#duskwood Detectives
duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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Hello everyone :) I'm back with another short story hope you all enjoy what I've written is live to read your comments enjoy :)
Chapter 1
MC and Jake had been working together ever since they found Hannah, they had decided to team up and solve some of the unsolved crimes in duskwood. Alan had cleared it so they could have access to the files and evidence. MC knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from Jake not after he told her that he loved her. She helped him clear his name and now here they are 2 years later solving crimes for the Duskwood police. They had just been given a new case to work on. This one wasn't like any other case they had worked on before. This case involved abduction and spiking people's drinks. There wasn't much information to go on but something MC spotted worried her. She showed Jake the file and he too had a look of concern. "What are we going to do Jake? There is someone out there abducting women and spiking their drinks" Jake put the file down and walked over to a worried MC. "we will find out who this is we always do"
Jake tried to reassure MC but his words had little effect "Jake what if it's him!! What if he's come back and he's the one doing this" Jake pulled a chair over to where MC was sitting and he took a seat. "If it is him we will deal with him I promise" Jake went back over to his computer and started to do some digging. The crime was dating back to 6 months ago. Everything was pointing to him after all this time Richy had come back. Everything was pointing towards him but Jake needed to be sure he needed to be sure that he was still somehow alive after the mine explosion.
MC and Jake searched for hours for clues that could lead back to Richy checking CCTV cameras MC came across something. "Jake, come and look at this I think I've found something" Jake got up from his chair and came over to MC looking at her computer screen. "What's he doing? Has he really just done that to that woman?" Jake looked concerned as he watched the footage showing Richy in disguise slipping something into a woman's drink and leading her away. "We need to stop him Jake, he either needs pulling in jail or shooting" MC let her anger get the better of her slamming her fists down on the desk. Jake took hold of MC and embraced her in a hug holding onto her as tight as he could. "we will get him MC I promise I won't let him near you" MC tried to wriggle free of Jake's grip but he kept holding her. "You better be right"
After looking at some more CCTV footage Jake and MC decided to go check out the dare house and see what clues they could find there. "What's gonna happen if we run into him while we are there? Can I kick his teeth down his throat?" Jake stopped and gave MC a look that she knew all too well. "I'm not going to let him anywhere near you and you're not to go near him either" Jake took MCs hand and continued making their way through the forest. When they arrived everything was even more run down than normal. It was clear that someone had been staying there inside. It wasn't much better because the roof had caved in, the water pipes had burst at some point and flooded everything. There was dirt and grime all over the walls despite some light coming through the roof it wasn't easy to see.
Jake pulled out his phone and turned on his torch. They went down to the basement and discovered that someone had recently been there. The candles hadn't been put out long; the blanket on the floor was still warm as they looked around the small space MC spotted metal chains hanging from the wall. On closer inspection they found dried blood all around the restraints. The smell was absolutely awful. All the people that had been forced to stay there had a small bucket to use for the toilet. It hasn't been cleaned for some time and the smell was just sickening. After MC had finished taking photos of everything they quickly made their way out of the dare house and headed back home.
When they arrived back home MC went straight to her laptop and started to upload all the photos. She had been quite the whole way home Jake knew there was something wrong. He went over to her and kissed her softly on the cheek "what's wrong? And don't say nothing I know when something is bothering you" Jake took MCs chin and turned it so she was looking at him with tears in her eyes she didn't need to say anything Jake quickly put his arms around her holding on as she let everything go. Once she calmed down a little she pulled away from Jake, wiping her eyes. "It was seeing all those photos and the conditions that all the women were forced to live in. Why is he doing this Jake why?"
