julietianboy · 2 years
can I use the h slur flag you made for an OC who's species is hermaphroditic (specifically snail)? or is it meant to be just a reclamation for intersex flag? genuine question and I didnt censor the second h slur since its used scientifically and not as a slur hope thats okay
Hey, thanks for the question! The term is still seen as offensive when used in those contexts, as it's used with the same meaning, and yes, it's specifically an intersex flag. Idk if there's any other word besides intersex to refer to other species but I've seen duosex and duogenital around I believe? I hope this helps /g
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Duomorphic Pride Flag
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Duomorphous/duomorphia, ambimorphia/ambimorphous/ambimorphic, ambicorporeal/duocorporeal, duoian/duoic or duophenotypic/ambiphenotypic: having dysphoria/dysmorphia that leads you to desire mixed sex characteristics, or seeing yourself more comfortable/euphoric in having ambiguous sex traits.
While bigenital (salmacian/aphrodisian) refers specifically to genitals and bigonadal to gonads, -morph is general for traits/characteristics, similar to bisexed but specifically “mixed”/”ambiguous”. -Ap
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pronounpinbadge · 2 years
fyi i am not a transandrophobia/transmisandry truther and im gonna explain why. preliminary note im not transfem/transmasc and dont experience transmisogyny, all of the info i have is directly from my transfem friends or from trans women talking about this stuff. take with a grain of salt and listen to trans women on this first and foremost!
21/10/2022 edit: if another one of you weirdos assumes that im cis because im not transmasc or transfem im going to assume that you are actually faking your acceptance of complex identities, or actually any identity that doesnt fit your trinary of man/woman/nonbinary (as a whole label, not an umbrella term) suck my transneutral duogenitals
transandrophobia is a term that doesn't need to exist, because it was made to mirror the term transmisogyny but for transmascs, but transandrophobia truthers (TAT's for short) misunderstand what transmisogyny actually means (which is pretty much the driving force behind this whole discourse, lack of research and understanding)
transmisogyny is the intersection of transphobia (based on the birth sex) and misogyny (based on the desired sex) -- an example of this in cissexist standard would be "failed to be a man, trying to get pity by being a woman" which leads to degendered dehumanisation. trans men are hugely more impacted by cissexist misogyny, since we all live in a massively misogynistic society still, so theres no need for a term that intersects transphobia and a societal nonproblem, cissexist misandry. even if transandrophobia WAS just a term for 'transphobia against tmascs' (which is dumb, you can just say transphobia) transfems dont have a term like that, why do you! thats not what transmisogyny is at best and an intentional misinterpretation at worst.
misandry does happen to tmascs in ways, like "if you go on T youll become a digusting bald angry abuser", but thats about it, a misogynist society will always favour men, even if the 'stupid weak women' are trying to play pretend as us 🤪 that isnt comparable to transfeminine mass fetishisation in the sex work industry (which is the intersection of misogyny, since theyre supposedly ""not woman"" but still treated as sex objects since "they wanna be women!") (which trans men also suffer from vis a vis the whole cuntboy fetish!!!)
i understand the thoughtline of "they get a special word" -> "their discrimination is worse than mine" -> "we need a special word too" that TATs go along but you have to break out of the trauma-olympics mindset. trauma is trauma, doesnt matter how much you suffer
TLDR; transmascs suffer more from cissexism a la misogyny than they do misandry, so transandrophobia is an unneeded term and only divides tfems and tmascs more for the sake of 'our special boy-discrimination word'
this is an EXPLANATION post on why im not a transandrophobia truther, not a discourse post -- if you debate on this post/try to get a response just know ive already muted this post and am going to go play crazy golf. i genuinely do not care about this discourse, i care about real life transphobia, byyeeee
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