#dwk hadschi
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Some more I’ve forgotten to post
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farasen · 5 months
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shadows-from-helvete · 8 months
Any ideas for the main 7 + willi and hadschi and maybe parents ans sieger for the parasite/apocalypse au? All characters are a few years older btw
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iamhellborn · 3 months
Dwk episodes as Melanie Martinez’ songs pt. 2
s2e1 – “DEATH” (Both Raban and Hadschi come back from the dead lol)
s2e2 – “Glued” (About whether or not you should attach yourself to someone)
s2e3 – “Alphabet Boy” (Just like Melanie’s boyfriend tried to “teach” her how to write songs, the bunch tries to “teach” Vanessa how to play/behave)
s2e4 – “Drama Club” (About a toxic environment you don’t want anything to do with)
s2e5 – “Brain & Heart” (Being able to use both logic and emotions for decision making, and because skulls also has something to do with the body)
s2e6 – “Carousel” (Trying to connect with someone you can never really reach)
s2e7 – “Test me” (Becoming wiser from the challenges you face)
s2e8 – “Detention” (Think it’s pretty self explanatory)
s2e9 – “Training Wheels” (Maybe a bit inappropriate for twelve year olds, but it’s still a very cute love song)
s2e10 – “Cry Baby” (Because that’s what Tim is)
s2e11 – “The Principal” (The effection of a corrupt ruler)
s2e12 – “EVIL” (The bunch’s perspective of Leon, about not letting yourself get mistreated)*
s2e13 – “BATTLE OF THE LARYNX” (Using your voice and wits in order to defeat seemingly stronger forces, plus I think it’s the perfect song for a season final)
*(“Teacher’s Pet” could also work, if you know you know)
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 5 Group 22
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Gaang: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Appa, Momo
Die Wilden Kerle: (fluid) Leon, Vanessa, Maxi, Marlon, Juli, Markus, Raban, Fabi, Markus, Joschka, Klette, Nerv, Deniz, Jojo (& Willi, Hadschi)
Submissions are still open!
They’re kids from all over the world whose parents/guardians aren’t around for whatever reason who are just trying their best in a war torn world and they have far too much responsibility on their shoulders at such young ages and soo much trauma but they love and take care of each other because no one else can/will. They fight and make up, they commit crimes and acts of heroism (often at the same time), they’re terrifyingly powerful, they all have so many brain cells but forget to use them, they have fantastic character arcs, and they canonically stayed friends for life after the series ended.
have you seen them??
THE original found family of my life bro
sorry no thoughts head empty but they <3
Die Wilden Kerle:
Listen. I know nobody knows them. But they're a group of kids who play football together. And (especially after the second movie) their parents are just basically absent. They basically only have each other. By the fifth movie they live together in the woods. I am not able to accurately describe what's going on in these movies. At one point they're playing football on motorbikes. In the 5th movie there's vampires. Shit it wild. I love it. I can't even describe how influential these movies were to me as a child. Please let them get at least 2 or 3 votes. Please.
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Mods note: I know DWK have absolutely zero chance against the Gaang, but I live them and I need everyone to know that.
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ulec-elec · 6 months
@farabruh 's dwk this or that game (not that anyone cares for my answers)
1. Best season: first or second
I like both a lot! But getting the team together was an exciting process so I think I prefer the first one?
2. Wessel brothers: Leon or Marlon
Leon makes me simulationsly angry and laugh at the same time so I think I have to say Marlon
3. Girls: Natasha or Vanessa
Vanessaaaa my bbygirl
4. Rich boys: Markus or Deniz
Markus is iconic as fuck but in the name of my oc I have to chose Dennis bcs I’m a good ass oc mom (sometimes)
5. The best women mentor: Grandma or Conny
Both bad ass women fr but grandma has the mysterious yet helpful life advice
6. Strongest team: 1FC or The Unbeatables
Again for the memes the unbeatables
7. The best dad: Erol Yildiz or Mr. Wessel
Deniz dad reached a level of Dilf I can’t simply not choose him
8. The biggest asshole: the mayor or Herr von Theumer
I hate Herr Theumer with a burning passion passion
9. The best male mentor: Willi or Hadschi
They‘re gay your honor- no wait that‘s not the question
10. The best "redeemed" villain
11. A better leader: Michi or Paul
Michi is not a good leader but I find him very entertaining
12. The sweetest potato of the team: Raban or Jojo
13. The best season finale: first or second
the second one was wilding
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incorrectdwkquotes · 6 years
Juli: What's this do?
Hadschi: Put that down, it can't help you.
Juli: That's not what I asked. I asked you what it does.
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whoneedsanusername · 5 years
📝 and 🤔 for the dwk meme? :D
📝:something i’d change Answered here
🤔: a scene that made me cringe The one in wich Vanessa tried to hit on Hadschi just to get his help with the bikes and the other stuff. It was just no go for me.
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dwkinternational · 5 years
Sorry but i find the German films to be going a bit too far generally.Lemme explain..i watched some children's movies & they wrrr OK,but take DWK's 2nd film for instance,the fact that Gonzo made out w/ Vanessa,a 12 y/o was quite disturbing..Also in the 3rd film,there's a subtext of pedophilia.Vanessa tries to lure Hadschi by being too close in front of LEON's eyes & Hadschi ..OMG.. He's too older than Vanessa! & such things aren't only found in DWK series,but in some recent series as well..
