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releasemyad1 · 6 months
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mightyflamethrower · 7 months
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Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), who is running for late Sen. Diane Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat, is calling for a $50 minimum wage, defending her position during a debate Monday night.
The moderator asked Lee to defend her call for a $50-an-hour minimum wage during the event, noting that it is “seven times the current national minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.”
When asked how that would be economically sustainable for small businesses, Lee immediately said that she owned and ran a small business for over a decade, creating “hundreds of jobs, benefits, retirement benefits, [and] also health care benefits.”
“I know what worker productivity means, and that means that you have to make sure that your employees are taken care of and have a living wage in the Bay Area,” Lee said. “I believe it was the United Way [that] came out with a report that — very recently — [said] $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by,” she said, pointing to another survey that identified $104,000 as not being enough for one person, essentially classifying them as low income “because of the affordability crisis.”
She added:
And so, just do the math. Just do the math. Of course, we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage — you’re talking about $20, $25 — fine, but I have got to be focused on what California needs and what the affordability factor is when we calculate this wage.
Lee ultimately failed to answer the question.SUBSCRIBE
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Fox 40 notes that “a wage of $50 an hour would total $104,000 over the course of a year.”
Her call generated mockery from critics, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who asked, “Who not $500 per hour?”
“Okay, why not $100 then? $1,000? Why not just make the minimum wage a billion dollars an hour? Then we’d all be richer than Elon Musk!” Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk remarked.
“Economic illiteracy like Rep. Lee’s has been around for centuries. Every country that adopts it becomes a dystopian nightmare,” he added as others piled on:
Lee’s call comes as inflation comes roaring back with no immediate signs of relief, as detailed in Breitbart Business Digest.
RELATED — CNN’s Sidner: Hotter-Than-Expected Inflation Report “Another Sign” Economy “Getting Better”
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vital-information · 6 months
"Homophile organization publications had always looked at their more daring physique counterparts with envy. In the wake of the Manual v. Day decision, they had already begun to resemble physique magazines. After 1967, with the threat of prosecution removed, they adopted a similar racy format. Vector, published by San Francisco's Society for Individual Rights, offered its first nude male centerfold in June 1969, and a few months later full-frontal nudity had migrated to its cover. Soon Mattachine Times in New York followed suit, featuring cover images of young men in posing straps...
This tendency to combine gay news, nude images, and raunchy classified advertising continued until magazines sought to attract large, mainstream advertisers. New York's GAY felt pressure early on from advertisers who objected to the use of nudes, particularly on the cover, forcing editor Nichols to moderate their use. Thus began a movement away from a sexual liberation ethos to a more sanitized, corporate look. Like lots of gay periodicals, GAY abandoned its cor gay business in search of mainstream acceptance.
The Advocate resisted this trend at first, keeping its racy classified ads but segregating them to a pullout section. "I like them; their fun," the Advocate's editor-in-chief Richard Rouilard proclaimed. "This is the way gays and lesbians talk to each other worldwide. And if you are going to compromise this community for advertisers or so that your mother can read the magazine, go buy yourself a copy of 'Catch-22.'" But even the Advocate eventually had to succumb to the demands of larger advertising dollars, spinning off its classifieds and naked images into a separate magazine. With the rise of upscale publications such as Genre and Out in the 1990s, the realms of homoerotic imagery and gay news have become increasingly divided. In many ways this represents a return to a politics of respectability practiced by the homophile organizations, a trend reinforced in the twenty-first century as the LGBTQ movement became dominated by the political struggle for gay marriage.
The current bifurcation in LGBT media between the political and the erotic makes it difficult for us to see that the worlds of gay commerce, sex, and politics were once mutually reinforcing. Today gay men go to smart-phone apps like Grindr to hook up but to news websites or an LGBT advocacy organization to catch up on civil rights issues and community affairs. But historically it was the desire to connect and find one another that gave rise to such community publications. It was [gay physique photographer] Bob Mizer's classified ad in Strength & Health that had alerted him to the large reservoir of gay men seeking contact with one another. Gay men had pleaded with physique and homophile organizations to allow them to connect, but the first tentative steps in that direction were met with swift and decisive state suppression. Gay men went to prison and others lost their jobs merely for participating in a gay pen-pal club. But thanks to physique entrepreneurs such as Lynn Womack, the correspondence club was able to thrive and morph into the classified ad, which was soon replaced with phone sex lines, followed by AOL chatrooms, and now hookup mobile applications such as Grinder and Scruff. The technology may have changed, but the business of connecting gay men has a long and rich history.
