sasikamatthews · 8 months
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VICTORIA PEDRETTI as Love Quinn in YOU | 4.09 “She’s Not There” 
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
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"You would think that, you cocky fuck—" Sasika replies cooly, as she breaks her gaze from him to analyse his next move. The competitive streak has never quite left her, even when it came to something as stupid as oversized garden games at a town festival. It was harmless fun, and yet, she still felt like there was something to lose.
Taking a step around the board, looking between his pieces and hers. It might be hard to believe she actually had no ideas of the rules. Her thinking face could rival Auguste Rodin's prize sculpture. "I've seen the Queen's Gambit, you know. I've got moves you ain't never seen," she playfully danced around his king before picking up a pawn and moving it a space over. There was little rhyme or reason behind her move, but she was hoping Atlas would be fooled into believing there was. "One move closer to total domination," she boasted, stepping off the board.
( @atlasnolan )
open for: @starteroaks
where: @ the giant board games, dealer's choice what game they're playing!
"I think I've got this in the bag," Atlas says with a little too much confidence for someone who doesn't have his next move figured out -- nothing new there. He leans down slightly, peering closely at the board as if trying to invoke some sort of clairvoyant vision for where they would move next so he could best it.
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"Your go."
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
"That is the fundamental understanding of friendship bracelets, yes—" her head gave a small nod. Sasika was currently weighing up how nimble her fingers were and whether or not the small beads that would eventually go flying and the temper tantrum that would soon follow were worth the final product.
Likely not.
"But I've also never made one before, so maybe there's some hidden agenda behind them. Like pineapples on cruise ships."
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( @enigms )
open  starter  for  :  anyone  @starteroaks setting  :  friendship  bracelet  making  booth
❝  i'm  gonna  be  honest  with  you  ,  ❞  archie  spoke  to  the  person  next  to  him  ,  arms  crossed  across  his  chest  .  ❝  i've  never  made  a  friendship  bracelet  before  .  is  that  like  a  normal  thing  here  or  is  it  actually  a  thing  everywhere  else  in  the  world  and  i'm  the  only  one  who  don't  know  about  it  ?  ❞  he  knew  he  hadn't  been  here  very  long  ,  so  there  could  be  a  possibility  that  this  was  just  a  local  thing  he  might  not  be  aware  of  until  now  ——  archie  found  it  fascinating  nevertheless  ,  he  wouldn't  be  opposed  to  making  one  now  that  he's  already  here  .  ❝  say  ,  if  i  make  one  for  you  ,  you're  supposed  to  make  one  for  me  too  ,  right  ?  ❞
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
Sasika was fidgety at the best of times and there was always something about standing in line that made her feel like rat in a maze. Tapping her foot on the ground, her body movements changing every few seconds as her frustration grew. From hands in pockets to folded arms, her sighs became more dramatic with each passing minute. If this line was moving any slower, they'd be going in reverse.
Upon hearing someone speak to her, Sasika's eyes diverted their gaze from the backs of people's heads to the brunette next to her. "And it's worth the wait?" Sasika asks, eyebrows raising. "I'm not sure any beverage is worth dying of old age before you get it, think I missed a birthday somewhere along here." The kiwi paused for a moment before adding. "Unless it's got booze in it... Does it have booze in it?" Her eyes were practically pleading.
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( @lennonleigh )
open starter to: all ! ( @starteroaks ) location: winter falls festival, gravi-tea booth.
after missing out on the first two days of the festival due to a tight work deadline, lennon made sure to keep the whole of sunday free. no calls, no emails, no phone. as much as it was a struggle for her, she knew that days of rest were equally as important as days on the grind. with a cotton candy in hand, she indulges happily in the sweet treat, walking contentedly around the market stalls, taking in the sights. finding herself returning to the gravi-tea booth, she decides to strike up some polite conversation. ❛ you know, if you're needing a recommendation, i'd for sure go with the iced apple, chai cinnamon. ❜ lennon held up her cup to the person next in line, showing them that it was nearly empty. ❛ i'm actually queuing for my second, it's that good. ❜
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
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character name: sasika greene matthews
nickname(s): sassy, sask, kia
age & dob: march 13th, 1996 (27 years old)
zodiac: pisces ☀ capricorn ☾  gemini ↑
gender identity & pronouns: female, she/her
hometown: christchurch, new zealand
sexual orientation: bisexual
relationship status: legally married (spiritually single)
residential area: celestial drive
occupation: server at titan server at titan restaurant & grill
length of time in starlight oaks: six months
positive traits: adventurous, outgoing, adaptable
negative traits: flaky, meddlesome, undisciplined
faceclaim: victoria pedretti
mother: noelle matthews (nee fredericks)
father: simon matthews.
siblings: none
significant relationships: husband (wc)
children: none
pets: black stray cat she found out in the alley behind titan, pippa.
Born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand - by the time Sasika was sixteen, she knew exactly what her life was going to look like. Being an only child, Sasika was the example. Her father, a law professor and her mother, a psychiatric nurse, it was always so casual how they pressured their only daughter to succeed. First, it was academics, then it was extracurricular activities. All of which would help get Sasika into a good university, her parents alma mater and where they met. In her youth, Sasika did ballet, competitive swimming, violin and chess. She was moulded to be the shining star of the Matthews family and it wasn’t until high school that realised that there was more to life than what her parents had set out for her.
Not even the private school her parents paid for could shield Sasika from the bad influences that awaited her. Outside of the pressure of her family, she could finally breathe and be herself, whoever that was. She held a passion for art, an avenue her parents had decided was a waste and perhaps that’s what drew her to it. During this time, she began pulling the leash. Experimenting with friends and staying out late, resenting her parents for making her feel sheltered until now. As she graduated high school, she had no idea what she wanted to do in her future. The overwhelming feeling of life unfolding before her and she had no plan at all, despite all the paths laid down before.
There was little doubt that she would go to university, however, what wasn’t clear was what she would do there. Her mother encouraged medicine to follow in her footsteps and her father favoured something more academic than scientific. But nothing called to Sasika other than being in the spotlight. Eventually, she settled on a business degree as job security seemed like something important to think about. And it was here that she met the man who would become her future husband. They’d met at a university party and Sasika was completely smitten from the moment they met. A whirlwind romance that swept her off her feet. And when he proposed to her after only a year of dating, she found herself saying yes despite the seed of doubt inside her mind. But was she ready to settle down and be someone’s wife at 21? He was ready to settle down and build a life but she had barely lived at all. Suddenly, there was some voice inside her that told her to run, the feeling of being trapped overcoming her. Her parents never said she was too young or to go experience life, they were just happy to see their daughter settled, taken care of, stable after their rough years in her teenagedom. But there was an itch that needed to be scratched.
After a disastrous fight in their first year of marriage, Sasika decided to leave - never looking back. While some people might drive back to their parents house after ending a marriage, Sasika headed to the airport instead with her bags in tow. She booked the first flight out and decided she needed to see the world, live a life where there were no expectations. With little money to her name, she backpacked throughout Australia, Asia and most of Europe. Eventually, she travelled through America and decided that she’d stay but never in one place for too long.
Getting by on odd jobs and couch surfing meant that she was able to keep travelling for most of her twenties, avoiding the issues that plagued her from town to town. With an expiring work visa, Sasika decided maybe it was time to put down some roots if she was actually planning to stay here. Time seemed to fly by when she settled into Starlight Oaks, she’d barely thought about leaving. Not just yet anyway.
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
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sasikamatthews · 8 months
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― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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