#easiest way to sweep him off his feet is to go with him to watch pretty lights
placesyoucallhome · 9 months
So are any of your characters partial to one season or another? Do they just like the vibe of the season or is there something that happens during that time that they just enjoy? Like sweeter fruits in like Spring or how the ocean seems perfect in Summer? Perhaps how cinnamon becomes more apparent in Fall? Or just a nice cup of cocoa making the Winter time manageable? Stuff like that or maybe something else?
hello anon!
Most have favorites, honestly?
Ruhka, obviously, prefers summer, especially mid to late summer when it's hot and bright and he can lay out in the heat for long hours. He should have maybe been born a lizard, really. And the end of the season, the fireworks and Moonfire Faire, are peak excitement for him.
Nemo likes fall, it still doesn't get too cool in La Noscea like it did in the Shroud, but he has memories of the leaves turning and sweater weather. He'll still get hot cider and spiced baked goods though.
Corbeau was always a fan of winter, even before Coerthas froze over, though he'll admit it's a little much now. He liked the pristine white snow and having an excuse to stay in by the fire.
Perhaps surprisingly, Yvet prefers spring and early summer, or really whenever wildflowers bloom. Things coming back to life, the bright colors of flowered meadows, like the feeling of a weight being lifted off the star. He was even taught how to make flower crowns by some moonkeepers, not that he's put it to much use lately.
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WIP Wednesday, From my Upcoming FE Awakening Fanfic (Chrom/F!OC)
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Hello everyone! I haven't done one of these in a while, but I wanted to share something I've got cooking behind the scene. This is part of a chapter for an upcoming fic, tentatively titled I Find My Faith in You.
The fic is centered around the relationship of Chrom and a non-Robin OC named Meri, whose a manakete. (But is initially pretending to be human in this current scene where she first meets Chrom.) While things start off with Meri being a bit skeptical of Chrom, they will eventually develop a romantic relationship. The story starts a year prior to Awakening, but eventually catches up to the start of the game and goes from there.
The monsterfucker in me thinks it would be very cool if Chrom could have a dragon wife and Lucina could be a manakete.
Warnings: Blood, Violence
Word Count: 1,535
She could hear the screaming outside more clearly now. The scent of smoke was in the air, and not the pleasant kind. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind now, examining the corpse of the man who tried to break into her shop.
  This was a bandit raid. And the realization turned her blood to ice.
  “Daw,” Meri’s voice was sharp, “I need you to get someone safe. Is there a place you can go?”
  Daw got shakily to his feet, his gaze snapping to hers in attempt to avoid the gruesome scene on the floor.
  “I think so. The church maybe, it’s more fortified than the other buildings in the village, yeah? I think if I can make it there, I should be relatively safe. I suspect some other folks will think the same. There’s also Old Marsden’s cellar, I suppose-”
  “Make your way to whichever is easiest for you. Try not to be seen,” Meri cut him off as she stood abruptly. “I’ll come look for you later.”
  Daw’s eyes widened, “Wait, Miss Meri, what about you? Don’t tell me you’re going out there to fight them!”
  She once again swept the spell tome into her arms, carrying it with her as she made her way to the window, studying the best place to cross through while avoiding the jagged shards of glass that still clung to the frame. She spotted a gap, and hopped through.
  “I know how to fight, should I have to. And right now, we’re under attack. I think that more than qualifies.”
  Meri attempted to take a steadying breath, to prevent herself from shaking with rage.
  This is my home. These people are my friends and neighbors. I will not cower and run as their lives are plundered, their possessions put to the torch. As they are tormented and put to the sword.
  No. I won’t allow it!
  “Miss Meri-”
  “Daw-” She hissed. Seeing his expression, she softened her tone, imploring him. “Please don’t argue with me. Go. I want my apprentice to be safe.”
  Daw hesitated for a moment. But then, he gave her a nod.
  “Aye, Miss.” After a brief pause, she heard him softly add something more. “Naga watch over you.”
  And then, he slunk back towards the back of the shop, no doubt planning to go through the back entrance. Good, thought Meri. He’ll be safer going that way.
  As for herself, she doubted Naga was watching over her. But Daw’s sentiment wasn’t lost on her. She would be careful.
Meri spotted a couple of men turning down the street, coming towards her. It didn’t take long for them to see her in kind. One drew a sword, while the other toyed with an axe.
  “Oi, you! Stay right where you are, little lady.”
  “We won’t hurt you are long as you’re willing to cooperate-”
  My intruder’s comrades. Meri flipped open her tome, quickly reciting a spell as she made a sweeping gesture, first to the left, and then the right.
  “Storm’s breath take you!”
  A strong gale buffeted the two bandits, blowing them apart and sending them into the hard stone of the buildings around them with a loud crack. One slumped down to the ground, the other just staggering back to his feet.
  “You little witch-”
  Meri didn’t let him finish, quickly loosing another gust on him that knocked him into the wall once more. Then he, too, slumped to the ground in a heap like his fellow.
  Good riddance. Now, I just need to-
  “Behind you!”
  “Huh!?” Meri nearly jumped as she whirled around at the sound of someone’s voice. But before she could identify it, another bandit was practically on top of her. He swung down with on her with a hammer, giving her barely any time to react. Meri attempted to leap from the arc of the hammer’s path, and while she managed to dodge, it came at the price of losing her footing. She fell down on her back, letting on an involuntary yelp.
  “Now I’ve got you!” The bandit attempted to wind up his attack again. “Now make this easier on me, darling, and hold still…”
  Certainly not who she heard before.
  Shit! Move! Move!
  The hammer started to come down. But then the arc was interrupted by the flash of blue and white. Meri heard metal grinding against metal. It took her a second to process it, but then she realized someone had shielded her from the attack and was now engaging her would be assailant. Meri looked up to see a fluttering white cape, a head of deep blue hair, the blade of a sword.
  “You won’t be laying on hand on her,” said the stranger. It was him she heard before, she realized.
  Meri struggled to her feet, scrambling out from behind her protector to try and take a shot to disable his opponent.
  She hurled another wind spell, the rush of air knocking the bandit off balance and breaking the standoff. The opening was clear, and her rescuer took it, cutting him down. The bandit crumpled to the ground, a pool of blood beginning to gather underneath him.
  And that was the last of them. At least where she was. She could still hear the cacophony of terror elsewhere, and the smoke was easier to spot as the sun was rising higher in the sky. It wasn’t over yet.
  Even so, Meri closed her eyes briefly, letting out a sigh of relief. That was too close for her liking. She was supposed to be attempting caution.
  “You alright?”
  “I’m fine,” she responded automatically to the query, “Thank you, I would have been in serious trouble if you hadn’t come along.” Her eyes blinked open, and when she got a look at the stranger who had come to her aide, she was caught off guard.
  Now that she saw him from the front, the first thing that grabbed her attention were his clothes. It was clear from the quality of the material and patterning that the man in front of her was a noble of some kind. But the asymmetric design of his garments and the lack of a sleeve on one sie had her a bit… puzzled.
  Then again, it wasn’t like she kept up with the fashion trends of the upper crust anywhere she went.
  “It’s no trouble,” said the nobleman. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
  The next thing she noticed was that he had a kind face. A rather handsome face too, she supposed, but the fact his expression was so disarming to her was what really drew her attention. She’d met very few people who could have that kind of effect on a person, let alone her.
  She felt her inner defenses start to gear up. She had a general distrust of nobility. But, anyone with that kind of charm in her experience was someone to be wary of.
  But he had helped her. For now, he was an ally. Someone she could trust at least circumstantially.
  “It hurt a bit when I fell over but I’m no worse for wear,” she answered, “I don’t believe we’ve met. May I ask your name?”
  “Good.” The nobleman seemed assured enough by her answer, although he still held some compassionate concern in his gaze. But then he blinked, as though just realizing she asked him a question. “Chrom. I’m Captain of the Shepherds. We were patrolling through this area when someone from the village ran to us calling for help.”
  Meri subconsciously raised an eyebrow at the introduction. He looks rather young to be a captain. Then again, if he’s a noble… “The Shepherds? You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve lived here for quite a while but I’ve never heard of them before. Are they some sort of special guard or military unit?”
  “We’re more of a militia of sorts. We travel Ylisse rendering aide where we can.” Chrom’s gaze shifted towards the pillars of smoke. “I’m sorry, but I need to move.”
  Alright, here’s the part where he tells me to go find somewhere safe to hide while he runs off to go save the day. She would preempt him on that. “I can handle myself in a fight. If we work together we can cover each other and work to quell these bandits. What say you?”
  She gave him an anticipatory look, expecting him to reject the idea. But, that isn’t what happened.
  “You don’t need to convince me you’re a capable mage. I saw you take care of those two bandits earlier before, and you recovered quickly and managed to help me with the one who tried to attack you,” said Chrom. “We’ll gladly take the help. But stay close. It’s dangerous for someone like you to fight in close quarters.”
  Meri took a moment to process the answer, having been thrown off her script. But she quickly regained her bearings, and nodded. “Of course. I’ll follow behind.”
  “Let’s go, then-” Chrom paused. “Er. You’ll have to forgive me, I never asked your name.”
  “It’s Meri, Captain,” she replied. “I’m the apothecary in these parts. I’m sure we’ll have time for pleasantries later.”
  “Meri. Alright. Come then.”
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Meeting and Dating Ahkmenrah
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This movie was my childhood. Brings back so many good memories ...and crushes.)
- You’d worked at quite a few museums in your day but none of them were quite like the Museum of Natural History; a fact you’d be made aware of very suddenly and without warning.
- You were somewhat new to the building, hired to do work on the exhibits since you were skilled in restoration and design. You weren’t a night worker, at least you weren’t supposed to be, but you’d accidentally dropped something as you were leaving your office and were forced to stay late to clean it up.
- After a few moments of sweeping, you’d heard a commotion upstairs and as you went to leave the museum; and investigate, you’d walked straight into the beautiful chaos of a night at the museum.
- Let’s just say that Larry had a lot to explain, all of which you took surprisingly well; though you didn’t have much of a choice now did you?
- Ahkmenrah spotted you from across the museum and watched as you made your way around the new magical world, staring at every person and thing in awe. He spied on you throughout the night and found that when he’d finally thought it appropriate to approach you, the sun was already beginning to rise.
- So the next day, he asks Larry about you, pretending as though he’s asking for no reason at all. Larry knowingly offers to introduce the two of you and the mummy drops the act, eagerly accepting.
“I’d like that very much, yes.”
- Larry approaches you with the sparkling pharaoh and is soon called away by someone else, leaving the two of you alone to speak. Ahkmenrah motions over to a bench nearby, commenting that it “must be a lot to get used to” as you both take a seat. You laugh in agreement and before you know it, the two of you are engaged in a conversation.
- Ahkmenrah’s sweet, he’s charming, he’s handsome, and he’s quite enamored with you; though you don’t know that just yet.
- Soon enough, it’s time for the sun to rise and he takes notice, begrudgingly standing and admitting that he “must say goodbye”. You respond with a somewhat disappointed goodbye yourself, watching as he begins to walk away before he turns and says “I should like to see you tomorrow ...to continue our conversation” to which you happily agree.
- The two of you become close fairly quickly. Anytime he spots you in a room, he makes a beeline towards you; both because he really likes you and because he’s somewhat awkward himself.
- He always likes being there for you, considering you’re new and not used to all that history coming to life stuff. He takes pride in being your guide and sort of likes the feeling of you depending on him a bit.
- Your “friendship” takes an obvious romantic turn, particularly; and outwardly, on his side; I say “friendship” because it was probably somewhat obvious from that he liked you more than that even from the beginning.
- He compliments you, oftentimes earnestly and quietly calling you beautiful, uses any excuse to touch you and your clothes, etc. He awes you with talks of Egypt and sweeps you off your feet quite easily. It’s really only a matter of time before the two of you get together.
- That “time” comes one day as you’re both sitting all alone. The room is dark and warmly lit and you’re sitting so close that his knees are touching yours. His hands hold yours as he speaks quietly to you and your face is leaned in close so that you can hear him.
- And then it just happens, your faces close in and you kiss, his grasp tightening around your hands.
- You’re interrupted by one of the others, most likely Larry who quickly apologizes and mentions something about the sun coming up before leaving the two of you be. Ahkmenrah turns back to you, saying something along the lines of “so we must once again say goodbye” with a small smile.
“It would appear so.” You respond, though you’re hesitant to move from your place. But alas, the sun has to rise and you have to go home.
“Tomorrow then,” He smiles at you, giving your hand one last squeeze. “...My queen.”
- You leave that morning, eager for the daylight to go and for you to be reunited with your newfound lover once more.
- Ahkmenrahs from ancient Egypt so I’m sure he isn’t particularly accustomed to “normal” Pda. That being said, he is somewhat dorky and practically has an entire hall to himself so he either just gives you innocent pda or the two of you go to his exhibit; and not have to worry about anyone seeing you.
- He’s been locked up in a sarcophagus for about fifty years; or more, so he’s arguably a bit touch starved. He’s always trying to touch you in some way and absolutely loves it whenever you touch him.
- He likes holding both your hands in his, occasionally bringing one of them to his lips. He just likes touching your hands in general if we’re being honest.
- Gentle caresses. He’s in love, leave him alone.
- Forehead and cheek kisses. He likes prolonging the amount of time his lips spend on your skin; a normal prolonged amount of time of course.
- Long, soft kisses.
- Loving makeout sessions. His hands roam your back and pull you in as close as they can whenever you have one.
- He likes laying between your legs and/or resting his head in your lap.
- Cuddling with your arms wrapped around each other and your head resting against his shoulder. He likes laying and talking with you, playing with the fingers that lay on his chest.
- Having his robes draped over and around you.
- He likes having you with him at all times, both because he’s protective of you and because he can’t bear to be away from you for more than a few hours.
- You’ll usually hang back and cling to his arm whenever you’re standing together. He likes feeling your presence at his side and the light grip you have on him.
- A bit clingy. He only gets to see you at night and has been alone for quite some time, of course he’s gonna want to be around you as much as possible.
- He always gets somewhat flustered when you give him gifts; particularly sweet things like flowers. You would have sworn you’d given him your underwear with the way he smiles and blushes in response.
- Ahkmenrah was the favorite son so he was a bit spoiled as a child. That being said, he’s surprisingly humble and sweet for a pharaoh that was given the best of everything.
- He’s probably teared up a little because of you at some point, whether it be your actions or just the fact that you’re there with him. He can get a bit emotional at times.
- Dancing together. We all saw how beautifully that man can move.
- Sneaking him out every once in a while. He really likes your apartment; even if you’re sort of embarrassed because he’s a literal pharaoh and lived in a temple when he was alive.
- Movie dates. They’re the easiest thing to do with him and he’s missed out on pretty much all of them so he’s got a lot of catching up to do.
- Listening to music together.
- Considering his time at Cambridge and just the way he is, he may or may not wax poetic about or at you on occasion. He gets a little embarrassed when he realizes that he’s doing it but it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard/seen.
- Compliments and lots of them; usually paired with a term of endearment.
- He uses a lot of pet names on you, usually somewhat old fashioned ones. My dear, my sun, my queen, etc.
- He’s the cutest when posing for photos. He tries to look all regal in the beginning but it quickly dissolves into the adorable dorkiness that you know so well.
- The boy is lovestruck. He could sit and watch you do nothing with this look of unwavering love on his face for hours. Need to do some work? Thats totally fine. He’ll just sit there and love you.
- Please let him braid your hair. There’s just something that’s so relaxing and sweet about it to him.
- He has a hard time saying no to you. You’re his queen after all, you should have everything you could ever dream of; and he’s just too sweet to deny nearly anyone.
- Polite and respectful, Ahkmenrah is a gentleman with incredibly good manners. You’ll never be disappointed in his behavior.
- Helping Larry and him take care of the museum and tablet.
- Teaching him about all he’s missed.
- Always having a translator. He certainly comes in handy when you’re traveling around the museum and run into some “hostile” exhibits.
- Getting quietly and excitedly told a bunch of stories. He’s always so adorably eager to tell you about his life; whether it be about Ancient Egypt or more present times.
- He wants to introduce you to his parents so badly; though he’s somewhat embarrassed by them. Maybe you’ll transfer to the London museum for a bit?
- Getting bragged about. He always makes you sound cooler than you really are, though in your case, that’s just how he sees you.
- Stopping him from making morbid comments; oftentimes at the wrong time, or just giving him a look. He’s got a sort of different view on what’s exactly an acceptable thing to say.
“Too dark?”
- Sharing looks and making comments to each other.
- He’s always so gentle and caring with you; especially when you’re hurt or upset. He prides himself on being by your side and taking care of you.
- He’s a fairly patient person; especially with you. I mean, he’s had to wait a lot more than a few years to be let out of his sarcophagus so one can assume that he’d be good at that sort of thing.
- He’s not a terribly jealous person. Arguably, if you choose to be in a difficult relationship with a mummy, then you obviously want that relationship, right? He’s loyal and he expects you to be as well; that’s how it was in his times.
- That being said: if someone shows interest in you then he’ll get a bit jealous; though he’ll save his real jealousy for when he gets to see how you respond to them and how they respond to him making it known that you’re together.
- The museum can certainly get a bit dangerous at times; and he can only be there for you when you’re there, so of course he’ll be protective of and worry about you. He looks out for you and tells you to be careful every time you’re saying goodbye.
- The two of you hardly ever fight or argue, you’re just compatible with each other; and you rarely have the time to do so anyway. Plus, your pharaoh doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and lives to please you, so why would he try to fight with you?
- If he’s somehow done something; which is highly unlikely, he’ll apologize the minute that he realizes he’s upset you or thinks that he has. He’ll give you space if you want or need it and welcomes you back with open arms when you’re ready.
- If you’ve upset him then he’ll do his best to give you the silent treatment and act professional with you; not quite cold but not loving like he usually is. He’ll do so until you apologize and he cracks, shyly accepting your apology and reverting back to his sweet self.
- Lots of I love yous. You’re his queen, what do you expect?
- Your relationship is certainly going to be a bit challenging, but the happiness and love you feel with each other is worth it.
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obae-me · 4 years
Tail Wagging Wing Flapping Fun
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This idea is thanks to @astaroth1357​ ! It’s a short guide on how to influence their demon forms to do something...embarrassingly cute. I write this fluff with no regrets. Enjoy. 
Sure, it might be a bit disconcerting at first getting used to the sight of humanoid creatures having unusual things like horns and wings and tails (oh my), but it comes with a benefit. While their words and demeanor might suggest otherwise, their demon forms might involuntarily reveal some of their hidden feelings--or not so hidden feelings. Your new mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out what sort of scenario sets off these uncontrollable actions. Let’s get some tails wagging and wings flapping, shall we?
Note: Difficulty ranges from 7 being the most difficult and 1 being the easiest.
Extra Note: Seems the brothers happened to come across this guide, hopefully they didn’t mess with it...
Difficulty: (7/7)
Hands down, this man is the hardest one to get a reaction out of seeing as he is always aware of how he is perceived, probably due to that prideful nature of his. Not to mention, he’s only ever in his demon form on rare occasions such as parties or political events. Or, most often, if he needs to use it for intimidation, and you’d rather not get a good look at his wings when he’s ready to obliterate someone or yourself for that matter. So, it goes without saying that this might take some planning or some timely good luck. Perhaps begging if you’re not above it. 
When to do it: Your best chance of success is to catch him when he’s either distracted, so sleep deprived he can’t even see straight, or just flat out drunk. If you choose the first option, chances are, once he’s back in his own head he’ll recall the event and make a mental note to never do it again. With the second, he’ll be at the point where he can no longer care as long as he can get his work done, but then there’s the more likely scenario where he’ll decide to kick you out entirely so he can focus. Lastly, if he’s drunk, not only will this be super effective, but he’ll cuddle you all night long. He might not even remember every embarrassing thing he did the following morning--which never happens, just for everyone’s information. Even in an intoxicated state, he’s in complete control with no embarrassing moments to speak of--Anyway, this is your best choice, but even then he only gets really drunk when he’s with Diavolo, not to mention refraining from coming home until the late...very late hours of the night when he knows no one will be awake to watch him stumble to his room. So, you’ll have to be diligent. Maybe take a nap. 
How to do it: You might think it would be praise, him being Pride and all, but Lucifer knows after so many years that words can often be hollow. Compliments and sugar-coated phrases are mostly used as a means of manipulation or getting something in return. Don’t get him wrong, he does like them, might even give you a slight smile and a pleased hum if you tell him how stunning he is, but he will know you probably expect something in exchange. So, for him, the best way to get his wings aflutter is to do something for him. Actions speak much louder than words and are much more precious to him, especially if you do so unprovoked. Make him some tea! Bring him food in bed! Dust his record collection! Sweep the floor in his study! The list can go on, it’s all up to you to decide what to do, but make sure he knows it's for him. He likes to be pampered--I mean, served. 
What happens: It will take him a moment to register. He’s not used to someone doing something for him so freely before. As a punishment, sure, but of your own volition? You did look expecting, no matter how hard you tried to hide it, but the only thing you were anticipating was his happiness and reaction, nothing else. The wings against his back have no choice but to twitch and shift, and he notices you eyeing them each time they move. As they fluttered, you beamed, and all he could do was roll his shoulders to try and keep the infernal things tucked against his back. The more you smiled, the more they were restless, feathers falling from their place as they twitched with emotion, threatening to wrap around you, to shield you, to envelop you, all like he was a hen protecting a baby chick. Depending on how weakened he is, or how much he cares for you, he might do more than just some shifting wings. He does his best to control himself, he really does, but the joy and warmth flooding his body from all his affection for you can make him do the unthinkable. His entire body will shutter, shaking and rattling him like a wet dog. His wings will jut out from his back, quivering in the air. When all is said and done, the black feathers coating his wings are extremely puffed up, a stunned and embarrassed expression hidden behind his new unruly and disheveled countenance. 
Difficulty: (1/7)
If Lucifer is the hardest, Mammon rolls in as the easiest to get a reaction from. He’s very expressive in everything he does, and his demon form doesn’t change that. If it’s not gambling, he has no desire to keep himself under control, and he’s very much an ‘actions now, thinking later’ type of demon. In fact, when you’re around it nearly ends up worsening, he ends up being so flustered and distracted he’s usually unaware of the things he does or says, which gets him in a lot of trouble. However, because of this, it’s so easy to get him to do all the cute things you want. 
When to do it: Honestly, it does not matter. The only things required are himself and you in the same place, and the two of you are already basically attached at the hip. Truth be told, you don’t even need to be near him to get him sheepish, but that’s a secret he tries to keep to himself. You two could be alone in your bedroom, out for a walk in the garden, in Diavolo’s castle, even in the back parking lot of a cheap run-down restaurant. It is not important to him. As long as he has you, anywhere is a party. Public? Private? No matter. Either way his brothers will find out and tease him about it. Getting him in demon form isn’t an issue either. He’ll transform at the drop of a hat if you asked him too. 
How to do it: Much like Lucifer, the most obvious answer is incorrect. You can buy Mammon all the stuff in the world, but his Greed will still want more. Besides, that’s all anyone expects him to enjoy anyway. Everyone thinks just giving him money or gifts will make everything better, but he’s more complex than that! Well, it kinda does make him feel happier, but--oi, that’s not the point, we’re supposed to be gettin’ deep here!--What will really make him melt for you is compliments. This demon loves to be praised, because it doesn’t happen often. Why? Cus he’ll get a big head about it, but that’s Lucifer’s problem, not yours. Tell him how proud you are of him. Let him know how handsome he looks. Assure him you know he’s smart, and how much you look up to him. Tell him how grateful you are that he’s your ‘first’. It’ll get to him instantly and fuel his self esteem for weeks. 
What happens: The skin stretched over his wings will contract, causing his wings to fold into themselves only to burst open again. It’s this strange sort of flapping motion that reminds you of an umbrella opening and closing. Mammon won’t even notice, not until you gush over it. After that, he’ll be so flustered by his involuntary movements that he’ll try to chase his own wings, circling around on his feet while cursing. He’ll do his best to keep them hidden from you behind his back, but you can still hear the fluttering. Pretending like he didn’t hear you, he’ll attempt to get you to repeat what you said. This is your chance to take things to the second stage. If you bombard him with enough sweet words, he’ll have no choice but to bounce from foot to foot, shifting the weight on his feet as joy floods his body. The wings attached to his back will then waggle up and down, waving themselves in the air. You’ll be permitted to watch this for a while before realization dawns on him and he goes back to manhandling his blasted demon form. At one point he managed to grab one of them with his mouth and growled even. You have it on video. 
Difficulty: (2/7)
The second easiest. Just above Mammon in difficulty due to the fact that he’s in his room all the time and does his best to get himself out of humiliating situations. However, he’s truly an open book, and an emotional one at that, which is why he and Mammon tend to butt heads so often. They’re more alike than either of them will ever admit--w-which is not at all! How anyone could--could see similarities between Levi-chan and stupidmammon is ridiculous!--Similar or not, you could simply look in Levi’s direction and he would blush, and so of course when he’s in his demon form, there will be no hiding his emotions there either. 
When to do it: It will have to be in his room, it’s his safe space and so he’ll be more open to expressing himself when he’s in his sanctuary. There’s no real way around this. It will have to be a good day, so try to prepare by keeping his meddlesome brothers away. Keep an eye on how much internet they’re all using, and then try to monitor them so they’ll use less, making Levi’s loading times effortless. Let Levi know in advance that you want to hang out, that way he can get his mental state in check! This should be good enough to influence a happy tail-wagging Levi for when he permits you to enter his room. 
How to do it: Safety and comfort are the name of the game. Let him do whatever he wants and don’t make fun of him for it. It’s hard for him to be passionate about the things he truly enjoys without his brothers picking it apart or ruining it altogether. Let him speak. Be patient with him as he tries to string together a coherent plot with fragmented statements like “Oh, but there was also when-”, or “Oh, and how could I forget this happened! I’ll need to go back a bit!” If he ever says sorry, assure him there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t necessarily have to be interested in the things he likes, but if you listen to him and let him feel safe enough to be vulnerable, you’ll have him in the palm of your hand. 
