#dylan mayoral
joshinspace · 1 year
Jungle - Dominoes
I’m always excited for every new Jungle music video. The one take mixed with the choreo just elevates the underlying music track. It’s also nice to see familiar dancers from previous tracks and new ones coming along for the ride.
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tylerpitlicktruther · 3 months
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btw this is what connor mcdavid let break his heart
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secondstar-acorn · 10 months
I’m watching wayward guide for the first time and it’s so fucking good where is the hype for this series
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naipan · 10 months
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Camus is right! :)))
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How’re the RO’s perceived by the rest of the town? What’re their reputations? Also, if it isn’t too much of a spoiler, can we find out a little more about the other murder victims?
How’re the RO’s perceived by the rest of the town? What’re their reputations?
Jules : envied as equally as they were loved.
Jessica, Heather : the perfect daughters.
Aiden : the mayor's wayward son.
Mia : Not well liked by the adults. Quite a conservative town. They are not fond of the beautiful young lady's "attitude."
Dylan : His peers don't like him too much. He's hard to get along with but if there is something everyone does agree on it's his extraordinary intellect.
Warren : parents point a not so subtle finger at him and whisper to their kids, 'you will become like him if you don't do well in school' (assholes)
Also, if it isn’t too much of a spoiler, can we find out a little more about the other murder victims?
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maxispremades · 3 months
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Пожалуй, Дилан Сигворт — самый невозмутимый персонаж во всем Стрейнджервиле. Даже краткий эпизод ŌΔĘpЖЙΜŌČŦЙ никак не отразился на его жизни и повседневных занятиях! Успешно игнорируя тиранию мэра, грубость военных, истерики ученых и бред конспирологов, Дилан целиком и полностью посвящает себя любимым хобби — домашней выпечке и ракетостроению. Глядя сквозь пальцы на суетную реальность и мечтая о величественном космосе, этот парень не может и подумать о том, что настоящие чудеса Сиксима находятся гораздо ближе к нему, чем он может себе представить.
Свой день рождения Дилан встретил в кругу самых близких и дорогих ему людей — жены и дочки. Праздник получился таким же тихим и домашним, как и он сам — мирные, уютные посиделки за столом с чаем и шоколадным тортом. В подарок Дилан получил винтажный телескоп (от Джесс) и ультра-современную вафельницу (от Кристы). А после того, как умница-дочь сделала все уроки и легла спать, супруги Сигворт отправились в головокружительный романтический полет!
english text below the cut
(Perhaps Dylan Sigworth is the most unflappable sim in all of Strangerville. Even a brief episode of ƤØŞŞ€ŞŞƗØŇ did not affect his life and daily activities in any way! Successfully ignoring the tyranny of the mayor, the rudeness of the military, the tantrums of scientists and the nonsense of conspiracy theorists, Dylan devotes himself entirely to his favorite hobbies — homemade baking and rocket science. Turned a blind eye to the vain reality and dreaming of the majestic cosmos, this guy cannot even think that the real wonders of Sixam are much closer to him than he can imagine.
Dylan celebrated his birthday with his closest and dearest people — his wife and daughter. The birthday turned out to be as quiet and homely as he was — cozy gatherings at the table with tea and chocolate bisquit. As a gift, Dylan received a vintage telescope (from Jess) and an ultra-modern waffle maker (from Christie). And after their clever daughter did all her homework and went to bed, the Sigworth couple went on a dizzying romantic flight!)
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕃𝕦𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨) - 𝔸𝕞𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕙𝕒𝕟
Let's go!!! This is the first character introduction post for What Lurks In The Hollow, Amy - the story's central character.
If you like this, pls reblog! 💕
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🎞️About/General Info🎞️
A sixteen-year old highchool student, Amy Millihan moved back to her eerie childhood hometown - Vinethorn Grove - with her older brother after the death of their toxic grandmother left them with only debt, forcing them to leave the big city - where they'd lived for almost a decade - and go back to their long since abandoned roots. What she expected to be a calm clean slate for the two of them during the peaceful vacation period of the Harvest Break, swiftly takes a darker turn as an ancient curse and a string of mysterious murders/disappearances begins to unravel, revealing that, underneath the small town's apparently normal surface lie bloody, and paranormal, secrets. With the lives of her and everyone she cares about on the line, finding a way to thwart this ancient curse and defeat the Mayor's corrupt family traditions, may be their only chance to survive.
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🎞️ More Info 🎞️
Pronouns - She/Her Age - Sixteen Appearance - Amy has long, wavy brown hair, which she usually keeps loose or - on rare occasions - tied into a ponytail or braid. She is average height, and usually favors pastel clothes with fun patterns, especially long sleeve shirts (the kind that the sleeve is a difference color/hue than the shirt's body) and light denim pants, and usually wears purple sneakers with star patches, being a big fun of space themed stuff. She usually rides a pastel yellow bike with a straw basket, and sometimes has her backpack on her to carry things she needs. Amy has a self defense baseball bat she takes with her when investigating or going places she deems unsafe.
