#dw unnamed au
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Immortal GIGS Crew Phasmophobia AU
GIGS phasmo AU where they're basically just a group of retired immortals having fun :D
Impulse and Skizz started working for this ghost hunting company, and since they can't die, instead of reading the manual they decided to just fuck around and find out.
In truth, they kinda just showed up and started taking jobs. The company was gonna find these intruders and punish them at first, but when the spectacular results started coming in, the higher-ups hesitantly decided to let it go, since none of their actual employees were brave enough to take the cases Impulse and Skizz did.
Eventually, their results from one investigation were left with a letter requesting payment, since they didn't wanna keep using the cheap starter equipment in the van they "borrowed." So if the company slips an envelope full of cash into their own mailbox every time they receive a report for the mystery workers to take, and sometimes equipment disappears from storage with cash in its place, they simply would look the other way.
Later they drag Grian, Scar, and Gem into their shenanigans and they also fuck around and find out.
To the company, the GIGS Crew is their best team, even if they don't know much about them. They always take their hardest, most fatal jobs, and walk out completely fine.
Little do they know these eldritch entities die repeatedly and they scream like little girls. What is considered an almost certainly fatal job for any regular person, is just a game to the GIGS.
For example, all manuals say to snap pictures of cursed items, and safely return them to HQ to be disposed of in a contained area. GIGS crew though? None of them have the self control to not use those. Every single one of them would pull every tarot card for fun and you know it. Manual says to under no circumstances touch a summoning circle. GIGS does not read the manual.
They even set some rules early on, afterall this is a game to them, and what fun is a game if you can't die? So essentially they declared that if a ghost was to hit you with what would be a killing blow, you have to go into spectral form, in which you detach from your body and hover about like a spectator. Think Dr. Strange. The only thing they're allowed to do in this form is pick stray items up, and if everyone "dies" they have to jump ship and come back again later.
They can be 'revived' by the monkey paw or something too. Thing is, despite the fact that they don't need to, they still say, "I wish for Life," before the 'dead' person returns to their body. If this causes some recently dead guy a block away to suddenly wake up fine, sue them. They're causing miracles over here, be grateful!
Now imagine something happens one day that causes a human mortal that also works for the company in some regard to bare witness to GIGS' unhinged method of investigation. They're playing with cursed objects like toys, purposefully triggering hunts, and—
Unnamed is sitting in the van watching the camera closely when it happens. They've been tasked as a fifth, no wait, sixth member of the legendary GIGS crew for the day, since there's apparently a girl named Gem that subs in for Scar half the time. They're thinking that, sure, this team's been a bit reckless so far, but who are they to judge? These guys are THE professionals, after all. However, this viewpoint quickly gets decimated.
"HahAHA Scar's dead!" Unnamed's head snaps up at Grian's outburst. They, being the normal person they are, respond reasonably, "Wait, agent Scar is dead-?!" A pause followed by a realization, "Why the hell are you laughing-?!"
Grian, who came back into the van for candles since they were going to do an Onryo test before it started hunting, suddenly remembers that humans don't think death is funny. Right. Need to fix that slip up.
"Uhm... out of shock, I think?" Wow, A+ excuse, he mentally berates himself. Think Grian, think! Humans have that thing called grief, right? And isn't the first stage of that denial? Bingo! "I.. I'm sorry, I think I'm just.. in denial?" Grian wants to slap himself. Great idea, horrible execution. Unnamed clearly didn't buy it.
Thankfully, that mess was interrupted, "Hey guys, I found the monkey paw. Should I use it to bring Scar back?" Impulse says over the radio. Skizz and Grian are quick to agree, the latter also using the distraction to rush out of the van and that conversation with the candles.
It takes a moment to click, but Unnamed suddenly realizes, "Wait, are you guys gonna use a cursed item to bring Agent Scar back-?! Look, I know you all are mourning, but that is under all circumstances forbidden!" They take a breath in disbelief, "That could have unforeseen consequences!"
Skizz pipes up, not even trying to be subtle, "Well, duh. The consequences are what makes it fun!" Unnamed is interrupted by Impulse before they can rant about how bad of an idea this is—, "Yeah you say that until you're the one that has to deal with them," he chuckles.
Skizz, in blind yet playful rage, bites the bait, "Fine then! Give me the monkey paw, and I'll wish Scar back to life myself!"
Skizz does this and dies, and they can practically hear him complaining from beyond the grave. Impulse snaps a picture of his corpse as they make fun of the position he's in, his back bent backward. Unnamed is frozen in shock in the van as they listen to Skizz's friends, including a newly revived Scar, laugh at their own friend's demise. Oh god, they're surrounded by psychopaths. These guys take all the hardest jobs, of course they've gone crazy—
Unnamed, after spiraling for an unknown amount of time, looks over to the activity chart to see that there is a hunt going on. This gives them some time to collect their thoughts, only for that little composure to immediately be shattered when as soon as the hunt ends, Grian barks out a laugh, "Oh Scar! He's died AGAIN!", "Oh nooo!" Impulse follows along with a chuckle. Unnamed is on the verge of hyperventilating.
The two remaining GIGS return to the van and ignore Unnamed's impending panic attack. Grian tells Impulse that the hunt started right after the third candle blew out, so he thinks it's an Onryo. "I mean we do already have orbs, but I wasn't getting freezing temps and that ghost just wasn't answering spirit box." Impulse counters.
"Listen, I know I was spirit boxin' it pretty good,"—Unnamed shudders at that. The second-hand cringe they felt listening to Grian's "WHERE ARE YOUUU-?!" was indescribable—"but my gut is really telling me it's an Onryo! Besides, we've had ghosts that just refused to talk before."
"Your gut is usually right," Impulse mutters. "Look, we've got one of two evidence and a successful Onryo test, so I say we gag since Scar and Skizz are dead." Grian says. Impulse still looks unsure, "I just feel like it's too soon. One evidence is hardly enough, and that Onryo test could be a fluke."
They have completely forgotten Unnamed is there at this point, and they don't exactly feel like attracting attention to themself as they wilt like a flower in the corner, pondering their life choices.
