#early days malec hits different
wikitpowers · 10 months
GUYS i'm rereading cob and this scene will always mess me up bc THEY'RE FREAKIN MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS NOW i'm not okay :'(
I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you, but it wasn't. Not that you aren't all fairly charming, and as for you —" He dropped a glittery wink at Alec, who looked astounded. "Call me?"
alec: *gay silence + crickets*
im OBSESSED with them please
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
Done with City of Glass ❤️ Since we're at the halfway point, some notes.
Simon is still my favourite character. This remains unchanged.
I absolutely adore Jace and Isabelle, two characters who I was more neutral to (than the others) going into this reread.
In TMI books 1-3, it's Simon > Clary > Jace = Isabelle > Magnus > Maia > Alec. I'm very surprised by this. Currently my holistic TSC assessment is Simon > Clary > Magnus > Jace = Isabelle > Maia > Alec. Also a surprise.
Alec is my least favourite of the main cast this time around, and Malec is my least favorite of the three ships in TMI. I do like them, I like all three ships a lot, but this is way different than I felt when I was younger and they were my favourite. I like them better in TEC and other future stories.
My favourite ship is by FAR Sizzy this readthrough, a marked change from before when they were my least favourites. (Though I always liked them. I always like all the TMI characters and ships).
I LOVE ALL THREE SHIPS and I don't think there's any character I actively dislike across the board.
Sebastian still hits as an amazing villain. My feelings there are unchanged. Also unchanged is the fact that I adore his night-and-day foil relationship with Jace.
The great characters and excellent plotting/pacing make up for the subpar/early-author writing style.
I'll do this again after CoHF, because I expect it to change again as Malec gets more content.
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khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
Oh Dani....
Yesterday Jack Antonoff congratulated Taylor and then uploaded a photo about the recording day of You Losing Me being in....December 2021. And Joe and Taylor only broke up in early 2023 and it was believed that the song had been written shortly before of their separation, now everyone is going crazy because then it means that Taylor felt bad for years but because she loved him she stayed with him, and now Hits Different makes more sense because apparently they separated for a month and then got back together until their final separation in early 2023 and now the fandom is collecting clues about how it all went and matching clues with Midnights songs, they are watching old videos where he ran her out of places and even when he didn't like the photos of her on her birthday in 2021 its all A CHAOS
And totally malec shippers from tlnd coded
I had to google whomst this Jack person is but thank you for the tea and YES THIS IS LITERALLY TLND.
Like sometimes i felt some of the ways in which people (in the fic) reacted to various things that happened were unrealistic and then i see all the stuff that people say and do about real celebs and i am like "yep checks out"
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carelessflower · 6 months
This is just Alec finding a family in laws and stuff that support him and shit. (My OC is back) takes two months after Malec in Europe, and its christmas day. Also James and Lucie Tessa children are younger here.
"Why cant your family be like mine?" Alec said outloud, he instantly regretted it as Magnus looked at him, they were both in Magnus's bed, under the covers. The snow was coming down fast from outside of his window.
"What do you mean?" Magnus questioned, yeah his family was not perfect, but looking at the Lightwoods they seem more sane then his, but Magnus only slept over at theirs for two days, while Alec has a key to the house, which his dad leant him. Magnus didnt understand.
"My father and I have a difficult relationship, he wants to know if im bringing over a girl or doesnt talk about my hobbies, my sibikings are okay, but they can be a handful, and our parents leave for work in Spain, letting me look after them for a long peirods of time. My mother is okay but she is also difficult to talk too." Alec was venting, letting all his emotions unload.
"It cant be t-"
"My father and mother were part of a hate group, my father is a homophobe. I look at you and your dad, and it seems better." Alec was stairing at the ceiling, he loved his family, but he wishes he would swap with anyone for one day.
"Well you know what happened to my mom. My dad on the hand, he is also difficult to have a conversation with, he makes me angry, or just sad, then again im not a great son. Alec, families come in different shapes and sizes, you find family in your friends, and loved ones, and you join new ones, my family like you, my dad gave you a key to his place, your own family loves you. Look at Clary, her dad is fucking Valentine." Magnus kissed his boyfriend forehead.
"True, thanks for listening." Alec kissed him back.
"Its what im here for." Magnus said, he got out of the bed, and put his Christmas sweater on.
"We need to go downstairs my family will be coming soon." Magnus stretched, as Alec grabbed his black shirt and pulled it over his head. He heard his boyfriend kiss his teeth. He looked up.
"Its Christmas Alexander, not a funeral." Magnus stated, he walked over to his walk in closet and pulled out a red and green shirt that has sequens sewed on, which read out. **be yourself, everyone else is taken.**
He threw the shirt at him, as Alec sighed, taking his top off and pulling the other shirt over. It was a bit tight, but he can manage.
They both walked down two flights of stairs, they walked into the kitchen, the smell of roasted meat and vegetables, and the heat of the ovens hit them.
"How many people are coming over." Magnus said, taking a bite out of the baked brownie.
"Fucking, all of them. Also put that brownie down Bane." Asmodeus said from the second kitchen, Alec chuckled, Magnus rolled his eyes, as he put the half bitten brownie down next to the other batch.
"Dont put it down next to the batch Magnus." His dad called out from the kitchen.
The doorbell rang, as Magnus and Alec walked out of the kitchen, he opened the door, and in walked Stanley, and his sister, Charlie. Alec noticed how Charlie's eyes were darker, and her hair had a tinge of pink dye in it. Behind them, stood a taller, slender, pale man, with black hair that was swept back, he was holding two suitecases.
"Stanley, Charlie." Magnus hugged them both, as Stanley hugged Alec.
It was two months ago, that they were in Europe. Alec's parents or sibilings still had no idea.
"Oh Stan, I was wondering if I can have your number." Alec asked, as Stan nodded, getting put his phone, and giving his number to Alec.
"You guys are early, hi Luci." Asmodeus said, as he hugged his older brother.
"The others are coming later I presume then." This Luci said, as he walked into the lounge. Alec heard the strong British accent that came from the man, his own children had softer accentsn
Alec, Magnus and his cousins went to the games room, which was through a hallway, and passed many rooms, until you got to the end. The door opened, four couches were in one corner, a beanbag next to it. There was a foosball, and a gaming console, and a snooker table.
"I heard you were moving out." Charlie said sitting down on the couch.
"Yeah I got us an appartment."
"You two are going to move in." Stanley smiled, as he went to the snooker table.
"Alec you play?" He called out.
"Yeah." Alec said, as he grabbed one of the cue sticks as they started to play. Magnus and Charlie watched, as the doorbell rang through the house, they heard conversation and laughter.
"So..your other dad is not coming?" Magnus said looking at Charlie.
"He wanted to come, to meet you, he hasnt seen you, just heard about you, but our dad said he needs to run a country. You know how it is." She looked sad, Magnus could sense that, he wrapped his arm around her, and he gave her a quick squeese.
"Its okay."
Alec was now beating Stanley, as Magnus chuckled.
"Okay let me play. Come on Charlie we can show them who can win." Magnus stood up, as Alec went on Stanley siden
"Its on." Alec said, as they started to play, Clary, Sebastian, and Johnathan walked in, followed by two other females.
"Hi Stan." Johnathan said, kissing his boyfriend. "Oh Alec your mother is here." He added, Alec nodded, putting the cue stick down, and went out to greet his mom, his sibilings were sittig on the couch, he went red, as all eyes were on him, there were a few people that he didnt know.
"Alexander its a pleasure meeting you." Jem said, hugging him.
"Alec can we play Uno." James said, pulling at his hand.
"Yeah, hello mom." Maryse hugged her son, as Alec picked up James.
" Come on then." He said, as he held Lucie hand as they walked to the gaming room.
"This is soo cool." Lucie aaid, running over to the ice hockey table.
"Who is winning." Alec said.
"Us." Charlie said, as Jace and Isabelle walked in, along with Simon. They were sitting on the couch talking.
"Hi Hannah, Ellyas didnt you see guys there." Alec said, as they sat down.
"Do you know what we are having." Simon whispered to Alec, some kids ran in, as they were now playign with the ice hockey table, James sat next to Alec, he got his Uno Cards out, as he handed them to Alec to shuffle.
"I think Chicken, some roasted vegetables, and other stuff." Alec said.
Stanley was now talking to Johnathan, while Magnus was playing with the little ones.
"Kids lunch." Someone called, James groaned, as Lucie dragged her brother away
They were all sitting down, Johnathan next to Stanley, Clary and Jace, Magnus and Alec, Izzy and Simon, and Charlie and Hannah and Ellyas were sitting next to each other.
"So are you guys gonna tell us the truth." Isabelle said looking at her brother.
"You guys were in Europe two months ago." Jace stated.
"Um..yeah we were." Alec said
"Well thats unfair." Isabelle play slapped her brother's arm.
"Mom doesnt know." Alec stated, he had lied to his mom, about where he was.
"Look it doesnt matter." Magnus said.
A gasp came from Simon, as he was now looking at the door, a purple haired male stood there.
"Um..do you want to eat now or later."
"5 mins uncle Levi." Charlie stated , Levi nodded and walked back.
All eyes were now on Simon.
"You didnt tell me your uncle was Leviathan." Simon was shocked, his face was red.
"He is Simon fav youtuber, slash streamer."
"So thats the famous Leviathan." Jace said, smirking.
"I thought you knew." Magnus said.
"We should go out." Stanley stated to no one particular.
"In this weather." Sebastian said from behind, making the group jump.
"Forgot you were there Seb." Johnathan slapped his brother's arm away from his face.
"Why not. Come on." Stanley said, getting up and walking to the lounge, the rest followed.
