#eddieana breakup coming to a screen near you
Soooo my season 5 wishlist kind of goes something like this:
Buck cooking for Christopher and Eddie (bonus points if both Buck and Christopher are teasing Eddie about his inability to cook)
Athena kicking the shit out of the serial rapist (I really, really, really hope that whole sequence in the promo is a dream she's having)
More Karen Wilson
Buck and the 118 being there for Maddie
Uncle Buck moments with Jee-Yun
Protective!Eddie making a reappearance alternating with a sudden appearance of Protective!Buck
Taylor's story evolving into her own (and preferably separate from Buck's) and further away from just being a love interest for Buck - I love her character and would love to see more of her (as Buck's BFF, I said what I said)
Jealous!Eddie and all of the gold that will bring with it
Albert, Ravi, and May being the ultimate trio of the "new" generation
More Bobby and Athena sweetness (I'm currently rewatching season 2 and I am just even more in love with them)
Hen or Josh cutting through Buck and Eddie's bullshit while Christopher aka the universe comes at them from the side, with Carla coming at them from the other side
Carla being told she's part of the family by Eddie, Christopher, and Buck (which would also mirror the scene she had with Abby in 1x10)
Buck and Eddie getting together (obviously) as one of the big payoffs of this season
Eddie throwing the Hildy coffeemaker out in the trash after the hacking emergency
More Buck and Maddie moments (I know they were working up to the PPD reveal for her in 4x14 but it felt odd that she didn't speak to Buck once after Eddie had been shot and while the 118 was in danger)
Eddie and Maddie friendship (lowkey manifesting this 🕯️🕯️🕯️) - I keep thinking back to Eddie being the one to ask back in 4x10 how Maddie was doing & you cannot deny the epicness of these two joining forces, you just can't
Eddie and Ana ending up where they're obviously going to end up - I'm not picky, it can happen any way they choose, but as long as it happens
Pining!Eddie and all that it entails
more Josh and Maddie friendship - does he keep in touch with her even though she quit? Especially after he did all he could to keep her from leaving that first time?
either Eddie with Jee-Yun or him seeing Buck with Jee-Yun
more Hen and Athena moments - YES PLEASE
more Michael, David, and Bobby hijinks
more David (along with Michael)
more Denny, Harry, and Christopher solidarity (bonus points for any parent trapping schemes they come up with for Buck and Eddie)
Evangeline and Nia coming around to Hen and Karen's to visit
the 118 finding out about the legal guardian reveal and Hen giving Buck a look, saying "Really?", Buck giving her that confused expression "What?", and Hen going "I feel so sorry for Eddie, who knew that boy would be into one-brain-cell idiots?", Buck going "Huh? What does that even mean? What idiot? Omg Hen, are you calling Ana an idiot? Don't say that, it will get Eds upset", Hen going "Thank you for continuing to prove my point" with Eddie muttering "Seriously" and drinking his coffee, embarrassed to meet the eye of any of the 118 because he really is in love with an idiot
Concerned!Buck making sure Eddie is doing okay, that he's not straining himself too much, that he's taking care of himself
a moment where Bobby instructs Buck to do something on a call that might be dangerous and Buck smiling wide and going "You know I would, Cap, but I can't. I'm not expendable" and Eddie muttering next to him "Oh my God" Bobby and the 118 looking baffled, Bobby going "Of course you're not expendable, Buck, but we need you to rappell down there to make sure there's no one in the car" Buck still smiling "And normally, I would, because I always thought I was expendable but I was wrong. I'm no longer Expendable Evan. That's what Eddie told me so, I'm sorry, Cap, I can't." Eddie turns his face away from Hen's wide eyes and Chim's dropped jaw, muttering to himself "You chose this. Remember that. You. Chose. This."
& then lots of moments where Buck just casually drops in any conversation that he's not expendable and Eddie's perfect eyeroll reappears & mutters of "oh my God" are heard - "Hey Buck, can you grab me a cup of coffee?" "I would, Chim, but I'm no longer expendable." "You're right there in the kitchen!" "Just because I'm in the kitchen doesn't mean I have to sacrifice myself. I mean more than that. You can get up and grab it yourself, buddy." -> "Buck, can you grab the Jaws and bring it here?" "Cap, Chim is right next to the truck, ask him." "Buck, I--" "I told you. I'm no longer expendable, Cap." -> "Buck, I know you and Taylor broke it off not that long ago but I have the perfect friend in mind for you." "Mads, thanks for the attempted setup but I'm no longer expendable" (with Eddie piping up "That's right, Evan is no longer expendable, so no more blind date setups" with a pointed glare in Maddie's direction) "Oh-kay..." -> "Buck, bring me that kit." "Hen, I would, but I'm no longer expe--" "If you even think about saying that word to me, I will grab the nearest dictionary I can find and hit you with it. Learn what the damn word means. Expendable doesn't mean free from assisting where you're needed. Now grab that damn kit and bring it to me before this man bleeds out." "Uh, you got it, Hen." "That's more like it." -> "Buck, would you mind picking up the pizza on the way back to the house?" "No problem at all, Eds. Will do." Chim: "Hey, why doesn't he get the expendable excuse?" Buck: "Because he's Eddie" and he gives Chim the look that very clearly says "Duh" and from behind him, Eddie smirks and winks at Chim before they both turn to walk away
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Eddie clearly wasn’t ready to date since he’s not over Shannon think this will be a factor in the eddieana breakup??
