#dw though I will not blame you if you just plain say he's in love with alastor we don't all have to go by homestuck terms
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every time I try to describe how vox feels about alastor in present-day (post-fallout) in my head it just ends up circling back to one-sided kismesissitude I'm going to cry I just can't escape it (the homestuck)
if you want a more detailed explanation. I think vox used to love alastor pre-rejection, but now he hates him but he's still attracted to him (this results in scenarios like episode 8).
here we're separating the equivalence of love to attraction. does vox still love alastor? debatable. is he still ATTRACTED to him? oh yeah. yeah. and he kinda hates that he is.
and every time I combine hate and attraction in my head it just keeps going back to kismesis. maybe hussie really was cooking when he invented romantic hate.
#osrs.txt#this is the best way I can describe it#vox the very first human soul to be capable of caliginous feelings#dw though I will not blame you if you just plain say he's in love with alastor we don't all have to go by homestuck terms#radiostatic#staticradio#onewaybroadcast#hazbin vox#hazbin hotel vox#vox
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All Together Now
I’ve been feeling nostalgic and watching some Doctor Who again (ah back to my roots) and I wrote so much DW fic back in the day that I thought I’d share an old favorite. A story in which all 11 (this was written in 2013, just after the 50th so no Capaldi or Whittaker) Doctors meet each other in true disaster fashion. It was fun dialogue and opportunity to flex on my ridiculous amount of DW knowledge. (7′s spectrox toxemia comment to 5, still funny seven years later)
The Eleventh Doctor was having quite a nice relaxing day. He was bored with it already but he was certainly having it. He stared out at the dark purple waves of Atrios wondering where he would go next. He had dropped Amy and Rory off a while back after the scare at the alien motel and he just couldn't quite get back into the swing of adventuring, not yet anyway. He missed them, plain and simple, and the TARDIS just seemed so lifeless without them.
"Oi, you with the bowtie, would you give me a hand?" The Doctor jumped slightly and considered not turning; actually to be honest he considered getting up and running away screaming. Of course he recognized that voice, how could he not? A few centuries ago he had been speaking in that voice. "Really, it will only take a mo and then you can go back to your sulking." The Doctor scowled and turned around to face his previous incarnation.
"I am not sulking; I was just enjoying the scenery." He looked back over his shoulder at the purple waves, he supposes they were a bit dull. The other Doctor, the tenth version anyway, rolled his eyes.
"Right I forgot never to underestimate the entertainment levels of human tourists. You lot act as if you've never seen an alien ocean." The Doctor quirked an eyebrow, rude and not ginger, yes he was totally seeing it now. Well whatever, he was in it now so he'd better get ole Sandshoes here out of the way before a paradox ensued. How the hell did he not remember this?
"So what sort of help do you need so desperately that you interrupt my… introspection."
"I came here with an Earth woman she has red hair and is very, very loud. I seem to have lost her, have you seen or rather heard her?" The Doctor, or really Eleven since there were two Doctors present, was so confused he couldn't even name the thing that confused him the most. First of all, he doesn't ever remember coming to Atrios with Donna. Second, shouldn't Ten have picked up on the fact that this man was not only a Time Lord but a future version of himself and three, Donna. Donna was here, he could see Donna again. He could talk about adventures and laugh with Donna. All three were very good reasons to stick close to Ten and find out just what was happening. He shook his head.
"I'm afraid not, but I could help you look for her, if you want…" Ten frowned suspiciously and Eleven couldn't help but feel vain about the wrinkles that appeared around his eyes and mouth. "You know, to get away from the sulking thing for a bit, you're right, I just said goodbye to some good mates and well-" Ten smiled and clapped him on the back, Eleven was mildly surprised nothing exploded. They began walking down the beach as Ten went off on a long ramble.
"Sure of course, I understand, come on. I do love chatting; I do it a lot apparently. Donna says I've got a gob that just doesn't stop and I tell her that she's not much better what with all her shouting and stuff. I'm sorry I've gone off again haven't I? What did you say your name was again?" Eleven blinked, would John Smith be too obvious?
"Er uh Rory, Rory Williams." Ten grinned.
"Well my name is…" His eyes darted to something over Eleven's shoulder and they widened to the size of saucers. Eleven almost turned but Ten stopped him finishing loudly. "Yes, and I am Wilfred, Wilfred Mott, lovely to meet you." He leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially. "Ok Rory, act natural. I know this bloke but he doesn't know me yet. I'm a time traveler so this is possible, it'll be over soon. So just stay calm and act natural."
