#dust and killer just want chaos
stellocchia · 1 month
I need to see the Bad Sanses in group therapy.
Like, let's not question how they'd get there, how long it would take, how likely it would be, and let's just say it's court mandated therapy. Because all four of Nightmare's henchmen need that shit.
You have Dust and Killer coming up with a whole elaborate plan to avoid therapy by putting on a show every time. They fabricate relationship drama between them. Killer at some point accuses Dust of cheating on him (they weren't dating) and Dust admits it was with Horror (Horror was pretending not to know them and it pissed him off).
As mentioned above, Horror is pretending not to know any of these fuckers. He's just snacking on the free candies that were in a bowl at the entrance and doing his best to dissociate through everything.
Cross is trying his best. He cane in equipped with a notepad and several pens just in case. Unfortunately for him, Dust and Killer are being far too disruptive and, by the second session, he has promoted himself to the role of de-escalator and is trying his best to separate him once they start hitting each other. Unfortunately for him, they rehearsed for that as well and they're annoyingly good at avoiding him.
He has called the therapist incompetent a few times by the third session and has made them cry at least once. He promised himself he'll feel bad for it once he has the time for it.
Also, Killer tried to stab the therapist a few times. He failed only because Cross and Horror intervened every time. Dust, despite not liking senseless violence and murder, seemed disappointed the therapist didn't get stabbed. He didn't try to do it himself, but he's very much not stopping this. Whatever has to happen will happen.
Now, the real question is: who would be insane enough to try and therapize these fuckers?
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ancha-aus · 19 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Meet Up
We are so close you all! So so so close :3 @spotaus get in here friend :D
It is so nice to just uplaod the first drafts of these drabbles! :D Makes them so easy to make and finish <3
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Killer runs straight home and doesn’t bother to act as if he has a normal monsters stamina. He needs to get home now and warn the others.
He is so lucky that Ellie kept him out of sight from Dream and Blue.
Because apparently those two are here now!
How did they even find them?! Especially as Ellie told him that she thinks they are looking for them.
Yeah no kidding! Killer didn’t even bother to deny it as he muttered he just needed to get home. Ellie advised him to go behind the buildings as that is mostly out of sight and should keep him hidden and out of sight.
Killer quickly set off to get home.
He is by now just running through the forest and going full speed. The LOVE in him making it easy to keep running for long times and boosting both his speed and his stamina.
He gets out of the forest in their area and rushes into the house.
Killer searches and relaxes as he sees Nightmare right in the nest where he should be. Nightmare seems to be scribbling in his little journal.
Horror walks out of the kitchen and he looks around worried himself “Crop just called.”
Killer nods as he pants “Dream and Blue are in town.”
Nightmare freezes and looks between them panicked.
Killer goes to Nightmare’s side and looks at Horror “Cross and Dust?”
Horror speaks “should be in the garden. I will get them.” and he goes outside.
Nightmare whines softly and Killer quickly pulls Nightmare close “It is okay tiny boss. No one is going to get you.” No one. Killer is going to allow anyone to touch their baby. Nightmare is their just as much as they all are Nightmare’s.
Horror returns with Cross and Dust and they all sit in the nest as they discuss what just happened.
As expected Dust immediately went around to close all the curtains and check the locks while Cross looks anxious “What if they find this place? I know we are hidden but everyone in town knows where we live. What if someone believes them and sends them our way?”
Horror shakes his skull “They won’t. Crop and Straw are going to make sure people don’t say stuff and they know not to talk about other people’s personal stuff.” Horror has yet to stop rubbing Nightmare’s tiny skull to reassure him.
Nightmare just stays plastered against Killer’s front. His souls is getting slightly squished between them but Killer doesn’t mind and it feels nice to feel Nightmare that close.
Dust nods “We stay inside. Stay quiet and lay low. Keep an eye out. We already did the big harvest and sale anyway. We can afford to hide before we need to prepare the farm for winter.”
Killer nods and grins at Nightmare “That sound okay baby? Just relax and cuddle in the nest together?”
Nightmare looks a bit unsure still but nods as she nuzzles closer to Killer and a part of Killer melts at the sight. Killer holds him close and purrs softly “That is it baby. Just let us worry about these type of things okay?”
Their phone rings in the kitchen and Dust stalks over to it before picking it up but not saying a single word. He listens for a moment before speaking “Crop.” He listens again and gives a small nod “You two can come by.” And he hangs up quickly afterwards.
They remain near each other as they talk about possible ideas on how to keep an eye out but not run the risk of being spotted. They quickly settle on that Cross can go around to check things while invisible but that he shouldn’t engage any combat. They are just discussing if Cross can keep someone else with himself invisible for long times when they hear a knock on the door.
A quick check later and they invite Straw and Crop in.
The two brothers tell them what happened with Blue and Dream in town and confirm that they are very obviously looking for them.
Straw slowly holds up a package of papers “I do think you may want to read these.”
Dust frowns and takes them to read through quickly together with Cross.
Straw nods “For what we could see. They seemed honest about it all! Even if they are rather pushy in the way they go about it.”
Crop walks out of the kitchen where he cleaned up some groceries “The others in town all agreed the two are shifty and not to be trusted.” Then a bit more amused “Heads up. They also kinda assumed that either or both of them are Nightmare’s other parent.”
Dust freezes and makes gagging noises at the very idea while Horror chuckles and pats his back.
Cross pouts as he crosses his arms and mutters about Dust being way out of their league and Killer snorts as he nuzzles Nightmare “Better for us. Makes everyone want to keep the two away from us with all the ground work we laid concerning the ‘other parent’ and how they were messed up.”
Nightmare just shrugs as he stays close with Killer.
Dust focusses back on the papers and frowns “Are they for real with this?”
Crop shrugs “We aren’t sure. They seemed honest but we can’t check the multiverse stuff easily.”
Killer frowns as he takes the paper to read through it with Nightmare as the others discuss ways to check if they really are truthful about it.
The announcement that Dream hadn’t done his job right. How Nightmare had been right. That Nightmare had never been a danger to the multiverse. How Dream had made things more complicated and how he should never have involved others into the mess.
How Dream never was a god of positivity and that he misunderstood his job. How the balance has been restored and so Dream won’t interfere with it anymore as it also is no longer his actual job.
Just lists upon lists of him going around and making sure everyone who knew about them knew the new truth.
It is so much.
Killer frowns as he sneaks a look at Nightmare. Nightmare just stares at the reports. His face blank.
Oh no.
Killer frowns and pulls him close “Nighty?”
Nightmare just stares at the reports “I told him this so many times… So long ago… why… why didn’t he believe me?” and he just looks at Killer sadly “Why did he never believe me?”
Killer frowns and holds their babybones close “I don’t know Nighty. I really don’t know.” He doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t know what Dream was thinking or why he did what he did. All Killer knows is that their baby needs support and love and he can give that.
Dust joins their side and holds Nightmare’s hand silently. Just being there.
Cross looks at Horror “So how do we keep them away?”
Horror frowns as he clearly thinks before answering “We can’t. If they are still doing this after all this time? There is no dodging this. We will need to at least meet up to get them to stop.”
Cross looks deeply unhappy and Killer agrees.
Cross sighs and nods “How do we want to do that?”
Horror thinks before getting a small smile “I have an idea. We will also need to contact Error.”
Killer watches the empty road a few cities further along. He checks his phone for any new messages. It is still just the message he send the two Stars with this location and them sending back they are on their way.
Killer looks back at the street and quickly hides further behind the tree.
Dream is rushing up the road as he looks from side to side. Blue close behind him.
Killer mutters softly “They are here. You ready?”
Cross answers from wherever he is hidden “Ready.”
Killer would do the talking and Cross will be his backup in case he needs it. While they confront the Stars Dust and Horror will talk with Error about hiding this universe.
Easy does it. Blue and Dream walk by his hiding spot and Killer goes to the other side of the tree and just leans against it. His knife out. “what do you two want?”
