#earth oven slow
thirteenemeraldcats · 7 months
Ye ole tag game!
Tagged by the incredibly talented (and all around incredible) @fanficfanattic to post the last sentence I wrote!
He’s still propped against Roy’s side; head still firmly planted into the solid place where Roy’s arm meets his chest. If he concentrates, if he squints his tired eyes and holds his gentle breath, he can hear the steady thump-thump of the older man’s heart. 
Posting two sentences because 🤷‍♀️
Tagging with no pressure @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @jamiesfootball @sighonaraa @kvetchinglyneurotic @abubblingcandle @nativestarwrites and literally anyone/everyone who wants to share!
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kushnovice · 7 months
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Spinning My World
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark! Reader
Synopsis: Reader tends to the avengers wounds constantly and when Tony opens an emotional wound in the reader, Bucky is there to help.
wc: 2.4k
Warnings: my first bucky fic, medical, wounds, tending to wounds, sibling rivalry, mention of dead parents, fluffy love, slow-burn
AN: Female reader, fluffy, lots of mistakes, self indulgent (Pictures are not mine nor are any characters part of this)
What makes the earth go round? to most people it's money, to others it's family. To me, it's love.
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I grew up with Tony Stark, my older brother. He was never that big on affection which was something he picked up from our parents and because of that, Tony and I aren't as close as we once were before our parents died. I spend most of my time making sure the house is always put together and cooking food for Tony and Pepper. I always feel a little guilty as I haven't achieved as much as my older brother and living with him and all of his fancy things just rubs it in. I also spend a lot of time studying. Since we have the money, I am attending an Ivy League school online. Unlike Tony, I don't like robots and technology, I prefer to help people. I am majoring in Medical Science as well as minoring in Psychology, which the amount of work is unbearable.
I sigh as I close one of my textbooks, my notebook, and my laptop, leaving them on the desk in my room. I make my through the long winding halls and into the kitchen, the tiles on the floor leaving my feet cold as I walk. I flick on the light as I walk in and take a deep breath, finally feeling at peace. The kitchen was always my safe space since Tony never cooked for himself, neither did any of the avengers. It was my own tiny world of peace.
I smile softly to myself as I make my way to the sink, I start to wash my hands while humming a song. "Friday, can you play (song name)?" As the song starts playing, I feel more comfortable as I start pulling what I would need from the fridge and the cabinets. I then fill up a pot of water and put it on the stove to boil and preheat the oven before I start separating and seasoning the chicken. I then start to cut up some veggies before checking on the pasta that I am making. After everything is cooking, I take the time to dance in the kitchen, just enjoying the music and how it flows through my body. That was until I heard the door open. I jerk my head to see who it is, only to be stunned by the sight in front of me. There he was, the most beautiful creature this world had ever created, but he was drenched in blood. Without thinking, I walk right up to him and start to examine him from what I can see. "Oh buck, what happened this time?" I ask as I eye him up and down for injuries, feeling better after not finding any serious ones. Bucky sighed deeply, "The mission was hijacked. I'm not the only Injured one." I sigh deeply as I take the food out of the oven and put the veggies and sauce into the pasta. Then, without a second thought, i make my way to the medical clinic, which I pretty much run.
I put my coat on and wash my hands again before putting on gloves. I make my way into the emergency room that we have to see Tony laying on a gurney. I immediately start to cut his shirt and pants off as I examine his body, the deep wounds showing no mercy as they continue to bleed. I sterilize the wound and start stitching him up and taking my time to make sure it's perfect.
After a few hours, I was done with making sure Tony was alright and had checked out all of the other team members. I look at the clock and sigh deeply when I realize that it is close to 1 in the morning. I make my way through the winding hallways again and I stand outside of Buckys room. "Hey Buck, are you awake?" I ask softly knowing his super human hearing can pick up my voice, and sure enough because the door unlocks and slides open revealing that he had just got out of the shower. I blush slightly as i try not to stare at his bare chest, "oh um...sorry I was just coming to give you a quick check up..." I shuffle awkwardly at his door but he nods softly and lets me in his room.
The smell of Axe Body spray and Midsummers Night circle the room. I sit Bucky down as I start to stitch up a few of his wounds. It stays mostly silent, neither of us knowing what to talk about until Bucky speaks up, "aren't you tired?" I furrow my eyebrows, "why would I be tired?" Bucky sighs deeply, "we go on these missions almost daily and you're the only one who gives us medical help, isn't it tiring?" I look up from his stitches to smile softly at Bucky, "No, it's not tiring. If anything, it gives me a purpose and makes me a hero like you guys." I giggle to myself at how corny that sounded before going back to stich bucky up.
After I am done, I make sure I didn't miss any dry blood before I stand up, "make sure you eat dinner, I don't know if the others did yet but you need to eat." I smile at him to which he gives me a small smile at the end of his lips. "I did eat already, it was delicious." I smile at him as I watch him put his shirt back on, "good good, I tried a new recipe today so I'm glad it is good." I smile to myself thinking about how Bucky enjoyed my food. "Did you eat yet?" Bucky asks with a furrowed eyebrow and I'm left shocked, normally i'm the one asking that question. "I was about too, then all of that happened," I smile at Bucky but his facial expressions don't change this time. "You really should eat." I nod my head and start to make my way into the kitchen to see a huge mess of plates and bowls and forks all over the place and all of the food gone. "at least they liked it" I smile to myself as I shrug off my coat and take off my gloves, "Friday, some music please" I speak as I start to pick up the plates and bowls and utensil's and place them in the sink. I then pick up all the trash and wipe down the counter while dancing around the kitchen. I spend a few hours cleaning, until it is spotless before I turn off the music and realize I wasn't alone. As I go to grab my coat and turn off the light, I hear a voice, "Aren't you going to eat?" I whip my head around, looking for where the voice came from until I can see Bucky, just outside the door. "there was no more left, i'm glad everyone enjoyed it." I smile at him but he doesn't smile back, he makes his way into the kitchen and starts grabbing stuff. "woah woah woah what are you doing?" I ask as I watch him start up the stove. "You need to eat. More than any of us." Buckys voice is stern and emotionless but I can tell that he cares. "I'm alright, I'll be up in a few hours to cook breakfast anyways." I look at the time and then at Bucky who then turns to me with furrowed eyes again his eyes studying me and trying to figure me out as he looks me up and down. "Why do you cook for everyone? Why do you go out of your way for everyone? I don't get how that benefits you." I sigh deeply, "I don't do it for me, I do it for you guys. You guys are heros and are saving the world every day. the least I can do is cook you guys a warm meal and make sure you guys don't get too hurt." "But why?" Bucky asks as he cracks open an egg and starts to cook it. "You guys deserve it, you deserve the best." I smile at him softly, watching his movements while I think. "Why do you save the world?" I ask while watching his movements. He seems relaxed and calm "Because if I can help save the world then there's hope to save myself." He speaks in a quiet whisper, "why do you save us? why are you so interested in medicine?" He asks with seriousness, trying to understand me better. "I was never taught self defense so I save the world in the only way I know, medicine." Bucky turns to look at me, "you don't give yourself enough credit, no one does." I can hear how he sighs softly. I let myself smile, knowing this was his way of showing he cared. Bucky finished cooking the food and he made two plates, setting one in front of me while he sat across the table from me. He immediately downs his food within seconds leaving me to take awhile to finish my food. When I'm finished eating, I grab our plates and put them in the dishwasher. When i make my way back into the dining room, Bucky is watching me as soon as I enter the room. "What? Is there food on my face?" I jokingly ask, with a smirk on my face as I make my way back to sit down. Bucky snorts softly at my comment, "No, I just don't get how someone could look so pretty after working for so many hours." Buckys voice is soft but his eyes are full of emotion as his hands fold on the table. I feel myself melt under his gaze as my cheeks start to burn, "Oh, uhm...thanks..." I giggle lightly, "You aren't too bad looking for someone who just got stitched up." I reply causing bucky to be taken aback.
"Why are you two up at 2 in the morning?" Tony asks as he walks into the dining room in his black robe that is barely covering his bare chest and his blazers. Tony somehow still has his shades on as well as his slippers on as he sets down some coffee and a sandwich at the table and sits down. "I was just making sure your sister ate after giving everyone medical exams." Bucky replied as he stared blankly at tony as he ate. "Interesting." Tony replied quickly as he started to eat. "I'm glad that your mission didn't go to badly, not many people were injured." I smiled at Tony as I recall the injuries that everyone had got. Tony sighed as he swallowed the food in his mouth, "Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" I roll my eyes at how immature Tony still is after all of these years. "Somebody's cranky." I snort to myself, Tony glares daggers at me. "Somebody needs to shut up." I smile at Tony, now enjoying fucking with him. "I don't have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel." I smirk at Tony, thinking I got the better up. "Frankly, I don't care. Just like how he never cared about Mom and Dad. You know who killed them right?" Tony asks as he glares between Bucky and I. "If you're insinuating that Bucky killed our parents then fuck you!" I yell in Tony's face, not able to control my anger as I get up and storm off. Bucky looks at Tony as Tony finishes his sandwich, not purposefully glaring but staring deeply at him causing Tony to get uncomfortable and scramble out of the room.
Bucky sighs deeply as he makes his way to my room, thinking of the right words to say as he ends up right outside of my door. "Hey...I know Tony's words really hurt but I'd like to tell you my story, not what you've heard from files but my life the way I lived it, when I had control of my life." Bucky expected no response honestly, who would want to talk to their parents murderer? Surprisingly the door swung open as Bucky looked in at my small trembling figure on the floor, a pang in his heart caused him to lose his breath seeing her in such pain.
I lift my head to meet Buckys soft eyes as he moves to sit on the bed next to me. His voice was kind but also firm as he told me all about his life, from his time in Brooklyn with Steve all the way through Hydra, he spoke about my parents last almost as if to save me the pain. "Your parents...they were a mission I had to carry out while apart of Hydra, or else I would have died as well as them...I wish I never had too..." Bucky sighs deeply as he looks at the ground. "You don't have to be my friend or even be nice to me, but I just wanted you to know that I never wanted to hurt anyone." Bucky softly got up, expecting to be kicked out before he felt my hands wrapped around his human arm. "I want to be your friend. It hurts knowing that you did that to my parents and I don't think that hurt will ever go away, but I do know that it wasn't you, that you didn't do it on your own will. I forgive you, Buck." I speak softly as I wrap my arms around Bucky's human hand, taking his warmth from him as it comforts my shaking body as I am able to relax into my bed and into Bucky, feeling safe and comfortable for once. I don't remember what happened after that other than my eyes forcing themselves closed as Bucky's mechanical arm softly strokes my hair.
I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes causing me to instantly rub my eyes. I stretch with a small groan, wishing to be asleep still as I reach my arms above my head. I hear a rough chuckle beside me and open my eyes to see Bucky smirking down at me, "Morning, Doll." I feel my face go red at the nickname. I roll over to face him in the bed, "I'm sorry that I kept you here all night." I apologize softly as I yawn the sleepy feeling away. He smiled softly down at me, the golden sun reflecting off of his eyes making it look like tigers eye. "You have nothing to apologize for, darling." He used his fingers to swoop the stray strands of hair out of my face. "It was the best sleep I have gotten in awhile." He confessed as he pulled me a little closer, his body heat keeping me warm as he smiled down at me cheekily. "Don't smile at me like that, you know it drives me crazy..." I giggle at him softly as I place my hand on his face before leaning in. Bucky closed the gap as he took my lips in his, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer as he chuckles into the kiss.
"How else would I make your world spin?"
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Imagine arguing with Sanji in the kitchen and holding up service…
The kitchen at Baratie was heating up and it wasn’t from the flaming stovetops or pre-heated ovens.
There was a wicked, hot tension between yourself and Sanji and it was making the rest of the kitchen staff sweat. No one knew what had caused the new dynamic but they quickly learnt to stay a safe distance from the pair after Patty accidentally fanned the flame. Now they only interacted with the duo when required.
Sanji was chopping vegetables for his soup that was almost ready to simmer while you silently iced some cakes on the station beside him. Both regretting the request to cook next to one another.
The blonde-haired chef finished dicing the last of the carrots and picked up the board to hold over the pot. He gently swept the vegetables into the broth with the knife. Setting the utensils back down, Sanji inhaled the beautiful aroma that was starting to perfume the air. His hand reached out for his spoon but his fingers met empty air.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “I’d like my spoon back.”
Your eyes were fixed on the patterns being made on the soft pieces of sponge but your ears picked up that his tone was directed toward you.
“I don’t have it.” You offered simply without breaking focus.
Sanji turned to you, eyes squinting. “Really? Because I recall that you used it last to mix the cake batter.”
It was your turn to exhale. “I did and I washed it thoroughly before setting it back on the table.”
“Well, it’s not here.”
“Then pull out another one.” You snapped.
Sanji lowered the heat of his soup so it wouldn’t burn before returning to glare at you. “Why should I have to when you’re the one who-”
Splat! The cook’s eyes went wide as the cold vanilla cream dripped from his chin, lips tasting its sweetness.
You now stood upright holding the bag of frosting, brows knitted to match the frown on your face.
“I didn’t take your damn spoon.”
The doors to the kitchen opened with their familiar heaviness and a wooden footstep hit the tiles.
“Why is there no soup or cakes out on the floor?” Zeff asked as he entered.
The kitchen that had gone quiet during the public argument suddenly sprang to life and scrambled to resume duties. Zeff’s eyes floated to the two in charge of the slowed menu line and his eyes narrowed.
“Why on earth are you tasting the desserts, Little Eggplant?” He inquired, approaching the bench.
Sanji’s hands flew to gesture your entire being. “Y/n is literally holding the bag. I’m a victim here!”
Zeff held a hand up to silence the boy and set his gaze on you. “You know that we don’t waste food here. Explain yourself.”
You shrugged. “He accused me of losing his spoon so I did what had to be done. I’m not apologising.”
Zeff blinked, jaw dropping slightly.
“A spoon.” He repeated slowly before his voice, and temper, was unleashed. “You two held up service because of a damn spoon!”
You held up your hands in defence. “I told him to just use another one but he was stubborn about it.”
Sanji didn’t take kindly to being thrown under the bus, rounding on you while completely ignoring the steam blowing out of Zeff’s ears.
“Excuse me but that is my special soup spoon. You’re lucky that I even let you borrow it.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a spoon, Sanji. It’s not the All Blue.”
“You know what-?”
“I’ve heard enough!” Zeff bellowed, his voice sending vibrations through the glassware. “Mix the soup with a rolling pin for all I care. Just get it out to the customers along with those cakes or you’re both on dish duty for two months. Am I clear?”
Receiving a grumbled reply, the owner of the Baratie marched off.
A few stations away, Patty stealthily pulled a towel to cover the wooden handle of the missing utensil. It was too late to reveal the small prank without being boiled alive or baked into a pie.
With the tension still rising, Patty decided to lock them in a cupboard after the shift.
~ More imagines here ~
A/n: Heading back to the office tomorrow with a 5am wake up but here I lay at 12am dishing out some Baratie mania (with more to come). No regrets.
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hunnylagoon · 10 months
Birthday Girl
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A/N This is my first tumblr fic. I’m a retired Wattpad warrior, I only wrote this bc the Ellie tag is over diluted by smut, we need some angst and fluff to balance it out. My credentials are that I used to write Game of Thrones fanfic and I was blocked by Noah Beck on Twitter. Apologies in advance for any spelling errors or confusing sentences, bc I was high off my ass when I wrote this.
Jackson’s resident Baker works herself tirelessly to take care of everyone on their birthday and ensure they get something nice to brighten their special day but who is there to take care of her?
Birthdays are like brilliant gems in the kaleidoscope of time; they are the times when life's symphony crescendos into a celebration of its children. As the sun circles the earth once a year, we are given a day to celebrate our own journey, a day that whispers stories of victories, laughter, and the sweet notes of resiliency. You had always loved birthdays, who didn't? The look of joy on someone's face when they open a  gift you spent weeks looking for, the uncontrollable smile and pure serotonin that took over even the grumpiest of people. Everyone had a special day designated to them, of course, it was a cause to celebrate. 
You worked in the town bakery with very few other people, from five am to twelve pm on Monday to Friday every single week you were hustling around in a humid bakery, hell, you ran it like the navy.  Every morning, walking into the bakery is like stepping into a fragrant paradise where time seems to slow down to the sound of ovens buzzing to life. The first two hours were just for you before you let anyone in, The comforting routine of donning a flour-dusted apron and tying back unruly hair precedes the artistry of crafting pastries and breads. The almost therapeutic rhythm of kneading, rolling, and shaping becomes second nature: the soft crack of eggs, the calculated pour of sugar, and the clouds of flour hovering in midair. 
There wasn't much creative freedom while working in the Jackson bakery, it really just consisted of making dozens of bread loaves daily and then carting them over to the 'Barbecue Place' Which was once a restaurant though it had been refashioned into Jackson's mess hall.  However, you were able to dabble in some fun and were able to make cupcakes daily and a large batch of miscellaneous pastries every Friday. The cupcakes were very dear to you, you had to beg Maria when you were thirteen to approve the idea and eventually, you were green-lit.
As you step into the bakery you are greeted by the creek of wooden planks which are a testament to decades of busy activity; the dance of innumerable bakers has worn away at their shiny surfaces. The aroma of baked goods still hovers in the air from the previous day and all the days that came before, taking you to a more peaceful time. Sunlight streams through old lace curtains, illuminating worn, mismatched tables and chairs that have served eager clients for centuries though they no longer serve guests in the bakery. Deeply patinated wooden shelves support a variety of ceramic jars, each containing a treasure trove of hidden ingredients. Fading photos and yellowed newspaper clippings decorate the walls, telling the story of the bakery's illustrious past. There are copper pots and pans strung like time capsules on strong hooks, and an old-fashioned cash register sits on the end of the counter past the empty glass displays, it no longer serves a purpose but you have fought bravely to keep it around as it makes you think of what life had been like before the world fell apart. 
You look at a beat-up calendar on the walls, sitting in the place of an old picture frame that had been knocked down and shattered by none other than yourself when you were fourteen and had the bright idea of having you and your friend toss a bag of flour at each other to see who was strong enough to last longer in the odd game of catch. Surely, Ellie threw the five-pound bag a little too hard, you ducked to save yourself but it smashed into the framed photo of the family who ran the bakery before the apocalypse. It not only was smashed into little fragments but the bag of flour exploded and covered the dining room of the bakery as well as yourself in white powder, it looked like it had snowed inside. The calendar you were checking held the birthday of every person in Jackson, it was messy and hard to read as you usually had to cram several birthdays into a single day which was only a small square, it was hardly legible, there was almost no one else who could read it. Every day when you walked into the bakery, the first thing you did was check the calendar to find out whose birthday it was, then you began your bread dough or carried on with the sourdough started the day before, while the dough rose, you made cake batter, adjusting the recipe according to how many you had to make. After finishing work for the day or sometimes when you were midway through it, you would give each person a cupcake to celebrate their special day.
Even if no one else remembered their birthday, you were always there to make it a little bit better.
Today there were two birthdays on the calendar, Sean Casey, a man who was turning sixty. The second birthday marked down in the little square was yours. 
That's what made that day so special, you were ecstatic to see what your friends had planned for you later. Last year Ellie promised that she would go above and beyond for your next birthday and you were going to hold her to that. There was already a nice start to your morning by having your dad wake you up with breakfast in bed which you found truly impressive as he usually slept in till at least ten, on top of that he had scavenged a stand mixer for the home. You grabbed your apron off of the hook putting it over your neck and tying it tight around your waist. Everyone had a couple of designated aprons to rotate through throughout the week, yours consisted of two plain white ones, a red gingham pattern, one of forest green, and another made of a fabric covered in hyacinth flowers, their colours diluted like paint. Today you wore the apron your father gave you last year on your birthday, it was your favourite colour and the neckline was embroidered to say '(y/n)s kitchen'. You could tell your dad did the embroidery himself, the stitches were loose and uneven in some areas while being extremely tight in others, that's why you loved it so much, it was the thought and care behind it.
With a gentle hand, you pulled each of your necessary ingredients along with equipment out to begin your day. You preheat the ovens and in the quiet pre-dawn hours, the bakery comes alive with the hushed sounds of industrial mixers. The heady scent of freshly milled flour dances in the air as you measure the precise alchemy of ingredients, your hands moving with practiced grace. Kneading the dough becomes repetitive, muscles working in harmony to transform a mound of humble ingredients into a soft elastic texture. As the dough rests and rises, the anticipation builds—the promise of crusty loaves and soft, pillowy interiors. You slipped the pans of dough into the industrial ovens, the heat attacking you the second you opened the door; making sure to place the pumpernickel, rye, sourdough, brioche and wheat loaves all sorted on different racks in the respective ovens.
By the time you put the loaves in ovens it had been two hours from when you began, even with preparation the day before and dough starters, it was a process. You quickly washed your hands before unlocking the door for Juno as well as anyone who wanted to come in to visit. 
The clock read '7:09', because of the passthrough you were still able to look outside via the glass storefront, you could see people walking along the streets heading to whatever job they worked to contribute to the community, no one got paid, it was a commune after all, you couldn't imagine a world where everyone was so dependent on money and so obsessed with over-consumption. Part of you was waiting for one of those people to come in and wish you a happy birthday, but you shook the thoughts from your head.
You began to make the small portion for two of cupcake batter, remembering distinctly how four years ago you sat next to Sean at the Fourth of July party and he went on and on about how much he hated vanilla, it seemed like one of those crazy old man rants but you found delight in it. Never had you seen a man so passionate about cake flavouring. He said vanilla was nothing special, flavourless; you had come to learn that he was a chocolate man, every holiday event filling his pot belly with chocolate, when you had brought assorted sweets for a Christmas party he dove straight for the brownies. So it was easy for you to make up your mind on what flavour of cupcake to make.
After years of this cupcake tradition you had memorized each ratio to make, a double serving of chocolate batter consisting of 1/4 cup of flour, 2 1/2 tablespoons of white sugar, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda, a dash of salt, 2 tablespoons milk, two tablespoons canola oil, 1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract. You treated baking like it was a science and recipes were your formulas.
As for the frosting, you had a stockpile of plain buttercream that you took small servings from and flavoured according to said person's preference. All you had to do was whip it up and add some cocoa powder to make it fluffy and creamy again.
The bell above the doorway rang, signalling the arrival of someone, you looked up to see Maria. "Hey, there," You smiled, turning off the stand mixer so you could hear her.
"Hi, (y/n)," She greeted and you quickly wiped whatever was on your hands onto your apron before coming around to the service counter to speak with her. "I have something to ask of you."
"I know you already do your little cupcake thing but we are throwing a surprise party tonight for Sean and I was hoping you could make a cake for him?"
You nod with a smile "Anything for the town chief."
"Great, then how about a simple vanilla cake?"
"Sean doesn't like vanilla," You answered quickly.
"Okay, well I trust you with it, his party starts at eight tonight in the town square and he's turning sixty so it's a big one, I'll see you there around then?" 
"Definitely," You grinned at Maria, waiting for her to wish you a happy birthday and reveal that she was only pretending to forget but she didn't. She thanked you and walked out, leaving you in a flour-covered apron with a tinge of hurt in your heart. It wasn't like you weren't close with Maria, you had Thanksgiving at her house every year.
Nonetheless, it was only a blip in your soon-to-be perfect day. Just as you had frosted the two cupcakes, putting chocolate chips on Sean's and breaking half of a double fudge cookie and sticking it into the thick icing. Rainbow sprinkles cascade like confetti, adding a whimsical touch to the miniature confection. The bell rang again calling for your attention, this time you didn't leave the kitchen instead just moved to look at whoever it was by the passthrough.
"Hey, kiddo!" Tommy greeted, clad in a red flannel tucked into blue jeans. He walked into the bakery as comfortably as he would his home.
"Howdy, Tommy," You said, moving out of his sight for a quick moment to put the two cupcakes in the fridge to prevent the buttercream from prematurely melting. 
"So, it's Sean's birthday today and I was wondering if you could bake a cake for his party-
"Maria was already in," You answered "Don't worry, I'm on it."
He smiled "Of course, you're always so on top of it," He leaned over the counter slightly, trying to get a look inside the kitchen via the passthrough "Say, have you got anything back there for me?" You opened the box of double fudge cookies you made the day before and scooted around the passthrough to hand him one, boots clattering on the ground. Tommy loved to visit the bakery as you always had a sweet treat for him and he would never get sick of the aromatic embrace of fresh bread. "Thanks, kiddo, I'll see you around." 
This was the moment you were almost convinced that they were planning a surprise party for you, sure Maria could forget about your birthday, she was a busy lady but there was no way Tommy would. He was good buddies with your dad and was over at your place for beers a minimum of once a week. You always baked for him when he came over and he constantly joked about you trying to fatten him up. 
The bell sounded again though you didn't bother to look up, you knew who it was by the time of the clock, Juno was starting her shift. As usual, she tied her mousy brown hair into a sleek ponytail then grabbed her apron and stuck a baseball cap on over her head so there was no chance of her hair coming loose. "Good morning," She walked into the kitchen, heading over to the sink to wash her hands.
"Mornin'," You answer.
She looks you up and down with a slight smile "You're wearing your favourite apron, must be a special day."
“Sure doesn't feel like it."
Your birthday wasn’t panning out great but you didn't want to lose hope.
You had walked over to the greenhouses after your shift to find Sean, he loved the cupcake, he even hugged you which was nice albeit a little odd. You walked through town a bit after you had stopped and talked to everyone on the street for not a single one to say the words you've been pleading to hear all day. Taking it as defeat, you grabbed a sandwich for lunch from the mess hall and began the desolate walk home.
Nestled at the end of a peaceful, tree-lined street, the charming but battered house had a certain charm that cut through its worn yellow exterior. Tentacles of ivy wrapped about the crumbling outside walls, their green tones infusing the dilapidated building with a hint of the natural world's tenacity. The worn-out yet friendly doormat and weathered rocking chair on the porch told of years spent taking in the changing of the seasons. The wooden frames of the windows, adorned with faded drapes that seen innumerable sunsets, spoke tales of laughter and time passed.
The house's coziness unfolded inside like a time capsule, with worn-out rugs covering creaky floorboards and a fireplace in the living room that was adorned with vintage tiles that were mismatched and provided warmth in more ways than one. The rooms had a lived-in comfort despite the peeling wallpaper and chipped paint, and each mismatched piece of furniture seemed to tell a story of its own. Despite being tatty and ragged around the edges, the house exuded a calmness that invited guests to enjoy the beauty concealed in the flaws of a place that had aged gracefully and with character like most homes in Jackson. The living room was always your favourite, there was a spruce bookshelf pushed behind the gray, L-shaped couch, and the rug was once a maroon colour though it's clear that it's been well-loved over the years. Pillows and throw blankets were carelessly scattered over the couch from when you and your dad had watched '21 Jumpstreet' the night before, he kept saying it was a shame the outbreak happened before they got to make a second one, though many of the jokes didn't land with you, you loved to see your dad laugh so hard he snorted. The room was illuminated by a warm glow from the fairy lights overhead that your dad scavenged years prior, a small stack of books piled up on the coffee table which had been hand-crafted by Joel.
You popped 'Mean Girls' into the DVD player, just to have some background noise and went to the kitchen and started on Sean's cake. As much as you loved the bakery, you wanted to be somewhere a little more close to comfort. 
As you measured each ingredient with care, you couldn't shake the bittersweet feeling that lingered in the air. Sifting the ingredients into the bowl, you had wished your father was home from patrol duty, all you really wanted was a hug but instead, you slaved away at a black forest complete with layers of moist sponge, decadent frosting, and a profusion of vibrant decorations.
