Greetings Readers! Below is a collection of "Inspiringly-fun gobbledygooks from random sources!" They aren't exactly gobbledygooks as you can see, but they are words that evoked images in my mind, that keeps my imagination alive, and they are words that turns me on. There'd be also picture breaks in between from the many words. Thanks for dropping by!I hope you liked it here. =)
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“Don’t just steal the style, steal the thinking behind the style. You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes.”
- Austin Kleon
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Even here, you are growing. When November has arrived and you feel a little restless thinking about how this month might end and how this year might end and how you are supposed to start again, you are growing, you are growing, in grace courage strength. And it is okay if it does not feel like it. It is okay if there are moments where you cannot see the way you have grown, because far beneath the surface the seeds have still been sown. The ground beneath your feet is still a bed for new beginnings. So much is changing around you but you are changing, too. You are so much more than the brokenness that you were certain would define you. Let October be October. Let November be November. And let yourself just be even in the uncertainty. You don’t have to fix everything. You don’t have solve everything. And you can still find peace and grow in the wild of changing things.
Morgan Harper Nichols
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.gobbledygooks. turned 10 today!
wow, a decade passed just like that. :o
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Alondra de la Parra Alondra de la Parra (born October 31, 1980) is a Mexican American conductor and the current Music Director of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, the first female principal conductor of an Australian symphony orchestra. De la Parra is also an official Cultural Ambassador of Mexico.
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“I’m learning to make decisions that glorify God instead of please people.”
— Marc Phun (via marcphun)
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“I pick peace over chaos. I value my wellbeing. Sometimes walking away is self love.”
Affirmation of the day.
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