"I can't tell you the reason for that MC but we will find out and we will stop him at all costs that I promise you" they both stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes before returning back to the case. Jake found some more CCTV camera footage of Richy getting off a train. He was doing his best to avoid the cameras but despite how busy the station was he failed to notice one of the cameras. While Jake was looking through more footage MC found something that could get them closer to Richy. "Jake can you come here please you have to see this" Jake moved over in his seat to where MC was sitting. "I've managed to hack into his computer and I've found a list of women's names" Jake took a look. There were about 20 different names on the list; some of them had already been crossed off leaving 10 more names. "We need to go back to that dare house Jake, we need to find out if he's keeping anyone else there" Jake sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We can't just go back there without a plan MC we need to come up with a plan first I can't handle it If you get hurt" MC saw the worry in Jake's eyes and she wrapped her arms around him. "We need to do something Jake, we can't just leave whoever he has locked up in that awful house" Jake pulled out his phone and tapped away at the screen for a few moments. "Give me some time while I place a tracker on his phone and on his laptop, once I have done that we can come up with a plan and we can go out tomorrow morning early. It's too late to be going into the woods now" MC looked at Jake and she knew he was right, it was far too dangerous to be going into the woods tonight.
Jake went into the office and started working on placing an untraceable tracker on Richys phone and laptop. While he was waiting for the program to do its thing he took a look at what Richy had on his phone. Jake's eyes nearly popped out of his head and his skin turned a pale white colour. He found more pictures on his phone, these ones detailing what he had done to them. He was able to save copies of the photos without Richy knowing.
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elsafromcabinsix · 3 months
miscellaneous masterlist
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“i believe in all kinds of things. ghosts. gnomes. true love.”
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that kind of love never dies
↬ a few months after discovering the truth about the man without a face, barbara receives text messages from an unknown number inviting her on a date on the outskirts of duskwood.
[jake x mc]
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three
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find some way to remember me
↬ five times peter parker has to save sage stark and one time she returns the favor.
[peter parker x stark!oc]
coming soon
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wildest dreams
↬ tyler can see in jasmine an expression of his own restless spirit.
[tyler owens x oc]
coming soon
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one last time
↬ sam continues his efforts to save dean from the mark of cain with the help of an unlikely ally — katherine.
[sam winchester x oc]
coming soon
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the good witch
↬ the one where violet, a powerful young witch, meets charles, a cute ghost with a perfect smile.
[charles rowland x witch!oc]
coming soon
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↬ genevieve is no stranger to near-death experiences, but this time lockwood has gone too far.
[anthony lockwood x oc]
coming soon
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Other than the game An Elmwood Trail (which is awesome!) I also enjoyed these mobile detective/mystery games
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Duskwood --(loved it! It is free but purchasing the full version is worth it in my opinion because less ads, the mini games can be a little tricky) waiting for the company to come out with new game "Moonvale" because it connects to Duskwood in some way
The Talkie -- I think I paid for full version for this as well because there were way too many ads
Thimbleweed Park-- I played Day of the Tenticle/Maniac Mansion when I was a kid and this game kinda references Maniac Mansion a bit which is cool! This game was very fun, like an old school point click adventure game!
Stranger Things mobile games--I'm a fan of the show and enjoyed this game!
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duskwoodraven · 5 months
The Myers Briggs personality types of the main Duskwood cast according to me, myself, and I. This is purely my opinion on what fits them best, I also took little quotations from the 16personality website that struck me as good representations of their character, I hope it’s a nice read for you guys.💚💚💚
Jake - INTJ (Architect)
“Logical and quick-witted, INTJs pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. Because their minds are never at rest, these personalities may sometimes struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them. But when they do find like-minded individuals who appreciate their intensity and depth of thought, INTJs form profound and intellectually stimulating relationships that they deeply treasure.”
I’ve seen some theorize Jake as an INTP, but to me I feel INTP seem to be more chaotic, jumping from one thought to the next and overthinking. To me, Jake rings as more straightforward in pursuing his goal and doesn’t get distracted by every possibility or lost in his thoughts.
“They believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging goals. They are firm believers that taking the easy way out in any given situation prevents people from achieving greatness.”
Lilly - ENTJ (Commander)
I feel ENTJ fits Lilly best, I also like the idea that her personality is similar to her brother’s, just more extroverted. I don’t think I have any screenshots to show this but I have been struck by how she tends to talk similarly to Jake and processes information in a cool manner. She’s intelligent, resourceful, and strong willed. We can see this when she went to work on the #iamjake movement.