As you delicately frosted the cake, your mind flitted between thoughts of the celebration and the poignant fact that everyone seemed to have overlooked your own special day. The kitchen, usually a sanctuary for you to escape to, now harboured the weight of unspoken emotions. Your heart, though excited for Sean to get a nice surprise on his Birthday, held an unnoticed longing for acknowledgment.
The aroma of the baking cake filled the kitchen, mingling with the scent of disappointment that you couldn't quite shake.
As the cake took shape, you couldn't help but think back to the calendar at the bakery, where the date circled in red seemed to mock you. Your own birthday, usually a day filled with surprises and the warmth of laughter, had slipped through the cracks of everyone's awareness. Though the night was still young and Ellie had said that she was planning something incredible.
Finally, nine was about to roll around, you changed into some clean clothes that hadn't yet carried the memories of your disappointing day, just a white top and some jeans. The sun had set, and your dad wouldn't be home for a good while so you walked over to the town square alone. 
There was a table full of food and a long banner that read 'Happy Birthday Sean!' strung between two street lamps. There were twinkling fairy lights illuminating what would have otherwise been a dark night. 
"There she is!" Tommy smiled, doing that awkward little dad jog over you. "Wow, that cake looks incredible, mind if I take it off your hands?"
"Go ahead," You held out the cakeboard. Tommy gingerly took it away from your grasp, his forearm underneath to support and his other hand held the side of the board for balance.
"I owe ya' kiddo," He winked before taking the cake away to show a group of adults.
You stood around awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do with yourself.  You turned your attention to the moon, wanting to believe that it shined so very bright just for you, because the moon, unlike everyone else recalled how important this day was to you-
"SURPRISE!" Everyone erupted in cheers as Sean walked up to his party, his daughter had her arm linked with his. He had the biggest smile on his face it almost made you forgive everyone for forgetting because at least Sean got something thoughtful.
"Lord, I was thinking everyone forgot my birthday!" Sean laughed, pulling Tommy in for a hug.
"(y/n)!" Dina yelled, you turned your head to follow her voice. She was sitting at a long picnic table beneath an awning with some friends "Over here," She motioned for you to sit down and you obliged, taking a spot between Ellie and Laila. "What have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you all day."
"That's because you haven't," You said with an awkward smile. "I've just been baking, like always."
"You're always working so hard, I swear you live in that bakery and when you aren't in there your busy busting your ass around town to make sure everyone gets something on their birthday," Dina sat across from you and put a hand onto yours "You look out for everyone, but who's looking out for you?"
"My dad?" You glance at Ellie who isn't tuned into the conversation in the slightest, she has her arms crossed in front of her on the table and her head resting on them. 
"Aw, that's sweet-" Kayla moves to look at you but in doing so, she spills a glass of juice onto you. "I'm so sorry," She slaps one hand over her mouth, her eyebrows furrowing. Kayla stood up from the table, her ginger curls rustling with the breeze "I'll get a cloth or something-
"Don't worry about it," I wave her off "It's just clothes, I'll grab some napkins." You push yourself away from the table, walking over to the table adorned with food, you see a small stack of Christmas themed napkins (it must've been hard for them to come by regular ones) and grab a handful, bunching them up in your hand in an attempt to soak up some of the juice that had already indefinitely stained your clothes. 
You feel some eyes on you from the other side of the table, to look up and see Joel, he doesn't say anything though his lips are pressed together tight.
"You're back," You say, a spark of happiness rekindling inside of you "So my dad's back from patrol too?"
Joel nods "Too tuckered to come out, said he was just heading home," He uses tongs to put a couple cuts of chicken onto his plate "Oh and happy birthday, you've probably heard that a whole bunch already, lord, it's all your old man would talk about on our last couple of patrols."
"What did you say?" You look at him with furrowed eyebrows, unsure if he said what you really thought.
"I said happy birthday, shame you've stained your clothes on your birthday," He absentmindedly added some mashed potatoes onto his plate. The words hung in the air, a moment that transcended the boundaries of their usual exchanges. You, momentarily taken aback, met Joel's gaze. It was a simple, earnest wish, uttered with the spontaneity of someone who had remembered a small yet significant detail in the whirlwind of festivity.
"Thank you, Joel," You replied, your voice carrying a mix of surprise and gratitude. In that fleeting instant, the isolation that had surrounded her seemed to dissipate. A connection, however tenuous, had been forged in the acknowledgment of her existence amidst the collective celebration.
"No problem, kid, I'll see you around," He left with his plate leaving you to stand alone at the table. You continued to dab at the juice on your white top, and though you knew it wouldn't come out you proceeded to rub it; the best exchange of your day, no more than eight sentences suddenly turned from joy to frustration. The only two people who remembered your birthday were your dad and a fiftey-eight-year-old man who practically raised the girl you had spent years crushing on, not the girl herself, but her father figure. However, you thought, maybe if Joel remembered, Ellie had aswell and she actually did have something planned.
Amidst the lively chatter and laughter that reverberated through the night, you stood in the midst of flickering candles and colourful decorations, your eyes cast down to the ground. The atmosphere of celebration enveloped her, but a palpable sense of solitude hung in the air like a heavy mist settling upon your shoulders. It was a birthday party, yes, but not your own. Forgotten and overlooked, your heart echoed with a quiet ache, the irony of your situation casting a shadow over the festive scene.
The square was adorned with streamers and balloons, a tapestry of colours that seemed to dance in rhythm with the joyful voices around her. The community gathered, their faces lit by the warm glow of the fairy lights and street lamps, each one caught up in the merriment of the moment. Yet, for you, the celebration felt like a distant spectacle, a scene from which you were detached.
It was your birthday too—a fact that no one cared enough to recall. As Darla (Sean's daughter)  calls guests toward a decadent cake adorned with candles, which you had made, you couldn't escape the bitter irony of the situation. You watched as the room erupted into a chorus of "Happy Birthday," the song meant for another soul, another moment of joy. You joined in, lips forming the familiar words, your voice harmonizing with the collective melody. But within the depths of your being, the celebration rang hollow, a stark contrast to the cheer that echoed around you.
Throughout the evening, you navigated the party with a forced smile, concealing the invisible weight of your emotions. Conversations buzzed like bees in your ears, no- it grated like a fork in a blender, but you found yourself on the outskirts—a silent observer amidst the numerous connections. The laughter that erupted like fireworks, the clinking of glasses, the embraces of old friends—it all seemed distant, an echo from another realm where she once belonged.
The party unfolded as a series of snapshots: a group photo with smiling faces, a toast to Sean, and the opening of gifts that weren't meant for you. Each moment, though vibrant and filled with the warmth of shared camaraderie, magnified the silence that enveloped your own celebration, forgotten and left to dissolve into the shadows.
As the night carried out, seeming like the celebration would never cease, you cut yourself a slice of cake, grabbing one of the half-melted candles that Sean had already blown out, they sat in a frosting-covered pile next to the cake. You took your favourite colour out of the rainbow assortment of candles and stuck it into the piece of black forest cake.
With your cake you sat back down by Ellie at the picnic table where she still returned to after conversing, everyone else had gotten up to dance. You reached for the lighter in your pocket and struck it to ignite, sparks flickered around the end of it, you struck it again and a flame arose, you carefully brought it to the wick of the partially melted candle.
The flickering flame cast a subtle glow as you made a silent wish for understanding, for the beauty found in selflessness, and for the recognition that sometimes the most meaningful celebrations are the ones we craft for others, even in the quiet echoes of our own unacknowledged birthdays. Ellie turned to look at you as the candle's flame danced in the darkness, before you could blow out the candle to solidify your wish a little girl climbed up onto the bench and blew it out, you looked at her and all she did was smile up at you, the gap in her teeth prominent, her deep chocolate hair braided so intricately you had to believe that it must've taken her mother hours.
As much as you wanted to deck that little girl in the face for ruining your moment, you didn't because it would be wildly inappropriate. "Do you want this?" You sighed, holding out the plate to the girl, she smiled and nodded enthusiastically, taking the cake and scattering away "Hey, Ellie," You pushed back tears in your eyes, forcing a smile on your face "Got any plans later?"
“Yeah," She said, short
"Oh, what are they?"
"Not to sound like a cunt but I'm not really in the mood to talk, I had a shit patrol and all I want to do is go home, smoke a joint, watch a movie, maybe read a comic, and pass out on my couch, the only reason I'm here is that Dina dragged me out and Joel said I need to be more involved in the community."
Your smile dropped, you couldn't hold it in anymore, realizing that this wasn't the elaborate setup of a surprise party but Ellie genuinely forgot it was your birthday. "Are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Do you know what day it is?"
"Do you remember what's happening today?"
"It's Sean's birthday," She gestured to the party around her.
"You're fucking serious," Any amusement that had been in your tone was gone, replaced by a subtle anger boiling up inside of you
"Are you going to cry?" Ellie gave you a weird look "What are you so mad about?"
"I can't believe you," You laugh bitterly "Actually I can, this is so like you, I need to stop building it up in my head that you're going to surprise me with something great. But hey, at least you never fail to let me down."
"Jesus," She scoffed "There's always something going on with you, can you go one day without finding some irrational reason to be upset?"
"Yeah, irrational," She reiterated "You always come to me when something sets you off in the slightest then your problem becomes everyone else's. You're so fucking draining and I'm sick of it."
"Fuck you, I hope your comic catches fire from your joint and you burn your place down." You stand up from the bench, wiping tears away from your eyes. Your boots clattered against the cobblestone. You stormed past the dancers, some stopping to look at one another with concern. Dina leaves Jesse to ask Ellie what happened.
The walk home might've been the loneliest you had felt in your life, the harsh wind of the night bit at your nose. The feeling of the sticky juice soaking through your clothing was borderline unbearable, were just about ready to scream. There wasn't a single person out and about as everyone was either at the party or cozied up in their own homes.
Arriving at your doorstep, you fumbled with the handle, the metallic clink resonating in the quietude that enveloped the house. The door swung open, revealing the dimly lit foyer, still no surprise. Why do you still think there is going to be a party? No one is coming.
You wandered into the living room, the TV was lit with the options screen for 'Mean Girls' that you had put on hours earlier.
Sinking into the worn-out couch, You let the weight of the day wash over you. A single tear welled in your eye, and as it escaped, a floodgate of unshed sorrow burst open. The first teardrop traced a silent path down your cheek, leaving a glistening trail of heartache in its wake.
The tears you cried weren't silent and dainty but violent sobs that burned your throat each time you cried out. As you wept, it felt like someone had stabbed your gut with a thousand needles, you cried and cried, to no one in particular, maybe the moon glistening outside the window though the moon seemed to absorb your tears, offering no solace in return.
The soft tick of the clock on the wall echoed in the quiet room, marking the strike of midnight, your birthday had ended. There was no secret party or a prank where everyone was only playing an act, only the emptiness of the house echoed the howls soaked in your tears.
The oak staircase creaked, and your dad turned the corner, peering into the living room. "What's wrong, honey,?" He shook the sleep from his mind, focusing on what was important, he sat next to you on the sofa. "I thought you said you were going to be out all night with your friends?"
You shook your head, breathing shaky breaths alone, hardly able to get a word out "They forgot," You felt the harsh sting of desolation hit you all over again "Everyone forgot," You grabbed his grey t-shirt burying your face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, cradling you gently like you were a child who had just scraped her knee not someone who had just turned nineteen, "Except for Joel, so be nice to him, please."
"I'm sorry, baby, it was probably just a mix-up," He rubbed one hand on your back to comfort you. "I should've been there with you, I'm so sorry."
You couldn't get the words out of your mouth, all you could manage was to shake in your father's arms with sobs until you cried yourself to sleep.
"Happy birthday, Jasmine!" You smile brightly, presenting a lemon-raspberry cupcake to the woman. She was serving breakfast in the mess hall, the early morning light streaming through the many windows, blinding those trying to enjoy their meals.
"Aw, thank you, love" She took the cupcake "That's real sweet," She wore a hairnet, despite having short cropped hair. "I just realized I don't even know when your birthday is."
"It was yesterday, actually."
"Aww, how was it?" Jasmine smiled, her white teeth contrasting with her dark skin.
"It was nice, it was quiet too, I just spent it by myself."
A frown replaced Jasmine's smile and she lowered her tone "Did your friends drop the ball?"
You wave off her question "Oh no, loads of people remembered, I just wanted some time to myself, it was nice."
You could tell Jasmine didn't wholeheartedly believe you, she was at Sean's party last night and saw you rush out with tears building in your eyes "If you say so," She shrugged, taking a bite of her cupcake "This is really good."
"Thanks," A small smile plays on your lips.
"God bless you, sweetheart, you deserve the best." She said, every bit of truth behind her words. She took another bite of the cupcake, savouring the sweet and sour taste "And I mean that."
You were too caught up in conversation to notice Jesse ahead of you in the service line right away, he grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the dispenser, trying to play cool and not have your attention drawn to him. With a shaky hand, he put the glass on his tray and hurried over to the table where Ellie was eating with Dina. "Guys, something not that great just happened."
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows looking from Dina to Jesse "What?" She asked through a mouthful of scrambled eggs, she swallowed them down and spoke back up "Please tell us what terrible thing has happened in the time it took you to walk to the service line, get your food and come back?" Sarcasm dripped from her voice.
"We forgot (y/n)'s birthday," He said quickly, Ellie and Dina looked at each other with wide eyes, thinking back to the night before and the way they had both behaved. Dina was extremely ignorant and Ellie got into an argument with you, though Jesse didn't speak to you at all.
"We're awful friends," Dina says quietly, scraping her mind for any way they could salvage the situation and play it off like they hadn't forgotten. "We could change all of the calendars in town and make it seem like her birthday is actually today."
"Be serious, Dina," Jesse said, though he was considering her idea. "I think the only way we can fix this is by making it up to her."
"How would we do that? We can't make it up to her, she remembers every single person's birthday in this town and gives them a cupcake, even people she doesn't like, do you remember how she planned all of our birthday parties for the last four years and has never let us down?" Dina and Jesse nodded "And how we always scramble something together last minute? Like last year, we only remembered two days before and we threw her a subpar movie night, we watched Star Wars and she doesn't even like Star Wars."
Dina sucked air through her teeth "Yeah, not our best moment."
"You think?" Jesse asked, sarcastically. "And Ellie didn't make it any better by yelling at her yesterday!"
"You yelled at her? You told me you didn't yell at her,"  Dina whipped her head to look at Ellie, the smallest glimpse of judgment in her eyes. "Shh, she's coming!"
You were making your way to the exit lugging the cart that had held loaves of bread on it before you dropped them off to the kitchen, still in your flour-covered apron, hair pinned up messy, baby hairs flying away. Clad in jeans, a green T-shirt and beaten-up boots, clacking against the hardwood floor, you still looked beautiful to Ellie with red eyes and a puffy face from crying all night. "Watch this," Jesse murmured to the group before turning around and flagging you down. "Hey (y/n)!" He smiled brightly, his words catching your attention "Did you enjoy your birthday, yesterday?"
"Jesse, I know you heard me talking to Jasmine." You said and Ellie couldn't bear the disappointed look on your face. At that moment, the guilt hit her all at once. You had been the first kid her age that she warmed up to when she arrived in Jackson, trying your best to include her in everything. You invited her to hang out with your friends even though she didn't particularly get along with them, she went anyway because she just wanted to see you. On her birthday the previous year, you had scoped out an old comic store hours away just to bring her there for one day.
Jesse's smile fell and you had walked out the door before he had the chance to push a lie through his teeth. Last night's conversation echoed through Ellie's head over and over again, she cringed at the memory, god, why did she even say that?
Dina reached over the table and gave Ellie a harsh smack on the arm "Why did you even say that?!" 
"Ow," She flinched, rubbing the spot that had been assaulted by Dina "What are you talking about?"
Dina looked at Ellie like she was just about ready to scream "What you said to her last night, what was going through your head?"
"Not much, apparently," Jesse answered for her, earning a death glare from the Auburn girl.
"I'll just apologize and it'll be water under the bridge," Ellie said, leaning back.
"That's not going to work," Dina replied quickly.
It, in fact, did not work. Ellie had shown up at the bakery where you promptly ignored her. "(y/n), I'm really sorry I forgot your birthday and said those things to you." Nothing Ellie said could get you to even look at her.
She had later stopped by your house, it was your dad who answered the door and Ellie sheepishly asked if you were home. He called for you to come down, the moment you saw Ellie, you shut the door in her face. There was no way she could defend herself, she couldn't say that she said those things because she had a bad day (even though she did), and that would just make her seem pathetic. She really wanted to say that she was scared of how much she liked you, she didn't want to ruin a good thing, you both had spent years playing the role of each other's best friend until Ellie started to distance herself from you and you ended up enwrapping yourself with work to distract yourself from the fact that she was drifting away.
Ellie didn't know what to do, if she didn't act fast, it would be too late and she was going to lose you.
One week later
The sun was just beginning to set as you were already preparing to settle into bed and read a book, just about to change out of your floor-length sundress and into one of your dad's old shirts. However, your plans were interrupted when you heard your dad screaming downstairs, it was blood-curdling. You dropped everything, pulling your bedroom door open and rushing down the stairs, tripping on a step and stumbling before quickly regaining balance and moving with haste "Dad?" You called out, worry running through your head. 
"SURPRISE!" People practically screeched, the volume so loud that you jolted back in fear. The chatter only grew as you looked around you and realized what was happening, this was your belated birthday party. 
You were pulled in suddenly for a hug, squeezing you so tight you thought your eyes would pop out of your skull was Tommy "I'm so sorry, kiddo, I was being a real shithead on your birthday."
"It's okay," You choked out, nearly gasping for air. Much to your relief, he released you and you took a deep breath.
"Happy belated birthday!" Dina sang, placing a fat box in your arms. Many people followed after her, piling gifts on top of the initial one, you were quickly losing balance, so you stumbled into the living room and put the gifts onto the coffee table. There was so much life in the living room it was almost hard to believe that just a week before you had been crying alone, bathed in moonlight. 
There were streamers strung throughout your house and odd dangly decorations that hung from the ceiling. Some balloons were taped to the walls while others bounced around the ground.
The lively hum of conversation, the clinking of glasses, and the melodic strains of birthday wishes filled the room as the party pulsated with energy. Colourful decorations adorned the walls, and the air was charged with the festive spirit.
 You had the biggest smile on your face while everyone joked and jeered. Shoving their gifts into your face, trying to get you to open them first. It had made you forget about how awful your real birthday was, though you did try to dodge awkward apologies of people fumbling over their own words to make up excuses as to why they missed your real birthday.
"Happy birthday to you-" A voice began singing, and soon enough the entire crowd joined in, harmonizing into an off-key rendition of the birthday song. They made way for the person carrying the cake which had been none other than Ellie herself. The song ended off and Ellie placed the cake in front of you on the coffee table. "Make a wish."
You blew out all of the candles, and no punchable little girl around to steal your thunder, the room erupted into applause. The celebration continued with the living room becoming a dance floor, laughter echoing through the corridors, and conversations flowing freely. The cake itself reminded you of the embroidery your dad had done on your apron, it was sloppy and imperfect but you could tell it was made with love, the icing had been put on prematurely and had partially melted off the cake. It read 'Happy birthday' with 'Sorry for being a dick' written smaller beneath the first bit of text.
"Thank you, Ellie," You smiled softly up at her.
No one else was paying attention to you anymore, aside from those who wanted a slice of cake. Ellie nervously fumbled around with her hands "Do you want to dance?"
Ellie invited you to dance as the opening notes of the song floated through the air and she held out her hand. With a gentle smile, you accepted and you moved into the middle of the living room to form a makeshift dance floor. The soft aroma of fresh flowers blended with the scent of vanilla candles created an ambiance that enhanced the moment's sensory magic.
To the gentle beat of the song, your bodies moved in unison. Your hand settled comfortably on Ellie's shoulder, and her hand wrapped around your waist. Your bond transcended the material in the living room dance, an unspoken language of mutual feelings and unknown depths.
You both danced, recklessly, so much so that you were nearly a hazard for the swaying couples drifting around you, moving faster and not hurriedly as the tempo picked up. With each step, the living room's walls became silent witnesses to a romance that was developing on the plush carpet under their feet. The muted rustle of your clothing and the melodic notes of the music were all that could be heard to your ears.
The two of you took great pleasure in the dance's exuberance, laughing at the imperfect nature of it. In the noise of the living room, your eyes, locked in a dance of their own, spoke volumes. You were embraced by the dim lighting's vulnerability, which freed you from the burdens of the outside world to fully enjoy the moment. 
Ellie guided you in a soft spin as the song went on, your moves were not fluid and elegant but Ellie could've sworn that looking into your eyes made it feel like there was liquid sunlight coursing through your veins
You and Ellie drew closer in the song's last moments, your bodies pressed together in an embrace that went beyond the material. As the last notes of the music faded, they held each other for an extra moment, relishing the warmth that they shared and the unspoken promises that danced between them. You wished that you could've stayed in Ellie's strong embrace for centuries.
You let go of Ellie, taking a step back with a smile, "Why didn't you tell me you were such a good dancer?" You tease, almost out of breath.
"I didn't know I was," She grinned, taking the sight of you in. Your cheeks were flushed and your hair had become messy, she thought you to be beautiful all the same, if not more. Her eyes raked over your body, your floor-length sundress and mismatched socks "And here I was thinking it was too late for sundresses."
"It's never too late, Ellie."
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alcoholfreenayeon · 3 months
You and Irene have been dating for a while now but only have gone as far as making out because you wanted your take things slow and of course, she was ok with that. But, one day during a heated making out sessions where things started escalating further and Irene tried to pull away, you told her you were ready to take the next step with her which led to your first time together(soft smut please)
Eyes locked, hands locked
CW: Irene x gn!reader, fluff, soft smut, suggestive, nsfw
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You take a deep breath as your eyes open, the lights blinding you immediately. You look around in confusion for a moment before you realize where you are. Stretching, you sit up, feeling a bit refreshed from your nap. You yawn and pick up your phone, scrolling through it for a minute before you get up and head to the kitchen where you hear the clattering of the utensils and find Irene there, mixing the batter of a cake.
“Baby”, you greet her, hugging her from behind and slump your head on her shoulder.
She giggles, “you are awake already? I was hoping to surprise you with a cake.”
“This is why you are so amazing. But why a cake all of a sudden?”, you ask squeezing her a little.
She then pulls away a little from you and frowns, “You forgot?”, she keeps frowning and sighs.
Your entire life flashes before your eyes, “No I didn’t, it’s….its the day”, you struggle while Irene stares at you blankly, “our anniverrr”, you notice her slight shake of the head, “-sery is obviously not today so it’s..your birthday-I’m just kidding, it’s…”, you rack your brains trying to remember what on earth could the occasion be.
Then Irene breaks down in laughter, “I was just teasing, I’m making the cake for fun silly”.
You sigh in relief and then stare at her in disbelief which only causes her to giggle more. “You’ll pay for that”
She smiles, “how”, she asks as she puts the batter in the baking tray and in the oven.
“With kisses. So many. I hope you have enough or else”, you try to look menacing but she just chuckles and pinches your cheeks.
“I guess only one way to find out”, she says, poking your nose and running off to the bedroom invitingly.
You follow her, trying not to smile and find her sitting on her bed, smiling and beckoning you to join her and you oblige.
Moments later you both are making out lovingly, both of your hands wandering aimlessly at each other’s body. You pull away from her lips and begin to kiss her neck. Gently biting to leave a mark and Irene whimpered and moaned as you did before pushing you away all of a sudden.
You look at her confused and she’s completely red. “W-wait,…what are you doing”, she asks not making eye contact.
You smile and sigh, “what do you think”.
“But….”, she cuts herself off and purses her lips, considering your words…looks up at you for a second and then jumps at you kissing you deeply and you both continue from where you left off.
Within a minute she’s on top of you, unwillingly to let your lips part while she runs her hands over your bare chest. She then yelps as you push her back and get on top of her again, her hands and legs wrapped around you tightly as you begin to show her a whole new world.
About 20 minutes later, somehow between all the panting and moaning, the two of you are interrupted by the alarm Irene had set for the cake. You sigh, hesitant to move away from between her legs.
“Hey….the ca-…the cake”, Irene pants out, her face sweating and flushed as she reaches down to tap your head.
You kiss your teeth and she chuckles, standing up shyly and shakily, covering herself with the blanket as she goes to switch the oven off. When she comes back, she sits on the edge of the bed nervously, pursing her lips and looking at you through her peripherals, not letting go of the blanket.
You smirk at her shyness, “what’s with the blanket baby?”.
She sighs and rolls her eyes dramatically, shifting away from you.
You chuckle and sit up behind her, wrapping your arms around her, “Feeling shy now?”
“Shut up…”, she says not looking at you. “You just…without any hesitation…making me feel that way.”, a slight pout on her flushed face as she glances at you.
“You taste amazing if that’s what you were-hey!”, you laugh as she interrupts you by turning around and pushing you over, climbing on top of you.
“And teasing me so much when it’s my first time. And then you wonder why I’m shy. I bet you would be a mess too if I did that to you.”, she blurts out impulsively but her voice quietening down with bc every word.
You bite your lips and grin, “if that’s a challenge I accept-wh-”, you get silenced as Irene shushes you her finger.
“Yes. That is a challenge. And if I can’t..well I’ll keep going till I can do that to you. So..”, she begins to sink lower, heading towards your waist, “be good and don’t make much noise or else I’ll have to”, she bites her lip, “or you know what, make whatever noise you like. I want to know I’m making you feel that way”.
And then the really long night for you began, not that you were even going to think of complaining…
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deviantly-inspired · 1 year
Dreamling concept
I absolutely love the 600 year slow burn to friendship and then wildfire romance that's in dreamling fics (it's IMMENSELY satisfying) but also, please consider:
after they finally (finally) become friends after 600 years they just... take their time, with romance. They spend years getting to know each other, genuinely, as friends. They don't know eachother, not really, until Dream has held Hob while he sobs over a loved one dying AND when he's seen Hob in his PJs eating ice cream out the pint because his students have stressed him out to the point of needing either ice cream or violence and Hob likes to think he chooses violence less often these days. And Hob doesn't really know Dream until he's heard that awful laugh, some unholy mix between braying donkey and the sound of magma shifting beneath the earth's crust OR until he's watched Dream scowl at the tele because they got to the last episode of "Game of Thrones" and Dream isn't any happier then anyone else is about a lot of those decisions.
And they spend days and weeks and years of being in one another's pockets. Choosing to come together again and again for a pint or a season binge or a silent supporting friend when the weight of living is a little harder. They earn each other's trust, and because they're both a little dense and maybe a lot more walking-wounded, the moment that each of them realizes that the other trusts them is, well, it's something that makes life worth living, for both of them.
Hob realizes Dream trusts him first, something small, something like Hob going to guide Dream out of the way and Dream just goes without any sort of hesitation. Not mountains or meteors could move Dream if he didn't want to, but he just goes to where Hob guides him out of the way so Hob can take the carrots out of the oven. It's enough to humble a man, and Hob might have a little cry over it later, in private, but for now he grins and tells Dream he has to try the carrots with the lamb, he hasn't lived until he's done so.
And Dream is a little slower to realize, I think. Because Hob is pretty open and friendly, it's a bit harder for Dream who's not so good with interacting with people face-to-face, to tell that Hob doesn't really get close to very many people for all that plenty seem to like him. There's a few exceptions, but even they are kept at a distinct distance. And it's maybe something small, like a small party or gathering of some of Hob's friends and it's late and folks are tipsy and Hob just kinda... dozes off against Dream. And Dream doesn't think anything of it, Hob does this quite often but Hob's other friends are immediately very surprised: Hob doesn't sleep in front of others, they explain. A relic from the war/traumatic past/whatever Hob's used to tell them. No matter how late or how tired or even how drunk he is, Hob would rather drive/bus/walk home then sleep where others can see him. You must be pretty special, one of them says. He even fell asleep on you like that: I've never seen him look so relaxed.
