#e iplier
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fenneciplier · 3 months ago
E-Boy Mark is kinda awkward in my hc, when not being in his e-boy persona
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That’s pretty much all I have to say XD-
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clemblog · 6 months ago
Clem’s Markiplier Oneshots
Gunther breaks a leg- Well, foot. He gets very talkative at such.
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vanyzvat · 2 months ago
Summary: Anti feels a little down on his birthday, but as it seems, (some of) the Ipliers already had something in mind to fix that!
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Notes: There are some heavily implied self-destructive behaviors from Anti (You know how he is with knives), so be warned. Also there's like, a scarily realistic cake of a head, if that bothers anyone lmao??
Lastly, I'd like to express that I don't usually write for the Ipliers, like at all. I think this is actually my first time writing anything a bit more "advanced" with characters like Wilford and Google. I apologize in advance for any mischaracterization!
If there are any errors, please let me know!
It's dark. Empty.
Anti's sitting on the floor by himself, and in front of him, two skulls, one smaller than the other, with candles on top of them.
The fire is causing the wax to melt and slowly drip down the bone. Anti's humming happy birthday to himself.
He's smiling, but part of him is bitter. The others always gather together to celebrate each other's beginning of existence, and yet here he stands, alone.
He has a purpose to fulfill, he knows, and he definitely won't be regretting his decisions any time soon. Not like he can even feel regret anyway.
He's powerful, he's all-knowing, he's admired, he's feared, he's... Alone. But it's fine. He's fine.
...When did the candles snuff out? He must've gotten lost in thought.
He buries his face in his hands and lets out a heavy sigh.
His existence matters, he repeats to himself, he's what people stick around for. There are people celebrating, it's not like nobody cares or something- So why does he not feel it?
His knife glitches into existence in his hand. Ah, the lovely memories of Jack- Jack, who no longer exists. Is this what Chase felt like when he lost his family? Boo. This sucks.
He's staring at the blade.
He has no cake to cut, but he can still cut something. Cut something so he's no longer bored, so he can remind himself just how above everyone else he is, how much this doesn't impact him.
He raises the knife, blade facing his neck. He remembers the people loved this one. They talked about him for a very, very long time.
Suddenly, the door swings open, and it's... Wilford? What door?
...Wilford just opened a door into the void. It's okay, he does that sometimes.
Anti immediately lowers the blade, acting like he was just playing around with it.
Behind Wilford, are... Two others. Anti could tell one of them was here prior to even seeing him, just because of the all too familiar ringing that engulfed the room.
...They're all wearing stupid party hats.
Wilford brings his gun out from behind him, and fires in the theoretical air in celebration. Instead of a bullet, confetti shoots out, falling in the air.
“Oh̡? ́Ẃhaţ's t́he s͟p͝ec͝ial occ̨a̛sion?”
He smiles, pretending not to know.
...Wilford freezes up as he looks at Anti, his mouth agape and his gun still aimed at the air.
“Your birthday!”
He sounds so sure, but after Anti's reaction, he's starting to honestly doubt?
“It... It is your birthday, right? I- I even wrote it down so I could look at it whenever I forgot! Look, I've got it right here!”
Wilford pulls out something from behind him again, this time a calendar, which he opens and flips through until he gets to October.
“See? Right here, in the big red circle.”
He aggressively pokes his finger on the date of Anti's birthday, which has been circled with a red marker.
“N-N-No, it is today. He's just being a bra-a-at as per usual.”
Google walks up to them, interrupting. Dark trails up as well after realizing he stayed behind.
Google's not entirely sure why he's even here, considering that just being near Anti completely messes with his system.
“Ẃa̛y to r̨uin t͡h͟ę ̀fùn̷.”
Anti smirks as he rolls his eyes.
“No, it's not "fu-u-un", Wilford actually has a hard time re-e-emembering things. Last time I checked, it is considered impolite to use so-so-someone's condition to make them the punchline of a joke.”
Wilford places his hands on his hips as he stares at Google, clearly offended.
“What I mean to say is, you're being a bi-i-itch.”
“You don't speak on my behalf, metal man! I can remember things just fine, thank you very much.”
...Darkiplier coughs, bringing attention to himself. When Anti looks at him, he raises his hand to wave.
“H̴e͞llo̢, "Dam̶ien".”
Dark smiles, and lowers his head slightly as he places his hand on his chest, bowing.
“It's good to see you alive and well,”
He heavily emphasized, still smiling through his words despite his sarcastic tone. Anti's own smile faltered.
“Not͞ muc̕h else I can do, r̕eally. I ca̢n't j͢us͏t go di͡e in a di̶tc̨h, ev͏en if I wa̸n͢tèd to. Not ́humàn.”
“Well, then it's a good thing you don't want to.”
Suddenly the air is... Tense?
“...Anyway, we have another surprise for you.”
Wilford suddenly covers Anti's eyes, and he hears someone, probably Dark, snap their fingers.
And when Wilford pulls his hands away, Anti is greeted with the sight of a circular table with four available seats, all with their own plates and cutlery, alongside some mystery drinks...
One of the chairs is fancier, positioned in the middle, and in front of it, a silver platter with a tray covering its contents.
Anti's mouth drops slightly as he looks at everything, over and over, blinking in surprise.
Dark speaks up and, when Anti looks back at him with a dumbfounded look, pinches the bridge of his nose.
“You know where.”
“R̛i̶g͟h͡t̀- Right.”
Anti snaps out of it and walks over to the chair reserved for him, followed by Wilford, Google and Dark picking their own seats.
For some reason, he's reluctant to sit down.
Dark raises a brow at him.
“Why are you hesitant?”
“I͟'ve juśt, err- Nev̨e͢r had s͟omet̷h͞in͏g l̛i̕ke thi͞s happen t͞o m̛e.”
“I thought people lo-o-oved you?”
Dark almost smiles, considering he, too, would probably say something like that- But any sign of a grin is immediately wiped off his face when he notices Anti's unchanging expression.
He's not reacting. He's just standing there, taking it. Why is he just taking it?
...Anti finally sits down, and sighs as he reaches out for the handle of the tray.
“Oh, and before you say anything, it's cake.”
Anti shoots Dark a confused look, before finally lifting the tray off the platter.
It's Chase's head. Or, at least, a hyperrealistic cake version of it. He understands what Dark means now.
“Sooooo? What do you thiiiiink?”
Wilford rests his head on his palms as they balance on the table, blinking repeatedly at Anti with weirdly defined eyelashes.
“Having the head of your enemies served on a silver platter sounded like something you'd enjoy, so we went with that!”
“It was the d-d-dark one's idea.”
Thankfully Dark was only just beginning to pour this mystery drink in his glass, because he would've spat it out.
He glares at Google, who doesn't react. Dark can't tell if he genuinely can't understand he's playing with fire here, or if he just doesn't care. Probably the latter.
