rich CEO who has spent 2 million of his own money on the race so far. Sheehy has been endorsed by Trump, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sheehy wants to ban all abortion, repeal Obamacare, and remove any limits on gun ownership, despite having shot himself. If you can only donate to two races, this and Ohio are the most important, if you can only donate to one? flip a coin. Everyone in Montana make sure you get out to vote and just as important volunteer, there will be no Presidential or Governor or any other campaign to help Tester along its all on him, and everyone give what you can.
Jacky Rosen (Re-elect)
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Nevada is a critical swing state in the 2024 election. Jacky Rosen first came to Congress flipping a Red House seat in 2016 and then unseating a Republican Senator in 2018. Since coming to Congress Rosen has been a champion for turning Nevada into a clean energy leader. She's also has helped pass gun control legislation and is a fierce advocate the right to choose. Republicans have nominated Army veteran and conservative influencer Sam Brown to run against Rosen. Brown unsuccessfully ran in a Republican primary for the Texas State House in 2014, and for the Republican nomination for US Senate in Nevada in 2022. Now with the endorsement of Donald Trump Brown finally managed to win a primary. Sam Brown is the only Republican candidate Trump mentioned in his 92 minute convention speech at the RNC. Brown wants to roll back Nevada's Green energy progress and boost fossil fuels, he also wants to roll back any and all restrictions on guns. If you're in Nevada make sure to get out and vote, and volunteer to keep this key Senate seat out of the hands of a Trump Republican. Everyone else give what you can.
Sherrod Brown (Re-elect)
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Ohio is one of the hardest senate seats for Democrats to defend this year. Senator Sherrod Brown has been the only statewide elected Democrat in Ohio since 2011. First elected to Congress in 1992 and to the Senate in 2006 Brown has defied the odds by being a popular Progressive in an ever more Red state. Brown consistently ranks along side Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as one of the most left wing Senators. From his first days in Congress Brown refused the Congressional health plan, repeatedly introducing single payer health care bills going back to the 1990s. Brown has been a proud and consistent ally of Unions, particularly the UAW, and tough on banks and big business. Republicans have nominated used car salesman and crypto enthusiast Bernie Moreno. Moreno is a weirdo, he accused LGBT activists of a "radical agenda of indoctrination" and then got caught looking for "men for 1-on-1 sex" on AdultFriendFinder. Moreno supports a federal abortion ban, has been sued by former employees for wage thief and discrimination, and wants to end birth right citizenship. Moreno has been endorsed by Turning Point USA, Donald Trump Jr., Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, and of course Donald Trump. If you're in Ohio make sure you get out to vote, and volunteer to support a great Senator. Everyone outside of Ohio give what you can, if you can only donate to two campaigns this and Montana need it the most, if you can only give to one, flip a coin.
Bob Casey (Re-elect)
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Pennsylvania is a key swing state in the 2024 Presidential election. Bob Casey was first elected to the Senate in 2006 defeating right wing extremist Rick Santorum by the largest margin in state history. Starting his career as a moderate to conservative Democrat Casey has become a strong advocate for gun control since 2012 voting for every gun control measure to reach the Senate. Casey also made strong opposition to the Trump administration a cornerstone of time in office. While personally pro-life, Casey has endorsed the right to choose and voted codify abortion rights. Casey has been a leading critic of corporate greed during the inflation and authored a bill to ban shrinkflation. Republicans have nominated multi-millionaire former CEO and Bush administration official David McCormick. McCormick served in the Treasury under George W. Bush, his wife worked at the NSC under Trump. He lived in Westport, Connecticut as the CEO of an investment management firm, till he decided he wanted to be a US Senator in 2022 and he moved to Pennsylvania. He lost the 2022 GOP primary to Dr. Oz and is giving another go in 2024. McCormick is endorsed by George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell, Rick Santorum, Karl Rove, Doug Mastriano, Jim Jordan, and of course Donald Trump. If you're in Pennsylvania make sure you get out to vote, and to volunteer to keep Pennsylvania blue. Everyone else give what you can.
Colin Allred (Flip)
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Texas Senator Ted Cruz might be the most hated man in politics. Since his election in 2012 Cruz has been on a single minded mission to be totally unlikeable. Shutting down the government under President Obama, endorsing Trump after Trump insulted his wife, supporting Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, fleeing his state to go on vacation in Mexico after an ice storm and power outage (and abandoning his dog), blaming the Uvalde school shooting on video games, yes Ted Cruz really has done it all. Cruz is one of the most right wing members of the Senate and a loud Trump supporter. Last election in 2018 Cruz barely hung onto his seat and Democrats are hoping with 6 more years of radicalism Texans are ready for change. Democrats have nominated Congressman Colin Allred. Allred is a former professional footballer, played Linebacker for the Tennessee Titans. After football Allred went to law school, and got a job with the Obama Administration. In 2018 he won an upset victory unseating an 11 term Republican in a district that had been Republican since 1968. In Congress Allred fought for gun reform, to keep down the price of proscription drugs, and invest in American infrastructure. In his run for Senate he's standing up for the right to choose against one of the most radically anti-abortion Republicans in the country. If you're in Texas make sure you vote and volunteer to give Ted Cruz the boot, and everyone give what you can to get Blue Texas.