Grian relents a bit, "Okay how about this, we ask Scar and Skizz if we should gag or continue investigating, fair?" Impulse nods, "Fair."
Unnamed looks up a little, concerned on how exactly they plan to consult their dead friends. They're beginning to think there's a high likelihood they'll quit tonight, and they're definitely going to need a therapist after all this.
Impulse speaks up over the radio despite them all being in the truck, "Alright guys, come get your clipboards!" Unnamed stares on in something akin to horror as two of the clipboards up on the wall start hovering. Impulse's voice is somehow too loud and too quiet at the same time, "Alright, throw your clipboards on the keyboard if we should continue, and throw them on the floor if we should gag."
Both clipboards are now being repeatedly picked up and tossed on the floor of the van by an invisible force. 'Forces,' they correct themself mentally, as it slowly dawns on them that these ghosts are actually Scar and Skizz, and isn't THAT a mind-twister?
Impulse looks slightly disappointed but smiles good-naturedly anyway, "You guys wanna gag? Alrighty then, check off Onryo and let's go!"
This is the moment that Impulse suddenly remembers Unnamed's existence, looking slightly worried at their lack of input, "You okay?" He turns his head, "Grian don't go yet, Unnamed hasn't given their opinion." Grian grumbles out a 'fine', and Impulse looks back at them, "You wanna gag, or should we contin–" Unnamed interrupts, "Just get me outta here please," they near-whisper.
Impulse looks them over and remembers that humans aren't meant to be that pale and hesitantly asks, "You uh... feeling sick?" He looks over to Grian for help, and Unnamed could swear they heard Grian sassily mumble, "Don't look at me, I dunno how humans work either," but they had to be hearing things, because that just doesn't make sense, surely.
"Impulse, lets just go and pass Unnamed onto someone who actually knows what they're doing," Grian grumbles, clearly frustrated. Impulse still looks concerned (at least he's trying), but concedes since, yeah, they really don't know what they're doing, do they?
As Grian starts the truck, Unnamed notices that Scar and Skizz's bodies are suddenly in the truck. Did– did Grian leave while Impulse looked them over? That had only lasted for a few seconds though, Grian couldn't possibly have dragged them in in that time, could he? It's like they were just teleported in here. Unnamed is really going to need that therapist, and maybe some kind of hallucination medication too...
While staring into space and down at the keyboard in misery, Unnamed distantly hears the sounds of someone cracking their joints and grunting noises to accompany it. They fully snap to attention, however, when they hear the people's voices.
Scar makes a sound of discomfort as he snaps his neck back into place, "Oh void, gonna feel that in the mornin'," he mutters to himself. Skizz on the other hand lets out a whoop at the satisfying crack in his back, before immediately thrusting into bickering with Impulse.
"Dipple-Dop, you killed me!" Skizz exclaims, and Unnamed gets the feeling that they should cover their ears, like a child does when their parents fight. "ME-?! You're the one who used the monkey paw!" Impulse retorts. Skizz, "Well, you shouldn't have given it to me!" Impulse, "But you literally asked me for it!" Skizz, "Well, I wouldn't have if you didn't instigate me!" Impulse, "Oh, come on! You..."
Unnamed tunes them out and focuses on Scar and Grian, all thoughts having left their head out of pure shock, believing this must be some twisted fever dream. It makes sense, they think, they have been tasked with reviewing GIGS' reports for the past month after all.
In truth, the only reason Unnamed is here in the first place is because Skizz didn't read a form before signing it. With their previous check, GIGS received a form that was asking about sending someone to monitor and review their methods and see if they're fit to formally become employees. It was really just an effort to get to know something about these mysterious volunteers, though.
Skizz, however, just skimmed the part gushing about how much the company appreciates their hard work and the benefits of becoming real hires, not actually reading the part about the employee evaluation, assuming they were just going to get the rewards. He signed it and wrote down the GIGS Crew email address he created a minute ago, hence why Unnamed is now here. Yippie.
They tune into Grian and Scar's conversation as they vaguely register Impulse and Skizz's continued, albeit quieter, bickering in the background. Scar is griping about the crick in his neck, "Why do you guys always have to leave a guy in the most uncomfortable positions, huh?" Grian responds blunty with zero hesitation, "Because it's funny," he snorts.
Unnamed tunes them out too as their brain starts to reboot enough to process that they are supposed to be dead. Why are they not dead-?!
Grian notices Unnamed staring in the corner and clears his throat above everyone else's chatter, making a gesture towards them once he has their attention. Unnamed can feel their heart sink straight through the floor, and a metaphorical noose tighten around their neck.
He looks over at Scar and Skizz, "You two really couldn't wait to get back up, could you? Remember, we. have. COMPANY!" Grian punctuates each word in that statement with a clap.
The two sheepishly look over at Unnamed while Impulse looks mildly panicked. Scar and Impulse were cooking up some half-baked excuses, and Skizz is malfunctioning when Grian sighs and relents a bit, "Okay, we're really not being that subtle anyway, are we?"
Scar is spewing a ridiculous explanation in the background, "They uh, shocked us back to life while you weren't looking, yeah!" A whisper from Skizz shuts him up, "I'm no expert, but I don't think that's how that works, buddy." Scar deflates a bit, "But that's all I've got..." Skizz rubs a comforting hand on his back, "I know, dude, at least ya' tried."
Before Unnamed can get enough of a grip on themself and ask what in the hell is happening, the ride ends, simultaneously having taken an eternity and also been way too short.
Grian slips out of the driver seat and ushers them outside quickly, them now standing in front of the company's main building looking lost. "Wait!" Impulse stops Grian from driving off, "You forgot your employee evaluation sheet. It looks oddly blank..." Impulse trails off before snapping out of his stupor, "Sorry! Didn't mean to pry. I'm probably not meant to read that, huh?" He slips the report into Unnamed's hand when they don't take it on their own.
"Oh, and would you mind taking in our report for this job too?" Despite the lack of a response, Impulse slips the report into their hands anyway, "Thanks, pleasure working with you! Sorry for any disturbances we many of caused." Impulse calls out as he steps back into the vehicle, Grian driving away as soon as the door closes, as if driving away will solve all their problems.