“I̧ n͟ev͘e͞r͏ kne͠w I wąs̛ in̡ y̵o͞u͡r h͢ead̀ that mu̕ch.”
Part of Anti is genuinely surprised that Dark was thinking about him, like at all.
...Dark's eye twitches.
“Yes, well- I had to think of something that at least somewhat resembled your... Likeness. I can't interfere with your story, so this is as close as I'll ever be to giving you the real thing.”
Wilford chuckles before he speaks.
“You know what they say! You can defy death, but you can't defy good taste!”
No one says that.
“Th̴a̴nḱ yo̡u.”
Dark smiles.
“What was that?”
“I͜ said̨ t̷hank yòu.”
“Ah. Like music to my ears.”
“There is n-n-nothing to your ears besides ringing.”
Dark lets out a sigh of annoyance at Google's comment, but reminds himself that there are other things to prioritize right now.
“Now- Let me do the honors.”
“Sit down. I will cut the cake.”
Google interrupts just before Dark can get up.
“I've already cal-cal-calculated how many pieces I can cut this into.”
Dark is honestly a little hesitant, knowing Google's past... Attempts at AI generated stats.
But maybe that will get a smile out of Anti, so he decides to let him do it.
“...Okay, suit yourself then.”
When Google grabs a knife, Anti can't help but stare. Stare and think.
Dark must've been looking at him, because he began repeatedly tapping his index finger on the table until he got his attention.
Eventually, everyone is served a piece of... Chase. Chase cake? Cheesecake?
...Google can't eat, but he served himself a piece anyway, just to feel included.
Before anyone can dig in, Dark places his hands on the table, pushing his chair back and standing up before taking his glass in his hand.
“I'd like to make a little speech, for the man of the hour.”
Dark gestures to Anti, who cringes and hides the side of his face behind his hand.
But he's chuckling.
“Òh, si̸t ba̕c̵k dów͏n. You look͞ stupid.”
“Ah ah ah. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity,”
“So, I'd like to say that I am glad to be present in this very moment. Present in front of my equals, my friends.”
“We've got all day and night, an endless supply of food and drinks. Let's enjoy a feast made for a king!”
Dark raises his glass.
“A feast for a king!”
Wilford, too, gets up, holding his own glass that he clings with Dark's. Google doesn't move from his seat, like an actual jerk.
For a moment, Anti wonders if he deserves such a grandiose celebration.
But then he quickly remembers he's Anti, the Fandom favorite, and he loves the attention! So he gets up, and clings his own glass.
When everyone sits back down, Anti is looking at Dark, Wilford, and Google. Dark and Wilford are smiling, chatting away as they eat their cake. Google isn't saying anything, but he's listening.
“You know,”
Wilford turns to Anti in the middle of his conversation with Dark.
“I was gonna get you a present, but this one didn't think my pocket knives were good enough!”
He points at Dark, and Anti fakes a gasp.
“Ho̧ẃ dare you do̷ t̡hat, Da̸mi̷en! Sham̷e on you͏!”
“I- You- I never said your pocket knives weren't good enough! You know why knives don't make a good gift! Especially to Anti!”
“I can h̢e͠ar you̕, you ̀kn͏ow.”
“Oh yeah? Well, even if you didn't say that, that's what it felt like!”
Wilford crosses his hands. Dark facepalms, defeated, and Anti's quietly giggling.
It was an honor to get to be casual with them, really. Even if Google didn't take much of a liking to him, he's happy he's here too.
Maybe he wasn't completely above wanting some company, sometimes. And maybe he did want someone to tell him nice things every now and then. There's no problem with that.
What a nice surprise.
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abe-the-detective-blog · 5 months ago
It's been a long day for Actor Mark. And it wasn't even that late, it's just that filming has been going awfully. It didn't help that the industry changed so much during the time he was away.
Whenever they were done, he just left without saying a word to anyone. He needed a smoke, if anyone wanted to find him, that's their problem.
The streets were empty, no one else in sight. But Mark didn't really pay attention to that, just walking into an alleyway in hopes no one will disturb him there. Then he fished out a pack of cigarettes from one of his pockets, along with a lighter from another.
"You've been awfully quiet today." He said to seemingly no one as he took out a cigarette. He only continued after he lit it. "Not even a single remark about what I'm doing. Spill it, what are you trying to achieve with this?"
He took a drag on his cigarette, glancing around. He was aware how risky it was to talk to the entity out in the open. Anyone could overhear.
Abe arguably had just as a long day as actor for having to track him down for the past few weeks, after finding out that man was still alive was a shock to him. Been years since he heard his name till he heard about him in a ad for a movie.
Looking up all the information on actor now wasn’t hard, blame everything being on the internet nowadays. Pretty good perk in all honesty. First he had found Wilford…well been tracking him and now here he was..tracking down actor.
Abe had a car but since the place he would suspect actor to be was in the same city as him be just decided to walk. Less suspicious to ya know. He walked around the city smoking a cigarette with his coat on and obviously his hat.
After a few hours of walking he groans and walked into an alleyway and took a rest for a bit. Jeez this was so annoying to him. That was till he heard people talking well just a man, he looked down to the noise and it was him.. Abe got up and walked to him. “Mark E iplier. Your ass isn’t dead.” He more or less hissed to actor.
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the-one-who-isnt-an-anon · 11 months ago
comic timeline
All non-holiday dates are approximate but should be accurate relative to each other. Using past tense for events before the comic, present tense for Day 1 and beyond. I'm not inferring anything that isn't explicitly supported in canon even if the events seem obviously linked.
Last updated 2/13/2024.
Referenced events from before the comic, undated. Sorted by main topic:
Showfall productions:
Riptide from JRWI was produced but canceled early.
Bizly played Florida Man in the original 100 days film. Tommy played Patient Zero on contract.
Slime Demon had an ad-libbed baking show. Niki's character debut was written out and show was canceled in the middle of filming only a few episodes in, supposedly due to lack of viewership.
Sneeg had an 8-episode-run detective show.
Hetch fired 5 people over the years, including Criken.
In pretty quick succession, 1) Frank was hired, 2) Jerma left, 3) then Charlie was hired.
Frank and Charlie are the non-founding members who have worked at Showfall the longest without breaks.
Showfall fired Charlie's stunt double without notice.
Criken worked alongside Sneeg and others. He was fired 1 month in.
Before the tapes, employees were still leaving or planning to leave.
Hetch had at least one parent who treated him poorly (implied to be due to the parent's trauma from serving in the Vietnam War)
Hetch previously wanted Ranboo involved in Showfall.
Hetch got his jacket as a birthday present.
Hetch stopped filling Ranboo in on Showfall's production details.
The Founder used to be Hetch's best friend until she said something inappropriate to Hetch about Kate (Hetch's former girlfriend, implied to happen around or after Kate's death)
When Charlie was 20, he posted homework from a college film course on Youtube. He was approached by Showfall to do the original 100 Days film.