Today the term "gay power" is remembered as a political slogan shouted at the 1969 Stonewall Riots, but in the beginning it was understood largely in economic terms. Two years before the riots, Vector inaugurated a new column called "Gay Power" featuring information about its advertisers. The idea came from a young but vocal SIR member, Pat Hallinan, who suggested that it was time to invoke "our secret weapon, GAY POWER, upon the economic world." As the column advised, "When you visit our friends and advertisers, tell 'em you saw it in Vector--that's GAY POWER!" A few months later, the founder of the Los Angeles Advocate similarly advised readers, "You can do much to strengthen and promote power in the gay community because you wield the great deciding weapon: The Almighty Dollar." He defined "gay power" as "buying power, selling power, voting power...No dear, it isn't a queen with muscles," he joked.
Even when shouted at Stonewall, the cry for gay power was largely about the desire of gay men and women to have control of their own commercial spaces. "Get the Mafia and the Police Out of Gay Bars," proclaimed one of the first pamphlets in response to the raid of the Stonewall Inn. Craig Rodwell called for "gay businessmen" to open bars and shops to create a healthier social atmosphere than bars like Stonewall. And he simultaneously encouraged customers to support them and "Buy Gay."...
For many gay liberationists, especially in New York City, physique magazines also came under attack as exemplary of the negative effects of a gay ghetto. In contrast to previous generations of young men who found comfort in images that glorified the male body, gay liberationists saw exploitation. "These magazines crudely showed men as nothing but sex objects; if they were objects, I could be one too," remembered John Murphy. "That frightened me then, and it infuriates me now," he wrote in 1971. Some worried that the "masculine mystique" depicted in these magazines was so inaccessible and exaggerated that it constituted a form of self-hatred. "Those male idols so worshiped cannot possibly be faggots!" they complained. Following the Black Nationalist, Black Power, and feminist movements, they envisioned a world where gay men and women owned and managed their own, more equitable and inclusive, businesses.
Despite his "Buy Gay" campaign, Craig Rodwell refused to sell "sexploitative" magazines in his own Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop, offended by both the high price-tag for nude male images and what he found to be an over-emphasis on sex. He was unaware of how physique publishers such as Bob Mizer were among the oldest gay businesses around and had been created with precisely the same goal of fostering community. But Mizer's crusading mission had waned as many straight and gay publishers had since entered the market with an eye toward making a quick buck. Rodwell and other gay liberationists tarred them all with the same brush. They did not appreciate the tremendous struggles they had encountered in the face of government censorship. They increasingly saw physique businesses as part of the problem of, not the solution to, community empowerment."
David K. Johnson, Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A vote on language condemning the "horrors of socialism" split House Democrats on Thursday, which one Republican said reveals a soft spot some Democrats have for a political philosophy that has resulted in impoverishment and death for hundreds of millions of people.
Republicans called up the resolution as a way to remind the public that socialist policies – which they fear have been creeping into American life after two years of Democrat control in Washington – go against the values on which America was founded. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said Thursday that socialism is "one of the most destructive ideologies in world history."
As expected, the resolution split Democrats, as some have openly described themselves as adherents of "democratic socialism." As a group, Democrats narrowly voted in favor of the resolution by a 109-86 tally, even though every Democrat who debated the bill spoke against the resolution.
In another sign of how the bill split the party, 14 Democrats voted "present." The resolution passed 328-86 thanks to unanimous Republican support.
Democrats justified their vote by saying while they oppose socialism, the decision to call up the measure is a warning shot that Republicans are looking to cut Social Security, Medicare and other social welfare programs, an assertion Republicans have rejected for weeks.
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., went further by accusing Republicans of calling up a resolution that is an indictment of major elements of the federal government that helped millions of people during the pandemic.
"Americans know better than the fearmongering we see here today," Waters said. "They know, for example, that when the pandemic hit and people were dying all across this country, it was the federal government that stepped in to provide trillions of dollars of support to small businesses, workers, ranchers, students, seniors, and would you believe it, even Republican members of Congress."
"Historically, Republicans have tried to label as socialist any Democratic actions that improve the lives of Americans," added Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y. "This is what Republicans call socialism. From climate action and public education to affordable care and Social Security, Republicans classify popular government programs to help working families as socialism."
Republicans said Democrats were over-complicating the issue.
"Despite my Democratic colleagues’ claims, there’s nothing in this resolution about entitlement programs or banning social services or anything of the like," said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C.
After Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif., pointed out several historical political leaders who were socialists and argued that not all forms of socialism deserve condemnation, McHenry thanked him for acknowledging that Democrats so have a soft spot for this system of government.
"If this resolution would just simply draw out my Democrat colleagues to just say, yes, they are in favor of socialism, maybe this is a worthwhile endeavor," McHenry said.
Socialism is broadly understood to be an economic and political theory that calls for putting the means of production into the hands of a public collective, and "democratic socialism" is seen as a philosophy that calls for a heavier government hand that might approach the governing styles of some European nations.