Personality Types:
📸Enneagram: 6w7
Occupation: Student (currently on school break), Paranormal Investigator & Enthusiast
Place of Birth: Vinethorn Grove (moved away to a big city when she was six, after their parents died, moved back in with her older brother recently, now 16)
Orientation: Straight
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🎞️ Personal Life 🎞️
Dylan Millihan - Older Brother & Legal Guardian
Status: Alive Age: 23 Occupation: Former Medical Student (had to drop out because of their grandmother's death + to take guardianship of Amy), now works 3 jobs - security guard at a lake resort, delivery driver and warehouse loader Relationship: Good, but he can be a bit too serious at times.
Laura Millihan (neè Hartwell) & Jeremy Millihan - Parents
Status: Deceased (have been for a decade now) Ages: (Laura) 35 at the time of death, (Jeremy) 36 at the time of death; Occupations: (Laura) Civil Engineer & Interior Designer, (Jeremy) Veterinarian and Artist Cause of Death: Undisclosed Freak Accident Relationship: Good but short-lived
Edith Millihan - Paternal Grandmother, Former Guardian
Status: Deceased (recently) Age: 80 Occupation: Widow (inherited her husband's fortune - as he had been a wealthy businessman), Compulsive Gambler Cause of Death: Heart Attack Relationship: Bad (Edith, due to her past and grief, was very distant and cold towards the siblings, often being downright absent or toxic when she was alive)
Best Friends/Allies:
Zach Taylors:
Status: Alive Age: 16 Occupation: Homeless/Runaway, Paranormal Investigator, Goth Enthusiast, Avid Reader Relationship: Good, is her current best friend and later on becomes her love interest as well.
Indigo "Indie" Lauriel:
Status: Alive Age: 15-16 Occupation: Student (currently on school break), Conspiracy Theory Enthusiast, Unnofficial Hipster Relationship: Good, is her former childhood friend who is reconnecting with Amy after she came back to town.
Christine Nespor:
Status: Alive Age: 22 Occupation: Freelance Artist, Artisan/DIY-er, Former Wanderer, Aspiring Poet, works from home + works at a local craft store as well Relationship: Good, Chris is Dylan's first friend in town and later becomes his girlfriend, so she's like a sister-in-law to Amy and takes up the role of the "laid back/friendly older sister".
The rest of the "Cryptid Crew" - Amy's other friends and allies who help her in her investigation and searches (those friends are: Savvanah "Savvy" Hahn, Erin Niemand, Liam Steele, Conner Watsen, Maeve Fernandez, Hayden Brooks and Charlotte "Charlie" Fritzgerald)
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🎞️ Likes & Dislikes 🎞️
Watching horror movies with Dylan, especially vintage ones or funny ones, but she also loves the actual scary ones as long as they're not too gory
Listening to music and journaling, especially doing random doodles
Reading mystery books
Riding around on her bike and enjoying the lakeside
Investigating the mysteries and secrets of Vinethorn Grove
Spending time with her new friends, especially Zach - who is her current best friend and future love interest.
Learning about history, especially historical secrets and unknown facts, as well as reading about folklore
Going to the local diner when they have the money
Additional Favorites (extra list here):
Music: Pop Rock, Dance Rock
Person (her 'comfort people'): Dylan, Zach, Christine & Indie
Candy: Sweet & Sour Strawberry Lollipops
Place: 1. Their lakehouse, 2. Her room, 3. The local diner
Fictional Creature: Nantinaq (alaskan cryptid), Aliens/UFOs
Scent: Chocolate, Vanilla, Petrichor and Lavender
General Dislikes/Hates:
Prejudiced people who treat others as lesser just because they don't understand them. That also includes small-minded people, especially elders who think that anything that strays from 'tradition' is bad or not good enough.
Anyone who makes a big deal out of something simple that could easily be solved or explained otherwise without much of a fuss.
People who spread harmful or unwanted humors about others, especially if the intent is to discredit them.
Feeling unsafe or uncertain about a situation or about a certain outcome, worrying that something out of her control might go wrong.
People wasting money like its nothing - reminds her of Edith and not in a good way.
Amy despises Mrs Draycott with the strenght of a thousand suns and hopes that 50-year old creep rots in the hell she must've crawled out of 💀🔥
Another person Amy hates is Zach's stepfather (when she learns about the boy's past), and she has VERY GOOD REASONS to.