"Oi, hold up, I've got a question. Have you two stooges seen a young girl, about 19 or so with curly blonde hair?" Eleven sucked in his breath and bit his lip. This was bad and getting baderer by the second. As if dealing with Ten wasn't bad enough but now Nine pops up out of nowhere?
"Rose?" Ten choked out and Eleven wanted to roll his eyes. He forgot how that incarnation was nearly overwhelmed by his sentimentality for the London shop girl. Eleven frowned, he couldn't really blame him though, he wasn't much better with his little Amelia. Nine walked over to them with concerned look.
"Oh so you've seen her then, that's good. I've been looking for her for a while now, honestly I don't know what part of 'don't wander off' they don't they get."
Ten and Eleven exchanged a look in which Ten mimed a quick shush noise. It made the eldest Doctor want to tear his hair out. Here he was hiding from Ten who was now trying to convince him to hide from Nine. He was fairly certain this couldn't get any worse. Nine glared at them clearly getting impatient.
"If you two are done making faces at each other, would one of you point me in the direction of my companion? I'd like to get off this heap of rubble as soon as I can thank you very much." A discreet glance in Ten's direction told Eleven that his younger self was still too caught up in the thought of meeting his Rose again. He sighed and turned to address Nine.
"Um sorry mate, don't know any Roses here. My friend… Wilfred and I haven't seen anyone else and hopefully no one else unexpected pops along." Eleven said with a strained smile, the last part muttered under his breath. Ten seemed to snap out of his stupor and properly look at him for the first time. Eleven wasn't sure what would happen if they all started deducing identities but he'd rather not find out. While he was curious as to why Nine was here, this many Doctors in one area couldn't possibly be good.
"Pardon chaps!" The three Doctors froze as Eight all dressed to the nines – dear Rassilon he did not just think that- snuck up behind them. They all turned and gave him a thinly disguised grimace while the pretty faced man just kept smiling as if nothing were wrong. So this is before the Time War then, hard to imagine a time when he was that innocent. "Would one of you tell me where the nearest town is? Lucie wanted to do a bit of shopping or she did before I lost her. I suppose I should be asking if you've seen her about. She's about yeah tall, Northern accent, rather brash." Eight said with a small, kind smile.
"Nope, nuh-uh, none whatsoever!" Ten squeaked rocking on his heels while Nine took a few steps back. Eight regarded them all with a funny expression on his face as his gaze sharpened.
"Is everything alright? Are you in some sort of trouble?"
"No!" Nine said stepping forward with a menacing glare. Eleven winced a little; it appeared Nine was still wounded by his previous regeneration's actions during the war or lack there of perhaps. "And I think it's about time you got going you hussy." Eight took a step back in surprise only for a very distinctive umbrella to swing down in-between the two. Eight's surprise shifted from one Doctor to another as he turned to the newest member of the group.
"Now gentleman, I don't know what's going on between the two of you but you're grown men and I'd think you'd better start acting like it." Seven purred pulling his umbrella back and hooking it onto his arm. "Now really, what is going on here? And what are all you doing staring at me for?" Four Doctors turned to look at one another.
What in the name of Rassilon had he been drinking last night?
"Excuse me dear fellows." Seven's eyes widened as Five approached followed by a very pensive Six who hung back a little, probably to observe to his past self. "Is there a hospital nearby?" He asked jovially before subtly leaning forward gesturing his head back towards Six and whispering conspiratorially. "I don't think that man is quite stable, I think it's best if he got some proper rest." The group was all silence but he thinks he heard Nine muttering about the blasted coat under his breath to which Eleven wholeheartedly agreed. Which would makes sense as they were the same person after all. Eight cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry er Sir, but we're all tourists as well I'm afraid so we're just as lost as you are." He said trailing off slightly as he eyed the group before finally settling on Eleven. "Funny, I thought I'd gotten past the bowtie thing years ago." He mumbled quietly and Eleven huffed and indignantly straightened his very cool accessory. Oblivious, Five nodded a bit sadly casting a glance at Six.
"Yes, well I am a Doctor maybe I can do something on my own. I do wish I knew what had happened that would make him so peculiar." He paused and Seven brought his umbrella to his lips.