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221bsunsettowers · 4 years
How about headcanons for Malec in a Far West AU, maybe at least one of them works at the saloon idk
*Magnus definitely works at the saloon behind the bar. In fact, he owns the saloon. Somehow he manages to get his hands on all these different kinds of alcohol no one else has ever heard of.
*Alec is the sheriff, keeping law and order. He stops in the saloon to keep up on what’s happening in the town, and to make sure no fights are breaking out.
*Magnus keeps trying to get Alec to try the crazy concoctions he’s developed, but Alec insists he never drinks on the job, and he’s always on the job. 
*But somehow Alec keeps finding more and more reasons to linger in the saloon, right near the bar, and talk to Magnus.
*How they eventually get together is one day, Magnus gives Alec a present-it’s a metal flask with a new drink Magnus has made, one he tells Alec (with a big wink of course) he should try before bed and think of him.
* But before Alec can do more than blush and stick the flask in his jacket pocket, in walks the most wanted outlaw in the West, Valentine.
*They take it outside for a good old-fashioned standoff, but of course Valentine cheats and shoots early, hitting Alec. Even while being shot, Alec of course manages to use his perfect aim to shoot Valentine right in the heart, ending his streak of murder and villainy.
*Thinking he is about to find Alec dead, a hysterical Magnus runs out to instead find a perfectly fine Alec, staring in shock at the flask Magnus had given him, which now has a bullet lodged in it. Because of course Magnus would gift Alec something that would manage to save his life.
*The saloon is closed the rest of the day, and from then on everyone knows that if you need to find the sherriff, you just need to check the saloon. He won’t be drinking on the job, but he’s deemed the saloon his unofficial office. Alec’s even decided maybe he doesn’t always have to be on the job, much to Magnus’ delight, and hired Jace and Izzy as his deputies. 
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soldieronbarnes · 5 years
Malec au prompt - ‘I was deliriously tired last weekend and thought it was you making all that noise so I wrote you a rude note stating that you can’t get away with being noisy just because you’re super hot’
The doorbell rings, loud and shrill and headache-inducing.
Alec groans, and briefly contemplates throwing once of his bookends against the door to make whoever is on th other side go away. It’s can’t be anyone important - his siblings tend to use their keys to simply barge in, and he didn’t order in any food, so it’s probably some missionary or other trying to convince him of God’s One True Way and how Homosexuality Is Bad, Actually, and just - no.
But his mother raised him to be a good boy, so he heaves himself off the couch and goes to answer the door, ripping it open with more force than is strictly necessary.
“What the fuck do you - oh!” He nearly chokes on his tongue. Before him stands the most beautiful man he has ever seen in real life - or any kind of media, really. Tall, his hair in wild spikes, the ends dyed a brilliant blue, perfectly matching his aquamarine-coloured shirt, golden skin glowing where it’s allowed to tantalisingly peek out. Alec has seen him around before, of course, but never up close, and he’s even more stunning like this than from a distance. “Uh, hi?”
“Hello.” The man smiles charmingly. “Well, this day is looking up already!”
“Uh, sorry, who are - “
“Oh, how careless of me.” Another blinding smile hits Alec with full force, and he forgets how to breathe for a second. “I’m - Magnus. I live next door.”
“A - Alec,” he stammers, belatedly remembering to extend out a hand for his neighbour to shake. 
“I’m delighted to make your acquaintance,” Magnus says, eyes very obviously and very hungrily sliding up and down Alec’s body. His first instinct is to cross his arms and slouch his shoulders, make himself smaller and hide his body, but something about Magnus’ appreciation also makes him want to preen. It’s never happened to him before, and he finds it a little disturbing how much he enjoys Magnus’ gaze on him. 
“Uh, can I help you?” he asks when it becomes obvious that Magnus lost his train of thoughts.
“Ah, yes. I wanted to address this.” Magnus waves a yellow sticky note around, one that Alec recognises instantly. 
Alec blanches. 
“As much as I appreciate that you think I’m hot -”
Oh God. Alec wants to die. Maybe, the thinks, if he’s fast enough, he can sprint to one of the larger windows and hurl himself down. 
“- I wasn’t responsible for the noise last night. That is, unless my cat decided to serenade unattached female cats again, but it’s not mating season, so - ”
“I said I wasn’t - “
“No, I heard what you said,” Alec says. “Just, I - I thought, I - I -”
“The loud techno music came from my apartment?” Magnus finishes the sentence for him, still smiling.
“Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I can assure you it wasn’t me. I only came home from the most boring business trip this afternoon. I’m going to assume it was Victor, who owns the place below me - he has the most dreadful taste in music.”
“I - listen, Magnus, I - I’m sorry, I -”
“Oh, it’s alright,” Magnus says. “I’m not mad.”
“You’re....not?” His note hadn’t been particularly nice. 
“No. I just thought - maybe you wanted to get back at him.”
“By, what, playing loud music when he wants to sleep?” Alec asks, frowning.
“Well,” Magnus says contemplatively, “that’s a possibility, I guess, but....I had something different in mind.” Eyebrows raised, his eyes start wandering back downwards, until they land on Alec’s crotch and linger there. Alec doesn’t think it’s planned, but Magnus bites his lower lip in anticipation and it’s- 
it’s a lot.
“Sure,” he manages to croak out. “Yeah that’s - that sounds - nice.”
Nice? Jesus fucking Christ, how is it that he loses all of his brain cells in front of a cute boy?
Thankfully, Magnus doesn’t seem to mind, if the way his face lights up is any indication. “Perfect,” he says. “Can I expect you at - shall we say eight pm?”
“I - don’t you think that’s a bit early?”
“We can have dinner first.” Magnus winks. “After all, it’s going to be a long night, and we’ll need some strength, don’t you think?” he says, before sauntering away, not even waiting for Alec’s answer.
Alec stands in the doorway for way too long, mesmerised by the sway of his hips, before he shakes off the stupor.
He should probably go shower. 
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themortaltextposts · 5 years
TSC Playlist- part 4
I'm running out of things to say about how happy I am to share this with you, so I'll just say thank you one last time. I'm a bit sick right now, so this part isn't the best of my work, but there are some great songs there, so please show it some love anyway. Thanks people 💕
{Other Parts: first part, second part, third part}
End of QoAaD!Kitty: "Please Don't Say You Love Me", by Gabriella Aplin.
This isn't an exact match, I'll admit, but when I first heard that song, and later read the lyrics of it, I just couldn't stop thinking about End of QoAaD!Kitty. Not every line is a fit, but the ones I put here sure are. Heartbreaking guaranteed, again. I'll have a happier song for them in the next part, I promise.
chosen lyrics: "Just please don't say you love me / 'Cause I might not say it back / Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping / When you look at me like that / There's no need to worry when / You see just where we're at / Just please don't say you love me / 'Cause I might not say it back. / Heavy words are hard to take / Under pressure precious things can break / And how we feel is hard to fake".
Second part of TMI!Sizzy: "We Can Do Better", by Matt Simons.
Again, I'm going on a close fit this part of the playlist, not exact, but if you change "your mom left your dad" to "your dad cheated on your mom", this song kinda give me a Second part of TMI!Sizzy vibe. I don't know, what to you think?
chosen lyrics: "I know it hurt bad, your mom left your dad / When you were a little girl / You think I'm gonna leave 'cause history repeats / We've seen it around the world / Oh, all that we're told is this will get old / We'll cheat and we'll both get hurt / Against all the odds we'll pray to the gods / That this love works. / When all we see is bad blood and mistakes / All we hear are sad songs 'bout heartbreaks / And no matter how long it takes / We're not gonna give up. / We can do better / Oh, we can do better".
James (to Grace): "Gambling Man", by The Overtones.
This is not a perfect fit either, not exactly, but this song has been my favorite for over two weeks once (it doesn't sound like much but I hear so many great songs on a daily basis that it's actually really hard for me to pick a favorite, especially for more than a few days) so I'm going to let it slide anyway. God I just really love this song.
chosen lyrics: "Baby, oh could you be the queen of hearts / Or the devil in disguise with every move / I'm blinded by those diamonds in her eyes / I got some bad addiction / Baby, it's you, yeah, yeah, that's right / And I feel you taking over me / Could luck be a lady in here tonight. / ... / I'm captured in your sweet lovin' / But it feels just like a curse / You're beneath my skin, I start tremblin' / With this love so dangerous".
Malec: "Brighter Than The Sun", by Colbie Calliat.
This song is a bit kitschy, if I'm being honest, but for some reason I just like listening to it, and the lyrics remind me a lot of Malec. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.
chosen lyrics: "Stop me on the corner / I swear you hit me like a vision / I, I, I wasn't expecting / But who am I to tell fate where it's supposed to go with it? / Don't you blink you might miss it / See we got a right to just love it or leave it / You find it and keep it / 'Cause it ain't every day you get the chance to say. / Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart / It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun / Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky / Shining how we want, brighter than the sun".
Pre TMI!Lily: "Nothing to Regret", by Robinson.
For those of you that have yet to read The Land I Lost story in Ghosts Of The Shadow Market, I strongly suggest you do before hearing me out here. In TLIL we got a glimpse into Lily's past, including her time as a party girl who didn't care about anyone (and was probably trying her best to escape the guilt), so this song really made me think of her, at that time of Lily's life. Comment if you agree with me or if you think differently, I'm curious.
chosen lyrics: "Wake up so high, now I’m drunk on the feeling / Boredom comes next and I stare at the ceiling / Most Monday nights end up looking this way / End up looking this way. / Come on sugar, don’t you leave early / I’m tired of counting myself back to sleep. / Baby, we don’t need no money / No worries tonight / Start a party in the living room / Turn it up until we feel it boom / Baby, let’s get fucking crazy and lose track of time / Why we always got to fret about it? / There’s nothing to regret about it".
