#eddie big bang
medusapelagia · 24 days
August and future events
And my Steddie Angsty AU-gust is finally complete 🎉!
I mixed up some prompts and made a mess as usual (I'm a walking disaster, everybody knows it 😅), I challenged myself, and sometimes I struggled with some prompts, but in the end... I made it and I'm super proud of myself 🙃!
Almost 50k in less than one month (plus an anon WIP I’m posting on AO3) doesn't sound that bad!
And now I'm ready for the new events I'm working on!
In September I'll post both my Steddie Big Bang fic and my Stranger Thing Sapphic Mini Bang fic, while I'll keep working on my Billy Big Bang fic and my Stommy Mini Bang fic.
I still have to start working on the Eddie Big Bang but, for the first time ever, I might have some plot points so I'm not too worried about it.
I know that I'm not a good example, I always join too many events 😅, but for the moment we're good, so fingers crossed that the muse doesn’t leave me alone! Lol 😂
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doomcheese · 2 months
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I’ve had an absolute blast working together with @little-annie on this. When I read the first summary slide I knew I had to have it.. plants! So many plants! (And Steve & Eddie but.. 🪴🌵🪻🌿 💕 ✨😆) This fic is so cute and sweet and fun and wonderful, please go check it out!
ao3 : Where the Flowers Bloom and the Songbirds Sing
For the @strangerthingsbigbang
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ahhrenata · 7 months
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excited to share my piece for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang 🥳
@lady-lostmind did such a brilliant job of bringing this to life in Lovesick. It’s so fluffy and cute, I’m in love with it! Go give it a read! 💕
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lady-lostmind · 7 months
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I had the absolute pleasure of getting to write a fic based on this amazing art by @ahhrenata for @strangerthingsreversebigbang! Link to art post Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this! Read the fic on ao3 or under the cut!
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Eddie rolls over with a groan. He feels awful. He can’t breath out of his nose, there’s so much pressure in his head he feels like it might explode and his throat feels like he swallowed a cup of razors. He lets out a truly pathetic whimper, the sound catching in his throat as it turns into a cough. He stretches his arm out, feeling around for Steve and is met with cold, empty sheets. He whines again and finally pries his eyes open. 
He hears Steve pad down the hall and then he’s opening the door to their room, a soft smile on his face as he peers down at Eddie on the bed. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
Eddie sniffles loudly. “I don’t feel good.” 
Steve sighs and leans against the door frame. “I told you not to go out in the cold with Dustin the other night. You didn’t even have a coat.” 
Eddie groans again and flops over, reaching his hand out to Steve. “Come cuddle with me.” 
Steve huffs out a laugh. “You’re whiny when you’re sick.” 
But he pushes off the doorframe and crawls onto the bed, dropping down next to Eddie and letting him wrap his limbs around his body and press his face against Steve’s chest. 
Eddie snuggles in and hums, ready to fall back asleep for forever, or until he can actually breathe again. Whichever comes first. 
Steve’s hand lands on his forehead, pushing his bangs out of the way. “Baby, you’re hot.” 
Eddie lets out a little chuckle, his voice low and raspy from the pain in his throat. “I’m flattered, sweetheart. But I don’t think I’m really up for anything sexy right now, Stevie.” 
Steve swats his arm. “I wasn’t coming onto you, asshole. You have a fever.”
Steve pulls away, like he’s going to get back up and Eddie holds on tighter to him, another whine slipping out of his lips.
Steve rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get you some stuff.” 
Eddie’s hand flops onto the bed as Steve gets up and disappears from the room. Eddie rolls back over, pulling the blankets up and burrowing under them to fall back asleep. 
Eddie wakes up to Steve nudging him gently, holding out a little cup of red liquid. Eddie’s face scrunches up in disgust and he shakes his head with a groan, trying to hide under the covers again. “I hate that shit.” 
Steve rolls his eyes and tugs the blanket back. “Eds, you gotta take this. It’ll bring your fever down. Come on.”
Eddie groans again, but pulls himself up to sit and takes the little shot of medicine with a grimace. 
Steve chuckles beside him. “I’ve seen you drink jager straight from the bottle and you’re making that face over cherry cough medicine?” 
Eddie shoots him a cocky grin. “Jager is good though. That shit tastes like pennies.” 