"A dose of spectrox toxaemeia and a hero complex will do that any day." The rest of the Doctors cleared their throats or coughed or just outright snorted. Five blinked as he eyed Seven.
"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, did you say spectrox-"
"-toxaemia, yes it's a poison found primary on Androzani Minor in the Sirius system. A horrible way to go, or so, I've been told and I'm hoping not to find out myself truth be told." The Fourth Doctor interrupted smiling broadly while Five sputtered before readjusting his celery to cover the motion. The Fourth Doctor adjusted his hat and grinned manically. "Hello, I'm the Doctor; might I ask what's going on here?" Six finally seeming have lost interest in sulking, stepped forward and instinctively all the other Doctors reached forward to stop him from acting too rashly. Too late though.
"Well that's a fairly presumptuous question for you of all people to be asking, Doctor." He said, jabbing Four in the chest. "I think we really ought to be asking who you are and are you doing here?" There has got to be a small star exploding somewhere as five Doctors simultaneously face palmed. The Fourth Doctor blinked and not breaking eye contact reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag.
"Why my good man, I think you need a jelly baby."
"I don't believe I do thank you very much!" Six shouted tugging on his lapels. Seven stepped in and held his hands in a placating way.
"Gentlemen please there's no reason to shout." Six turned his glare onto his future self.
"Oh don't I? Just look at your jumper man. Who dressed you this morning? The Riddler?" Nine snorted at this.
"Oi have you looked in the mirror recently, thank God I got over that phase quickly enough." Six's annoyance melted as he took in the rest of large group as if noticing them for the first time. "Wait are you all...?"
"Did it really take you that long to work it out?" Four asked, biting of the head of a jelly baby. "I weep for my future." He rolled his eyes over in the direction of the older Doctors. Ten quirked an eyebrow in annoyance, "what?"
"Oh nothing," Four said tucking away his jelly babies. "Just looking at a future mid-life crisis, practically children you are. Honestly the next one's going to be twelve years old." His eyes slid over to Eleven, "oops too late." Eleven's mouth twitched, oh to hell with the timelines.
"Oh well aren't you just the coolest with your scarf and your candies." He spat, throwing his arms in the air which probably wasn't the best move if the looks on everyone's' faces were any indication.
"Yes thank you for noticing, a trait you seemed to have misplaced young man. Tell me, are your parents coming to pick you up soon?" Four teased.
"Oh I'd get that big head of yours out of the clouds before you take a fall, opps," he mimicked "too late I guess. Celery boy is better than you every day." Five grimaced.
"Please don't draw me into this narcissistic competition." But still the bickering continued as their voices grew louder and tempers grew shorter.
"You should've wiped out the Daleks when you had the chance you maniac! You could have avoided the whole damn war!" Nine shouted
"Oh will you be quiet you! What happen? Did the pretty princess over there swallow glass to turn into such a bitter angry man? My clothes are a disguise but yours show how ugly you truly are!" Six retorted.
"Disguise for what? Your dreadful personality? If you weren't so distracted by your clothes you could have saved Peri you half wit numbskull." Ten interrupted.
"Hey now therrrrrre everyone calm down. What are we fighting for? Can't we handle this as Doctors?" Seven countered.
"I do concur, we are the Doctor and we should be acting like it so if everyone would just..." Eight pleaded.
"Shut up Lord Byron, just because you didn't fight in the war doesn't mean I don't blame you for it! We're all responsible!" Nine accused.
"Oi, big ears! X-nay on the War-eh." Eleven hissed.
"Mmmhmm!" Though quiet, the sound of an older man clearing his throat caused all the Doctors to turn and find, well himself. The First, Second and Third Doctors stood there looking none too pleased at their future incarnations. The bickering Doctors had least at the sense to look ashamed.
"Now then, which one of you is the eldest?" The First asked giving his cane a light tap on the ground. The Eleventh Doctor slowly stepped forward and rocked awkwardly on his feet at the aggravated look his younger counterparts gave him. Honestly, they should know that he couldn't help the face.
"Oh for Rassilon's sake look at that, younger than Susan I'd bet. Oh no matter, no matter, will you tell me what in the name of sanity is happening, hmmm?" One demanded causing the other two Doctors to nod.
"Yes please enlighten us since you're clearly the most aged and experienced." Three drawled out sarcastically.