Oh no, our 5-songs-long part four came to an end so soon, like the parts before it? Don’t worry, I already have another a lot more songs waiting for you to just give me the cue, so make sure to let me know if you want more 😁
P.S. As always, I already have quite a list, but I’m always looking for new songs, so don’t forget to put those in the comments as well, if you have any suggestions!
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jordancat · 5 years
'Shadowhunters' Series Finale: Bosses Explain Clary's Cliffhanger and Malec's Near Perfect Wedding (Exclusive)
By Leanne Aguilera‍ 7:30 PM PDT, May 6, 2019
Go to the article and give it a hit, but in case the article is moved or has been taken down if you are finding this post in a year or so after Shadowhunters has been saved, here is the content. 
WARNING: If you have not watched the series finale of Shadowhunters, then grab your stele and escape through the nearest portal. For everyone else, grab that extra box of tissues and listen up...
After three action-packed seasons filled with gut-wrenching twists and heart-pounding turns, Shadowhunters has come to an end.
The series finale of the Freeform drama has just bowed on our screens, but if you're anything like us, then a lot of questions must be racing through your minds as you try to catch your breath through a river of tears.
In one last quest for answers – and perhaps a bit of closure – ET called up Shadowhunters executive producers, Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer, and asked the co-showrunners to explain our most burning questions after that two and a half hour finale.
Read on for exclusive explanations about Clary's shocking cliffhanger, the few things missing from Malec's near "perfect" wedding, and one last answer to the question that every fan has been asking: Is this really the end of Shadowhunters?
ETonline: How important was it for you deliver a Shadowhunters series finale that you knew fans would be proud of?
Todd Slavkin: It was hugely important. We poured our hearts into this finale and we wanted every moment to count – especially Malec’s wedding. That was a big moment for a fandom that had been waiting a long time to see it and it had to be really, really special.
Let’s talk about Malec’s wedding – it was gorgeous. What little details did you make sure were included in the Malec wedding, so it could be perfect for the fans?
TS: The flower girl was really important in that it had to be Madzie. Maryse walking Magnus down the aisle was a really powerful statement after all they’ve been through and knowing what the wedding was like in season one. It felt important that it was full circle and that hug between them still breaks my heart when she sends him up on the stage. The vows needed to be perfect – every single word needed to count. There was a little fun behind-the-scenes moment where it felt right that Alec would be very nervous – more nervous than Magnus. After all, this is The Institute, this is The Clave and there’s a great moment where he’s nervous and Harry just gives him a little nod like, “Its okay. You’re going to get through it.” And it felt so right and so honest and like a lot of weddings that I’ve been to. Just capturing those human moments – the whole show has really been about that. Even in this heightened reality, these human emotions and moments really mean a lot to all of us.
Darren Swimmer: We wanted to populate the wedding with as many of the characters in the overall series as we could. So anybody who wasn't at the wedding, you can be pretty sure was not available due to scheduling, or they were deceased on the show, or a villain.
Speaking of deceased villains – Let’s talk about Jonathan. How did you guys decide that Clary would create one last rune in order to take down her brother?
TS: Well, it felt so right that the ultimate sacrifice that Clary had to do would be killing her brother and saving the world at the same time. We knew that he couldn't die by anyone else’s hand. And we knew that it would be incredibly heartbreaking that his sister – this human that he’s loved so much and he’s wanted her love for so long – is the one who finally wanted to take his life. The idea of creating this new rune and using this winged embrace to kill him just felt like such a perfect moment. Rhyming the wings that we had seen before and with white conquering darkness and all of that.
Even though Clary used this new rune to save the world and take down Jonathan, Ithuriel (sic - it was asctually Raziel - jordancat) still stripped her of her Shadowhunter status. We had a one-year time-jump and a cliffhanger ending with mundane Clary recognizing Jace and seeing his runes. Can you explain the meaning of that last scene?
TS: The expression of the love between Jace and Clary is such an integral part of the series and we knew we had to pay it off in a huge way. The idea that the love that they have is even more powerful than the wrath of the angel Ithuriel (sic Raziel - jordancat) is just such a great statement. Love conquers all. Love conquers darkness.
DS: I would also add that we see the inevitability of Clary as a Shadowhunter. At the end of the day, her fate is that she’ll be a Shadowhunter. We don’t completely answer that question or present that, but I think that’s what the takeaway is. She’ll be a Shadowhunter.
Take me past that cliffhanger of an ending. What do you envision what happens next? Does Clary need to re-learn her training? Does she need to re-form those bonds with all these people? Does she need to re-fall in love with Jace?
DS: I don’t want to give too much away because we want to make it something that the fans can think about in their imagination. But in the fourth season that we were hoping might somehow materialize itself when we wrote this, we would see Clary and Jace working together to sort of re-train her and get her to back to Shadowhunters status 100 percent.
TS: We’d have this new Clary with the cool hair, and the awesome outfit, and she’s kind of like a strong young woman who’s found herself as an artist, but knows there’s something missing in her life. Even just like in the pilot, there was this feeling that would just start all over, but they would be more adult now.
In this potential future for “new” Clary, is there a possibility that she would get her memories back?
TS: Yes. In the Shadow World anything can happen.
It was so amazing to see Clary ask Izzy to be her Parabatai. It made it even more gut-wrenching to realize that this wasn’t going to happen once Clary lost her memory. Can you talk about dangling that conversation over the fans and then your decision to have that not come to fruition?
DS: The two of them becoming Parabatai was something that we always imagined we would work towards, but it was something that we also thought needed to be extended and pushed as late as we possibly could. So when we knew that we only had two episodes left, we wanted to take advantage of that and present it here.
TS: But the great thing is when Clary recognized Jace at the end, you’re like, “Wow! Okay I could see that happening again for sure.” That [bond] is not going to go away.
Izzy and Simon’s slow-burn of relationship was sped up quite a bit in that series finale. What was your goal when it came to showing the love story of these two characters?
DS: We have to thank the Sizzy fans for being so patient while we laid the groundwork over this season for their relationship. We always felt that the longer we pushed it off, the more powerful it would be once they got together – and then suddenly we ran out of runway. I still think there was enough of the lead in, and the start of their relationship happens basically when we wanted it to happen. We just didn’t get to see as much as we wanted.
TS: The original end of season three was their kiss and then fire consumes Izzy. That was going to be the end of season three and then we would've spent the entire season four having to heal lizzy and there would still be more of a slow burn. So in a weird way, Sizzy fans got it early. They lucked out because we had to jump the gun.
DS: Yeah, how many times can you have the two of them start to kiss and then have an alarm go off? [Laughs]
What is a loose end that you guys wish you could’ve tied up differently?
TS: That’s a really good question. I feel like the loose ends were tied up really nicely. There’s a little bit of stuff that we would’ve wanted to see and we would’ve wanted to explore more.
DS: We tied things together, but we would've wanted to tie them together in a little bit longer way. The wedding wouldn’t have been planned in one day.
TS: But you know after thinking about it, I would've loved at the wedding if we would've seen a conversation between Jace and Magnus being like, “Thank you. I couldn't have asked for any one better to take care of my Parabatai.” And I would’ve loved to have seen Robert Lightwood say to Maryse, “I’m so happy for you that you’ve found love again.” And I wish Luke Garroway was at that wedding and I wish Maia was at that wedding. There are those little things. That wedding could’ve been an entire episode. It could have been a full 42 minutes and I think the fans would've loved it just as much and we could have had all of these moments that would have just gone on and on and on. We just were limited.
Was Clary losing her memory always part of the plan or was that conceptualized once you knew that the show was ending?
TS: It was conceptualized once we knew the show was ending.
Had the show not ended – and Clary never lost her memories – what would’ve been Clary’s fate as we moved into season four?
TS: Great question! I think she would have really been healing over the guilt she felt over Dark Clary and the terrible things she did and would’ve been cleaning up that mess. And Jace would have been helping her, like, get back to normal. I think Jace and Clary could’ve had this normalized relationship – at least for Shadowhunters. A peak in the normalcy and I think the fandom would have craved that a little. Those moments that we’ve had when they’ve gone out on their dates – like the ice skating moment and the moment in early in season three when they went to dinner with Simon. These are these great human moments that stand out and again I think we would've leaned into that more.
Would we have seen a Clace wedding?
DS: Absolutely.
The series finale of Shadowhunters is here, but the fans have not stopped fighting to save the show. Is this the official end of Shadowhunters?
TS: I think it’s the end of Shadowhunters in this permutation. Those books live on and the rights live on. Darren and I don’t have the rights and we don't control the rights. I think we’re all kind of going onto other things, but having said that – you never say never. What I wouldn't rule out and what I don't think is impossible is doing, like, a future movie. Where you could get everyone together for a few weeks and do like a two-hour, or a four-hour, or a limited six-episode thing. Maybe with the same cast, but you never know. Weird thing happen in today’s TV world.
DS: The only reason that it seems like it would be a long shot to [continue this show] in this permutation is that everything has been disassembled. The sets have been sold, and all the props, and that stuff [is gone.] It’s not like we could ever come back and just continue it where it is. It would be starting from scratch.
TS: Yeah they auctioned off props, like, in August or September. It was crazy and horrible.
The fans have been asking, “What more could we have done to save Shadowhunters?” What do you want to say to them?
DS: The fans did everything right.
TS: It’s an incredibly passionate, creative, strong fandom that should be so proud of themselves because this won't be forgotten and it’s bigger than a TV show. What this fandom is preaching is inclusion, and love for all, and all these positive things in life and I think that’s a rarity. I think that will go down in history.