Charlie got a day off on his birthday. once.
Charlie and Hetch used to get along, but Hetch treated Charlie coldly.
Ranboo used to want to be an author until a dumb thing happened at school.
Ranboo "did" something which the cyberbully told all their (former) friends about.
Other characters:
Wilbur and Niki used to stream before she was hired by Showfall
Mark and Ethan were popular let's players who were going to start a collab channel (Unus Annus).
Mark Iplier went to Chuck-E-Cheese many times.
2007-ish (when Ranboo was 4):
Hetch taught rats to "talk" by coding a program with pre-programmed phrases and a standard computer keyboard.
Ranboo had nightmares that Skitters the rat was experimenting on them.
2010-ish (11 years before early 2021):
Showfall had a Youtube channel for shows/movies before later creating their own website. Original team consisted of Hetch, Founder, (implied) Jerma.
Doll House (Showfall's first production).
April 3, 2013:
Showfall was officially founded. (Presumably the Youtube channel predates this and this date refers to the website - if not, the above events move down here.)
A couple years before comic start:
Hetch used to be a better director to Charlie.
2 years before comic start (2018):
Vinny was hired at Showfall.
A year before comic start (2019):
Ranboo bought a varsity jacket at Homecoming (presumably 10th grade).
A couple months before comic start (Fall 2020):
Ranboo's mom died ("earlier in 2020," implied autumn).
Ranboo's 2020 birthday, they couldn't leave their bed (also only implied autumn or winter).
Hetch became an asshole.
Showfall sold its building and moved to the mall.
Ranboo liked to hang out in the woods and pretend they were being chased by a serial killer.
Ranboo found the tapes. (implied)
Dec 14, 2020:
Charlie's first interview.
Dec 15, 2020:
Sneeg's first interview.
Showfall has only 5 current shows. 1 of them is the 100 days TV remake.
Charlie meets Ranboo.
Ethan fights geese.
Twitter blows up about Hetch's misgendering of Ranboo.
Founder threatens Hetch into hiring Ranboo for a 1-year contract.
Dec 16, 2020:
Ranboo has his first interview.
A light almost falls on Vinny.
Ranboo meets Niki.
Midnight meeting between Hetch and the Founder in order to further threaten Ranboo.
Dec 31, 2020, NYE:
The crew plans a strike.
Last day/s of refilming the 100 days pilot with Ranboo written in. 14-hour work days.
Cast party was moved up to be a New Year's Eve party.
A light almost falls on Vinny.
Rebrand is announced.
Hetch warns Ranboo not to get attached to the actors.
Frank is mentioned.
Jan 1?, 2021:
Ranboo runs off set of 100 days in tears.
1 month hiatus begins.
Some point in January 2021:
Vinny breaks his arm due to a falling item.
5 new actors are being hired. Hetch was not consulted due to being busy with editing.
New projects greenlit: 2nd season of 100 days, soap opera, a game show for Austin, slime demon baking show reboot.
(possibly later into February) Frank is promoted to head of HR.
Jan 31?, 2021:
Ranboo passes out 3 times in one day, attributed to low blood sugar.
Feb 1?, 2021:
1 month hiatus ends.
100 days tv show was popular.
New Showfall streaming service and VIP pass.
100 days is filmed at a rate of 1 episode per week (at least?), filmed in a single day. The first season is wrapping up.
5 new actors are hired.
Feb 2?, 2021:
First day of work for Wilbur Soot (approached Showfall), Mark Iplier (1 year contract), and Valkyrae (was approached by Showfall).
We meet Frank.
Austin is rehearsing for a game show.
Sneeg and Vinny are forbidden from greeting the new actors.
Valkyrae works as an assistant on Austin's game shows (implied/offscreen).
Feb 3?, 2021:
Mark and Ethan get Unus Annus greenlit.
Vinny writes a song with Wilbur and Niki.
Cameron, Mike, and Ashley's names are shared with the audience.
Cameron is masked.
Hetch gets drunk after work.
Sneeg drives Ranboo home - they talk about true crime.
Feb 4?, 2021:
Frank gives Cameron the rest of the day off due to weird behavior.
Hetch greenlights "Untitled: The Musical" for Vinny/Wilbur/Niki.
Ranboo wants to stay at Showfall for the rest of their life.
Feb 5?, 2021:
Hetch plans Unus Annus filming to start in a month.
Hetch confronts the Founder about the secrets she's keeping and is told to take the day off.
Ask the Actors: Lightning Round before another month break.
Hetch almost tells Sykkuno to suck it as Sykkuno's first on-screen appearance.
Unus Annus has its first 8 episodes written at this point.
Ethan recently splurged on a new plant for his fish.
Ranboo has another on-set outburst while trying to defend his dad.
Jerma is revealed.
Niki? is invited to coffee dates with Charlie and Sneeg.
1 month hiatus begins.
Feb 6? - March 4?, 2021:
Charlie starts a prank war with Jerma.
Twitter teasers for the convention in Lostfield town square.
Ranboo remakes their twitter account
March 5?, 2021:
1 month hiatus ends.
Ranboo sees Charlie and Sneeg at the coffee shop.
Lostfield town square convention. Unus Annus's first 2 episodes and a teaser for "Your New Boyfriend: A Musical Obsession" are released.
March 6?, 2021:
Ranboo is up in the wee hours of the morning getting cyberbullied by a classmate.
Fan meetups.
Ranboo feels anxious from cyberbullying and lost sleep. They stick by Charlie at the audience's suggestion.
Founder confronts audience on their "roleplay."
Charlie and Hetch fight over who deserves Ranboo's trust more.
Charlie and Hetch are arrested. Founder bails them out with 1/4 of the Unus Annus budget.
Charlie sees a drone, yet unnamed.
The Box.
March 7?, 2021:
Ranboo greets Hetch at home after Hetch has been gone for 24+ hours.
March 8?, 2021:
Hetch leaves Ranboo at home and returns to Showfall.
March 9?, 2021 (2 days after Hetch survived the Box):
Charlie interviews other workers (Sneeg is the only one onscreen) about working conditions to bring about the "death of Showfall Media" - to spend his last months at Showfall getting as much evidence of worker abuse as possible. The terms he uses imply a legal case.
Hetch meets the askers with less of a filter.
Ranboo is left behind at home again.
The crew's behavior has become stranger lately and they rarely interact with cast.
Cameron appears with a mask and without, seeming his normal cheerful self.
Frank organizes an HR meeting with all Showfall employees except Ranboo and Founder. They discuss working conditions, the missing funds (allocated to death traps), and Hetch's behavior. Hetch apologizes.
Frank makes plans to "fix the Founder's issues" via HR
Hetch confiscates Ashley's iPad and uses it to contact the askers that night.