Unnamed starts to mindlessly wander inside the building, robotically turning in the report and submitting their evaluation sheet for review, one to the standard job review department and one to HQ. 'It really is a bit blank, huh?' They think passively. They're not really there, still feeling like they're floating in nothingness, but it's the first coherent thought they've had regarding reality in a while, so they'll take anything at this point.
Before they know it, they've found their way into the overnight stay room. Most investigations occur at night, so they have two rooms with sectioned off areas, each area containing a twin bed and a nightstand. It would look uncannily like a hospital if the nightstands were metal instead of wood.
They look up at the clock in the room and distantly note that its 2:17 am. Barely acknowledging that, they ungracefully flop onto the nearest available bed and pass out unceremoniously, not even taking off their shoes. The last thing to cross their mind before drifting off into a dreamless sleep is absolute certainty that this must just be a really strange nightmare induced by lack of proper sleep, and with that, they are at peace.
Unnamed hazily blinks their eyes open the next morning to see a silhouette sitting on their bedside, vaguely recognizing them as their friend, Unidentified. They can't focus on that though, only signing in relief now that that disturbing dream was over, writing it off as nerves for the upcoming job with GIGS. They're probably completely normal people, if a bit unorthodox.
This illusion is quickly shattered, though, because as soon as Unnamed is conscious enough to listen, their friend speaks, "So, how was it?" Unidentified stares at them with clear excitement, bouncing up and down a bit where they sat.
Unnamed, still pitifully oblivious, tilts their head in confusion, "How was what?" It's Unidentified's turn to be confused, "What do you mean, 'How was what?' The job with GIGS, obviously!" Unidentified exclaims incredulously.
Unnamed's face slowly morphs into one of unbridled horror as they realize that that wasn't a dream.
The next thing they know, they've sat up, fully awake, getting up and brushing themself off. Unidentified quickly switches from excited to worried, "Unnamed, are you okay?"
Unnamed can barely recall how to string together the sounds they call language to reply, "Yeah, I uh... I just need to go report something to HQ." Before Unidentified can respond, Unnamed has rushed out the door, straightening out their attire so that they look at least somewhat presentable in front of the company's head.
They file a request for an immediate meeting with the higher-ups, stressing the importance of it. They add that it has to do with Team GIGS as an afterthought, hoping it'll peak their curiosity.
And so Unnamed sits there, standing in the lobby with pumping adrenaline as they come to terms with a stark truth:
The GIGS crew is not human.
POV GIGS Before:
"Look, Grian, I know you don't wanna leave the van, but this time you have to!" Impulse tries to reason, though he knows he's fighting a losing battle.
Grian refuses to relent, gaze boring into Impulse with several Eyes, "But whyyyy?!"
Impulse lets out an exhausted sigh, he's been at this for a while, "You know why, an inspector is going to be hunting with us this time, and they're human! We have to give them van duty or else they could die in the house. Like actually die."
Grian let's out an indignant whine, his wings puffing out in defiance, "And? There's gonna be five of us, can't we both just be in the van or something?"
"Grian, you and I both know that out of everyone here, except for maybe Gem, you get along with humans the least. You don't even try to be friendly!" Impulse counters. He can see Grian's resolve beginning to falter as he continues, "You don't wanna be stuck in the van with a 'strange mortal' the whole time, do you?" He uses air quotes, trying to speak Grian's language, and it's working.
Grian visibly deflates a little bit, crossing his arms and looking away as he bites out a bitter, "no." He's staring with only two eyes now, so that's progress Impulse thinks.
Skizz finally cuts in, not having wanted to get involved when Grian was still yelling, but will now that he's somewhat calm, "Listen buddy, it's not like you've never left the van before! You do it whenever Gemstone joins us, and sometimes when a bunch of us are dead!" Skizz chuckles a bit, "It's nothin' you haven't done before, G-Sharp."
Grian fully deflates this time, tension releasing from his body as looks at his feet and heaves a sigh of his own, "Fiiiine. The stupid human can have the vaaaan." He pouts, but it's the best they're going to get so they take it.
Impulse finally lets out a breath of relief, glad that he's avoided the possible murder of their inspector. Void, he really feels like a single mom sometimes.
Grian is most definitely driving faster than the speed limit allows, not that he particularly cares. That went horribly, the human saw Scar and Skizz revive themselves for Void's sake!
In truth, they were never really dead. They really just couldn't bend their death-related rules they set for a day, huh? He has the urge to bury his face in the steering wheel as he drives. "This is why I avoid mortals," he grumbles to himself.
When they arrive at their designated "ghost hunting lobby," as they call it, they all devolve into various states of stress.
Grian face-plants into sofa and screams into a throw pillow, Eyes forming and popping around his head like lava. Impulse is pacing around the room like a maniac, pointed tail swishing back and forth in distress. Scar sits on the armchair, fiddling with his cane and pushing a hand through his hair, his eyes practically stapled open, gazing into space. Skizz just kind of stands there, his tail also swishing in anxiety as he dreads the inevitable.
Scar finally shatters the silence, "Now, I don't wanna point fingers, but," he points at Skizz, "kinda your fault, Skizz." There it is, there's what Skizz was dreading.
He tries to defend himself anyways, "Alright listen, I know that most of this is my fault for signing that dumb form, but you can't deny that we all messed up at least a little bit."
Impulse stops pacing at that. Grian doesn't move from his misery on the sofa, not reacting at all.
"I- yeah, Skizz is right. We all kind of screwed up. I think our main problem was how casually we acknowledged death. It's surprisingly easy to forget that humans don't view life as a game..." Impulse rubs the back of his neck, guilty.
Skizz still looks apologetic though, "Yeah, just know I'm really sorry about that. Maybe don't put me on mail duty anymore."
Scar stands up, his skin having taken on a blue blue sheen, his edges a little sharper, and small translucent wings behind him. "It's okay man, I probably would have done the same thing," he picks up a Jellie that's winding in between his legs, "plus we both kinda revived while Unnamed was right there, so you can't take all the blame for that."
