#e scooter fast
utkarshjoshi2 · 2 years
Altairev is set out to be a 360 degree game plans maker for electric convenientce in India. All of our bicycles are manufactured and arranged including top level development, extreme quality control and security rules achieving an unrivaled issue corresponding lift knowledge for all of our clients while meaningfully affecting the environment. Our in-house Innovative work gathering of experts work constantly towards making parts and plans that convey ideal efficiency and power in the aggregate of our bicycles, going with them the best choice to ride for clients across India. Altairev bicycles are energized by swappable Lithium-molecule battery packs which are arranged in-house to give ideal execution while in like manner making it supportive for them to be charged at whatever point wherever. Charging that obliges your Lifestyle!
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watcherscrown · 1 month
i know cars are Scary but if you're on wheels you belong on the street :) the only exception to this rule is if you are literally a child. i am not responsible for what happens to you if you zoom by my herding dog on roller blades
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brogdenmedia-blog · 2 years
In recent years, kick scooters and E-bikes have become increasingly popular as a form of transportation. They offer a convenient and affordable way to get around, and they are also great for the environment. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of kick scooters and E-bikes and why they are becoming so popular. Kick scooters are a great way to get around quickly and easily. They are lightweight and portable, so you can take them with you
Not bad! Now, try making your instruction more specific.‍
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As you can see, addin
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kay9leo · 6 days
Siblings' judgement
When MC's siblings were asked what was the most interesting thing that happened to them in the summer when they went back to school, it was watching Sebastian navigate NYC when he went to visit them in New York. These are their drawings:
MC/Iñaki's little sister, Grace and her Drawing:
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MC/Iñaki's little brother, Ricky and his drawing:
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Meet Grace and Ricky, MC's younger Irish/Catholic siblings. They met Sebastian a few times before and know what he's like and found it rather amusing seeing him almost die (in their words) by nearly getting hit by bicyclists and runners right when they are about to cross the street. The only reason he hasn't gotten hurt yet is because Iñaki pulls him back right at the last second since she has a 6th sense about these things as Sebastian's life flashes before his life as he see the bicyclists and runners zoom right pass him.
While both younger siblings know that Sebastian isn't Iñaki's boyfriend...they do question their closeness. Especially when they notice Sebastian's cheeks blush when Iñaki is holding his hand the entire time they are in Manhattan.
I like to think that in Sebastian's subconscious (and in Ricky's observation), he thinks Iñaki is holding his hand because she likes him. Meanwhile, Iñaki is holding his hand the entire time so he won't get lost in the crowd of people and to be his guide on when to cross the street/jaywalk.
(Did I draw this because I pulled what Iñaki did in preventing a loved one from being hit by a bike/runner/scooter and held hands/arms to not lose them in the crowd? Yes. Yes I did.)
I would like to imagine this took place during the summer between 4th and 5th year for Iñaki. She and her family went back home to New York for a bit and Sebastian was able to visit them.
Her family took him out to Manhattan. Needless to say, navigating the city is a completely different beast to navigating Hogsmeade and Sebastian hasn't been to any major city since Solomon became his and Anne's guardian after his parents died. So he has no city navigation survival skills. Especially in the muggle world as a pureblood.
(I would like to think that it was either her parents who bought him a round trip ticket for a week since he seemed so interested in knowing what NYC or it was Ominis who used his money to help him get a ticket; partly since Ominis knows that Sebastian and Solomon bump heads often -more so since Anne got cursed- and wants to keep him out of his own household for his safety and mental health and partly to sort of guide Sebastian away from the Dark Arts and see if he can find some knowledge in the States that Sebastian hasn't been able to find at Hogwarts).
And both Grace and Ricky couldn't spell correctly for that day since they were sleep deprived. They literally arrived to London hours before their first day of school because their airline had canceled the family's flight at the last minute and rescheduled it for them to return a lot later than expected. While Grace and Ricky went to school sleep deprived, Iñaki completely missed taking the Hogwarts Express and arrived at school on the 2nd since they had to wait for Professor Fig to take her once he got their owl.