Hetch reveals that the mind control "wasn't supposed to get this bad" and was just to make employees stay at Showfall and follow directions on set.
Hetch agrees to work with the other employees to get them out of Showfall.
Hetch is told about Ranboo's cyberbully.
March 10?, 2021:
Hetch comes up with the "Sorry" pilot, an improv-based show made as an apology to Showfall cast.
Hetch uses the iPad and two spare earpieces to make a non-censored audio-based method of communicating with askers. Hetch later gives the iPad back to Ashley, but it is broken.
Ranboo confronts both Charlie and Hetch on the fight at the coffee shop.
Hetch gives Charlie one of the earpieces. Charlie doesn't believe the askers' uncensored warnings.
Half of the crew is out sick, which Charlie attributes to COVID.
Ranboo locks themself in a storage closet while their cyberbully messages them.
Hetch lends his own earpiece to Ranboo. The askers convince them to leave the closet. Ranboo apologizes to Charlie.
The Founder is aware of the situation and frustrated. She has created a black mask with red circuitry, apparently Hetch's mask from TSE, to "get him back soon."
Later in the day, filming for Sorry begins.
Hetch is reminded of the vote, confusing Charlie and inspiring Ranboo and Charlie to cheer him up with a "try not to laugh challenge." Hetch agrees for the sake of winning Charlie's trust. Ranboo seems to recover from earlier.
The Founder encourages Jerma to invite Hetch out to drinks as a distraction. Jerma and Hetch argue but end the night getting along.
Charlie explores the mall overnight for proof for his ongoing battle against Showfall, ignoring warnings from the askers; Sneeg waits in the car and notices someone enter the building.
Ranboo meets up with their stalker in the mall and pushes them during an altercation. A light falls on the stalker, killing them. The Founder and Charlie both witness this.
The Founder offers to hide the body in exchange for Charlie's silence and Hetch's cooperation regarding the earpieces. Charlie argues with the Founder and, with Sneeg, takes Ranboo home.
Something prevents everyone from contacting the police.
Ranboo explains what happened before going to bed.
Hetch warns Charlie and Sneeg about Showfall's future plans.
March through May, 2021
Ranboo continues to rise in popularity at Showfall. They start keeping a journal and socially withdraw.
The police have still been unable to be reached.
Sneeg, Charlie, and Ranboo are given extra work by the Founder.
The Founder makes Hetch watch her experiments.
Hetch buys a gun for himself and a pocket knife for Ranboo.
Hetch makes financial preparations for himself and Ranboo to flee Lostfield along with Sneeg and Charlie.
May 10?, 2021
After a 2-month gap where he tried and failed to contact the askers, Hetch manages to get through.
Hetch plans for him/Ranboo/Sneeg/Charlie to leave town at dark, asking the viewers to watch Showfall from now on on his behalf.
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vanilla-ending · 1 year ago
Random Markiplier ego headcanons: Relationships edition (platonic, familial, romantic!) 🩷
Bing, Derby (Cool Patrol Leader), and Marc (E-Boy) are all friends- they’re the shades boys and do dumb shit like make tiktoks of Bing trying to pull Derby on his skates while skateboarding down a street-
Derby and Bop (MarkiplierTV) are Yancy’s younger brothers. They all have the same dad but different moms, and are thick as thieves with each other. Part of Yancy’s incarceration was protecting his brothers from his mother. The younger two visit him on third Sundays 🥺
There is a possibility that Actor is Yancy’s father. There is also a possibility that Actor has attempted to treat Marc like his son despite their vast generational gap-
The Nightguard and the Survivor (FNaF Musical and Resident Enis musical) are brothers, who got separated when their lives went in different directions. They only meet again in the manor with their own sets of trauma and a quite bond over singing
Speaking of singing, there’s a Glee club type get together between all the egos who sing (Yancy, Derby, Bop, NG, and Res-), where they mostly just sing and Yancy tries getting them to do original songs he’s written (even if Bop is only vocalizing and not verbally speaking-)
Ed Edgar and Derek Derekson are work partners, who are attempting to fight for their businesses to get more advertising time on the Markiplier TV scheduling. They’re both awful fathers who convince each other they’re just Doing the right thing :/
Eric has been lowkey adopted by Captain Magnum, the two bonding over their prosthetics at first until Magnum offers to get the boy his sea legs, wanting to take Eric away from the loud bustling manor and onto the “calming” sea. Eric is just happy someone so big is being nice and caring to him 3:
Dr. Iplier and Dr. Plier (My Therapist, Dr. Plier) are cousins, who don’t know exactly why their last names are so similar but Different, but don’t really care. Edward (Iplier) and Greyson (Plier) have coffee together in the morning before their appointments and chat often, they have a solid relationship 🩷
Dark and Wilford are in an open marriage, Wilford enjoys flirting and being with many other egos while Dark is content as long as their husband returns at the end of the night to sleep with them.
Dark and Wilford have also unofficially adopted the King of the Squirrels as their youngest kid, as well as Ayano (Yandere) who was possibly the bastard child of William and Celine in their past life. All she knows is these adult egos feel safe to go to when she’s in trouble at school-
William and Michael (Actor) were brothers, Michael was adopted into the Barnum family and adored his older brother until their adult years, when the affair came to light. In the manor, Wilford has no idea why his spouse despises the depressed Actor that he just wishes to befriend!
Micheal had a short relationship after his divorce, with a writer named Arthur (Author) who wrote him violent poetry and made him feel adored. Now in the manor, Actor finds himself fondly listening to the Host when the man reads in the library ❤️
Google Blue is assigned the task of working with the Engineer to keep the man busy now that he doesn’t have a ship to take care of, leading to the Engineer to grow affectionate over the android as the “nicest” person in the manor (seeing how they barely leave the lab)
Murdock (A Murder With Markiplier) and Yancy are in a relationship that started as only physical and developed into more personal, both sharing their interests with each other the more they hung out. Murdock offers his couch in his apartment for Yancy when he gets on parol
The Googles do not see each other as siblings, more as separate parts of one being. They share files and memory space between each other, work on the same projects, simply having their own color coded folders for anything deemed unnecessary to share between each other. They all see Bing as a reluctant colleague while he sees them as his friends-
Edward has taken responsibility for HeeHoo, while it isn’t domesticated enough to stay in the manor full time, he leaves a cellar door open with a nest of fabrics for HeeHoo to curl up in during the cold months, as well as bowls of food and fresh water by the back door of the manor. Every few months he gets Illinois and Res to hunt it down so he can do a check up and give it necessary medical work.
Illinois and Res are adventuring buddies, in the sense they go on forest walks in near silence. Illinois talks the most while Res is just interested in getting out of that too clean and too fancy house for a few hours. Illy has the maps and the experience while Res has the weapons and skill to keep them safe.