Tammy Baldwin (Re-elect)
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Wisconsin is a critical swing state in the 2024 Presidential election. Senator Tammy Baldwin is a historic trailblazer, when she was first elected to Congress in 1998 she was the first woman to ever represent Wisconsin in Congress, the first open Lesbian elected to Congress, and the first openly gay non-incumbent to be elected to Congress. She co-founded the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus. When she was elected to the US Senate in 2012 she was the first and is still the only openly gay person ever elected to the Senate. Past her advocacy for LGBT rights Baldwin has been a progressive her whole time in Congress endorsing single-payer health care, and being a strong voice for abortion rights. Republicans are supporting a California bank owner and weirdo named Eric Hovde. Strange mustache owner Hovde has attacked trans kids, flip flopped on abortion (totally against, now open to some abortion), and insulted farmers as "not hardworking" and thats why the retirement age should be 72. If you're in Wisconsin make sure to vote and volunteer to protect a progressive trailblazer and stop a California weirdo banker. Everyone else give what you can.
Where ever you live in the US there is a critical race happening, so please check out ways to Volunteer and where ever you live there are options to phone bank text bank write letters or postcards to voters (postcards 2) but like I said wherever you are there are local candidates who need your help, and if you live in any of these critical states please give your time and energy.
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My Redneck Neighbor Doug has watched The Bad Batch Season 3 opener:
This is more pithy than normal: Doug's been busy with work, as have I. But I'm determined to hear his thoughts on The Daddy Warcrimes 'n Company so here we go!
These were all via text messages, btw.
CW: Doug Doug's as you know Doug will do. Away!
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Episode 1: 'Little Orphan Blondie's Shit Internship at The Museum of Science and Industry'
Poor Little Orphan Blondie, stuck in The Museum of Science and Industry in a shit summer job because they got bills to pay. Except they got rid of the dinosaurs and walk in heart and filled it with gross shit.
Hey look, they still got the coal mine exhibit! Man I miss Chicago.
(Doug, that museum has never had dinosaurs. “What, since when?”)
MUTANT JIMMERS EVERYWHERE! Aw, Little Orphan Blondie gave one her chicken nuggets! And it’s shy, aw, I hope it’s okay.
Poor Mutant Jimmers…she named her?! Swear to Christ Almighty if that dog gets Old Yeller’d I’ll just lose it. 
That freaky alien thing that ran the mall on the ocean looks sad, I bet she wishes she fell into the water and got eaten by a shark or something. I wish you did too, lady. 
The Sons of Robocop really are everywhere, they must be a cult or something. They look cool, I’d join, why not. Think they get 401ks?
Oh man, Daddy Warcrimes is down bad. Poor Daddy Warcrimes. Man, all my clone boys are stooped and sad…this ain’t good. 
At least Little Orphan Blondie can craft! Man, she should start selling those at the Museum of Science and Industry’s gift shop. Maybe Tarkin can bring one back for the grandchildren he’s not allowed to talk to since the restraining order was put in.
Oh, there’s Stepsister Beth, she seems on edge. Must’ve gotten divorced recently, don’t blame her ex, I bet she screamed at him for leaving cabinets open who knows. How do her eyeballs not hurt after wearing those dumb glasses all day?
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Episode 2: 'Night Elves and Neverland Ranch'
The night elves from Warcraft invaded Star Wars and got horns or something and now they have a castle that looks like a boss level in Diablo IV or V or how many Diablo games they got now.
Now they yelling at people and throwing them in the basement today. Makes sense, gotta fight the orcs and stuff. Think they fight the orcs in the basement?
The Night Elf Horned Queen hired Daddy Rambo and Julio to get people, I guess they’re turning into Boba Fett or something. They got her son's horn back, guess that's good. Oh they need new paint jobs on their armor.
Do they end up in the basement in the Diablo Boss Level? No? And off they go! 
Daddy Rambo and Julio are in their homeland of FLORIDA! Hell yeah, SPACE FLORIDA! And they’re bringing the talking trashcan with them using straps! Go Julio go!  Yeah, boa vines, this is TOTALLY the Everglades! 
Escaped clone boys! Oh man! Shit, is Neverland Ranch in the jungle? Oh man–oh, they know what they’re doing. Good kids. Real good kids. Oh what happened to the rest of them? Oh Meat Muffin, this ain't good :(.
You know what? Them clone boys are smart, take it back, this ain’t Space Florida, this is Space Louisiana! Them baby boys gone get feral and run off into the bayou and live in the caves and now you know my origin story, Meat Muffin! 
If this was Florida they'd just end up working the late shift at Zaxby's and smoking rocks in the parking lot. We know better, we French and all.
I bet they’ve been living on nutria and half-empty chicken boxes from behind the gas stations. Resourceful scrappy kids and I can tell its making Daddy Rambo proud.
Oh holy SHIT, there go them vines! It's like the kudzu all over again, maybe this is LaFourche Parish?
See, them boys are definitely white trash, Mandalorian rednecks. Look at em, living in the woods and hijacking a plane, but they good kids, saving their brothers. Even saved the robot too. 
Man, all the feels, them poor little boys. What will they do now?  Oh, they're going to Space Daytona! Good, wait, I saw the trailer, doesn't the Empire invade it? THIS AIN'T GOOD MEAT MUFFIN!!!
Wait...where's Toaster Strudel and Rex?
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Episode 3: 'Blondie Got a Gun'
Well here's the Emperor. He wants to be immortal. Gotta make that other movie make sense or something.
Where's Darth Vader? Is he running the government when the Emperor is running around giggling?
Don’t you DARE kill Mutant Jimmers, you damn droid. I hate that ugly assed stupid thing. It looks like its scarecrow daddy fucked a microwave and then left it enough money to go to Planned Parenthood but instead spent it on crack and there ya go.  
