#eddie x ritchie
ariadnethedragon · 6 months
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S1E8: The Gospel According to Bobby Glass
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josephinekhawaja · 6 months
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The most beautiful Kaya Scodelario looked in "The Gentlemen". And the overall scene is something that can actually be so personal. Him seeking her out. Like ending episode 6 thinking mom and dad (mum and dad) are going to war with each other...and then this...and then still the last two episodes being a roller coaster of whether or not they are going to be the literal death of one another. I have never had so much Good Stress from a ship that was Bad Stress when I was actually going through it. I aged and greyed so much through parts of this show, my poor heart.
To me, they have this low-key Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle dynamic (sooooo, Bobby Glass would be Carmine Falcone? I can work with that), which, given how BatCat is one of my lifelong OTPs, I am sure subconsciously pulled me in. Like posh boy that can get down and dirty (so his ski mask era would be his Batman era 😅😂 "We're not criminals, Freddy"), however much he sees himself holding a higher moral ground over the underworld he must move through. And working-class girl, street smarts, that can no less look "elegant and stylish" and navigate the upper echelons; but at the end of the day is who she is and matter-of-factly💋💋💋💋a career criminal. (Kaya honestly even works as a face claim for Selina though her eyes may be closer to blue than green. I mean, the Gunnverse has to cast a Catwoman eventually, depending on the age range of their Batman... I will just leave this here for you for free, James.)
And then Princess Roseanne, the Countess of Tournai, would be Talia Al-Ghul especially when Susie lets slip some jealous vibes towards her (made me think of Anne Hathaway's snark about Marion Cotillard in the last Nolanverse film...the characters, not the actresses). Though ultimately I do see Eddie and Princess Roseanne as Just Friends and no conflict in that direction unless further miscommunication. (So much Misunderstanding Drama in this series and between OTP. When a good romantic comedy is not a romantic comedy; or even entirely a comedy.)
But really it comes down to their having such an *easy partnership*, naturally yielding to one another when it comes to it. The way Susie has her way about things -- most notably when she invites herself to meet Stanley Johnston -- and Eddie smoothly submits to her without in any way seeming whipped. Like their actions are always in agreement, even when their words are not. Those two are more married than most married folks I have seen on screen. Should have blacked out in Nevada than on the estate.
(Also, gotta love how she has him saved in her phone as "The Duke". Like forget Bridgerton...I would watch an entire season of TheoKaya going at each other in, Bridgerton ways. As it stands with this though, I could see how the greater artistic choice might be to just make this a stand-alone, but I would be greedy for any subsequent season. This is already technically an expansion on a film -- that I have yet to see -- so Guy Ritchie does not mind a revisit. I could use any more of these 2 families who fully drive the story of this world.)
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your-mums-nuts · 1 month
Susie is so funny she’s like “stealing this car is tedious and beneath me… I was thinking you might want to do it?”
And Edward’s lame ass agrees immediately like stand up girl you are embarrassing yourself
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leavemeslowly · 5 months
Eddie: You put in 35, we will be equal partners.
Susie: *in disbelief* You wanna be partners?
Eddie: Yes, because you don’t fuck the help.
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incognito2252 · 5 months
The Gentlemen 2024
Do you think there is ever a limit to how much you should think about characters from a fandom?
I can't get Suise and Eddie out of my head, and every time I read or see something about them, I smile my head off. I don't think I even get that when I read a cute romance book with people kicking their feet in the air and blushing and smiling.
But I mean, it is not just them; it is the whole story that has me down. I want to watch the show again. Don't get me wrong; I love the movie, but this show, I just can't stop. I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Will it die down, maybe, but is it bad to say that I don't want it to?
I hope the show gets a second season because I need more of Eddie being a posh gangsta, and I need more of Susies and their interactions and more of this story and show. It is just so good, I think it has probably been one of the best shows that I have watched in recent years, and I have watched a lot of shows; it is the kind of feeling that I have had with older shows that I absolutely love also some of my favourite movies that I have watched. In my opinion, it is also the best thing that guy Richie has made since The Gentlemen in 2019, but that might just be me.
Why is it that I can write something like this but struggle to finish my essay for my uni course? It baffles me but anyway.
I think of this as my next peaky Blinders or Roman Empire, if you will.
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Give me unlimited money and director power and I can make a good film adaptation of IT by Stephen King.
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Haunted [Eddie Munson X Reader]
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Title: Haunted.
Pairing: Eddie MunsonxReader {Acquaintances to lovers?}
Timeline: Set around S4 (no vecna)
Summary: Eddie sees his dream girl once day at the record store, but will he ever be able to find her again?
