#edelweiss shirt
bestproducthere · 1 year
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Stilvoll und Vielseitig: Edelweiss Modehighlights für Jeden
Entdecken Sie die zeitlose Eleganz der Edelweiss Modekollektion von Landjaeger. Vom klassischen Edelweiss Shirt über die bezaubernde Chemise Edelweiss bis hin zur edlen Edelweiss Tunika bieten wir eine breite Palette von hochwertigen Kleidungsstücken, die Ihr Outfit aufwerten. Unsere Kollektion umfasst auch den vielseitigen Schwarzen Pullover, der sich mühelos in verschiedene Stilrichtungen einfügt. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Edelweiss Mode und verleihen Sie Ihrem Look einen Hauch von Eleganz und Raffinesse.
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frenchublog · 6 months
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landjager · 2 years
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem stilvollen und hochwertigen Edelweiss-Hemd sind, sind Sie bei Landjager genau richtig. Unsere Edelweiss-Kleider werden aus hochwertigen Materialien und mit Liebe zum Detail hergestellt. Sie sind perfekt für jeden Anlass, egal ob Sie sich für einen Abend schick machen oder einfach nur nach einem Hemd suchen, das Sie in der Stadt tragen können. Mit einer Vielzahl von Stilen und Farben zur Auswahl finden Sie bei Landjager mit Sicherheit das perfekte Edelweiss-Hemd. Besonders beliebt sind unsere Edelweiß-Shirts, die durch einige besondere Elemente auffallen. Wenn Sie eines unserer Edelweiss-Kleider tragen, werden Sie sicher alle Blicke auf sich ziehen und gut aussehen.
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ashxketchum · 6 months
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New collaboration with Loft & Amnibus was announced for Digimon Adventure!
Details about exact merch will follow soon, but the tweet states that the concept was decided by keeping the idea of 25th Anniversary in focus but the art itself is flower + wedding outfit themed. The collab will start in June which is considered a good month for brides in Japan and so we see many wedding themed anime illustrations get released during this time every year.
Now it is time for another certified Ayushi breakdown 🫡
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Taichi and Agumon are seen holding Edelweiss, with a pattern of the flower drawn beautifully on Taichi's shirt as well. Edelweiss in Japanese Language of Flowers (Hanakotoba) is meant to symbolise 'cherished memories/大切な思い出' and 'courage/勇��', while in Western Language of Flowers it's meant to symbolise 'noble courage' and 'daring' - both of which are apt for our best leader 🧡
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Yamato and Gabumon are seen holding Alstroemeria (Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily), and while the flower motif is not drawn onto his clothes, Yamato's coat's breast pocket is decorated with the flower as well. In Hanakotoba, Alstroemeria is meant to symbolise 'persistence/持続' or 'longing for the future/未来への憧れ', while in Western Language of Flowers it's meant to symbolise 'friendship' and 'devotion'. All meanings are apt for him imo, but especially persistence and longing for the future are very representative of his arc from the first series till Kizuna.
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Sora and Piyomon are seen with Pink Carnations, with the neckline of Sora's jumpsuit lined with a bunch of the flowers. I personally love the visual of Sora in this pink jumpsuit, it plays into her slightly tomboyish yet extremely gentle personality so well! In Hanakotoba carnations symbolise 'innocent and deep love/無垢で深い愛' and pink carnations specifically symbolise 'love of a woman/女性の' 'passionate love/熱愛' and "beautiful gesture/美しいしぐさ'. In Western Language of Flowers carnations symbolise 'fascination' and love'. All meanings are pretty accurate for Sora, but red carnations are used to symbolise Mother's love in Japan so it would've been nice if they threw in a mix of red and pink to hint at her relationship with her mother!
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Koushiro and Tentomon are seen holding Violet Sage, which at first glance I thought was Lavender. The flower pattern is also visible on his waistcoat and bowtie, which ties together his outfit very nicely! In Hanakotoba, Sage seems to have many symbolisations, 'respect/尊敬', 'wisdom/知恵', 'good home/良い家庭', and 'family love/家族愛'. But Blue (Violet) Sage specifically signify respect and wisdom. In Western Language of Flowers, Sage symbolises 'esteem', 'wisdom' and 'domestic virtue'. Again, a perfect choice for Koushiro, I personally would prefer to believe that they picked this not because of his crest but because of 'good home' and 'family love' since that part of Koushiro's arc in the first series was probably the most impressionable aspect of his character.
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Mimi and Palmon are seen holding baby's breath, with Mimi's dress covered in a pattern of it. Even keeping my bias towards Mimi aside, this is possibly one of the prettiest outfit of hers till date, it genuinely looks like she's about to walk down the aisle as a flower girl for a very happy couple! In Hanakotoba, Baby's Breath or Kasumisou, symbolises 'pure heart/清らかな心', 'innocence/無邪気', 'kindness/親切', and 'happiness/幸福'. In Western Language of Flowers it symbolises 'everlasting love', 'purity of heart', and 'innocence'. All meanings apply to Mimi to the T, but they're also very apt for the whole wedding theme of the merch which makes this particular outfit + flower choice my favourite from the lot.
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Jou and Gomamon are seen holding Violets or Sumire. I honestly struggled to figure out the flower for a while, at first glance I thought it was Periwinkle but since that was not mentioned in the Hanakotoba reference anywhere, I searched other people's interpretations and settled with Violets. His tie also has a cute pattern of the flower, and it makes me wonder if Koushiro and Jou went shopping for their outfits together! In Hanakotoba, Sumire symbolise 'modesty/謙虚', 'sincerity/誠実', and 'small happiness/小さな幸せ'. Depending on the colour, the symbolism can change in Hanakotoba, and purple Violets specifically represent 'fidelity' along with 'love'. In Western Language of Flowers it symbolises 'modesty' and 'faithfulness'. This is as Jou as a flower can get lol.
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Takeru and Patamon are seen with White Gerberas. Like Yamato, Takeru's outfit doesn't have a pattern of the flower, but the Gerberas themselves are pinned to his suspenders. In Hanakotoba, Gerbera symbolises 'hope/希望' and 'always moving forward/常に前進'. White Gerbera specifically are used to symbolise 'hope' and 'honesty/律儀'. In Western Language of Flowers it is meant to symbolise 'cheerfulness' and 'beauty'. All meanings are accurate for Takeru, no comment needed!
