#edelweiss t shirt
landjager · 1 year
Stilvoll und Einzigartig: Edelweiss T-Shirt für besondere Anlässe
 Heben Sie Ihren Stil mit unserem exklusiven Edelweiss T-Shirt hervor, das das charakteristische Edelweiss-Motiv zeigt. Perfekt für besondere Anlässe verleiht dieses Shirt Ihrem Look eine elegante Note. Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien, bietet es außergewöhnlichen Tragekomfort. Zeigen Sie Ihre Verbundenheit zur alpinen Kultur mit einem Edelweiss T-Shirt.
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ashxketchum · 6 months
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New collaboration with Loft & Amnibus was announced for Digimon Adventure!
Details about exact merch will follow soon, but the tweet states that the concept was decided by keeping the idea of 25th Anniversary in focus but the art itself is flower + wedding outfit themed. The collab will start in June which is considered a good month for brides in Japan and so we see many wedding themed anime illustrations get released during this time every year.
Now it is time for another certified Ayushi breakdown 🫡
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Taichi and Agumon are seen holding Edelweiss, with a pattern of the flower drawn beautifully on Taichi's shirt as well. Edelweiss in Japanese Language of Flowers (Hanakotoba) is meant to symbolise 'cherished memories/大切な思い出' and 'courage/勇気', while in Western Language of Flowers it's meant to symbolise 'noble courage' and 'daring' - both of which are apt for our best leader 🧡
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Yamato and Gabumon are seen holding Alstroemeria (Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily), and while the flower motif is not drawn onto his clothes, Yamato's coat's breast pocket is decorated with the flower as well. In Hanakotoba, Alstroemeria is meant to symbolise 'persistence/持続' or 'longing for the future/未来への憧れ', while in Western Language of Flowers it's meant to symbolise 'friendship' and 'devotion'. All meanings are apt for him imo, but especially persistence and longing for the future are very representative of his arc from the first series till Kizuna.
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Sora and Piyomon are seen with Pink Carnations, with the neckline of Sora's jumpsuit lined with a bunch of the flowers. I personally love the visual of Sora in this pink jumpsuit, it plays into her slightly tomboyish yet extremely gentle personality so well! In Hanakotoba carnations symbolise 'innocent and deep love/無垢で深い愛' and pink carnations specifically symbolise 'love of a woman/女性の' 'passionate love/熱愛' and "beautiful gesture/美しいしぐさ'. In Western Language of Flowers carnations symbolise 'fascination' and love'. All meanings are pretty accurate for Sora, but red carnations are used to symbolise Mother's love in Japan so it would've been nice if they threw in a mix of red and pink to hint at her relationship with her mother!
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Koushiro and Tentomon are seen holding Violet Sage, which at first glance I thought was Lavender. The flower pattern is also visible on his waistcoat and bowtie, which ties together his outfit very nicely! In Hanakotoba, Sage seems to have many symbolisations, 'respect/尊敬', 'wisdom/知恵', 'good home/良い家庭', and 'family love/家族愛'. But Blue (Violet) Sage specifically signify respect and wisdom. In Western Language of Flowers, Sage symbolises 'esteem', 'wisdom' and 'domestic virtue'. Again, a perfect choice for Koushiro, I personally would prefer to believe that they picked this not because of his crest but because of 'good home' and 'family love' since that part of Koushiro's arc in the first series was probably the most impressionable aspect of his character.
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Mimi and Palmon are seen holding baby's breath, with Mimi's dress covered in a pattern of it. Even keeping my bias towards Mimi aside, this is possibly one of the prettiest outfit of hers till date, it genuinely looks like she's about to walk down the aisle as a flower girl for a very happy couple! In Hanakotoba, Baby's Breath or Kasumisou, symbolises 'pure heart/清らかな心', 'innocence/無邪気', 'kindness/親切', and 'happiness/幸福'. In Western Language of Flowers it symbolises 'everlasting love', 'purity of heart', and 'innocence'. All meanings apply to Mimi to the T, but they're also very apt for the whole wedding theme of the merch which makes this particular outfit + flower choice my favourite from the lot.
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Jou and Gomamon are seen holding Violets or Sumire. I honestly struggled to figure out the flower for a while, at first glance I thought it was Periwinkle but since that was not mentioned in the Hanakotoba reference anywhere, I searched other people's interpretations and settled with Violets. His tie also has a cute pattern of the flower, and it makes me wonder if Koushiro and Jou went shopping for their outfits together! In Hanakotoba, Sumire symbolise 'modesty/謙虚', 'sincerity/誠実', and 'small happiness/小さな幸せ'. Depending on the colour, the symbolism can change in Hanakotoba, and purple Violets specifically represent 'fidelity' along with 'love'. In Western Language of Flowers it symbolises 'modesty' and 'faithfulness'. This is as Jou as a flower can get lol.
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Takeru and Patamon are seen with White Gerberas. Like Yamato, Takeru's outfit doesn't have a pattern of the flower, but the Gerberas themselves are pinned to his suspenders. In Hanakotoba, Gerbera symbolises 'hope/希望' and 'always moving forward/常に前進'. White Gerbera specifically are used to symbolise 'hope' and 'honesty/律儀'. In Western Language of Flowers it is meant to symbolise 'cheerfulness' and 'beauty'. All meanings are accurate for Takeru, no comment needed!
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Hikari and Tailmon are seen with Sunflowers. I personally feel that Hikari's outfit is a little too much compared to the rest, just the sunflower belt would've been enough but they added that extra line at the hem and it's kind of an overdose. In Hanakotoba, Sunflowers symbolise 'I gaze only at you/私はあなただけを見つめる', 'adoration/愛慕', and 'worship/崇拝'. In Western Language of Flowers, it symbolises 'adoration' and 'false riches'. I understand that they wanted to go with a bright or perky flower for Hikari but something like a Pink Aster which symbolises patience or Cosmos which symbolises harmony, peace etc. might suit Hikari better given the overall theme of the illustration. The only miss in the otherwise perfectly depicted theme and art!