Steve shakes his head, pulling the covers back up around Eddie’s chin. “There’s tissues and water next to you on the table. You want me to drag the TV in here?” 
Eddie shakes his head, already settling back into the pillows and drifting off. He reaches out a hand to tug at Steve’s wrist. 
Steve sighs, climbing under the blankets with him and pulling him close. “You’re gonna get me sick.” 
Eddie grins and plants a wet kiss to the back of Steve’s hand before he falls asleep again. 
The next time Eddie resurfaces it’s to Steve’s fingers trailing softly through his hair. He sniffs, whining when it makes the pressure in his head spike. 
“Made you some soup, baby. You hungry?” 
Eddie nods and forces himself to sit up, smiling at Steve when he hands him a bowl of chicken noodle. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
Steve leans over and presses a kiss to Eddie’s temple. “You sure you don’t want the TV in here? We could watch some movies.” 
Eddie shrugs. “I’ll probably just fall asleep five minutes in. But you can bring it in if you’re bored.” 
Steve shakes his head and grabs a book off his side table, wiggling it in the air. “I’m good.”
Eddie’s eyes lock on the book and his jaw drops open. “Are you finally reading The Lord of the Rings?” 
Steve flashes him a big grin and nods. “They’re confusing though. How do you keep track of all these crazy names?” 
Eddie chuckles. “You get used to it after a while.” He sets his empty bowl aside and lays back down, peering up at Steve with big, pleading eyes. “Will you read to me?”
Steve’s face scrunches up. “I’m not very good.”
Eddie scoots in closer, plopping his head onto Steve’s lap. “I just want to hear your voice.” 
Steve’s hand finds its way back into Eddie’s curls again. “Do you want me to start over?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I’ve read them like ten times. You can start where you left off.” 
Steve nods and opens the book, clearing his throat. “‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.”
Eddie lets the familiar words wash over him. Steve’s voice making him feel safe and warm, the fingers in his hair soothing him to sleep.
Eddie wakes up again, his throat burning and raw. He’s alone in the bed again and it’s dark. The blankets tucked in tight around him, making him over heated, his hair plastered to his forehead. He sits up, reaching for a tissue as a harsh cough racks his body. He groans, wincing as he wipes his mouth. 
Eddie hates being sick. And yeah. He knows nobody likes being sick. Obviously. But he can’t stand it. It makes him feel trapped in his own body. Trapped in his bed. He doesn’t like to sit still for so long. To feel like he can’t do anything. 
The door creaks open, a sliver of light peeking through before it disappears again, Steve’s body blocking it out as he leans in, a sad little smile on his face. “You okay, baby? Heard you coughing.” 
Eddie lets out a pathetic whine, falling against the pillows again, somehow still exhausted even though he slept through most of the day already. “No.” 
Steve pushes the door open the rest of the way, comes up to him and puts his hand on his forehead before making a little tsk noise, and brushing his hair out of his face. “I’m going to get you another dose of medicine.” 
Eddie groans, grabbing Steve’s wrist and shaking his head. 
Steve chuckles, bending down to press a kiss to Eddie’s temple. “What if I bring you a popsicle to chase it with? Make your throat feel a little better.” 
Eddie’s eyes flick up to Steve’s, his eyebrows shooting up. “Not sure your popsicle is going to help my throat much but–”
Steve rolls his eyes with a smile, tugging his arm back and shaking his head. “Would you stop? You’re awful.” He heads back to the door, turning back with his hands on his hips. “Orange or cherry?” 
Eddie whines. “No grape?” 
Steve chuckles. “You and Dustin ate all the grape, baby.” 
Eddie huffs out a breath. “Orange then.” 
Eddie grins as Steve leaves the room. He really hates being sick. But he doesn’t mind this whole Steve-taking-care-of-him thing. That part’s pretty nice. He can’t really remember the last time someone did this for him. Thinks it must have been his mom, when he was still little. Remembers curling up with her on the couch, her humming softly as he fell asleep. 
