#easily easily the prettiest Ajax shard. so easily
queenofnohr · 2 years
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Arvelle so sweet and so soft……. At least until he becomes an Ascian 😈
Aias’ 12th shard who could’ve had it all, but alas…… pesky human yearning does have a way of interfering 👁
Another bust commission I got from @herukas (twitter profile)
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queenofnohr · 2 years
ive only seen some of your ocs names mentioned in tags so how about 2 for all of them? to get a feel for them. and since you’ve been posting about soap, maybe 6? or is it illegal to know what you’ve got cooking
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay okay. It's not illegal, don’t worry, buuuuuuuuuuuut.......... I don’t wanna speak on them just in case I change my mind >~<
as for #2 - I'll answer for all the Ajax shards, but lmk if you wanted the Asha/Moros shards and I'll harass Asha's player for that info haha!!! :D
2. What do strangers notice about them first?
Aias - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. If he has his shirt off, definitely his tits. Not even in a sexual way, necessarily, they're just so. Big. It's hard not to notice, yaknow? If he has his shirt on, though...... probably the way his horns/scales are that pure pure white since they're almost glowing, almost like they were carved from bits of the moon.
Ajax - So I hc that hair is probably important for Ancients, and probably the first thing people look at? Since clothing is standardized and masks usually cover the face. It seems Ancients have lots of freedom when it comes to hair! Since that's kind of an all-encompassing answer, I'll tell you what people usually assume when seeing his hair. I've never drawn him before and he's impossible to make in xiv's character creator, but his hair is verrrrryyyyyyy long and verrrrrry red with a sorta orangey-gold gradient at the ends. I think people would assume right away that he's kinda pompous and showboat-y, and they'd be right (at least about the latter)
Cessair - Definitely how big he is. He's a hume, but he's basketball player height (actually a little taller than most even then at 6'10") and very stocky. People usually think he must have some Galdjent blood in him or that they wouldn't be surprised if he was a werewolf or something LOL
Arvelle - His face. He's easily the prettiest of the Ajax shards. Yes, I'm including Miserere Mei in that. But honestly, he's just sorta...... stupidly pretty. And people notice that first LMAOOOOO
Doloroso - Honestly his huge fuckoff Edward Scissorhands claws should probably be first, but I really think it's his constantly weeping black void mud. This is simply based on the fact that I feel like most people might not even comprehend that the claws are a part of him, but they'd definitely notice the muddy tears running down the deathly pallor of his face 😭😭😭
Miserere Mei - This is tough actually LOL. From the front, probably his eyes. They're yellow with a red limbal ring and he has the meanest fucking look in his eyes. From the back it's definitely his tail. I haven't fully settled on a design yet, but it's going to resemble a centipede or isopod or somesuch....... complete with legs that scuttle out of his control :)
Bija - The tattoos on his face, definitely, and his gold gold eyes that match said tattoos.
Hyacinthe - Well, she paints her face in the blood she remembers splattering on her face both when her village was slaughtered and when she was the one doing the slaughtering for revenge, so....... probably that LOL.
Kouyou - This one is also hard because as a kitsune, Kouyou is a shapeshifter....... I suppose, hmmmmm. His fox-like grin. And soon after his big fangsies. There's something about him where you'd wanna keep your eyes on his mouth, I think. As if you could catch his lies by watching it.
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