"Hmm, what's a boy got to say that we don't know?" Two huffed. Choosing to ignore thm, Eleven continued.
"We're not quite sure but somehow we all ended up in this time and place. I came across Ten who was-" he paused as if remembering something important. "Hang on, I came here alone but didn't you all come with companions?" He saw the other Doctors' eyes grow bright with understanding.
"Yeah, like I said before, I came with Donna" "and Rose" "Lucie..." "Ace is accompanying me currently" "Peri, wait what do you mean I could have saved P-" "I had Tegan and Turlough" " the savage Leela who-" "Miss Sarah Jane Smith" "What? But where did Jamie and Victoria go?"
One nodded at the string of names he did not know but someday would. "And I came with Steven and Dodo, yes I see your point young man, where did they go?" The Doctors suddenly looked around as if it would cause their companions to reappear. Seven took a few steps back away from the group.
"Yes, well I need to be finding Ace. I brought her here to let loose some old Nitro-9 and Rassilon knows what she'll do without prrroper supervision." He tipped his hat, "I look forward to meeting you all, well not particularly." Four smirked as he also turned and sauntered his own way.
"Yeah, same goes for Leela. I don't want to know what she's getting up to. Probably murder if I were to guess. Don't worry, I'll be sure to enjoy being an adult while it lasts. Goodbye, my dears." Nine huffed and spun on his heels as he stalked away.
"Forgot how unpleasant that one could be, reminds me too much of you all. Now I'm off to find my Rose, I swear if I see any of you again-"
"I should be going too," Five interrupted leaning forward to shake Ten and Eleven's hands. "Don't worry what they say, I'm sure you're all doing a cracking job. Have a lovely rest of your day." Ten smiled and returned the handshake enthusiastically.
"Yeah you see that's what I'm talking about! A true inspiration, now you sir, are the Doctor. My Doctor I guess if I had to pick a favorite." The two men smiled and wandered off together. Slowly the Doctors dispersed in their own directions, probably searching for their companions until only One and Eleven remained. Eleven tried to ignore One's rather penetrating stare and instead nervously tugged at his collar.
"You said you came here alone?" One began.
"For now," Eleven shrugged. "It's too dangerous to travel with humans for a long time. They get worn out and sometimes-sometimes bad things happen. It's better this way so I don't needlessly endanger lives." One pursed his lips before treating Eleven to a small smile and a light shoulder tap.
"Hmm so you are wiser than you look. Ho it's nice to know I look that good when my eyes are as old and troubled as yours are. So humor me old man, did we ever get around to fixing that old Chameleon Circuit?"
In a bar about 12 miles away
"I'm bored when's the Doctor going to get here? He promised us a pleasure planet but all I see around here is dirt." Tegan moaned sitting her head on the bar. Something had obviously gone astray as there were many, many people here looking for the Doctor but describing all sorts of different looking men.
One savage looking girl even described the first Doctor she had met, the scarf one, almost to a tee. She was busy arguing with a short teenager over explosives and Tegan was sure the place would be blown up in about 5 minutes. It didn't help that this obnoxious red head kept fawning over this Rose girl. Apparently she was important or something. Boy did she ever needed a drink.
A couple others were huddled in groups talking about their Doctors and what they were like but Tegan was just too upset for that kind of thing right now. All she wanted was for that Time Lord who couldn't tell time to get in here so she could give him a swift kick to the behind. She didn't even have Turlough to pass the time with as he was too busy chatting up some of the prettier girls. One girl was so scantily clad even Tegan was embarrassed. Ugh alien or not, he was still a man. She'd have cozied up to the handsome one in the kilt but the way that Victorian lady held onto him said he was off limits.
The sound of the door swinging open caught her attention as an older looking gentleman wandered in and opened his eyes wide in surprise as he saw them all. He muttered something to himself with a wry little smile on his face and took the seat next to her. He smiled sweetly and she realized that he wasn't nearly as old as he looked, just dirty and worn down like he'd been in a war or something. But there was an impish sparkle in her eyes that was terribly familiar... Oh lord it couldn't be.
"Excuse me Tegan," he began in a light voice. "I'm looking for the Doctor." Tegan smirked.
"Well, you've certainly come to the right place."