“If there’s anything that people with this personality type love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that, given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes ENTJs brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders.”
Also she has a tendency to want to get her way, as seen during the vote and after the video upload.
“ “It’s my way or the highway” – People with the ENTJ personality type are notoriously unsupportive of ideas that distract from their primary goals and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. They won’t hesitate to make that fact clear to those around them.”
Cleo - ESTJ (Executive)
Cleo to me has a very determined attitude, even when she was threatened multiple times she didn’t let anything deter her from finding Hannah, it’s very respectable.
“People with the ESTJ personality type (Executives) are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong, and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty and dedication, ESTJs are valued for their mentorship mindset and their ability to create and follow through on plans in a diligent and efficient manner. They will happily lead the way on difficult paths, and they won’t give up when things become stressful.”
Phil - ESTP (Entrepreneur)
It was a little tricky to pick one for Phil since we didn’t have time to chat with him much compared to the others. But I think what we do know about him fits in here.
“ESTPs’ perceptiveness isn’t used for mind games, they prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. What you see is what you get with this personality type.”
Phil always struck me as the open type, doesn’t hide what he thinks, which is was can eventually get him into trouble (the arrest…) Also ESTPs are apparently considered to be flirts which fits Phil perfectly.
“In the early stages of a relationship, individuals with the ESTP personality type embody a sense of spontaneity and excitement. They are bold in their courting attempts, rarely hesitating to flirt openly even when others are present.”
Jessy - ENFP (Campaigner)
Jessy was easy to pick, she embodies the ENFP perfectly in my opinion. She’s just a really sweet person in the game and cares about her friends very much 💚
“ENFPs may live for deep, meaningful conversations, but they can also be spontaneous and lighthearted. These personalities know how to find fun and joy in the present moment – and few things give them more pleasure than sharing their joy with others. All of these strengths come together to form a person who is warmhearted and approachable, with an altruistic spirit and a friendly disposition. ENFPs strive to get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of acquaintances and friends often stretch far and wide.”
Dan - ISTP (Virtuoso)
I wasn’t sure about Dan until I read this excerpt,
“One of the biggest issues that they are likely to face is that, because they often act out of haste, they might rub people the wrong way sometimes. ISTPs are not the type to sugarcoat their opinions or feelings. They tend to have a very straightforward communication style that is often misinterpreted as bluntness or a lack of sensitivity, but it is simply the way these genuine souls operate. ISTP personalities have no time for people-pleasing or unnecessary social niceties. With them, there is little need to question their motives.”
Dan is one of the most blunt characters in Duskwood, willing to call out the obvious when no one else will. You can’t be a hypocrite or avoid owning up to your own actions around him.
Richy - ESFJ (Consul)
I was curious which personality would be the backbone of a strange character like Richy, but I think ESFJ fits the bill. In the group, Richy loved to be the middleman, making sure to not make anyone upset with him. He cares about being liked and cares what people think of him which may be why he tried so hard to keep everything a secret.
“People with the ESFJ personality type are altruists. They take seriously their responsibility to give back, serve others, and do the right thing. And they believe that there is a clear right thing to do in nearly every situation. While some personality types adopt a more lenient, live-and-let-live attitude, ESFJs may find it difficult to not judge when someone takes a path that strikes them as misguided. As a result, they often struggle to accept it when someone – particularly someone they care about – disagrees with them or chooses to walk a path that they do not understand.”
Hannah “disagreed with him” and Richy couldn’t accept that.
“For many people with the ESFJ personality type, one of life’s greatest challenges is accepting that they can’t control anyone else’s thoughts or behavior – not even those who are nearest and dearest to them.”
Thomas - INFP (Mediator)
This was a weird observation for me since I am also an INFP… but I think nothing else fits Thomas better, he’s a sensitive guy and a bit self isolating, but he’ll still do what he can to help those he cares about.