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Hikari and Tailmon are seen with Sunflowers. I personally feel that Hikari's outfit is a little too much compared to the rest, just the sunflower belt would've been enough but they added that extra line at the hem and it's kind of an overdose. In Hanakotoba, Sunflowers symbolise 'I gaze only at you/私はあなただけを見つめる', 'adoration/愛慕', and 'worship/崇拝'. In Western Language of Flowers, it symbolises 'adoration' and 'false riches'. I understand that they wanted to go with a bright or perky flower for Hikari but something like a Pink Aster which symbolises patience or Cosmos which symbolises harmony, peace etc. might suit Hikari better given the overall theme of the illustration. The only miss in the otherwise perfectly depicted theme and art!
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coffeeghoulie · 9 months
pspspspps i see you're taking fluff requests, soooo can i be annoying and ask for some cute swissalps, my boys? im giving you a free hand entirely, whatever comes to mind. ill take anything hgfhagsfsa /nf
absolutely, the big boys being cute coming right up!
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For being a multi-ghoul, Swiss isn't usually quite in tune with the parts of him that are earth. His fire and quintessence are louder, demand more from him. But on days like today, when it calls to him so loudly and so sweetly he can't deny it, he knows he's always welcome here.
The air is thick and warm and humid. Swiss breathes through his nose, the scent of churned earth and growth and greenery overwhelming in the best way. Mountain works quietly nearby, and his peaceful presence is enough to quiet that part of him.
Swiss bats lazily at Mountain's tail, the pine-needle like tip rustling as it brushes against his claws. His head dangles off of the end of the earth ghoul's daybed, tucked snugly in the corner of his greenhouse.
Mountain snickers from where he waters his personal garden. "You are so easily entertained, edelweiss."
"You know it," Swiss snorts, eyes tracking the movement of his tail. The spade of his own tail beats a steady rhythm against the mattress.
"Keep that up and I'll think you're coming for my job," Mountain teases, inspecting the hanging plants that form his privacy curtain. "You sure as heaven don't play that guitar. Papa might as well put you to work."
He scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. "Excuse me, maple, but Papa loves my stage presence. You do too."
Mountain sets down his watering can, turning to face Swiss with his hands on his hips. The multi-ghoul whines as the motion causes his tail to spin out of reach. "One of these days Papa won't be acting when you give him the shimmies. Besides, I didn't say I didn't love your stage presence, you desperately needy ghoul."
"Oh, I know you love it," Swiss laughs, still hanging off of the daybed. "I can feel you looking. I can always feel it when you're looking at me."
"Quit being dramatic, Swiss," Mountain sighs, his tail wrapping around his leg so he can tease Swiss with the tip. He cackles when Swiss's pupils visibly dilate, gold disappearing behind black, like a cat that's seen something it wants.
"It's true, though," Swiss says sincerely, eyes locked on the drifting tip of his tail. "I don't know how to describe it, but I can feel it when you're looking at me."
"Can you feel it now?" Mountain asks, genuinely curious. He cocks his head, strands of auburn hair escaping his bun and falling over his forehead.
"'Course I can," he says, still not tearing his eyes away from Mountain's tail. He bats at it, chittering under his breath. "I can feel it right now."
"What does it feel like?" he asks, brushing the dirt from his pants before sitting down on the mattress. He stares down at Swiss, emerald eyes meeting gold.
"Warm," Swiss supplies, shrugging. He shifts so his head isn't dangling off of the bed, moving so he's sitting up facing him. "I don't know how else to describe it, Mount. It just feels like you. Like the earth in me."
Mountain quirks an eyebrow, patting his knee. "Oh, edelweiss, I'm sure you want some earth in you," he teases.
Swiss barely has a moment to recognize the mischief in Mountain's eyes before the bigger ghoul is tackling him, pinning him to the soft blankets. He snarls, snapping his teeth playfully, and rolls, scuffling until Mountain's beneath him.
They playfight like kits, snapping teeth and lashing tails. It makes a mess of Mountain's usually pristine bed, mussing the blankets and pillows, yowling like animals.
Mountain has Swiss pinned down again when the multi-ghoul shoves. It sends both of them off of the edge of the bed, and they thud hard against the packed earth floor.
Swiss stares down at Mountain, chest heaving and eyes wide. "Shit, edel, I'm sorry, are you alri-"
Mountain grabs him by the collar of his shirt, and pulls the multi-ghoul down to kiss him. Swiss exhales hard in relief. His hands go to the base of Mountain's antlers, running his thumbs over the sensitive bit where skin meets bone.
Mountain's laughing when they pull away, eyes crinkled with a grin that rivals Swiss's. "Father Below, Swiss, I really love you."
Swiss laughs. He bends down to press his forehead to Mountain's, nuzzling him sweetly. He smells of bergamot and tea tree and green, something that just screams Mountain in its entirety. "Love you too, big guy."
He reaches up, eyes softening as he stares up at him, and trails a finger along Swiss's cheek, lips quirking in a smile he knows looks goofy before his back twinges. "Lemme up, edelweiss," Mountain groans, shoving lightly at Swiss's shoulder.
Swiss scrambles to his feet, reaching a big hand down to help Mountain up. He pulls a little too hard, accidentally making them collide. They giggle and Mountain leans in to run the tip of his nose against Swiss's. "You wanna lay down in my nice, soft bed and keep kissing?"
Swiss grins, brighter than the sun beaming in through the glass roof. "Thought you'd never ask."
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aphetaliamessages · 10 months
What are the countries thankful for?
America: FAACES fam, Tony and Mr. Whale, his Uncle Scotty, his Baby Uncle Sealand, and the Awesome Trio. And Russia's muscles 😤
Canada: For Gilbert, who finally noticed him
England: For all his sons even though they enjoy annoying him. His daughter, Seychelles. His brothers, too, maybe. And "I guess frogs for being tasty."
France: Makeup, cheese, wine, bread, cake, England, the BTT, ~England~, his kiddos, his sister, ghosts, labour unions, pretty dresses, pretty suits, his cat, the Pierres, tsundere compliments from England, love stories, his hair, roses, love songs, frilly curtains—
Russia: Alfie, his sisters, snow, sunshine, nature in general, little fluffy animals, sunflowers, borscht, vodka, and Christmas
Italy: Pasta, his friend Japan, pizza, pasta, nice clothes, siestas, Germany, linguine—that's a pasta, naked siestas, naked Germany, ravioli, his brothers, and cats!
Romano: Tomatoes. And churros 🤔
Spain: Definitely VERY thankful for his Lovito
Germany: Italy. Japan and Gilbert, too. And cake. Not just Italy. Other things as well. Ahem. Like wurst.