What happens: It will happen the longer he rambles. His tail will start to slowly sway across the floor, the gentle sheer sound of smooth scales brushing across smooth tile. The more he feels safe around you, the more traction the tail will get, happily snaking back and forth as the glint of light off his scales reflect back on the ceiling. Of course, you can’t help but stare, which he notices. He’ll grab his tail in his arms, preventing it from moving as best as he could while being a mortified mess. Although you can still see the tip of it twitching, rattling, and quivering. If you comfort him in knowing you aren’t there to make fun of him, that you think it’s actually sweet and cute he feels that protected around you, he’ll let his tail drop to the floor. Only because his hands are now being used to cover his blushing face. The pounding in his chest is drowned out by the intense thumping of his tail against the floor. At one point you managed to pet it and could’ve sworn you saw Levi’s tongue dart out of his mouth, but Levi denies it ever happened. 
Difficulty: (6/7)
Right under Lucifer as the second most difficult to provoke a physical reaction from. He’s spent millennia doing his best to keep his wrath under control, so controlling other emotions is even easier for him. Although, he’s second in difficulty only because he doesn’t care as much for appearances as Lucifer does. I mean, if his attire is anything to prove--I mean, of course Satan is the bigger man in this aspect, truly. It’s foolish to be so caught up in how you look to other people. He’s not that vain, so if anything, he’s better than his brother. Your main worry is being able to see these emotions in his demon form. Demon form usually equals violence in Satan’s case. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that. 
When to do it: Make sure it’s a day he’s calm, obviously. Ideally, you’ll both be in a quiet place like his room or the library. If you can, make sure it’s a day where there are no distractions and no noise, which in the House of Lamentation unfortunately only comes by once every century. So, if that means paying Mammon to go on a little shopping spree, making Asmo go with him since coincidently he’s run out of his favorite perfume that you totally didn't use for this excuse, informing Beel that there’s a special going on today of his favorite snacks, bribing Belphie to go along since he’s about to get the show of a lifetime, and then ‘accidently’ letting Lucifer know Mammon stole his credit card, well then, that’s what you’re going to have to do to get some peace (sorry Mammon). Just pulling that off alone will get you some extra brownie points with Satan. 
How to do it: Be inquisitive! Ask him about anything, and it’s likely he’ll know the answer. In fact, he’s almost amused when you treat it like a game, quizzing him about any obscure and specific topic and seeing what he knows of it. If there happens to be something the two of you are unsure of, he’ll find the book and you’ll both learn together. In return, he’ll have you talk about the human world, about cultures, about topics you’re interested in. Asking questions is your ticket into getting him into demon form as well. If you simply tell him you’re dying to get a closer look at demon features because you’re so fascinated, he’ll be inclined to transform for you. Satan encourages and rewards curiosity. Of course he knows your plan already, but all your efforts just because you were eager to note how his demon form would react? Well, he’s willing to give in just to observe your feedback as well. It’s also worth noting that bringing up Lucifer in the conversation will immediately ruin your plans. Satan wants to feel special, so give him your full attention!   
What happens: You had to first coax the tail he so often kept wrapped around his leg to come loose. Once it did, it enjoyed flicking itself back and forth every so often when he was amused, the end curling up and down when you said something particularly enjoyable. They were small simple gestures, but you wondered if you could draw out more. You threw out a sudden ‘psst psst psst’ like one might do to a cat. His tail shot up straight in the air before he glared at you, albeit with a slight smirk. With a new playful expression on his face, his tail whipped back and forth harder, sharper, convincing you that he might pounce were you not careful. Although, he still seems very aware of his movements, which defeated the purpose of the involuntary aspect. So, acting like there was something on his face, you stepped over. You struck by scratching the underside of his chin. His entire tail quivered, trembling, the bony skeleton-like structure of his tail rattled. Pushing you away, he’ll marvel at his own demon form which seemed to have a new mind of its own. It tucked itself between his legs for a few seconds after the initial embarrassment, then continued to shiver and shake anytime he looked at you. This is exactly why he keeps it wrapped around his leg in the first place. 
Difficulty: (4/7) 
Amso is another expressive individual, in fact almost more so than Mammon. However, Asmo is a master of the body, and is absolutely aware of how he moves and acts in front of other people. Every movement he makes is completely intentional, it adds to his charm, to his popularity. Every eye flutter, every finger curl, it’s all purposeful. He can’t accidently slip up in his body language! Who do you think he is? He can’t afford to do anything embarrassing, it’ll ruin his reputation. However if you get him alone--not like that, this is a wholesome guide--he might not have to worry about his image so much. 
When to do it: This part isn’t hard, just tell him you want to spend time with him, in private. After thoroughly getting it across to him that, no, it’s not as dirty as he’s making it out to be, he’ll still be happy to squirrel you away for himself. His brothers are running you ragged, they’re such brutes. He’ll make sure to take good care of you...Sometimes you wonder if he can’t control the way his suggestions sound. Perhaps interest him in the idea of a self care day. He’ll be more than happy to paint your nails, style your hair, whatever you feel comfortable doing. You might have to continuously lead him away from the idea of letting him bathe you, but he truly just wants to treat you. However, the more you spend time alone together, the more he acts a bit more like himself. When he’s around you and not in the public eye, he can let himself relax a little, instead of always needing to live up to those social expectations. 
How to do it: This is the trickier part. As Asmo is the demon of lust and a certified social media star, he gets compliments daily, several gifts from potential lovers, and all the physical touch he could ever need. At a glance, he gets enough attention than any one person should ever need. However, he secretly craves quality time together, and no not like what you’re thinking--Unless you want it to be, and then he’ll happily oblige~-- He needs time to destress, to wind down, to spend time with someone who doesn’t care if he’s perfect all the time. Make him feel comfortable in his own skin, and I don’t care what he says, because there’s a hidden part of him that isn’t. So sit him down for a movie night, convince him to take off his makeup. Let him relax in his demon form since not only is it truly him, but you’ll need it for your plan. Brush his hair while he tells you about his day. Get him away from social media as best you can so he can “detox”, making sure it’s simply you and him. He doesn’t need Likes to be Asmo, he doesn’t need to be perfect to be worth it. 
What happens: He will act like he has no idea what you’re talking about for sure. Imperfections? He doesn’t know them. Truly he’s not so insecure as you think he is? Like Levi? Please...But your words have gotten through to him. The soft actions and...chaste time together that you’ve shown him throw him for a little loop. It’s like aftercare but...all the time with you. His wings can’t quite contract like Lucifer’s or Mammon’s, so they just bob up and down, flapping occasionally which messes up his hair. He looks on in confusion. Since when had he been so focused on you that he forgot how to present himself? It drives him insane, how embarrassing! And of course, the more you convince him he has nothing to be worried about, how it’s actually adorable, the more flustered he gets. You always knew how to compliment with no other motives. Instead of a wagging motion, his wings will move from side to side, hitting against each other. It sounds like light clapping. Asmo hates how his wings move like this, striking against each other when he’s pleased. He’s worked so hard on controlling it, and now he’s doing it in front of you. He’s immediately going to go hide, but it doesn’t prevent you from hearing the adorable sound of tapping. 
Difficulty: (3/7) 
The third easiest demon to get those special demon form movements from. He really cares for you, like a lot, and he’s the only one who isn’t afraid to say it and show it. In fact, the only reason why he isn’t ringing up at number one is due to the fact that he’s not overly flustered by his movements, he’s doing them on purpose to show you he cares, which is kinda what you’re going for here. Getting a reaction out of him without him being in full control is going to be a little bit harder, which is why he’s coming after Mammon and Levi. You want to catch him off guard, making him do things he wouldn’t normally do.
When to do it: You don’t have to try to sneak and lie and trick him into doing anything. He’s not worried about a ruined image or anything like that. Just make a day to spend time with Beel, tell him you’re bringing snacks, and tell him it would make you the happiest human in the Devildom to have him be in his demon form. That’s all you have to do, Beel loves your honesty, it lets him know you trust him and in return he trusts you. Super easy. 
How to do it: Bringing him food will definitely achieve putting a smile on his face and getting him in a better move, but it won’t bring out the soft side of him, and you want maximum softness. Beel is always taking care of his brothers, being the backup when Lucifer cannot, and just generally doing his best to keep the peace in the family. He’s the big strong bodyguard, the protector. So, to really throw him for a loop, to make him act beside himself, you’re going to protect this boy. Let him feel small even though it’s physically impossible with how large he is, especially in demon form. Let him be weak and vulnerable and safe in your arms even if they’re half the size of Beel’s. Give him snacks, make him sit on the floor and tilt his head back into your lap. You can try to have him sit in your lap-- Just be careful, the last thing he wants is to hurt you, seeing as how you’re so fragile…--He rarely ever drops his guard, so it’s a nice change of pace for him. Plus, he finds it absolutely adorable trying to be his protector, attempting to act three times your size. But he truly appreciates what you’re going for, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel nice to be taken care of for once. 
What happens: You’re able to hear the deep buzz of his wings as they flutter against his back. He frowns, immediately causing the noise to halt. He still doesn’t particularly care for these new ones compared to his older ones. However, the pleased look on your face along with glimmering eyes causes a touch of pink to grace his cheeks. Alright, he can’t deny you what you want. So he lets his wings do what they want. They vibrate intensely, a small whirlwind kicking up in your bedroom, the buzz turning into a deep hum. Your eyes go wide, at least until the intense winds almost knock you to your feet. Then the air stops and you’re wrapped up in his arms. You have to squirm out of his arms to prevent him from becoming the shield again. He’ll try to tell you that he’s not cute, so persuade him he is. Sometimes he wishes he had wings like Lucifer’s so he could wrap you up in them, but he supposes his arms will have to suffice. Every so often now, he lets his wings buzz for you, grateful you accept him for who he is. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, he always goes back to being the one protecting you. Although, every so often now he’ll come to you to feel safe. 
Difficulty: (5/7) 
The demon of sloth is far too lazy to even walk most of the time much less moving his tail. A lot of times, when he is in his demon form, it ends up dragging itself across the floor. Not to mention he’s got a nearly indestructible emotion wall built up around him in the form of apathy and a bit of bratiness. Getting him to become so physically and emotionally moved by you to lose control of himself is going to take some work. 
When to do it: He’s asleep during the day mostly, so if you attempt to do it during normal hours, you’ll need to have a crazy amount of luck. So, it’s suggested you approach this demon at night, very late at night. So late, you know you’ll have regrets in the morning, or hopefully no regrets if you manage to pull this off. It will have to be past curfew, because if there’s anything Belphie loves more than sleeping, it’s opposing Lucifer. Get him alone where the sky is full of stars and the house is plunged into slumber. 
How to do it: Let him feel validated. Of course, there’s a lot of...grey area around him for some things, but in the here and now, just listen to what he has to say. He has seven older siblings, it’s easy for his voice to get lost in the clamor. Maybe if someone had just listened to his woes before taking action, things wouldn’t have gone the way they did. And, he did spend a lot of time alone, where he wasted countless nights hoping someone would just talk to him. So he appreciates how you can sit there, staying quiet--which nearly every one of his dumb brothers seems to be incapable of except his twin--letting him be heard. Who knows, if you feel vulnerable enough to share some of your deeper problems, he’ll find a newfound respect for you. There’s something about being able to relate to someone, to be able to spend hours just going back and forth where each party just makes them feel accepted. Of course, he’ll act like it’s no big deal, that this isn’t special, that this means nothing to him. 
What happens: It’s slow, like almost everything about him. But, you can see his tail lift itself up off the ground, the end curling. It likes to slowly sway, the furry end gently dangling back and forth in a soothing motion, like it was being blown by the wind. That’s all you can really get out of him, since anything more would be too much effort. It’s very subtle, but you notice every detail. Like most things about him, it makes you sleepy somehow, the placid rocking motion. It takes a very long time till he realizes what he’s done. Then his tail will hit the ground with a faint thud. If you ignore it long enough, out of the corner of your eye, you’ll watch it drift back and forth against the ground, a barely noticeable pink hue to Belphie’s cheeks. The more you look away, the more it’ll curl around to where you’re sitting, making the demon of sloth blink, attempting to tug his tail back away from you. It’ll crawl back, moving so slowly you can’t notice the changes anymore, but he does, and he can’t tell why it keeps trying to protect you from behind. Oh well. Best to not think about it. Right? 
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 12
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4221
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been a little over a week since the incident in the parking lot. You were more than eager to start your training with Dabi, but he kept insisting you needed to fully heal your ribs first.
Today you weren’t taking no for an answer. You had used your new fancy collar to call Katsuki and ask him to bring you some things. He made a few comments about not being your personal errand bitch, but he agreed none the less.
You were flipping through channels as you lounged on the couch when the doorbell rang.
Dabi immediately went on the offensive, hands lighting up as walked over to the security monitor to check the cameras. You made a mad dash for the front door. You knew it was Katsuki and you wanted to get to him before Dabi did.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dabi’s hand that wasn’t currently on fire reached out to try and grab you as you ran by, but you easily avoided it.
“Relax it’s for me! It’s just Katsuki.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” You could hear how annoyed he was, but this is what he gets for refusing to start your training.
You opened the door to an equally annoyed looking Katsuki. “Hey! Did you bring the stuff I asked for?”
He rolled his eyes, “Do you think I’d come all the way out here if I didn’t” He handed you a gym bag that was way heavier than he made it look. You took it from him and almost toppled over with how heavy it was.
He smirked as he grabbed your elbow to steady you. “So… you’re getting back into shape? You know I wouldn’t mind training with you like we used to. You were always a good work out.”
You beamed at him, “Seriously? That would be awesome! Dabi said he doesn’t want to.”
Dabi growled in displeasure, “Oh fuck off. I never said that. I’m going to train with you AFTER your ribs are done healing.” He pointed to the bag that was now slung over your shoulder. “What’s in the bag?”
You started backing up towards your room. “Just some work out stuff. You know so Katsuki and I can start training.” You sprinted towards the room before Dabi could argue with you.
“FUCKING BRAT!” Dabi rolled his eyes before looking at an amused Bakugo. “I swear to god If you show up here unannounced one more fucking time, I’ll move us somewhere far away where you can’t find us.”
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, “Yeah good luck with that. Besides I was invited.” He gave Dabi a shit eating grin. “I know she only called me to get under your skin. She wanted something, you said no, and now here I am giving her what she wanted.” He shrugged, “And I’ll keep giving her what she wants. Again and Again. As long as I have to.”
Dabi’s nostrils flared as he attempted to keep his temper in check. “Sounds pretty pathetic if you ask me.”
Dabi expected that to light Bakugo’s infamous short fuse, but instead the man just chuckled. “No pathetic is what you’re going to be after she’s done with you.” Bakugo took a step closer and lowered his voice. “Take it from someone who trained with her almost every day for years… She will chew you up and spit you out.” He gave Dabi a cocky grin, “I wasn’t kidding when I said she was a good workout. I almost wish I had time to stick around and watch her kick your ass.” He checked his watch, “If she hurries I might have time to watch for a little while.”
“First you listen to us have sex, now you want to watch us work out. You are such a little perv.”
Bakugo opened his mouth but before he could make a retort you were skipping back into the living room doing a little twirl to show off your new workout clothes. You wore a matching burgundy sports bra and biker shorts, brand new black sneakers, and to Dabi’s surprise your collar. “Thank you so much Katsuki! They fit perfectly, even the sports bra!”
Dabi’s eyes cut to Bakugo’s, “Like I said… Perv.”
“My parents work in fashion idiot.” He rolled his eyes before turning back to you and giving you a genuine smile. “You look good. Remember to stretch, drink lots of water, and do a proper cool down. It’s been a long time since you worked out. Don’t try and go all plus ultra your first time.”
You returned his smile, “No promises. But I will try to go easy.” You leaned over and started to stretch giving Dabi and excellent view of your ass in your compression shorts. He was mesmerized by the way your muscles stretched and flexed under your skin. He knew you were strong, but he was about to find out how strong.
His eyes were glued to your ass until an annoying blonde boy cleared his throat. “What was that about me being a perv?” Bakugo quirked an eyebrow at Dabi. “If you can’t even watch her stretch… then you won’t stand a chance fighting her.”
Dabi scoffed, “No offense to you doll, but I think I have a little more composure then your pervy little friend here.”
You finished up your stretching and made your way to the backyard. “I don’t know… Katsuki may have struggled at first. But by the time we graduated he got really good at thwarting my attacks.” You gave Dabi a cocky smirk as the boys joined you in the yard. “I hope you’re ready because I can honestly say I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.”
Bakugo took a seat in one of the pool chairs and kicked his feet up like he was about to watch a movie, “And so have I.” He chuckled as he leaned back putting his hands behind his head, “It’s a shame Icy Hot’s not here to see this.”
You loved that Katsuki was so confident in you, but it was also making you really nervous. If the parking lot fight was any indictor, your fighting skills weren’t as sharp as they used to be. You slowly made your way to stand across from Dabi who was doing everything in his power to look unaffected and bored. His only give away was the subtle way his fingers twitched with your every movement.
You cracked your knuckles and took a fighting stance, “I’m not going easy on you.”
The look in your eyes was enough to make Dabi want to kneel at your feet. You looked dangerous and determined. You looked like a queen ready to hand out a death sentence. He closed his eyes for a brief second to collect his thoughts and in those few seconds you dove at him sweeping his feet out from under him.
You could hear Bakugo laughing loudly from his chair, “She hasn’t even activated her quirk yet and you’re already jelly!”
You quickly rolled on top of him using your knee to pin his shoulder down. You activated your quirk, “See isn’t it just easier to submit to me? You could just let me tie you up and-“
Your words swam around in his head, it was the only thing he could concentrate on. He could think of nothing else other pleasing you. Doing what you said. You were right after all. It would be so much easier to just lay here with you. He didn’t even want to fight you to begin with. NO! This wasn’t right. You wouldn’t get any better if he didn’t try. He couldn’t give up so easily.
His hand came up and covered your mouth rolling over and pining you down. “Damnit that’s freaky.” He was still trying to clear his head when your tongue darted out from between your lips and started licking his palm.”
Bakugo was practically hollering over in his chair, “Oh you fucked up now!”
Dabi’s hand started to go numb. “Wait what? What the HELL! I thought it was only if I like drank your blood or some weird shit like that! How- How are you-”
Your eyes locked with his and you began a mental battle of trying to push into his head. You hand pressed into his side and started to overwhelm him with feelings of regret. You found it was the easiest way to break someone. Lots of people could push through pain. Lots of people push through lust. But regret was an emotion that ate away at a person over time. It only grew and festered until it drove people crazy. You saw a flash of fear in his eyes and you could only imagine what memories it was bringing up. This was supposed to be fun. You didn’t want to traumatize him, so you changed tactics.
Things were about to get really uncomfortable for Katsuki.
You switched up the emotion you were flooding him with to desire, and almost immediately regretted it. His hips snapped forward of their own accord as a growl left his lips. “Fuck! You really want to do this in front of blondie?”
You saw his composure start to slip and you used it to push past that last mental barrier. “Sumbit DABI!” You clouded his head with memories of the two of you making love and pushed harder, “Submit to me. Come on baby I know you want to.”
Dabi’s hold started to loosen, but once again he was hyper aware that this was you underneath him. His goal was to protect you. Giving in now wouldn’t help. He needed to help. So he started repeating that like a life-saving mantra in his head, “I can’t give up, I can’t give up, I can’t give up.”
You snapped out of his head so quickly that is startled you. “What the-?”
Dabi jumped away from you and scurried backwards. “Come on baby girl. You got to do better than that? You thought making me horny would cloud my judgement? I’m basically horny all the time around you.” He got to his feet, dismayed that not only was his hand still numb but he couldn’t seem to get his quirk to work in that hand either. “Your quirk won’t always be able to save you. Fight me one on one. No quirks.”
You jumped to your feet as well. “Oh, but I thought we were trying to not hurt my ribs?” He could hear the sass in your voice, and it made him want to spank you. He used the hand that wasn’t currently paralyzed to create a ring of blue fire around the two of you. He focused on the sound of flames, the way it smelled as it burned the ground below. He looked at you but not in the eye.
You dove out of the way as he swung at you. It was like a dance between the two of you. His attacks came at you full force and it was all you could do just to avoid him. You were permanently on the defense. You could seem to catch your breath long enough to switch to offensive. You were getting tired and your sore ribs were screaming at you to stop. But you couldn’t. You needed to push through it. He must have seen the way you were wincing because his eyes darted to your ribs.
You screeched as he started to shrink the circle, dragging you closer to him. “You weren’t complaining about your ribs when I bent you over the kitchen counter last night.” He shrank the circle even more. You reached out desperately to touch him, but he moved out of the way. Swatting your hands away at every move. The fire was getting closer and you were starting to panic. He could see it on your face. He reached out and grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to him. Intentionally locking eyes with you. “There is nothing you could show me, say to me, or make me feel, that would break me.” Your hands darted out and cupped his cheeks. You tried to fill him with fear, but in your panicked state his emotions overwhelmed yours instead.
All you could feel was determination, defensiveness, fondness, and a deep-rooted need to protect. You locked eyes with him again this time you knew his weakness. You stared him in the eyes with yours full of fear. The blue fire inched closer and closer until it singed your back and you screamed out in pain.
There was horror in Dabi’s eyes as he looked at his hands. “I’m not doing this. Y/n! Y/n I promise I’m not doing this. He attempted to extinguish his flames, but they only got hotter and closer.
You were sobbing into his chest now. “Please put them out… please!” Your screams echoed in his ears and the only thing he could do was panic. He was hurting you. It was his quirk and yet he couldn’t stop it. “DABI IT HURTS!”
The pain in your voice was like a cold water in his veins. It pushed him into action as he managed to finally retract his quirk. He felt the flames smother out, he heard your soft sniffles. But something didn’t make sense… There’s no way Bakugo would have let this happen.
All of the sudden his eyes snapped open and you were sitting on top of him. Perfectly fine. It took him a minute to register what had just happened. “I didn’t mean to play dirty, but you’re one hard dude to crack.”
He gripped the back of your neck and pulled you down to him and smothered you with a kiss. When he pulled back your face was red, and your expression was flustered. “I’m just happy you’re okay.” He pulled you to him as he rocked you back and forth. “I thought I hurt you. Shit….” He pulled you away from him and gave you a stern look, “You’re a fucking asshole for that. What is your problem?! I already have fucking nightmares about this shit and you want to make it worse?!”
You didn’t know if you should feel ashamed or laugh. “Look I said I’m sorry! I knew that was the quickest way to get you to submit! Psychological warfare is my specialty.” His eyes remained cold, but his hands were reassuring as they traveled up and down your back. You pushed some of his sweaty hair away from his face. “I can admit I went a little too far.”
“I’m leaving before this gets too fucking sappy!” Bakugo patted your head. “Good job. You’re definitely a little rusty, but better than I thought you’d be.” He gave Dabi a sly smile, “As much as I enjoyed watching you toy with staples, I want to spar with you next time I’m here. For old times sake.”
You wiped some sweat off of your forehead as you nodded at him, “Okay! I’d love that. Maybe you could teach Dabi some of our old combo attack. Your quirks are a little similar, so some of them might work.”
Bakugo shrugged, “I doubt he could pull them off like I can, but we can try if that’s what you want.”
You nodded enthusiastically looking from Bakugo to Dabi. You were still sitting in his lap and he was suddenly feeling very territorial. His arms reached out and caged you to him, “If it’s going to end up in a pissing contest, I don’t want any part of it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t be so broody. Gosh it’s times like this that you remind me of your brother.”
Dabi shoved you off his lap and started to make his way back to the house. “I’m not fucking broody. You literally just made me think I was burning you alive. So, forgive me if I need some time to get my shit together.”
He brushed past a smug looking Bakugo, “I tried to warn you. She’s ruthless man. I am impressed you figured out her loophole so quickly. Once you focus on a concrete goal it’s easier to tune her quirk out. I wonder what your goal was?”
Dabi glared at him, “Don’t you have someplace you need to be?”
Bakugo sighed, “Yeah, I’m actually going out of town. So, I won’t be back for a little while. I think Icy Hot wants to come visit soon though.” He nudged you with his foot. “So, you behave until I get back.”
You waved as he made his way back into the house, “No promises! Be safe on your trip!”
A few minutes of silence passes while Dabi still stood with his arms crossed refusing to look at you. “How long are you going to pout?”
“I’m not pouting. I’m resisting the urge to bend you over my knee, spank you, and edge you until you cry.” He finally looked at you, eyes not looking nearly as angry as his voice sounded. “But as a rational adult, I think I just might go drink until I forget what you made me see.”
You wrapped your arms around his middle and pressed your face into his back. “I’m sorry. I took it too far.” Your hands snaked under his shirt and pressed to his abs. You released a calm and content feeling. He immediately sank into your touch.
His breath hitched, “While I appreciate what you’re trying to do. I’d rather you not use your quirk on me right now.”
You reached up on your tippy toes and kissed the back of his neck. “Wanna go cuddle and watch TV?”
He took your hand from under his shirt and pulled you with him back into the house. “None of that romance shit.”
That’s how you ended up on the couch with Dabi laying on top of you with his head nuzzled into your breasts. His arms were tight around your middle and your fingers slowly trailed through his hair. You knew how exhausting it was for people when you messed around with their heads. It’s exhausting and disorienting, and while you weren’t at full capacity yet, you still had gone a little rough on Dabi today. You traced patterns on his shirtless back, and you listened to his steady breathing. He had passed out halfway into the first episode of whatever show he had insisted you watch.
You still had a lot of work to do to get back into shape. Not just with your quirk but physically as well. Dabi was right when he said you couldn’t rely on your quirk for everything. You’d have to start building your strength and stamina. You had a feeling Dabi might be hesitant to train with you again any time soon, but maybe you could convince him to do some cardio or something.
You softly chuckled as you imagined what kind of cardio he would have in mind. You felt him stir on your chest, his eyes remaining shut as he burrowed further into your chest. “What’s so funny?”