“Idealistic and empathetic, people with the INFP personality type long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. Due to the fast-paced and competitive nature of our society, they may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique. Yet it is precisely because INFPs brim with such rich sensitivity and profound creativity that they possess the unique potential to connect deeply and initiate positive change.”
So with all that being said, what do you guys think? What are your personality types? Do you match with any of these? I’d love to hear about it 🤗
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yeong · 2 years
MC was hesitant to act. Jake's voice came over the walkie-talkie.
"You know me better than anyone else right there. Let me see what you've got, detective."
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mishanym · 2 years
Oh my God Cloe, I mean, Cleo!
Gosh pls stop it brain!!
Why would Jessy mark her own door? And didn't you guys see the consistency in the design?? I mean to really replicate it unless you have the mold or template for it, that's a perfect copy if I do say so myself.
Is it that easy to find a raven mark there in Duskwood? I'm starting to think they do sell print templates for the Raven mark.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Hear me out-Jake lets mc sit on his lap while he is on computer doing new ideas of tatoos for Phil . And Phil lets mc tattoo the idea on his body and we listen to Jake singing in the shower. (Jake is very good singer 👌🏼)
Meanwhile, songs from Linkin Park are playing and you can’t change my mind because that's the vibe I get. *-*
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vickdrake · 8 months
Headcanons Jake
♥︎ He likes to make eye contact with you and even more so when you get nervous and look away.
♥︎ He tends to put an arm around your shoulders when you are with your Duskwood friends, sometimes taking the opportunity to whisper certain things in your ear.
♥︎ He has no problem lending you his clothes, in fact, he likes seeing you in them too much and how big it looks on your small body.
♥︎ In front of any kind of danger, it is instinctive for him to put you behind him. He doesn't think about it, it has just become a reflex over time.
♥︎ He doesn't usually dance, but with you... Oh, you do manage to make him discover new parts of himself. If you invite him to dance with you by pulling his hand, he will end up giving in with a silly smile.
♥︎ He doesn't like waking up alone in bed. The times you got up to get a glass of water or simply to prepare breakfast, you felt a few seconds later how he wrapped his arms around your waist and complained in a low, sleepy voice.
♥︎ He enjoys it when you stroke his hair while he lies on your lap.
♥︎ He often calls you “angel,” “love,” and “my detective.”
♥︎ It's fun and somewhat exciting for him when you give him orders. He likes it when you get serious. “You're in charge, MC.”
♥︎ Do you have a chocolate addiction? Well, Jake will make sure to always have a reserve for you, but he will also make sure that you don't eat so much that it doesn't make you feel bad later.
Part 2
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zmayadw · 4 months
Duskwood (meets) Moonvale Oneshot
WARNINGS : contains Moonvale episode 1 spoilers
CHARACTERS: mostly Alan Bloomgate and Jake, with mentions of Richy and Mc ofc 😊
A/N: Hello, hello! 😊 Uhm, well, I kinda wrote something that got inspired with the (very) end of Moonvale 🤭 So here, have my first Duskwood meets Moonvale oneshot! Hope you'll find it likeable! 💚 Oh, and please, don't mind any mistakes you might stumble upon, it's 2am here, and I'm barely keeping my eyes open 😅
The hell with the FBI!
Alan curse inside for the umpteenth time already, as he slowly and carefuly searched through the Duskwood forest. He was the bloody Chief of Duskwood's police, and the moment the FBI showed, they treated him as some kind of rookie?? Outrageous!
He was actually grateful to be alone right now, because if that arogant FBI's agent in charge once more addressed him with such undermining tone, he would punch him right in the face with all he got!
He stops for a short moment and takes a deep breath to calm his raging nerves. Continuing on, his thoughts began to wander back to all that happened ever since he managed to finally get in touch with Mc.
Could the outcome of this all be any different if he only listened to her, like REALLY listened, from the start?
Would he be able to stop the explosion that happened in the mine, and not wander around feeling guilty and responsible for the most probable demise of young Mr. Rogers? If only he trusted that little voice at the back of his mind just a bit more...