Prussia: His brother, his besties, Gilbird (his favourite wingman), Mattie, Mattie's hair, Mattie's ass, Mattie's dick, Mattie's thighs, Mattie in comfy sweaters, Mattie in a crop top, Mattie with no shirt, Mattie with no pants, pancakes, Mattie's pancakes (not a euphemism), Mattie's pancakes (as a euphemism), how excited Mattie gets over hockey, Mattie's singing voice, Mattie's blush, Mattie's smile, aaaand beer
Austria: The familiar scent of his piano, the smell of edelweiss in the summer, orchestral performances on YouTube, and not being invited to Alfred's Thanksgiving party
Hungary: Austria. Austria in a frilly dress. Austria playing piano. Austria eating wurst. Austria in a tight dress. Austria in her bed. Austria—
China: Peace and quiet, Hong Kong speaking Chinese even if it's the wrong one, buffets, Hello Kitty, and Mickey Mouse
and Rommy
Japan: Cherry blossoms, green tea Pocky, Hatsune Miku, anime, dogs, cats, Greece, Germany and Italy, his weird big family, Animal Crossing, America's promise to beat up anyone who bullies him, Ao3 and Pixiv
Hong Kong: Hip hop, when Bàba approves, when Dad disapproves, the word "yo," wearing hats backwards, white boys with puffins (well there's only one), dumplings, and unrestricted internet access!
Send an ask if you want more characters! — Mod England 🎸
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lorei-writes · 5 months
Loreeeeeeeei~ Congrats on 1k followers!! I'm so proud of you 🥺💜
As for the RQs... look, I'll try not to make 3 for Clavis, but I won't make any promises 🙈
So, what about Clavis + kisses + fluff/comfort 🙈💜
Love you and thank you 😊💜
You know I'd never stay around here for so long without you and all my other friends <3 Thank you for always being a source of good advice and support ;--; <3
I think I've leaned into comfort? It's a little bitter-sweet, perhaps with a little bit of hot sauce.
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»All the things we choose to share«
Clavis x Reader Fluff/Comfort ~500 words Content Warnings: none
Scent of Lavender
You smelled of lavender; of broken promises, of things seemingly innate and common sense that were betrayed. You smelled of invisible scars, of marigolds, of unsafe safety, of willow’s cries and endless fields. Of edelweiss, of its persistence and devotion, of sunflowers’ golden warmth. You were a bouquet of emotion and experience.
His goldenrod.
His good fortune.
Clavis’ back hit the ground, your arms and his will both pushing against the ill-natured inertia. Soft grass tickled at your calves as you pinned him down, violet hair strewn around his head in periwinkle halo. Horses neighed at the distance.
You didn’t care.
Why should you?
“Hey —” Clavis whispered, his lips barely parting for the sound to sieve through. It was irrelevant, you assumed, or perhaps it was both irrelevant and necessary to say something in this situation. To resist you despite his obedience, to disobey you in face of attraction… To dominate rather than be dominated, to state his purpose, to perform, to smile, to —
But he did not want to.
Your fingers interlaced, his grip on you strengthened. Clavis stared at you from below, golden irises drinking in your incandescent glory. Setting sun crowned your hair with copper wire coils, painted you in shadows, its death your scorching resurrection and your lips a piece of flint. You smiled, released him… Caressed his cheek. Delicate. Smouldering. Tender. Branding. All that he had ever wanted. His.
“Yes?” you asked, part for yourself, your selfish desire to hear him say it, part for his own sake.
“Do with me as you please.”
“Anything?” you coaxed.
“Anything.” A shiver zapped through Clavis, lightning spilling from your fingertips as you caressed his neck, your nails grazing his Adam’s apple. “I’m yours, my dearest darling.”
Hypnotiser hypnotised, you set his skin aflame at his own request. You sucked at the side of his neck, bruising him with you attention, your mark growing just above the collar of his shirt. He would not be able to cover it with innocently white linen, would not conceal it underneath a similarly purple cravat. Clavis was yours and it was for others to see. Utterly intoxicated, you shifted your grip, your hands sliding to his wrists.
“You asked for this,” you remind him, clinging onto the last of your reason.
“I did. Show me how much you love me, my hmm —”
You stole the words from his lips, utterly voracious of anything that he had to give, generous in your own care. The grass around you swayed, honeyed scent of nectar dissolving in the early evening dew. Yet Clavis was sweeter, unparalleled in the heaving of his chest and the jerking of his hips, growing all the more saccharine as your tongue slipped into his mouth and whetted his need. You slid your fingers through his hair, allowed him to embrace you… saw your world turn upside-down from the safety of his arms.
You smelled of lavender, of broken promises and grief, of disappointment and cold hurt. You were the marigolds and he was your ivy, ramping, coiling over any of your broken parts. Your lotus, your rebirth, your angelica-inspiration… Your love, and you did pull him down, the both of you blooming together under the starlit skies.
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @starlitmanor-network @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather
@tele86 @rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception @bis-enti
@claviscollections @queengiuliettafirstlady @sh0jun @lucyw260
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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edelweissbarnes · 1 year
Bucky Barnes x supersoldierF!reader (smut and fluff)
I had this idea some time ago and I just wanted to write some stories with this concept of a ex HYDRA supersoldier reader known as Edelweiss...hope you like it 💜
Tw: mention of torture,mental manipulation, nightmares, smut.
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You wake with the discomfort of your nightmare still clinging into your very soul, with unsteady hand you wipe tears from your eyes. You look at the clock on your nightstand : 4 am. You move out of the tangled sheets on the floor with a sigh, knowing that you won't sleep anymore so you better use this time to make some breakfast and maybe do a light stretching routine.
you move down the stairs aiming for the kitchen while mentally you're trying to distract yourself thinking of the things you must do along the day.
As soon as you go down the last step you hear a soft groan from the living room. you approach the cabinet near the entrance where you do keep hidden, in the drawer, some light weapons: a gun, a knuckle-duster, a pair of knives. Quietly you open the drawer and you reach the hidden knives, you take a breath preparing yourself to knock down the intruder. You silently enter the living room, knives in hands, your killer reflexes on high alert. You approach the couch where you heard the groan coming from and to your surprise you find your boyfriend, fully clothed from his last mission, lying there, snoring slightly.
Suddenly you feel like crumbling, you walk past the couch, resting your knives on the coffee table before curling up close to your boyfriend's face.
"Love...wake up..." you whisper softly in his ear, being very careful not to touch him before he wakes up. Both of you, with your murderous pasts, have had some trouble getting used to the intimacy of a couple's daily gestures.
He growls softly. "Bucky...love..." you repeat and he opens his eyes on you. He blink, disoriented before recognising he's home,rubbing his eyes.
"Doll..." he groans.
"I remember you telling me you would come home this evening..." you whisper while you gently caress his face.