Your fingers kept playing with the ends of his hair. “What would you say if I asked you to do some cardio with me?”
He rolled over a little bit and bit your nipple through your shirt. “I’d say why are you still dressed.”
He was honestly adorable when he was this sleepy. It was the only time he seemed vulnerable. “I meant like going for a run.” His face scrunched up and your hand froze in his hair. “Oh, does that not sound like fun?”
His hand grabbed yours that had stopped, and forced it to keep running through his hair. “Not at all. Especially when there’s way better ways to get your cardio in…” He started kissing your chest, and then your neck. His hands moved to your ass picking it up off the couch to slot himself deeper between your legs. “We should test how far we can push you until your collar alerts me that you might need help.”
His fingers found the waistband of your shorts and started to pull them down. You hummed as his lips continued to mouth kisses at your neck. He was very affectionate and its not that you didn’t like it, you just felt like something was still bothering him. “Hey Dabi? What did you mean earlier when you said you had nightmares?”
He growled as he picked his head up to look at you, “You really know how to ruin the mood don’t you?”
You quirked an eyebrow at him, “We said we were going to open up more remember?” He shoved his head back to its spot on your chest, using you breasts as pillows.
“Ever since the pool incident… I get nightmares. I’m sure it fucked you with you too. I basically killed you. I honestly don’t know how you even come near me.” His voice was muffled and his grip on you tightened. “Today… what you did outside… please don’t ever do that again. I’m already a monster. I have enough nightmare fuel as it is. I’ve done really fucked up things and I can handle facing most of my demons. But whether I like it or not, you are definitely a soft spot for me.”
He kissed your neck as he made his way down lifting your shirt as he went. “You have gotten under my skin.” He kissed right above your still slightly sore ribs. “You have knocked down my walls.” His fingers found the waistband of your shorts again and yanked them down. “You drive me fucking crazy.”
In a burst of speed, he had your knees over his shoulders and your ass lifted in his hands. He kissed the inside of you left knee followed by the right. His kisses trailed down to the inside of your thigh giving it quick bite that had your hips bucking.
“I know that blonde idiot has confessed his feeling to you.” His thumb started rubbing circles into your clit. “So, I need you to know. That you are more than just a way to pass the time.” You felt a finger press at your entrance. “You are more than just some girl I’m supposed to protect.” His fingers plunged into you and started pumping. “You are more than some infatuation.” His fingers curled, hitting that spot inside you making you cry out. “You are more than I ever thought I deserved.” He gave your clit a hard lick. “But I have you now and I don’t fucking intend on losing you.”
Your fingers knotted in his hair as he began sucking your clit while he fucked you with his fingers. You instinctively knew how he felt. Of course you did, you’ve felt his emotions before. But to hear him say it made your heart skip, it made your head spin. He ate you out like he hadn’t eaten in days. One hand reached up and started pulling on your nipple and you lost it. Your hipped bucked up harshly and your legs shook. You came hard and he continued to lap up every last drop, riding you through it until you finally collapsed back onto the couch.
He grinned up at you, his chin still slick, “Good giiiiirl.” He sucked his fingers into his mouth cleaning them off before reaching for his belt. “Now let’s do some of that cardio you were begging for.”
Dabi was pressing his dick at your entrance when the doorbell rang.
You both froze.
Your shorts were yanked back up as Dabi grabbed his phone to check the security system. You watched his eyes narrow at his screen before his nostrils flared. “What the fuck!” Before you could even ask who it was the front door opened and in walked Shoto who apparently had his own key.
“Oh… Am I… Interrupting something?” He closed the door behind him, “Bakugo said he told you I was coming.”
“HE SAID SOON! NOT TODAY!” Dabi threw a pillow at his younger brother, obviously pissed off about the interruption.
Shoto ignored him and made himself comfortable on the recliner next to you. “Oh, well I wasn’t planning on coming today, but there’s been some developments you need to be aware of.”
You reluctantly sat up and separated from Dabi so he could face his brother. Dabi sighed as he gestured for Shoto to continue.
“There’s several people who are avidly looking for you. And some of them have gotten too close for comfort. That’s actually what Bakugo is doing right now. He’s hunting down a lead. He’s hoping to catch some of these so-called heroes in the act so we can start dismantling their accusations against you.”
The smell of smoke filled your nostrils as Dabi’s temper started showing. “What do you mean they’ve gotten close? How close? How many of them are looking?”
Shoto gave you a sad look. “They’ve made it a top priority. Your agency released a bounty to the underground. It seems every villain and crooked hero is currently looking for you. Shigaraki is one of them… and he somehow has a list of all of your safehouses.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry @dabislittlemouse @aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi
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after-witch · 4 years
You Can Run [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Title: You Can Run [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Synopsis: For request “Could you maybe do something with Sesshomaru? Maybe his ‘darling’ trying to escape not knowing that it would literally be impossible?”
Word count: 1700ish
notes: yandere, kidnapping
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Planning an escape when you are constantly being watched, constantly surrounded, is not the easiest of tasks. You know this, because you have been planning an escape from the demon lord Sesshoumaru for many days now. It wasn’t an easy decision. He once threatened to kill you if you ever tried to leave, and you don’t know if he means it--but he doesn’t seem the type to make idle threats, imposing and stoic as he is, which is all the more why your plans simply cannot fail.
You have to leave. You have to get home to your family. You have to regain your freedom and your normal life. And since he has no intention of letting you go, escape is the only way you can take back control of your fate.
So you planned, and planned, and bit by bit prepared yourself to leave. Every few days, you snuck a provision or two into a bag you’ve tucked into your clothing--nothing big, nothing Rin or Jaken or (if he deigned to deal with those everyday tasks, which he doesn’t) Sesshoumaru would ever notice. Dried meat here, a fire stone there, extra cloth, a needle for repairs. Little things, but important, if you were ever to make it home in one piece.
Of course, you’re no hardy traveler, no world-weary merchant or soldier who is used to life on the road, but the seemingly endless days and nights you’ve spent captive in his presence have hardened you a bit. Your feet are used to walking (and walking, and walking); you know how to make a fire more readily than you ever did in your village, where your parents or elder brother were only too happy to step in when you fumbled with the tools; and you’ve learned to be more aware of sounds in the forest, how to find clean water, where to fish and how to keep yourself warm when the darkness brings chilly air.
I can do this, you think, every time you feel your mind begin to falter. Every time you catch him staring at you, as if he can read your thoughts, as if he knows what you’re planning and he’s waiting for you to take that first step away from camp to grab you and snap your neck or worse.
I can do this, every time you take advantage of Jaken’s distraction to grab something you’ll need. The knife was your biggest feat, the last thing on your mental list; and you swear you can feel it burning against your skin, a warning that it was too risky and he’ll notice and you’ll be caught and--no, no, no, you think.
I can do this.
Your heart is hammering so violently that you’re briefly afraid that it will wake someone up. It won’t, you know--but that doesn’t make your nerves any less shaky or make you feel any safer. Your eyes do another sweep of the campsite as you slip off your footwear and tuck them into your bag, now full and slung over your shoulder.
Rin is sleeping peacefully, and your heart felt a pang of guilt when you’d slowly removed her arm from around your stomach--cuddled close, as she’d started doing recently. You do care for her, poor thing that she is, but you have to care for your freedom more. Jaken is sleeping… well, like Jaken--snoring and occasionally mumbling and clawing at the air. But the biggest obstacle to your potential escape is what worries you the most: Sesshoumaru. He’s leaning against the nearby tree, eyes closed, body passive and prone. Is he sleeping? Resting? The thoughts come in rapid flickers, terrified bursts that tempt you to lay your head back down and forget you ever began plotting to run.
But the temptation is overcome by the slow, dreaded visions of the future. Were you to be his unwilling travel companion forever? He would never say why, exactly, he’d taken you--would never tell you what he was going to do with you or when (if ever, if never) this would reach an end.
So you took the chance. And took a wary step. No movement from the demon lord. You took another step. Still, nothing--no, a breath, an easy one, careless. He must be sleeping. He must be sleeping. You take another step and another until you’re away from the flickering fire and instead in the woods, dark and loud with the sound of insects and animals. You slip on your shoes to protect your feet and pull out the pilfered knife, just in case. The moon above is round and glorious and you silently thank it for lighting your way. You needed to be able to see, to get as far away as possible, particularly during the first few nights of your barely-tangible freedom.
It’s thrilling. It’s terrifying. You could die out here, well before you make it home. You’re well-aware, now more than ever, of the potential dangers in the forest--of the potential dangers in the world. Yet you can’t help but think, as you push aside brush and ignore the itching of insect bites, would it not be better to be killed by a wolf or drown crossing a river than to be forced under the will of a demon lord?
You forge ahead, each step filling you with a shaky confidence. You’d done it. You’d gotten away. When the moon disappears and the sky turns its beautiful colorful shades to prepare for the rising sun, you feel something akin to happiness wash over you. Surely you’d gotten far enough that they couldn’t catch up right away, surely so--and you decide to take a rest in a natural clearing.
You sit against a rock and finally pay attention to the rumbling of your stomach. You had barely eaten the night before, too nervous to keep anything down. You don’t want to start a fire--you’re not that far away, you remind yourself--so you pull out a piece of cold, dried meat and take a bite. Maybe you can find a river soon to quench your thirst. Maybe you’ll even be able to catch a fish or two, though cooking them would have to wait.
And then, a branch snaps. Hard. You tense. A wolf? A bear? Your hands slowly reach for the knife you���d set on the ground. Could you fight off an animal with such a small weapon? Or would your theory about it being better to die at the hands of an animal be haunting you so quickly?
No, no, no. Your vision begins to blur in panic as the familiar visage of Sesshoumaru steps out of the trees. White--and red. And angry.
You manage to stand, legs quaking, the knife falling from hands that you can’t control, and you turn to run when you see that the white of his eyes have become a terrible blood-red. He’s going to kill you. The thought rushes through you--Is it better to die by the hands of the demon lord than to be his unwilling captive?
Your body moves of its own accord but it doesn’t matter, because you don’t take but a half-step when you feel him harshly yank you backwards by your hair. You tumble to the ground with a cry and he swoops down, pinning you to the forest floor with his claws.
His breath is hot and he practically spits as the words tear out of his throat, low and violent: “What did you think you were doing, human?”
His eyes are even more horrible up close, and your mind tries to think of chants, of prayers. His claws tighten at your wrists and you know you have to say something, though nothing will spare you from the death that you know is coming. Your body is trembling so wildly that your teeth knock together when you answer.
“I was going home. I was getting away from you. You--you can’t keep me.” You’re going to die, so you may as well be honest. At least you’ll die with a pure mind.
“Of course I can,” he hisses. “I will keep you, and you will listen, and you will stop being such a damned annoyance.” And just like that, his tirade over, his red eyes fade, returning to their impassive coolness. The air feels less heavy and you can breathe. But he doesn’t let you up right away, and stays uncomfortably close to you as you lay prone on the ground.
“The sooner you stop being foolish, the better.”
You don’t know what to say. He gets up, then, and stares down at you.
“Get up. We’re going back. I will think of a punishment later.”
He’s not going to kill you. You don’t know why. He’s going to keep you. And you don’t know why.
The will to live overpowers anything else, though, and your force your shaky body to get up off the ground. You glance at your bag, at the knife you’d dropped earlier, and Sesshoumaru merely stares as you gather up your supplies. Waste not, want not, you suppose.
He begins walking away from the clearing, back into the forest, and you have no choice but to follow. Your newfound freedom is already gone. You feel deflated. You feel more helpless than ever. What went wrong? Was he awake when you ran? Did you leave tracks, unknowingly, perhaps with your shoes? You have to know.
"Lord Sesshoumaru?”
He doesn’t answer, and you stare at the back of his head as he walks with an ease through the forest you’d taken much longer to navigate.
“How did you find me so quickly?”
He stops for a moment, just a second, before continuing on.
“I tracked your scent,” he says, without bothering to look back. “ I marked you a long time ago. I’ll always find you, no matter where you go. Remember that, human. ”
Ah, you think.
I can’t run.
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elwenyere · 3 years
Helps to Relieve My Mind
Hello fam! I wrote my first little Sambucky ficlet today in an effort to tide myself over until Friday’s new episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. If such a thing would help tide you over as well, please feel free to give it a read. I very much hope you enjoy! <3
Tags: Sam/Bucky, 1.8k words, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together
CW: descriptions of falling and panic attacks
Read it on AO3
“Is it too late to go back to therapy?” Bucky called over the comms.
It had been less than forty-eight hours since he and Sam had decided to ditch Walker and go after the Flag-Smashers on their own, and they were already getting their asses handed to them again. They’d gotten side-tracked on their way to see Zemo by a tip from Torres: a group of hijackers matching the description of the missing super-soldiers had been spotted loading up a cargo plane with medical supplies in Kiev. Bucky and Sam had showed up just as the Flag-Smashers were readying for takeoff, and when Sam had flown straight through a rain of gunfire and into the open cargo bay door, Bucky had had no choice but to follow, cursing under his breath as he ran to catch the taxiing plane. 
He’d managed to haul himself inside just as the wheels left the ground, only to have his back slammed into the metal wall of the cargo hold a minute later, a serum-enhanced fist clutched tightly around his throat.
“You could always change your mind about following me,” Sam offered, a rhythmic series of thumps and clangs from the other end of the bay revealing that he was dealing with problems of his own. “I bet you could even get another ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card if you agreed to up with -”
“Don’t say it,” Bucky growled, grabbing the wrist of the soldier holding him against the wall and twisting it viciously.
“- John ‘Wingman’ Walker and his partner,  Battlestar,” Sam finished, the grin somehow audible in his voice.
“You’re just lucky all my other options suck even worse than this,” Bucky muttered, taking a deep breath and bum-rushing the man in front of him.
“Yeah, ‘lucky’ is definitely how I’ve felt every day since you ripped the steering wheel out of my damn car in the middle of the highway,” Sam retorted. Bucky could hear the sounds of bullets ricocheting off metal, and he glanced over to watch Sam reemerge from behind a stack of crates.
“Even the Winter Soldier has some fond memories,” Bucky reflected, ducking a roundhouse kick from the redhead who’d booted him out of the truck in Germany and then sweeping his arm back to catch her solidly across the jaw. 
He’d just turned to reassess their situation when he saw one of the soldiers poised by a lever on the side of the wall.
“Shit!” he yelled. “Sam!”
And then an explosion of air knocked him off his feet, and he felt himself yanked backward, scrabbling for purchase on the floor of the aircraft as he slid toward the open door. Unfortunately, it was his fleshy hand that finally found it. Just as he was about to run out of room, he wrapped his fingers around the lip of the lowered door and then let out an involuntary grunt of pain when his full weight caught against the hold, his legs whipping behind him in the open air.
“Shit,” he swore again, trying to strengthen his grip so that he could risk making a grab for the door with his metal hand.
“Bucky!” Sam yelled, and for some reason the change in his tone sent Bucky’s heart rate rabbiting even faster than the scramble across the floor. “Hang on! I’m on my way!”
A metal crate went flying over Bucky’s head, and he winced automatically, sending a jolt of pressure through the fingers clinging to the plane. And because he was always aware of Sam’s position in the fight, he knew there was no way he was going to make it in time.
“Sam, you should know -” 
His words were cut off when the plane banked abruptly to the left. Bucky’s legs jerked sideways, his hand spasmed, and then he was falling through the air.
It was different than the last time. He could still hear what sounded like screaming - either a voice calling his name or the air hurtling past him, rushing away from him and refusing to bear his weight. He could still feel the terror claw up his throat and curl into the back of his mind, covering his thoughts with a white, electric blanket. But this time he knew what it would feel like when he hit the ground. He could already feel the rocks cracking through bones and tearing at the sinews of his arms, and all he could do was grit his teeth and hope to wake up somewhere better than he had before.
He twisted in the air so he could see the end coming, every muscle in his body wrenching tight in anticipation. But then he felt a hand curl around the back of his head, and a weight slammed into him from the wrong direction, shifting his momentum abruptly to the side. Before he knew it, there was soft grass under his knees, pressing up against him and holding him still.
“I got you,” Sam said, his arms still wrapped tightly around Bucky’s back. “I got you.”
Bucky felt like he was sucking air through a straw, his head dizzy with a flood of adrenaline as he clung to the fabric of Sam’s uniform and curled up against his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop the vertigo, but in the darkness all he could picture was an avalanche of snow and ice and unforgiving rock, and a second later he opened his eyes again with a gasp. His muscles were still screaming with the effort of bracing for collision, and he struggled to even out his breathing, willing himself to concentrate on the weight of Sam's arms around him, grounding him.
As the haze gradually began to clear, Bucky became aware that Sam was still repeating the same words, his cheek pressed against the top of Bucky’s head. But the tone of Sam’s voice seemed to have shifted, so that what had started as a reassurance now sounded like a kind of desperate chant.
“I got you,” he repeated, his own breathing coming sharp and fast. “I got you.”
Suddenly Bucky remembered the photo in Sam’s wallet when he paid for drinks in Germany, the story Steve had told him as they sat on a hill in Wakanda.
“Sam,” Bucky whispered. 
Sam’s arms tightened almost convulsively, and Bucky reached out to rest his hands gently on Sam’s lower back. 
“Hey, Sam. I’m okay,” Bucky continued, listening to Sam’s breathing slow down. “I’m here. I’m okay. You caught me.”
Sam straightened up slightly, one of his hands moving to cradle Bucky’s head as he'd done during the fall, and Bucky pressed his forehead against Sam’s.
“You caught me,” he repeated, and this time it sounded like a brand new idea. Sam had caught him. Bucky had lost his grip, and Sam had been there to cushion the fall.
“I’ve been trying to catch you, you idiot,” Sam replied, shaking his head with a faint echo of exasperation. “Do you have any idea how scary it is to think you might not let me?”
He gave the back of Bucky’s neck a gentle squeeze, one thumb sweeping up into Bucky’s hair, and for the first time in decades, Bucky’s body responded to an instinct that hadn’t been carved into his brain with a knife: he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of Sam’s lips, sighing at the warmth of Sam’s skin against his.
A moment later he froze, pulling away with exaggerated slowness and wiping all traces of expression carefully from his face. Sam was staring back at him, wide-eyed, and for a second Bucky felt like he was in free fall again, his stomach heaving as he plummeted through space.
“That was - uh,” he tried to explain. “Sam -”
But before he got another word out, Sam had hauled him in by the back of his neck and was kissing him thoroughly, his mouth soft but hungry against Bucky’s, and something hot leapt through Bucky’s chest that seared deeper than any of the afterimages or second-hand shocks that had passed for getting his life back.
When they finally broke apart, it was because Sam had started laughing.
“Seriously, man?” Bucky protested, a small smile tugging at the corner of his own lips. “I know I’m out of practice, but if you make a crack about being cryogenically frozen, I swear to God.”
“I was going to say that if the kind of healing you’ve been looking for is less Sigmund Freud and more Marvin Gaye, you could have just called me back,” Sam retorted, giving Bucky a grin and a playful shove on the shoulder. “It would have been the world’s easiest alley oop. Lord knows I was giving you more assists than John Stockton gave the Mailman - and that is a crack about being in deep freeze, by the way. You could be understanding that reference right now if you hadn’t been ghosting me instead.”
Bucky scanned Sam’s face, drinking in the warmth and openness that he had always found infuriatingly, impossibly brave.
“You’re the only number in my phone other than my shrink,” Bucky explained finally.
Sam tilted his head, his eyebrows raised significantly.
“That’s kind of my point, Bucky.”
“No, I’m trying to tell you that’s why I couldn’t call,” Bucky continued. “I have a list of people I’ve hurt in the past that’s so long I can’t even see the end of it. But when I turn to the list of people who are here for me now?” He held up a single finger and then jabbed it toward Sam’s chest. “You’re it. Just one. So if I take a chance, and I fuck that up -” He shook his head ruefully. “Well, let’s just say it felt safer to imagine you might still be out there than to know for sure that you weren’t.”
Sam’s face softened, and he opened his mouth to reply, but Bucky waved him off.
“And that was total bullshit: I know,” he said quickly. “More importantly, it was selfish. What you said yesterday about me not understanding what you were going through - you were right. I never once asked how you were doing. I guess I was in such bad shape to help anyone that it was easier for me to believe you didn’t need any help.” 
Sam regarded him thoughtfully.
“Therapy, huh?” 
“God, it’s the worst.”
He gave Sam a smile, this one feeling a little less like a mask someone else had drawn. Sam smiled back, reaching up to trace the edge of Bucky’s lips lightly with his thumb.
“One of those things you might not understand about me is that I’m not very good at needing people either,” he said, dropping his hand to rest on Bucky’s metal shoulder. “But I think I’m going to need you on this, Bucky.”
“Yeah, well, that’s probably true,” Bucky agreed. “Seeing as you just let the Flag-Smashers get away again.”
“Maybe next time you could try to stay inside the vehicle,” Sam suggested. His tone was light, but the squeeze he gave Bucky’s shoulder telegraphed some of the fear still clinging to the lines of his face.
“You’ll catch me,” Bucky shrugged, trying for casual assurance and landing closer than he would have thought possible.
“Always,” Sam promised.
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My Queen - Aragorn x reader
Hi, can you write something with Aragorn where Arwen did sailed to the Undying Lands, and a couple of years after being crowbed he decided to visit his old friend (the reader) at her hometown because he realized he wanted her as his queen? 
of course @danihow​! thanks for your request! the easiest way for me to do this story was in a lot of short snapshots, if you will, so here!
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Type: Imagine Pairing: Aragorn x reader Summary: once Arwen had left for the Undying Lands, Aragorn needed a Queen Warnings: tiny bit of angst Word Count: 1254 words
Aragorn twisted his rings around his fingers. They’d symbolised power and strength to other people, but right now, all he felt was lost. Weak. Broken.
He supposed that Arwen leaving was for the better. He would have broken her heart by dying far earlier than she, and she was destined for something better than a subservient queen. 
But he did need someone to reign at his side, and he had almost no time to find that person. 
Suddenly, he thought of Y/N Y/L/N. They’d parted ways only a few days ago, after their incredibly long quest to Mordor. She was simply a mortal woman, friend of Gandalf, but she was absolutely beautiful. 
Y/N held her own in battle admirably, and she had such warmness to her that made everyone feel so joyful.
He knew, then, that he wanted Y/N to be his Queen.
Y/N sighed, hiding in the massive crowds of people in Gondor, watching her friends of more than a year standing in full view. 
The hobbits. Gandalf. Gimli and Legolas. Aragorn.
Nothing hurt more than such a handsome man be so kind towards her, and she could do nothing, because he was already in love with someone else.
Y/N couldn’t stand to watch anymore. She turned, slipping away through the crowds. Sure, she was happy for them, but she should have put a stop to her immature feelings earlier. They could do nothing but cause pain.
Greeting Legolas, Aragorn thought he saw a familiar spot of h/l h/c hair in the masses, but it was lost just as quickly. 
He turned back to Legolas with his ready smile, but almost knowing how Y/N hadn’t wanted to be here, how she would be a week or a month’s journey away soon, broke his heart.
He couldn’t stand to greet the crowds any longer and, with a pain deep in his eyes, excused himself with some made-up duty, slipping away just as she had.
Just as his hope did.
Y/N slammed the tankard on the bar top with unnecessary force, but there was no anger in her eyes. A tear fell swiftly from her cheek, sinking into some crack in the wood of the table.
“Another.” She pushed a gold coin over the table. “Please.”
She drank and drank, until she could barely see her fingers before her face, dragging herself to a room in the inn and falling asleep.
The pain was worse, now that she was alone.
Why did you give me hope, if only to tear me down? she asked Aragorn mentally.
Of course, he didn’t respond. Because he wasn’t there, and he never would be.
She could’ve blamed Arwen so easily, but she didn’t. How could she, when all that she’d done was fall in love? No, better to blame herself. Better to bury that pain, deep where it could never be found again, where it could never hurt her again. 
Y/N had been stupid to think she had a chance at a future. She would never be more than this - broken. Crying. Lost.
She turned over so she was looking out the grimy window, at the night hidden by the thick fog falling over her home.
It didn’t feel like home. Home was Aragorn. But she obviously wasn’t that to him.
She couldn’t barge into his life like that - it wasn’t fair. She would rather be the one to suffer.
Aragorn swiped the fifth map off the table, slamming his hands back on the wood. They shook, and he cursed himself yet again, not caring when his advisors stared at him.
Why had he never, in the year he’d known her, asked Y/N where she lived?
She’d mentioned when they met in Rivendell that she lived around there, in a small fishing village, but Aragorn couldn’t find it. Of course, he didn’t want to go riding around that entire area like some prick of a Prince Charming looking for Cinderella - not that Y/N wasn’t a beautiful woman worthy of being loved.
But he supposed that if he really wanted Y/N, if he wanted to get those damn ‘advisors’ off his back as they harped on about a Queen yet again ...
“I could be gay,” he grumbled to himself, sweeping his old cloak over his shoulders with some element of satisfaction. “Did you ever consider that?”
“No, because you’ve been pining over Y/N for three years,” one of his advisors pointed out.
Aragorn rolled his eyes, removing his crown, his jewellery, anything that made him royal. He was Strider once again, and he was going to find Y/N, if it was the last thing he ever did. 
Y/N wrinkled her nose at the revolting smell of the decaying fish by the docks, walking as far away from the barrels as she could, with her arms filled with nets.
The pile in her arms was so high she couldn’t really see where she was going, and so it came as no surprise to her when she ran into someone. The force and suddenness of the collision threw Y/N off her feet, her body hitting the wooden deck hard, and her nets falling on top of her.
“I apologise,” a vaguely familiar voice said coolly, though all Y/N could see of the speaker was a silhouette. “Could you help me? I’m looking for-”
At that moment, the person who’d run her over brought her too her feet, taking the nets off her with a special delicacy.
“-Y/N Y/L/N,” they gasped, stumbling back. 
Y/N tilted her head to the side confusedly, taking in the person before her. They were covered in a dark cloak, the hood so large she couldn’t see their face. Judging by size, it was a man, probably mortal rather than Elf, but she didn’t know who he was.
