#duskwood actor
hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Imagine if Jake had an actor, the ocean of simps that's going to come after him
Oh yes, we had this discussion soo many times. About how people would behave and how critical it could be etc.
But we already had a similar situation actually. The model for the stock photos they used for Jake, his name is Ivan Milovanov.
Anyway. The guy on the pictures, this random dude who had nothing to do with Duskwood. When some people found out who he is, they also found his Instagram. And of course, within a blink they overrun his account and of course also left comments.
"He's Jake!!!"
"Is he going to be Jakes actor??"
"I wouldn't mind if he's Jake's actor 🤤"
"I hope he is not the actor of Jake"
Like, this dude was nothing but a model for random stock pictures every one on this earth can use. And they went there and spammed. And even insulted him by saying he shouldn't be Jake because he doesn't look like the perfect little model guy they created in their head.
It was insane and now imagine this with an actual actor. Bye. That would be hell. ×.×
And I’m sure that people would really forget every limit, boundary and logical thinking.
But as I said, we talked about it before and saying all of this also feels wrong, somehow. Because it's just, I don’t know. If I'm imagine that Everbyte won't do what they want because some people can't behave, it's shit. So I hope whatever will happen or not, Everbyte can do it the way they want.
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cursedchildofchaos · 4 months
Generic non spoilery thoughts for Moonvale.
I have feelings, both good and bad about the new game. Some things, I like better than Duskwood. Some things are disappointing
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agorejessstone · 10 months
How Hira Changed My Life - DRAMA
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At just 29 years old, I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer.
Sort of the cherry on top of a sundae made Sjogren's.
As the eldest daughter of a lower middle class American family, I was responsible for more than just my education growing up.
While I was an avid writer, reader, dancer, artist, and vocalist, I was never given the same opportunities as my siblings. When they were being totted off to this practice or that recital, I was forced to focus on my homework, and whichever sibling was not old enough to attend.
That's not to say I didn't get to play a sport or join a club here and there, but overall, I was heading down a path of self destruction.
A people pleaser, avidly ignoring all the issues I'd acquired along the way, in pursuit of other's happiness.
There is nothing quite like a near-death experience to make you reevaluate your life.
6 years ago, I beat cancer, or at least, began my journey into remission, where I remain for the time being.
I decided that it was time to put down the dish rag, quit all but one of my three jobs, and get to know myself better. I'd carried the need to be the caretaker in to adulthood, and the effects were devastating.
I set out to write and publish my first full length novel. I'd written plenty before, but I never had the time, energy, or confidence to publish.
In July of 2021, I published my very first novel in a six part series that I am still working on today: Legend of the Sylph, but that wasn't all I wanted to do.
In 2016, I'd started a podcast, during my diagnosis, I'd been forced to focus on my health, and put that podcast on hold.
By 2018, fond memories resurfaced, and I decided it was time to try again. Heiress Anonymous was born as a faceless online artist, with a heart of gold, and a lot of stories to tell. I even included a weekly advice section, and things were going pretty well.
Until my youngest brother took his own life January 2019, 2019.
Being one of only two siblings that I was close to, and only 19, that loss shook the very core of our family, and it nearly defeated me a second time.
Struggling to keep my depression, anxiety, PTSD and bipolar under control, I did the only thing I thought I could do.
I got help.
During my inpatient therapy, I spent a lot of time reflecting on what made me happy, so that when I left that place, I could find something, anything, that made life seem less like wading through the layers of hell, slowly as an ant through tar.
I'd lost so many pieces of myself and I was tired of slapping a bandaid on a gaping wound and telling myself, and everyone else, it was just a scratch.
Dealing with everyone else's needs and desires, while neglecting my own was causing my Sjogren's to flare up more often than it should. My body wasn't cooperating, and my mind, oh that poor fella was more foggy than a black and white film.
Again, I started to do things I was passionate about.
I started with an online game after Duskwood's completion.
Each month, I'd write a new story, and a team of artists would help me develop a location map, clues, and characters for up to 30 people to play. It was the most fun I'd had in a while.
During this time, I was also playing other immersive games.
