#eddie x daveed
99monochrome · 2 years
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I’m gonna write a fix abt Eddie helping daveed learn how to use a pencil after his is shot off
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rebel-alien · 2 years
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[Cocaine Bear]
i just think they should cry and hold each other and maybe kiss one day.
post movie last night, kept saying that i would cry if there wasn't any fanart. in general. but also specifically these two. and that i'd have to do it myself if there wasn't any.
so far i've been moderately pleased. shoutout to the one artist drawing these two tho, i've been visually feasting.
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captain-kaou · 1 year
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Remember to kiss your homies good night or the Cochin bear will haunt you in your sleep.
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cyeayt · 1 year
Listen I’m just thinking about them
I’m thinking about them as kids under Sid’s thumb and I’m thinking about Daveed being happy for Eddie but still feeling left behind for Joan,
I’m thinking about them after I’m thinking about Gabe learning to brush Rosé’s hair and Daveed holding Eddie’s hand while he gets his tattoo fixed, continuing twenty questions and a lot of times it’s still Joanie and they’re grieving but finding happiness in the mundanity,
And sometimes they hear news about disappearing hikers and simply change the channel and in a few years they reunite with Stache who’s found his own place in the world and they’re happy
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murdrdocs · 1 year
minors dni.
on nerdy flustered boys who would fuck if given the chance:
he starts with little glances. staring at you on opposite ends of the classroom, thanking past him for accidentally picking a seat that gave him a perfect view of you, the seating allowing him to slide his eyes over your profile as you write something down, he quickly realizing that he's paying for a college education and not to stare at his pretty classmate like a creep.
the glances turn to stares, giving him a way to start noticing the small things about you. the changes in your skin tone from your under eye to your cheek, the way your nose curves and bends, the way the fluorescent light reflects off your bare shoulders. and then his eyes almost fucking bulge out of his head when he sees two pebbles poking through the material of your thin white tee.
he's too busy trying not to ogle to notice the small smirk on your lips, or to hear the professor enthusiastically encouraging you all to partner up. next thing he knows, you're walking over to him and his mouth is dry and he's going to say something but you do first.
"you dropped your pencil." you bend down, grab it from the floor, and look up at him through your lashes as you do so, sliding the mechanical tool over to him with a gentle smirk on your lips. he manages to blurt out a thanks that's no where near as appreciative as it should have been due to the way his brain is short circuiting.
you saunter away to a girl seated next to him, and he can feel the boner forming in his jeans. because for just a second there, a pathetic second, he had front row seats to the shape of your tits and the way your nipples poke perfectly through your tee.
ever since that one day, it's like anytime he sees you he sees your nipples too.
at the coffee shop on campus when he is getting something to power him through another day of assignments, you're sitting at a table by the window in a loose tee that pushes against your tits when you stretch a wave to him, exposing the little mountain just enough to have him salivating.
at the gym when he is there to bring something to his roommate, you're on the treadmill, running with a sports bra that strains as it holds your tits in, not doing much to conceal your pestering nipples.
and somehow, some fucking way, when he's in your bed, staring down at your bare nipples for the second time (by some miracle), concentrating hard and following them as they move with the thrusts that he delivers to you.
he's lost in it, head spinning from the sensations of your cunt squeezing around him near-perfectly, eyes blurring from staring at your tits and your face and the way your stomach contracts as he angles his cock just a little differently and you gasp appreciatively.
you babble out an almost incoherent sentence, the distinguishable words being along the lines of insinuating that he had to have some prior experience to this, the way he fucks you a clear guess as to why you’re assuming that.
and he tries to respond, the reply easy and on the tip of his tongue, but the starts of his orgasms brews low in his stomach and he can only focus on getting both of you to that point.
his thrusts sharpen, and his hand goes down to play with your clit a little, thumb finding the bud after a moment or two of fumbling around.
when you cum, he’s right behind you, shooting warm spurts into the latex of the condom as drool falls from his parted lips falls onto your chest. he watches it glide down the expanse, gather around your nipple, and slide the rest of the way down and onto your bed sheets.
