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phantomcandycat · 2 months ago
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Today I decided to bleach my hair . Had to get some coffee and wash my car before heading to Sally's. I'll have to do round two of bleaching later and then I can dye my red.
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unfoldingmoments · 9 months ago
Guide to Maintaining Fashion Hair Colors
After dyeing my hair, I checked the color fade after 2-3 months and it was an epic fail.
The stylist gave me two options for red colors:
Red Tomato: Expected to fade to dusty pink, then to baby pink.
Chilli Red: Expected to turn orange first, then fade to dusty pink and baby pink.
The Culprit:
The failure in maintaining the fashion dye color was because I didn't use silver shampoo.
Why I Dislike Yellow/Orange Fading:
To achieve a red to pink fade, white should be the base color. Last year, my electric blue dye turned green, which also had a yellowish base. Yellow and orange shades ruin the intended fade and are not suitable for my skin tone.
Bleaching tips for Asian Hair:
When bleaching black or dark brown Asian hair, it typically results in three stages:
Orange: The first stage.
Yellow: Takes about half a day with at least two bleaching sessions, depending on individual hair.
White: Requires more time, possibly 3-4 bleaching sessions over 2 days. Be cautious of hair damage or breakage, and consult your stylist to determine your hair's strength.
Without silver shampoo, the color will fade into one of these three shades. The more frequently you wash, the faster it fades.
Silver shampoo is essential after dyeing with bright fashion colors like electric blue, bright red, pink, green, purple, or unicorn colors. This ensures that yellow/orange hair fades to silver white.
If you bleach your hair to a white shade, using a silver shampoo is still recommended. Here's why:
Purpose of Silver Shampoo:
Maintains Brightness: Silver shampoo helps maintain the bright, clean look of white hair by neutralizing any yellow or brassy tones that may develop over time.
Prevents Fading: It ensures that the white color stays vibrant and doesn't fade to unwanted shades.
Enhances Cool Tones: If you have dyed your hair a cool color (like blue, purple, or pink) over the white base, silver shampoo helps keep these tones looking fresh and vibrant. The duration that hair color lasts can vary based on several factors, including the type of dye used, your hair's natural texture and porosity, and how well you maintain it. Here's a general guideline:
Bleach: If you've bleached your hair to achieve a lighter base color, this can last around 4-6 weeks before you notice significant fading or regrowth at the roots.
Fashion Colors: These are typically vibrant shades like blues, purples, pinks, etc. On Asian hair, which tends to be darker and more resistant, fashion colors can last around 2-4 weeks before starting to fade noticeably.
Silver Shampoo: Silver or purple shampoo is used to neutralize yellow tones in blonde or bleached hair. Using it frequently can help maintain the cool tones, but it may also contribute to slightly faster fading of fashion colors due to its cleansing properties.
Factors like washing frequency, water quality, and how well you protect your hair from sun exposure and heat styling also play roles in how long your color lasts.
Even if your hair is bleached to a white shade, using silver shampoo regularly can help maintain the desired color and prevent any yellow or brassy tones from developing. Note: If you have balayage or highlights, or any other bleaching-based treatments, you still need a special treatment shampoo , conditioner, serum to keep your hair looking its best.
Lesson Learned: Because my stylist didn't inform me about this, my hair has turned yellow from using only regular color shampoo. I didn't research the hair-dyeing process, relying on my past experience of dyeing my hair brown without issues. Fashion colors are riskier.
Even at two expensive Japanese salons in Jakarta, the stylists often forget to provide this information or ignore it unless specifically asked. Last, but not least, the budget is needed to be calculated. For optimum products, please do the research and consult to the hair stylist to prevent damage.
Summary: To maintain vibrant fashion hair colors, always use silver shampoo to prevent unwanted yellow or orange fading. Consult with your stylist about your hair's ability to handle bleaching and the necessary care for your chosen color.
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sunbum245 · 1 year ago
The gayest thing ive ever done is dye my hair and then get violently fucked by a man right after
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seselblue · 8 months ago
Dyehair vs Haircut
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E: Look at you frog, don't you feel ashamed to go with that unattractive haircut? // Mírate rana, ¿no te da pena ir con ese corte poco agraciado?
F: I don't know mon chou, what about you with that dye? // No sé querido, ¿Qué hay de ti con ese tinte?
E: You cynical frog... // Tú rana cínica...