Oh shut your goddamned yap, Jimmy the Scientist. I bet he gloves that hand up because he keeps shoving it up his own ass and that's why he walks funny all the damn time.
The Emperor also has a Diablo IV or VIII boss level all to himself too at the Museum of Science and Industry. How many Diablo games are there, Meat Muffin?
YEAH, LITTLE ORPHAN BLONDIE! GIT ER DONE!!! They're out! Oh wow! There she goes with Daddy Warcrimes! Kill em all and let GOD SORT THEM OUT! That's my GIRL!!!!
Blondie’s got a gun 
Blondie’s got a gun
Her whole world's come undone
Shooting droids is FUN!
....so when we gonna get Toaster Strudel and Rex? Next one? Where's my reg boys?!
Tagging those who missed my Cajun neighbor. LOOKS LIKE REDNECK DOUG IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!
@skellymom @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @cdblake1565 @sued134 @merkitty49 @supremechancellorrex @yeehawgeek @wrenkenstein @techs-stitches @deezlees @autistic-artistech @perfectlywingedcrusade @auntie-venom @megmca @thecoffeelorian
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"After teetering on the edge of extinction almost 50 years ago, the wood stork is now widespread across the southeastern US, and is preparing a flight off the Endangered Species List (ESL).
It’s all in a day’s work for the ESL, the world’s most successful conservation program in history, and the only stork native to North America is just the most recent beneficiary.
The wood stork faced extinction when listed in 1984 under the Endangered Species Act. The population had decreased from 20,000 nesting pairs to less than 5,000 pairs, primarily nesting in south Florida’s Everglades and Big Cypress ecosystems.
The recovery program worked to restore and protect the ecosystems which the four-and-a-half-foot-tall bird calls home.
Today, the wood stork breeding population has doubled to 10,000 or more nesting pairs and increased its range, including the coastal plains of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. These long-legged wading birds more than tripled their number of nesting colonies from 29 to 99 in their expanded range.
US Fish and Wildlife explained they’ve adapted to new nesting areas, moving north into coastal salt marshes, old, flooded rice fields, floodplain forest wetlands, and human-created wetlands.
The Fish and Wildlife Service will take comments on the proposal through April 17th, and even if it is delisted, it would remain a protected species under other legislation such as the Migratory Bird treaty...
“The wood stork is recovering as a result of protecting its habitat at a large scale,” said Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Shannon Estenoz. “This iconic species has rebounded because dedicated partners in the Southeast have worked tirelessly to restore ecosystems, such as the Everglades, that support it.”"
-via Good News Network, 2/20/23
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death-by-mercury · 4 months
which are your favorite songs by rory? :D
Hello lovely anon <3 I started to answer your ask but then tumblr deleted my draft 😭.
So I will give you a nice and through answer to your great question. Thank you for the ask btw ✨✨ I appreciate, I love it!
First there’s the song that I first heard of his which got me star stuck and bewitched from the beginning and that would be What In The World (from his BBC sessions collection, which by the way is a goldmine of goodies - seriously all the versions on there are the best! Such full sound with great oomph and great work and creativity that’s so so rare to come across anywhere to be honest. He is as authentic as it gets).
Also mind blowing numbers from the BBC collection (In concert and In Studio): When My Baby She Left Me, Hoodoo Man (just listen to those trills at the beginning, it’s insane how good he was) and versions of songs like Daughter of the Everglades and They Don’t Make Them Like You Anymore just pack a punch to them that’s so refreshing to listen to.
Another favourite: TOO MUCH ALCOHOL from the Irish tour 1974
Full Irish tour ‘74 playlist:
And of course the sentimental and romantic songs that are so near to me
Edged in Blue my beloved 😭♥️ and I Fall Apart 💗
This sweet song practically no one knows about:
And of course Out on The Western Plain, a cowboy western DREAM 💖 (this version specifically)
And his later songs, few the feature the most wonderful and classic accordion (which I’m sure must have came as an inspiration from his father as his father was an excellent professional accordion player)
And this one too
And of course we have those badass songs like Bad Penny, Shadow Play, Philby, and that one version of shin kicker!!
Hopefully I didn’t overwhelm you, it’s not a rush to get through all of these if it’s too much, but honestly he has even more than just these that are freaking amazing! You really can’t go wrong. I’ve you’ve stuck through all this, thank you <3 and enjoy 😊
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talewrites · 3 months
hello! Can I ask about “dance” or “city” for the wip progress game?
oh ho hoo that's a good one ;]
Attila the Frog, Genghis Frog, Napoleon Bonafrog, and Rasputin the Mad Frog turned out to be a group of mild-mannered mutants. They were well meaning and naively followed Stockman’s orders thinking that the turtles were the bad guys. With Mikey’s help, they quickly discovered that the amphibians had no intention of helping Stockman take over New York. With some persuasion, Casey agreed to help arrange for the frog mutants to leave New York, and move down to the Florida Everglades away from the city. 
But their fight was not yet over. 
The Punk Frogs, as they called themselves, had offered their assistance in taking down Bebop and Rocksteady. They knew of the location where Stockman and the two henchmen were hiding, and led them to an abandoned sewage plant at the edge of the city.
Mikey gave you a mischievous grin over your shoulder and snuck his hands around your waist. You got a bad feeling and set down what you were holding before Mikey suddenly hoisted you up.
“MIKEY!!!” You hollered as you were spun around the kitchen. 