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jungle-angel · 1 year
The Night Singer (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Rhett could never imagine what real magic was like until he was awoken by the sound of your voice on a summer night
Rhett had always had trouble sleeping during the summer despite the house remaining consistently cool with the mini-splits you had put all over the place. Perhaps it had been the days leading up to the full moon when everyone and their mother became easily agitated or the heat which had been particularly bad the last few weeks. Whatever it had been, it had put him into a state that made him restless and unable to sleep. 
When he blinked his eyes open, the light of the full moon spilled into the bedroom he shared with you, but you were nowhere to be found. The covers had been pulled back, the indent of your form still in the mattress where you always slept.....right next to him.
Something didn’t quite feel right. Rhett made his way down the hall to where Amy’s bedroom was but the two year old was nowhere to be found. Rhett felt his heart jump in his chest. The unlikely had begun to race through his mind, thinking that Perry had somehow broken in and taken the both of you, but no. The doors and windows were always and thoroughly locked at night. 
He grabbed his cowboy hat and a white t-shirt off the bedpost and left the house, sneaking out the kitchen door so as not to wake the dogs. The moon above was full and huge, illuminating the land in a soft, silver-white glow while the grass rippled with the hot summer wind. Rhett looked up to see the stars all flecked across the skies like silver dust while the sky itself was a deep, dark blue velvet. 
A sound had suddenly reached his ears, quiet at first and so faint that he could hardly hear it. Rhett followed it, listening between the incessant chirping of the crickets and frogs coming from the pond while the humidity made the hackles on the back of his neck and the hairs on his arms stand straight up. It grew louder as he wandered through the groves of gardenia, forget-me-not and other pale blue and white flowers you had planted near the house. Closer and closer he came, the singing having grown louder and louder until he reached the spot in the garden that was your favorite place of all. 
The Fairy Ring. 
Rhett, Royal and Wes had planted the huge ring of lilac hedges shortly after you and Rhett had gotten married. Rhett never minded them in the least although he could have done without the frequent allergy attacks in the spring. Yet he loved the smell, one he had always associated with you. 
He could hear your voice, clear as day coming from inside the ring where the flowers were in full bloom with their pale, soft purple blossoms. The soft strum of the lyre you had made in the woodshed filled the night air along with Amy’s little giggles. You looked like a dream in your white satin and lace slip and your stringy white crochet shawl, your fingers plucking away at the strings while Amy crouched in the grass near your flat topped rock, her little baby voice singing along with yours to the same song you and Rhett had sung to her when she was first born. 
��Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever”
Rhett felt himself getting teary-eyed when he heard that song. His grandmother, Heidi, had always used to sing of that beautiful little flower that grew high in the mountains of her homeland, bringing them to Wabang when she had left Switzerland during the war and had married Rhett’s Irish grandfather. He could still hear Oma Heidi’s voice in yours, wishing she could be here to rock Amy to sleep and to sing to her the way that she used to when Rhett was a baby. 
“Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever”
You smiled and turned to find Rhett entering the fairy ring, his voice joining yours. You noticed the tears starting to form in his eyes as he tipped his hat upwards and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Did I ever tell you how beautiful your voice is darlin?” he asked. 
“Once or twice,” you chuckled. 
Rhett leaned in for another kiss, the tears dripping from his eyes onto both your cheeks. “What’s wrong Rhett?” you asked.
“Oma used to sing that to me all the time,” he croaked. “Grew’em in her garden and everything when she came to the states.” 
“Oh sweetie,” you cooed, brushing a shiny tear from his cheek. 
Rhett laughed a little bit, unable to control it from slipping out. He sat with you on the rock, watching Amy play in the moonlight while the two of you sang together, making the heat of a summer night just a little bit more bearable. 
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for the ask game thingy:
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
Hi Jayden!
Ok this is a teensy bit of a story but here we go! So a few years (2018) back I was catcalled by a guy when I was living in a more populated section of FL with a decent downtown area. Did the typical ignore, and got called basically a stuck-up Spanish bitch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not long after that, Black Panther hit theaters and I went to watch it. Loved that the soldiers of Wakanda, particularly those outside of their homeland, were called wardogs. (I did have five dogs, even at this time. Including a Doberman, which was the classic 'war' dog and the reason for the alternate "finish" the military designed. Short version, you keep the dog in front of you (then send it to heel at your left) rather than sending them (right) around your back to heel (at your left side), because while crossing behind the Dobes used to nail their handlers in the ass. :) teehee!)
So between that and the Spanish Bitch comment, I was like 'Hmmm' and changed it to wakandan-wardog, for at least a time. Fast-forward a bit, The Sandman gets greenlit and it was always a favorite comic so. Keeping the Wardog, wanted something Dream-Realm or Night themed... Dream's my favorite but I did like the overall idea of entities beyond gods (The Endless). If I didn't have to adhere to the "D" theme I think I'd be Wish, personally. ^.^
Still a spicy Latina, still could bite (ask me about my t-shirt!), still a fandom reference and a dog history reference. I've always got a Doberman in hand and I'm always down to talk fandom stuff.
Hi. I'm War. ^.^ This is my dog.