F: Just like you, mon chou, just like you. // Igual que tú, querido, igual que tú.
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cosmetricz · 1 year ago
REGENTEH leave-in - Ser Bioactiv pentru varfuri despicate si par fin, fragil, deteriorat, tratat chimic, cu tendinta de rupere, par cret, definire bucle. Ofera beneficii remarcabile de restaurare naturala, avand ingrediente bioactive ce imita structura firului de par, cu dimensiuni ce penetreaza si regenereaza structura proteica, cu efect de consolidare, hidratare si nutritia, esentiale pentru refacerea structurii si protectiei lipidice naturale, determinand rearanjarea si sigilarea cuticulele in pozitia lor initiala. Toate aceste actiuni sinergice si efecte, previn deteriorarea, subtierea sau despicarea firului de par. Este un ser concentrat de îngrijire corecta speciala, ce conferă forta si sanatate, necesar in ritualul de revitalizare al parului, indiferent de stadiul de degradare, avand efecte vizibile imediat. Este un ser tip spray care se aplica usor, prin pulverizare pe parul uscat si se distribuie pe toata lungimea firului, prin periere. Se poate folosi impreuna cu masca emolienta SHINE-UP, înainte si dupa tratamente destinate stylizarii parului (decolorat, vopsit, permanent), cu timp de acțiune de cca 4h.
Parul va avea un aspect matasos si plin de vitalitate, realizand o definire deosebita a buclelor- in cazul parului cret sau ondulat. Are caracter antistatic, nu deshidrateaza parul, nu il incarca, nu are efect de build-up si nu lasa urme grase. Nu contine sulfati, alcooli, siliconi,parabeni, EDTA. Se recomanda a se folosi intr un ritual cosmetic potrivit tipologiei personale a parului.
#regenteh #ser #varfuridespicate #parcret #pardeshidratat #paruscat #paraspru #incurcarepar #descurcarepar #detangler #hairtreatment #sanatatepar #parmatasos #definirebucle #parondulat #par #parvospit #pardecolorat #volumpar #ingrijireaparului #ingrijirepar #tratamentpar #leavein #faraclatire #mascapar #pardegradat #coafor #regenerare #decolorare #parpermanent #emolierepar #hidratarepar #regenerarepar #argan #varfuridespicate #parfragil #pardeteriorat #parars #parblond #tratamentpar #parfragil #pardecolorat #tratamentdupadecolorare #decolarareaparului #decolorareacasa #tratamentpardecolorat #leavein #leaveinconditioner #transformarepar #parfrumos #parlung #parsanatos #parrezistent #volumpar #cosmetica #cosmeticanaturala #cosmetice #sprayleavein #conditioner #pardegradat #thickhair #degradedhair #dyehair #dyedhairhealthy #entfarbteshaar #haargesundheit #hairhydration #haarhydration #hairprotection #haarentwirrer
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chasejlondon · 1 year ago
#NEWVIDEO HAIR DYE JOURNEY STEP 6 USING #oiamiga Silver Permanent Hair Dye
Rinse and condition. Add a bit of water to your colour to lather, then rinse until the water runs clear. Squeeze excess water out and lavish your locks with conditioner to help lock your colour in.
#hairdye #haircare #content #ContentCreator #hairdying #London #NewVideoAlert #hairdyeprocesses #hairstyle #dyehair
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askdarkwingduck · 3 years ago
I dare you to dye your head feather hot pink!
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Hmmm... ya'know, this doesn't actually look half bad...
