#earlier i had this thought- 'if i didnt give a fuck i would send this message to this person but i care too much'
aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for sending a guy a music video??
so basically how this all happened is i (13m) was talking to this guy (??m) and i mentioned a conversation we had earlier where i sent him a video
he didnt seem to remember the conversation and also kinda seemed like he was feeling pretty shitty and confused about who he is so i sent him the video hoping it would like jog his memory or some shit
turns out he apparently actually fucking hated this video cuz he thought it was like blasphemy against a weird clown religion he follows??? i wasnt trying to give him a fuckin crisis of faith or whatever i just thought he would like the music
so. aita???
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enlighten3d · 6 months
tada dot point oc lore that i thought up on my plane ride tonight (just got home agh finallyyy) and yes. this is a curse now. oc lore be upon ye/silly :3
-So Tim (janette’s dad) did leave for a reason other than oh weird cult. Diana did try to kill him. He’s blind in his right eye because of it (she had to kill someone to become the cult leader)
-Janette shot huan lin in the back of the head and then immediately hopped back in the car they were driving and sat there in dead silence. and then got jumpscared by huan’s ghost who was like ‘WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT’/hj
-Dana and Tim were a highschool couple (guy who’s ‘alternative’ for the 60’s and very religious girl the couple ever)
-Janette originally was meant to be in a polycule/qpr thing with josh and adele but then @koymoa made adele a terrible person so. lore happened.
okok byeee i will send non lore related asks i promisee
OC LORE BE UPON ME 💥💥‼️ i have been fed... just so you know, this is like.. throwing enrichment into my enclosure. enrichment that i also eat. this is great.
O H. OH BOY. HALF-BLIND HUH?? WELL THATS F U N . id imagine that didnt affect his life in any way /s. does he wear an eyepatch..... he should wear an eyepatch.. (/nf, this is just Silly). what does he say when ppl ask him how he lost the eye.. "oh my evil cult leader ex-wife tried to kill me. its fine tho ! i took one of our children and left the other to suffer (:"
AHEHFJFJR. huan lin mustve been SOOO confused ngl. one second he wasnt dead... the next he was, and was a GHOST at it. imagine your best friend killing you, you become a ghost, find her, and shes just sitting ominously in her car..... gods, poor janette. did she even expect the ghost?? she mustve, right? considering her mum already haunts her...
weird fucking power couple ngl.. in the bad way LMAO
..oh how the turns table..... imagine happy qpr jodelette (thats their ship name now /hj (there is probably already ship names and shit, i just dont know them so im making stuff up so i dont have to type out all their names zWhmJEJFR)) meeting Fucked Up jadele. like. how would that go down. these guys are Silly and Happy, no fucked up bullshit... and these guys want to literally kill eachother and are traumatised as fuck. would evil adele want to kill happy adele. would she. id bet she would ... little acrophobic motherfucker..
OH. ?? RYAN!?? YIU GOO?? poor guy.. what the fuvk.. first his arm gets chopped off by his gf, next his sister gets decapitated which is somehow caused by his mother?? (idk if thats the actual order of events) oh thats Fun. giving the guy. a shock blanket, i swear
ALSO. WHAT HAPPENS TO OLIVER. PLEASE TELL ME. I FORGOT TO ASK THST. (olivers kemis kid right? the one that tim just drops off at janettes place and then Leaves?? it was smth like that..)
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cryptidpiss · 2 years
Hello again, it's the anon who sent the ask earlier- sorry I missed it and couldn't interact during your hold, I also have my 👀blog seperated from my normal sfw blog haha! I hope I wasn't too mean- maybe next time a little less drink and a shorter timer...? I hope you had fun anyways, give a shout if you want more challenges or interaction:) Also good of you to stop when the pain started, looking out for yourself, I'm proud☝
ITS OK dont worry!!!! i wouldnt say it was too mean necessarily. but definitely extreme mode difficulty. maybe someone more patient could do it though (well and also it was night time so i was like aw dang if i take too long to drink this im gonna be too sleepy to wait 3 hours to pee…)
it was fun though it feels so good to have my bladder full past my limit… i kind of like doing challenges that i cant win because it feels so good to lose control and start wetting. i dont wanna be allowed to pee until i start leaking. but maybe this one was a little too impossible cuz i felt like i didnt really have a chance 😔 i feel like something too impossible would still be fun if someone were to tease me as if it shouldnt be that hard, like aww are you about to wet yourself already? but you’ve hardly had anything to drink! (after telling me to drink lots and lots of water. or something)
but anyway it felt good to leave my wet shorts on after i had already almost completely wet myself, i havent tried that before and i didn’t think i would like it so much… i really wanted to hold it until i accidentally wet myself a second time cuz the thought of having an accident more than once is hot to me…
also dont worry cuz the pain was not piss holding related i just have a fucked up upper body -_- i wasnt even that desperate when my back started hurting i was just kind of chilling. i just pissed thru my shorts again it still felt really good even if it was on purpose and not accidental…
please send more challenges though please 🥺 i love challenges and getting asks and also sorry if this was a bit incomprehensible i just woke up and am still kinda sleepy
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Hello, i am coming to you with simply just updates that are just about the idiot..i mean my brother. I have two messages that i just have to send you. He had a doctor check up on Monday and then afterwards PT and yesterday he had his therapy session. And i have been dying to let you all know how it went! Starting off: we got to his check up and he got into the office and decided to try and hide his cast in his hoodie. Mind you it was his doctor’s coworker that gave him the cast so it’s in his file. Anyway his doctor walks in and goes ‘(his name), no need to hide it. We had a meeting this morning and we spent at least 30 minutes talking about you.’ And my brother is looking at him completely speechless and the doctor goes ‘and only 10 of those minutes were dedicated to the actual reason for this check up.’ You guys, my brother was flabbergasted. He was dead silent for like 5 minutes and then while checking his scars or whatever the doctor out of nowhere goes ‘….queer eye? Really?’ And THE NURSE LAUGHED BUT COVERED IT UP AS A COUGH. And my brother looked at them and goes ‘i thought we were friends and yes, I may have some regrets’
2nd story: after that he had PT and he BEGGED me to stay with him because he was scared of his doctor finding out about the broken wrist. He obviously decided to once again try and hide it. And his PT doctor walks up to him (remember Brian?) and before my brother even goes into that room he stops and goes ‘first things first Bri, who have you been talking to lately?’ The answer was no one but my brother was still suspicious. And the first thing he did was, he gave him an exercise where he would throw a ball to him and he had to catch it with both of his hands and my brother just stood there and goes ‘why don’t we do some leg work today’ and the guy goes *long silence* ‘cause….you didnt have leg surgery?’ And my brother goes ‘its just, i might not be able to do *waves his left arm to the ball* that’ and the doctor goes ‘okay whats up? Youre acting weirder than usual’ and this dumbass goes ‘don’t freak out but *pulls his cast out of the pocket of his hoodie* surprise’ and Brian the doctor goes ‘excuse my language and unprofessionalism but what the fuck did you do now?’ And then he told him the whole story and the guys only reaction was putting his head in his hands and going ‘what am i gonna do with you?’
3rd story from yesterday is short for obvious reasons but it made my mom laugh: my brother asked me if i could help him set up for his therapy session (aka he needed me to bring him water/pills/etc and open up his pills for him, which btw earlier that day he struggled for 5 minutes trying to open it and then went to my neighbor for help and she wasn’t home either so he went down to two other houses to know on the door to help him open his pill bottle) and I’m helping him out and in that time his therapist shows up on zoom. And my brother explains he needs some help so if he can just give us a second so i can leave. And then while I was helping him he goes ‘(his therapists name) guess what? Wait no, don’t guess, let me just show you’ *shows him his cast* ‘ta-daaaa’ and his therapist went ‘(his name), what the fuck?’
So all three doctors had similar reactions and they all made me laugh. I feel like they’re all fed up with him, counting down the days to any type of a break they can get from him.
Thank you for this update dear sweet anon. I cannot get over his doctors’ reactions to his broken wrist. They are so over him and his antics.
We had a meeting this morning and we spent at least 30 minutes talking about you.’ And my brother is looking at him completely speechless and the doctor goes ‘and only 10 of those minutes were dedicated to the actual reason for this check up.
Okay but have none of the doctors checked out QAF? If I had a client this obsessed, I may be curious enough to check it out!
The nurse cough-laughing is hilarious!
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indigo474 · 1 year
Bye bye July-
My love affair is over.. I went to see him on Friday after work. Anyone who knows me- hardly anyone-haha- knows i go to bed early. I had to work until 9. I was a little concerned about being tired and showing up in a bad mood. I knew it was going to be a late night for me- but i decided to go for it.. I said to myself... as long as its not raining i'll be ok. I much prefer to drive during the day and night driving combined with rain.. just sucks. I head out after work feeling good. windows down, music up. I get on the turn pike and i was truly happy.. i did notice lightening up ahead but thought it was heat lightening and i was super stocked because i thought mother nature was putting on a spectacular show for me. Then, it started.. the rain, treacherous. it was like an omen.. dont go April, dont go.. but onward i went. i pick him up, he tells me he cooked dinner for us and we need to stop at wawa for bread. ok no problem. i'm still in an OK mood.. happy to be at my destination and looking forward to getting to the hotel to relax, have a beer and eat. Now, i had been thinking this man may not be too bright but... i didnt want to judge too harshly, after all he doesnt speak english and so on..we order 2 rolls from wawa.. in spanish and it was almost like he couldnt read.. we get to the hotel and he tells me he is waiting for them to send the key via notification.. earlier in the week he sent me a screen shot with the reservations. we are in the parking lots its 11 something. the key is not coming.. i say lets go in and see whats up- he says he wants to wait. I ask him how long does he want to wait. We go in and the guy says the reservations were not completed online- my friend needs an id to complete them. he doesnt have an id. It was a fucking disaster. we had to go to another hotel..didnt get there until after 12.. i paid. the sex was ok.. i was pissed, but i was like whatever.. i already had it in my head i was done with him.. he made dinner but failed to have eating utensils. luckly i grabbed napkins from wawa. he tells me he wants to take me to NY.. you cant even book a hotel aint no way in hell im going to NY with you. he tells me he went from mexico, arizona to NY. the first time we were together he told me he was in Charlotte.. i ask him about it and he says he never said that. He said it- i have a real big fucking problem with people who say shit and then say they didnt say it.. like a huge problem.. never speak to you again problem.. He tried extra hard because he knew i was upset. he kept asking me if i was still made.. a little. the next day i tell him i am ready to go as i want to get home. he asked me to take him food shopping.. No, i cant do that. He never offered to give me money for the room. I didnt ask.. i honestly wanted to see what he would do. Nope. it is what it is.. i dont know if the whole room thing was intentional.. im assuming yes.. he texted me a few times yesterday one i got home.. i texted him back saying what a shitty thing he did by not offering money for the room and that i didnt want to see him anymore. the end..