Mystic Messenger, The Seven Endgame series, and The Sign.
During my playthrough of the Seven series, I happened upon some... rather cancellable translation errors. In a moment of "Please don't cancel the only games I enjoy", I typed up an email to Reality Games, the developers, offering to scan the rest of their games for similar issues.
I was surprised when my wonderful friend Mel emailed me back, offering to let me test and correct The Healing, their upcoming title.
I accepted right away.
Then I had a thought... What if I took the team I'd been working on games with, made an actual game?
Astro Hollow was born. (Hopefully we'll be completed by 2025. It's not easy now that I have such a small team.)
During The Healings production, I asked if there were any unfilled roles. After knowing me for some time. Mel suggested Hira, and the rest is history.
Reality Games Fandom group was started on FB.
There, I met many great fans.
And some not so great fans.
One of them stood out to me. Stefi, who plays Ina.
She came to me as a fan, but we became fast friends. Similar to some of the others. She expressed her desire to become a voice actress, but was hesitant.
I spent weeks, months even, building her up, encouraging her, offering to help coach her lines, etc.
I introduced her to the group, set her up to mod the RG Fandom so she could learn the ropes and get used to fan engagement.
I even invited her to co-host a podcast.
Things seemed to be running smoothly. Until she decided that she was too busy to steam, but with the German meet and great looming, and her insistence that she go, I wholeheartedly understood.
I offered to hold her place on the podcast, until she had more time.
Tongue Tied Games and I had chatted before on reddit. Imagine my surprise at how small the world is, when I found out he played Charlie! We streamed together for the first time about a year ago, and we just clicked.
Preston and I became fast friends as well. (Cedrik - The Sign EN) His sense of humor is the stuff of legends.
I met all sorts of nice people.
Serge definately stands out to me. Such an amazing, witty guy.
I can't say enough good things about the Author's.
Daniel and Tim especially.
I'd forgotten how dark the internet can be, with all the light surrounding me.
I hadn't stopped to think about the fans, and how this could easily turn into an introverts parasocial hellscape.
For months, I tried to be the bigger person.
I ignored the whispers, the rumors, the blatant disrespect, but something happened that made me realize that if I don't stick up for myself, no one else will.
So here I am, explaining how one of the most important turning points in my life, has become the darkest time.
A fan, whom I will not name, and whom I've never had a conversation with, immediately disliked me. For the past 8 months, I've tried and tried and tried to figure out who or what or why this happened. They don't seem to know themselves. But to anyone that would listen, I was "mean". I didn't "value my friendships".
I was so dead set on not disrupting the community I loved, that I didn't speak up.
Ina was one of those people who turned their back on me.
I asked them why they'd take their word over mine, after everything I'd done.
I'd vouched for them, coached them, let them sit with me while I edit, introduced them to the group, supported them, helped them learn and grow, shared with them, both professionally and privately.
I could not fathom this turn of events.
In fact, I had not even considered it as the catalyst for her quitting the podcast.
It wasn't until a very dear friend of mine, nearly took her life, because she was bullied by this very same member (I'd give you there name, but honestly, I suspect there are many many names they go by) that I'd finally had it.
See what I mean?
I'm quick to defend and protect other people, but I'll let others tear me apart before I disrupt the peace.
I reached out to my mods, and let them know what was happening. They were appalled, to say the least. One even tried to mediate, but of course that didn't work out.
There was nothing to mediate.
This was a para social nightmare.
Growing up, being sickly, I'd never found myself beautiful, but in recent years, that has changed.
Health and happiness have made me a better person, physically and mentally.
Imagine my surprise when I was edged out by women who were intimidated by me, in a group that I was part of, long before most of them.
Imagine consitently helping others, and being forced to step back for a few months, only to come back to someone new, determined to make themselves "Queen PICK ME" or some shit.
I truly still do not understand it.
I've tried countless times to figure it out, but in the end, these are people who want to keep someone to themselves.
Who flirt with a stranger online, thinking they know them, but chastise anyone else who dares to do the same.
I'd seen it.
I'd recognized it.
I choose to ignore it.