Donnie took notice from where he was relaxing in his computer chair and flipped open his phone to connect his music to the bluetooth speaker in the lounge. The song “When It Feels Right” by Chase White started playing on the speaker as Mikey obnoxiously mouthed the words. You squealed and started to giggle at the antics. He twirled you around and led you to dance into the open space. The rest of the boys started to emerge from their corners of the lair to watch you.
You know, this actually really helped me sharing this to stir my thoughts on how to finish my fic. Thanks for sending the ask!! I think Fragile will be finished today!! :D
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Is it wrong if I kinda want to see the humans take(kidnap) some cybertronians and then treat them nicely but the bots think they are gonna eat them ?
Not at all, I too have that particular itch in my brain, and I actually have a similar interaction planned for a certain con.
Of course, there is the unintentional horror element 'cause, hey, Earth is a cybernetic nightmare and we've got a lot of unknowns to explore. I'm half tempted to make a character that's partly based on the Florida snoot-booping videos from the guy who goes barefoot into the Everglads, but, yeah, just picture that type of energy mixing with bots who've heard the rumors about humanity.
Just picture a 'bot or con that's been stranded on Earth. They're lucky if they don't wind up near the poles where they could freeze to death, or an active magma site that might as well be a smelting pit. Where they do land is a completely new environment with unidentified flora and fauna. Flora and fauna that, if not predatory, have defenses befitting of a death world. Starving, alone, stranded in a world with a complex food chain that's rapidly figuring out how you fit in, and it's not very high.
And then you meet them.
They look like you in the dark, but they also... don't.
Proportions aren't quite right. The silence as they move is offputting, the lack biolights is enough to make your plating bristle. But it's the emptiness, the void in the air where an EM field should be that tips you over the edge.
Denta flash, your systems freeze. Programs that have laid dormant withing your very species for eons suddenly awaken and suddenly you are not your designation, not your allegiances, not your past, and you have no future.
You are prey. And that is a predator coming ever closer.
The few energon scraps the monster brings is just to fatten you up; keep the spare meal alive because the living must taste so much better with energon still pumping and the protoform still warm. When the monster takes you from the wreckage, it's just bringing you to its den for convenient snacking. Chasing off the creatures that howl in the darkness, or snarl in the daylight is simply a hunter guarding its catch. Death is all that awaits you, a pointless, lonely death as you're torn apart by the very malformed servos that carry your dented frame across the scorching ground.
Oh yes, you're going to die. At any time, you're going to die. It'll be soon. Eventually.
Anytime now.
The monster just keeps flashing its denta at you and chittering to itself. Just as the complexities of an EM field are alien to it, so are the masteries of vocals alien to you.
The concern goes over your helm. The affectionate tone is mistaken for hostile. Wordless murmurs of assurance, friendly pats, and promises are misunderstood and misconstructed into a nightmare of your own making. Yet, in the end, it doesn't matter.
You're going to be helped whether you like it or not, and while the humans who stumbled upon you might not know how to get you home, they're sure as hell going to keep you alive. No matter how much trouble you get yourself into. Afterall...
What are friends for?
And that's accidental meetings. Think about the political hostage situations.
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The northern lights last week at the edge of the Everglades in South Florida
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bluemoonperegrine · 2 months
Chapter 6: Fortunate Sons
"The Out-of-Towners" concludes with Marc returning from a successful mission, Jack facing his fears, a whole lot of sappiness, and the system's DID still a secret. Seriously, Marc?!? 😂
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The doofs don't go swimming, but they're on a beach. That's my justification for using a Y tú mamá también gif.
Here's an excerpt.
After spending a week in the Everglades the steady, salty breeze off the ocean felt wonderful, as did the nearly-too-hot sand underfoot. With palm trees lining the western edge of the beach, bathers and surfers enjoying the water, and the afternoon sun on skin not covered by his T-shirt, shorts, and packed-full rucksack, Marc couldn’t think of a better place to meet his—
“Bebé!” Jack cried. In the time it took for Marc to face him, Jack had covered the distance and tackled him.
They rolled in the sand, which was less than comfortable with the rucksack, but their lips had already met and they were laughing and sand was everywhere. They ended up lying on their sides, pressed close and grinning giddily. Jack closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. 
“Miss me?” Marc asked. He was tempted to slide one hand under his partner’s sleeveless shirt, but managed to resist.
Jack’s eyes were dilated when he pulled back. “Nah,” he replied with an almost-straight face.
“I have several dozen text messages that say otherwise,” Marc countered with a smirk. After mustering his willpower, he sat up and shrugged off his pack.
Jack straightened as well and brushed off sand. Marc noticed his freshly painted, dark purple fingernails. “Busted, both of us.” 
Read the rest on ao3.
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pinkthick · 1 year
Maybe a monster
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Pairing: Simon Petrikov & Kid!Marceline
Simon Petrikov/Betty Grof
Summary: Marcy is hungry and Simon started to notice that they are running low on supplies.
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Simon looked out the broken windows and watched the moon, its silvery glow casting ghostly shadows in the room. Simon couldn’t help but be captivated by the celestial beauty of the night, his red eyes were fixed on it and he quickly became lost in thought. The night was always a time of reflection for him, a time when he could let his guard down and allow the memories to wash over him. Memories of another time.
He remembered stargazing with Betty, their fingers intertwined as they shared dreams of future together.
“We should do this more often” Betty murmured somewhat shyly to Simon, who smiled beneath the cover of darkness.