"We finished earlier...and I was missing you....i had planned, after a couple of hours of sleep, to surprise you with your favorite breakfast, in bed...but it seems that you have surprised me..." he replies smiling and taking your hand and kissing the palm. Then he sit, pulling you in his lap.
You straddle him and he cups your face with both his hands before taking your lips in a sweet kiss.
"I need you Jamie..." you whisper against his lips, resting both of your hands on his chest. For a moment he tenses, you rarely call him that way.
"You had another nightmare?" He asks gentle, now caressing your bare arms. You nod, looking away as to direct your thoughts elsewhere.
"What do you need me to do, doll?" He murmurs softly while his vibranium fingers caress your cleavage through the fabric of his shirt that you wear to sleep,up to your neck until they reach your chin, taking it to make you look at him in the eyes.
"Talk to me, love...tell me what you need..."he repeats lowering his voice. He knows how much important is for you to make and express your choice as you were deprived of that possibility for a very long time, like him. You were tortured and abused as an assett in an HYDRA experimental base in the italian alps. He felt especially guilty about you, because it was him, well the winter soldier, who captured and give you in the hands of HYDRA' s team who experimented on you. He knows all about your conditioning as he perfected your combat skills and because you were made for him, to have a sort of distraction, a kind of stress toy not so easy to broke. Once he had back his mind he made sure to track down and neutralise all of the scientists that partecipated in the sperimentation and after the avengers captured you he made sure of being present in every aspect of your rehabilitation. He always had a soft spot for you and he knows how difficult is to be back after being brainwashed.
"Love me...please..." you whisper, choking a sob "make me forget their touch..."
He hums and take your lips in a breathtaking kiss then he slowly peppers your jaw with kisses until he reaches for the sweet spot behind your ear that makes you moan.
Your hands travel to his leather jacket, opening it and pulling it down his arms urgently. Now you tear apart his blue henley to let your fingers touch his bare chest, he growls and the vibration in his chest reverberates right between your thighs.
"I need you...i need you... i need you..." you repeat feverishly and he grabs the plump flesh of your cheeks to steady you as he stands up. You lock your legs around his waist, brushing your bare cunt against his jeans where you can feel his growing erection. He moves up to the stairs, into your bedroom and then he notices the tangled sheets of the floor, not far from the bed, which is untouched, since he went on mission.
"You slept again on the floor?" He asks softly. He used to do the same before knowing you.
"I cannot sleep in the bed if you're not there..." you whisper shyly.
"Now I'm here doll...I'll make you forget them...concentrate on me...on the pleasure I can give you..." he murmurs laying you down on the bed.
"You're so cute in my shirt...but I need to feel you..." he breaths before tearing the fabric apart with his vibranium hand. You usually sleep completely bare, cause you like feeling the warmth that radiates from his skin.
"It smells like you..." you whisper in response, explaining why you're wearing his shirt. You gasp as his mouth latches against one of your nipple. His metal fingers are tracing your stomach and down to your folds. You whimper and you open more your legs to let him have an easier access as he brushes the tip of his fingers on your clit and then down your slit.
"Please...please Jaime...I need you..." you cry out and he obliges kissing his way down to your cunt until his lips meet your swollen bud. You shudder as he sucks and licks with extreme precision, taking you right trough the edge.
"Oh god... yes... I'm cumming...I'm cumm.." you choke on your words when the orgasm washes over you. You move your hand to his head, intertwining your finger through his hair as he drinks your release.
He loves the way you wound your fingers through his hair, how you feel so safe with him to lose control and let him takes care of you without a single doubt.
"You're so sweet doll..." he growls between your thighs, humping lightly his clothed erection against the mattress. It's been 4 days without you and he feels like a man starved. He laps slowly now, letting one of his vibranium fingers testing your heat.
"God...please Jamie...don't tease...I'm ready.." you whimper as he let another finger in and slowly start to move them.
"You're not, doll...you know that i don't want to hurt you..." he replies sweetly, even if you're an enhanced human he treats you as you're a beautiful and precious porcelain doll.
"You can't hurt me..." you murmur disappointed but at the same time you appreciate his concern, how sweet and careful he can be, how he privileges your wellbeing instead of his own. He starts to move his fingers faster inside you and you moan arching your back, lost in the pleasure.
"You're so beautiful baby...so erotic...I'm so excited that it hurt..." he whispers against your center before he let his tongue caress again your clit.
His ruthless resolve to make you really ready for him excite you. His free hand now lingers on you stomach and up, reaching for one of your boobs to grop it softly. You feel the wave of another orgasm coiling rapidly into your belly, you tilt your head and a scream leaves your mouth, your legs quiver, trapping his head between them.
He drinks you in and when you're able to relax your thighs he emerges, his chin and lips glimmering because of your juices.
"You're so fucking hot when you cum..." he growls now unfastening his belt and opening his jeans to free his raging erection.
"Sargent Barnes, such an indecent language..." You joke looking at him with a fake indignant stare.
"Oh doll, soon you'll be the one talking an indecent language and you know that..."he murmurs hooking both of his hands under your ass to let you come closer before entering you with a swift thrust thanks to your recent orgasm.
"FUCK!" You cry out, shutting your eyes. He's completely bottoming out, balls deep and the sensation of being so full leave you overwhelmed. He stills, leaving you time to adjust to his size and breathe.
You let out a sob and a tear run down your eye.
"You ok, love?" He asks, a little worried.
You open your eyes and look into his.
"I...I..." you stutter, for a moment you feel dizzy and incapable of speak but you nod reassuring him. It's magnificent the sensation of being stretch out like this and your body shivers, unlocking the memories of your shared past. You whimper in ecstasy as it seems that your body was created to fit and mould perfectly with his.
He hugs you tight without moving, then he rolls so you're on top, straddling him. At the change of position your walls clench hard his erection.
" Christ..." he moans loudly grabbing your hips " take what you need doll...use me..." he continues brushing his fingers on your skin.
Suddenly you feel hot, you position both of your hands on the side of his head and then you lean to kiss him. You know that the words coming from his mouth are not said easily and you feel grateful to have this man in your life.
"I love you James...I love you so much" you whisper against his lips before starting to buck your hips slowly, savoring the sensation of him fully sheathed inside you. You move both of your hands on his shoulders and the on his chest, leveraging youself so you have more space to move.
"I love you too baby...ah...you feel so good..." He grunts, kneading the flesh of your hips, following your movements.
"You're so good to me...soo good to me..."you echo grinding harder, gyrating your hips finding your rhythm.
"Ah... you know i won't last long if you move like that...it's seems you want to devour me..." he manages to whisper between his moans.