Warnings: Minor swearing, Eddie’s a little clueless and a little dismissive for a while. A bit of sexism and mentions of stereotypes. Brief mentions of drugs (it’s Eddie). ‘Un-named freak’ is called Ritchie in this story. Use of y/n. POV changes towards the end. Not Beta read nor spellchecked.
Word count: 3.4K
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Eddie Munson had always considered himself particularly unlucky in life, wether it be the family he was born in to, the hand he'd be dealt in life or the way he was so often misunderstood by every outsider. But he'd never considered himself cursed, nor haunted; at least not until the 8th of March, 1896.
It was a Saturday, as boring an uneventful as they come, a little drizzly but mild and completely, mind numbingly boring. He'd done a deal earlier that morning and had decided to spend a little of his fresh earnings, hoping the record store would have something new to catch his eye. The Vault was an old independent record store downtown that had suffered greatly during the Starcourt Mall's rule, with RadioShack and Sam Goody's drawing in most of the younger crowds that left business scarce but the older generation, collectors and music fans that favoured minority categories or alternative sounds always found a home at the Vault, such as Eddie Munson. He'd been waiting a week for the Vault to receive a shipment of the new Metallica album Master of Puppets, though Rob the owner had assured him it would be in by Saturday, nearly five days late after the release. Eddie's hands were itching to get hold of a copy after being pumped by the debut album of King Diamond only a month before, but he was more than ready for something new.
He'd planned to meet Gareth at the store downtown and was waiting out by his van, stood leaning against the hood to smoke a joint when he spotted something entirely unheard of for Hawkins.
A girl, dressed in black high waisted pants that were ripped at the knees and a band shirt that looked eerily familiar to him. It was a Judas Priest 'Defenders of the faith' shirt, identifiable by the distinctive red and blue album logo on the front of the shirt, along with the white priest logo on her chest. She had a chain attached to her belt and chunky black boots just incase the shirt wasn't impactful enough.
She was beautiful, her hair flowing down her back with shaggy bangs and some shit around her eyes Eddie didn't understand that made them look sexy as hell. He was floored, frozen and almost drooling as he watched her walk across the sidewalk towards the record store. He cursed Gareth for being late, making a mental note to put his character in mortal peril during his next campaign and felt himself almost drifting across the road to get a chance to talk to her, but stopped himself at the last minute. He thought of how he could 'accidentally' bump into her, no doubt around the metal/ hard rock section of the record store and strike up a conversation but he couldn't think of a single way to make it seem authentic, or to talk about.
He swore out loud when he saw her walk out only a few minutes later with a smile on her face that he was certain would be etched into his memory forever. He was certain he'd never seen her before, a hot chick that was into metal in Hawkins? No way.
If he wasn't already head over heels for the mystery girl already, he was smitten as soon as she pulled away, the distinctive sounds of Metallica blasting through her speakers, the speedy trash metal echoing through her black car and out into the streets of Hawkins getting quieter and quieter as she drives away.
From that moment, he looked everywhere for her at school, around Hawkins but he could never spot her.
"Gotta shoot, got business," he says, standing suddenly and closing his metal 'lunch box' with a reasoning clunk. He hot tails it out of the school cafeteria and begins making his way across the lot, down his regular route towards the tree line when a noise stops him.
Master of Puppets.
He'd know that riff anywhere, he'd been trying to learn it for days now after finally getting a copy from Rob at the vault. His head shoots up like a meerkat on a hill, scrutinising the cars and the bodies littered about the lot to catch a glimpse of you but he's too late. He sees your black car pulling out the lot and onto the dirt road between the schools and drops his head in defeat. How could he have missed you? He'd spent days searching for you, keeping his eyes focused on the people around him, looking for any sign of you. He'd visited family video more times than he ever had in the past incase you'd decided to venture out there, even asking Buckey and Harrington in a round about way wether he'd seen 'the new chick in town'. He'd downplayed it obviously, he wasn't about to start competing with Harrington so he just mentioned you in passing, not mentioning your appearance at all. They'd seen nothing.
Then Henderson barrelled in one day about this new girl he'd been talking to, apparently she was super cool, asked him about his shirt, d&d and had completely outed herself as a nerd, quoting Star Wars back to him. Eddie had felt hope rise up in his chest but his interest quickly faded when Henderson described the girl wearing a pink and white dress with a white long sleeved shirt underneath, definitely not the girl Eddie had been looking for.
It was a game of cat and mouse, though Eddie was definitely losing the game.
Eddie was perplexed, distracted; even more so than usual. So when a figure appeared beside him at the end of Click's Friday morning history class, during which he'd spent the entire time staring off into the distance through the window and not writing a single note, not even pulling out a scrap of paper nor a pen, he jumped out of his skin at the sudden interaction.