The two lovers were in an empty everglade near the edge of the city, outside the metropolitan area. It was filled with with tall grass and equally tall white flowers scattered all across the field. There was the occasional flicker of a passing firefly and large, leafless trees. It was very aesthetically pleasing—and even more so at night, when the glowing moon was out and there were luminescent stars sprinkled all across the blanket of sky. The pair were on their backs in the grass, staring at the mesmerizing sky and the somewhat stupefying stars. It was rare to see so many in one place back at their apartment — but they were beautiful nonetheless.
“I’m glad we did come here.” And at that Betty rolled her eyes. It was hard work to even make Simon agree to go outside now. His desire to stay indoors during the day was understandable, given the risks he faced under the harsh sunlight, but it was his refusal to venture outside even after dark that made Betty worry and it was also frustrating her to no end. He had become a recluse, spending his nights awake and active but avoiding the world beyond their front door so of course Betty had to change that.
Even if she had maybe forced her fiancée out of the house.
He turned over in the grass, startling a nearby group of moths, and plucked one of the ivory daisies from the grass. Then he turned back toward his partner, smoothing her hair back behind her ear, and gently placing it in her hair.
Betty's eyes widened, and she slowly reached her hand up and grazed the flower with her fingertips. “Thank you.”
She was beautiful.
The moon was mesmerizing on her light pale skin and lit up her enchanting black eyes in a way that made his heart leap —and aside from being absolutely hypnotizing, she was someone to confide in when he felt like had nobody. Simon felt as if he would never be able to comprehend how he had such a perfect person as a lover —the way she made him feel was like nothing he had ever felt before. The whole world just vanished whenever he even glanced into her face.
But those moments felt like a lifetime ago, a distant past that was almost too painful to remember.
Simon sighed deeply, his breath forming a visible cloud in the cold night air. He missed Betty more than words could express, and the ache in his heart seemed to intensify with each passing night. But he couldn't afford to dwell on the past, not when he had Marceline to protect and care for. A bittersweet smile played on Simon's lips as he looked at the little girl, who was sleeping peacefully. Maybe he could take her stargazing somewhere.
But despite his best efforts to stay awake and keep watch, his eyelids grew heavy, and he slowly drifted back into sleep.
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Meanwhile, Marceline, still a child in many ways, had a restless slumber. She woke up to find Hambo, her beloved stuffed toy, nestled beside her. She carefully disentangled herself from Simon's cloak and a faint smile crossed her face as she clutched the tattered toy for comfort.
Quietly, she got up, careful not to disturb Simon's rest. She noticed that Simon had draped his cloak over her before he fell asleep. Grateful for his warmth and protection, she decided to return the favor. With a mischievous grin, she tiptoed over to Simon and looked down at him as he snored softly. With a gentle touch, she placed the cloak near him, ensuring that he would stay comfortable as well.
Marceline couldn't help but giggle as she watched Simon snore softly in his sleep. His usually serious and stoic demeanor was momentarily replaced by the vulnerability of slumber. She leaned in closer, her black eyes sparkling with amusement.
"You're making funny noises sometimes," she whispered with a mischievous grin, her words barely audible.
As she continued to watch him sleep, her gaze lingered on his mouth. Marceline had noticed something peculiar about Simon on several occasions, something she couldn't quite explain. She could have sworn that at times, when he was angry or agitated, his canines seemed to elongate into something resembling fangs. It was an unsettling sight, one that she couldn't ignore, though she had never dared to mention it to him directly.
Even now, as he slept, she couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his teeth. They weren't the same as a vampire's fangs(?), but they were definitely sharper than any human's. Marceline furrowed her brows, deep in thought. "Weird," she muttered to herself, her curiosity piqued.
But she decided not to disturb Simon's slumber further, returning to her makeshift bed, clutching Hambo tightly and just as she sat down, she heard Simon yawn.
The morning sun had already begun to filter through the cracks in the walls of their makeshift sanctuary and Simon stirred awake. He stretched, feeling a little more rested despite the troubled dreams that he had during the night. As he looked around the room, he spotted Marceline on her makeshift bed, wide awake and clutching Hambo.
"Morning, Marcy," Simon greeted her with a warm smile, his black eyes softening as he took in the sight of the young half-demon girl. Her presence always brought a sense of peace to his turbulent existence.
"Morning, Simon!" Marceline replied cheerfully, her eyes bright with energy.
Soon enough Simon got up from his spot and moved toward her, the cloak he had draped over her earlier now resting on his shoulders. The sun was rising, and he needed to shield himself from its harsh rays.
As he approached Marceline, he asked, "How long have you been up?" He was always concerned about her safety, especially when she was awake before him. He didn’t know what she could do while he was asleep. She could go through the whole building without him.
But she didn’t and she won’t. She’s a smart girl.
Marcy won’t leave him like she did.
Marceline shrugged, her small shoulders lifting as she replied, "Not too long. I just woke up a little while ago." She then grinned mischievously. "Your snoring woke me up, though."
Simon chuckled at her teasing and tousled her hair affectionately. "Sorry about that," he said with a playful glint in his eye. "I'll try to be quieter next time."
“You’re silly.” she smiled and leaped towards him without any reservations.
Even though he hardly feels Marceline’s full-force hug hit him, he still lets out a small remark "Take it easy, Marcy." Simon chuckled slightly.
Soon enough, Marceline's stomach rumbled and she looked at Simon with a playful grin. "I'm hungry, Simon. What do you say we have some breakfast?"
Simon knew that his vampiric nature made human food virtually useless to him. He always insisted he wasn't hungry, but Marceline had made it her mission to make sure he at least tried to eat something. Maybe because she didn’t know that he was actually a vampire.
