#nova tag
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girlcaelius · 9 months ago
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propertius elegies iv 7.1 trans. guy lee
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florejus · 29 days ago
Era um domingo de sol quando você me pediu para ficar. Ainda lembro do meu coração acelerando como se quisesse sair do peito. Eu te amava tanto, tanto e eu sabia que se você percebesse esse sentimento dentro de mim fugiria, eu te conhecia como ninguém. Foi difícil fingir que tudo não passava de momentos e fim. Posso dizer com toda a certeza que foi o dia mais feliz da minha vida, lembro de cada segundo desse dia, o mar, o vento, o nosso dia de amor perfeito. Permiti deixar o meu coração sonhar e proibi a mente de pensar no fim. Te soltar foi uma das coisas mais difíceis que eu fiz. Te reencontrar depois de anos e te ver feliz ao lado de outro alguém apesar de doer, me fez entender que fiz a escolha certa, você está feliz e isso é o que mais importa, afinal, amar também é deixar partir.
Apesar de tudo, sempre foi amor
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rose-of-oz · 2 months ago
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DOLLY GIVES HOLIDAY PRESENTS: Grim Kennet for @thechaoticfanartist
↳ Happy holidays, Nova beloved, and I really hope you like this!!
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ahurumustdie · 9 months ago
just saw your "in agony akila" drawing and it's so good!! you're seriously mastering the art of like. framing and structure of artworks. i forget the exact word but you know what i mean
thank you 😭🙏 i think drawing tbos fanart has done more for my artistic skills than my high school TAFE course and its twice as rewarding
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vaniaflowers · 4 months ago
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hyunjungjae · 1 year ago
AMORES, pra não haver mais contas apagadas sem querer, vou ensinar pra pessoas novas ou quem já tá aqui há um tempo mas não sabe, como que apaga um blog secundário nesse app confuso
(eu querendo dizer algo como se soubesse tb como funciona, ENFIM)
Quem tem mais de um blog sabe, mas aí vocês clicam aqui
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ai vai aparecer todos os blogs que vocês tem (criei esse jaesccosmic só pra mostrar como exemplo)
e aí vocês vão arrastar o blog pra essa direção da seta
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e eh pra aparecer esse ‘delete’ ou ‘deletar’, ai vcs apertam em deletar
logo o tumblr vai pedir a sua senha pra ter certeza de que você quer deletar
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quando colocar sua senha, puff o blog terá desaparecido
NÃO é pra ir na engrenagenzinha no canto superior direito, e apertar em ‘deletar conta’ pensando que é só aquela que ta sendo deletada, porque não é!!
se você se deparar com essa imagem ao querer apagar apenas um blog secundário, não aperte em deletar, se não vai deletar TODOS os seus blogs
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e a aula de hoje eh essa queridos, espero que tenham aprendido❤️ qualquer dúvida me mandem uma ask ou me chamem na dm!!
detalhe: percebam que quando eu apertei pra deletar apenas o jaesccosmic, ele falou na mensagem ‘tem certeza de que quer deletar o jaesccosmic?’
ja na outra ali de deletar conta, ele não citou um blog específico, ele só perguntou se eu queria deletar > tudo <.
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crime-soncloud · 2 months ago
Honestly if Saki ever met an alternate universe version of herself, this is what would happen.
anyway BONK
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trinitit3 · 9 months ago
Wait omg I haven't yet talked about incel hatsune miku on this blog. Anyway this is Natsumi Nova I originally made her for eclipse phase but she's getting added to the generic oc pile now. She used to be an AI pop star, now she's a hacker who spends all her time on image boards talking about hentai games. She lives inside people's phones and downloads massive amounts of porn and pirated games.
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oasisofgalaxies · 3 months ago
Thanksgiving/fall holiday headcanons for your OCs, GO
Gonna go fall bc I don’t care for Thanksgiving lmao
She is absolutely infatuated with the Overworld as a given. Being from the Nether the closest she ever got to seeing trees was the warped fungus and crimson forests. So seeing the world go from vibrant greens to brilliant oranges, yellows, and reds during fall was spectacular!!
She was worried that something horrible was happening the first time she saw the forests change. She even nervously asked a villager about it- Thankfully they patiently explained the seasons to her and that no, the forest was fine, this happens every year.