Excessive summer heat or when the sun is too bright
Corny country songs
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🎞️ Playlist: 🎞️
Butterfly Fly Away - Miley Cyrus
Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
Fox On The Run - Sweet
Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Up - Olly Murs, Demi Lovato
Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face
Bad Feeling (Oompa Loompa) - Jagwar Twin
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What Lurks In The Hollow Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @finickyfelix
@lyutenw, @elshells, @thelovelymachinery,
@bookwormclover, @an-indecisive-nerd, @the-letterbox-archives
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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simpforpeterp · 4 months
Harvey x OC
Stumbled On Sublime
summary: a new farmer moves to town with a not so mysterious past. coming to pelican town to lay low from the celebrity lifestyle, celia is ready to settle down. kind of.
warnings: none :)
word count: 2.5k
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Celia Clemente, freshly twenty eight years old, is not new to Pelican Town. Not necessarily. It’s the first day of spring when she makes her return. Not unbearably hot yet and not freezing cold. Sounds of crunches on the ground from Mayor Lewis walking away from the house carry despite him already being out of her sight.
She remembered him vaguely from when she used to come around. Every summer since she could remember was spent with her Grandpa. So, she’s sure she remembers other people in town too. Either way, they know her.
After all, no matter where you go to try and lay low, after a music career like that, people are gonna know your name. So with her guitar case in one hand and her bag in the other, she steps into the old farmhouse she knows so well.
The floorboards are sufficiently creaky and there’s a tiny bit of dust on everything. But it’s nice. It’s quiet up here in Pelican Town. The farm is surrounded by nothing but if she gets lonely, the town is just a small road away. After a horrendous breakup, a bender, and a lot of tears, she’s ready to get away from it all.
A few things have been moved in before today. Her records, cds, the players for both of those, and other miscellaneous things she can’t live without. A lot of the records belonged to her grandpa. So that means a lot of The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Bowie, the Stones, and Bob Dylan. And obviously, an obscene amount of Elvis.
Being here feels like he’s all around. Like her grandpa is still here. It feels like if she calls his name he’d be right there, a small layer of dirt on his limbs but a wide smile on his face. She was his Superstar. His Sunshine. But now she’s here trying to bring his house and his farm to what once was.
“Dr. Green?” Haley gets the man’s attention from the waiting room while he fills out paperwork by the front desk. “Have you heard about the new farmer?”
“Not really, no. Just that there is a new farmer. Why?” He asks.
“I wanted to see if I could find out more. She’s famous, you know.” She smiles widely.
“Haley, don’t gossip, he’s her doctor now too.” Emily giggles with a wide grin.
“It’s fine, it’s nothing mean. I’m just curious. If she was so famous out in the city and was making so much money, why is she here? I mean, everyone is talking about it but since we signed those stupid papers, I can’t tell anyone. But I have seen them all saying even her closest friends thought everything was fine out there and then she just disappeared. It’s like she just got sick of it or something. If you find out what happened, you should tell me.”
“Why? So you can tell the whole town?” He smirks to himself.
“Not the whole town.” She shrugs.
He sets the papers down before telling Emily to come on back. But he can’t seem to focus on Emily’s splinter.
Harvey is a man who keeps to himself. He doesn’t really have any friends here. He converses with Pierre and sometimes Elliott but they aren’t close enough to be real friends. So he definitely doesn’t have any romantic prospects. Something feels weird about today. Why’s he thinking about all this now?
After rushing around town to introduce herself to everyone, met with some judgement and some people sucking up to her, Celia needs a drink. But unfortunately there’s only one place in this whole town to get one and it’s jam packed.
The room is already lively and filled with music. Looking around, she remembers most people from earlier today. Well, all except one. He sits by the bar, seemingly by himself. Maybe she’ll see him around but it feels weird to introduce herself at a bar without seeming like she’s flirting.
“Celia! I’m glad you came, I was just telling my husband about you. This is Demetrius.” Robin introduces.
“Nice to meet you, maybe we’ll come check out your farm sometime.” He smiles.
“It looks like a mess right now but hopefully I can fix that soon.” She smiles back at the couple.
“So, have you met everyone already?” Robin asks.
“Most people, yeah.” Celia shrugs.
“Good, good, there are some good people here.” She assures her with a warm grin.
“Really good people. But it isn’t always easy living here. I mean, we only have one doctor,” Demetrius sighs. “I like him though, he’s a man of science like me.”
“Is that him?” She discreetly points to the man sitting at the bar, looking around.
“Yep, Harvey. You should introduce yourself if you haven’t already before this place closes.” Robin suggests.
“At a bar though? I don’t wanna seem creepy.” Celia nervously crosses her arms. She notices then when she takes a quick look around that there are scattered eyes on her. A lot of them.
“He won’t take it that way, I promise.” Demetrius assures her but gives Robin a quick look while Celia draws her attention back to them.
“Let’s dance, honey. I love this song.” Robin gently pats his arm as they stand up.
Why wasn’t the doctor looking at her? Usually, everyone is. Maybe she should just introduce herself and go home.
Harvey noticed her as soon as she walked in. How could he not? But he’s climbing the age latter and he’s single, alone in a bar. He can’t get caught looking at her. Just to avoid that, he looks everywhere but her. Until eventually, he has to stare straight ahead while drinking. But then the unimaginable happens.