"Hi, you're Eddie right?" The girl says a little shyly, drawing his attention away from the window, though he hardly looks up at the new customer.
"£20 for a half ounce bag, I don't sell single joints right now," he says absently and quietly, reaching down for his lunchbox, "Picnic bench out in the clearing at lunch."
"Oh, no, I wasn't," she begins to say, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know what, never mind."
He watches as the girl walks away, reaching for her backpack and shoving in the notebook she was holding. His eyes follow her as she pushes her backpack over one shoulder and walks out of the class without sparing him a final look.
He stews on the stranger interaction until lunch when he gets distracted by the guys arguing over the new girl Henderson had mentioned earlier than week.
"She came right out and quoted A New Hope like it was nothing, I'm telling you she's a secret nerd,"Jeff says, picking at his lunch.
"Like how?" Mike says, half paying attention.
"I asked her how she liked it in Hawkins and where she was from before and she said, and I quote, 'Mos Eisley space port but worse'".
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious," Dustin mimics, doing his best Obi-Wan impression, earning a snort from Gareth and a rare smile from Ritchie.
"I'm telling you, she's a total nerd," Jeff smirks, taking a bite of his cafeteria pizza.
"A hot nerd," Gareth adds, earning a nod from Jeff and Ritchie.
"You know she asked me about D&D, maybe we could invite her along for a taster, Eddie?" Dustin says, each of them turning to their leader who was barely paying attention.
"Eddie?" Gareth repeats, finally getting through to Eddie.
"Huh? Oh yeah whatever," Eddie says, clearly having not paid any attention to the conversation happening around him. The group look at each other with various levels of concerned expressions and confusion, wondering where the stood on inviting the new girl.
Dustin, never one to follow the rules, decides to step up and invite the new girl anyway, taking a giant leap that Eddie had technically agreed to it. He catches her between classes and invites her to tonight's campaign, telling her that she wouldn't be able to actually play until she was formally enrolled and created a character sheet but she could watch. To his relief, she agreed with a warm smile and eager nod, making his own smile beam across his face.
"Drama room after school, don't be late, he hates that!"
"Who's this?" Eddie says, when Dustin, Lucas and new girl walk in, spotting the intruder from his place in the throne. It was the same girl from class that had walked up to him without a reason.
"Y/n," Dustin answers casually, walking away and taking his regular seat. "You said she could sit in."
"Did I? Henderson?" Eddie's tone is clipped and his eyes pierce Dustin in a harsh way, not that he notices.
"It's okay, I can go," she says awkwardly from her spot, feeling the weight of rejection settling in. Everyone else had been so friendly but Eddie seemed to want nothing to do with her.
"Nah stay," Eddie says, finally looking in her direction and acknowledging her as a person. She smiles briefly and nods, though it's somewhat forced, still feeling painfully awkward to be where she clearly wasn't wanted. "You sitting down? Just don't interrupt and no questions for now."
"Ok, be straight with me," Eddie says at the end of the session, having told her to stick around afterwards until it was just the two of them. He'd caught sight of her multiple times during the game when she would cheer along with the guys, looked tense in the pets where he lingered for tension and had followed the brief rules he'd laid down dutifully, causing no issues at all. "What's a girl like you want to do with D&D?"
"Girl like me?" She challenges, her right eyebrow raised at the implications of his words.
"Yanno," he says, throwing the last of the equipment into his cardboard box he used to lug the stuff back and forth, "you don't seem the type to be into D&D." He thought of record store girl once again, she would definitely be into d&d, or at least he could convince her to be.
She catches him looking at her cream coloured sweater and blue jeans, his eyes clearly looking at her outfit as to make a point.
"So what, you think there's an angle here? A regular girl can't have an interest in something that isn't Madonna or nail polish? You really have such a low opinion of women?"
"No," he says quickly, turning around to face her as he senses her clipped tone, only to be met with a smirk tugging at the side of her lips and eyebrow still raised. She was goading him.
"Just saying, it's a little unheard of," he says, much more meekly now. He watches as she simply shrugs, offering nothing back.
"I like what I like and I'm not gonna change that for anyone," she says with another shrug, unknowingly earning a multitude of respect from Eddie as he watches her speak. She really was pretty. "Just because I don't think Tom Cruise is the hottest man on the planet and Bananarama didn't change my life doesn't mean I'm not normal, and because I like D&D and shitty horror films I'm not girly enough for society's dumb labels."
She watches as Eddie's smirk forms on his face slowly, his hand extending towards her, "welcome to Hellfire."
It's Wednesday afternoon and the bell has just rang signalling the end of the school day when Eddie waits out by his van, smoking a cigarette and waiting for y/n. They were drawing up her character sheet that night ready for her induction to the club during the next campaign, though she'd have to sit the current one out as they were already more than halfway through. Eddie had nipped back to his trailer to pick up a few of his manuals and spare sheets ready for them to draw up her character and she'd offered for them to go to her house after school to work on it.