And I think that there's something beautiful about the slow, inescapable draw of it. It's like two meteors from opposite ends of the galaxy that have been on a collision course for eons. They both have moments of realizing that they're falling in love. They know it's going to happen, and the tension is slow and sweet and lovely. And there's no need to rush, because there's trust there too. Sometimes they'll meet gazes and they'll know, both of them, in that moment that they're in love. That, someday, what's growing between them is going to be a bloom unlike anything the universe has ever seen before. And they'll smile together and continue watching bad tv dramas or swapping gossip or sharing their pints and maybe their shoulders brush and their touches linger a bit longer that night but it's okay. There's no need to rush. They have forever after all.
And I think also that Dream is just a dramatic romantic enough of a bastard to confess to Hob on June 7, 2089 and i think Hob is just enough of a dramatic romantic to tell Dream that he certainly took his time.
I'm not late, am I, Dream will ask.
Of course not, Hob will laugh, you're exactly on time. We've plenty of it.
And in the Dreaming there will be a quiet warm breeze and gentle sunshowers as in the deepest heart of the dreaming a flower never before seen blooms awake. And in the waking two friends close the gap between them and talk about how Sally next door really needs to stop over watering her flowers she's going to drown the poor things, really.
And then they'll have the absolute longest courtship and engagement of anyone in the universe. There will be entire religions that will rise and fall before they get married. Pantheons will come into existence and be utterly dumbfounded when they're invited to Dream of the Endless and Hob Gadling weddings because weren't they already married? They've been together since the beginning of it all.
It's be great.
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strangerstilinski · 9 months
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eddie the hero
summary; the holidays bring about daddy issues of the decidedly un-sexy variety, but eddie is a total sweetheart and a goofball to boot. (this is very self indulgent.) 2.6k warnings; some angst but a very very fluffy end, trauma from overly-critical parents, eddie being sweet, some blood, a brief anxiety attack maybe?, i think reader is written gn (eddie refers to reader as a fair maiden but like jokingly? so do with that what you will) a/n; turns out, a combination of being home for the holidays and listening to mean by miss swift on the drive out brought up, uh... this. shout out to my dad for being himself over this holiday season, and shoutout ruby for very delicately insisting (repeatedly) that i get my shit together and simply.. make something of this trauma dump. so here it is; a wee bit of angst with lots of fluff to round it all out.
The kitchen is in chaos.
You've got about a hundred different things going at once in an effort to get everything ready for the holiday dinner that you and Eddie agreed to host. The smell of cinnamon from your morning baking endeavors still lingers in the air, though it's slowly being overtaken by rosemary and and the earthy scent of fresh vegetables. The hair at the nape of your neck is beginning to feel a bit stifling with heat from the oven already warming house, and you make a mental note to crack a window once your friends and family begin trickling in.
It's a little overwhelming, but you're doing your best to get what you've deemed the more detailed-oriented aspects of preparation done while Eddie is busy in the shower.
You intend to be finished by the time he's done getting ready. A mental plan has been laid out. You'll have the knife in your hand washed and dried and put away before he even emerges from the bathroom— no problem.
There was a problem though: you hadn't been quick enough.
You're in a zone of sorts. So much so, that you don't notice the footfalls of your boyfriend making his way down the hallway toward the kitchen. When he speaks from the doorway, his voice takes you completely by surprise.
"What are you doing?" Eddie's voice is soft as ever, though you're unable to process the gentle innocence in the tone of his question.
The realization that you've been caught has the heat in the kitchen very suddenly feeling entirely too warm. Your collar is entirely too tight around your neck while your mind whirls with sudden anxiety.
It's as if Eddie is no longer there. Instead, your ears are filled with the echo of your father's voice, the condescension in his tone ringing sharply in your skull.
"What are you doing?"
"Why are you doing it like that?"
"It's not that hard, bud. Just do it like this and it'll be better. How many times do I have to tell you-"
His voice would toe the line between irritated and amused, narrowed eyes making you feel a fool. It would prompt a frustrated prickle behind your own eyes and a tightness in your jaw when he'd show you the way you should've been doing it in the first place.
You heart races now with that unhealed scab of your father's never ending dissatisfaction. His impossible standards. His mean little digs and criticisms that masqueraded as him merely wanting you to be better.
Because you could always be better.
Growing up it was sports, your effort in school, it was the way you putted in mini golf, it was 'why on earth would you not dry the glasses when you washed dishes? That's just stupid because now they'll air dry with spots and-' From there began the slow evolution into the way that you drove your car, the way you spent money, how often you called and what time of day you called when you did..
Nothing you did was enough. In his eyes, there here was always something wrong, something that could be improved.
It's entirely possible that the stress of the holiday is getting to you already, if the way you've very quickly begun to spiral is any indication. And though there's nothing more than curiosity in your boyfriend's question, the familiarity of it makes you flinch nonetheless.
It happens in a flash. The paring knife in your grip slips and the blade slices the edge of your thumb instead of the potato you'd been getting prepped for boiling. A sharp sting that you barely notice. The sight of the blood that pools quick from the shallow cut has your ears ringing, Eddie's soft curses sounding muffled when they curl at your ears. It's a bit like you're underwater, sounds eerily distorted and brain fuzzy with the heavy beat of your heart.
It comes out as nothing more than a murmur under your breath. With a slight delay, you have the foresight to move your hand from above the bowl of already sliced and cleaned potatoes. Wrist now clutched to your chest, you zero in on the drops of blood that have already stained a few of them, red bleeding into the starchy whiteness.
"S-sorry, I just-"
Your voice is shaking as Eddie grabs a kitchen towel, his hands gently cradling your own and dabbing the towel at the cut so he can examine the severity of your injury. His brows are furrowed beneath the wispy curtain of his wet bangs, brown eyes wide with worry. His fingers are free of their normal assortment of rings, likely because he'd come out with the intent of helping you cook. Your eyes flick between his bare fingers and his shower-damp hair, between the roundness of his chin and the frown pulling at his lips — guilt pools heavily in your gut at the sight.
"I shouldn't 've been using a knife anyway, but I couldn't find the peeler s-so I just used the knife. I-I know it wastes more of the potato, I know that's not-" Your breath comes out trembling, your whole body wracking with it as your eyes prickle and burn with embarrassment. Your words come quicker, panicked, "I just wanted to get them done so I could get them in the water and start on the beans, but now I-"
"Hey, hey, hey," Eddie soothes, wide palm coming up to your flushed face where his thumb drags slow over the apple of your cheek while his other hand works to secure the dish towel in your fist to stop the bleeding, "Breathe, sweetheart. You're okay."
"I'm sorry," You whisper, voice thick with tears, "Was s' stupid, I'm sorry-"
"Baby.. Baby, hey-" His voice is soft. He squares his shoulders and follows your movement as he tries to meet your eye, brown finally connecting with shining pools that threaten to spill over. The pad of his thumb catches the first drop the moment that it breaks free, smoothing the moisture along your skin as he repeats the slow back and forth motion over your cheek. "The cut's not bad, it's not very deep.. What's going on, sweet thing? What's got you so worked up?"
Your next breath catches and it has your whole body quaking when it eventually whooshes out of your chest, a pitiful little sniffle escaping you in response to the sudden influx of tears.
"I- I was doing it wrong. I know- And then I- I got blood all over the potatoes-"
"We can wash the potatoes." Eddie says all too easily, though his voice still has that anxious edge to it that does nothing to make you feel better.
"We can.. We can wash the potatoes.." You repeat cautiously, as if the thought hadn't yet occurred to you.
"Yeah, baby. We can wash the potatoes." He echoes gently.
A shaky breath falls past your lips as you nod, "Sorry." You say again.
"I'm sorry," He insists with a shake of his head, "I came in here like a bat outta hell while you were holding a knife, and I scared you into hurting yourself. I was just- Potatoes we're supposed to be one'a my jobs. And, uh-" A grimacing excuse of a smile pulls at his lips, his eyes drifting to the discarded knife that lay at the bottom of the sink, "Well.. You couldn't find the peeler because it's in the dishwasher-"
You have to fight back a sigh at his admission, "Eddie-" You admonish weakly.
"I know, I know. It's not dishwasher safe. I know that, I do," Eddie says in a rush, "You've told me a million times, I just forget in the moment. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry."
His earnest apology has you reeling a bit. The fact that Eddie's instinct is not just to apologize, but also to explain away his mistake with guilt dripping heavy from his words-
You suddenly feel a bit like a monster. A cruel, perfection-driven bully of your father's creation. It has a fresh wave of tears pooling in your eyes and threatening to well over.
"God," The word comes out a choked sounding thing, buried beneath the tightness in your throat, "I'm sorry, Eddie. It's not a big deal, really, 's just a peeler. If the dishwasher ruins it we'll just buy another one for, like, a dollar."
"Yeah?" Eddie treads, a cautious smile pulling at the corner of his mouth while his thumb continues to drag soft over the wetness spread across your cheekbone.
"Yeah," You sniffle around the word, panic and realization settling in and promoting your chest to heave with quick breaths, "Jesus. Y-You shouldn't be worried about my reaction to something so.. So stupid. Fuck. I- I'm just like him-"
"Woah, woah, woah. Baby, hey.. Just like who?" Eddie interrupts with a renewed sense of urgency, "What're you talkin' about?"
"My dad-" You sob, shoulders trembling with it.
"Oh, baby, hey. Hey-"
In a flash, Eddie is guiding your head into the crook of his neck, wetness transferring onto his skin as a dam breaks and your body trembles with a series of heavy sobs. You slot into the space below his jaw just as perfectly as you always do, the two of you fitting together like puzzle pieces.
He smells like shaving cream and the conditioner you'd bought him especially for curly hair. The combination of the rich masculine scent on his skin with the sweet citrusy perfume clinging to his damp hair makes your head spin as you try valiantly to follow his soft demands for you to calm down.
His voice rumbles soft over your ear as he shushes you, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple all the while. The towel wrapped around your fist tightens when Eddie's bigger hand encases your own, a slow sway overtaking your body as he urges your weight to shift from foot to foot in a soothing motion. He rocks you back and forth, your socked feet shuffling against the kitchen tile, your boyfriend's chest pressed tight to your own.
A wide palm smooths up and down your spine, a tune that sounds distantly familiar rumbling over your ear when Eddie begin to hum softly into your hair.
A minute passes, shuddering breaths come and less, the heaving of your chest and the tears in your eyes settling until each sniffle feels more embarrassing than anything else. A weak laugh bubbles up from your throat as you hone in on your boyfriend's socked feet nudging at yours with every shift side to side, your fist tightening around the blood-stained towel for a moment before you're hooking your own fingers around the back of his hand, palms clasped together.
"'re we slow dancing right now?" You ask a bit breathlessly, finally lifting your head from the curve of his neck to peer up at his with swollen, reddened eyes.
"Mhm," Eddie hums and drops his forehead against your own. That hand on your spine hikes you up against him, air forced from your lungs and another bubbling laugh pushed up your throat.
"You trying to woo me, Munson?" Your tease comes out a bit raspy from all of the crying, but you watch a grin pull at his lips regardless.
"Why?" Big brown eyes flick between your own, a little cross-eyed with how close your faces sit, "S'it working?"
You bring your free hand up to curl around the back of his neck, fingers slipping beneath his wet curls to ensure his forehead doesn't leave yours.
"It might be.." The words come out in a murmur.
You're feeling a bit mesmerized by his proximity, even after all this time. A sudden spin from your boyfriend has you stumbling over your feet, the only thing keeping you from losing your balance completely being the steadying hand that quickly finds a place on your hip and slides back to the base of your spine.
"It might be?" Eddie repeats with a scoff, "Oh, it might be, you say." A small huff of laughter escapes you and puffs out against his chin as he continues on, "Well I guess I'll just have to up the ante then, won't I? What shall I do, my fair maiden? What is it you desire? I could finish this lovely holiday dinner by myself, provide thee with sustenance-"
It's you who scoffs this time, "Right, hilarious. Our friends and Wayne will be here in less than two hours-"
"Or perhaps I'll wait until nightfall, pluck a star straight from the sky for you. Because what other courting gift could be better suited for a maiden who shines so bright-"
"Eddie," You can't help but laugh at his dramatics. The drying tear streaks on your cheeks are long forgotten now, the ridiculous man in front of you is nothing if not an expert in getting your whole attention focused on him.
"No. No, you're right. That couldn't possibly be enough to prove my endless love and devotion," He makes a show of shaking his head as he releases you from his hold and takes a step back. A sidestep has him bumping into the sink basin, a wide grin already pulling at his lips. "But this!" He announces as he snatches the bloody paring knife from the sink with a flourish, "This cursed object! Laced with evil, I'm sure! This blade that has brought harm upon you!"
You watch Eddie dispose of the knife with a smile pulling at your lips, and you only spare a small wince at the fleeting worry that it might tear through the plastic bag lining the inside of the garbage can. Eddie drops to his knees in a flash, dark denim coming into contact with the kitchen tile at your feet. His hands grip at the backs of your thighs as he looks up at you with wide eyes, the brown pools swimming with mischief and humor and love.
"-It is dealt with, my dear. It will never hurt you again. This I swear-"
The blood-stained towel falls to the floor as you take his head in your hands, carefully avoiding the drying cut on your thumb. You're swallowing down laughter as you guide him to his feet again. Your heart feels full enough to burst, and Eddie's expression of faux-seriousness is almost enough to push a giggle from your lips.
"Oh, my hero," You whisper with all of the dramatisation you can manage, "My big, handsome savior. Whatever would I have done without you here to protect me? How can I ever thank you?"
Eddie brings his palms up to your cheeks in a flash, and you know it must be a ridiculous sight. The current disaster zone that is the kitchen; ingredients lining every available inch of countertop space, a pot of salted water very nearly boiling on the stovetop, and the two of you standing at the center of it all — cradling one another's faces with all the care in the world.
Brown eyes flick slow over your face, the freckles on the bridge of Eddie's nose catching your attention all the while.
"One million kisses." He proposes.
A laugh does escape you now, though it's a giddy one, slightly flustered by just how sweet the man before you is. Your cheeks feel warm with it as your uninjured thumb drags soft over his cheek.
"One million?"
"One hundred million!" He counters immediately.
"One hundred million?" You repeat in disbelief, "Now, what's a guy like you going to do with one hundred million kisses should I give them to you?"
"Maybe you're right. Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Eddie nods valiantly, "We could start with just one, and work our way up."
"That sounds more than reasonable," Your cheeks are beginning to ache with your smile.
You push up onto your toes to brush your lips over his, scarcely touching. But when Eddie pushes forward, you rock back in an easy move, your mouth remaining just out of his reach.
"I am going to need that knife to finish dinner though," You whisper, the hushed words rushing over his lips in one breath, "The others are too dull-"
"Consider it retrieved and washed," Eddie says easily, "As soon as I get my kiss-"
It ends up being more smile than kiss, in the end, but there will be millions more to make up for it.
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skelliko · 5 months
Tokyo revengers |°- random head cannons that I had stored
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๑ Hanma ironically and out of nowhere 'sang' twist by Korn next to kisaki to get his reaction which caused kisaki to immediately whip his head over at the doofus with genuine fear in his eyes, he took a step backwards from Hanna, hands up and everything. but after a few seconds of staring at the 'possessed' specimen he just annoyingly does a "what the fuck is wrong with you..."
๑ ran doesn't crack his bones/knuckles often but if someone's around him that absolutely despises the sound of cracking bones he'd do it continuously without a care and finds major enjoyment in watching the person's face scrunch up in discomfort, sometimes he snickers too
๑ while chifuyu was in his 'major delinquent era, thinking he's better than everyone else' he was walking down the school stairs all cool and trying to be intimidating but then slipped on one of the stairs and fell on his butt. only one person saw but the amount of embarrassment he got from that when they made eye contact made him want to disappear from earth -this caused him to always be slow and actually look out for the steps so that it doesn't happen again.
๑ seishu finds it hilarious to fake a laugh at someone's awful joke for a second or two but then immediately go dead silent and just stare at the person with no seen emotion at all
๑ seishu is amazing at cooking, he's like a chef. but where'd he learn all this from? he doesn't answer, it's basically a mystery. but in his room he hides written down recipes that he copied out from books and other places
๑ when Baji was younger he decided to try and cook his own food for himself but accidently set a kitchen towel on fire by mistakingly setting it on top of the wrong oven circle -out of panic he got rid of it by quickly throwing it out the window in a panic making it land on someone's car windshield
๑ kazutora is actually quite close with Baji's mom. at some point he slipped up when calling out for her and accidentally called her 'mom' and sure enough he got embarrassed real quick and by a lot. ryoko took pride into that title tho, knowing that she mistakenly got called mom by someone else other than her own son made her feel oddly happy - although she mentioned that kazu is fine in calling her 'mom' he never did it again cause he still finds it embarrassing
๑ kazutora secretly takes photos of his friends crushes and sniggers about it while showing it to his friend. it's basically his little thing whenever he's told that someone has a crush, he doesn't do it to a big extent but just one of two pictures and it's usually just from the back or the side. he's been told multiple of times to quit and delete them but secretly they all knows he's doing them a favour cause when kazu sends them the photos they don't delete 'em
๑ peh holds grudges against people just for the sake of it, if he met someone and they had accidentally done something like step on peh's shoe then the next time they see eachother he would death stare them until they walk past and out of eye view, sometimes he just randomly feels like making enemies even despite being on 'silent and mutural' terms with someone.
๑ when akkun first had the thought of becoming a hairdresser he attempted in cutting his own hair and it actually turned out pretty good, cause of this he ended up cutting makotos hair however akkun had purposely cut his hair badly out of revenge for leaving 'filthy magazines' in akkuns room where his mom had found- making him to be unintentionally framed by makoto
๑ kisaki has a shit tone of books about manipulation and how to read people, how to carefully plot plans and use everything and anything to his own advantage even if things don't work out
๑ the reason why shion get frequent stomach aces is cause he has a bit of sweet tooth, he doesn't get hungry often so he forgets to actually eat a propper meal sometimes but when he sees something sweet and colourful he can't help but take more than a peck at it.
๑ at some point mitsuya accidentally knocked over a massive jar of beads over at the sowing club and took 2 hours collecting each one
๑ when taiju first started mending to his restaurant he had a bit of a high temper and would crack easily to his new employees if they spilled something or cut up a carrot with incorrect sizes, but after getting used to owning a business he somehow became the 'best boss' and grew to be pretty chill even if someone does a mistake - unless if it's a continuous mistake, then he'll get pissed
๑ taiju had a massive fixation with sharks and cool, colourful looking fish when he was younger. going to aquariums on a daily basis and as a kid he had collected little figurines of sharks, orcas and killer whales that he displayed. up till now he still have one of the shark toys displayed on a shelf since it was his all time favourite.
๑ yazuha hates bugs (cannon) and at some point she saw a weird looking incest in the bathroom and was begging hakkai to kill it or simply get it away for her but even he was disgusted by it so they kept on going back and forth about what to do about it before they both decided to team up and tackle it together. yazuha put a cup over it but while doing so the cup got knocked over from her shaky hands causing the both of them to scream as the bug started to move about but hakkai quickly put the cup back over it. they had to take a small breather and relax a little from the nerves before following through any more.
๑ Hina has a small collection of cute keychains, some of them are small plushies and a few are her favourite characters and others are random, small objects. she has some hanging on many different bags, her keys and a few hanging on thumb tacks that are stuck in a cork board on display
๑ Hina is really confrontational about anything that bothers her for other people's sake, in class most people try not to say anything rude about other people knowing that she'll over hear and they'll get their ear bitten off by her. cause of this she's kinda like the school hero against the bullies.
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watchyoubloom · 2 months
like i’m falling into you | drw x sfk x reader
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2K words | all fluff | lots of kissing | title from “honey” by chance emerson | sometimes you want two boyfriends and you want those boyfriends to be boyfriends, okay? and so what?
summary: you and sam cook dinner while you wait for danny to come home. the three of you get a little distracted catching up.
(this is dedicated to @hearts-hunger , my fellow “i want two boyfriends” brainrot haver, mainly bc i love her but also to cheer her up. maddie, ily ❣️) (and a special thanks to @allieisacrybaby for the read through and encouragement to post even though i was nervous! ily forever ❣️)
A/N: a very gentle reminder that this is fiction and does not in any way translate to reality or my actual thoughts on the two pretty best friends this is about. kapeesh?
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“Are you sure I can’t help?” You ask Sam again, watching him chop the veggies you’d picked up from the farmer’s market earlier that day from where you’re perched atop the counter. “I feel bad, just sitting here.”
You and Sam had decided to whip up dinner for when Danny got home from his round of golf. You had already prepped everything else, the timer on the oven counting down, and Sam had taken over prepping the fresh veggies for a salad.
“Nope,” Sam answers you, making sure to put extra emphasis on the ‘p’. He gives you a faux-serious look and points at you with the tip of the knife he’s using. “You already did most of the leg work. Just sit there and look pretty, please.”
“I will try my best,” you fake mild concern, giving him a little salute and earning yourself a wink.
Sam finishes cutting the bell pepper in front of him and sets the knife down, stepping over so he’s in front of you. He eases in between your legs, your knees bracketing his hips, and reaches up to twirl the strand of hair that’s fallen loose from behind your ear around his finger. “And look at you, succeeding already,” he says, his eyes drifting from your own down to your mouth. “You know what sounds good, though?”
You quirk an eyebrow up and dance your fingers along the nape of his neck, having draped your arms across his shoulders the second he got close enough. His hair is thrown up in a loose bun to avoid it getting in his way while he cooks, but there’s the ever-errant strand at his nape, and you twirl it in the same way he’d played with your hair. “What’s that, Sammy?”
“A kiss.” His hands have found your hips and smooth back to your ass, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter. Closer to him. “Or a few kisses, maybe.”
“Is that right?” You ask, but don’t give him the chance to answer. You cup his face in your hands and draw him to you, and he kisses you sweetly. His hands make their way under your t-shirt, smoothing up your back, and then he grasps your waist, thumbs stroking along your ribcage.
You kiss soft and slow, with no real intent behind except to be close to each other. Sam’s hands wander, as do yours, and your legs wrap around his waist to keep him as close to you as you can.
Neither of you hear the front door open, or Danny’s amused chuckle when he finds you in the kitchen. It’s only when he says, “Oh, hello,” that your brain comes back to Earth long enough to realize he’s home, and you pull your hand from where it had been cupping the side of Sam’s neck to reach for him, continuing to kiss Sammy while you do so.
Danny sets his things down and walks over to the two of you, taking your hand as soon as it’s in reach. He stops once he’s behind Sam, banding his free arm around Sam’s middle and resting his chin on his shoulder.
You pull away from Sam then, a little dazed, and grin when your eyes land on Danny.
“Hi, Dan,” you greet him, pulling your hand from his to cup his face in your palm. You’ve got a hand on each of their cheeks, now, and the way both of your guys are looking at you has your head in the clouds. You lean in and give Danny a quick kiss. “How was golf?”
“Pretty good. Shot two under.”
“Course you did,” Sam says, turning to press a kiss to Danny’s cheek. He pulls back and looks at him for a second, taking in his appearance, before turning back to you. “Someone didn’t wear his sunscreen,” Sam sing-songs softly, telling on Danny, and it’s only then that you finally notice the tell-tale smattering of freckles across his nose, the tint of red across the tops of his cheeks.
“Daniel,” you pretend to be stern, but can’t help but smile when he turns his face and presses a kiss to your palm.
“Oops?” He says, and Sam laughs as Danny tickles his side in retaliation for pointing out his sunburn. “I was gonna wear my hat all day.”
“Would that be the one that’s sitting on your head backwards?” You ask, and Sam laughs again, earning him another squeeze of Danny’s hand at his side. He jolts and giggles a little, but can’t get away with Danny bracketing him against you and your legs still on either side of him. You take pity on him and distract Danny by tracing the pad of your thumb faintly across his cheekbone. “Does it hurt?”
“Nah,” he says, shrugging his shoulder. “Now. Let me in on these kisses, please.”
You oblige immediately, leaning in to press your lips to Danny’s. His free hand, the one not currently resting on Sam’s stomach, joins Sam’s on your hip. You feel their fingers interlock, Danny’s fingers squeezing Sam’s gently. Sam’s other hand is still cupping the side of your face, and he holds you like he’s the one kissing you, holds you like Danny would if it were his hand on your face.
You feel Sam’s lips at your cheek, your jaw, your neck, and you pull away from Danny to capture them with your own. Danny copies what Sam was doing, starts littering Sam’s neck, his jaw, the sensitive spot behind his ear with little kisses. After a second, you withdraw and nudge them towards each other, watching as Sam cranes his neck enough to be able to meet Danny’s mouth from over his shoulder.
“Sammy,” you murmur after a moment, your thumb stroking along the side of Sam’s neck. “Come here.”
He thinks you mean for another kiss, which you give him, but then you turn him so his back is to your chest and he’s facing Danny. You hook your chin over his shoulder and kiss his cheek, then turn your gaze to Danny, who’s smiling softly at the two of you.
“There you are,” Danny says, his eyes flitting between the two of you. He copies what you did earlier and takes each of your faces in a hand, his touch gentle and warm. “Missed you guys today.”
“We missed you, too,” you reply, and Sam nods his agreement, your face moving with his as he does, since your cheeks are pressed together. “Maybe we’ll go with you next time.”
Danny’s face lights up, and you know right then that no matter the early hour, the next time he asks you two to join him, you’ll both be there. Neither of you are very good, but every now and then you like to go join him for a round and catcall him while you sip drinks in the cart, or let him try to adjust your swing or explain the types of clubs to you. You know it can feel a bit chaotic when it’s all of you, so you give him the chance to have a serious round most times- going with his dad or uncle or buddies who are actually decent at the game- but it’s still an occasional fun date for the three of you.
Danny’s pressed all the way against Sam’s front, now, and his hands drop down to rest on your upper thighs, bracketing Sam in. “I think that sounds great,” Danny says, and leans in to drop a kiss to Sam’s bottom lip before doing the same to you. “And I’m gonna hold you to it when neither of you wants to get out of bed to get to the course.”
“Could schedule a later tee time,” Sam grumbles, but he’s unable to hide his smile as he says it. His fingers dance up Danny’s chest and he hooks one behind the strip of buttons of his golf polo, the weight of his hand tugging the collar down a bit and exposing the patch of dark chest hair there. Sam’s head is still leaned back against your shoulder, and you kiss him on the cheek again. “Doesn’t have to be at the ass-crack of dawn.”
Danny laughs, not bothering to point out at eight in the morning isn’t quite the ass-crack of dawn. Sam has never loved early wake up calls- considers anything before ten to be too early- and is well known for his tendency to cut off his alarm and roll right back over in bed.
“I’ll see what I can do, Sleeping Beauty,” Danny replies, one of his hands coming up to cup Sam’s face again, thumb stroking across one of Sam’s now slightly pinker cheeks. “Anything else?”
“Don’t think so, no,” Sam replies, as primly as he can muster with the smile still tugging at his lips.
“I have something,” you interject, raising a finger in the air. You turn it and crook it towards you in a come hither motion when Danny’s eyes find yours, and then pucker your lips expectantly.
Sam and Danny both laugh and oblige immediately, with Sam turning his head to kiss your jawline while Danny leans in and presses his soft lips to yours. You reach over Sam’s shoulder to cup the side of Danny’s neck, and feel as Sam leans in to kiss the other side, always an active participant.
Danny takes turns kissing the two of you, soft and sweet and slow, until the timer going off breaks all three of you out of your haze.
“What’s-“ You start, still a little drunk off kisses. The timer beeps again and brings you back to Earth. “Oh.”
“Oh, damn,” Sam says, sliding out from between you and Danny. He looks over his shoulder at you. “Good thing we remembered to set that timer, hm?”