All three siblings really had a rough 1st week due to being jet legged XD
More about Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga
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electriva1 · 2 months
EVs vary in power and charging speed. Charging is divided into Level 1, 2, and 3, with higher levels offering faster charging. Understanding these levels helps you choose the right charger.
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the veloci-rooster from the game sims bustin out on gba
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Green energy is in its heyday. 
Renewable energy sources now account for 22% of the nation’s electricity, and solar has skyrocketed eight times over in the last decade. This spring in California, wind, water, and solar power energy sources exceeded expectations, accounting for an average of 61.5 percent of the state's electricity demand across 52 days. 
But green energy has a lithium problem. Lithium batteries control more than 90% of the global grid battery storage market. 
That’s not just cell phones, laptops, electric toothbrushes, and tools. Scooters, e-bikes, hybrids, and electric vehicles all rely on rechargeable lithium batteries to get going. 
Fortunately, this past week, Natron Energy launched its first-ever commercial-scale production of sodium-ion batteries in the U.S. 
“Sodium-ion batteries offer a unique alternative to lithium-ion, with higher power, faster recharge, longer lifecycle and a completely safe and stable chemistry,” said Colin Wessells — Natron Founder and Co-CEO — at the kick-off event in Michigan. 
The new sodium-ion batteries charge and discharge at rates 10 times faster than lithium-ion, with an estimated lifespan of 50,000 cycles.
Wessells said that using sodium as a primary mineral alternative eliminates industry-wide issues of worker negligence, geopolitical disruption, and the “questionable environmental impacts” inextricably linked to lithium mining. 
“The electrification of our economy is dependent on the development and production of new, innovative energy storage solutions,” Wessells said. 
Why are sodium batteries a better alternative to lithium?
The birth and death cycle of lithium is shadowed in environmental destruction. The process of extracting lithium pollutes the water, air, and soil, and when it’s eventually discarded, the flammable batteries are prone to bursting into flames and burning out in landfills. 
There’s also a human cost. Lithium-ion materials like cobalt and nickel are not only harder to source and procure, but their supply chains are also overwhelmingly attributed to hazardous working conditions and child labor law violations. 
Sodium, on the other hand, is estimated to be 1,000 times more abundant in the earth’s crust than lithium. 
“Unlike lithium, sodium can be produced from an abundant material: salt,” engineer Casey Crownhart wrote ​​in the MIT Technology Review. “Because the raw ingredients are cheap and widely available, there’s potential for sodium-ion batteries to be significantly less expensive than their lithium-ion counterparts if more companies start making more of them.”
What will these batteries be used for?
Right now, Natron has its focus set on AI models and data storage centers, which consume hefty amounts of energy. In 2023, the MIT Technology Review reported that one AI model can emit more than 626,00 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent. 
“We expect our battery solutions will be used to power the explosive growth in data centers used for Artificial Intelligence,” said Wendell Brooks, co-CEO of Natron. 
“With the start of commercial-scale production here in Michigan, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for efficient, safe, and reliable battery energy storage.”
The fast-charging energy alternative also has limitless potential on a consumer level, and Natron is eying telecommunications and EV fast-charging once it begins servicing AI data storage centers in June. 
On a larger scale, sodium-ion batteries could radically change the manufacturing and production sectors — from housing energy to lower electricity costs in warehouses, to charging backup stations and powering electric vehicles, trucks, forklifts, and so on. 
“I founded Natron because we saw climate change as the defining problem of our time,” Wessells said. “We believe batteries have a role to play.”
-via GoodGoodGood, May 3, 2024
Note: I wanted to make sure this was legit (scientifically and in general), and I'm happy to report that it really is! x, x, x, x
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
Sorry if this is inappropriate, but I was kinda wondering what caused your house fire? What to avoid doing the future if it was preventative ya know
My housemate's e-bike battery was charging in their room, and combusted. I was at work; thankfully everyone else got out safely. But we all lost our apartment and most of our personal possessions. The bike's owner lost literally everything- they were in the shower and escaped wearing only a towel. Their room looked like a crater; that's not an exaggeration.