“You’re Harvey, right?” A voice says from behind him. He turns around to see her. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen with the prettiest voice he’s ever heard. She has beautiful brown hair, she’s wearing a baggy green flannel with a white tank top underneath, denim shorts that are slightly too big for her, and chunky white sneakers. She has these small gold earrings shaped like hearts and a necklace that goes with it. And all of it perfectly goes with her stunning green eyes. His favorite color. She’s breathtaking to Harvey.
“Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m the local doctor. Sorry, I’ve heard about you but I’m blanking on your name.” He admits as embarrassment flushes his cheeks and he has to clear his throat.
“I’m Celia. I just moved in to the Valley. Well, not THE valley, but this valley. Sorry, that was stupid. You know where we are, I didn’t have to specify. I don’t have to explain myself either, shit. I’m not usually this…scattered. Sorry.” She rambles nervously. He can’t help the smile that goes across his face. She’s so cute.
He didn’t expect that about her. She has this gorgeous look but she’s so cute and she’s nothing like what you’d expect a celebrity moving to a small town would be. She sighs and places her hand on her forehead for a minute in playful shame before going back to smiling at him.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m usually too un-scattered. I perform regular check-ups and medical procedures for all the residents of Pelican Town. It’s rewarding work.” He explains as she slowly takes a seat beside him. And she’s listening. No one ever listens when he talks about his work.
“That’s great, I get too nervous in Doctor’s offices for that.” She admits with a small awkward shrug.
“Hopefully, I can change that.” He smiles, way more charming than he has ever been. So much so, he surprises himself. She’s quite possibly the first person to ever make Harvey look smooth.
He’s cute. She still smiles at him as she observes him more. He has these cute glasses that draw her in along with his slightly tousled brown hair. And not to mention that adorable mustache.
“Maybe.” She laughs and shakes her head. In that moment, he swears he can feel his heart glowing. What is happening to him?
“You have a great smile.” He accidentally blurts out.
“Thank you, Harvey. Seriously, I haven’t really laughed all day,” She tells him. “But I should get going, I won’t bother you anymore.”
“Um wait, do you- um, wanna have a drink?” He offers quickly before she can fully stand up. He doesn’t want this to end yet.
“Actually, yeah. Sure.” She nods before sitting back the way she was.
Harvey calls Gus over happily, glad she said yes, glad she didn’t leave. Gus suggests a new drink on the menu he’s been making tonight which she accepts. All while Harvey’s eyes stay on her, never leaving her.
“So, are you liking it here?” He asks as Gus places her drink down.
“Yeah. So far, it’s great. I’ve never farmed before though so that’s a little scary but I’m excited. It was always more my grandpa’s thing but maybe I have a bit of a green thumb from him.” She laughs softly before taking a sip. “How long have you lived here?”
“Three years next month,” He tells her, almost slightly ashamed. “I came here to settle down but I haven’t really done much settling.”
She can still tell the poor man is anxious. Almost every word comes with a stutter or a stumbled word. He fights to not stare so hard into her eyes and darts them around instead. It almost makes her want to move closer but she doesn’t. He’s handsome. Harvey’s handsome in a way that a lot of men aren’t anymore. He’s tall and he has these nice broad shoulders, a wide frame. Her eyes fall down to his hands. His big hands with long fingers. And then to his light brown eyes with small hints of green. He’s beautiful, really. And he smells so good.
Normally, she’d want him then and there but that’s not why she came to town. She’s here to find peace first. Peace.
“Settle down? We’re not old yet, man.” She giggles and he’s immediately enchanted by that look on her face.
“Med school ages you twenty years by itself, kid.” He jokes back, watching the smile on her face somehow grow bigger.
“You party much?” She asks.
“Not really. I mean, I did. But not as much as others. I don’t have any crazy stories.” He sighs, a small smile still remaining on his face from her.
“I definitely have. I mean, I came here to settle down too but I only said that thing about not being old because I’ve lived a lot. I’ve seen…too much of this world,” She gives a small laugh. “That’s why I’m here. Everything happens so fast out there, you know? And with my job…it all just gets really loud sometimes. Cobain died and it kind of put everything else into perspective.”
“Cobain what?” Harvey sits up and turns to face her fully. He lets go of the anxiety when she says that.
“Oh, shit! You didn’t know?” She covers her mouth.
“No! No one is into that stuff here but I actually really loved Nirvana in college. I lived in Seattle for a few years.” He tells her.
“You love Nirvana?” She giggles. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. But you don’t seem like you would. You’re full of surprises.”
“Me? Full of surprises?” He chuckles. “Ask around and everyone would probably tell you the opposite.”
“Harvey, you are cool! You don’t have to just be the town doctor. I like you, man.” She smiles wide again.