FFS - I've got someone I care about already. Who in their right mind would intentionally ruin that for someone they've never even met? Someone they don't know? That's just a silly thought to have.
It has to be jealousy....
Do you know how many times I've been told that, and chose to ignore it, because I cannot fathom what there is to be jealous of?
After I shared my story with mods, the universe answered with a call of it's own.
Message after message from others within the community, who'd been wronged by this person.
Who'd felt unwelcome in the community.
Who'd been attacked, bullied even, out of the groups.
I was shattered.
A near death, a dozen victims.
I reached out to the group owners, and cleaned up my own, but no one made a move to correct the behavior.
Is that what being an "influencer" is?
Should I be reaping the benefits without any of the responsibility?
I refuse to let people suffer, because I don't want to speak up.
I was scared, truth be told, because I thought if I just ignored it, it would go away.
By time I realized that wasn't the case, so many other people had been influenced by this person's word.
This person, whom I'd never had a conversation with.
This person, who I'd promoted their "fan art".
This person, who was continually looking for excuses to hate me.
This person, who clearly knows nothing about me.
And yet, this person was going to win.
I haven't said a word in 8 months.
I've blocked and removed myself where ever I can, but this person, these people really, still haunt me.
The horde gets larger every day I stay silent.
The one who said they weren't feeling the podcast, took the name I had for the post finale of Orphans, and the people I had invited, and did their own, but I knew that was happening, and said nothing.
Until someone came to me and asked me, "Weren't you the reason that Stefi joined the cast as Ina?"
I replied yes, and the flood gates opened.
Stefi was a fan.
She came to me as Hira. Said she liked the character.
We started to chat. Became friends.
I encouraged her to email her audition to the team.
I reached out to the team and told them to give her a chance.
I coached her lines from the first few episodes.
She now gives credit to TT.
If you don't believe me, I have the podcasts still up on YouTube, where we talk about it in detail.
At first, I was sure that she was being manipulated.
Part of the reason that I was adamant that she join the team, was who she is as a person.
She's LGBTQ and on the spectrum. It's very important to me, especially after all of my struggles, to make sure that everyone finds something they're passionate about and doesn't let anything hold them back.
For months I thought she was being taken advantage of. Manipulated.
To discover otherwise was absolutely heartbreaking for me.
Imagine how shattered I was, when someone from the German fan meet up, said she's been telling people that since the German Fan Meet and Great in AUGUST 2023.
I feel used.
I'm at a low I'm not sure I can recover from, especially because she continues to say and do things just to get at me.
I've done what I can to block and move on, and I continue to leave communities I cherish, because of these ghosts.
It's like I'm Sandy, but for real this time, and trapped in that damned Orphanage.
Will we share a similar fate?
Will I let devistation consume me?
Have I made the right decisions?
Time will tell.
I'm leaving most names out of this on purpose, but I'm setting the record straight on how Ina came to be part of the community.
I'm so sick and tired of supporting people from behind the curtain, while actively being used as a doormat.
I love working for RG.
This has nothing to do with the company itself.
Cast will be what cast will be.
I love voice acting. I love writing, so even the editing process is fulfilling, but man I still had a lot to learn about how selfish the industry is.
How competitive.
How jealous and manipulative.
Watching people argue over someone they've never met.
Someone they've never seen.
Someone they don't know.
Watching them gatekeep the communities they stay in, running off anyone who isn't an OG.
Kind of defeats the purpose of supporting that creator, when you're driving good people out.
I'm starting to wonder if the internet isn't going to be our downfall.
If we'll ever truly understand the effects of parasocial relationships.
While I love the work I do, and many of the people who follow me, I cannot condone gatekeeping, lying, manipulation, cheating, stealing, copying, and outright bullying.
Stay in your lane.
At the end of the day, you don't know me.
Very few of you do.
You don't know her, him, they, them.
You just don't.
Speaking or acting on the behalf of others, lying about the people who helped get you where you are, no matter how you feel about them, is just plain messed up.
As with everything else in my life, I've learned a lot here.
I don't love parasocial relationships.
They fascinate me, until they piss me off.