AND.. it was fun, but i knew it wasnt what i wanted. between my thinning hair, aging face, saggy body, i dont know how i'll ever meet someone. i'll have to depend on my winning personality. HAHA.. i text these men online and when i am myself, i never hear from them again. its hard to to think that i am the problem. it doesnt matter if im a good person.. i think a lot of guys want a someone who wants them for the things they can provide.. its easier than putting in any kind of effort. I dont think i want too much.. i just dont know if there is anyone in this world like me. i am going to have to fully embrace my singleness.. i havent wanted to do things alone in a while. i guess i am going to have to start or just not do things. I am trying to save money, so there is that and that is an excuse to not go out. My mind goes back to the fact that i wasted so much of my life with someone who never loved me and raising kids who dont love me.. such a fucking waste and i'm so far behind in life and cant image anyone ever loving me and that breaks my heart. that breaks my heart because thats all i really want.. someone to love and who loves me.. someone who consistently shows up.. someone i can count on.. ive never had that.
My friend in work got her xanax filled- actually got a higher dose too. She tells me she is positive Dr W does not have my records- i told her i was kick out of his office- she said the same thing happened to her years ago.. of course i didnt go into detail. she tells me to go, get what i want.. i know she is telling me because she is trying to be my friend.. i wish i had friends who asked me if i worked out today- or offered to go to the gym with me or asked me who much i lifted this week or maybe told me what kind of supplements they take or asked me what i took.. or shit about pre workout of food prep or asked me about my mental health anything other than where to get drugs.. i don't need anyone giving me advice on how to self destruct- i know i am capable of doing that on my own without the help of anyone.. and i know she's not trying to me mean or hurt me or anything like that- she thinks she is helping me by telling me to go see this Dr.. she doesnt know my story and everything that ive been through- and even if i told her, she still wouldn't know my story. maybe its just what i have to deal with because i told her to go see him.. i only did because i was tired of hearing her say xanax would cure all her problems..
I wanted to run on Friday but got stuck at the mechanics.. i didn't run Thursday so wed was the last time i ran and i didn't lift this week and that probably explains why i feel the way i do.
the weirdest thing. coming home from Downingtown.. i started seeing 3's everywhere.. like i made the right decision and i'm on the right path. trust the process.. the process sucks at times.. and its hard to trust anything..
i have to tell Madison Aunt Joanne is sick.I want to do it before my Mom does. i think Maddy has my Mom blocked.. but i really should tell her. weird thing, when i use to cry everyday you couldnt tell.. i would cry on my lunch break and return to work and my eyes looked fine. i haven't been crying and now when i do.. its so noticeable..
I need to get a new couch and get rid of the one i have. I would like to move but everything is so expensive.. i'm not sure what i am going to do.. i guess i'll keep looking and hope that something good comes my way..
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Page 92 (part 1)
Just a couple days after writing the above entry, I have gotten this sinking feeling that Steven is slowly pulling away from me. At first it was small stuff that I tried to ignore, but then a couple days ago another smallish thing happened and all of it just came together and I have been anxious/sad about it for the past three days. The previous things were things like them not calling me by my pet name for a couple days texts in a row, very obviously not wanting me to stay the night at their place the last couple times we’ve gone over but saying I could “if I wanted to”, them not kissing me once on the Saturday evening/sunday morning we were together, when I said we hadn’t needed to hang out if they were tired they said we had already made plans instead of saying they want to be with me, and just the lack of verbal affection as they usually do. Then the other day I asked if they wanted to come over either that night or the next night and they said they’ve been exhausted recently and needed a break from our weeknight stays. I completely understand that they are tried and dont necessarily want to spend the night, but I feel like thats insinuating that they dont even want to come over and see me even if its just for a little bit. I feel like something has changed and its giving me so much anxiety, I cant stop thinking about it. They texted me last night to tell me they got home from practice but were tired and hoped I had a good day. Nothing else from them and I dont want to annoy them by texting them, although I did this morning and they didnt reply. I have been semi nervous this whole time that they might want to break up with me before they ave to in august and now I feel like its the beginning of the end and its coming true. I knew they were leaving but I didnt expect this to happen so early, I thought I had a couple months left. They also havent been sending me anything on instagram or tic Tok like they usually do, and I even sent them a meme two days ago and they havent even looked at it. Im so scared, im not ready for this to end, especially because we still have time together, I dont want this to end prematurely. And it sucks because just last week things seemed so good. They were the ones who would text me and ask if they could come over after practice or call me and say they wanted to come over cause they wanted to fucking see me and now they seem totally okay with not seeing me for days on end. I promised myself that I wouldn’t ask to hang out and would wait until they asked because I told them that they can just let me know when they want to see me and im so afraid they aren’t going to. What if we get a whole week of not seeing each other because they never wanted to see me. Where would the 180 come from? I dont understand. A couple of my friends think its because they got attached and are trying to get away form it since they said they didnt want to get watched since theyer leaving, but im not sure.  Why would they start pulling away now and not earlier, I just dont fucking understand. Im so afraid that their feelings have changed, which is very valid, feelings change, but it would just feel like Ryan all over again. I dont know whats wrong with me. Why cant I have someone who doesn’t want to leave me after a couple months. Previously I had said that it sucks that each relationship has only been a few months, but I didnt feel as bad because I knew that my partnership with Kevin was ending not because he wanted it to (necessarily) or because they didn’t like me anymore, but now that might be the exact reason and it actually makes me feel worse than losing them because they are leaving.
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bbybaku · 3 years
cranky no nut november boyfriend shigaraki
yes i know its july. 
1.8 k words 
slow burn but there is smut 
warnings: angry shig, humiliation, degrading, oral (fem recieving), use of vibrator, shoes on bed, angst, fluff, mentions of masturbtion
your boyfriend, tomura shigaraki, had made a bet with his friends, about who could last the longest during no nut november.
you thought a month wouldn’t be that bad, right? you guys could handle it.
the first few days were nothing. you two were busy and didnt think that much of it. 
but the first weekend shiggy had invited you over to watch a movie. which was usually code for “let’s fuck”
you went over to his apartment, about 20 minutes into the movie you slipped your hand under the blanket, feeling around for his cock.
“hey” he said softly but irritated as he picked up your hand and moved it.
“what? we always-“ you asked
“i’m taking this month seriously, i can eat you out or something but we cant, you cant” he said
 you were not expecting him to take it this seriously.
you knew your boyfriend he never took anything seriously? why did he have to take this stupid month seriously.
“well, do you want?” he asked as he ran his fingers over your clothed clit.
“no let’s just hang out tonight” you said.
“okay” he said then kissed you on the head and pulled you into his lap.
you could feel his erection. but you knew you had to ignore it. 
week 2 was easy because shigaraki was out of town for a work trip.
you didn’t know how he was doing it. no sex was one thing, but not even masturbating?
you had been touching yourself every day to the thought of him, the pictures you had of him and sometimes 
the movies you had made together.
the night he got back he came straight to your apartment.
he looked pale.
you went in for a hug, but he pushed you away.
“no” he snapped “ i just wanted to see you”
you gulped “oh okay”
you cooked dinner and he told you about the trip.
the space between your thighs ached the entire evening.
you asked him to stay the night but he said he no.
and he left. 
it was day 15. you needed him. your hand could only do so much. you couldnt do what he could do. he knew your body better than you did. 
you texted him to hang out. 
the two of you got coffee then made out in the car. 
his mouth tasted so good. your body presses against the console, arms around his neck. the kiss starting equal but he very quickly shoved his tongue in your mouth. he took your jaw in his hand and held your face while his tongue circled yours. you sucked on his bottom lip. his hand found your tit. your hand found his crotch. 
shigaraki instantly pulled away, he was pissed “how many fucking times do i have to tell you no?” 
you sighed “im sorry i just-” 
he pushed his hair out of his face and took your jaw in his hand again. “look at me. i want to be inside of you so bad. i think about you all the time. i love you so much but we just cant right now.”
 his tone made you want him even more. it was embarrassing how hot you got  when he was irritated. and he knew it. 
“i hate this stupid challenge” you said through his grip on your jaw. 
“do you want to be like that?”  he talked down to you with a smirk.
“we can always go back to my apartment, and work on your attitude” he said letting go of your face and grabbing the gear shift. 
you had soaked through your panties a while ago. you were excited but knew you wouldnt be filled up the way you wanted to be. 
the drive to shiggys apartment was agonizing. the sexual tension was higher now than it was on your first date. it felt like you were getting stopped at every red light, the car in front of you was always going slow. and both of you were sweating. 
he had one hand rubbing your thigh and the other on the steering wheel, except at stops when he would run it through his shaggy hair. when he finally got to his apartment complex the two of you practically sprinted inside. 
“elevator?” you asked pressing the up button repeatedly. 
he took his hands out of his pockets and said “stairs” 
the two of you raced up to the fourth floor, you beat him but just barely. once both of you were in the hallway he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder.
once in his apartment he didnt even turn the lights on, he took you to his bed and threw you on it. 
he stood over you and sighed. “its your lucky day” he then pushed you up to the headboard and pulled off your panties. so eager, you were both still wearing shoes and the window was open. 
you shivered at the cold air on your exposed heat. 
shigaraki just stared for a minute. he loved vulnerability. 
he loved having you at his mercy. 
he pushed your skirt up and grabbed onto your thighs. 
“i knew you would be soaked.” he shook his head “such a whore” he said.
and just like that he dove right in.  
he licked up your folds and you bucked your hips to meet him. 
his grip on your thighs tightened and he pushed you into the bed.