“Mhmm,” you say, watching Sam put on oven mitts and take the dish out to sit on the counter. Danny slides into the spot Sam had been occupying between your legs, leaning down so his elbows are on the counter on either side of your thighs. It puts you at a slight height advantage over him, and you grin, taking his face in both hands and kissing the tip of his nose before pressing your lips to his again quickly. “We were clearly all very distracted.”
“Don’t go getting too distracted again,” Sam replies, a teasing lilt to his voice as Danny pulls you into yet another kiss. You can hear him puttering around the kitchen, grabbing plates and cutlery, and you start to pull away, to slide off the counter and go to help.
You’re stopped by two big hands at your waist, keeping you in place.
“Dan,” you try to say seriously. “Let’s go help Sammy.”
“Yeah,” Sam chimes in from the dining room, where you can hear him setting the plates down on the table. “Come help Sammy.”
“Or,” Danny offers, and his eyes are on you still even though he speaks loud enough for Sam to hear, too. “And hear me out. We let the food cool for a few minutes and Sam gets his cute ass back in here so I can kiss you two some more.”
There’s silence for a beat, and you grin, your eyes dancing from Danny’s mouth to his eyes and back.
Sam appears back in the doorway to the kitchen. “We should wait for it to cool a little, actually…” He flits back over to the two of you, kitchen towel over his shoulder. Danny turns in your arms to face him, leaning back against you, and Sammy points at you, then at Danny. He steps in between Danny’s legs as he does so, and then drops his hands to rest atop your thighs, now on either side of Danny’s body. “But no getting too distracted.”
Danny salutes and you follow suit, nodding solemnly. “Ay-ay, Captain,” you say, and then reach your hand out to Sam. “Now come here, please.”
Sam is more than happy to oblige, taking his turn as the one doling out kisses.
(And when you end up having to reheat dinner in the microwave later that night, nobody really seems to mind.)
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anna-the-undertaker · 1 month
Hiii helloooo hiyaaa :3 really loved ur previous short🩷 whaddaya think about this: cottagecore themed MC? What if an MC has that vibe of a grandparent or an old storybook(like brambly hedge), is very caring and chill, likes to bake, enjoys nature and just feels like home
I loved the softness of this. It made me feel all warm inside just to write it.
When the brothers first meet MC, they’re struck by their unusual presence. The Royals and the Angels are just as captivated by their charm and warm, nurturing personality. Unlike anyone they’ve ever encountered, MC exudes a serene energy that contrasts sharply with the chaos of the Devildom. Their clothes, always cozy and earth-toned, seem to belong more to a peaceful countryside than the underworld. They’re always wearing an apron, usually dusted with flour, and their hands are often busy kneading dough or tending to a small garden of herbs and flowers they’ve somehow managed to cultivate in the House of Lamentation.
Lucifer notices the change in the atmosphere first. The normally tense and foreboding air of the House of Lamentation has softened since MC’s arrival. He finds himself taking deeper breaths, as if trying to absorb the calming aura they bring. At first, he is perplexed by how someone so gentle could survive in the Devildom, but as he watches them bake a loaf of bread or brew a pot of tea, he begins to understand. The warmth of a fresh-baked pie and the comfort of MC’s presence have a way of disarming his stress, and though he doesn’t outwardly show it, he’s grateful. He’ll often find himself lingering in the kitchen, just to watch them move with such care and intention, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Mammon is bewildered by MC’s nurturing ways. He’s used to adrenaline-pumping schemes and risky ventures, but with MC, everything slows down. They treat him with a kindness he’s unaccustomed to, knitting him warm scarves and offering him treats fresh from the oven. Mammon, at first, doesn’t know how to handle this kind of affection, but he quickly becomes addicted to the warmth MC brings. He’ll show up at their door at all hours, complaining about the cold or some imaginary ailment, just to be fussed over and spoiled. And when he smells fresh cookies, he’s the first to dart into the kitchen, hoping for a taste of whatever they’ve baked. There’s a particular chair in the kitchen he’s claimed as his own, and he’ll lounge there, watching them work with a contented grin.
Levi is awkward at first, unsure how to approach someone so different from what he’s used to. But when MC presents him with a hand-knitted blanket, soft and comforting, and bakes a cake decorated with his favorite anime characters, he’s smitten. He starts spending more time out of his room, drawn by the smell of MC’s cooking or the promise of a quiet conversation over tea. MC has a way of drawing him out of his shell, and he finds himself feeling more at ease in their presence than he has with anyone else. They remind him of the gentle characters in his favorite slice-of-life animes, and he treasures every moment they spend together.
Satan is fascinated by MC’s affinity for nature and the old-world charm they bring to the House. He’s captivated by the way they speak about the plants they’re growing, the herbal remedies they’re concocting, and the stories they tell that seem to come from another time. Satan often finds himself in the garden with them, discussing literature and nature, feeling a rare sense of peace. He admires the way they can make something beautiful out of nothing, turning even the most mundane moments into something special. When they bake, he’s often at their side, assisting with a calm enthusiasm that surprises even him. He feels a deep sense of connection with MC, as if they share an unspoken understanding of the world’s quieter joys.
Asmo is enchanted by MC’s aesthetic. The softness of their demeanor, the care with which they tend to the house, and the simple beauty they bring to everything they touch—it’s all irresistible to him. He often sits with them as they bake, asking endless questions about the ingredients and marveling at the way they turn simple items into something extraordinary. Asmo loves the way MC makes everything feel cozy and inviting, and he’s constantly asking them to make little treats or craft small gifts that he can share with others. He finds their vibe to be the perfect counterbalance to his own flamboyant energy, and he delights in the way they make the house feel like a true home.
Beel is immediately drawn to MC’s cooking. The scent of fresh bread or a pie cooling on the windowsill is enough to have him wandering into the kitchen, drawn by the promise of something delicious. MC quickly becomes his favorite person to hang out with, especially when they’re baking. Beel loves to watch them work, the way they move with such patience and care, and he’s always eager to taste-test whatever they’re making. But it’s more than just the food; he feels an undeniable sense of comfort in their presence, as if he’s finally found a place that feels like home. He’s protective of MC in a way that’s almost instinctual, always making sure they’re safe and well, and he never lets anyone disturb them when they’re in the kitchen.
Belphie is initially indifferent, preferring to spend his time napping in his usual spots. But MC’s presence slowly begins to permeate even his dreams. He finds himself seeking out the comfort they provide, often curling up on the couch where they’ve placed one of their handmade blankets. Belphie finds an odd sense of security in MC’s calm demeanor, and he starts to nap in the kitchen or the garden just to be near them. He’s drawn to their warmth and the way they make even the coldest days feel cozy. There’s something about the way MC creates a sense of family and belonging that resonates with him, and he finds himself relaxing in a way he hasn’t in a long time.
Diavolo is immediately fascinated by MC's ability to create an atmosphere of warmth and home in the Devildom. The future Demon King is used to grand events and the formalities of royal life, but MC’s simplicity and genuine kindness are a breath of fresh air for him. He finds himself drawn to the calm and peaceful energy that surrounds them, often seeking them out when he needs a break from his duties. He loves the way MC can make even the grandest castle feel like a cozy home, and he often invites them to the palace just to enjoy their company. He loves hearing about their life and experiences, finding their stories and outlook on life refreshing and grounding. He might even ask them to help him create a more welcoming atmosphere in the palace, valuing their input and enjoying the transformation they bring.
Barbatos is perhaps the most subtly affected by MC’s presence. As someone who takes immense pride in his role and responsibilities, Barbatos is not easily swayed by emotions or attachments. However, MC’s quiet strength and nurturing nature do not go unnoticed by him. He admires their attention to detail, whether it’s in baking a perfect loaf of bread or tending to their small garden. Barbatos often finds himself silently watching as MC works, appreciating the care they put into everything they do. He might even join them in the kitchen from time to time, offering his assistance and sharing in the peacefulness of the moment. Their influence softens his strict demeanor, and he finds a rare sense of calm in their presence, something he hadn’t realized he was missing.
Simeon is immediately charmed by MC’s gentle nature and the serene atmosphere they create. As an angel who appreciates beauty and harmony, Simeon finds great joy in MC’s cottagecore lifestyle. He often visits them to share tea and enjoy quiet conversations, finding solace in the simplicity and purity of their company. MC’s love for nature resonates deeply with Simeon, and they often bond over their shared appreciation for the natural world. He might bring them small gifts from the Celestial Realm, like a rare flower or a special blend of tea, wanting to share a piece of his world with them. Simeon feels a deep connection to MC, appreciating the way they bring light and warmth to the Devildom, and he often finds himself inspired to write about them in his stories.
Solomon is intrigued by MC’s unique presence in the Devildom. As a human who has seen and experienced much, he’s not easily impressed, but there’s something about MC that fascinates him. Their lifestyle, their nurturing nature, and the way they’ve managed to make even the Devildom feel like home pique his curiosity. Solomon enjoys teasing MC, often challenging their calm demeanor with his playful antics, but he also deeply respects the peace they bring. He might ask them to share their recipes or engage them in discussions about herbal remedies and natural magic, valuing their knowledge and perspective. Solomon finds a certain comfort in MC’s presence, appreciating the balance they bring to the often chaotic world of the Devildom. Their relationship is a mix of playful banter and deep mutual respect, and Solomon finds himself looking forward to their time together.
Luke is immediately drawn to MC’s warmth and kindness. As the youngest and most innocent of the group, Luke quickly becomes attached to MC, viewing them almost like a parental figure. He loves spending time with them in the kitchen, helping them bake cookies or tend to their garden. Luke feels safe and loved in MC’s presence, and he often seeks them out when he’s feeling homesick or overwhelmed by the Devildom. MC’s nurturing nature brings out Luke’s protective instincts, and he often declares that he’ll keep them safe from any harm, despite his small stature. He’s deeply appreciative of the way MC treats him with such care and gentleness, and he often brings them little gifts or tries to help them with their tasks as a way of showing his gratitude.
In the end, they all come to realize that MC, with their cottagecore charm and nurturing ways, has filled their lives with a sense of warmth and love they hadn’t known they were missing. Each of them, in their own way, becomes attached to the feeling of home that MC brings, and they all find themselves seeking out the comfort of their presence, knowing that with MC around, even the darkest corners of the Devildom feel a little brighter.
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Just had the wild realisation that I can write whatever I want here. This is a thing that I am allowed to do. I can scream into the void. I don't have to tag my posts. Grammar is a social construct. It doesn't matter who's listening. The people I love and who love me will talk to me posts or no posts. Someone's going to read this and smile. Even if it's just me.
I can watch only the finales of shows to see their happy endings. I can eat cornflakes in the afternoon. I can go into bookstores just to creepily stare at the hardcovers of Victorian literature. I can write meticulous notes for subjects I'm not studying, and highlight it to Pinterest perfection. I can tell people I want to bite them out of sheer love. I can write long emails to my friends about weird slippers that remind me of them.
I can tell you that it's been a hot year, the hottest one to date, and that April hasn't seen a single drop of rain fall onto the earth. But it's hanging in the air, making it heavy with moisture and that relentless, relentless heat. It's muggy and the swamp theme I chose for my bullet journal couldn't be more appropriate. I can tell you how I keep singing that song in my head, Corner Of My Sky, the one whose music video has Michael Sheen wrangling with an occult toaster. "The rain, the rain, the rain, thank god the rain."
I can tell you anything I like. I can tell you that I'm afraid of being forgotten, that I've always longed to be famous, that I have a hard time not caring about every single little thing. I can tell you that I'm ace and I'm afraid that no one will ever love me the way I need them too, even if I love them the way that they need me to. I can tell you the nightmares have gotten better, but they're still there, they don't seem to want to leave me. I can tell you that I'm so much more ill and broken than I dare think about. Because I am afraid that if I start thinking about it, I shan't stop, and then it will become everything. And I don't want it to be everything. I can tell you that. I can tell you that I have beautiful memories, too, not just the fear and the loss and the anger.
I can tell you that I'm a performer, an entertainer, and I love making people laugh. I'm more comfortable on stage, where people are already listening, than trying to go up and make conversation to groups of strangers. I can tell you how wonderful it feels to have been able to speak to so many people all around the world, to have them know me, to listen to me, and to listen to them in turn. I can tell you that I don't know where to draw the line sometimes, I'm never entirely sure when I'm joking, and the act easily becomes a second skin. I can tell you all of that.
I can tell you all the things that I used to tell myself in letters sealed in envelopes addressed to Future Me. And it won't matter, and it does matter, and it's all so fucking absurd. It doesn't make any sense at all. Does it? I don't know. I can tell you that I don't know very much at all. Knock knock. Who's there? No one. No one who? No one who matters. Knock knock. I haven't been able to walk around for a month. This room is an oven and I'm being slow-cooked, broiled into a little Asmi pie. I read fanfiction yesterday after a long while. That was nice. I think it's really cool that you all know me. You do know me. Sometimes better than I know myself. I can tell you that.
I can tell you the truth. I can tell you I love you. And that to be seen and to be known is a gift that I will always be grateful for. I can tell you that you don't have to listen. But if you do, then hi! Nothing makes sense. Let's sit in the nonsense for a while. I have biscuits. Would you like one? I'm very human. It's one of the things that gets me so easily hurt. Maybe it happens to you too. I can tell you that my plant Crowley is surviving, unlike the others did. I can tell you that maybe you and I are, too.
It's 8:02 in the morning. I might just eat breakfast now. It does seem like the thing to do. How weird and wonderful that is.
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thelastofhyde · 1 year
the likeability paradox. ( teaser )
this fic has now been posted, read here !
pairing. joel miller x fem!reader
synopsis. joel miller is not a man who strives to be liked, with a chip on his shoulder and a scowl on his face, until his world is flipped on its axis when the pretty young thing, with an irritatingly unwavering smile and the literal sun shinning out her ass, that lives under bill and frank's roof says those five damned words: i don't like you, joel.
warnings. enemies to lovers ig, slow burn (i have intentions to drag this out into several long oneshots that can be read separately), unrequited love (except you will never catch joel miller admitting he feels anything beyond grief, hunger and exhaustion), pining, sunshine!reader, grumpy!joel aka canon joel, kinda perv!joel (if you squint), implied queer!tess, undefined age gap (reader implied late-20s), canon violence, smut (oral- f receiving, fingering, praise, degradation, possessiveness, panty stealing, dirty talk, dubcon ig, hints at ass-play, discussions of a lacklustre sex-life pre-apocalypse). this is set prior to ellie!!
word count. 10k. ( predicted )
hyde’s input. was hoping to finish and post this today in celebration of pedge's bday, but uni assignments got in the way and here i am posting a teaser instead of the full fic :(
nsfw beneath the cut, 18+ only !! ( unedited )
his only saving grace is that he can't see you.
hearing your pretty whines, and hand-muffled moans, and heavy intakes of breath is enough to curse him for the rest of his waking days, condemned to wander the wastelands of earth knowing the noises you make on the brinks of pleasure, with a touch-starved man satiating his hunger for flesh and blood with the sugary sins of your soaked cunt.
burrowing deeper into you, his consciousness rips through the fog of his lust to curse out his perversions as the tip of his hooked nose bumps against the puckered entrance of your ass. it does nothing to stop him tearing his tongue away from your clit, flattened as he drags it over the expanse of your cunt, and over your taint and up the crack of your behind.
"n- ah," you can't deny him while sounding so eager for more, the tip of his tongue now circling your back entrance, mimicking the treatment previously given to your little pearl. "no, don't, not there."
next time, he thinks, we'll try that next time.
sights returned to his previous desires, he works to rip every sigh, and every whine, and every dirty little song you'll grace him with. the sound of whatever record tess has put on in the other room becomes a safety blanket, dousing you both in the warm protection of not being overheard.
and, then, he does it, he makes the ultimate mistake.
his eyes flicker to the left and he finds himself faced with the stove that sits within bill and frank's- and, by an extension he does not enjoy to remember, your- kitchen. there's little that's remarkable about the appliance, just your standard, everyday oven that he's sure you've spent countless hours cooking up those comforting meals he's come to anticipate each time tess tells him they're due a visit.
except, the oven door is made of glass.
glass which now paints the most pornographic masterpiece for no eyes but his own. you, with hands gripping the island's counter like your life depends on it, and the skirt of that goddamn dress he's envied all evening for the way it got to rest against the warmth of your thighs, and your head thrown back, curving your spine in a way that has him wondering about the other ways he'd be able to bend and break you beneath his touch. and then there's him, down on his knees like a devotee laying himself down to worship his goddess, face burrowed in the space between your legs, mouth devouring you from behind with the help of his hands, the same ones that had strangled a man less than a day before and reigned fire down on countless others for years, that now grip the meat of your thighs to pull you back onto him, fucking his tongue into your sopping heat.
the image will haunt him more than any man he's killed.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 10
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
A shorter but very important update. Finally heading closer to the meat of the story hehe
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access! 
wc: 6.6k
warnings: violence, rage, reaper on the edge of it all
“Good fuckin’ riddance.” Harry spit onto the body, life slowly draining from his veins as he bled out on the floor. “Piece of shit.” 
Since the guy thought it was ok to sell people, to own and control their lives, Harry thought it was fitting that he had no control over what happened to him in the end. Cutting off each finger and toe, beating him, a few levels of torture. It wouldn’t make up for the lives he had stolen, the innocents that he had killed in the process, but it was some sort of revenge.
“Clean this shit up.” He barked at one of his brothers, giving another disgusted glance at the soon to be corpse before stalking out the door. His hands were bloody and bruised but he felt a tiny hint of relief. Getting rid of scum always did feel good in a weird way. One less person who would harm people who didn’t deserve it off of the earth. He liked to think of himself as an exterminator of sorts. 
“Where’s Bunny?” He grunted as he kicked the basement door shut, seeing Viper at the bar playing cards with Wiz. Cigarettes hung from their mouths as they turned to look at him. 
“Kitchen. May want to wash the blood off your hands before you see her. Look like a horror villain.”
Harry was too far gone just fresh off a kill, any consideration he had for his look at the minute was non existent. All he knew was he needed to see his Bunny if he wanted to get out of this headspace anytime soon. 
The past week and a half had been busy to say the least. With no signs of the stalker, he and his brothers buckled down on finding the last of the scum involved in Mia’s case. It took lots of convincing, but Bunny was safe and protected by his brothers. They were all afraid of what would happen to them had she not come home in one piece. 
The Reaper had been all the more violent and impulsive ever since the stalker appeared. His brothers had all noticed. Viper’s solution was to keep him on killing duty, hoping it would take the edge off like it usually did. It seemed that his feelings for Bunny went much deeper than any of them could imagine. 
Harry pushed open the door to the kitchen with his elbow, immediately feeling his muscles relax at the sight of his girl. 
“Okay so, we just want to make sure we gently tap them— so when they lift in the oven they have that little foot.” Bunny was teaching Mia how to make macaroons. Strawberry and cream ones.
His back relaxed slightly when he heard her soft spoken instructions, his body tuning into her voice. He didn’t say anything yet, going to the sink as he felt her eyes on him. 
She didn’t deserve bloody hands on her. She needed clean and soft hands with tender touches right now. His exhale was slow, trying to shift himself out of the rage induced fog. 
There was a reason people called him the Reaper. It wasn’t unknown. He turned off. He turned into someone else when he was there. The red brain space. He turned off a lot of his emotions besides the ones needed to get him through, the ones usually consisting of anger, rage, bitterness, aggression.
Shaking the water off his hands, he grabbed a paper towel and began to wipe his hands free of water, the jerky movements alerting Y/N to his mood. 
“One second, Mia.” She said quietly, patting her back. Mia knew how the score went, nodding as she turned to mind her business. She knew better than to get involved with Reaper’s business. Everyone should.
Approaching with caution, Bunny placed her hand on his lower back first not wanting to startle him in this state. It always seemed off, his energy changed completely and radiated off of him like a thunder cloud looming over his head. 
“Hi Baby,” She turned on her charm, resting her head against his back a little bit to ground him. It was better for her not to look at the blood that was being washed off into the sink, it was hard not to notice the smell though.  
“Mia and I are making macaroons, we already made a batch if you wanna taste one, I can bring it to you.” She wanted to go along with things as normal, try and remind him of how things were when he wasn’t in this headspace. 
“Or if you want we can go to our room and snuggle.”
She was always gentle with him in this headspace. It was a little scary at first but Harry wouldn’t hurt her. That was something she knew without a shadow of a doubt. Especially when she felt him relax a little bit with her hand rubbing over his back. 
Her eyes looked over his shirt and noticed it was fairly clean, except for a few specks of blood on the hem. It was a weird feeling, to think that the man who was so damn tender with her had just moments ago, been violently ending a life. And that his first instinct was to go back to her. 
“Room.” He grumbled, turning around once he was sure his hands were clean and taking her face into his palms. Y/N felt the damp, cool fingers on her skin and gave him a pretty smile, searching his eyes. 
They were dark. Different. It always seemed to happen like this. 3 times this past week and some days, he has sought her out after she pretended to not know what he was doing and found her doing something mundane, peeling her away from the friends she had made here to keep her close and breathe in her scent. 
He ignored Mia’s presence, leaning down to capture her lips in a hard kiss. He wasn’t shy about it, turning her around and tucking her into the corner of the room while he kissed her roughly. Fully. Bunny knew he wasn’t fully out of the weird, almost animalistic face and she was ok with that. She just wanted him to calm down eventually, and she enjoyed that she was the person that had that power. 
He pulled back and kissed her again, sliding his hands under her shirt and caressed the hot skin of her lower back. It was grounding to him, feeling her smooth flesh and the softness of her curves, the sweetness of her mouth and taste testing prior batches. She smelled like the baked good and hints of her shampoo. He wanted to bathe in it. “M’so angry.” He admitted against her lips. “Want to fucking…” He huffed, resting his head against hers. “I don’t regret it, Bunny. I’ll keep killing those fuckers. I’m going to keep doing it and I’m going to keep coming back upstairs to wash my hands and find you after.”
He warned her. “I should terrify you.”
“You don’t.” She wasn’t lying. He didn’t scare her, maybe a little, but only because she could tell it wasn’t him. Was it dangerous for her to believe that she was the only one to get him to calm down? Would her luck run out one day? It was something she tried not to think about too much. She preferred to believe him and their feelings for one another. 
“It’s just what you do… I understand, you aren’t like that with me. Why would I be afraid?” She asked the question that was never really meant to be answered. Instead she moved to press another kiss to his lips, her hands wrapping around his wrists to hold them comfortably. 
“Come on, let’s go. We can watch a documentary about sea lions.” After their little trip to Vegas they’d been watching a lot of animal planet. Something about the animals also calmed him down. 
“Let me just tell Mia.” She would have to fend for herself with the macaroons. She only had to let them bake off and cool off now. The filling was the easy part.
Harry leaned against the doorway as he watched her go to inform Mia when he heard his name being called from the front room. It was Kid, he knew, but he wasn’t sure what the fuck he wanted. 
“What?” He snapped, stalking through the kitchen with irritation obvious on his face until he saw the red envelope he held in his hand. “What the fuck is that?” 
Though in his stomach, he had a sick feeling. He already knew. 
“It’s addressed to you.” He said quietly. “To Reaper. It was stuck in the gate, someone shoved it up between the bars. I saw it on my way in.” The envelope was snatched over quickly, Harry’s anger boiled again heavily in his stomach. 
What the actual fuck?
“Funny, you think you can keep her hidden from me. I see her everyday.”
Harry was just about to snap when he noticed the back of the note felt a lot like a photograph. To his own horror, there were photos of her in the parking lot on a few desperate occasions this week. His Bunny, oblivious and stunning as ever, on her way back to this place this fucker has now made his way to. 
Any ounce of solace he’d found in Y/N’s touch a few moments ago had drained from his body, replaced by a new, much more sinister rage.  Without much thought, Harry slammed his fist against the nearest flat surface which just so happened to be the kitchen door. 
Kid took a step back immediately, trying not to flinch at the flying pieces of wood now scattered across the floor. 
The room went silent, nothing but Harry’s heavy breathing and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. 
“That’s it!” Reaper was here in full force, not even noticing the blood gushing from his knuckles. “I’m going to butcher this rat. I swear to fuck no one better stop me, I will end his entire blood line so help me god.” His breathing was heavy, teeth grinding against one another. 
Bunny stood speechless, not really sure what to do in this situation. She wasn’t even sure what he was yelling about until she noticed the envelope. 
He’d found them?
“Reaper.” Viper barked as he watched Harry go towards the door. “He isn’t out there. He wouldn’t be. Don’t go shooting into the road.” He had watched as Harry took the gun from his back holster and held it in his hand, the rage shaking through him. 
This place wasn’t easy to find. But obviously, whoever the creep was, didn’t just fuck around. It was making Harry angry. Yes- it had been their idea to poke the bull, but it only made him more upset now knowing the lengths he would go. The disregard he had for his life meant that was the same for his thoughts on Bunny’s- he didn’t care. He was insane.
If he had any clue what Harry belonged to, what his name meant, the rumors and whispers, he would know better. Obviously he lacked sanity for the fact he was stalking someone to begin with but after all the warnings, after all the attempted scare offs… he was still at it. 
“He’s watching her. He’s at her school. He’s insane.” He shook his hand in the air, the gun waving around. The safety was on- Bunny was in the room. “I’m going to lose it.”
“I know, brother. I know.” 
“No! None of you caught someone taking photos?” He hissed, looking around the room as he raised the weapon. “None of you saw a fucking camera?”
“Obviously not. Put down the gun.” Viper ordered. “Your girl is in the room. Put it down.” He said it lowly, the twitch in his hand and the reminder making him listen. 
“I’m taking her away from here for a while. We’re fucking leaving. Make sure someone is at her mom’s place. Nowhere is fucking safe around here.” He hissed, turning to Bunny. “Go get your stuff. We’re going somewhere away from here. Wiz- get us on a fucking plane and someone go get me fakes to get out of here. I just-” He ran his bloodied hand through his hair, not even feeling the pain with the anger that made him burn. “How the fuck did he find us here? There’s a gate inside a gate.”
Bunny took this time to approach him once again, setting her hand on his back as she always did and tried her best to stay calm. She needed to be calm for him. All she wanted was for him to come with her, but it seemed like Viper wasn’t going to let that happen. 
“Let me clean up your hand and I’ll go pack.” She spoke in a gentle and level tone, reaching for his bloodied hand without hesitation. It hurt her to see him like this, so angry and distraught because he couldn’t do anything about it. He was trying his hardest, she could see it. She wished she was able to help more. 
Viper looked at her in warning, obviously worried about her safety. He didn’t know how they were in private, she felt like he had no right to command her. She knew what she was getting herself into. Bunny looked from Harry’s hand to Viper with a small pout, hoping he would let her do this. 
“Follow me.” Viper let out a sigh, leading Bunny towards their in house infirmary. She made sure to keep an eye on Harry, rubbing his skin to soothe him the best that she could. He was still heaving, she could see the cogs turning in his head.
He was like a live wire. 
Bunny watched his face carefully, not afraid of him but afraid of what he may do. It felt like the last few days he had been like a dog pacing in its cage, but this was a whole other level.
His jaw was clenched and his breathing was heavy, but his face had turned stone cold. His eyes? They were dark. Hot. Livid. She was treading with caution. 
He was on another planet right now. He was in protector and killer mode at the same time and it was killing him. Reaper wasn’t one to run away from conflict in any capacity. Harry, however? He just wanted to keep Bunny safe. That was his goal, always. Her safety. 
“You okay to be alone?” Viper asked Bunny. He didn’t want to offend Reaper but he also took her safety seriously.
“Yes, I’m okay. He won’t hurt me.” Bunny repeated once again, knowing it would only be worse if they were to separate the two of them. If they wanted Harry to calm down in any capacity, removing her was the worst they could do. 