“I’m sorry, do I know you ... sir?”
He threw back his hood, and this time it was Y/N’s turn to blanch, reeling back in shock at the man before her.
This had to be some cruel trick. It had been two years since the night she had almost drunk herself to death, giving him up along with her heart and happiness. There was no way he’d be here now.
“You haven’t changed,” he said, smiling melancholically. “I always painted you right in my dreams.”
“You dreamed about me?” Y/N asked, touched, as she took one step closer to him. As if he would disappear again.
“Every night.” Aragorn swallowed thickly. “I’m sorry.”
He reached out his hand, and Y/N took it, letting him squeeze her fingers with silent promise.
“I’m sorry too,” she returned. “I was a coward for running away.”
“And I was an idiot for letting you go.”
Y/N had to laugh then, dropping his hand gently. “When did we get like this?”
“I don’t know,” Aragorn answered. “I really don’t. But ... I’m sorry. And I always loved you.”
“That’s a lot to take in,” Y/N barely managed to say with all the blood rushing to her face. “Especially since I though you never did.”
“I still do.”
Y/N finally opened the dam of emotions - the pain and anger and sadness, but the overwhelming love topped it all. And she was far better for it.
“I want you to be my Queen, Y/N,” King Aragorn II Elessar declared, with a hilarious amount of formality for a stinky fish village.
“And I have never wished anything more.”
Y/N let him kiss her hand, and she let herself smile.
A/N - hey! i’ve had a shitty few days :) sorry for taking so long to update!
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
how 127 would react to accidentally hurting you
genre: fluff, some tiny spicier elements, but they’re so mild, attempts at humour, tiny bits of angst in some? wordcount: 5k warnings: a few instances of foul language an: none of the instances are serious, nor are they cases of emotionally hurting you, just them... being clumsy for example. gender neutral reader
~ all members below the cut ~
after sidling into the kitchen after your search for your boyfriend proved fruitless, you finally found him as the culprit for the sinfully delicious scent wafting all throughout the dorms. he didn’t notice you right away, his attentions focused on the several pans simmering before him. it was always a immense  task cooking for so many kids members, so you waited for him to take a step back before announcing your presence. as soon as he heard your small ‘hi’ approaching him, he looked up with a shining smile. 
“hey, love!” he greeted with a peck to your cheek.
“need any help?”
“ahh...” his head whipped to the stove top at the sound of spitting oil and he immediately picked up a spoon, “...actually, yes, the bowl by the sink can go through, i think.”
“got it,” you chirped, following his instructions though not without some wandering gazes as you passed. he was wearing a cute little apron, and as his partner, there was no real harm in admiring what it accentuated. what? you were looking respectfully...!
“cute butt.”
he hushed you with a glance at the door, leaving you to snicker. 
reaching the sink you found your bowl. seeing the food inside made you almost drool, but you kept yourself together—you were nothing less than dutiful. though in that moment, you were also nothing more than a bit dumb too. figuring it was safe to hold, you went to pick up the bowl, only to drop it suddenly with a clatter with a hiss. of course it wasn’t as cool as you thought it was at all.
“love?” taeil was at your side in an instant, holding the back of the injured hand that you were staring at so intently.
“the bowl is still really hot,” you pouted. it hadn’t fallen far and the ceramic as well as the food inside were all safe. your fingers were just a bit reddened.
“here, run them under cold water,” taeil turned on the tap for you, before guiding your hand underneath the icy stream, “feel better?”
you nodded, though your eyes swept back to where the rest of the food was. “a little, but i think the eggs are going to over-boil.”
he cursed under his breath as he followed your line of sight, before meeting your gaze, “i can trust you to stay here, can’t i love?”
you rolled your eyes with a smile of your own and nodded once again.
“good,” he grinned before pecking you on the cheek and scurrying back to the stove. 
“your butt is still cute.”
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there was no denying what a view the surrounding valley made, its gleaning emerald sheets cracked with narrow crevices and streams of water. you’d climbed all the way to the summit of a pile of disjointed slate just to reach a divot in the cliff side where johnny could take his photos with a better vantage. the climb, however, seemed to take nothing out of him, as he practically skipped up excitedly like a mountain goat. you on the other hand, were left quite out of breath at the steep clamber to the top. he waited for you for most of it, reaching out to help you up, but soon you waved him along. once you’d reassured him you didn’t mind him going ahead, he gave your hand a squeeze before continuing up the rest of the way. truth be told you didn’t want him to see just how much of mess you were. you really wished you’d gone to bed earlier the night before.
as soon as you reached the top, you made a beeline to the nearest big stone that you could perch on and rest your legs. johnny was already by the edge, camera raised an gazing into the distance with a bright grin on his handsome face. he could take your breath away just doing the bare minimum—it was a shame that you had already lost most of it to the climb. 
slowly you regained your breath and felt the twinge in the soles of you feet ease. noting how beautiful he looked with the dramatic backdrop behind him, you snuck a photo of your own on your phone, before deciding to join him. 
unfortunately, after you ambled over the uneven ground, just as you quietly came came to his side, johnny realised the strap of his camera wasted caught up with the tethers of his hoodie. and so he decided the easiest way to rectify it would to pulling his hand holding his camera abruptly to the side. 
knocking you in the cheek, you yelped as soon as he made contact. head whipping across to you he sweeps you to his chest
“oh baby, i’m so sorry!” his head immediately whipped over to you, and shoving his camera round to his side, he swept you to his chest. “i’m so sorry, baby, i didn’t see you there.” 
as you grumbled, he kissed your cheek carefully and ran the pads of his fingers across it. when you didn’t flinch and merely whined, he simply laughed sheepishly—thankfully it didn’t hurt too much, but there was no way you weren’t going to tease him with it as comeuppance.
“johnnyyy—how could you do such a thing!”
“i’m sorry, really i am!”
“yeah, you will be.���
“what does that mean?”
you didn’t respond.
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having gotten all dolled up and ready for your date, taeyong offered to tie your shoelaces to save you having to readjust your outfit. obviously he was so cute and attentive you agreed. watching him carefully tie your laces with a dopey smile on your lips, you winced at how tight he pulled them. you didn’t say anything though, since you figured you’d get used to it after a bit of walking. unfortunately though it was not to be.  
after leaving the house and making your way to the restaurant beneath the starlit autumn evening, your arm in his, you found yourself struggling to keep up. taeyong was a gentleman, and he’d slowed to match your pace several times. in fact he hadn’t even registered how tiny your steps were now, rambling on about his plans for his animal crossing island. 
“at first i thought i was going to do a summery beach town vibe, but then i saw these really cute bricks paths online, and i realised i had to change everything to fit them—” 
there was no doubt he was adorable, doe eyes glittering with the silver of the streetlights above as he glanced forward and back to you. his gaze never roamed far, he always returned to you, your cheeks, your lips. normally he could distract you from everything, the whole world moving past behind you like a dream, while you hung off his every sweet word. however, it seemed you had found the one exception. 
your shoes were squeezing your feet too tight—something they never did before—and it all pointed to the laces being done up too tight. you internally grimaced every time you considered bringing it up to him, because you didn’t want to make him upset. nor could you just stop and retie them, since the street was lined with nowhere to lift your feet high yet discreet enough.eventually the inner turmoil and the ache of your feet gave way and you came to a stop.
“yn? sweetheart? are you alright?” taeyong wouldn’t even take a step further ahead, his arm slipping from yours just so he could stand before you and check you were alright. 
“i think you did the laces too tight, yongie,” you admitted shyly, “i’m really sorry.”
to your surprise, he didn’t get upset one bit—or at least, not at what you expected. 
“oh sweetheart, why didn’t you say?” he asked, concern etched on his features as he got down on one knee. the position shocked you too at first, though you knew he was just going to do your shoelaces again. undoing them and retying them, before glancing up at you with those big eyes that made you melt every time you met them, he checked if your shoes felt looser.
“much better,” you stuttered, watching him shyly as he stood, his signature squishy smile returning.
“i’ll always be more careful from now on, love, ok?” he stroked some hair behind your ear and kissed your nose. “ready to keep going?”
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it was a simple matter of neither of you checking where you were going.
on the living room side of the door, you had stood from your seat to head into the kitchen to fetch some snacks for you and taeil. friday night, because of how you and your best friend’s schedules convened, had become movie night and after babbling for nearly an hour you decided to get on with starting your film before the gamers wanted the tv. 
on the other side of the door, meanwhile, doyoung was listening to jungwoo tell a story that he swore was true that happened way before they had met. the storyteller in question was perched on the stool by the island in the centre of the kitchen, leaning on his hands neatly and watching as doyoung searched for a phone charger.
“jungwoo are you sure there isn’t one by you?” he’d interjected, running a hand through his dark fluffy hair while scouring the other counter-tops once again.
“hundred percent!”
doyoung sighed. “sorry woo, i’ll be back, just going to ask johnny if i can borrow his.”
reaching the door at the same time, you had been calling over your shoulder to taeil after he asked which studio ghibli film you wanted, when the door swung open into you.  you managed to swerve your body out of the way, though you weren’t as lucky with your foot. 
wood met your big toe and you hissed, hopping back to rest against the arm of the nearest sofa.  
“oh my god, yn!”
taking to your side in a rush with a panicked look on his face, you smiled sheepishly up at him from where you were leant against the arm of the nearest sofa. “i’m ok, doie, i promise.”
your response however didn’t stop him from fussing over you a single bit. apologies stuttering from his lips as his hands brushed across your shoulders to your fingers and up to your cheeks, you just chuckled him as you rubbed your toe gently.
“this isn’t funny yn!” he insisted while cupping your chin and stroking hair out of your face. “i didn’t know you were there and—are you ok? do you want any ice?” 
you exhaled deeply, calm in the face of his frantic, searching eyes. “kim doyoung. i’m fine.”
and with that, you pressed a kiss to his nose quickly, and within seconds of his affection-caused stupor he found you already back on your feet, passing him by into the kitchen with a bump to his hip as you went. he stared speechless as you left him, to just greet jungwoo as if nothing had happened. the man in question responded sweetly as he always did, but then turned to doyoung and his smile grew too wide for his own good.
“go away jungwoo,” he mumbled, to which the younger looked offended. 
“it’s not my fault you’re adorable!” 
it won’t last super long, as hell pull away to check you’re ok, a hand on your back. “yn, i’m sorry i didn’t know you were there, are you alright? ”
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“honestly, i can’t believe he even told me that. like you’d think there are just things that you would never admit to, even when drunk but—”
“he’s a solid lightweight, yuta! that much alcohol and he might as well have been a puddle; a sappy, emotional, puddle of—”
after a successful date, the two of you were walking home hand in hand when you came across a small group of kids playing football on the green near your apartment. you didn’t think much of it, until the ball rolled away from them just a few steps ahead of you. without a second thought, yuta let go of your hand to retrieve it for them, and you could already tell where this would end up going. coming to a stop with a sigh and a laugh, you watched as the events all unfurled just like how you expected. 
the ball would be by his feet, he’d pull some cool little tricks that would make the kids stare up in awe, and within minutes he’d be attempting to teach them how to bounce a ball behind you your heel. 
it never stopped amazing you just how he insisted on subtly showing off to you, even so far into your relationship. you always felt yourself urged to laugh and tell him he didn’t have to anymore. “you’ve already won me,” you would joke. 
but you never did. guess that meant it kept working. 
grinning from ear to ear at the adorable sight of yuta acting like a father, you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from cooing when one of the eldest of the group took to him like duck to water. he’d knelt to be closer to her level, holding the ball and helping her get the angle of her foot right all while she gazed at him eagerly. the whole scenario began to spin thought in your head, second-guessing the answers you had given in a special conversation not too long ago. unfortunately, it mant you didn’t see the ball coming your way.
you had to admit when you hunched over out of reflex at the contact that the girl had a mighty kick. your shin was practically throbbing. however you were well aware of the panicked faces staring at you, frozen in gasps with hands smacked over their gawping mouths, and so you straightened as quickly as you could, playing off the ache of a bruise that was no doubt forming as yuta called out to you.
“yn, love, are you ok?!” 
“y-yeah!” you cleared your throat as soon as you heard your stutter. “she’s got a strong leg that one!”
because of the soft tone yuta spoke in and the distance, you couldn’t discern what he said to the young girl who looked on the verge of tears. whatever he said however, worked, and within seconds she was wiping away her tears with a giggle.  before your thoughts could trail back to where they had squirrelled your attentions away and got you in this small mess, yuta was bidding them goodbye and jogging over to you.
“i’m so sorry, love, i should’ve checked which way she was facing. are you sure you’re ok?” his arm was around your shoulders in an instant, his free hand hovering by your cheeks as if waiting to be allowed to hold them again. 
“yeah, i’m alright, i think.” 
his eyes seemed to brighten carefully with a playful glint, “i don’t need to carry my princess?”
you snorted, slowly easing the two of you into a slow space. 
“what? you know i always will if you ask!” 
you hushed him and swatted at his hand by your jaw. finally relaxing with a laugh, his arm slipped from your shoulders down to your waist where he pulled you close, and his lips planted a kiss into your hair. 
“you’ll always be my princess,” he whispered gently. and in that moment you felt yourself melt. truly you didn’t need him to carry you home, but there was nothing wrong with letting him help you only a little bit right? and so you gave in, leaning into his side and resting your head on his shoulder, your eyes fluttering closed. 
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you hadn’t been overly convinced about jaehyun’s suggestion for your holiday destination. however, now you had to admit that you were thoroughly won over. the town was so peaceful, the air so fresh, and if this gentle path was anything to go by, it felt like the gentler adventures in a ghibli movie.
lined with arching trees dripping with wisteria you were stunned by its beauty. even when you glanced away your attentions were enraptured were more colours. the hydrangeas and other bushes you couldn’t recognise, their scents lifting your spirits and mottled lilacs shifting into branches of pink and blue being truly satisfying to take in even at a distance.  coming closer you could see the soft fuzzy balls of gold and onyx bumbling about the flowers, and you couldn’t help but try and take photos of the bees.
it proved harder than you expected—who knew bumble bees could be so fast when they wanted to be. noticing that you had only managed to catch blurs so far, you became acutely aware of jaehyun sneaking glances at you. again. like he always did. admiring your smile instead of the beauty around him like you always lightly chided him for.  “you’ll miss out on what’s actually worthy of your attention at that moment!” you always found yourself saying, but he always shook his head and swore otherwise. you did suppose your words made you a bit of a hypocrite though—it wasn’t like you didn’t watch jaehyun too, and almost just as often as him for that matter.
shaking your head and pretending to not notice his gaze you crept even closer to the flowers, where your eyes suddenly picked up on the perfect moment encapsulated in the bud of fresh crimson. a bumble bee, fast asleep in the cradle of a flower. you felt your heart melt as you took a cautious photo, not wanting to wake the little bub. strangely you couldn’t stop yourself from making the link between it and jaehyun. the way it was curled round just reminded you of how you always found jaehyun in the morning, especially after a particularly rough day. he always made a cocoon of the duvets for the two of you—perhaps without even realising it—and he often curled up. it wasn’t what you had expected of him, but you didn’t care—playing little spoon was just as fun to you.
feeling the need to hold him again you left the small bee in peace and crept towards the man you held so close to your heart. you found his attentions turned to the canopies above rather than you, so you figured it was a prime opportunity to strike. with a back hug. you were feeling too soft. 
jogging to catch up knowing full well he was probably too out of it to notice—he could get so deep in his own thoughts sometimes—you managed to get right behind him, when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. 
you crashed into him with an ‘oof’, and immediately jaehyun turned around to see you rubbing your nose with a pout.
“ah, sorry baby!” he chuckled simply, kissing you cheek gently in an extra apology, before scooping you round and into his arms. 
you didn’t think any more of it, and merely sank into his embrace. his hugs were always so warm and you absently nuzzled your cheek into his chest. perhaps you would have worried about coming to a stop in the middle of the path, but honestly, you had more important things to worry about. like, how you were practically a ragdoll in his arms. you hoped you wouldn’t stumble when you had to walk again like last time. 
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hazy images of a peaceful corner store blinkered out like an old tv set as you were suddenly awoken with a jolt. a dull ache pooled at your hip and you grumbled as you forced your eyes open. 
what you found was enough to bring a drowsy smile to your lips. you knew full well you had fallen asleep facing away from your boyfriend, but now you were much much closer, meaning both of you had shimmied towards one another throughout the night.  in respect to the pain in your side, you traced your eyes down where the blankets had receded—sicheng was such a blanket thief, and with the single thin layer you both had swivelled round his legs, tonight was clearly no different—to where you spotted his hand. 
loosely flung across your waist, it was cold thanks to the open window sending a breeze through your room, and clearly the culprit to your sudden awakening.
still, he looked so sweet with his face scrunched into his pillow, hair splayed like a mussed crown and soft lips in a pout. and so you opted to just move on. he was lucky he was so cute.
shifting closer to him, you entwined your leg with one of his and reached across to stroke a lock of his fringe out of his eyes. he shifted at your touch in his sleep, revealing his face from the cloth of the pillow. in the shadows of the early morning you saw his sleeping scowl soften when you ran your thumb across his cheek soothingly.
feeling satisfied, you tucked your head beneath his and held his hand by his  chest, before finally giving back into sleep.  
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bright lights shining in the face of a brilliant fading sun, faces passed you by as you strode down the sidewalk. perhaps on a normal occasion you would’ve slowed down, but there was no way you could in this situation—you were too excited. your boyfriend was home. 
turning the corner and narrowly avoiding an elderly lady, as the crowds dispersed you came to a stuttered stop. the world around you faded away just like it had done the first time you had kissed, as your eyes met his. they widened in awe, brimming with a starlit sky, before he smiled, and you felt your heart stop.
you hadn’t expect to miss him so much. it was only two weeks, you had insisted to yourself for the days leading up to his tour, others have had to wait longer, you’ll be fine.  you had believed it with your whole body, but as the days winded like paths in a lost forest and the pressures winded you down, the weight of his missing touch had swollen to where you could barely bear it. 
and maybe you were being dramatic—you chided yourself for it as if you were—but as soon as soon as his arms were around you, you felt the tears prickle in the corner of your eyes. 
“y/n, i missed you so much,” jungwoo murmured, sweet voice so soft it could have been swept away.
you rested your head upon his shoulder, where it belonged and breathed in the scent of home. everything that had plagued you before felt manageable once again.
“i wish you could have come with me, it felt so weird without you—and i bet it would have been ten times as fun! not that it wasn’t fun, just...” 
you chuckled at his ramblings, gripping at his hoodie as he squeezed you tighter. 
“ahh, i missed you...!” he drawled, voice playfully gritty as he pressed his cheek into your crown. 
still laughing and feeling the tears long gone, you ended up tugging at his back, “woo! i—can’t... breathe!”
he pulled away with a yelp, his hands coming to rest at your cheeks instead and apologised softly over and over again, though a bright smile remained on his lips. his touch—like always—lingered, and so his fingers traced up to stroke your hair, while he leant in to plant kisses on your cheeks through your laughter.
“i missed you too,” you whispered, linking your hands behind his neck when he stilled. 
he pressed his forehead to yours wordlessly, his eyes fluttering closed. it had obviously been a tough time for him too—he liked a lot of affection, so there was no doubt he was just as touch starved as you were.
of course though, your luck would inevitably run out and it did so in the form of donghyuck calling over to the two of you.
“hey lovebirds, some of us actually want to eat, you know?”
the time away had also let some of the others clearly forget some things too.
“come on, we’d better go before youngest decides to go feral,” you said.
“you think he’d do it?”
you peered up at your boyfriend with an exaggerated look of disbelief. “you have met hyuck, right?”
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“ha! nice try!”
“that was close! you gotta admit that was close!” 
after your friends all decided to go camping and finally bought a tent big enough for a few extra people, you asked mark if he wanted to go too. he’d answered yes without a hesitation of course, and before you knew it the day before the trip rolled round and it was time to pack. of course, you and your boyfriend could never stay focused for more than three minutes when together, and it led to the two of you going from passing clothes to one another to neatly pack into your suitcases to just straight up lobbing socks at one another. 
“is this one of your socks or mine?”
“definitely yours, i would never wear such a thing.”
“are you hating on melons?”
“watermelons cancelled, avocados superior—mark!”
it had only digressed from there. now your bedroom was littered with random socks and the odd shirt and you were taking cover behind your side of the bed. with a balled up sock in one hand, the other feeling around for more ammunition behind you, you were waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
“you’re gonna miss,” mark teased from his makeshift trench.
“oh really?” you couldn’t hide the smile that was evident in your voice. “how about this:i’m going to hit you bullseye, and you—you want to know where your sock is going to go?” 
“where’s it gonna go, babe?”
“it’s going to go aaall the way over there!” you pointed to the door on the other side of the room. the only issue with that was a blur of navy suddenly shot past your hand, forcing you to retreat further behind your cover. 
“ha! you missed!” you exclaimed, before twigging the silver lining. “also, thanks for the ammo.” stretching out a leg to retrieve the sock, you unfortunately found it just out of reach. you cursed.
“what’s wrong babe, too scared to face me?”
you scoffed. “what’s scary about you mark? no offence, but i feel like i’m being threatened by a cupcake.”
you had an exaggerated gasp from the other side of the bed, and took it as the prime opportunity to strike. get him while he’s still reeling. a fantastic plan.
however, in the joy of concocting what you thought was an infallible plan, you completely failed to consider your boyfriend’s frankly inhuman reactions.
and so you stood, raised your arm, and then got pink cotton in your mouth. 
you sputtered, staggering back, as mark's hands flew to his lips. “oh my gosh, baby—!”
despite the dryness that quickly left your tongue as you batted it away and how startled you were at the accuracy, you fell into fits of giggles. “mark, you shit!”
he didn’t share the same sentiment however, and once he’d overcome being frozen to the spot he began to hurry to your side. “baby, i’m so sorry, are you ok? are you sure you’re alright?”
he was met with a balled up sock bouncing off his forehead.
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the movie was nowhere near as good as you had all expected it to be, which meant it was only a matter of time before the whole dorm descended into madness. it had been jisung, oddly, that had been the first one to speak up about how ridiculous one of the characters was behaving, and it had led all the others to join the bandwagon and begin cackling at all the plot-holes—and boy were there a lot of them. 
you had mostly stayed quiet simply because the way donghyuck posed his jokes and criticisms was something you could never compete with, and you would much rather listen and laugh about what he had to say rather than do so. the two of you had cozied up together beneath a blanket, but as soon as the chaos ensued he had shifted away, ripping on the film with wild hand movements and adding onto the points that jaemin proposed with a huge grin.
you watched him, only glancing over at the tv screen whenever some horrifically edgy dialogue was grumbled, as he impersonated the main protagonist—the stereotypical grisly ‘morally-grey’ hero who was really just a dick.  in an instant mark’s famous high-pitch laugh lilted across the air, and you were left reeling with everyone else.
unfortunately, it was cut short. your boyfriend, forgetting your proximity, decided to continue with one of his points, dipping into genuine criticism that even you were proud of, but happened to fling his hand out in emphasis.
his knuckle whacked your arm, and though it wasn’t hard it did hurt a bit and you immediately whined, “owwww!”
as the rest of dream choked on their own laughter or waited to see if you were ok—what an angel jisung was, and as for the rest you made a mental note to kick their asses later—donghyuck’s words stopped dead in their tracks as his attentions turned solely to you, as he reflected your hurt tone.
“ahh, yn, i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry, please forgive meee.” he rubbed your arm gently before peppering your face with kisses, which was enough to get your to crack a smile once again. 
“hmmm,” you pretended to think about it for a moment, “i’m not sure though... what you did was pretty—”
you scoffed teasingly, but pulled him into your arms nevertheless. letting him drape himself across your shoulder, you took his hand into your own and wrapped your free arm around him to pull him closer. 
“i forgive you, duck,” you reassured, petting his hair when he hummed in response.
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an: this actually took me so long? like i worked on it over the span of like a week 
~ pls dont forget to offer comments on my work! they mean the world to me and really motivate me to work more :)) tysm! ~
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Summer Crushes
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A/n: so.....this gif screams camp counselor so I had too. It aint gonna be long but I had to do it (not thoroughly edited sryyyy) (should I start a general tag list? for like all my posts?)
Tagging: @hyunsunq​ @blueismacolour
Warnings: FREAKING FLUFFLY JISUNg with kids, like one or two curse words
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Y/n and Jisung are stuck in the middle of a problem, as well as about twenty rambunctious children. They both like each other but are kept apart by the strict rules of their summer jobs as camp counselors. How do they go about making sure their feelings are not overlooked?
Genre: non-idol au, romance, pure fluff, camp!au, camp counselor!au, college!au
Summer. Arguably the best season. The sun beat down on my shoulders as I ushered my little girls from the mess hall. This was the third summer I had worked as a camp counselor. It was a great way for me to earn money while my classes were out for the summer. 
“Ara, Hyejin, get  your backpacks girls!” I said corralling the two eight year olds back into the group. My walkie talkie went off notifying me the bus was pulling into the front of the campgrounds. 
“Hey! Y/n!” A voice called out to me from across the clearing. 
I turned with a smile, immediately recognizing the deep, smooth sound. “Jisung!” He smiled and jogged over to me, leaving his campers with our friend Chan. My heart skipped a beat seeing his bright smile and messy dusty blonde hair bouncing towards me. “Hi,” 
He looked me up and down before giving a quick wave to my campers. “Are you excited about the trip today?” He stood a step below me, his hands on his hips. We were taking the campers to an amusement part and then staying the night up in the mountains. 
“Yeah, I am!” 
Jisung smiled as a little girl pulled on my sleeve. He watched with happy eyes as I helped her tighten the straps of her backpack. “Did you get the seating chart for the bus?” He nodded and pulled a sheet out of his jeans pocket. 
His fingers brushed against mine as the paper traded hands. Jisung smirked seeing the blush on my cheeks when I quickly pulled away. It was no secret that we both liked each other. Jisung was a great guy. He was intelligent (most of the time), funny, and the best with kids. Jisung and I even attended the same college, we had discovered. 