“dont move” he met your eyes when he said it.
he started sucking hickies on your inner thighs, his fingers teasing at your clit. 
you held his head in your hands, not directing him, but rubbing his scalp. 
he occasionally hummed into your thighs at the feeling. 
he pulled off of your inner thigh and brought his mouth and nose to your entrance. you whimpered, expecting him to relieve your ache. 
he blew cold air on your exposed heat. 
you cried out. 
and shigaraki crawled up to meet you at eye level. 
he straddled you and leaned down “beg.” he whispered 
“please” you whispered
“i dont get anything for this. why should i be nice if i dont get the reward of your tight little pussy? or getting to fuck your pretty face. make it worth my while. give me this one little thing.  i said to beg like the whore you are.” 
you gulped. “please tomura. i touch myself to the thought of you every day and nothing satisfies me like you do. i just want you. i want you to fill me up and please let me come. please sir.” 
“hmm okay, i guess but its embarrassing that you touch yourself so much, you really are a whore.” he said as he repositioned his mouth at your entrance. 
he once again pinned your hips to the bed and brough his mouth to your entrance.
his long slender fingers ran through your folds a few times before stopping at your clit and rubbing circles. 
you moaned in pleasure, finally. shigaraki was relieving your ache. 
he sucked on your entrance and drank your juice like it was water from the tap. you could feel his tongue at your entrance, he tease then run his tongue through your folds. 
your entire body was shaking and the knot in your stomach was about to release. 
“please i - can i please” you whined. 
shikaraki hummed yes into you, his grip on your thighs tightening 
the hum was what sent your over the edge, your walls tightening and releasing around shigarakis mouth. 
he pulled off for a moment and looked at you “that was fast. youre so easy, y/n, you know that?” 
and at that he went right back to what he was doing, only this time it was his finger. at your entrace and his tongue on your clit. 
his tongue going all around and eventually stopping and making out with your bud. 
you were crying at the pleasure. 
his long fingers going in and out, and in and out. at no particular speed or regularity and occasionally stoping to curl inside you. 
your hands went to shiggys hair, but you couldnt control yourself the way you had earlier. your hands were shaking as the held onto his head.
you came again, it was so fast you didn’t even have the time to ask.
you could feel him smiling on you.
shigaraki pinched your thigh, acknowledging your high, but showed no sign of stopping.
he maneuvered a little bit, grabbing something under the bed while still fingering you. 
if you thought you were a mess before, you were wrong. because you were even more of a mess when shigaraki started rubbing around your clit with a vibrator. 
your back arched and you grabbed onto the sheets, so as not to pull on shiggys hair, “pleASE. m-gonna c--um” you barely got out. 
your lower body convulsing. 
tears started streaming down your face, it hurt so good. “dont cum yet, baby. i want you to wait this time. like i have to wait.” 
“no-oh-oh-o” you sobbed 
shigaraki mustve been getting irritated because his grip on you tightened, and he pinched your inner thigh. 
“please” you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair as gently as you could. 
“no” he said sweetly. 
your vision was starting to blur and you were still crying, “isnt this what you wanted darling?” shigaraki asked. 
you only sobbed in response, you were loosing the ability to form coherent sentences. 
the knot in your stomach released without warning, and you came on shigaraki’s vibrator. 
with that he sighed and stood up, going to the bathroom to help you clean up. 
despite your scattered brain, you knew your boyfriend well enough to know that he was in agony. 
“does it hurt?” you asked him between deep breaths. 
refering to how bad he wanted you, and how hard he was in his pants. 
he waled back in with a towel and said “yes” looking down at the ground. 
“well what if we” you started. 
“no, im tired of having to explain this to you.”
“please, i just want you so bad” you begged as he climbed on top pf you.
“i said no! just fucking shut up” he snapped
“why?" you whinned
he found your wrists and pinned your hands beside your head on the bed. 
“everyone gets a different penalty. do you know what mine is if i fail? huh? do you want to know”
"um i-” 
you went to speak but no words came out. 
shigaraki leaned down “my penalty is to send the group chat a video of us having sex” 
“oh” you said feeling yourself blush
he gulped and looked away “which i really dont want to do because you are mine.”
he released your wrists and fell on top of you, “youre all mine” 
“please just wait 2 more weeks” he whispered into your neck. 
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | (no plot just smut)
It was in the common room, draco and y/n was sitting with their friends hanging out like usual, y/n sat on draco's lap cuddled up to him while still talking and laughing with their friends, when suddenly she rolled her hips hard on accident while trying to contain her laughter when blaise was telling them a really funny joke. she didnt realized it but draco behind her already stiffened and trying hard not to moan when she keeps moving on his lap still laughing at blaise. that is until pansy walked in with a bag of candies and snacks in her hands and placed it in front of their friends. y/n stand up wanting to get something, draco let out a relief breath because if she sits longer in his lap, she will realized he had a boner it would be embarassing.
to his luck, y/n now sit beside pansy but it didnt help his horny ass as he watched her putting a lollipop into her mouth and sucking it deliciously, making his mind go wild as he imagined how would it feels to have her mouth sucking his dick. he shakes his head throwing off the wild imagination of his best friend since they were still in diapers. but the more he stare at her the more he cant control himself, he get up quickly covering his boner with his oversized tshirt.
"guys, i gotta head to bed, im really sleepy, see y'all tomorrow" draco runs to his room while y/n stared at him in confusion, she knows him too well, he doesnt go to bed at this time.
when draco finally arrived at his room, he closed the door and immediately go to his bathroom and sits on the closed toilet, pulling down his sweatpants and boxer, kicking them off onto the floor, his hard dick slapped up to his stomach, he hissed and begin to stroking himself. his mind instantly drift to the girl who made him do this, his thoughts of her sucking the lollipop earlier popped out in his mind, he lets out a moan imagining it was his dick that she sucked off. his breath got stuck on his throat and he fastened his pace while his thumb teasing the tip of his cock, collecting the precum and use it as a lube.
"fuck y/n" draco moaned louder at the thought of y/n on her knees, looking up at him with her innocent eyes, smirking to him while running her hand on his length, stroking it up and down before putting it into her mouth.
sweats started to running on draco's face while he brought his hand to his mouth to spit on it and use it as a lube to his cock. the thoughts of y/n having him inside her mouth and bobbing her head up and down, sucking him deeper until it touched the back of her throat causing her to gagged, looking up to him with her eyes watering, saliva dripping off her mouth, making him moaning louder and going faster.
on the other side, y/n was now walking to draco's room, she opened the door and raised her eyebrows in confusion when she didnt see draco in his room, until she hears a faint moans coming from the bathroom, her hand covered her mouth realizing what is happening, but what shocking her more that the curiousity got into her making her walking to where the sounds were coming. she stands straightly at the door of draco's bathroom that he doesnt bothered to closed, not be able to move but just watching the scene in front of her, she feels the wetness down there starting to grow when she heard her name repeatedly coming from the boy in front of her and just looking at how hot his face looks right now.
"fuck- im so close, y/n, please" draco screamed her name loudly as he feels his cock twitched on his hand.
but as he was about to come, his eyes suddenly opened and looking at the door and his heart dropped to his stomach as he realized the girl that has been on his mind standing alive at the door of his bathroom, jaw dropped, mouth hung open and eyes widening, looking at what he did right now. her cheeks is tinted red.
"draco?" y/n called out his name as she looking at draco who's still froze, his face full of panicked.
"holy shit, y/n! im sorry! i- i didnt- i was just- i was just- merlin! you werent supposed to see this" draco seems lost at his words trying to explained the whole situation to y/n while covering his part, looking down, scared at what her reaction.
to his surprise, y/n walked in to the bathroom, locking it and approaching him. she stood in front of him making him looking up at her and widening his eyes as he watched her stripped down her clothes showing him her body.
"oh draco, you're definitely not sleeping, baby" y/n smirking and dropped to her knees, spreading his legs so she gets the full view of him, draco's breath got stuck as he feels her hands running on his thighs and her lips kissing them softly.
"y/n are you sure about this? you dont have t-" draco's words got cut off by y/n placing her finger on his lips indicating him to shut his mouth.
"let me help you, draco" y/n grabbed his cock and pump it a few times before putting it inside her mouth. draco let out a groan when her lips touched his tip. she decided to tease it, give it a little blow, and kiss it softly. draco was getting impatient and grip her hair shoving his cock fully inside her mouth making her moan at the sudden contact. he throw his head in pleasure as y/n started to bobbed up and down, her nose touching the base as she keeps going down, sucking deeper.
"fuck just like that, baby" y/n keep sucking him harder and faster, she pulled away to catch her breath for a second and back again, she lick a straight line on his cock and putting it back on her mouth, her hand playing with his balls squeezing it softly, she swirls her tongue sucking him deeper, deep-throating him until she gagged, the vibration triggering draco to cum hard in her mouth, shooting his thick cum inside her, its so much that it started to drip out of her mouth, draco moaned as she swallowed all his cum and wipe the cum that dripped down on her chin with her finger, licking it clean with a 'pop'.
y/n stand up and straddling draco who is still sitting on the toilet. she grabbed his cock and pump it twice before pushing it inside her tight hole. they groaned at the feeling of each other. draco grabbed her jaw and kissed her passionately, their tongue move in sync swallowing each other faces. y/n pulled away and started to kiss his earlobe and jaw then sucking hard on his neck marking him, sending butterflies to his stomach while still rolling her hips on his cock. she pulled away, moaning his name and throw her head in pleasure as his cock keep hitting her spot. draco's lips instantly attached to her neck marking her too. his hand found its way to her neck and squeezed it tightly, choking her. his lips move down to her nipple, sucking hard and biting softly making her aching her back. his other hand gripping her hips helping her bouncing faster on his cock.
"fuck baby, you're so fucking tight" draco's hands holding up her thighs lifting her a bit and started to thrust upwards into her faster and harder making them both a moaning mess. y/n rest her head on his neck, her nails clawed at his back as she feels she's close. draco keep pounding hard into her biting her shoulder lightly as he feels his cock twitched inside her.
"d- draco im so close" y/n moaned and now looking up at him pressing her forehead to him keeping the eye contact.
"me too baby, lets do it together" and with final thrust, they came together, hard, screaming each other names loudly, both panting. draco grabbed her face and kissed her with so much love, muttering a 'thank you' and praising her before pulling away. they both stand up, staring at each other in disbelief and laughing together.
"i love seeing you with my cum dripping off your thighs, y/n" draco smirked while grabbing the tissue to clean her up.
"oh shut up dray! i cant believe i just fucked my best friend" y/n let out a small chuckles while giving him soft kisses on his face.
"you know i've been wanting to do that since forever, y/n. you're driving me insane but in a good way, i've fallen for you since years ago." draco said as they both walked out of the bathroom and lay her down gently on his bed before joining.
