Art Blog
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Degrees of Lewdity sideblog 💗 Adult 💗 he/him in a non-binary way💗 Femdom enthusiast 💗 Content here will be of a mature nature, please act accordingly
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lewdityiota · 9 months ago
please show other pcs
so i dont have a lot of art for most of them but i do have screenshots!
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Clem aka Moomoo (he/she) — his official name is Clem, but I initially just named his save Moomoo cuz I was just going for the cow tf and didn't intend to keep playing beyond that, but when I got attached that's the nickname that stuck! First thing that happened to him in game was he got kidnapped by the Great Hawk, and then got kidnapped by Remy the second he managed to escape, and THEN ended up in the asylum when he got back to town, AND THEN couldn't paid his bill to Bailey cuz he hadn't had a chance to make any money yet. So it was kinda a rough start lol, but now he's absolutely loaded from working at the cafe.
Her main love interests are Robin and Avery (and Whitney accidentally bc I love her so much I couldn't help myself). She's my most submissive PC (I hate playing submissively lol) and the only one I play without cheats enabled. She seems pretty sweet and happy-go-lucky, but deep down I think she has some dark shit happening...
Identity stuff: bigender, and technically bisexual cuz I play with mixed genders, but only into women romantically.
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Ryan (he/they) — he's my pfp! I don't have a "Ryan the X" style tag for him yet, I haven't actually played him that much. Initially I made him to play with the transmod, although I ended up porting him to the main game cuz I was impatient waiting for an update. By pure happenstance he ended up running into and being impregnated by the Black Wolf on day one so that's what most of his story has been. While he was pregnant he ended up bonding a lot with Kylar, so she's his secondary love interest.
I kinda got bored with them after they gave birth but I recently picked them up again to play with ear slimes! The current plan is to split their save into two when I get to the focuses so I can try both, we'll see lol. Parasite of give you bottom surgery is so much effort... but Kylar's gonna be so pumped when she finds out I can knock her up 💪
Identity stuff: transmasc non-binary, and I wanna say he's transhet but again, I play with mixed genders, so I'll say transhet-ish lol.
Also sidenote the collar does not come off, he got taken to the pound and I just never bothered getting it removed cuz hey I would've just had him wear it anyway! thanks for helping keep my transformation intact bozos
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Lia (she/her) and Peregrine (he/him) — putting these two together cuz I have less to say about them.
Lia started out as Sydney's fellow initiate and girlfriend who I cheated into being an angel, and then Kylar kidnapped her and stole her virginity (also cheated that, I had a specific storyline in mind lmao) which got her sent to the asylum. She left using the tentacle plains, and then I got bored lol. BUT with the temple expansion I've picked her back up again, she's a nun now! Don't totally know what to do with her storyline-wise anymore, but she dyed her hair red recently!
Peregrine was purely to explore the Great Hawk, way back before the recent expansion. He just so happened to never lose his virginity, so I got pretty close to the angel tf without realizing. Then I exhausted all the Great Hawk content, got bored, and abandoned him before picking him up again for the new update and letting him finish becoming an angel. I still haven't had a chance to explore too much of the expansion, but I'm working on it o7
Identity stuff: Lia is my only non transmasc PC, she's a trans girl. And Peregrine's a trans guy. Idk about sexuality for either of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lewdityiota · 9 months ago
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Cass relationship chart! He's bisexual arospec and a pre-everything trans guy so different characters see him differently (and also he's kinda an asshole lol)
(Cass uses he/him, this is m! Kylar and Robin and f! Alex, Sydney, Whitney, and Avery)
I feel like based on what I've seen in the fandom the way I play is pretty unpopular (why is a mix of npc genders so uncommon for one thing!! that's literally the default??) but it's my blog so whatever lmao
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lewdityiota · 9 months ago
you all followed me for relentless oc posting with very occasional canon characters yes?