"I'm just claiming what's mine..." you tut before he sit brushing his vibranium hand on your back til he reaches your hair, clenching his fist and pulling lightly. He knows how pulling your hair arouses you because he feels the same.
You gasp at his gesture, closing your eyes.
"You know it drives me crazy when you act like that..." he whispers in you ear before latching on your neck, sucking slightly and then he starts to pump his hips up.
"You're so fucking deep..."you moan scratching his back "I'm gonna cum again baby...I'm so close...don't you dare to stop..."you breathe helplessly.
"You're gonna cum around my cock, baby? Ah...Say it, like a good girl..." he gloat squeezing one of your ass cheek and pulling a little more your hair.
"I'm cumming...I'm cumming..." you whine holding onto him like you would hold for dear life. Your entire body shaking incontrollably as a series of little cry escape your lips.
Your walls squeeze him so hard that he can't control himself as he came inside you with a roar. He hugs you tightly trying to ease the quivering of your body.
"I've got you, baby...I've got you..."he whispers softly caressing your hair as you relax in his embrace, leaning in his arms. He lies down, holding you tight against his chest.
"You're safe, love...you're safe..." he repeats lulling you into sleep.
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serene-faerie · 14 days
Gotei 13 Lieutenants/Squad Members as Aesthetics
Sasakibe— earl gray tea, thunderstorms, organized files, a tidy desk, sharp eyes, smiles that are rarely seen, undying loyalty, quiet evenings in the office, classical music, neat handwriting, edelweiss, tailcoat suits, puzzles, a wooden chess board, butter biscuits and scones, earned respect, lightning, a stern voice, an antique desk lamp, fountain pens, reading the newspaper, black-and-white movies, the smell of ink and papers.
Omaeda— rice crackers, being a big brother, protecting family with one's life, deceiving appearances, stacks of cash, a spiked iron ball attached to a chain, buying gifts for loved ones, ivy leaves, gold rings, stacks of gold ingots, giving piggyback rides, a grand mansion, lavish banquets, expensive cars, being smarter than how one looks, the smell of strong cologne, undying loyalty to one's superior and family, candies, men's magazines, lazy afternoons.
Kira— yellow carnations, rainy and cloudy days, writing haiku poetry, soft candlelight, a heart burdened with grief and regret, thick blankets, hesitant smiles, love for one’s friends, the smell of earth after rain, hot showers, a bowl of hot soup, leather-bound journals, cold hands, quiet laughter, working late at night, trusting reluctantly, loyalty to a fault, a cold and calculating fighter, a mug of warm green tea, grieving alone, drunk karaoke with friends, an organized workspace, appreciating the arts, painting with watercolours, listening to white noise, bearing burdens alone, the weight of guilt, sleeping peacefully after a long time.
Isane— shy smiles, neatly folding sheets and laundry, the smell of antiseptic, the hands of a healer, crying happy tears, gardenia flowers, collecting medicinal herbs, a strong knowledge of medicine, always carrying bandages, chamomile tea, gardening for fun, blue butterflies, open windows on a summer afternoon, a slow-moving ceiling fan, a soft-spoken voice, a graceful height, playing with one's own hair, always finishing work on time, short afternoon naps, a glass of fruit juice, secretly reading romance novels.
Momo— peach blossoms, a calm spring breeze, crackling fires, chamomile tea, the smell of freshly-baked cookies, baking desserts, always being organized, smiling to hide the pain, humming quietly to oneself, bread and peach jam, a shelf full of well-loved books, pure adoration, hands that tremble ever so slightly, reminiscing over the past, a quiet strength, thick wool mittens, fiery rage, april showers bring may flowers, always working hard, healing from the past, carefree laughter.
Renji— long hair as red as blood, stray dogs, fiery red sunsets, wolfish smiles, eyes that are both warm and fierce, hearty laughter, sun-kissed skin, sleeveless shirts, howling wolves, lifting weights at the gym, tribal tattoos, sleek sunglasses, heliotropes, tea with spices, heavy metal music, spiked collars, fingertips stained with ink, hot summer nights, strong and warm hugs, a strong sense of justice, wanting to do what’s right, giving a middle finger to the rules, late night talks, sword-callused hands that touch gently, a spirited warrior, loving with one’s whole heart, snake skulls, a strong and sultry voice, red lanterns, taiyaki, the smell of sandalwood.
Iba— intricate back tattoos, vintage sunglasses, bruised knuckles, oak trees, bottles of sake, a loud izakaya, the smell of whiskey and cigarette smoke, matsuri parades, the sound of taiko drums, playing cards, relentless ambition, a pack of wolves, burning the midnight oil, thyme leaves, a bowl of fresh ramen, drinking coffee at the work desk, men's magazines, a low drawling laugh, unwavering loyalty, whiskey on the rocks, an old ceiling fan, the sound of crickets at sunset, skipping stones across the lake, wood carving, polishing glasses, a pragmatic fighter, no-nonsense words, looking out for friends.
Nanao— thin glasses, floral furisode kimonos, a neat updo, tidy stacks of paperwork, elegant handwriting, early to bed and early to rise, a morning bird, the smell of lavender and rosemary, blue hyacinths, speaking in even tones, upholding the rules, firm glares, working in silence, a cup of green tea, romance novels as a guilty pleasure, meticulously keeping a journal, a small vase of flowers, a strict work schedule, simple dresses, a touch of makeup, floral-scented hand cream, a vast collection of classic novels, reading by candlelight, a hall of mirrors, hidden strength, smiles that are rarely seen, humming softly at night, graceful postures.
Shuuhei— motorcycle rides, leather jackets, late nights in the office, old newspapers, sharp scythes, playing rock music through headphones, leather wrist cuffs, messy hair, an old acoustic guitar, black coffee, the smell of mint and sage, friendly smiles, a lone desk lamp, never forgetting acts of kindness, trying to do what's right, drinking with friends, facial scars, strong arms, chin-ups in a door frame, a decadent voice, black chains, basil leaves, pinwheel fireworks, glasses of sake, forgiveness, grieving with friends, hands that are both strong and gentle, moving forward, unwavering resolve, early summer evenings.
Rangiku— long and wavy hair, infectious smiles and laughter, the golden hour shining past the curtains, carrying many shopping bags, red-bottomed high heels, an impeccable sense of fashion, cats, caring hugs, glasses of red wine, eyes that hold a touch of grief, lonely nights curled up in bed, getting lost in memories, purple hyacinths, cherishing mementos, the smell of designer perfume, citrus-scented hand cream, pink nail polish, glittering pink eyeshadow, rosy lip gloss, cocktail dresses adorned with sequins, fruity cocktails, warm bubble baths, silver jewelry, sparklers, dried persimmons, bottles of sake, handmade friendship bracelets, always being the life of the party.