DS: And I was just going to add that without this incredible fan base, we might not have had a two-parter [finale] at all. The show might have just been canceled. But knowing that there was such a devoted fanbase, the powers-that-be decided to do this two-hour finale.
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bytheangell · 5 years
what does writing means to you? I see that you are so passionate about it and are constantly doing it even in small doses, almost everyday, etc. What does it means to you? Do you ever get stressed about it? How can you juggle that and alongside life in general? I'm curious about you, Elle. Where do you get all this motivation, inspiration? Do you consider yourself disciplined about it?
Alright, so to start, I love that you sent this in, Anon! I can’t imagine I’m interesting enough for anyone to be genuinely curious about?! But I appreciate that you are and I love getting personal asks as much as I love rambling about Shadowhunters, especially when they’re about writing!
Writing means everything to me, at the risk of sounding dramatic. It’s always been that One Thing I knew I was pretty good at. I love to read and write from a young age, always writing little stories or keeping a journal, and I guess it’s been a constant in my life for as long as I could remember. I joined fandom forum RPs and wrote there even when I wasn’t doing original short stories, but I wrote those on and off growing up, too. It’s always been an escape, cheap and easy to turn to whenever I need it, or a way to vent, or a way to sort through thoughts muddled in my head. I love writing. It is, by far, my favorite thing to do in my free time. 
That said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ever get stressed about it. I write for fun, yes, and I write the things I want to write because I love them. But sometimes the words just won’t come, or I’ll let myself get distracted and not write as much as I want to that day, or not finish things as quickly as I’d like after I start them, and sometimes I let that get to me no matter how much I try not to. I just hit the one year mark of writing fanfiction. I’m still getting used to the idea that there are people actively following what I put out there, or waiting for the next bit of a series. That anyone might specifically like my writing. Sometimes I let the prompts sit too long and I feel super guilty about it. Or have more ideas than I could ever reasonably get to, but feel unreasonably upset over not just having unlimited writing time. Sometimes I have to remind myself I’m allowed to do other things like watch tv or nap after work, that I don’t have to be writing every free second, even though there’s always something I could be working on. And OOF the stress of something not going over well. Is it me? Is it my writing? Or a poorly executed concept? Or bad characterization that’s missing the mark and failing? What am I doing wrong? 
Thankfully, those sorts of moments are definitely in the minority for me, and far less common now than they were when I first started. I’m more confident in my writing now, but more than that, I’ve stopped focusing so much on writing what I think other people want to read and just started writing what I want to write, even if it’s not a popular character or expected pov. And honestly? I think that shift has made all the difference throughout the past year. (Of course, that doesn’t apply to prompts, which is obviously writing exactly what someone else wants to read xD Which I LOVE getting, because someone out there specifically wants me to write a thing they’re interested in? What?! That’s like the ultimate compliment
I’m glad you called it ‘juggling’ writing with life in general, because it sure isn’t ‘balancing’ fhdas;fj;askl. There’s a lot of sleep deprivation. I never end up having a job with normal hours, so I’m either working weird swing shifts or tons of overtime, but to fit in the spurts of writing I’ve gotten used to lately I pretty much average 4-5 hours of sleep a night. #Priorities. I’m not the most social, so coming home and writing for an hour or two a day after work is a great way for me to unwind. I wish I was more disciplined about it, but really it just comes and goes in spurts. I try to write every day when I can but sometimes I’ll go for days without writing anything new, and others I’ll end up with a few thousand words in a couple of hours. I keep meaning to get into more of an proper habit of it, but I’ve never been good with things like ‘I’ll write from 6-7 am every day’ sorts of writing schedules. It always just happens when it happens  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As far as inspiration, obviously right now a lot of the coda and scene fill/povs I’m writing are taken directly from the show. I can’t help but hit the end of an episode and immediately think, ‘what would I want to happen next?’ or ‘I have a lot of feels about that one particular moment let’s elaborate on that’ or ‘what can I picture -insert character here- doing next’, and playing with things from there. A lot of it is also things I wish I saw more of in canon and willing them into existence. As far as AUs, a lot of it comes from bouncing random ideas off of friends, off of discussions on twitter or tumblr, or seeing something in a show or movie and going ‘THIS DYNAMIC, YES’.  I pull some stuff from real life, too. I did a Malec oneshot recently set with a literary magazine that stopped allowing anonymous submissions, totally a thing my lit mag did in high school. Most of it just sort of… happens. It’ll just be a random idea out of nowhere. I wish I had a better explanation. I’ve always been good at making up stories on the spot, taking one small idea, or sentence, or feeling, and turning it into something more. It almost never ends the way I meant at the start because I have a very fluid writing style and almost always just have the vaguest concept to start with and no solid ending, leaving the things I work on entirely adaptable or changeable along the way. 
And last but not least, the motivation. A lot of it is just the desire to get the ideas in my head down on paper (or, you know, google docs). I like to share ideas I have with friends because their excitement over them is a huge motivator. The positive reactions I get on the writing I post time and time again is always amazing, and while I don’t write for the kudos or likes, knowing that what I’m doing is something others enjoy is always a great motivator to create more. I’ve also come across some amazing writer friends in the fandom since I joined. Chatting with them about the ups and downs of writing fanfic, seeing the amazing content they create and being inspired not just by their writing and ideas but also their attitudes and encouragement has made all the difference over the course of this year. The Shadowhunter Fanfic Nexus is an amazing group of talented writers that was kind enough to take a chance on adopting me pretty early on. They’re always willing to help with details or to run ideas by or listen to me keysmash in frustration when things aren’t working. There’s nothing like a group of writer friends to listen to you go ‘WHAT ARE WORDS WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER I’VE NEVER HAD A CREATIVE THOUGHT IN MY LIFE’ and meet you with both understanding and the reassurance that you’re always your own worst critic and you’ll get there in the end. 
And there you have it! A little glimpse into my writing mindsets, I guess? That got more than a little rambly, sorry! I hope it was even remotely the sort of things you wanted to know and that you aren’t full of total regret for ever asking in the first place now that I wrote a small novella about myself here, xD. But you’re definitely right, I’m very passionate about writing, and I never imagined it’d be something so well received by others and I’m thankful for the opportunity to share it with so many other people!
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trash0lympus · 6 years
I Knew You When 1a - Malec fic
So this is just a very early draft of the first scene of the first chapter, but I've made some progress and I wanted to share!  Magnus isn't going to appear for quite a while, I'm sorry.
Title: I Knew You When
Pairing: Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane
Warnings: Some swearing, puberty, light homophobia
Summary: Alec is starting his senior year in less than a month and if he can't find a way to deal with this insomnia he's never going to make it through the year.
Or: The one where Alec and Magnus have the same therapist, meet in the waiting room, and kind of stalk each other for a while.
ONE - Somnambulate
August, 2007
Alec can't sleep. It's nothing unusual, to have his thoughts swirling around in a sickening downward spiral of anxieties. It's the same invasive thoughts he spends his days distracting himself from, only to have them assault him in the safety of his bed.
He rolls over for the hundredth time and punches his pillow in hopes of getting out some of his anger about still being awake at 3:05am, a good four hours after he'd laid down for the night.
It's always the same, a veritable hurricane/tsunami/? On the variation of the theme not good enough/repulsive/worthless/no one would miss you if you weren't around.
Alec punches his pillow again, then throws his face into it and lets out a small scream of frustration. He doesn't have to worry about anyone overhearing, since Izzy and Max sleep like the dead, and his parents' master suite is at the opposite end of the apartment. He drags in a deep breath, meant to calm the frantic staccato his heart is playing in his chest, and keeps his eyes closed while he lets the sounds of New York drifting through his window wrap him in familiarity.
His senior year is starting in less than a month, and Alec is already starting to feel like the might crack under the pressure, his father's voice echoing in his head as a steady beat, 'this is the most important year of your life, Alec. Getting into law school is your only priority. You'll be a Yale man, just like your father'. Or, even worse, his mother: 'Columbia is an amazing school Alec, I spent the best years of my life there, you could be something great if you'd simply apply yourself'.
He needs to deal with this, or he's going to finish his senior year in tatters, his former face cut away to spite his former nose. And as impressive as that college entrance essay might be, he's not sure there's any special admission allowances for partial humans.
Alec snorts at the delirious image his brain conjures at the thought, and then presses his face as deeply into his pillow as possible and groans.
He's going to have to tell his mother. Dad would never understand, his world consisting only of the endless parade of 'get up, go to work, eat dinner, sleep, get up, go to work' - a monotonous, nauseatingly infinite loop of responsibility that Alec can't even conceive of. No, it will have to be mom. Alec can tell her that he isn't sleeping, and he won't have to explain to her the true depth of what's keeping him up most nights, and with how busy she's been since formally accepting a teaching position at Columbia last month, she probably won't care enough to ask any follow-up questions.
With a defeated sigh Alec sits up in his bed and throws off the sheets, knowing that he'll never be able to relax enough to fall asleep now that he's started this train of thought. He needs to make a plan of what to tell Maryse in the morning. Maybe if stayed up the rest of the night it might help his case? If he looks as exhausted as he truly feels the she couldn't possibly say no to his request for some kind of sleeping pills, or really anything. Alec would be willing to try hypnotic suggestion at this point. He's always been a bit of a night owl, too caught up in his own thoughts to shut down when everyone else seemed to, but it's one thing to be getting less sleep than everyone else, and quite another to be getting none. He only hopes his mother doesn't dismiss his concerns as his usual problems dropping into sleep, that she simply makes a call to their family doctor and continues not to look too closely at him.