Dream turns quickly and smiles “Killer! I am so happy to see you!” he takes a few steps but Killer holds his knife out aimed at him.
“Yeah. I can’t say I feel the same. What the fuck do you two want with us? I thought we made it clear that we didn’t want to see either of you the last time we met up?” Killer twirls his knife around as he makes sure to look unimpressed.
Dream frowns but takes a deep breath and steels himself “I want to see Nightmare. I want to see my brother. And I know if anyone knows where he is it is you four.”
Killer laughs and shakes his skull “Nah. You can go back to sniffing and shitting out good deeds. You are not going near boss.” Like hell Killer is going to allow Dream to come near Nightmare.
Dream glares at him and takes a step closer. Killer can hear Cross get his knife out somewhere near him. Dream clearly can’t see him as he glares at Killer “I know things have been rough. And I know I made mistakes. But I have been fixing those and actually making things right. I want to make things right with Nightmare. But for that I need to see him.”
Killer snorts “Just because you are selfish we should just lay over and let you get whatever you want? No.”
Dream glares at Killer “Really? What if Nightmare actually wants to see me? What if he actually also wants to talk about what happened? He wanted before. I am late and I know I was blind and acting stupid. But I want to listen. I want to hear what he has to say.” Dream takes a deep breath to calm down again as he keeps looking determined “I need to see him.”
Killer glares and hisses out his answer “No. You are not going near him.”
Dream glares right back “Like it or not but we are brothers. We are twins. We are both gods. We are always going to be connected in some way. Keeping us separate may just cause more trouble.”
Killer glares as he holds out his knife “Are you seriously trying to threaten me?”
Dream shakes his skull “No! I am not trying to do that! I just…” he holds hugs himself close “Don’t you sometimes wish you got a second chance? To make up for what you did wrong? For the pain you caused?”
Killer feels himself freeze. He has no doubt that Cross isn’t doing much better.
Dream just keeps talking “I know I messed up. I messed up badly. I just… I just want a chance to make things right. And I have done that for the multiverse… but I haven’t apologised yet to Nightmare. That is all I want Killer. I just want to see my brother and tell him I am sorry. That I am sorry for everything.” He looks desperate “please… You guys have to understand that feeling.”
Killer doesn’t like this. This still seems like such a bad idea… Cross holds his hand and squeezes it. Full trust in his decision.
Killer groans as he looks to the side “We can discuss stuff… See if he even wants to see you or prefers to just keep you as a thing of the past.”
Dream smiles and moves closer “Thank you! thank you so much-”
“I am not promising anything.” Killer glares “I will ask everyone. However. If he says no. If he says he prefers to keep you as a thing of the past. We will respect that. And you will have to respect that as well.”
Dream looks pained and shakes his skull “But… But I want…”
Killer glares “I don’t give a flying fuck about what you want or how you feel. You abandoned him. You betrayed him. You hurt him. You never listened to him. Just because you now finally got your head out of your own ass doesn’t mean he owns you anything. Least of all a second chance.” Killer keeps glaring at the god. “Am. I. Clear?”
Dream looks pained but he nods.
Killer nods himself “Good. Now leave. You are causing more problems for this universe than you are worth.” He turns and starts to walk away “When we made a decision I know how to contact you.”
A moment of silence until “At least tell him I am sorry… please… I need him to know that I am sorry and I want to do better…”
Killer stops but nods “Fine.” And he keeps walking.
This meeting could have gone better… Now to get home and let Nightmare decide what he wants.
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The gang & Lucifer + chaotic child reader
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a/n: This goes without saying but this is platonic. I have not made one romantic thing and I don't know why
not proofread!
Charlie: Very nervous. You don't have any self-preservation skills or any real way to protect yourself. At least Niffty is an adult so she can trust her with knives and all that. Kinda. Watches you like a hawk. It can get kinda annoying but it's because she cares. The hotel is completely baby-proof. You're not a baby though so it doesn't... work. Tries to help you get your emotions out in a less destructive way. One time you tried drawing the page was a mess of colors. Another time was baking the kitchen was a mess. But it's not hurting anyone so its a win. Okay, the kitchen might of hurt Niffty emotionally.
Vaggie: Tired. You guys are the defention of this imange :
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(but that's also her with everyone at the hotel except Husk so whatever) She is less mean when scolding you than she is with others. Both because you are a child and there's a 99% chance you would bite her.
Alastor: He would either despise you or see you as his kid. For the sake of fic, we're going with the second one. You have a similar dynamic that he has with Niffty. Though cause you're a kid he might try to teach you his morals (or his lack of morals.) His ass is going to teach you the most insane things. Do NOT let this man teach kids unless you want future serial killers. And you're already very chaotic so this isn't a huge leap. Charlie, please steal you from him.
Angel Dust: I feel like he'd be okay with kids? Like not great as a parent but just visiting or babysitting he'd actually be pretty competent. Very chill about keeping you out of danger. Just picks you up and moves you away from the danger. Or if you have something dangerous just snatches it and puts it away. If it's not going to kill you also engages in the chaos with you. Irresponsible older brother who still cares about your safety.
Husk: Slightly protective of you. Won't let you go outside without someone else. Because you'd probably die in the weirdest way possible. He acts like he doesn't care but he defiantly does. There have been multiple times he's had to yank beer bottles out of your time. You weren't going to drink it but you'd smash it and use a weapon.
Lucifer: Charlie was a chaos magnet as a kid too! But more the hyper type and not the "I'm going to stab you" type. Does not acknowledge the fact that you're even slightly. Just the "Get your fucking dog bitch" "it don't bite" "YES IT DO" Can keep up with you and often plays with you. Will get you anything you want. Besides weapons those are off-limits.
Niffty: Two peas in a pod. I've based most people's reactions off their relationship with her. You two are a force to be reckoned with. So much rage and desire for destruction such little bodies to contain it. She is a horrible influence on you <3.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Quick! Kiss, marry, kill extreme edition: between Killer, Corazon and Beckman
You are cruel. Cruel, Anon. Why would you wound me like this? There is no "Quick" about this. I'm gonna stare and cry into the screen while I make this horrible decision.
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 820+, 840+, 880+
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Synopsis: Kiss, Marry, Kill between Killer, Corazon and Beckman.
Themes: Killer x reader, Rosinante x reader, Beckman x reader. All individual x reader. These are the only ways I can see this playing out, angst, hurt, crying, grieving, mourning, no happy ending.
Notes: If you're gonna make me cry, I'm gonna (try to) make you cry with me because I refuse to go through this alone. If this is the first time coming across my work and wondering what these three have in common: I adore these characters, they are my favorites to think and write about. This anon knows this, and wants me to suffer.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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Kiss: Massacre Soldier Killer
After the heat of battle died down, you checked amongst the dust and rubble for your crew. Coughing and spluttering in the chaos, you manage to spy the lengthy mane of your first mate lying beside an array of fallen enemies.
His mask lay chipped beside him, revealing his face to those surrounding. Although his brows are knit down and grimacing in pain: the smile-smile fruit plasters a false and unnerving grin over his lips.
"Kil?" you call to him, your eyes beginning to swell with glassy tears. He makes no sound, his lips beginning to twitch and quiver a silent laugh. "Kil!" your legs pick up speed, only dropping to your knees beside him and caressing his cheeks to rouse him from his unconsciousness.
He mumbled something from his smile that you don't quite pick up. Eyes fluttering open, a soft quivering laugh begins to stutter through his lips. The laughter quickly grew, his eyes meeting yours for the first time without the shield of his mask to hide him.
The expression he held behind his icy blue eyes were a plea. He was begging you to understand his laughter was not deliberate. His lips continued to twitch, and the high pitch squeak continued to grow more and more. Your brows peaked in the center of your forehead as your hands caressed his cheeks and soothed over his face.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," you soothe him, moving your hands from his cheeks to his forehead. Caressing his head, you draw your head towards him. He hastily hooks his arms over your shoulders and tugs you in for a strong embrace while sitting up.