The resolution approved by the House says history shows that any move toward socialism "necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships."
It says socialist policies have led to "famine and mass murders, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide," along with some of the "greatest crimes in history" committed by Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and others.
"[B]etween 15,000,000 and 55,000,000 people starved to death in the wake of famine and devastation caused by the Great Leap Forward in China," the resolution notes. "[T]he socialist experiment in Cambodia led to the killing fields in which over a million people were gruesomely murdered."
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berniesrevolution · 2 years
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Relative to its European peers, the United States spends virtually nothing on benefits for families with children.1 This dearth of family benefits leads to two cruel outcomes: it denies many people the ability to have the families that they want and inflicts financial ruin on many of those who go through with parenthood despite the lack of social support.
The prevalence of financial problems among families with children causes many would-be parents to have fewer children than they would prefer and causes some to forego parenthood altogether. A recent survey found that one-fourth of people between the ages of 20 and 45 had fewer or expected to have fewer children than they wanted.2 The most common reasons were economic: 64 percent said child care is too expensive; 44 percent said they can’t afford more children; and 43 percent said they waited too long because of financial instability.
When people do have children, they often struggle to afford child care, pre-k, and even everyday expenses. The effects of this social neglect are felt most severely by those on the bottom of our society. Twenty-one percent of American children live in relative poverty—a higher percentage than that of any European country.3
Current policy discussions around benefits that help families with children are fractured in strange and unhelpful ways. Ideas to expand child care and pre-k services tend to get grouped in with education policy or stand alone under the heading of “early childhood education and care.”4 Programs that provide public health insurance to children are categorized as healthcare policy.5 Paid leave proposals almost always seek to bundle leave for parents with leave for medical reasons and then wind up classified as women’s policy.6
These issue-area assignments are not wrong in an objective sense, but they create a muddled and rudderless policy framework. A more effective approach would be to bring all these policy ideas under the heading of family benefits and then pitch family benefits as having a simple unified purpose: making parenthood easy and affordable for everyone.
In Section One of this paper, I lay out a general theory that explains why having and raising children is so difficult in a laissez-faire capitalist system. In Section Two, I introduce the Family Fun Pack, a suite of family benefits that solves the problems identified in the first section. These benefits include free child care, free pre-k, free healthcare for children, and a child allowance, among other things.
Progressive candidates looking for a fresh platform would be wise to consider adopting the Family Fun Pack agenda. It is a coherent set of programs that conveys a simple message. These programs, which are common throughout the world, are extremely effective at reducing the burden of parenthood and especially effective at reducing child poverty.
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The first problem, which I call the mere addition problem, is that adding children to a family unit increases the amount of resources and time needed by the unit, but our current economic system does nothing to address this need. Similar workers receive the same wages and time off even though some have to pay for diapers and child care while others do not. Because income is paid out to the factors of production without any regard for its final family-level distribution, families with children wind up in dramatically worse financial circumstances than families without children, even when the families are otherwise identical.
The best way to understand the severity of the mere addition problem is through a concrete example with realistic figures. So, imagine two married middle-class couples, the Smiths and the Johnsons. Both families earn $80,000 per year, but the Smiths have a son and a daughter when they are in their mid-20s while the Johnsons never have kids.
According to the latest figures from the usda and the Current Expenditure Survey, the Smiths will spend $233,970 out of their own pockets getting each of their children to age 18.7 That’s $467,940 for both kids. The Johnsons, being childless, will spend $0 over the same period. If both of the Smith’s kids attend a four-year public college, that will cost the family another $116,720, bringing the grand total with college to $584,660 versus the Johnson’s $0.8
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Despite working the same middle class jobs, the Smiths are much worse off than the Johnsons. By merely adding two children to their family unit, they find themselves half a million dollars in the hole. This dynamic opens up huge inequalities between families with different numbers of children and causes many lower income families to drown under the financial burden.
In the above example, the Smiths earn $80,000 per year and therefore can probably absorb the extra costs of raising children without going broke. But for lower class families, the story is much more bleak. Retail workers, food service workers, and others with low incomes often find themselves completely crushed by these expenses. Without a robust set of family benefits available to offset child-rearing costs, these families frequently wind up in poverty.
Indeed, because of the mere addition problem, the presence of children is one of the leading causes of poverty in American life. In social statistics, poverty is a function of family income and family size. When children are added to a family, the family’s size increases, but the family’s income does not. This necessarily pulls a family closer to the poverty line and plunges many families below that line.
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In 2017, 158 million Americans lived in families with children.9 Over 28 million of those people lived below the poverty line, and that’s even after counting transfer programs like food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit.10
If these children did not exist, then obviously there would be no child poverty. More interestingly, if they did not exist, then half of the poor adults who currently live in families with children would no longer be poor.11 That’s right: half of poor adults who live with children are only poor because of the expenses of raising children. It is thus the presence of children in these households that is driving the adults into poverty. Based on this analysis, children directly or indirectly cause 36 percent of all the poverty in America.