His train of thoughts suddenly gets interrupted by a rustling coming from a close vicinity.
"Who's there?" his voice comes out firm as he turns toward the source of the sound, his flashlight and gun pointed steadily in the same direction.
He waited for a moment, and when there was no response he tries again.
"My name is Alan Bloomgate, Duskwood's Chief of Police. I'm armed, so I suggest you come out, slowly, and show yourself."
"Don't shoot, I'm unarmed."
A short heartbeat later he grips his gun tighter as rustling comes once again from behind a tree a few feet away from him.
Alan watch as a young dark haired man slowly appears from behind the tree, and from the way the man moved, he immediately knew he wasn't alone either.
"Please, he needs help."
Alan stood still in his spot, closely paying attention to every move the dark haired man did. But when he finally looked at the other person, his eyes open wide.
"My god, Richy Rogers!"
Unable to keep both of them on their feet, the dark haired man collaps to the ground, Alan instantly movig towards them, putting his gun away.
"Is he all right?" he drops to his knees next to Richy, quickly putting his fingers on his neck to feel his pulse.
"I- I don't know." dark haired man replies, Alan detecting discomfort in his voice.
He turns his gaze to him, his expert eyes noticing right away some bloody stains all over his hoodie, which looked pretty torn on some places, too.
'And you? Are you all right?"
The black haired just nods before Alan speaks again "Mind telling me how you got out of the mine?
The young man tried to hide the surprise from his face at his question, Alan smirking in response "No need to act so surprised. After all, I have a pretty good guess who you are."
He could notice the young man tensing so he quickly speaks "Also, you do not have to worry - your seizing isn't at the top of my list right now." He turns his attention back to Richy "But helping him is - his pulse is very weak"
He starts to get back up, lifting Richy along in his arms. "So, if I were you, I would start moving in that direction."
"Wait!" the dark haired man calls confused afer Alan, who already started to walk from him in the opposite way "Why are you doing this? Letting me go - the FBI won't go easy on you for it."
"Screw the FBI!" Alan yells over his shoulder, but then stops and turns back "But if you must know, I owe it to someone - and that someone happens to be very fond of you."
The young man breaths in astonishing making Alan chuckle. But his face turns back serious again "But also, firstly and mostly, I am a police officer. So go now, use this leverage as best as you can. Because our next encounter won't be this pleasant."
The young man stare silently as Chief Alan turns and continue on his way. And even though he was tired and in a lot of pain, a smile crawled on his face as he watched Alan vanish among the dark of a forest "There won't be next encounter."
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Jake's eyes jumped all around the screen in front of him. His fingers were flying hastily over the numbers and letters on his keyboard. He wanted to do this as fast as possible. It already passed too much time before he managed to recover and acquire new equipment. And he also did not want to spend another second with the thought how Mc must be worried about him, not knowing if he's even alive.
And that thought pained him intolerably.
So he begin to type even faster, and not a minute later he leans back in his chair, waiting eagerly for confirmation tha she accepts the message he just sent her.
He didn't have to wait long for the sound alerting him of her acceptance, his hand lifting and hitting the enter key on his keyboard ao fast and hard, it was a miracle it didn't break.
With longing, he imagined her surprised face as she watched how Alan found his things in the forest, wishing that he could tell her in person that he is alive and well.
But just like that, that longing dispersed, and his face beamed with a smile, just like the one he knew for sure she has on her beautiful face right now, as his message came to its end and the image appeared on the screen:
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A/N: I'm sorry, but I just had to use this picture! 🥺🥺😭😭💚💚
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jake-s-azaleea · 2 months
Dancing with our hands tied
Duskwood one shot
pairing: Jake X mc
warnings: I'm the best writer y'all know
a fanfic I promised in the comments of an incorrect quote 🤍
(if y'all didn't get it, the title is from a Taylor Swift song)
As time flowed onward, the band of companions who weathered a profound loss gravitated towards one another, forging bonds more profound than ever. MC relocated to Duskwood, taking up residence in a dwelling near Lilly's place of employment, while Jessy and Dan found themselves employed at Phil's Bar, with Jessy immersed in administrative tasks behind the scenes. Cleo remained dedicated to her mother's ventures, and Thomas... his frequent companionship with Hannah hinted at a blossoming connection. Their unity grew steadfast as they discovered solace in each other's presence.