The problem was, there was a strict rule against counselor fraternization. The camp was very serious about relationships between counselors. Jisung didn’t exactly make this the easiest rule to follow.
My eyes scanned over the chart and I felt Jisung’s stare on me, making my little girls whisper and giggle. “Why is my name scratched out in the front of the bus?” I asked. Did the office kick me off the trip? Jisung came up onto my step, leaning over my shoulder to read the paper. I tried to still my beating heart. 
“Oh- I think you were just moved. I’ll ask, Mr. Park.” He said in a happy voice, taking the roster back. “Buses are loading in twenty minutes!” He called over his shoulder. I watched Jisung’s form jog over to the front office. 
“Y/n, do you have a crush on Jisung?” One of the little girls asked, crossing her arms very sassily. I turned to find a militia of about nine eight year olds behind her. All of them waiting to hear a story about Jisung sweeping me off my feet, like a prince wielding a marshmallow stick sword. “One of the boys told me that Jisung likes you.” The girl said cocking her hip out.
Doing my best to stifle a laugh I crouched down to their level. In interest, they all leaned as if drawn to a magnet. “Promise not to tell anyone?” They all nodded, resembling little bobble-head toys. I nodded my head ‘yes’ and gave them a wink. The little girls squealed and cheered.
“Come on, girls. Let’s head to the bus.”
My feet pounded against the rocky uneven pavement as I did my best to keep up with the girls. When we finally reached the other end of camp we found some of the boys helping Chan load up the bus. 
“Hey, girls! Why don’t you give us your bags and get on the bus?” They squealed and handed off their things. Chan smiled at me and held his hand up for a high five. “Lia is already on the bus. Apparently, she’s taking the front station.” He said as my hand clapped against his. 
“Thanks, Chris!” With a smile, I managed to get the girls onto the bus with no bickering about seats. “Remember girls in the front and boys will be in the back!” I called. Lia reached up for a high five as I passed her seat behind the driver. 
“I’ll take attendance when the boys get on.” She said, setting up her pillow against the window.
After thanking her I shuffled through the tiny aisle to the middle of the bus. My hips bumping up against the sides of the seat, my body becoming a pinball. When I got to the middle of the bus I threw my bag and pillow into the two seats and looked across the row. A black bag and pillow with Doraemon on it lay in the window seat. A guitar case was tucked under the cushions of the bus seat as well. 
“So that’s why my name was crossed out from the front,” I whispered to myself. 
After a few minutes, a loud clunk shook the bus and little boys started stampeding past me. “Hey! Don’t run! I swear to god, Dongmin, if I have to put another freaking bandaid on you, there are gonna be no snack privileges for the rest of the day!” A familiar voice called out into the long vehicle. 
His familiar long fingers found a place on the seat in front in front of me. “Hey, cutie,” Jisung whistled down to me with a wink. He swung himself into the seat across from me. His legs being too long for the seat propped themselves onto mine across the aisle.
“You sneaky bastard.”
“Y//n there are children present,” Jisung said with a cheeky smile. We both ignored the sound of Lia calling roll as we stared at each other across the row. I brought my legs up onto the seat to sit cross legged, flinching as my bare leg brushed against the metal buckle of the seat. Smirking, my hands reached for his shoes and started untying his laces. “Yah- hey! Stop!” He said with a laugh trying to pull away.
When he finally managed to pull his feet back over, he sighed knowing he would have to untie a very difficult knot that joined his shoes together. I almost died laughing when the bus started moving and his head banged against the seat in front of him.
“Jisung, how long is the ride going to be?” A little boy asked peeking over my seat.
“About two hours,” I said, Jisung shooting me a playful glare. The little boy thanked me and I watched Jisung sit back up in his seat, putting his backpack between his legs. His hand placed itself on the empty seat beside him and his fingers drummed against the cushion. I laughed turning to the scenery flying past us. “Is that a hint or something?” 
“Just come sit with me already.” He whined. 
Jisung’s frown was replaced with a grin as I stood up, grabbing my pillow and started moving towards the aisle. Chan shot me a look from the back of the bus and then rolled his eyes with a smile. He couldn’t say anything without being a hypocrite. He was totally sneaking out after hours to see the cute girl who worked in Arts and Crafts.
The second my butt touched the seat Jisung’s arm wrapped around me pulling me into his side. “Could you be more obvious?” I asked quietly, looking up at him and hugging my pillow. An impish smile crept onto his lips and he shrugged before taking my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. In a feeble attempt to hide it, he just tucked them under my pillow and pulled my legs over onto his lap. “Jisung this doesn’t help at all.”
“It helps me.” He whispered in my ear, goosebumps crawling up my arms and legs. His thumb brushed over my knuckle sending a smile onto my face. The bus eventually quieted down. Nothing like a long drive that could knock out a few kids for an hour or two. “Did you sign up for classes yet?” Jisung asked, adjusting so his head rested against the window and I was leaning almost on his chest. 
I nodded, enjoying the way it felt to be with him. “I’m going to be doing full time next semester. Did you get the schedule you wanted?” He nodded and I could feel the rumble of a laugh in his chest. We kept our voices low so as not to wake the sleeping kids around us.
“I finally got all my core done last year so I can focus on stuff for my major and I have more time set aside for the studio.” 
It felt so easy to talk to Jisung. Like I had known him for years and not just a month or two. We talked about anything and everything. From our lives outside of the camp to the worst pizza place we had ever been too. Eventually, Jisung’s radiating warmth and his soft voice lulled me to sleep. He didn’t complain when I snuggled further into his chest. Soon, he followed me and rested his head against the window arm still around me and hand still tangled with my fingers.
Laughter filled the air as our group of twenty kids burst through the gates of an amusement park like cattle on a stampede. Chan raced to a bench the kids surrounding him. “Okay! We are going to split up into two groups! Lia and I will take half of you and Y/n and Jisung will take the other! Have fun guys and stay with your counselors!” Chan shouted through a microphone.
Jisung smiled at me from across the sea of eight year olds before making his way over. Our group of ten kids (five girls and five boys) surrounded us waiting for instructions. 
“Okay, everybody! Who’s ready to have fun?” Jisung cheered his eyes sparkling. A loud cheer erupted from our group and we headed off into the park. A little boy, whose name was Jihyun I believe, held onto my hand as we walked through the park. “Y/n,” Jisung called out. My heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of me.
One of the little girls from my group, Ara, clung to Jisung’s back, her arms around his neck. His hands securely held onto her legs as he carried her a bright smile on his face. “Y/n, should we go do games first or rides?” Stilling my heart, I pulled out the map I had gotten near the front.
“Let’s do games and then we can eat lunch.” He nodded before gleefully running with the kids towards the games. Jihyun and I ran to catch up. For the next hour, we watched the kids play all the carnival games and helped if we were needed.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Wanna play a game with me?” Jisung asked holding out his hand. His eyes lit up when I took it. “Come on,” The boy said, blonde hair bouncing as he tugged me across the walkway to a game booth.
“How many?” The attendant asked. Jisung pulled out his wallet and handed the man enough for six throws.
His hand brushed mine, intentionally of course, when he handed me the balls. I could see it in his eyes when our fingers touched. He motioned for me to go first. My first throw at the five stacked bottles was terrible. Jisung did his best not to laugh when I almost hit the attendant. The second throw knocked away two bottles.
I huffed in frustration. “You want help?” Jisung asked, already coming over behind me. His hand came over mine, the other on my waist. I turned my head, leaving only a few inches between his face and mine. “Y/n, I know I’m very attractive but you have to look at the bottles.” He teases. I was very tempted to elbow him in the stomach, but I like the feeling of Jisung holding onto me.
Jisung whispered in my ear how to best aim for my last shot. The ball left my hand and hit the center of the stack sending another two bottles flying. However, there was still one left standing. “Oh well,” I said with a shrug. Jisung’s hands slid away from my waist.
“Don’t worry, babe,” Jisung said sending a wink my way. He took three of the balls from the attendant and waited for him to reset the bottles. Jihyun ran over and held onto the back of my shirt. I smiled and patted his head before turning back to Jisung. He made a big show of rolling up his sleeves and blowing a kiss to me. His first shot powerfully flew through the center of the stack sending all but two bottles onto the floor. 
Jihyun and I cheered as Jisung readied his second throw. The muscles in his arm flexed as his hand let loose the ball. The bottles were sent crashing to the floor. Jisung did a little happy dance before he looked at the prizes. “Uhh...Give me that one up there, please.” He asked politely. 
The man got down the toy and Jisung turned to me with a cheeky smile. A blush spread across my cheeks when he handed me the teddy bear with a red bow tie. “For me?” I asked. He nodded his ears turning a little red when I took the prize with a happy smile.
“Can I get a little kiss in return?” He asked puckering his lips and closing his eyes. Jihyun laughed and covered his eyes. I turned around to see Ara and her friend giggling at the scene. 
His eyes shot open when I said ‘yes’. “Wait- what?” He stuttered, watching me step forward and place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Hey, kids! It’s time for lunch!” I called leaving Jisung standing by himself a blushing mess. 
The rest of the day was spent taking the kids on rides. Much to Jisung’s displeasure. I had no idea how afraid of rollercoasters he was until he clung onto me screaming for his life on the first ride. It was the swinging boat. I found it very cute though. 
With exhausted kids, we all boarded back on the bus to drive up into the mountains. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long trip. Jisung and Chan stayed behind to set up camp while Lia and I took the kids to watch the sunset. 
When we returned the boys had fully set up not only the kids and counselor tents but they had gotten a fire started as well. After a quick dinner, the kids sat around the fire while Jisung played his guitar. 
Our voices lifted up into the sky mingling with the stars as we sang along. Jisung looked over to me, sitting against a log with a sleepy Jihyun leaning on my shoulder. He smiled and continued to play more songs for the kids. 
Before it got too late and the bugs came out, Lia and I put all the kids in the tents and to sleep. Lia stayed with the kids, her eyes starting to close as she read them a story. Instead of remaining in the tent, I chose to go outside and clean up the campsite. 
My ears picked up on laughter coming from the boys' tent. I turned to see shadows dancing against the canvas and Jisung’s unmistakable voice floating into the mountain air. He was telling some dramatic story about a super kangaroo and a heroic squirrel saving the world from giant man-eating squid.
When the lights in both tents had been turned out I started to extinguish the campfire. The sound of a tent unzipping joined the symphony of crickets and wind. 
“Hey, don’t put it out just yet.” 
Jisung stepped out of the tent, almost tripping with his foot caught on the fabric. “Be careful,” I said between laughs. He carefully closed the tent and shuffled over to the campfire. He lowered himself onto the ground, resting his back against a log. “That was a cute story,” I said packing up some of the dinner supplies. 
“What story?” He asked, looking up at me with cute eyes.
“The one you just told the boys.” 
Jisung blushed, and lowered his head, his arms draping over his knees. “You heard that?” With a nod and a laugh, I sat next to him, our shoulders touching. After a moment Jisung pushed the heat away from his full cheeks. It took all my will power not to roll my eyes when he yawned and draped an arm over the back of the log, his hand brushing the other side of my shoulder.
“Oh...very smooth, Han.” 
“Can't go wrong with a classic.” He joked, stretching out one of his legs. 
I turned to find him already looking at me, the fire dancing in his eyes creating a new kind of glow. “You’re really good at playing the guitar,” I whispered, looking into his eyes.
“You have really beautiful eyes.” He said tilting his head, blonde hair falling in front of his dark brown stare. Goosebumps were crawling up my arms.
“You are really good with kids...” My voice trailed off at the end. I was unable to keep my gaze from drifting to Jisung’s plump lips, which were just barely lifted up into a smile.
“Your smile drives me crazy,” Jisung whispered, leaning closer to me. 
My teeth dragged over my lip, bringing his focus fully down to my mouth. “Jisung there is a rule about counselors dating.” He smiled knowing I was more trying to convince myself than him.
“Who said anything about dating right now? I was just going to kiss you.” 
My heart hammered against my chest. “You are such an idiot,” I said keeping our little staring game going. Jisung let out a breathy laugh leaning even closer.
“After camp ends can I be your idiot?”
“Can you possibly keep your hands to yourself for that long?”
He looked up at the sky, pretending to think. “You know what...I don’t actually know.” I laughed and tried to ignore the feeling of my heart jumping when his hand brushed over my shoulder. “Even if I couldn’t, I don’t think it would change your answer.” An impish smirk slid onto his lips. 
The same smirk from when we met at the beginning of the summer after he dumped an entire bucket of water balloons on me. The little mischievous smile sent butterflies flying in crazy patterns in my stomach. 
“Fuck it. Just kiss me already.” 
Impatiently I took his face in my hands and slammed my lips against his. The skin on his cheeks was soft, and I could feel the sharp line of his jaw under my hand as his lips danced over mine. Though I had made the first move, Jisung quickly took the lead.
My fingers played with the ends of his blonde hair when leaned and deepened the kiss. His lips dragged over mine at a painstakingly slow pace, sending my senses into overdrive. 
Jisung pulled away, his eyes fluttering open along with mine. He grinned keeping himself as close to me as possible. My hands slid back down to rest on his jaw.
“Yeah...I don’t think I can go all summer without that again.” Jisung leaned back in smiling against my lips through the kiss.
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
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simpsiren · 4 years
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lee donghyuck x reader, ft. johnny and dreamies
description. I’m working at an arcade, but I’m also the top scorer of the DDR machine. It was easy to guard my position till a sudden regular comes by and tries to beat it. But we somehow ended up at the beach?
genre. angst (at first), fluff, arcade au, strangers to lovers au
word count. 8.2k
a/n. hEllOo i felt like writing this just because i crave going to the arcade but its way too expensive for my broke ass so i can only write what i wish :’) so eNjoY!!
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“How do you still have the energy to play that?” I hear the familiar voice and footsteps walking towards the DDR machine where I was at. I glance to him for a moment, seeing him sipping on his Starbucks coffee.
“Working at an arcade is probably the easiest job ever.” I breathe out, my eyes and feet concentrated on the game. I feel Johnny’s hand leaning on the handle behind me while he watches me.
“Isn’t that obvious?” Johnny mutters sarcastically. I stomp on the last beat and wait impatiently for my score, the numbers increasing at an extremely fast rate.
“No fucking way!” Johnny exclaims, his hand beating the handle vigorously as the two of us see the final score. I chuckle and got off the plate, snatching Johnny’s coffee from him to take a sip.
“I’m amazing.” I say with utter confidence, shoving the coffee back on Johnny’s chest, causing him to fall back a little while I make my way to the staff’s room.
Johnny silently follows behind me, waiting in front of the counter while I grab my bag and check if I left anything behind before going up to him. “Thanks for always fetching me from work.” Johnny and I made our way out of the arcade. I didn’t bother to close up since it was my other colleague’s job anyways.
“Yeah so where’s my pay?” Johnny puts his hand out and motions it to me as if he’s asking for money. I roll my eyes and faked my exasperation. “You aren’t my Grab driver so shut it.” I nudged my elbow to Johnny’s as the two of us chuckle and left the mall.
While Johnny’s driving me home, the two of us didn’t speak, with only music coming from the radio can be heard. Johnny clears his throat suddenly. I assume he was trying to break the silence so I turn my head to him and wait for him to say something.
“One question.” Johnny stated. I hum as a sign for him to continue. “Has anyone ever tried breaking your score on the DDR before?”
I pucker my lips as I try to think of an answer, quietly laughing to myself after thinking about it. Johnny raise an eyebrow at me, confused at my sudden laughter. “Plenty of times actually. But no one has ever officially beaten it.” I answer with a scoff.
“It’s so funny watching people get curious about KSY. They would never guess that it could be a worker at the arcade.” I elaborate. Johnny laughs, now knowing why I was laughing to myself earlier.
“Let’s make a bet.” Johnny suddenly announces, his eyes off the road and to you, a mischievous grin appearing on his face. I copy his expression, tilting my head to the side. “Bet on what, John?”
“The first person that beats your score.” Johnny replies nonchalantly. “Within three months, if someone actually beats you, I win. If not, then I don’t.”
“What’s the prize for winning?”
“If I win, you get me an unlimited arcade card like yours.”
I gape my mouth at his statement, gasping and widening my eyes. A card is used as an access system in the arcade, meaning that you need to have money in your card and scan it on the machine as payment before you can play. Having an unlimited card meant that you didn’t have to pay for any of the games at all.
“You do know that’s for staff only right? It’s off limits. Choose another prize.”
Johnny simply shrugs, clearly saying that he doesn’t care how rare the card is, as long as he could get it. “If I lose, I’ll treat you to all the bubble tea you want for three months.” Johnny raises his hand that was laying on his thigh and slicing it through the air.
I bite the inside of my right cheek as I thought about the bet. I already knew I’d win. In my whole two years of working there and playing DDR, no one has beaten me. Not once. And I never needed to try hard to keep my title. But for the fun of if, I accepted. Who knows? Maybe someone will sweep me off my feet unexpectedly.
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Two months have passed and the bet Johnny made with me still stands. I had my eyes on the DDR machine every time someone gets on. Half of them played for the fun of it while the other are trying their best to beat me. But I could tell from their moves that they didn’t have what it took to even reach my standard.
“Honestly let’s just call off the bet and have me win.” I tell Johnny who’s here during my break since he wanted to visit me. I rest my chin on the palm of my hand as my body leans forward on the counter and my eyes fixated on the DDR machine which currently has no one playing.
“Bitch I still have a month to prove that one person- One person, can beat you.” Johnny holds out his index finger, shoving it in my face with fury. I heaved a sigh. Johnny’s a determined man indeed.
Just as Johnny and I were talking about having dinner after I get off work, a guy walks in the arcade. I don’t know why but, he caught my eye. I glanced at him but did a double-take instantly.
He comes striding in with a lazy posture, hands in his black jeans while he wears a white shirt and black leather jacket. The most outstanding feature of his is the face. That was probably the reason why he caught my eye in the first place.
He goes to the top up machine, probably to put money in his card. And the first place he goes to is the DDR machine. Suddenly, Johnny starts slapping my arm vigorously. My unimpressed reaction didn’t seem stop him. “We should watch him! He’s going to play.” Johnny seems so excited that he’s jumping a little.
“Oh my God calm down.” I smack Johnny’s arm hard, making him wince in pain but recovered soon enough and quiet down.
The guy stands on the plate and scans his card, shoving it in his front pocket. He starts choosing a song. To my surprise, he chooses the song that I played yesterday with a level difficulty of hard. Clearly, he’s aim is to beat my score.
Someone from the entrance suddenly calls out a name. The guy turned his head to the voice, raising his hand up to greet the other while he walks towards the DDR machine. I couldn’t hear what they were saying due to the sounds from the other games that dominates the whole arcade.
He finally starts to play. The moment he presses on the first beat, my mouth gaps open. My jaw practically dropped to the floor due to the wave of shock I suddenly felt. Whoever he is, he’s definitely a professional at DDR. His feet moves at immense speed as he hits every single beat perfectly, his hands casually chilling on the handle.
He seems unfazed by the difficulty of the song, tilting his head while he watches the screen, as if boring his eyes into it. “I can’t believe this...” I mutter in awe, completely mesmerised by the way the guy moves.
A large crowd slowly starts to gather around him as everyone whispers to each other and being amazed. He hits the final beat. Claps and cheers can be heard from all over the arcade. All the attention went to him and the screen as everyone waits anxiously for the score.
“Seems like he can beat you.” Johnny whispers to me, his elbow nudging on mine. I let out a ‘tsk’ and throw him a glare. “Let’s see the score first.”
The numbers increase rapidly. It going as high as mine usually would. The number finally stops as it enlarges on the screen. Disappointing sighs and noises can be heard.
“Five points away?!” Johnny shouts unbelievably. I place a hand on my chest and give myself time to get my breathing back to normal. “That was so close. Too close.” I say.
The crowd starts to disperse as the arcade goes back to its normal state with only the one guy that called him out at the entrance. The guy gets off the plate as I would just assume the other to be his friend, patting his shoulder as a sign of a job well done.
The two proceeded to play other games and exit two hours later. I didn’t have my eye on them the whole time, obviously. But I wouldn’t be surprise if he comes by regularly from now on to try and beat my score. On top of that, I’d be intrigued if I get to see a new face around here more often. At least I’ll have someone with breathtaking looks to admire about if work gets boring.
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Since it’s a Monday, the arcade is not crowded. Meaning that I’d have a lot more free time. I decide to do the homework that I have for the holidays. All I can think about is completing it all so that I can focus on work and get money.
Money. That is all I care about honestly.
However, my eyes lifted off my math paper to meet the eyes of him. The guy that almost beat my score. This is the second time I’m seeing him since he didn’t come by for a week after the huge uproar he brought to the arcade.
Our eyes only met for a split second before he walks by. My eyes are still on him, watching his back. His extremely good looking face still amazes me nonetheless. He didn’t play the DDR machine, and instead went to the motorcycle one. He stayed there for quite some time actually. He didn’t play other games.
I continue to do my homework. Just when I’m going to place my pen on the paper, I hear the sound of the DDR machine. I lifted my head up again, seeing him standing on the plate. He picked the same song, same difficulty. Is he going to try again?
The music starts and he starts moving his feet. I’m still amazed by him. It felt like I was watching him play for the first time. It’s shocking how I’ve never seen someone this good come by the arcade ever. It felt refreshing in a way. He felt like a competitor almost. He gets me anxious when I see him play.
The music finally ends. I wait for the score. The moment I did, my pen drops. My fingers releasing its grip on it as my eyes widen and blinked rapidly.
He jumps on the plate happily, seeing the score as his username goes up the rank and tops mine. He ran a hand through his hair flawlessly. How is he still looking so good after playing that intensely? I have mixed feelings about this.
I start to grow furious. The title I’ve been holding on to for so long suddenly got snatched away. Now that— just set off the competitive side of me. He’s definitely a challenge, an opponent. No doubt in that. I didn’t need to watch him play any more to know that.
He jumps off the plate, shaking one leg recklessly and did the same to the other. He turns his head back, seeing his username as the top ranked.
LDH. I’ll have to take note of that username
Before he left, his eyes scans across the arcade. His eyes meets mine and we made eye contact again. He lets out a small smile. A very small and effortless one. He looks extremely proud of himself, almost arrogant in fact. I’m pissed at him but I couldn’t get the fact that he’s good looking out of my mind.
Well, that settles it. I’m going to get my title back the moment I end my shift.
Later that night, the moment my shift ended, to be honest it didn’t exactly matter since my boss would only come by an hour later, I immediately went to the DDR machine, scanned my card and played.
I played vigorously. With immense concentration. My only thought was to keep LDH off my rank. My top rank. I played so seriously that I didn’t even notice Johnny coming in to pick me up.
“Are you mad or something? Letting off steam?” Johnny asks when I finish and wait for my score, almost sounding concern with how I played. “You won.” I let out.
Johnny doesn’t reply, probably taking his time to process what I meant. “I won the bet?!” Johnny finally shouts. My score appears on the screen. Luckily, my rank went back up to the top. Johnny looks at the screen and laughs hysterically, slapping his thighs and clapping.
“It’s that guy, isn’t it?! The handsome dude!” Johnny skips behind me while I went to the back to grab my stuff. I got back to him and run a hand through my hair, taking deep breaths. “I’ll get you your card, damn it.” I suspire in defeat.
“I remember him clearly because of how attractive he is. What a refreshing sight for the town.”
No shit, Sherlock.
Johnny leans down and places a quick friendly peck on my cheek, causing me to furrow my eyebrows and scrunch up my nose in disgust.
“So, how about bubble tea tonight?” I stop in my tracks, sharply turning a full forty five degrees to Johnny. He flinches back and shivers at my sudden move.
“Bubble tea? I thought I won’t be getting any.” I say with suspicion filling my tone, a raised brow as well as narrowed eyes. Johnny chuckles and shakes his head, bringing a hand out to pat my head.
“I said I’d treat you to all the bubble tea you want for three months. But I didn’t say I won’t treat you if you lost the bet.” Johnny replies casually.
I grin widely and link my arm around his. “Let’s skip our way to the car, shall we?” Johnny could only laugh.
We bought our bubble tea and decided to just sit on the roadside in front of the store. The two of us stare into the night sky, comfortable silence filled the air.
“Hey.” Johnny suddenly lets out. I bring my head down to look at him. “Aren’t you curious to find out who LDH is?”
I raise a brow in confusion. “I already know him? His looks make him unforgettable.” I say, swirling my drink around.
“No, idiot. I meant his name. LDH must be his nickname or initials.”
I look up and start to think about it. Johnny waits silently for my answer, hearing him sipping on his drink and chewing on the pearls. “Mm I can’t think of a korean name who’s initials are LDH.” I reply back
“I don’t know. I’ll have to get to know him soon if he’s going to come back.” I let out.
“Maybe he’ll see that I topped him.” I mutter with a light shrug.
And of course, he did. He comes back the next day and goes to the DDR machine. His eyes are stuck to the screen. I assume he’s surprised and confused as to how his rank dropped back down to second place in the span of one night.
He jerks his head to the side and take no hesitation to scan his card. Wanting to be the first again. You would think I am surprise to find out that he scored higher than me, but I wasn’t. I knew he was capable, and a strong competitor.
Once again I had to play after my shift to claim back my rank. And after that day, it got hectic. He would come by everyday and see that I’ve been ranked first. And he’ll have to play again. It went back and forth. Everyday it felt as though I was competing with him. And he never seems to give up either.
Over the days, people would come by and have looks of confusion, question marks floating around them as they wonder why KSY and LDH keep switching ranks every single day.
There was no end to this. It feels like I’ve been doing it for months (though it has only been three weeks). Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t tired of playing DDR. I’m just annoyed at the guy who keeps wanting to steal my rank.
He’s without a doubt the first person that has ever shaken me off my calm pride.
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Haechan and Jaemin decides to have a lunch date with Jaemin’s brother, Mark. The three eat happily, talking about how each of their lives are going.
“What have you been doing? It’s your school holidays, isn’t it?” Mark asks Haechan, scraping off every last bit of food on his plate.