Eddie discovered that she was actually pretty cool, as she's started sitting with them at lunch and opening up to the conversations around her. She'd spouted an incredible knowledge of Star Wars a couple of times and had even interjected when Jeff had misspoken about something from The fellowship of the ring, blowing Eddie's mind. He hadn't really looked at her until that night at Hellfire but ever since he'd found himself unable to look away. She was gorgeous, even in her little pink sweaters and fashionable dresses. Though he felt conflicted because as much as he liked y/n, he couldn't stop thinking about the girl at the record store, his dream woman.
"Hey, sorry I'm late, couldn't get away from Robin," she said with a smile, appearing in front of the van by Eddie's side.
"Sure you're good with us going to yours? Your mom won't like totally freak out?" Eddie says with a smirk, crushing his cigarette under his sneakers. The girl huffs out a laugh, ignoring Eddie's claims and pulls open the passenger door before climbing in, wordlessly telling him it would be fine.
"Dad? You home?" She shouts as they walk through the door to her home, having ignored Eddie's compromise of parking a little back from her house, knowing the usual protocol. She's ignored him entirely and told him to park on the drive before flashing him a smile and climbing out.
There's no reply from within the house and Eddie relaxes slightly, glad he wouldn't have to face a set of disgruntled parents that inevitably thought he was corrupting their sweet daughter, pink skirt and all.
"You want a drink?" She asks, guiding him into the kitchen. "Coke, beer, Mountain Dew? Oh crap I left my shit upstairs, you wanna do it there?"
Seeing Eddie's slightly startled look, she burst out laughing, realising what she'd said. "I meant the character sheets Munson."
"Oh yeah, yeah," he says, slightly tapping his foot and letting out a laugh that sounds inauthentic even to his own ears. He didn't know what was happening to him. Sure she was pretty, more than pretty but being alone with her like this made him almost painfully nervous.
"Gonna stand there all night?" She quips, noticing him stood exactly where she'd left him after making her way to the stairs. He suddenly catches on and follows her, nervously clutching his cold can of coke and ascending the plain white staircase, mentally cursing himself to get a grip.
He hadn't been in a girls bedroom before, he felt a little weird about it. Would it be cute and flowery? Stuffies and dolls littering the place? His room was a self-proclaimed disaster with more clutter than he could deal with, messy and a little dingy, but it did the job.
"Holy fuck," he says as he steps into the room, following you absently through the wooden doorway as your room comes into view.
Posters of various bands line the walls, ticket stubs and little trinkets dotted around, noticing guitar picks tacked onto the wall near the stubs. There's an honest to god ramskull on the wall above the bed and your vinyl and tape collection is seriously impressive. There's a Jaws poster one side and a similarly impressive book collection near a wooden desk near where you stood. There's a black acoustic guitar on a stand near your closet and an array of black shirts on a shelf nearby.
But then he spots it, a Judas Priest shirt thrown over the chair near the desk- the defenders of the faith shirt that he'd seen his dream woman wearing outside the vault. His eyes flick up to a Judas priest poster on the wall, a creased and slightly ratted up poster that illustrates the show as Madison Square Garden , June 18th 1984- the same one as what was on your shirt.
"You're hot girl?" Eddie turns around, mouth agape and wide eyes roaming across your body.
"What?" You say completely confused at his reaction, thinking nothing of it as you stepped over to your desk to gather the mock character sheets you'd been working on to show him.
"You were at the Vault last week? You got Master of Puppets?" He says frantically, stepping towards you.
"You've been stalking me?" You say curiously, watching him have a mini freak out.
"That was you? But you had ripped jeans and the boots," he rambles, unable to piece the parts together of his own mental puzzle.
Suddenly, you laugh and realise what's happening. You walk over to your closet and pull open the doors, noticing Eddie was watching your every move.
"These?" You ask, pulling out your black Doc Martens, the platform style you'd been wearing when you visited the record store.
"Holy shit, holy shit," Eddie says, staring at the boots that had been imprinted into his mind since he'd seen you last time as he falls back to sit on your bed. "But."
"The clothes?" You say with a smile, understanding why he was so confused. He nods gently, looking around the room still with a moderate sense of confusion, before his eyes fall to you again. You smile and take a seat beside him on the bed, trying not to confuse him more.
"When we moved from New York, mom thought it would be best if I tried to blend in, said that small towns like these don't accept people like us very much. Dad gets away with it because of his job but even my mom started fancying her self up a little more, putting on a show I guess so the small town folk wouldn't gossip," you explain. "So she went out and bought these monstrosities," you say gesturing to the cream coloured sweater you wore. "Only thing is that it's Indiana and it's hot as balls, which sucks when you can't show your arms."