"trust me draco, me too." draco pulled her body into his, hugging her tightly, kissing her again showing her how much he loves her.
"be mine, darling? let me take you on a date tomorrow." draco said as he pulled away and caressing her cheek softly.
"i'‘ve always been yours, draco" with the last kiss, they both fall asleep cuddling to each other.
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diamondsandvelvet · 7 years
getting back to extreme detachment from social interactions & not giving a fuck and feeling thoroughly entertained by every event, good or bad, in my life
#earlier i had this thought- 'if i didnt give a fuck i would send this message to this person but i care too much'#then i was like ??? you have nothing to lose bitch just send it#stop caring about how you come across to people you like#when im fully myself and confident and relaxed it's better#i'll say whatever it is that i want to say#just cut the crap and be blunt basically#and everything is funny#every failed interaction#like yesterday this guy tried to talk to me#i engaged because im polite and i like conversation#but i wasnt in the mood and wow thats the bluntest ive been to a stranger lol#i wasnt rude but i did say im coming across as antisocial cos i just cant be bothered to make eye contact or stop speaking in monotone#anyway it takes time but im getting much more comfortable with being by myself w no best friends#i like people way more than they like me and thats okay#it's on me isnt it#i love humans in general and interacting with them is great#but this is life babey and the people i feel most comfortable talking to are on the internet and inaccessible#so yeah like i said in a prev post ive fully given up trying to establish new connections#ill engage in convo but man ive given up and its good#and it's not forever! it'll be easier to connect w real life ppl once i change my circumstances in the future#cos with me; what you see is NOT what you get#thats why the internet is easy and real life is tricky#to summarise: im a total misfit and im okay with that and very happy with being alive#mine
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Sending nudes/sexting w/ AOT characters (Erwin, Levi, Reiner, Zeke, Connie)
TW: mature things obviously, fembodied!reader, typos probably bc I didnt proofread, 18+, MINORS DNI
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Okay but having Erwin as a sugar daddy who never really expects too much of the “sugar” part out of you, but he’s so sweet and nice and such a gentleman that you can’t help but feel bad one day and send him a teasing photo of you in some lingerie he bought you a while ago and oop—now you totally just started something between you two.
It started off as just pictures in you in lingerie. You mostly covered with maybe a nipples or two poking out through the fabric, but eventually you felt comfortable enough to send him picture of nude parts of you body. And eventually you built your confidence up to send him full body nude picture in stances that make him go crazy. Like you on your knees with your hands flat against your thighs or bent over something with your ass and cunt on display.
One time you sent him soapy titty pictures and a video of you putting the soap on your titties and when I tell you this man went feral with horniness, I mean it.
I wish I could write out sexts for Erwin but he strikes me more of a video call type person rather than text. He’ll FaceTime you in a heartbeat after you send a picture, instructing you on what he wants to see and what he wants you to do with your body. Often times the video calls end up with you either fingering yourself or fucking yourself with a toy he bought for you as he watches from the other end.
“Good girl, just like that. Now spread those lips for daddy so he can get a good look at you.”
Sometimes he’ll even join in with you for a mutual masturbation. Large cock on display in the camera and in his hand as he jerks it at the same pace you’re fingering yourself so you can both reach your orgasms at the same time.
After you both but you think that’s the end of that until the next time he wants to have a session like that, but seeing you over the phone only edge him on more. “I’m sending someone to come pick you up. Be ready in 10 minutes.” Not even a goodbye or anything, but an order.
Nudes and sexting between you and Levi are not a common occurrence at all. You two would much rather be in the physical company of each other to do anything to each other and plus, Levi doesn’t like using his phone a lot.
That’s why when Levi sent you a picture of himself with the cockring you had put on him earlier in the week as a reminder that it was still on, you were shook to your core. Not only because of the fact that he just sent you a nude, but because he looked so good in it with his cheeks flushed, eyes low just begging to orgasm, and his pink cock standing straight up screaming for someone other than him to touch it.
It was almost like he sent it to you knowing that it would rile you up and hopefully cut down on his punishment so the two of you can hurry up and use each other to your liking. And you would be lying if you said that thought wasn’t peaking at the back of your head, but this week was all about your self control along with his. As you’re thinking on how you should reply, maybe with a picture of your own or a few words to tease him, he sends you a string of texts:
(txt) I’m so needy for you baby
(txt) I don’t think I can wait three more days with this thing on
(txt) it hurts, I need you to make me feel good
(txt) so I can make you feel good too
But, just to torture him longer and get him at his neediest, you send him a picture of your cunt along with a text:
(txt) only 3 more days and then you’ll be able to have me any way you want 💜
As an adult it’s so clear that Reiner really lacks confidence at times and can be quite shy and uneasy when it comes to things. Especially when that thing is something like taking nudes that requires so much confident because let’s be honest, sending nudes isn’t always easy.
Plenty of times you’ve blessed him with lewd photos of yourself to add to his spank bank or tried to sext with him, but he just couldn’t quite catch on, but you really don’t mind at all! As long as you’re helping him orgasm and not making him uncomfortable then you could care less about his poor sexting and nude taking skills. But he wants to learn how to be more comfortable in his own skin, so he enlists in your help. At first you thought he was joking, but nope, he was dead serious.
It was kind of awkward at first trying to give him directions on how to pose if it was a nude as if you weren’t the one taking the pictures for him, but it didn’t take long for the two of you to get the hang of it. At one point he looked so good, so hot and flustered with his cock in his hand spread out on the bed that you couldn’t resist pouncing on him then and there. Which resulted in hun taking the camera from you as you rode him and taking pictures of the two of you fucking.
It sparked a tradition between you two from there on out; taking pictures of each other in sexual context whenever you can. You two don’t even need to send each other nudes at this point because you have so many nude pictures of your phone already on each other’s phones.
Not saying you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress, but you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress and you keep it in the favorites tab in your camera roll for whenever you need spank bank material.
Now he’s much more confidence with taking nude photos of himself and sometimes he’s the one to start up sexting conversations between you two.
There’s no one in this world who sexts better than Zeke sexts. His messages are like poetry, so descriptive and easy to visualize and leave you melting in your seat with hot cheeks. They’re just as effective on you as his dirty talk in the bedroom and if you sat there for a good thirty minutes just reading them and thinking about all you experience with him, then you could probably make yourself cum just from that.
(txt) I just want to make you tremble in my arms so bad while I pound into you from behind, my fingers playing with your swollen clit to push you into sensitivity while you orgasm
(txt) want a cock covered in cum by the time I’m through with you
What’s so funny is that he’s behind the screen doing a mundane task like eating cereal while texting you all this. He’s not even too turned on or overly horny at all, just messing with you because he knows the two of you are so far away from each other at the moment.
It’s not until you send him a video of your wet cunt on display with your fingers knuckles deep into yourself moaning out his name trying to mimic his touch, that he really gets riled up. Sitting his cereal down and all to focus on the short snippet of a video, feeling himself get harder and harder in his pants as he watches it on repeat.
(txt) Aw the needy little slut can’t get off properly without me there, can you?
He knows you’re using these texts to coax yourself into your orgasm, probably imagining him behind you whispering them in ear. So, to mess with you further knowing how much you want him right now, he sends a video back to you of him palming his erection through his pants. Knowing it’ll drive you crazy that you can’t have him right now in this moment.
Connie sends you pictures of his dick all the time and not even necessarily in sexual content either. You’ll be minding your business at work and get a picture of Connie’s dick with tiny sunglasses and a mustache on it with a text that reads: “Look babe 😌 I dressed him up. He wants to go on a date with your pussy tonight.”
You cannot take this man seriously at all, simply replying to him with an emoji like ‘🤨’ thinking that’ll be the last of that for today, but boy oh boy were you wrong. Minutes later your phone is buzzing with a notification from Connie. It’s a video and because you think it’s going to be a meme or something you open it without considering your surroundings.
Immediately, the sounds of his whines and moans exit the speakers on your phone and you have to run to the bathroom to finish the rest of the video. This time you’re able to actually look at it; Connie’s hand stroking the base of his cock with a lubricant all over his hands at a pace that was going to have him cumming in only a couple of minutes. And no, the mustache and sunglasses were no longer on anymore.
You take pity on your poor boyfriend and decided to do him a favor, pulling down your shirt and bra so you’re breasts were on display for them. Angling them and holding them up in a way you knew would make him go crazy before you sent the picture to him.
(txt) enjoy 🥰
And in return? He sent you a nut video with the sound on.
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venushasvixens · 3 years
October 3rd - Marking (Kylo Ren x Reader) / Kinktober 2021
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[A/N] none, except that it’s October 3rd and thats iconic by itself
WARNING: 18+, kylo kind of being affectionate??? Spanking, roughness, the usual.
You looked on at your body in horror at the amount of bruises left on by Kylo. It was always somewhere hidden, along the inner side of your thighs and ass. The special ones that you had vocally spoken in favor of were on your tits, left on as more of a proof that you belong to him.
It wasn't in violence and hatred that you received these markings, but more of trust and love. Sounds crazy, but that was the relationship between you both. You fell head over heels about Kylo’s strength and roughness. It showed that he was not to be messed with, and with a partner like that, you could take some of that energy from him. The pride he felt as he saw the person you had become, so different from the timid and shy girl he had first met, made him content.
You couldnt stop staring at yourself, it felt like an eternity. Your hands ran over your thighs and hips, wincing as you accidentally pressed on your bruises. Knowing how you got them turned you on, remembering the sensation of his teeth biting into your thighs. Was it possible for something to hurt so bad it felt good?
As much as this excited you, you did feel a pang of wanting more. You wanted to show the galaxy who you belonged to. There was no evidence besides a whispering rumor that the Supreme Leader had taken interest in a mysterious girl from some forgotten planet (which was completely untrue, some knew about it). You didn't want to be hidden anymore.
So focused on your image, you didn't hear the booming footsteps of Kylo trudging behind you. What a sight, he thought, watching as you admired yourself. He felt a shift in his pants as his cock jolted to life, his eyes helping him. Kylo crept behind you, his massive arms slithering around your waist. He rested his head on your shoulder, his eyes traveling around your body before meeting your gaze.
“What are you doing, starlight?” He asked, his voice soft.
You shrugged. “Nothing really. Debating on what dress I should wear for tonight, that's all.”