Obviously this is NOT all of what occurred here. There are plenty of screenshots, and stories, but the bottom line is that I'm being pushed around, and I'm tired of staying silent. I work too hard, and help too many people, while barely being able to lift my head up to do so.
I've had it.
If you want to join a discord community where bullying, will not be tolerated: https://discord.gg/C6Edjk3AhX
Please remember. Just because you recognize their face and you know about them through the internet, does not mean you KNOW them.
Please treat actors/streamers as human beings, but also as "entertainers".
Respect their privacy.
Do not speak on their behalf.
Do not bully their followers, even if they are extremely hands off, or they expect the community to police.
You can easily turn one of the BEST things that's ever happened to someone, into one of the worst.
The results can be deadly.
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lyon-amore · 6 months
If it were Everbyte and for every "we love Jake!" "Where's Jake?" "GIVE ME JAKE!" I see, it would delay his appearance in the game 😂 God, what a burden!! I want to see Jake too, but reading the same thing over and over again must make them sick
Also give love to the new game and the new mystery that awaits us, they have been working hard to attract new people and get them interested in Duskwood later, we already know that we have the side story, calm down everyone 😅
I have put a comment giving them love for Everbyte in the meantime "We don't want Eric, we want Jake", I mean, imagine how the actor is going to feel if in the future there are people who do not differentiate between reality and fiction???
Please do not burden Everbyte and also give them support in the new mystery that they are going to give us, I want to enjoy a fandom also theorizing about what happened to Adam and meet his friends in a healthy way with you 🙏🥺💖
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reds-ramblings · 4 months
Because nobody asked for my opinion... I'm going to give it anyway.
Thought, pros and cons of the new game. It's not super spoilery but I'm going to hide it just in case.
First, I would like to say I was NOT at all expecting the new story to be a continuation of Duskwood or to even be a similar story to Duskwood. Everbyte made it very clear this is not what Moonvale was meant to be. I went into this with a completely open mind and tried my best not to compare Moonvale to Duskwood. I was still disappointed. There were several changes Everbyte made that were great but they were overshadowed by the negative changes.
1. There is now an LGBTQ option when you enter your name and Duskwood code. This doesn't apply to me so I'm not sure what it changes in the game but this option was needed.
2. You can use diamonds to skip mini-games. I would have spent money just to do this if everything else didn't cost so much.
3. This is just my opinion but the mini-games seemed to be a bit easier.
4. The Duskwood side story. It's not much now but I would play the game just for that. Was it worth spending money to finish sooner? No.
1. Money money money. There's no premium package that unlocks everything. I get that Everbyte has to make money off of the game but the content wasn't worth what they were charging!
2. I found the characters really unlikable. Eric was alright, but the rest I couldn't care less for. I started out liking charlie but he quickly became annoying. I really wanted to like Ash but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. Where was the character development here?!
3. The story line! The Billy Blake story was long and pointless. Maybe it will be important later on but it definitely could have been shorter. It took like 3 mini-game sessions just to get through it! When he said "should I continue" I literally yelled no!
4. The story line! It was unoriginal. Some parts felt very copy, paste, change a few lines and here's a new story.
5. The mini-games. I didn't like how it forced you to play them at set times. One of the things I liked about Duskwood is that you could play all the mini-games in each set and then not have to stop the story so much.
6. AI! I get that they don't have actors for all of the characters but why not use stock images like before? Why do they have to use AI?!?!
7. You can't rewatch ANY of the videos or phone calls. They literally disappear. Yet somehow they are "saved" so you can send them to other characters.
8. We waited 2 years for that?! It had the potential to be amazing and even better than Duskwood. We know Everbyte can make an amazing game Duskwood is proof of that. This did not live up to those standards
I'm sure there's more but this is all I can think of at the moment.
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angie-01040 · 8 months
Okay, guys, in my desperate need for Moonvale I started looking for similar games and I came across this game called "An Elmwood Trail". At first, I didn't hope for much, but it turns out the story is pretty good and it has some plot twists. It reminded me of Duskwood in a way🤔. I'm telling you a bit about it in case you want to check it out.