"Wh-." Eddie begins to question but you already anticipate this and begin to pull off your sweater, thankful you were wearing a black tank top underneath.
Eddie's mouth falls open even wider, his eyes bulging as he looks upon your revealed skin, seeing the tattoos that litter your arms, intricate designs and art flowing across your body.
"That explain it?" You say with a gentle laugh. His face is a picture and you wished that you could have taken a photo to keep the memory forever. You reach up to your hair and pull away the clips holding in your bangs and pull down your scrunchie, throwing it across the room before tussling your hair to fall back in place.
It really was you, his dream girl.
"That day, in Click's class," he says, piecing more of the puzzle together.
"I wanted to ask you about Hellfire," you reply, looking up from under your lashes at him, now that his face had returned to normal and mouth no longer agape.
"I was a dick," he says guiltily, his brows pulling together slightly.
"Eh," you shrug, "you weren't to know."
"I judged you like an idiot, when all this time you've been right here under my nose."
He leans in slowly, and you follow his direction until your lips are touching. It’s soft and sweet and absolutely perfect as you feel his soft lips against yours, a playfulness and a shyness to the kiss.
It falls silent for a few moments after you pull apart with shy smiles, but it's not uncomfortable in any way.
"You really saw Priest in '84?" He asks, looking between the shirt and the poster on the wall. You laugh, throwing yourself on the bed to get comfy, pleased that he was feeling more comfortable now as he follows you down to lie beside you on the bed, character sheets forgotten beside you.
"Yeah at the Garden, you know they got banned for life after the show? It was crazy, everyone was ripping up the seats! Very metal."
“Very metal.”
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Taglist requests
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awwrealmonsters · 2 years
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Round 2 of the Human/Monster Romance Poll is up on Twitter here: X. 
Thank you everyone who voted in the first round, I’m thrilled at the response. The voting has been shortened this time to 3 days so if you are interested please vote :)
Featured Here
R2-1: Belle and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Vs  Hellboy and Liz Sherman (Hellboy)
R2-2: Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) Vs  Prince Sidon and Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
R2-3: Elisa Esposita and The Amphibian Man (The Shape of Water) Vs  Goliath and Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
R2-4: Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) Vs  Roxanne Ritchi and Megamind (Megamind)
R2-5:  Twilight the Demon King and Princess Syalis (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) Vs  Miss Kobayashi and Tohru (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
R2-6:  Sanga and Ashivon (Escape From Divinity Series) Vs  Catra and Adora (She-Ra)
R2-7:  Professor Kasukabe and Haru the Devil (Dorohedoro) Vs  Venom the Symbiote and Eddie Brock (Venom)
R2-8:  Orpheus and Eurydice (Hades Game) Vs  Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and Rook Blonko (Ben 10:Omniverse)
Check out the previous Round Here: X For the names of the non-winners.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Gifs I don’t want to lose :)
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
The Dog fight Scene
More of the scene
More dog fight scene
Hangman & Coyote
Hangman and his darts
Bob in the sky
Hangman during the dog fight
The one time you see the other pilots
An adorable duo
Fritz during the dog fight
Bob’s move
“Hangman in costume”
“College Jake”
Yale in the sky
TGM cast
Bob and Mickey in college collage
Top gun as troubled birds?
TG and TGM teachers
Bob and Fanboy as besties
Bob, Fanboy, and Coyote
Dagger Squad
Rooster @ Hangman
Hangman @ Rooster
Bob’s hair
Kermit and Lewis
Things associated with BB
The Squad
Quarter of the dagger squad playing jenga
Mav and Rooster
Mav runs to Rooster
Rooster learns Mav is insane
Bradshaw boys // B Boys 
Goose Goose
Anthony as Goose
Iceman, Maverick, Goose, and Slider
Iceman being Iceman
Wolfman and Hangman
“Nerd” boys being proud of Nat
Cleaned up Dagger Squad 
Sassy Bradley
Should have been a real pic in the movie
Wolfman and Hollywood
Slider and Iceman
Top Daggers
Fanboy and Payback
Wolfman and Hollywood
Dramatic Hannix
Sad Hannix
The cast 
Everybody Wants Some!!