Ah, geez.
First of all, what I think you are talking about is not necessarily a problem with german kids movies. In general, its most definetly a problem of media and our society itself, which tends to look at girls too early as young women. That is something which you don’t only find in media, but sadly in real life too.
Now, the age difference is certainly debatable, if that’s ok, or not. Personally, a 15 year old boy and a girl turning 13 is not uncommon, as girls mature faster than boys and tend to find older boys more interesting. In the movie the relationship excentuates the differende in age, because it shows that Gonzo is not as childish as the bunch and is not afraid to talk about feelings or that he is interested in girls in general, which the bunch had still problems with. They didn’t even come to terms with Vanessa beeing a girl at first, since they saw her so much like one of them after a while that her gender was not even something they took into consideration.
That does not mean I necessarily approve of “relationships” starting so soon.
As for the so called subtext of pedophilia:
I watched the scene recently myself and it is very cringy looking back at it. BUT I also think it was not anywhere near pedophilic tendencies, nor was it supposed to be looked at in that way. Imo you shouldn’t read into it too deep, as it is not in fact that deep. It was supposed to be funny that Hadschi was a little startled and thats it. Saying that it is a common theme in the media in german is a major statement and as far as i know not accurate.
Like, do you know Michael Wendler? Do you know how many people are shaming this middle aged man who has a girlfriend that is 28 years younger than him?
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farasen · 19 days
Bonus addition to the rooms post: Willi's and Hadschi's places!
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The insides of his van weren't shown that often in the series so I added his kiosk as well. Seems like this man doesn't really take care of himself because of the mess in the room, quick breakfast on the table, used cups and bottles of whatever this is. Nothing too special outside of Deniz' corpse. Also he has dwk logo on his door but it's not visible since the screenshots were taken before that, but keep that in mind. Not so many interesting things about his kiosk either. First aid, prices, cooking equipment and that's all.
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Dude has a photo of him and Willi. Cute. He also has a kitchen which means he can cook, good for him. A lot of pipes and unnecessary devices to make it look cool. A secret room for experiments and inventions behind the blinds. There's a secret tunnel to the mill somewhere.
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farasen · 6 months
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Willi and Hadschi
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Happy new year to my favorite fandom
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farasen · 5 months
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Three more to go!
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farasen · 18 days
regarding the ethnicity ask: since Markus' family is portrayed as being old money – old ass house, butler, insane wealth, a last name that suggests nobility (he technically is Markus OF Theumer) – it is unlikely that he (at least from his father's side) is anything else than German. The generational wealth the Theumers seem to have has pretty ugly implications about the family's past if you think about it for too long, and Dad Theumer navigates the world in a way that suggests that he and his family have faced very little adversity in their lives (= he acts like he has a right to be there). Though obviously this all says nothing about the background of Markus' mom!!! And I don't want to diminish your headcanons or anything, feel absolutely free to ignore this (this is your space after all)!, the idea of Markus being part of groups that have historically been very persecuted in Germany/Europe just gave me a bit of a pause for the reasons I mentioned. And I have admittedly spent too much time thinking about the Theumer family and where their money even comes from and all that. I really hope this doesn’t come off as rude or anything... I LOVE reading all your headcanons, and I love the idea of thinking about these characters’ backgrounds a bit more, since there are only three relevant characters who are not white on the show (Erol, Deniz, Kong), and it could use a bit more diversity for sure. Speaking of: do you want to share more about your headcanons about Erol’s past? (The episode about the special shoes also solidified in my mind that he grew up in Germany as the child of guest workers, so I’d love to hear more of your thoughts!)
I'm not familiar with all those nuances in the surnames, nor am I really interested in Markus to be honest. But if you think about it yeah, his dad's bloodline is most likely purely Germans. But then again we have his mom! Though she doesn't really look poc or anything, but still. Don't worry about being rude, you aren't! I like reading others ramblings after all.
Speaking of poc characters, I also thought about Hadschi. He's not dark-skinned, but I'm pretty sure he's Turkish too. Or he could be just Muslim. Or both. The cartoon gives very little information about his past, not to mention his upbringing, so it's up to fans ig. Pretty sure he is Turkish in the films tho.
I've already made a few posts regarding Erol's character, so I'll just kinda summarize it there. First of all, yeah, I believe that he was brought up in a family of guest workers, which might be the reason he lived pretty poor as a child (since he mentioned not affording those fancy shoes when he was younger). I also like to think that he struggled to speak German and integrating into country's culture in general as child. That's when a nice girl showed up and helped him with that. The girl would be Deniz' mother eventually. And they were good friends and all, so the feelings for each other just naturally grew up on them.
However, let's nor forget that Erol is most likely a teen dad. He started giving high hopes for his soccer career, because he was interested in sports since he was a child, but that didn't help his relationships with Deniz' mom. So he and the girl realized that they don't work for each other that well and fall out. His hard work paid off eventually and he became a football superstar and lived wealthy ever since. And just because he had it rough, Erol's probably that controlling over Deniz for the same reason with his "being with the best". He just doesn't want his child to feel the hard kicks from this world, as edgy as it sounds.
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So we all know how Raban’s parents just never showed up in the cartoon, so I raise you this. Willi and Hadschi legally adopting Raban
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