A quick interaction was all you could allow, as you knew Kylo was usually busy with his work. A small kiss was all you could really get in the morning, and it was enough to hold you over. You didnt want to worry him about your personal dilemma, so clouding your words is what was best. Sensing that there was a false meaning in your words, Kylo decided to press on further.
“Something else is wrong. Tell me now.” His hand snaked into your hair, little bits of a the persuasive Force forcing your truth to come out.
“Fine, I’ll tell you if you stop doing that.” You slapped his hand away, feeling the low grumble of what sounded like snicker vibrate on your back. “I just want more.”
“More what, starlight? You need to tell me.”
“Of this.” You gestured to yourself.
The corners of Kylo’s mouth upturned at your request, only fueling the hardness between his legs. “If thats what you want, Ill be more than happy to give. Get up on the bed-“
You shot out of his arms, ass up already in the air as you jumped onto the bed. Chuckling at your eagerness, he climbed onto the bed, pulling your legs towards him. Giggling, you lifted your ass up even more, an offering to him.
“How adorable, being so ready for me.” He said as he marveled you, taking in the sight of his beloved so ready to take him into her.
What you weren’t prepared for was the harshest slap on your ass.
“Aah!” You yelped, squirming underneath Kylo’s grasp. His back turned towards you, his arm encircled your waist. A quick rub was all that was given before another rough spank to the other cheek. You cried out in pain, but still yearned for more.
“Mmm, does it hurt?”
It was a cycle. Kylo’s hands spanked you, each slap harder than the last. You knew your limit and so did Kylo. It stung so bad, your cheeks so red and sensitive. His growls and hisses grew more animalistic, refusing to acknowledge that his cock was fully erect, aching to be released. In a matter of seconds, you knew your boundary immediately. You wailed, skin burning as tears fell down your face.
Kylo paused, releasing his hold on you. He bent down to your crying face, wiping away your tears. “I went too far, didnt I?”
“A-a little.” You sniffled, trying to suck your emotions back in to not ruin the mood.
“Here, let me make it better.” Kylo cooed, rubbing the inflamed skin. His hands and fingers worked wonders, the pain etching away. You flinched as he kissed your backside, slowly inching in a bite or too. You hummed in relief as you felt a familiar wetness start to drench your panties. Thats what you’ve been waiting for.
“Feel better?” He asked, listening for anymore sniffs and gulps.
“Y-yes, just keep doing that.” You sighed as Kylo took you in between his teeth, biting down. He pushed your panties aside as his mouth went to work, letting his fingers roam in between your legs.
Sucking your breath in as you felt a welcomed intrusion, you spread your legs further apart. You wanted to show what he did to you. He ran his finger from your clit and up, letting it push in you slowly. Just one digit did it for you, melting under his touch.
“Ooh, fuck.” You whispered, your mind tainted with filthy thoughts as Kylo fingered you. Mixed in with the love bites on your ass, this was pure heaven. He may have gone too hard earlier, but this was his apology, and you would gladly take it. You couldn't wait to see the new marks being made on you.
“Sounds like somebody needs a little something more.” You forgot Kylo could hear your thoughts, or rather intrude on them.
“Y-yes, aah!”
One last kiss and you felt the shift of Kylo moving behind you. Not even a second later did you feel the firm grip on your hips as he moved into position. He pumped his cock, his hand taking some of your juices and slathering himself.
You cried in pleasure as he entered you slowly, feeling every vein and inch. You were trying to get accustomed to his size, but you never got used to it. He could hear him trying to hold himself back from just pounding the fuck out of you, wanting to take his time. Heavy strokes entered you, garnering deep breaths and mewling.
Every thrust stretched you out further, getting rougher than the last. He didnt want to hold on, and Kylo was making it known.
Harder, please, harder.
Kylo sank deeper into you, his thrusts growing quicker and harder. The slap of his balls against your pussy sent a jolt throughout your body. Your voice shrilled as you were used, crying out for more. Kylo growled as he felt the knot of his orgasm approaching. He wanted to last longer, just for you.
“G-gods, you feel so good.” You whimpered. Bent over you, Kylo bit down on the fleshy part of your shoulder, causing you to yelp out. As his teeth sunk in, his powerful hips pumped faster, stuffing you.
You wanted nothing but to be filled of Kylo’s cum, marking every hole you had with him. Pushing yourself against his cock, you so desperately tried your best to please him. It worked, with Kylo grunts growing higher and higher. It would’ve been selfish to cum without you, leaving you in the dark. A secret weapon was most needed, sending a nice warmth to your clit. It overstimulated you, soaking everything that came into contact with your cunt.
You couldn't help but scream and cry as Kylo used the Force to your advantage. Pulling him with you, joining together in a wild joint of pleasure and pain. It hit both of you at once, causing an explosion of moans. Biting down once more, this was the finale. He filled your gaping pussy with his seed, contracting as you tried to get every drop out of him.
“Fuuuccckkk, Kylo!”
Panting and exhausted, Kylo hunched forward, his forehead resting on your back. He kissed the mark left on your shoulder before taking himself out of you. You sighed as he left your body, leaving you a literal mess. You fell onto the bed, your legs sprawled out. Laying next to you, Kylo tried to catch his breath. He trailed his hand on your back, in a gesture to assure you that he was still there with you.
“K-kylo?” You whispered, voice raspy.
“Mark me somewhere special?”
He propped himself onto his elbows, staring down at you in confusion. “Special?”
“Yes.” You turned to face him, although you avoided his gaze. “I want everyone to know I’m yours.”
Warmth spread throughout Kylo’s chest as you uttered those sweet words. Never before was someone so willing to give themselves to him, not for the sake of power. It was for love. “Tell me, and I’ll do it.”
You pulled his sweaty body to yours, your lips meeting. He held onto your jaw softly, running his finger along the underside of your face and onto your neck. “Right there is where I want it, where everyone can see it.”
Smiling blissfully, Kylo kissed from your cheek down your neck. What started with a flutter of kisses ended with giving love bites and a few proper hickies that peppered all over your elegant neck.
This finally felt right. You were all his, and now, all the galaxy will know.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Hello!! I saw your requests were open and wanted to send a Holiday themed one in! I was wondering if you could do something for Randy Meeks, Stu Macher, and Billy Loomis, celebrating the Holiday (what holiday they celebrate, if any is up to your own interpretation). I don't know if this is something you'd be interested in writing, but I thought it would be worth asking!!! Regardless, I hope you have a wonderful day/evening and a happy holidays
HI ILY AND IM SO SORRY I DIDNT DO THIS EARLIER but i hope you enjoy this!!! I had sm fun writing it hehe
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WARNINGS: none <3
Billy is not a big Christmas fan
Or holiday fan in general
After his mom left he really fucking hated the holiday seasons because it just reminded him of her and what his dad did
If he was in a relationship (a serious one) then he would eventually start liking the holiday again
He’s not super into decorating, he finds it pointless (besides the tree) but he’ll humor you I suppose
If you guys have kids though??? Oh he’s going all out
Tree, decorations, family pictures, matching pajamas, the whole nine yards for real
It’d be so cute seeing how excited he gets along with his kid over the small parts of the holiday like making ornaments out of popsicle sticks and glitter, picking out the glitter glue to make stockings, all of it
In the beginning Billy doesn’t take the gift aspect super seriously, like he’ll get you something great but not because he knew it would be sentimental to you if that makes sense
But once you’re with him for a long enough time and he starts to really understand you and your likes and dislikes, he’s going to start putting in more thought
You collect mugs? He’s going to hand make (or paint) a mug for you. You like coffee? He’ll get a coffee brand named after you of something idk
Basically once you’re together for a few years you’ll figure out (and he won’t ever admit it) that Christmas is his favorite holiday (besides Halloween)
Oh Stu is a holiday fein
Every holiday, no matter how ‘unimportant’ or ‘lame’ it is, he’s decorating
His parents were rich and were gone a lot (when they weren’t packing him up along with them) so he would often spend holidays with his nannies
And he loved them so much he would try and make the holiday fantastic, even if no one else is celebrating lol
Stu is under the ‘the more expensive, the better the gift’ umbrella when it comes to gift-giving holidays and it’s kind of hard to get out of that mindset
He is great at giving gifts, though, since money isn’t really a problem for him. Expect your tree to look like fucking Dudleys from Harry Potter
He throws holiday parties all the time
Labor Day party at the Machers yall!!!!!
He takes the major holidays super seriously too, like Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah (his mom is Jewish so they celebrate both argue with yourselves,) Easter, stuff like that.
On occasion he’ll throw/host a party for a holiday he doesn’t celebrate but that one of his friends does
He thinks holidays are important not just for bonding but for your happiness
“Parties are like oxygen man” type shit
Randy LOVES celebrating
He has a big family (his sister and parents but extended family as well, they’re all super close) so its an excuse to get together and see each other which he loves
He especially loves hanging with his younger cousins, he’s so good with kids I swear to god it’s almost enough to make me sob lol
But he is very big on tradition and his family has a lot
An Easter egg hunt (even though they’re Jewish lol) where there’s one egg that’s jumbo sized and inside is $200-$500 LMFAO
Its a very cut throat competition and Randy will and has pushed his family members over to give himself an advantage
Doesn’t matter the age either
He’s won two years in a row and he refuses to lose, it’s pretty scary seeing how into it he is but I love him so its ok
Hannakuh is more traditional and he takes it very seriously, the gift aspect takes him months to plan because he wants to give everyone good gifts
OH GOD this man loves latkes more than anything
His family has a tradition where each member gets their own menorah and Randy tends to say the prayers on the first night and after that it splits between his mom, dad, and sister
On Halloween, Randy goes all out
It takes months of planning to get his costume right and he takes a lot of pride in it
Yes he would cosplay on Tik Tok lets move on
He went as the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera one year and like,,,, he was method acting his tits off that night
He hooked up with a person dressed up like Christine too and he considers it a highlight of his career
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kylie-writes-stuff · 4 years
pairing: corpse husband x reader (female)
words: 1,714
requested?: no (send some in tho pls :) )
plot/summary: felix invites his friend, y/n, to play among us when they need an extra player. her and corpse get along well
authors note: so this isnt that good and i know a lot of corpse fics use a similar plot. i just wanted to try to write for corpse. hopefully things i write for him in the future are better. let me know what you think tho! also i really wanted reader to be best friends with karl bc i love him sm. uh every swiggly line is like a small time skip. this was written late at night btw and i didnt take much time to go over it
You sat up from laying down when you heard your phone ring. You looked at the caller ID.