Finnegan with his cowboy hat // Cowboy hat
Finnegan dancing // more dancing
Finnegan // Pt. 2
Finnegan and the bull
Finnegan and Coma dancing
Richard Speight Jr fangirling
Jensen *tsk tsk*
Gag reel
The cast and their hair
Dean stealing candy
Dean cleaning himself 
Funny post
Dick Hunter
More Dean
Alternate Dean’s
Swat Supernatural 
Sam and Dean
Jonathon and Glen 
Glen in devotion
Glen in his uniform
Glen in his whites
Lucy and Peter
Tiktok song
Susan w/ Eliza H lyrics
Pevensie Ages
Small timeline
Viva la Viva w/ Peter
Sad times w/ Peter
Moodboard series
Hamilton lyrics x Narnia peeps
William Mosley gifs // Pt. 2
Narnia book remodel
Peter edit
Merlin and poetry
Merlin curses
Arthur’s love language for Merlin
More Merlin
More Gwaine
Merlin edit
Arthur accpeting magic (what we deserved to see)
Non Merlin watcher comments
Rupert Young being cocky
Break my heart // Pt.2 
Arthur learned the truth 
Arthur messing with Merlin
Arthur defying his Father
The End
Arthur undressing
BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin
Character develpment - Anthony
The family dancing
The family
Mentions of the sting
Stranger Things
Equipped Nancy
Nancy and Eddie
Platonic Soulmates
This is music
Ted Lasso
More Jamie
Some more Jamie
Sleepy Jamie
More Jamie
Lot more Jamie
(Don’t judge me) Jamie
Character development
Jamie (cold upstairs, hot downstairs)
The strings
Character arc
Dance Dance
Pass the ball
Dance dance again
Fist bump
Beard and Roy
The Richman Way
Lasso dance
The end
Uncle Roy
Jamie knows Roy
After the poster
More progress
Jamie being mature
Last practice
Jamie and Sam
Ted and Rebecca
Jamie and Sam 
You missed a good one
Wizard of Oz
Father and Son
Will and convos
Sassy trio
The Fashion Police
Team fines
Jamie and Dani
Sweaty Jamie 
Triple Frontier
The boys
Makes me cackle
How I imagined the end in One Shot
The main four
More Will
More Benny
“After” the movie Benny
Menacing walk Benny (future unwritten scene?) 
AU Will 
Marvel/ DC
Zemo dancing
More Bucky
Not Bucky but fits the vibe
Willard dancing
Willard and Ren Dancing
Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David
Lindsay embarrassing Flack
Shane and Ryan through the years
Shane and Ryan
Salem Saberhagen Icons Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Salem Saberhagen
Chris Knight deleted scene
Chris Knight
Black Phone
Leatherface (2017)
Numb3rs “date night”
Eric saves Jack
The boys and Lassie
Benny icons for My babysitters a vampire
Bowers gang
(Book) Stan Uris
Stan and Ritchie
Harry potter
Fred and George being adorable
Now you see me
Queen commentary
Tom Hiddleston is a real life prince
James Diamond
Kira Yukimura
Fic edits
BTR vibes
Glen Powell
P & P Trivia
Know your Leatherface
Drew in the puppy interview
Rafe obx 3
“College Student”
Art History meme
American Psycho
Shower AP Scene
AP Lines
Phil Dunster
Dungeons and Dragons 
Aemond Targaryen 
Ken talk
Behind the scenes - HOTD - AT
DPS things
Wolf transformation
The toast
Aemond T
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jchnnykaye · 2 years
I am eager to find some writing partners on Discord. I only write on Discord. I am willing to make some characters, and my page is missing some of my OCS I have to add but my heavy preference is on Canon x Canon characters. For now I am searching for anything and everything, I have an extensive list and I would love to make a server and write several different threads with people. I am paragraph - novella writer. I am 25+.
My muse list is in the doc link below, and if you're at all interested hit me up in the DMS or just comment or like this post and I could hit you up!
See Below Read More of Desired Ships: (Bold is the characters I play for easy reading )
Sesshomaura x Kagura Usagi x Mamoru John Constantine x Bruce Wayne John Constantine x Zari Tarazi Annie January x Homelander Homelander x Billy Butcher Bruce Wayne x Harvey Dent Barbara Gordon x Dick Grayson Harley Quinn x Joker Dinah Lance x Oliver Queen Kent Nelson x Carter Hall Ted Grant x Selina Kyle Elsa x Hans Peter Pan x Tinkerbell Frank Castle x Matt Murdock Billy Russo x Frank Castle Frank Castle x Elektra Natchios Danny Rand x Matt Murdock or Luke Cage Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff Heather Chandler x Jason Dean Poe Dameron x Finn Poe Dameron x Rey Obi Wan Kenobi x Anakin Skywalker Ritchie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak Thorin Oakenshield x Bilbo Baggins Negan x Rick Grimes Shane Walsh x Rick Grimes Maggie x Negan I have a lot of muse for TVD and Horror muses too!