She gets particularly cold during this time so she needs to bundle up particularly well. I’m not sure if she’s hot or cold blooded (what would make sense for a Nether dweller-) but she’s ABSOLUTELY not used to the chill. That means lots of layers! She looks very cute all bundled up :]
One of her favorite fall activities would absolutely be apple picking. She LOOOOVES orchards. Shes scarfing down so many apples it’s insane. Apple eating machine. She looks very funny eating them bc she’s got sharp teeth. She’s kinda just shredding them as she eats them HFHZHFJ- You know she’s also obsessed with every apple baked good under the sun!! Lovessss making apple dishes :]
Rhodes hasn’t been to Earth, so she’s never actually experienced fall before. She doesn’t have any real opinions on it. If she ever did go, she’d be very interested in it from a science-brained perspective. I think she’d also be amused to see that her armor might be considered seasonal colors hehe
Mem and Mori:
Fall!!!! They like fall!!! Even though they don’t live on Earth both of them know about fall!! HQ kind of mimics it, I’d like to think!! I know Mem loves baking apple stuff as well and Mori ADOOOORES the changing colors of the leaves. They love the aesthetic and dress all cosy for it even tho they rlly don’t need to HDHDJFJ big fans of the season :]
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every-eye-evermore · 1 year ago
Woke up at 6:30 am to sew my dog a Christmas themed handkerchief. I’m becoming an unrecognizable type of person, but doesn’t she look so darling?
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id: a black Australian Shepard smiling at the camera, wearing a red bandana with fuzzy edges and a white ball sewn on the end, in front of a Christmas tree
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girlcaelius · 10 months ago
anyway agrippa on his knees in front of octavian after the proscriptions. maybe a little covered in blood as a treat. twink has his hand in his hair. et cetera.
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florejus · 5 days ago
Será que você será o único que irá descobrir porque eu não posso amar? Você lê os meus textos e se emociona com as minhas palavras, será que consegue me decifrar?
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punksarahreese · 2 years ago
“You don’t get to call me that.” for estrangement omggg
Heat of the Moment
Estrangement | Exes!AU
Ship: Reesker
CW: accusations of abuse
WC: 1076
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They had been yelling for a while, to the point where Sarah expected someone from PD to come banging on the door about a noise complaint. Ava had backed herself into the wall beside her fishtank, mirroring Sarah’s closed off body language that urged her to stay back. Startled eyes tracked her every movement, noting every shift and step the other woman took.
She wasn’t sure how this argument started, just like everyone before it. Sarah had let herself in with a huff, tossing her keys onto the coffee table and not bothering to pick them up when they slipped onto the pristine grey carpet. That’s where her eyes stayed frozen as she looked for words, searching for a way to convey what she wanted.
“You keep me isolated,” Ava’s whisper was barely audible, “When was the last time I went out with friends? The last time I met up with you and your friends? I don’t have anyone but you in Chicago, Sarah, and part of me wonders if you wanted to keep it that way!”
“Don’t you dare say that,” Sarah spat, “Your inability to make friends is not my fault at all.”
“Right, so the way no one ever thinks to acknowledge me when they invite you out right in front of me, that’s all coincidence?’
Sarah scoffed, “Well I think your totally approachable personality could be to blame, Ava.”
“I have a personality disorder, Sarah!” Ava’s tone matched hers as she uncrossed her arms, visibly shaking. She was looking at her girlfriend in disbelief, wondering where on earth the understanding, loving woman she knew went in all of this.
“That doesn’t excuse anything.”
“I never said it did. It’s an explanation, Sarah, not an excuse. You know how hard I have worked to be better socially, you know I’m trying. You of all people would know…”
Sarah ignored the way she blinked rapidly, if she did she might lose her courage. If she acknowledged the hurt in her girlfriend’s watery eyes, she might drop the subject and then the cycle would begin anew. Love and care turning to small conflicts and then even bigger meltdowns. It wouldn’t change, it wouldn’t stop; not unless Sarah fought back.
“They’ve noticed.”
Sarah never once met her gaze, “At the hospital, they talk. They talk about how you act and how unfeeling you are. They wonder if you care about anyone but yourself. Your fights with Connor, your involvement with his dad. People have been talking for months.”
“I never did anything with Cornelius-”
“I’m not finished,” she said firmly, “They’ve talked to me, Ava. They ask if everything is okay at home. We say we’re dating but they never see us outside of work, not together. Some of the nurses ask if I’m okay, if there’s something wrong in our relationship.”
“I didn’t think anything was wrong… We just don’t do PDA, we aren’t those people. Sarah you know I never did anything with Connor’s dad and my relationship with Connor was a mutual issue. I’m not unfeeling, you know better than anyone that I feel too much. It’s why I have to depersonalize at work, otherwise I will break down.”
“Ava, I have been researching,” Sarah sighed, “Cluster B disorders… I think you were misdiagnosed.”
“Sarah Reese, I know what you’re thinking. Don’t you dare say it.”
Unruly curls bounced as she shook her head rapidly, mind racing too much to listen for the hurt in Ava’s voice. She had poured over countless journals and information for months, asking every psychiatrist she knew for information. Her notebook was littered with notes, messy beyond legibility for anyone else, all citing experiences she had recalled. Sarah had even reached out to her mom, something she never did anymore, asking for stories about her dad. She recited every observed behaviour and memory she had about the two of them, Ava and her dad, long enough that a connection bloomed in her mind.