Maybe I do a a part 2 for these adding in JSE egos or non-Mark characters from his projects?? I dunno- also I hit 30 whole tags for this post trying to name everyone and what they’re from 😭
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xxghost-zombie-jesus · 6 months ago
im the B-to-the-double-E-J-F-Q and jesus, i cant spell
im remaking my pinned post because it's been a couple of years and i want an updated one.
hi, im vee, 24 (for now), they/it
this is my blog for the following: - Beetlejuice the Musical - Beetlejuice media in general (Tim Burton and the Cartoon) - Lydia and her BFFFF forever/older brother Beetlejuice Shenanigans - occasional shipping stuff
FYI: I will never post beetlebabes stuff, i don't ship it and i'll block anyone who does. keep it off my blog, please! i won't attack you or anything, but to quote one mark iplier: 'you do you, i'll do me, and we won't do each other. probably.'
i'll mainly reblog things, and i tend to go inactive
masterlist of my stuff under the cut, can also be found under the tag #veej's rambles
Finished Fics
Soaked To The Bone
Creepy Old Guy
Unfinished Fics
OTGW AU (WIP, not working on)
Your Stupid Face (WIP, not working on)
Coraline AU (WIP, not working on)
Post!Canon Fic (WIP, being restructured)
Tell My Story [this is the whole collection]
"If you touch her..." (ao3 | tumblr)
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that" (ao3 | tumblr)
"Please come to bed..." (ao3 | tumblr)
"I thought I lost you..." (ao3 | tumblr)
"Beetlejuice has a nightmare..." (ao3 | tumblr)
Sunsets and Silence (ao3 | tumblr)
Headcanons 1
Furry Beej (art)
Bugman Doodles (art)
Headcanons 2 (+art)
Hair Color Headcanons (art)
Beej True Form (+art)
Charles, Lydia, and Grief
Beetlelands Headcanons
Charles & Beetlejuice
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touyubesposts · 2 years ago
Markiplier egos: The Canon and Uncanon
I have come to a horrible realization that you can tell which Sides/Egos are canon for the other series I like, but not for this one! So, of course, I’m gonna fix this. (Also I’m doing this based of characters that do and don’t appear in the ‘with Markiplier’ series canon)
(For the mark section, C - Canon, N - Not Canon, P - Possibly Canon)
The obviously canon
Darkiplier (Also Damien)
Wilford (Also William b. Barnum)
Mark (The actor)
The Jims (all of them, but I’m going to count the four iterations of Jim we see for simplicity's sake)
Captain Magnum
Stan Wheeler
Murdock (I considered putting him in the “that's just mark” category)
The door monster
Bingiplier (plus mini bing)
Googleplier (all four iterations)
Bim Trimmer
King of the squirrels
Dr. Iplier
Ed Edgar
Septiplier (I know)
Silver shepherd
The host (also the author)
That's just Mark
Heist Mark (c)
Head Engineer Mark(c)
Date Mark(c)
Drowned man Mark(n)
E-boy Mark(n)
Noir Mark (c)
The pornipliers (all six of them) (c)
Markbop (p)
Organization Head Mark (c)
Head soldier Mark (c)
Camp counselor Mark (c)
Bomb diffuser Mark (c)
Resident enis Mark (n)
FNAF the Musical Mark (n)
Cool patrol Mark (n)
Old man Mark (c)
Not canon
Harold B. Darrensworth
Eric Derekson
Derek Derekson
Randall Vorhees
Chef iplier
Dr. Plier (different from Dr. Iplier)
Dave Torres
The MerMer
Stan the water man (?)
The God of night
FNAF AR announcer
The necromancer
The centaur
Elder Jerimiah
If we add up all of these egos, we get 46 egos in canon, 72 egos in total... Tell me if I missed any (or if there are some that shouldn’t be counted) and I’ll add them to (or remove them from) the list!
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distracted-milkshake · 10 months ago
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Markiplier Egos Smash tierlist https://tiermaker.com/create/markiplier-egos-15400970 but I put too much godforsaken time into it. all alter egos in order under cut. fml
From left to right, top to bottom:
Please ruin my life: Engineer Mark (In Space With Markilpier), The Necromancer (Ninja Sex Party), Illinois (A Heist With Markiplier), Yancy (A Heist With Markiplier), Damien the Mayor (Who Killed Markiplier), Bim Trimmer (Cyndago Shorts), Resident Enis Mark
Smash: Wilford 'Motherloving' Warfstache (Same Name), Heist Mark (A Heist With Makiplier), Murderiplier (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Metal Gear Engineer Mark/Tactiplier/Unnamed Soldier Mark (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Actor Mark (Who Killed Markiplier), Porniplier Pizza Delivery (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Porniplier Construction Worker (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Dr. Iplier (Worst News Doctor), [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH] Dr. Plier (My Therapist, Dr. Plier) [THERAPIST, NOT MD, severly underrated], Chef Iplier (now we're cooking), Date Mark (A Date With Markiplier)
Bingiplier (Google Gets an Upgrade), The Host (Danger in Fiction), Randall Voorhees (Santa Spills The Tea), Derek Derekson (Santa Spills The Tea), Dadiplier (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Cool Patrol Mark (Ninja Sex Party)
Captain Mugnum (A Heist With Markiplier), Old Man Engineer Mark (In Space With Markiplier), Colonel William Barnum (Who Killed Markiplier), Yandereplier (MAKING LOVE FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #12), Bop Mark (Markiplier TV), Porniplier Woodsman (In Space With Markiplier Part Two), Porniplier Doctor [possibly Dr. Iplier] (In Space With Markipler Part Two), Camp Counselor Mark (In Space With Markiplier), Annus (Unnus Annus), Jeremiah (Cyndago), Bonesaw (Cyndago)
Heehoo (Unnus Annus/In Space With Markiplier)
Darkiplier (Various), Wilford Warfstache (Warfstache Interviews Markiplier), Markiplier Noir (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Santaplier (Various), King Of The Squirrels (Markiplier TV), Porniplier Plumber (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Porniplier Lifeguard (In Space With Markiplier, Part Two), Jim (Markiplier TV/Corpse Abduction), I Actually Am Not Sure Don't @ me it's 3am, Googleplier (Google IRL), Derek Derekson (Santa Spills The Tea)
E-boy Mark (Unnas Annus), Station Commander Mark (In Space With Markiplier), Bill (Werewolves), God of Night (The Tabletop Roleplay thing)
Not interested:
Silver Shepherd (Super Infidelity)
Nope go away: none.
In my quest for knowledge I have found only torment. Endless torment. Mark did all of this. I'm simple a biased observer. All mistakes are me or my simping factor. Feel free to ask for clarification. I will not be taking any questions thanks.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 7 months ago
Ego Families
While most of the egos consider themselves to be family with egos from their creator, many of them split into much smaller family groups.