Hey there, Nonnie! I do actually. I think this breakup will be a hugely complex thing for Eddie's character on so many levels. Even if it happens as simply as him saying "Yeah, this isn't working" and Ana saying "Yeah, you're right. Later", it will still be a huge multi-faceted development for Eddie himself.
I think several things will come into play here. #1 I think it will force him to confront or deal with this issue of repression and what that all means. #2 I think it will force him to confront his feelings for Buck and what that all means. #3 I think he'll be forced to at least think over why he let the relationship with Ana go on so long when Carla pointed out to him four months ago that he needed to make sure he was following his heart and not Christopher's (and then we saw his reaction seeing Ana and Christopher together plus the shooting which definitely brought his feelings for Buck into the forefront). I mean, we all knew he needed to figure it out for himself but four months? That's quite a stretch of time. And #4 exactly what you mentioned.
Eddie clearly wasn't ready to start dating again when he did in 4x06. He only did that because he was prodded (albeit gently) by Bobby into moving on and letting go, and he did what he thought Bobby wanted him to do. He trusts Bobby and the man was one of the first people he connected with when coming to the 118. Not to mention there's that whole chain of command that Eddie absolutely takes seriously, and he feels more of a connection to Bobby now because of the loss of their families that they both suffered. Bobby literally lost his whole family and Eddie lost Shannon but also the idea of the complete family he had been hoping to achieve through his relationship with Shannon. Because he wanted to make up for what he viewed as his failure to do so the first couple of times around, to achieve it for Christopher's sake, and also because he loved Shannon.
So Eddie definitely was not ready to start up a relationship with Ana or anyone else for that matter at the time he did in 4x06. I think by this point, Eddie still grieved Shannon but he also had feelings for Buck. But Buck had also become a comfort zone for Eddie. He was completely comfortable with their routine and how their lives had settled at that point. Christopher was happy to have Buck around, Buck was reliable whenever they needed him, Buck had his back at work and in his personal life, and Buck was even beginning to co-parent Christopher with him. Buck had essentially become everything Eddie was looking for in a partner (emotionally) without putting an official name to it. I think Eddie absolutely realized this and that's why when Abby showed up in 3x18, it affected him as strongly as it did like we saw. Abby was a threat to that routine and comfort zone. And even though he finds out she's engaged the same time as Buck, he gets irritated when he finds out not only that Buck is willing to risk his life but also not willing to come clean with Bobby exactly why he was willing to risk everything to save Sam. That's why the dramatic storm off. And why he almost kind of made sure Abby was aware of his presence next to Buck in the end of the episode. I mean this framing after all of those events happening is so purposeful:
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Not only because all of the couples were paired up in this sequence (so this definitely shows where they're headed) but also because this is who Buck is for Eddie in this moment: his partner in everything but name. And then you have Eddie feeling the threat from Hildy (the future) in 4x03 and him disconnecting the internet as a protective measure while Buck and Christopher are there playing video games in the Eddie's house where Buck really isn't a guest, acting like a family which is cemented by Eddie looking right at Buck when Christopher asks if they can go to Buck's house instead. One parent looking to another parent to back them up and their son. This is what Eddie was not ready to give up. Buck was his safety net but his feelings were also safe. He didn't have to try his hand at dating (and Buck wasn't dating either), he didn't have to move on, Buck fit into his and Christopher's dynamic extremely well, and Eddie wasn't forced to think about the future or about his failure (what he views as his failure anyway) of achieving that complete family for Christopher. He was getting what he needed emotionally and what was helping him get back on the path he needed to be on, to lose some of that insecurity and being lost that Ryan talked about in the season 4 Eddie story video. And the bonus was that Christopher was, too. (which is why Buddie + Christopher works so well and should be endgame but I digress). Eddie wasn't being forced to do anything he wasn't ready to do and he was able to take as much time as he needed and heal if that makes sense. Until the universe (or the show) started looking to force him out of that comfort zone in season 4. In order for his character to grow and to get him out of his holding pattern. Which is exactly why we got scenes like: Eddie gauging Buck's reaction to the news that Eddie saw Ana again, Eddie teasing Buck like normal about the books but Buck mentioning Ana in front of the 118, Eddie's discomfort when the 118 pressed about Ana, his emotional response to Bobby pushing the issue, him letting Buck go in that truck scene ("I needed your help. We needed your help. You were there." *Eddie looks down at Buck who looks down*), and then him doing what he thinks everyone including Bobby wants him to do which is ask Ana out. We see that this isn't what Eddie really wants, he's nervous, shy, and not all that sure. He feels better once Ana tells him she's glad that he called and from there begins their relationship. But we don't really see Eddie relaxing into the relationship even after that. His guard is up and he's still digging his heels in and resisting the change completely. It's only after Christopher assures him that he likes Ana, that he starts to relax slightly. And then boom, a couple of episodes later, he's trying to present the perfect picture to Carla (who immediately sees through it), thinking this is what they all wanted him to do, that this is what they all meant by him needing to "move on". It's only when Carla pops the EddieAna bubble that we see the beginning of his realization that while he likes Ana, not everything is as perfect as he wanted it to seem, and Carla is not buying what he's selling. And he now cannot buy it fully, either.