A private etective named ADAM is basically working on a investigation to find a MISSING GIRL called Zoey. As the episodes go by, we find out that everything is much more complicated than it seems. It has currently only 2 episodes but they're quite long, I was surprised (the second one came out maybe a week ago or something so now you can play them both in one go, you're welcome).
I plan on winning you over by saying there are a lot of cool CLUES you have to try and find out and you basically work from Adam's phone, so it definitely makes it realistic despite the fact that the characters are not played by real actors, but trust me it's really good. Plus, there are kind of HACKERS involved👀...
If you want to try and check it out, it's a free app available on Play Store (I think it's only available in English, but I trust our bilingualism💅 so it shouldn't be a big problem). Oh, and they also recommend to play it with headphones and so do I (it's really good and it helps with the clues too).
My Duskwood people, you probably already know the why of my captions and I dearly hope I convinced you at least a little bit. And of course if you want a bestie to scream at while you are playing it, then (please) write to me🤭 ;).
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captain-uncharted · 4 months
A thought just hit me here: Did the Duskwood characters (more like Cleo, Thomas and Dan) did REALLY see what the developers were doing? No way I would let them continue and release Moonvale knowing how it looked like, if I was an actor from the other game... Even if my opinion would be disconsidered because, hey, I was only an actor, I would try to do something, yell at everyone about this 😂😅
I think I remember of hearing Everbyte saying they let some people play the first episode before the fans, and it was hugely approved... Anyone can confirm this?
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fenra-bookswritings · 4 months
Hey guys, I just wanted to share a few thoughts on the #Moonvale criticism.
I don't really know how to write this, but somehow I was pretty disappointed with all the fuss about the release of the new episode. Not in Everbyte but more in the community, without wanting to criticize anyone. Everyone can say what they want and I thought it was nice that some of you emphasized several times that this isn't about hate, but about constructive criticism.
I understand the points of anger, but then again, somehow I don't.
AI is interesting for a lot of artists at the moment, which doesn't make it reprehensible. Also the point that AI steals works. Of course that's not good, but honestly it could just be a kind of inspiration. If you look, you'll always find a suitable comparison. Like Arcane. But just because there's a woman with blue hair doesn't mean it has to be a version of Jinx. After all, people look for inspiration everywhere. That doesn't make it a copy. (I understand your point completely, of course, and I don't think stealing from artists is a good thing. I'm an artist myself and can relate to it very well)
And about the diamond system... Sure, they spoiled us a bit with the premium package and the diamonds are quite annoying. But good work is worth paying for. (That doesn't mean that you have to pay $50 for it all the time. Especially because there's no obligation behind it.) I'd rather pay something (and that won't happen more than twice a year at the rate they're releasing) than let this studio go under. After all out there are so many artist who get support through.. money. this game isn't a expectation.
The work they do, the effort, the technology they need, the actors. All the work they do behind the scenes to produce this episode... It was so sad to read all these hate comments after they probably put a lot of effort into it for 2 years. I can well imagine that after the release, they were relieved
and hoped that there would be a little more gratitude. Just because they had written something amazing again. However, it quickly went from comments like "bring Jake back" and "I can't wait" to "the game sucks" "this is shit". But as the saying goes: Nothing is so hard as man's ingratitude. For someone who just consumes, it may be justified. But for people who have put their heart and soul into it, even if they made mistakes, it is extremely devastating. People are so quick to only see the negative that all the good is quickly wasted. If you tear it down, then in most cases the criticism only concerns AI and diamonds. The story is structured very similarly to Duskwood in parts. We even got the introduction of the characters, the time when "unknown" appears, the clues, the relationships and even Jake at the end.
And we can even repeat the episodes as often as we like without losing any progress in the game.
I am definitely in favor of appropriate criticism. There is no need to sugarcoat anything that cannot be sugarcoated. What I was actually trying to say here is that I found it so sad how quickly all the positive things are forgotten because the community is upset about "two" settings.
If you've read this far, thank you. This isn't meant to offend you in any way. I... just wanted to share my thoughts with anyone who's into this and seems to be listening.