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Since children increase the amount of resources families need to maintain their standard of living, a society that fails to match that need with public benefits will generally wind up with high levels of interfamily inequality and high levels of child and child-adjacent poverty.
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The second problem, which I call the lifecycle income problem, is that peak childbearing years occur in early adulthood when individuals are working entry level jobs and therefore receiving entry level pay. As workers gain experience, they generally receive promotions and raises that increase their incomes, but much of this money comes too late to help with the punctuated costs of raising children. This mismatch between peak earning years and peak childbearing years drives up inequality and poverty in society.
People generally have children in their late 20s and early 30s. The average age of first birth is 26.6 years old.12 The birth rate, i.e. the percent of women who have children in a given year, peaks at 11 percent around age 30.13 The percentage of adults living with children under the age of 5 peaks at 35 percent around age 33.14 The percentage of adults living with children under the age of 18 reaches a high of 66 percent at age 39.15
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Yet adults receive their highest levels of income in their 40s and 50s. Median personal earnings peak at age 44; median family income peaks at age 49; and median equivalized family income, i.e. family income adjusted for family size, peaks at age 59.16 The result of this lifecycle income pattern is that family incomes are lowest right around the time people start having children, increase gradually while people are raising kids, and then reach their peak after kids have moved out.
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mushi-shield · 1 year
[Verse 1] They're angry that they will never shut me up I'm making more noise Turn me up or turn me down It's your choice Black lives only matter when they got a corpse to exploit Cause the media made millions off of protests for George Floyd That's called ad revenue They make cash selling you All the crap and the Ads when they broadcast news, ooh The network full of liars Got investment capital and segments sponsorеd by Pfizer And the freedom fighters I feel likе the left just plants them To infiltrate the right its extensive planning Then it happens overnight it's impressive branding Making a million off of shirts that say Let's Go Brandon It's a cash grab Everyone's a lab rat Amazon made billions of dollars from sanitizer and black masks And that's that Funny how the terrorist's who attack Always come from places that are oil rich and have gas Democrats they don't give a damn What is this about? Our military trapped in the middle east can't get them out Heroes are the ones who have the constitution written down Y'all are using hero while describing Kyle Rittenhouse
One cent, two cent, three cents, four We get less and they get more Bought and sold since we were born They want money We want war
Dirty dollars fill their pockets While our coffins fill the ground They make profits solving problems They create to keep us down Dirty money (cha-ching) Dirty money I don't want your dirty money [Verse 2] They might kill me for this song it’s all classified intelligence Don't need to go to war to secretly be gettin' benefits When Russia launches rockets we condemn them, but there's evidence A U.S. politician owns the screws they're assembled with Ain't no war on drugs it's economic You make money off an inmate, every jail cell is profit Our prisons are privately owned Illegal marijuana just means kids smoking weed Turn the dollars in their pockets Let's be honest domestic threats ain't a comparison To nuclear powers who hate the west it's embarrassing Still we label Truckers in the convoy as terrorists And confiscate donations we have no idea where it is A pipeline leaks, price of gas goes higher Stock market crash, everybody get's fired Economy is weak while we're trying to beat a virus One trillion dollars in debt to China We celebrate the smallest battles we're winning So that they can publish the headline that's' gonna' fuel the vision But if we champion the crumbs, then its crumb's that we’re givin' We don't make any progress, we're stuck at the beginning [Pre-Chorus] One cent, two cent, three cents, four We get less and they get more Bought and sold since we were born They want money We want war [Chorus] Dirty dollars fill their pockets While our coffins fill the ground They make profits solving problems They create to keep us down Dirty money (cha-ching) Dirty money I don't want your dirty money [Bridge] It's all about the money, money, money, money, money Not enough soap to scrub it's soaked in blood It's all about the money, money, money, money, money Every time we make a buck, they take from us It's all about the money, money, money, money, money The dollar runs our lives until we die It's all about the money, money, money, money, money It controls your mind and it controlling mine [Chorus] Dirty dollars fill their pockets While our coffins fill the ground They make profits solving problems They create to keep us down Dirty money (cha-ching) Dirty money I don't want your dirty money
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May 4, 2023
MAY 5, 2023
Today began with another story about yet more ties between Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and Republican billionaire Harlan Crow. Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott, and Alex Mierjeski of ProPublica reported that Crow paid the private school tuition for Thomas’s grandnephew, to the tune of more than $6,000 a month, ultimately adding up to an amount that may have been more than $150,000. Thomas did not report the payments.