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its-a-hil · 11 months
answering everything for this ask game
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect? there are. a number of them. flare (clark powell, for homestuck) magilou's theme (motoi sakuraba, for tales of berseria) electricity forecast (inabakumori, really everything by them is just. so good) 14.3 billion years (andrew prahlow, for outer wilds)
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)? how hard teaching is :/ idk it's difficult to process anything else when im having a fulltime job for the first time in my life -_-
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home? yes absolutely i need to wear something comfy and soft and unrestrictive so like. leggings and a t shirt. having to wear vaguely formal clothes to work is nice for my self esteem but they are absolutely not home clothes at all
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with? not at the moment but i want to!! new year's resolution is to buy/make a necklace with 30 lunar phases and wear the appropriate one every day in 2024
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them? i have an older sister, we're extremely different lmao i guess we're both academically inclined and like reading fantasy, but that's like. it. though we are both currently getting our masters degrees from the same university so that's neat
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does? i guess… seeing something that was more beautiful than i expected? that's very vague hold on one time i was walking home from my office hours as a ta after a student had held me late these were evening office hours, so like. it was 2230, i was not dressed for the cold, i was annoyed at the student but but as i was passing a little field of grass, there were little ice crystals on the blades in the light of the streetlamp, as the wind was blowing the grass and i was walking past it the grass glittered i cant think of a better way to describe it but ive never seen anything like it since it completely made my day so yeah. that's my answer
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else? hm idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i feel like inside jokes usually just become part of my vocabulary
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is? fiction i think it's because im much closer to being good at writing than i am to any other art form so it resonates more with me since i can feel/imagine its creation in a way that i cant for music or visual art also sometimes i read my own past writing and it eats me alive
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? it's associated with my name obv, since it's just a pronunciation guide but it's also associated with my avi edits, which are wonderful and make me feel great joy
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot? oh absolutely also not at all past me and present me both had/have an absurd inability to compartmentalize, a large degree of silliness, and a general love for the world the main difference is that ive… done more things
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again? not quite a movie or a book but. katanagatari. i really liked it but also it is so fucking slow i tried to rewatch it a couple years ago and i couldnt bc it was just so wordy
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired? it's quite easy to tell if im upset or tired i feel idk if theres a difference between them just like. looking at my eyes. also i take pauses when im tired/upset. also my voice is just. god. unsure about a tell for whether im happy though im not very in tune with my emotions to be able to tell that at least with other people if im by myself ill stim and the cadence/type of stim makes my emotional state obvious but who ever sees that
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? things that encourage me to do something i want to do but need the motivation for my college friend group does a yearly gift exchange and a couple years ago i wished for earrings as motivation to get my ears pierced (it took me another 9 months but. we still did it girlies !!)
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life? hm. failure? failing a class, or having a relationship break down, or tripping and getting myself seriously injured just. something that reminds me how ubiquitous loss is, that forces my brain to accept the fact that it's okay to not try to be perfect
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless? aranea homestuck!! something about the way that she knew that the game over timeline would break, did her best to avoid it, and everything fell apart anyway the part where she kisses jake and is like "wait why are you freaking out?? i know you like me this was supposed to encourage you" is just. she's doing her fucking best and putting her all into saving the timeline and yet everything she's doing is hurting and she doesn't know why also the part where she snaps and mind controls damaras to smash planets together in a desperate attempt to kill the condesce. so important. love her idk if she even counts as a villain but the story hates her so. it counts for me
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on? haha… "decorated"... that sure is a word…………
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with? oooooh answer !! god. tales of luminaria was so fucking good!! (this was the trailer theme, and it was honestly the first thing that clued me into the fact that the game would be amazing)
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about? i guess for a general hypothetical person, i'd tell them how i have a teaching job now, how i have to manage a horrible curriculum that's just. extremely pedagogically unsound i'd also tell them that i went to la over the summer and got to see my 2nd space shuttle orbiter, that i don't yet live somewhere with public transit but that day is growing ever closer and im so excited
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onewingedsparrow · 1 year
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
Feel free to answer privately instead, if you wish :)
For this ask game
Hi, Nova! 💜 Ooh, these are very fun choices ✨ @novafire-is-thinking This took me a while to answer, but I finally got it done, lol.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does? This is way too broad a question 😂 I get inspired all the time from literally...anything. How do I know what inspires me the "most"? I guess I'll just answer for each? Place: Driving!!! I get truckloads of Transformers ideas as I drive. I spot vehicles and envision whose alt mode that is. I eye road signs and think of metaphors for storyboarding. I listen to the symphony of the road and imagine sound design to fit an action movie. I spy the real actual Bumblebee and shoot him a wink because I know it's him. I get so much inspiration from driving. I chose the alt modes for my Shockwave and Soundwave because of real cars I saw beside me on the road :D Thing: Honestly anything in nature. A leaf. A bug. A crack in the sidewalk where plants grow through. The shape of a cloud. Distant birdsong. Sunlight hitting the ground just right. Raindrops. A bunny. A spiderweb. Etc. Activity: Listening to music or going on a walk! (Those are mutually exclusive btw.) How I express myself when I get inspired: anything from writing to daydreaming to dancing to singing to composing to...well. Anything, really.
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? It's a long story. <3 Too long to fit into one ask answer 😂 I don't name things lightly. Sometimes, I stumble upon a name very quickly, but more often than not, I will ponder and puzzle and scheme and muse until I find the perfect name...especially when it is meant to be one of my own. That's what happened with my url. To keep it simple though, the short answer is: "One Winged Angel," Robin from Batman, and Owl City. It is so much deeper than what those three ideas convey, but those are the pillars for certain. If you are curious and wish to hear the long story, Nova, I would be happy to DM it. ❤️
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? So many things! What matters the most to me is how well the giftee knows me, because their gift will reflect that. Is it Nerdy and / or relevant to my interests? Do the colors catch my eye with their beauty? Will it be useful to my Nerd work? Is it some reference to an inside joke between us? (Shoutout to my brother for the one time he gave me the Christmas gift of a generic blue wooden cube covered with inspirational sayings...simply because it reminded him of an Energon Cube, which was a tribute to our time watching TFP, RiD and Cyberverse together, beginning to end. That Cube sits near my desk, and I deliberately position my Transformers figures beside the sayings "It's gonna BE okay" and "BElieve in yourself" because, you know, 'Bee! ✨It's a gift that no one else would ever give me, especially for that specific reason, and that's why it's one of my most precious belongings. It's also great because no one would ever make the connection between that Cube and Transformers just by looking at it. A sweet inside joke indeed.) But if I have to pick specific items, I like DVD's and CD's and video games, cookies, fantasy books, good-quality electronics (for music and gaming), fanart prints / merch / etc., posters, keychains, Transformers and horse figures...yeah I'm very easy to shop for, lol. What can I say, I like art that brings me joy every time I look at / listen to it :D I also love Nerdy T-shirts but no one can ever get my size right so that one's hit or miss. (EVERYONE thinks I'm so much smaller than I actually am. Smh. I like giant T-shirts anyway but no one remembers that, haha. Once in a blue moon, when someone gets me a Nerdy T-shirt and the color actually works with my skin tone and the size actually fits or is beautifully oversized, it's amazing.)