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f1rewr1t3r · 3 months
which characters would this be
"im telling you that girl/boy is trouble.. uh- where are you going"
"gonna go get into trouble"
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mirkhammett · 2 months
pls send me thots especially for kirk.. baby’s taken over my life rn o.o
he’s so silly i need to play with his hair and give him pretty bows ^_^
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rosebushjhj · 4 months
When you run out of fanfics so you gotta whip out character.AI
*edit- damn, thank you everyone
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aishnico · 5 months
Could you please write a masterlist??🧸
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» read the rules before requesting
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» wish you were here [angst]
» a dream soon to become real [fluff]
» nothing here yet
» love, hate, love [angst, fluff]
» through thick and thin [angst, fluff]
» hearts and thoughts they fade away, part #1 [angst]
» hearts and thoughts they fade away, part #2 [angst, fluff]
» birthday surprise [fluff, smut]
» unfinished things [fluff]
» baby fever [fluff, smut]
» it’s never over [angst, fluff]
» lady strange [fluff]
» i know it’s over [angst]
» you two are my home [fluff]
» green seashell, part #1 [fluff, angst]
» green seashell, part #2 [angst, fluff]
» nothing here yet
» nothing here yet
» nothing here yet
» nothing here yet
» one shot #1
» one shot #2 [cheating, smut]
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99monochrome · 2 years
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I liked this drawing a lot
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callme2heaven · 7 months
Welcome to my Blog
Hello! My name is Isa, I am 26 and I also run @metallicaislife.
I adore the Seattle Grunge scene and the men behind it so I've decided to start writing for them.
Feel free to send in headcanons or chat! :)
Thank you for checking out my blog!
There will be smut occasionally, MDNI with those posts.
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Chris is so pretty🥹
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millsarchive · 10 months
My frustrations and anger grows daily, but so does my love. If you are Palestinian, I love you. If you’re from Congo I love you. If you’re from Tigray, Kurdistan, Yemen, Cameroon, Sudan, etc... I love y’all. My love for people has grown, because this world is being controlled by people who don’t care about us so it’s our job to care about one another. Check up on one another, there are humanitarian crisis everywhere, and we’re living in an age where death and genocide is very visible. This is the first time ever we’ve been able to communicate with the victims of genocide so closely. Reach out to people, remind them of how much you love and care about them. I saw a video the other day of an Indonesian flight attendant on bended knee as he expressed to a Palestinian how much he loved him and about his grief for the massacre against his people. This struck me. Yes, grieve. Yes, be angry. But right now what those people need to see the most is our support and our love. That’s the most Important thing. Keep reading and educating hand protesting, but make sure you find someone and tell them you love them. There’s no reason for us to be divided when the forces of power in this world are the forces who harm us and want us to be divided. Wake up and see the bigger picture. The criminalization and dehumanization of the victims of genocide is not misplaced and it’s not just propaganda, it’s islamphobia and racism and so much more at play. Understand that they don’t want you to see Arabs as human, they don’t want you to relate to them and see them as the victims or survivors they are, they don’t want you to relate to them, but if your heart is good and you’re educated, you’ll know that it’s all strategy. We relate to those victims more than anything, more than we do government officials and politicians. Tell them how much you love them, please. Because some of them are going to die without ever knowing or ever seeing, and a lot of people were late to see their pain.
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 8 months
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I need him tbh
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mirkhammett · 1 month
champagne coast / kirk
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there’s a specific vibe i went for in this, and i don’t know if i manage to express it properly but..those coming of age movie parties with jeff buckley in the soundtrack ^.^ you get me?? this is my first time trying to write something longer than 400 words in a looong while, so pls bare with me and my clusters of infinite mistakes lol
reblogs, likes, comments and asks are all highly appreciated! if this gets some interactions i may do a part 2 with..fun stuff wink wink!! i also apologise for how rushed the ending is, but i gave up lol
summary: you meet a cute guitarist at a party, that’s about it ^.^
word count; 4.2k
warnings; mentions of drugs, smoking (tobacco+marijuana, reader+kirk smoke cigs)
i have not proofread this yet so expect mistakes!!
the summer breeze is discouraging. desolate plants are surviving just barely under the malicious sun, like a record that just keeps on playing; the aftermath of the music, the seconds of muffled silence as the vinyl spins effortlessly, and you know you should just get up and remove the stylus, because the impracticalness of such a simple act of futility, could end up with a damaged record. and no one wants a damaged record.
there’s often a local yearn for the heat, summer always seeming too far away in winter, as the miserable humidity is replaced with a sharp winter, ice flakes cutting like blades, which to some, would be considered worse. and to this sum, the summer breeze may be a blessing.