Robert and Mayrse Lightwood are by no means neglectful parents, but in the last few years they have certainly begun to shift some of their parental burdens onto Alec himself. Robert finally made partner at his firm when Alec was 14, and a few years later Mayrse had offered a position as guest lecturer at Columbia Law, her alma mater. Just last week a formal offer had been made to her to join the faculty in a permanent position, and while Alec had never seen his mother happier, she had been so busy she was barely home at all anymore. With Max being just nine-years-old, and Izzy still 15, that meant Alec was in charge of making sure they stayed out of trouble, went to school on time, and completed their school work. His senior year came with both a blessing, and a curse, however. His parents had made two announcements during a rare family dinner last night: firstly, they had decided that Max was now old enough to start spending the weekdays living in the dorms at his boarding school; secondly, Jace would be moving in with them for the school year.
Jace is Alec's best friend - well, his only friend really. It's too pathetic to even consider Izzy as his friend, seeing as she's a sophomore, not to mention his little sister. But Jace, a year younger, and the golden boy of their school, has been by his side since their first meeting when Alec was 11. Jace had just been adopted by the Waylands. He was quiet, but not sullen, and Alec remembers the strange way that his eyes seemed drawn to Alec just as Alec couldn't keep his own from seeking out Jace. They would spend that first meeting sitting in silence in Robert's study, Alec pretending to read and Jace staring at him while making a poor mimicry of investigating the knick-knacks and awards on his father's bookshelves. It was at school that first week Jace had been transferred in that Jace had come up to him in the yard at recess. Alec had been sitting under a tree, trying to enjoy the last of the weakening September sunshine with his latest book in hand when a shadow had loomed over him and blocked his light. It was Jace.
"You don't have any friends," he has said. Not accusingly, just flat, like he was reciting a fact. Two time two is four, two times three is six, Alec Lightwood doesn't have any friends.
Alec had scowled, but responded simply with "no," and sent a challenging glare at Jace.
It had the opposite effect than he'd anticipated, and he was momentarily baffled when Jace just huffed out a small breathy chuckle.
"Okay," was all Jace had said, and all but threw himself onto the ground beside Alec. "You can be mine then".
And that had been it. Jace would show up next to him at every recess, sought him out at lunch and ate beside him. After a few weeks Alec had snapped and asked him why.
Jace had shrugged and said, "your eyes. You don't tell lies, but your eyes say what your voice doesn't".
It's been nearly eight years since then, and Alec still isn't really sure what Jace meant, but he's never been comfortable examining the reasons why a ten-year-old Jace had already known to read people so well. He was the first person to see Alec, and if he was going to be living with them for the next year Alec didn't know how he was going to keep everything together, to keep his secrets locked away where Jace couldn't read them in his eyes, couldn't see it written all over his face.
Alec figured it out for real at 13, during one of the countless sleepovers when they're wrestling like they always do, but this time Alec really enjoys it. He goes so quickly from tussling on the floor with Jace to running through the bathroom door and locking it behind him. He's terrified that Jace felt it and he's willing himself not to panic. He's had the talk by now, even had a sex-ed class at school, and he tells himself that it was just hormones. It doesn't mean anything, it has nothing to do with Jace, he just got too excited, a little over-stimulated. Almost convinces himself it's true until he has the dream. It was all Jace's flashing eyes, his smile and his chest and his arms around Alec and when he woke up his pajamas and sheets were ruined. He had stuffed them into the garbage chute before anyone woke up. From then on when Jace stayed over they didn't share a bed.
He starts to base most of his decisions on a creeping paranoia of being discovered. He knows, without a doubt, that his parents would not like this, and while he can't put his finger on what it is about him that's different, he knows that it's wrong.
He starts trying to pay attention to the girls in his grade, and panics when he realises that he should have already noticed them. Jace is a year younger than he is and he's been talking about girls for ages.
That was the year before high school. When he started ninth grade he planned to keep flying under the radar, but his parents insisted he needed to participate in extracurriculars for his college applications. He tried to argue that he could volunteer in the library, take extra AP courses, or get summer internships, and while they agreed he should still do all those things they believed a sport would create a more well rounded application. It was the first time they had implied he wasn't quite enough on his own. He'd chosen archery only because the club was small, and he thought that at least it would be easier to hide away in a corner of the locker room inconspicuously while they changed, to lag behind and shower last.
Alec dragged his hands roughly over his face, feeling exhaustion clawing at his body while his mind churned, considering and discarding ways he might bring up the topic with his mother in the morning. His bare feet hit the hardwood floor of his bedroom and he decided a hot shower might be the thing to clear his head, or at least pass some time while he waiting for his family to wake up. There was nothing to do until then but wait.
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themimsyborogove · 6 years
Tagged by @bytheangell 💖
Rules: List the first line(s) of your last twenty stories. See if you find any patterns. Tag ten authors to pass it along. 
I’m going to count the ficlet collections as one work, otherwise the majority of the list will be from kinktober.
1) Catarina is hit with the smell of spice and peanuts as she lets herself into her and Diana’s small apartment in Bangkok. (Just Keep Walking, Step By Step [prompt fic collection])
2) “Tessa!” The knocking on her door that she’s been ignoring for the past several minutes grows more insistent. “I know you’re in there, open the door before I blow it open!” (Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful)
3) Tessa glanced at her watch for what felt like the thousandth time in the last hour, anxiously pacing in front of the door. They hadn’t been able to set an exact time to meet, so he wasn’t technically late, but she was starting to worry he had somehow been caught, despite how careful he always was. (We Share the Weary Load)
4) Magnus wakes up later than usual, the sun already high in the sky, which is a rare event with two small children. When he reaches for Alec, he finds himself alone in the bed, but he hears the sounds of muffled giggling and the banging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen. (Look Into Your Eyes and the Sky’s the Limit)
5) “Are you ready for your first Halloween as a Ghostbuster?” Tessa asks, passing Alec a plate of dumplings. (Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost [Ghostbusters AU])
6) Alec will never get used to it, he thinks, dropping his head back against the wall, (All I’ve Ever Heard Are Love Songs [kinktober prompts, all explicit, click at your own risk])
7) Something changes the first time Catarina leans back on Tessa for support, a subtle shift in the nature of their relationship. (For You Are Made of Nebulas and Novas and Night Sky)
8) The sound of waves was the first thing Annabel was aware of. The steady rhythm of the water crashing against the shore, over and over again in a familiar lullaby. (The Devil Calls This Play)
9) Magnus always makes it a point to keep up with mundane pop culture. When he sees the movie poster in May of 2001, he knows what he has to do. (The World is Gonna Roll Me [warlock squad fic collection])
10) The conversation had first come up around a year and a half ago, not long after Tessa and Jem’s daughter, Willa, was born. A silly time travel romance novel set in Scotland that they had read together a few years before had recently been made into a tv show, and Catarina was gleefully planning to force Ragnor to watch it with her and laugh at his endless complaints over the historical inaccuracies. (Dream a Flying Start)
11) The pain was finally gone, but Alec's brain still felt fuzzy. He blinked his eyes open, trying to focus on the figure next to his bed. All his brain could register was a halo of light and an impression of gold. (We Made It Here Through the Storm [Malec fic collection])
12) Once upon a time, the kingdom of New Edom was a dark place. It had been created by the demon Asmodeus, who had clawed his way out of his demon realm in an attempt to grab a foothold in the human world. He sired many warlocks, immortal magic users marked by physical signs of what they were, and sent them out into the world as generals of his armies. (Like a Storybook Story [Princess Bride AU])
13) Catarina originally comes to Idris at the request of Tobias Herondale. His wife, Eva, was ill in the later stages of pregnancy, and he was worried, he had written in his letter. And right to be too, Catarina thinks when she arrives. Eva was showing signs of pre-eclampsia, which could kill her after the birth of the child without intervention. (So Pay No Mind, My Sorrow’s Fine)
14) The apartment is empty when Catarina gets home from her shift at the hospital, which is unusual, but Ragnor had told her that morning that he was dealing with a particularly difficult spell for a client, which probably explains why he isn’t home yet. After her shower, Catarina flops down on the sofa and turns the tv on, flipping through the channels until she finds a marathon of Scrubs reruns. It’s the only medical show she can stand watching, and it never fails to make her laugh. (Take My Love and Never Grow Old [Cat/Ragnor smut collection])
15) “It’s good to see you looking so happy,” a voice, a too familiar voice, says behind her. (Touch Me Again Till I Wake And It’s Real [show!fic collection])
16) Helen can still feel the ghost of Aline’s goodbye kiss on her lips as she steps out of the Portal onto the grounds of the Shadowhunter Academy, and she clings to the memory of its warmth as she meets the cold glare of Freeman Mayhew, the professor whose class she’ll be lecturing, waiting to lead her into the Academy. (Here Comes the Sun)
17) Ragnor tosses Magnus roughly down on the bed in a huff, and Magnus’s limp, sleeping form bounces slightly as he hits the mattress, but he doesn’t wake. Ragnor was strong, but Magnus was nearly as tall as he was, and even though Magnus was thin, Ragnor and Catarina had had to carry him a long way after he had finally passed out, which had made him feel especially heavy. (Everybody Here Has Seams And Scars)
18) The day dawns bright and beautiful. Birds are singing in the crisp, early spring air, the sun is shining through the window, and Magnus Bane is practically quivering with excitement. (Whack Fol the Da O, Dance to Your Partner)
19) After an incident in Turkey that ends in the two of them caught in the middle of a battle between some local vampire clans and werewolf packs, Ragnor Fell declares that he never wants to see Magnus Bane’s obnoxious face or his ridiculously over-styled hair again. He leaves Turkey in a huff, with a vow to never return. Though if he actually refused to return to all of the countries Magnus had gotten them in trouble in, he would run out of places in the world to visit. (When I Wanted Sunshine, I Got Rain)
20) Tessa had been living with Magnus in Paris for a few months now. When Will had died, she hadn’t known where else to go. Without Will by her side, she felt more like a different creature than she had ever had among the Shadowhunters she had lived with nearly her entire life, and she couldn’t stay and watch her children outlive her, but Magnus had always been kind to her. (We Are Falling, But Not Alone)
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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pynchmalecx-blog · 6 years
This Love, Chapter one. - Malec
I ran down the stairs, my hair was wet, and I could smell my shampoo when the wind hit my face. My family was already at the table. We are a huge and happy family. I am proud of us. We had Izzy, who was young and beautiful. She was a nerd, she wore glasses - just like me - and almost always had a shy smile on her face. She was 15 years old and wore a Star Wars shirt with black jeans and a black all-star with several stars. Her black hair was tied up in a badly made hairstyle and she talked cheerfully with Max. Max was 15 years old too and was Izzy's twin. The identical appearance of her but completely masculine. And there was Jace. He was adopted. He had blond hair and golden eyes. He had a convinced, gentle smile on his face. Jace was only a year younger than me. At 16, Jace worked in two jobs, one, he was a dj, and the other was a photography assistant. Izzy and Max did not work, I only have one job. I'm a barista at a cafe called Idris Coffee shop. I love working there. It was quiet, had good music and good structure. It smell like coffee I loved the heads that was friendly to me and sometimes they gave me time off without me really needing it.