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about? Hmm it would really depend on who was calling. I would shift the conversation topic depending on the person. But if it was one of my amica endurae.... If he called me, I would tell him all about where I've gone in life since we last saw each other, and how pumped I am about Transformers (that's a recent development he never knew about, which is a shame because he is literally the 'Bee to my 'Cee), and about the conventions and concerts I got to go to and the writing I got to put out there...and I'd tell him how much I miss him. <3
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edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
I saw a silly t-shirt advertising the Anor Londo Archery Club, got a good laugh out of it, and then realized that the phrase wasn't taken as a username in very many places. So now it is :)
Of course, it's a reference to the Anor Londo greatbow archers, terror of many a beginning Souls player. The Silver Knights are rapidly becoming one of my biggest fandom inspirations.
It's also a play on the fact that I like archery as a hobby, and have been getting back into it after a long hiatus.
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wildgeeseinthewest · 2 years
bamboo + edelweiss
Sorry for the delay, and thanks for the asks! :~)
bamboo: do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
If I'm wearing something uncomfortable/formal (esp if it's hard to wash) or I've gotten very sweaty or grubby, I'll change into a t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants or something. I often put on a sweatshirt when at my apartment because the majority my housemates like the thermostat lower than I'm used to.
edelweiss: how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
It's from the song I Know You Rider, which I know best from the Grateful Dead Europe '72. Dad sounds. Also a late afternoon sun and dust motes kind of sound, to me. I guess it's a little bit associated with Wild Geese by Mary Oliver since that's so prevalent on this site, but it isn't super significant to me. @blastedheaths got the Lady Mondegreen "wild beast in the west" from the song, which I like a lot. Also, as I've prob mentioned this in tags, now associated with my dad saying that three ducks drifting in no particular formation in a high-elevation lake were "enjoying the freedom of entropy" (mythologizing this bc I find it super sweet for some reason)
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the-invisible-queer · 8 months
bamboo, edelweiss, jasmine :)
Bamboo: Do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
Yes. My outside clothes are just warm pajamas - because I only go out to go to the grocery store - and when I get home I put my regular PJs on which are shorts and a t-shirt
I live in my PJs
Edelweiss: How did you think of your url/username? What's it associated with to you?
When I decided to completely make a new blog in 2017 because my old one was too messy I was DEEP in my Queen bullshit. My favorite Queen song is "The Invisible Man". I'm queer. So I am the Invisible Queer. I've actually adopted it to my non-tumblr blog too.
Jasmine: Do you have a favorite movie/book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Insert every book I've ever read because I am incapable of reading.
As for movies the Superkid Academy movies. It was Christian media I grew up with that my brothers and I LOVED but as for now no longer being Christian and after Kenneth Copland said some wild shit I'm okay never watching that shit again.
But I have fond memories.
I will never talk badly about the Christian media I consumed as a child because if you have a mom like I did that was ALL you could watch.
Why do you think I'm so attached to VeggieTales.
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bestproducthere · 1 year
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 Stilvoll und Komfortabel: Entdecken Sie unsere Herrenmode-Kollektion!
Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Herrenmode mit unserer vielfältigen Kollektion. Entdecken Sie die exklusive Isa Unterwäsche Edelweiss, die Komfort und Stil vereint. Unsere schwarzen Pullover strahlen zeitlose Eleganz aus und lassen sich vielseitig kombinieren. Finden Sie den perfekten Herrenpullover für jede Gelegenheit - von klassisch bis modern. Mit unseren Kapuzenjacken sind Sie immer trendy unterwegs, während unsere Polo Shirts einen eleganten Touch verleihen. Für Outdoor-Abenteuer bieten wir trendige Softshell Jacken und warme Winterjacken, um Sie zuverlässig durch die kalten Tage zu begleiten. Vollenden Sie Ihren Look mit einer modischen Beanie Mütze und entdecken Sie stilvolle T-Shirts für jeden Anlass. Erleben Sie das Beste der Herrenmode - stilvoll und komfortabel zugleich!
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landjager · 2 years
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem stilvollen und hochwertigen Edelweiss-Hemd sind, sind Sie bei Landjager genau richtig. Unsere Edelweiss-Kleider werden aus hochwertigen Materialien und mit Liebe zum Detail hergestellt. Sie sind perfekt für jeden Anlass, egal ob Sie sich für einen Abend schick machen oder einfach nur nach einem Hemd suchen, das Sie in der Stadt tragen können. Mit einer Vielzahl von Stilen und Farben zur Auswahl finden Sie bei Landjager mit Sicherheit das perfekte Edelweiss-Hemd. Besonders beliebt sind unsere Edelweiß-Shirts, die durch einige besondere Elemente auffallen. Wenn Sie eines unserer Edelweiss-Kleider tragen, werden Sie sicher alle Blicke auf sich ziehen und gut aussehen.
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afklancelot · 1 year
For the ask game, all of them!
damn anon you're really putting me out there
well alright then :)
orchid- video game music counts, right? anyways Fanged Fastener from paper mario origami king is perfect. to me.
cactus- currently i'm learning about what would make a good gaming laptop, if that counts. i actually was trying to get into python coding a few months ago, but that's postponed until i get motivation to go back.
bamboo- usually when i get home i change into loungewear: a t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts.
abelia- i don't take to wearing jewelry unless you count my earrings, which i think came from Claires actually??? anyways, i don't really take them off because i never really felt like it.
daffodil- i got one older sister. it would take too long to list how many differences i have from them, so i'll note one similarity: we both wear glasses.
mahonia- strangely enough, impending exam deadlines. turns out trying to study for a big test is great motivation for writing creative pieces. yes i know this is procrastination.
chia- i've got quite a few inside jokes with my splatoon buddies that barely make sense in context, but here's one with a separate online friend of mine: whenever we say our goodbyes we end out messages with an emoji rat. one time i even stopped myself from going to bed because i forgot to give her my goodbye rat.