Henrik is the resident father and head of Septic House, with Marvin as his second in command.
Henrik and Jackie consider themselves father and son.
If asked, both Chase and Anti will call each other “my annoying as shit brother”. They share a room because there was nowhere else to put Anti’s computer.
Everyone calls Robbie “little brother”, but Robbie is closest with JJ.
All the Septics learned BSL for JJ and Robbie greatly benefited from that.
Marvin is the resident cat and oldest brother. They look like BB in cat form.
While Dark and Wilford are in charge of the entire estate, their smaller family consists of Artie(KOTS), and Engie (who is technically more Damien’s kid but defaulted to Dark).
Host found a family in Doc after moving into the Manor with Author. Eric was later added to the family when he showed up.
Actor considers all of the egos that he “created” to be his children. (Yancy, Magnum, Murdock, Illinois)
Murdock and Yancy are brothers, who later gained a larger family when Murdock started dating Bim, who had at that point practically adopted Yan.
All of the androids consider themselves to be family, with the Googles calling themselves brothers. Bing doesn’t consider the Googles brothers, but calls them family.
The Jims are clones and have a strange telepathic field they tend to communicate through wordlessly. They call each other brothers and would definitely accept more members if any more Jims are created.
While Annus “created” a fair amount of egos, the only one he considers his kid is Elliot, and Gothan by association. (But only because Elliot decided that Annus was his dad). He spends most of his time with Unus.
Illinois and Camper share the cabin in the woods that once belonged to Author and Host. The duo take care of HeeHoo when needed and spend a fair amount of time with Mermark.
Dave and Mike ended up gravitating towards each other due to their jobs’ similarities and hours, becoming good friends. Dave later ended up looking at the Convict and telling Mike “that one’s ours now” which suited Vic just fine as they aren’t a super social person. Engie is an honorary part of the family due to being Vic’s best friend.
Most of the Cranks see each other more as friends or partners, aside from the few siblings.
Mrs Thompson and Father E are the heads of house and resident parents of Crank House.
Mad Mike and Heapass are twin brothers, and their younger brother is Challenge McGee.
Unus, like Annus, has technically “created” multiple egos, but doesn’t really call them family, spending most of his time with Annus, and Elliot and Gothan by association, instead.
Merthan and Gooz spend most of their time with Mermark and will occasionally check up on Mel.
Blank and Eef tend to keep to themselves. Blank often haunts Eef’s monitors.
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fenneciplier · 18 days ago
Yanpai? SweatyOranges? In one post?!
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press images to zoom in for better quality ^^!
I decided to draw two of my many ships for once, instead of just talking about them. I’ll probably do this more.
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whatthesavannah · 1 year ago
My Y/ns pt.4
Name: Astrid Civis Valentine
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Relationship Status: Dating someone
Family: Stan the water man(bio father), Captain Magnum(step-father), Esme Dove Iplier(sister), Kitty Jade Hugo(sister), Mark E. Iplier(brother-in-law)
Dark: They have no idea who the fuck he is but all they know is their sisters don’t like him so neither do they, he doesn’t understand them as a person at all
Wilford: They’re pretty sure he confused them for Kitty, he kinda freaks them out a little, and they’re pretty sure he’s the only person that can resist their charm
Yancy: Yeah, he also confused them for Kitty, they don’t really have an opinion on him
Captain Magnum: I mean, they don’t have a bad opinion on him, kinda just meh, they’re just happy that their dad’s happy
Engineer!Mark: They’re special boy :)
Celci: She can be a little strict for their taste but it’s understandable
Gunther: Yeah, they like him as much as Mark does
Burt: They quite enjoy his company
Tyler: *head pats*
Danny: Honestly, they really like him! But not like that
Brian: They have a mutual respect for eachother, in a ‘we’re both way more powerful then everyone here and we’re great cause of it’ way
Bandit: Hell yeah, women
Allu(Lady): They really do like them.. until they try to kill them
Occupation: Space Captain
Song for vibes: Gallowdance, Lebanon Hanover
Ok byyeeee!!!
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theknightmarket · 2 years ago
I did a tier list of the Markiplier Egos, so I thought I’d share it here – and, yes, perhaps some of these ratings indicate who I like to write, sue me. So, bottom to top, here it is:
Actor: Super Hell
         I goddamn hate Actor, as you could probably figure out. He’s a prissy bitch, who deserved everything that came to him. Okay, that might’ve been a bit of an exaggeration, but Jesus Christ do I hate him, mainly for causing Damien’s death, plus everything else, but mainly that. He deserves less than Super Hell, but that is the bottom of the barrel.
E-Boy Mark: F
         Reminded me too much of my boy Bing, and I did Not like it. Plus, I have the same tiger pattern on one of my jackets, and I did not want to be associated with this E-Boy. So, F tier.
Ed Edgar: F
         I hate babies. Simple as that. Props for being a cowboy aesthetic, but that mustache knocked him back down into F tier.
Derek Derekson: F
         Need I say anything? He’s abusive and a bitch, and I care too much about my baby Eric to put him any higher. I would put him lower, but Super Hell is reserved for Actor. F.
Silver Shephard: E
         I haven’t seen anything about him, except for the skit with all the other egos, in which I also did not see much. Cool costume, but no clue. E.
Dr. Iplier: E
         Again, not much. To be honest, both of the Egos in the E tier are ones I haven’t seen much of but know about. Hence, the doctor is here. Nice catchphrase, E tier.
Yandereiplier: D
         The animation is cool, I’ve always liked horror-blood elements, and the pictures of Yandere have the red hair, which I am a fan of. However, the game itself is a point down, and he is only for the sim, so D tier.
King of the Squirrels: D
         A classic start to the Ego train, so points given, but points taken away because I am not a huge fan of peanut butter. Squirrels I love, though, so again. Hence, D tier.
Bill: C
         Okay, so I haven’t seen the video he comes from actually, but I did see one clip of him saying ‘Oh, honey, no’ and, boy, did I feel flustered, and I don’t even know why! It was just weirdly sweet and reflects the kinda stuff you see in my S tiered Egos. But, alas, he’s not all that common in videos, so C.
Bim Trimmer: C
         I don’t know either, man, he’s just a funny guy. The image I have for him is so stupid, and he’s Bim Trimmer??? C’mon. C tier.
The Colonel: C
         Being separate from Wilford, he’s kinda lacking in substance compared to him, but I get it. Cuckolded a dude, which isn’t a great start, but it’s Actor, so I don’t care. Says ‘bully’, which is fun, but he does kill the viewer, so points off for him, putting him in C.
Google(s): C
         Might be influenced by my having a fic in the works for him, but I am also a sucker for AI, android stuff. Plus, the fanart I see for him is always cute. Him being rude to Bing takes him down a notch, though, so C.