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deusdospombos · 4 years ago
Vou pintar meu cabelo com azul de metileno, tá na mão de Afrodite 💃
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kuro-no-hana · 5 years ago
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Hey! Avec quelle couleur de cheveux me préfèrez vous? 🙆‍♀️🖤 Which hair color do you prefer? 🙆‍♀️🖤 • Se sont mes vrais cheveux, il n'y a pas de perruque. Il manque certaines couleurs que j'ai eu aussi comme le blond mais je n'avais pas de photos assez récentes 😅 Je redeviendrais sûrement blonde un jour car c'est ma couleur naturelle. ☺ Passez un bon week-end! . . . . . #coloredhair #coloredhairgirls #dyehair #gothmodel #altgirls #darkaesthetic #witchvibes🔮 #vampiregirl #gothique #goth #gothicaesthetic #gothicbeauty #gothbeauty #darkbeauty #gothicmakeup #frenchgoth #occultfashion #alternativeoutfit (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMTJkxoVTr/?igshid=1658cvu7xp513
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underbloodfans · 4 years ago
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minkhairweavevendor · 4 years ago
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We make wigs professionally,Retail+Wholesale 100% real human hair wig! Pls bio: https://bit.ly/2Lm9gA7
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mimetec · 5 years ago
So I'm not sure if 2020 is an epic shit show or if my eyes are finally open and the world has always been this unequal and ridiculous. It's probably a bit of both. Trying to find happiness and share knowledge everyday. This is a dumb video of me dying my hair and using @muradskincare products at the end. Mostly just so I come up on search and maybe my story will enlighten some strangers, but I also enjoy making these little clips. • • #hair #dyehair #colorhair #hairdye #purplehair #bluehair #brighthair #diyhair #diyhaircolor #homehaircolor #hairdryer #hairdrying #skincare #skincareroutine #beauty #beautyroutine #love #happy #beautiful #instastyle #lookgoodfeelgood #followme (at Union Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeKJCvgGxJ/?igshid=re108ct09rrn
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darkvampir3 · 5 years ago
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My dream hair one day 🖤😍
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cosmetricz · 1 year ago
VELVET Spray - Ser Multifunctional Regenerant creat pentru ritualul de ingrijire capilara, ce reda frumusețea si vitalitatea naturala a parului cu aspect obosit, care se incurca usor, este tern, uscat, fara luciu. Are caracter non-gras, o atingere matasoasa,  o capacitate excelenta de raspandire si netezire,  cu un profil senzorial deosebit.
Aplicarea pe par a produselor ce degradeaza structura firului de par : de curatare dure, care conțin factori de deteriorare sau cu efect build-up, impreuna cu modalitatile de stylizare folosite ce nu includ in procedura protectia corespunzatoare, au un efect de infrumusetare pe moment asupra parului, dar determina schimbari negative a la long asupra structurii si rezistentei sale. Astfel parul nu mai este vitaminizat si  hidratat corespunzator, îsi pierde masa si elasticitatea naturala, odata cu stratul lipidic potector. Cand nivelul de hidratare scade sub procentul nomal de 10%, parul devine tern, casant, fragil, greu de descurcat sau stylizat, cu tendinte de degradare rapida a varfurilor.. 
Velvet este un ser fomulat pe baza de vitamine E,A,D,B,K, fitosteroli, acizi grasi esentiali in structura firului de par - acid miristic,acid arachidic, palmitic, acid oleic, ceramide, trigliceride, hidrocarburi, esteri,  si antioxidanti, Fe si complexe minerale,  are caracter emolient, hraneste si regenereaza fibra de par, fara a lasa urme grase.
Se agita si aplica prin pulverizare pe varfuri si apoi se intinde pe lungimea parului cu mana sau cu peria. Dupa aplicare, parul este usor de descurcat si pieptanat, isi recapata unduirea, devine radiant, stralucitor, plin de vitalitate .
 #paraspru #pardeshidratat #parcareseincurca #descurcarepar #tratamentpar #decolorarepar #dupadecolorare #leaveon #emolierepar #conditioner #pardegradat #thickhair #degradedhair #dyehair #dyedhairhealthy #entfarbteshaar #haargesundheit #hairhydration #haarhydration #hairprotection #haarentwirrer
 #paraspru #pardeshidratat #parcareseincurca #descurcarepar #tratamentpar #decolorarepar #dupadecolorare #leaveon #emolierepar #conditioner #pardegradat #thickhair #degradedhair #dyehair #dyedhairhealthy #entfarbteshaar #haargesundheit #hairhydration #haarhydration #hairprotection #haarentwirrer
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chasejlondon · 1 year ago
#NEWVIDEO HAIR DYE JOURNEY STEP 3 /4 / 5 USING #oiamiga Silver Permanent Hair Dye
Step 3. Tip the colour into the rapid activator and shake it baby, shake it!
Step 4. Apply to towel-dried hair. No need to fully dry it off, this is a gel colour that does best on slightly damp hair.
Step 5. Wait. The rapid activator can shave 20 minutes off your colour’s processing time, depending on your desired colour result. So, which time is right for you?
#hairdye #haircare #content #ContentCreator #hairdying #London #NewVideoAlert #hairdyeprocesses #hairstyle #dyehair
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somebodytoloveus · 5 years ago
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