“I like you too, Celia,” He smiles back. And there’s a moment of connection for both of them. She looks so beautiful, so happy. He wants to know her better, she’s so sweet and funny and so cute. This feels different. They’ve just clicked in a way neither of them have ever clicked with anyone. “You, uh…picked a good place to settle down. It’s nice here. The winters are snowy, the summers aren’t too hot, spring is great, and it looks so pretty in fall.”
“You know, it’s funny. My mom always used to pressure me to get married until I got big. Those instincts are still there. I hear ‘Doctor’ and the first thing I think is ‘and mrs.’” She jokes but looking into her eyes while she says that makes Harvey want to tell her that he wouldn’t mind being the doctor to her Mrs.
“That’s funny, you’re funny,” He chuckles, their eyes meet again. “Let me guess, that or a lawyer?”
“Yeah, actually,” She giggles, leaning a little closer before pulling away. “Well, it’s getting late so I should probably head out. Gus?” She starts, getting ready to pay.
“Oh, no, no, I’ve got it. As a welcome to town.” He quickly tells her with a small grin. “Do you want me to walk you home? My clinic isn’t too far.”
“Oh, you don’t have to. It’s just one long straight road to my house and no one else lives right there. But thanks,” She smiles widely again, placing a hand on his shoulder and he immediately gets red in the face. “I‘ll get yours next time. Thanks for the drink but mostly thanks for talking to me, I needed this. Maybe I’ll pop in for a visit soon.” She smiles as she stands up. She gives him one last look before turning around to walk away.
“Celia.” He whispers as he watches her leave. Even her name sounds so beautiful to him.
He closes out the tab, still in a daydream. She was…everything. He doesn’t know why or how she’s already had an affect on him.
“Why is your face doing that?” Shane says from two stools over.
“W-what? Doing what?” Harvey snaps out of it.
“Well, Doc, if looks could prescribe, you'd be handing out heart medication right about now,” Shane dryly laughs. “I mean, she was hot but damn.”
“Don’t say that, she’s not just hot, she’s funny! And she’s sweet and- and she’s surprisingly charming.” Harvey says and his face is brighter red and hotter than it ever has been.
“Just,” Shane laughs and Harvey is trying to think of where he said something wrong. “You said she isn’t just hot.”
Harvey could almost fucking pass out. Did he really say that?
“I- um, no! I mustn’t have um…I- uh…I’m gonna go.” Harvey quickly stands up to walk out, red as a tomato.
Celia walks home with a wide smile on her face. The first day of peace is going well. And with luck on her side, she met a cute doctor today. But he’s probably not even into her, she thinks. She’s always been too much for people. She laughs too much, talks to much, has too much energy. He seemed so calm and nice and everything she’s always wanted to be but she gets distracted so easily and she’s constantly fighting that.
But maybe she doesn’t have to do that here. Maybe she should stop fighting it.
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capybaracorn · 7 months
Israel holds municipal elections; war on Gaza affects turnout and mood
Israelis are divided over the war and their opinions of the government, resulting in a low turnout and higher tensions.
Tel Aviv, Israel – Israelis voted on Tuesday to elect mayors and local council members in 197 towns and cities and 45 regional council representatives.
Voting started at 7 am, and will carry on until 10 pm, in elections that have been delayed twice, from October 31 to January 31 then to Tuesday, due to Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza.
Seven million Israelis are eligible to vote, including tens of thousands who voted from active military duty in Gaza or the Israeli bases where they are stationed.
Turnout has been lower than in the last elections in 2018, according to estimates by the Ministry of Interior throughout the day.
Protests continue
The months leading up to the elections have been tumultuous ones for Israelis with mass protests throughout 2023 against changes to the judiciary that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was trying to push through.
Different protest movements have continued throughout the war: Families of Israelis taken captive by Palestinian fighters on October 7 have protested to demand the government negotiate for their return, merging at times with antiwar protests and antigovernment protesters.
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Antiwar protesters hold up a banner with the number of people killed in Gaza since October 7 [Mat Nashed/Al Jazeera]
Among the most closely watched races is the one for Jerusalem’s mayor, in which incumbent Moshe Lion is widely expected to beat his challenger Ofer Berkovitch.
On HaBima Square in Tel Aviv, Al Jazeera spoke to several liberal activists protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza.
Israeli American protester Addam said liberals like him face a lot of hostility, which was the reason he chose not to disclose his last name, fearing vigilantes and Israeli authorities who have repressed antiwar protests recently.
Dozens of protesters marched with signs reading: “War is a crime and nationalism kills” and “Stop the ethnic cleansing.”
A large banner just had “30,000” written on it, referencing the number of people Israel has killed in the latest war in Gaza.
“This war is a choice we [as Israelis] are making,” Addam said.
“There has been a weaponisation of people’s grief after October 7,” he added, describing being confronted during a protest by a young Israeli woman who shouted: “Soldiers are dying for you all. Shame on all of you.”