everything about this place could be deemed as overstimulating. from the immense mass of people, all in garments that would never live to see the day in a public place, with such little material- could these things really be considered as clothes? and judging by the majority of party-goers, your opinion would be considered unpopular.
the concrete is hot to touch- the unsteady porch not doing much to help. it’s slightly better than inside the house, though.
it isn’t too big, it’s just too small. a perfectly adequate residence for someone in their mid 20s to occupy, and it looks it too. the entryway of the house is not only filled with coats and others of the sort, but all 4 of the cream coloured walls are adorned in posters. some are easily known- you recognise one in particular as a promotional poster for a new thrash band, the logo on the corner signifying that whoever owns this, got it fresh from a record store window.
entering though the hallway into the kitchen felt like a treacherous task for you, under the oppressive temperatures. sporting this thin sweater may have not been the right choice, you criticise.
there’s a table in the kitchen. well, the remains of a table. empty beer cans are scattered across, and a half full bowl of punch sits, patiently waiting for its next victim to intoxicate with its high levels of ethanol, and god knows what else. you pondered if fresh orange juice was used, or artificial.
you feel their eyes on you before you see it. and then a hands reaching out to you. skinny, nimble fingers connected to a tanned wrist, paired with a couple dainty, gold, probably fake, bracelets. and that tanned wrist connects to an equally tan body, (of course.)
you look at her quizzically. she’s got flowing hair, brown ribbons of curl that shone with an orange tint under the shitty, dingy lamp illuminating the cramped room. and then you gazed up at her again.
do you know her? does she know you?
staring unblinkingly at her, you realise, is probably very much off putting. it’s hard to take kindness from strangers, well, for most people. it’s even harder to tell if that kindness is genuine. you believe in the idea, quality, or quantity. at least that’s what you tell yourself- and it maybe the whole reason you ended up in this predicament.
she’s got a man on her arm. he’s tall, well, he’s taller than both you, and her. his long, blonde hair is looking a little ratty, and you know she must have thought the same too. you can also tell he’s been trying to grow out a ‘horse-shoe’ moustache, judging by the minor prickles of hair, and the subtle shaping.
he’s looking at you like a guard dog- and his expression is fully straight. you can’t tell if he’s one of those people, that show a hard exterior, but really, is the complete opposite, or, if he is really a dick and is gonna punch you if you stare any longer. choosing a safe option, you glance back at her.
“here,” she nudges you again. oh, she’s got a cup. it’s one of those cheap, red plastic cups you always see in the movies- the frat party ones. her presence is warm. she smiles warmly. is that a thing?
“get yourself a drink.” and then she’s opening up the palm of your hand, and tightening your fingers around the plastic rim.
you hum in surprise. it’s not every day a complete stranger is nice to you. infact, you can only count one specific time where this happened before. the one time that led to you coming to this party, through the kindness of a once mutual, now, you felt comfortable enough to consider, just a friend.
“oh! thank you.” you give the best, closed mouth wide smile you can, though it seems more like a grimace.
she doesn’t care. they’re already gone.
the next room is slightly more interesting than the last, a blue strobe light left in the corner. thought it’s not glowing in multi colours like it should be, instead it’s just illuminating the room, which could be the antithesis of something spacious, in a pale blue hue. it’s reflecting off onto an old, worn leather couch with multiple holes, which you can only assume are from cigarette stubs.
the whole house has some sort of retro style, which you appreciate.
the summer breeze, once discouraging, now borderlining on something sinister. could the sun really have malicious intent? or is the world just hell bent against you?- with your fashion choices not accommodated to the ever changing weather.
you pass a couple of groups- they don’t look older than you, though they don’t look younger. but the bodies on bodies is all too much to handle, when everyone’s body temperature has accumulated into one big cacophony, a spell for disaster.
every thing was getting too much.
the grandfather clock standing proud, ticking in a futile rhythm, back and forth, on and off, a constant reminder of the stench of sweat covered bodies and the metallic aroma of almost empty cans of beer, for the sticky residue left behind, which had escaped out of one too many discarded cans, and seeped into possibly every material in this cramped hole of a living space. the longer this party would go on, the harder it would be to call this room a living space. scrap that, this is an un-liveable space.
the atmosphere was fine. the people were fine. everything was fine minding it’s own, but together, seeming like a recipe for a symphony of destruction.
luckily for you, there was an out.