With a sigh, he relented and stood up. "Alright, Marcy. Let's see what we have left.
“Something good I hope." They had been rationing their supplies for a while, and the pickings were slim. Marceline watched as Simon rummaged through their meager food stores, eventually finding some canned food that had miraculously survived the ravages of time. He looked at the label, and it wasn't the most appetizing choice, but it was sustenance.
“Simon, I found something too!” Marceline declared as she held a wooden toy in her hand.
Simon watched her with a mixture of amusement as he made a makeshift opener and said “I don’t think we can eat that.”
“Maybe we can!” Marceline beamed with satisfaction at her words.
He opened the can and scooped some of the unappetizing contents onto a plate, trying to hide his reluctance. Was it even safe for her to eat this? “You try first. Try to eat the wooden soldier.”
“No. You’re trying first!”
“Nu uh.” But Simon did take a hesitant bite of the canned food (not Marcy’s wooden soldier) and while it wasn't the most delightful meal he had ever had, it hasn’t gone bad. Marceline watched him closely, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Is it good, Simon?" she asked, excitement bubbling up as she awaited his response.
“It’s decent.” And that was enough for Marceline. She wasted no time as she dug into the food. Her eyes lit up with satisfaction, and she nodded her approval with her mouth full. "Mmm, it's good!"
He couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I'm glad you like it, Marcy." Simon glanced over at Marceline as she ate, but his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of their dwindling supplies. He had been periodically checking their stores, and the situation was becoming more dire with each passing day. There wasn't much left. As Marceline enjoyed her meal, Simon quietly stood up and went to a corner of the room where they kept their remaining supplies. His face grew serious as he took stock of what was left. It was clear that they couldn't rely on their current location much longer.
Simon took out his map and spread it out before him, tracing his fingers over the various towns and landmarks near their current location. As Marceline finished her meal, she approached him with Hambo clutched in her arms, her expression a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "Marcy," Simon began, "what if we go on a little adventure?" He looked up from the map to meet her gaze.
Marceline’s brow furrowed, and she seemed hesitant. "Again? But I like this building. I thought we were staying here for real."
He reached out to ruffle her hair affectionately. "I know you like it here, and it's nice, but we're almost out of food, Marcy. We can't stay here forever. We'll just go on a little journey to find more supplies, and we'll come back. How does that sound?"
Marceline sighed, her gaze fixed on the map as she considered his proposal. Finally, she nodded, albeit with a hint of reluctance. "Okay, Simon. But we have to come back here, okay? I like this place."
Simon smiled and pulled her into a gentle hug. "We'll come back, I promise.”
Maybe he shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep
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Notes: Whoever read this. Hope you enjoyed!
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part 7/Part 8/Part 9/Part 10/?
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Kent Stuart Everglades National Park, Florida Photographed: April 2023
Stuart, a retired auto industry manager, was exploring the Everglades during the wet season, when the grasslands flood. He noticed a pool had formed near the side of the road, and he climbed down to the water’s edge. That’s when he spotted a baby alligator swimming by, headed toward a culvert that passed beneath the road. He quickly scrambled to a spot above the tunnel. “We both got there at the same time,” Stuart recalls, “and in a moment of fate he or she stopped for a few seconds and just floated there, as if to say, ‘OK, here is your shot.’”   
from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/see-winners-21st-annual-smithsonian-magazine-photo-contest-180984001/
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pleistocene-pride · 11 months
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The Central African rock python (Python sebae) is a species of large snake in the family Pythonidae and one of the 10 living species in the genus Python, which is native throughout almost the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal east to Ethiopia and Somalia and south to Namibia and South Africa and have become invasive in the florida everglades. Here they are found throughout a wide variety of habitats including including forest, wetlands, savanna, grassland, semidesert, and rocky areas. It is particularly associated with areas of permanent water, and is found on the edges of swamps, lakes, and rivers. They are a generally solitary non venomous species of constrictor which is known to feed upon fish, rodents, birds, monkeys, antelopes, bats, lizards, crocodiles, dogs, goats, sheep, pigs, jackals, hyenas, & big cats. On average Central African rock pythons reach around 9.8 to 16.4ft (3 to 5m) in length and 97 to 121 pounds (44 to 55kg) in weight, however individuals reaching up to 24.6ft (7.5m) and 214lbs (97kg) are not unheard of. African rock pythons have a relatively small, triangular head that is covered in irregular scales that are typically blackish to brownish-gray in color. The body is yellowish, gray-brown, or gray-green, with dark blotches that form a staircase-like pattern on the back. Belly scales are a white color with black specks producing a salt-and-peppery pattern. Mating occurs in the spring after which time the mother climbs inside an old animal burrow, termite mound, or cave and lay 20 to 100 hard-shelled, elongated eggs. The female shows a surprising level of maternal care not typical for snakes, coiling around the eggs, protecting them from predators, and possibly helping to incubate them, until they hatch around 90 days later. She then spends up to 2 weeks protecting and caring for the hatchlings. Under ideal conditions a central African rock python will reach sexual maturity at 3 to 5 years and live up to 30.
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haloburns · 1 year
phic phight #16
a deep blue underworld
Danny Fenton is the son of leading marine biologists Jack and Maddie Fenton. Normally, it would be super cool. Too bad his parents are into the pseudoscience of merbiology. And they live in Ohio.
But when Danny and his friends go poking around in the lab built around a lagoon swathed in legends and fables, they find out that some stories simply hold more water.