I support electric vehicles as part of the fight against climate change, but I REALLY need people to be aware of the risks. The lithium ion batteries they use are not like the one in your phone or your computer, or even in an electric car. While any of the above can catch fire, it seems like the ones in e-bikes and e-scooters are more likely to at the moment. And the fire burns hot and fast- I've heard conventional extinguishers can't even put it out, though I don't know much about that. This wasn't an off-brand bike or battery, either. It was by Rad Power, a well-known and popular company.
Follow all the recommendations for charging the batteries: on a flat surface, attended, and DO NOT leave them plugged in past full charge. That can help, but since this battery was not fully charged when it exploded, I strongly recommend charging them outside if at all possible. I believe some people do it inside an enclosed charcoal grill, the round sort with a cover? The cord would have to stick out but it's still SOME sort of protection in case of fire.
Personally, I will never live in a house with one again, but I have Trauma Reasons and some people need them for cheap reliable transportation. I get that. They're here to stay. We just have to protect ourselves until the technology gets past its teething troubles.
Close your bedroom door when sleeping and when you leave the house. I lost a lot, but my room was the least damaged because my door was closed- the fire literally skipped over my room and up through the ceiling crawl-space.
Beyond that- basic fire safety, I guess. Don't leave candles unattended, etc.
Take care of yourselves, people. Trust me, you don't want to go through even a nonlethal house fire- and this was the best-case scenario.
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artemisbarnowl · 2 months
What is life like in Melbourne? I’m looking into moving there from the UK and would love some insights and whatever else from people who live and work there 💕
I've only visited the UK briefly as a tourist so I'm not sure how to compare them in a way that's going to give you useful info. But I'll give you info at least. Please sit comfortably and we'll begin.
Melbourne has 5 million people in it, but is also quite a large sprawling urban area, so it doesn't feel really packed and busy. It sits on a bay, so it doesn't get freezing but does have the '4 seasons in one day' jokes which are true. I never really got in the habit of checking the weather in the morn before I left for work until I moved away from melb where the forecast was such that I could dress appropriately without surprise.
When I talk about what I love about Melbourne I mean inner suburbs and CBD (which is a beautiful grid and shining example of urban planning for the now that is weighed down by no plans for the future). Public transport connectivity is decent (comparable to London imo) but wait times, delays, and travel times on trams and buses might be relatively crap depending on your experience. It's no Moscow metro (my beloved), but you can probably get to where you're going somehow. Also e scooters have popped off. Further out there's no trams and there's more big gaps between train stations (the train lines are arranged like spokes of a wheel around a central city circle. There will be another city loop slightly overlapping the current one in service next year). This is what I despairingly call The Suburbs. Where you probably need a car to get around and it's like at least 20 mins drive to Anywhere for dinner, groceries or fun activities. Mostly Melbourne is not overly hilly so bikes are an option but infrastructure such as bike lanes is really hit or miss depending on area. Especially good in the inner north. Melb inner suburbs are very walkable and I love love love that. I lived in the inner north and could walk into the CBD to do whatever.
In terms of culture things I think Melbourne is the most international of Aus's capitals in that it has a lot of different people but also that there's a lot open late. Sydney probably can and will make the same claim. But that's it. The rest of Aus is a country town. Major shops will probably close 5.30 or six mon to wed but there's plenty of stuff that's open later. You can always find a bar* or 8. There's plenty of different cuisines in gourmet or fast food dining. There's a cafe in the CBD that's open 24 hours where I can sit outside and have a pot of green tea WHENEVER I WANT. Bookstores open til 10pm. There are lots of events throughout the year and lots of cultural institutions to visit on a whim for free! Some are paid also obvi but I find it difficult to be bored when I can go to the museum to see taxidermy or the NGV for art for free whenever. I am a zoo member which means I get to hang out in a beautiful park/garden which creatures for free whenever I want. Again as you go out further this becomes less true. Fringe cities at the ends of train lines are likely to have what you need to live but less fun activities less often. Not nothing though!
Melbournians really do love wearing black. Especially in winter. They also love strategic Grey. I thought people were exaggerating until I left. A head to toe black outfit is uncommon enough to be remarkable where I live now. Even in a regular boring office where people wear very muted colours I'm the only one who does it. There is no functional difference between the a mourning outfit and one of a Melbournian. it's common wear sneakers with a lot of seemingly formal or corporate outfits, but not thongs with jeans. That's some weird Sydney nonsense.