Have a nice day everyone 🫶🏻
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paigenoelchas-blog · 4 months
I have not finished Episode 1 so maybe I shouldn't be writing any of this, but I have some opinions about Everbyte.
1. I believe that they are going to do a fine job at weaving a story (Duskwood) that is so beloved into something new.
2. AI is here to stay, that fact sucks. It takes the ability for true artists to make a living, it removes creativity from the world and it deprives of a real emotion and depth of feeling in our art, but it is cheaper and easier to use than actors. I would have appreciated real people and the impact it would have made they had dealt with profiles in a different way, but if they are busy writing a good story and weaving Duskwood in and out of it, I can accept that some things have to be sacrificed.
3. It is hard to create a story. It is hard to program a computer game that is as full of life and creates as many feelings as Duskwood did for a lot of us. It is hard to please old fans and new ones at the same time. Certainly mistakes will be made. We have all made mistakes and will make more before we leave the Earth.
4. It is impossible to please everyone. A company that basically created this genre should be given the chance to try something new. They deserve our loyalty and at the very at the very least some human kindness and respect. They are people and no matter how much you disagree the should to be treated as such. Words hurt even if they are typed anonymously.
I may have a different opinion after I finish episode 1. I am just hoping that the team at Everbyte continues to produce this game with the passion and care that they have in the past. I personally want to play through this game and find out what they have done.
I don't like to push buttons or start fights or be involved in drama, but I feel bad for the game creators. I hope they know that some of us are still behind them and will follow all of the stories they plan to tell.
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gryffpex · 4 months
Is it just me, or are the minigames harder in Moonvale over Duskwood? I spent hours last night just trying to get one star. And when I finished the episode, I didn't realize one of the buttons meant restarting. But instead of actually restarting the minigame progress as well as the episode progress, I'm still on the harder minigame levels.
And I agree with everyone else. The minigames make no sense. There's no cloud hacking, there's just this cute and fun looking fantasy candy crush amidst the premise of a guy going missing.
Literally the only things to make me happy with the first episode was Adam and Eric (their actors did amazing and I love the casting, it really felt like talking to people with those two), the (SPOILER) first glimpse at the duskwood side plot with what Ash asks us about Duskwood in DMs, and then lastly (ANOTHER SPOILER) The body cam ending especially since I went for all the romance with Jake.
Very few things make me feel the love and nostalgia that I have for Duskwood, and for that I'm really disappointed. I was prepared to pay the ten to fifteen dollars for premium, not feel like I'm playing a choices game. It's why I always end up either deleting or never playing those games.
I miss Jake. I miss our group. I miss Duskwood.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I'm especially sad about the AI art statement.
No one ever said they can't use AI in general. Nobody said this. As long as they don't let the chats be written by AI they can use it for whatever they want.
Me personally, I'm a little fan of AI in general. ChatGPT took Googles place in many situations for me. It's super easy, super interesting and faster. I use it instead of reading millions of Google sites. (of course I don't trust everything right away, check your sources, lovelies)
But that's not what I want to say.
I saw no one complaining about the usage of AI in general. As long as its not creating the whole game and especially not what the characters say etc.
The critism was about the usage of AI ART, not AI in general, completely missing the point in my eyes.
And yes, they're right. AI became a huge part of our lives now. We find it everywhere and we won't get rid of it again. That won't happen. For me, it's okay as long as it's not used to generate money by letting it write texts and stuff.
And I'm completely fine with them using it. Of course, it's still stealing and I won't deny that, but as I said, we won't get rid of it again.
But the usage of AI generated Art is wrong and should actually be illegal. They, as a small developer studio, they should know and they do know, how it is when your work gets stolen and used by strangers.
And that's exactly what AI does. And that's not okay. It simply isn't. Every generated art is based on hundreds of real arts our there. The smallest artist who posts their work will be a victim of that. Because AI pulls it's knowledge and the ability for art out of every little art source there is. And that's wrong.
And I'm disappointed about their statement with this point.
And the second statement about AI art...
Yes, it's wonderful that you will introduce new actors to us. Great, amazing. And yes, we do remember how it was in Duskwood. And we do remember that actors were introduced after some time. Hannah joined in the last episode, and this was great.