"What's up Felix?" You ask with a small yawn.
"Aww, how sweet," You hear in the background.
You giggle and ask, "Is that Sean? Hi Sean!"
"Yeah, we're playing Among Us and need an extra player. You down?" Felix explained.
"Sure, just give me a few minutes. See you soon, whore"
"Bitc-" You hang up before he can finish.
You got up and turned off your TV, going to get ready. 
You quickly tweet out that you're going live and say something on your insta story as well. You start your stream and slowly watch people flood in.
"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" You wave and smile, reading the chat.
"Everyone doing good, awesome! And i'm sorry to anyone having a bad day. I hope i can brighten it a bit!"
"Okay, sorry i didn't give you a further notice. I didn't even know i was gonna stream. Felix invited me to play Among Us so... here we are!"
You quickly join the discord and pull up the game, putting a cover over where the code goes.
"Hello?" You ask as you join the call. A chorus of greetings came your way.
"Karl!" You smile brightly.
Karl Jacobs was a good friend of yours. You would play on the Dream SMP sometimes. When you would, it would mostly be you being stupid with Karl and Alex, also known as Quackity. You were even a well know citizen of El Rapids.
"LET'S GOOOOO!" He yelled, making you laugh.
"Hey (Y/n), do you know everyone here?" Sean asks you.
"Um," You quickly scan through the names, "no, i don't think so."
You recognized names but you only personally knew Felix, Sean, Karl, and Ethan.
"Oh my god! Your voice is so cute!" Pokimane exclaims.
You giggle softly, "Thank you Poki!"
You're voice wasn't high pitched or anything like that, you just always spoke very softly and calmly. You were also a bit quiet.
Felix introduces you to those that you didn't know.
"There's one more person we're waiting for," He says.
While everyone waits, you and Karl run around each other's little characters and make jokes between yourselves. You mute yourself to read donations every once in a while.
You hear the discord chime, signaling that someone joined the call.
"WAIT CORPSE! DON'T SPEAK YET!" Felix yelled. "We have a new player. This is my friend (Y/n), say hi to her"
"Hello (Y/n)," Corpse said. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was but you didn't show it.
"Hi Corpse! Nice to meet you!" You said happily.
"Okay, how is she not freaking out?" Bretman said, making everyone laugh.
"Uh, (Y/n), do you mind letting me have black? It's cool if not.." Corpse asked gently.
"O-oh sure, no problem." You were usually black with the pink flamingo hat, but you ran over to the little computer and changed your color.
"Simp," Ethan mumbled, knowing you never switch from black.
"Thank you," He said, then the game started.
The word “Imposter” appeared on your screen in red, yours and Corpse's characters underneath.
As the game started, you thought no one could hear you so you spoke to your chat. "His voice was so deep, what the fuck? Holy shit that was hot, i'm gonna-"
"(Y/n)," Rae laughed, "You know we're playing proximity chat, right."
You blushed as you realized and said "Ha, anyways..." and ran to start faking tasks.
You ended up in electrical with Karl. "(Y/n)! My good friend, my buddy, you would never kill me right? Haha..." He said.
"Of course not, Karl! My good friend, my buddy. Why, I'm not even imposter," I said as i quickly dipped into the vent and back out, making him laugh.
I decided to show him because I knew Karl wouldn't say anything, and it's funny.
"Oh that's good then. Are you sure you're not imposter?"
"Mhm, pretty sure," You said, going back in. As you came out, Sykkuno walked in and froze.
"Uh, (Y/n)?"
"Fuck... Karl run! Go!" You said, Karl starting to leave. You walked closer and quickly killed Sykkuno then vented to security.
"That was close..." You told your chat.
You saw Corpse as you made your way around the map and walked into navigation.
"Hey, Corpse, how ya doing?"
"Ah you know, good. Just being crewmate and all."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh yeah I feel that, buddy."
"Yeah because there's no way that i'm imposter. No way i could be faking tasks and there's no possible way you could be the other imposter" He said quickly.
"For sure. Hypothetically speaking, though, if you were imposter, how many people would you have killed by now?"
"I would say probably around two."
"Interesting," You said right before a body was reported. It was Sykkuno's. Felix and Rae were also dead.
"WHAT!" Corpse yelled.
"Where was the body at?" Sean laughed.
"Uh I found it in electrical," Bretman said.
"I'm pretty sure Karl was in there earlier."
You calmly said, "It's not Karl, I was with him for most of the round."
"How do we know the two of you aren't imposters?" Sean asked.
"I was alone with him, he would have taken the chance to kill me."
"No, he's your best friend."
"He's also ruthless,"
"TRUE! SO TRUE!" Karl yelled.
"So skip?" Corpse asked.
Everyone agreed and the voting was skipped.
The next round, I spent with Ethan. He was pretending to be mad at me because Sean said Karl was my best friend.
"What happened to Blue Boi Buddies, huh?!" He exclaimed.
"Neither of our hair is even blue anymore!" You argued back.
You were in reactor with him when Corpse and Poki walked in. He hit the lights and you took it as a sign to double kill. He killed Poki, you killed Ethan, and the two of you made your way to electrical to help fix lights.
You and Corpse went the opposite direction of reactor after the lights were fixed, Karl going with you.
Poki's body was reported. That double kill only left you, Corpse, Sean, Karl and Bretman. You only needed two more kills.
"I still think it's Karl and (Y/n)," Sean said quickly.
"I was with (Y/n) the whole time," Corpse said, "In fact, I think it's you."
"That does make sense. Why so quick to accuse others, Sean?" You ask.
"It's not me!" He yelled.
"I actually agree with Corpse and (Y/n)," Bretman said.
"I was with you!"
We all voted for Sean, him voting for Karl. Sean was ejected.
When you load into spawn, you wait for the kill cool down and kill Bretman, saving Karl.
"Victory" appeared on your screen.
"God damn it!" Sean yelled.
"Good job, (Y/n)," Corpse said lowly.
You smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks, "You too Corpse."
"Their voices go together and they're a fuckin dream team? What have i done...," Felix sighed.
A few more games went by. Most of them you and Corpse spent together, whether you were both crewmates or if one of you was imposter.
You really enjoyed his company and you actually got along with him pretty well.
"(Y/n), before we get serious, I have one question to ask you." Corpse said as both of your characters stopped.
"What's that?" You giggled.
"Do you know Bingus?"
"Bingus? As in, our lord and savior, Bingus?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "It's settled, you're my wife now."
This made both of you laugh and your chat go crazy.
Eventually, people had to start leaving. You said your goodbyes to everyone and left the discord call and the game.
You set stream to where it was just your face cam.
"Guys, what should we do now?"
You saw some people asking what time it was for you.
"It's 3 AM right now... I’m not tired though.” You had been streaming for a few hours; You never even noticed how late it got.
People in chat were yelling at you to go to sleep, making you chuckle.
“How about we do a quick QnA, then at 3:30 I go to bed. Deal?”
You watched as the chat filled with questions. They obviously seemed to like the idea.
“‘Who is your best friend? Karl or Ethan?’ Neither, Alex Quackity. Next question.” You answered quickly.
You laughed, “I’d like to clarify that that’s a joke, i love all my friends equally.”
You answered more questions. Some were from new viewers asking basic questions, some were about future streams and videos. 
“‘How do you feel about people shipping you and Corpse?’“ People are already shipping us?” You laughed, “I’ve said before that I’m okay with shipping, as long as the other person is too. I think it’s funny.”
You continued to read chat. “Wait, we’re trending?”
You checked Twitter and “#(your and corpse’s ship name)” was trending in the US.
You laughed as you scrolled through the tag, “Oh this is so funny.”
“Fanart already?! You guys are so talented!”
You read chat, looking for more questions. You saw people telling you that it’s 3:30.
“Okay fine, a deal’s a deal. I hope you all have, or had, a great day and I’ll see you guys later. Depending on what time it is for you, you should also get some sleep. Stay hydrated, love you!” You ended stream.
You scrolled through Twitter as you laid in bed, liking fanart and dumb memes. Also replying to a few of your friends’ tweets.
karl :) @/KarlJacobs_
@/(your username) what the honk ?
*clip of you saying Quackity was your best friend*           
You liked the tweet and replied, “karl no,,, look away,,,”
You continued scrolling, feeling your eyes get droopy. Your eyes fell closed but quickly opened when your phone vibrated. It was a DM. 
From Corpse.
You two had followed each other earlier.
Corpse: hey (y/n), just wanted to say you’re really cool and i’d love to play again with you soon 
You smiled, a light blush spreading across your cheeks, and replied.
You: i’d love to, corpse
Corpse: ok, see you soon ‘wife’
You: back at ya, ‘husband”
Corpse: :)
You: :)
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thai-with-booty · 3 years
The beach part 2
We were excited planning the beach resort getaway, we didnt know at the time what it would be like but had heard some good reviews and it was adults only which added a curiosity thrill and a promise of a 2km secluded and private beaches. It had been a few days since my husband and I had done anything sexual due to work and having other things going on. By the time we got into bed we were both too tired to do anything. Both of us would be asleep or just not in the mood once we hit bed. I was feeling a little frustrated and given the fact we were heading to the beach soon, I thought I'd surprise him and wear a thong bikini. I have worn bikinis in public but at that point never a thong bikini, but it just felt the right place to try it out.  As I rummaged through my draw I came across a white g-string/thong bikini I had bought as a real surprise for my husband and I had planned on taking them when we next went away or when we ventured further up the beach away from crowds and so I was yet to wear them. To keep them a surprise though, I put my normal black one piece in as well.
Arriving at the resort the next day it was nice but seemed quite quiet, we didnt really mind as we just planned to enjoy the beach and the pool later, we dropped our bags off in the room and headed down to the beach, there were different paths to different parts of the beach, we picked one and it was remote with no one else around. My husband was happy with the way the surf looked and so we grabbed our stuff and headed down onto the beach.
As usual, my husband put some oil on my back and shoulders and then proceeded to grab his board and walk down to the water. I started off on my usual walk along the beach. As I walked I noticed that there really weren't many people on the beach at all and I thought it might be a great opportunity to wear the white thong bikini.