Pulling him in towards you, you're almost forced to sit in his lap to continue caring for him in his manic state. His eyes begin to spill, his sobs ill-reflected in his shrieking laughter. He attempted to bury his lips into your neck to hide his shrill laugh to no avail.
"It's all okay, Kil," your warm tone reassures him as you reach beside him for his mask. All he does is hold you closer, fists balling your shirt at your back and holding you stationary.
Instinctively, you press your lips to the crown of his tangled blonde hair and mutter into his hair your praises as reassurances. His laugh grows more manic as his tears dampen your shirt.
You draw your lips away from his hair and quickly scout the surroundings for any more of your comrades. No remnants of the Kid-Pirates were in the area around you; a fact you reassured Killer of as you pressed your lips against his golden mane.
"It's just us here, big guy," your voice whispers against his hair, "Don't worry about the others seeing your beautiful face and hearing your laugh. It's okay." you press another kiss against his head, "It's just me and you."
He leans into your touch, his breathing evening out with each passing moment. With a shaky inhale, he whimpers another unintended laugh before gazing up into your eyes. Finally coming down from his anguish, his smile remains behind and his lips curl into an unnatural expression in contrast to his sorrow-filled eyes.
You felt every emotion he was experiencing down to your very core. He was in a state beyond anguish, as you were yourself. Your crew were missing, both of you not coming away unscathed from the fight, but relieved in being within each other's embrace.
Pulling the mask from your hand, he hastily pats the mask over his face to shield any more of his involuntary laughter from releasing from his lips and fleeing into the air. Taking a moment to crack his neck to the side and shake off his prior emotions, he rises to his feet and carefully places you on the ground beside him.
"Thank you," he whispers with a soft utterance of your name, nodding with his respect, "We should talk after we find the rest of us. I-... I want to talk about this." Nodding in response, you both readied yourself for the tireless journey of seeking out the rest of your crew, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.
Killer's mind was racing. The moment Kid was flung away from him to the side of the cliff-face, he flew into a wild rage. He had no idea the atrocities he committed until he felt your gentle touch and your lips on his hair. Grounding himself against your gentle expression of compassion, he finally felt the emotions he had repressed for so long.
Massacre Soldier Killer was in love with you. He had hoped to have the final push to confess his feelings and reveal his face under different circumstances, but some things were meant to happen. He will tell you soon, reassuring himself as he trekked along beside you towards your fallen and unconscious captain.
Soon will come sooner than he thinks.
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Marry: Donquixote Rosinante
The meeting was not going at all the way Rosinante planned it. There was a lot of that going around lately, things not quite going the way he planned for it to go. He was a marine spy hiding amongst the predatory Donquixote pirates. He should’ve planned it better.
One such thing he didn’t plan on was falling in love with: his brother’s personal assistant and closest confidant. He thought you were beautiful, sure enough. He thought you were intelligent, absolutely. He had hoped you might enjoy his presence enough to want more of it: seeking you out and writing on his note paper to express as much.
And then you said “yes.” 
The “yes” sealed his fate, his heart exploding and wanting to pour all his love and doting attention into you. The first night you shared together felt as if you were born for each other, bouncing rapport through wordless communication as he flirted with his kind words and gentle touch. 
His touch was like a gentle brush of feathers he adorned on the back of his onyx coat. This touch lead to further, your limbs becoming entangled and lips joining together in an expression of lust and love. He claimed you as his, and you claimed him as yours. 
Another such thing he didn’t plan on was his brother finding out about it. Donquixote Doflamingo never once enjoyed sharing his things. Not even in childhood would he share his toys, his wardrobe, or his favorite snacks. 
His assistant was no different. As soon as Doflamingo, the king of Dressrosa, saw how friendly his Corazon was with his assistant, he knew he had to act fast. 
“I have decided there needs to be a wedding in Dressrosa,” Doflamingo smirked with his rosy glasses glinting in the light, “And I think my beautiful assistant should be at the end of the aisle.” His grin only grew as Rosinante’s lips parted in shock. 
You were not present in this meeting, being called away to fulfill some meaningless task that was urgent, according to your boss. Rosinante now understood what cruel fate Doflamingo had in store for you, but his intentionally withheld voice could utter nothing to stop it. 
“Although, I’m having a little bit of trouble deciding on who the partner should be,” Doflamingo slouched back into his throne at the end of the table. His eyes were shielded, but Rosinante knew he was glaring directly at him. He reached for his wine glass, shepherding it up to his lips and taking a small sip. 
“I was almost thinking of marrying them myself,” he suggested with an arched brow, “A wedding fit for a king.” The Donquixote pirates leaned in towards Doflamingo with interest as the king of Dressrosa continued to stare directly into his brother’s face.
“Unless,” he sneered up at his brother, “There is another here who would like to hear the pretty noises they make when ravished in the marriage bed.” Doflamingo leans forward, watching as Rosinante finally gives in and scribbles on the note paper in front of him. Rosinante’s face was furious, his eyes holding the fury while his lips curled back into a snarl. 
“If a wedding is what you desire, brother,” Rosinante’s fine cursive scrolled messily over the page, “The other person meeting them at the end of the aisle will be me.” Doflamingo’s smile only grew wider at his brother’s claim finally being met. 
“Do you not like the thought of me laying with them, little brother?” Doflamingo snickered, arising a low hissed chuckle to ricochet amongst the others present. Rosinante scribbled harshly at the end of his page. 
“Me,” was underlined and circled twelve times, his eyes pleading with his brother to end the taunt and accept his claim over you. Doflamingo huffed out a curt hum in response, a short nod being the smallest notion of acceptance of the unity.
“Congratulations, little brother. It seems you are the only one here that would see my dreams of a wedding become a reality,” Doflamingo raised his wine glass, nodding to the rest of the room to lift their glasses. They all raised their vessels to the air, cheering alongside Doflamingo as Rosinante had no choice but to do the same. 
Just as Doflamingo pressed the glass to his bottom lip, he looked over his glasses and offered his brother a final word to seal his fate. 
“I look forward to claiming my right as king of prima nocta, brother,” he growled suggestively over the glass, “And I hope you enjoy the show I’ll make of such an intimate feat.” 
Another oversight Rosinante did not anticipate: his brother’s desire to be cruel in all aspects and areas. He should not expect any less regarding you. Hopefully before this horror will have the chance to come to pass, he will fulfill his task of locating the ope-ope no mi and shepherd you away from this cruel fate.
If not, he only hopes you could forgive him for what was awaiting you in the marriage suite after the nuptials. 
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Kill: Benn Beckman
Facing the damp, wooden walls within the brig was not how you thought you would be spending your evening. Especially not with the person lurking behind you and burning a hole into your back with his searing gaze. Without making eye contact with him, you knew exactly the grimace awaiting you should you spare a glance over your shoulder. 
“Not even gonna say a word, are you?” the man growled behind you, his chains rattling with his sharp movement. You closed your eyes and gulped back your inhibitions. Silence was all that met him, your career as a marine meaning far more to you than responding to his taunt. 
Although it was only the two of you down here, you refused to acknowledge him as he prowled behind you in an angry pace. The chains at his ankles rang with each thudded bootstep. Squaring your shoulders, you chose to fix your posture and spare him no utterance of your voice. 
“Talk to me!” he barked at you, his tone almost causing you to jump, “You owe me that much, at the very least!” You scrunch your eyes tightly shut, your lip almost quivering as you hardened your heart and stifled a rising choke in your throat. 
“Please,” he whispered, his body sounding much closer than it should from behind you. You inhaled deeply, your emotions finally spilling over in the form of a shaken exhale. He noticed that small change in tone, reaching through the bars and allowing his coarse hands to brush against your shoulder. 
“Please, my darling,” he whispered, gently smoothing over your shoulder and caressing your uniformed arms, “Please talk to me. That’s all I want.” He slowly traced his fingers down to your forearm and slotted his hand within yours. 