So to go back to your ask, Nonnie, I absolutely do believe that him not being ready to date since he wasn't over Shannon and what they had will absolutely be a factor in their breakup. I know a lot of people want it to be about Buck (and also just the fact that Ana clearly isn't right for Eddie and Christopher) and I'm not saying those won't be important factors as well (because they're definitely all intertwined) but his not being ready to date I think will absolutely come into play. Because it only makes sense. Yes, he had feelings for Buck before he started dating Ana (which is why we saw him ask Buck out twice for all intents and purposes, he wanted Buck with him and not just for the comfort zone and the dynamic they had going), but those feelings never pushed him to go one way or the other. It's like when Chimney says to him in 3x13: "Maybe Albert's right. Things with Maddie are great but we're not exactly lighting the world on fire" and then his reply of: "Does it matter what he thinks? Only you know how you feel about Maddie." And it's no coincidence that when Chim says "So maybe fiery is overrated" the camera shows Eddie looking up and then we see Buck popping his head in to let them know they needed to do a lineup. And then of course Eddie tells Chim to tell Maddie he loves her because you never know what can happen tomorrow, and then we see the purposeful scene of Eddie asking Buck out for food right before Chim does the same with Maddie. Eddie had feelings but Buck was unaware and Eddie wasn't being forced to act on them or do anything about it, so they were safe. And it also gave him the time he needed to heal from Shannon's loss and build up a whole new complete family dynamic for him and Christopher that he really wants but isn't sure he can have (because even if he isn't ready to start dating again, Buck is), especially when people like Ana and Taylor come knocking on the door.
So I think all of this will absolutely come into play not only for Eddie and Ana's breakup but also for Eddie himself and this world of revelations he's going to have about himself as a character. Since he obviously is repressing something anxiety which turns into a panic attack and doesn't want Buck to know about it. The show has drawn a ton of parallels between Buck and Shannon, and Ana and Shannon. They've also drawn a lot of contrasts, too, all in the name of showing who really is the ideal partner for Eddie not just in the story (and makes sense) but also who Eddie wants which will result in him following his heart, and which will funnily enough line up with Christopher's heart as well though he's not technically following it.
As far as Ana goes, I think Ana knows something and whether it's something she and Eddie have talked about offscreen or it's something she's keeping to herself remains to be seen. But they made it very clear to us in 5x01 that Eddie and Ana's relationship is strictly physical and I'm not just talking about sex (though that's implied here by not only what Ana says, Eddie's reaction, but also through her no longer being dressed as a school teacher and popping some cleavage that we haven't seen her sport before). Ana is dressing him up, wanting to show him off to her family at the christening like Buck says, and then of course the whole mention of liking to get Eddie undressed as well. Then we have the shot (which mirrors the shot in 4x13 when Ana is standing by herself while Eddie, Christopher and Carla reunite) where she's standing by the tie display case, smiling as she looks over at Eddie and Christopher in front of the mirror. She's doing the exact same thing Eddie was doing in 4x13: trying to portray the perfect picture. Which is why the mirror shot and the dialogue between Eddie and Buck earlier and of course Eddie asking "You really like getting me dressed up, don't you?" and Christopher not liking the suits and thinking he looks bad in them. Their ideas of the perfect picture are different but their desire for them are the same. The relationship isn't working and they know it. Hence "I'm just a friend." Ana knows.
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So when it comes time for the breakup, I am not 100% sure if Shannon will be mentioned but I think there's a very good chance. I think the show purposely made sure to include Shannon in the context through the suit parallel/contrast (funeral vs christening, Chris outgrowing the old vs the new) and of course Eddie's panic attack being triggered by Ana being mistakenly referred to as Christopher's mother. Plus, Shannon has been mentioned before by both Ana and Eddie during their interactions. Will it be in the context of Eddie not being ready to date? Quite possibly, but I'm not sure if Eddie will bring that up himself. He might know it, might have realized it, but I don't see him delving into it with Ana. If anything, I have a feeling Ana would be the one to mention it. And by Buck not being physically around (that we've seen so far), I'm not sure Buck will be part of the breakup discussion or not. But Shannon? Absolutely.