Viper eyed the two of them for a moment, facing an internal battle. He couldn’t live with himself if he let Reaper hurt her, but for some reason, he trusted her. 
“I’m going to help Wiz sort out your trip. When you’re done here just meet me in my office.” Viper spoke calmly, giving her a look as if to say ‘be careful’. The metal door made a quiet crashing sound as he left, leaving the two of them alone. 
The bright overhead lighting of the infirmary wasn't creating the most soothing atmosphere, but Bunny tried her best to be the softness Harry needed as she guided him to sit on the bed. 
Her hands delicately pushed his hair away from his face and behind his ears, watching his snarling expression carefully. 
“Can I get the first aid kit?” Her words were gentle, not wanting to leave her stop from between his legs if he wasn’t ready. She knew her body was something that kept him grounded and she didn’t want to irritate him.
He simply nodded. 
It felt better in the quiet. No music, no nothing but the gentle touch of Bunny.
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny. 
He had to keep her safe. The rage bubbled again before it ebbed, her hand stroking over his arm as she returned with the kit. He wasn’t worried about the split knuckles or the throbbing he felt in his hand. He had a high pain tolerance for as long as he could remember, but he felt a bit bad under all the anger about her life being disrupted. That he couldn’t just be… a normal protector. That he had to worry about snapping. 
He’d always had a bad temper, but this sort of anger was new. He hadn’t cared too much about anything else for a long time. Now that he cared so much for her that it felt like she was injected into his damn blood, he felt out of control. Not having control over finding this guy was making him  feel certifiably crazy. He’d never been sane, mind you, but he even knew it was bad now. 
His thoughts lingered on how he had never wanted to take someone out more. The person who caused all of this shit, who made it unsafe for her to even be alone in the places she had grown and loved. The places she learned.
“Baby?” She whispered softly in an attempt to get his attention, gently starting to wipe off the dried blood as she disinfected the open wound. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna,” Bunny cooed, “just come back to me.” 
She let the hand holding his caress his skin in a form of comfort, using tweezers to get the splinters out from under his skin.
“You’re very angry, I know… I can imagine how frustrating it is— you are doing everything you can.” She wasn’t sure if her words would be of any help, but she wanted to say them anyway. “You’ll get him, I know you will. But for now, we are here.” 
A small hiss came from her as she watched the peroxide bubbling over the wound. He didn’t even blink. It made her heartache seeing him so empty and drained. 
Harry watched as she began to wrap his hand with gauze, turning it a bit to make things easier for her. He’d never had someone handle him with such care in this state. It baffled him to think she wasn’t afraid. How could she be so brave? To trust him when he didn’t trust himself. 
“All done.” Bunny smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the bandaged hand. She didn’t expect him to speak, she was waiting patiently till he was ready.
He sighed, looking over her face. She was so fucking good. A little damn angel plopped into hell and he had to be the one to protect her. He’s never experienced such a panic in his life. Self doubt that he would be able to keep her safe. 
It fucked him up considering this was supposed to be the safest place.  That someone could get by without being noticed was a tell to some sort of skill. Wiz was an incredible guy when it came to security and electronics. He had either blocked the alarms or there was some sort of rat. 
He couldn’t trust most of these people right now. While he definitely felt guilt for that considering he knew 99% of them were on his side, there was a possibility someone wasn’t. And he wouldn’t chance that.
“Damn it.” He snarled. “You… I should be taking care of you.” His face showed irritation and instead of backing up, she repeated the soft action of brushing his long hair back out of his face that had fallen out of his low bun. “I’m supposed to take care of you and you’re here… fucking bandaging me up. Being so fucking sweet. “
“Is that so wrong?” She asked confused, “Think I wouldn’t be taking care of you if this wasn’t happening?” Of course she would be. Bunny enjoyed caring for him and providing a little bit of peace in his very rough and heavy lifestyle. 
To think he’d ever imagine it as a burden, as if life wouldn’t have thrown something else wretched and horrid her way had it not been this. 
“You are taking care of me. I’m here and I’m safe.” Bunny tried her shot at getting him to see things from her perspective. “You need me right now, that’s okay… I’m right here.” It had almost become natural for her to tend to his anger before she began to process her own feelings. She didn’t think it would help to dwell on the idea of someone watching her, she was already paranoid enough as it was. 
“I want to help this feeling, I know I can’t, but please… you have to let me.”
He growled in frustration. It was almost infuriating how sweet and understanding she was because it was his problem. He felt like he was making shit even harder.
“I just… I feel like all I fucking do is drag you down. This was supposed to scare him away.” He stood up, walking away from her. He needed to breathe, to pace for a minute. “This shit was supposed to protect you. And I made it worse.” 
He tugged at his hair, his bad hand throbbing at the action. He really was wanting to pull his hair out. A woman like Bunny didn’t belong in this decrepit, dangerous place and yet he had dragged her down. There was no  way out of it either, not without the guy being dead.
All he knew was that he had access to the school area, was good at technology, was lanky and tall and was a little bitch. A creep. He hated him more than he had hated anyone else because he had no regard for Bunny. It was obvious at this point. 
“I need to take you away; like a fucking coward. I’m running away but I don’t give a fuck. We need a break. You need to be somewhere you feel safe. You think I don’t see it?” He asked, approaching her again. 
“You think I don’t see when you disappear inside your head and you try your best to just pretend like you’re fine? I see right through it. You’re not processing any of this shit of whatever it is you’re supposed to do. And I’m worried. I’m worried about you, mentally, physically, emotionally.”
He was right. 
She hadn’t been processing it properly, but she was in distress and though he was blaming himself for making it worse, who knows what would have happened if he continued? It was just like Bunny to divert the conversation though. It seems Harry wasn’t having it today. He stopped her before she could speak. 
“You know I’m right about that. Bun, listen, I’m not in a good fucking space right now. I don’t even know how I’m talking to you cause I’m my head I just want to tear this place to shreds. I need you to tell me if I’m stepping over the line, cause you’re being so fucking sweet— I don’t deserve that!” He shook his head, the last line coming out a bit louder than he’d anticipated. She could only shake her head at him. 
“Harry— I’m trying to deal with it how I can. We both are. It hasn’t really hit me these past few times, I haven’t been letting it. I just know I won’t be able to keep going on with my life if I think about it too much. You know I’m in my head because I’m trying to self soothe… there is no answer to these feelings, they fucking suck. I know. This guy is fucking crazy. He could have done worse if you didn’t get involved. Who knows? The what ifs are killing me. Please don’t blame yourself for any of this. It’s not your fault.”
He swallowed thickly, his heavy breathing the only sound in the room before he dropped his hands, letting them smack against his sides. 
He didn’t mean to explode on her. It’s the last thing she needed. She didn’t need his shit on top of everything else but he was so… so fucking scared. He didn’t like the idea of her getting hurt. He didn’t like that she wasn’t communicating it with him. 
“Can you please just tell me… tell me about it when it does come up? When you feel like it’s too much?” Harry was well fucking aware he wasn’t the easiest to talk to. He wasn’t. He was  intimidating and easily irritated and he had tried to build a wall between them in the past. It would be understandable why she would be hesitant before but now? Now he was doting on her. 
He wished she trusted him. 
“It is my fault. You shouldn’t even be in this position. I wish you had been able to fucking trust me enough when it first started happening so you could have told me. I know that it’s my fault you didn’t. It isn’t your fault at all.” He huffed, walking back to her. “I don’t deserve your sweetness . I was supposed to look out for you when Sterling left and now look at this shit.” 
He felt like he had failed. He had failed her.
She was trying her best to stay level headed, trying not to blame things on herself for not telling him sooner. Seeing him like this was making her emotional, she didn’t want him to be so stressed. 
“I’ll try, I promise.” Bunny said with a small sigh, “It’s hard for me in general. It's not that I don’t want to tell you these things, it’s just hard for me.” Y/N swallowed thickly, looking up at him with glossy eyes. “I didn’t think not telling you would come to this… I would have told you right away.” 
Bunny snaked her arms around him in a hug, squeezing his body to hers, listening closely to his heart beat. She kept her head there for a few moments, relaxing as she felt the weight on his hand cradling the back of her head.
They were a mess. The both of them. Harry knew that this wasn’t exactly healthy- nothing with him probably would be- but he didn’t have it in him to stop his indulgence for her comfort.
He couldn’t keep himself from pulling her as tightly as he could to her body, exhaling heavily as he pressed a few kisses to her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m fucking sorry for all of this shit.” 
The hoarseness of his voice caught her off guard. His anger was still there but he was still being soft with her. That was the difference. He never lifted a hand meant to harm her. Never. He never would. 
“It’s okay. We’re going on a trip and we can just… we can try and forget about this for a little bit.” She whispered against his shirt. “Just pretend to be normal for a bit. I don’t even know where we’re going but I’m going to be safe with you. Maybe we can feel ok when we get away.” Her choice was muffled against the fabric but he heard it. 
“I will do my best, baby.” He mumbled against her hair. “Don’t think it’ll ever be normal with us again.”
“Okay everything you need is here. For the time being, you are Ryder and Kitty Davidson.” Wiz spoke as he placed the documents on the table. “I got you rings as well, congratulations.” He winked trying to make light of the situation. 
“You’re flying First class to London. Your flight is in about 4 hours so you should get heading to the airport as soon as possible.” He continued, looking up at Viper to confirm the details. The two of them thoroughly planned this trip to ensure their safety. 
“I’ve booked you in indefinitely at the Londoner hotel. It’s very central with high security. They know you want your privacy and for their reputations sake they won’t fuck up. If you want to change locations, I trust Reaper knows his way around better than me.” Wiz let himself trail off as he tried to remember anything else he might be missing. 
“I’ve arranged to have a car pick you up under the name Davidson. It’s one of our own so no need to worry. He’s returning a small favor.” Viper added, checking his phone for any other updates before looking at the two of them. 
“We’re going to have some decoy cars leave first. One is going to Reaper’s place, one will be going to your Mom’s, and the third out of town.” Viper explained the plan, “We’re leaving through the underground exit in a completely different vehicle. All you have to do is finish up with packing and we’ll be on our way.”
Bunny was still amazed at some of the things the club was able to do. There were a lot of whispers about the things they were a part of from the normal people, the people around the town. But based on their assumptions, no one would have realized they had this sort of money. 
Harry had explained they had eggs in a bunch of baskets, some legal and some… not so much. That meant an influx of cash and places to launder it through.
She knew if this was any other time,she would be asking tons of questions. Why? How? What? But right now she was putting her trust in Harry and the guys of the Devil’s Keepers. Viper and Wiz had always shown up for her since she met them and it was a welcome thing to have. 
“Thanks for putting this together.” He nodded at Wiz, taking the folder from him. “We will call you when we land with the burners.” 
“I’ll be prepared for a thick cockney accent.” Wiz joked, making him snort. Yeah, right. He was more of a Manchester and London hybrid but that wouldn’t make sense to him. Harry’s accent had thinned since being here as a teenager but he knew that it would thicken the moment he stepped back there. It usually got stronger when he talked to his mum on the phone, so he could imagine how easily he was going to fall into it later.
Bunny had never been out of the country before, this was something completely new. The thought of it was actually exciting if she ignored the whole point of the trip. The running away from a stalker bit. 
Harry had always talked about his life in London, with a fondness she really saw in him elsewhere. It was as if he wondered what his life could have been had he been dealt a different hand. It seemed like his life there wasn’t that fruitful, but his returns to the country had always been pleasant.
“You packed warm, yeah baby?” He asked quietly, his Reaper persona taking a step back now that they had a plan. In all honesty, he was relaxed because he knew his way around London better than any man. He swore it. No one would want to willingly go to his ends. That he was sure of. 
“We’ll get you more clothes.” He spoke without even listening to her response, he had a feeling there was nothing warm in her duffle here in Vegas. Poor girl was in for wind and rain and clouds.
“We will?” She quirked her brow. “And just how will I do that?” 
“M’gonna buy you some. You need jumpers and jackets. The only one you packed was one of mine.” He gave her a slight look but it was in jest. He liked her in his clothes. The black jumper with slightly frayed sleeves tended to be her favorite and he wasn’t going to tell her no. Thankfully he had been able to grab some warmer clothes but not too much. He’d need to shop as well. 
“Well, I did want to buy some stuff.” She admitted, leaning her head against his arm while she looked into his duffel bag. “You know the cool shopping places in London? Not the designer ones but hole in the wall shops?” She liked to buy stuff that was unique, but she didn’t have the chance too often here. Her slip dresses were a staple but she did want to get some good jeans in London. 
It was definitely a way of coping. Y/N knew that eventually she wouldn’t be able to push the fact that this trip was to evade danger from the back of her mind anymore. She would have to accept it at some point. But god damn, did she want to pretend it was just a trip with her… boyfriend? Lover? Whatever they actually were. 
“I think so.” It’s been a few years since I’ve been there.” The last time he had traveled back was 3 years ago, briefly. Only 2 weeks to get some things settled. He hadn’t been back since. “We’ll have to see. Things change rather quickly, but I found a place last time when I ruined my trousers.” He replied, zipping up the duffle bag.
“All right, Sniper say we are all set to go. If you have everything, let’s get to the car. No time to waste.” Viper was a bit on edge himself, not having expected someone to find the clubhouse. Nonetheless, he had no intention of letting Harry know he was worried. He needed Reaper to have a break. As much as they needed him, for all of their sakes, it was better he went. 
The sound of their footsteps against wet cement echoed as the four of them descended down to the tunnels. They had a few for safety reasons. They had a bunker, a few rooms where most of their dodgy business took place. Killing and disposal and what not. Towards the end though was a garage full of three cars with the exact same plates. One was red, one was black, and one was white. 
“Take your pick bun.” Viper decided to make light of the situation. These cars were all clean. For the most part. They were mostly used for situations like these, getaways for safety. The plates changed after every use so they couldn’t be tracked. They cycled through wrapping them in different colors. It was all to keep things as anonymous as possible.
Bunny went for the white one. The red would get attention, the black was an obvious inconspicuous choice, but the white was a medium level. Harry was quiet for the most part now, helping her in and waving to Mia. She was playing decoy. Her hood was up and it was obvious she was a woman but the tinted windows would hide some of her features, making it easy to confuse the both of them. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly to her. Despite not talking to her much he appreciated even the slightly risk she put herself in for Y/N’s sake.
He got into the car with her, placing his hand on her thigh immediately. Y/N noticed this was something he did subconsciously. He didn’t even really seem to think about it. Every time he sat down next to her or drove with her, his hand would rest on her leg. Squeeze or rub or just rest still, he liked having a hand on her.
Her hand rested on top of his with a sigh, fiddling with his anatomical heart ring. He had a few he switched around but he rarely took this one off lately. It was chunky and large but it suited his hand, bruised knuckles and all. Her cheek rested against his arm, trying to let go of her nerves. 
“S’okay.” He comforted quietly. “We’re getting a break from this. Maybe the guy will get tired of it. If he doesn’t… we’ll come back rested enough to finally get him.”
Harry was exceedingly exhausted. His eyes were heavy all day but he couldn’t sleep. Nervous about her, about the freak breaking in somehow, someway, and hurting her. It plagued him like a nasty sore that wouldn’t heal.
Wanting to keep the stalker off their trail meant that Viper and Wiz had to stay low profile. The guy would recognize the two of them and they didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he had other members who had not been seen with Bunny to drive all three cars. 
“Be safe, yeah?” Viper nodded at the two of them from outside the window. “Have fun, little rabbit. Enjoy it.” The words were tender as they fell from his mouth. He wanted nothing more than for her to enjoy her time away from all of this. To have a bit of freedom again. 
Bunny gave him a small smile and nod, watching as he gave Harry a small fist bump before their window was rolled back up. The sound of roaring engines soon filled the space, each car making their way out. They had a few come out the front as well, this creepy wouldn’t know what was coming.
She didn’t dare to speak up as they traveled down through the long, narrow, and dark tunnel. It seemed like it kept going and going. She wasn’t sure how it got there, but she was starting to think she shouldn’t ask. 
Instead she snuggled further against Harry in the back seat, continuing to dig her face fully into him. It seemed his scent was able to do something to keep her calm since she couldn’t exactly wrap herself in his bedsheets anymore.
Harry didn’t like not being the one driving but he has to make that sort of sacrifice today. It wasn’t too big of a deal though, considering Bunny was nearly burrowed into him.
Harry, before her, wasn’t a fan of physical touch at all. He took his partners from behind, making them hold whatever was in front of them so they didn’t touch him. He barely kissed, barely allowed them to do a thing besides suck him off or spread their legs for him. It was very willing people, too, but still. He wasn’t a warm and fuzzy person. He would peels hands off of him and step back to avoid hugs or touches, keeping it hand handshakes for most, or a back pat or two. 
That’s partially why it was so weird for him that he felt so grounded when Bunny touched him. The comfort that he felt when she would brush his fingers with her own or press a tiny kiss to his hand, leaning against him. His own body seeking her out for it. That had shocked him and made him feel incredibly out of place once he stepped back from it. The good thing though, was he didn’t hate it. 
If anything he fell into it more and more each day. Initiating more and more like a nosy little puppy, chaste and gentle touches like fingers under shirts playing with her bracelets or adjusting the hair in her face . It felt a bit pathetic he wanted to touch her every day, if he was being honest. He’d also never felt so good with it. Her fingers tangled with his own little kisses that didn’t lead to anything other than a smile. 
He was fucked. A goner. He had become well and truly soft, obsessed, possessive, enamored with the girl he definitely shouldn’t. Sterling is still going to beat his ass, and Harry is going to let him. 
It was worth it.
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Gentle DabiHawks makes my heart go UMFFF💕
DabiHawks Rainy Day Together ☔️
Like imagine a rainy day at home - Hawks pulling a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven. He’s in his favorite pair of well loved sweatpants (the ugly grey ones with the grease stain on the left butt cheek) and he’s got his favorite album playing on the record player - slow and mournful. The apartment is sleepy and warm and the gentle sound of rain pattering against the window is so relaxing.
Dabi rolls off the couch and wipes sleep out of his eyes. He comes up behind Hawks and gives him a sleepy kiss on the cheek before grabbing the kettle and starting a pot of their favorite herbal tea. He’s wearing a strange combination of dark, fitted running leggings and a rejected t-shirt design from Hawks’ line of hero merch that features a derpy chibi illustration of Hawks’ sweet face. It’s a running joke between them that it’s the ugliest shirt in existence. Dabi is the only person on Earth who’s allowed to wear it.
Hawks swats Dabi away from the piping hot cookies on the counter (“you’ll burn yourself!”) and Dabi grins widely as he snatches up an oatmeal cookie anyway and then promptly burns the roof of his mouth (“I told you so!”).
They put on an old, syrupy romcom that they pretend to hate, picking apart the dialogue and the acting choices as they snack on cookies and tea. They slump into a comfortable position on the couch - Dabi’s long legs stretched across Hawks’ lap, Hawks’ hand resting on Dabi’s thigh. They snuggle up underneath an old purple throw blanket that a fan gifted Hawks when he was just starting out as a hero. He tucks the blanket around Dabi’s icy feet, reminiscing about how much the simple fan gift had meant to him when he had received it at 19 - he remembers how his heart had felt like it was glowing.
Their tiny black cat settles on Dabi’s chest and falls asleep to the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Hawks and Dabi’s eyes meet and they both grin at their sweet shelter cat as he purrs in his sleep.
Hawks can’t remember having ever been so happy before. Here he is - cuddled up with his little imperfect family, cozy and safe on a rainy day. He smiles and basks in the comfort and softness of it all. He squeezes Dabi’s thigh and thinks - even bad guys get happy endings, sometimes.
Thanks so much for reading!! HotWings 4ever 🔥❤️
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Ohhh would you be able to do one with reader helping George (long term partner) at the shop. He witnesses how she is with younger kids and just ✨️baby fever✨️ . Queue Fred teasing him about it.
I love this so much! Thank you for requesting it!
Baby Fever
George stood enthralled at the sight of Y/N sitting cross-legged on the floor, helping a couple of the younger kids pick out some age-appropriate items. One of them had crawled into her lap and was giggling at something she'd said.
Y/N and George had gotten married a little over six months ago, after five years together. They both wanted children, but they also wanted to enjoy married life for a year or two before starting a family.
George was beginning to think that was far too long to wait.
"Hey Georgie," Fred walked up beside him. "Wanna join us back down here on earth?"
"Oh, yeah. Sure. Be right there," George mumbled, his eyes still glued to his wife, who now had both kids sitting on her lap, all three in the throes of uncontrollable giggling.
Unable to pull his gaze away from his wife, the only coherent thought in George's brain at that moment was how much he wanted to watch his wife doing this with their children. His heart was almost bursting just thinking about it.
"She's good with kids," Fred observed. "Ready to pop one in the oven, yeah?"
That caught George's attention. "Pop one in the--?? What are you talking about?"
"Business is kinda slow today, I could let you two have the rest of the afternoon off." Fred waggled his eyebrows.
George opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by a customer approaching Fred asking about Skiving Snack Boxes.
"Right over here, my friend," Fred replied, giving George a quick wink before guiding the customer away.
"I think someone in this room, who will remain nameless, has baby fever." Fred teased. The store was closed, and the twins were working on some paperwork in the office before calling it a night.
"I have no idea what you're babbling on about." George commented.
"Oh no, of course not. There's no reason for you getting all starry-eyed every time Y/N was helping the little ones."
"It's just cute, is all." George argued.
"Uh-huh," Fred replied, a devilish grin on his face. "I'm your twin, remember. You can't hide from me."
George sighed and put down his pen. "Ok, fine. Maybe a little."
"I knew it!" Fred laughed. "And it's more than just a little. You were wandering around like Mr. Dopey McDope Face half the day."
George looked at his twin but said nothing and attempted to go back to his paperwork.
But Fred had other plans.
"Hey, what's that muggle poem?" Fred asked. "You know the one. 'George and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Georgie with a baby carriage.' "
"Who's got a baby carriage?" Y/N stepped through the doorway and headed straight to the safe to lock up the till.
"No one!" George answered just a little too quickly, earning a momentary cock of the eyebrow from his wife.
As soon as she turned her back, Fred put his arms together and began rocking them back and forth in a cradling motion, humming a wizarding lullaby.
"Shut up!" George hissed, slapping his brother in the arm.
"What's going on with you two?" Y/N turned around to take in the twins.
"Nothing," said George, his ears tinged pink.
"That's right," Fred concurred. "Nothing going on here."
"Right..." Y/N replied, absolutely certain there was something going on here. But whatever. She'd find out eventually. George couldn't keep a secret from her if his life depended on it. "I'm gonna go see if Verity needs any help and leave the two of you to continue doing nothing."
George watched his wife sleeping, the moonlight shining through the window, highlighting her soft features, making them almost dreamlike. He couldn't help but smile at that. From the moment they met, Y/N was like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.
Scooting closer, he pulled her into his arms. She mummered something but didn't wake up. George kissed the top of her head, then rested his cheek against it, thinking about what Fred had said.
His twin was right. George had baby fever, and he had it bad. All throughout dinner, he was silently picking out names, his mind swirling with thoughts of lullabies and diapers and his baby's laughter mingling with his and Y/N's.
He couldn’t envision a life more perfect.
Now, all he had to do now was find the right moment to tell Y/N that he was ready to start a family.
The house smelled divine when she woke up the next morning. George was already up and making his self-proclaimed "world famous" waffles. Y/N had been craving them for a while, and he'd promised to make them for her on their next day off.
"Anything in particular you'd like to do today, love?" George asked over breakfast.
"Well, I need to go shopping for a gift for Anna's baby shower."
"Ooh, that sounds fun!" George grinned. "Mind if I tag along?"
"Of course!" Y/N smiled at his unexpected enthusiasm. "I love your company."
It was the most fun Y/N'd had on a shopping excursion in quite a while. They looked at all the cribs and bassinets and talked about which ones they liked best, tried out different rocking chairs, and gushed over all the cute clothes and toys. It was almost as if they were the ones having the baby. Y/N left the store feeling hopeful that George might be ready to start a family.
Because that could be happening far sooner than either one had expected or intended.
Her period was late.
Very late.
She'd already bought several pregnancy tests and was just waiting for the right time to tell George.
Maybe tonight was the night.
George had put Y/N into a lovely bubble bath as soon as they got home, knowing she would soak for a long while, giving him time to think. Or panic.
After spending half the day looking at baby things, his baby fever had kicked in to overdrive. He knew before they even left the store that he was telling her tonight.
Pacing from one end of the living room to the other, George tried to figure out the best way to say what he needed to say.
"Y/N, I'm ready to start a family."
"I want to start a family, love."
"How do you feel about having a baby sooner than we planned?"
"If you're not ready, it's ok--"
"Georgie," Y/N's soft voice called to him from her bath.
As soon as George had left her to soak, Y/N quietly got out of the tub and grabbed the pregnancy test she'd snuck in.
On the way home, she'd decided it'd be best to take the test first to see she even needed to broach the subject.
After doing the deed, she slipped back into the bath, placing the test on the little table next to the tub, and attempted to relax for fifteen minutes.
It was the longest fifteen minutes of her life.
"Whatcha need, love?" George asked, coming into the bathroom.
"Can we talk? I have a bit of a surprise for you."
"Of course, darling. As it happens, I need to talk to you too," he said before he lost his nerve.
George sat next to the tub. "Which one of us should go first?"
"Umm, I don't know," Y/N began. "Maybe we can do it like they do in the movies. Say it at the same time."
"Ok," George said. "On the count of three?"
Y/N nodded.
"I'm pregnant."
"I'm ready to start a family."
"You want to--"
Y/N nodded as a wave of relief rolled through her.
"You're--" George repeated.
"Yes!" Y/N couldn't stop smiling.
"I--I'm gonna be a dad? And--and you're gonna be a mom?"
"Yes, Georgie," she giggled. "We're going to have a baby."
Before she realized what was happening, George had climbed into the bath, fully clothed, and pulled her into a bear hug.
After a few moments, he leaned back, his hands going straight to her belly. "We're gonna have a baby," he said again, his voice shaky, tears wetting his cheeks. "How long have you known?"
"Only a few minutes." She handed him the positive test.
"This is a dream come true, Y/N. I love you so much, sweetheart," he said as he pulled her into a kiss.
Seconds later, he suddenly broke away, eyes wide. "We've got to tell mum and dad and Fred and--"
Y/N silenced him with a kiss, finishing what they started.
"There's plenty of time for that, my love" she said when they pulled away. "But for now, why don't you get undressed and then get back in here with me. I want us to savor this moment, just you and me for a little while first."
George looked down at himself as if he just realized he was still fully clothed. "Oops," he said with a snort. "Got a little excited."
Y/N giggled affectionately. "I noticed."
Her husband stepped out of the bath and undressed, using his wand to magically clean up the mess before sliding back in behind Y/N.
"I love your idea, babe. Let's wait and tell everyone tomorrow. Tonight will be just for us. All three of us," he said, encompassing her belly with his large hands.
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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law-d-water-trafalgar · 10 months
🌠Fall From Heaven🌠
🍡Katakuri X F!Reader🍡
After this female fic i will ONLY be doing when i have time. Gn! Reader and M/M Reader X Character fics.
I reread this like over 10 times so forgive any mistakes please comment about plot errors and ill see about fixing them.
Summary: God of Skypeia, fallen to earth impacted a crator, fallen from heaven. You awaken in Big Mom's Territories only for.....
Comment or dm what direction the story should go? Is this fic any good?
Multi chapter -> Yes
Read time: Slow Reader -> 1 Hour/Fast Reader -> About 30 - 40 minutes
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You were flying down from Skypeia desperate to get to land to activate your waypoint, when you fell asleep. Been working yourself to the bone non stop havent slept in a week, now you had to find a husband. Giving the Skypeia people what they want. Causing you to fall like a meteor out of the sky landing into grass impacting like a crater close to a big building.