"Thanks dude, that means a lot." Skizz slings an arm over Scar's shoulder.
Grian finally sits up, "So what happens now?" All heads turn to him, their stares questioning.
Eyes have never bothered Grian, since he has more of them, so he stands up fully and elaborates, "Well, within the next few days, the company is gonna know we're not human. What exactly do we do now?" A contemplating pause followed by a sad voice, "Do we... have to quit ghost hunting?"
The room goes deathly quiet. They... didn't think about that. Even Skizz and Scar look crestfallen. It's Impulse who pipes up, "No, we don't." he says surprisingly self-assured, all eyes now on him.
Impulse continues on, "I mean, Skizz and I just kinda showed up one day and they couldn't get rid of us, them knowing what we are isn't gonna change that. How exactly would they stop us?" The crew looks a little less depressed at that.
"Plus," Impulse looks hesitant for a moment, "Unnamed's reaction to death reminded me of how fragile human life really is, so even if we're only doing this for fun," he looks to each of them, "it makes me feel like we're protecting them, even if just by taking the lethal jobs."
Skizz perks up at the notion, and Scar breaks out into a grin, waltzing over to Impulse and slinging an arm over his shoulder. Jellie wanders off to go paw at Grian, who's sat back down, still squeezing that throw pillow.
Scar has regained his aura of grandeur, as he joins Impulse in cheering them up, "Yeah, I like that! We're helping by dying where they can't!" He looks very excited at the thought.
It's Skizz's turn to join the building huddle, an arm finding it's way on Impulse's other shoulder. "Oh yeah! Good guy Skizzleman, saving mortals from the horrors of death!" He pumps a fist in the air.
Grian gets up, Jellie trailing behind, and reluctantly joins the hug, arms around Scar and Skizz and his wings around all of them. "I don't care what happens to those humans, but whatever," grian mumbles. Impulse just smiles fondly at him, because despite how he pretends not to, Impulse can see just how much Grian truly cares. He doesn't have to understand mortals to care for them.
The soft moment is interrupted by a ding from Skizz's phone. They untangle their arms as Skizz checks what it is.
He perks up excitedly, "Oh, it's our report's review for the job!" He chuckles a bit, "If one good thing came out of signing that form, it's that we now get almost instant results!"
He clicks on the email, eager to see if they guessed right. Spoiler, they did not.
"What-?!" His face contorts to one of disbelief, "A Mare-?! How?" Grian shoots up at Skizz's outburst, clearly upset.
"What-?! Yeah how-?! That thing wasn't turning off any lights!" He squawks indignantly, a few Eyes floating over Skizz's shoulder to read it himself.
Scar looks wholly unaffected, "Eh, I don't really know how we got Onryo in the first place, I was too busy being dead."
Impulse seems to slowly come to a conclusion, "Well, if you think about it, we weren't really turning the lights on to begin with," his voice picks up a bit, "We were putting so many candles out for the Onryo test, that—"
Skizz finishes, "We stopped turning on the breaker 'cause the candlelight was enough!"
None of them have to turn around to see Grian facepalming, the scream of frustration enough for them to paint that picture themselves, "I hate this game!"
Grian isn't done with his rampage, "But wait, doesn't Mare also need spirit box?" He looks to Impulse for confirmation, and continues once he gets a nod, "But I did spirit box so well though! I had great coverage."
Impulse puts up a hand placatingly, "Yeah, I agree, you did spirit box pretty good, but we were on Nightmare, so spirit box probably just probably wasn't one of the two random evidence."
Grian crosses his arms, "Or maybe it's because someone," he casts a glare at Impulse, though he means nothing malicious by it, "just had to prestige, leaving us with shoddy level 1 equipment." He sighs however, "But you're probably right. We didn't really look that hard for Ghost Writing, did we?"
He wanders off to grumble to himself a little longer, and they all laugh at Grian's pity-party. They end up sitting on sofa together for a while, just chatting about things they couldn't talk about while Unnamed was there.
Impulse is telling a story from Hermitcraft earlier that day, but he stops when Gem comes up in it, paling, "Oh Void..."
Impulse's face unravels into one of dread, a realization forming, "Gem's gonna smack us all upside the head for this." Oh. Oh no. They all shudder in unison. They're screwed.
Thanks for reading my little self-indulgent AU-idea turned into a fic!
This was originally meant to just be an AU idea, but I blinked and I'd written a whole fic, so yeah.
I think I'll edit this a bit and post it on Ao3 too of that interests anyone.
Feel free to use the idea however you want, just tag me, I wanna see what you do :)
#team gigs#gigs phasmo#grian#impulsesv#goodtimeswithscar#skizzleman#jellie the cat#rip jellie#dw jellie in this au never dies <3#immortal au#immortal gigs crew#Kiana's Fic Madness#I want it to be known that I have never played phasmo in my life but I know so much about it because of these five (Gem included)#kinda proud of this :D#should probably come up with names for the OCs though#or maybe I could name them with Empires characters? make Unnamed be Jimmy or smth#tho Unnamed's behavior is a bit outta character for Jimmy isn't it?#lemme know what y’all think#crack fic#Immortal GIGS Phasmo AU
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#i need a name for this au but i’m so tired i can’t think of shit#also paintbrush is the only one here who isnt smiling LMAO??? dw theyre fine#lightbulb ii#paintbrush ii#test tube ii#fan ii#ii fanart#ii au#lallalallalalllll#unnamed ii au
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Opposite dw au is back on⁉️⁉️Until I figure out dandy’s design this thing will be unnamed for a bit
They all have designed twisteds except for CeeCee at the moment, but I’ll show them to you anyway!




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“He’s the prince of Kremnos,” your husband said when your shock stretched on. “A right beast, I’ll say. We almost fell to his efforts, but in the end, we bested him — as you can see. What do you think? Do you like him?” “He’s — it’s — horrible,” you said, your skin crawling the longer and longer you stared at the prince, your words a jumble, your head spinning. You wanted to be anywhere but in this courtyard, in front of this fallen man, who was kept alive for — for what? For amusement? For play? As a gift? “Isn’t he?” your husband said, patting you on the shoulder with a grim smile. “And now he is yours.”