Yachiru— a bowl of sweets, wandering through forests, a pink scooter, the smell of caramel, colouring books, finger painting, playing with sidewalk chalk, getting piggyback rides, catlike smiles, sneaking into hidden places, climbing trees, playful kittens, un-childlike anger, melon soda, konpeito, reading bedtime stories, having a fiercely protective father, eyes that are both innocent yet all-knowing, a plush teddy bear, glow-in-the-dark stars, white carnations, the smell of crayons, childish laughter, playful nicknames, strawberry milk, father-daughter relationships, unwavering faith in loved ones.
Ikkaku— bloodied knuckles, old bandages that need changing, a fiery glint of determination, arm wrestling, red eyeshadow, rough and strong hands, light-footedness, loud laughter, street fighting, bench pressing, an appreciation for beauty, messy handwriting, the smell of sweat and musk, spider lilies, wooden swords, a mug of strong beer, dusty streets, a fighting spirit, sleeping beneath a shaded deck on a blistering summer afternoon, buzzing cicadas, summer thunderstorms, windy days, wiping off blood from one's face, adrenaline rushes, the sound of classic rock music.
Yumichika— peacock feathers, neatly braided hair, glittery nail polish, sleek eyeliner, shimmering blue eyeshadow, a killer fashion sense, jewel-toned suits, rich brocade, the smell of lemon and bergamot, bloodstains on one's hands, silk kimonos, brilliant blue butterflies, elaborate cocktail drinks, soft skin, carefully applying makeup on another's face, manicured nails, eyes that gleam with purpose, purple wisteria flowers, keeping secrets, feathered earrings, orange scarves, secretive smiles, a teasingly lilting voice, airy laughter, soft hair, undying loyalty and friendship.
Nemu— smiles that are rarely seen, a soft-spoken demeanour, lithe and graceful movements, a cup of milk tea, braided hair, daisies, glass beakers, white lab coats, meticulously writing reports, always carrying a first-aid kit, a camera around one's neck, the smell of lilies, yellow sundresses, small high-heels, short skirts, quiet piano music, charm bracelets, a heart-shaped pendant, neat handwriting, surprising strength, always protecting loved ones.
Rukia— crisp winter mornings, dark hair, snowflakes caught in one’s hair, a fresh blanket of snow, white rabbits, a cup of hot ginger tea, the smell of peppermint and vanilla, eagerly watching soap operas on TV, playful smiles, rosy cheeks, yellow jasmines, thick wool scarves, elegant kimonos, a subtle touch of makeup, ice skating, a gracefully melodic voice, holding hands, a fierce and protective love, eyes as violet as the skies at dusk, the light of the full moon, doodling in notebooks, reading shoujo manga, friendship bracelets.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
The Night Singer (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Rhett could never imagine what real magic was like until he was awoken by the sound of your voice on a summer night
Rhett had always had trouble sleeping during the summer despite the house remaining consistently cool with the mini-splits you had put all over the place. Perhaps it had been the days leading up to the full moon when everyone and their mother became easily agitated or the heat which had been particularly bad the last few weeks. Whatever it had been, it had put him into a state that made him restless and unable to sleep. 
When he blinked his eyes open, the light of the full moon spilled into the bedroom he shared with you, but you were nowhere to be found. The covers had been pulled back, the indent of your form still in the mattress where you always slept.....right next to him.
Something didn’t quite feel right. Rhett made his way down the hall to where Amy’s bedroom was but the two year old was nowhere to be found. Rhett felt his heart jump in his chest. The unlikely had begun to race through his mind, thinking that Perry had somehow broken in and taken the both of you, but no. The doors and windows were always and thoroughly locked at night. 
He grabbed his cowboy hat and a white t-shirt off the bedpost and left the house, sneaking out the kitchen door so as not to wake the dogs. The moon above was full and huge, illuminating the land in a soft, silver-white glow while the grass rippled with the hot summer wind. Rhett looked up to see the stars all flecked across the skies like silver dust while the sky itself was a deep, dark blue velvet. 
A sound had suddenly reached his ears, quiet at first and so faint that he could hardly hear it. Rhett followed it, listening between the incessant chirping of the crickets and frogs coming from the pond while the humidity made the hackles on the back of his neck and the hairs on his arms stand straight up. It grew louder as he wandered through the groves of gardenia, forget-me-not and other pale blue and white flowers you had planted near the house. Closer and closer he came, the singing having grown louder and louder until he reached the spot in the garden that was your favorite place of all. 
The Fairy Ring. 
Rhett, Royal and Wes had planted the huge ring of lilac hedges shortly after you and Rhett had gotten married. Rhett never minded them in the least although he could have done without the frequent allergy attacks in the spring. Yet he loved the smell, one he had always associated with you. 
He could hear your voice, clear as day coming from inside the ring where the flowers were in full bloom with their pale, soft purple blossoms. The soft strum of the lyre you had made in the woodshed filled the night air along with Amy’s little giggles. You looked like a dream in your white satin and lace slip and your stringy white crochet shawl, your fingers plucking away at the strings while Amy crouched in the grass near your flat topped rock, her little baby voice singing along with yours to the same song you and Rhett had sung to her when she was first born. 
“Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever”
Rhett felt himself getting teary-eyed when he heard that song. His grandmother, Heidi, had always used to sing of that beautiful little flower that grew high in the mountains of her homeland, bringing them to Wabang when she had left Switzerland during the war and had married Rhett’s Irish grandfather. He could still hear Oma Heidi’s voice in yours, wishing she could be here to rock Amy to sleep and to sing to her the way that she used to when Rhett was a baby. 
“Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever”
You smiled and turned to find Rhett entering the fairy ring, his voice joining yours. You noticed the tears starting to form in his eyes as he tipped his hat upwards and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Did I ever tell you how beautiful your voice is darlin?” he asked. 
“Once or twice,” you chuckled. 
Rhett leaned in for another kiss, the tears dripping from his eyes onto both your cheeks. “What’s wrong Rhett?” you asked.
“Oma used to sing that to me all the time,” he croaked. “Grew’em in her garden and everything when she came to the states.” 
“Oh sweetie,” you cooed, brushing a shiny tear from his cheek. 
Rhett laughed a little bit, unable to control it from slipping out. He sat with you on the rock, watching Amy play in the moonlight while the two of you sang together, making the heat of a summer night just a little bit more bearable. 