big wooden doors, with bigger glass panels, providing the only symbol of a once eloquent residence. the whole house was, well, not modern, but in a sense it didn’t carry this vintage-ness; like the decorations of choice did- so it was a nice touch. at least you thought.
and those big wooden doors, led you to your freedom, or in other words, the patio.
upon first examination, the garden was split into two groups. the outdoor couch sitting area, which provided just as many cigarette burns as the excuse of a couch inside, but longer, presenting itself in an ‘L’ shape. and on this couch, sprawled out were a group of people, all comfortable in very, odd? positions. wait, on a different thought, not all.
he was very pretty from a first glance, his chocolate curls fading into something more, like black ribbons of coal, though they shone with a red tinge under the harsh glow from the ongoing sunset.
you never stopped to notice the sunset.
but he looked almost rigid. he seemed reserved. he seemed different. it was like he had purposely tried to squeeze himself down the cracks of the sofa, for it to swallow him whole. but then again, he didn’t seem anxious.
he held a joint between nimble fingers. from a distance, you could make out the red rashes lining them, small bloody scars, in such a recognisable pattern that you just knew all too well, he had to play guitar. often. he was having trouble smoking it, though. intimate breaths of wind cascaded his locks to cover his pretty features, sticking to his chapped lips as he brought up the blunt and examined, close and personal.
you pondered if maybe, just maybe, he was like you too. practically a stranger to this new world before your eyes, lacking the confidence to do anything to change it. sure, you were confident in yourself, there was no reason for you not to be. just, in social situations like this, it would tend to falter.
oh, wait. no, you take it back.
the guard dog from before-hand sits tall beside the curly brunette. he seems to be ranting about something. the nice girls not by his side anymore. you wonder if anything happened between them.
the ratty blonde sported a goofy grin. so you were right. a labrador in disguise. you stole a few more glances, before continuing down your trail.
you didn’t think you’d fit into other group either. this was was more, energetic, a pile of sweaty messes, a cheap speaker blasting heavy metal, with a crispness to the speaker that could never be recreated with a new one, nor the sense of comfort that comes with it. something worn down, worn with love, like a jacket, peeling at the seams. a jacket that’s been well loved by someone, despite its flaws.
it was hard to concentrate on your thoughts and breathe pure air properly with the booming deathly melodie’s of ozzy osbourne blasting, the bass managing to shake a loose rope swing hanging from an old oak tree. you thought it must’ve been a gentle reminder of childhood.
the path continued to trail on, the melancholic rock dying it by a couple slight octaves. then it ended. a large, unsteady fence stood tall, and not very proud. a bench resided, with 2 more oak trees, one on each side, in a way to protect the bench, preserve the wood from heavy sunlight.
the bench wasn’t the most comfortable, but it served for what it could. it was obviously aged down through the years, so really, you couldn’t complain.
the view was pretty. the sun going down, with all these people enjoying themselves, it was a gorgeous sight. though it was funny you still hadn’t wandered into the small minority you knew yet. though you were growing impatient under this blanket of loneliness, itching for something that would burn, something to exhale.
the pocket of your worn jeans were loose- loose enough to know that if something wanted to fall out, by all means it could. and now, after futile attempts to find your lighter, you prayed to anyone that would listen, please say i haven’t lost it.
but alas, the gods still weren’t on your side. maybe it was something in the air, which bubbled up into a fit of internal rage, your three-quarters empty pack providing a strong sense of tobacco, laying lifeless in your rigid lap.
“need a light?”
he walked up awkwardly, intertwining his hands together. his blunt was gone, whether he had finished it himself or passed it on, you didn’t know. he smiled warmly, and if you blinked you would’ve missed it.
and all of a sudden the unbearable heat was back, sending a tinge to yours cheeks, feeling like being trapped inside a car under the scorching sun- but he didn’t look affected by the heat, in his black button up (half un-buttoned), infact, he looked angelic under the hues of reds, purples, and yellows, and whatever else fit into the mix.
he seemed nice; nice enough, to even suggest such an offer to a stranger.
“please.” you mumbled, and he warmly reached his hand out, a battered, black lighter, one of the cheap ones from the convenience stores, clasped loosely. he wiggled his fingers. revealing the lighter to your gaze, he emitted that same, goofy smile, only now revealing his crooked pearls.
he sat down on the bench.
“you don’t know many people here, huh?” he questioned. though his voice wasn’t judgy, nor threatening.
well, it’s great that your efforts to stay on the down low went out the door. it’s even greater to know that people have noticed your outstanding loneliness.