Series Synopsis: When the husband you’ve never met returns from the war you’ve never understood, he comes bearing a strange and inexplicable gift — a prince in chains who he refuses to kill.

AO3 Link
Current Word Count: N/A
Status: Ongoing
Pairing: Mydei x F!Reader
Content Warnings: reader is mostly referred to as “lady” (y/n is also used but sparingly), fantasy au (we’re not making it onto the astral express w this one gang), i make up lore + magic because i can, i world build also because i can, relationship dynamics many would consider…interesting…(please remember that depiction ≠ condoning), mydei is a prisoner of war, reader’s mega awful terrible UNNAMED husband is like. annoyingly present., there’s more going on than you think, political machinations and shit, likely mentions of war and violence and blood and gore, also torture/death/murder, honestly just expect the worst i haven’t finished writing this by any means but it’s not going to be pretty, no smut though dw i’m incapable of that, also mydei is probs ooc idk i haven’t played amphoreus yet i just think he’s handsome so here we are


#hsr fandom please don’t block me i promise this isn’t that bad…also lowkey may delete if i don’t feel like finishing LOL#mydei x reader#mydei x y/n#mydei x you#mydei#hsr x reader#hsr#honkai star rail#reader insert#fantasy au#m1ckeyb3rry writes#m1ckeyb3rry masterlists#threefold
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Hello and Welcome back to: Nico still being kind of mentally ill but returning anyway
so a lot has happened in the month and a half ive been gone and I decided that I kinda just wanna post art for now! Not gonna reblog a lot
Some things of note: -Made a lot of progress on my personal AU [said AU is still unnamed]
-I have a backlog of art to post!
-Discovered I am catgender + updated my sona to match
-REALLY got into rainworld but im still stuck in the utmv fandom dw
I will answer any asks I get but other than that Im just gonna post art!!
#my art#.hex#oh btw#i will dip again if this turns out to be a bad idea#really i just wanna archive my art
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╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ °I N T R O D U C T I O N -
- R E T U R N I N G T O T H E M U D B A L L
T R I G G E R W A R N I N G -
- M I N O R G O R E ( ? ) D E S C R I P T I ON . ꒱
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*As Tak's small, makeshift ship hurtled towards the ground, into the grass of some forest, she gripped onto her SIR unit tightly, desperately trying to ensure MiMi's safety.*
*She helplessly looked at the grass she was quickly growing further and further closer to, her arms subconsiously wrapping tighter around MiMi. The SIR unit did not utter a word, but tried to back further into her hold.*
*The female irken was thrown forward, the seatbelt holding her to the pilots seat too weak over being made from scratch to stop her from falling through the windshield, and everything went dark.*
*A soft groan emitted from the aliens lips as she awoke, barely able to hold herself up. Glass poked through some pieces of her skin, her vibrant purple blood running down from each part of pierced skin, and a hint of that same blood spotted her lips.*
*the blood running from different sectors of her face temporarily left itself as a faint mark on her velvet-like skin.*
*pain was shooting through her mercilessly with each move she made, all of which earning a quiet whimper of pain from the harmed irken.*
"MiMi..?" *She wearily called out, her voice barely above a whisper over her current state.*
*The SIR unit in her arms eyes sprung to life in a vibrant red, looking up to her. It's eyes slightly flickered and blinked, and a crack now adorned the side of it's face. But for the most part, Taks efforts at keeping it safe succeeded.*
*the aliens crosshatched mouth barely managed to give the faintest of weak smiles to her SIR unit, happy that it was okay despite everything that had just occurred to the poor, young irken and its fragile robot.*
*The small bot raised its flat hand to the Irkens mouth and wiped off the small sputter of blood, the cold metal of the end of MiMi's arm gently swiping across her lips. The SIR unit couldn't do much else to help her master right now.*
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╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ °O O C -
A C C O U N T O W N E R ꒱
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Yo !! I'm invaderoli. Also just oliver/oli :3 (or ravioli if you're like my friends who PISS ON THE POOR!!!)
I run this account !!! I also own @|theamazingwormbabyzim :D
This is for a specific au where Tak crashes back onto urth. I won't spoil much since I kinda want it to all be revealed during RP, but some details I'll leave u with are :
She was on foodcourtia before the crash
The ship she currently owns is NOT the og one (sadly..)
Her human disguise is just a hoodie and a mask now that she doesn't have her holographic disguise
And she is still near the unnamed iz city, just a forest near it. (Btw, I like to call it Vasquez avenue after @|kittysboba silly lil fic (aliens exist) but I probably won't put that in rp) :3
Warning for all you irken x child antis out there!! You can int, but I LOVE zadr and I LOVE tagr and I view tak and Zim as CHILDREN!!!! BOO!!!!!! RAAAA!!!!!
If I put // and \\ b4 and Infront of something then I'm, well... Ooc!! XD THAT DOESN'T COUNT RIGHT NOW THOUGH SHUSHSHUSHSHUSH!!!!!!
Anyone at all can join the rp!! But I would prefer if there weren't multiples of characters, or at least their plotlines don't clash w me :3 unless you do some zimvoid shizzle then do whatever you want
Also!! I love EVERY writing style gang!!! Please don't be intimidated by my yappy descriptions, you don't need to describe anything or have "better" descriptions!!! I'm just a yapper brah literally dw ❤️❤️❤️
Also I hc irkens have tails so that might seep into my writing... Sozzy.... Skfngnejsn
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╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° O R G A N I Z A T I O N -
- T A G S ꒱
╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° M I N O R E N T R Y ꒱ < not with much description, just a small post for funzies..... Not lore relevant
╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° M A J O R E N T R Y ꒱ < with description, probably more lore relevant but can also just be a small silly int with me actually putting in effort
╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° N O N - E N T R Y ꒱ ooc posts with no relevance to roleplay in any form. Block this one to only see the good bits!!!