Being around the bay there's plenty of places to swim in summer! Most of the bay is bordered by beach, most famous and reachable from the city is St Kilda beach. Which is excellent and beyond reproach if you're not Australian and 'fine' if you are. Traveling down towards Mornington Peninsula they get better. 5km makes a difference to the grain of the sand. Some are more fine, can get more coarse and shelly as well. Never stony. Only a little bit of seaweed here and there.
There are parks in the heart of the city (nothing huge like Hyde though) and little wildlife corridors or reserves in most suburbs but it's not an especially Nature city. It's only one hour by train and bus or by car to the Dandenongs (a low mountain range, not to be confused with hugely underated immigrant suburb of Dandenong in melb) though which have cool temperate rainforest national park, lots of gardens (huuuuuge rhododendron garden up there), little b&bs, english style cafes (miss Marples in Olinda is the most famous) and lots of walking and biking. I say one hour but Melbourne as an area reaches right to the base of the range, which is why you can get a bus from the shops. There are national parks that are native woodland or grasslands closer to the heart of the city but these are less special to me because that's the standard nature I see every day of my life. There's a pink lake in south melb which is fun. But I love tree ferns and fresh damp dirt and the tallest flowering trees in the world!!
If you have more specific Q's feel free to ask. I am a city gal at heart but did live rurally originally and frequently do short stays (2 weeks to a month) in rural or remote areas so I am used to comparing amenities and connectivity.
*Melbourne has regular bars but also is very big on rooftop bars. Sydney has some, but other cities hear rooftop bar and think 'bar inside but with views or on top floor of building. Probably formal'. Melbourne roof top bars are on the roof. In the open air (maybe some shade sail) and it's very much a casual thing. Jugs of beer or sangria, chips, feels like a good barbeque rather than a refined cocktail bar. Those are often in basements.
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thorn-horn · 3 months
Things I noticed while rewatching smiling friends
☺ the dust the witch uses is the same as Jason's
☺ gnarly says "I love you" to grim. (We're they lovers)
☺ Charlie claims to not know aliens exist while at the UFO Lookout meeting thing. In the fantasy episode he literally solved a long term conflict between the spiders and aliens
☺ Allan healed from the cruizifizion quickly.
☺ Filmore was in the background while the demon was getting destroyed
☺ Allan's tie is always crinkly
☺ Pim's cowboy hat gets wiggled in the rain
☺ the boss's bowtie looks like an untied tie instead of a bow when he's going crazy in the frowning friends episode
☺ Desmond puts the Dave land shirt on over the shirt he's wearing
☺ despite being able to drive, Allan takes a scooter to work.
☺ glep takes his hat off to pay respects to jason
☺ Allan and glep have the same gardening apron different sizes
☺ the building gets a Santa hat for Xmas so someone had to have put it on the building.
☺ even the devil is nice to fast food workers
☺ Britney dates men of huge influence. She went after Mr. Boss instead of Mr. Frog. We know Mr. Frog is rich and powerful as well. So who's richer?
☺ Jeremy has thing wings implying he could once fly
☺ if Charlie's grandma has a lollipop it implies that she ethier died with it or took it from someone in hell. Same with the rocking chair
☺ Biblies are in hell (thanks Desmond)
☺ in the after credits scene where the devil and Mr. Boss fight, hell is back to normal. Despite denying it, Charlie helped the devil
☺ the devil owns a keyboard (but not a fiddle?)
☺ the earth isn't flat when God sends Charlie back but is at the alien episode.
☺ glep gas a black hat for mourning
☺ if Alan is spraying gwimbly with DIRTY BROWN WATER the water where smiling friends takes place might be heavily polluted.
☺ Allan likely has PTSD from the Bible thing
☺ glep and Allan wear more clothes for vacation than work (they still don't wear shoes tho)
☺ the devil eats salty's
☺ they dine and dash
☺ it's mentioned by Charlie that the tv is broken (in the professor psychotic episode) which is likely the result of James ripping it off
☺ Charlie got the maid outfit quickly which means 1: he had it available 2: there's a shop on the street that sells it or 3: express shipping
☺ allan likes playing games
☺ shrimp are both members of society and food (does that imply cannibalism?)