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Antiwar protesters in Tel Aviv on February 27, 2024 [Mat Nashed/Al Jazeera]
Tamy Pollak, an activist and socialist who lives in the mixed Palestinian-Israeli city of Yafa (Jaffa), says the outcome of these elections will be important in determining whether calm is restored in mixed cities.
She worries about far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who she said has been weaponising Jewish civilians in mixed cities.
Fear of right-wing gains
In downtown Tel Aviv, Deputy Mayor Meital Lehavi held a megaphone, rallying voters to ensure that a far-right party does not take more seats on the local council.
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Security officials stand guard in Tel Aviv during a protest to mourn the dead in Gaza on February 27, 2024, [Dylan Martinez/Reuters]
“Right now, [Tel Aviv] has an open society, but [if the right wing does well], then things can be different here,” she told Al Jazeera.
Plia Kettner, a 39-year-old former member of the local council in Kfar Saba in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, believes the war is distracting – even discouraging – people from voting.
“Some of the national rhetoric has filtered into the local election campaigns”, polarising people, she said
“At the beginning, nobody was against the war,” she told Al Jazeera.
“But if you ask people on the street, 50 percent of people will say that they want to [get a deal with Hamas] to get the hostages back, and 50 percent will say that Israel must keep going to destroy Hamas.”
Results are expected a few days later.
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abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 3 (Mother's Day!)
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Dylan Kraus' clingy mother, Susan, who stepped down as Henford’s mayor a week after her daughter left town to follow her to San Myshuno, made the girls breakfast while Heather talked about her date with Malcolm.
Then Dylan caught Heather up on life in the big city, and gushed about the handsome blogger she'd met in her building’s laundry room. She showed off a recent picture with him on her phone, but the sun was coming up; Heather had to return to Henford to celebrate Mother’s Day. She left excited to meet Dylan’s new boyfriend, Gavin Richards, another time. Likewise, Dylan was very interested in meeting Malcolm, and they talked about the possibility of a double date when Heather was back in town.
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Though she loved her gifts, Daisy spent Mother’s Day doing what she loved – with her elbows deep in the soil of Henford’s gardens. She planted flowers at the Scotts’ next door before she paid her respects to her old friend, Eliza Pancakes, planting a rosebush at her grave in her honour. Daisy’s children were all getting older and the house on Cobblebottom Street would begin to empty as they started their lives, so though the day was all about her, she cherished the weather and her family’s company more than ever.
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Heather told her mother all about her night. Daisy was happy she’d found someone and encouraged her daughter to follow her heart. Heather was independent and responsible, and Daisy told her to trust her instincts, even though Heather’s instincts were confused. But the next few weeks were about Spencer and Everett, so she set aside her feelings to focus on her coming vacation.
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Would Heather and her girlfriends bring drama to Selvadorada? ->
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Have you ever thought to yourself: Yee howdy, I wish I could know what everyone thinks of my favorite character, and I also wish we could all definitively rank them in popularity based on the whims of the public? Then do I have the thing for you!
Right out the gate, it's time to vote for favorite characters. The votes for favorite NPC (human) and favorite NPC (other) will be running alongside each other, with the vote for NPC (other) starting a little later to make them both finish at the same time and end in an epic dual victory.
I have chosen to split them up because there's a lot of NPC's and we can expedite the process somewhat by having separate tournaments running alongside each other.
Humanoid creatures such as Pandorians residing in the circus will be counted as humans because that's how they choose to present and I will respect that.
Certain conditions apply regarding characters added to SSO just to host races, NPC's that are named but do not take part in quests, and characters from earlier games. these characters will not partake because the list is so. long. already.
Every poll will be accompanied by a picture and a brief description to refresh your memory, so don't worry if you can't remember them just by name! If you have any concerns or can't see your favorite NPC anywhere, send a message or an ask.
The first NPC (human) tournamnet will take place over 3 sessions of 40 posts per week, because it's 120 posts and I don't want to overwhelm you with that many posts. Once we've narrowed it down to 60 favorites it will be split into 2 sessions, and once we've only got 30 contestants left, I'll post them all in one go until a winner is declared. That's also when the NPC (other) polls will be posted.
Who will go up against who is randomized and can be found under the cut.