Danny found himself coming back to stare at the lagoon day after day. He would squint down into the water, trying to see what his parents saw.
“It’s just water,” he would grumble at the end of every day before trudging back to his room. “It’s not magic.”
Sure, Amity Park could be considered magical. The creeks and streams in Ohio all seemed to converge here, defying pretty much every law of reality to do so. Not to mention, there were bodies of water that just shouldn’t exist. The bayou, for example. The mangrove swamps that grew on the edge of the suburbs whose waters were strangely brackish considering there was no natural source of salt water in Ohio. The marshes behind the school. The Everglade-esque swamps that made up a section of downtown Amity Park. The wetlands that connected them to the larger rivers surrounding the town. None of it made sense. The climate or conditions for most of these bodies of water didn’t exist in Ohio, and yet… here they were.
Scientists argued that Amity Park was just sitting on top of a giant spring, and as such was simply below the water table. The water kept creeping into the town, essentially flooding it until the city began to work around it and incorporate it into its development. There was no way a mangrove swamp could grow in Ohio. It simply wasn’t possible. The scientists all agreed it was just water that surrounded Amity Park.
But still, his parents insisted there was something magical about Amity Park in general and about this lagoon specifically. They had built their house here, over the lagoon to study it constantly. When they built the house, they constructed it around a central opening that started at the top of the basement and opened to the sky above. There was a metal cover that could be engaged when it was raining (which was often), but allowed the surface of the lagoon to be visible to the rest of the world when the weather was good. He didn’t understand the whole point, but his parents repeatedly told him that the lagoon was tied to the moon, and they needed to be able to ‘reach’ each other. Whatever that meant.
Continue on AO3.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Sidney Dillon. Conglomateur, adviser to Presidents, an old flame of Ina’s. I remember once picking up a copy of what was, after the Bible and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Ina’s favorite book, Isak Dinesen’s Out of Africa; from between the pages fell a Polaroid picture of a swimmer standing at water’s edge, a wiry well-constructed man with a hairy chest and a twinkle-grinning tough-Jew face; his bathing trunks were rolled to his knees, one hand rested sexily on a hip, and with the other he was pumping a dark fat mouth-watering dick. On the reverse side a notation, made in Ina’s boyish script, read: Sidney. Lago di Garda. En route to Venice. June, 1962.
“Dill and I have always told each other everything. He was my lover for two years when I was just out of college and working at Harper’s Bazaar. The only thing he ever specifically asked me never to repeat was this business about the governor’s wife; I’m a bitch to tell it, and maybe I wouldn’t if it wasn’t for all these blissful bubbles risin’ in my noggin—” She lifted her Champagne and peered at me through its sunny effervescence.
“Gentlemen, the question is: why would an educated, dynamic, very rich and well-hung Jew go bonkers for a cretinous Protestant size forty who wears low-heeled shoes and lavender water? Especially when he’s married to Cleo Dillon, to my mind the most beautiful creature alive, always excepting the Garbo of even ten years ago (incidentally, I saw her last night at the Gunthers’, and I must say the whole setup has taken on a very weathered look, dry and drafty, like an abandoned temple, something lost in the jungles at Angkor Wat; but that’s what happens when you spend most of a life loving only yourself, and that not very much). Dill’s in his sixties now; he could still have any woman he wants, yet for years he yearned after yonder porco. I’m sure he never entirely understood this ultra-perversion, the reason for it; or if he did he never would admit it, not even to an analyst—that’s a thought! Dill at an analyst! Men like that can never be analyzed because they don’t consider any other man their equal. But as for the governor’s wife, it was simply that for Dill she was the living incorporation of everything denied him, forbidden to him as a Jew, no matter how beguiling and rich he might be: the Racquet Club, Le Jockey, the Links, White’s—all those places he would never sit down to a table of backgammon, all those golf courses where he would never sink a putt—the Everglades and the Seminole, the Maidstone, and St. Paul’s and St. Mark’s et al., the saintly little New England schools his sons would never attend. Whether he confesses to it or not, that’s why he wanted to fuck the governor’s wife, revenge himself on that smug hog-bottom, make her sweat and squeal and call him daddy.
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romanoffstarkovs · 1 year
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In the enchanting world of Astralyn, where the seven realms—Eldoria, Celestria, Valeria, Draconia, Veridora, Everglade, and Shinrinoka—harbor ancient secrets and hidden magic, Alinta Lenkov leads a double life. As a member of the renowned Shadowsong Guild, she is a lethal assassin, proficient in the deadly arts. But Alinta is also a mage of exceptional power, wielding the elemental force of fire.
When a malevolent sorcerer with a dark agenda rises to threaten the delicate balance of the seven realms, Alinta finds herself thrust into a perilous quest to save her world. Amidst the chaos, a familiar face reappears, her long-lost love, Prince Tiberius of Celestria. Their reunion sparks conflicting emotions, as Alinta grapples with the pain of their past and the uncertain future that awaits them.
As Alinta embarks on her journey to confront Magnus, the powerful sorcerer, she realizes that she cannot face the impending doom alone. With her unwavering determination, she gathers a diverse group of companions—a ragtag ensemble of warriors, mages, and rogues—who share her cause. Together, they unravel the secrets of the past, unearthing forgotten prophecies, ancient artifacts, and the true extent of Alinta's own magical abilities.
As the stakes escalate, Alinta discovers that defeating the sorcerer requires more than physical strength and magical prowess. It demands unwavering loyalty, profound sacrifices, and the unyielding pursuit of truth. In a world teetering on the edge of destruction, Alinta and her companions must navigate treacherous lands, confront their darkest fears, and forge alliances in unexpected places.