~Three Days Later~
Fluttering your eyes open you hear a womans voice yell
"Master Katakuri! Shes awake!" Sitting up you realize youve been changed from your short sleeve white and silver tasseled short dress robes from Skypeia into blood red silk pajamas. Looking around you see your in a fancy mansions bedroom room but everything is ginormous meaning the walls, furniture and ceiling.
'Does a gaint live here?' you think as you hear a knock on the door sliding out of the enormous bed.
"Yes?" You answer. The door opens as your pick up your headphones putting them on. Turning around you see a very very tall man probably around fourteen or fifteen feet tall wearing all black vest with it unbuttoned showing off his chest and abs, black leather pants, black boots with cowboy spurs, his mouth covered in a black and white fur scarf, also he has pink tattoos.
"Your finally awake (N) The Electric God. I have to take you to see Mama. Get ready"
"Wait whats your name?" You ask.
"Charlotte Katakuri" He turns and leaves closing the enormous door. Changing into your Skypiea robes clipping your golden crown to your handphones putting them on. You head out the door and a servant leads you to Katakuri in the living room. All the furniture was enormous. You transform your size to ten foot tall, since you were made out of electricity you could grow or shrink sizes but your biggest was a ten foot tall limit. You accommodate yourself to the size of the furniture and sit on a chair across from him. Him seemingly not phased by your size change.
"How long was I-" He cuts you off.
"Three days" He says staring at you.
"Ahh You have future sight th-"
"Yes" He responds.
"You could at least let me finish my sentences." you say crossing your arms pouting.
"Allright any more questions?" he asks as you respond.
"Im assuming your the one who saved me?" You ask as he nods his head yes, somehow his scarf still covering his mouth.
"Awe well thank you You could have just killed me in my venerable state." you smile at him as he tenses up.
"Why so tense Katakuri? I am not an enemy even if I am a Yonko" stating you stand as well as him.
"Im fine. Mama said to keep you safe. Lets go" he says walking out of the room as you follow him. Following Katakuri to the throne room you look out windows in ah at the kingdom. He slows down for you to cetch up as you assume his silblings walk past. You had researched Big Moms territory before heading out but had exhausted yourself before you fell out of the sky. Once to the throne room you assume Big Mom had allready been briefed on your awakening. Katakuri, Perospero and Oven were standing listening to the conversation.
'They must have the big bounties around me to make sure I dont declare war or let me escape or something.' you think as Big Mom speaks.
"What brings you here Electric God Yonko, Queen of Skypiea?" Mama asks as you respond.
"Ah so youve done your research Linlin good to know. Makes things easier for me to talk about. I am here for marriage on behalf of my people. They wish to see me married. Though I have my reservations and conditions." Stating she says
"Linking to all of Skypiea would open up a lot of possibilities for the Big Mom pirates along with your technology. How old are you if I may ask?" She asks.
"Ahh, I must admit having another Yonko and Logia type spouse would benefit the Big Mom pirates as well." She states as you nod in agreement.
"So what are your conditions?" She asks you.
"Courtship of at least three months. Staying here and in Skypiea an equal amount of time. What I say goes regarding while in Skypiea. I may have the freedom to come and go as I please while in any part of your territory." She looks upset.
"Thats too much!" she sqeals
"Well those are my conditions since, I now have a waypoint of yours I can just teleport back to Skypiea if you dont agree with my terms." You stand firm smiling liking this banter as the others watch you, tensed when you say youd escape.
"Soul or death?" Linlin asks as you scof
"Dont waste my time Linlin" You state crossing your arms. After a minute of nothing happening she seems to think as the others in the room seemed shocked and tense that your not afraid of their mother.
"Im not budging on my conditions" you say uncrossing your arms. She deep sighs and says
"Very well Ill accept your terms. Allow me to draw up a candidate for you Yonko of the sky. Meanwhile you must stay put at Katakuri's home. Itll take one week" She admits defeat. With everyones mouths dropped open except Katakuri's at your successful bartering you nod and say
"Thank you Big Mom. Glad to know your so..... flexible."
"Katakuri you will watch her for the week make sure she doesnt escape. Take her away now." Big Mom grumbled.
"Yes Mama" he says then leading you out of the throne room as you look through the windows again on the way back.
"Your not very talkative are you?" Asking Katakuri.
"No" he responds as he opens the door of his mansion for you.
"Thanks" saying as you walk into his mansion.
"Make her some food" Katakuri says to the kitchen staff as your stomach grumbles. Giggling
"Its gonna take a little bit to get used to you" saying to Katakuri as he heads off with you following into his office. You sit in a chair as he sits at his desk writing on paperwork you assume. You start floating because of your electricity as you relax while singing Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues (Lyric Video) ft. Grimes
He seems to relax as well eventually as its now noon. You stop floating when you hear the staff. The kitchen staff comes inside the room setting up gaint food but small relative to your gaint body now, onto the table in front of you. Everything from desert to breakfast was placed on the table. Smiling you chirp
"Thank you" to the staff as they dont say a word and leave making you worry you have done something wrong. About to ask him if you did anything wrong he says
"You didnt do anything wrong. They are told not to speak." you hear from him as you start with the fruit.
"Everything tastes soo sweet here haha but I unfortunately cant eat all of this. Dont you want some too Katakuri?" you giggle as you eat some handmade deserts then a chocolate doughnut. He freezes at your voice saying
"Im not hungry" then continues writing on his paperwork.
'Man this is gonna be boring' you rest your palm to your face elbow on the chair as you go into a food coma. Suddenly waking up after hours of sleep you realize your in bed again but still in your robes under the blankets.
'He must have carried me to bed the staff are too small to carry my big self' a blush rises to your cheeks.
~A Whole Week Later~
You and Katakuri didnt talk much, as he was to just keep you from escaping with his future sight haki. He would always dissapear around mid day though for what you couldnt possibly know since he was supposed to be watching you.
Back in Big Moms throne room. Katakuri standing next to you and Perospero further behind you.
"Katakuri step forward" Confused you see him step forward then tense up, while you wait for Mamas response.
"You will be (N's) candidate for courtship, Perospero will draw up the papers" Mama says as you blush hoping noone could see you.
"Are you sure Mama?" he asks like it was a mistake.
"There is no mistake Katakuri. (N) do you accept this proposition?" She asks as you respond
"Yes thats fine with me it has been an intresting week so far anyways hehe" you giggle as she smiles
"Gather what you need Katakuri you will both start courting immediately starting in Skypiea first thing tomorrow. Perospero take on Katakuri's job, while their away on Skypiea. Is that fine with you (N)?" She asks as you cross your arms then shrug.
"Yes Mama" Perospero says from behind you.
"Its not like I have a choice anymore. I used up my bargaining chips allready you know that better than anyone Linlin" You say as she laughs.
"Sharp as ever (N). Wait in the hallway while I talk to my son." She asks as you nod then head out to the hallway not really caring what they talk about as your easy going. Looking out a floor to ceiling length window at the kingdom your patiently waiting for what seems like awhile as you lean on the wall your ten foot tall self relaxed. Suddenly the door opens revealing Katakuri as he walks up to you.
"Lets go" was the only thing he said as you obey walking behind him. Following him back to his house. Your both in the living room when you get a call on your snail phone. Answering it cheerfully
"Hello this (N)"
"Ahh hi Kai whatsup?"
"I allready told you this is not a vacation" You huff
"Send the troops to take care of it. Yes ive found a suitor. Ive been just fine they've taken care of me yes. Well be headed there tomorrow morning."
"Its really cool here. Theres all kinds of people here."
"Dont embarrass me when we get there okay."
"Tell the chefs to get prepared in the morning to start practicing recipes that ill have them cook or bake for my suitor in the morning"
"Okay bye now see you soon."
*Click* Putting the small snail phone into your pocket your startled by Katakuri's voice.
"Whose Kai?" he asks
"Ah finally intrested in my life now I see haha. Kai is my childhood best friend and part of my personal knights squadron at my palace" You giggle as you put both hands behind your head yawning.
"Hey have you been putting me in my room this whole week when I fell asleep somewhere?" You raise an eyebrow as he responds
"Awe how sweet of you" Giggling you place your hands back into your lap.
"Oh before I forget have your chefs write down any recipes and give them to me, for what food you like to eat and drink." he nods then pulls out a snail phone
"I need you to write down the recipes, and bring it to my mansion before tomorrow morning."
*click* he puts the snail phone away as you notice him shift his weight in his chair.
"Is there anything else I should know about you Katakuri? I know your mouth is a sensitive topic but just know I fully respect you and your decisions." He seems to tense up at your words but says
"Thank you and I just need my paperwork" he says the tips of his ear turning red.
'Hes so cute when hes shy! I didnt think this billion berry man to have a sweet side ... though he is a Sweets Commander after all' You think as he stands and walks to his office as you follow. Looking out the window shows day turning to night time. After some time...
"Allright im headed to bed goodnight Katakuri. Have the deliverer leave the papers on my bed"
"Goonight (n)" Giggling you ran to your room and once you threw the silk pjs on the bed hopping on it you shrank in size back to your normal size. Having holding your bigger size takes some of your power but only very little since you are a Yonko after all. Changing into the clothes you soon pass out. Night becoming morning as the suns rays poke through the window waking you. With groggy eyes you stir sitting up seeing a stack of papers on your bed at the foot. Getting dressed in your special silver robes putting on your headphones, white boots and golden crown you go to the papers there your small size so you read through them.
'Ahh so he loves doughnuts and tea how cute' you think as a knock comes from your room door.
"Yes?" you say as the door opens to reveal your suitor he says
"We better get going" he states as he approaches your bed. Sliding to the edge of the ginormous bed that would most likely fit him, you expand in size to your ten foot self to accommodate him. You hear
"How did you sleep?" emanate from him. Turning to give him a smile you beam at him
"I slept like a rock. Also Katakuri I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. Even though it was your job." He just nods in affirmation then says
"Your welcome. Are you ready?" him holding a duffle bag slung over a shoulder. Standing you gather the papers from the bed as you nod opening your pocket dimension made of electricity (like Doctor Stranges portals but it leads into a private bedroom dimension) you set the papers down on the desk then emerge out of your pocket dimension as it closes. He seems shocked for once.
"I can create a pocket dimension with my electricity though, it only has my private bedroom in it" Your answer seems to sedate his appetite as he nods.
"Allright lets go!" squealing you grab his hand and point upwards with the other hand. Transforming into electricity you teleport the both of you to the steps of your palace. Turning back into regular form of your ten foot self letting go of his hand you open the doors yelling
"Im back!" Suddenly the staff and two of your personal knights Dido and Kai with devil fruit powers come to greet you.
"Your back my queen! The queens back everyone!" Kai yells. Smiling at your trusted servants, their used to you changing sizes. Gesturing to Katakuri you introduce him to everyone at once.
"This is Charlotte Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he saved me when I first got to the land of Totto. He will be my suitor treat him well or your fired. Always knock on his door no matter what he likes his privacy." All your staff and knights nod as you go to the kitchen while Katakuri is led to his room to unpack, across from yours, Knights gaurding the doors. Opening your portal grabbing the recipe papers you hand them to the chefs
"I expect perfection by midday." As you turn around Katakuri is staring at you. Taken aback a little as you didnt hear him.
"Haha silent and deadly I see" You giggle as your personal knight Kai frowns but remains quiet probably gauging Katakuri like he gauges anyone who come to the palace. Headed to your bigger office you sit in the huge chair as Katakuri sits also, meanwhile Kai stands at attention in half mail suit of armor. Dido patrolling the halls.
"Oh before I forget you may roam the islands if you want Katakuri but id like to show you around myself tomorrow. To tour all the islands would take about a week"
"Allright I will wait for you." he says as you feel Kai look shocked that Katakuri spoke. Kai being of normal size. You have Observation Haki as well just yours is feeling others and where and who they are though, while your relaxed though you could get spooked. Starting on paperwork you size up your reading glasses put them on and begin paperwork as youve been lacking for a soild week. Katakuri finishes his paperwork that he brought. At mid day Katakuri dissapears as you stand entering the kitchen.
"So hows everything going? You all better have prepared everything." Kiki your head chef nods saying
"Everything is prepared your highness." She says.
"Allright Dido said he was roaming around outside go take it to him continue this schedule while he is here. Actually ill take it out to him Kiki" You grab the enormous basket and head out of the palace with Kai following you. Once you see his Mochi house it clicks in your mind
'He must be extremely sensitive about his face' you think as his voice emanates from the mochi house.
"Leave it there" you hear as you set the basket of huge ass doughnuts and tea pot with cup down.
"I like your lil house. Anyways my chefs tried their best to mimic your regular doughnuts and tea. Let me know if anything is wrong Katakuri"
"Thank you (N)" he says as you and Kai leave back into the palace to your office while your chefs bring your regular tea and tuna sushi and cake. After eating you put on your reading glasses again and continue working. after awhile
"(N) Why would you invite someone like him here?" Kai asks as you feel Katakuris gaze on you both through a cracked door.
"Kai your on thin ice this is your only warning. He isnt bad if I hear one more negative comment your fired. Besides I actually like him even if he is quiet." Kai frowns as you finish your sentence then shrink down to his size putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him everything was fine.
"(N) I must confess to you I love you. I have ever since we were children. Please break the courtship and be mine? What can that monster offer you anyways?!" he leans in to kiss you almost landing it when you pull back slapping him in the face it echoing off the walls.
"Thats it youve tested my patience Kai! Your fired! Pack your things and leave the Palace at once. I wont stand for such talk about my suitor. You disgust me judging him when you dont even know him. This is why I wont be yours you judge others without knowing who they really are. I wont cheat on him with anyone! I may not know him that well yet but I do know he is so sweet and kind in his own ways. Unlike you. Now leave before I hurt you" you say somewhat yelling as you size up to ten feet again pointing out of the opposite door that Katakuri was behind. Throwing your hands to your face rubbing your face. After five minutes of Kai leaving Katakuri knocks on the door. Looking up you see him enter the room closing the door then sit on the sofa.
"How much did you see Katakuri?" You stare at him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. Shocked you reply
"It pains me to throw him out but I cannot have a knight whose in love with me. This is the first I've heard of it" You admit as he says
"Im not experienced with romantic feelings..So I cannot comment..." he trails off the tips of his ears turning red.
'Awee hes so shy its so cute!' You think as he asks
"Did you really mean everything you said?"
"I meant every word Katakuri. Lieing isnt my strong suit." He stares at you seemingly looking for insincerity but finds none. Unable to help the tears bursting from your innards, silent sobs came from your frame as you placed your face in your hands. After a minute, you feel yourself be picked up and placed on a bigger lap. Knowing its Katakuri, you bury your face on his scarf muffling your cries your hands resting in balls on his chest. Him unmoving. You feel him tense slightly as he turns his head to the cracked door suddenly wrapping his arms around your back. He turns his head back to you as your cries slowed then halted.
"How do you feel now?" you hear as you pull away to meet his face. (C) eyes meet magenta eyes as you realize your position making heat rise to your cheeks. "I feel embarrassed honestly. I had told him to not embarrass me..."
"Do you have many ... loyal... subjects?" he pauses at loyal which makes your face contort into a frown.
"Im so sorry about him Katakuri. I promise there will not be anymore surprises. Your not a monster either im so sorry you had to endure that. Also no hes the only one I believe." Saying he unwraps his arms from you, seeing beforehand that you were going to get up off him. Looking at his magenta eyes saying
"Thank you very much for comforting me Katakuri. It means a lot." Him just nodding as you sit at your desk again. After awhile you hear your kitchen staff knock on the door unmoving you could tell it was just Kiki with your afternoon tea.
"Come in" you coo not looking back as she opens the door revealing a gaint teapot and gaint tea cups. Kiki had a devil fruit that exclusively lets her change size whenever she wants allowing her to go up to nine feet tall. So she can use the big side of the kitchen. She places the teapot and cups on the glass table in front of Katakuri which was some feet away from you.
"Thank you Kiki"
"Of course (N)-Sama. I shall take my leave now." She says as she walks out closing the door with a click. After a couple minutes
"Did you not enjoy the tea in your mochi house? How were the doughnuts also?" Questioning him he replies
"They were delicious not quite the same as Totto lands but still good. The tea complemented them."
"You may drink if your thirsty. I wont look, im too busy with paperwork." Saying you feel him tense up at your words.
"I promise Katakuri" Enforcing your words you could hear him pull down his scarf and sip the tea." Keeping your word you keep your eyes on your papers as you feel his gaze on you the entire time.
'I wonder what he really looks like. Dammit im so curious!' You think but keep your word.
"Im done." You hear him say as you finish writing your sentence then turn to the table pouring yourself a cup of tea sighing then sitting back in your chair setting your teacup on your desk.
"Whats wrong?" you hear emanate from him.
"Should I implement the Eye For An Eye law or not?" You feel him stand and walk over to you as he asks
"May I?" pointing to the paper to which you nod. He picks up the paper reading it then says
"Usually Mamas children are in charge of punishing others. Though in your case, I would inact it to prevent travelers from harming your citizens. What if travelers come to wreak havoc? Without this law it would leave your citizens vulnerable." He states as you nod then sigh
"Your right Katakuri. Id hate for something to happen to my citizens." You sign off on the document stand holding the paper, then call for your other personal knight Dido. Katakuri goes back to sitting in his chair.
Knocking on the closed door you say
"Come in." Revealing Dido
"Milady you called. Where is Kai? Milady you must not be unsupervised"
"Yes rush over to the law building to have this inacted right away. Kai? I had to fire him he crossed the line between professionalism and personal affairs. Dont worry Dido I have Katakuri here to protect me. Hurry along and turn that law in then come back." You say shrinking the document for Dido. He salutes then closes the door with a click. Katakuri raises an eyebrow which you notice but dont look at him.
"Is it often that your subordinates talk back to you?" Katakuri asks with concern in his voice and maybe distain.
"My subordinates are my family and yes they have the rights to ask questions and talk back. I dont want to be a dictator like your mother." He tchs at your sentence before you say it crossing his arms staying silent.
'That must have struck a nerve. I better apologize.' thinking as you say.
"Im sorry to call out your mother but its not like its not true is it? Shes know far and wide for her wrath and dictatorship." He just nods staying silent as you sigh. You head to the kitchen smelling a wonderful aroma with him tailing you.
"I assume youll want to eat in your room tonight?" You ask him as he nods silently. Opening the kitchen door you announce your presence to your staff.
"Hello everyone whats cookin?" Kiki turns to you saying
"A full three course meal and his chosen desert for your suitor along with one of your favorite deserts (n)- Sama" She says as she continues cooking with the rest of the staff.
"Allright good work everyone. Katakuri will dine in his room tonight remember to knock first."
"Okay (N)-Sama!" They all cheerfully say as you go back to your study. Soon its dinner time. Katakuri retires to his room as you stay in your study/office leaving the door cracked as always you hear a knock then Kiki enters the room with a cart of food. She places the dishes on the glass table as you stand thanking her as she exits the room closing the door. Salad, sushi and chocolate cake for desert. Once finished eventually Kiki comes back to collect the dishes.
"Tell the staff to retire early tonight and wake earlier tomorrow to practice making doughnuts for Katakuri any left overs they may eat as usual."
"Yes milady" She says taking out the cart closing the door. Working late into the night you feel disheartened that youve barely made a dint in the paperwork. Eventually you pass out head hitting the desk pen in hand.
~The Next Morning~
Flickering your groggy eyes open.
"Ahh back in bed Katakuri must have put me back in bed again." Getting up you shower, brush your teeth, use the bathroom, then put on a different set of robes with silver tassels. You put on your headphones with crown. Headed to your office you open the door revealing Katakuri sitting reading a book. You noticing it's one of your romance novels. Blushing you ask
"Do you like romance novels?" You ask him as he looks up to you
"Im indifferent on them, I thought I would do research." he says with one leg over the other flipping down the corner of the page he was reading. As you go to your desk looking it over.
Deciding you need a break you turn to him
"Wanna see the islands today?"
"Thats what you said yesterday." He replies.
"Okay DIDO COME HERE!" You yell as Dido enters through the open doors.
"Yes milady?"
"Accompany us to see the islands today." He nods as you walk out of your study with both of them in tow. Outside the palace you grab both their hands and teleport to the first island.
"Welcome to Fluff Island the main tourist destination Island" Dido says mainly to Katakuri. You all were teleported to the top of the stairs of where the air ship would have landed.
"This way!" You excitedly chirp walking down the stairs. Suddenly you felt your foot slip about to fall but feel an arm around your waist steading you.
"Watch yourself" Blushing, you hear Katakuri say as he releases his grip on you.
"Thanks I think am too excited. I havent had to give a tour in many years, mainly due to how hard it is to get here from the sea." Laughing you are more careful down the stairs.
"Allright Welcome to Fluff Island the biggest island of my nation" Intrigued he asks
"Whats the population?"
"Around one million people live here." You explain as one of the citizens comes up to you.
"Im impressed. Thats a lot of people." He says.
"(N)-Sama there are pirates attacking the capital!" A lady yells up to you as you hold onto Didos and Katakuri's hands you teleport to the capital building with the bank right across from it. You all see havoc as the Beast pirates were attacking the bank and capital building. Immediately going into action you create a lightning bolt grab and throw it as it splits into multiple bolts frying the pirates bodies into ash as you target and attack mercilessly.
"Whose your captain?!" you yell enraged as the citizens try to fight back.
"That would be me!" You turn to see King of the Beast pirates.
"Kaido sends his regards!" King yells down to you as he looks to see Katakuri.
"What are you doing here Katakuri of Big Moms pirates?" King asks him.
"I am (N)'s suitor. The Big Moms pirates and Skypiea are about to become one. You sure you want to continue?" you hear Katakuri say as you split to attack the smaller pirates who were pillaging your precious capital.
"I will alert Kaido of the situation but I must complete my mission here." After most of the pirates are ashes you look to King and Katakuri who have been locked in battle.
"King you can tell Kaido to shove it up his ass! I dont want a war!" You say throwing a bolt of lightning which he dodges.
"(N) lets take this to the sky" King says as you flap out electric wings. An unhappy Katakuri as he cant fly watches you.
"Katakuri help protect my citizens please." You say to him as you take off higher in the sky. Turning into your god form with wisps of clouds around your nape you encapsulate you and King within an electric cage to prevent him from escaping feeling Katakuris eyes on you. (Like Doflamingo's bird cage your cage but a sphere and it also shrinks faster though) After some clashes of sword to electric sword King says
"Kaidos going to hear about your union with the Big Mom pirates. You were supposed to have union with the Beast pirates"
"Fine by me! And im never going to side with you animals!" You yell as you teleport behind him frying off his mask revealing his face. He seems agitated as he lashes behind him but you teleport again. Slowly chipping away at his ego you slash at him with an opening wounding him easily. Teleporting behind him again you grab his left wing and slash at his joint where the wing meets his back ripping off his wing making him fall to the clouded ground blood everywhere. Dropping to the ground floating slightly above the ground you stab King in his liver as hes down making him yell out in pain. Slicing your sword out of his body you feel Katakuris eyes on you.
"Tell Kaido to never come back!" Picking up King off the floor as hes bleeding out as you teleport to the edge of Skypeia and throw King off the edge. Teleporting back you turn back into your normal gaint self and scan the damage. Katakuri has finished off the rest of the Beast pirates.
"Citizens gather round!" you yell as they crowd calms down in the plaza listening to their ruler.
"King of the Beast pirates was the one to attack us. For now clean up the wreckage and rebuild. I have dealt with the problem for now. If there are any more problems call the emergency line to the palace and I will come. I will have a commander, supplies and knights come to gaurd the capital."
"Dido stay here for today and answer any questions that the citizens may have. Help them rebuild also.You can take it from here. Call up a squadron of knights to help out and call builders to help rebuild."
"Yes milady" Dido says as he pulls out a snail phone calling. Turning to Katakuri you speak
"Its around mid day lets go back to the palace to eat then ill continue the tour which will probably take a week to complete." He nods and grabs your hand gently as you teleport inside the palace to your office. Letting go of his big hand you head to the kitchen opening the double swing doors.
"Is everything ready?" Kiki turns to you with a big basket of doughnuts saying
"These should be better than the first batch (N)-Sama." You take the basket and tea pot but Katakuri takes the basket off your hand so you just take the teapot and tea cup.
"Thank you everyone!" As you walk out side he follows you. Him making his mochi house setting the basket inside as he takes the tea pot and cup he says
"Thank you for accommodating me (N)" His sentence makes you beam at him smiling making his ears turn red.
"Of course silly I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. And I should be thanking you for helping me during the fight."
"Anyways I hope you enjoy your quiet time. Ill be in my office eating." He nods stepping into his mochi hut closing the door. Teleporting to your office you start on paperwork while Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in"
Kiki enters and places your sushi down with some tea.
"Thank you Kiki cutie~" You can tell shes blushing as she always does when you call her pet names.
"Go have a break and eat with the staff."
"Yes (N)-Sama" she chimes happily and rolls the cart out as you eat lunch. Once finished you go back to working as eventually you feel Katakuri enter the palace headed to your office. Knocking you say
"Come in Katakuri" He enters the room closing the door sitting in his chair as Kiki knocks on the door
"Come in" Kiki enters taking the plates and tea set leaving the room and closing the door.
"Katakuri how was your treats and tea this time?" You ask him as hes sitting with a leg crossed over the other in his chair.
"They were better than the last batch. Thank you." You nod stretching then standing.
"Shall we continue the tour?" Asking he responds
"Yes im very intrested."
"Yay! Me too!" you giggle then hold his hand teleporting to Fluff Island on the beach this time. You release his hand and run into the sea of clouds. Floating on the sea clouds Katakuri sits on the beach while some of your citizens come up to the foam of the beach yelling for you.
"(N)-Sama! How are you?!" Noticing them you swim back to the beach getting out. It was a group of children shrinking to your adult small regular size they glomp you making you fall over laughing.
"Hello everyone haha!" you pet their heads and some ask you.
"(N)-Sama whose that?" they point at Katakuri.
"He is my suitor everyone say hi to Katakuri" all the children say
"Hello Katakuri" at the same time. He chuckles seemingly amused at your interaction between the children.
"Hello" he replies to them as they wave.
"Allright allright thats enough children. I have to show him around Skypeia still" They all whine getting off of you while you stand. Allright go back to playing kids" They wave at you as you size up and start walking with Katakuri following beside you. You walk with him through the boardwalk with rides and everything as citizens look at you both occasionally waving, you waving back smiling. Walking to the gaint airship you both sit as you ride the technologically advanced machine ship to the next island.
"Welcome to Pearl Island Katakuri. This is where our science team develops weapons among other devices and technology for our military and citizens. I bet your going to have to report about all this to Big Mom but im not worried." you say with a smile entering the science building that was enormous. Tall enough for Katakuri to stand comfortably. Walking to the high tech room you knock on the soild steel door.
"This is (N) open up" suddenly the gate opens and a scientist greets you.
"(N)-Sama welcome back. And who is this with you?"
"This is Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he is my suitor. Were touring all the islands." The scientist nods glancing up at Katakuri's face then leading you both to the experiment room.
"We have been developing a teleportation door so citizens can go to other islands quicker than the airships. We have allready finished the door and it works perfectly. We are going to implement it on Sundial Island where the military base is soon as next week. Then we have developed a Particle beam cannon thats portable that shoots an electric beam to harm attackers. We just finished Particle pistols as well. Were in development of suits for the knights and troops that will improve training their haki by fifty percent." You feel Katakuri tense up at the scientists words but choose to ignore it.
"Excellent work tell the rest of the team they can have one week off to spend time with their families. Add creating a solar power generator to make electricity for each city to the list. Once back from vacation make sure everyone goes hard on developing the rest of the list. We will take our leave now to continue the tour." The scientist nods
"As you wish (N)-Sama im sure the team will thank you have fun you two." He waves as you nod and start walking out of the science building. Walking with Katakuri beside you you ask
"So what do you think so far Katakuri?" he looks at you smiling at him hands behind your back.