Then news broke that a jury in Washington, D.C., found four members of the far-right extremist group the Proud Boys—Enrique Tarrio, Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs and Zachary Rehl—guilty of seditious conspiracy for their participation in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. A fifth defendant, Dominic Pezzola, was found not guilty of seditious conspiracy but, like the others, was found guilty of other serious charges including obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 presidential election results and conspiring to prevent Congress and federal officers from discharging their duties.
In a statement, Attorney General Merrick Garland noted that the Department of Justice has secured more than 600 convictions for criminal conduct surrounding the events of January 6, including fourteen “leaders of both the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers for seditious conspiracy—specifically conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power. Our work will continue,” he said.
It is unlikely that Garland’s statement about ongoing work was casual.
Defense attorneys for the Proud Boys emphasized that their clients believed then-president Trump—who, after all, had told them in September 2020 to “stand back and stand by”—had called them to Washington to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Although there were no explicit orders to attack the Capitol, members of the Proud Boys testified that they believed there was an implicit agreement to prevent Biden from becoming president.
Tarrio, convicted today, was not at the Capitol during the attack, but a jury convicted him of seditious conspiracy nonetheless, suggesting that leaders who incited the violence can be found guilty, even if they weren’t present.
Today attorneys for E. Jean Carroll, who is suing the former president in a civil trial for battery and defamation connected with his alleged rape of her, rested their case. So did Trump’s lawyers, but District Judge Lewis Kaplan gave Trump the weekend to rethink testifying. “He has a right to testify which has been waived but if he has second thoughts, I’ll at least consider it and maybe we’ll see what happens,” Kaplan said.
Other investigations of the former president continue. The New York Times today broke the story that prosecutors in the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith investigating the storage of classified documents are talking to a confidential witness who worked for Trump at Mar-a-Lago. There are questions about whether Trump deliberately moved boxes containing documents in order to hide them from the Justice Department.
Meanwhile, the debt ceiling crisis has not gone away. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines today told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on global threats that a U.S. default on our debts would enable both Russia and China to say “such an event [demonstrates] the chaos within the United States, that we’re not capable of functioning as a democracy, and the governance issues associated with it." She explained: “It would be…almost a certainty that they would look to take advantage of the opportunity.”
Moody’s Analytics has weighed in on the economic effects of House speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) plan, noting that with a clean debt limit increase, real gross domestic product is expected to grow 2.25% this year. Under McCarthy's plan, that growth will be 1.6%. “The significant government spending cuts in the [plan] are substantial headwinds to near-term economic growth,” it wrote. “Adding to the economic headwinds created by the legislation is the considerable uncertainty created by having to address the debt limit again a year from now.”
Weirdly, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) at a Senate Budget Committee hearing today blamed Democrats for not raising the debt ceiling themselves last year without help from the Republicans. Kate Riga of Talking Points Memo broke down this argument. If the Democrats had raised the debt ceiling through reconciliation, without Republican votes, Republicans would have insisted that it was the Democrats, not them, who had burdened the country with debt when, in fact, the Republicans added almost $8 trillion to the debt under Trump.
Romney’s complaint amounts to berating the responsible Democrats for not protecting the country against the Republicans, who are willing to burn down the country. As Riga put it: “Darn you Democrats for not taking care of the debt ceiling then, because you knew we’d refuse to raise the limit unless you conceded to our demands, and look what a sticky spot we’re in now.”
Meanwhile, the editorial board of the Fresno Bee, from McCarthy’s district, today called out the speaker for approving the huge increases of the Trump years and, now that a Democrat is in the White House, insisting on drastic cuts. The board reiterated that the debt ceiling and the budget are separate issues. “McCarthy is pandering to the hard-right members who only backed him for House speaker on the 15th vote in exchange for concessions on the issues like the debt,” it said. “Speaker McCarthy, don’t take America to the brink of default. Stop the posturing, raise the debt ceiling, then have the honest budget debate the nation needs.”
Finally, the day ended where it began, with another scandal involving Justice Clarence Thomas.
This evening, Emma Brown, Shawn Boburg, and Jonathan O'Connell of the Washington Post broke the story that right-wing judicial activist Leonard Leo, who as a leader of the Federalist Society that backs originalist judges has been key to transforming the federal judiciary, a decade ago arranged for payments of tens of thousands of dollars to Thomas’s wife Ginni. Leo and Thomas are close friends.
In January 2012, Leo told Kellyanne Conway, who was then a Republican pollster, to bill the Judicial Education Project, a nonprofit organization with which he was associated, and then pass the money on to Ginni Thomas. He told Conway to “give” Thomas “another $25K,” and emphasized that she should include “No mention of Ginni, of course,” in the paperwork. She did so. Later that year, the Judicial Education Project filed a brief before the court in the landmark Shelby County v. Holder case, in which the court, by a vote of 5–4, gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Thomas voted on the side of the Judicial Education Project.