sage- probably music is the most touching. i was in band from middle school to second year of high school, including marching band in hs, so that might be why i have a greater appreciation for music in comparison to other arts.
edelweiss- ok so back when lostbelt 6 released in japan, they used fairy knight for the fae servants before their true names were revealed. having 'afklancelot' can mean three things: either "a fairy knight lancelot", "away fron keyboard lancelot", or "a fucking knight lancelot." prolly the most creative effort i had in coming up with a url. as for why lancelot, well she's my favorite out of the cast in lb6, and her scribbly face is so goofy so
camellia- i was apparently really antisocial when i was young, even as a baby. my mom once told me that i was fairly content to be by myself on the mattress and would actually start crying if i were picked up. i'm still pretty antisocial irl, but online i can actually be pretty bold in saying what i feel like, rarely with filter.
jasmine- i really liked The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell, it was one of the few horror books that really captured my focus. will not be rereading though because 1) i don't have the physical copy and i have a habit of not rereading ebooks after the first full read and 2) the ending was fitting but made me a bit depressed, i felt really bad for the main character and her helplessness.
ivy- usually when someone talks to me and i answer in short terse answers it means i want to stop talking to them (tho sometimes it's because i don't have much to say). when i answer with stumbled words and a fast way of speaking, it's usually because im trying really hard to piece together what i want to say. same goes for messaging online: i tend to reply quickly to online conversations without much thinking since im excited to be included in discussions. usually when im feeling angry, annoyed, or upset, i tend to sigh dramatically.
chamomile- stuffed animals. preferably those with rounded body types, as they usually feel floofy and are comfy to lie down on/hug.
aloe vera- it's tied between 'flipping an egg on a frying pan' and 'climbing a tree'. idk this is a hard one.
palm tree- lutherrrrr from The Familiar :3 he's such an asshole who does asshole things throughout the story but he's so entertaining with surprising depth if you pay attention. one of the few characters where i'm torn between "i want to see him get a redemption arc and live on to change for the better" and "i want to see this man actively get worse and die from his hubris". so yeah.
nutmeg- aside from my bed, which has fish-themed bedding and has a lot of stuffed animals piled on top, my room's actually pretty neat from most clutter. i usually hang out in a separate room, which is neat in most places, but the only way i can describe the couch i mostly reside on is "messy as fuck".
papyrus- ive recently been listening to a few lord huron songs lately. in particular, Vide Noir and Long Lost ive been listening to on repeat, the former moreso.
taro- well, it depends on the person. if they're not into video games at much/at all, i usually just say general stuff on how i'm doing, maybe talk about books if they're also interested in reading. if they ARE into video games, i may tell them about the various games ive been playing, maybe including the antics ive been gettin into.
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『Snowy Does TwstOBer - Day Eleven; Mirror』
So. I’d like to introduce everyone, officially, to Edelweiss Duval! One of my two Savanaclaw girls, and a first year. I was originally going to write something about Ramshackle Bronwen but, I just did the idea I had for her in the super long self insert story I have (it’s a secret since I probably won’t post it, rip) and didn’t wanna write the same thing twice. Plus! Miss Duval kinda has my attention right now, since she ended up cuter than expected (I made her full-body ref a few days back and drew her in her dorm uniform yesterday) and I love she ♥︎
For context, Edelweiss is a beastman (beastwoman I guess?)- so she doesn’t have human ears and she has a tail.
I know she’s a newbie around these parts, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♣︎・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“There’s no need to worry, little flower. You’ll end up in the dorm you deserve- surely, you’ll be in Pomefiore. So don’t be worried. Stand tall, and do well. Not for us, but for yourself.”
Edelweiss’ ears twitched under her hood, her hands interlacing as her long, fluffy tail wrapped around her leg.
“I hope you’re right about this one, mother.”
Student after student was brought forward, announcing their names and being sent back to the stands. Each dormitory recieved new students, the student waiting beside her- a far taller student, with a muscular build and who seemed to have a wolf’s tail- being assigned to Savanaclaw. It sounded like such a scary dormitory, but Edelweiss couldn’t help but notice… every student like her, every student with animal features- they all were sorted into Savanaclaw. But her mother- she said she’d go somewhere nice, like Pomefiore! She couldn’t be doomed to a place like that just because of her species, right? It surely had to be different…
“Next student, please approach the mirror.”
Reluctantly, she stood. All eyes were on Edelweiss, and she shivered, her tail coiling even more tightly around her leg as she walked forward- hood pulled down. Nothing was visible but her tail and hands, her short, fluffy hair and mismatched eyes hidden underneath her hood. Yet, even with almost everything hidden away, she could hear students whispering as she approached the mirror.
“Is that a skunk’s tail?” “I’ve never seen a beastman like that before…” “No, there’s no way that kid’s a skunk.” “But look at it! It’s fluffy, black with a white stripe!” “Pretty small too. Savanaclaw’s gonna eat that kid alive.” “You don’t know if the kid’s gonna be in Savanaclaw.” “C’mon, beastmen are always in Savanaclaw. We all know that.”
Edelweiss tried to hold back her tears, biting her trembling lip as she forced the waterworks back. She couldn’t cry. Not now. She just couldn’t. Not after everything she did to get here, not after the struggle, not when she was right here. She should be used to those kind pf whispers but now. She could get through this. She had to.
“State thy name.”
Standing tall as she could, she took a deep breath in, “Edelweiss Duval.”
The mirror was quiet for a moment.
“I knew it…” “Happens every time.” “Poor kid’s doomed…”
Edelweiss felt her heart drop. She felt as if she were on autopilot as she walked back to her seat, hands a bit shaky as the other student’s whispers started to sneak into her mind. How could she end up there? Doomed? What did they mean? Was she going to be okay? Should she request a transfer? Could the mirror have made a mistake? Was there a mixup? Did she do something wrong? Why did this happen?
“Hey. Are you alright?”
