#eastern sky
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summerwages · 4 months ago
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freshly washed and sparkling...
Jupiter and the Seven Sisters
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... morning star ...
Morning Star , ‘Moon and Stars’ series (1902)
- Alphonse Mucha
'Morning Star' (1902) throws beams of light onto the earth at the beginning of the day.
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 2 months ago
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Sunset in Kyiv, Ukraine.
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kaetor · 3 months ago
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golden age of narnia outfit designs based on medieval fashion. dont ask why theres two of them.
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kiwicopi · 6 months ago
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"Light dragon"
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babanasaur · 1 year ago
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Fozu YCH
YCH completed for Fozu of their character in the clouds
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purple-aesthetica · 1 year ago
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f o l l o w m e
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kas-e · 2 months ago
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Sunday Morning Blues, Bulgaria.
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sidebee-hive · 1 year ago
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Aurora borealis caused by a solar storm as seen in Ukraine
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vuyrvlyer · 4 months ago
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sunfloweraro · 3 months ago
For writing requests, how about sharing traditional holiday foods from their eras?
Oooh I love this request! I kept making myself hungry while I wrote it, but enjoy!!
“Everyone ready?” Time called out into his dining room.
A chorus of voices from all over his home responded: “Ready!”
Time gathered the clean plates, tower of cups, and boat of gravy, then followed Malon as she led the way into the dining room, her decadent lamb roast in tow. They were the first to set their food down on the heavy oak table, and Malon placed it right in the middle, shifting it so it sat just right and gazing down at her work with pride. Potatoes, carrots and sprigs of rosemary enveloped the steaming roast.
Malon turned to him, her eyes softening with fondness, and he reached for her hand before she had to say a word. Together, they sat at the table and waited as the rest of the group filed in.
The rest of his companions joined them as one, each carrying a tray of steaming food, or a plate with a delightful treat to enjoy once they had stuffed themselves silly and announced they had no room left for dessert. The pleasant tingle of spices greeted his senses, mingling with the sweetness of roasted pumpkin and the saltiness of seafood. The comforting scent of freshly baked bread came next, and Time sighed in appreciation. Dishes were set down with pride, compliments murmured, before everyone settled down at the table.
Malon and Time went first: “My grandmama used to make us a delectable roast every holiday season,” Malon said, her eyes drifting as she reminisced. “I may not be able to make it the same as her, but…”
“It’s something I look forward to every holidays,” Time finished for her, face softening as he met her eye. “My favourite meal, and the gravy she prepares is to die for.”
“Aw, you’re too sappy, fairy boy.”
“Only for you.” His words were met with boos and groans, and he took every one with a smirk. Only Sky cooed, eyes crinkling with warmth as he thought of his own beloved back home.
Wind jumped in next. “My Gramma always makes us this seafood paella. I couldn’t find the exact mussels and prawns she catches, but it’ll still taste like home!” Wind had gone above and beyond with presentation, mimicking Wild’s extravagance and creating rings of peeled red prawns atop a bed of rice. Mussels hadn’t been easy to find, it seemed, but Wind had scattered a few around the dish alongside wedges of lemon.
“It looks wonderful, Sailor,” Warriors said, nudging his young friend in the shoulder. “I’m sure your gramma would be proud.” Wind beamed under the praise, leaning into his friend’s side as they continued.
“The Gorons back home let me join their holiday celebrations,” Wild began. “Curry pilaf has always been my favourite of their dishes.” Time had no doubt the Gorons had introduced Wild to the dish; his eyes watered with the close proximity to the heavily spiced dish, and though he knew his eyes would stream, he would devour the meal and all its delightful flavours, even if he might regret it tomorrow.
“I can’t wait for it, Cub,” Twilight said, and though apprehension lay in his eyes, similar to Time’s own, he knew his descendent would devour the pilaf like a starved man if it made Wild smile. “And it seems Sky and I had similar ideas.” Twilight waved a hand over their dishes, sitting side by side on the table. Twilight had brought a stuffed and roasted butternut pumpkin, and Sky had brought a deep bowl of pumpkin soup accompanied by a fresh loaf of artisan bread.
“I take it your home town grows a lot of pumpkins?” Sky asked, eagerly eyeing off the stuffed butternut.
“The very finest,” Twilight said, a daring light to his eyes.
“I don’t know about that, my friend. Have you ever tried pumpkins at altitude?”
“Have you ever tried them on land?”
“Settle this later, folks,” Time cut in before the friendly banter could go any further. His stomach was rumbling, irritation brought on by hunger flaring deep within. They could continue their playful argument after dinner.
Twilight and Sky shared a look. They nodded to one another, their argument put on the back burner.