The First tournament:
Kirsty Griswald VS Evergray
Violet Dappelbrook VS Mrs. Pike
Derek VS Professor Chiron
Mr. Pike VS Hawaii Jones
Rami VS Felicity
Ydris VS Astrid Ingvarsdottir
Sunshine Joytree VS Mr. Anwir
Jessica Lunar VS Syntax Silverstream
Elsa Einstein VS Harold
Larry VS Landon
Captain Brus VS Pi the witch
Sigry Varanger VS Julie
Aideen VS Jill Goldspur
Tor Sunfield VS Pamela Moonriver
HelmsmanVS The main character
Idun Goldspur VS Mandy
Mr. T. Cray VS Lizzy Jarlasson
Marisol VS Ewa
Sigrid VS Leonardo
Donald the builder VS Captain Waterloo
Eddie VS Bernardine Winterwell XVII
Jade VS Doreen
Courtney Summers VS Bob
Janitor VS Mayor Klaus
Terrance Rockwell VS Gary Goldtooth
Nanook VS Ivan Drake
Saga Sunfield VS Aaron Silverglade
Yousef Sahli VS The Baroness
Gavin VS Wynna Sunbeam
Galloper Thompson VS Stephanie
Isebell Figg VS Dylan
Fina Way VS Mario
Hanna Jarlasson VS Filip Sunfield
Carl VS Ms. Drake
Tim Hooper VS Isabel Stonefield
Justin Moorland VS Mrs. Peterson
Charlotte VS Tiera Vaughan
Scott Buttergood VS Li Ming Yue
Anne von Blyssen VS Darko (oh my god)
Ashley VS Lance
The second tournament:
Joe Jarlasson VS Bob Jarlasson
Linn VS Xin
Alex Cloudmill VS Maya Dew (I promise this is randomly generated, this is homophobia)
Mrs. Hill VS Josie
Jon Jarl VS Jonas
Lydia Rockwell VS Martina Sunfield
Nova VS Ferdinand
John VS Eva von Blyssen
Nic Stoneground VS Hugh
Big Bonny VS Magnus Steinar
Loretta VS Anastasia Silverglade
Edith Octavia Hartwood VS Spymaster
Sedna VS Fleur
Ricky Winterwell VS Will
Barbara VS Helga
Edward Rockwell VS Frank Einstein
Rob VS Mrs. Packard
Carl Peterson VS Kora Pelletier
Rhiannon VS Agnetha
Gaia VS Buck
Huck VS Silencia Tranquila
Jakob Goldspur VS Isolde Goldspur
Igor VS Steve
Tan VS Linda Chanda
Mrs. Dew VS Reyansh
Jack Goldspur VS Ed Field
Karl Franz of Silver Fork VS Mrs. Holdsworth
Mr. Sands VS Farah
Professor Hayden VS Daxton the tailor
Jasper Holbrook VS Erik Hightower
Tamika VS Barney Summers
Dr. Eiren Doyle VS Granny Rose
Catherine Moorland VS Ana
Poppy VS Mr. K. Trout
Tobbe Larsson VS Thomas Moorland
Imane Highcantle VS Andy
Charles VS Mel
Jupiter Peacebloom VS Mr. Hill
Stacy VS Sive
Rowan Allaway VS Mr. Dew
The third tournament:
Claire VS Guillermo Gadea
Marley Summers VS Johanna
Reed Kessler VS Jenna
Robert Buttergood VS Josh
Jamie Olivetree VS Gunther
Madison Hightower VS Mr. Cod
Tristan Goldspur VS Alexander Goldspur
Godfrey VS Carney Summers
Mr. Kembell VS Thalia
Carmela VS Mica Stoneground
Harley VS Harriet
Jessica VS Amelia
Erissa VS Freja Sunfield
Alonso Rivera Sandoval VS Emma
Kit Shorthouse VS Raptor
Luke Excavator VS Herman
Council Man VS Mrs. Cloudmill
Mr. Andersson VS Lily Bones
Keema Steelgait VS Luciana
Walter Winterwell VS James Cloudmill
Holly Hightower VS Elizabeth Sunbeam
Stein VS Enitan Taiwo Ladipo
Sindra VS Felix
Nathalie Moonriver VS Björn
Councilman Skoll VS Rania Varanger
Lisa Peterson VS Loke Sunfield
Professor Jura VS Dorith Jarlasson
Hannibal Goldspur VS Hermit
Junior Buttergood VS Conrad Maarsden
Gretchen VS Li Jian
Rin VS Sonja
Angus Goldspur VS Daisy
Petunia VS Ginny
Kai VS Judy
Mary VS Zed
Katja VS Stanislav
Mrs. X VS Ms. Morse
Sabine VS Sahar
Carin VS Avalon
Kent Jarlasson VS Beatriz
When there are only 30 rounds left, I will start posting NPC (other) tournamnets as well. They consist of these competitors:
Starshine VS Nightdust
Meteor VS Pearl Hart
Knut VS Esben
Popcorn VS Summerflower
Calanthe VS Nutkins
Sahara VS Mayor Peanut
Beeper VS Hieronymo
Sirio VS Lynx
Galloper Thompson's Horse VS Mudskipper
Sprout VS Pistachio
Lignos VS Firewind
Cayenne VS Mortifa
Crowy McCaw VS Ms. Morse's Horse
Diggory VS Shay
Ganymede VS Athena
Balder VS Pico
Nihili VS Lemmy
Beatrix VS Archie
Acerbus VS Ancient Tree
Rocco VS Lucien
Juniper VS Dellingr
Techno VS Birdie
Swedenborg VS Atlas
Crabapple VS Sapling
Ash VS Cedar
Khaan VS Kasper
Bartok VS Hrafnfaxa vom Schwanenteich
Blondie VS Rosemary
Lady VS Garnok
Balder's Mother vS Pari
Shakira VS Elli
Butterfly VS Fripp
Mardy VS Bear
Alder VS Pegaso
Valiant VS Mousebiscuit
Goons VS Brunte
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theblogtini · 6 months
When Instagram first started, houseinhabit was one of the first accounts that I followed. She was just a southern California mom sharing cool, vintage looking photos of her life. She was interested in writing, home decor, Joan Didion, Bob Dylan, wide brimmed hats, and wide legged pants. She often shared photos of her young sons who were dressed just as cool as their mom. She was one of my favorite accounts. I remember her complaining, after a few years, that Instagram wasn't as fun as it used to be in the beginning. That ads, commerce, and perfection had taken over and made the platform less interesting, less creative, and more annoying. When I quit Instagram, probably close to eight years ago, she had moved closer to the beach, beautifully remodeled her home, and was trying to save an old house on her street. I absolutely cannot believe what she has become. Like there was no inkling whatsoever. It would seem to me, that covid and the lockdown completely fried her brain and ever since, she's worked hard to become the mayor of crackpot town. It all just boogles my mind.