Hanging your head, you returned his gentle touch by grasping his hand firmly within yours. Your tears fell freely from your eyes, your shoulders shaking and lips quivering as you grieved for the man behind you.
The man you, a marine, had loved. 
Your story was the tale of a forbidden infatuation. As the firstborn of an admiral, your fate had been sealed for you from the moment you took your first breath. You were to become the next of your family to serve the world government and rid the world of the plague of piracy. 
But you had fallen hard for the enemy. 
“Once upon a time,” your voice whispered above your whimpered hum, “There were two young lovers who could never be.” His breath hitched, his hand gripping yours a little firmer and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. 
“One was a gunslinging pirate,” he whispered the practiced tale back to you, “The other was a sword-wielding marine.” You nodded, your head still hanging as you turned to the side. Not yet making eye contact, you continued your tale.
“They snuck behind the admiral’s back, hoping to not get caught within the thralls of passion,” you softly smiled at the memory, his own smile falling into a deep hum. He chased your gaze by angling his head down at you. 
“And their lengthy tryst blossomed into a hidden courtship,” he whispered, his gray orbs softening as he sought out your dampening eyelashes. He sighed at the sight of how truly hurt you were and continued on, “The pirate would leave the marine trinkets from travels in distant lands.”
“And the marine would restock the pirate with seastone bullets from the marine’s artillery,” you sniffed back your growing sob. “And then, their tale came to a close for several years. And-... And the pirate-...” you sobbed, your shoulders shaking, “...The pirate’s bounty changed.” 
Benn Beckman finally broke, his forehead resting against the iron bars and attempting to be as close to you as he could. He continued the tale in a voice lower than a whisper, and sweetened his tone to soften the blow.
“...And now the pirate is bound for the gallows,” his teeth chattered with his confirmation, his heart jumping to his chest as he uttered, “And the marine from once upon a time-...” He couldn’t finish the words, his heart shattering with every soft moment.
“The marine was-,” your breath hitched, as you turned to face your long-lost lover as he broke his hard exterior. His eyes were swelling with glassy tears, his lip beginning to quiver as he finally saw your face after so long apart. Reaching up, he caressed your tear-stained cheek and cupped your face within his palm.
“His marine was,” you whispered, dancing your focus between his two eyes as another tear spilled over your lash-line, “The one forced to tie his noose.”
You lingered in this moment together, both mourning the fate sealed for one another. You always knew this was a possibility for your youthful romance, but you could never anticipate the pain it would cause the other. 
Beckman thumbed over your cheek, gritting his teeth and swallowing his resolve. He leaned his face between the bars and softly spoke, with his tone only holding love and tenderness.
“I forgive you,” he darted his eyes between yours as his own tears spilled from his eyes. You reached between the bars, offering him the world on the tip of your tongue.
“I love you.”
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thelunarsystemwrites · 6 months
Inviting other artists!
So I've just made a superhero AU for utmv. Right? Well, I really only wanted to design one guy, Lust. Sooo I'm opening the AU (WHICH LITERALLY HAS NO LORE YET SO NO WORRIES) for others to partake in!
Here's like, the basic lay out.
Choose one Sans AU to turn into superhero/villain. Please refrain from using a Sans someone else claimed.
Make them into a superhero/villain themed after something specific. (Example: A plant themed superhero, or even a cactus one!)
Keep powers balanced with weaknesses, please make them relate to their theme!
Give them a civilian identity! You don't have to draw this one, but make sure to mention their civil job and name!
Give them a Superhero/Villain name as well!
Wait, supervillain?
OH YES! You can choose the mortal alignment of your claimed Sans! Super hero, villain, neutral, vigilante? Just pick whatever you want!
Of course headcanons are welcome, it's Canon to YOUR design! Make them trans, gay, autistic, whatever! (Human designs are allowed too!)
Wait.. what do I (the artist reading this) Even get out of doing this?
Well I'll tell you! For one, its a fun artist challenge where you personalize and create a whole new hero/Villain to your preferences!
You also get to imagine their lore, and incorporate their personality into the story! They'd all be canon part of the AU. (Note: if someone claimed a sans first and you did it anyways, yours wouldn't be Canon unless issues occurred with the OG/they gave you permission.)
I dunno, I just wanna make an AU with a ton of people, ya know? I think it's be fun for us to work together on this.
Lust: Hero. Complete. By @thelunarsystemwrites.
Reaper: Vigilante. Completed by @solusminds.
Outer: Vigilante. Complete by @dzasterdumpterfire
Ink: Retired Hero. Complete by @lix88888
Error: Supervillain. Complete by @its-paperd
Dust: Claimed by @billygoat26
Farmer: Claimed by @absurdumsid
Cross: Claimed by @weirdest-worlds
Geno: Claimed by @eldritchcats
Shattered: Claimed by @genderfluidyellowocto
Nightmare: Supervillain. Completed by @analexthatexists
Killer: Claimed by @a-menacetosociety
Dream (and core frisk): Claimed by @thenocturnenarrator
Blue: Superhero, complete by @createbellatheartist
Fell: Supervillain, complete @underrrtaleee-freakk
Quantum: Superhero. Completed by @nashdoesstuff (Also made an OC for the AU, Dreamshade! Superhero.)
Horror: Neutral Evil. Completed by @it-came-from-mount-ebott
Ccino: Claimed by @some-aroace-chaos
Fresh: Claimed by @nightmareishomophobic
Die sans: Claimed by @dustsansm1
Bill: Supervillain. Completed by @endless-emptyness (OC Nanno made by sane person!)
Epic: Claimed by @dtdrawz
Fatal error: Claimed by @spookyboris2
Swan: Claimed by @glitching-moon
Sci: Claimed by @joonebugg
Dance: Claimed by @dv-reblogs
Swad: Claimed by @shinanigans-art
Littletale: Claimed by @somehhuuuhh
Possession: Claimed by @b0nerific-individual
Alter: Claimed by @annabel184
Paperjam: Vigilante. Completed by @papple
Decadent society: Supervillain. Complete by @supper122
Green Sans: Claimed by @xxcross-is-a-helicopterxx
Roulette: Claimed by @ant1quarian
On the claimed list, if you claim a Sans (By commenting or reblogging saying "Dibs Blank!" Or "Can I do blank?" Etc! I'll add it on the List saying: "Sans: Claimed by User"
Once it's made, please tag me so I can see! Then I'll update it to "Sans: Moral alignment. By User." And link it on this post! [Please only claim one, we want enough to go around! However you can claim variations! So one person could make dream, another could make shattered!]
[Note I do not claim any ownership over your designs for the AU, nor will I use your design w/o permission.]
With all that said! Anyone interested? [And hey, if you're not interested? It's okay to just not join. Or ignore this!]
Asks! (Questions regarding the AU!)
Can we make our own lore woth other characters?
Secondary claims?
Only two grabs?
Can we have OCs?
Can we use our own AUs?
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mtt(poly) headcanon #2
out of the three, killer is the most online person. he has so many accounts for many multiverse social media platforms. his timeline is cat photos and videos, interspersed with the most random homicidal vague-posting.
killer has been banned so many times because some users realized he's a wanted terrorist and reported his accounts. but he just creates a new one and jumps back into the chaos because he's a gossip-hungry teenage girl in spirit.
dust thinks social media is a waste of time. his phone is a brick with only call and message options. he's an luddite old man like that. he's the one unironically asking "what's ligma".
would it be super funny if killer recruits horror to the group through social media lmao? horror and his brother are living in another more peaceful universe (courtesy of core frisk). horror uses some social media. one day he decides to try dating apps so he downloads one. he's really digging this cute-looking sans, a bit plain-looking but his profile is a riot. they chat for a while and decide to meet somewhere nice. turns out it's killer catfishing as dust to stave his boredom (he also does this to lure people in then kills them for fun). fortunately, horror is funny and charismatic and a bit insane, so killer says "hey wanna join me and boytoy" and the rest is history.