“Your stuffing skills are impressive,” Sky praised.
“I’ve never known anyone who could make a pumpkin soup so smooth,” Twilight said in turn, and with a grin to each other, they let it be.
“We don’t have as many dishes these days, when food is hard to come by,” Hyrule said, and all eyes turned to him and the treat before him, a decadently sweet aroma wafting from the pastry covered in a light green dust. “But things have been growing back, and this is one of the first desserts I ever had the pleasure of eating and then learning to make. Folks back home call it baklava.”
“Oh, my uncle used to make that for my birthday,” Legend piped up, eyes sparkling as they took in the dessert. Time wasn’t certain if it was eagerness or nostalgia that brought the glimmer to them. “I haven’t had it in years.”
Hyrule’s face softened. “I hope it can live up to his.”
“I’m sure it will,” Legend assured him, before realising what he had said and blushing. Clearing his throat, Legend pushed his own dish forward, a yellow rice dish with a colourful array of vegetables, cashews, and spices. “When we celebrate the holidays back home, Hilda and Zelda visit. Ravio and I always make this biryani together.”
Warriors hummed, a knowing look on his face that made Legend blush deeper. “Oh yeah?”
“Shut it, you,” Legend snapped. “What did you bring?”
With a roll of his eyes, Warriors pushed forward his dessert, a round pudding topped with a drizzle of white icing and raspberries scattered on top and around it. “Plum pudding. Back in the war, we didn’t have many options when it came to holiday treats, but this one was always my favourite, and it put a smile on my soldiers’ faces when I brought it out.”
“I’m sure they appreciated it,” Time said. “What better way to boost morale than dessert?”
Warriors chuckled. “That was my thought process too. It boosted the spirits of everyone, myself included, gave us strength when we began to wane…”
“What an honourable thing to do,” Time said, and Warriors smiled. “Now, I believe we have one more dish—Four?”
No dish lay before Four, and he looked away shyly. When Time followed his gaze, he saw an odd little structure resting on his kitchen counter. “My dessert isn’t for us to eat,” Four said, and then quickly hushed complaints. “No, let me explain. Back home, we have a special tradition where we bake gingerbread and create little houses from it. We leave these houses out in the living room for the Minish, and come morning, the house has been eaten.”
“What’s the point of that?” Legend asked, earning a glare from Four.
“Let me finish.” With a roll of his eyes, Legend waved for him to do so. “The Minish always help us out, planting rupees and kinstones in the grass. In turn, we give them this. And sometimes, if they enjoy the meal enough, they leave us little presents to find come morning.”
“That sounds like a wonderful tradition,” Time said, and he meant it. “Let us hope our luck is high tonight. If not… it’s still kind to do something for others and expect nothing in return.”
Four dipped his head. “That’s the idea. We don’t do it for the presents, although they’re always interesting. It’s our our way of telling the Minish we appreciate them even when most folks can’t see them any longer.”
“We can set it out on the table after dinner,” Malon promised, her eyes shimmering at the idea. She had always loved giving back; it was part of why she and Time took care fo replenish their sugar water every day. If Navi returned, then that came as a bonus, but looking after fairies when they did so much for him felt right, and the two of them would continue to do so until they no longer could.
“Well, everyone. What do you say we dig in?” Time’s words were met with cheers and the screeching of chairs as everyone stood, rushing to grab their meal. Time met Malon’s eyes, smiled and squeezed her hand around his own.
Hours later, after everyone had eaten their fill and sung and danced until feet and throats were sore, after everyone had drifted off with warmth in their hearts and smiles on their faces, little Minish ventured out from the rafters, sliding down strings of lights or clambering their way down on bookshelves and chimneys. They delightedly raced over to Four’s little gingerbread house, tearing chunks out and humming in appreciation. Come morning, little gifts had been left all around the house in turn to surprise each of the Heroes. And on the table, only a few crumbs remained.
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valealunii · 3 months ago
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POV night and fog set over the village
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 4 months ago
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Starry winter sky over the Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine. X
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lunarlotuscove · 4 months ago
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I just love when I catch birds mid-hop/leap Don't get me wrong. I love some good open Wing pictures but it's just so funny to see when looking back at pictures,
Tuesday, December 3rd 2024 8:56am
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yourlocal-therian · 9 months ago
Hihi! I keep seeing your bat moodboards and would love to request one. May I please get an eastern red bat moodboard with themes of the night sky and Victorian architecture! Thank you if you do this!
- @batsbolts-andfangs (this is my main blog!)
Ofc :3
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I've done this one before but without the night sky, btw!
but I'm happy to do it again :3
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bluwus-art · 13 days ago
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Stamp styled sticker collection of my spring outfit designs over the years.
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