“is it that obvious?”
he stifled a laugh, shrugging slightly, sporting a wide grin. “that’s okay,” he muttered. “you know, i don’t know many either.”
the reality seemed embarrassing, and with anyone else, you would never, on your own life, admit it. but somehow, in this moment, everything was different.
he fixed his posture, resting his hands in his lap, his head turned towards you. you pursed your lips, a small smile gracing. he looked down to your lap, cigarette still in your hand, and signalled for you to raise it.
you quickly caught on, assuming he would just hand you the lighter after you placed the cigarette between your lips. he did not.
instead he leaned in closer, bringing one hand to cover one side of the cigarette, the other to light it up effortlessly. oh, i guess that works too.
you took a puff, the inhale longer than the exhale, the smoke a delicious burn in your lungs. resting the cigarette between 2 nimble fingers, you bit your chapped lip.
“i’m kirk, by the way.”
“hi kirk,” you grinned, and told him your name. he grinned back.
he fiddled with his fingers, cracking his knuckles with expertise. and then he points at your shirt. “i like fleetwood mac, too.”
hanging with kirk wasn’t so bad. actually it wasn’t bad, not at all. somehow minutes turned into shorter minutes, 60 seconds seeming to pass all too quick. and those minutes were quickly consumed by a larger number, a black hole that could be called hours.
the night air had turned chilly, the effects of a bipolar summer very clear. the arrival of goosebumps took place, and so did a great warmth, the crackle of a fire pit, and the smell of fresh wood, the aroma of smoke. legs now touching one another’s as a multitude of different people sat around in criss-cross positions.
but that wasn’t where you found yourself.
sitting in the passenger seat of his run down black 70s capri, a heavy scent of cologne mixed with a faint essence of weed, hanging lowly, stuck into the leather seats. the key clattered as he pushed it into the lock, the engine starting up with a fierce roar.
a conversation about music had somehow led you here, sitting almost shyly in his car, legs folded upon one another. it all started with a singular comment about fleetwood mac, and in a matter of minutes you found yourself immersed in conversation, somehow sitting close together than you had before, the heat of his breath radiating closely as he enthusiastically ranted about led zeppelin IV. and then some more, about who he believed to be his biggest inspiration, jimi hendrix.
oh yeah, you learnt he plays guitar too.
and with a declaration that he was hungry, sported with his reddened eyes, you were off. well, you were never really given the choice. your hand grasped tightly in his, excitedly taken back through the garden, through the shitty cramped living space, (and him accidentally walking into the smaller couch), back through the kitchen with bottles now empty, red plastic cups now scattered, through to the entry way. with that same, sweet thrash poster now hanging on.
and as the car roared up, so did the symphonies of rolling stones, because you can’t always get what you want.
“so the blonde one, he’s your friend?”
the melody of the rolling stones, switching to the doors, a mix-tape he probably burnt himself, disrupted. god bless jim morrison.
he raised a brow, though still looking at the road ahead, answering quizzically. “which blonde one?”
you bit back a smile. “the scary blonde one, with long hair. and the pretty girlfriend.”
this caused kirk to grin, shaking his head slightly to stop his hair from disrupting his view of the darkened roads. the streetlights didn’t go much to help accommodate pedestrians, nor drivers. the headlights of his vintage vehicle were slightly darker than the average, but he seemed used to it.
“ah, james. he’s my bandmate. scary, no, long hair, yes, girlfriend, no. he doesn’t do girlfriends,” he hummed lowly. “he’s one of my bestfriends.” james. you wondered if he was still with the girl you earlier assumed to be his girlfriend.
and then you sat in silence for maybe 30 seconds, maybe a full minute, pondering your next words. he didn’t seem to mind, waiting just slightly impatiently for the red light to turn green and give the get go. he rolled down the window.