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
hello !! If you don't mind could you do a Bad Sanses + Star Sanses x Fem!Model!Reader who cause a pure chaos in her AU caused the end of her world just because she were bored , like , mass murder , brainwashing , abuse , torture , manipulation , world war and a lot of bad thing in this type , if you don't mind of course !
Hello! I do not mind in the slightest! Enjoy! :D
You sealed your fate, the moment you decided to act the way you do. He could sense your negativity a mile away.
You're forced against your own will to work for him. (Much like all the others)
You two don't really have much "bonding" time, so the start of your relationship is kinda rocky.
You're actually proving to be very useful for him and the team, so he'll promote you.
Congratulations! You're now working alongside him! How lucky.
(He definitely didn't paired the two of you on purpose. Noo, that's ridiculous!)
He probably won't care that you're a model, at first. After he'll get to know you better though- oh he'll buy every magazine you're on, every single thing that has your face on it, he'll own it.
He's actually proud of you. And he'll even say it out loud! (NOW YOU KNOW THIS MF IS IN LOVE, HE NEVER ADMITS TO BE ACTUALLY PROUD OF SOMEONE)
Will give you anything you ask for. In need of money? Sure. You want to buy this? He's got it covered babe.
Killer knew you way before he even met you. He's a fan lmao.
He seriously owns EVERY magazine you're in, and listened to every podcast you did. He's obsessed.
It's his guilty pleasure to stalk you online-
Imagine his surprise when he met you while he was on his mission. He was supposed to destroy an AU, along with Horror and Dust helping him, but after he saw you?? His idol? His favorite model?? THE ONE HE YEARNED SO MUCH FOR-
He got completely distracted, not fulfilling the mission, and instead asking you for an autograph.
He's so shocked when he sees you doing all that chaotic shit. You killed people? Brainwashed them? Manipulated them? DESTROYED A WHOLE UNIVERSE?! Wait...YOU DID THAT JUST BECAUSE YOI WERE BORED?!? You just became even more cooler.
Killer fell more obsessed in love with you.
Lmao, he hates you. And not because you're a model, but because you're so chaotic.
Seriously, one Nightmare is enough 🙄
He's one of the "quiet but could kill you if wanted" types. So he'll just silently give you a side eye, all while glaring at you, when you're yapping next to him.
You try to get closer to him, and he's all like "Take one more step closer, I dare you"
And then you still get closer to him... And then he finds himself slowly falling into the deep pit you call love.
Even if your relationship had a rocky start, Dust will warm up to you after getting closer to you.
Now, he actually finds himself wanting your closure.
Will still shake his head whenever you do something chaotic, but if you payed closer attention, you could see a blush and a smile covering his hidden face.
Horror doesn't really understand the whole concept of modelling, but he'll like it, because you look so pretty while doing it! ^^
Likes your chaotic side. He watches you with a wide smile whenever you're doing something chaotic.
He's often encouraging you to even do them!
Will support anything you do, much like Nightmare, he'll give you anything you ask for.
Except he doesn't have near as much money as Nightmare, so he'll be a little limited.
But if you want something really bad, he'll save up some money for you to buy the thing you want, or if it's an item, he'll try to handmade it.
HC that Horror likes to do wood carving :)
Please tell him about your chaotic adventures, he'll thrive in them!
You're a menace to society, and he's determined to change you.
He'll try to change the way you do certain things, or the way you think. Basically just nullify your chaotic side.
You're probably not listening to his scolding or tips most of the time though. 🤷‍♀️
Oh god...if you ever tell this man just WHAT you did... He'll destroy you right there.(In what way though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
He sees you as a potential threat. Seeing as you destroyed a universe, and just because you were bored too!
As for your modelling career, Dream won't pay attention to what you do, his whole attention is on how chaotic you are.
The gossip king right here folks.
He also, much like Killer, already knows about your modelling career.
Why? He lives off of the drama. (There's quite a lot involving you, because you're so chaotic 💀)
He'll also ask for your autograph the moment he sees you.
He'll always laugh out of glee whenever you tell him about something chaotic you did.
There's no way to really "shock" him, unless you tell him that you know the purpose of his vials... No one was supposed to know what use the vials have for him, and you actually knowing?? He's feral.. and I don't mean it in a good way...
Other than his vials, there is really NO way of ticking him off. He's just unbreakable. 🤷‍♀️ (Probably cause he doesn't have real emotions-)
HE WANTS TO BE YOUR BODYGUARD!! (Say yes, or you'll never get rid of him..)
He likes to assist you in every way, anything you need, and he's up and ready to get it to you.
Swap sees the good in everyone, so when you tell him how chaotic you are, he won't give up on you! He's not like Dream, who'll want to change you, instead.. he'll want to understand why you're acting the way you do, and try to connect with you through that.
You and Swap probably get along really well, he really knows how to befriend people- I guess that's why he's called THE MAGNIFICENT SANS!
He'll be happy to protect you from any creeps that make you too uncomfortable, in fact- he'll probably protect you even before you could tell him.
Swap isn't one to brag, but he'll be happy to show off how strong he is. Carrying you around, holding your heavy bags, anything that requires extra strength- he's there. :)
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Poly headcanons with the western bad sanses?
Cracks knuckles
Killer and Dust are almost constantly posturing. Expect these two dumbasses to tackle the other if either is getting jealous, often resulting in a play tussel of sorts- even if both are genuinely pissed.
Nightmare is a reasonably needy guy. He's going to try to soak up your attention as much as possible. Luckily Horror is around to haul that dumbass away from you and give you free time.
Please pay attention to Horror. He'll act like he's fine just helping you out mediating with the other boys, but he wants to be coddled dearly.
Cross and Dust are tolerant of each other. They don't fight, but they also don't talk a lot.
Killer is very insecure about his position being with you with the other boys being around, too. Make sure he knows you love him despite all of his chaos.
Dust is going to curl up to you like a cat. During his LV highs, you and Horror (and sometimes even Killer, funnily enough) are the only ones allowed near him. He will burrow under blankets and hold your hand in an inescapable grip.
Cross is going to make cookies for you. A lot. And he and the other boys are going to do all they can to lessen the workload.
Thank you for the ask!! If you have any more questions, feel free to toss 'em at me :D
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aka-indulgence · 1 month
I want to go into bad sans gang cafe and say "hi :>"
Horror starts panicking, Killer starts beaming and running for the door to let you in and give you a seat, Dust wakes up instantly and is hopping over the counter to get to you before Killer does
Nightmare's in his office and just hears the sound of chaos on the other side of the wall
Takes off his glasses
"👓 what's happening now,"
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So I just had a funny thought and I can't stop laughing about it so main 10 + dust and killer(I'm ok with just main 10 if adding two more is too much) with a child and S/O one day there just chilling and child starts screaming out of no where then runs hysterically and turns out there a cockroach on the wall... S/O takes skeletons slipper/her own slipper and throws it at the cockroach and it hits...
It's still moving so S/O goes for round 2 and throws another slipper... also hits the bug...
That sh** starts flying... S/O and child now screaming, there also running out of there if sans/papyrus are brave enough both S/O and there child screaming at them kill it they won't be coming out of the bedroom until it's dead or outside
S/O would have killed any bug that was small or a tad big but a bug the size of a tarantula( I'm sorry I can't spell) or a cockroach that flys that's where they draw the line.
Undertale Sans - He picks up the cockroach and throws it outside, taking his damn time. He doesn't understand why you're so scared of that little thing. You know he had cockroaches as pets when he was a kid? Well, that's for sure something you didn't want to learn about him.
Undertale Papyrus - He starts to throw bones everywhere, trying to catch the bug as it flies everywhere in panic. After that, the kitchen is a forest of bones but the cockroach is dead! ... Or he thinks so. He kinda lost it in the middle of all the bones. Oh well. A problem for his future self.