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Lee Daehwi Royalty Au
•Royals aren’t just naturally elegant and full of manners, • Oh no, you realise that when you see Seongwoo challenge Woojin to see who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth, • A real eye opener right there, • So yanno, there’s one person who has to teach them how to be royal and elegant and everything like that because they’re supposed to be role models, • So that’s your job, • And boy do they make it hard, • You grew up in an average class family, but your parents thought it was important to know your manners even if you weren’t a Nobel or high up, • So that’s what you did I guess, • You went to those etiquette classes and read a few books and were a natural at being classy™ • Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s hours of hard work, • You’re not entirely sure how you ended up working in the royal palace with all the princes at such a young age but here you are, • Your parents both got made redundant at the same time, so money was scarce, • But when the Job popped up it offered somewhere to stay and a living for you, with some money to send back to your parents, • The old etiquette teacher quit from stress, • 11 boys were too many for him rip, • And I guess the king and queen thought changing it up may help so you were found and bought in even though some of the princes were older than you?? • But yeah, you understand why the last teacher quit from stress, because you know the boys know what you’re talking about, • I mean in public services 6 times out of 10 they’re as they’re expected to be, • The other 4 times are hilarious if a little inappropriate for their position, • But they seem to have fun giving you grief, • I mean they make you laugh and despaired, there is no in-between, • But you only teach Prince Daehwi and Guanlin regularly because the others are older and have apparently got the hang of it, • You beg to differ, • Has no one else seen Jaehwan trip up on 90% of all carpets, send goofy looks to his brothers to draw their laughter and accidentally rip his blazer in a formal interview, • But honestly you wouldn’t want him to be any different, he’s funny and genuine, even if it’s not in a traditionally royal way, • But that’s where your lessons get blurry, • You teach them the traditions of etiquette and grace and manners, • But it’s totally not as if you also maybe encourage them to be themselves and goofy as well. . . • You don’t know this but that’s why the queen employed you, because honestly you’re just genuine, • Who needs to know what fork to use when it’s cAKe??, • But you still have a duty, • And Prince Daehwi seems oblivious, • You wish you were oblivious honestly, • You’re sat trying to show him how to walk with grace or something and He’s great at it, • But at events?
• At parades? • He’s bouncing along adorably and it’s great but GrAce, • You show him the proper fork to use for a main meal, • WHy Is hE EaTinG tHaT RoaSt DinNeR WiTh a sPOoN???? • Did he just…use his hands??? • Are those shoes not polished?? Daehwi doesn’t even need to polish his own shoes and yet they’re scuffed? • And did he just laugh while drinking water and spray Jihoon? • Poor boy doesn’t deserve the disrespect, • It’s the middle of a speech from the queen and Daehwi loudly snorts at something that Jaehwan whispers to him, causing 11 boys to have a not so silent mental breakdown, • Tears streaming down faces honestly a whole mess, • You almost scream but you’re not supposed to scream, • You have to flail around in your bed in frustration in secret, • You, out of anyone, know that it’s tedious and yeah, a little pointless maybe, • But he’s supposed to do it, being royalty isn’t all that fun, and this is just another downfall of having everyone’s judging eyes constantly on you, • The only reason you get so frustrated, • Is because Daehwi is a perfect student in your ‘lessons’, • He does everything perfectly with grace and composure, • And the odd cheeky smile or teasing comment towards you, • But generally soft, • But forgets everything when you’re not around, • And you wouldn’t mind if he wasn’t so good with you, • Like you knew from the begging there was going to be no hope for Jaehwan let’s be real, • (lmao it sounds like i’m picking on him but Jaehwan a fave DW), • But you’re constantly deceived by Daehwi,
• But the truth?