I sat down at the table and smiled at my parents and my brothers, taking a cup of coffee and putting the liquid in it.
“How's the birthday boy?” Jace said softly. I rolled my eyes. Jace was my best friend and we were constantly fighting each other.
"My birthday was yesterday, Jace.” I say softly too.
"It's not every day that you made 17 years old, Alec! We have to celebrate all week!” He said excitedly. Jace was very excited in the morning and sometimes it irritated me. Often.
I ignored him.
After breakfast we all went to school. It was Monday and my birthday was on Sunday and so I had to put up with several people congratulating me. Me, Izzy, Max and Jace sat down on a bench and talked. Minutes later three more people joined us. Chris, Simon and Clary. They all dated my brothers. Chris was dating Max, Simon was dating Izzy, and Clary was dating Jace. And I was alone. I did not really care about dating anyone but when they started kissing and I was practically left alone, I just left.
I walked down the corridors of the school, looking for an empty room so I could read. When I found it I look at the clock. We had arrived very early and it took about 30 minutes for the signal to ring. I had plenty of time to read. I went into the room and sat down in the second row, opened my backpack and pulled out my book. I shrugged my glasses and sighed. I did not like being alone, I always felt alone and it was a bad feeling. I ignored it and started to read. It did not take more than 10 minutes for the door to open, I almost fought with the person until I laid eyes on him. I lost the air.
"Hello, Alexander," he said, his voice was soft. He wore a gray blazer with khaki pants of the same color, held several English books, and had a shy smile on his lips. I smiled delightedly. “Did I bother you?”
"No, of course not," I said. He smiled and entered the room. I closed my book and only paid attention to it. In the nervous way he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table in front of me, turning to me with a smile. My heart was racing. As always, and I felt the masculine scent coming from him. His hair was a little messy and I wanted to be able to put my hands between the strands. He had that smile that made my cheeks flush, just like they were now.
"So, what are you doing here alone?" He asked, his fingers drumming on the table in front of me. I arched an eyebrow.
"I wanted to be alone." I lied. I did not like being alone. "And you, Mr. Bane? Shouldn't you be in your office?
He laughed softly, ducking his head and looking at his fingers, I looked at them too, not knowing what to say or what to do. The nervousness in my body and the urge to touch him almost made my body tremble.
"I should," he said simply, pausing to take a deep breath. "But since your birthday was on a Sunday, I could not give you a present."
I chuckled softly.
"I told you I did not want one," I said shyly. He lifted his head and looked at me, then opened his pack and removed a package from there. I smiled. It was a book. He knew me so well. I smiled even more when I saw which book it was. The last book of The Raven Cycle The only one left for me to read. He knew all the books I read and it was easy for him to know what I would want. "I loved it, thank you, Magnus.”
He smiled, he knew that I really had adored it. Carefully, I slipped the book into my backpack and tidied up my glasses, feeling his eyes locked on me.
We were silent. We had nothing to talk about. He just drummed his fingers on the table nervously and I stared at them. He had nothing to say, or perhaps he had many things to say, and he did not know how to act. I knew him very well, I knew what he was like.
"Why aren't you with your brothers?" He said quietly, stopping to beat the table and raising his eyes to see me. I smiled.
"They were all kissing their boyfriends and girlfriend" I say, shrugging once more, rearranging my glasses. He smiled sadly. The answer seemed to shut him up. "And I hoped I could see you before class, too."
He smiled at the confession. Closing his eyes for a few seconds just to breathe deeply. We were getting lost, I knew that. We were playing this for two years. It was not easy, it was very difficult, and we were drifting further and further away every day. I was so upset about it. We had promised not to walk away. We had nothing. I could not charge him with anything. We just had our feelings thrown on the table. We did not kiss, we did not touch, we just talked. And this was ending. In the past, it was easy to talk to him about anything. Now, it's difficult. Is weird. But we're still here, fighting this space between us. Magnus is my teacher, he has been my teacher for two years. He is also of age, he was 25 years old. When we met, we were just a student and a teacher. 15 years and 23 years. We had no feelings, or we did not think so. Until a few months ago we confessed what we felt and everything seemed to be changing little by little. I could not stay with him, not now. I am still a minor and with this distance getting bigger I doubts that we could try something when I am older.
"I was really looking for you, actually" he said softly. He played with his own fingers and I stared at him. The green eyes had a confused glow, the golden skin was glowing with the light from the window. The black hair was beautiful, tidy the way I liked it. "I also wanted to see you before class."
We were silent, that new silence that none of us knew what to say to break it. He drummed his fingers on the table again, and I was slightly irritated by the noise. I held his hand, preventing him from continuing.
“Stop it," I say, referring to the noise. He just looked at our hands. A heat went through my whole body and touching his hand was burning my skin. He did not look different either, he looked at our hands with a glint in his eyes. Magnus did not say anything, he just laid his hand on mine, entwining our fingers. That made me smile small, almost crying. Maybe we could do it, after all. Maybe we're strong enough to get through this. I wanted to believe that we were. Silently, I stroked his hand, feeling that electric current flow through my body, I felt it only with him and I did not need to look at him too much to know that he felt it just with me too. I saw it in his face. He smiled, looking at our hands, his chest rising and falling, showing his breath uncontrollable. My heart was coming out of my mouth. How could I feel this way just by touching his hand? I wondered what it would be like if I could hug him. I'm not sure if I could survive a hug from Magnus. I was about to faint now, just holding his hand. If I hugged him, I could die. And I do not think I'm being dramatic.
The bell rang, making me take a little hop in the chair, he looked at me with shining eyes and laughed. Slowly, he moved his hand away from mine and I felt empty. He sighed, I knew he also wanted the touch back.
"I have to go to class” he said quietly, still sitting in front of me. I smiled and nodded.
"And I have to attend your class," I say, he shrugged. “Thanks for the book, Mags”
He raised.
"I wish I could give you more than that," he said. And I knew he was not referring to the book.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to run to him. But instead, I just sighed and held back the thought that we would get through it and then I went to his class. I watched Magnus gracefully give his English class and write down everything I needed. Hating myself for not wanting to be just another student of him. For not being able to tell the world that it was more than that.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
My day has not been good so I need this right now
Max was going to find the piece of shit and cut off their hands.
David not telling Max...this hurts me. the PAIN OH MY GOD I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY
Wasn’t Max David’s first choice?
I need tea
david :((
Omg I have an Alivia au like this ahahhshhsd Olivia figuring out the person after the murders (looooong story) is someone close to Alice. It is not a pleasant conversation, Alice does not believe it, a bunch of shit goes down ohhh I fucking love it so much it's my precious brain baby
David looked at his hands. His long, pale fingers were sweaty. “Max. She is trying to kill me.”
really? whoever could've guessed
Jackson killing Max was much more believable than Mallory killing David.
oh baby-
I wanna hug David :((
She may not be a warlock but you know wat she has? a shit ton of money to hire a warlock
I will cry I do not like this
oh wow pain
“Well, I’m not gonna be there forever, Max,” David replied. “So, you might as well get used to it now.”
Oh...Oh my god
why you gotta do this to me
Me? relating to max? yes very much, what about it?
oooo I did not remember that
oh to be able to breathe underwater
I love them so much omg I will cry
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
I just know that everyone will find out eventually
omg he's going to make her something...
Marcus, I will punch you so hard ACKNOWLEDGE ANJALI YOU BITCH
so I was RIGHT about the warlock magic thing being important
Marcus and Mallory need THERAPY SO BAD OH MY GOD
dude chill the fuck out
great jace knows too
oh my god RAFAEL 😭😭
jace my dude-
I am worried about the warlock issues...
“Or she,” Jace winked as they reached the Gard. Magnus had a permanent portal opened there for Rafael. “Or they.”
hell yeah!!
bitch-ass bitch? come on max we gotta get creative!
lbaf malec just HITS DIFFERENT
“Because my biggest fear that is that I won’t get to see them grow up,” Alec said in response. “You know shadowhunters live short lives. So, to see them grow up, it’s a blessing.”
“You will never stop being bapak,” Alec promised. “Just as I will never stop being dad.” “Or bitch-ass bitch?”