Jake, still evading capture, continued his fugitive existence. With the case concluded, he no longer needed to risk himself as he did in the past, allowing him to slip away for extended periods, evading detection until his trail could be picked up once more. The winding roads beckoned him toward his elusive destination, guiding him to where he felt he truly belonged- Next to her.
It's been a year and everything feels normal. The Pine Glade Festival was getting closer and Jessy planned a whole day of activities for them.
They were all staying at Aurora at a table listening to her and the perfect fantasy she imagined.She looked like she was getting her colour back into her face after all this time. She looked more content, her eyes reflecting a newfound sense of peace. It's a subtle shift, but one that speaks volumes. She was destroyed after the incident and didn't speak to anyone for a whole month.
a part of her died in that fire.
But now they were all so invested in her plans for a perfect day. The road to the waterfall was now opened and she wanted so badly to go there. the others just agreed and smiled at her.
A few days passed and the Pine Glade Festival came. They were supposed to meet there at 6 PM.
You grab your phone, keys and wallet and head towards the center of the town. The sun lingered in the sky, casting its gentle glow over the town, its pale rays painting the streets with a comforting warmth. As daylight stretched its fingers across the rooftops and cobblestone paths, the town seemed to bask in a tranquil embrace, a serene moment captured in the soft light of day.
You get there pretty early, but your train of thoughts is stopped by the sound of your phone buzzing.
Jake: I see you.
You sigh, your lips curving into a small smile. 'Of course you do' you thought to yourself.
You glance around and catch sight of him standing by a terrace, clad in a black hoodie. Despite the distance veiling his eyes, his shy smile is unmistakable, a subtle yet intriguing expression that hints at hidden depths beneath the surface. You sprint towards him, your heart racing with anticipation, and envelop him in a tight embrace, your arms encircling his neck in a moment of closeness and connection. The rush of emotions floods through you, mingling with the thrill of the unexpected encounter in the midst of the mysterious setting.
His gaze meets yours, a silent exchange of emotions and unspoken words
"Hi there"
"Hello, MC."
"We should get going, the others must be waiting for us."
"After you." he said smiling, his gestures expressing for you to lead the way.
You two walk in a comfortable silence most of the way until you see the others in distance. As you approach them, Jake's gaze meets yours:
"How are you feeling?"
"I will be fine"
He sighs and puts his hand on the small of your back, slowly closing the distance between you and your friends. He knew what this day meant to you. Losing Richy must still sting after all this time and being here after a year... Perhaps torture.
"Hello guys"
"Hi, MC! Hi, Jake! I'm so glad you could make it here" Jessy exclaimed happily.
"Oh, me too, you have no idea" you said smiling warmly.
You warmly greeted everyone and embarked on a journey through the festival, immersing yourself in every game and delight it had to offer, savoring each moment of joy and excitement. You anchored yourself in these moments, enjoying them wholeheartedly next to your friends.
You found yourself in a spot where the music was enchanting, and the atmosphere was filled with joy as people danced and had a great time.
Thomas and Hannah flew like two lovebirds towards the platform and started dancing, their movements as light as a feather. The sheer joy radiating from them was truly enchanting, spreading like a sweet melody through the air: it was just intoxicating. Jessy led the charge, followed by Cleo, Lilly, and Dan, while you and Jake strolled behind, soaking in the magical moment. The scene was filled with energy and excitement, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.
As you were walking quietly and listening to the music, you decide to break the silence.
"Do you dance?"
"No." he said without looking in your direction.
"Oh, alright."
"Ask me anyway"
"Do you want to dance with me?"