☺ in America Presidents wear blue or red ties on their suits (red for Republican, blue for Democrat) but jimble wears yellow. Pim wears a red tie with a blue suit. William worm wears a blue suit and tie.
☺ Allan's one night stand wears big boots in bed.
☺ Allan jumped off a building without hesitation for paperclips
☺ idk what's more impressive in An Allan Adventure: the fact that Allan survived or that his stayed tied.
☺ Allan has anger issues
☺ Allan is more scared of a hole in the roof then nearly dying
☺ subway exists within the smiling friends universe
☺ Doug owns an iPhone
☺ Doug doesn't wear a hard hat on the job
☺ Allan and glep collapsed from Jason's dust
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utkarshjoshi2 · 2 years
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twilightcitysky · 1 year
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Honest Angel by Twilightcitysky
3000 words, rated E, complete
“That’s why you decided to drive a scooter to the Downs? You wanted to break laws?” “I planned to trespass, too,” Aziraphale said conspiratorially. “Mr. Haverford’s estate has a lovely view of the ocean.” Crowley burst out laughing. He couldn’t help it. But Aziraphale blushed and looked twitchy. “I suppose it would seem funny to you,” he muttered. “It’s just… angel, you like being the good one.” He ought to, he’d lorded it over Crowley often enough. “I can do unexpected things.” Aziraphale turned to face him. His expression was a strange mix of contemplation and terror: a first-time parachute jumper looking out the open door of the plane. “I know that, but you don’t–” “And I can go fast,” Aziraphale said. His eyes dropped to Crowley’s lips. Crowley’s stomach swooped. “Angel–” “I can break rules,” Aziraphale whispered. “Especially the ones that don’t make sense anymore.”
Read it here on AO3! Thank you to @copperplatebeech for the banner!
I'm going to try tagging a few people when I post fic on Tumblr-- since things get lost so easily here and I always appreciate being tagged by others! If you'd like me to remove you from (or add you to) my tag list please let me know. And if you create something that you'd like shared, always tag me!
@hasturswig @kanna-ophelia @princess-spock @cinnabarmint @ashfae @tyrograph @siriosa @amberly333 @octoberspirit @madbethsb @valquainton @unuora @marsch00 @laurashapiro-noreally and of course @copperplatebeech who has been trying to get me to do this for months. Love you babe.
Thank you so much if you reblog!
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whumpster-fire · 3 months
My PHD thesis is that the aggressiveness of drivers is correlated with vehicle size and power with a minimum reached for compact sedans and hatchbacks with a modest power-to-weight ratio (for vehicles that can be driven without a special license).
Anything smaller (motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, e-skateboards) is correlated with asshole behavior through two mechanisms: the "Cocky SOB" mechanism where people think they're so maneuverable and in tune with their surroundings that traffic laws shouldn't apply to them because they can just swerve away from any potential accident (also applies to sports car drivers and some more powerful small or mid-sized cars e.g. Big Altima Energy) and the "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses!" effect where they believe their lack of crashworthiness means they can be as reckless and/or aggressive as they want and intimidate other road users with the threat of having someone's blood on their hands. Motorcyclists also have the "small yappy dog" effect where knowing they're driving a deathtrap makes them be as loud and obnoxious as possible "so people notice them." (i.e. "You don't understand, man, an exhaust that rattles windowpanes in a 5 city block radius is a safety feature!")
On the other hand, driving anything larger (SUVs, pickups, vans, rental box trucks that any idiot can drive) is increasingly correlated with entitled bullies who think driving a larger vehicle that will "win" in a crash gives them the right to drive aggressively via the "Whoever has more lug nuts has the Right Of Way" rule.
This hypothesis successfully predicts that Teslas, especially cybertrucks, should have the shittiest drivers on the road due to being both big and heavy and capable of very fast acceleration. It also successfully explains why cops almost always drive either motorcycles or bulky sedans and SUVs.
This follows up on other groundbreaking research in the field of Douchebagology, such as Everyone Driving Slower Than Me Is An Idiot, Everyone Driving Faster Than Me Is A Maniac, Everyone Driving the Same Speed As Me Is Camping In My Fucking Blind Spot.