• While it’s frustrating, you find the prince purely adorable and love him for his moments with no composure,
• Like when he flat out fell asleep in your 'class room’ • You’d be offended but you don’t really blame him, • You just think maybe he shouldn’t be the next king, • And you love how genuine and real he is and that, yeah maybe he doesn’t put on the perfect etiquette persona the princes are expected to have, • But he has his own way of manners and an original charm and a way to show people respect and his royal nature without obvious actions or language, • I mean boy he’s charmed you to death, • Daehwi doesn’t have a lot of duties as a prince as he’s still young, in fact he’s the second youngest, • So as you’re around the same age as him and have some spare time in the palace, • (as an employee of royalty you live in the west wing of the palace with the other employees), • You spend a moderate amount of time together, a time with strictly no talk of acting 'proper’ • So when Daehwi has no meetings or public services or any duties, you just do the things normal teens do, but love it even more because it’s a rarity, • He comes and sits on your bed with you as you listen to music or chat about one of the new maids hairstyle, • He shows you the music he makes, • Because being royalty isn’t going to stand in the way of Daehwi and music, • And you show him your art or dances or whatever you’ve recently taken interest in, • You joke about stupid stuff and sit in silence contemplating your lives, • You sneak snacks, share and decode homework together, • (because both of you still get homework, which drives you mad but you get it), • In the long run you and Daehwi actually get really close despite the fact he’s a prince and you’re hired to teach him about manners despite your young age, • And who can’t fall for such a soft, genuine and fun dude? • You can, that’s for sure, • And boy do you fall, • But you’re a professional, so you manage to ignore it the best you can, • But one thing about him is a huge mystery, • Whether he actually forgets his etiquette or whether he does it on purpose, • Because sometimes in royal events you’re present, • In parades you’ll be in a certain area, in dinners you’ll be a fill in waiter, in speeches you’ll always stand to one side in a special area, • And sometimes you swear he looks at you whilst 'forgetting’ some of your teachings, • so you’re left questioning him constantly, • So you finally decide to go and ask him because you’ve forever been unsure, • So you’re sat on your bed with Daehwi watching a dance cover video, • Because they’re cool as shit I mean have y'all seen k-tigers or East2West??? Damn cool, • And you just sit up all of a sudden and stare at Daehwi for a second, • Can’t blame you, • “Daehwi, do you really forget all the proper stuff I tell you about or do you just ignore it?” • His eyes snap to you and his soft lips display a slightly sheepish but mischievous smile, • “Took you a couple of years, but you caught me y/n” • You raise your eyebrows and fall back, letting out a little laugh, • You’d be mad but this is Daehwi, and you simply cannot be mad at him, you never find a good enough reason, • “Why’d you do that you idiot” • You sit up quickly and tap his head playfully, needing answers, • You were definitely gunna scold Daehwi for at least a month and steal all his comfy non public clothes, • Ultimate pay back, • “ Well, I don’t really know. I guess I just wanted catch your eye,” • His cheeks redden as you laugh in time with the butterflies in your stomach, your own face gaining a darker shade, •"Well that’s stupid, you always catch my eyes. You’re so cute,“ • Words flow out of your mouth and although you didn’t exactly plan on saying what you do, you keep your composure, • As always, • "I do?” • The way Daehwi splutters in surprise is adorable and makes you laugh a little, • A dork, honestly, • But then you think over what he said for a split second and something in his words confuse you, • “Of course, but why would you want to catch my eye?” • You’re interested in the answer, honestly perplexed by how Daehwi’s mind works and determined to figure it out, • Daehwi turns the phone off, the dance that used to illuminate the screen now dark and plain, • “Why wouldn’t I want to catch the eye of the person that holds my heart,” • So he finally remembers to talk in a formal charming way but it has BacK FIrED, • You’re dead, • He’s cheesy, • And your soul has departed from your body, • “Your what now?” • When he laughs at your response, cheery and young and hopeful, you know what he means, • “Heart, y/n, the one that keeps you alive. You hold my life line,” • He laughs at you, falling back in giggle and an oversized fluffy jumper that you definitely approve of, • You fall back next to him, lying side by side with your heart floating, • “Ah that thing. What if I wanted to use it for the wrong reasons, though, Daehwi?” • You ponder teasingly, moving your head to look at his soft profile, smiling slightly in content, • “I know you, y/n, you wouldn’t, it’s not proper,” • He teased back, unwilling to lose this battle, • “You’re right there,” • You sigh, fully happy and feeling high as the sky, • And the feeling doesn’t go away.
#lee daehwi#daehwi#wanna one#wanna1#imagine#fluff#headcanons#oneshot#royalty au#wanna one imagine#wanna one oneshot#fanfic#fanfiction#scenario#wanna one scenario#wow tags are hard#i always forget what to write#og admin
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I love them, pls tell us more about ya OCs ouo
Thank you very much!
A few more things about Jackson and Will (because I’m really focused on these 2 right now, but i’ll move on in a sec):
Jackson can’t cook
i mean…. he can? but not super well
he knows how to make simple stuff like eggs or pancakes or whatever, but that’s it. And it’s always pretty plain tasting. but it’s still better than Will because Will just won’t cook stuff (it’s effort and requires energy that he doesn’t have)
so Jackson will sometimes make Will some food. i mean, he “can’t be the only one to eat all of Will’s food, you know?”