Yep - 100% right with you. She went from just being this cool SoCal mom to a little bit of a looney tune. I definitely think it has something to do with Covid b/c I believe (and I might be wrong) that she jumped real-hard on the anti-vaxx bandwagon.
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Inside Llewyn Davis (2013, Coen brothers)
Inside Llewyn Davis is a 2013 film directed and written by Joel and Ethan Coen and starring Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake and John Goodman.
The film is inspired by the life of folk singer Dave Van Ronk, active in New York in the sixties.
It participated in competition at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Special Jury Grand Prix.
New York, February 1961: Llewyn Davis is a struggling young folk singer whose recent solo album, Inside Llewyn Davis, was a flop; being without money and nowhere to go, he sleeps on the sofas of friends and acquaintances. One evening, after playing at the Gaslight Café in Greenwich Village, he is beaten at the back of the venue by a mysterious and rude individual for reasons not immediately specified.
He subsequently accepts Jim's proposal to record a new song, agreeing to be paid immediately 200 dollars in exchange for the transfer of the copyright, in order to have the money for the abortion.
The young man accepts a ride to Chicago in the company of the laconic poet Johnny Five and the grumpy heroin-addicted jazz musician Roland Turner; during the trip he reveals that his musical partner, Mike Timlin, committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.
In an expanded version of the film's opening scene, Davis performs at the Gaslight and Pappi reports to him that a "friend" is waiting for him in the back; Davis then watches a young Bob Dylan perform on stage.
The film starts from the Coen's reflection on the rebirth of interest in folk music in the sixties, and in particular that despite the genre's exquisitely rural identity, in that period it was followed above all in a metropolis like New York, and that so all its major performers were natives, like Brooklyn's Dave Van Ronk and Ramblin' Jack Elliott.
When writing the screenplay, the pair of directors drew mainly from Van Ronk's autobiography, published posthumously in 2005, The Mayor of MacDougal Street but, even before starting to write it, the Coens had started from a single idea: imagine Van Ronk getting beaten up outside Gerde's Folk City in the Village.
Producer Scott Rudin, who had previously worked with the Coens on True Grit and No Country for Old Men, collaborated on the project. StudioCanal helped the production financially in the absence of a US financier/distributor.
On May 9, 2013, shortly before the presentation of the film at the Cannes Film Festival, the red band trailer and a new poster were also released.
The soundtrack was curated by T Bone Burnett, songwriter, producer and Oscar winner for the song The Weary Kind, and by Marcus Mumford.
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Maxy Dylan Dog 23 - Locked in the Nightmare
Thanks @MelethielM for the translation, and hisfearlesshaz for the beta and input.
First part of the story continue under the readmore!
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@heybubb​ @graduatedpillowmonster​ @eurritz​ @atigeriron​  @mayor-david-prentiss​
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cantseemtohide · 1 year
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Dylan got his revenge for Mayor Roswell's evasive answers to some friendly small talk by signing him up for voluntary work.
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deckervsdracula · 2 years
my tekken 8 guest roster
mike ehrmantraut
travis touchdown
the mushroom cousin from we love katamari
special agent jack decker
kizaru from one piece
kingdom hearts 1 pinocchio
that bob odenkirk pudding character from tom goes to the mayor
badlands chugs
bob dylan specifically 1980s bob dylan
neil hamburger
lorne malvo from fargo
leland palmer
a bedbug from my bedbugs
the bicentennial man
robert z'dar as zeist
WC fields
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