"Yes." he said glancing at you.
You smiled, maintaining eye contact as you got to the dance floor.
He extended his hand for you to grasp, guiding you onto the platform. As the music enveloped you both, you began to dance as if the melody was composed solely for the two of you. With each note, Jake skillfully led you in the dance, creating a harmonious and captivating rhythm between you.
After a few songs, a slow one began, and he drew you near, enveloping you in the gentle embrace of the music. The closeness between you two added a layer of intimacy to the dance, intensifying the emotions shared in that moment.
"When did you learn how to dance?" you asked.
"I figured you might want to dance today so... I did my research."
"You learnt to dance for me?"
He said nothing in return but tightened his embrace.
Maybe home has a heartbeat 🤍
I just loved writing this
prompts to @duskwood-mc-art for inspiring me to write it
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slytherinlizzy · 3 months
The afterfire's main characters pt.2
Lyra Ambrose – the journalist–detective
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"I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's some, to me incomprehensible, computer stuff."
"Dan, if you don't shut up I'm going to throw myself out of the car... Did you just turn the fucking childrens' lock on?!"
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"No, I'm fucking expensive every day."
"I see you're bursting out the spring colors."
"I must be losing it, I'm quoting Dan."
"Listen. I have a problem. I don't know if it's mental. But it's a problem."
"Duskwood; where idiots grow like grass on a field."
"What? You know you're my favourite."
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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A/N thank you everyone who as been following my short story, if you have any requests for a short story or oneshot hit me up and I will see what I can come up with. Enjoy. 🙃
Chapter 3
After half an hour Jake had gotten the car started and they were soon on their way to the dare house. When they arrived Jake parked his car up where Richy wouldn't be able to see it. "Remember MC when we get to the house I'll distract Richy, once he's out of the house dart him with this and he'll fall down straight away" MC looked into Jake's eyes they were full of concern for her safety but there was a little bit of hope showing its way through. "We can do this Jake, me and you together we will save that poor girl" Jake hugged MC one last time before heading towards the house. Jake and MC were just meters away from the house; they couldn't see where Richy was as all the windows had been boarded up.
Jake snuck over towards a tree and placed a small black box down, switching it on he pressed the button in his hand and the box started to make noises that sounded like birds fighting. After a few minutes the door started to open and out came Richy with a whiskey bottle in hand. He walked over towards the trees trying to find out where the noise was coming from. MC blew the dart right at Richy, the dart sticking out of his neck he fell down to the floor almost straight away. "Come on let's get him tied up then get into the house we can't risk him waking up yet" MC helped Jake tie Richy to a tree so he couldn't escape. "Let's get into the house Jake, we need to save the girl" Jake nodded and followed MC into the house.
They switched their torches on so they could see where they were going, they made their way down to the basement and found the girl tied to a chair. They rushed over and took the ropes off her wrists. "It's okay, you're safe now my name's MC and this is Jake we have come to get you out of here" tears fell from her eyes as MC and Jake helped her up her knees then went from under her unable to walk. "I'm going to have to carry her MC, take my torche and guide me up the stairs" MC nodded and helped Jake back up the stairs they got out of the house just as Richy was starting to come round. Richy opened his eyes, his sight starting to re adjust to his surroundings.
"What the hell!! Is that you MC I know it is I will get you for ever coming near me and when I do I will enjoy every second of it" MC looked at Richy he was no longer the kind, friendly idiot she became friends with. His eyes dark and full of hatred, bitterness started to rise up inside him. The more Richy moved about the ropes started to break he finally managed to get himself free and went after MC. He stalked her like prey hunting her down. Jake had got back to the car and helped the girl into his car. MC should have been behind him but she was gone "MC?? MC where are you?" He heard screams coming from the forest Jake raced back into the forest in search of MC.
Richy was trying to drag her back to the house but she was putting up a good fight "I won't let you take me Richy" Richy stopped in his tracks and turned around his eyes had gone black. "I don't think you're in any position to make demands, I can do whatever the fuck I want and I'm going to do you why wait till I get you back to the house" Richy shoved MC backwards her back landed hard onto a tree he started to come closer to her. Unzipping his pants and stroking his cock as it started to get harder with each stroke.