But the huge difference is, you used stock photos. Real photography. Real designs. Created by photographers or whoever. The point here is: Real human. And real work.
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I don’t think I'm the only one. But the first second I saw the profile picture of Ash, immediately I was like "Hm, that reminds me straight up of arcane"
Which is logical when you use AI generated art because the AI of course uses at first the most popular references.
Fact is: We don't support the usage of AI Art in Moonvale.
Question is: Why didn't you use stock photos just like you did before?
Everbytes answer: Yes, okay, we can change their profile pictures. (Point done)
And I mean, come on. Violet has a freaking cat as profile picture. Where was the problem with just using a real cat for that? Nothing easier than finding a good picture of cats! 😭
And if you didn't want to use stock photos. Have you seen how many incredibly talented digital artists your fandom has? Have you seen the insanely good work they created for your game?
How about contacting a few of them? How about asking them to draw the characters you wanted to have? I'm 100% sure you wouldn't even have to pay them for. Most of them would do it for free right away.
Plus: Real art created by real people
Plus two: No money spending.
And if you don’t want that...., ✨STOCK PHOTOS✨
To be honest, they took a crumb of the criticism, twisted it a bit. Used the word AI, twisted a bit more, left their statement and at the end they gave us a small little victory by saying "They get new profile picture, see we're listening to you". They gave us a little "victory" so that we hopefully will be satisfied and not mention it again.
That's it for this topic. For now
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hack-me-jake · 4 months
i was just thinking about this last night. and i was so right. maybe it does make sense in a situation like this to introduce a new actor as their character needs it. like in video calls or whatever.... and this is just the first ep right
edit: BUT. i also agree that they should use stock images like they did with duskwood
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zmayadw · 4 months
Okay, so I feel a bit calmer this morning, even though I still feel very much sad and disappointed with the whole Moonvale thing, but I'd like to share a few thoughts with you all, both bad and good, concerning the game.
And if you know me by now, you also know I can't write short posts expressing myself, so feel free to skip this long post! 😅
Alrighty, so let's begin:
From the moment Everbyte announced Moonvale I was very excited. As Duskwood was an amazing game, I only expected for the new game to be even more amazing. Logical, right? I never expected it to be a Duskwood sequel, and that was absoluetly ok for me, because no matter how much we all wanted and hoped for it, I was more than willing to give the team that made so wonderful and amazing game as Duskwood a chance to amaze me once more. And when they said that Duskwood will be a part of the new game as a side story, that excitement was only getting bigger.
And so here we are, two agonizing years of waiting later, only to be welcomed with this huge disappointment.
When I started with Moonvale, I really took it slowly, exploring everything carefully before even opening the chat and actually starting with the game and the story itself. And lo and behold, what do I see? No possibility for a premium package, but a lot of options for a ridiculously priced packages to buy jewels for, at that moment, who knew what, but I had a suspicion what it was for. Nonetheless, I dissmissed it for the time being, even though it was getting me a bit frustrated, and decided to move on and start with the story.
The story itself started quite good. I even started to laugh at one point realizing and thinking to myself Gosh, those Everbyte people really like the woods! The character/actor of Eric is nice, I like him, even though he seemes to be pretty clumsy! 😄
Now, the actor/character of Adam is probably the one of the rare things that amazed me from the start! His performance was so great, and I think I read it in someones post this morning how someone also thought he looks alike Rami Malek, and that was my first thought, too! Ok, so far not bad at all one would think, right? Wrong!
At first I didn't really pay attention to, or even realized it, but as other characters started to appear in the game, everything started to scream AI. The chats with those characters just didn't really feel right, you know? And I was really appalled by it. I mean, come on Everbyte, did we really come to this? Are you doubting in your capability of creating something great so much, when we know you damn well CAN do it? Or has the usage of AI became so much needed/mandatory ( I don't know what word to put here really or to explain it better), that you cannot do anything without it? Considering so many creators of all kinds are fighting so hard to stop it from being used in everything, I suppose no. But then again, I don't know if my knowledge about it is sufficient enough, but I can voice out my opinion, and I don't like it at all!