Heehoo: C
         The concept of this guy is so funny to me – like, Jesus Christ, the Markiplier runs into the wild, completely naked, save for maybe shoes, of all things, and is fine??? The long hair pushes it over D, but the lack of a voice keeps him in C.
The Nightguard: C
         It’s mainly for the musical itself, and that one moment when he leans in and says ‘I killed a guy’ because obviously. Not to mention it’s Mark singing. However, this one can be excluded from being an ego because it is basing off of a pre-established character. So, C tier.
Captain Magnum: C
         I haven’t gone through his ending yet in AHWM (sue me, I got Yancy first), but I do love pirates ;) but I don’t love beards. Personal preference, it just takes away from the face. Basically, the aesthetic alone brings it into C tier.
Annus: B
         Now, I did watch, uh, [redacted] – catch my favorite video being the A.I generated basically fanfictions – and I loved the whole concept of it! The ending, especially during covid, kinda helped me get used to death and the idea of having to die in the end. However, some of this does not extend to the ego of Annus. I feel like there was a lot more they could have done with both Annus and Unus, but I understand that most of the audience would not have wanted it to be fully cryptid and ARG-esque, so B is both the lowest and highest I can go with him. I do love suits, though. 
Eric Derekson: B
         I have seen next to nothing about this boy! And I love him :D! He’s just so cute in everything I’ve seen and read. Solid B tier for the cute side, anyway. 
The Jims: B
         Honestly, it’s a goof ego, and I like that. The stupid movements and the little side bit about WKM made me happy after the sad events, and I saw them in Space, so I’m happy to put them at B, as a collective, of course.
Monster Gulch Mark: B
         I’m a sucker for apocalypses, man. The casual murder plot caught my eye, and then the second song was a banger, too. I was super disappointed when nothing ever came out from Monster Gulch again, and I appreciate the running water thing, if you know what I mean by that. So, for both Mark in this and the musical in general, B tier.
God of Night: B
         Dope aesthetic and I am a sucker for deity-stuff. However, I do not have the attention span to watch a 3+ hour video where he is not in all of it, and was, maybe, recorded without a hard script? I don’t know, but I know I should watch it considering I have a fic queued for him. Cool concept, but I can’t watch so much of that in one go. B tier.
Noir: A
         You remember that I said I love suits, right? Well, this guy, in a disheveled suit, the noir aesthetic – one that I loved since I saw Into the Spider-Verse – and the voice over??? A tier, and I will take no comments. Also, there’s something to be said about how the lower tiers tend to have the cocky-know-it-all egos, and the higher tiers are soft guys. This, the A tier, is a weird exception.
Murdock: A
         No. 1, the murder – no. 2, the vibe – no. 3, the outfit! The moment I saw Murdock, I had to put the screen down and go for a walk. You’ve seen this man, you understand what I mean. A tier, for everything he’s involved in.
Dark: A
         This is probably lower than a lot of people would put him, and I’m still debating putting him higher, but A tier is the least I will go. Again, there’s the suit, plus, I’m a fan of the glitchy, multi-emotion thing he has going on. However, as many of you will remember, he did shove the viewer into a mirror and steal their body. Not great on his part, but he is against Actor, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hence, A tier, plus he does stage himself sexily on that desk, so…
Engineer: A
         This guy is plain cute. He’s devoted, he’s hard-working, he appreciates the aesthetics! He really should be in A+ tier, considering I have a sticker of him, too, except for one tiny snag. Actor. He is the source of all my trouble and complicates things in the theory sense. Is Engineer actually Actor? We don’t know, and I don’t like to think I would put anyone related to Actor in A+. So, sorry, my dear boy, he has to be in A tier.
Bing: A+
         If you’ve seen my other posts, you may already understand why he’s here, but I will reiterate for every who doesn’t know. I don’t know what it is, but the dumb, skateboarder-bro, with a heart of gold is a thing I love. The glasses are cool, the orange I adore, and an android? C’mon, I can’t put him anywhere but A+. (I also have a sticker of him on the laptop I am currently writing this on)
Host: A+
         I had to go searching for Host after the sketch with all of the egos in it, and, boy, was I overjoyed to find him. The blind-fold and narrator bit, and a couple of fics I’ve read influenced this decision. A+ tier, but it’s a controversial one. (Another that I have a sticker of)
Wilford: A+
         Yeah, this is just where he belongs. S tier is reserved for two egos here, and so Wilford is a banger in A+ tier. The whole fruity-bisexual-timelord thing is amazing, and, as far as character design goes, oof, the fluffy hair, slightly unbuttoned shirt? I am swooning. A+ tier. (Also, a sticker)
Illinois: A+
         This guy has two belts. What a dude. And the flirty thing I appreciate, the whip cracks, as well. Him walking backwards through a bunch of traps is pique douche, but in an oh-my-god-he’s-going-to-get-himself-killed-better-help-him kind of way. Like pulling a drowning dog out of a pool and them shaking off. A+.
Can you guys guess who’s at the top of this list? If you can’t, lemme tell you. 
Damien: S
         Damien is my comfort character, and that sucks because – spoilers – he is dead. I forgive him for shoving the viewer into a mirror, solely for his adorable personality and all of the fics people have for him prior to poker night. The ‘little monster’ nickname has me squealing every time I hear it, and I could fully write an essay on his character. Fuck Actor for killing him, and fuck anyone who doesn’t think he’s amazing. Solid S tier, no questions. 
Yancy: S
         Objectively the best character. He was my first ending in AHWM, I love his song, he applied for parole??? Look at that man, listen to him talk – the accent omg – and tell me, genuinely, that you would not do anything for him. Look me in the eyes and tell me that he isn’t the light of your life. ‘Free as a buird’ – gods, he’s adorable, and a sticker that I have on the inside of my laptop, to boot!
And that’s it! Feel free to reblog or send me an ask telling me your opinion, but know that I will fight you if you disagree on my S tiers :D
Have a good day everyone!
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writingbyclem · 2 years ago
Uniform [ISWM]
Concept: Older Captain again! We love Captaineer. Actually proud of some of the dialogue in this one! Ahshsdh! Enjoy!
Captain was stood, looking through their wardrobe for something to wear for that day. Mark was sitting on the end of their bed, humming as he looked around at the walls of the place.
“Oh! What’s that?” He spoke, eventually. Captain looked up and over to him. The Head Engineer was staring at a piece of uniform in their wardrobe.
“Oh, that’s one of the previous uniform styles. From the academy.” They replied.
“Oh! I’ve never seen it before.” Chuckled Mark. “Just thought it looked nice, I guess.”
Captain hummed in agreement.
“It was pretty comfortable, if I do say so myself.”
They moved over to their bathroom.
“I’m gonna shower quickly, you should nip over to your room and find some comfy clothes, then we can get snuggly with a movie for the night.” They spoke.
“Sounds good to me, Moon.” Nodded Mark.
