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ncuts · 2 days ago
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Doctor Who Series 2
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motherflunker · 7 months ago
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849 notes · View notes
belovedrm · 5 months ago
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sketchehm · 7 months ago
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Request from @sugarnies :)
(Sorry for the nonloop gif oops)
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numenoria · 23 days ago
The Rings of Power Season 1 Ep 1-4 thoughts/observations/commentary ✨
RIP Finrod 😥
Galadriel is a badass consumed by vengeance. I'm sure this WILL NOT come back to bite her.
Galadriel girl you're on your own!!
Young Elrond's hair is quite interesting...
Your honor, I'm convinced this Gil-Galad person wants to fuck Elrond
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Arondir the beautiful elf that you are!
Bronwyn is gorgeous and level-headed.
Lil boy put that evil trinket back where it came from oh so help me!!!
These proto-hobbits are adorable and scruffy. I like Nori, she's spunky. I wasn't feeling the Hartfoots hair choices at first but it grew on me.
Galadriel being literally shipped off. Yeah this is def a coverup for something
The blond masc elf REALLY wants Galadriel to stay on the boat
Galadriel: 🤸🏻‍♀️🌊
Who the fuck just fell from the sky?? Naked??
Nori is definitely a "run towards the danger" kind of gal
Is that GANDALF?? It's Gandalf right?
Feanor mention!! Simarils?? 👀
"True creation requires sacrifice" Yeah that's not the last time we're going to hear that phrase.
I've been saying Celebrimbor's name wrong this entire time. 😶
YAY Dwarves!!
Elrond is besties with a Dwarf! Durin IV?
Durin why are you showing out!? Elrond just wants to say hi :(
20 years!!? Elrond you missed his wedding and the birth of his babies?? I'd show out too!! Trash friend behavior!
Disa! The dwarf queen that you are! She's so inviting and warm. OMG her hair is gorgeous! Durin IV I will fight you for her hand in marriage!
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I haaateeee Durin's Hair/Beard combo. They lowkey did him dirty imo.
Why are these people on this raft?? Galadriel do not trust that man!
I'm not sold on the Halbrand thirst yet..
I bet yall believe Bronwyn now!
Bro killed the Fireflies oop :(
The Elves are slaves?? prisoners?? I don't like this
Who is Adar??
Galadriel and Halbrand are on a bigger boat.
Elendil you ruggedly handsome man. The genes are strong in that bloodline.
Numenor is breathtaking.
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These people do not like elves
Galadriel does not know how to talk to people
I thought Pharazon was being played by Jack Black. Like a cleaned up Jack Black. I'm Sorry to both actors.
The Numenorians are very stylish.
Oh no he's dissociating at sea (trauma perhaps?)
I prefer look of these orcs over PJ's orcs.
Some losers are interrogating Halbrand.
Oh shit these guys are about to get curbed stomped to hell!
Halbrand's locked up
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Why did he look at her like that??? . They def have some simmering sexual tension
"I am not the hero you seek." FORESHADOWING!! Galadriel do not trust this man!
An unsuccessful Elf rebellion. Arondir was giving action hero vibes
Wtf is that?? A warg? An orc dog??
Blurry Adar
Miriel holding a baby. She loves her people
It was all a dream
Pharazon is plotting something!! He's very much a Brutus type.
Arondir meets Adar
I am slightly turned on and disgusted
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Theo is attached to the evil trinket almost bound to it...
Arondir saves the Theo (I think that's his son?? But they don't know it yet)
Disa is a bad liar 😂
Galadriel locked up.
Halbrand teaching Galadriel about playing mind games. Yeah girl don't trust him!
Galadriel is free
Miriel and Galadriel bond. Do people ship them? Should I ship them? 🤔
The King's health is failing. Poor Miriel.
A Palantir? That's not good. Six more? Like dragon balls?
The crystal nerd in me thinks the Palantir is composed of lapis lazuli (the stone of visions/psychic powers)
Galadriel's getting the boot from Numenor
Arondir to Theo's rescue!
The orcs are ashy and they hate the sun
Disa you better sang to those rocks!!
This scene was very touching.
I love Dwarves!
Durin/Disa/Elrond warms my heart
The Dwarf King knows something is up
Theo do not trust that creepy old man.
Sir unhand that boy! 🔪
The darkness has consumed this old man
Galadriel is shipped off again!
The petals of the White Tree fall.