Sorry for my rambling, Nonnie, I have tons of feels about Eddie rn lol. I hope I answered your ask thoroughly. Hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend!!! <3
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Eddie defends Shannon to his family and to Buck, understanding her actions while also holding himself accountable for his own, but...
Buck is defending Ana to Eddie, while explaining how he knows how she must feel in this situation?
Holy crap, the parallels and contrasts this episode are killing me. They're really going all out to show us that Ana is not going to be the next Mrs. Diaz. Wow.
Like right in front of our salads with that, literally.
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is it wrong to look forward to the breakup that we all know is happening next episode? itll be interesting to see what is said and how eddie (since hes bound to be the one doing the breaking up) goes about doing it
Hey, Nonnie! I personally don't think so. Idk about you but every time Eddie and Ana are on screen together I cringe hardcore. Like this is literally me after each interaction:
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Though I will admit that last night's scene at the firehouse was the first time I actually felt bad for her, which was then brought home by what Buck said later. So for her sake, Eddie's sake, and Christopher's, I truly don't think it's a bad thing to look forward to this breakup. I think it will be really revelatory for Eddie's character (which I always enjoy because I love his character so much and love peeling back the layers) and also this is just a relationship that needs to end. It's pretty bad when your relationship gets compared to Buck and Abby and you're not Buck in the situation. Even though Ana is not one of my favorite characters (they really kept her so one-dimensional), I can't help but feel a bit bad for her because she technically is being strung along because Christopher loves her and Eddie's not willing to confront what every facet of the universe is telling him: you don't love this woman and it's best to let her go before it gets any deeper for all involved.
I think it will be super interesting if Ana responds with (because I agree, I think it will be Eddie doing the breaking up, not just because he has to figure out his heart but also because in their interactions so far, Ana doesn't assert herself when it comes to him, she either follows or gently suggests, she's still invested) how she knows the relationship isn't working. Because after last night, there's no way the woman doesn't know it's not working:
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And something tells me that if Buck were to come up in the conversation at all (which tbh I'm not really leaning towards that it will), it would be her to bring it up. But since the Buck factor and everything else has been completely stripped away (like the claim she is ableist, the show is going out of its way to take it away so this breakup won't be so easy; her taking care of Christopher vs Buck; Buck not supporting the relationship or liking Ana, etc) to show us the relationship itself and how it's still not working, I just don't see Buck being brought up by either party. That whole scene in the firehouse was awkward for sure but Ana's focus is on Eddie, not Buck, just like Buck's was on Christopher and Eddie, not her. So I'm thinking this conversation will have more to do with Eddie himself. Whether she knows he's repressing something or not is another story. I think she definitely knows that she's the more invested one in the relationship by this point, but I'm not sure if she knows just why that is or if she only chalks it up to Eddie not being ready or still hanging onto Shannon or if it's just her.
And as for Eddie, what he'll say, this to me will be the more compelling part. I'm curious to see if he'll just straight up tell her it's not working, that he's not ready for the next step, and that he wants to be fair to her. Or if he'll be straight up honest with her and tell her that he doesn't feel the same for her and he's sorry, he tried, but he just can't. I think it might be the former but it will be interesting to see.
So, Nonnie, I don't think it's bad to look forward to the breakup. They were given an honest try regardless of how any of us might have felt about the relationship, but it's not working. Which I think their journey was very purposeful in many ways but also to get us (and the GA) to this point where we see how integral Eddie being ready is for his character, how this might hurt three people in the end if he continues forcing the relationship. To the point where not only do we expect the breakup but also want it to happen because it's the right thing for all parties involved. I mean, Christopher saying "Not yet" was important for that firehouse scene, sure, but we also see that this is what Chris is expecting in the end, that this is where he thinks his father's relationship will end with Ana. And that to me, is just utterly heartbreaking, especially since now Ana and Christopher's relationship have evolved to the point where she's "staying" with Chris (not taking him, but staying, just like Buck did). And I always like to make the point that Ana's last name is Flores, which is Spanish for flowers. She was always meant to open Eddie up from before (not ready to date) to now (having started dating again):
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They even put her in a dress of flowers for the suit store (and then hospital) scene. And I know this sounds heartless and I don't mean it to, but she was always meant to be the transitional person.
So no, Nonnie, don't feel bad. It was always meant to end up here and it's been a long time coming, even before Eddie and Ana started dating. I, for one, am looking forward to the scene with gusto. Eddie and Ana will both be free to move on after it. =)
Thank you for the ask, Nonnie! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!! <3
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