He doesn’t have a lot of good memories with her. Mostly screaming matches with his dad, and her disappearing for weeks at a time. But there were a few times when things were good. When he felt loved. When he really felt like he understood what it was like to be wanted. And then he’d gone to live with Wayne. And he did his best. And Eddie knows he loves him. Knows he would do anything for him. But he’s a grumpy old man who never thought he’d be raising a kid. His version of taking care of Eddie when he was sick was buying some soup and leaving it on the counter for Eddie to make while he was at work. And that was fine. Eddie is grateful for everything Wayne has done for him. It just wasn’t exactly a lovey household. Not that it wasn’t full of love. They just…didn’t really show it. But he feels the love in everything Steve does. Sees it in the way Steve’s eyes light up when they look at him. In the way his hands always linger. No matter where they touch. Like he never wants to be more than a breath away from him. Like he wants nothing more than to bring him a stupid orange popsicle when his throat hurts to make him feel better. 
Eddie smirks as Steve comes back into the room, cough medicine in one hand, popsicle in the other.
Eddie feels a little better when he wakes up the next morning. Late morning. The room bright with the sun peeking in through the blinds. He’s still sick. Still can’t really breathe normally. His throat is still protesting every time he tries to swallow. But he feels a little less dead. And he didn’t wake up drenched in sweat this time so, hopefully that means his fever is gone. Thanks to Steve’s stupid medicine. Not that he’d ever admit that to him. 
Steve comes in with a plate piled high with toast, and a mug of tea that Eddie is sure has way too much honey in it, for his throat. 
Eddie takes the offered breakfast with a sleepy smile. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
Steve presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “You’re welcome, baby. You feeling better?”
Eddie shrugs, stuffing half a piece of toast in his mouth. Steve climbs onto the bed with him, grabbing Eddie’s book from the table on his side of the bed, settling back against the pillows.
Eddie perks up, shifting so he can watch the way Steve’s mouth wraps around the words Eddie knows by heart. They’re some of his favorite configurations of words in the world, and Steve somehow makes him love them even more. He loves the slight hesitancy he has as he stumbles over the names, the pauses he adds in strange spots when he’s clearly trying to piece parts of the story together. He can tell he’s really trying to get it. Trying to understand why Eddie loves this so much. Trying to understand Eddie more. Which he’s pretty sure no one else has done before. 
Everyone else just takes him at face value. The loud, over the top, obnoxious behavior, his weird obsessions and interests. People either look at him and want nothing to do with him, or they look at him in awe, like he’s something shiny, something to distract them from whatever bullshit is going on in their own lives. But he’s never had someone look at him like he’s something to be treasured. To dive into and see all the sides of. Until Steve. 
Steve, who he knows hates half of the stuff Eddie is into but still asks questions. Who knows Eddie’s favorite songs and books and movies. Who knows he prefers grape popsicles. Who looks at him in that awestruck way even when he’s quiet. When he’s just existing in their space, not putting on a front or a show. Steve still sees him, even then. 
Eddie leans forward and presses his lips to Steve’s, cutting him off mid sentence. 
Steve huffs out a laugh against Eddie’s lips before pushing him back. “Is my reading that bad?”
Eddie shakes his head and takes another bite of toast, getting crumbs all over the bed as he scooches closer to Steve who lifts his arm to tuck Eddie into his side. 
By day four Eddie is still feeling pretty bad, and worn out, but also bored. He still doesn’t have the energy to leave their bed much but he also can’t stand just laying around anymore. 
He shuffles his way out to the living room, ignoring Steve’s squawk of protest as he spots him from where he’s doing dishes in the kitchen. Eddie makes it halfway to the coffee table before Steve is there, a hand towel slung over his shoulder as he tries to push Eddie back down the hall. 
“What are you doing? Go back to bed.” 
Eddie groans and gestures to his stack of notebooks on the table. “I’m bored, Steve. I want to work on my campaign.” 
Steve nudges him back again, a crease forming between his brows. “I’ll bring them to you. Go lay down.” 
Eddie lets out an annoyed whine but turns and heads back down the hall, collapsing on the bed where he immediately lets out a sigh of relief, the pressure that was building in his head from being vertical backs off as soon as he hits the pillows. Because Steve was right, of course. He should have just asked him to grab his stuff for him. 
Steve comes in a few minutes later with all of Eddie’s notebooks and campaign books piled high in his arms. He dumps them on the bed and disappears again, coming back with a stack of Eddie’s tapes and his walkman, adding them to the mess on the bed and perching on the edge. 
Eddie grins at him. “You’re the best, you know that?” 