#invasor zim#invasor zim tak#invader zim tak#iz tak#iz#invader zim#╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° N O N - E N T R Y ꒱#╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° M I N O R E N T R Y ꒱#╰➤ ≡;- ꒰ ° M A J O R E N T R Y ꒱
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Edit: The one on the left is the original, and the one on the right is the newer design, which I like a bit better than the original :3
Meet my new unnamed-child-of-Apollo OC :3 (I'm trying so hard not to give him a k name for both his sake and my sanity)
I can't tell if his scarf thing is a bit weird color wise with his lighter color palette, so feel free to tell me what you think lol, or what color it would look better as (other than his scarf, his design will be going through changes)
I'm not sure if I want him to be a Pjo OC, or a modern au of Epic the musical or just Epic, but I'm heavily leaning towards the second one/third one
I came up with some headcanons
His favorite thing is making flower crowns, which he has many of, as well as gifts them a lot. If you ask him for a flower crown he will give you one of his flower crowns and excitedly explain how he makes them.
His voice claim is Stephan Nance (the singer of Sparkbird- Sparkbird my beloved/j) but a little more high pitched but not by much
Precious AuDHD child
I can't really imagine his age, but he's about 14-18 I'd say
He gets along with Hermes quite well and hangs out with him quite often when Apollo is busy (which is often)
Apollo isn't a bad father, he's a great father, but he's just really busy and forgets he has a child half the time
One time when he and Hermes were hanging out Hermes gave him a pair of winged shoes (don't ask me how he gets them) so he can fly along Hermes
The first time he used the shoes he almost fell off a cliff (Hermes caught him quickly, dw)
What's in his bag? Flowers. Just flowers and other flower crown making supplies. He's a walking flower crown making machine
This is a really good song for 'unnamed-child-of-Apollo' :3 I listened to it a lot while writing the headcanons and designing him and I'd say it's a good song for his voice claim
#oc#epic the musical oc#Oc uses he/him#greek mythology#greek mythology oc#apollo#orignal character#gacha life 2#gacha life#gacha club#gacha life 2 oc#gl2#gl2 oc#funny#404 is a silly goober#404's hyperfixations#Spotify
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˖⁺‧₊˚ WIP Tag Game ˚₊‧⁺˖
When you're tagged, share the names of each wip doc you have no matter how ridiculous! Tag as many people as you have WIPS, if you can. Open asks to talk about these WIPS!
Thanks for the tag, @aegon-targaryen! I've actually done this one before and it was so long, but it's somehow managed to get longer... Gonna divide it into categories this time to make more sense of my insanity. ���
As always, I'm open to answering questions about them! ♡
Fic Update WIPs
WIPs for chapter updates.
The Mage’s Lantern (Doc 2)
Stone Fate
Forget me Not
Origins of Calamity
totk rewrite
Unreleased Fic WIPs
Multi-chapters I haven't posted yet.
my tloz 1986 lore abyss + ROG Plotline
crack au + crack fic
Age of Imprisoning
Wait for Me
The Ancient Era
well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
in another life
three eras
Hero's Awakening
calamity au
Spy x Family: The Unseen Files (not zelda sorry lol)
ace attorney thing idk
plumbing's our game
One Shot WIPS below the break, there's a lot. ^^"
One Shot WIPs
WIPs for one shots.
Voe & You
Voe & Me
I'm Home
Ash on the Wind
Divine Disappointment
Unsung Hero
Slow Dance
Something Human
Ballad of the Pirate Queen
(title something to do with colors)
Somewhere Before
To Wait for Millinnea
Mortal Growth
zelda borrows link's clothes or something
bokoblin study + monster ecosystem
If Boats could Talk (They'd Tell You Stories of the Wars They've Seen)
midna diary
albw zelda gets caught
Hero's Shade story thing
sage avatar therapy
Midnight at Hateno Bay
link sure hopes zelda's alive and not a dragon
Home Away from Home
A Prophecy Fufilled
knockoff zelink
Sheik's Lies
scrapper :(
Stick in the Mud
Circadian Rhythm
The Latest Rumors
Feeling "Thank You"
Fit for a Princess
My Voice
Condé's Hot Chocolate
Last Time We Met...
Foreboding Discovery
My Destiny
The Gift of Your Time
A Pirate's Grace
sick fic
Watch of the Descendant
Kiss and Tell
The New Guard (auru pov)
all the time in the world
legally blonde good ending (????)
Cut Strings; Princess's Lament
zelink hildavio double date
Save You from Me
Trials of Hylia
Tangled Bait
IAL Vignettes
About a dozen other unnamed concepts in my idea doc.
Original Legend Concepts
Worldbuilding and writing WIPs for original TLOZ stories. Many of them have multiple docs, so I went with the ones I have been using the most with them lately.
Modern AU Wordlbuilding + Modern AU Idea Dumping
Sea of the Hidden City
Dream Spinner Ideas
Imminent Darkness
fairytale aus
Era of Malice
wots out of order
Sages of Hyrule
Legends Crossed
zelda ttrpg + zelda fighting game
more I am too lazy to dig for
Wilting Heart
Strings of Darkness
Art WIPs
return of ganon sketch concepts
att refs
(insert all the sketches for tml cover redraws here I'm not listing all that)
fmn banner
other stuff I probably am forgetting
I think this most of it, I got a bit lazy here and there keeping track so I clumped things together. Most of my stuff has 2-4 docs. I definitely can't tag this many people because I don't know that many, but I'll try to tag as many as possible who I haven't seen tagged already. 🫡
✦ Tagging...