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garfunkel-and-forks · 1 month
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Edelweiss Brandybuck
It is said that evil does not sleep keenly, and so naturally Eddy found herself awake once again...
Talented in: breaking it down on the dance floor, imitating frogs with astounding accuracy, wreaking havoc, fighting with beloved Skullsplatter, a morningstar mace, swimming and singing, hunting and tracking, and telling the future
Appearance: she was known to be one of the shortest hobbits in the Shire, standing around a mere 2"7, but after being pushed into a well of Ent-draught she now lives out the rest of her days at a respectable 3"8, long golden-brown hair that usually has some forest in it, freckled face and hazel eyes, always seen smiling or looking like she's up to no good, wears a simple linen shirt with overalls and a long garishly coloured patchwork coat, she got a nose ring in Gondor and has zero regrets
What's in her pocketses?: Eddy's coat contains many interesting pockets where she keeps tea, a neverending pipeweed supply, tarot cards, some knives, string, and a few interesting snail shells and rocks, maybe a mouse as well...
Lineage & Early life: born June 14th 2905 to Gorbadoc and Mirabella Brandybuck along with her twin brother Sandras. She lived in Buckland with older brother Rorimac and sister Amaranth, younger brothers Dinodas and Dodinas, and younger sisters Asphodel and Primula. Seven fucking siblings. As just another member of an already large family, Eddy had no pressure to be socially respectable and so tool to rampaging throughout the Shire causing joyful trouble, sailing on a cloud of little responsibility and booze. At 26, she was finally chased out by the shirriffs due to some... questionable business endeavours and fled to Bree to avoid capture, taking a reluctant Isolde with her in the dead of night.
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landjager · 21 days
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Stilvolle Edelweiss Poloshirts für Herren - Landjaeger
Entdecken Sie die elegante Auswahl an Edelweiss Poloshirts bei Landjaeger, die Tradition und moderne Eleganz perfekt vereinen. Unsere Poloshirts, speziell für den anspruchsvollen Herrn, bieten sowohl Komfort als auch Stil für jede Gelegenheit. Mit dem charakteristischen Edelweiss-Muster sind diese Poloshirts ein echtes Mode-Statement, das schweizerische Qualität und Design hervorhebt. Ideal für Freizeit oder als Teil eines lässigen Business-Outfits. Wählen Sie aus einer Vielzahl von Farben und Designs, um Ihren persönlichen Stil zu unterstreichen. Landjaeger garantiert dabei höchste Qualität und nachhaltige Produktion.
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for the ask game thingy:
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
Hi Jayden!
Ok this is a teensy bit of a story but here we go! So a few years (2018) back I was catcalled by a guy when I was living in a more populated section of FL with a decent downtown area. Did the typical ignore, and got called basically a stuck-up Spanish bitch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not long after that, Black Panther hit theaters and I went to watch it. Loved that the soldiers of Wakanda, particularly those outside of their homeland, were called wardogs. (I did have five dogs, even at this time. Including a Doberman, which was the classic 'war' dog and the reason for the alternate "finish" the military designed. Short version, you keep the dog in front of you (then send it to heel at your left) rather than sending them (right) around your back to heel (at your left side), because while crossing behind the Dobes used to nail their handlers in the ass. :) teehee!)
So between that and the Spanish Bitch comment, I was like 'Hmmm' and changed it to wakandan-wardog, for at least a time. Fast-forward a bit, The Sandman gets greenlit and it was always a favorite comic so. Keeping the Wardog, wanted something Dream-Realm or Night themed... Dream's my favorite but I did like the overall idea of entities beyond gods (The Endless). If I didn't have to adhere to the "D" theme I think I'd be Wish, personally. ^.^
Still a spicy Latina, still could bite (ask me about my t-shirt!), still a fandom reference and a dog history reference. I've always got a Doberman in hand and I'm always down to talk fandom stuff.
Hi. I'm War. ^.^ This is my dog.
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coffeeghoulie · 9 months
wrote most of this at the laundromat waiting for my clothes, enjoy some incredibly domestic swissalps
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There's a clang, and bright laughter behind him, and Mountain doesn't quite mind that he hit his antlers on the bottom washer knowing that it made Swiss laugh.
He groans, straightening and rubbing his temple, turning to glare at the multighoul, cheeks flushed. There's no heat in it, not when he's not really hurt, just his pride. Swiss's laughter is contagious, fangs flashing in the dingy fluorescents of the Abbey laundry room. It's in the basement, the opposite side of the building than the ghoul den, and the ghouls draw straws as to who makes the trek with everyone's dirty laundry once a week. This week, it's him and Swiss hauling clothes and detergent and dryer sheets.
"Stop laughing," Mountain cackles, shutting the washer door and hitting the start button. Cirrus's clothes start spinning, the barrel filling with water and soap.
"But it's funny," Swiss says, hipchecking Mountain affectionately as he pours detergent into a load of Aeon's laundry. A lot of stolen hoodies, a lot of mismatched socks. "You're alright, though, maple?"
"Yeah, I'm good," Mountain confirms, reaching up to the washer above the one he hit his head on, that chimes as it finishes a cycle, Rain's clothes ready to be sorted onto the drying rack or thrown into the dryer.
There's music playing, a radio station that neither of them really listen to, but some of the Siblings like. Other than that, they fall into a meditative silence, moving between the washers and dryers lining each wall, working on getting ten ghouls' worth of laundry done.
"You ever try not to get dirt on your overalls, big boy?" Swiss teases, holding up said overalls. They're grass-stained at the knees, and the rest of them are more brown than blue denim.
Mountain snorts, shakes his head. "You try working in the greenhouse with ten other ghouls to grow enough to feed the Abbey. You're a little Earth, why don't you come down and join us? Eventually you'll stop caring so much about a little dirt."
Swiss rolls his eyes, tossing the overalls into a washer. "You know I'm more fire than anything, edelweiss," he says, finishing unloading Mountain's laundry into the barrel, pouring detergent into the little tray on top. "It's why I'm so hot," he waggles his eyebrows, play-seductive.
Mountain throws his head back, brushing the auburn waves that escaped from his bun out of his face. "If I had a nickel for every time you've used that specific pick up line since I've met you, I'd have enough money to buy the Abbey."
Swiss snorts, starting the washer. "It worked the first time, didn't it?"
"More like the fifth," Mountain says, tail flicking against the concrete floor as Swiss wraps his arms around his waist, standing up on the pads of his feet to hook his chin over Mountain's shoulder. Mountain leans back, careful not to hit Swiss with his antlers or cut himself on Swiss's horns, and rubs his cheek against his braids.
"Still worked though," Swiss purrs into Mountain's ear. It flicks, bapping Swiss on the nose, and both of them laugh.