Richy pulled down MCs pants and ripped her panties off her, exposing her cunt just as he was about to put the tip of his cock inside MC a loud bang came from behind him. Richy fell down to the ground falling down onto the forest floor. Tears streaming down MCs cheeks Jake rushed over to MC and helped pull her pants back up and took the ropes off her. "It's okay MC, I'm here he will never be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again". The blood started to pool onto the floor from Richys gunshot right between the eyes.
Jake helped MC back to the car, not letting her go for one second, Jake pulled out his phone and called Alan telling him what happened. When Jake had finished he drove the girl to the police station where Alan was waiting for them. "My team has gone down to the forest. Forensics will be taking care of the evidence. Why don't you come this way and I'll have a doctor check you over" after a few hours at the station the girl had given her statement telling them everything that had happened to her. Jake took MC home. She was still in shock over what happened. She was so thankful to Jake for saving her before Richy could do anything to her.
MC was quite all the way home lost in her own thoughts thinking about what could have happened if Jake hadn't got to her in time she couldn't hold in all the pain any longer and she let it all come out. Tears running down her cheeks Jake pulled the car over, turning the engine off. He took his seatbelt off and wrapped his arms around MC holding onto her. He didn't need to say anything, he just held her and let her get all her emotions out. MC started to calm down a little still on Jake's arms. "It's okay MC, you are safe now he will never be able to hurt you ever again" MC looked into Jake's eyes, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Take me home please Jake, I need to be at home with you, just us behind closed doors.
Six months had passed since Jake had shot Richy MC was doing a lot better they had decided to take a break from their work and just focus on being together. Jake had taken MC away to somewhere nice where the sun was shining, the water crashing against the rocks. MC finally felt like she was able to start putting past events behind her. She had the love of her life right next to her. She wasn't going to give Richy the satisfaction even in death of knowing he had gotten to her; she was so much stronger than that.
The End
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lyon-amore · 4 months
Nicknames that Macie receives from some Duskwood characters:
Jake: Angel
Phil: Princess
Dan: Little detective, chihuahua
Darkness: Holmes
Jessy: Twin
And I'm already thinking what Eric would call her, sorry for my desire to meet him 🙏
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reality-exodus · 9 months
Episode 7½ (all parts) (completed)
Broken promises (on going)
Bat family
Time is running out (oc)
For my Parabatai (tid Jem and Will)
The Last Hours of a Herondale: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Harry Potter
Rebirth p.1( George x reader)
Shadow and Bone
A missing scene (Kaz x Inej)
Eddie Diaz
Detective's rescue
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renneiscent · 1 year
Me: finding new game and it excites me then choose to play it until the end.
The game: surprise mother father, now wait for episode 2.
The game is sharing Duskwood vibe, so I highly recommend it for my fellow Duskwood detectives.
Tumblr media
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nosleeppotions · 6 months
Lily: let the police handle it!
Also Lily: *makes a widely viewed video accusing an innocent person of kidnapping her sister, doxxes someone, then basically victim blames someone because they were attacked implying it's because they didn't listen to her.*
Also Lily: I'M the victim here, it's MY sister that's missing and you stole MY friends!
Girl you've kept yourself away from your own friends, and every time you showed up it was to be mean or to make things worse, them not liking you is on YOU. And YOU live in the same town as your friends, the MC does not, MC is being an online friend unlicensed Detective over here for free not asking for all this drama. And if MC did live in Duskwood and got arrested because of accusations like that then how the heck is your sister SUPPOSED TO BE FOUND BY POLICE if they got the wrong person?!
Not to mention her leaking someone's private information. Do not get me started on that. Because there are no coherent words aside from "What the frag is wrong with you?!".
So yes my MC will be sending Lilly the bill. Even after her.... "redemption"....
I may be a tad salty....
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