Edelweiss jumped a bit, turning her head and locking eyes with the student from earlier. His golden eyes met her own- pink and light purple- some white hair resting between his eyes that contrasted against his tan complexion. He had long wolf’s ears holding up his hood, making it rest strangely on his head. He seemed intimidating, but something about his tone calmed Edelweiss a bit. It made her feel a bit more at ease, as if she could tell from it his intentions were good.
“I… I-I’m okay.” Edelweiss replied, her voice soft as she looked back down towards her lap, “I just… I can hear them, and… well…”
“Don’t listen to the other students- nothing’s going to happen to you. If anyone harasses you, then the prefect or one of the teachers will do something about it.” The student said, still looking at Edelweiss, “My name is Jack. Jack Howl. Your name was Edelweiss?”
She nodded softly, finding the courage to look at him again, “Y-Yeah. Edelweiss Duval… but if that’s hard to say, then Edie is okay…”
“Edelweiss is fine as it is. Your parents chose your name well.” Jack replied, and she perked up a little, a very small, gentle smile finding it’s way onto her lips. Nobody had ever complimented her name before.
“Thank you, you’re very kind.”
Jack shook his head, “I’m just giving my honest opinion.”
There was silence between them for a moment, simply watching the ceremony progress. Student after student, dorm after dorm with new blood coming in to replace the fourth years that had since left to study magic in the field. The silence was more comfortable this time, whispers having moved on to other topics- but with Jack still picking up a few words directed towards Edelweiss, he carefully spoke up again.
“If you want, you can walk with me on the way to the dorms.” He offered, “If it makes you feel better.”
Edelweiss looked his way gain, mismatched eyes going a little wide, “You… you’d really do that for a girl you don’t even know?”
A girl who looks like me, echoed unspoken in her head.
“I know you now. Would you rather go by yourself?” He asked, wondering if he’d made her uncomfortable, but she rapidly shook her head ‘no’ at his words.
“N-No! …No, I… I’d like to walk with you. I think… it’d make it a bit less intimidating. Thank you, Jack.”
Both of them felt a bit better, Edelweiss more able to focus on the ceremony rather than the words swirling around her. Even if she wasn’t put in the dormitory she was expected to be in- the dormitory she was hoping for- there was at the very least one thing she had gained that day.
Thanks to the mirror’s judgement, Edelweiss had made a friend.
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I. Purple Hyacinth: sorrow
When Castiel first comes back to the mortal realm, to earth, to them, to Dean, he retreats, spends his time alone. He goes on walks, burrows himself under his covers with a book. He gets a bike at the thrift store in Lebanon and rides it everywhere. 
He does not speak much, for he doesn’t quite know what to say. He never expected to come back, and to be alive again, and alive as a human, is almost too much. Castiel is feeling things more deeply now: pain, love, hope, joy, sorrow. 
There are people all around him--Eileen and Sam and Jack and Dean--but he doesn’t really feel them there. Castiel is crouching, half-healed, underwater.
He lets himself sink.
II. Bluebell: constancy
Castiel is laying in his bed, in his cold, empty, impersonal room, staring at the ceiling, when the door suddenly swings open and Dean walks in holding his laptop in one hand and a plate with two sandwiches on it in the other.
“Heya, Cas,” Dean says, “Budge over.”
There’s no preamble, no asking, but Castiel complies, sitting up and shifting over to give Dean space on the bed. Dean sits next to him, cross-legged, and balances the laptop on his knees. “Whaddya want to watch?” he asks. 
Castiel shrugs and then looks at the plate of sandwiches. A BLT, for Dean, presumably, and a PB&J.
Closer inspection reveals that the J is, in fact, jelly and not jam. 
Dean smiles at Castiel and chooses an episode of Arrested Development and leans back into the headboard, his shoulder warm against Castiel’s.
Castiel eats his sandwich.
III. Chamomile: patience in adversity
After that, Dean starts to find things for Castiel to do constantly. He needs help folding laundry or doing the dishes at least once a day. Or he’s dragging Castiel into the kitchen to help him make lunch for everyone. Or he “needs” Castiel’s help in the garage with something on the Impala.
Dean takes Castiel to the grocery, to the hardware store, thrifting for “new” flannels, or just on a drive. He lets Castiel choose the music and leaves fruity-smelling body wash in the shower and one day Castiel finds a pair of fuzzy socks on his bedside table.
They still haven’t talked about it, what happened when Castiel died and what he had said to Dean, but Castiel is beginning to wonder if maybe they don’t need to. 
IV. Edelweiss: courage and devotion
Of all of Dean’s activities that he drags Castiel along to, his favorite (both Dean “his” and Castiel “his”) is movie night. Dean likes it because Castiel hasn’t seen all his favorite films a thousand times like Sam has. Castiel likes it because Dean makes popcorn and they always sit close, hands and fingers brushing as they share the bowl.
Tonight is no exception. Dean has put on Young Guns starring Lou Diamond Phillips (and he won’t stop talking about how attractive he finds the actor, who he refers to as LDP), and Castiel can’t stop looking at Dean, at his freckles, his eyelashes, the curve of his jaw as he smiles, explaining a part of the plot to Castiel. 
“You’re staring,” Dean says suddenly, meeting Castiel’s eyes.
“Sorry,” Castiel replies. “I...didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable. You think you made me uncomfortable?” The movie is still playing but forgotten now, Castiel’s world reduced to this conversation with Dean. 
“Oh my god.” Dean seizes Castiel by the front of his t-shirt and pulls him into a messy, bruising kiss. The popcorn bowl overturns between them, but Castiel can’t find it in himself to care. 
V. Daffodil: unequalled love
A few weeks later, on a Friday night, Castiel and Dean are reading in bed. They both stay in Dean’s room now (which Castiel supposes makes it their room), and Castiel is half-tucked under the sheets, watching Dean’s reading glasses that Sam coerced him into getting slowly sliding down his nose.
Dean pushes them up and rolls over to look at Castiel, who runs his fingers through Dean’s hair and marvels at the smile it elicits. 
“Whaddya want to do tomorrow?” Dean asks. 