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electriva1 · 7 months
It is high time you understood the vehicles with electrical motors and the charging points. ElecctriVa is among the top companies offering charge point services to B2B and B2C. Make the best choice in the long run and ease your worries. Keep the necessary aspects ready and make an informed choice to resolve the hassles in the long run.
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
I had a dream I was running a race (in my chair) alongside you and so so many other wheelchair users. It was really nice to feel surrounded by a community!! Maybe one day I will have built up the muscle strength to try a race..... n e ways ty for inspiring a dream!
Yes!!! Wheelchair racing is so much fun. It takes a long time to build up that strength but it's really good for me physically and emotionally and its hard to take rest days now because I love it so much.
A couple tips:
if you're running in a custom daily use wheelchair, make sure you've adjusted the balance as far back as you can safely go. More weight on the rear wheels is better.
Learn to do wheelies while moving. You never know what the pavement is gonna look like and being able to lift those front casters while moving is HUGE in not ruining momentum.
If you get running every day, replace your casters every few months. Scooter wheels and bearings work as a cheap replacement that are just as nice as medical ones. I get mine from YAK off ebay for like $20, including the bearings. If you have good streets, go for 4 inches or smaller. If you have bad streets go for 5 or larger.
Once you have a couple races under your belt, you might be able to apply for a grant from various disabled sports organizations, depending on how you do the races you can get a classic racing wheelchair for pavement or a Grit chair for offroad and cracked pavement like I have. Pretty much nobody buys their own adaptive sports equipment unless you're a high level sportsman or rich. Some people get the equipment first, but most places ask what kind of experience you have, presumably making sure you'll both be able to do the sport and will actually use the equipment. A lot of times there's clinics to try out different equipment. Places usually have borrow equipment you can use before you get your own. (asking your parks and recreation department of your nearest population center is also good. Boise has some)
Leave yourself at the end of the workout tired but not spent. Or as my doctor calls it "to the point of fatigue but not past it." A lot of sports injuries happen because someone ramped up the intensity of their training too fast. You want to end your workout feeling good, so you want to go back out there. Exercise isn't supposed to be grueling punishment!!
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fat-slobby-hunks · 5 months
Stolas rolling up to a fast food restaurant's counter on a giant scooter with his ass pouring over the back and sides of the triple-wide seat, ordering two dozen of their greasiest, fat-laden dishes, whilst having a huge stain on his crotch accompanied by the buzzing of a vibrator...
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"N-Now Let's~BRRRPPpp ~huff see... I-I'll have a n-number 5 with e-extra fri~grrrrRRPPp ~es, and a double decker c-cheeshe burger with a-all de fix~grrrRPP ~ingsh p-pleashe. Hmm.~bworrRRPPp ~.. Well I migh~urrrPPhhh ~t'sh ash w-well get~blurRRPPhh ~'sh an o-order of mozz~blurrrRPPP ~arella s-shticks'h to go w-wi~urrRPPphh ~th it. A-AH! P-Pardon that, I j-jusht'sh shtopped by d-de lisht'sh rin' f-for a meeting. A-Anywaysh I'd alsho l-like your latesht'sh s-shp~gurrrPP ~ecial, yesh with d-de gar~urrRPPphh ~lic cheeshy b-bread bun. Dipped i-in lard and d-double fried~burrRRPP ~. Hnn' U-Unf~ Could you m-make that'sh order o-of friesh an e-ex~urrRPPphh ~tra large pleashe? I had to w-wait'sh 5 minutesh t-to place muh o-ord~urrrPPhhh ~er and I'm p-poshitively famishhed! Huh? N-No I'm not'sh d-done, oh ish t-that'sh a banan~hfffbUAARRP ~a s-shplit? I'll take t-tw~BRRRPPpp ~o! I had~pruurRPP ~n't'sh e-even thought'sh of d-deshsert! Yesh all f-for here."
The obese prince said taking up the entire line as unhappy customers piled behind him clearly unamused as the owl ordered enough food to feed a large family. The horny demon wasn't showing any shame however, he was too busy drooling and digging into his belly button while he listed off ever item he wanted to shovel in his greedy gapping maw.
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