And this is the profound national crisis at the heart of the stories emerging about Thomas. His votes were decisive not only in Shelby County v. Holder, but also in the 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, also decided by a vote of 5–4, which opened the floodgates for dark money in political campaigns. Those decisions dramatically undermined our democracy. It now seems imperative to grapple with the fact it appears a key vote on the court that decided those cases was compromised.
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chemanalystdata · 8 days
Benzoyl Chloride Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
 Benzoyl Chloride Prices a critical chemical intermediate used in various industries, has experienced fluctuations in price over recent years due to multiple factors that influence its global supply and demand dynamics. This compound, primarily used in the production of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals, is sensitive to shifts in market conditions that affect the raw materials needed for its manufacture, as well as the geopolitical and economic factors impacting its global trade. The price of benzoyl chloride is closely tied to the cost of toluene, a petrochemical feedstock from which it is derived. As crude oil prices rise or fall, the cost of toluene and, consequently, benzoyl chloride is impacted. When oil prices rise, the cost of production for petrochemical derivatives like benzoyl chloride increases, leading to higher market prices.
Global market trends, particularly in major producing regions such as China and India, have a significant impact on benzoyl chloride prices. China, being a major producer and consumer of petrochemicals, plays a pivotal role in the pricing of benzoyl chloride on the global stage. Any disruptions in China's chemical manufacturing sector, whether due to environmental regulations, factory shutdowns, or fluctuations in raw material supply, can lead to volatility in the price of benzoyl chloride. In recent years, stricter environmental regulations in China have led to the temporary shutdown of several chemical plants, reducing the global supply of benzoyl chloride and causing price spikes. Similarly, India, another key player in the chemical manufacturing space, faces its own set of challenges that affect benzoyl chloride pricing, such as regulatory changes, import-export tariffs, and domestic demand fluctuations.
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Another factor influencing benzoyl chloride prices is the demand from end-user industries. The pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors are two of the largest consumers of benzoyl chloride. Any shifts in the demand for drugs, pesticides, or other chemical products that use benzoyl chloride as an intermediate can have a direct impact on its price. For example, during times of increased pharmaceutical production, the demand for benzoyl chloride rises, putting upward pressure on prices. On the other hand, any downturns in the agricultural sector, which might reduce the need for agrochemicals, can lead to a decrease in benzoyl chloride demand, subsequently leading to lower prices.
Additionally, trade policies and international tariffs can have a significant impact on the pricing of benzoyl chloride. Countries imposing tariffs on chemical imports can affect the flow of goods and alter the balance between supply and demand in regional markets. For instance, tariffs imposed by the U.S. or European Union on Chinese chemicals could make benzoyl chloride more expensive for buyers in those regions, as they either seek alternative suppliers or bear the additional costs. Similarly, if a major exporting country like India were to introduce export restrictions on benzoyl chloride, it could lead to reduced global availability and drive up prices. Geopolitical tensions between key producing and consuming nations can also influence trade routes and logistics, adding further volatility to the price.
Environmental and health regulations also play a crucial role in the benzoyl chloride market. Given that benzoyl chloride is classified as a hazardous substance, governments across the world enforce strict regulations on its production, storage, and transportation. Compliance with these regulations often increases production costs, which can be passed on to consumers through higher prices. In regions where environmental compliance costs are high, manufacturers may reduce output to minimize costs, tightening the supply of benzoyl chloride and driving prices higher.
The COVID-19 pandemic also left a significant mark on the chemical industry, including the market for benzoyl chloride. Supply chain disruptions caused by lockdowns, transportation delays, and workforce shortages temporarily restricted the availability of raw materials and finished chemical products, including benzoyl chloride. As a result, prices experienced considerable volatility during the peak of the pandemic. The initial phase saw a sharp decline in demand as industries across the globe slowed down or halted production. However, as economies began to recover and industries resumed operations, the demand for benzoyl chloride surged, leading to a mismatch between supply and demand and causing price hikes.
Moreover, energy costs are a crucial factor in determining the price of benzoyl chloride, as the chemical production process is energy-intensive. In regions where energy prices are high, such as Europe and parts of North America, manufacturers may face higher production costs, which can translate to higher prices for benzoyl chloride. Conversely, in regions with lower energy costs, producers may be able to offer benzoyl chloride at more competitive prices, affecting global pricing trends.
The future outlook for benzoyl chloride prices remains subject to a number of variables, including advancements in chemical manufacturing technologies that could lower production costs, changes in environmental regulations, and shifts in global trade policies. Increasing demand from emerging economies, particularly in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors, is likely to keep upward pressure on prices. However, any breakthroughs in sustainable chemical production or alternative raw materials could mitigate some of the cost pressures faced by manufacturers.