When I returned from my walk my husband was still surfing and I needed a swim. I wrapped a sarong around myself as I removed my shorts and put on the g-string. I removed the sarong but suddenly felt nearly naked so I grabbed the one-piece and put it on over the top. I walked down the beach and as I reached the water, my husband caught a wave and came in towards me. He walked up the beach a little and put his board down before coming back down and joining me. The water was refreshing after my walk yet not too cold that I wanted to get out. We swam about, splashed each other, laughed, and just enjoyed each others company.
When we started to cuddle and kiss I felt my husband getting hard. I suggested we head up to the towels. As we walked I looked both directions and there was only another couple way up the beach from us. I dried myself briefly and then laid my towel out. My husband had just laid his towel straight out and was already lying on his stomach watching me. As I removed the shoulder straps of the one piece he smiled. I told him I wanted to get some sun and he commented on the new bikini top. I left the one piece pushed down around my waist like a bikini bottom and laid down on my towel. We both just enjoyed the warmth of the sun. After a few minutes my husband turned to face away from me. I took the opportunity to remove my one piece all together and then unclasped my bikini top. I then asked my husband to apply some more oil as I lay back on my towel on my stomach. "Wow! Very nice babe!" my husband exclaimed. I felt his hands on my back rubbing the oil in. Always his most attention being on my ass as his hands moved down over my arse cheeks. It felt very nice as he continued right down my legs and back up over my ass again.
I reached back with one arm and found his leg, and I ran my hand up and over his shorts to his crotch. He was very hard to say the least. "A bit uncomfortable are we?" I smirked. He simply pulled my hand away with one hand and pulled at the leg of his shorts with the other. With a bit of effort, he pulled his cock out of his speedos and placed my hand back on his cock. "Not here!" I quickly said as I pulled my hand off his cock. I propped myself up and looked up and down the beach. "No-one is around. The closest couple is way up there. They won't see anything. Just let yourself go!" He replied and before I noticed that my bikini top was still on my towel. He quickly reached under me to cup my breast that had been hanging freely. His action caused me to quickly lower myself back down as I realised what had happened. He was gently squeezing my breast in his hand as he continued to encourage me to just have fun. I was still hesitant but I was certainly aroused enough and I did desperately want some relief so I shifted a little which allowed him to move his hands. His fingers brushed my nipple sending shivers through my body. He gently took my nipple between his fingers and ever so slightly squeezed. That was it. I was gone.
I turned to face him, giving him access to my breasts and he took the invitation. As his hands ran over and around my breasts, I fumbled to untie his shorts and pull them down a little. His cock was the hardest I had ever seen and as I gripped it in my hand I heard him gasp. I then pulled at him and he moved up closer to my head. "You had better keep an eye out!" I firmly told him as I moved to lick the head of his cock. "I will." He whispered and with that I took his cock into my mouth. After a minute or so of sucking and licking his cock, I felt one of his hands sliding down my body. I shifted my legs apart a little and then felt his fingers trail over my pussy on the outside of my bikini bottom. It was like a small electric shock. I couldn't help but push towards his hand. After he had rubbed my pussy through the material of bikini, I then felt his fingers pushing along the edge of my bikini. With a small effort, his fingers were then running through my pussy lips. I was so aroused. I had stopped my attention on his cock and was focusing on my pleasure.
He then stopped, he moved to be down between my legs and my pleasure was soon multiplied ten-fold as he began licking my pussy. I pulled the material aside and just lay there lost in a wave of sheer pleasure. However after a couple of minutes I just wanted him to fuck me. "Fuck me right here, right now!" I exclaimed and so while I removed my g-string all together, my husband stood up and removed his shorts. Standing naked in front of me I just admired his body but then reached out for him. He remained standing for some time looking up and down my body and the position I was in, naked on my towel with my legs spread and stretching my arms towards him. I must have been a sight. He was also taking in and teasing my desperation. He then knelt down between my legs and I gripped his cock and guided it towards my pussy. Although he tried to take it slow, I was having none of that and wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in. He then stayed buried deep inside me and would not slide back. He was trying to control himself. I released my legs and he pulled back and slipped out. I decided to take control myself and rolled him over. He loves me on top especially when I sit up to ride him. So he was more than happy to allow me to do this. He watched as I again guided his cock into me and I made sure to slowly ease down it for him.
I went from riding to sitting and rocking and back to riding, allowing him to control partly but also building my own orgasm. I then got to the stage where I wanted to cum and started riding and not allowing him to stop me. I knew I was running a thin line with him about to cum but I also thought I was close enough. All of a sudden he pulled me down onto him. My breasts squashed against him and he thrust his cock in hard. Although I tried to get myself there too, I knew I'd lost. He was cumming. I lay there on top of him and I could feel his cock softening and then slip out of me.
Then I thought about my own orgasm and how close I had been. I thought that if was lucky I might get him hard enough to go again. With that, I started to slowly slide back and forth on him. I sat up, leaning forwards so my breasts hung over him and brushed his chest and started to grind my hips down on him as I slid back and forth along his cock. I could feel him slowly getting harder and I knew I would feel him inside me again. I took the opportunity to sit back up and glanced up and down the beach. No-one was anywhere nearby, so I told him to fuck me again. This time however, I wanted it doggy.
My husband stood up and I got on my hands and knees, I lowered my head to the towel and stuck my ass up, then felt him rubbing his cock against my pussy before sliding into me. He held my hips and I was pushing back to meet his every thrust and within no time at all, I was again very close to cumming. I lifted my head and opened my eyes to take in the fact that I was fucking on the beach out in the open. There, standing no more than ten metres away, right in front of me, was a man. I had become so caught up that I didn't hear him or see him approach. I froze and didn't know what to do. I was so close to orgasm and desperately wanted to cum but I was so embarrassed at someone seeing me like that. I looked back at my husband wondering why he hadn't stopped or even said anything. My husband was looking at the guy and then he looked at me then back at the guy. Instead, he just kept going. I looked back to the guy and it was only then that I noticed what he was doing. He had his cock in his hand and he was masturbating. I can't say whether it was a result of his actions or because of the situation I was in, but I suddenly felt so aroused and my orgasm building fast. I then remembered what my husband had said earlier, "Just let go." I thought what the hell, he's right and this guy has already seen us going at it, he might as well see us finish.
With that thought, I proceeded to push my hips back against my husband as I watched this stranger wanking his cock. The stranger, sensing my new found relaxation moved closer. With me watching him, he removed his shorts was standing naked in front of me. He took another step forwards. He got to within a metre or so of me and then got down on his knees. He was stroking his cock right in front of me as if testing the water. With me not giving him a negative response, he eased a little closer. I was still embarrassed yet extremely excited and therefore I couldn't do more to respond than lick my dry lips. He shuffled further still until he pushed his cock down to brush it against my face. I kind of just froze and he repeated the motion and brushed it against my face again. Instinctively I licked at it as he slowly drew it across my lips. I looked up at him and as he held his cock still, I opened my mouth and took him in.
It must have been just a natural motion for me but I began pushing back and forth on my husband and taking the strangers cock in and out of my mouth at the same time. At that moment I felt my husband pull my hard against him and his cock pulsed. This was enough to send me over the edge too. I stopped sucking on the stranger and just let myself float off in a wave of immense pleasure. As my orgasm subsided, my husband pulled out. I was worried that he'd let the stranger fuck me but instead he got me to kneel up. I looked up and down the beach and saw no-one. The stranger stood up and moved so I could suck his cock again. I had only sucked his cock for a short time when he pulled away. He grabbed his cock and jerked it right at my breasts. His first pulse of cum landed above my breasts. The next splashed between them and as I pushed my breasts together, the next couple just landed on my breasts.
It was then that I became a little embarrassed again and very self conscious. Even though I was still on a high thinking about the fact that I had willingly just allowed a stranger to not only cum on me but that I had sucked his cock right there on a beach in front of my husband . The thought of it was arousing me again. Yet I was worried that both my husband and the stranger would be judging me now. As I stood up and reached for my sarong the stranger spoke. "Sorry. I just saw you two caught up in a passionate moment. You looked so hot together and I just could not help but watch." He was very quiet as he spoke. I didn't know where to look. I was still feeling embarrassed. As I bent over the bag of belongings looking for something to wipe the stranger's cum that was now running down my stomach from my breasts, I felt my husband hands on my shoulders. He urged me upright and pulled me into him. He then kissed me very passionately.
I felt the sarong being pulled away and turned my head to see the stranger standing right there behind me.My husband then turned me around to face the stranger. I covered myself as best I could. I could feel my arms and hands' sliding over the stranger's cum that I hadn't had the chance to wipe off. My husband was now behind me and he gently grabbed hold of my arms and slowly pulled them away from my stomach and breasts. At first I didn't allow it, then I felt his hard cock pressing against me and I simply gave in, letting him expose me to the stranger. As my husband held my arms up and away from my body, the stranger stepped closer. He went to kiss my neck but my husband was already doing so on the other side and so the stranger went for my breasts. The feeling of one man kissing my neck while another kissed and licked my nipples was unbelievable.
After a short time, my husband turned me around. He again kissed me but this time I had the stranger's hands running up and down my body. I stepped away from him a little to allow the stranger access to my breasts, an invitation he understood and accepted. As the stranger cupped my breasts, my husband started to step back a little and pushed me down. I knew what he wanted so I took his cock into my mouth. As I sucked his cock I felt the stranger running his fingers down my stomach towards my pussy. I took a breath and widened my stance. This gave him access and he gently ran his fingers all around, over and finally through my pussy before slipping a finger in. Once again I became caught up in the experience and didn't notice straight away when the stranger stopped. Tom held my head down so I would keep working on his on his cock and before I could say anything, the stranger had his cock in my pussy.
The stranger grabbed my hips and started slowly pulling and pushing me. He was controlling the movements and he had me in heaven. It was either the angle he got as he slid in or the fact that the head of his cock was a bit wider than my husband but it was with each slowly push into me that had my legs weakening. The stranger must have sensed this because he really concentrated on the control and speed of the thrust forward and gave me one hell of an orgasm. I grabbed hold of my husband waist and the stranger held mine as I bucked and writhed as my orgasm took total control of me.
I fell forward and onto the sand. I was still on my knees when I was pushed forward. I knew what was happening and was all for it. The stranger positioned behind me and slid back into my still sensitive pussy. He didn't care for that now though as he started thrusting into me. I looked up at my husband but he had already moved just as the stranger pushed in as far as he could and pulled my hips back thrusting him further still. With that he came and I watched my husband as he watched the stranger filling me with cum. I then just lent forward and lay my head on the towel again while the stranger slowly finished and pulled out. Without warning though, my husband was then positioning himself and started sliding his cock into me. No more than five or six thrusts and he was cumming.