Max needed to be dragged to study math. To attend nephilim events that were ‘too boring’. To go play with children whose name wasn’t David.
such a mood on the 1st and last one like YES
oh, there's a doctor at our house. the one we usually go to doesn't open for like 2 more days but my brother is very sick. He had to get out of school early today because of it too. I'm suspecting dengue since it's very widespread rn. Well my aunt's a doctor and she has contacts so...there's a doctor taking his blood now. alright then.
“Because you’re growing up,” Magnus whispered. “And one day, I’ll stop being bapak.”
dude don't be crazy you'll always be bapak
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
bold assumption y'all would still be alive in 500 years 😶
“Like sure, imma grow up and do my own shit,” Max said, eloquent as always. “But I’ll still need you. I always do.”
“And destiny,” Selena added. “That’s why Magnus’ magic is the same colour as Uncle Alec’s eyes.”
Selena so right
what the fuck do you mean it's not a fucking warlock
it's Marcus with the seashell, isn't it?
oh my god...
I have a theory. The seashell uses the magic of the other warlocks or maybe Marcus is stealing it on purpose with the seashell. And he uses that to attack the institute. But Marcus would have to be inside the institute to be portalling them there. Do the attack date sync up with the dates of the warlocks losing their magic?
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
oh honey
david stfu and let her help you
She had almost thought something was wrong with her powers. But no. She was probably just tired.
I am very worried and very excited
I didn't have the best of days and still feel weird and I am sorry if that came across in this. The chapter significantly made my night better and I absolutely loved it so much <3
Sending you good vibes <333
Actual footage of me reading your theories
Tumblr media
I'm sorry about the shitty days. Let's hope the rest of this week is kinder to us. And I really hope your brother recovers soon and well because dengue is the worst. Sending you love x
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echo-bleu · 4 years
For the 500 followers, Malec, Magnus has a surprise for Alec, some misunderstanding between them, angst issues a bit, in the end lots of fluff
Thank you so much for this ask! This was a lot of fun to think about. I meant to answer all these asks much sooner but life got in the way a bit, so here we are.
I toyed with turning this into a whole fic but I couldn’t quite find the drive, so here’s a fic in headcanon form 😂
This is early on in their relationship, I’m thinking around 2x14 (in a verse where the timeline actually makes sense and they have been dating for more than like 2 weeks at this point. I’m putting this in my map out a world verse so Alec’s autistic.). They’ve been together for a while now but they’re still both learning about each other. Magnus hasn’t been doing well since the body swap mess, but he’s pretending like nothing’s wrong and Alec doesn’t know how to help, and on his end Alec is working overtime because he’s just been named Head and he’s trying to prove that he can be a good one, setting up the Downworld Cabinet and all that.
Magnus decides that they really need a vacation, and he wants to surprise Alec with it so that he can’t weasel his way out of it saying he has too much work, so he arranges everything with Jace and Izzy and gets Alec a whole week off work and prepares to whisk them away to a house he owns on the French Riviera.
Only Alec doesn’t handle surprises well. At all. Especially the kind that requires relocating to an unknown place without warning and giving up on his carefully planned schedule. He doesn’t say anything though, because he knows Magnus had good intentions and because he’s long been trained to think that his discomfort doesn’t matter.
The place they’re in is beautiful, with the sea visible from the windows and a tiny beach in a creek just for them, that’s hidden by magic from mundane eyes. But Alec just...can’t. For the first few days, he’s on edge. He’s really trying to enjoy this, because he knows Magnus prepared everything for him, they go visit some beautiful places, medieval castles and incredible sights but he can’t enjoy them. His mind is just stuck back at the Institute and he can’t relax at all, and every sensory input just triggers more overload, whether it’s yelling tourists or the smell of algae or too much sun hitting his eyes. He hates himself for being so moody but he can’t help it.
Magnus can tell something’s wrong, but he doesn’t understand what it could be. He did everything so that the vacation would be something Alec would enjoy, and he doesn’t seem to be enjoying it at all. So after two days of Alec being uncomfortable and in a bad mood, he sits him down in the evening and they try to talk it out. Alec doesn’t even know what’s going on with himself, just that he can’t think properly and he feels unsettled. So Magnus just pulls up his phone and goes through about thirty different articles on autism and asks Alec questions and they figure it out. Some of the articles are terrible and keeps speaking of autism as a flaw but some hit just right. Like the one about change being hard, especially unexpected change. That when the world is so overwhelming all the time you need to anchor yourself to something, and you naturally choose familiarity. The things that you can control, that you can expect to be the same every time, so suddenly being uprooted and having to make up new routines all over again is upsetting and terrifying.
And it all makes sense. Magnus offers to go back to New York, so that Alec can have that familiarity back, but Alec doesn’t want to. He wants to enjoy this vacation. So Magnus conjures their weighted blanket, and Alec’s favorite pillow. Instead of going to a different local restaurant for every meal, he lets Alec choose one that he felt comfortable in, and they go there or order in most meals. He stops nagging Alec about his getting up at six am on the dot to do his morning run and his training, but instead he joins him most days. And it’s not perfect, Alec is still tired and sometimes he hides in the bedroom in the dark because it’s too much (especially when he’s been to the beach because the goddamn sand gets everywhere) but he actually enjoys it. Maybe he can’t do three different visits and a swim and two restaurants every day like Magnus expected, but they’re both okay with that. It’s resting for Magnus, too, in the end, to just lounge in bed half the day, or to swim for hours and play in the water together.
Sometime through all that, they start talking. For hours, in the evening, they just talk. About their pasts, about their traumas, about their dreams and their fears. They sit together outside on the patio, in front of the beautiful sunset, and they talk through things.
And when they come back, Magnus finds that he no longer wakes up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. He still has moments when he gets lost in the bad memories, in the flashbacks, but now Alec knows how to help him through that. Magnus knows how to avoid overwhelming Alec, how to give him small surprises without it becoming too much. They’ve grown closer.
 500 followers celebration post
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akane171 · 3 years
Uhh, nice that you can cut it!😁 (Seriously, sorry about the length, I try to keep it short but apparently LW's curse of writing long af stuff speads onto other people and more than just fanfics🙈🤦🏻‍♀️
Ohh, yes, true, arguing about the politics/beliefs etc and having someone to train with would be nice bonding for them🤔
Yup..I mean, I love Kara and Alex (and Sam and Dean) and their siblingship but sometimes it really just got unnatural, unhealthy and a bit toxic... Which is very sad, cause sibling relationships are always beautiful to have around🙈 (I mean, somtimes ignoring would have been fine, cause sometimes siblings just don't rehash things or specifically talk about it, but not in such major cases and not all the time...) 
Yeah, I still don't even get why Kara has human alcohol at home when it can't even affect her😅 Like, Alex and alcohol, I get. Mon and the alien bar, I get. But Kara and human alcohol? Strange..(ans yes, not too child-friendly...) 
Ohh, yep, you're certainly an evil genius😂 Having to actually watch those memories would be hell 😅 Btw, what age-difference did you think of between Maya and Len?🤔
Malec is awesome and wholesome and Matthew Daddario and Harry Shum Jr. did a brilliant job making them come to love despite the book-show-differences😍
HAHAHA, here, have a big hug *gives a big bear hug* 😂 Gotta be honest, I never liked her anyway (might have been because I can't stand pink, but she did prove me right to not like her, so I guess it doesn't matter)😅 And Nooo, Pikachu is so much more useful and cute than she could ever be...😂🙈 
Ah, yeah, well, it would have been nicer if they made Hinata grow out of her fangirling a bit more🤔
Lol, true, YA and common sense is not exactly a common combination 😂
Yeah, I noticed that correlation, too, but it makes sense, cause why write fanfics if canon already gives you anything you could want or wish for?😂
Yup, those tropes are sadly a big hit with a majority of young people who think being part of a love triangle means they must be mega awesome and wonderful and blah blah blah😩 Ugh, romance is so disgusting 99% of the time...
Haha, YES, EXACTLY! Night-time is me-time and as a highly introverted person whose energy levels usually only spike at night, I really wish that could just be a constant time-slot instead of having to go through everyday-DAY-life😅🙈 No people, no unwanted noises, no responsibilities... Just heaven😍🙈 (That early morning struggle I know just too well as well... It's like a curse😖😔 Whoever came up with starting a day before sunrise in winter is a freaking idiot...)
You don't wanna know... That happens way too often... So much so that I'm kinda afraid to read anything that isn't a new upload on AO3 alone (tho I still do it, cause reading that little fanfiction would kill me😂)
Ahh, yes, life😅 The big evil stopping us from anything and everything we would rather do😩 My condolensces😔😔
Yes, still frustrating tho😂
Haha, yes, probably at least half the world😂
Aww yess 😍 Back when Dragonball was still epic, too😍 I still love the Cell Arc to bits 😍 (tho afterwards...hm...) 
Yeah, Sasuke as a villain was actually nice and did give Naruto a concrete goal to strive for but the way they had him do an 180 at the end and suddenly decide to become Hokage? Just wtf...🤦🏻‍♀️ And aww, Itachi😭 Still one of the best written characters of ALL TIME!😭
Well, Tsunade&Jiraiya and Asuma&Kurenai, but both couples were screwed over BIG TIME, soo... (I'm not sure, but I think I remember reading somewhere that originally Kishimoto didn't wanna bother with ships at all, so that's probably why we got these afterthought-pair-ups...?)
(Haha, true😂 Great ted Talk! *applause*)
Hey, don't worry about the lenght, it's quite of amazing how we BOTH can moan about everything a lot xD Maybe you are Polish? Because complaning is our national sport. Or yeah, LW 'scurse.