“Your behaviour is concerning,” she started, “I can’t ignore it anymore, Ava. I wonder if you feel anything, really, because it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. I don’t want to believe you’re lying to me but that's all I can think now. Is all of it made up, do you really love me?”
“Sarah, I care about you so-”
Can you really love me? I think I have a habit of finding people who remind me of the man I grew up without… I begin to wonder if the pattern has any substance. The way you act, some of the things you’ve said, it doesn’t add up. I don’t think you’re borderline, Ava, I think you have ASPD.”
“Sarah,” tears had started tracking down Ava’s cheeks as the pain bubbled in her chest, “Don’t say that. You can’t diagnose me. I have trauma, I have all the markers of BPD and OCD. I was diagnosed after the last incident in my twenties, you know that; you read my notes. What are you even saying?”
“I’m saying people are asking if you abuse me emotionally,” Sarah’s voice was unlike she had ever heard before, cold and ripping at her heart like daggers, “My mind keeps comparing you to my dad and it all makes sense now. I’m saying I am starting to believe what they said may be true. I think maybe I flock to abusers with pretty words and lies-”
“No!” Ava’s scream rang through her apartment, punctuated by a thud as she backed into the wall again. Tears were freefalling down her face and leaving clumps of mascara behind, highlighting the agony she felt as she was staring at the woman she loved. Her hands shook violently as she tried to channel everything she felt into a feasible emotion, feeling like everything would bubble up until it exploded.
“You- you don’t get to call me that! After everything… How fucking dare you, Sarah? A-after I tried so hard, for years, to not become like the people who hurt me. You can call me a lot of things but psychopath? Abuser? I would never hurt you, and certainly not like this.”
“Ava, the research shows-”
“Out!” she screeched and scrambled to grab Sarah’s keys off the carpet, tossing them towards the door to make distance between them. She backed up again, arms crossed tightly around her body, “Get out, Sarah.”
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gregorygerwitz · 4 months ago
you are 100% the authority on mouse. goes without saying but i thought i’d say it anyway hehe
this is such an old ask, and there's definitely a post that goes with it, but that would be a lot of digging into my blog and it is late and I am tired
but I know it's true, and I love it, and you 💛
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lilacerull0 · 6 months ago
Jo! Hello hello, I haven’t been active for a while but thought I’d pop by and say hi. How are you doing
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HIIIIIIIIIII NOVAAAAA!!!!! Sorry for however long it took me to answer this, my notifications are turned off so I miss even more than I used to. I am doing well (IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!!!) and I've missed youuuuuuuu!!!!🧡🧡🧡🧡
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finalgirlkateausten · 2 years ago
"I'm excited to see you changing a lot of dirty diapers in the near future." is SO rhekker oh my god. any au I just need to see one of them say it to the other
Look IDK if I'm fully embracing the rhekker brainrot rn but this prompt is scratching my brain today, so... set in this AU which will hopefully be updated at some point,,,, I'm sorry AO3 readers
Ava is leaning against the kitchen counters, admiring the view from the wide, crystal-clear windows, when she feels a gentle touch on her shoulder and turns at the sound of ice clinking in a glass. Connor offers her the lemonade with a smile, mimicking her posture as he leans against the counter himself.
"I'm glad you're moving in," her boyfriend says. "I'm excited to get everything actually set up-- now that the nursery is painted, we can start putting furniture together and stuff." He smirks. "I'm even excited about the number of apparently useless pillows you've added to my bed."
Ava pouts briefly before sipping at her lemonade. "Half of them are just because of all this," she points out, gesturing to her cumbersome bump. "If it weren't for the body pillow, I don't know how I'd get comfortable to sleep."
"Fair point," Connor concedes, but the glimmer in his eyes tells her he has another retort coming. "I definitely don't want to risk being around you on too little sleep."
"You do realize we're only a few months away from having a newborn, right?" she jabs. "Neither of us will be getting much sleep then."
"That's true, but it's for a good cause." Connor hops up a little to sit on the counter. "Okay, but seriously, Avey-- what are you most excited for?"
She puts her lemonade down and moves to stand between his knees, running her hands down his forearms. "I'm excited to see you changing a lot of dirty diapers in the near future."
When Connor laughs, his whole face changes, joy written into every crease and the way his eyes scrunch shut. Ava feels a spark of warmth in her chest, a contentment beyond the simple fun of teasing and relaxing together.
"I'm excited that I'm excited," she adds, more quietly, and Connor's hands tug her closer, so she's leaning fully on him even though her feet are on the floor. "I was so stressed and-- and a little scared about how the hell I was going to handle all this at the beginning. I know you were always ready to support me, but I wasn't, not at first. I was so scared that I was going to hate this the whole time, and then I would be a terrible mum, but... I'm happy, Connor. And I'm so relieved."
He cups her face in his hands, the gentle smile back on his face. "You're going to be a great mom, Ava."
She tilts her head up as he leans down to give her a kiss. "I really hope so."
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