@cherrysalsa @hurricane105 @mistresslrigtar @leiladebees @zeldadiarist @aheavenscorner @linktheacehero @dubiiousfood @skyyknights @karama9 @amelias-hart @musical-chan @citrinediamondeyes @cetaseok @mailrebel @michpat6 @minstrelsmusings @ladye-zelda @isasan347 @pastelsandpining
And anyone else who would like to participate! :)
#tag game#wip tag game#wip tag#zelink#hylink#hildavio#telink#marink#shink#fanfic#fanfiction#wips#my wips#wip#fic#tloz fic#zelda fic#zelda fanfiction#zelink fic#zelink fanfiction#tloz fanfic#loz fanfic#loz#tloz#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda
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Apollodyssey Cast List
Odysseus - Apollo
Penelope - Percy (not fem, just to be clear) (again, nothing against fem!Percy, it's just not my thing)
Telemachus - Grover (I do have Perpollo kid OCs but my idea will make sense eventually I swear)
Eurylochus - Meg
Polites - Jason
Athena - Demos (OC)
Polyphemus - Caligula (I’m not sorry)
Anticlea - Leto
Tiresias - Rachel
Apollo - Aristo (OC)
Antinous - Zephyros
Named suitors - Eros, Annabeth (to be clear this wasn't my original plan, but with all the changes I made this was all I could think of for her) (dw she won't be Annabitch, I have a whole arc planned out)
Named crew - Reyna (Perimedes) and Dakota (Elpenor)
Unnamed suitors - various people who have wanted to date Percy and/or been known to mess with Apollo’s love life
Unnamed crew - Members of CHB and CJ
Artemis and Athena will have roles, I'm just keeping those under wraps until the fic is published.
All the other characters I haven’t mentioned will remain the same as in EPIC unless inspiration strikes, in which case I will update you guys.
Also, this AU is inspired by @aphrobeesiacs' “Antinouiad”, so go check her out!
#remus' rantings#the apollodyssey#perpollo#percy x apollo#apollo x percy#percy jackson#epic the musical#pjo#au#oc#apollo pjo#grover underwood#meg mccaffrey#jason grace#rachel elizabeth dare#annabeth chase#reyna avila ramirez arellano
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i say art dump like theres more than two things that I have done that I can post but whatever

^ part one of the sketch comic thing I'm making for it! I'll drop actual information when I finish up references and fill in my plot holes the best I can(/finish the fic I might make for it oops)

and have a little painting thing i did of Vee in this au :3
#i swear that you tumblr followers specifically will get md art soon#dandys world#unnamed au#dw unnamed au#dandys world vee#dandys world shelly#dandys world astro#unnamed au part one#how the heck do i tag this#dandys world au#dandys world fanart#dandys world art#dandys world roblox#roblox dandys world#rudolphs gifts
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Specifically for unnamed Oakster AU because I love them
(Done in a picrew because I haven't had the time to draw them, sorry. But picrew for those that want it https://picrew.me/share?cd=OoMaLlWVzI )
Jodies horns aren't important at all so dw :3
Also, I will draw them eventually!
Probably a ship art knowing me.
fellas, is it gay to be sworn to another man and also wear matching necklaces
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Hiatus Update ^^
@theosb0rnway, @spicy-apple-pie, @finnstir, @kallmefren, @justamuppet, @mostlyvoid-partiallyturtles, @fanatess, @justletmereadmycomics, @thecranialbones, @alolaartista:
I'm officially back from my hiatus! You may have/probably noticed that I've still been active on Tumblr these past few days, and you'd be correct. My social battery has been NONEXISTENT, and I've been in a state of recovery, which is why I haven't sent this out earlier. Hiatus probably isn't the right word, but IDK *shrugs*
I will have to go on another similar break in the first week of October, and another in the last week of May. If you'd like to know then just message me, dw.
NOW, FOR STUFF (that I could probably message individual people for but I'm tired and we're mass posting ig)
tagging people who I know are co-creating or interested in certain projects of mine, but all (even those I didn't tag) to peruse my wares :)
Ghosts of Our Days- @theosb0rnway, @kallmefren, @justamuppet
Okay I'm actually proud of this one-
It contains vague spoilers for an upcoming chapter so it's on the back burner for now. I am SO EXCITED for the masses to see this one! For such a short and, in the grand scheme of animations, unremarkable thing, it took about two months :/
14, while on the way, is going to be a bit on account of many things. We've got lives, you've got lives, we chilling.
Of Mutants, Mystics, and Magic- @finnstir, @theosb0rnway
I do have an update in the making! Finn, you might wanna check out the AU acc for the newer updates, but no pressure! (AU acc is @of-mutants-mystics-and-magic for searching convenience :))
Cardinal Rules- @theosb0rnway, @fanatess, @thecranialbones
New updates for my second ROTTMNT fic are coming out on Ao3 and Tumblr this weekend! I'm trying a new update schedual where I finish one multichap fic and post the entirety of a solo-chapter fic at once. EX: I finish this one, and post a lil one-shot, that way when y'all finish a fic, there's going to be something else!
I'm hi-key really proud of this one, so YAY!!
MISC/Unnamed/TBD projects
@alolaartista, I'm making headway with that art I was telling you about, and I will message you it! I also have a written snippet to add to the pile-
@spicy-apple-pie- >:3
I am making YOU a *m y s t e r y t h i n g*
My 12!Rasey and Rise!Casey Jr stuff is my most popular stuff, and I approve of your tastes LOL
SO I'm going to be dropping another 12!Rasey ship dynamic + some Casey Jr art for the soul soon!
#jay with a megaphone#the bitches be back#its me i'm bitches#I put the bi in bitch :D#rottmnt#TMNT 2012#ghosts of our days#of mutants mystics and magic#cardinal rules#ao3#feel free to message me#and all that jazz :3#VERY happy to be back with y'all ^^#my posts#life update
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the melon chart is over tiktok and twitter! im pretty sure if u search up “boynextdoor charting melon”. but on tiktok theres a translated version by @/sunghanbinna .. it was made 6 days ago and the view count is 441.2K, the cover video is sungho :))
the videos so cute <3
AND OO smau ideas,, for short lil smaus okag okay.