“do you do girlfriends?” you asked suddenly. the longer it took for him to form a response, the more you regretted ever asking. maybe that was too forward for a guy you hadn’t even known for a full day. but then you could argue that him taking you out for dinner was even worse.
he was caught off guard, quickly masking his suprise. “i…don’t know,” he spun the wheel with skill as he turned left into a parking lot of a 50s presenting dinner, sporting a glowing red sign, walls painted once white now a light yellow. he stopped the car as he pulled into a parking spot, twisting the keys. the engine abruptly stopped, and so did the music. and then he turned to look at you, with a small smile. “do you do boyfriends?” and that was when you finally made eye contact.
shrugging slightly, you looked from his eyes to your lap, and back up to his eyes again. “i don’t know.”
his grin widened, and you return the gesture.
the gleaming lights of the diner held a stark contrast to the gloomy sky, the current time being in the early hours of the morning very obvious- and in a couple hours you’d start to hear the birds cheep and the sky lighten, and determine it time for bed.
he led you into the diner, holding the door open for you like a gentleman, the little bell on top of the door chiming in recognition of your arrival.
and from there he traveled with experience of the 24-hour diner, to a booth hidden in the corner, though still visible under the cream glare of the flickering lights; almost too visible, you thought, the brightness of the lights already forming a subtle headache in the back of your mind. the two comforts of the booth were separated with a nimble oak wood table, the sturdiness of it which had definitely gone down in its many years of occupying this place.
he grabs two menus before sitting down on one side of the booth, and you follow, sitting down on the other. he hands you one menu, and opens his own.
“i want a milkshake.” he murmurs, his eyes still scanning over the menu. you lean over the table, your menu left unopened, shifting slightly to examine the contents of drinks he was looking at.
“which flavour?” you question, slumping back into your seat.
“dunno,” he puts the menu down, looking up at you. “what flavour do you want?”
his eye contact is almost too much to handle, causing you to look back down at your hands. he doesn’t comment on it, that is if he ever even noticed the slight tint of blush on your cheeks.
“vanilla.” throughout the options of chocolate, strawberry, and banana, there’s a clear winner.
“then that’s what we’ll get.” he smiles, his red hued eyes crinkling at the corners as he grins. you bite the side of your lip, suppressing a grin, sporting a one sided, shy smile as you try to resettle your composure.
you open the menu, trying to distract yourself from the flush on your cheeks and the man sitting infront of you. his curls drop down as he tries to push them out of his face, watching you almost shyly.
“what are you gonna get?” you voice, finally looking up from the menu.
he tucks his black coils behind his ears. “the burger,” and then leans down slightly, his elbows making contact with the table, his eyes still on you. “do you wanna share?”
you nod, grinning widely. “okay, we’ll share.”
the diner lights flicker again, as well as the chime of the door, the slight rush of wind causing an appreciate breeze. there’s an empty coffee cup on the bar side, and an imprint in a red stool.
adorned in a teal coloured uniform, a tired, and pissed, (probably a college student), waitress takes your order. she doesn’t bother to put on a fake persona, and you don’t blame her. infact, you almost feel sorry that her nap in the staff room was cut short, by the puffiness of her eyes. as for kirk, he doesn’t even bat an eye at her as you order politely, his eyes still fixtated on you.
and in mere minutes the food arrives, a vanilla milkshake with a candied red cherry on top already in your grasp. kirk has taken to the task of trying to cut the burger evenly into 2 pieces, through frowns when he’s cut one slice bigger than the other. you take the smaller piece, knowing the effects of weed on your hunger. when he realises this, he pouts. “i’m not that hungry,” you explain, taking your first bite.
he pushes the fries further towards you. they’re in a wooden tray, with a tissue adorned with patterns of red and white squares underneath. you chew throughly before swallowing, setting the burger back down on the plate.
he reaches out for a fry, surprising you when he reaches even further towards you, bringing the fry up to your mouth. you take it, giggling.
while you chew on the fry with one hand, you pick up the milkshake with the other and bring the straw to his mouth, mimicking his previous movements. he smiles widely as he takes down a big gulp, laughing through his closed mouth. “wait, that’s so good.”
“i know!” you exclaim, taking a couple of salty fries from the bunch.
you dip a handful of fries into the milkshake, and he grimaces. “that’s criminal!”
you roll your eyes, giggling. “no it’s not,” you dip another one in. “you just don’t have taste.” he finishes his part of the burger ravenously, and you push the plate with your half eaten burger towards him.
“are you sure?” he questions, looking for any signs of unsureness on your face.
“only if i can have the cherry.” you bargain.