In A Dagger of Stars, the fate of the seven realms hangs in the balance. Will Alinta uncover the mysteries of her past and harness her true potential to save her world? Can she reconcile her shattered relationship with Prince Tiberius while they face a common enemy? Amidst turmoil, love, and betrayal, the answers lie in the shadows, waiting to be unveiled in an epic tale of courage, redemption, and the enduring power of friendship.
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ericgunther · 2 years
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These Are the Best Schools in Palm Beach County! 
Top rated schools are a common search criteria when buying a home in Palm Beach County.  The Florida Department of Education rates each of our schools annually with a grade system from “A” being the best to “F” being the lower scoring.
At Greenfield Waters Florida Realty we find that several areas have a concentration of “A” rated schools.  This quick guide will highlight areas and schools that consistently have years of “A” rating and reliable streaks of quality in their history.
Schools zones in Florida can be very different.  They often fit together like puzzle pieces and unlike other states the zones are not just related to the specific town where the school is located as they may border other towns that attend as well.  There are often Magnet Programs and Charter Schools as well that are very valuable.
Note that this list is a quick view of commonly desired schools.  They have good streaks of “A” ratings and there are certainly great schools that have “B” ratings from time to time.  There are many great schools that we just could not fit into this short list.  A full list of all schools can be found at these following links:
Florida School Accountability Reports
Clicking “School Grades” in Excel format will download the full list of schools for your review.
“Find My School” 
This is a link where you can enter an exact address and know for certain what schools would apply to the home you are thinking of buying.
These Are the Best Schools in Palm Beach County!
Boca Raton
Addison Mizner School (Elementary) 
Del Prado Elementary School
Somerset Academy Boca (Elementary and Middle School)
Sunrise Park Elementary School
Verde K-8 (Elementary and Middle School)
Waters Edge Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School
Boca Raton Community Middle School
Don Estridge High Tech Middle School
Eagles Landing Middle School
Loggers’ Run Community Middle School 
Omni Middle School 
Boca Raton Community High School
Olympic Heights Community High – (Also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Spanish River High School
West Boca Raton High School
Boynton Beach
Sunset Palms Elementary School
Christina McAuliffe Middle School 
Woodlands Middle School – (Lake Worth - also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Somerset Academy Canyons (Middle and High School)
Olympic Heights Community High – (Boca Raton - also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Park Vista Community High School – (Lake Worth - also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Beacon Cove Intermediate School
Jupiter Farms Elementary School
Limestone Creek Elementary School
Independence Middle School
Jupiter Middle School
Jupiter High School
Lake Worth
Coral Reef Elementary School
Discovery Key Elementary School
Manatee Elementary School
Panther Run Elementary School – (Also serves part of Wellington)
Woodlands Middle School – (Also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Park Vista Community High School – (Also serves part of West Boynton Beach)
Frontier Elementary School
Osceola Creek Middle School
Seminole Ridge Community High School
Palm Beach Gardens
Marsh Pointe Elementary School
Pierce Hammock Elementary School
Timber Trace Elementary School
Binks Forest Elementary School
Elbridge Gale Elementary School
Equestrian Trails Elementary
Panther Run Elementary School – (Lake Worth - also serves part of Wellington)
Emerald Cove Middle School
New Horizons Elementary School
Western Academy Charter School (Elementary and Middle School)
Polo Park Middle School
Wellington Landings Middle
Palm Beach Central High School
Wellington High School
West Palm Beach
Everglades Elementary
Golden Grove Elementary School
Renaissance Charter School at West Palm Beach (Elementary)
Royal Palm Beach Elementary School
Bak Middle School of the Arts
Western Pines Community Middle
Notable Mentions
Alexander W Dreyfoos Junior School of The Arts (Middle School) – (Located in West Palm Beach)
American Heritage
One of the best private schools in the country (K-12) with a solid waiting list - (Located in Delray Beach)
G-Star School of the Arts (High School - Located in Palm Springs)
Morikami Park Elementary School – Magnet School - (Located in Delray Beach)
Palm Beach Virtual Franchise – (Online and some classes in Palm Beach Gardens)
Colleges and Universities
Florida Atlantic University - FAU – (Located in Boca Raton)
Lynn University – (Located in Boca Raton)
Palm Beach State College – (Several Locations in Palm Beach County)
Greenfield Waters Florida Realty is here to help serious sellers of property and buyers of homes navigate the local areas here in Florida.  Real estate is more than just the home but also the communities and the local education quality.  It’s important to know the quality of your school districts even if you do not have any children.  Resale value can be much higher when attached to desired schools so always keep that in mind! Sometimes one side of a road can have a better school than the other and it’s ideal to work with sophisticated and professional Realtors that you would find here at Greenfield Waters.
This school list is not a complete or total list of all of our great schools in Palm Beach County.  For more information make sure to check the links above in the introduction paragraphs to review more schools and ratings.  Always feel free to contact Greenfield Waters for more advice on Palm Beach County and any Florida schools in general.  Our Broker and Owner of Greenfield Waters is Eric Gunther who is married to a career Palm Beach County educator and administrator at the public and private College / University level.  Any questions you have we can always be here for advice you may be looking for.
Make sure to check out our home page www.greeenfieldwaters.com to view current Active Listings and Market Reports free of charge and with zero obligation.  We are simply here to help!
Happy to advise as always,
Eric Gunther
Realtor and Broker of Greenfield Waters Florida Realty
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