In conclusion, benzoyl chloride prices are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including raw material costs, supply chain dynamics, environmental regulations, geopolitical factors, and shifts in end-user demand. Understanding these influences is crucial for businesses that rely on benzoyl chloride as a key input, as price fluctuations can significantly impact their cost structures and profitability. For stakeholders in the chemical industry, staying informed about these market dynamics is essential to making strategic purchasing and production decisions.
Get Real Time Prices for Benzoyl Chloride: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/benzoyl-chloride-1200
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GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
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Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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releasemyad1 · 6 months
Maximize Your Reach with Economic Times Classifieds: Expand Your Business Horizons!
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Economic Times Classifieds: Empowering Your Business Growth!
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The Power of Economic Times Classifieds: Unlock Your Business Potential!
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overandbyondevents · 8 days
Event planner Decatur
Over &B’yond Event Services, the most authentic and foremost Event planner in Decatur comes with exclusively customized event planning packages that are tailored to suit the needs of different clients.  These professionals efficiently manage and streamline the entire event planning process with onsite staff management for making family-based or business occasions successful. The authorized event crews deliver hassle-free concepts, and economically priced rentals for sustaining quality interior décor, including basic furnishings, lighting supplies, food and beverage, entertainment, and much more. Moreover, the professionally certified event coordinators effectively attune the events as per the specific requirements and preferences of the clients, hence saving their efforts, money, and time considerably.
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Why You Need an Online Classified Script for Your Startup
A part of the world looks at the second-hand market as economically sensible and environmentally friendly. However, this view differs in other parts of the world. 
After the technology evolution, places, where second-hand products are less in practice, have become regular practitioners. 
Currently, the second-hand market is in the booming phase with the technology assistance.  As the market opens endless opportunities and thriving potential resources, going with the online classified ads script is the best option. 
This article highlights why your business needs a classified market in all aspects. Let’s jump into the article and find insightful information. 
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Market Value Of Online Classified Script
Classified markets have begun to compete with industries previously unimagined. Let's take a look at their growth figures!
This year, the digital ad market has reached $21.66 billion and is projected to grow to $23.85 billion by 2029, with an annual CAGR of 1.95%.
The number is interesting, right? Let’s see how you can take your business to this height.
Beneficial Factors To Look At In Online Classified Script Development  
Over time, it's crucial to find strategies that will drive you to the height of success. Let’s find out how you can find these elements in auto-classified scripts. Take a look at it! 
Expanding Your Audience Faster
In today's business landscape, having a strong online presence is essential, and a classified website script is a powerful tool for achieving this. With a solid online presence, you can attract a broad audience, including those in the global market. Success depends on understanding audience preferences and positioning your business as their top choice for shopping.
Online classified script business allows you to tap into a vast market, breaking through geographical boundaries. Global outreach is crucial in the current environment, enabling you to reach a large audience and boost productivity.
To reach this goal, you'll need robust features. The app offers support for multiple languages, currencies, geo-location, and more to effectively engage global users.
Cost-Effective Promotion Strategy
Many companies invest heavily in advertising to reach their audience. Traditionally, this involved relying on third parties, often requiring substantial financial outlays. However, the digital space offers a more affordable alternative through free promotional activities. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allow you to advertise your business without any cost, making it a low-investment, high-return strategy.
These modern promotion methods are more advanced and effective than traditional approaches. Ever heard of built-in marketing? Features like reviews, ratings, comments, and shares naturally promote your business, creating an organic marketing effect.
For instance, if you are promoting your business with small businesses that offer items related to you, there is a high possibility that you can reach out to your audiences easily.   
To succeed, create a business image that resonates with your audience. This image is reflected in your logo, visuals, descriptions, and overall brand identity. Choose these elements carefully and implement them wisely!
Key Features of the User Panel
For an audience that's not tech-savvy, designing a user panel that makes navigating your platform a breeze is crucial. Here’s how you can achieve a seamless experience from start to finish:
   - Offer multiple login options so users can quickly sign up without hassle.
   - Implement advanced search features that help users easily find what they're looking for, like a car that meets their needs.
   -Once users have found their choice, make the booking process straightforward, with various payout options to choose from.
   - Ensure that the payment options are diverse and easy to use, so transactions are completed without any confusion.
   - The final step is receiving a confirmation, reassuring users that their order is successfully placed.
By incorporating these features, auto-classified scripts create an environment where users can shop effortlessly. Let’s dive into the tools that make this seamless experience possible!
Real-Time Notification And Inventory Management
The platform consistently keeps its inventory up-to-date, a critical task in the automotive industry. With the auto classified software, businesses can efficiently list their vehicles, ensuring that users always see the most current information.