“I’ve just been going to the arcade.” Haechan replies simply. Jaemin suddenly slams his hand in front of Mark, making him flinch in shock as it seems like Jeno wants to tell Mark something.
“I saw him play DDR. He was amazing! He even beat the top ranker who apparently hasn’t had anyone beaten them for two years!” Jaemin exclaims. Mark gapes his mouth open in shock as a wide smile appears on his lips.
Mark reaches his hand out to pat Haechan on the side of his arm. “Those dance lessons seem to pay off, huh?”
Haechan nods happily, but his expression soon changes to a weird one that Jaemin and Mark couldn’t make out. “But you know...” Haechan starts.
“Every single day I come by, I always find my rank going back to second. I kid you not the top scorer that I beat always comes back to play and rank first. It’s tiring how I have to constantly play to beat them.” Haechan complains, scratching his head and ruffling his hair.
“Look at you being all furious because of your competitive ass.” Jaemin teases. Haechan could only throw him a death glare.
“Maybe they come by everyday too? I mean of course they would want to keep their position as the best one at DDR.” Mark shrugs. He picks up his drink, wanting to take a sip but realises that he already finished it and went to place it back down on the table with a slight frown.
“How?! I come by everyday but I see no regulars there!” Haechan shouts softly, he would have been screaming if he’s not in a restaurant right now.
“I agree. I mean I don’t go there often but whenever I do I don’t see anyone that goes there everyday like Haechan.” Jaemin adds.
“It’s like it changes overnight!”
The table grows silent. Haechan’s eyes were specifically on Mark, wanting to see his reaction to this. Mark leans in, glancing down at the table before meeting Haechan’s eyes. “I’d say you just stay there the whole day and wait for this KSY to play.”
A line appears in between Haechan’s brows as his forehead creases, looking skeptical. “You want me to stay there from the time they open to when they close?! Mark that’s like ten hours.” Haechan shakes his head and waves a lazy hand to Mark.
“It’s not a bad idea. You don’t know when KSY comes so the only way you can know is if you stay the whole time.” Jaemin adds.
“You go there everyday. It shouldn’t be a problem.”
Haechan sighs and looks down on his empty plate. If he’s going to settle this once and for all with KSY, he’ll have to meet him at some point. He guess that this was the only way.
“It’s worth the shot.”
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Unfortunately, I had to work the whole shift from morning till night today. But it didn’t really matter to me, since I know I’ll be seeing LDH again today.
To my surprise, he’s the first one here. And I just opened the arcade an hour ago. I couldn’t help but wonder who would come this early. Usually people would start coming in at least three hour after it opens.
His hair looked messy, yet it’s able to frame his face perfectly. His features still effortlessly beautiful despite wearing a baggy sweater and sweatpants.
He goes to play other games. He’s been playing for two hours now before leaving the arcade. I assume he left completely but he comes back with a McDonald takeaway, bringing it to the lounge area and eating breakfast there.
I found it extremely suspicious. I have never seen anyone acting like this in arcade before. Was it some kind of challenge? To stay in the arcade the whole time?
Hours went by, I did my work as usual. He’s still here. Sometimes he would be playing, and sometimes he would be in the lounge area. What surprised me the most is that he’s constantly looking at the DDR machine. His eyes immediately went there the moment someone stood on the plate. It looks like he’s keeping track of who’s going there. And I can only wonder why the whole day.
It’s now closing hours. My colleagues and I are cleaning our assigned areas and doing our jobs. I make my way to the lounge area.
I open the door and his eyes instantly went off his phone and to mine. “We’re closing now. You should get going.”
His lips form a thin line. Again he moves his head aside, looking at the DDR machine. I turn my head back, acting as if I didn’t know what he’s looking at. “You’ve been here the whole day. Care to tell me why?” I ask, going to the trashcan in the corner and taking out the plastic bag.
“Uh no reason. I’ll leave.” He simply say, rising from the couch and walking past me.
“Why didn’t they come today...?” I hear him mutter as he scratches his head. He leaves the lounge area. I look back, watching him walk out the arcade.
My lips purse into a thin line as I try to make out what he said to himself? Was he waiting for someone? He was looking at the DDR machine the whole day.
As I walk out to throw away the trash, I didn’t take me long to figure out why. “Was he looking for me?” I ask to myself. A wide smirk appears on my lips absentmindedly as I giggle softly, walking back to the arcade and seeing Johnny waiting for me by the counter.
“You’ll never guess what happened today.”
I see Johnny holding my bag in his hand. I assume he went to the back and took it for me. He hands it to me as we walk out of the arcade. “What happened?” Johnny asks curiously.
“Handsome dude was in the arcade the whole day.” I answer, brushing away strands of hair from my forehead. “The whole day?! Since you opened?”
I nod instantly. Johnny looks up to the sky with a weird face. “I mean I know he has the lounge area but being there for ten hours?”
I let out a chuckle. “He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner there too.”
“Why would he do that though? Does he not have a life?” That’s when my wide smirk appears again. Johnny gives a suspicious look to my reaction.
“He was looking for KSY.” Johnny’s mouth gapes open, laughing hysterically after a moment of just staring at me in disbelief. “Are you serious?! He waited all day and he doesn’t even know that it’s you!” The two of us laugh for a whole minute, finding it funny and unbelievable.
“I feel bad though. He didn’t even play DDR today.” I comment. “Won’t be surprised if he comes back today and stays there again.”
“You’re so mean if you just let him wait and not find out that it’s you.” Johnny shoves a hand in his pocket.
I bob my shoulders and shrug. “We’ll see how long he can hold up then.”
The next day, he comes back again. He did the same routine. Getting meals and staying in the lounge area. He did play some games, but his attention was solely on the DDR machine. I don’t know how he’s not sick of doing this since it’s been a week now. Though I find it funny at first, I started to feel bad for him.
“Are you perhaps waiting for someone?” I ask, wanting to tease him a little as I walk in the lounge room. His body slumps into the soft couch. He grabs a pillow from behind and hugs it tight.
“No shit I’ve been waiting for a week for this person to show up.” He mumbles in frustration. Letting out a soft chuckle, I fold my arms and shifted my weight onto one leg.
“Is he or she a regular like you?”
His eyes slowly lifts off from the pillow and to me, going from the bottom up before meeting my eyes and glaring. “I guess? I don’t know. They keep getting back their rank in DDR after I take it. It’s driving me insane.”
I laugh, quickly covering it by looking behind and changing my expression back to a composed one. “What’s your name?” He raises a brow at my sudden question. “Lee Donghyuck.”
“Or just Haechan.”
My mouth opens slightly as I let out a soft “Ah...” while nodding my head. Beautiful name for a beautiful face. At least now I know what his initials meant. “I feel bad so it looks like I have to tell you.”
“Tell me what...?” I start walking closer to the couch, bending down to meet his eye level. He looks at me suspiciously with his blank expression.
“KSY is me.” I let out, grinning widely.
Haechy tilts his head to the side, his eyes looking at me up and down as he blinks rapidly and scoffs in disbelief. “There’s no way.” He runs a hand down his face and glances to the side constantly. I puts a finger in front of me, moving it up and down. “You? A worker? KSY?!”
I nod, bringing all my hair down to one shoulder. I open the door, turning my head to Haechan and jerking my head to the side. “Aren’t you going out?” I couldn’t help but think about how funny his face looks right now.
The two of us stare at each other for at least fifteen seconds before Haechan shakes his head vigorously and stands up, dashing past me and out of the room. I turn back to look at it one last time before switching off the lights and leaving as well.
“So you’re KSY? The annoying one that keeps ranking first after I beat you?!” Haechan exclaims. I laugh, clapping my hands and nodding happily. Jaemin runs a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe this.”
“Of course you won’t. Who would’ve thought it’s a worker?” I lift my shoulders up and give a cheeky smile. Haechan folds his arms as he stands in front of me. “I don’t know if I’m currently mad or surprised.”
“I can confirm it’s both.” I say with confidence. Since Johnny’s busy tonight, I unfortunately have to go home alone.
“Let’s battle.” Haechan suddenly announces with a smug and arrogant look on his face. I scoff. “You should really just be happy you’re second. You know I’ll just take back the first ranking instantly after you beat it.” I satire.
Haechan frowns and lifts a finger in front of me, waving it in my face while he shakes his head. “The one who wins the battle gets to claim the top for life. We’ll settle it once and for all.”
I nod my head slowly while I grab my things and head out. For some reason he’s following me. “Hello? I need an answer.” Haechan lets out, running up and walking beside me. I turn my head and give him an unimpressed smile. “Fine then. Though I can only play once my shift ends so.”
Haechan claps his hands once and shouts, making me flinch back slightly at his loud voice. “So that’s why it keeps changing overnight!”
I brought a palm to my forehead. “Duh.” I deadpan.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night then.” Haechan walks in front of me, walking backwards while he gives a cheeky winks and runs off.
I scoff and raise an eyebrow as I watch him running out of the mall. I shove my hands in my pockets and tilt my head. He’s interesting.
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“Oi! You guys won’t belive what I just found out!” Haechan burts into the dorms, dashing to the living room where all the members gathered.
“What now, Haechan?” Chenle asks sarcastically, slamming a card down on the table. “It’s your turn Renjun.” The room grows silent as Renjun squints his eyes while trying to find a card. “Plus four for you, Jeno!”
Haechan steals a seat from Jeno, pushing him off to the side and slamming both hands palms down on the table. All heads instantly turning to Haechan. “Are you guys seriously playing Uno without me?!” He places a hand on his chest and gasps with a sarcastic shocking look.
“Jaemin told us that you’re going to be at the arcade the whole day so we were having fun by ourselves.” Jeno adds, pushing Haechan away slightly so that he’ll have some space at the table.
“Anyways! I finally found out who KSY is!”
Everyone lets out a sigh in unison. Haechan narrows his eyes at his members’ weird reaction. “It’s been a week. That took you long.” Jisung replies.
“Do you guys want to guess who?” A wide smile appears on Haechan’s lips as he waits for his friends. “A guy with strong arms like Jeno?” Jaemin asks back, resting his elbow on Jeno’s shoulder while he leans in close to Jeno’s face. Jeno turns his head to Jaemin and smiles softly before roughly throwing his elbow off.
Haechan shakes his head vigorously. “A nerd?” Renjun guesses, bobbing his shoulders. Heachan gives the same answer.
“Just tell us already, idiot!” Chenle reaches his hand out to smack Haechan in the head lightly. Haechan lets out a loud ‘tsk’. “It’s a girl. And she’s working at the arcade.”
The room grows silent once again. Some had their eyes widen with opened mouth while the rest had a blank expression that Haechan assumes to be their ‘disbelief faces’.
“You serious? A girl?” Jisung’s the first to speak, a hand moving up slowly to cover his mouth. Haechan nods. “Can you believe a girl can have that much strength to be ranked first?!” Haechan exclaims.
“Well that was unexpected.” Jeno adds. Renjun replies with a similar comment as well. “There’s more!”
No one replies, urging Haechan to continue. “I’m going to have a battle with her tomorrow night!” This time, everyone’s faces become mors shocked than before. “Oh my God we should all go!” Jaemin smiles widely while clapping his hands.
“I’m so down to see Haechan get wrecked by a girl.” Chenle says with a slight smirk. Haechan stands up and walks to him, sitting down next to him to give a smack on the head, making Chenle wince due to the force.
“You don’t know that. He’s been switching the first place ranking with her for so long. Anything can happen.” Jeno retorts lazily with a shrug. “Thank you for the nice word of encouragement, Jeno.”
“I said anything can happen. You still have the chance of losing.” Jeno adds on carelessly, causing the group to burst out laughing. Haechan rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Just follow me to the arcade tomorrow.”
Everyones nods their heads, looking over at Haechan. He smiles widely and claps his hand once. “Alright it’s settled. Now let’s play some Uno.” Haechan beats his hand on the table.
Renjun gathers up all the card and starts shuffling them.
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Before my shift starts, I went to play a few rounds of DDR machine to warm my legs up for the game I’ll have with Haechan tonight. I’m not sure if I’m excited to be battling against such a handsome guy or be scared at the fact that he can actually beat me. I know I won’t be able to play anymore so this morning’s my only chance to prepare.
I texted Johnny during lunch, telling him about the unexpected battle i’ll be having. He replies me instantly with a, I’ll be there by seven! Can’t wait to watch you! I chuckle at his reply and continued to work till evening.
It’s seven now and as promised, Johnny shows up from work. “You ready?” Johnny asks.
I crack my neck swiftly and nod my head. “Ready to beat Lee Donghyuck.”
“So that’s his name?” Johnny asks again, looking slightly surprised. I frown and shrug my shoulders. “Apparently so.”
Johnny and I had our eyes on the DDR machine, no words being exchanged for about three minutes. “What time is he coming though?” Johnny turns question me.
“I’m not sure. He told me he’ll be here at night.” I reply simply, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. Johnny copies my posture as the two of us allow time to pass by with talking about anything.
Johnny eyes suddenly widen. So wide that it looks scary to me, as his finger point to the back of me. I turn around to the entrance. I see Haechan walking in, though I feel slightly intimidated with who he brought in. They looked like a gang or something.
Haechan raises a hand and waves at me. I bowed my head slightly in response. All of them head to where Johnny and I were at.
“So this is her?” One of them ask with a skeptical brow. Haechan nods bringing a hand up to motion go me. “Yeah! She’s... Uh sorry I didn’t get your name last time.” Haechan stutters.
“Oh it’s _____” I reply with a soft smile. All of them nod their heads. “When we starting? I wanna watch you and Haechan!” The small figured one asks with excitement filling his tone.
“Should go warm up first. She’ll smash you if you don’t.” Johnny brags out, placing his elbow on my shoulder and using my height as a leaning device for him. “He scares me. Look he’s so tall.” The same guy voices out, pointing to Johnny.
Johnny gasps, overreacting. “Told you that you look intimidating. You’re too tall.” I say, forcefully shoving his elbow off me. “Not my fault!” Johnny whines. Haechan nods his head and goes to the DDR machine, his friends following behind him.
Johnny and I were still behind the counter, so comfortable in our seats that we’ll practically whine if we’re dragged off. We both had our serious faces on in a way to intimidate them. But that’s a fail since everyone had their eyes on Haechan as he scans his card and picks a song.
“Saving your energy?!” I shout across to them, noticing that he picked a relatively simple song at medium difficulty. Haechan turns around and smirks widely. Not sure whether to find that hot or annoying. “Of course.” Haechan shouts back, a chuckle appearing slightly after.
I wasn’t actually paying attention to him play. My eyes are glued to my phone screen while I scroll through Twitter to catch up on the drama I’ve missed. Time felt like it flew by in a second when Haechan call up my name. I tilt my head up, seeing him motioning one hand up that signaled me to go there. I place my phone screen down on the counter and make my way to the DDR machine, with Johnny following behind me and joining Haechan’s group of friends that’s surrounding the plate.
“Song?” Haechan asks. I jerk my head to the side, leaning back and placing my hands on the handle behind me. “Your pick.” I reply casually. Haechan chuckles and starts browsing through, picking a song in no time, difficulty level on high and setting the game to battle mode.
The screen starts showing the countdown in both screens. Haechan and I lowered our bodies in a stance position as the numbers start going down from ten.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
“Go!” Everyone shouts in unison.
The amount of concentration I had in this game shocked me. The last time I put in this much effort into something was my finals this year. I didn’t bother looking at Haechan since I’m focusing on myself only, making sure my feet were in sync and I’m getting a ‘Super perfect’ every time.
Everyone’s silent, only the music filling the entire arcade. The song finally ends, Haechan and I desperately gasping for air while the rest gives up an applause. Our heads shot up to the screen, seeing the numbers on both screens increasing rapidly.
“Woah!” Johnny shouts. My eyes widen, making sure I’m seeing the score correctly. I immediately jump happily and off the plate, going to Johnny and slapping his chest with my arms. “I won!”
Haechan and his group of friends are currently silent, with Haechan’s heavy breathing to be the only noise surrounding them. Disappointing sighs and groans came soon after.
“Get off the district of this town!” I burst at them mockingly with a devil-like laughter. Haechan runs a hand through his locks, shaking his head vigorously and glancing upwards before turning to me.
“You win.” Haechan mumbles in defeat. I giggle and walk over to him, lightly punching the side of his arm. “You did well.” I reassure Haechan. He suspires once again. “I don’t owe you anything then?”
“Oh right we didn’t discuss the prize!”
I fold my arms and look up, proceeding to think. “Treat me a meal. And bubble tea. For three months.” I cock up both eyebrows with an evil smirk. Haechan scoffs, refusing to believe that’s my request. “I mean I did make a bet with Johnny and since I lost that I am now going to take advantage of this situation.” I lean back slightly with one shoulder down.
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I got his number and we made a decision of meeting at the bus stop today. I’m the first here, looking down at my phone while I scroll down my playlist to find a song to play. It wasn’t even twenty seconds in till a finger taps on my shoulder.
I frown slightly, not being able to listen to my favourite song but quickly smile as I see Haechan taking a seat beside me. “Where we headed?” I ask curiously. I did say to me out for a meal, but he didn’t specify where. “Are you okay with travelling on the bus for about an hour?” Haechan questions me back.
I shrug my shoulders, leaning back against the glass behind the seat. “I love long bus rides.” Haechan nods his head and grins. “Good. I have a perfect place.”
“Aren’t going to kidnap me are you?” Haechan chuckles at my skepticism. “Want me to do that?” I furrow my eyebrows, laughing softly after and shaking my head.
A few minutes of silence passes by. I hate the awkwardness that filled the gap between us. Luckily, Haechan stands up suddenly, signaling that the bus has arrived.
We got in and took a random spot. Haechan allows me to sit inside, motioning his hand out to the seat. So he’s good looking and a gentleman? Shit.
“You’re seriously really good at DDR.” Haechan suddenly speaks up. I pucker my lips. “Been playing ever since I worked at the arcade. Which was two years ago.”
Haechan clicks his tongue. “I’m guessing you like music a lot?” I nod in reply. “Very. It’s like my emotional support for when I sometimes feel like jamming my head into the wall.” Haechan laughs loudly at my comment, surprised at my unique, but also not, humor.
“I love music, too. I actually sing.” I widen my eyes at his sentence. Haechan chuckles for a quick moment. “You won’t hear it, unfortunately. I only sing for my friends.” I let out a pout, punching him in the chest gently. “Oh come on. I beat you at DDR that day. Why not let me listen to you as a bonus?” I wink at him playfully. Haechan huffs. “When we get there, then.” He shrugs. I giggle and look out the window. Once again silence overtook us.
Haechan and I wear our earpieces at the same time, proceeding to look down at our phone and playing a song. My eyes were looking out the window, admiring the plain view of the town. I wasn’t sure how much time has passed, but I know for a fact that I went through a lot of my songs in my playlist already.
Suddenly, a beach comes into view. I see the sand and the sky, to make things better it’s currently sunset hour. Beautiful colour and shades from red to yellow and even pink filling the sky, matching the vibe of the beach perfectly.
Haechan taps in my shoulder and jerks his head to the side, telling me this is our stop. The two of us got down and remove our earpieces, the bus driving past us and the view returning back. “We’re eating by the beach?!” I question Haechan.
He smiles softly. I look down at his outfit. His shorts and button up shirt suiting the location perfectly, along with his hair that framed his face and eventuates his features beautifully.
“Come on.” Haechan grabs my wrist and drags me off, having me to run while he picks up the speed. I laugh, somewhat happy that he brought me here.
Haechan slows down, his hand still on my wrist as we end up in front of an open restaurant. There isn’t any inside, only the kitchen and serving area being hidden by walls. The place is beautiful. It was fairy lights hanging over the wooden ceiling that was bare to allow us to see the night sky, colourful wooden planks as the floor and wooden chairs and tables. There’s also swings and hammocks too. It’s the whole vibe of the place that’s bringing me so much happiness.
I guess it’s too obvious when I feel Haechan swinging an arm around my shoulders. “Already liking it I see.” He leans down to whisper to me. His voice sounded normal but it sent shivers down my spine and his voice echoed in my head while he leads me to a seat.
I sit down while he takes the seat opposite mine. He leans forward against the table, his elbows resting on his casually. “Trust me, the food here is great.” Haechan speaks. “The best I’ve had so far.” He adds, bringing a hand up and slicing it in the air, sticking his tongue out slightly.
I simply smile and nod, looking around the place after as I still couldn’t believe that I’m here. It’s been so long since I’ve been in such an atmosphere so it really did an impact on me. “Are you like popular in the DDR realm?” I suddenly ask, my head shooting down to him. Heachan lifts the side of his lips ever so slightly. “I mean in a few towns where I took over all the arcade mall.”
“Talented indeed.”
We ordered our food and ate. Surprisingly, we were able to talk a lot. We didn’t have an exact topic. We just speak whatever came to our mind. Haechan really did keep up the conversation well and it wasn’t hard to talk to him at all. I liked it. Quite a lot actually.
I only thought of eating and going home. But now, I just can’t pass up the chance of just sitting by the beach. And that’s what we did. We borrowed a matt from the restaurant and sat on it while looking out into the scenery ahead of us.
It got windy as the night settles in, the cold breeze passing by and making contact with my skin that made me feel at ease almost instantly. “You do this often? Going to the beach?” I whisper, hugging my knees into my chest and laying my chin on one knee. I tilt my head to the side.
“I used to. Until I got busy with life and shit.” Haechan whispers back. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on him. The way his hair flows and got messy due to the wind, his side profile looking as perfect as I first saw it. And the night sky that served as a background for him to shine.
“Why not we have a battle once a week? Or whenever you’re free. Whoever loses treats the other to a mea at the same restaurant.” I suggest. Though my hidden agenda to it was so that I could see Haechan more often.
“I think that’ll be too tiring. Let’s just come here whenever we’re free.” Haechan retorts back, placing his hands behind him and leaning backwards. “We can hang out more.” Did he really just read my mind or something?
I let out a calming sigh, taking a moment to breathe in the sea air and watching the small waves come to shore, with the water reflecting the light of the night.
“I’d love that.”
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Ever since then, I went out with Haechan more often. Going to the same beach, same restaurant and spending time together by the beach, doing anything basically. Though as time passed and we were getting more busy with our separate lives, we never fail to exclude one day from our week just to be with each other.
Our relationship eventually escalated. We naturally started holding hands and giving each other light pecks on the lips, cheeks or forehead. His subtle actions always sending a shock through my body, but it soothed me at the same time as well. My feelings for him bloomed more over time. And Haechan reciprocated it in a heartbeat.
Today was no different. We’re at the beach yet again. But this time, our nosy friends decided to come along.
We are huddled together, everyone relaxing as we watch the scenery. Despite it being the afternoon, the sky, sea and sand is still as beautiful. We spent the day playing a lot of games. Card games, hand games, even burning bridges. We really did everything. And I loved every second of it, since I had Haechan sitting beside me.
“You guys want anything? We should get more drinks.” I say, pointing to the plastic bag that was filled with empty canned drinks and bottles. Everyone nods their head in unison. I smile happily and stand up, wiping the excess sand on my bottom while reaching out to grab the plastic bag.
“Haechan, follow me.” He looks up to me. We had the same thought. Wanting to be alone together. “What am I, a servant for these idiots?” He jokes, though I know he’ll follow me regardless. “Idiots?! Look at you dumbass!” Chenle retorts,
The groups laughs, shaking their heads. Haechan throws them a death glare and immediately sent the group into silence as they see his intimidating expression. He stands up and walks over to me. “Text what you guys want.” I wave my phone up in the air before leaving to the restaurant with Haechan.
“Why did they have to come today? I wanted to be alone with you.” Haechan whines after checking if we’re out of our friends’ sight.
Haechan pulls me close by the waist. I laugh and place my hands on the side of his arms. “We’ve been doing that for so long. They lighten the mood up.”
Haechan frowns but gives a soft peck on the crown of my head. My phone dings. I lifted it to check and see that Mark sent me a list of their wanted drinks. Haechan still had his arm around my waist as he keep me close from the time we ordered to the time we were walking back, putting his arm down till the last second when our friends come into our view.
When we got there and take our seats, the group was oddly silent. All eyes were on us, with suspicious expression on their faces.
“So when are you going to tell us you’re dating?” Jaemin cocks up a brow while everyone folds their arms in unison.
I turn to Haechan, who looks at me as well before looking back to the front. “Huh..?” I say, acting taken aback.
“Don’t lie! I saw you two kissing while I went to the toilet!” Renjun exposes. I scrunch up my face and pout.
Haechan rolls his eyes and leans back. “I thought it was pretty obviously since I ditched a lot of my plans with you guys.” Haechan replies smugly.
“He got stolen by _____ from us!” Jisung huffs out. Haechan and I burst out laughing hysterically.
“He’s better taken away, though.” Jeno adds. Haechan lets out a loud ‘tsk’.
I can only blush and laugh loudly as I watch Haechan beating up Jeno for his comment. Who would’ve thought it be here with a guy when we bonded over a DDR game?
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stormgardenscurse · 3 years
Pearls and Apples - Part 1
A/N: A belated birthday fic for the one and only Epel Felmier!
This mermaid AU is also a collab with @dumplings0ups !
The ocean was mostly a dark place; sunlight only breached through shallow waters, leaving its glow to gradient into murkiness by the time one reached the seabed. By then, any foreign lifeform unacquainted to it was sure to lose their way, ensuring that humans would never hope to reach the underwater city tucked in its depth; lit aglow with magic and architecture.
When he’d finally deemed you trustworthy enough to divulge this, you’d mentioned that a thing like that sounded like a scene out of a fairytale - something that never crossed his mind as such until put into perspective by a human.
‘I guess… It’s kind of cool, huh?’
‘It is!’ You’d agreed, and perhaps it was around then that Epel continued sharing bits of his world with you. He wasn’t sure when he’d fallen into the habit of trying to make you smile like that, but by the time he realized it was a little too late.