SO! (i sorta looked back on them all and they mostly seem like short fics instead of texting hcs.)
sungho: readers walking around the park when this random guy wouldnt stop tryna talk to them!! reader ends up telling sungho and he arrives SO fast. #iloveprotectivemen
riwoo: riwoo who sends pictures to s/o saying, “this reminded me of you :)”
jaehyun: reader finds a unnamed bouquet outside their front door, tells their bff jaehyun over text. (jaehyun pretends to be shocked, even though he sent the flowers). little does jaehyun know the reader has those doorbells that record cctv on what happens outside their house!
taesan: reader falls asleep on facetime so he texts the reader sweet words and just re-confesses his love all over again (hes WHIPPED!) before he also sleeps. (dw he’ll definitely stay on facetime!)
leehan: “leehan would you love me if i was a deadly fish virus..” (aka. would you love me if i was a worm)
woonhak: playing game pigeon with him! loser has to treat the other one to a icecream date >_<
all: bonedo boys as the readers bff, but each member has their own route(?) like for example, lets say the reader is crushing on woonhak so they tell jaehyun,leehan,sungho,taesan & riwoo abt it!!
reader: guys omg woonhak literally looked at me he wants me so bad.. 😭🙏🙏🙏
riwoo: ?
jaehyun: oh..! okay!! yeah 😅😅😅😅😅☠️😅
myungho: hear me out on this. playing hard to get myungho, who acts uninterested whenever the reader texts him.. but recently hes been smiling a lot more on his phone whenever he sees the readers texts pop up on his notif bar!!
jaeyun: okay so, yk how when jaeyun replies to fans, his replies r just rlly funny?? IDK IF YKWIM cause i see him responding to fans and hes just so unserious LOL, but like one day sassy jaeyun and sassy reader sass eachother to no end and end up goin viral on social media for their cheeky interactions LMAO
minho: stop okay omg how about like before minho posts on twitter/instagram he asks the reader which photo they like the most >< I wanna compliment and hype him up so bad hes so GRGDHSJDJ
yoonsung: texting haemin as a joke about confessing to yoonsung with those omlette rice ketchup writings, but accidentally sending the text to yoonsung instead LMAO
haemin: his reaction when the reader buys him manchester city soccer tickets!! i wanna spoil him so bad TT
kyungmin: HIGHSCHOOL AU SNEAKING TEXTS IN BETWEEN CLASSES. theres a cellphone ban at school but he just cant resist!!
yungyu: honestly im 100% sure u have many brainrots of texting yungyu so its up to u!! but personally id love to see yungyu commenting under the readers latest insta post going like, “im better than ur bf” “give me a chance” even tho the readers already dating him. YK?
seungheon: during a 8turn concert, that the reader can’t unfortunately attend, they watch it live on like tv and the reader ends up texting seungheon during the whole performance and just gushing abt him, so like a few hours after the performance he checks his phone to see like 500+ msgs full of adoration and compliments. (he ends up getting teased by all the members hehehehehdiei)
OVERALL ANY OF THOSE IDEAS CAN BE FOR ANYONE!! when i imagine things i like to label a person on it so it can feel more real to me ><
STOP BECAUSE WHY DO I ACTUALLY WANNA DO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE IDEAS HELLOOO fuck ur actgually so smart i'm sweating a little bit.
omg i don't even know what to respond with to all of these they're all so interesting AGHH AND THEY'RE SO FITTING
i must say i would absolutely CLEARRRRRRRRRR woonhaks ass on wordhunt like i'm genuinely the best wordhunt player known to man (debatable)
i also have to comment on the yoonsung one though THAT'S SO CUTE i lovelvoelovleioeol LOVE the trope of accidentally confessing to idols over text like i swear i eat those up for breakfast lunch and dinner, i probably will do something like that LMAOO
AND YES YUNGYU OMGAKJSHBFSKJHBF stop i just published some yungyu texts im probably gonna do an ot8 ver of slowly falling in love like i love that trope too its so ><
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grrr grr grrrr i just realised that i got the kasumi timeline wrong in my head... i also i realised that i was very unspecific abt which timeline she’s from lmao i forgot that akkun dies in like three timelines in a row whoops. anyways i am UPSET bc it was the one in which he jumps off a building but apparently it’s the one at the end of s1. well fuck. my brainrot is in the other timeline and i do NOT feel like changing my brainrot so ig he can be married to her in more than one timeline. more love 👍
but also. why did i think i remembered him mentioning a wife in that timeline... ??
anyways. which timeline did you think we were in bc now i’m interested in that lmao
also usually i’m very good at keeping things in the correct timeline now i’m upset i confused smth even if it’s such a minor thing but grr
also. thinking of fucking everything and making akkuyasumi canon in every timeline in the akkuyasumi au bc i CAN and we should love akkun’s unnamed wife more i think. and i am also considering writing them into my naokisa fic... as a treat.....
NO CUZ I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABT BARBER AKKUN YEAH!!! i don't believe dead by rooftop (💀💀) akkun had a wife so i immediately thought of barber akkun yeah. i can see him as such a happy family man :(( its alr tho!!! dw abt it too much :)
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Fire and Ice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KXIkm7R by nnnnnnnnnnn The barrier is invisible to any non-spirit, but ripples in waves of gold and white to Yunho. He smiles, pleased at the sight of a job well done. The satisfaction only lasts for a split second. Something is moving behind the flames, something large. Immediately on edge, Yunho steps forward. The barrier lets him pass, and the flames do nothing but lap at his clothes, unable to touch him. Past the distortion of the barrier, things are a little clearer. Deeper in the forest, where the flames are thicker, Yunho can now make out the shape of a large animal, moving quickly. He can’t tell what it is until it lifts its head, revealing a muzzle, pointed ears, and eyes that seem to be pressed closed. It’s fur is long and threaded through with flames, yellow and gold flickering along it’s spine and tail. “Bulgae,” Yunho whispers, taken aback by the sight. - An unexpected encounter. Words: 2643, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Mythology AU Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jeong Yunho, Song Mingi, unnamed villagers Relationships: Jeong Yunho & Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Korean Religion & Lore, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Forest Fires, side effects of lunar eclipses, Yunho is a good guy, mingi isn't having a great time, Shapeshifting, Bulgae Mingi, Haetae Yunho, freaking out, sometimes a running tackle is just what a friend needs, Mingi isn't named, but it's him dw, he just can't talk rn, First Meetings, Historical Fantasy, joseon era read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KXIkm7R
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