By the time my husband pulled out and I re-orientated myself and got up, the stranger had disappeared into the dunes behind us. I was standing there with my sarong wrapped around me and cum running down my leg. I took my one piece and walked down to the water. I walked out deep enough to clean up and then put my swimsuit on. As I walked back to my husband I couldn't help but smile and laugh. "Wow!" That was all both of us could muster at the time.
During the walk back to our hotel room we spoke about and described the whole scene over and over again. My husband told me how much he loved seeing the guy cumming on me but then when he actually witnessed the guy not only fucking me but cumming in me, it was one of the hottest things he had seen. I must admit, it was extremely arousing for me too and probably the hottest thing I've ever done on the spur of the moment.
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
is this love? | choi soobin
requested by: anon & @renjunn1es (like 50 yrs ago pls)
pairing: bsf! soobin x fem! reader + mentions of ex! yeonjun
word count: 647
genre/warnings: fluff + a little angst , swearing
—note: this is pt 2 of ‘what is love?’ :)
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𖤐 ྀ
a month had passed and y/n was still sad about yeonjun. she still missed him. she missed how he made her feel. she missed what they had; or at least what she thought they had.
soobin was over it. he was tired of hearing y/n cry at night, he was tired of being there to comfort her, and he was tired of trying to be the one who replaced her first love. he was tired, but he couldnt help but stay because he knew that he could never fill that void her heart, but he had to try right?
“hey y/n do you wanna go get some food later?”
“im okay, i think i wanna stay in tonight too”
soobin sighed and hesitated for a second before standing in front of you. “y/n can i ask you something?”
“yeah of course” you said smiling
“do you think you’ll ever get over him?” he paused and took a breath in. “i know it’s hard and i know that you were really in love with him, but y/n, you arent even trying to. you’re just sitting here and sulking everyday-”
“shut up.” you said angrily. “soobin shut the fuck up. who do you think you are ?? just because i came to you after my breakup doesnt mean you’re allowed to say this shit. im fine and im fucking over it. now leave me alone.”
taken aback, soobin stood silently for a second. after taking everything you said in, he sat on the couch next to you and put his hand on yours.
“soobin i told you to leave me alone” you said pulling your hand out from under his
“y/n, i know you’re still hurting, i do. but you cant continue to sulk and lash out on anyone that tries to help you. i want you to feel better y/n. i want you to be happy again. im doing all this because i love you.” realizing what he had just said, soobin paused and sat still.
sighing, y/n responded to him. “soobin?”
“yes?” he said nervously
“i know.”
“what??” soobin’s mind and heart were racing. did she know he loved her this while time? was he that obvious? “what do you know?”
“i know that you want whats best for me and i know that you want me to be and feel better but it’s so hard. i feel like i havent made any progress in feeling better”
relieved, soobin responded, “y/n, theres a reason why i wanna go outside and help you take your mind off of him, you just wont cooperate🙄”
“hello you should be being nice to me right now”
“mf you’re the one that just yelled at me, ur lucky that i didnt give u a nice slap across the face tf🤨 now go get ready, we’re going to get food”
“fine. only bc i yelled at you”
“hey soobin im sorry”
“i already forgave you for yelling at me lol, dont worry about it, i understand” he said smiling
“no,, im sorry for not being able to love you the way you want me to”
“what?” soobin’s smile faltered
“i heard you whispering to yourself the day i broke up with him. i remember it from earlier today too and im sorry. i want to love you back, but i dont want you to feel like you’re second to someone. i want to be completely over him and more in love with myself before i get into any new relationships”
“this is so embarassing” he said blushing “BUT YES I LOVE UR PLAN!! SAY IT WITH ME #GIRLBOSSY/N”
“soobin please”
“say it or else ill kick you out of my apartment”
“no soobin we are in public”
“okay well i guess you’re homeless now🤣”
“WAIT okay #girlbossme”
“i hate you so much”
“you wish you did”
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@overthemoonbae , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @igsana , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @igyus , @sungsunnie , @fiantomartell
—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
I-bRO your what the Haikyuu bois would say is so awesome! Could I request that but for Kuroo? I'm literally such a simp for the roosterhead! Thanks so much ♡
Thank you 🥺 that means a lot.
i love kuroo 😖 i hate fannon kuroo ngl, so many people think he’s a sex god (well even cannon kuroo is probably a sex god once he figures out how to work his willy but u know) and he’s honestly just a dumb chem nerd.
Let us just say that you work for him as a personal assisten 
“Hey, honey... Breakfast is ready.” (5:00 am)
“No dont worry, i didnt make it... You know I cant cook to save my life.”
“I just went down the street to buy you a coffee and some sweet bread.”
“You always wake up earlier than I do to get me something, so i just thought to repay you back...”
“Why do you always think there is a catch?”
“Fine, you caught me... I need you to help me make an itinerarie for our upcoming not-so-vacation, vacation.”
“I would have told you yesterday but we where, busy~”
“Ow! Do not hit me, I’m your boss.”
You: “More the reason!”
“More the reason my ass, hurry up and get ready, we gotta get to the office.”
“Oh yeah, we also have meetings all day today so wear something comfortable.”
“You ready to go?” (6:30 am)
“Give me a little twirl baby.”
*will slap you ass when you pass him to leave your home*
*he is def laughing past you and you’re like alright bet*
you: “Hey baby come here, give me a kiss”
“Oh now you wanna give me a kiss, you gotta reach for it, honey ~ ”
*you pull on his tie so he’s at level for a kiss but you only give him a peck before giving his ass a good smack and running to the passanger side of his car*
“Hey! Get back here, I want a decent kiss!”
“Who tought you how to smack so hard?”
“Me? I would never~”
“Come on give me a good kiss.”
“I’m gonna park the car, you go ahead and get a head start without me.”(7:30 am)
you: “What took you so long?”
“What do you mean what took me so long, I was getting you flowers”  
*gives you the bouque of flowers and kiss on the cheek*
“Duh honey~”
“Stop blushing and lets get to work.” (8:00 am)
“Have you seen my pen?”
“Can you go get me some water?”
“Come on give me a kiss before we get to the next meeting.”
“Hey, just because their an assistant doesn’t mean you get to boss them around like that.”
“Says who? You ’re fucking boss and her husband you dibshit- get out my office and I want you to apologize, but don’t you dare look in their eyes because a low life like you doesn’t deserve to.” 
“Oh and ask her to come back in, will you?”
“Hey honey, is it lunch yet?”
you: “You did not have to be so rude...”
“Didn’t have to be rude, my ass. No one gets to talk down to you like that- not even me... Well, I do... But only if you want me too~”
*he do be leaning in for a kiss but you shove your hand onto his face*
you: “Whatchu want for lunch Testu and do not say me because I will quit.” 
“Awe.. Honey you’re no fun...”
“Just order me something and get it to go because we don’t have time to go out right now, I’ll make it up to you next time tho.”
“It’s just Y/n with my lunch. Let them in will ya?” (1:00 pm)
“Hey, honey...*whispers* book me an appointment with my chiro will ya? My back is definetly gonna need it... Do it for friday night since we have the weekend off.”
“You’re dismissed.”
*will pat you your thigh before you walk out the door*
*is a very firm believer of not teasing you around co-workers. no pda around the office unless it’s his and the blinds are shut and the door is locked*
“Honey~ let me take a nap on your lap.I’ve got thirty minutes and I’m tired.” (2:30 pm)
“Hey- We have a dinner meeting so I need you to go home, freshen up and get me a new suit- I’ll get ready in the gym bathrooms, I’ll be fine.”
“Let me know when you’re on the way so I can just take a quick wash- hold on give me a kiss before you go.” (3:20 pm)
“You’re on the way back? Pick me up some iced coffee, yeah?”
“You here? Hold on let me put on a towel.” (6:00 pm)
“What you lookin’ at?”
“Oh? Sorry- I’ll cover up~”
“You look real sexy by the way... Give me a kiss.”
“Mmm, if I keep kissing you, were gonna have to head home right now baby~”
you: “Tetsuro, this meeting is literraly about keeping your company and making it a bigger establishment... We are not gonna drop it to go fuck.”
“But honey~”
*smaking the back of his head*
you: “I will leave you high and dry next time you try it.”
*Kuroo def becomes a little pouty after you say that*
*while at dinner a conversation about you breaks through while youre in the restroom*
“So, you’re married to your assistant... How’s that like?” The man in front of him asked, with his own wife absent at the moment. “Oh, um... They’re really great- Y/n a great partner and theirs nothing more I could ask for.” He man scoffs before taking a drink, “Did they work for you before you got marries?” Kuroo nods, “I met them a fem years ago during a one on one interview, they have been working with me ever since.” The executive nodded, clearing his throat. “They a good fuck?” He asked, shocking Kuroo. “Excuse me?” He asked, making sure he didn’t hear him incorrectly. “I asked, are they a good fuck. Someone like that seems too good for our work, bet their probably a sleazy bitch who-” Kuroo go up from his seat a reached over to grab the mans collar. “Speak of my spouse with that manner ever again and i wont hesitate to ruin your life. You know what they learned about you before we got here. They found out that you’re having an affair- and they just happen to be pregnant... Seems to me that your hush money wasn’t enough. How about we tell your wife and kids that you just happened to start a new, hidden, life without them.” Little to Kuroos knowledge you where a few steps behind the table and happen to hear everything your husband had just threatened to spill. “Tetsuro...” You mumbled, setting your hand on his shoulder. “Sit down...” You looked back at the executive and smiled sadisticly, “You heard my husband... Finding about your second life wasn’t so hard.. Maybe I could send it to your wife in a matter of seconds if you don’t get up from this table, agree to our side of the contract and then leave. We’d like to enjoy our dinner in peace.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Right... Let’s just forget this ever happened and enjoy the dinner we deserve.”
“That was so, so, delicious” (8:00 pm)
“Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“Good, let’s get a bottle to go, yeah?”
“Home, sweet fucking home.”
“Come here, we’ll open the bottle later.”
*ya’ll accidentally fall asleep on the couch bc you guys work so hard together... its a cute sight*
you: “Kuroo wake up, someones trying to get in.”
“No one is trying to break in.”
Kenma: “No she’s right I was trying to break in... I forgot my switch charger here and I need it.”
More of Husband Kuroo: here
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