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lewdityiota · 9 months ago
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found an old Cass screenshot. He would not fucking wear that but let’s indulge
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lewdityiota · 9 months ago
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Cass for pri demon th
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lewdityiota · 10 months ago
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I really liked the Whitney and Clem from here so I colored them and I’m posting on their own (Clem uses she/he)
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lewdityiota · 10 months ago
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My pc hates Kylar and adores Whitney and I just think that’s really funny
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lewdityiota · 11 months ago
some Cass outfits (he/him) and some extra lore beneath the cut
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Trans guy, but he passes super well thanks to masculine body type + high English grade
I drew the tf stuff here cuz it’s fun, but my interpretation is no one else can usually see the demon stuff. The cat stuff is permanent tho
Super defiant — in consensual encounters he leans dom (if the game would allow it that is lol)
Primary love interest is Whitney, but Alex is his secondary one, and she gave him the locket as a gift. He thinks she’s fine; he mostly stays with her so he doesn’t have to live at the orphanage. Whitney’s the one he’s really obsessed with deep down, even though he says he hates her
Kylar thinks they’re together (because he’s Kylar) but Cass really just loves fucking with him lmao. This has gotten him kidnapped once or twice.
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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Demon tf suits him
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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Forgot to post the butch version of that Whitney drawing . I need her.
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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Sketchy Whitney
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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Whitney x my pc Cass… they’re so in love (she rapes him on the reg)
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
gonna preface this by saying I'm perisex, so if I'm off the mark on any of this and an intersex person wants to correct me, you are more than welcome! I just hadn't seen anyone else point it out, and I figured someone ought to.
I can see the point that replacing every usage with intersex would still have attached issues! I don't think that would be a good solution if implemented in game at all. (Honestly I think there would have to be a complete overhaul to completely fix the intersexism issues) I do think it's probably the best word to use in the fandom, though. I've see the term bigenital/duogenital in similar contexts, that might also work? But its not really as widely understood, so idk, it feels like a taller order to convince people to use
It's true the word does originate from mythology, and it also has a long history of being used as a slur for human beings. The way DOL does it isn't realistic, you're right, but I think that's more because it's rooted in misconceptions and intersexism than because it has nothing to do with intersex people in the first place. It's the same kind of fetishization as "futas". Just swapping it out for intersex wouldn't fix everything, but at the very least I think not using a slur would be an improvement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (if i can analogize to my own experiences as a trans person, if there was a game with fictional characters who aren't trans and just happen to be otherwise-cis men with vulvas and otherwise-cis women with penises, I would prefer people not use the word tranny to refer to them. That's not a 1-to-1 comparison by any means, but I don't think the situations are entirely different)
Here's some posts from intersex people who know a lot more than me on the topic, take their word over mine: 1 (particularly relevant re: whether swapping it out for intersex works), 2 (post about the word's usage more generally), 3 (this one has a paragraph about "hermaphrodite ocs" which feels relevant here). There's a lot more if you go looking, these were just a handful I could find fairly easily.
hey PSA cuz seeing people in the DOL fandom use it so casually is driving me up the wall:
Hermaphrodite is an intersexist slur
If you’re not intersex, you should not be using that word to describe your character. (“Herm” too)
The fact it’s in the game in the first place is already :/ but at the very least I’d hope the fandom would be a bit more sensitive. Just call your PCs intersex instead. Thanks.
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
hey PSA cuz seeing people in the DOL fandom use it so casually is driving me up the wall:
Hermaphrodite is an intersexist slur
If you’re not intersex, you should not be using that word to describe your character. (“Herm” too)
The fact it’s in the game in the first place is already :/ but at the very least I’d hope the fandom would be a bit more sensitive. Just call your PCs intersex instead. Thanks.
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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dates at the park with my horrible horrible wife 💚💚💚
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lewdityiota · 1 year ago
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lewdityiota · 2 years ago
I just post DOL art here. Don't expect much else.
I'm not gonna monitor my notes on here too hard, I don't have the energy, but I will be blocking minors and antis if I see them.
Favorite love interest is Whitney (female and high dom ONLY 😤). Cass is my main PC (he uses he/him exclusively), I have a couple others too... you can ask about them if you want 👉👈
Most of my PCs are transmasc in some way. I’m making the transhet content I want to see in the world
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