The reason for maintaining real-time updates is to avoid advertising vehicles that have already been sold, which helps build trust between customers and sellers. This trust encourages repeat visits to the platform.
Notification enhances the platform’s user-friendliness by providing essential information without requiring users to open the app. Users can easily find the required updates of the platform via the notification option. Inventory management can complete tasks without hassle at a few tabs. The technology used in it creates a simple workflow. 
How can you uplift your business with these benefits? Let’s find out about its revenue factors! 
Monetization Tactics That Drive Business Results
Revenue is crucial for the long-term success of your business. Key income sources include commission fees, which are a major part of the platform’s earnings. Users and sellers can access the platform for free, while the platform makes money from transparent commission rates, boosting credibility. Another revenue stream is advertising, where allowing third-party ads on your platform generates passive income that helps with operational costs. Subscription fees are also important; users can opt for a quarterly plan, providing a steady revenue flow and simplifying payments. Additionally, in-app purchases offer users extra features for a fee, which can significantly boost revenue, though it’s important to use this strategy judiciously to avoid overwhelming users.
Bottom Line, 
In the digital landscape, to stand ahead in the market, uniqueness is key. How do you get the optimal traits for your business? 
First, you find the right team that has previous experience and is strong in the field. If you feel like moving to the next step, head to gathering all the necessary things like features, functionalities, technologies, and other factors. 
You can complete these processes simply without using your savvy insight. Read my blog on the development process of the online classified ad script.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
US millennial women saw their well-being decline, a first in modern times, per non-profit PRB.
Homicide, maternal mortality, and suicide rates have all increased for women aged 25 to 34.
The sudden reversal in progress for young women's safety comes despite an improved economic status.
For decades, young women in the US saw sharp progress in their health and safety with each passing generation, but that momentum has now reversed for millennials.
That's according to a November 30 report published by the Washington DC-based non-profit Population Reference Bureau, which studied the well-being of women aged 25 to 34 from each generation of Americans.
It found that women born between 1981 and 1999 — widely classified as millennials — have seen the first drop in well-being since the Silent Generation as they live through young adulthood.
"Women today are more likely to die during their late 20s and early 30s than at any other point in the previous three generations," said the report.
Maternal mortality, suicide, and homicide rates soar
The death rate has risen in parallel with a startling increase in maternal mortality rates among women aged 25 to 34, with 30.4 deaths due to pregnancy complications out of 100,000 births for millennials, the report said.
That's compared to 21 deaths per 100,000 births for the Silent Generation — or women who were born during and before World War II — and 7.5 for baby boomers and 9.2 for Generation X when they were aged 25 to 34.
The report acknowledged that part of the surge might be due to better data collection in recent years. But it also noted that after all US states implemented a new data system in 2019, pregnancy deaths continued to rise sharply.
Millennial women are also the first in the last century to experience rising suicide rates, with 7 suicides among 100,000 women aged 25 to 34, the report said.
Baby boomer and Gen X women, meanwhile, saw a respective 6 and 4.4 suicides per 100,000 women when they were aged 25 to 34.
While White millennial women saw suicide rates decline, young Black, American Indian or Alaskan Native, mixed-race, and Hispanic women experienced increases. Statistics for women of other ethnicities were not specifically presented.
And homicide rates for millennial women rose to 4.5 deaths per 100,000 women aged 25 to 34, compared to 4.3 deaths for Gen X women when they were the same age, according to PRB.
Violent deaths among young women actually fell to 3.3 per 100,000 people in 2017, when PRB issued its last index. But statistics now show the rate swelled so quickly in the last six years that it surpassed that of Gen X, per the report.
Like with suicides, homicide rates are higher among young women of color, the report said. LGBTQ+ individuals are also often targeted at far higher rates, it added.
Contributing factors to the overall rise included the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased domestic violence rates, and a recent leap in gun violence incidents, the report also said.
Homicide is now also the leading cause of death for pregnant and postnatal women, more so than typical maternal mortality causes, the report noted.
"Sadly, the tale of generational progress that we have taken for granted in recent generations is no longer a guarantee for Millennial and Gen Z women," the report's authors, led by research analyst Sara Srygley, wrote.
But millennial women also are faring better in the economy
The decline in safety among millennial women comes despite their improved financial and education status compared to generations before.
At least 43.6% of young millennial women in the US have graduated college — a record level in modern history. That's compared to 28% of Gen X women and 22% of baby boomer women who graduated by the time they turned 34, the report said.
Young millennial women are also seeing a reduction in the wage gap, earning 89.7 cents for every dollar that men earn, compared to 82.4 cents on the dollar for Gen X women who were the same age.
The PRB said its well-being indices were built on statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Census Bureau, the Labor Department, the Justice Department's statistics bureau, and the Center for American Women and Politics in Rutgers University.
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