Steve shrugs, a little blush flashing on his cheeks. He reaches out and squeezes Eddie’s knee. “Just know you like to listen to music while you work. I’ll bring you some dinner in a little bit, okay?” 
Eddie watches as he gets up to go, smirk firmly in place as he pulls his notebooks closer to him and flips the top one open, trying to jump back into the story he was forming.
Eddie stares down at his notebook, sniffing loudly and tossing a crumpled up tissue onto the floor next to the bed. He taps his pen on the page, trying to will the scene to write itself. A cough works its way up the back of his throat and sticks there, making him hack over and over until he’s pulling in a wheezing breath and falling back against the pillows.
“Fuck me.” He groans out, shoving his notebook away with a huff. He hates being sick. Can’t even manage to focus on his campaign for more than fifteen minutes before he’s coughing and exhausted and–
Steve pushes the door open with his hip, a steaming bowl of soup in his hands and a bright smile that reaches his eyes on his face.
Eddie sighs, pulling himself up to sit against the headboard and lets Steve fuss over pillow placements as he hands over the soup. He stares up at Steve, his chest full of adoration for this wonderful man who works himself into a tizzy because Eddie didn’t make sure he was properly supported by his pillows. Because how is his gorgeous man even real? How did Eddie get so lucky? 
Eddie sets his soup on the side table as Steve leans over him, trying to manhandle Eddie into a position he deems acceptable and Eddie grabs his face, pulling him into a soft kiss, smiling against Steve’s mouth when he feels him melt a little into the touch. 
Steve pulls back with a chuckle, pushing against Eddie’s shoulder. “It’s like you’re trying to get me sick, Eds.” Eddie lets out a laugh and sniffs, trying not to be an oozing, gross mess with Steve so up close and personal. “Sorry. I just can’t help myself when you’re being so sweet.” 
Steve’s face blooms red and he ducks his head with a little shake before standing and grabbing Eddie’s soup off the table again, pushing it back into Eddie’s hands. “Eat your soup, baby.” 
Eddie gives him a little two finger salute and nods, dimple popping on his check. “Yes, sir.” 
Steve rolls his eyes as Eddie takes a big spoonful, making an obnoxiously loud slurp just to see the way Steve’s face scrunches in disgust. 
Eddie wakes up in the middle of the night, coughing and wheezing, trying to catch his breath and be quiet so he doesn’t wake up–
Steve’s hand lands on his back, rubbing gently.
Eddie groans, looking guiltily over at Steve. “Sorry I woke–” His voice catches on another cough, sending him into another fit. 
Steve sits up, hand still on Eddie’s back, the other coming up to sweep the hair away from his face. “It’s okay, baby. Just breathe.” 
Eddie nods, sucking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the tickle in the back of his throat threatening another cough. Steve gets up and heads out of the room, coming back with a glass of water that he hands to Eddie before sliding back into bed, his hand finding its way back to its spot on Eddie’s back. Eddie takes a couple of small sips before setting the glass aside and laying back down, Steve scooches in close, pressing their foreheads together, one hand still on Eddie’s back, the other working its way to tangle in his hair.
Eddie hums reaching up to cup Steve’s face, feeling content as his eyes slip closed. 
The next morning Eddie wakes up feeling much better. He’s still a little stuffy, but his throat doesn’t hurt anymore and his head feels a little clearer. Like the sick haze is starting to dissipate. He stretches, letting out a satisfied groan and slips up to jump in the shower. 
The hot water does wonders for him and by the time he steps out of the bathroom, rubbing his drenched hair with a towel, he feels almost human again. 
He glances over at Steve, still fast asleep in the bed. Eddie’s brow scrunches together and he looks at the clock. 11:15am. 
Huh. Steve never sleeps in this late. He gets up obnoxiously early to work out before he gets moving for the day. Eddie climbs back into the bed and presses soft kisses along Steve’s jaw, smiling when his sleepy eyes peek open at him. 
“You slept in.” Eddie traces his fingers along Steve’s arm. 
Steve lets out a little whimper, pressing his face into the pillows. 
Eddie pushes some hair out of Steve’s face, his fingers grazing his forehead which is blazing. 
Eddie curses under his breath, planting his hand more firmly on Steve’s skin. “Oh no, sweetheart.” 
Steve peers up at him with big, sad puppy eyes, his voice strained and nasally. “I’m sick, Eds.”