Underswap Sans - No, sorry, he can't. He's dying of laughter on the floor, screaming like a hyena as you and the kid are panicking and running around like headless chickens. He can never get enough of this. You end up kicking the cockroach out with a broom, and then you kick him out as well to thank him for his help.
Underswap Papyrus - What? Him? No! He's not touching that, he's scared as well. And you know what? To not have to do it, he starts to hyperventilate and then passes out on the floor, adding to the chaos lol.
Underfell Sans - He laughs like an evil villain and stomps on the thing in a disgusting "KRIIIIIISH" that still echoes in your head to this day. You can't get rid of the ugly stain on your carpet though. It's here to stay forever.
Underfell Papyrus - He picks up Doomfanger and throws his cat on the cockroach. Doomfanger then destroys the hell out of the cockroach and eats it entirely in front of your disgusted eyes, and his very proud eyes. That's his baby girl.
Horrortale Sans - Uh... Ok. He picks up the cockroach, slowly puts it outside, pets it twice on its little head, waves it goodbye, and goes back inside. Why being mean? The poor thing was just scared. You didn't know he could talk cockroach.
Horrortale Papyrus - He puts on a pair of kitchen gloves and comes to pick the thing. He then throws it outside and kicks it so it lands far from the house. Ew. He needs to clean the house again now. It's disgusting.
Swapfell Sans - Him? Like hell. He throws you on the floor as a sacrifice for the cockroach, picks his kid, and runs out of the house with them above his head. It was nice knowing you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He picks up the cockroach, laughing. Then he suddenly stops laughing and slowly turns around with a shark smile. "Oh no." "oh yes." You start running, screaming like you're getting murdered, as Rus runs behind you to put the cockroach in your hair. He can't help it, sorry.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He summons his three blasters and blasts the hell out of the cockroach. It's very dead now. So is the wall actually. You have a new window in the kitchen now. If it bothers you, he can still stick some tape on it.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He tries to push the cockroach, it jumps back at his face. Coffee is now screaming, the cockroach on his face, running into every piece of furniture and screaming for help to get it off. The worst part is when he runs into a wall, squeezing the cockroach on his face in a disgusting noise. Poor Coffee just unlocked a new trauma.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
How do you feel about PheeJin. I'm conflicted. I can see that Phee actually caught feelings, even if he feels guilty about Non still. And Phee and Jin do have chemestry. But I don't know. There was something was missing for me, I guess maybe it felt too fast.
Anyway what do you think are the chances of Phee/Non reunion?? Shall we clown together for a happy ending, or do you no longer see them coming back together??
@italianpersonwithashippersheart, because I'm crazy, once I realized Phi took Jin to Eden from the previews last week, I mentally pushed Jin off a cliff and focused on one sole thing -
TLWR: It could get messy between Phi x Jin, White is a problem or salvation, and . . . Keng might be alive too *eye roll*
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This entire theory can go up in flames in the next episode, but come with me for a second to Optimistic City:
I thought Phi was the mastermind and that Tan came along for the ride, but Tan is actually the mastermind while Phi is being dragged along. I like that Phi caught feelings for Jin because, hopefully, this means Phi is going to tell Jin about this crazy plan to get a confession, and it's going to come back around that Jin recorded the video; therefore, these two are going to look at each other with disgust unless they are like Babe from Pit Babe and completely cool with it, which I'm also very cool with.
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When Phi didn't drink the water, I instantly was like "oh, so he knows it's spiked with drugs!" but then he commented when Jin was freaking out that he hadn't realized it was spiked.
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And I love this because it implies that Tan has always had a different agenda and has left Phi out of it.
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Since it seems Tan knows more details than we thought.
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So if Dead Friend Forever is giving me a story about brotherly love rather than one of romantic love . . .
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Then who am I to argue with a tale of redemption.
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Which is why I think Keng might be alive.
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People have pointed out one of the masked killers is on crutches.
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Which would make sense if someone had gotten hit by a car and the injury didn't heal properly.
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I don't want Keng to be alive, but the fact remains that Jin keeps seeing Keng, which we know is a hallucination just like all the other guys, while Tan seemed like he genuinely saw an actual person in the house.
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The hooded person also looked up at him, and kept it moving.
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Yet Phi hasn't seen or heard anything which is why I thought he knew about this hooded figure and was in on it unlike Tan, but why would the hooded figure stop to peek a glance at Tan?
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When Top was attacked, Tan was upstairs "sleeping." Before Uncle Dang showed up to the house, Tan had just arrived to see the aftermath of the fight between Phi and Tee. And Tan was quick to suggest they use Por's place for Jin's farewell party in the first place.
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But Phi immediately ran to Jin's house to try to speak to him.
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And even questioned Tan! It's been over two years since they infiltrated the group. Why now? Why wait two years for a confession?!
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Because it's no longer about a confession for Tan.
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I mentioned that if Non is alive, it would make sense that he waited to do something until after Tee's uncle was no longer a threat, and homeboy is dead now!
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Tan's hallucination was eerily specific: Non was framed. Expose the Fucked-Up Five. Get Non's forgiveness.
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And Tan has always thought ALL of the boys are bad and specifically narrowed in on Jin as the reason for his brother's disappearance.
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If Phi truly fell for Jin, he will try to protect Jin against Tan who is going rogue. But Tan needs an inhaler. It could hold the antidote if Tan has bigger plans to kill them all, but my original thought was it would be the perfect way to die without dying. He wouldn't have to get stabbed or hit. It would take no physical injury. He would just need his inhaler and not get to in time.
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Stop breathing. Pass out. Be a dead body as chaos continues around him, and when the dust clears after the masked killers have finished everyone off, he gets back up and walks out of the woods as New because Tan who has asthma never existed in the first place.
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Non was presumed either dead or missing. Both boys could walk out of those woods without anyone even realizing they were there. The only issue is White, BUT he wasn't supposed to be there either.
And yet he is keeping Tee right where he needs to be.
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White's only connection to the group is he is dating Tee for almost three years.
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His backstory is as thin as Tan's was, but I have never seen him as "in" on the kills. White hasn't been physically harmed unlike the Fucked-Up Five. White continues to remain in the safety of the house when everyone has to venture outside. I want White to live, so either he has his reasons for being on this trip and keeping Tee out there, or White is really as innocent as he appears and Tan will save the little one as an act of redeeming himself for not saving his brother.
Which would make the thrill of Non being alive even sweeter!
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Because it would mean that everyone who "wronged" Non suffered. His mom. His dad. The Fucked-Up Five. Phi. (Keng, please God!). And even possibly his brother unless the narrative allows the brothers to be the final love story. It's scorched earth.
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Perth's character still exists, and I think he helped Non survive somehow. I have no idea how all of this will turn out, and I'm excited to see, but the second Phi took Jin to Eden, he was dead to me.
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And Non was more alive than ever.
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aylish91 · 2 years
Just wanted to say i rlly love the way you write leviathan nightmare sans, i keep going back to reread ur writing about him 😍
Thank you so much Anon!!! This really means a lot to me! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I had a blip in the works I finished just for you! It might be a bit rough though, haha.
There's been intrigued Nightmare and supportive Nightmare. But now we have:
A Protective Nightmare!
TW for very brief mentions of someone being trapped/strapped down.
~ ~ ~
The ocean was becoming more restless, waves crashing hard against the sides of the Ship. You could faintly hear their raging through the hanger’s door. It caused your water to slosh in your tank as you lay on the bottom. 
You stared across the walkway into Cross’s tank, understanding now the reason for several of his scars. You wanted to weep. He had been forced on his back, almost completely paralyzed while they transported the both of you. Straps held him in place so he couldn’t turn over, sockets void but aware.  
So terribly aware. 
You shouldn’t have gone out so far on your own. You shouldn’t have gotten so close to the lagoon. You definitely shouldn’t have ignored Cross when he eventually found you. You didn’t understand the danger.  
He knew better...  