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moviereviews101web · 2 months
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) Movie Review
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – Movie Review ABC Film Challenge – Set in the UK – G (Guy Ritchie) Director: Guy Ritchie Writer: Guy Ritchie (Screenplay) Cast Nick Moran (The Musketeer) Jason Flemyng (Deep Rising) Dexter Fletcher (Doom) P.H. Moriarty (Jaws 3) Jason Statham (The Meg) Vinnie Jones (X-Men Last Stand) Plot: Eddy persuades his three pals to pool money for a vital poker…
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deathbecomesnerds · 3 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers!
Thank you for the tag @rayslittlekitten. You're the best!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
*looks over my A03* 82!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Gentlemen and Control (Remedy)
4. Top five fics by kudos
Trouble (The Man From Uncle)
Down, But Not Out (The Man from Uncle)
Little Girl/Old Man (Stranger Things)
Mess (The Gentlemen)
Til Death To Us Part (Stranger Things)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. It depends on the comment---if there is a question, then yeah! But sometimes, I just let the chaotic scream responses be. Lol.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uuuuhhhhh...*scrolls through my A03* The Imposter? Maybe? Wait, no--'The Rage'! Actually...'Was She Worth It' or maybe 'Choices'?...now I'm just listing all the ones with angsty endings.
I'm not really BIG on writing angsty endings so much.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
"...And Baby Makes 3"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never. Oddly enough.
9. Do you write smut?
You bet your ass I do! It's the smuttiest smut ever, motherfuckerrr!!
10. Craziest crossover?
I don't really *do* crossovers, but of course I do have the 'The Gentlemen x Snatch' universe. Guy Ritchie should really hire me with all the expanding I've done to his universe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. A long, long time ago--and it was translated into Spanish!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
If that one mentioned above counts, then yeah?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhh...no. Not really. I mean, I've done group project type stuff, but no...not with my whole heart out.
14. All time favourite ship?
Jesse Faden and MOTHERFUCKIN' Dr. Casper Darling! I haven't written much for them, but one day. You'll all see!
((and maybe some Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson))
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
'Did You Hear About Jackie?', I wrote it *right* before I started my Astrid x Raymond stuff--I have a whole plot line and everything, but honestly aside from my bestie...nobody was reading it. Therefore--I'll never finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don't even know. I just write, and create characters that I love, and expand universes in my brain. You should see my unfinishedscreenplays...*cries in exhausted screenwriter*
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've used some Russian here and there, and maybe French too--but I try to keep it simple. I don't want to alienate people with my Google Translated bull shit.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
CSI: Las Vegas!! I was 12. It was bad. But if you search FanFiction. net, I am sure you will find it. Lol
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don't have any fics that are my favorite per say, but I am super proud of 'Glass' and 'The Incidents', I work(ed) so hard on them and posting or updating is a joy.
I shall taggggggg...@emilykaldwen @vampire-exgirlfriend @phenanthreneblue
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leavemeslowly · 7 days
The first half of my upcoming Eddie x Rosanne fanfiction is done so I am sharing with you a short excerpt! Idk if anyone cares, but enjoy! The story will center on Rosanna reminiscing about what went wrong between her and Eddie, and an intrigue she tried to pull off during their last summer together…
‘Promise me, you will not run away from me again.’
Rosie stopped her movements and looked into Eddie’s eyes, now redded around the edges. He was dead serious, waiting for her affirmation. There was a limit to the number of times you can lose one person and they were reaching it rapidly.
She mustered all her courage and gently put her hand on his cheek.
‘I will not. I promise.’
Rosie said solemnly but her voice was tight. She tried to conceal all the reservations she had deep in her heart against voicing any biding claims.
In return for her vow he looked at her, for the first time since she arrived, openly, without any restraints and hidden resentments. She was breathing hard and would have rested her forehand against his, if Mister Lawrence didn’t arrive at this exact moment.
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thechannellist · 6 months
"The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss"
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Here is a complete article with markdown formatting for "The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss":
The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss
The year 2024 has been a remarkable one for web series, with a diverse range of captivating stories and exceptional performances gracing our screens. From gripping dramas to side-splitting comedies, the world of streaming has delivered an array of must-watch series that have left audiences craving for more. Here, we'll take a closer look at the top 10 web series of 2024 that have captured the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide.
1. Shōgun (FX)
Adapted from James Clavell's epic novel, "Shōgun" is a historical drama that transports viewers to 17th-century feudal Japan. With a stellar cast led by Hiroyuki Sanada and Cosmo Jarvis, this series immerses audiences in a world of political intrigue, samurai honor, and cultural clashes. The stunning visuals and meticulous attention to detail make "Shōgun" a true masterpiece.