"I think Mama will be happy about the technology you have here. Implementing them at Wholecake Island and the rest of the territories would greatly improve the civilian and military lives." You giggle at his words.
"Thats not what I asked cutie. I asked what do YOU think of it?" Seeing heat in his ears he answers
"Im very impressed by your technologies and rulership... Your a kind ruler."
"Awee hehe thank you I try" you say back as you both sit in the air ship headed to Floral Island.
"Well be arriving at Floral Island soon."
You say as he nods waiting to land.
"What is this ship powered by?" He asks
"Electricity. Every so often I have to go to the battery coil for the nation and give my electricity to the coil battery. If your good I may show you hehe" You giggle as some citizens glance back at you both murmuring about you both him rasing an eyebrow. Once to Floral Island you stand walking onto the island then say
"This is the romance Island since there are so many flowers. This will be the last island for today." You say as you ask
"Do you have a favorite flower Katakuri?"
"No." He replies as he walks beside you into the enormous glass green house. After awhile Katakuri was dragging behind you.
"(N)." You hear your name turning around you see Katakuri holding a flower out to you his ears red as you blush taking the flower holding it close to your chest.
"Thank you Katakuri its beautiful" You say as you go over and give him a quick hug. You giggle at his red ears him looking to the side.
"Whats so funny?" He asks crossing his arms.
"Nothing your just cute when you blush." He blushes deeper looking at you with slightly wider eyes then returns to normal. Headed to the beach you both sit staring at the sunset as you both see couples holding hands and kissing. You yawning he speaks
"Lets head back" Your stomach rumbles as he stands holding out a hand to you. Taking his hand helping you up you say
"Thank you and allright lets go." He holds out his hand as you take it teleporting to your office. Conveniently Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in" Saying as you release Katakuri's hand, she walks in with your dinner as Katakuri leaves to his room. After eating you work on paperwork till you pass out again.
~Seven Days Later~
During the week Katakuri would put you in your bed every night, because you would over work yourself and pass out at your desk. He finished that romance novel and would read through your other romance novels. Hes become more talkative slowly. Every day youd look at the flower Katakuri gave you but its wilted now and the maid threw it out after a week. Today is the last day touring the Sky Islands.
"Are you ready Katakuri?" You ask as he nods yes.
"Today Ill take you to the military base on Sundial Island." You hold out your hand as he stands walking over grabbing your hand. Teleporting to Sundial Island in front of the base he lets go of your hand, catching some stares you both walk up to the training squad. The squadron salutes you them all saying
"(N)-Sama" at the same time.
"At ease everyone this is a social call. Sky Commander Riko hows everyone doing?"
"They all are passing their marks and enduring gravity training very well. milady" He says in a white and silver uniform. (That looks like a police uniform but white and silver)
"The science devision is on a one week break but once they resume they will be implementing special suits to increase haki use by fifty percent for the military devision."
"Ouu thats exciting milady good to know thank you. Whose this with you?"
"Ah this is Katakuri my suitor from the Big Mom pirates hes the number one Sweets Commander of whole cake Island. Todays the last day touring all the islands. Katakuri this is Riko hes also a logia type." You state smiling.
"Nice to meet a fellow commander sir" Riko says saluting as Katakuri retorts
"Likewise" You wave at Riko and head into the base with Katakuri beside you. Luckily the base is enormous so size so doors arnt a problem. Your immediately greeted by Koko, Kikis twin but who has a different devil fruit used for fighting.
"Hello (N)-Sama nice to see you who is this?"
"Hey Koko. This is Katakuri first Sweets Commander from the Big Mom pirates and my suitor. Were finishing the tour of the islands today. Get me Jozu will you?" She nods and after a short amount of time, Jozu and Koko walks up to you he stands at ten foot tall naturally.
"Im training a squadron right now. I made them take a break. What do you need (N)-Sama?" Gesturing to Katakuri you say
"Jozu this is Katakuri the first Sweets Commander and my suitor from the Big Mom pirates. I just wanted you both to meet. Katakuri this is my First Sky Commander of Skypeia. Hes also a logia type." Jozu holds out his hand to shake Katakuris hand. They shake hands as Katakuri says
"Nice to meet you"
"Likewise if your staying in Skypeia for awhile maybe we can spar eachother or you could spar with Riko or Suna hes the Second Sky Commander and Suna's the Third Sky Commander Haha" Jozu chuckles.
"Perhaps ill take you up on that offer, it depends on what (N) says." Katakuri looks to you.
"That is fine just dont kill eachother and not today though. Just let me know so I can watch. Ill let you get back to training Jozu"
"Of course (N)-Sama. See you both later." Jozu walks off while Koko says
"So is there anything you wish to know Katakuri sir?" She says with a smile.
"What kind of weapons do the normal troops use? How many commanders are there?" He asks quizzically.
"The normal troops carry electric swords that are able to be recharged. The advanced troops use sea prism granades that when explode release shards of sea prism and a electric shock around them. Also they have electric swords and electric guns that shoot electric bullets to paralyze and hit far enemies. All troops in our military use haki and are trained to the advanced haki stages regardless if they have devil fruits or not. There are twenty Sky Commanders but only the top ten train squadrons. The top three Sky Commanders are as follow First is Jozu, Second is Riko, Third is Suna. Today is Suna's day off however. Jozu is a metal logia type. Riko is a gravity logia type. And Suna is a wind logia type." Koko finishes her speech.
"I see thank you Koko" he says then you say
"Yes thank you Koko we will be touring the base so you are free to go now."
"Yes (N)-Sama" She says as she goes back to probably paperwork. Walking around the base you tell Katakuri that the bottom ten Sky Commanders patrol ten different Sky Islands unfortunately their wasnt a commander at the capital but they have hence switched up patrols so that the strongest Sky Commander in the bottom ten is at the capital now. You talk about the advanced technology and how each troop and commander has the white version of electric boots to fly up to hundred feet in the air.
"Your military is so well organized and obedient." he says
"Why thank you Katakuri that means a lot since, I basically built everything from the ground up." Smiling at him he says
"Its time to head back." he says as your stomach growls you giggle.
"I dont know if ill ever get used to your haki but yea lets go eat then continue the tour" He holds out his hand allready used to your touch to teleport as you take hold of his hand you teleport to your office as Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in Kiki" You say as Katakuri heads outside to make his mochi hut.
"Hello (N)-Sama here is lunch" She sets down the tuna sushi, chop sticks and tea. Then she leaves closing the door. Once finished you continue your paperwork. After awhile,
"Dido!" You yell as you hear the door open turning you see Katakuri and Dido.
"Yes milady?"
"Here take these papers and deliver them to the proper places today." You state shrinking the papers handing them to him.
"Yes milady. Oh when are you going to find a replacement knight? You really shouldnt be alone."
"Dont worry Dido im working on it. Katakuri's here also dont forget that. Now hurry and deliver the papers."
"Yes (N)-Sama" He says then heads out of the door closing the door. Putting your reading glasses on your desk you turn to Katakuri asking
"Are you ready to continue? Were almost done." He nods as you both stand then you open the door walking out of the palace with Katakuri following you.
"Where are we going next?" He asks as you reply
"First lets go back to Sundial Island. I want to give you a present." He looks shocked before you finish your sentence heat rose to his ears.
"Allright" He says holding out his hand as you grab his hand teleporting to the front door of the military base. With him following you, you both walk into the military base. Koko spies you both walking up to you as she mainly does paperwork in her glass office by the front door.
"Hello (N)-Sama. What brings you in here again?" She asks
"Could you get me an extra pair of Flight boots in black? Then replace them from the science devision once their back from vacation and say sorry for me"
"Yes (N)-Sama." Koko walks off then comes back after ten minutes holding black winged boots handing the small boots to you.
"Luckily we just got in these brand new from the science devision a couple day ago (N)-Sama."
"Thanks Koko do you have a message for your sister?"
"Oh yes (N)-Sama! Please ask her out to lunch this Wednesday for me?"
"Ill let her know Koko see ya"
"Goodbye (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama" She says as you both walk out onto the beach.
"You dont have to take your boots off Katakuri just step into these as I size them up" As you enlarge the boots with your electricity they puff up then shrink around his spurs seemlessly.
"Are these ones different than the white versions?" You hear him ask. As you stand up you look into his eyes.
"Yes these are the upgraded version. These ones dont have a flight limit and can fly as far as you want until the batteries run out. Ill charge them for you when were back at Whole Cake Island if you want to use them."
"Thank you (N)" You beam up at him seeing his ears turn red saying
"You are my suitor. Its no problem at all Katakuri. Besides you cant get to the battery coil without flying. Also I can't teleport to the battery coil because of the type of technology used, id mess it up and it would probably explode." You smile upward at him.
"I see. How do you activate these?" He asks as you reply.
"Theres a seemless button on the inside ankle on both boots. My troops can fly with just one boot but since your so tall youd need both boots." You lean down pressing both buttons activating them.
"Ill just wait until you get the hang of them before we head out." You say as he starts hovering above the ground.
"Have you ever skated before its kinda like that but you skate upwards to fly." You say sitting down silver tassels flowing around you due to your electricity. Katakuri walking around trying to skate.
"Here let me give you a lesson lets first skate forward then backwards then left then right." He copies your movements.
"Now skating upwards." Still obeying you. After about an hour or so your guessing he seems to have gotten the hang of skate flying. As you were sitting he flies up to you.
"Im ready now." He says floating above the cloud ground with his black winged boots with spurs. You float above the ground then start hovering taking a path around the military base to a cloudless sky with a whinding rainbow as a path.
"Dont go off the path or your probably fall out of the sky. This is called Rainbow Road it may look soild but its not" Saying behind you as he speeds up to fly beside you.
"I understand." He says. After about an hour of flying on Rainbow Road you reach the end which turned into actual grass and trees with a whole forest in front of you. Hovering above the ground you continue forward trees towering over the both of you like Red Woods.
"Weve entered Gods Sacred Woods now. No one besides me and the four guardians are allowed to enter butttt ill make an exception. Their all a billion berries eac-"
"(N)-Sama turn back now, your breaking the law" Voices emanate from the forest. Turning into pure electricity you shout
"Lets make an exception Guardians. Thats an order"
"We cannot allow you (N)-Sama to bring outsiders to the battery coil under ANY circumstances" Hovering gently jogging in place, Katakuri seems intrested as you shout
"Fine come at me with your best shot"
Slowly raising your left arm once all four jump to you obviously using haki you *snap* suddenly they all fly into the tree bases knocking them out in a single move.
"I didnt even see you move" you hear Katakuri say shock in his voice behind you as you turn back to human form. Looking at him
"Thats because its impossible for humans to see lightspeed my dear Katakuri" He just looks shocked with wide eyes. Grabbing his hand you say
"Alright they wont stay down forever lets go fast!" flying off deeper into the woods at a faster speed. You both finally come up to a clearing with a metal bridge. Hovering across it you both come up to a gaint twenty foot (Tesla coil that absorbs electricity) metal battery.
"This is Skypiea's Nations battery." he looks up as you turn back into electricity and place your hand on the coil it automatically absorbing your electricity. A led panel shows the coil blinking red before you started. After twenty minutes the battery panel shows half green.
"How long does the battery last once its charged?" You hear Katakuri ask as hes staring into the woods almost like hes gaurding you.
"It honestly depends on how much electricity is used by the nation. Estimating id say about two to three months per charge. Jozu helped create the bridge, coil, and battery along with the science devision." You say turning your attention back to the coil pumping more electricity into the coil.
"Ah I see." He says. After fifteen more minutes the battery panel shows fully charged. Taking your hand off of the coil you hover next to Katakuri.
"Theyyy probably want to kill you, by now they've definitely woken up." Glancing at him he gives you a look as he asks
"So how many billion berry people are there in Skypeia?"
"Total? Hmmmm... there are nine well ten if you include me though im well above one billion, the Guardians and the top five Sky Commanders of the military." You say grabbing his hand again leading him through the forest at a fast pace. You stop suddenly letting go of him, turning into electricity raise your hand and *snap* Sending all four flying into the trees again.
"Haha they fell for it again! Im gonna have to scold them later. Their supposed to attack without mercy. Though I understand attacking your ruler can be hard." You giggle as you fly passed them deeper into the woods with Katakuri following you. Once an hour passes you pass through Rainbow Road and see clouds again as you both come out in front of the military base.
"(N) isnt your bounty four billion eight hundred million even higher than Kaido's?" He asks as you turn around shocked.
"I didnt know you knew or that anyone knew besides the marines. Your not wrong handsome" He blushes at the word handsome as you say it, then grabbing his hand you both teleport to in front of your palace him turning off the boots, you standing on the ground. Opening the doors you yell
"Were back!" As Kiki and Dido come out to greet you both.
"Welcome back (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama." They both say as Kiki says
"Dinner will be finished shortly."
"Yay food! Also Kiki your sister Koko asked if you wanted to do lunch on Wednesday? You should give her a call." You state plainly.
"Oh thank you (N)-Sama" She says happily as she heads back into the kitchen. Headed to your office with Dido and Katakuri in tow you both sit in chairs Katakuri to your left by the glass table and you in your desk chair doing more paperwork. Eventually its dinner time and Katakuri resigns to his room as you stay in your office finishing up paperwork when Kiki knocks.
"Come in Kiki" She opens the door with the food cart then places your dinner down, leaves then closes the door. Once done eating you continue your paperwork then eventually pass out.
~Katakuri's POV~
You awoke seeing no light through the windows again due to not being used to staying where you are. Getting dressed you head to (N)'s office her desk lamp still on. You see (N) laying on her desk again.
'Another night of her overworking herself.' Letting out a quiet sigh you go over to her and gently pick her up bridal style as you hear a whisper.
"...Kata-Kun..." Blush creeping to your face.
'I wonder what shes dreaming about? She does look cute sleeping in my arms..' you think. Shaking your head slightly you shake off your blush but then she leans into your chest gripping your black vest her hot breath on you abs making your face turn red again.
'Well I cant release her grip without waking her up.' Thinking you go sit on the big sofa laying her down while she rests on your lap still holding your vest. Picking up a new romance novel you begin reading doing research on love.
"Kata...kuri..." She stirs but doesnt wake.
~(N)'s POV~
You feel something warm on your upper half of your body cuddling up to it as you keep your eyes closed. It moves slightly. Confused you stir awake flickering your groggy eyes open to see abs in your face with pink stripes down the abs, and a black vest your holding onto part of the vest as you breath on abs close to you. Looking up you blushing meet magenta eyes with your (C) eyes.
"Goodmorning." You hear Katakuri say as you let go of his vest and say
"Goodmorning Katakuri. Did you um... get any sleep?" You ask as you sit up slide your feet off of the sofa then see hes reading one of your romance novels.
"Its hard for me to sleep in new places. I woke up early." He says as you lean on his shoulder.
"Im sorry Katakuri. Hopefully youll get more used to things as the days pass. Do you dislike me for being your suitor?"
"Hopefully. I dont dislike you at all it was bound to happen eventually if not with you then itd be someone else why bring it up?" He says
Looking up at him as he meets your eyes you say
"Well I just showed up then Big Mom said you were to be my suitor... Usually there are reservations on the other parties end...I mean thisll most likely become an arranged marriage... And its hard to tell what your thinking most times..." You say quietly as he seems to think before speaking.
"You allready sealed are fates when you asked for a suitor. Theres nothing to have any reservations about anymore. She will want us to be married as an arranged marriage now regardless of your three month courtship rule. I dont dislike you for it though. I think your a good person. Ill try to speak more and accommodate for you (N) when were in the territories." He replies as you just nod listening to him.
"Well if theres anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable let me know" You say to him.
"You have been really accommodating thank you. ....Im just.... shy.... with being..... romantic...Ive never had to deal with it before.." He pauses a lot but gets his words out. You sit up and press your lips to his temple making him flinch regardless of his future sight. Giggling you pull back saying
"Whats wrong? Its only a kiss"
"... Noone has ever kissed me before...Im too intimidating....." he whispers seemingly unsure of what to do. Giggling you whisper in his ear
"Well im not other people. I find you attractive, sweet, and intelligent. I mean since our fates are sealed allready." Your breath tickles him as he shivers.
"I find you to be beautiful, sweet and intelligent as well." He says as he looks into your (C) eyes making you blush deep red.
"Now look whose blushing." He says poking fun at your face. Putting your hands up to your face covering yourself you poke an eye through your fingers. Seeing him lean forward and kiss your forehead through his scarf making you blush even harder.
"Whered you learn that?" You ask as he replies
"I learned it from your romance novels."
"Ahh sorry their the only things around here" your blush fading as you take your hands down then lean on his arm again. He picks up his arm so your now leaning on his chest, as he wraps his musclely arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"You can sleep more if you want. Its early. Sorry I woke you." you blushing again he holds the book in his free hand continuing to read as you take his advice and gently fall asleep again.
~A Total Of A Month And A Half Later~
Waking up on the sofa with Katakuri under you has become a routine every day since it happened the first time. Eventually he spared with your commanders, ending up in a tie and with against you , you won against him obviously but not without extra effort due to the fact that hes made of mochi. Today you both go back to Big Moms territories. You both have grown closer, enough to cuddle on your sofa. Fluttering your eyes open you wake seeing him reading again with his warm arm resting on your waist.
"Kata-Kun.." You whisper looking up at him from his lap. He glances down at you folding the corner of the page setting the book down.
"Yes (N)?"
"Today we have to go back to Whole Cake Island dont we?" You ask in a whisper.
"Yes we do. Are you scared?" He asks resting his arm back on your waist.
"Well.... maybe a little nervous. Im unsure if your mother will keep her word that I may come and go as I please. Because I wasnt allowed outside during the week that you were watching me so everything will be new to me." You admit as he responds
"Dont worry ill show you around once we get back."
"Oh right you must be happy to be going back to your home." You whisper as he pulls you closer.
"I got used to being here. But I wont deny im looking forward to going back." He says as you sit up him pulling you onto his lap making you blush as he hugs you. Hugging him back you feel his warmth as you feel his eyes on you.
"Ill have to introduce you to my siblings too once were back." He whispers loud enough for you to hear. You just nod into his chest as he starts to rub your back. Giving him a kiss on his chest makes him shiver slightly. You giggling he says
"Ill never get used to that."
"Noone said you had too handsome." You reply as he lets go of you, you sit up getting off the sofa standing and stretch yawning. Headed to your room you do the necessities then put on a clean robe and start packing your suitcase. Headed back to your office you pick up your huge stack of paperwork and glasses then head back to your room putting them in the suitcase with the rest of your things. Opening your portal you set your suitcase in your pocket dimension then close it and walk back to your office where Katakuri was. "Are you read-" You cut yourself off as you see his dufflebag next to him on the sofa.
"Ah good your ready, its up to you when we'll leave today." You state as you look around.
"Unfortunately the earlier the better when it comes to Mama." He says making you frown.
"When can I have cuddles?" He chuckles at your question.
"Whenever we get back home from reporting to Mama and touring."
"Yay! Well first let me say goodbye to my staff." You say to Kata as you walk out to the hall calling for Dido then headed to the kitchen as Dido follows behind you. As you open the kitchen door you see them cooking breakfast for themselves.
"Allright me and Katakuri are headed to Whole Cake Island in Big Moms territories. Make sure to feed everyone. Goodbye everyone ill periodically come to Skypeia to see how things are going. I probably wont be able to leave the territories for a month and a half though. Call me if you need me or there are emergencies." They all say
"Yes (N)-Sama"
"Okay back to your posts." You say as you walk back to your office seeing Katakuri reading. He flips the top corner of the page to bookmark his place then puts the book in his duffle bag. Standing he picks up his duffle bag holding out his hand to you. Taking his hand you point downwards then turning into electricity you long teleport to in front of his mansion. Letting go of his hand you follow him into his mansion as he opens the door for you, you enter saying
"Thank you Kata-Kun." He nods then a servent leads you to your room. Unpacking and putting away everything, holding your huge stack of paperwork and walk to his office. Seeing Katakuri sitting at his desk you set your papers on the glass table.
"Are you ready now (N)?" You just nod as he stands. Following him to Mamas throne room you both enter hearing.
"Ahh Katakuri and (N). Your finally back. How was everything?" She asks.
"Everything was okay except Kaido sent King, his subordinates to attack Skypiea on like the second day we were there. Other than that I showed Katakuri around all of Skypeia." You state as she says
"Kaido?! Why is he meddling with our affairs?!" She yells angrily.
"King said that I was supposed to marry within Kaidos territory but I hadnt even said anything to Kaido about marriage. So im assuming he has spies in my kingdom. Ill have to rut them out when I head back." You state.
"Hmm Interesting. Ill have to talk to Kaido about you and talk to him of our union. Would you wait outside while I talk to Katakuri." She says as you nod then head out the door into the hall looking out of the window.
~Katakuri's POV~
"So tell me Katakuri what did you learn about while in Skypeia?" Mama asks you and you describe all the technologies that Skypiea has and are implementing in their nation. How (N) has been treating you, the science devision and military devision among other things. After about an hour of giving your report she seems pleased saying
"Weve stuck gold with (N) and Skypiea. You may leave now Katakuri and give her a tour of all the territories." Mama says as you walk out of the throne room opening the hall door to see (N) staring out of a window.
~(N)'s POV~
You were staring out of a window at the tiny specks of people who looked like ants when you heard the hallway door to the throne room open then close. Looking over you saw Katakuri walking to you then say
"Lets go back home (N)." He says as you were about to ask about the tour he cuts you off saying
"Ill start giving you the tour tomorrow." As he walks off in the direction of his mansion you running to cetch up.
'Is he upset?' You think as you follow him all the way back to the mansion him opening the door for you again walking in following him to his office. He sits at his desk as you sit in the chair by the glass table starting on your paperwork. After it becomes mid day you hear Katakuri stand and leave the room as you continue with your paperwork as the staff enters the office with food for you placing the dishes beside your paperwork on the glass table.
"Thank you" You say as you continue working then taking a break eating some waffles with syrup and drinking tea. Eventually you sense Katakuri come back him opening the office door to you finishing your waffles.
"This is the first time Ive ever seen you eat something sweet." He says raising an eyebrow.
"Well thats because you always hide your self away during food times silly." You giggle finishing the waffles. His ears just turn red as he goes to sit back at his desk. You stand and go up to him slightly nervous. Turning to you he asks
"What are you thinking (N)?" he asks quizzically as youve been standing there for a minute as your about to ask but then he pulls you onto his lap you blushing cherry red. Looking up to him you smile then hug around his waist snuggling his chest as he continues to do paperwork. Soon the kitchen staff knock then come in colleting the plates and leave as you sit on Katakuri leaning into his chest. After some time you start snoozing in his lap.
"(N)~....(N)~...." You wake from your deep slumber to hear Katakuri cooing you awake.
"Kata-Kun?" Opening your eyes to look up and meet magenta eyes.
"Its dinner time." He says
"Oh sorry."
"No need to be sorry, I let you sleep." He says sweetly to you as he chuckles from you yawning. Sliding off of him you go sit on the chair by the table as he retired to his room. You stay in the office working on paperwork when the staff knock and enter with dinner for you. Eating you eventually retire to your room sliding in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You flutter your eyes open the morning rays poking through the window. Getting up you get ready and switch into a clean robe and panties putting on your white boots headphones and crown. Heading out of your room into Kata's office you see him writing on his paperwork going up to him.
"Goodmorning (N) How did you sleep?" He asks looking at you.
"I had a bad dream honestly." You say as he asks
"What was it about?"
"I was asleep then captured by some other pirates and they kept me prisoner in a faraway land then I woke up." Rasing an eyebrow he says
"Well its a good thing your protected here. Ill kill anyone who messes with you. Besides they must have a death wish capturing a Yonko."
"Awee thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me." You coo to him making his ears turn red.
"Awee is someone blushing?" You poke fun at him hugging his arm nuzzleing his scarfed neck. He pets your head then pulls you onto his lap kissing the top of your head through his scarf making you blush.
"Kata-Kun..." Giggling you look up at him face flushed.
"Hmm?" He hums
"You make me blush everytime you do that." You say as he pets your head
"Your very cute."
"Are you ready for the tour?" He asks as you nod
"Will you hold my hand through it?" You blush asking as the tip of his ears turn red.
"... Sure (N)." He pauses but then agrees.
"Yay! Thank you Kata-Kun!" You chirp then hug him giving his chest a peck. You feel his arms wrap around you holding you closer.
"Allright we should get going." He whispers as he slides you off of him. Whining you shrug.
"You can have cuddles later. Lets go" He says as he stands and opens his office door as you follow him out of the mansion. Slipping his hand into yours he holds your hand leading you along as you both blush. Walking down a road with him he leads you to town as people stare at you.
"Why is everyone staring at me Kata-Kun?" Looking up at him he replies
"No one has ever seen me with a woman especially holding their hand. You have to also remember that I am the First Sweets commander as well." You blushing walk with Katakuri to a fancy looking cafe. He lets go of your hand turning to you.
"I need you to shrink down and go inside, ask for Pudding to come out." He says as you obey shrinking down you head into the cafe. There were a lot of people in the cafe but you went up to the the counter and saw a pretty brunette haired woman with bangs and twin tail hair.
"Hello how may I help you?" She cheerfully asks.
"Um.. Katakuri asked for Pudding to come outside." Her eyes widen.
"Big brother is back finally?! Lets go" She yells then pulls you out of the cafe. Once out of the cafe you size up clearly shocking her as she says
"Big brother how are you? Where were you all these days? Who is she?" He chuckles and says
"Im doing good. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting, now we will be courting for a month and a half here. Pudding this is (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. (N) this is Charlotte Pudding one of my little sisters."
"Listen here (N)! You better treat my big brother good or ill have all of us kill you!" She threatens as he chuckles
"Dont worry she has treated me good Pudding. I like her a lot" he says as you put your free hand up to your cheek
"Awe Kata-Kun I like you a lot too." Pudding smiles up at you both
"Ah looks like you two are in love~ Im so happy for you big brother! So you were finally chosen for an arranged marriage. Oh let me go get your regular order!" She chimes running back into the cafe.
"This is Pudding's Cafe shes very proud of it." Kata explains.
"I would be too its soo cute inside and out!" you chime as you suddenly see Pudding come out with a gaint basket of huge doughnuts you take them letting go of Katakuri's hand opening your portal setting them onto your desk then closing the portal with her looking shocked.
"If big brother likes you then so do I, feel free to come to my room anytime during the day to talk or hang out. Well I would love to stay and chat more but im the clock. I have customer's to attend too. Take care of my big brother (N)!"
"I will dont worry Pudding." you wave as she heads back inside and Katakuri holds your hand again.
"Sooo you like me a lot now do you?" He turns his head to you with red ears he repsonds
"Yes I do.. why?"
"Nothing I think its super cute your crushing on me." Your comment makes his ears turn even more red as you could tell hes trying to calm down. You squeeze his hand gently.
"Theres nothing wrong with that Kata-Kun." You giggle as he leads you out of the main town to the residential area. He stops in front of a cake house leans down and knocks on the door. The door opens revealing a pink hair woman in her mid twenties with pink hair in twin tails.
"Big brother what brings you here? And whose this pretty lady your holding hands with?"
"I wanted you to meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting now we will court here for a month and a half. (N) this is Charlotte Chiffon another one of my little sisters." He explains as you shrink down letting go of his hand to shake Chiffons hand.
"Its so nice to meet another one of his siblings!" You says cheerfully
"Its nice to meet you too (N)! Who have you met so far?" she chimes.
"Just Pudding and you so far" You reply as she nods.