“That’s great, Sunshine.” Chuckled Captain, shaking their head as they went to shower. Give their somewhat grey mop some care.
They finished up their shower and stepped back into the room, pausing when they spotted Mark.
“Hey Cap.” He grinned, with a soft wink, and sat on the bed. Mark was now dressed in the older uniform. Captain’s older uniform. They felt a light blush dust their cheeks.
“Cat caught your tongue, Moon?” Cooed Mark, teasingly watching them frozen.
“I- Uhm. You look absolutely wonderful.” Spoke Captain, taking a moment to recompose themselves. They ran a hand through their hair sheepishly.
“God- You have no idea what you do to me, Sunshine.”
Mark snickered again, standing up from the bed and slowly stepping towards them.
“Why don’t you tell me about it then?”
Captain took Mark’s hand gently and pulled him close, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“I'd rather show you.” They hummed, softly into his ear.
Mark flustered at this, turning bright red. He buried his face in their shoulder.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was just messing.” Mused Captain, resting their other hand on his head, running their hands through his hair.
“You’re awful.” Pouted Mark.
“I know.” Chuckled Captain. “I’m so mean to you. And yet, somehow, you still love me.”
Mark laughed at this, squeezing their shoulders softly.
“It’s because you’re pretty handsome and or beautiful Cap. How could I not keep coming back to you?”
They hummed in reply, resting their hand on the back of his neck and tightening their grip around his waist.
“I think the same about you, my dearest. Every single aspect that makes you, you, infects my brain and it’s all I can think about. Your silky hair. Your deep brown eyes. Your smooth skin. Your smarts. Your skill. Your passion. I’m addicted to love, my sweets, and my love is Mark E. Iplier. The Sunshine to my Moonlight. My precious darling.”
Mark flustered at this, clinging onto Captain tightly, wanting them to hold him for the rest of eternity. He didn’t deserve their words, yet they gave them anyway. He opened his mouth to reply but closed it again with an embarrassed snicker when nothing came to mind.
They chuckled at him, then spotting Mark’s actual clothes on the bed.
“Alright, my dear, how about you actually get dressed and then we can snuggle with a movie on?” They hummed, rubbing Mark’s back.
He finally looked them in the eyes, pink flushing covering his face.
“Mhm. Yeah. I can do that Moonlight.”
The pair just stood with one another for a few more minutes before finally letting go.
God, they loved him.
God, he loved them.
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weirdmixofweirdness · 2 years ago
The New Assistant
 Ever since they arrived, Nobody had felt like they had no use in the Iplier Manor. All the egos seemed to have a purpose. The Googles maintained the house’s technology. Wilford, Bim, and the Jims worked in the TV department. Hell, E-boy Mark kept track of Mark’s social media. Nobody appeared to be the only person without a job. For whatever reason, they had an innate, constant desire to help however possible. That is what led them to Darkiplier’s office. 
They knocked on the wood door, tapping on it three times. Within seconds, the polished silver knob turned, the door inviting them in. Behind it was Dark, sitting at his desk. The room was painted black, aside from white decor on white shelves. The soft floor was also a flawless tint of white. 
“Heya, Dark!” Nobody greeted, a smile plastered on their face.
“Hello, Y/N–”
“Actually,” They interjected, letting out a breath of a humorless laugh. 
“I like to be called, uh, Nobody.” The creaking of wood reverberated through the air as the creature inhaled deeply. It faded out within seconds of his exhale.
“Very well…Nobody,” their name was emphasized by a glitch in his aura and voice.
“What brings you here?” His voice quickly returned to its numb tone. He held a pen, its tip facing upwards. If one looked closer, they would see him grasping the utensil tighter upon Nobody’s appearance.
  “Well, I was wondering if,” they paused.
“Uh, there was something I could do around here?”
“Whatever do you mean?” the creature asked, brows lightly furrowed.
“There are ways for you to entertain yourself,” he stated.
“I mean, as in a…job?” Nobody’s folded hands began to sporadically switch positions each second. They heard several horror stories from the egos about his outbursts. Hearing it, they thought nothing of it. But being there in front of him, his seemingly black eyes staring daggers into their soul… Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
“Oh, I understand.” For a moment, there was a curve on the side of his lips, but it was gone as fast as it appeared.
“I am always looking for a personal assistant,” the being said. All at once, Nobody’s face lit up.
“Someone to organize our schedule,” Dark explained.
“Keep track of events,” he could already see their fingers wiggling in excitement. “Deliver messages to the others–”
“I’ll do it,” Nobody interrupted. Their mouth clamped shut immediately afterwards. The egos said Dark absolutely detested being interrupted, so they were likely about to be cooked alive.
 ‘Some things never change.’
“Good to hear,” the creature made every attempt to keep any trace of emotion out of his face. However, upon looking closer, Nobody saw a blue shimmer in his once void-looking eyes.
“Would you like to begin now?” he asked. Of course, there was no point to it. He already knew the answer.
 “Yes, that would be great,” for the first time in that conversation, their smile was genuine. They could barely contain an excited squeal. Dark pressed a few keys on his keyboard, before returning his focus to Nobody.
 “A copy of our rules and schedule will be in the Googles’ office,” Dark instructed.
“Okie dokie, I’ll go right over,” they left with a skip in their step. As the door clicked shut, the creature closed his eyes, retreating into a mental void. There, a mass of nothingness “stood” across from a man doused in cyan light.
‘They don’t remember, you know,’ the entity stated, its voice a cacophony of whispers.
‘I’m perfectly aware of that,’ the blue soul responded.
‘But they don’t deserve to mope about like a prisoner.’
‘They weren’t moping.’
‘Not on the outside, at least,’ he mumbled. This entity didn’t know what made the little monster tick. Not like he could.
‘The more of a purpose you give them,’ the blue soul began.
‘The more they will trust you.’ This was one way he could appeal to the being: manipulation.
‘And the more they trust us…’ it started.
 ‘The more likely they are to help our cause.’ he explained.
‘Clever,’ the entity replied flatly, though the blue soul could tell it was somewhat impressed.
‘But if they become a distraction–’
‘They won’t,’ he insisted. However, the spirit already knew it would prove difficult.
‘I will hold you to that.’ The two exited the void, returning to reality; back into one being. 
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blind-radio-waves · 9 months ago
Didn't me ntion, but Dr. Iplier is pr etty sure that he knows what it might be tech nically, he just needs th e ultrasound to be Su re of it. he's setting it u p now.
Dr. Iplier and Dark are so s ick and cool for dragging Host basically to the front of the line, but a lso... considering he wa s biting my jacket sleeve and ma king this whimpering noise when laying in the w aiting room, I don't thin k the Doc was gonna wait tha t long for him to be seen.
theyre go nna be doin some te sting soon, Doc says an ult rasound first. diagnosis to come, but boy has been ver y hopped up on pain meds, and is a ctually sleepi ng.
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