“Can we go to the farmer’s market?” 
“We’ll have to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn, Cas.”
“I know.” Castiel is smiling, because he knows Dean will say yes.
“Okay, fine,” Dean says, smiling back, like he can’t help it.
They fall sleep curled up together like commas, tight and warm, a pause and not an ending, but wake up with half the sheets kicked off and most of Dean’s limbs flung across Castiel’s body. Dean hauls himself out of bed to make them a pot of coffee before making the drive into Lebanon. 
Castiel loses himself in the round, ripe tomatoes at one tent and then the honey at another before he realizes Dean isn’t with him anymore. He looks around, scanning the crowd, before seeing Dean walking toward him, holding something behind his back.
“Where’ve you been?” Castiel asks, holding out a bag of tomatoes for Dean to inspect. Dean gives them a nod.
“Got something for you,” Dean says. 
It’s a bouquet of flowers. 
The colors are riotous, bright, happy, a cacophony of yellows and blues and whites and purples. Castiel can feel his happiness brimming over--he no longer regrets being able to feel too much. 
He kisses Dean right there, in the middle of the market, and then again in the car, and then again when they get back to the bunker, and then again and again and again. 
The flowers go in a vase on their bedside table. 
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faerune · 2 years
💥😨🍩💐🌌🔪👖 for miss tess?
What emotions do they have trouble dealing with? Tess has issues with guilt despite the fact that she's felt guilty her entire life (mostly for things that were not her fault but tfw eldest sister trauma). This manifests during the events of TWD most significantly after Glenn is killed. Tess feels intense guilt whenever one of the group dies and racks her mind to find out what she could have done differently to prevent it which just...isn't productive in the type of world she lives in. Death is going to happen. But Glenn is different, she considered him a younger brother and they had been together since the very first days of the outbreak. Her love and grief and guilt manifest incredibly violently which we've gotten kind of hints at like when she gets separated from the group and is forced to kill a whole group to protect Judith but Tess during the Saviors war is....scary.
When scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"? Definitely fight! Tess is very instinctive in a lot of things especially when it comes to protecting her loved ones.
Favourite sweet treat? Oh gosh, I think Tess is more of a salty/fatty comfort food person but I can see her loving anything chocolate! Especially dark chocolate or super rich chocolate.
Create a bouqet for them! What do those flowers mean? Are any of the flowers their particular favourite? I LOVE this question. Tess' bouquet would be daisies (beauty, love, and motherhood), bluebells (humility, constancy, everlasting love and gratitude), bluestar (strength, determination, endurance), alyssum (worth beyond beauty, protection from danger), blue delphiniums (dignity), blue salvia (wisdom, long life, good health), edelweiss (courage and devotion), and rosemary (remembrance).
What was the inspiration behind your oc? What was the first thing you decided about them? I remember finally getting back into TWD and was super interested in the latter half of S5 and the relationship with all the characters in shifting back into "normalcy". I had in my head little scenarios between this OC and Daryl butting heads a lil bit over accepting this false narrative and being realistic about Alexandria. I first decided Tess' profession prior to the outbreak and I was between veterinarian and teacher! You can guess which one won :)
How do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? Do they put themselves at blame? Anger and action is how Tess reacts to loved ones being hurt or in danger! After everything is over, Tess absolutely blames herself no matter how it turns out. She blames herself for the situation taking place in the first place. She's the one who should have all the answers, who should see these things coming. Tess is really hard on herself if you can't tell.
What is their go-to outfit? Some kind of denim - either jeans or overalls, her dad's Yankee's hat, her niece's bracelet, her necklace from Daryl, a white or grey t-shirt, possibly an over shirt like plaid or a denim one, and if it's colder a blue zip-up hoodie! And of course her iconic workboots.
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Night Talks - Chapter 2 Bonus
Loceit (post-relationship)
TWs: self-deprecation, flower mention
They were having a quiet night in, laying together in Janus’ bed, reading, when Logan remembered something he had been meaning to ask Janus for months. He and Janus were in their night clothes, Logan in a pair of shorts and t-shirt, and Janus in a set of gold silk pajamas, with the shorter one laying on Logan’s chest, head turned to the side, looking at his e-reader. Putting a bookmark in his book to mark his page and setting the book down on the nightstand, he placed his hands around Janus’ waist.
“Are you prepared to sleep?” Janus looked up from his book, glancing at him, mismatched eyes sparkling behind blue light glasses.
He shook his head. “I have a question for you, my dear.”
While Logan felt that it may have been underhanded, asking him a personal question in the one room where he can’t lie, it was something that had been weighing on him in the back of his mind.
Janus turned off the e-reader and removed his glasses, leaning further over Logan to place them on top of the book on the side table. He settled back down on his chest, smiling at him. “Of course, love. Ask away.”
“Do you still have that deck of cards that we played gin with?”
“Yes.” He snapped his fingers, materializing the cards in his hand.
Logan took the deck and shuffled through it, taking out the jokers, and one of every face card and an ace. He looked over them again, checking to see if they were the same as they were on that day.
“Why do you ask?” Janus set his chin onto his folded hands, eyebrow cocked.
Logan showed him which cards he had taken from the rest. “I recognize the flowers on these cards, but I am afraid I’m not sure what the meaning of each of them is. Could you tell me, dearest?”
“Of course. Which card would you like me to explain first?”
Logan held up the jokers. “This one has Roman holding a red rose and Remus holding a rhododendron. I know that red roses signify romance, but what do rhododendrons symbolize? And this one has amaryllis and angelica.”
Janus smiled a bit before talking. “Roman is Thomas’ romantic, fanciful side, hence the rose, however he is also Thomas’ ego. Amaryllis means pride. Remus, as goofy as he may act, still poses a threat. Despite that, he also shares the mantle of creativity. Rhododendrons mean danger or beware and angelica mean inspiration.”
“You think Roman is prideful.”
“You do as well, love. I also think that Remus is inspirational. He deserves to hear that more, and not just from me.”
Logan caressed his scaled cheek. “He would believe you, no matter what any of the rest of us say to him.”