"Pudding tends to have a split personality so watch out for that but shes normally sweet. Its so nice to see you again big brother and nice to meet you (N) but I something cooking right now I have to go. If you ever want to come over we could hang out (N) sometime. Heres my number." Shes goes then writes down a number and hands it to you as you open your portal setting it on your desk with the doughnuts.
"Do you happen to have Puddings number too?" you ask as she nods then writes it down handing it too you as you place it along with Chiffon's number on your desk then close the portal.
"Okay we'll let you get back to cooking thanks Chiffon!" You chime as she says
"Nice to meet you have a good day you two bye!" she says as she closes the door and Katakuri drags you off showing you the rest of the town.
~Around Mid Day~
"Kata-Kun we should go back to the mansion its lunch time." He nods as you teleport to in front of his mansion. You both split up him going to his garden you headed to his office to do paperwork. Soon the staff knocks then comes into his office setting down some doughnuts, vegetable and meat soup and fruit. The staff exits as you eat the fruit and eat the soup while doing paperwork. Eventually Katakuri walks in as your eating differen flavored doughnuts. You look up at him looking at you.
"So you like doughnuts too?" He asks as you chime
"Yea there one of my favorite deserts!" The tips of his ears turn red as he asks
"What are your five favorite deserts then?" You pause then think hard as he sits in his chair.
"No ones ever asked me that before. I suppose Mochi is my number one then chocolate chiffon cake, then doughnuts, then chcolate pudding, then chocolate gelato!" You say making him blush.
"Im made of Mochi you know... are you trying to say that im your favorite?" He asks chuckling as you giggle taking a bite of doughnut chewing then swallowing.
"I suppose thats one way to think of it." Blushing you say as he takes a glob of mochi from himself making something then tossing it to you. You open your hands revealing a tiny model of his usual mochi house that he makes for lunch.
"Awee its so cute!" You coo poking the mochi as it bounces back.
"Try it." He says as you look up at him shocked.
"Dont worry it wont hurt me. Im not a logia type." He responds to your shocked expression. Blushing hard you put it up to your mouth and take a bite.
"Ahh best mochi ive ever had! Hehe you taste so sweet and good Kata-Kun~" Cooing making him sink into his scarf blushing. Finishing the mochi house you say
"So yummy!" As you stand and walk over to Katakuri you wrap your arms around his scarf and kiss his forehead nuzzling his head.
"Someones cuddly come here then." He wraps a strong arm around your waist dragging you onto his lap with you giving a yelp of surprise then smiling up to him. He wraps his big arms around you as you place your hands flat against his abs, head resting on his chest smiling. Inhaling in his mochi scent you smile against his chest as he rubs your back. After ten minutes of staying like that he says
"We should get back to the tour." Looking up magenta eyes meet (c) eyes as you just nod, him releasing his grip on you as you slide off of him.
"Where to now cutie?" You ask as he stands walking out of the office with you following.
"I want to introduce you to Brulee my closest little sister to me." He states as you see him pull out a small snail phone calling someone.
"Brulee are you busy?"
"Yes come to my mansion theres someone I want you to meet."
"Okay see you soon"
Turning to you he grabs your hand leading you to a floor to ceiling length mirror in the hallway and waits. Confused about to ask whats up with the mirror he says before you can speak
"Brulee has the Mirror-Mirror Fruit shes also an officer."
"Ohh makes more sense now haha" You laugh and flinch as a woman slightly taller than you woman comes out of the mirror.
"Hello big brother! Your back finally!" Your assuming she was Brulee.
"Hello Brulee nice to see you again and yes im back. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting. Were here now courting for another month and a half. Meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. (N) meet Charlotte Brulee my younger sister."
"Your courting now?! Wow I cant believe Mama picked you for an arranged marriage. How are things going between you both? I see your allready at holding hands."
"I like her a lot Brulee. Mama will turn us into an arranged marriage after courting yes. Things between us are good right (N)?" He raises an eyebrow seemingly unsure at you. You nod
"I like him a lot as well and yes things are going good between us." You respond as Brulee puts her hands up to her face in awh.
"Im so happy for you big brother! Its so nice to meet you (N). Im so glad to know that he will be marrying such a sweet woman who understands him." She says
"Its so nice to meet another one of his close silblings~" You coo shaking her hand smiling.
*Ring Ring*
"Excuse me I have to take this" You and Katakuri nod.
"This is Brulee."
"Yes Mama im coming"
She turns back to you both saying
"Mama needs me so I have to go now. Im happy for you both though! See you later." She enters through the mirror and dissapears. You put a hand to the mirror feeling it be soild in ah. Turning to Katakuri you say
"Shes so cool Kata-Kun thanks for introducing me to her and the others so far!" Smiling at him he replies
"Im glad you like my siblings since your going to be their sister in law soon."
"Well whats not to like?" You retort as he asks you
"Could you teleport us to in front of the castle please?"
"Sure anything for you Kata-Kun" You reply with the tips of his ears turning red as you teleport to in front of the castle doors gaining stares from some of Mamas other children you assume. He leads you into the castle eventually running into one of his siblings.
"Smoothie can we talk for a minute?" Katakuri asks as she turns to face you both.
"Sure Katakuri. Im assuming she is your suitor for an arranged marriage? More importantly why are you walking around the castle with her? You know suitors and spouses arnt allowed to see everything in the castle." Smoothie says as you stiffen at her coldness which Katakuri already noticed him squeezing your hand gently to reassure you.
"Mama has allowed (N) to be given a tour of all the territories. Smoothie this is (N) The Electric God Queen of Skypeia. (N) This is Charlotte Smoothie my little sister and Second Sweets Commander. Were not engaged yet Smoothie were courting. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half now we are to court for another month and a half here. Be nice Smoothie." He says as you look up at her she says
"Ahh alright then. Its nice to meet you (N). A queen huh? You better treat my big brother good or its your head."
"She treats me very well Smoothie." He defends you then you say
"Its very nice to meet you Smoothie your very pretty. I will continue to treat him well dont worry. Ive already been threatened by other siblings too haha" you giggle as she nods saying
"Well I need to report in to Mama so I better go." She replies as he nods leading you around the castle. Eventually you both toured the entire castle and the sun has set. Teleporting to in front of his mansion he lets go of your hand when opening the door for you.
"Thank you Kata-Kun~ your such a gentleman." You giggle as you both split for the night. You open your portal picking up the basket of huge doughnuts and giving them to the kitchen staff to give to Katakuri for dinner. Your now in his office doing paperwork as the kitchen staff come in with dinner. Tonight it was steak and mashed potatoes with tea, a vegetable plate and chocolate pudding for desert. After eating you work on paperwork for a couple hours then head to bed.
~A Month Later~
Katakuri showed you around all of Big moms territories except for the Seducing Woods. He said that you werent allowed to see it. Which made you confused because he showed you around everywhere else, which made you want even more to go to a place you werent showed. Over the month you hung out with each Brulee the most, then Chiffon, then Pudding, and occasionally Smoothie every once in a while, while Katakuri went back to his usual jobs and was away. You met the majority of his siblings. You and Katakuri have grown closer enough that he calls you his sweet girl or baby girl. You both cuddle in his or your bed still with his scarf on though when theres nothing beckoning both of your attention. Mama has grown fond of your electric skills and teleportation to the throne room. Periodically you would go turn in and get more paperwork from Skypeia. You had given Katakuri part of your vivre card too. Today Katakuri had to go to work at the Ministry of Flour and would be gone for hours. You have decided to go against what he said and go explore the Seducing Woods after all they were just woods right?
"Goodbye Kata-Kun be safe even though I know your strong!" You say hugging him as he pets your head.
"I will be back in a little more than a couple hours my sweet girl." He cups your face in his big hand as you lean into it then kiss his palm. Looking up at him he lets go of your cheek then walks out of the mansion towards his destination. After wasting half an hour working on paperwork you head out of the mansion in the direction of the Seducing Woods eventually you found the begining of it as you explore not realizing that the woods kept changing behind you. After a couple hours of exploring you come to a river cross then continue deeper into the woods taking another couple hours then finally coming to a clearing seeing a gaint biscuit man with many swords?
"Biscuit man with swords thats a new one" you say as he suddenly moves startling you.
"Umm hello biscuit man?" You call out as he yells
"Who are you? Anyone who enters these woods must be asking for a trouble!"
~Katakuri's POV~
After working you made your way home opening the door to your mansion but (N) who usually greeted you at the door was no where to be seen or heard.
"(N)!! Im home!" A servant comes up to you
"Katakuri-Sama your suitor (N) left shortly after you left this morning she hasnt returned yet." Alarmed with a pit in your stomach for what you didnt know why. You just had a bad feeling you nod grabbing your Sky boots froom your room put them on and head out side only to see a bolt of electricity fall from the sky into the Seducing Woods.
'Only one person controls electricity. I told her not to go there! Dammit (N)!' You think to yourself as you activate the Sky boots flying above the tree line towards where the bolt landed.
~(N)'s POV~
"Im Katakuri's suitor im not your enemy!" You yell to the cracker man.
"Ouu ive heard of you. Ive heard your beautiful and they werent wrong. So your Katakuri's suitor well thats just to bad for him think ill have you for myself first then return you." He proceeds forward as you warn him
"Im warning you stay away from me! I just came to explore ill leave quietly!" You send a electric bolt downward landing in front of him as he laughs continuing forward. As you back up but fall backwards on to the ground you see the trees, plants and flowers are alive and evily singing. The trees curl around your ankles and wrists holding you up for the cracker man as you turn into electricity you electrocute the trees. Making you fall from their grasp but too much time was spent getting free as the cracker man grabs your wrists you struggle to get away.
"Dont make me electrocute you cracker man!" You yell as he just chuckles
"Go on try it pretty woman. And the names Charlotte Cracker." he teases. You summon a lightning bolt to you and it lands its mark on him but he just chuckles regenerating his cracker form some of him was toasted though. You had saw part of his face, he had purple hair and pink eyes.
'Dammit I cant teleport either or ill bring him with me. And I cant hurt him or Mama will hear about it. Im not supposed to go into the seducing Woods either. I hope Kata-Kun isnt back yet or ill be punished.' You think as Cracker lets his cracker form fall from him revealing his true form. As he holds your wrists up with one hand now, you off the ground swinging your legs. You summon another lightning bolt attacking him but he regenerates.
"Tsk tsk be a good girl and stay still through this" He says menacingly pinning you to the ground making you cough from the impact. As he slowly starts pulling his pants down you both hear
"Cracker release her at once!" Cracker pulls up his pants then says
"Aw come now Katakuri I was only going to have a little fun with her before returning her, spouses arnt that close here anyways, unless you actually care for this woman" Cracker exclaims chuckling evily
'I cant see him but Id know that voice anywhere its Katakuri! Im in so much trouble too with Cracker and with Kata-Kun' You think as Katakuri punches Cracker backwards a good amount of meters away then helping you up. Cracker laughs creating a cracker armor turning into the previous cracker man you saw eariler.
"(N) teleport home now!" Katakuri yells at you and you obey still holding his hand you teleport in front of his mansion. He turns off the Sky boots landing on the ground letting go of your hand.
"I told you not to go there! You deliberately disobeyed me! Then you almost got raped by Cracker!" he yells clearly upset.
"Im so sorry Katakuri! I just wanted to explore..." You say with tears begging to overflow you looking down.
"You may be a God but your not invincible (N)!" He states and hes right during your and his sparing match in Skypeia your lightning had little effect on him, you had to rely on your combat skills even though you still won it was close since you rely on your electricity heavily and have little muscle mass and dont work out often. Tears started streaming down your face as you kept your head down.
"I said im sorry it wont happen again...." you whisper trying to compose yourself. He brings a couple fingers to under your chin tilting your face up as you pulled away from him, him seeing your tears. As he was about to say something you teleport to your room slamming the doors shut putting a singular golden candle stick holder through the door handles so no one could come in. Then jumping onto the huge bed you let it all out crying for hours before passing out.
~The Next Morning~
Awaking to light spilling into your room you sit up looking at the door.
'The candlestick is still there in the door.
'Good.' You think, undressing into your birthday suit you draw a bath relaxing. Once pruney you get out draining it then drying off changing into clean clothes. Going to the door you undo the candlestick from the door as you hear a knock. Slightly opening the door you see him.
"(N) Im sorry for making you cry yesterday. I was upset at Cracker and took my anger out on you. You didnt deserve that. I know you may be a God but your not invincible. Please forgive me? Did he hurt you?" Katakuri asks
"Im okay. I just have bruises on my wrists....." You say as he gently opens the door entering your room then closes the door. Picking up your hands he examines your wrists.
"I forgive you Kata. But will he tell Mama? Im also sorry Kata-Kun that I disobeyed you."
"No he knows not to mess with me. And I forgive you too (N)." He says
"What about your work arnt you supposed to go in today? Why are you still home?" You ask quizzically
"I called off today. Your feelings are more important to me." You blush as he leads you to the bed taking off his boots your follow taking off yours then slide into bed with him. He holds his arm open for you. You snuggle up to him, head resting on his chest, hand on his abs under the blankets. He wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you close then tenses up at your question before you can ask.
"So when am I going to be able to see your whole face Kata-Kun?" You ask. He sits up and you do the same.
"You really want to see my face that bad? It is.. only fair to you...." He replies as you shake your head yes.
"Just dont run away promise me?"
"I promise Kata-Kun. Im not a child you know." He nods as you wait patiently he slowly unwraps his scarf from his face to reveal that he has fangs and scars on his face going upwards from his mouth. Him looking at you but you unmoving for a minute.
"Kata-Kun I dont understand why you hide yourself from the world. Your just as handsome as before" You finish saying then up on your knees hug his face boobs to his face. You could tell he was blushing hard. You could feel his heat in your breasts. After a soild minute releasing him, hes still blushing as you ask
"May I kiss you now?"
"My-My fangs though I might hurt you..." He stammers.
"Hehe dont worry so much my silly Kata" You reply
"Allright... just be careful." He crumbles. Sitting somewhat down but eye level to him you lean in and plant a gentle kiss on his lips both of you closing your eyes then depart leaning back opening both of you opening your eyes. (C) eyes meet magenta ones as hes blushing like mad now his whole face is as magenta as his hair. Placing both you hands on his cheeks you say
"Your so cute like this Kata-Kun!"
"Thank you...." He reaches for his scarf about to put it on but you hold his hand with the scarf in it saying.
"Dont hide your face when your with me please Katakuri?" Still blushing he replies
"Im not used to this but alright (N). For you I wont cover my face when with you." He says softly as you caress his cheek with a scar running up his face. Sitting back down you cuddle up to him wraping your arms around him as he wraps his musclely arms around you softly kissing your head. Staying like that for a couple hours eventually he stopped being so tense.
*Ringa Ringa* You both hear a snail phone going off making you jump a little but he saw it coming.
"This is Katakuri"
"Okay we will be there soon Mama"
"Get ready Mama wants you to teleport me to the throne room." He says letting go of you putting his scarf back on then getting his boots on. You sliding out of bed put your boots on then he grabs your hand gently. Teleporting to the throne room you see Oven, Perospero, Smoothie, and Cracker.
'Gathering all of the Sweet Commanders? But for what?' You think as Mama speaks
"Ive gathered you all here to erase Hachiko from the map. They have refused to continue our agreed terms in order to protect their cities. Set sail immediately. (N) Since your not yet part of the family you stay here. Dismissed!" You just nod as you feel a hug. Looking up its Katakuri, wrapping your arms around him he says
"Ill be back sooner than you think (N). Hachiko is nearby at the end of Mamas territories. Itll probably take around four days." You sigh releasing him as he lets go of you.
"Be safe. Ill see you when you get back Kata-Kun" you say as he pets your head.
"Ill see you when I get back." He says as he turns to converse with his siblings. As you teleport to your room in his mansion.
~On The Third Day~
You were in Katas office doing more paperwork for Skypeia when the staff knock on the door.
"Come in" You say melancholy as they open the door setting down dinner for you.
"(N)-Sama you must try and eat something its the third day you havent eaten. Katakuri-Sama will be back in one more day." One servant says as you say
"Thank you for your concern. Ill try. I just miss him so much!" You blurt out causing the staff to look at eachother as you bury your face in your hands. They leave closing the door. As you just move the food around on your plate.
'Just get through today and tomorrow and Kata-Kun will be back soon (N)' You think as you eat a bite of mochi the staff left you. They had been making your favorite dishes in order to coax you into eating but you were to love deprived to eat.
'My mochi man ....Everything reminds me of him. It doesnt help being in his mansion either.' Thinking to yourself as you up and head to bed early slowly falling into a deep slumber.
~Brulee's POV~
You were viewing your mirrors patrolling the castle and various other things when you figured youd go check up on your good friend and your big brothers suitor (N). Headed to her mirror that views her bed you look in at her sleeping in bed. Seeing an unfamiliar figure one even taller than big brother Katakuri with gaint wings one was made of metal the other wing was black and natural. He sticks (N) with a syringe then waiting a minute before picking her up and leaving Katakuri's mansion as your looking through the different mirrors as the gaint figure takes (N) away.
'I need to call big brother immediately! (N) has been kidnapped!' Getting out your snail phone you dial up his number.
*Ringa Ringa* *Clicka*
"This is Brulee. I know its late big brother but its about (N)!"
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
'He just hung up on me!' You think with a huff.
~Katakuri's POV~
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
"What? Thats King the Wildfire from Kaidos crew!!" You yell as you click the snail phone ending the call.
*Clicka* After calling up Smoothie, Cracker, Perospero, and Oven everyone was in agreement that they would make Kaidos subordinates pay for invading Mamas territories and especially kidnapping a soon to be spouse of their top Sweets Commander. Though you had told Oven to stay behind and finish up the job on Hachiko which he could do easily. The rest of you set out with your fleets following (N)'s vivre card.
~Four Days Later~
"Katakuri-Sama weve spotted a ship on the horizon!" You take a troops telescope looking through it seeing Kaidos Beast pirates jolly roger.
"Follow that ship!" You yell with authority as everyone adjusted course to follow the ship of the Beast pirates. Eventually your ship and fleet cetches up to the Beast pirates ship and you jump across to their ship attacking the grunts. Easily defeating them a fat wide and tall man about as tall as (N) comes up from under the deck.
"Who are you?!" He asks.
"Where is King The Wildfire?!" You yell calmly holding your lance.
"First who are you!" The fat man yells.
"Charlotte Katakuri from Big Moms pirates and you are? Where is (N)?! What have you done with her?!" You yell back.
"I am Holdem from Kaidos Beast pirates youll have to defeat me if you want that information!" He says as his lion appears and roars. In one quick motion you close the distance between you both and slice through his lions head as he screams falling to the floor.
"Alright alright your much stronger than me! King stopped here but he left not long ago flying carrying a (C) haired sleeping woman in a white and silver robe! He said he had to report to Kaido!" You knock him out with a single hakied punch over the railing into the water then hop over to your ship. "Were headed to Wano!"
~In Wano Before Kaido's Castle~
You, Smoothie, Cracker and Perospero fought your way to in front of Kaido's castle. Then heading into the castle you all fight the grunts making your way up the floors. Finally revealing King and Queen from Kaidos Beast pirates you all proceed with caution as you hear King say
"So you finally made it here Katakuri and youve brought backup. What? Not man enough to fight me on your own?" More like a statement King says as you say
"Where is (N)?" King picks up (N) by her sea prisim chains holding her up while her eyes closed and her head droopy.
"What did you do to her?!" You yell to him as he chuckles then retorts
"I made her go to sleep for a long time but she should be waking up soon as a matter of fact. In perfect timing for her to see me kill you! I wont forgive you both for what you did to me on Skypeia." He yells back. Then drops her to the floor hes standing on, flying to the stages floor where you and your siblings were.
"Queen gaurd my woman!" King yells up to Queen which you grunt at.
"Yea whatever!" Queen responds.
"Seems ive struck a nerve" King says to you as you tch at him. He makes the first move slashing at you with his shitty swordsman skills as you easily dodge then counter with your lance striking him in the back drawing blood. He turns around as you stare intensely watching him with your future sight. Letting him strike first again he swings but misses as you shoot out your mochi from your hand around his legs making him fall as Queen joins the fight but your siblings step in fighting Queen.
"Just focus on your fight big brother!" You hear Smoothie yell to you as King starts hovering instead his feet covered in sticky mochi. You quickly activate your sky boots hovering also.
"So our God gave you the gift of flight interesting" King says as he swings again you dodging striking him behing on knee slashing his muscles drawing more blood. The fight drags on as you glance at Queen whose on the stage floor attacking your siblings. Their working well together however causing lots of damage to Queen as Queen shoots his laser beam at them which they all skillfully avoid.
"Katakuri!!!" You hear looking up to the platform where King and Queen first jumped off of.
~(N)'s POV~
Waking from a deep slumber you flutter your eyes open immediately hearing fighting. Slowly getting to your feet steadying yourself you shake the sleep away as you notice your handcuffed in sea prisim cuffs. Looking over the edge you see Cracker, Perospero, and Smoothie fighting Queen as you turn your view to King you see hes fighting Katakuri.
"Katakuri!!!" You yell as you see him look up to you. You seeing King fly behind him yell to him
"Behind yo-!!!!" Katakuri sliced with his lance behind him meeting Kings sword cutting clean through his sword. The fighting continues as you see Katakuri get cut by Kings blunt sword. Katakuri uses a frenzy of haki punches with spikes on his fists drawing blood from King.
"You wont take my woman away!" You hear King say as Katakuri yells.
"Shes mine! Shes never been your woman!" King attacks but misses Katakuri as Kata is mochi to stick to one of Kings hands with his broken sword. You watching hear a voice behind you.
"Ill unlock you in exchange, youll take me with you." You turn around to see the pirate X Drake. Before thinking about what Mama may say you figured bringing him along it couldnt hurt.
"Okay I accept your terms just hurry!" He nods then unlocks your handcuffs feeling strength return to you. You grab his hand teleporting to the stage floor flashing to Queen kicking his laser beam away saving Smoothie who was at point blank range of his laser.
"Thanks (N)!" Smoothie yells to you. Point blank shooting a massive electrical shot into Queen paralyzing him. Teleporting to King you create an electric sword cutting his black wing off making him scream out in pain. Shooting him with a enormous bolt of electricity you also paralyzing him as he falls to the ground.
"Come on everyone hold on to me and one another! Lets get out of here before Kaido comes back!" Katakuri and X Drake hold onto each side of your hands as Kata-Kuns siblings link hands with Katakuri. Its a good thing that when Katakuri was giving you the tour of Mamas territories he showed you his ship otherwise you wouldnt know to teleport to it. You teleport to Katakuri's ship.
"Hurry lets go!" You yell as Katakuri gives his troops the command to leave calling the other ships giving the other to set sail as Smoothie asks
"Whyd you bring him with us??!" Her pointing at X Drake.
"He freed me I figured it couldnt hurt to have someone whose on the inside of Kaidos crew. Youll tell Big Mom and me all you know right? Or ill drop kick you into the ocean." he holds his hands up in defense.
"Of course Sky Yonko anything you want!" He says as you shout to Katakuri's troops.
"Someone handcuff him with sea prisim cuffs!" The troops dont listen to you as they await what Katakuri will say.
"Listen to (N)" Katakuri says as his troops go get the cuffs, cuffing X Drake. He goes and sits on the deck as Katakuri grabs you and brings you in for a hug tightly. Hugging him back tightly he places one hand on your back and the other on your head.
"Im so glad your safe" he whispers to you as his siblings give you both your own moment of reunion.
"I didnt even know until I woke up!" You say in his chest as he says
"Still it was terrifying when Brulee called saying King kidnapped you. Not only did he invade Mamas territories but he kidnapped my spouse to be." He kisses your head through his scarf.
"Well you all saved me! So thank you" Saying as he releases you but still holding your hand as if youd dissapear.
"Wait Brulee called you? The last thing I remember is falling asleep in bed. What has happened since then?" You ask him as he sighs the commanders ships and fleets leaving Wano now.
"Well Brulee called saying King had injected you with im assuming a heavy sleeping shot and kidnapped you from my mansion while I was with my siblings doing the job on Hachiko. Then we all except Oven set sail and came across a Beast pirates ship a pirate from Kaidos crew named Holdem said King had landed on the ship but had taken off with you before we arrived at the ship. We sailed to Wano after that, fought our way inside to King and Queen when you woke up." He filled you in on what had happened while you were asleep. Hugging him tight again you bury your face in his chest.
"Ive missed you so much Kata-Kun!" Chuckling he replies
"Ive missed you so much also (N). Would you kindly fly my siblings back to their respective ships?" Looking up at him you nod letting go of him. Going up to Smoothie and Perospero you say
"Ill fly you back to your ship" They both just nod as you follow Smoothies directions then fly back after dropping them off. Going up to Cracker and you say
"Ill fly you to your ship Cracker"
"Oh is that an inventation? Haha you finally come around to me?" Slightly irritated you just hold his hand in his cracker form and fly him to his ship then fly back to Katakuri's ship. Landing on deck your swooped up bridal style and carried to your assuming the Commanders quarters his troops staring. After inside Kata-Kun closes the door and sets you down on his bed. He takes off his boots and scarf as you take off your boots and slide into bed.
"Come cuddle with me" He says in bed as you obey scooting up to him cuddling his side. Leaning up you plant a soft kiss on his lips making him blush.
"Im yours Kata-Kun." Sliding back down putting a hand on his abs, he wraps an arm around your waist as your head rests on his chest.
"Its felt like an eternity since I woke up but im still sleepy." You whisper to him yawning as he chuckles.
"Ahh my baby girl go back to sleep. Ill watch over you." He whispers back.
"What about you? You need sleep too."
"Ill eventually fall asleep dont worry my sweet girl. I just am relieved your safe in my arms again." He whispers in your ear making you slightly shiver. You feel a kiss on the top of your head making you giggle.
"Allright if you promise youll get some sleep eventually?" Chuckling he replies
"Okay I promise (N)" He says as he gently rubs your back lulling you to sleep as you clutch his jacket.
~Once You All Reached Whole Cake Island~
Standing on deck with Katakuri you anxiously wait as the ship stops setting anchor.
"Yay were back!" Exclaiming as you hug Kata's waist him chuckling.
"We all have to report in to Mama." Letting go of him you go to X Drake.
"Okay time to get going" You state as he gets up and starts walking off the ship with Katakuri following you both, keeping his eyes on X Drake the entire time. Once to the throne room you see Oven as the rest of you all file into the room.
"I heard from Brulee what had happened. I see you all were successful in bringing (N) back. Oven has allready filled me in on what happened at Hachiko. Now fill me in at what happened in Wano." Big mom states to you all. You wait patiently till its your turn to speak.
"So (N) you brought X Drake back with you as a prisoner? Im intrested in what he has to say." Big Mom says.
After X Drake spills all of Kaidos secrets that he knows about he asks
"Big Mom will you let me join your crew please?" Big Mom looks at you and asks
"What do you have to say about him (N)?"
Thinking for a minute you respond
"Well he released me from my handcuffs so im biased. Haha" You state as she laughs.
"Well since you betrayed Kaido and helped the soon to be spouse of my son Ill let you join. But if you ever betray us itll be your head X Drake!" She warns.
"How kind of you Big Mom of course I shall serve you for the rest of my life."
"Thats what I love to hear!" She laughs
"Unlock him." Katakuri unlocks X Drakes cuffs handing them to a troop.
"Now your all dismissed. Smoothie show X Drake where he is to stay put."
"Of course Mama." Smoothie replies then shows X Drake out of the throne room. Once you and Katakuri leave the throne room he asks
"Mind teleporting us home?"
"Of course Kata-Kun!" Holding his hand you teleport to his office.
~After The Courting Three Months Are Over~
How should the story go?
If you've made it this far then i must admit this will be my last female x character fic, i will only be doing Gn! Or M/M fics in the future.
Comment or Dm to say how YOU want the story to go.
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