2. The Gentlemen (Netflix)
From the mind of Guy Ritchie comes "The Gentlemen," a crime comedy-drama series that follows the exploits of Eddie (Theo James), an aristocrat who inherits a massive weed empire. With a stellar ensemble cast, including Kaya Scodelario and Daniel Ings, this series delivers a perfect blend of dark humor, twists, and thrilling action. Ritchie's signature style shines through, making "The Gentlemen" a must-watch for fans of his work.
3. Griselda (Netflix)
Inspired by the life of the notorious Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco, this biographical crime drama series stars Sofía Vergara in a captivating performance. "Griselda" chronicles Blanco's rise to power as she builds one of the most ruthless cartels in history, offering a gritty and unflinching portrayal of the drug trade's dark underbelly.
4. 3 Body Problem (Netflix)
Based on the acclaimed science fiction novel by Cixin Liu, "3 Body Problem" is a mind-bending series that spans countries and decades. Featuring an ensemble cast led by Jovan Adepo and Jess Hong, this epic saga explores the consequences of a mysterious program that grants extraordinary powers to a select few individuals, setting the stage for a cosmic conflict that threatens the very existence of humanity.
5. X-Men '97 (Disney+)
Fans of the beloved 1990s "X-Men" animated series rejoice! "X-Men '97" picks up where the original left off, continuing the adventures of the iconic mutant team. With a stellar voice cast and stunning animation, this series promises to deliver the same action-packed thrills and compelling character dynamics that made the original a classic.
6. Manhunt (Apple TV+)
Based on the true story of the Atlanta child murders, "Manhunt" is a gripping crime drama that follows the investigation into the horrific killings that shook the city in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Starring Tobias Menzies and Anthony Boyle, this series delves into the complexities of the case, exploring themes of racial tension, police corruption, and the relentless pursuit of justice.
7. Showtime (Disney+ Hotstar)
"Showtime" offers a captivating glimpse into the world of Bollywood, where power struggles and off-camera fights are as intense as the on-screen drama. Led by Emraan Hashmi and Naseeruddin Shah, this series explores the cutthroat nature of the Indian film industry, delivering a compelling blend of intrigue, ambition, and entertainment.
8. Maharani Season 3 (SonyLIV)
The critically acclaimed political drama "Maharani" returns for its third season, continuing the story of Rani Bharti (Huma Qureshi), a powerful and ambitious woman navigating the treacherous waters of Indian politics. With its gripping storylines and stellar performances, "Maharani" remains a must-watch for fans of the series and those seeking a compelling exploration of power dynamics.
9. Lootere (Disney+ Hotstar)
From the creators of "Scam 1992" comes "Lootere," a tense and high-stakes hostage drama set on the high seas. Starring Rajat Kapoor and Vivek Gomber, this series follows the hijacking of a cargo ship by Somali pirates, leading to a gripping standoff between the crew, the pirates, and various interested parties. With its intense action and compelling characters, "Lootere" is a thrilling ride from start to finish.
10. Maamla Legal Hai (ZEE5)
Rounding out the top 10 is "Maamla Legal Hai," a courtroom drama that delves into the complexities of the Indian legal system. With a talented ensemble cast led by Anjum Batra and Nidhi Bisht, this series explores the personal and professional lives of lawyers as they navigate high-stakes cases and the challenges of balancing their careers with their personal lives.
These top 10 web series of 2024 have captivated audiences with their compelling narratives, exceptional performances, and stunning production values. Whether you're a fan of historical dramas, crime thrillers, or legal dramas, there's something for everyone in this diverse lineup. So, grab your favorite snacks, settle in, and get ready to be transported to worlds of intrigue, suspense, and entertainment like never before.
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hoeynut · 4 years
Before anything, I usually write as the bottom/sub In any and all ships/rps so please, if you are looking for a top/dom, I’m not the role player for you. i use discord as well! i’m 18 so please be 17+
ships i want to rp with the characters i write as
reddie richie/eddie (eddie)
harry potter
drarry harry/draco (draco)
those are the rps i’m looking for at the moment! i like dark/nsfw themes but the characters must me aged up to 18 or older. i like to stay true to original character designs/plots but sometimes i like to change little things. also big trigger warnings!
talk of eating disorders
discussion of past sexual assault (not talked a lot about very vague)
homophobic slurs
richie smokes and skates
eddies mom is homophobic
richie is slutty/hints and jokes
eddie is kinda slutty too hahaa
harry potter
draco is a brat (obviously lmao)
slutty draco as well haha
hermione is black! don’t fight me on this pls lol
ron is kinda bitchy but when you get to know him he’s really sweet
dracos dad is an asshole that forced so many things on him
if you’ve made it this far and you’re still interested either interact with this post and i’ll message you or you can message me!
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kajaono · 5 years
Why is everyone hyping a bury a gay trope so much these days?
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