Eventually, everyone's laundry is in a wash cycle or drying, the delicates sorted and hung up. Mountain sits down in one of the chairs tucked in the corner, setting a timer on his phone and tucking it back into his pocket. Swiss leans up against the wall of dryers, hands in his pockets. "Do you think we have enough time to go back to the den, or is it not worth it?"
Mountain hums, thinking. "By the time we make it back, we'd probably only have five minutes before we had to come back. Don't want anybody stealing our laundry."
"Or having the good intention of switching it over but not knowing which of Dew's shirts are air dry only and we'd have to face the spitfire's wrath," Swiss jokes, and Mountain snorts under his breath.
"So, we have forty minutes to kill," Mountain breathes, leaning back against the chair, his knees drawn up, the chair too low to the ground for a ghoul with legs as long as his. "What do you wanna do?"
The song playing on the radio ends, and a ballad starts, something low and slow and steady, and Swiss pushes himself from the dryers, taking two long steps to stand in front of Mountain. His hands are outstretched, gently taking Mountain's, running his thumbs over the callouses on his palms, drumstick and garden tool alike.
"Dance with me, maple?" Swiss asks, gently tugging, and Mountain goes, letting Swiss haul him to his feet, a warm smile on his face.
Mountain grins, leaning down to rub his cheek against Swiss's stubble. He rests his arms on Swiss's shoulders as the multighoul wraps his around Mountain's waist, playing with one of his belt loops as they begin to sway to the music. Neither of them know the words, but they sway there, waiting for the laundry.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Sebbie honey?? How are you guys on this fabulous Friday night?? I hope your summer is going well and that you guys are enjoying the sunshine. I've had a little preacher!rhett thought/thot on the brain all day long and I've really gotta get it off my mind (lol).
All I've been thinking about is Preacher!Rhett x wifey reader just having had their first little one. You and Rhett opted to have the baby at home just for reasons of your own, but you were surprised at how easy of a birth it was even for your first. Your preacher husband couldn't stop telling you how proud he was of you and man was he a bawling mess (lol).
"You did so good m'lamb....I'm so proud of you," he murmured, trying to control the emotions that threatened to well over as he kissed your lips. "God made you so strong."
You had fallen asleep because of how dead tired you were but when you woke up you saw Rhett with this tiny little baby in his arms, all wrapped up in their little blankie. As he sat in the rocker with the little one and he's singing "Edelweiss" to get them to go back to sleep.
But God help you when the little one is hungry and you have to feed them. Rhett's got eyes on your swollen tits as soon as you've opened your shirt but at the same time he just can't help but love and adore how soft you are with the little one.
"You did so good m'lamb....I'm so proud of you," he murmured, trying to control the emotions that threatened to well over as he kissed your lips. "God made you so strong."
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oh MY GOD MY LOVE IM GONNA CRY AT HOW SWEET AND TENDER HE’D BE 😭 god the love and pride he would have for you! but then also on the sideline, titties.
thank you so much for this sweet thought my love! i hope you’re having a wonderful weekend and enjoying your summer too, mwah! 🥹💌
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silverjetsystm · 5 months
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?are they known to be courageous from then on ?
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Okay I've been mulling on this.
There are a few I could toss up as 'bravest.' Most of them are telling Khonshu to go to hell. >:3c but in this case, I think we'll go with the 'death by origin story.'
Is that cheating?
Marc's gone from dishonorably discharged Marine and former CIA operator to real deal merc. He's felt a twinge of conscience before now but this is the big moment of Marc becoming not bad guy.
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MK (2006) #3 Writer: Huston; Penciler: Finch; Inkers: Miki, Olazaba, and Martinez; Colorist: D’Armata; Letterers: Caramagna and Virtual Calligraphy
However, for reasons eventually under the cut, Marc thinks this moment was a moment of weakness instead of bravery.
This got away from me so I'm placing Cory retells and analyzes MK (1980) #1 under a read more.
Marc and his bestie Frenchie work for Bushman. Frenchie figured out the campaign they're on is the wrong side. Marc and Frenchie like underdog causes and as few war crimes as possible. Bushman's big into war crimes.
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[Marc just spouting off about tombs is hilarious to me]
Frenchie and Marc don't like those orders. They plan on getting the heck out of there. Marc gets them pulled in. The lead archeologist stands up to Bushman with a gold dagger. Marc warns Bushman, who kills the archeologist. Archeologist tells Marc to save his daughter, Marlene.
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Spoiler alerts? Marlene becomes the System's girlfriend for a very long time. In the early days, she was very invested in 'rehabilitating' Steven as the future, MK as the atonement, and hoped one day that Steven and her will have a happy life free of the MK junk. Marc was the bad past and Jake was not serious.
Marc does tell Marlene Bushman killed her dad when they meet again in the tomb, so that's good. Still...
Worst meet cute.
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Marlene makes it to the tomb and has the surviving staff start moving out when they spot this fuckin guy topple into the sand. They lay him in front of the statue and realize he's dead.
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Writer: Moench; Penciler: Sienkiewicz; Inkers: Sienkiewicz and Springer; Colorist: Sharen; Letterer: Orzechowski
Yes. There's no vision of Khonshu besides the statue for decades. Moench designed it as open ended. It was up to the reader and the characters to determine if it was coincidence or something more. In the original comics, Steven and Jake were considered aliases who may or may not be a little too real.
Lemire and Smallwood did a fantastic retelling with bonus Steven, Jake, and Khonshu. (and a shirt and plate carrier for Marc)
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MK (2016) #14 Writer: Lemire; Penciler and Inker: Smallwood; Colorist: Bellaire; Letterer: Petit
It takes courage to change one's whole life around. Marc's got other thoughts about it.
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MK (2021) #1 Writer: MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Cappuccio; Colorist: Rosenberg; Letterer: Petit
To Marc, he made the wrong choice when he agreed to become Khonshu's Fist. All his life, he believed his father was weak and foolish for being a pacifist. His father would never had made a bargain with a foreign god.
Part of it is whether or not he actually grew beyond the merc mindset. Sure, he helps people now. Keeps the ultraviolence to an all time minimum. He'll talk a big game about ripping people's faces off but when he has an option to kill someone, he instead comes up with a fate worse than death. He's still an incredibly violent person who goes to Avengers Mandated Therapy and has friends (for all he hides it in professionalism).
Clinging to MK as a sense of escape from his wild dog days, self-worth, and duty has kept him from being able to move on and find peace. Frenchie and Marlene lead separate lives from him. Diatrice, Marlene and the System's daughter, can't visit because of Marc's choices.
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