Galadriel is back w/Queen Miriel's support
Me thinks the people will not take this well
Overall the show is visually pleasing (aside from some styling choices). The cast is strong and very talented. The music is excellent. There's a lot of characters being introduced but that's typical of anything Tolkien related. Thanks for getting this far! I'll continue episodes 5-8 in a separate post ✨🩷
-Davi ☽︎♡︎☾︎
Edit: Not sure what happened, but NONE of the pics/memes I put in the post saved on tumblr mobile! I edited it on desktop so they should show up now. ^^
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demonstars · 3 months ago
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thinking about dream moodboard
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floridanotfound · 1 year ago
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george ft. faceless dream
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dreamthinkr · 1 year ago
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dreambaited · 1 year ago
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one year of seeing dream :')
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kauwo · 2 years ago
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ice crunchin’
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mushyruuu-art · 2 years ago
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ncuts · 3 months ago
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“This is my favourite night of the week”
“Chair Night”
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motherflunker · 4 months ago
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belovedrm · 9 months ago
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viridiandrm · 4 months ago
well well well…
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numenoria · 20 days ago
The Rings of Power S1 EP5 Thoughts ✨
Okay soo I was planning to do a condensed post of my thoughts for episodes 5-8 like I did for episodes 1-4, but oh boy that was not the case. These next four episodes kick the plot into high gear, so they get their own post. I have many thoughts/observations.
Episode 5: Partings
Poppy sings her mother's song. It's very moving 💙
Three very pale and bald-headed people are looking for Gandalf/Stranger.
Gratuitous shot of Adar in the Sun:
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Wait they call him dad? Is he really their progenitor?
Adar shows compassion to his orc-son
Bronwyn rallies the people of the Southlands
Old loser creep wants to get swallowed up by Sauron so he decides to pledge his allegiance to Adar. These other poor souls follow him.
Yeah this is not going to end well for these folks
Numenor scenery porn:
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Elendil got them pretty eyes 😍
Isildur baby boy, you sweet summer child you have got to earn your spot (then you can chop off Sauron's fingers)
The Numenorians object harshly to Queen Miriel's decision 😬
Halbrand is hard at work in the smiths shop. We love a hardworking untrustworhty man mmhmm 💅🏾
Galadriel has NOT informed Halbrand of the plans to go to the Southlands.
Back w/the proto-hobbits. What's this big paw prints in the dirt? Oh no, that can't be good.
Elder lady hobbit does not like the Stranger.
Stranger saves Nori, Poppy and Elder lady hobbit from...idk wtf this creature is. a wolf
Stranger/Gandalf vs The Wolf reinacment:
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Galadriel and Valandil engage in some awesome swordsmanship ⚔
Valandil gets promoted! Love that for him!
Halbrand watching Galadriel slang that sword:
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Pharazon is ultra super shady...I don't like his son either..
Miriel's dad gives her a warning. Yeah this is definitely an omen or sumn. 👀
Durin IV swindles Gil-Galad out of a table 🤣
I knew Gil-Galad was hiding something!!!
So that's how Mithril was made?? Holy fucking shit!
Gil-Galad Rises gracefully from the table. Very kingly Very demure.
Wait fading?? As in dying?? Like poof??
Elrond don't you say nothin!!! 🤐
Elrond doesn't break his oath. WHEW!!
Gil-Galad still wants to fuck Elrond
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Kemen attempts to set fire to the ship...his plan backfires (no pun intended) as Islildur catches him in the act.
I almost called Kemen..Kermit 🐸
Stowaway Isildur saves Ker-Kemen.
Elendil does not believe the cover story...
Galadriel and Halbrand have an extremely intense moment. I love the camera shots in this scene.
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Adar brands the creepy old man. Creepy old man has to kill a boy!?? I think??
Arondir and Theo bonding moment <3
The elves nearly drop the Elfkea table
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Durin and I laugh at the same time 😂
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The evil trinket is apart of something bigger and more evil. A bigger eviler trinket.
Bronwyn wants nothing to do with this devilry. I don't blame her. Arondir calms her down.
Durin and Elrond bond over their shared burden. 💜
A concerned Gil-Galad spies looks on
Numenor marches out in style. Rip the runway battle babes!
Queen Regent Miriel-- I am again *Looking Respectfully*
Elendil I am also *Looking Respcfully*
I think Pharazon is feeding Earien some bullshit
Oh no Isildur's on pooper scooper duty 🤣
Galadriel looks majestic as hell!
Halbrand I still don't trust you!
Mhmmm okay...Nope don't trust him
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Galadriel and Halbrand are on another big boat 🚢
Ships are symbolic of journeys, transformations, life and death. The paring of certain characters onboard represents how intertwined their journeys will be over the course of the Rings of Power. Many of the pairings (and trios) represent yin/yang, the past present and future and destruction/renewal. Idk I might write something about this later.
It's interesting that Galadriel and Halbrand are on a ship and they are shipped together in the fandom.
Someone is def not coming back alive or they're coming back changed.
That was A LOT of thoughts! Overall I enjoyed ep5. There's some interesting character dynamics developing. I'll post Ep6 when I regain some spoons. Thank you reading this jumbled up mess.
-Davi ☽♡☾
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