Well… Maybe it’s not too bad of a thing anyways. Sure, it was dangerous to be friends with a human and risk being caught by your kind - but interacting with you was something that he enjoyed, for better or worse. Despite your contrasting backgrounds, there was a similar wonder that you shared when it came to learning about one another’s worlds. The way you lit up as you learned more about his life, which was so different from yours… It was the same wonder he felt, when you’d first met.
Initially, Epel ventured to shallow waters as the result of a swole of anger - he barely recalls what bothered him enough for such a thing that day, but he’d swam past the outskirts of the city where he lived and into quieter waters to cool down. Except-- in his occupied state he hadn’t realized just how far he’d gotten, in his want to escape to somewhere that was easier to breathe and think.
Perhaps it was for those reasons that he subconsciously carried himself upwards, feeling the coolness of the current that grazed him like a passing breeze. He liked fighting against it at times, but on that day it was as if it led him along to the shore, with the echoes of a friend that understood he needed a distraction.
That was when he belatedly notices that the water felt warmer, and the shadows around him turned to a soft blue that was different from what he might see back at the city. It was a raw display of sunlight sifting through the shallows, something that he’s only seen a few times on special occasions with others.
Though Epel was alone here now, without a single purpose in mind. He was close enough to touch the surface - and driven by the thought he might be able to see clearer with his head above water, Epel stilled his resolve and propelled himself towards the open world.
His first thought, as he gasped in surprise, was that it truly did feel different… The shock of a different atmosphere woke him up a bit, though he didn’t feel as if he was in danger. He craned his head up to look at the sky, a canvas of endless clouds and blues.
It was like another ocean of its own, one that was bright and weightless, and so very out of reach.
Among the next times Epel found himself around the shallows, he’d followed the sight of birds that were returning to nest further inland; a part of the duchy that you served in as a knight.
Of course, even if he was reckless, he wasn't a total idiot. Epel caught the sound of metal on metal and hid beneath the water as he tried to find its source, which was your squadron on the training grounds. The seaside area was a place of open land, which meant that Epel didn't need much of an elevation point to watch as the humans sparred and ran drills in an impressive tempo. He started to visit every few weeks, finding a similar sight every time - though the groups that trained would change, some with more precision and strength than the others.
During his observations he was able to infer which items were weapons or tools, and which animals humans considered domesticated - it isn't as if Epel was overtly curious about land-life, but there was something about it that kept him intrigued enough to return.
(A little part of himself however is well aware he'd initially been netted by the scene of swordplay. It looked impressive, with fluid movements and strength behind every blow - though he expected that if submerged in water, even the most trained officer may find themselves at a loss with how to swing their sword. It was proven on a tale long ago, where a ship had sunken by the hands of a storm in the middle of the ocean...)
Stories aside, Epel should've known his encounter-less visits wouldn't last that way. With a populated area there was sure to be people that visited the beach every now and again. The first time he sees you, it'd been during your break where you'd found yourself drawn to the refreshing promise of the waves. You were to return to running drills again soon, but a quick moment with the breeze on your face wouldn't be too bad, right?
Epel slipped back into the water before you could notice him, but hesitated from turning away to swim home upon catching the sight of you; attire like the others that used the sword, weapon tucked out of sight, and a curious fruit in your hands that was as red as the richest coral.
It stayed like that for a while, with you sat on the sand and taking a breather as he hid. It'd probably been the longest ten minutes of his life, and even as you left, Epel counted another five before he dared to poke his head above the surface. Though by that time, any trace of you imprinted on the sand had been long washed off by the current.
The first time you noticed Epel, you’d thought he was a human boy - one that was too far out from land to be safe. And so, diligently even while you were off-duty, you’d discarded your heavier equipment to wade your way towards him.
...Unfortunately for him, he was too stupefied to come up with the easiest solution, which was to swim away like his life depended on it. Yet if he did, you may simply search for him further, as you weren’t one to give up on what you believed to be a duty; something he was able to gather from the times he’s seen you training and patrolling with more effort than the usual knight.
And that would mean that he could never show up here again, at the risk of being recognized and exposing himself more than he has. What if you’d described him to the authorities and told them to be on alert for a ‘missing boy’? Sure, it really shouldn’t be an issue for him to not be here anyways, but that wasn’t something that his panicked thoughts processed.
The idea of erasing your memory did cross his mind, but Epel then realised he didn’t know how to cast it well enough without you realizing something was up. Only his seniors might do so swiftly before diving into the water once more - for Epel, it may require a few moments of contact.
...A few moments he’d have to manage, somehow.
From his spot behind a stack, Epel calmed himself as much as he could before letting his form sink further into the water, hiding his tail and scales as much he could.
“Hey, are you alright?” Even in his muddled state he could tell you were fast on your feet. “It’s dangerous to be out this far, the current could sweep you in if you’re not careful.”
“I’m fine.” He manages to reply. “Thank you for worrying, but I’ll head home by myself later.”
You’d frowned, still concerned. “Maybe we should be back to shore together now. The wind is picking up... Whoa-!”
“What-” Epel snapped to attention, realizing that the water was pulling harder. “Ah, please be careful!”
“You’re telling me?!” Since when were the currents so aggressive?! Was it about to storm? “We need to head back, now!”
You were pulling Epel by the wrist, to which he’d flinched away by reflex but was still towed along by your grip. Figures the person that finds him was a knight… This level of righteousness was really screwing him over right now, coolness be damned!
“Let go!” He protested, yet before you could offer a response a strong wave swung the both of you off-balance, dragging you to and back - before he knew it, you were the one that was in need of rescuing. Epel steadies himself with a swish of his tail to cancel out the water’s, but you were nowhere to be seen.
Cursing, he submerged himself in an effort to spot you. Epel’s done a lot of things he likely shouldn’t have, but he couldn’t just let you drown. That might solve his problem of erasing your memories, but it wasn’t something he wanted to resort to.
As he secured a grip on your arm and dragged you back to the beach, Epel wasn’t sure what to do next - you were coughing and trying to steady your breathing, yet was able to roll onto your side to catch your breath once the sand cushioned you from beneath.
“Are ya alright?”
“You… You’re better at swimming than I thought.” You managed a wry smile. Some knight I am, getting rescued by a civilian.
Epel doesn’t have much to say to that, only a nervous chuckle. “I get that a lot... I guess.” He did, but not in this context exactly.
From the chaos, you were too focused on calming down to notice the elephant in the room. Or rather, the tail that grew from Epel’s hips and glistened with a lilac hue, clearly something out of a fairytale than the reality you knew.
He freezes when your eyes draw themselves to the sight, and it’s your turn to be rendered motionless.
“Is… Is that--”
Splash. He’s gone, with you left alone to process what happened for the rest of the day.
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For the wholesome request.. holiday gift exchange with Thomas? 🥺👉👈 (Sorry if this is the second of the same request, Tumblr's being weird >:/) Anyways happy holidays, love!
Happy holidays to you too! <3
The winter holidays are a time for family, and few people understand the value of family more than the Hewitts.
You were sorry it was too warm to snow in Texas - would have been nice to make a snowman - but you're well on your way to a decent imitation in the kitchen, considering the amount of powdered sugar you were spreading around. Luda Mae had just finished getting dinner all put together and in the oven, so you'd sent her to sit with the older men in the living room while you worked on dessert. You'd started with the puppy chow because it was supposed to be easiest, but apparently you weren't to be trusted with powdery substances.
You're glancing down at your white-covered clothes (what is this devilry? It's all over your hands, too, but you'd been careful not to touch anything, you thought) as the door swings open and a rush of cold air sweeps into the room. Thomas enters, holding a bundle of logs for the fire.
When he looks up, he takes in your messy appearance with raised eyebrows.
"Yes, I know, I look like a bag of flour exploded," you laugh. He hesitates for a moment, then proceeds into the living room with the logs before returning quickly and removing his coat. "I hope you're here to help, because it looks like I need it."
He crosses to you and lifts a hand to your face, swiping a thumb across your cheek; it comes away coated in sugar, which he licks off.
"It's on my face, too? How did that happen?" You sigh, wiping at the rest of your face with your sleeve. He chuckles quietly and grabs an apron from one of the hooks near the closet. You follow him to grab a new one, since yours has fallen in the line of duty. 
The puppy chow was done, for better or worse, so you get to work on pie filling while Thomas melts the almond bark for the pretzels.
"Here, try this. It's French silk. Better than plain chocolate, don't you think?" You ask, holding a wooden spoon containing the finished mixture up to Thomas. He takes a taste before nodding in approval.
The pies go in the fridge, and you pull up to the wax-paper-covered pretzel station.
He's already got quite a few regular ones dipped and sprinkled, so you grab a few of the rods. You coat them in silence for a while, but then a bit of mischief occurs to you.
"Oh, you've got something there," you say, feigning innocence, and when he leans down into your reach you quickly streak some almond bark over his forehead. He recoils a bit initially, but then he gives you a pointed look and dips a finger in the melted confection. You try to dart away, but he's fast - he grabs you by the arm and pulls you in close, smearing a decent amount of the stuff across your face while you laugh and squirm. He kisses you tenderly on the forehead before he releases you.
Once the desserts are finished and the mess is cleaned up (including yourselves; you could tell Luda Mae was considering a reprimand when saw the two of you), you pull Thomas off to the side and hand him a wrapped package with a large ribbon. His eyes soften as he looks at it; he pulls you in for another light kiss before pulling a small gift out of his pocket and placing it in your palm.
"Same time?" You ask, beaming - when he nods, you each start tearing into wrapping paper.
He gets his opened first, and you pause to watch him as he unfolds the giant knitted sweater - you'd been working on it for a long time, and some of it had required Luda Mae's help, but you were very proud of it. You watch him move his eyes across it, taking in the pattern and colors, and then he runs one hand over it reverently.
He jumps to his feet and starts pulling it over his head, gesturing to you to keep going. Smiling, you return to your own present: lifting the lid off the small box, you find a delicate rose gold heart with beaded accents, mounted on a pin. You gasp softly, tracing a finger gently along its edge. Thomas was better at metalworking than woodworking, but it still wasn't his strongest suit, and this was so pretty. It must have taken him quite a while.
You look up to find him watching your expression anxiously.
"I love it, thank you!" You exclaim, smiling wide, and then throw yourself into his arms. He squeezes you firmly against him and presses a kiss to your temple.
"Same," he mutters, quietly, in your ear.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 31
Idk what happened. I was struggling to get this chapter to reach 1k words and then I blinked and it was 2k
... sorry?
Rena was the queen of pissing people off.
(She pinned most of it on her kwami, but it might just be because she had siblings. She’d been the baby for over ten years. It was the youngest’s job to piss off the older ones, it was basically in the job description.)
But even she knew that Chat had gone too far. She didn’t even have Chloe’s power of sensing emotions, but she knew from the moment Ladybug walked inside that shit was going to go down.
There are two types of anger.
Some people’s anger runs hot. Red faces and a voice raw from screaming and tears rolling down their cheeks. Rena’s anger ran hot, so did Chloe’s and Carapace’s. When Ladybug had stormed into the house, eyes full of fire, Rena had placed her in the hot anger category with them. She was fine with that. Preferred it, even. It was easy, predictable.
But it ended up not being predictable. She’d pointed the woman on her way and waited for the banging on the door, for the screaming to start.
… it never did.
Rena hesitated for only a few moments before heading up the stairs. For once, she was glad her kwami made it so people couldn’t easily sense her presence, because she did NOT want Ladybug’s anger to transfer over to her.
The woman’s hands were limp at her sides, her head resting against the door, her eyes squeezed shut. Rena watched, not daring to breathe…
And then Ladybug’s face forced itself into a neutral expression and she headed up to her room.
Rena watched her go and found herself almost scared of one of the people she’d used to idolize.
Ladybug had cold anger. Cold anger was everything that hot anger was not (obviously, cold and hot are opposites...). It was all thin lips and quiet words and dead eyes. And it was far, far worse for anyone involved. Because hot anger was traceable, there was a distinct escalation to follow until fists and words were thrown at each other. You knew when it was coming, you knew that when it did it would be over quickly.
But cold anger… it simmered under the surface. You may be able to detect when someone was experiencing it, but you’d never know when it would boil over or how.
Rena hoped that, whatever Ladybug did to retaliate (because she WOULD retaliate, pretty much everyone does at some point and she’d already had something against Chat), that it wouldn’t be too bad.
She made sure to be extra nice to the woman as she waited for something to happen. Ladybug probably knew why she was doing it, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t accept Rena’s offer to take patrols off of her hands when she’d noticed she was swamped with work or say no to the snacks she was giving her.
It was great. Rena’s chance of being murdered was like… 10%. Which she would take. It was better than Chat’s 90%.
Days passed, and the tenseness in the house did not leave.
Rena, obviously, was not a fan of the high tensions. No one likes to be in a tense place, and in Paris this was even worse. She was practically waiting for an akuma at all times.
On the other hand, it was a pretty good distraction. If she was constantly worried about what Ladybug was planning, then she wasn’t worrying about what Fu said --.
Damn it. Now she was worrying about what Fu said.
Because, as much as she hated it, the words they’d exchanged about her possibly getting corrupted felt far more real.
Back when she had only known about the other four miraculous holders, she hadn’t been worried. He’d gotten it right four times in a row; even Chloe, who was decidedly NOT a nice person, was very kind. All four of her predecessors were clearly chosen very carefully to fit the characteristics of their miraculi while also possessing heroic traits. Why would he drop the ball with the last hero?
But, no, now she had to live with the fact that he wasn’t totally infallible when it came to choosing heroes. Had Pieris been a fluke? Had the other miraculous heroes been the flukes?
Pieris had had the easiest miraculous to control. She had the hardest. Would she be able to stay sane while using it?
Part of her hummed that she’d already slipped some. That her time watching Chat had been an abuse of power and she knew it. So why had she done it?
Because it was necessary, the other part of her whispered. It was for the good of Paris.
… was she even completely sure that part of her WAS her?
She curled her fingers around the miraculous that hung around her neck like a noose.
And then Ladybug walked into the room and thank FUCK a distraction. Chat tensed up from his spot at the window.
… Ladybug brushed past him, her lips pressed together thinly as she made her way to the kitchen.
Rena couldn’t stop wondering about Chat. He had a tiny frown on his face as he watched the doorway she’d disappeared through. She wondered, vaguely, why he’d done it. It was a bad idea, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would know that, so why?
But she wasn’t really close enough to ask. So, she was left to just look on the internet for some theories.
(Her personal favorite was ‘it’s flirting!!!!!!’. The LadyNoir stans were always fun. Wrong, but fun.)
Four days in, Ladybug struck…
How did she know? Chat screamed at five o’clock.
She groaned and shuffled out of bed, rubbing her eyes as she slowly poked her head out the door to see what had happened.
Chat was standing in the doorway to his room after a long patrol… and it looked like he’d dropped into a pool of glitter… or, as her eyes took in the amount of glitter around his feet and the polka dotted tote bag resting on top of his head like a hat that was much too large for him to pull off, a pool’s worth of glitter had been dropped on him.
There was a beat before he slowly pulled the bag off of himself and tossed it into the room. And… wow, there was even more glitter than she’d thought.
It stuck to everything about him (the sweat probably didn’t help). She no longer felt like she should be rubbing her eyes because damn did he need it more. Not that it would help all that much, his hands were just as coated in glitter and it would probably only hurt him more.
There was a click of Chloe’s door opening and the woman stared at the scene before she mumbled a ‘it’s too early for this’ and closed the door again, presumably to go back to sleep.
Carapace walked out, the bags under his eyes more pronounced than usual and the cup of coffee in his hand was the size of a water bottle. It was midterms for him. He was… not taking it well.
“Sorry, Carapace, go ahead and go back to studying. Didn’t mean for him to come home so early,” called Ladybug. She was sitting in the ladder to the attic, legs swinging idly. She tipped her head to the side as she considered him. “Go back to studying. If you need help, I’m good with math and science.”
He looked between her and Chat, who was struggling to blink his eyes open without permanently going blind.
“Do you really want to get on my bad side, too?” Mused Ladybug. “You don’t need anything distracting you from school right now…”
Carapace winced at the threat. He continued to look between the two of them before sighing and slouching a bit. “Can I at least help him get to the sink? He’s going to blind himself.”
She clicked her tongue but nodded. “Sure, I guess.”
Rena hesitated. “May I take a video?”
Ladybug fixed her eyes on her and she fought the urge to shrink back into her room or look away.
And then she shrugged. “Sure. News is kinda your thing, right?”
Rena tensed a little, her brain screeching to a halt. Did Ladybug know about her Ladyblogger days? There was no way she did, right? Sure, Ladybug had known her a little bit back in the day because Rena had often hung out around akumas for her blog, but surely it wasn’t well enough to figure out her identity, right --?
… wait, no, she was still talking about the TikTok. Ladybug looked very confused about her sudden freeze up and Rena had to think of an explanation FAST.
She pulled a bright smile to her face. “Yeah. Not allowed to do as much as I’d like, but y’know… it is what it is.”
Ladybug still looked a little confused, but she shrugged to herself and started heading up to her room.
The video on Rena’s account was just a video of the aftermath in short cuts.
“Ladybug got Chat back for that video he posted about her!” She explained to the camera.
Chat was covered head-to-toe with glitter outside of a small area around his eyes. He was also struggling to figure out how brooms worked, it seemed. Rena had considered helping but honestly it was kind of funny to watch him attempt to sweep something with the wrong end and how did he not know how a BROOM worked it was a BROOM --?
“Regretting it?” Said Rena, sitting down beside him.
He wore an irritable expression, though that was hard to look at all intimidating when he looked like a child’s arts and crafts project. “A little, yeah.”
“It was dumb to mess with her.”
“A little, yeah.”
She laughed a little at that.
He brought up a hand to rub his eyes tiredly, because he wasn’t as used to not sleeping as Carapace and Ladybug were, and Rena had to grab his arm to stop him so he didn’t die by glitter-in-eyes-syndrome.
… but now she was kind of regretting it. Because her hand was all glittery.
He gave her a tiny smile.
“Thanks. And, uh, sorry about the hand.” He looked down at the broom and dustpan he was apparently still unsure about how to use. “Well, at least it’s over, right?”
Rena privately disagreed. But she didn’t say that aloud, instead she just smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek… which she also regretted.
The camera caught her vague choking noises and curses for a few seconds before it cut.
Carapace was struggling to write an essay because of all the glitter on his hands.
“Fuck I should’ve let it go I should’ve let it go fuck c’mon I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to my professor fuckkkkkkk --.”
“Do it online.”
He whipped around, brandishing his pencil like a weapon, and only slightly relaxed when he realized it was her. “When did you --? Nevermind, whatever.” He sighed. “My teacher is old so he only accepts stuff on paper. It’s stupid.”
Rena reached out and gave him a little head pat.
The video cut briefly to a video of Chloe sleeping and decidedly not helping anyone with anything.
Ladybug was only there for a few moments. Rena had gone up to see her in a red crop top and black leggings. She sent her a smile and a wave despite the fact that she was currently doing her best impersonation of a pretzel. “Hey! You filming a video, too?”
Rena stared at her, wondering how she’d managed to get that flexible, and then realized she was talking to her and quickly nodded. “Yeah yeah yeah, just reporting on the incident… how’re you feeling?”
She watched Ladybug do a back roll and by the time she was finished all of her limbs were miraculously untangled, which was insane and should be impossible but I digress. “Great, honestly! I mean, it was bad that the internet got to see me on an off day and all, but…” She shrugged. “I feel much better now.”
She smiled at the camera and waved it goodbye.
The video ended.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet @melicmusicmagic @meimei3841 @roseliali
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purplecatghostposts · 4 years
⬤ and + combined with frenrey perhaps?? I just need some good ol’ soft fluff and kisses from these two..
Tumblr media Tumblr media
You got it!
Benrey has never been the best with words. Sometimes something will leave his mouth and not even he’s sure what he’s saying. So while what he is trying to voice is concern, instead what comes out is, “You look like shit, Feetman.”
...Which honestly isn’t an unfair statement but Gordon still sends him a look.
“Fuckin’ fantastic. Thanks, Benrey.” Sarcasm drips in his voice but that’s not what makes Benrey wince. It’s the fact that it’s raspy. If Benrey wasn’t 100% sure that Gordon has some sort of cold, he is now.
Gordon sits on the couch, attempting to tie his shoes with unsteady hands. His eyes are half lidded but determined to stay open and his face is off color, nose unusually red. Coughing overtakes him for a moment before he finally finished tying one shoe and moves into the other.
It took him ten minutes to tie the first one. Gordon keeps saying he’s going to go to work. Benrey decides right then and there that he is definitely not.
Moving from the table in the kitchen, Benrey stands next to Gordon, peering down. Orange eyes glance up and huff softly at his expression.
“What? Benrey, I’m kinda trying to go to- to work right now. I’m- I’m going to be late.”
Benrey pauses for a long moment. “Yeah uh... No.”
Gordon stops and looks up. Eyebrows arch. “...No?”
“You’re- you’re not going anywhere. Not allowed to be there.”
“I- I have my fuckin’ ID and last time I checked, I don’t need a passport.”
“Yeah but uh...” Fuck. Benrey quickly says the first thing that comes to mind. “It’s uh- a National Holiday. No work today. It’s ‘Cringe Men Named Gordon Feetman Aren’t Allowed In The Office’ Day.”
Nailed it.
He gets a scoff in response. “Stop fucking with me.” Gordon stands up, wobbling. Benrey’s hands fly out from his sides to steady him. Gordon blinks in surprise and mutters a ‘Thanks’ but still tries to go for the door. “Listen, I’ll be back by 5PM. I’ll be fine-”
Benrey is faster- blocking the doorway. “Yeah, no. It’s- it’s like I said. Not allowed in work today. Gotta keep you here. Keep an eye on you.”
“I’m not in the mood for jokes right now.” Gordon says flatly.
“Not- not joking.” Benrey hesitates. “I can’t let you leave.”
“Oh yeah?” Gordon crosses his arms, eyes challenging him. “Give me- give me one good reason and I’ll listen.”
“...You look like shit.”
Gordon stiffens. “...I’ve gone to work worse before, it’s fine.”
“No, you-” How does he even say this? C’mon think-pan, do some thinking. “You got bad uh- bad vibes and you could- could infect everyone else with- with your vibes. And you vibes are just gonna get worse unless you clean ‘em.”
Whatever he said must’ve worked because Gordon actually goes silent. His eyebrows furrow and he softly asks, “You’re worried about me being sick?”
Fuckin’ finally. Took him long enough. Benrey doesn’t say a word in response. Gordon gets the idea.
“It’s just a cold. I can still work.”
Benrey carefully reaches out and grabs onto Gordon’s hand. He turns them both around and starts to guide him back to his bedroom.
Gordon tugs away but it’s light. Less of trying to break free and more of a small protest. His eyes flutter shut for a moment. “Benrey, I should really get to work-”
“Babe, please.”
Truth be told, Benrey doesn’t mean to say ‘Babe’. It just kinda slips out. However, what he doesn’t expect is the way Gordon responds, eyes snapping open and suddenly dilated. His mouth hangs open but no words come out. Benrey isn’t the best at reading situations but he still understands what happens a second later.
Oh. Ohhhhhhh.
Feetman likes pet names, huh?
If Benrey weren’t focused on trying to get him to go back to sleep, his heart might’ve been doing funny things in his chest. Or maybe that’s still happening. Honestly Benrey can’t tell, his brain is going haywire, but either way? This is good. This could work.
“You... You gotta sleep, uh... Sweetheart.” It doesn’t matter that Benrey butchers how he says it. Gordon’s arms go slack, no longer silently arguing with him. Holy fuck- who knew Feetman liked this shit so much? He’s fuckin’ eating it up.
“I’ll take care of the whole ‘Work’ thing, Babe. Call in or get Bubby to set the place on fire or whatever’s easiest. But uh, you gotta stay in bed while I do that, right? Can’t- can’t do that if I’m still thinkin’ you’re out there getting your bad vibes all over the place.” Benrey didn’t realize how soft his voice is until he hears it. Almost sounds exactly like he’s trying to coax Joshua into going to bed instead of trying to watch him play video games all night. Shockingly gentle- almost scarily gentle. When did Benrey become so soft?
“Okay.” Gordon says at last. Benrey barely hears him but it sweeps him off of his feet. Fuck. Fuuuck. Feetman does more funny things to his heart. Any more and he’s gonna have to kiss him.
Not right now though. He’s all gross and sick n shit right now.
...Though a little one on the forehead wouldn’t be so bad, would it?
Benrey shakes himself. He sends Gordon a little smirk as they finally reach his bedroom. “Finally. You should listen to me more- I got- I got good ideas too.”
Gordon gives a halfhearted hum in response. Benrey guides him over to his bed where he promptly flops and groans into the covers. Benrey has no idea why but he decides not to ask.
“You alright, Babe?”
Gordon flips over to face him. Was his face that red before? “Stop it. You’re weaponizing that word.”
“Just trying to get a bro to sleep.”
“Bros don’t call other bros ‘Babe’. That’s- that’s not a thing.”
“Bros call Bros whatever they wanna be called. And you uh- you really liked being called ‘Babe’ so what can I say. Your fault.”
Gordon’s face somehow manages to flush even more. Benrey can’t tell if it’s the cold or not but he suspects something else is at play. He’ll deal with that thought later.
“Shut up.” His voice is muffled when he starts to bury himself in the covers again. “You can’t bully me when I’m sick- that’s not fair.”
“Nah. It’s fair when you’re being a dumbass ‘n trying to go to work when you look like shit.”
“Just-... Go grab me some cold medicine or something.”
Benrey gives him a grin, even if he can’t see it. “Whatever you say, Babe.”
Benrey doesn’t miss the high pitched sound that Gordon makes when he thinks Benrey is out of range to hear it.
This was veryyyy fun, thank you for the request! Hopefully it’s to your liking!! Feel free to request more!
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hoseokmylovesworld · 4 years
Yes, Dear | Sub!Jin
Pairing: Sub!Jin x Dom!Reader
Requested:  “Can i request top sub Jin x bottom dom reader?”
Genre: Smut, BTS smut, oneshot.