Ok, I have to admit, the chat with Ash about us and Duskwood wasn't bad,or the chat between Ash and Charlie about us, but that is all good(ish) I can say about that.
By this time I was really getting annoyed and frustrated, and as some of you might saw one of my post from yesterday, when it gotten really interesting in the story and my insufficient amount of jewels prevented me from seeing some photos/videos, I was so fucking angry and disappointed that I was very VERY close to just drop the whole thing and stop playing. But I continued, just for the sake to finish it.
And when I finally did finish it, not even the last video of Alan's body camera, or the message after that from Jake, lifted my spirit. All I could think of was how sad and disappointed I was. :(
I really expected an amazing and great game from Everbyte, considering Duskwood is one of THE BEST games I have played. But to get money grabbing, AI screaming thing, that was looking so promising...it just saddens me. I know they need to make money somehow, I'm well aware of it, but not like this. Not like this!
Will I continue playing it? Yes, I probably will, but mostly because I want to see how it will continue with the Duskwood sidestory. Also, I read people are considering using the mod pack if/when it becomes available so they can see the premium/special options, but I won't do that. I don't judge anyone here, do what you want, this is just my opinion, but no matter what, I still have respect towards the creators, and using those mod packs just doesn't feel right to me.
So again, yes, I will continue with Moonvale, but neither will I pay for special options (unless they by some miracle make it like with Duskwood, which I doubt but one can hope!), nor will I use the mod pack of any kind. And I really REALLY hope by all thats sacred, that as the Duskwood side story advances, those jewels won't be necessary to use there, because in that case, that's it from me, sayonara/ goodbye/farewell/adios to Moonvale completely. At least I will always have Duskwood.
Thanks to anyone who managed to read till the end! 💚 Take care all, and let's hope that all this won't get any more worse than it already is!
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lyon-amore · 5 months
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I would like to erase Duskwood from my mind and play it again, to have the reaction at the end like the first time I played it...
Alex really did a great job in his performance, that's why I admire the actor
In part it will be a bit sad that he probably won't be in the side story, but we won't forget his work in Duskwood
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duskwoodraven · 4 months
let’s ignore all the technical problems right not .
what do you think about the storyline???
say everbyte fixes everything w have. a problem with, would you keep playing? is the storyline interesting enough to keep you hooked through it all like duskwood was?
Slight Moonvale Spoilers?
Oh 100% I would keep playing 😄
I am really intrigued with Adam and why he disappeared, the moment he started to cry was the moment I wanted to help him. I want to know why he knows us and why he wished to meet with us. I think Eric is fun too, and I think both of their actors are solid choices. The video calls have been my favorite parts so far.
I don’t have much opinion on Ash and Violet at the moment, but there are still many more episodes to go to let them develop and grow. I also think Charlie is annoying but that’s perfectly okay! You always need a character to hate that’s what makes it fun.
And of course I want to talk with all of our duskwood characters again, I want to continue their story and make sure Jake is okay, and finally meet Hannah.
I have little issues with the story, at least not any issues I cant overlook, any issues I do have with it I’m willing to let change as more episodes come out. After all, even the beginning episodes of Duskwood seemed less exciting to me compared to the later ones. I see the promise!
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intoduskoutofdawn · 4 months
Question Moonvale....
Why do the characters have no profiles? They had them in Duskwood pretty much straight from the beginning. Some photos? A link to some interests of them? No...just an AI created pic? Probably I'm too impatient and it's gonna be there as the story continues...but something to make them more real and approachable would be nice. Just saying, so far I am missing something to get a connection to them. I'm mostly hinting at Ash, Charlie and Violet but also Eric in a way.
Oh and another thing that makes me curious - the casting process of the actors! Everbyte mentioned that in their post. Are they searching for someone looking remotely like the AI pics? (Yes, yes, I know Violet isn't a real talking cat, though that would be something) Or are those just avatars?
Eric and Adam have amazing actors, so that went well. But they didn't find an amazing blue haired actress yet? Or a good looking enough, fun loving Charlie? I'm really curious how the process on that works.
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