“deal,” he picks the cherry off from the top of the milkshake, wiping the whipped cream off from it with his finger, then bringing his finger to his mouth. he reaches out to give you the cherry. “here you go, m’lady.”
you let out another high pitched laugh, bringing the cherry to your plump lips and nibbling on the stem. the waitress cringes at the sound, leaning her head down in her hands and closing her eyes. you pity her.
kirk finishes the burger quickly, his next mission being reaching out for the fries. you’re not sure if he’s just got the munchies, or if he’s also even eaten today.
and soon enough, you’re flopping back into your seat, empty dishes covering the table. kirk is leaning towards you, smiling softly. you yawn, covering your face with a soft hand.
“you tired?” he murmurs, tilting his head as he smiles sweetly. you make a quiet sound, similar to a hum, and his smile grows. “okay,” he reaches over the table for your hand. “let me take you home.”
and then once again, your back in his passenger seat, the smell of cologne and marijuana now comforting. he puts the key in as softly as he can, and the second the car roars to life he takes it to himself to turn the radio down to the lowest level, looking over at you. you’re slumped in the seat, your head towards the window. he just grins.
the sky isn’t so dark anymore, a greyish dark blue, with a slint orange before sunrise. “i’m gonna need you to give me directions, ‘mkay?” he pulls out of the car park as you respond quietly, giving him the directions.
a few minutes into the ride, you realise he’s going miles below the speed limit, to keep the car steady, and not pull you out of your sleepy state. he’s humming along to the radio, his finger tapping the wheel at every beat.
trees pass in a flash, so do streetlights and benches, sets of three drains, and a couple single drains too.
then time flashes again and he’s pulling up outside your apartment, already outside the passenger door and beating you to open it. he walks you to the doorway of the building, stopping and playing with his hands.
you look up at him, smiling shyly. he does the same. “thank you for tonight, kirk,” you hesitantly open the building door. “do you wanna, maybe, do this again?”
“o-of course. i’d love to.” if you blinked, you would’ve missed the slight flush tinting his cheeks, rushing down into his neck and shoulders. he fumbles in his pocket for a piece of ripped newspaper and a pen, scribbling down his home phone number in messy writing, and if it was anything but numbers you’d have a hard time reading it. “call me, okay?”
“okay.” you grin softly, stepping into the doorway.
he backs up, smiling as he waves you off. “okay.”
and then the door shuts.
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robocoplesb · 1 year
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— nikki sixx, tommy lee, vince neil, roger taylor, steven adler, dave grohl, kurt cobain, dave mustaine, joan jett, taylor momsen, victoria de angelis, kelly nickels, richie sambora, warren demartini, roxy petrucci, duff mckagan, bret michaels.
— richie tozier, boris pavlikovsky, miles fairchild.
— daisy jones, karen sirko, eddie roundtree/loving.
[ 🔪 ] SCREAM.
— billy loomis, stully (threesome).
— robin buckley, chrissy cunningham, steve harrington, eddie munson, steddie (threesome), billy hargrove.
— harry potter, draco malfoy, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory.
— kai anderson, violet harmon.
— rue bennett, maddy perez, jules vaughn.
[ 🎬 ] ACTORS.
— hunter schafer, maya hawke, sophie thatcher, sophie nelisse, liv hewson, courtney eaton, pamela anderson.
— natalie scatorccio, jackie taylor, shauna shipman, laura lee, lottie matthews, misty quigley, taissa turner, van palmer.
— claire redfield.
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swiss-mrs · 8 months
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greetings through the screen!
i'm swiss, a jack of all trades, currently a writer. as i've married into the sanchez family, i, too, transverse the mulitverse. at this convergence, i am the master.
choose your path, enjoy your adventures, and safe travels.
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Life Eternal (Series, Ongoing)
Party Girls (One Shot)
Evermore (Series, Ongoing)
Special Places (One Shot)
Boyfriend!Eddie (Drabble, Plus Sized/Mid Sized Reader)
Senior Year Sweethearts (Drabble, Sinclair!Reader)
Along for the Ride (One Shot, Collab🥰)
Catching Joe's Attention at a Club (Drabble)
Haunted Haus (One Shot, Request, Goth Club Owner!Reader)
#WEIRD☆GIRL (One Shot)
Theater Kid (One Shot)
(Coming Soon)
Black Velvet (One Shot)
Your Shotgun Rider (One Shot, Request, Black Velvet pt.2)
Second Chances (One Shot, Request)
Domesticity (One-Shot, Request)
Employee Development Plan (One-Shot, Request)
Let There Be War (Series, Ongoing/Hiatus)
Padawan and the Princess (One-Shot, Request)
Swisslist (General Taglist): @rosecentury @solacedthistest
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