Things shifted as the boat tipped dangerously to the side. Soon after, alarms blared from behind reflective glass when a deep and angry vibration cut through the ship and the water of your tank.  
You lifted your head as much as you could, hope building within your chest. Cross twitched, faint eyelights reigniting to peer down at the large metal door. You both ignored the shouts that could be heard through the walls. 
The vibration came again, stronger and louder until the boat was slammed with a great force. Machinery and tools flew from their spots. You could feel when the vessel lifted, anything not bolted down rolling and tumbling with a crash.  
Water spilled from both tanks to follow the carnage. However, you could finally hear the words rising from the thundering snarled vibrations. 
“You dare to take what belongs to me!! Dare touch what is mine!” Everything jostled, metal folding under pressure. “For your insolence, you shall all face OBLIVION!!! 
You had to cover your ears from all the noise and chaos around you. Metal tore from blackened claws, bent and broke from massive tentacles. The heavy metal door into your prison was ripped away, revealing Nightmare’s constricted eyelight. Rushing water followed.  
 As movement slowed, you gave a weakened cry of joy at the sight of the boys hastily entering around tightening tentacles. Horror was quick to break both tanks, Killer and Dust releasing Cross to drag him back into open water. Horror carried you out, dodging Nightmare's clawed hand when it rent metal. Your last wakeful moments were of the sinking ship being pulled down into the darkness by a raging leviathan. 
~ ~ ~ 
It was warm and heavy when you woke, a soothing thrum trying to pull you back. If it wasn’t for the subtle shifting around you, you would have. Curling into yourself, you carefully stretched in preparation for waking. 
The world around you constricted, quiet words reaching through your haze. 
“My Pearl. I had thought I’d lost you. My light… My treasure.” 
Your soul leapt for joy, eyes opening to the one you had waited for. The one you had hoped for, voice breaking. 
Unfurling from your living cocoon you allowed the guardian to cup you in his hands, clutching you to his chest. For the first time, his stoic face distorted from emotion as he whispered your name. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes, as you finally allowed yourself to let go, curling and pressing into his warmth. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, to, and Cross!” 
Nightmare held you tighter, safe from all the terrors around you. “Shhhh. All is well. You both are home now. Just, stay with me. I will keep you safe.” 
You clung tighter. “Please. Don’t let go.” 
He sank down into his own tentacles, barricading you from the outside. “Never… Not again…” 
Leviathan Master List Grand Master Post
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qin-qin16 · 7 days
Apparently you guys like to compare our favorite skeletons to animals, sooo I came with some headcanons and want to see your opinion!
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mblue-art · 9 days
ok I have a few more questions (no judging btw) 1. which ones
2. wouldn't it be a bit much? like how would you be with 10 people at once
3. is there a difference between shipping yourself with someone and simping for them?
oh ! interesting questions, i appreciate the curiosity haha
—> 1. i mostly focus on lust and cross, but i have shipped my sona with these skeletons — fell // classic // epic // outer // swap // dream // bad sanses gang (nightmare, killer, dust, horror, + error)
—> 2. oh dear, not everyone at the same time ! haha. (that would be quite the chaos, like those skeleharem x reader fics LOL) (although i have considered harem/poly ideas before). it's more on imagining different one-on-one scenarios and what-ifs with each skeleton — and sometimes there are AUs that i want to explore more of so they get more doodles and continuations (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
—> 3. hm. well, when someone says they're a simp for a character, they've probably shipped themselves / their sonas/OCs with the character — but i think someone can say they're a simp for [character] but not exactly want to ship themselves with [character]; they'd rather ship someone else with [character]. they just think they're neat ! :]
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mintflavoredfemurs · 2 months
I love how you draw killer! Do you have any headcanons for him?
Thank you :D And I have a handful!! Mostly ones following the ending where he leaves Nightmare to go with Color. (Buckle up, I'm a sucker for detail and most of it is just expanding off of canon)
-- Killer treats his gaster blasters like cats. He had to do this because Nightmare kept hurting his actual cats and he figured it was the best way to cope without getting himself caught (easy to desummon blasters) or putting any other cats under Nightmare's wrath. When he escapes with Color, he gets actual cats again but still treats his blasters like cats (they get sad when he doesn't!!)
-- He likes hanging around with Error for the sole purpose of talking shit about Nightmare. The moment Error pulls out a chocolate bar though, he's gotta nope it out of there. Too many memories. Error never understands why but begins using it as a way to get Killer out of his anti-void when he wants to be unbothered.
-- Killer's gotten better at managing his stages, especially since Nightmare isn't there to trigger stage 3. The way Nightmare would trigger stage 3 was to, as the comics showed, stabbing right through Killer's SOUL with a tentacle. (This is just theorizing:) The negative energy of his corruption would override Killer's positivity (whatever little there was), the forced negativity putting his DT into hyperdrive (spilling out his eyes, mouth, nose, everywhere..) which triggers his bloodlust. When Color offered Killer help initially, it'd given him enough hope and positivity to linger in his SOUL residually even after Nightmare had reverted it. Now, Nightmare isn't there to manually trigger stage 3 and he lives much more happily with Color. With his SOUL both being in stage 1 more often and less things to trigger his higher stages, he's gotten a handle on it!! But! There are still things that trigger higher stages, usually things that he associates with bad memories.
-- Killer's considered joining the Stars just to spite Nightmare but had to shut that idea down quickly. Swap and the memories of fighting him would trigger his stages + He's afraid of getting caught in a battle with his old gangmates. Even worse, getting into crosshairs with Nightmare himself. Nightmare's temper had gotten worse since he left, and he always did have a chokehold on Killer. Killer couldn't risk it.
-- While he Was still in the gang, in the rare moments that Horror didn't immediately leave when he saw Killer enter a room, they might exchange brief conversations about their old AUs, Killer initiating them. They were brief because they had to be, the influx of emotions similar to grieving (grieving their old AUs, ESPECIALLY their Papyruses) would catch Nightmare's attention. After his escape, Killer vaguely considers trying to bust Horror out, too but he has his doubts. He's not sure about Dust. (Oh yeah. Horror's been plotting. Getting yanked from an active AU can cause high levels of resentment in a skelly.)
-- Dust and Horror were always on edge around Killer due to his obedience to Nightmare (this is also why Horror usually leaves when Killer enters the room). Though, Dust had, at some point, found out about Killer going behind Nightmare's back to help AUs instead of plunging them into negativity. Dust kept some grudge due to Killer betraying the gang but kept silent. It wasn't the biggest surprise when Killer left soon after he found out. It was more surprising that Nightmare hadn't bothered, even once, to try and find him again.
-- Nightmare had tried, and succeded, to trigger Killer's stage 4 on a few occasions. The negativity from his exhaustion and upwelled memories was always a nice treat afterward.
-- Killer's tried to find his old AU. He never could (almost seems like someone had gotten rid of the AU because they couldn't risk him attempting to defy them...). He found Horror's AU though and the chaos there is one of the few reasons he's skeptical to return Horror to his AU (everything's gone off the rails since Horror's disappearance. Everyone thought Sans (Horror) dusted and Undyne's rule has gotten even more out of hand.)
-- Killer's studying of blood and monster dust still stuck with him. Color's gotten concerned about his hobby before but someone had to have to left him a meticulously gift-wrapped microscope on Gyftmas. Color never fesses up but Killer catches the glee in his eye whenever he walks in on Killer examining stuff with it.
And, ending on a more lighthearted note!!
-- Killer's often takes his cats to Ccino's cafe to mingle with the other kitties while he grabs drinks for him and Color ^_^
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jennay · 1 year
I wanna request rory culkin in lords of chaos being in his record shop and seeing a not so normal customer for such a shop, he sees a pretty girl wearing her pretty mini sundress having her cute makeup and hair done, she looks all dolled-up ykyk. she basically goes there to buy something for her brother but she's so not into it, she so shy and "scared" to go there but she eventually does it and like euro kinda finds it adorable even tho everyone there is teasing her (AH IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE LMAO, I just need fluff and cuteness and yk maybe a little spicy teasing IDK HEHEHE! hope u have a great day!!!)