Will and Jackson watch Buzzfeed Unsolved together
Will is basically Shane and this fucking baffles Jackson because
“I’m? A ghost?? You are literally talking to me, a ghost, and saying that you don’t believe in the supernatural?”
“I mean yeah, but you still haven’t shown me proof of that other stuff being real. And besides, how do I know you’re not just an exception to a rule? or even a ghost? i mean, we haven’t seen any others. so who knows?”
Jackson used to be ticklish
Will has a ban on puns in the house because once Jackson told one and it caused Will to let out a giggled snort and Jackson looked at him w/ these wide eyes and Will got super self-conscious but Jackson was like “no. it suits you.” and Will just stomps away because “shut. up.”
OKay, but let’s talk about the most important OC, which is Ryan Harper, my son.
Ryan is a recurring NPC from the DnD/DW campaign I’ve been running
He’s a gun-slinging rogue from the South
and he may not wear a cowboy hat, but he does wear a duster coat
and he’s very much the type to act overly confident and by telling bad jokes, and a touch of self-deprecating humor and finger guns. all because he’s dead on the inside
he’s like, constantly this close to a breakdown. or at least a panic attack, because what is with adventurers these days??
Ryan Harper deserves to be happy somewhere far from all this necromancy business, but for now he must suffer and i feel a little bad
I love my sad, gay son
and Ryan loves [name redacted: my dead, gay son]. And he should probably be trying to move on, but who needs to work through their grief in a healthy way?
some people?? form Thieves’ Guilds??? to cope????????
he also has some history w/ the leader of this really shady quild that seeks out God powers to protect the world or some shit? who knows?
don’t ask him about her though. he’s not exactly a fan. it’s… it’s a pretty long story.
and besides, you need to be a Level 19 Friend to unlock that tragic backstory
speaking of tragic backstory
that dude he loves? [name redacted]? Ryan defo blames himself for his death.
and well. i mean? he’s not wrong
because Ryan knows he probably could’ve protected [name redacted], but he was too much of a fucking coward and would rather run away again because he doesn’t want to watch another one of them die again and not be able to stop it even though he should be able to but he can’t because he’s not allowed and he knows it so instead he just. leaves
and if i’m being honest he probably shouldn’t be blaming himself, but the only other person who actually deserves blame for this situation isn’t even here anymore so he can’t exactly blame her anymore, can he?
so instead he’s left w/ himself and far too much time to think
which is when he helps to form the Thieves’ Guild
it’s also when he decides he no longer cares what happens to himself
which can come in handy when running dangerous missions
but conversely, it can also be super detrimental to missions
but uh… i think he’s getting better? maybe??
it’s up to my Players. but that’s a story for another time. (like in a year or something)
(anyway! fun facts about coming up w/ Ryan):
He was originally created because my sister, Lynn, had a character who was a part of the Thieves’ Guild and had a mentor-like/friend type of person in it
and i had a lot of ideas on how to tie in Player backstories and how to hurt their characters, so Ryan was gonna betray the Players in a bad way.
and he almost did
but then? i realized that wasn’t him?
this was getting close to the time when i was realizing that i really wanted to reboot the campaign, so i was constantly rethinking NPCs and plotlines
and I’m gonna be honest? Jes is the reason Ryan has become the character he is
because Jes did the thing that Players do by joining Ryan for the train ride. she completely derailed my plans (pun intended)
because Ryan was gonna start laying part of the trap during this bit
but now Jes was w/ him and also the new players
and I’d been debating this plot anyway
so when i played him in front of them, i just? changed how i’d been trying to play him?
he was originally being played more like Han Solo and then I was playing him like Flynn from Tangled (or Crowley from Good Omens)
and i realized i liked that version SO much more
(and so did the others, especially Jes)
so i played really into it in the next session and it made so much more sense to me
so i took that time to rewrite him (and a few other plot points)
so Ryan wasn’t some minor villain anymore.
and this actually is when i got closer to the current plot of the campaign
And this is when I decided to rewrite and reboot it all
and now Ryan is the rogue that we all know and love (or at least, me and Jes love)
Anyway, I also have some OCs from highschool that I’ve been updating off and on recently, if ya’ll are interested?
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