Length: 5,633k Words
Warnings: Strong language, oral sex (female and male receiving), fingering, mutual masturbation, BDSM, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, praise kink, choking, sight deprivation, spanking, slapping, cock ring, rope restraints, multiple orgasms, Top simp Sub!Jin, a very hungry Bottom Dom!Reader, sweet assistant Jimin, Smut with a plot.
1. I said it was gonna be a while, but I lied. This was the easiest thing in my prompts to write and I have finals to finish so here you go! See y’all in a bit!
2. AH! I’ve never written for Jin before or for a male sub so for this to be the first entry under his name in my masterlist is...interesting to say the least aha. Our poor Jin
3. I hope it’s everytihng you ever wanted request anon. Y’all feel free to comment your thoughts!
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You cursed for the nth time today when you opened your desk drawer to see that the folders you had been looking for, for over fifteen minutes weren’t there either. You sighed heavily, plopping into your computer chair and holding the intercom that connected you to your assistant. “Jimin, can you come here please?” You rushed out frustratedly.  
He came into your office not thirty seconds later with that same old attentive expression that seemed to be glued to his face. “Yes, Miss Y/L/N?” You groaned. “For the last time, call me Y/N.”
“Yes, Y/N.” He nodded quickly. “What can I do for you?” The black haired boy chirped eagerly.
“Can you find me some more folders? Hanging file, manila, tab folders, I don’t care, just bring me some please? I don’t know how I didn’t notice I ran out-” You made a sweeping motion with your hand and knocked your coffee cup off the desk in front of you and into your lap. Scalding coffee spilled onto your blouse and skirt, burning your chest and seeping into your shoes.
“Fuck!” You yelped, jumping up from your seat to avoid further spillage, making Jimin jump in the process. You close your eyes and attempt to gather yourself. You do what your therapist suggests and count down from ten to get your breathing back in order and your temper in check. You knew this day was going to be shite when you were running late for work. When the barista got your order wrong and had you sipping on disgusting coffee all day. When you stepped into a puddle on your way into the building. When you couldn’t seem to find anything in your office and it’s being proven as you look down at the brown liquid soaking into your cream blouse that today was indeed a shitty day.
“Jimin, find me a new blouse as well.” You grumbled, going to clean up the mess.
He spoke up shyly. “Uh, where should I get-”
“Just get one!” You exploded at him regretting it immediately, but he was scurrying out of the office in search of the folders and blouse before you could apologize.
You finish cleaning to the best of your ability before collapsing once more. You rested your elbows on the desk and massaged the bridge of your nose defeatedly. You didn’t need this, you thought bitterly.
You needed comfort, release, reassurance. Upon making this conclusion, you sat up and pulled out your phone to text your fiance because you decided you need to let off some steam.
“It’s been a day and I need you to take care of me. I want dinner on the table and a foot rub when I get home. Understood?” You pressed send easily, fully expecting your partner to come through with no questions or complaints. And just as you suspected, his reply was prompt.
“Yes, dear. I can’t wait to see you, my beautiful goddess.” You smiled fondly down at your phone. He always knew just how to lift your spirits. You went about the rest of your day feeling slightly better, knowing what was waiting for you when you got home.
On your way out of the office, you spotted Jimin at his desk and paused. “Hey, Jimin. I’m sorry about earlier. Today has not been the best.” You stammered softly.
His eyes widened with understanding and he rushed out sympathetically, “Oh, no, it’s okay. I get it.”
“Okay, good. I mean, thank you. Have a good day.” He wished you the same and then you were all but running to your car to get home to your fiance.
You entered the house and breathed in deeply, closing your eyes at the amazing savory smell filling the room. When you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of Seokjin rounding the corner into the foyer in his crisp white apron that you loved so much. He wore a baby blue button up and black slacks, looking as handsome as you had ever seen him. He removed his apron and tossed it over the back of the couch before he approached you.
“Hello, dear.” He hummed with an affectionate smile and then cupped your cheek in his hand, bringing your face to his for a chaste, but amorous kiss. You returned it wholeheartedly, just happy to be home and with him again. He pulled away too quickly for your liking and you caught the neckline of his shirt, bringing him back down to you forcefully.
You capture his lips in a more wanton kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles into the kiss and even hums giddily into your mouth. Your lips moved and molded against each other sensually as Jin finally brought his hands to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
You suddenly reached up and tugged on his hair harshly, separating your mouths. You smirked at the gasp that left his perfect lips.
“I missed you, kitten.” You purred, leaning in to place feather light kisses on his neck. He shuddered slightly at the sensation, and at the pet name; the one that let him know what time it was. His attitude turned docile and he was ready to take orders. He purred right back in anticipation, “I missed you too, dear.”  
“What did you make me?” You murmured, nosing gently at his jugular and taking in the smell of his intoxicating cologne.
“You’re favorite, of course.” He spoke matter-of-factly. You beamed up at him, pearly whites on full display. “You truly are magnificent.”
“It was nothing, dear.” He insisted.
“Nothing my ass, it smells phenomenal in here. Pick up that apron.” You released your grip on his hair and shoulder and grabbed his hand, leading him to the kitchen. You were stopped short because once you entered the dining room, you saw a full romantic spread at the large table.
The chair at the end of the table and the chair to it’s right each had a steaming plate of chicken parmesan over spaghetti with meat sauce and a glass of red wine set out for it. He laid out the good napkins and silverware as well as a vase of flowers and lit candles to set the mood. You looked back at him with a raised, impressed eyebrow and a grin to match. You knew he would come through, but you were just expecting dinner.
“Someone’s trying to earn some brownie points, huh?” You allbut swooned, rubbing his chest sensuously.
Jin shook his head. “I just live to please you, dear.” He rebutted genuinely. You leaned up to give him another slow, lush kiss. “Good. Because I have plans for you.” You promised once you backed away. He hummed agreeably in reply and pulled out your chair before asking permission to put away his apron. “May I be excused to hang this up, dear?”
“Yes, kitten, but hurry back.” You sat down and placed your napkin in your lap, ready to dig in. Jin was back in no time and the two of you talked about your days over the lovely dinner that he cooked for you. “More wine.” You spoke suddenly and Jin knew you weren’t asking so he quickly got on his feet to retrieve it. “Yes, dear.” And with that he was off to the kitchen. After your second glass you were feeling tipsy, but you needed more than that to relieve your stress.
“Come, kitten.” You got up from the table and headed over to the couch in the living room. Jin watched you make yourself comfortable from afar, waiting to be given an order.
“Come rub my feet.” You called to him. He was on the couch in seconds flat, taking your foot carefully in his hands and massaging immediately. You were moaning in no time, tilting your head back to rest on the arm of the chair. “That feels so good, kitten.” You sighed, almost melting into the cushions.
You watched him work and admired how engaged he was with what he was doing. His genuine desire to please you turned you on even more than his cooking skills. “Touch me, kitten.” You spoke suddenly in a deep, jaded voice while making a come hither motion with your fingers in his direction.
He took his massage from your feet to your legs to your thighs and up the sides of your hips, kneading your body deliciously all throughout until he was fully nestled in between your thighs. His hands caressed your torso and travelled further north to give the same treatment to your breasts. He moved slowly and thoughtfully in case he did something you didn’t like or wanted to stop abruptly.
But no objections were heard and so he unbuttoned your replacement blouse and dragged your bra cups down. He tweaked and sucked on your nipples until you were moaning again, letting out some moans of his own to let you know he was enjoying himself just as much. The vibrations made you gasp deliciously. You grabbed his face swiftly and brought it to yours for a fierce kiss before imparting, “Now rub my clit.” against his lips.
He moves fast, as usual, removing your skirt and underwear before getting to work, still playing with your breasts with his free hand. He collected the juices that had been flowing from your opening since you laid eyes on him tonight and marvelled at the sight as if it was the first time he’d seen it.
“You feel how wet you make me, kitten?” You cooed, petting the back of his head.. “Yes, dear.” He panted, pressing three firm fingers to your clit and rubbing in a slow circular motion while making eye contact.
“Aawwww fuck, kitten. You make me feel so good. Always know just the right buttons to push on me, don’t you?” You whimpered proudly, devouring his plump lips once more. “Yes, dear.” He mumbled, loftily against your hungry mouth, rubbing your clit even harder at the praise he was given. You spasmed slightly, bucking your hips up into his hand. “Hngh, now I want you to use your mouth, kitten.”
Jin scooted back towards the other end of the couch, fondling your body lovingly on his way down. He finally came face to face with your core and ran his fingers chillingly down your thighs before he was pressing them down to your chest so that you were on full display for him. “Yeah, eat me like you mean it, everything you did to me, I want you to lick it all up like a good little kitten.” You panted, looking down at him with hungry eyes.
“With pleasure, my dear.” He purred deeply before taking your clit in between his lips and licking the bud of nerves all while making heavy eye contact. You let out a sharp hiss at the brilliant sensation. “Ohahoho, you motherfucker.” You chuckle breathily through clenched teeth, gripping Jin’s scalp again and giving a loving tug. “Looking up at me with those pretty eyes while you eat my pussy.”
Your crood words went straight to his dick and he let a small moan slip out of his mouth. The vibrations sent a shock of pleasure through you and forced you to hold his head as close to your sopping cunt as possible and rut against his mouth.
He was fully lapping at your juices now, mouth wide open for his tongue to stroke you clit sloppily and making a mess, just the way you liked it. His mouth and your lips glistened with your essence, you could literally feel it dripping down your asshole and onto the couch. “God, I love that fucking mouth!” You squeaked. “Eating that pussy like you fucking love it. Do you love it, kitten?”
He nodded immediately, getting his nose involved in the fun and hummed noisily against your clit in agreement. But you needed to hear it. “Tell me you love it.” You ordered sternly. “I leurve uet.” He professed sincerely into your pussy, staying focused on his task of making you cum. Lucky for both of you, you were almost there.
“Ugh, hhh-yes, kitten. Put your fingers in me, now.” You barked out another order, which Jin was happy to take and had no trouble shoving two fingers into your perfectly soaked cunt, curling them and railing them into you at the perfect speed to get you off.
“Hungh, fuck! Make me cum, kitten, come on!” You chanted up to the ceiling with your eyes clenched shut, focusing on that extraordinary release. He grunted desperately into your cunt, sending you into your first orgasm of the night.
You let out a silent cry as your body quaked with the pleasure only your fiance’s mouth could deliver. You rode out your high in a moaning, shaking mess beneath him, grinding your core into his face and on his fingers as you came down.
You gently grasp his cheeks and lift his head up to look at you. He admired your breathtakingly fucked out expression and smiled lovingly as you brought his face closer to yours for a sloppy, languid kiss. You moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips as your tongues swirled and explored each other's mouths and your lips smacked together lazily.
“God, you’re so fucking hot. My good little kitten.” You praised catching your breath, patting his wild hair down on the crown of his head. “Thank you, my goddess.” He whispered back, revelling in the adoration.
“Upstairs.” You gave him one final peck before you stood up from the couch. You begin your course to the staircase, when you have a better idea. You turn around to find Jin stopping in his tracks behind you with a slightly bewildered expression.
“On your knees, pet.” You directed sweetly. Jin got to the floor compliantly and assumed the position, looking up at you for further instruction. “Lead the way.” You gestured to the stairs and got out of his way, watching him walk casually up the stairs like a small child. You even got a great view of his ass from here, you thought pleasantly.
He entered your shared bedroom and stopped several feet in front of the bed. “You’re so good at waiting for direction, pet.” You commended him from behind, getting rid of the remainder of your offensive clothing. “Thank you, dear.” You drifted over to your nightstand to retrieve a sleep mask and covered his eyes with it. He swallowed thickly, wondering what you had planned for him now.
You crouched next to him and without a word, you delivered a hard smack to his clothed bottom. He jumped in surprise, but he didn’t make a sound. “And you’ve got such a great ass, too. I really lucked up didn’t I?” You chuckled quietly. “What do you say?”
“Thank you, dear.” He recited easily. “Good kitten.” You waited a long silent moment before gifting him another loud smack. “Thank you, dear.”
“Who do you belong to?”
“You, my goddess.” He vowed faithfully.
“And who else?” You drawled, groping his ass to your heart's content, because it was yours and no one could take it from you.
“Only you, my sweet goddess.” Another devoted promise fell from his lips bringing a smile to your face.
Your hand travels from his butt up his spine to his neck and into his hair. You give a lenient tug to the black strands before pressing your lips to his ear. “Do you love me, kitten?” You whispered melodiously, causing Jin to shiver. “With all my heart, my goddess.” You kiss the shell of his ear softly at the admission.
Your voice takes on a more weighted, lustful tone. “Are you hard for me?”
“I’m so hard for you, dear.” He answered, his breathing beginning to pick up now. “Oh, really? Let me see.” You reached over his side and found his crotch. He hissed when you ran your hands along the outline of his dick through his slacks and he was not lying. The feeling of it in your hand alone made you clench your thighs together to savor the throbbing between them. “I can’t wait to have this amazing dick inside of me.” You were fully groping him now, rubbing him through his pants and making his heart race faster.
“What do you wanna do to me, kitten?”
“I wanna make you cum, dear.” He moaned out roughly.
“That’s my good, boy. Now strip for me.” You waltzed over to the bed and made yourself comfortable to watch the show, spreading your legs and letting your hands drift to your clit to fully enjoy it.
He stood up in the same place, eyes still covered. He undid the buttons of his shirt slowly, unveiling a new section of creamy skin as he went and making your mouth water. You pressed down firmly on your clit that was still wet from previous activities and began moving your fingers in slow circular motions when Jin shrugged the button up off of his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He was entirely too sexy without even trying.
You got to watch his newly exposed muscles flex as he undid his belt and tossed that as well.
He unbuttoned the slacks and unzipped them in one motion and then stepped out of them, his full package on display with his boxer briefs not leaving much the imagination. You subconsciously rubbed at your clit faster, the lewd sound of your wetness becoming known to Jin.
“Take the underwear off.” You commanded a little harsher than you planned for. “Yes, dear.”
He quickly did as you requested so that you could now see his large cock standing at attention, his nearly purple cock head curving up to touch his stomach. “Walk forward.” You instructed, aware that he had no sight, but that he trusted you.
He walked in a straight line headed directly for you and once he was precisely in front of you, almost touching your knees that hung off the bed, you told him to stop. Your next order surprised Jin, but boy was he glad to hear it. “Touch yourself.”
“Yes, dear.” His hand jerked up to stroke his dick that was so close and beautiful that you were tempted to put it in your mouth, but you stopped yourself. You kept your eyes on his breathtaking body and watched him work himself over with his skillful hand, rubbing your clit rampantly at the sight. “I want you to cum for me, kitten. Can you do that for me?” You coaxed breathlessly.
He swiped at the head of his cock, collecting the precum before sliding his hand up and down the shaft again and faster this time. “Yesss, dear.” He breathed heavily. “You make me so fucking horny, I’m getting off at the sight of you stroking your cock.” He moaned at the thought, imagining it behind his eyelids.
You stopped rubbing your clit to insert two fingers into your sodden cunt and begin moving them in and out quickly, the sound of the two of you pleasuring yourselves filling the room. “You hear that, kitten?” Referring to the squelching noises produced by your actions.
“That’s what you do to me, mmm fuck, you’ve got me drenched and dripping onto the fucking bed.” You bit your lip, getting carried away with pleasure. “Ooooh, dear.” Your fiance moaned for you, his chest rising and falling heavily as he worked up a fine sweat on his brow.
You could feel your orgasm approaching as your arm gave up supporting you on the bed and you leaned back on your elbow. “Faster, kitten. I wanna, ungh, I wanna cum with you.” You gasped, giving up on holding yourself up entirely to play with your breasts and giving yourself over to absolute pleasure.
“Haah, y-yes, dear.” He stroked his cock even faster in hopes to catch up with you because lord knows what happens if he doesn’t. “Cum on me, kitten. Unnf-ha, I want you to milk that dick all over my pussy, I need it, pleaaassse.” You cried out, your back arching up to the heavens as you released all over your fingers blissfully.
“A-aahhh, aw, fuck!” Jin growled as he climaxed. You removed your fingers from yourself just in time because he did exactly as you asked and came long and hard, emptying his hot seed all over your already impossibly soaked cunt.
You shot up at the feeling of warm cum being sprinkled all over your nether region and couldn’t help, but giggle. “Take off the blindfold, kitten.” he did so as he caught his breath and finally got to take you in, somehow getting turned on again from looking over your fucked out form with his cum covering you. You looked him in the eyes as you gathered the cum on your lips and clit and inserted it into your pussy just to add to the fun. You liked things nice and sloppy, what could you say?
He watched you in awe, the visuals had his dick stirring to life one more. You raised your hand and curled your finger at him, signaling for him to come closer, although all he had to do was shuffle a few inches and bend down to be that much closer to you. You gripped his prominent jaw in your hand and laid a wet, potent kiss on his waiting lips, in which he gave one hundred percent.
“I knew you had spectacular aim, but I must say, this is a new feat, kitten.” You whispered proudly into his luscious mouth and he giggled into yours in response. “Thank you, dear.” He kissed along your cheeks and neck passionately. “But I believe you said a bad word, kitten.” Your suddenly stony tone caused him to freeze completely in his tracks.
“Didn’t you?” You demanded, wanting to hear it from him. “Yes, dear.” He whispered regretfully into your ear.
“And what is our rule on that, kitten?”
“The submissive must not utter any profanities during play time.” He recited from memory. You gripped his chin again and moved him back far enough to look you in the eyes. “So why did you just say it in my face?” You asked not letting go of him, feeling genuinely disrespected.
“You just made me feel so good, dear. When I ca-climaxed I only thought about making you feel good and I just couldn’t help myself, I’m so sorry, dear.” He stammered. You studied his face closely and found that your love was being earnest. “Thank you for your apology, kitten, I forgive you.” You pecked his lips and he smiled into the kiss. “But you need to be punished so we can make sure this kind of thing never happens again.” His smile falls, but it is replaced with a face of understanding. He nods in your hand and whispers, “Yes, dear.”
“Now, get your fine ass on this bed. On your back.” You barked and he moved quickly to position himself so as not to piss you off even further. You, on the other hand, moved back over to the night stand to retrieve the punishment. Jin’s face was only slightly concerned when you crawled on top of him and showed him the cock ring and lube.
“You’re going to wear this, I’m going to tie you to bed, and you’re going to let me use your dick to cum for as long as I want. Understood?” You deadpanned. He nodded instantly, eager to please you and get into your good graces again. “What was that?” You leaned in close with an ominous expression. “Y-yes, dear.” He stuttered out, nervously. “Don’t push your luck kitten.” You warned him.
He looked up at you with truly apologetic, wide eyes. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, dear.”
“It had better not...If it’s too much, you know the safe word.” You admonished and tossed him the items before going to tie his legs to the bed. He took his bottom lip in between his teeth and focused on fitting his dick and balls through the tight silicone ring. He laid back and spread his arms out wide so they were at your mercy and ready to be restrained. “That’s a good boy, kitten.” You praised, caressing his arms as you wrapped the rope around them snuggly and attached it to the bed.
You climbed on top of him again, taking his semi-hard dick and running it up and down your incredibly slick folds causing Jin to toss his head back into the pillows and sigh. “Gotta get you nice and hard again so we can have some fun, kitten.” You press his cock to your heat and begin grinding back and forth on it, covering it with your combined juices. You feel him start to harden beneath you already and you couldn’t wait any longer so you sat up on your knees and impaled yourself on his cock.
He grunted loudly when you sank down on his length, attempting to hold his head up to see how he disappeared inside you inch by inch. You shuddered out a moan when your pelvis fully met his, you could feel your combined juices dripping down to coat his cock even further.
“Mmmh, my God, that dick is perfect, kitten. And it’s all mine.” You gasped as your hips moved up and down on his cock. “All yours, my goddess.” He keened in agreement, his arms flexing against the pull of the ropes and his tight stomach muscles tensing deliciously beneath you.
You lean forward to rest your hands on his chest while you bounce up and down at a new delectable pace, your ass slapping down on him to create loud, wet, vulgar noises in the large bedroom. He nudges that spot against your walls that had you seeing stars and your jaw drops, but no sound is released, just hot air wafting down to sweep across Jin’s face and vice versa. He looked up at you like you hung the moon in the sky and his dick in that delicious pussy of course. In his eyes you were perfect and he wouldn’t trade you for the world.
Of course he had you near climax within three minutes of being inside you, that’s why you saved the best for last and had no intention of stopping any time soon. “Talk to me, kitten.” You spoke breathlessly, your hand reaching up to grip his throat in the perfect way that made his dick twitch inside of you, but still allowed him to speak.
“I love you, dear.” He blurted as if it was the only thing on his mind and had been dying to let it out. “I love everything about you-nnhg! How good you are to me, how sexy you are,” You stared deeply into his loving, fucked out eyes as you rode him like a woman possessed, chasing your high that was so close. “Tell me you want my cum.” You ordered through clenched teeth. “I want your cum, goddess, I want all of it gushing out for me.” He returned genuinely causing you to clench around him.  
He continued, revelling in how you constricted him inside of you as you neared your climax. “I love how tight you are, the face you make when you orgasm around me, ugh-sss, how you take my cock so well, your flawless ass, I wanna touch you so bad-gnghnaaaaa!” He quivered as you suddenly came, silently creaming all over his cock. You spasmed and rode your high all the way to the end with your eyes rolling into the back of your head while Jin marvelled at you from below.
“Haahh, fuck.” You exhaled deeply before gathering yourself. When you finally managed to sit up again your hand came down to deliver a hard slap to Jin’s cheek, his surprised face turning to the side from the force. “Kitten, what is it with you and these curse words today?” You prompted, releasing Jin’s still hard dick from you and travelling to the dresser opposite the bed.
Jin sucked his teeth and clenched his eyes shut with regret. “I’m sorry, dear-”
“Yeah I'm sure.” You mocked, opening the drawer and pulling out a pair of lace panties. You climbed onto Jin once again, taking him inside of you wordlessly. The obscenely wet sound of his cum coated dick re-entering you made the both of you incredibly horny. “Do I need to gag you? So you can shut up and take this pussy?” You offered with a strong grind of your hips on his. “Ahh, yes, dear. I deserve it.” He panted.
You stuffed the panties into his mouth roughly and you could have swore you felt his dick twitch inside of you at the action. “Such a naughty boy.” You teased, rocking back and forth with his cock nestled so deep inside of you. He mumbled something through the gag and you just laughed maniacally.
“Ahaha, that’s right, kitten. Shut up and take this pussy.” You growled, bouncing up and down on his amazing cock. “Unnnffuck, I want you to split me wide open on that dick, kitten.” Jin just nods enthusiastically, his chest rising and falling frantically. “Is that what you want, kitten? You want me to keep fucking this cock til I cum all over you, again?” You whined, never taking your eyes off of him. He moaned loudly and nodded quickly.
“Mmmm, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum for you so hard, kitten!” You cried as you felt the familiar flame in the pit of your belly ready to explode. In the next second, you were shouting expletives and convulsing vigorously as your orgasm crashed through you. “Homygod, homygod, homygod,” You chanted, grinding your pussy down onto your finance’s public bone mercilessly. You bent down to grip his face and remove the gag before kissing him senseless. “You fuck me so good, kitten.” You mumbled into his perfect mouth earnestly before gripping his throat with a growl. “Now, make me cum again.”
For the next twenty minutes, you continued to ride Jin non-stop, cumming around him, kissing him, slapping him or twisting his nipples when he got out of line, choking him occasionally and watching his eyes get a shade darker each time. He enjoyed this just as much as you did and you both enjoyed the slick and sloppy noise of his cock being repeatedly stuffed inside you. The white, runny substance coated both of your genitals and thighs, sticking to your sweaty bodies and even creating a sizable stain below you.
You looked down at your pet to witness a tear fall out of the corner of his eye, but his expression was still full of lust for you. “Oh, kitten.” You sucked your teeth and cooed at him. “Do you wanna cum?” You spoke breathily, never wavering on his cock. “Yes please, dear.” He nodded desperately at the offer and tugged on the restraints instinctively.
“Okay, kitten. I’ll make you feel good, but only because you made me cum so many times tonight.” You squeeze him with your walls one last time making him wince before you were separating yourself from him. You walked on wobbly legs to where his wrists were attached to the bed and undid the binds and each side. Your face scrunched up in annoyance at the sight of all your hard work being worked off as Jin removed the cock ring and just placed it on the already ruined sheets.
He looked at you expectantly with hopeful eyes as you walked around the bed and climbed up directly in front of him. You took hold of his angry looking cock gently, not wanting him to bust just yet, and took the slick from your wrecked pussy and coated his length with it once more.
“Much better.” You whispered before placing your mouth on his cock and stroking generously. Jin’s body tensed strongly as he let out a wicked groan. The feeling of being free from the cock ring and your heavenly mouth had him on the very edge. “Ahh-sss. T-thank you, dear.” He uttered, placing a hand on your head and gently running it through your hair.
“Anything for my pet. I want your cum in my mouth, kitten. Make me choke on it.” You purred, listlessly, taking him all the way to the back of your throat. “Ha-aahhh! Yes, dear!” He yelped, cumming almost instantly, emptying himself feverishly into your throat. “Nnhga! Yes, yes, yes, yes, dearrrrr.” He groaned loudly when you swallowed around him, making sure you got every bit of his seed in your mouth.
You bobbed your head lazily on his cock even after he was spent, body limp on the sheets just about down from his climax. You crawled back in between his strong legs to cover his body with yours and capture his lips in an adamant, love-filled kiss. He returned the kiss lethargically and wrapped his arms around you. “You’re so good to me, baby. I love you.” You pecked his lips one last time.
He opened his eyes wearily at the new pet name in realization. “I love you too, Y/N. I can’t wait to marry you.” He muttered honestly, looking up at you with so much adoration in his eyes. You beamed back at him. “You stop that right now, Mr., or I’m gonna have to suck your dick again.” You threatened playfully. You both laughed heartily and got ready for bed, knowing you were going to be sleeping next to the person who accepts you and will love you no matter what.
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