And both bounding on how humans are uncivilized :)
Plus, we both know they are tv shows, so dramas were needed, but well, the way how their problems are solved is imortant and I felt that for a few times the writers just ignored some stuff, like with the Jeremiah thing. What Alex said was CRUEL and it was not approached. And similar thing happened on his funeral and once again, one hug and everything is fineeeeeeeeeeeeee. that's not how shit works. And it's kind of ugh, bad how they were preaching about family, sisterhood and then gave soemthing like this.
Like what, she seriously likes the taste of the beer or not sweet wine? Kara? the sweet tooth puppy? Mhm.
Thank you ;3 The age difference would be hmm... 5 years? And Kara would leave around Maya being 7-8.
Have heard people really loved them xD and well, they looked good on the screen and the chemistry was on point, I think? :D
Awww, you hate pink tooo? HIGH FIVE! I might have not minded because I started with manga, so no colors there xD in th ebeginning she was not that bad and had that badass moment on the chuunin exam in the forest when she cut her hair. But then.... no. Agreed on Pika Pika lil guy.
Never cared about her too much. I think they amde a whole movie where they kidnapped Hinata and made Naruto fell in love with her erm... more or something? but tbh? Naruto and Sasuke makes 10 times more sense than NxH and SxS but whatever.
The only YA that made sense was Battle Royale....
IKR? Just make them all pansexuals and give me a break. My aro/ace ass is seriously tired of this shit. Give me a stroy with a good romance and not a romance where whole story is circling and focused on the romance.
Another high five my intorverted friend! The person who created the "get up in the morning and work/study" probably burns in a special kind of hell (that person was probably a white Protestant, I bet). My brain usualy wakes around 9 pm and my work starts at 7:30. God hates me.
Yeah, it's always like... am i going to like? is this story going to kill me inside? and most importantly, is it going to be unfinished? The problems of the first world, huh...
Cell arc was the best. I like the Boo part too. But the GT.... sigh. i haven't watched the new new thing. Have you?
I loved that Sasuke XD i was, yeah, kill them all! have no mercy! yeehaaaaaaw! Seriously, him and Itachi, like.... fuck my life. it trauamtized my teenage ass like nothing else.
tbh, Orochimaru as a villain was.... the creepiest and my most hated bitch for a long time. Like i was yelling inside of my head a lot of times "JUST DIE" and then he was ressurected again. And he survived... like.... wtf, friend?
oh, asuma and kurenai.... that was a pain too. Hmm, that sounds like Kishimoto. And the fact we got some... ship paradise in the end *sarcasm* just for him having a reason to milk it all and write another series *raging sarcasm* why, oh why, authors CAN'T finish their series at a GOOD moment? just whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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Five Times Maryse Lightwood Realized She Was Wrong (And the One Time She Admitted It)
Read on AO3
3- In the Doorway
Maryse Lightwood and 'The Time She Went to Tell Alec to Get Some Sleep But Found Magnus There Already Doing It For Her'
or 'The 100000000000000000000000000th time that Malec was cute'
Alec had thrown himself into everything he did with as much energy and enthusiasm as he possibly could. It was what he had been trained to do, since he was a child. And becoming Head of the Institute was no different.
He had taken over at the worst possible time, Maryse Lightwood knew this, and she hated Imogen Herondale for it. For making every effort she could to throw her son under the bus, to let him taste his future, before she ripped it from his hands.
But Alec was not one to let himself fail, and she was proud, knowing that he was doing everything in his power to prevent Imogen from having any excuse to replace him. Alec was smart; Alec knew that he above all others had to be the perfect leader.
It was why Maryse Lightwood was on her way to Alec’s office at this very moment. Because Valentine had been recently imprisoned in the Institute’s basement. And she knew there was much still that Alec had to do to make sure that he stayed there. To make sure he could settle the stirrings of a Downworlder uprising that Imogen and the Clave had created, but had somehow become Alec’s responsibility to stop. Maryse Lightwood knew her son well, and she knew that it had probably been two days since he had slept.
She was going to make sure he learned how to take a break before he worked himself to an early grave.
Decades of Shadowhunting had taught Maryse how to stay silent in stilettos, and the training kicked in the minute she heard voices coming from Alec’s office.
“Darling, I’m serious,”
“So am I. I’m fine, I don’t need to sleep.”
What was Magnus Bane doing at the Institute at two o’clock in the morning? Maryse asked herself as she peeked around the corner of the doorframe.
Alec was sitting at his desk, his chair spun around to face Magnus, hand still hovering over the tablet in which he stored his documents. His elbow resting on the stack of files he still had to finish signing.
“You haven’t slept in two days, and stamina runes can only keep you going for so long.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Because you’re running on pure adrenaline.”
“I am not.”
“Alexander Gideon Lightwood, do not give me that bullshit,” Magnus chastised, pointing a single ringed finger at Alec, who frowned in shock. Maryse bit back a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand at the thought that Magnus Bane was feeding Alec the same spiel she would have given him. That there could be so much love and care in his voice, and so little room for argument. And maybe it was the fact that she had seen Magnus with Alec a few times before, that she no longer found herself surprised that Magnus could find exactly the right tone to make sure Alec was paying attention.
Magnus dropped his hand, he softened his posture, he ran a hand through Alec’s hair. “I know that you are under a lot of pressure to do everything perfectly. I know how scared you are of losing the only thing you’ve dreamed about your entire life because you’re dating me.”
“This isn’t your fault, Magnus,” Alec replied automatically, as if it were something he had learned how to say on autopilot.
“Well, regardless, I know how important this is to you, being Head of the Institute, and you know as well as I do that you are a phenomenal leader. You deserve this, Alec, you deserve every minute of leadership. You will do great things for the Shadow World. You’re doing everything you can to make a positive change, and I am so unbelievably proud of everything you’ve done to try to bridge the divide between Shadowhunters and Downworlders. But, angel,” Magnus tucked a strand of hair behind Alec’s ear, and kept his hand resting on Alec’s cheek. Alec pressed a brief kiss to Magnus’ palm. “Good leaders make smart decisions, and you can’t make smart decisions if you are exhausted.”
Alec sunk back in his chair, and Maryse could tell this was hitting too close for comfort with Alec.
“I know you know this,” Magnus pressed. “You aren’t going to be very helpful to anyone if you are too tired to focus, or if you drop in the middle of combat because you don’t have the energy to stand up. Alexander,” Magnus paused for a second, taking the opportunity to sit in Alec’s lap. Alec’s arms automatically going from where they sat on his paperwork to wrap themselves around Magnus’ body. And Maryse thought for a moment that for some reason it looked like the most natural thing in the world. Alec and Magnus, together. How had she not believed it before?
“The first step to being a good leader, is taking good care of yourself,” Magnus continued. “Valentine is in a cell downstairs, I am back in my own body.” Alec pressed their foreheads together at that. “The world is not going to end just because you let yourself take a break for a few hours and let your body rest,” Magnus said as he kissed Alec quickly before jumping off his lap and holding out a hand in offering. “Besides you don’t even have to leave the office. You can just sleep on the couch. God knows it’s more comfortable than your actual bed, and anyone who sees you will think you are the hardest worker they’ve ever come across…which is true anyway.”
“I don’t have a pillow,” Alec crossed his arms over his chest, a challenging smirk on his face.
“Alexander, do you so easily forget that you have a magical boyfriend who can summon you a pillow? Or, an incredibly handsome boyfriend with a lap that is perfect for laying your head in?”
“Well if I had known that offer was on the table I would have gone to bed much earlier,” Alec smiled, grabbing Magnus’ hand and allowing himself to be pulled out of his chair.
Magnus embraced Alec for a moment, kissing his forehead. “Let’s give that beautiful brain of yours a chance to rest.” They walked hand in hand to the black leather couch, Magnus taking time to sit before guiding Alec down after him. Alec curled on his side almost immediately upon laying down. A yawn contorting his face. Magnus smiled to himself, a small smile, a private one, one of uncontainable bliss. Something meant for no one but himself. A smile that Alec was completely oblivious to. Magnus twisted around to grab the blanket that was hanging off the edge of the couch. He splayed it carefully over Alec’s body. One hand entangling itself in the dark black strands of Alec’s hair, playing with it absentmindedly.
Alec hummed happily, reaching out with one hand to take Magnus’ free one. Magnus took it readily, drawing circles on Alec’s skin.
“I love you,” Alec murmured, sighing contentedly, as he snuggled deeper into Magnus’ lap, as if he had found safety in it.
“I love you, too,” Magnus replied.
And it was something Maryse believed whole-heartedly. She could see it now, she could see how good they were for each other, could see the way Alec’s confidence had grown under Magnus’ careful care. How Magnus had seemed happier too, in the brief moments she had seen him. How there was a new light in his eyes, how he was much more tolerable when it came to matters of business. How much he cared about Alec, about a Shadowhunter, a Lightwood no less. And what had she been doing trying to convince herself of anything else? Magnus would not break Alec’s heart. Magnus and Alec loved each other. And maybe, maybe Alec had started to show her that it was okay to find love in the arms of a Downworlder. That maybe it wasn’t so wrong, that maybe it was time to get over her bias, and her prejudice. To admit when she wrong.
She looked back at them once more, at the sound of Alec’s gentle snores, and nearly jumped in shock when her eyes met Magnus’ brown ones. He sent her a small smile; how long had he known she was here? How long did he know she had been spying on them? She could feel the slow pooling of heat in her cheeks, blush a too obvious sign of her embarrassment at being caught. She forced a small nod, the best approval she could think of in the moment, before turning on her heel and fleeing into the comfortable darkness of her own room.
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