Master List
An: I Hope this is what you wanted!
Words: 1700
Warnings: None. Maybe shit talking?
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Shivers ran down your spine as you walked down the dark, dirty street. Why your brother thought it was a good idea to send you to this part of town was beyond you. You understood his foot was broken and needed someone to run errands for him, but you didn't belong with the people he associated with. You weren't into death metal, didn't wear all black, and you definitely didn't rage against the machine. You were quite the opposite. You enjoyed your colorful wardrobe and bubbly music and were more of a rule follower. You NEVER got in trouble or put yourself in a bad situation.
You had heard rumors about the record store and its owner. Some said he was a cult leader who performed rituals in the basement. Others said he was a serial killer who lured unsuspecting customers into his trap. Others said he was a vampire who fed on the blood of young girls like you. He wasn't twenty-five, but innocent people's blood kept him youthful.
Of course, you didn't believe those stories, but you still felt uneasy as you approached the store. It looked like a rundown shack, with faded posters and graffiti covering the windows. The neon sign flickered and buzzed, spelling out "Rock 'n' Roll Heaven." You wondered if that was meant to be ironic or ominous.
You pushed open the door and stepped inside. The smell of dust and mold hit you like a wave. You saw rows of shelves filled with records, tapes, and magazines. You also saw posters of rock stars and bands, some of who you recognized and others you didn't. The place was dimly lit by a few lamps and a jukebox that played an old song you couldn't name. Where the hell did you step into?
You walked along the aisles, scanning the labels and covers. You could feel a few different sets of eyes on you, and you tried to keep your head down but glanced up a few times with an awkward smile, hoping they didn't come toward you.
One man stood at the counter pretending to read a magazine, but his eyes would flick to you. He'd nudge his buddy and whisper something you couldn't hear, making you anxious.
"Sweetheart. I think you stepped into the wrong place." One of them says, staring at you. "You need to go to the record store on Broadwater. They have all that bubble gum pop shit you're probably looking for." You notice his piercing blue eyes carving into your soul, and you try to look away, but it's a trance. His long black hair hangs in his face, and deep down inside, you want to remark how he should stop wearing women's clothing and grow up, but the rumor of him eating people comes back to your mind, and you keep your mouth shut.
You find the name of the band your brother had mentioned, and there are several different pieces of vinyl, each from a different year. Why didn't he tell you the name?
"Do you not talk?" Another one calls from the counter.
You look up at him again, blushing, "I do. I'm just looking for something, and I'll be out of here." Your eyes return to the records, and you grab the newest one. Your brother was a collector, and it was more than likely he wanted the more recent item.
You hear his footsteps walking around the counter, and just to your luck, the bigger one is coming toward you. The one who looks like he might attack you.
He walks up to you with a smirk on his face, holding a cigarette in his hand. He blows smoke in your direction, making you cough. He looks at the record you're holding and snorts. "You're kidding me. You're buying this crap?" He grabs the record from your hand and examines it. "This is their latest album. It's garbage. They sold out to the mainstream. They lost their edge. They used to be good back in the day." He points to another record on the shelf. "This is their first album. This is where it all started. This is real music." He hands it to you and takes back the one you had chosen. "Trust me, kid. You'll thank me later." He winks at you and returns to the counter, leaving you speechless and confused.
Kid? You weren't a child.
You cautiously walk to the counter, noticing two of the three men sitting in the corner watching some gory horror movie, and you do your best not to make a face at it.
You try to play it cool like you weren't in your favorite red and white sundress that you'd just bought, you weren't wearing the cutest sandals you'd ever seen, or you didn't get dolled up for the day knowing where you were going.
You tried to ignore the stares and whispers of the other customers, who looked at you like you were an alien. But you knew you couldn't fool anyone.
"You're brave walking in here looking like that. You look like you got lost on your way to the Barbie convention." He sounds playful, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt your feelings.
You bite your lip, wishing he would just tell you how much you owe him, but he seems amused with you and taking his time. He grabs the record with a smirk and taps on the cash register.
He looks at you with a mock surprise and says, "That'll be a hundred bucks, please." He chuckles and adds, "Just kidding. It's only twenty. But I'll take a hundred if you want to tip me for my excellent service." He winks at you and holds his hand, waiting for your payment.
Your eyes deaden at his joke; you don't find him amusing. He hands you the record, still smiling as you walk away from him.
"Hey, I'm gonna take a smoke break." He tells the others and follows behind you. Was he following you?
Part of Euronymous felt guilty for the way he was acting. He didn't want to admit it, but that was his best attempt at flirting, and he failed miserably. "Hey, wait up." He says, catching you before you cross the street.
You stop, looking back for a second before you sigh and drop your shoulders, "Why so you can continue to be an asshole to me?"
He runs his fingers through his hair, holding his cigarette to his lips. "I wasn't. I didn't…Look, I think your style's cool. I, uh, I don't know how to talk to pretty girls." He admits.
Your brows scrunch together with confusion; you aren't sure what his game plan is. "I'm not really into Satanists or cult leaders, so you don't have to waste your time apologizing to me or trying to make me feel better about myself. I think you're tacky, just like your store."
He looks hurt by your words, but he doesn't give up. "Well, I'm neither of those things." He pulls his cigarette from his lips, "This is weird and I know this is weird, because I'm weird, but, let me at least walk you to your car. It's getting late and I'd feel like a shithead if something happened to you."
You hesitate, not sure if you should trust him or not. He doesn't look like a bad guy, just a misunderstood one. But you've heard stories about people like him, who pretend to be friendly and turn out to be monsters. You don't want to be another victim. "I'm walking to my brother's house, and I'd prefer you not to know where I stay." You tell him, but part of you wants to take his offer. It's creepy at night, and you have no way to protect yourself if something was to happen.
He remains quiet, watching you rethink what you just told him. Why did you tell him that? He could easily follow you and find out where you live. You curse yourself for being so stupid. "If I let you walk me home, promise not to stalk me?" You ask him, hoping he's not lying.
His laughter rings in your ears, "I won't stalk you. Between my band and owning the shop, I don't have time to stalk anyone plus, if you want to see me, you know where I work." He playfully winks. "Come on, let's go. I promise I'll behave." He smiles at you with a charming grin that makes your heart flutter. You wonder if he's as bad as you thought or just a lonely soul looking for company. You decide to give, hoping you won't regret it later.
You make small talk, asking him about his band. He tells you that his band is called Mayhem and plays black metal, an extreme and controversial music genre.
"I'm glad you came in today. I know it can be a bit over the top, and I'd be lying if I said we weren't being judgemental dicks." He laughs, his eyes dart to you nervously, waiting for your response, but you continue to watch the sidewalk. "I hope part of you doesn't believe I'm what everyone says."
You tilt your head up, looking at him with curiosity. You wonder why your opinion would matter. "I think you're misunderstood but you kind of like it that way."
He shrugs and takes a drag from his cigarette. "I do enjoy being a rebel and an outcast. I like making people uncomfortable it's entertaining to see how fearful people are." He exhales the smoke and looks at you with a smirk. "But maybe I also like surprising people and showing them that I'm not a monster. Maybe I like being normal and human."
"You know, nice doesn't look bad on you. You should try it more often." You're able to genuinely smile at him this time. "Well," You say, stopping in front of the apartment doors. "This is it." You don't know how to end this interaction. It's not like this was a date or a friendship.
He nods, "Alright, I'll see you around?"
You shrug with a playful smile as you open the door, "Maybe."
He throws his hands in the air as he walks away from you, "I'll take it!" He says, his voice full of excitement. He looks back at you and gives you a thumbs-up, making you laugh, and he disappears into the night, leaving you with a story to amuse your brother with and a memory that might make you return to the 'scariest' record store in town.
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