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strangerthingsbigbang · 2 months
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Title: Where The Flowers Bloom and The Song Birds Sing
Author: Little_Annie Artist: doomcheese Beta: thefreakandthehair & Arbeds Ghost Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, The Party Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham Warnings: Past Child Abuse Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Teacher!Steve Harrington, Gardener!Steve Harrington, Gardener!Eddie Munson, Mutual Pining, Love At First Sight, Idiots In Love, Romantic Fluff, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Texting, Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham,Fluff, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Lesbian Robin Buckley, Bisexual Chrissy Cunningham, Bonfires, Sleepovers, Platonic Stobin, Robin Buckley is a Menace Wordcount: 27,623 Summary:
After purchasing a home with his best friend and deciding to spend his spare hours renovating and landscaping the property, Steve meets a rather striking metalhead at the local greenhouse. Weeks pass and eventually between coffee breaks, bonfires, and days spent in the dirt and burning in the sun, together the pair restore the love and life that once lived in the old home.
Where The Flowers Bloom and The Song Birds Sing by Little_Annie
art masterpost by doomcheese
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resande · 8 months
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If You're Gonna Break My Heart (Smash It To Pieces)
Now on AO3
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symbiotic-slime · 4 months
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wormdebut · 4 months
Give me scary metal head rock star Eddie Munson and his best friend sapphic pop princess icon Chrissy Cunningham. I need Eddie Munson absolutely bodying HOT TO GO during one of Chrissy’s shows.
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filmyocean · 3 months
Maddie (about Eddie): It’s sweet that you care so much about him
Buck: I do. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to him, and I wasn't at his bedside to say "I told you so"
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pink-luna-moth · 5 months
Look at the gorgeous piece by @jellyfish-confetti i got to colour for the @steddiebang2024 art exchange
Like look at these gorgeous women my jaw dropped when i first saw the lineart
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melonalemonade · 10 months
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Second piece for @steddiebang 💥
The final chapter of “Paint the Devil on the Wall“ by @museumgiftshoperaser is up now!!!
So if you’re someone who only reads finished works…now’s your time 👀👀
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ent-is-indecisive · 5 months
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id : a digital painting with three small panels overlaid at the bottom, of a scene in a blueish tinged shadowy room, cut through with a thin ray of golden sunshine. The topmost image is of eddie, sitting on the edge of his bed, holding a night sky mug of hot chocolate for himself, and a garfield mug of the same that he is tentatively holding out to steve. Eddie is looking worriedly at steve, who is under the covers with a black eye and bruises.
The first lower panel is a closeup of steve reaching out to touch eddies leg where it rests, a sunray shining on his knuckles. The second panel is eddie's hands as he gets under the covers. The last panel is of eddie and steve's facing each other on the pillows, eddie looking soft and steve looking sad./end id
Artwork for part 4 of What weather they shall have is not ours to rule by @misprinting as part of the @steddiebang
Almost forgot to post that one! this is my homage to the soft and tender moments in this fic, for the care between steve and eddie, and the hand touch motif that runs through all the relationships. it is so dear to me and i wish id had the time and energy to draw all of them 🖤🖤🖤. (under the cut is a starless version). anyways im quite proud of it
Edit : i havent checked if part 4 ever got posted so yall are going to have to take me at my word
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doomcheese · 10 months
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It’s a special smooch delivery 💌
A new update and my second piece for Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
All my appreciation to @steddieasitgoes and @strawberrysh0rk for being such a wonderful team. And @steddiebang for a great event!
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bicappy · 10 months
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It’s the early 90’s. Steve’s queer, perpetually online, and trapped in Hawkins with nothing but his plants. That is, until a familiar face comes around…a You’ve Got Mail AU
this wonderful fic by @redskiesatnight22 with art by me and @hereforanepilogue is finally live! part of the steddie bb 2023
👉 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51898357/chapters/131226367
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andavs · 8 days
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still the bone remembers, still it wants by @eddiebabygirldiaz for @118bigbang
The thing is, wanting has always been easy. The thing is, wanting has always been so hard. or, eddie goes to therapy and learns how to want. buck helps.
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cuips-not-cute · 1 year
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one of my pieces for @notesappwitch's amazing fic i sing the blues and you swallow them too for the @steddiebang!! so excited to finally be posting this<3
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