“I guess. Shall I explain Patton’s next?”
He excitedly switched the cards in his hand. “White camellia, blue hydrangea, white jasmine, and forget me nots. A very beautiful mix; you have a very good eye.”
“You flatter me. I am colorblind in my left eye.”
Gaze sweeping across Janus’ face, he smiled. “Fascinating.”
He cleared his throat. “White camellias mean you’re adorable, hydrangeas mean gratitude for being understood, while blue ones signify frigidity and heartlessness. White jasmine is sweet love and amiability, and forget-me-nots are, quite aptly, do not forget me.”
Logan thought for a second, placing together what Janus and Patton had gone through together. “He was one of the first to truly accept you in front of Thomas, and is widely considered the sweetest of us. However, he is not always like that, shown through his interactions with Remus. You are thankful that he understood you, and want him to remember that. You are also on good terms with him, but feel hurt that he cannot accept Remus as he has you, and still hold that grudge.”
“Brilliant as always, love.”
He pointed to the jack. “What about Virgil? White clover, red columbine, edelweiss, and coriander.”
“Think of me, anxious and trembling, course and devotion, and hidden worth. What do you think that means when put together?”
“This was just after Virgil had joined us on the other side, so you were missing him. You think very highly of Virgil, and believe that he is more than just ‘Anxiety’, you believe him to be strong, able to stand up, if not for himself, for Thomas, at the very least. You understand that separation from you was for the best for him, but you don’t want him to ignore and block you out forever.”
Janus nodded. “He had good times here as well as bad. I don’t want him to live for the rest of his life remembering me as what he thought I was when he left.”
“And my card? The king? Why am I the king? Not that I’m complaining, my dear, I’m just curious because we were not together at the time.”
“You deserve to be someone’s king, both then and now.”
Logan leaned up and kissed his forehead. “Thank you.”
Janus pushed the blush off of his right cheek. “Blue hyacinth means constancy, violet means watchfulness, modesty, and faithfulness, clematis means mental beauty, rosemary means remembrance, and savory means interest.”
This time, Logan blushed. The cards were created long before he and Janus had chosen to pursue romantic endeavors, and yet this was still what Janus thought of him.
“And—ahem—and this means…?”
The man on his chest reached a hand out to fiddle with the collar of his shirt. “I find you to be exquisite, inside and out, not only your brain. Your memory is uncanny, you are so very loyal, even to those who may not always deserve that faith that you place in them, and while you see and know so much, you remain humbled. You’re stable, never changing for the negative, remaining by Thomas’ side even when he doesn’t believe he needs you there. And I find myself very interested in you, my love.”
“That’s beautiful, Janus.” He took Janus’ hand and pressed it to his lips. “And yours, my queen? Snapdragon, anemone, belladonna, black-eyes susan, lavender, and bittersweet?”
At this, he went from looking into Logan’s eyes, as he had been since they started talking, to looking to the side, a frown on his face. “Deception and graciousness, forsaken, silence, justice, distrust, and truth.”
His words were barely audible, shame clinging to every syllable.
“Darling, that can’t be what you think of yourself.” Logan’s brow furrowed and he squeezed Janus’ hand softly.
He still didn’t look up. “It’s all I’m good for. I lie, I silence others for my own gain, while I pursue justice, I don’t do it in a way that will help others. The rest of you still don’t trust me fully, after all, I am just a liar. I know the truth, I am the truth, but I am stuck in a gray area between that and deception, never fully filling either. I can act as polite as I please, but Roman and Virgil, and even Patton, still cannot look me in the face and believe what I mean. Thomas still doesn’t trust me. I’m stuck.”
Logan reached up and placed his hands on the sides of Janus’ face, gently turning him back to face him, wiping away tears. “That’s illogical and it’s not true. It may be true to you because you could say it in here, but it certainly isn’t true to me, or Virgil, or Thomas, or anyone else. Yes, you represent deception, but you also represent some facet of truth. Thomas needs you as much as he needs Patton, Roman, or myself. I believe you, I know when you’re telling the truth or lying, and understand the meaning behind what you say. So can Remus, and Virgil.”
Janus sniffed. “Virgil doesn’t, that’s why he left me.”
He shook his head, making sure Janus could see into his eyes, and could see that he was being truthful. “Virgil does know. He was hitting his rebellious phase, he was filling his role more. He got caught up in his own head, tricking himself into believing the opposite of what you meant, and that was making him more anxious than usual. That caused him to lash out in anger or isolate himself to give him a chance to calm down. You are not responsible for what happened to Virgil. He made his own choices. He still cares for you, all of us do, even Roman, but they don’t know you well enough now to be able to show you that they care.”
“But my powers—”
“Your powers are meant to protect Thomas. Yes, at times they can be used to cover up the truth, but the truth can often be ugly and harmful. The mission you have given yourself, keeping Thomas honest to himself, while the others cannot see it, I can. Thomas can. Your pursuit of justice within Thomas, it keeps him going, keeps him from breaking down over things that build up. You are as perfect as you can be, in fulfilling your role, in handling your relationships with us, in almost everything you do and are. You may not believe that about yourself now, but I will spend every day for the rest of our lives making sure you know what I believe.”
More tears spilled out of Janus’ eye, and he hiccuped quietly, rubbing at his face over Logan’s hand, trying to dry his wet cheeks. “You really believe that.”
“I do. And you believe so much about the others, in their strengths. Let yourself believe in you too.” Logan caressed Janus’ cheek with his thumb.
He buried his face in Logan’s neck, wiggling forward before relaxing more than he was. Taking a deep breath, he spoke again, in a small, cracking voice. “Can we sleep now?”
“Of course.” Logan took his glasses off and placed them next to the book, turning off the light. He wrapped his arms around the still trembling form of his partner and settled in.
He was going to make sure that Janus knew how much he meant to everyone, and even if that meant actually talking to the others about speaking to him, showing him that he wasn’t just meant for one single thing, then that’s what Logan would do. In the morning, though, because now he had someone dozing on him, someone who needed sleep as much as he did.
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